#all traditional art mb
blueberrybanee · 1 year
Okay...I know my birthday was yesterday, but I really wanted to draw something for myself and I've also been wanting to share my art here, so I figured this would be a great time to post this! (I would've done it earlier but it was literally like 12 in the morning when I finished this and I was busy all day today)
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Anywho, here's a doodle of one of my many Duros OCs I made as a late birthday gift for myself :D I probably could've done better, but I was SUPER tired and my performance is not that great when I'm drained lmfao
Shoutout to my dear friends @linminty @twixedworlds and @white-knight7255 for encouraging me to post this since I'm particularly nervous about my first post here!!! I love y'all <333
Ik this isn't the best, but I think it turned out alright. I hope y'all like it and let me know if you want to see more of my art! :))) Hopefully I can cook up some better pieces soon! ^^
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flame-shadow · 1 year
Nosk Party Collab
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✨ No disguises necessary! ✨
What is the Nosk Party? It's a collaborative project that anyone with a nosk OC or nosk design can join by drawing their nosk(s) and submitting via the form below before the end of June 2023. The final results are a couple group pictures of nosks hanging out in the same place and having a great time!
✨ Basic rules:
-Make a new drawing of your nosk(s) having fun -Drawing can be digital or traditional (see below for image requirements) -Can be bust, half-body, or full-body -Flat color or minor shading is ideal -Body horror is fine, but no NSFW, and keep gore mild so we don't have to add a content warning -No more than three nosks per person -While the rave theme is optional, it is encouraged :)
✨ Image requirements:
-Draw large! 1000x1000 pixels at a minimum -File size limit of 10 MB
Digital art: -Submit a PNG with transparent background -Do not add an extra border
Traditional art: -Take a clear scan/picture with no shadow over the character -Ideally take the picture during the day for natural light and truer color -Optional (but preferred): Edit out the paper background if you can, but we will do that if you cannot.
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✨ Submission form will ask for the following things:
-Your tumblr username -Your nosk's name (or what it is based off, eg. Elderbug Nosk) -The image file of the artwork -Optional: group name if you are organizing an interaction with other artists but submitting separately -Optional: relative size of the nosk (based on the diagram in the form)
✨ Notes:
-Nosks based off in-game characters/creatures are absolutely allowed. They can just be a design you made rather than a full character, if that's what you'd like to submit. :) (However, drawing Ghost Nosk or Hornet (Winged) Nosk as they appear in the game will not be accepted) -Bust/half-body drawings will be grouped together on one canvas, while the full-body drawings will be on a separate one. -If you would like to plan character interactions with friends, you are welcome and encouraged to do so! Either submit the mini-collab as a single large image with everyone's characters included, or come up with a group name so we can identify you easily.
If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask! All relevant posts will be tagged #nosk party collab
✨ Submit your nosk art here! ✨
Submission form closes: June 30
Signing into a google account is required to fill out the form (this is necessary to allow you to submit image files). If you do not have a google account or are having troubles, please DM myself or Sky. and we will collect the nosk info and submit for you.
Nosk Party Collab is a project between @flame-shadow and @fly-sky-high-bug-games. While I am taking the lead, we are working together to make this happen. The intended final results will be two large group pics which feature all the nosk art submitted for this collab. All contributing artists will be tagged for credit in the final post.
We hope this will be a fun project to participate in and a wonderful opportunity to see and show off cool nosk designs!
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herotome · 1 year
2021-2023 Devlog Recap
Hi-ho, Wudge here! I released the first demo in March 2021 (devlog #30), and it is now… a little over 2 years later with no updated demo just yet. :') But I've been up and at it this entire time!
Welcome to our very first devlog recap, an overview of everything we've done for Herotome since the prologue demo. Strap in, it's gonna be a doozy.
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Finished all the base Love Interest sprites (special mention to Dart's hero outfit and helmet rendered by Remnantation, and the smoke animation from @regal-bones)
"Mia is as reactive as potassium and wears her heart on her sleeve, which means she has quite a bit of range. She’s a sight to behold when she’s angry, but damn is she easy to beat at poker."
Finished rendering and coding Mia's introduction CG, including all her expressions and branches, and released a voiced video showing off her scene.
We made a great deal of progress on Griffin's CG as well, and that video will be coming out next. Nearly done!!
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"Who’s this?! Our default MC is cornered by a strange man! Can we kiss him?"
Finished the first BAD ENDING - which has four variations and can be accessed through three distinct points in the game. Evil Eye will only appear to angrily kabedon the MC if you make certain choices!
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Rendered Landlord, Clammy Lady, and Dog. (The humans have a full range of expressions, all coded in!)
Evil Eye actually has a finished sprite too, but I forgot to put him in this image... and he's already featured in a CG. So, oh well!
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Redrew the MC profile pictures (apparently it's tradition, I've redrawn them almost every year)
I also made a new itch icon, new reputation icon, a new star power icon, and I started converting all my PNGs to WEBPs (reducing a LOT of data required on installs - my GUI folder alone was reduced from 63 MB to 21.1 MB).
... You know what, I'm gonna make this into "part one" and reblog with more. This just about covers the ART section, and we'll have STORY, CODE, and SOCIAL MEDIA incoming. See you then!
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piizunn · 9 months
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françoise (red river cart), 2023
My second red river cart built for the city of Calgary's parks educational programming about local Métis Otipemisiwak history. The cart is propped up for stability while it is not in use and because there was a last minute problem with a spoke that I will be repairing so that the cart will be able to function for years to come! It accomanies a Métis Otipemisiwak trappers tent and several large vinyl panels of archival material for education. I also delivered the following speech after Elder D. D. spoke some beautiful words and M. H. introduced me and fellow artist D. P. who created beaded and illustrated borders in the style of historic Michif beadwork for the selected archival images.
Taanishii kiiyawow? riel s. dishinikashoon. Hello, how are you all? my name is riel s. and i descend maternally from seven Métis Otipemisiwak families from the historic Red River Settlement and Batoche. Notably my Berthelet ancestors were community leaders in Pointe à Grouette, now Ste. Agathe, MB. Throughout this project I thought often of my 5th great uncle Jean Caron Sr. who fought in the North-West Resistance of 1885 in which his house was burnt down. It was later rebuilt in 1891 and it still stands in Batoche to this day. I introduce myself in this way, the traditional way of the Métis Otipemisiwak to contextualize my knowledge and experiences, situate myself on this land, and honour my family.
The red river cart is a symbol of Michif (Métis Otipemisiwak) ingenuity and survivance. From the land it rises and to the earth it will decompose again, not leaving a trace, not a nail or a screw. I built my first cart in 2022 during my undergrad as I considered histories of road allowance, trade, and Michif material culture's place in contemporary art. It is the vessel that carried us across our vast homelands and beyond, and cradled our young nation, serving us in our fight for sovereignty, dignity, and respect.
I would like to thank my friend C. for their assistance in parts of the building process, as well as their trust, friendship, and curiosity. I would also like to thank M. H. and D. P. for this opportunity and your guidance as mentors and your friendship. Maarsii.
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crispinkiss · 2 months
✏️ , 🎼 & 🌊 (and 🙊 if you feel like it) for the artist ask meme!! (also hi i love your mb fanart so so so much!!!! i think about your tmd-characters-sitting-on-couches art all the time.. :'))
✏️ Do you prefer traditional art or digital to relax?
as much as i love traditional art, it stresses me out a little more lmfao because there's no lasso tool to cover up my mistakes... so probably digital
🎼 Your favorite music to draw to right now?
i recently made a amalgamation playlist of video game soundtracks i enjoy and ive been listening to it basically nonstop. (if you're curious it's mostly outer wilds/transistor/portal/in stars and time!) when im not listening to that i look up weirdcore playlists on spotify :)
🌊 What’s the hardest thing for you to draw? 
um. when drawing humans it's legs. and arms. and limbs. they make me angry when im trying to make a cool pose and i spend an hour just trying to make the arms work!! ive been trying to get myself to branch out and draw more expressive faces too bc i hate feeling like my faces are too boring
🙊 Share your latest silly doodle with no context
its a siffrin :)
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oscill4te · 1 month
i told myself no more knick knacks or needless items. i have a very small room and ive stuck to my word for the past 2 yrs (other than some art supplies n books hehehe)
But sometimes i see plushies on here and go ;-; i want another plush so bad... That frog plush in particular i rb'd was so cute. reblogging them sort of feels like window shopping but more and more ive been wanting another stuffed animal to add to my collection. I also kind of want to order and collect the cr////amp twins dvds. i have all the books!! I dont even have a dvd player i just love the artwork of the dvd covers a lot
The next apartment im moving into will be slightly bigger and i did just turn 25 (quarter of a century!! woot woot) so mb i should be kind to myself and get a thing or 2 for myself. No no no... materialism is the devil...
But i also kind of want a new thrifted zip-up hoodie for work (would be nicer for the summer at my cold/hot job as opposed to a traditional hoodie. The zip ones i can take on and off without messing my hair), a thifted plush and a CT dvd or two. ough.
Maybe in june after I move and settle in. The moving process is what makes me go "whats the point of even buying a new thing or 2 when you are moving soon anyways" and thats true, ngl. I can wait another month
Im excited to move. Its so soon!! Not excited about all the lifting furniture up the stairs part (who ever is? Lolol) but im so excited about the new place its so soonnnnnnnn 🎉🎊💜
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rodhunt · 5 months
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MB&F Watchmaker - M.A.D. House Cutaway Illustration
Rod Hunt was commissioned by watchmaker MB&F to create a cutaway building illustration of the M.A.D.House, their headquarters in a century-old house in Geneva, Switzerland. The illustration was an end of year 'Thank You' to all their friends, collectors and fans. Built between 1907 and 1908, the house’s exterior exudes history and character. The brief called for Rod to interpret the interior and exterior of the house, include key figures in the company as well as their horological machines. Science-fiction is a big inspiration for the brand so some references to this was also included, many of their pieces look like spaceships, robots and strange creatures.
Founded in 2005, MB&F is the world’s first-ever horological concept laboratory. MB&F turn traditional watchmaking of the highest craftsmanship into futuristic, fiercely unconventional timekeeping machines. These sculptured, three-dimensional cases and beautifully-finished engines are called ‘Machines’. MB&F is continuing to follow Founder and Creative Director Maximilian Büsser’s vision of creating 3-D kinetic art by deconstructing traditional watchmaking.
View full project >> https://rodhunt.com/mbf-madhouse-watchmaker-cutaway-illustration
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iviarellereads · 6 months
System Collapse, Chapter 8
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Murderbot Diaries, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which it's time to fight back with better tools than fists or energy gun arms.(1)
Murderbot starts assembling its documentary, loosely basing its fictional story around what it expects happened to the indentured contract workers it met on the way to Milu. It's using 94% of its processing capacity to do it, so Art-drone has to explain to the humans. Tarik is skeptical, Iris is just stressed, and Ratthi looks vacant because he's already reviewing MB's first draft.
It's including material from all sorts of sources. It knows the story has to be personal, so the part it's making up is the most important. It tries to craft it so that it will make humans care about the people whose story it's telling, as much as it cares about the humans in its shows.(2)
It was hard. I never liked watching helpless humans because I knew what happened to them, now I was having to not just watch it but create a story out of it and explain why and how it was happening.
Soon, Ratthi says some of his research is relevant, and he offers his archive for use. MB knew it was likely, and gives him a quick guide to the tagging system to help organize in the project space.
Then he sent me a note back: So, you may not know this, but I read your letter to Dr. Mensah, the one you sent when you left Port FreeCommerce. I think you’re absolutely the right person to write this.(3) I can’t handle that right now so I’m just going to archive it for later.
MB and Art-drone keep assembling. Art-drone generates voiceover of dramatic readings of text-only descriptions of some events, and together they organize the potentially useful persuasive clips from media in their available archives, fictional and otherwise. This is where MB knows they really need the humans' help, but it's feeling encouraged at how its project is shaping up in comparison to others in that cloud.
Tarik argues with Art-drone asking how many voices it can really replicate. Art-drone mimics Seth's voice perfectly to tell him any voice, and Tarik gets a moment to cuss before Art-drone assigns him the musical scoring for the piece. Tarik protests, he played a couple of traditional instruments in school. Iris pauses her conversation with Trinh to say they should interview Tarik for this.
MB remembers Tarik was on a death squad, and would be valuable input. They can steal the score from some other piece for now, the colonists won't recognize it anyway. Ratthi offers to interview, but isn't sure what to ask. Tarik, however, is motivated to not be in charge of music, and thinks they can figure it out.
Iris gets angry and cuts off the conversation, stomps over, and drops on the bed next to Ratthi. She says the colonists have agreed to watch the presentation, but the team needs to leave in the morning, as soon as the weather lets up.
They have five hours. It takes four and a half. They do a few dubiously ethical things, like morphing Iris's voice into Bharadwaj's which is explicitly against Preservation law but Ratthi is sure she'd give permission for this if she could. By the time they finish, there's not time for the human-helpers to watch the whole thing, at 47.23 minutes. So, they split it into thirds and each human watch one piece. A few corrections, and Art-drone is ready to push the final version.
Only, Trinh isn't available, so Iris isn't allowed to talk to anyone else. MB starts sweating, trying to figure out what to do, when Iris says she won't give up. She asks Art-drone how they can make the humans watch it. Art-drone says force likely isn't necessary: it opens AC2's media directory and says they can make it available to all.
MB, who doesn't even kick itself for not thinking of that because all that processing has its performance down, queries AC2 for file upload permission. After AC2 establishes the why, it gives MB an address to send it to, and reviews it to be sure it's not dangerous.
Ratthi wonders if they'll be able to watch it in time. Tarik says it's been forty years since they had anything new, of course they'll be intrigued. And Iris adds that it's really good.
AC2 asks about the accuracy, and Art-drone provides the list of sources and annotations.(4) AC2 confirms file upload, and MB sees it appear in the directory, tagged as entertainment as well as educational, but most importantly, as new. AC2 even added a note that it was a gift from the visitors on Team Art. MB wishes it hadn't added that part, as it's sure they're not very popular right now.
MB tells the team it's uploaded, and the humans all stop to stare at it. It stares back through its drones until Art-drone reminds them it'll take forty-eight minutes for most humans to watch, even if they get it immediately. Iris says they should get some rest, but Ratthi suggests they watch the whole thing, together. Tarik asks if that will really be less stressful.
At least no one had said if they watch it. Except I thought it, so. Whatever, I need to watch Sanctuary Moon now.
Art-drone cuts their access to the directory, so MB can't watch the download counter and catastrophize. So, while the humans watch the whole documentary, MB watches Sanctuary Moon on another bunk. It's comforting, but MB realizes it's in the mood for something new, in a way it hasn't felt since the incident. When they get back to Art-prime, it thinks it'll have to let Art pick something from a list it's been keeping, to apologize for being so useless.
It's then that MB realizes the humans are being distracting by not being distracting.
It knows it's a good sign when humans don't talk over media and when they don't move "except to eat crunchy things out of bags". And, it's having a bit of an emotional crisis about it all, as it spirals out about how this might let down all the people who helped. Art-drone says it's gained good insights from watching the humans watch it, MB doesn't need to worry.
Yeah, I’ll just code a patch to stop feeling anxiety, wow, why didn’t I think of that earlier. (That was sarcasm, I have too much organic neural tissue for that to work.) (Of course I’ve already tried it.)(5)
Finally, the humans get to the end. They listed the sources, but instead of credits, just left a statement that it's a collab between the University and Preservation.
Iris sighed and said, “That was excellent, SecUnit.” Ratthi said, “If they don’t like it, fuck them.” Tarik snorted a crunchy thing and had to be pounded on the back by Iris. “I’m serious,” Ratthi said, doing an exasperated hand-wave thing. “If they can’t recognize the truth in an attempt to save their lives, I don’t know what else to do.”(6)
Tarik asks Art-drone how they're doing on views. Art says there have been 362 downloads, 75 views completed just about as fast as their own, 287 still in progress. It finally unlocks MB's access to double check. Tarik asks how many people are in this colony, and Ratthi says 421, so most of the adults have downloaded it, and some will be watching in groups.
A call comes in to Iris's comm. Art warns her it's from Leonide. She accepts, disgruntled, but after says B-E are leaving, and want to meet again. MB notes that the weather is starting to clear, later than expected, but that probably means B-E were given the same request to leave.
Iris decides she and MB will go meet with them, while the others go prep the shuttle. Art-drone tries to argue, but Iris says they've done all they can, and the colonists know how to contact them. And, she is curious what else Leonide might have to say.
It wasn’t a bad plan, as plans go. I could still object and say I’d go alone, like before. Iris had already said as security consultant that kind of thing was my decision. But considering how that had worked out, I didn’t want to get set up by Leonide to say something stupid again, not when we might be close to succeeding.(7)
(1) My alternative line for this today is "In which I could leave y'all with a one-paragraph summary but I'm not quite that cruel, at least about this series." (2) Fortunately, having watched several thousand hours of media and done a lot of thinking about the human condition, Murderbot is in a good position to understand stories and how to tell them. Just watching media can give you a baseline instinct for storytelling and how to craft and analyze it. It takes practice to refine it, and active work, but I feel like it's believable MB has spent time doing that. (3) Bestie's got your back, babe. (4) In the wake of all the plagiarism revelations this month, a very important detail that I'm glad wasn't lost in the sauce. (Pun intended.) (5) Gods, if only. (6) It's true, there's only so much they can do, and this was probably the strongest plan they could've come up with. (7) See, it CAN learn to do better.
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aesrot · 1 year
🔮 What’s your dream job?
i do not dream of labor at all lol. but if im forced to choose smth, it'd be literature related (maybe translating books, or writing, or idk, mb as a professor) or w my own art if i get better at it one day, but also smth related to media. cant be more specific than that sdgjaasdf just the idea of producing/directing smth is very fun, but theres so many possibilities (this is an old thought but also new? like its smth i've thought abt years ago but forgot, and its awoken once again)
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
oh this is hard. i dont hate any colour i think? maybe highlighter yellow? it hurts eyes. but also hot pink. also hurt eyes.
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
mmm buttery ones. i love them. or a traditional choccy chip one, love them as well. or the double chocolate chip ones i get at subway, obsessed w them
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imaginative-123 · 2 years
Part 2 of Flo's V8 Cafe 2007
For Mater's design I don't want to personally based him on Larry the Cable Guy, while he actually does voice him for me his appearance doesn't fit on Mater's appearance if humanized so I want to imagine Mater as a guy who typically slacks off during his rest day and must look older than McQueen and wear old clothes with worn off blue jumper missed with his grey shirt to represent him as an old mechanic his hat is a farmer's worned hat since he tends to Frank the bull and the Cows and in this drawing, he blows from his straw in an attempt to hit McQueen with a crumpled tissue to distract McQueen doing roller skates service to test him if he can dodge the obstacles coming his way to which it annoys McQueen but he then accepted it as a challenge.
For Fillmore, I based it on his car design and hippie's design to give him that stoned yet peaceful outlook in life
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As for Sarge I based it on 1940's USA uniform since he was drafted in the military in WW2 and his model was also in the year of 1940's.
He is modeled on a 1942 Willy's MB Jeep, and his license plate reads "41WW2", a reference to World War II and the year the US got in the war, 1941. 
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So there is a theory in the Cars fandom that even Sargemore fangirls shippers say that Sarge might be gay for Fillmore so I added a blush bec it was based on this image in Cars that the two also use to lean with each other all the time
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For Flo's outfit I based it on Disneyland Cars Land outfit that the waitresses at Flo's V8 Cafe in real life worked on that place including the standard male uniform that Mia and Tia disliked
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Her hair is based on her voice actress Jennifer Lewis for inspiration since she's also a black woman
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Although I forgot to add this the fanart of Flo by pegfan may be an inspiration at first, I saw but I decided to based it more of her actress Jennifer Lewis and change some parts of the designs by making her side bangs positioned on the right bec the fanart's side bang is on the left but without the twirl at the end that is my art, and her earrings gold like her actress including the lipstick and make it dark yet moderetely lighter almost like the actress' lips and make her older and a bit chubbier and based it more on her actress and make her eyeshadow teal is my personal addition and her hair color and skin color tone is based on the same actress. Reminder I do not copy the entire design nor my intention is to steal from the fanart I just made my own version despite the fanart is also a part of the inspiration. The same goes to older McQueen to which I also changed the design a bit but not make it an exact copy but I also credited the artist.
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For Ramone's outfit I based it on Guayabera shirt since males from Mexico also wore that and I assume Ramone's ethnicity is Mexican
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According to google search guayabera an open-necked Cuban or Mexican shirt with two breast pockets and two pockets over the hips, typically having short sleeves and worn untucked.
Although The guayabera is often worn in formal contexts, such as offices and weddings. In Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Puerto Rico, guayaberas are part of the traditional wear for men and may be considered formalwear.
So imagined Ramone doing his own version of Guayabera with a flame designs from his car on his shirt arms to be different from formal wear. As for his hair to make him stand out alongside with his with Flo since Mexicans also allow pompadour
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As for tattoos I decided to based the tattoos on Flo and Ramone's license plate
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witchthewriter · 2 years
hello, love
1st and foremost i wanna thank you bc you give so much content and truly make me feel like im back on 2014 tumblr nostalgia.. so lots of love your way cs i adore you and your stuff and you brighten my day♡
i wanna ask for a lvl 2 ship (did 4 rbs and will do more heh..) cs those honestly are so much fun ♡ for Marvel, hotd and stranger things
describing myself.. as for looks i am 5.3, petite. hair is wavy, atm in a shaggy/wolf cut bob that's brown with my natular blond ends showing. eyes r dark blue sorta like denim. also have tons and tons of freckles/moles all over my bod
as for personality.. ppl say i am a smartass and way to sarcastic borderline mean at times. (esp that to my crushes..) yet that's cs I'm get nervous around ppl and become too teasingly mean for some reason. so all in all my friends say i look and even behave sorta like a b3tch and yet to close friends im a ride or die. and wjen it comes to any sexy business i try to be bratty and yet am suchhh a sub pft so all mean facade crumbles. im a straight gurlie that uses she/her pronouns
i like spitting random facts, enjoy walks and new places, study art. drink way too much coffee.. mb a lil too much wine/beer too heh. and am a passionate horror fan. also have no phobias.. literally don't give a damn about anything. did archery and knife fighting so i can whoop someones butt if needed~
once again sending loads of positive vibes your way love~ ♡
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
Hello!!! Oh my god, a fellow OG! Thank you for being so kind, and for participating!
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒏: ✧ Outgoing ✧ Care-free ✧ Light-hearted ✧ Loyal
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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I ship you with Argyle! I think you suit someone who doesn't take offense easily, who walks on the more chaotic side of life, and likes lifes' pleasures.
・You have endless pizzas, like a lifetime supply. He never makes you pay, and you always go to the store that he works at - so everyone knows you (yay free pizza!!!)
・Just a pair of giggling gurties; once you start you can't stop
・You never feel uncomfortable around Argyle; it's like he just understands everything.
・Getting into trouble, but somehow always getting out of it?
・ Chilling in his van, whether that's smoking, drinking or just laying on your backs and talking about life
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I ship you with Thor - more specifically, I ship you with What If! Thor, where he grows up as an only son. In this he's more the Thor that Taika creates; fun-loving, carefree etc. This is especially seen in What If! Thor, he's storyline is that he goes out partying.
・You and Thor would be two chaotic dumbasses who probably share a brain cell (not to be an insult, it's just a trope.)
・You make each other laugh all the time, and there is rarely a bad mood in sight.
・You have millions of inside jokes. That ONLY you and Thor understand. It makes your relationship feel special.
・He defends you against ANYONE, no one can speak ill of his lady
・Like two golden retrievers in love <3 always fawning over each other, making each other snort in laughter
𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧
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I don't know if you know much about Ser Harwin Strong, but this man is a cool guy. I mean look at the way he reacts to seeing a princess covered in blood? He's like, 'shiiiiii aight.'
・He loves laying in between your legs in bed. Whether you're reading or talking, he'll climb onto you and push his back onto your stomach, so you can play with his hair
・He also loves to hear about gossip, but you're like "no Harwin, we don't like that person," and he goes, "oh right right sorry love."
・He rarely gets jealous but is very protective
・Isn't much for tradition and has an open-mind. This is very unusual in those times, and he astounds you. Most men want a wife to bed and have children and make them dinner. Harwin isn't like that, he wants to know about you. He'd marry you for love, not for reputation or what's expected.
・Pet names for you are, 'Love, Sweetheart, Darlin'
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mb-epoxy · 2 days
Top 5 Benefits of Using Table Top Epoxy for Your Furniture
Using Table Top Epoxy for your furniture offers numerous benefits that enhance both the aesthetic appeal and durability of your pieces. This versatile material, supplied by trusted epoxy resin suppliers like MB Epoxy, is a popular choice among DIY enthusiasts and professionals alike. Here, we'll explore the top 5 benefits of using Table Top Epoxy for your furniture, highlighting why it has become a go-to solution for many.
1. Exceptional Durability
One of the primary reasons to choose Table Top Epoxy for your furniture is its exceptional durability. Unlike traditional finishes, Table Top Epoxy forms a hard, protective surface that resists scratches, dents, and other forms of wear and tear. This makes it an ideal choice for high-traffic areas and frequently used furniture pieces. Whether it's a dining table, coffee table, or countertop, MB Epoxy’s Table Top Epoxy ensures your furniture maintains its pristine appearance for years.
2. High Gloss and Clarity
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Table Top Epoxy is renowned for its high gloss finish and crystal-clear clarity. When applied, it creates a smooth, mirror-like surface that enhances the natural beauty of the wood or material underneath. This glossy finish not only adds a touch of elegance but also brings out the vibrant colors and intricate details of the underlying surface. For those working on artistic projects, combining epoxy art resin with Table Top Epoxy from MB Epoxy can result in stunning, eye-catching pieces.
3. Easy Application Process
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Another significant advantage of using Table Top Epoxy is the straightforward application process. Even for beginners, applying Table Top Epoxy is relatively simple, thanks to its self-leveling properties. MB Epoxy provides detailed instructions and support to ensure users can achieve a professional finish without hassle. The ease of use makes it an accessible option for DIY projects, allowing anyone to transform their furniture with minimal effort.
4. Versatility in Design
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Table Top Epoxy offers incredible versatility in design, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. Whether you're sealing a wooden table, creating a custom resin countertop, or crafting unique epoxy art pieces, Table Top Epoxy adapts to your needs. Its compatibility with various materials, including wood, metal, and concrete, allows for endless creative possibilities. MB Epoxy’s products can be used in conjunction with pigments, dyes, and other additives to create personalized designs that reflect your style.
5. Long-Lasting Protection
In addition to its aesthetic benefits, Table Top Epoxy provides long-lasting protection against environmental factors. It is highly resistant to moisture, heat, and chemicals, ensuring that your furniture withstands everyday challenges. This protective barrier not only preserves the appearance of your furniture but also extends its lifespan, making Table Top Epoxy a cost-effective investment. By choosing MB Epoxy, you can trust that you're using top-quality epoxy resin products from reputable epoxy resin suppliers.
The top 5 benefits of using Table Top Epoxy for your furniture include its exceptional durability, high gloss and clarity, easy application process, versatility in design, and long-lasting protection. These advantages make Table Top Epoxy a superior choice for enhancing and preserving your furniture. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or a professional, MB Epoxy offers the high-quality epoxy resin solutions you need to achieve stunning results.
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By incorporating epoxy art resin and Table Top Epoxy into your projects, you can create beautiful, durable, and unique pieces that stand the test of time. Trusting epoxy resin suppliers like MB Epoxy ensures you receive the best products and support for all your epoxy resin needs. So, if you're looking to elevate your furniture's aesthetic and functional qualities, consider the remarkable benefits of Table Top Epoxy from MB Epoxy.
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skaddy111 · 1 month
MB Mobile Mechanics Auckland: Your Reliable On-the-Go Automotive Service
Welcome to MB Mobile Mechanics Auckland, your trusted partner for all your automotive needs, conveniently delivered to your doorstep. We understand that in the bustling city of Auckland, time is precious, and vehicle troubles can disrupt your daily routine. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of mobile mechanic services designed to keep you on the move without the hassle of visiting a traditional garage. Our team of experienced, certified mechanics is equipped to handle a variety of automotive issues, ensuring your vehicle is in top condition whenever and wherever you need us.
Why Choose MB Mobile Mechanics Auckland?
One of the primary benefits of using mobile mechanics in Auckland is the unparalleled convenience we offer. Whether you're at home, at work, or stranded on the roadside, MB Mobile Mechanics Auckland comes to you. No more arranging for tow trucks or finding alternative transportation while your car is in the shop. Our services are designed to fit seamlessly into your schedule, saving you time and stress.
Expertise and Experience:
At MB Mobile Mechanics Auckland, we pride ourselves on our team of highly skilled and experienced mechanics. Our technicians are trained to diagnose and repair a wide range of vehicle issues, from routine maintenance to complex repairs. We utilize state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and equipment to ensure accurate and efficient service, providing you with peace of mind knowing your vehicle is in expert hands.
Comprehensive Services:
Our mobile mechanics in Auckland offer a full suite of services to address all your automotive needs. Whether you require a simple oil change, brake repair, engine diagnostics, or electrical system troubleshooting, we've got you covered. Our goal is to provide a one-stop solution for all your vehicle maintenance and repair requirements, ensuring your car runs smoothly and safely.
Transparent Pricing:
We believe in transparency and honesty when it comes to pricing. MB Mobile Mechanics Auckland offers competitive rates with no hidden fees. Before any work begins, we provide a detailed quote, ensuring you understand the cost involved. Our commitment to fair pricing and high-quality service has earned us a reputation as a trusted provider of mobile mechanic services in Auckland.
Customer-Centric Approach:
At MB Mobile Mechanics Auckland, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We strive to build long-lasting relationships with our clients by delivering exceptional service and exceeding expectations. Our friendly and professional mechanics take the time to explain the work needed and answer any questions you may have, ensuring you are fully informed and comfortable with the process.
Our Services:
Routine Maintenance:
Regular maintenance is crucial to keep your vehicle running smoothly and efficiently. MB Mobile Mechanics Auckland offers comprehensive maintenance services, including oil changes, filter replacements, fluid checks, tire rotations, and more. Our maintenance packages are designed to extend the life of your vehicle and prevent costly repairs down the line.
Brake Services:
Your safety is our priority. Our brake services include brake pad and rotor replacement, brake fluid flushes, and inspections to ensure your braking system is functioning correctly. Whether you notice squeaking noises or reduced braking efficiency, our mobile mechanics in Auckland will diagnose and fix the issue promptly.
Engine Diagnostics and Repair:
Modern vehicles are equipped with complex engine systems that require expert knowledge to diagnose and repair. MB Mobile Mechanics Auckland uses advanced diagnostic tools to identify engine problems accurately. From minor repairs to major overhauls, we ensure your engine performs at its best.
Electrical System Repairs:
Electrical issues can be frustrating and challenging to pinpoint. Our skilled mechanics are adept at diagnosing and repairing electrical problems, including battery issues, alternator faults, starter motor failures, and more. We ensure your vehicle's electrical system operates reliably.
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bluepoodle7 · 8 months
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#ArtTrades #MSPaint #TestInkingAndColoring #MyArt
What I do if I'm unsure how the sketch should be inked and colored I test in MS Paint.
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Images from the artist to use as a ref and not mine. (Art Trade 1)
Art Trade 1
Having Dusk having his arms crossed and try to be brooding.
Where is Morningstar would be playing with any shiny objects on his shoulder.
The shiny object is a Dexter Bell.
Also they have to have matching sunglasses.
Oc Info
Okay then Dusk Price.
He's childhood actor that went into hiding after his parents got caught in a scandal.
The 'goth phase' hit him hard on the teenage years and he never fully grow out of it.
He's a nice guy and a pretty boy.
But it tries to cover that all all up with the excessive amounts of dark clothing and too many belts. Is about 24 with some social anxiety.
It's also protective of a pet raccoon he dyed the hair of and named Morning Star.
I've most commonly used this OC in a semi-modern magic setting, where he uses gravity.
He's the one on the right.
Dusk Prince and Morningstar The Racoon Ref
Dusk Prince Color Ref.
He usually wears neutral colors, but you can add purples for a little pop.
Shirt- gray maybe burgundy accent
Pants- black maybe indigo accent
Belts- white or Silver maybe lavender accent.
The color coordination kind of goes with the raccoon as well.
Skin Color- Really Pale or Crayola Very light almond.
Has fingerless gloves and black/purple nails.
Glasses: Black
Color scheme for Morningstar the Racoon.
I used dark red on ms paint but in my traditional it would be Burgundy and the paws are dark gray or lightly black with a indigo background.
I made the face lavender, the back of the ears black, inner ear lavender, around the inner ear light gray or light black.
In the traditional color I would add black to this.
The black parts have a hint of indigo on the characters.
The grey parts have a hint of burgundy.
The white parts have a hint of lavender.
Or if you just want to make a pink and purple raccoon.
Burgundy or gray / pink
Racoon Mask: Black or dark purple
Inner Ear: Bubble gum pink.
Glasses: Black
The Dexter Bell is gold.
SB: Yellow
MB: Purple
Colors for Star Vs with clippers. (Art Trade 2)
Light peach skin, the heart patterns on cheeks are light pink, light yellow hair, light red or light pink, eyes are sky or light blue, black pupils, whites of eyes, black eye lashes, light green dress with white parts, black, light pink squid symbol, dark green and pewter or dark gray blades, black star purse strap, light yellow & gold or dark yellow with black lines, the stars eyes are black pupils with whites of eyes, purple pink and salmon pink striped leggings, the shoes are mulberry purple with black pupils and lavender whites of eyes.
The horns on the shoes are white and the bottom of shoes are light pink with a purple zig zag patterns.
Colors for screaming Loona (Art Trade 3)
Colors used Red tongue, white, black, dark gray, dark purple mixed with black, blue gray, dark purple,  and light gray. 
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mbjewellers · 9 months
Dazzling on the Red Carpet: The Allure of MB Jewellers by Jatin Mehra Luxury Jewelry Collections         
The red carpet. It's a place where celebrities and fashion collide, where stars shine not only through their talent but also through their impeccable style. One of the defining elements of any red carpet ensemble is the jewelry that adorns the stars. Luxury jewelry by MB Jewellers by Jatin Mehra has a profound influence on red carpet fashion, elevating it to new heights and setting trends that resonate far beyond the event itself.     
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A Symbol of Status and Prestige       
Luxury jewelry from the top jewellers In Delhi MB Jewellers by Jatin Mehra on the red carpet serves as a symbol of status and prestige. Celebrities, stylists, and designers meticulously select pieces that represent the epitome of craftsmanship and opulence. These pieces are often loaned to stars for the evening, showcasing the close relationship between the entertainment industry and high-end jewelry brands.        
For instance, the iconic MB Jewellers by Jatin Mehra have a long history of adorning influential personalities on the red carpet. Their exquisite diamond necklaces, earrings and bracelets have graced countless award shows. The choice of wearing a prestigious brand like MB Jewellers by Jatin Mehra not only enhances the star's image but also brings attention to the jewelry houses themselves.       
Creating Memorable Moments       
The red carpet is all about making a statement and creating unforgettable moments. Luxury jewelry such as the Polki diamonds collections play a pivotal role in achieving this. The extraordinary choice of jewelry creates a buzz and adds an extra layer of excitement to the event.          
It is an undeniable fact that luxury jewelry can turn an ordinary red carpet appearance into an extraordinary one, generating conversations and media coverage that extends far beyond the event itself. It also showcases the power of collaboration between celebrities and jewelry brands in crafting memorable fashion moments.     
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Setting Trends and Inspiring the Masses      
Red carpet fashion is not just for the elite, it also serves as a source of inspiration for fashion enthusiasts worldwide. Luxury jewelry worn by celebrities on the red carpet often sets trends that trickle down to mainstream fashion.        
The red carpet fashion and jewellery trends often lead to increased demand for similar styles among consumers who seek to emulate the glamour of their favourite stars. Luxury jewelry brands like the top jewellers In Delhi MB Jewellers by Jatin Mehra recognize this and leverage the opportunity to create extraordinary collections inspired by red carpet looks, allowing fashion-conscious individuals to incorporate a touch of Bollywood elegance into their own wardrobes.        
A Showcase of Artistry     
Luxury jewelry such as the MB Jewellers by Jatin Mehra Polki diamonds collection is more than just adornment, it's a form of art. On the red carpet, jewelry often takes centre stage, allowing viewers to appreciate the exquisite craftsmanship and creativity behind each piece. Designers push boundaries and experiment with materials, colours, and shapes to create one-of-a-kind pieces that captivate the audience.   
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Luxury jewelry at fashion events or award shows often becomes an integral part of the ensemble, blurring the lines between fashion and art. These elegant jewelry choices challenge traditional concepts of what jewelry can be and encourage a deeper appreciation for the artistic side of high-end jewelry.       
Elevating Personal Style    
While luxury jewelry from the top jewellers In Delhi certainly adds a touch of extravagance to red carpet fashion, it also has the power to elevate a celebrity's personal style. Celebrities often work closely with stylists to curate looks that align with their image and personality. Luxury jewelry becomes an extension of that image, allowing stars to express themselves in a unique and impactful way.     
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Celebrity Elegance: Embrace the Red Carpet Glamour with Luxury Jewelry Collections from MB Jewellers by Jatin Mehra              
The influence of MB Jewellers by Jatin Mehra luxury jewelry in red carpet fashion cannot be overstated. It serves as a symbol of status, creates unforgettable moments, sets trends, showcases artistic craftsmanship and elevates personal style.     
The red carpet is not just a showcase for Bollywood's finest, it's also a platform for the world of high-end jewelry to shine and inspire. As we continue to be captivated by the glamour of the red carpet, one thing is clear: luxury jewelry by the top jewellers In Delhi will always be an integral part of the star-studded show.  
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bitcofun · 2 years
Key Takeaways Shiba Eternity is a Shiba Inu-themed collectible card video game for Android and iOS. The video game is established by Playside Studios and admires the Shiba Inu cryptocurrency. Shiba Eternity belongs to a larger Shiba Inu crypto environment presently under advancement. Shiba Eternity lets gamers develop custom-made decks from over 500 special cards and gather 10,00 0 various Shiboshi heroes. What Is Shiba Eternity? Shiba Eternity is a brand-new Shiba Inu-themed collectible card video game from Playside Studios The video game sets gamers versus each other in a timeless one-vs.- one card video game battle, with the very first to minimize their challenger's life indicate absolutely no stated the winner. Gamers utilize among 10,00 0 Shiboshi heroes to call the shots, and utilize spells, products, and numerous fighters to fight on their behalf. The video game was initially revealed at the height of Shiba Inu mania in November 2021, as the SHIB cryptocurrency skyrocketed in worth and reached an all-time high market capitalization of over $40 billion. After nearly a year of advancement, the video game's complete release went live on October 6. Shiba Eternity's advancement is led by William Volk, a video gaming market veteran with over 25 years of experience at top-tier business like Activision and ROKiT Games. With such a respected figure putting his name behind the Shiba Inu brand name, expectations for the video game amongst Shiba Inu fans were high. Crypto Briefing took Shiba Eternity for a spin to see if the video game measures up to the buzz. We've evaluated it in 5 crucial locations: ease of access, graphics and art, gameplay, story and tradition, and any crypto aspects present. Here's what we believed. Accessibility: 4 out of 5 Shiba Eternity is really simple to begin with. The video game operates on smart devices and tablets, so simply head over to the Play Store(Android) or App Store(iOS) and follow the directions to download it. And at 417 MB in size, the video game isn't going to use up much area on your gadget, either. However, similar to lots of mobile video games, how simple Shiba Eternity is to play will differ depending upon the size of your phone screen and fingers. The video game requires a reasonable little bit of mastery to click cards, and it can end up being a little fiddly on smaller sized screens. Utilizing a tablet is suggested for the very best experience. Although the video game is complimentary, Shiba Eternity monetizes itself through in-app purchases. Gamers can make cards and characters by playing or additionally purchase them at the video game's shop. In addition to purchasing opens, gamers can likewise spend for cosmetic improvements, such as custom-made card backs, and experience increases to level up much faster. The rates for these advantages fall broadly in line with other free-to-play video games and are unneeded if you're ready to put a long time and effort into opening the cards yourself. Graphics and Art: 4 out of 5 Shiba Eternity's graphics are perhaps the very best part of the video game. The majority of the in-game possessions look polished and expert, and the background images likewise do a fantastic task of setting the scene and supplying depth. The 3D makings and custom-made animations for the Shiboshis heroes bring the adorable dogs to life and separate the gameplay. Shiba Eternity menu screen. While the total quality is high, there is still space for enhancement. The card graphics focus greatly on Shiba Inu characters and end up being repeated the more you play. Because there is little variation in between cards, it can end up being tough to inform which ones you have on the field or in your hand at a look simply by taking a look at the art. However, the guide character Ryoshi (called after the pseudonymous Shiba Inu creator), who guides brand-new gamers through the tutorial, does not release an excellent impression. Regardless of sporting a fine-tuned
and erudite voice deserving of any dojo master, the character's sprite does not match his look or the video game's total visual at all. Ryoshi from the Shiba Eternity tutorial. (Source: @william_volk) Gameplay: 2 out of 5 Games begin with the gamers choosing their 4 beginning cards and tossing a coin to choose who will go. On a gamer's turn, they can summon fighter cards to the field (however need to wait a turn prior to assaulting with them), play spell cards, connect gear up cards to their Shiboshi, and assault their challenger. Just weak cards with a couple of "bark power" can be dipped into the start of the video game. Gamers' bark power increases after every turn, letting them utilize more effective cards as the video game advances. Each fighter card has an attack and armor score. When a card attacks, its attack power is deducted from the protecting card's armor. If the assaulting card's attack worth surpasses the safeguarding card's armor, the latter is beat and leaves the field. When no active character cards are on the field, gamers can assault their challenger's Shiboshi straight. Gamers win the video game if they minimize the opposing Shiboshi's health from 30 to absolutely no. If you've played collectible card video games like Hearthstone or Magic: The Gathering, you'll likely acknowledge numerous gameplay mechanics that Shiba Eternity has actually obtained. While some of these mechanics have actually ended up being a universal requirement and make Shiba Eternity more busy and user-friendly, others look cut and pasted from more effective video games. Instead of developing a distinct video game that stands apart from the abundance of collectible card video games on the marketplace, Shiba Eternity copied much of what made other video games effective and just included a Shiba Inu-themed exterior to attempt and camouflage that truth. If you're a hardcore player searching for a brand-new card video game to dig your teeth into, Shiba Eternity will most likely leave you dissatisfied. The video game might discover a much better fit with a more casual audience. The gameplay fasts and relatively instinctive while still leaving space for some tactical decision-making. Regardless of the type of player Shiba Eternity attract, there are some unfavorable elements of its gameplay that can not be neglected. Gamers currently appear fed up with "subdued" decks managing the meta. Right after its release, posts on the video game's main subreddit began reporting that the Frostfire Blast deck, as it's typically described, has actually ended up being progressively popular amongst top-level gamers due to how strong it is. The imbalance has actually generated such a response from the Shiba Eternity gamer base that the conversation of Frostfire Blast comprises the majority of its subreddit's posts. Elsewhere, the video game's mission system, created to offer gamers a continuous sense of accomplishment as they play, is likewise showing harmful to the gameplay. The mission system designates gamers in-game jobs like utilizing an "legendary" rarity card 10 times, rewarding them with experience and the kibble tokens required to open brand-new Shiboshis. As some gamers have kept in mind, to meet these requirements, there is a reward to hold challengers captive in video games, leaving them on a single point of life and continuing to play cards to satisfy the requirements for numerous missions. This reward structure causes a bad video gaming experience for lots of gamers. While designers might repair these problems with time, the longer they continue, the less most likely it is that gamers will remain. In general, the Shiba Eternity gameplay leaves a lot to be preferred. Story and Lore: 1 out of 5 Although the primary style in Shiba Eternity is martial arts, its backstory is a catastrophic sci-fi romp handling a range of styles from fights with alien "Greys" to Shiba Inu-inhabited worlds captured in a supernova occasion. The fundamental essence
is that following the 1951 UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, humankind found innovation from the "Shib Universe," in addition to recording a "Grey" alien who shared this details with the federal governments of the world. After reverse engineering the innovation, humankind "utilized the power of the Shibarium" and introduced a spaceship called the SS Virgil to take a trip to among 10 populated Shiba galaxy worlds. Upon getting here in the Shiba galaxy, war breaks out in between the alien Greys (now called "shadowcats" for some factor) and the native Shiba Inu. After 2 wars, it's exposed that when the SS Virgil took a trip to the Shiba galaxy, it triggered a dimensional tear that put 2 regional stars on a clash with each other. Now, the human team of the SS Virgil, together with all Shiba-kind and a brand-new character called "Queen Andromeda" (since why not), should collaborate to stop this extinction-level occasion from taking place. It's not precisely clear how this tradition converges with the video game. The main conceit appears to be that the Shiba Inus are adequately skilled in martial arts to fight the shadowcats in the war. To be frank, the Shiba Eternity tradition is disorderly at finest. The article laying out the story is a complicated, poorly-written story that does little core worldbuilding. While there is, undoubtedly, a subjective aspect to the story surrounding the Shiba Inu environment that may be lost on some individuals (such as myself), various points still fail. Like the card video game, the story behind it is cluttered with dog-themed puns and Shiba Inu recommendations. Whatever essential in the tradition begins with the prefix "Shiba," making it unnecessarily challenging to follow what's going on and exposing the author's significant absence of creativity. While the story is definitely enthusiastic, it stops working to include context and color to the video game and will likely leave the reader more baffled than when they began. Crypto Element: 1 out of 5 There's very little to state about the crypto aspect in Shiba Eternity, as it's non-existent in the existing variation of the video game. According to the video game's designers, there are strategies for a blockchain variation of the Shiba Eternity that will permit gamers to utilize NFTs from the 10,00 0 Shiboshis collection in the video game to make token benefits (It's likewise worth keeping in mind that the Shiboshis that gamers can "develop" in the complimentary variation of the video game are all copies of Shiboshis from the NFT collection). Numerous article describing the Shiba Inu environment have actually referenced a benefit token called TREAT, which will likely contribute in Shiba Eternity in the future. The absence of a blockchain aspect has actually been a frustration for numerous observers and Shiba Inu fans alike. Numerous had actually presumed that gamers would have the ability to utilize SHIB for in-game deals, a reasonably basic function that stays missing for the time being. While there are tips that the future variation of the video game will assist loop diverse parts of the Shiba Inu community, such as the prepared Shibarium Layer 2 chain, Shiba Inu Metaverse task, and Shiba Inu-backed stablecoin, there is no concrete roadmap detailing if, and when this may occur. Final Thoughts Despite its faults, Shiba Eternity's release is a landmark minute for both the SHIB cryptocurrency and the more comprehensive Shiba Inu environment. What began as a meme coin, introduced to profit from the Dogecoin buzz preceding it, has actually changed into a fully-fledged brand name with the power to draw in prominent video game designers. This very first effort is doing not have in particular locations, the reality that it took place at all must trigger even the most singing Shiba doubters to believe two times prior to composing it off as a joke task. However, if Shiba Eternity and the Shiba Inu brand name wish to go even more, they need to tighten up their operations.
Clear, expert interaction and brand name method are a should moving forward, as is combining the different jobs produced under the Shiba Inu banner. At its heart, Shiba Inu is a crypto job, and anything that utilizes its copyright needs to follow this example. Disclosure: At the time of composing this evaluation, the author owned ETH and numerous other cryptocurrencies. The details on or accessed through this site is acquired from independent sources our company believe to be precise and dependable, however Decentral Media, Inc. makes no representation or service warranty regarding the timeliness, efficiency, or precision of any details on or accessed through this site. Decentral Media, Inc. is not a financial investment consultant. We do not offer tailored financial investment recommendations or other monetary recommendations. The info on this site goes through alter without notification. Some or all of the details on this site might end up being out-of-date, or it might be or end up being insufficient or unreliable. We may, however are not obliged to, upgrade any out-of-date, insufficient, or incorrect details. You need to never ever make a financial investment choice on an ICO, IEO, or other financial investment based upon the details on this site, and you need to never ever translate or otherwise count on any of the details on this site as financial investment suggestions. We highly advise that you seek advice from a certified financial investment consultant or other certified monetary expert if you are looking for financial investment guidance on an ICO, IEO, or other financial investment. We do decline settlement in any kind for evaluating or reporting on any ICO, IEO, cryptocurrency, currency, tokenized sales, securities, or products. See complete terms Shiba Inu's Ecosystem Is Expanding. Can It Shed Its Meme Coin Status ... Crypto Briefing decreases the meme coin bunny hole to see if Shiba Inu has what it requires to become a more severe crypto job worthwhile of its $6.4 ... Shiba Inu Credential Leak Could Have Led to "Theft, Token Embezz ... News Sep. 9, 2022 The group behind Shiba Inu token (SHIBA) supposedly dripped its AWS qualifications for more than 2 days in August. Shiba Inu Leaked AWS Credentials Shiba Inu silently dripped essential qualifications ... Shiba Inu Is Launching a DAO News Dec. 31, 2021 The advancement group behind Shiba Inu (SHIB) has actually revealed that it will introduce a DAO, according to a brand-new post. DAO Will Decide on Rewards and Listings Shiba Inu ... Read More
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