#Test Inking And Coloring
bluepoodle7 · 8 months
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#ArtTrades #MSPaint #TestInkingAndColoring #MyArt
What I do if I'm unsure how the sketch should be inked and colored I test in MS Paint.
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Images from the artist to use as a ref and not mine. (Art Trade 1)
Art Trade 1
Having Dusk having his arms crossed and try to be brooding.
Where is Morningstar would be playing with any shiny objects on his shoulder.
The shiny object is a Dexter Bell.
Also they have to have matching sunglasses.
Oc Info
Okay then Dusk Price.
He's childhood actor that went into hiding after his parents got caught in a scandal.
The 'goth phase' hit him hard on the teenage years and he never fully grow out of it.
He's a nice guy and a pretty boy.
But it tries to cover that all all up with the excessive amounts of dark clothing and too many belts. Is about 24 with some social anxiety.
It's also protective of a pet raccoon he dyed the hair of and named Morning Star.
I've most commonly used this OC in a semi-modern magic setting, where he uses gravity.
He's the one on the right.
Dusk Prince and Morningstar The Racoon Ref
Dusk Prince Color Ref.
He usually wears neutral colors, but you can add purples for a little pop.
Shirt- gray maybe burgundy accent
Pants- black maybe indigo accent
Belts- white or Silver maybe lavender accent.
The color coordination kind of goes with the raccoon as well.
Skin Color- Really Pale or Crayola Very light almond.
Has fingerless gloves and black/purple nails.
Glasses: Black
Color scheme for Morningstar the Racoon.
I used dark red on ms paint but in my traditional it would be Burgundy and the paws are dark gray or lightly black with a indigo background.
I made the face lavender, the back of the ears black, inner ear lavender, around the inner ear light gray or light black.
In the traditional color I would add black to this.
The black parts have a hint of indigo on the characters.
The grey parts have a hint of burgundy.
The white parts have a hint of lavender.
Or if you just want to make a pink and purple raccoon.
Burgundy or gray / pink
Racoon Mask: Black or dark purple
Inner Ear: Bubble gum pink.
Glasses: Black
The Dexter Bell is gold.
SB: Yellow
MB: Purple
Colors for Star Vs with clippers. (Art Trade 2)
Light peach skin, the heart patterns on cheeks are light pink, light yellow hair, light red or light pink, eyes are sky or light blue, black pupils, whites of eyes, black eye lashes, light green dress with white parts, black, light pink squid symbol, dark green and pewter or dark gray blades, black star purse strap, light yellow & gold or dark yellow with black lines, the stars eyes are black pupils with whites of eyes, purple pink and salmon pink striped leggings, the shoes are mulberry purple with black pupils and lavender whites of eyes.
The horns on the shoes are white and the bottom of shoes are light pink with a purple zig zag patterns.
Colors for screaming Loona (Art Trade 3)
Colors used Red tongue, white, black, dark gray, dark purple mixed with black, blue gray, dark purple,  and light gray. 
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toulousifer · 2 months
Drew Peril from wings of fire, I tried using colored pencils.
I didn't realize how hard she was to draw
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2 different styles because why not
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karnaca78 · 10 months
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chasmbreach · 9 months
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gotta say, gingham is a difficult prompt
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mariposiel · 1 year
Finally drew this inky guy, but in my personal art style! I also used a reference by @/cainosis (why yes, I did force myself to practice drawing hands and Ink MK was just my poor guinea pig). And one without the hands lmao
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And I also practiced drawing Red Son, along with some color variety for the three rings of Samadhi!
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unknowntalesbymiles · 4 months
you said OC asks ?
ok, let's go then.
• Soulneed, why are you such a mother[funk]er ? leave the cow guy alone >:(
• MTP, how do you feel about the MTP Sphere ? Do you have any regret, some things you would have changed if you could, or everything is perfect in the better world ever ? *gives you a full coffee pot*
• How are you Beetle ? I hope my little Nix doesn't do too many foolery !
That's all for me for the moment ^^
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"Me? I think my Sphere is becoming better each day and after all, I had enough confidence to start this blog again. About changing stuff, if my characters weren't convinced I'm either a manipulator crackhead or a god-like creature... that'd be great."
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ultrainfinitepit · 1 year
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Hello Tumblr, happy Valentine's day, please enjoy these printable Valentine's cards for the most important people in your life: your blorbos. They are also on my Gumroad.
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sketchypenface · 24 days
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Some more random experiments. Here I used some ink splatters in addition to my fruit characters, but for some reason, I wanted to try a colour half tone effect as well. The colours on here are absolutely brilliant!
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mariusofthesea · 11 months
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.:Jearmin Week 2023 - Day One - Stargazing:.
"We won't be behind these walls forever," Armin breathed. "Eren and I promised each other we would see the sea, and I will take you with us."
Jean didn't notice the glittering stars up above, or the cool breeze that whispered around them; all he could focus on was the thundering of his heart against his ribs looking at Armin.
Jearmin Week is hosted by @twoboys-onesoul 💙
I was highkey debating on not posting this because I hate the way the colors turned out, since I didn't test any of them beforehand >.> but I want to participate since everyone has worked so hard on making this event so much fun.
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hua-fei-hua · 3 months
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read a sick as hell arlebina fic by @followerofmercy a few months ago, and the title ended up sticking in my head. i actually meant to do this more carefully on calligraphy paper, but then earlier today i noticed that i refilled my pens with colors that all go together for once and decided to ride the impulse to see how la colombe envie les cygneaux might look with them. fortunately, the light on the train decided to cooperate.
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eudico-my-beloved · 10 months
Side order scribble
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copper-skulls · 1 year
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guy who's gleeful to see you, but like, a respectable distance away
before my free time gets consumed by AF: did you know that TD got an update like a week ago
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mineko-mairhiel · 4 months
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While I'm not satisfied with how my bigger drawing turned out, I love my tiny one :)
Also doing nail art based on my oc's design had no business being as satisfying as it was 🤭
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iateyourburrito · 3 months
Updated Tattoo want list
- Mars Rover (wrist)
- Crom Cruach Ouroborous (other wrist. Secret of kells style)
- The Aten (sleeve style, same arm as rover)
- Laika puppy [+ Sputnik?] (back?)
- Pale Blue Dot (ankle)
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kulapti · 1 year
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Adorned, Jan 2023, ink with brush, pen, and dip pen.
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kara-wips · 2 years
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I’m torn between the colors and the black and white version. which one do you all prefer because I love them both equally
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