#all of us drew one of the mascots :3
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azurecoffin · 1 year ago
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also please play the tempus fan game me and my friends made for holojam 2 it may or may not be inspired by a certain club penguin game....
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bweirdart · 1 year ago
#mARTch 2024
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text version (with more info!) under the readmore! please check it out if you're confused about anything <3
do i have to draw every day? no!!!! there are skippable days built into the event, please use them whenever you need them! i really don't want anyone getting a wrist injury!
can you share my art? yep! i try to share entries to @bweirdevents daily during the event!! the tags can get busy tho so i might miss some posts OTL sorry
what are the tags? #mARTch is the main tag, but this year you might find posts in #mARTch2024 too!
wait, i'm confused about a prompt... full breakdown of all the prompts below ↓ with helpful hints if you're stuck!
this week is all about your artistic identity ... technically, you don't have to draw anything new this week if you have some art that already fits. the starter days are:
1 ⭐ self portrait who are you? it doesn't have to be you IRL .. if you feel more comfortable drawing a fursona or mascot, that's fine too! if you don't wanna draw, you can also just share old self portraits today and talk about why you drew yourself that way!
2 🤍 inspirations see how this day doesn't have a star? that means it's optional and you don't have to do it at all! but if you really wanna- tell us all about what inspires you to create art! this could be anything from the people that inspire you, the shows you like, the pins on your big messy pinterest board, or concepts that you're drawn to! you can draw something about it, talk about it, or just post your inspirations! anything is fine
3 ⭐ fav thing to draw what do you like drawing most? backgrounds? animals? one specific animal? bust of your oc facing left? cars? the same anime boy over and over and over? no judgement!! show us :)
this is the week we actually start drawing from reference! polished art is not required at all, quick sketch studies are fine! please don't burn yourself out
4 🤍 plant
5 🤍 body
6 ⭐ animal
7 🤍 object
8 🤍 food
9 🤍 face
10 ⭐ hand
these ones are pretty self explanatory! you can do them as realistic studies, or adapt them into your own art style, it's all fine! you can reference from your own photos or from resources on the web.. have fun!
this is the week for playing with palettes and working on your colour theory skills! if you're really struggling with these ones, don't worry about drawing scenes or characters, you can just have fun splashing colours around on an abstract canvas!
11 🤍 RGB a set or primary colours typically used in digital/screen art - red, green and blue!
12 🤍 CMYK a set of primary colours typically used in traditional/print art - cyan, magenta, yellow ... and key (black!)
for both of these days ↑ you can add in black and white. and feel free to combine the two days into one, if you're struggling with a three-colour palette! use all six!
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13 ⭐ WARM COLOURS the warm side of the colour wheel, reds oranges and yellows!
14 🤍 MONOCHROME monochrome doesn't mean black and white ... it means one colour! that can be any colour at all- shades of red, shades of purple, shades of green .. or yeah, grey if you really want!
15 🤍 COMPLIMENTARY complimentary colours are the ones opposite each other on the colour wheel! they're kinda married
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16 🤍 YOUR FAV COLOURS pick any palette that works for you! where's your comfort zone? what looks nice to you? what colour combos do you always go back to?
17 ⭐ COOL COLOURS the cool side of the colour wheel, purples, blues and greens!
this week is all about vibes! try to create something that matches the mood of the prompt .. they're vague on purpose! don't overthink it, just draw from the heart!
18 🤍 SMALL you could draw something that's really small, like an ant .. or draw on a canvas that's really small .. or use a really small brush .. get creative with it!
19 🤍 DANGER try to capture the adrenaline .. the rush .. the fear that you associate with the word danger!
20 ⭐ SOFT soft colours, soft textures, soft vibes ... whatever makes you comfy!
21 🤍 MIDNIGHT darkness and secrecy .. spooky witchy vibes .. the tranquility of a forest at night .. the fun of a late-night party .. there's lots of ways you can take this!
22 🤍 POWER what does this word make you think about? superpowers? control and oppression? literal electrical power? something else?
23 🤍 CHILL chill as in calm? or chill as in cold? who knows .. it's up to YOU!
24 ⭐ LOUD try to draw something that feels LOUD! BRASH! IN YOUR FACE! how can you convey sound through art?
this week is just for enjoying yourself! take it easy and have fun! also .. another reminder! there are skippable prompts! if you're tired and struggling to get to the finish line, please don't hesitate to skip a day!!! or multiple days!! as many as you need!!!
25 🤍 TRY A NEW ART STYLE copy the art style of a show you like, ask a friend if you can try their style, draw the eyes a new way, develop a totally new style on the spot... whatever you want!
26 🤍 DRAW WITH YOUR NON-DOMINANT HAND righties, draw with your left! lefties, draw with your right! ambidextrous nation ... our time to show off!
27 ⭐ DRAW WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED don't peek! try to draw something without looking! if you really want, you can colour it with your eyes open after you draw the lines/sketch with your eyes closed... but please try not to cheat with the actual drawing part!
28 🤍 RE-DRAW SOMETHING OLD find some old artwork you like, or something you feel like you can do better on now, and give it another go!
29 🤍 RE-DRAW A MEME find a silly picture on the internet to redraw .. do you have any in-jokes with your besties?
30 🤍 DRAW A GIFT FOR A FRIEND create something for someone you love <3
31 ⭐ FREE CHOICE final day! you can draw anything you want today! show off your skills! draw something you've been meaning to draw! whatever!
please refrain from reblogging this post after march ends - next year's prompts will be different, thank you! if you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to shoot me an ask!
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muchanmocha · 16 days ago
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Wiege Frame by Frame Pt 2
Breakdown of what's happening in each shot and pointing out some small details
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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Mizi and co. running joyfully through Anakt Garden.
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Mizi and Sua try on each other's stage outfits. Mizi hasn't dyed her hair yet. None of them have received their name brands yet.
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Till receives his stage outfit during confinement. He decides to jazz it up. Freddie has already been gifted to Till.
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Ivan eating in the dining hall with Marty seated across from him. They're not yet opponents in a life or death match.
Marty isn't wearing a collar.
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Luka and Hyuna in the graveyard in the middle of the night. Hyun Woo's ashes rain down on them.
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Luka snuggles up to a distraught Hyuna, seemingly at peace no matter what happens as long as she's there. He seems ignorant to her pain.
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A child's drawing. Presumably drawn by Luka — Hyuna and Hyun Woo are the only ones with faces, and Luka stands between them holding both of their hands. The other children are blonde, perhaps reflecting a wish for Luka's clones to be here in "paradise" too. There's a beetle flying above the singing children.
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Memories of Hyuna and Hyun Woo. Probably Luka pov as the camera is looking up from below.
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A gaunt caretaker and children in the sewers. Scenes of people still living no matter the world and conditions they live in.
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They are still able to connect and find joy in one another.
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Mizi and Sua discussing a song.
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Till playing the xylophone he was gifted for his birthday. Ivan looks at Till.
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Mizi drew jellyfish on her music sheets.
Everyone practicing the song together. A bright, peaceful, harmonious scene.
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Mizi on stage at the end of Round 1.
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Hyuna finding joy and laughter in life again. But still wearing sunglasses — she's still running away from her past.
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Interestingly parallels an existing artwork of Hyuna and Luka.
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Luka with Hyun Woo and the beetle he caught. Takes place after 'On the stage' comic.
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Real trees, signaling that the sequence that follows takes place on Earth.
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Sua as a normal girl with her friends, wearing a school uniform and earrings.
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The cat ears and glitter on Mizi's face shows that this scene probably takes place during a school festival. Mizi has 2 piercings on her right ear, the top one matches Sua's.
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Till drawing in an art studio/classroom, freely pursuing his interests in this world.
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Ivan received a love letter.
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Hyun Woo growing up as a normal boy.
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Snapshot of small toy mascots with food at a cafe. (Notably all sweets. Sugar is in abundance here and used to craft beautiful desserts, in contrast to the rationed gelatin in Anakt Garden.)
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Hyuna and Luka wearing couples rings on their right hands.
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What could have been in another world.
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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themoonweaversden · 7 months ago
Messeges that were found so far: STAN / STANLEY PINES / STAN PINES / STANLEY (spoilers)
This is just to collect all the codes that you can type in in thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com and their effects only (please click images for better quality)
Masterpost with all messeges / codes
You have to keep spamming it to get all of these links
Eventually you'll get this:
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If you click EX-WIVES
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Old Goldie Vegas wedding to a cursed gold-toothed antique.
Marilyn Fakenamé Vegas wedding to a cursed gold-toothed antique.
Brenda Chuggins Shack attraction for having "World's Biggest Thumb." (Carny Tip: Never date your own freaks. She used that thumb to hitch-hike off with Johnny Snakes 3 days later)
Sandra Sweetmeadow A kind beautiful Amish girl eho made Stan choose between her and his "sinful gold chains." He chose the chains.
Someone named "Burline" Stan has no idea who she is, but he found her wedding ring in the Shack Lost & Found, put it on, and it got stuck forever. Physically binding. Might be legally binding!
His childhood poster of "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" (8 year old Stanley drew a ring on the poster and made Sixer witness.)
Natalia Annika Ömanövv Totally un-suspicious turist from a country that no longer legally exists. She took Stanley's creedit card and social security number while he was sleeping and still "checks in on him" via hidden cameras. Ah, love!"
If you click FEARS
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The IRS Finding Out
Soos being the one to find Stan dead and taxidermying his body. (Soos would consider this an honor)
The cops calling Stan's fingertips "unusually little."
Betting Dipper in a poker game (and losing.)
Word getting out about Stan's little fingertips, people discovering that they're littler than Ford's.
Stan being dubbed "Baby-Fingers Pines" by the media and having to look into black market finger enlarging."
If you click SECRET SHAMES
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The time Wendy beat Stan in arm wrestling. 3 times in a row. She never has to work overtime as long as she never tells a soul.
The fact that no one came to his fake funeral except his mom and an IRS agent who whispered to the coffin "this isn't over."
The quick cash Stan made in 1975 posing for a "Hunky Drifters Catalogue" that wasn't as tasteful and classy as the job listing made it sound.
Was the baby mascot for the "Fussy Boy" Brand diaper rash commercials. (Claims that was Ford.)
Writing His Duchess Approves erotic fan-novel: "The Duke's Temptations at Oglebottom Estate.""
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The time Stan hit Toby Determined with his car and just... kept driving.
Illegally breeding wolves to create a "super wolf." You should hear this thing howl.
Pretending to be a veteran to get a discount on PEZ, then having to invent an entire fake war in a fake country to keep the ruse going. Stan still has a "Remember Operation Enduring Excuse" bumper sticker, and regularly updates the Wikipedia page for the "People's Grepublic of Grunklestan."
Shooting out the tires of the Mythbusters Van after they axposing him for "looking kinda doughy" on tape.
Selling his heart medication to Children claiming it was "metal-flavored candy!"
Accidentally inhaling too much taxidermy glue, black out, and waking up to discover that he had somehow managed to rob himself. Still tracking down the lost boot buried by his arch-rival "Glue Stan""
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The "Wishy Washy!" - A washing machine that somehow makes your clothes dirtier.
The "Counter Fit!" - A rubber band you attach to your kitchen counter to exercise while doing dished. INJURY TOLL: 27
"Welcome to Gravity Town!" - A cartoon show pitch which was unanimously rejected by every network for "blatant Illuminati references."
"Flavored Lottery Tickets!" - Turns out that the kind of people who think they can win the lottery are the kind of people who ignore "do not swallow" instructions. LAWSUIT TOLL: 48
"THE SAD SHACK" - A burlap bag to cover your head so no one can see you rendomly crying during the day. Cheaper than therapy!
A soda called the "Drippy Stanley!" INGREDIENTS: Pine Sol, wood glue, & expired sun tan lotion. Soos tested it and now he can't remember the year 2000."
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That time he somehow got an F- on a history test, which teachers thought was mathematically impossible. Filbrick made him stand on the lawn for two days holding a sign that said "Estra Stan, 3 dollars or better offer."
When "1998's Best Tourist Traps in Oregon" listed the "Mystery Shack" as #99 below "The world's bigest fence" and "the dog that might be thinking human thoughts."
His birthday the year before he met Dipper & Mabel. No one came to "Mr Mystery's Mystery-Age Party & Used Wolf Pet Sale" He'd spent hours writing comedy roasts of employees who never came, burned off one of his eyebrows attempting to make a cake, and drank the night away skeet shooting Sixer's old Beethoven Records.
The day after he met the twins, he overheard them debating whether they should escape out the window and report him to the FBI. Mabel shook a Magic 8-Ball and tey stayed.
Stripping for edible flour in Tijuana Please don't make me elaborate."
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Pin all my crimes on Soos"
If you click HOW HE BEAT ME (You have to keep spamming)
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"HOW STAN BEAT ME LOOK the gambler got a lucky break, alright? A lifelong LOSER was due for ONE freak royal flush! What does it mean? NOTHING! LESS THAN NOTHING! NOT WORTH EVEN THINKING ABOUT!"
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"HOW STAN BEAT ME WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY? That a guy who once tried to EAT THE DECORATIVE POTPURRI out of the bowl in the bank OUTSMARTED ME?! PLEASE! Goofus was just following Gallant's LEAD! It was SIXER'S PLAN, PTSD BARNUM is just a side character, a resume-inflating, cheap trick loving, past-denying overgrown child protected from failure only by a force field of DENIAL AND shamelessness! Sixer ate Stanley's potential in the womb, and the only thing interesting that ever happened to him started when I entered HIS head! END OF STORY! PERIOD. And I have NOTHING MORE TO SAY ABOUT IT!!!!"
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"HOW STAN BEAT ME AND ANOTHER THING! Ever since that pathetic excuse for a 5-sensed three Dimensional one lifespanned skin-puppet was barfed into the universe, he was nothing but a carbon copy of a better genetic duplicate, and he knew it! A trillion years from now when I've broken out of this place nd taken over, he'll be remembered as the special bump under the cement truck of my inevitable triumph asterisk next to an asterisk next to an asterisk next to an asterisk who would be a joke if he was capable of understanding comedy whehich he OBVIOUSLY isn't, I mean, have you heard the hacky matreials he does on his tours, I've been inside his dreams, he WORKSHOPS that material, he PAVES over it, and the best he can do are some puns that would make a third grader cringe and vaudeville that were hack before they were even invented! Its an insult that showed to wear a suit and tie, he should be in a BARREL with SUSPENDERS!
Transcript for this image in specific taken from this Google doc
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"DO Y Ou even fAThoM ho W muCH pAIN IM"
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"sOMeTIMES when i CLOSE my eyE i caN"
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"I cAN STiLL sEe (encoded in alchemic sipher, author's cipher, theraprism and color cipher (in that order))"
Decoded messege: "The eyes of everyone I've ever"
(last three images)
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modelbus · 2 years ago
Heyy! Could you do Wilbur x artist!reader dating hcs because a musician and an artist? I feel like Y/N like Wilbur makes so much art of him to the point she actually probably made one of their lovejoy posters!! And Wil would teach Y/N guitar and Y/N teach Wil how to draw and its so SDHDSGJ
I'm an artist and I think this would be cute! Hope you can answer this ask <3
- 🍄anon :D
I’m not an artist myself, but my two artist friends came in clutch here!
Pairing: Cc!Wilbur x Gn!Artist!Reader
Adored Artist
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Idle drawings of Wilbur completely fill your sketchbook. Him playing guitar. Him sitting there. A specific doodle of him with a large forehead— for the joke.
The two of you tend to sit together without talking. You drawing, him creating Melodies and lyrics.
Getting showered in compliments.
He talked about decorating his guitar once, and you drew nothing but guitar designs for the next week.
His callouses and your graphite-stains are jokingly called “battle wounds” together.
When Wilbur buys you art supplies as gifts, he is painfully meticulous in making sure the supplies are good and ones you like.
Him peering over your shoulder to see what you’re working on, always delighted when it’s something related to him. Whether that be a simple guitar sketch for practice, or actually him.
And 100% yes he’d be yoinking your drawings to use for Lovejoy or merch reasons.
“Hey Love, remember that drawing you did the other night?” He asked, leaning against the couch where you’re curled up with a sketch pad. “You’re gonna have to be more specific than that, Wil.” You had laughed, finishing part of the sketch and looking up at him. He laughs too, leaning down to kiss you. “The one with the Lovejoy mascots. And our skull.” He had elaborated for you. Your eyes had lit up, flipping to the page for him. “Yes! That one. I was thinking, maybe it’d be cool to use as a design for merch?”
You couldn’t believe it, that he actually wanted to use your drawings. But, when you realized he was serious, you jumped at the chance.
(He insisted on paying you for it, too, even though you assured him you were perfectly happy giving him the designs. For two weeks you played a game where you passed the money back and forth until you gave up and just accepted it)
He doesn’t shut up about you or your talents ever. Met someone new? He’s pulling out his phone to share your art. Saw someone online talking about art? He’s tagging you to say you’re the best artist ever.
Teaching each other <333
Wilbur had made a small comment, and you jumped on it.
”I wish I could draw like that. You’re so talented, you’re incredible.” “I can teach you.” “What?”
Did not go well at all.
“Imagine that the light is here, okay? So you have to shade where shadows would be, making it darker there.” You explained patiently, gently tapping the areas you’re talking about.
“Shadows. Darker. Shading.” Wilbur repeated, looking up at you. You were leaning on him, your head on his shoulder to see his drawing. A very… admirable attempt at you.
“Go for it.” You encouraged, and he blinked.
“…Were you listening?”
“Of course I was, love.” But the way he had leaned in to kiss you—to distract you—certainly said otherwise.
Since you “made” him draw, he convinced you to learn how to play guitar.
You protested (secretly loving the idea of learning from him) but in the end he got you to agree.
Sitting on his lap, his arms wrapped around you to help you form the chord shapes. It’s cozy, and you’re absolutely failing.
“This is a G—“ “My fingers don’t do that, Wil!”
In the end, it turns into him playing a song for you. But only after you manage to make that G chord, finger pain be damned.
He loves putting up your art on the walls. Taped.
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Aita for "yelling" at my teenage sister for putting earrings through the ears of my childhood stuffed animal?
🤬🐘 <- cause that was me holding them when I found out lmao
So I (22 two spirit, I was 20 when this happened) have had Ellie (Ive used He/she/they for Ellie my whole life, they never had a set gender), a stuffed realtively realistic elephant, since I was at least 3 years old. He was a plush of big Al, the elephant mascot for crimson Tide of the university of Alabama. (Roll tide?) that my dad owned but eventually it was cuddled by 3 yr old me and dragged to my room and out of his man cave (which I don't know why he had a big al plush, we're from Ohio) never to return. I think she had a jersey or hat or something at some point but she doesn't now. Considering just how cuddled Ellie was, it's a miracle how good her condition is. No rips, tears, bald patches or holes beyond the plasticy coating on one of his tusks ripping off in a few places. I wasn't super violent with my toys and never drew on them or ripped them up. The most I did was put hair ties around her ears so they'd look like pigtails.
I've had Ellie a very very long time obviously and he means a lot to me. I very rarely cuddle him now because I want him to stay in that good condition. Well, when I was 19, I moved to Maryland to be with my partner and Ellie went with me obviously. 3 or 4 times a year, me and my partner make the trip to Ohio to visit my family, about 8 hrs away. I bring Ellie because she comforts me when we're there (Alot of traumatic memories are wrapped up in childhood home). Well, one time Ellie got left behind and I was devastated. It was gonna be at least 3 months till I went back and even though my mom offered to send ellie through the mail, i was not willing to take the chance that ellie could get lost forever in said mail so i waited.
Here's the part where I mention I have a younger sister who was 14 at the time. we have a good, if not distant relationship that is a much better place now. Here's where the problem occurred. I returned home after about 3 months after accidentally leaving ellie and immediately wanted to find him once I arrived. My mom told me my sister had been watching them while I was away so I went to her room. My sister then excitedly held up Ellie to me... Ellie's big ears were absolutely littered with my sister's (real) earrings. There had to of been at least 150 piercings in her ears, if not 200. I held myself together as best I could and very sternly told her I was pissed she'd do that, she knew how much Ellie meant to me and she should never treat other people's things that way.
I make a very strong point to never insult, scream or yell or not explain why I'm angry at someone. If I get so angry I can't handle my composure, I leave and gather myself then come back. I never insulted my sister or raised my voice but I definitely hammered how disrespectful and destructive this was to something that wasn't hers as I took out her earrings one by one. My childhood stuffie did not deserve to be turned into Swiss cheese and used as an earring display. If I had done anything like that to her stuffed giraffe, her stuffie, she'd have a cow. Once they were all out I took Ellie and went to my room. Luckily, they were normal sized earrings so the holes were very small and I can't see them if I don't look for them but it felt so disrespectful.
My sister apologized pretty quickly but my mom said I didn't have to yell at her (I never raised my voice but I was clearly hiding an angry one trying to explain to her) nor should I have said it 5 times in the moment (shes exaggerating). I'll admit I repeat myself twice or thrice in the moment as a way to keep myself from raising my voice or stewing in it if I feel like i haven't properly expressed my anger or I feel like the person wasn't listening. Everything is cool now and we dont really talk about it (it's not taboo or too painful to touch, it just doesn't come up) but I wonder if I over reacted considering the holes are tiny, not super visible and I don't think my sister did it to spite me or hurt Ellie, she was just young and dumb and didn't think about how it could mess up Ellie. Should I have held my tounge since shes my sister? She was only 14 but I feel like you should know earrings can cause damage to fabric when you're 14, there's no way she didn't know that wouldn't leave tiny holes in Ellie. I just think she didn't think of them as a big deal.
What are these acronyms?
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chococricket · 5 months ago
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Soft Garten #3
In this round of Soft AU, I drew the Janitor again, without his mask this time. He does wear it since the whole kindergarten has a thin layer of dust over most surfaces.
Other than cleaning, his activities consist of teaching the mascots (?) how to behave around children and parents, trying to mediate peace between different creatures and showing them the joys of affection.
If someone has played the game more than I did (which is not hard, seeing how I didn't play it at all), they probably know which chapter I watched before making this page. Here appear the first sketches of Bittergiggles, Queen Bouncelia (who's name I have to look up each time for spelling) and Kittysaurus, who should be much more fluffy, really.
As the last one is a mix of a raptor and a cat, the aggression might also come from the lack of stimulation. Although the Kittysaurus is a bit big to be safely around children, they can interact with it in the presence of a handler or a teacher.
Bittergiggles could definitely use some more props than just the Sneaky Snake. Sometimes the easiest gags are the funniest ones! The arrow had to be very obviously fake, for safety reasons. The tiny paper hat would probably be taught to them by the children. The crown for a classic "court jester" routine and so on.
For the portrait, I just thought it would be a typical thing for a Queen to have. Made to immortalize her first day as the Ruler of the Underground. Also to try and get the front snoot perspective correctly.
+1 Banban meme of that one cat with the knife
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markov--chains · 3 months ago
Kasane Teto headcanon masterpost [remake]
[ don't tag as kin/me/etc.]
Gen lore post for my teto design you see on my profile sometimes!! Figured it was a good time as ever to remake this since the original post has some very dated cringe old info that is still up via reblogs so I think it'd be better if i remade the whole thing LOL. Created in late 2020 when I drew teto with more beastly chimera features and this specific design stuck with me!! I've accumulated a decent amount of xenobiology headcanons related to her specific species of chimera since then. behold my little beastie. Funfact she kinda behaves like a sona/mascot therefore she ages with me!! So at the time of writing this post, she's in her early 20s.
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Teto is a species of humanoid chimera with moderate shapeshifting abilities. She's able to appear anywhere between her full chimera form (above) and a fully human form! Shapeshifting was a learned ability in monsters as both a mechanic to better hunt, and also a way to blend in with human civilizations as they progressed.
Teto and most chimera commonly shift to hide their wings to aid in stealth while hunting/stalking prey, and just for general ease of access. which is why drawing her with wings is optional!! I didn't wanna draw her huge wings every time cause thats a pain. Chimera have very large wingspans, so as a result they can sometimes struggle with taking off from the ground, often needing to fly from a jumping point. They're also capable of breathing fire, but only in small spurts, so it's more just used as an intimidation display than for actual attacking purposes.
Chimera are (obviously) fully sapient predator species like humans, but unlike humans, are obligate carnivores! Teto however, ignores this and loves eating non-meat human food and then complains that her stomach hurts all the time. Chimera are also much more in touch with their species's instincts than their human lookalikes, and human behavior is a learned trait. They can purr, hiss, growl, and roar to an extent, though it's more like the kind of roar you'd hear from a mountain lion or bobcat than a tiger. Chimera are also very long-lived, having a lifespan of 100-120 years, with records of lifespans even going all the way to 150! There are two types of chimera, venomous and nonvenomous, and they're physically identical except for their tails. Venomous chimera are a sub-species and are basically genetically identical save for their serpent tails, while nonvenomous ones will have harmless forked tails like Teto. Chimera venom is highly dangerous to humans and small animals, but a human can survive a bite if they seek medical attention within an hour of being bitten. All chimera are immune to their snake tail venom though, even the nonvenomous ones, though a bite will still cause some dizziness and shortness of breath for a short while. If one parent is a venomous chimera and the other not, their child has a 50/50 chance of being either.
The snake tails on venomous chimera are not alive beings, but are rather very intricate natural mimicry used to warn other animals to steer clear of the tail.
I also have designs for other members of Teto's family who I don't draw as often, Ted and Tei! Tei is Teto's cousin in this specific setting, and since I've gotten some questions about this in the past, Tei is not an albino chimera! She's just got white hair and pink eyes, but those aren't a result of albinism. She's teto's white trash cousin
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^ last two are photos from my abandoned askblog i will revive eventually i swear to god. lmao. anyway thats about it!! This post will get added onto as I tweak general lore/biology stuff.
I just ask that people not use these designs in their own personal works, especially teto since she's practically like a sona at this point, but people are welcome to draw them if they like!! please tag me i love to see :3
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whencartoonsruletheworld · 1 year ago
I’ve been out of the loop for batim/batdr for so long how did it change the lore?
none of the ink creatures are sacrificed staff members forced into a fate worse than death anymore. they're just ink creatures in a parallel dimension that joey drew made bc he was feeling pissy
in addition, it's not the real henry in there. joey was mad at henry so he made a fake henry just to torture him over and over
then allison was his Friend and so he decided to add her to the torture labyrinth to make things easier on fake henry. didnt stop the torture labyrinth tho
then he made himself a daughter out of ink and he wasn't the big evil corporate boss at all he was the Awesome Dad who encourages audrey to use her imagination and hope and shit. entire second game just forgot that he was supposed to be the villain
also in a very fanservicey way, bendy now can turn into his cute lil demon form and be audrey's little brother
a lot of people like it but it really really felt like fanservice above story to me. mascot horror isn't always like, good horror, but the first bendy really WAS. it had a great aesthetic, great designs, and was really effective in the implications of being sacrificed to an "and i must scream" demonic existence by one man's pride and lack of care (ie: capitalism) and the second game was just like "actually joey drew was a good guy the whole time and the real bad guy is this Random Obviously Evil Employee over in the corner and audrey's fixing the torture labyrinth so there's a little less torture <3"
i did like the idea of color animation being an anti-bendy threat but they literally did fuckall with that, just had the new bad guy like... mention it?? and then do nothing with it.
i feel like part of it also might have been that "trying to outsmart the fandom" thing. a popular theory, at least in my circles, was that henry was a bendy creature– the sacrificed staff had to be "perfect" for the role (IE: the two alice angels) and the first bendy was made without souls and that's why it was fucked up, and then joey realized the perfect bendy was his creator so he yeeted henry in, and that's why we never see our own hands or reflection + respawn in ink + sammy lawrence tries to sacrifice us immediately. god how fucking cool would it have been to, like, hear henry over loudspeakers trying to help us, and then we walk into the room he's in and just see BENDY.
but yeah no bendy's just a cute lil guy in the corner who can sometimes hulk into the ink monster bc... that was a thing in fanfics? joey drew is a good guy and good dad and the real enemy is the exploited worker. FUCK the original game's really good horror and atmosphere amiright
anyway i get why people like it i guess but hhh it really doesn't land for me. honestly im just pretending the first game is the only canon it was way more interesting
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martinsaenz96us · 4 months ago
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R.I.P. LittleBigPlanet
It's been a really sad year for "LittleBigPlanet". First the servers for LBP3 PS4 just shut down (servers for previous entries are also shut down), and not only the digital copy of LBP3 PS4 (digital copies of previous entries have already been delisted), but all the DLCs that's ever been released from LBP1 to LBP3 are being delisted from the PSN store. It really sucks that this once beloved franchise is being butchered to death in favor of bland realistic graphics cinematic games, live service games and catering to the so-called "Modern Audience" (*cough*cough "Concord" *cough*cough*). It's just not right how this franchise has been treated lately. The last game in the franchise "LittleBigPlanet 3" has been released about 10 years ago at this point. All the franchise has going for it now is just a spin-off named "Sackboy: A Big Adventure" released back in 2020, which is nothing like LBP (it's basically "Super Mario 3D World" but LBP themed). Sackboy, a worthy mascot for the "Playstation" brand in the PS3 Era is now gonna be known as Sackboy from "Sackboy: A Big Adventure" (a spin-off mind you) instead of Sackboy from "LittleBigPlanet" (where he's originated from). Sackboy has always been in a special place in my heart growing up, I even used to draw him (besides Sonic) in my journal a lot during high school. Back in junior high I was in special needs because of my autism (I even rode the bus and took field trips with special needs kids). I played a lot of video games and I was also a bad boy (I used to get in trouble a lot by giggling and misbehaving during class). My homeroom teacher had a Wii with "Wii Sports Resort" (great game) and even my all time favorite "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" (better than Melee, change my mind). He would let us play when we were done with our assignments (we even got to stay after school to play and eat pizza in homeroom if we had good behavior). I never knew about LBP at the time and if you've been following me through the years, you know that I've been a big fan of "Sonic the Hedgehog" ever since kindergarten. So when I first heard LBP featured Sonic the Hedgehog costumes as DLC, I immediately wanted to buy the game for that sole reason (the same way I first got into Smash starting with Brawl). I was also into games that would let you create your own character or levels, that factor also drew me closer to wanting LBP and even "ModNation Racers" (rest in peace) too at the time. But I had a PSP instead, I got both LBP both and ModNation on it and I was a bit disappointed. LBP on PSP was my least favorite version, it felt so limited customizing Sackboy (not being able to place stickers on him too was a drawback for me), or customizing in general (ModNation on PSP is in the same bane too). Once I beat it 100% I wanted to start creating a level, and oh boy it all went downhill from there. The options were limited, the game kept crashing at any given time while creating. So needless to say I did not like LBP on PSP at all, and all it did is made me want a PS3 even more that I kept begging my mom to buy one for me. Around maybe my 8th grade year, I finally got a PS3 (I think it was a birthday gift, I can't remember). I became so happy that I immediately bought LBP at "GameStop" (I also bought both LBP2 and ModNation Racers at the same time). Upon booting LBP for the first time I immediately got so hooked. I wanted to beat it 100% but the only drawback was that I only had 1 controller, and there's sections in the game that require 2 to 4 players to get the prize bubbles. I felt kinda let down since I wasn't able to obtain those prize bubbles without multiple controllers, but I some how managed to get through a handful of 2 player sections using only 1 controller (like the "Construction Site"), which took dedication and dying a lot. I was so proud of myself for accomplishing sections that were only meant to be played with 2 people. The other 2 player sections however I wasn't so lucky, so I begged my mom to buy me more controllers, I didn't tell her why thinking she wouldn't agree with me. Then after beating LBP 100% I became obsessed with making costumes for Sackboy and showing them off while playing online, even in LBP2 I did the same thing. LBP2 is easily the best in the whole franchise. During the release of LBP2, the franchise hit it's all-time peak (I got a PS3 soon after the release of LBP2). LBP2 has also the best story mode. They were difficult at times (mostly ACEING all the levels, even in LBP1 it was difficult), but I still had a blast playing through it all. I also 100% the story mode and went on to complete all the level kit DLCs (which I did eventually). Fun Fact: At the time of LBP2's peak, "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" was also at it's all time peak (on the internet of all places). So while playing LBP2 I saw a bunch of levels related to MLP I got so annoyed by it. I played one of the levels I came across just for the sake of it, then I became intrigued and wanted to see what the whole fuss was about at the time. So one day I turned my TV to "The Hub" (R.I.P.) and the first episode I've ever watched was "Party of One" (you know, the one that featured Pinkamena who spawned a bunch of creepypastas). After watching the episode, I instantly fell in love with the show. The characters, the art style, everything about the show was so appealing to me. I've always been really really shy IRL, but then "Fluttershy" caught my eye since she's the one I can relate to, so she became my all time favorite pony to this day. I loved MLP so much I even drew ponies in my journals during my freshman year in high school (I was the quiet kid). And that is how I became a Brony. So back on-topic. I made so many memories with this game in particular that I will cherish forever. The community levels was a big step up from it's predecessor. Even when playing community levels online with random people made it so worth while (back when online play was FREE). All in all, LBP2 has become one of my most favorite games of all time. I loved the enjoyment of coming home from school to hop on straight into LBP2 (and also ModNation Racers) to play online with other people. Even one of my cousins enjoyed playing it, and would play together every time he'd come over. During my freshman year in high school, I heard about the PS VITA and I instantly wanted to buy it because LBP was on it. So eventually I got it with LBP (and because I love handheld gaming minus mobile gaming). I played it non stop, even between switching classes I would walk while playing. LBP on PS VITA was also great (not as good as LBP2, but way better than LBP PSP). I really liked it, and with the use of the touch screen and the back trackpad. The story mode was good, I liked how it had a slightly darker tone to it, compared to the previous entries. The characters were wacky and interesting (and some ugly tbh). And just like the previous entries, I 100% it all the way through. Online play was pretty cool too (but very laggy at times) and community levels were kinda good but a bit disappointing (not LBP2 good but it's passable). I also had fun making costumes everywhere I went (I even uploaded some on my DA page). LBP Karting however was OK (not up to LBP2 standards). I played through the story mode and 100% it too. The community levels were actually pretty interesting, there were even remakes of "Mario Kart" tracks that were spot on (but no custom music like LBP2). My biggest complaint however was the inability of customizing costumes like the previous entries (just changing outfits and placing stickers on doesn't cut it either), even the kart creation was barebones. Overall, the game just feels like a blatant rip-off of "ModNation Racers" (despite being made by the same developer "United Front Games" R.I.P.), which had better character and kart customization and you can even download custom made ones by other people and upload your own. LBP Karting does have better track customization however, but that's not saying much. And adding insult to injury, the fact that a full blown "ModNation Racers Sequel" got canceled in favor of LBP Karting is just a big punch in the face from Sony. A ModNation Racers sequel would've been miles better (pun intended) than LBP Karting in my honest opinion. Around probably Junior year, I got a PS4 with "LittleBigPlanet 3". From what I heard however it's been called the worst in the franchise, since the game was rushed to meet sales for Black Friday. So as a result, the game released with many bugs and glitches turning alot of people off from the game altogether (So I guess it's the "Sonic 06" of the LBP franchise). I bought it around maybe a month or 2 after it's release, and from what I played I really haven't experienced any bugs or glitches. In fact I really liked it, it felt more fleshed out and about as good as LBP2. Basically it's LBP2 but more expanded with new playable characters and creative additions such as expanded layers, new gadgets etc. I also liked how you had the ability to play every community levels ever made in both LBP1 & 2. I actually did play LBP3 on my PS3 first, but I then gave away my PS3 to my cousin to buy a PS4 (which I regret doing). What turned me off however wasn't the game itself, it was the fact Sony was charging for online pay (which killed online play for me) despite the fact it used to be free. At the time it costed $60 just for one year of online play, I could buy a full price game from retail then play & keep it for as long as I want. Paying for playing online is just a scam altogether. I did pay for one year just to play LBP3 online, then never payed again because what was the point. I did however registered my cousin's account to my PS4 to play online, so I played LBP3 online again then lost interest since the damage has already been done. Now I can't play it online anymore if I ever wanted to since the online servers recently got shutdown, and yet they still expect us to pay monthly/yearly for this (I did recently hear that Sony not only increased the price but added 3 tiers to pay for. The most expensive tier however is $120 a year, if that doesn't sound like a scam then I don't know what does). And recently I got myself a "Steam Deck" as a personal birthday gift about 2 years ago. Best decision I have ever made, and I would go as far as saying it's way better than the "PS5" (millions of games to play, it's a handheld, it's fully backwards compatible with everything via emulation, and best of all free online play). Lately I've been replaying LBP1 (and ModNation Racers) on a PS3 emulator and immediately fell in love with LBP all over again (although it's not perfect running on the Steam Deck with minor graphical issues and crashing every now and then). I've enjoyed every minute of it just like how I was when I first started played it back then, and now with a custom server is giving me the ability re-live those moments playing community levels and playing online without spending a single penny. Thank you "Media Molecule" for giving us a gem that will forever be in our hearts. Your love and passion that you created has brought joy to all of us around the world and will forever cherish the moments we spent playing your game. And lastly, thank you for giving us the power of playing, creating, and sharing our creations with the world. Rest in peace "LittleBigPlanet", you maybe gone now but will not be forgotten. Here's hoping for "LittleBigPlanet 4" in the near future (if Sony is willing to, and getting their act together) .
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almightyhamslice · 8 months ago
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Opila Bird's chicks! I redesigned them so now each one has a unique appearance. They don't have wall art depictions because they weren't planned, they just kind of happened. Opila and Tarta made them of their own accord but it wasn't seen as something strange or scary, it was treated like when baby animals are born at a zoo. Banban's resort RLLY capitalized on it LOL. Would you buy a plushie of them if they were real?
They're all roughly the same age, but I like to think Birthday Bird acts like the oldest sibling and Little Beak (originally named Shortcake) is treated as the youngest due to her small stature. Icecream Cake and Cupcake don't have apparent genders cuz I rlly couldn't decide when I redesigned them, I just knew I wanted at least one of the pink chicks to be a boy (hence Birthday Bird's roosterlike appearance).
As indicated by his name, Birthday Bird was often taken from his flock and presented to children on their birthdays. He was pretty well behaved and the most friendly towards humans, and was more familiar with the other mascots than his siblings were. He probably liked Banban! He was very well fed-- kids would often give him crumbs of cake if they didn't eat all of it. Of course, Banban would get jealous if they didn't give him a slice too.
Cupcake was born without a beak and wears a bucket over their head to cover it up. I'm not sure if it hurts, but it is definitely hard for them to eat. I imagine they had a specific caretaker that'd feed them by hand every day when the resort was open. After it was abandoned I imagine the chicks slowly got sicker and sicker due to the lack of food, which Cupcake would've suffered the worst from.
I attempted to vary the chicks' genetics a bit, so none of them look exactly like either parent-- They're generally not very Tarta-esque (I assume Tarta was not planned until literally banban 3 & Devilfood's unique coloring was originally meant as a ref to Opila's unused color scheme "the haze") but I wanted Shortcake and Icecream Cake to be slightly more red to reflect Tarta's markings, and I drew Angelfood with blue feathers on her wings to reflect his main feather color. On the other side of the coin, I depicted Devilfood with yellow beak and feet because that's how he looks in Punchrush (which I think is off model since Tarta also has this inconsistency but it's unique anyways). Maybe I should've drawn Cupcake with red feet like Tarta's?
I named and designed these guys during a brief stay in a hospital (don't worry I'm ok now LOL) and I didn't have internet there, so I had to ask the staff and fellow patients for ideas on cake flavors instead of going with my initial plan of using different language words for cake (matching Tarta and Opila's names). So, the placeholders I used then totally stuck lol.
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crazylittlejester · 8 months ago
ive finally decided. each slugcat that goes with each member of the chain
now i originally panicked thinking "oh fuck theres only 9 and inv would horribly mischaracterize whoever i threw them with because theyre basically just known as the dating sim one what do i do" (for context the dating sim is a feature added once you finish inv's campaign as a joke) but then i remembered the watchers existence so everything is great
oh yeah i threw the chart of them with each slugcat and the color i associate each one with at the bottom, and the slugcats themselves !! :)
Four is Monk because I just think it fits, a silly little guy, so why not?? (i secretly didnt know who would fit him and monk seemed like the best choice)
Hyrule is Survivor because Survivor is the sort of the mascot of Rainworlds AND everyone is based on their design, which is kinda what I see Hyrule as!!
Twilight is Hunter because Hunter's campaign is fairly hard,, atleast for a newgen ☹️ i got killed by like every monster and that reminded me how when i started playing twilight princess i gave up on the top of the castle because the birds kept killing me.
Wild is Gourmand because Gourmand can mix food and it gives him an extra food pip, which sorta relates to how Wild can cook food and its more hearts than the ingredients mixed in it are
Legend is Artificer because both are more closed off due to trauma of losing people they love </3 they could never make me hate you Artificer (shes been one of my favs since last year (i drew ship art of her and hunter to annoy my friend once as a joke even if the two characters NEVER MET and then i became an artificer fan LMAO))
Wind is Rivulet because.. well ive already yapped to you about this but Rivulet and Wind are kinda.. both already water related in their stories but also both care about the people they love!! Rivulet considers the character Looks to the Moon as their mom and their campaign is basically just helping her and Wind saves his sister in Wind Waker :3
Sky is Spearmaster because Spearmaster has a special ability of holding two spears, which i just think is cool and i was like "huh sky was kinda the one who helped forge the master sword (correct me if im wrong LMAO)" but also comes with a downside because.. Spearmaster cannot eat normally. they have to use the spikes they form from their tail to drain the nutrients out of creatures ☹️
Time is Saint for ACTUALLY THE PERFECT REASON???? basically once you reach karma 10 (im not 100% sure what karma even is but its earned through playing the game) you become a god and have the ability to kill everything with one hit (compared to before where you couldnt even pick up a spear) but when you ascend and end the campaign you end up in the same place as before, restarting the cycle.
Warriors is *checks notes.* thats? not a released character yet thats an upcoming DLC- who cares hes The Watcher/Nightcat because they technically arent canon outside of arena yet and haha thats like battling. hyrule warriors is battling mainly. see it matches it matches it fits its fits,,!! (ignore how their picture is their marketable plushie they have no canon illustration outside of arena icon yet)
heh... the yapping.. its over 🔥 i spent like 20 minutes on this. :3
tumblr please dont snack on this i hid a knife in it itll hurt☹️!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i genuinely appreciate the amount of time you put into this dude, i may not really understand all of it but I’m absolutely fucking eating it up
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blazehedgehog · 6 months ago
Okay so you've apologized for choosing the wrong words over the SAGE 2024 showcase trailer, but doesn't that mean that somewhere inside you still think parts of what you said are true? You still came to those conclusions one way or another.
Yes and no.
I would like to open this saying I used to be known as a pretty harsh critic when I started writing about SAGE for TSSZ News. I hurt a lot of feelings but I always had a logic behind what I was saying. Ultimately I figured I was judging people by standards they didn't deserve, and I kind of softened my view.
By that I mean I was judging fangames against more professional standards, and then I realized these were just hobbyists having fun and didn't deserve to be raked over the coals like that. After all, a game you pay for and a game you download for free create two very different expectations.
So I'm going to single someone out here and I'm sorry in advance for doing this, but I saw Sonic Test Labs in the SAGE 2024 showcase video. They've removed Sonic and replaced it with an original character -- a furry wolf wearing jeans, I believe. (It's a rat)
Now, I'm not out here to insult somebody's OC or even their fursona. Something I've been trying to remind people in slamming on the brakes of all of this SAGE hot water over on Twitter is that I think anybody should make anything and be proud of that. I literally just put out a Shadow Generations video 2-3 months ago where I have a long montage of fanart I drew of my Sonic OC, as I talk at length about not running from your past and embracing who you used to be, even if it was cringe. I am not here to tell anyone to stop making things.
But, like, the 90's were full of "mascots with attitude" and really only one or two stuck around, and the most prominent example is Sonic the Hedgehog. Most of these furries were lucky to get a single sequel and then they disappeared off the face of the planet, some only resurfacing ironically.
Sonic the Hedgehog, just as a character design, is kind of a one-in-a-million shot. To be so simple and so iconic and so appealing to so many people... the epitome of lightning in a bottle.
And the indie game space is a very different place than it was when a lot of people were pitching Sabrina to ditch "Lilac the Hedgehog" and make Freedom Planet into an original game she could sell, you know?
So when I see Sonic Test Labs and it's got a new name, it's dropping the Sonic connection and it's starring a fursona it's like, good for you, all the power in the world to you, I hope you succeed, but also, at this point... is this going to be worth the change? I guess I'm not the developer of what is now "Wick3r: Tricks, Keys & Speed", so I can't answer that. They have a lot of talent, though, and Sonic Test Labs was a standout game for me last year, so we'll see.
I am coming at this from my own perspective as a game developer, and I've hit a pretty big streak of bad luck as of late, I feel. I have no more time for the sort of game development I really want to do and I haven't released anything meaningful in years. The last few things I did release, I'm not really proud of anymore.
Let's take OverBite. I genuinely wanted to make OverBite into a real game. I was making steps towards that. Then my whole life got turned upside down, I lost my motivation, and I got caught up in the Youtube game.
The further I get from OverBite, the more I see its flaws. It was a Game Jam game. Most of its levels were constructed in about five hours. I have a fat design document full of too many ideas for the final game that need to be re-thought, paired down and streamlined.
I can't do any of that. I have absolutely no faith that a current version of OverBite would sell anything even remotely meaningfully for me to be worth the time I'd put into expanding (or even outright rewriting) its code, polishing up its visuals, implementing new mechanics, new levels, bosses, etc. That means spending years effectively wasting time I could be spending on my Youtube channel, where my hard work is more directly rewarded.
And it kills me. It makes me want to cry. But there's a cold part of me that says, "Get over it. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't do everything. Pick a lane and build that up, you can't be so scattershot anymore."
But I have so many game ideas, and more keep piling up. And even if I tell myself I can't be so scattershot anymore, I still end up working on some of them anyway. Because my heart wants to make video games and my brain says it's not worth it anymore. The market is too crowded, the investment is too large, the gains are too small.
If I put my full weight behind my Youtube channel, I make thousands of dollars a year. Not even five figure numbers, but a non-trivial amount. For Overbite, I made just over a hundred bucks, and most of that was begging for people to help cover the Steam Greenlight fee.
Or, let's say, "Better Bubsy." That Bubsy joke game that stopped being ironic and started being earnest. I work on it for a few weeks every April for the last four or five years. It got to the point where some respected people I know were saying I should pitch it to whoever owned the Bubsy IP. Which at the time was UFO Entertainment. Eventually that changes hands when Atari buys the Bubsy IP from UFO, and the CEO of Atari is out there making an open call for indie devs to submit a Bubsy pitch. This is my chance. Better Bubsy could be a real thing!
I even speak to someone who works directly at Atari! I don't even have to drop it in their pitch inbox! It's getting personally sent up the chain!!!
Atari and Limited Run announce a Bubsy remaster pack where they are making their own "select improvements" to the old games. That is effectively confirmation that they did not care about what I was selling. More time wasted.
Forgive me if I'm not very warm to certain ideas right now and I have a cynical, bitter heart towards certain aspects of game development. I am personally in a very conflicted place right now, and it came out in the wrong ways towards people who did not deserve it.
(For those of you who don't know what this is about, this, this, and this twitter thread should clear things up.)
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return-of-a-space-cowboy · 8 months ago
🧚‍♀️ Anon
I had some more ideas for Darling’s Stand
Darling’s Stand is a total menace to others and herself (It has a separate conscience from Darling)
I can see it be a long distance Stand and if attacked Darling won’t get hurt
Darling’s stand can be called either ‘Mortician’ or ‘Misfit’ (It’s based off Bands known for their music being inspired by Old Horror Movies)
Darling’s Stand might have 2-3 forms the 1st one is based off the phone charm you mentioned (The texting and charm idea I thought was really cute), the 2nd Form is that that of a Landline Telephone (Like the one Casey Becker had in the first Scream Movie) that can communicate and speak with others (Even in different voices, but mainly uses a guys’ voice and gets very threatening if more rules get broken) that even non Stand Users can see it (She’s unaware of this because she doesn’t know what a Stand is or the fact she even has one until later)
And the final form is that of a Masked Killer/Attacker that takes form if you break all of rules Darling’s Stand placed (This Stand is an absolute menace) mainly because you pissed it off bad enough after breaking all the rules it placed (It gets angry if you break its 3 simple rules, said rules are always Horror Movie Rules)
Maybe depending on the rules and who they’re given to it affects not just person’s surroundings in simple ways (Like your car suddenly stops working or the phones don’t have a signal, like in the movies) but also individuals, like you become invulnerable to pain and can’t die for 1 to 24 hours? Or you suddenly have the worst luck ever and you constantly trip over your own feet even if you’re one of the best athletes ever
I’m not really good at Stands so this is the best I could think of, tell me what you think?
Josuke is the killer, I just think it would be cool for this Stand to be a Red Herring, like despite it being a menace it doesn’t wish harm on its User Darling (Especially because Darling understands the Rules it places) it just likes to mess with her (Like an annoying sibling that purposely messes with you but they actually do care about you)
Also, I’m really happy you like my ideas! I kinda went ham and maybe overboard with this so I wouldn’t be bothered if you wanted to change some stuff about this Stand around
Ok I've been thinking it. I think misfit would be great, especially with how it acts.
Yeah the act ideas great. I think the charm look would have chibi version of it's act 3 design (act 2 probably has a sticker with the same design and both 1 and two having a label with the stand name) others will just assume it's from some obscure mascot/merch line.
A quick mock up of act one I drew. (Not very good at stand designs but I tried)
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The third form would look a lot more like a traditional humanoid stand. With more of a grotesque appearance.
Act 1 is it's dormant form. Always around unless it switches forms. Only affecting the user.
Act 2 would appear as the landline phone and will appear randomly around a nearby area to the user. As long as you don't answer the phone you'll be fine. Pick it up though and it'll give it's rules and a time limit. The victim can not get rid of the phone til time is up or they die.
act 3 is it's enraged form. If all three rules are broken it attacks the victim itself. It doesn't do much to help the user besides preventing them from dying for a certain amount of time, still can feel the pain though.
This would be really detrimental to darling, especially with trying to maintain her normal life and avoiding any connection to her father.
Unfortunately that means any murders of people that came to close to knowing the truth or harmed darling are immediately assumed to be the stand and not a potential stalker.
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geonppangi · 2 years ago
now that we know that zb1 is getting a show, here are some variety content i want to see
one thing that i don’t really love about variety shows is sometimes they designate one member as the mc/judge because they have an odd number. which is fair! but also i like seeing everyone be able to participate, so i thought it’d be fun if they compete individually or in groups of 3 and then have an expert come in to moderate. so everyone can do it and it would be more educational for everyone too lmfao
also mnet if you’re reading this, feel free to steal these ideas. i want to see these happen so badly
art episode
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yes this is because i want to see ricky kill it like????
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but i’m also really curious to know how good the other members are at art
maybe like a the members draw each other?? and they can pair up the members who don’t know each other that well
or they can choose what medium they want to use and do like something that represents their upcoming debut like a collage or smth like that
i love mixed media can one of them pls do it
or!!!!! they can do a design contest for the fanclub mascot and we can all vote lmao
so like bts with bt21
would also be a really cute way to introduce the name like maybe the members find out at the beginning of the episode and then based on what they drew we can try to guess what our name is
the potential is endless i’m telling you
i could see them either inviting an actual artist in to help or just straight up letting them go wild
but ricky is their expert
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so i just found out after writing this whole thing that jiwoong is also good at art?? ^^his art
so if he and ricky are the new experts now
i think it’d be cool to see them collaborate on a piece and it would be very chill
while in the bg you just hear the members losing it
cooking/baking episode
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similar to the cake decorating they did during the finale
i’m also thinking like seventeen’s cooking segments?
we can do teams of 3
can be same format as when they were preparing for their performances on boys planet but instead of killing part, main vocalist, etc, it can be appetizer, entree, and dessert or something like that
to make it even more interesting, they can play a game to find out what ingredients they get or the secret ingredient that they have to work with
so either like the camping cooking segment or like the show mom vs chef where they get an unpopular ingredient and have to make it appetizing
OR no teams and everyone creates their own thing
and they invite a celebrity chef to come be their judge/mc
pls i need a gordon ramsay crossover
i want to see him and gyuvin interact like i cannot tell you why but yeah (also yes, gyuvin can speak english but idk how well)
halloween cosplay episode
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i might be biased because i am a cosplayer
but imagine a halloween themed episode where they have to make their own costumes
maybe they’re given like different fabrics or random clothes to work with
and they can figure out their own hair, makeup, and props too
i want at least one member to try sewing like i need to see it
they could invite special guests to come and teach them how to work with stuff like worbla or a sewing machine
and then at the end they have to model all of the costumes and film a dance practice in them because ofc they do
dorm content
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obviously we need some dorm vlogs!!
like if we could get an episode of the members balancing being idols and school for some of them
also a dorm moving in + bedroom decor episode
i’d love to see the members do challenges to win like a budget for their common space furniture
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and then an ikea vlog of them trying to get furniture in a certain amount of time maybe??
or it’s a scavenger hunt for money inside of ikea while they’re simultaneously looking for furniture
also cooking vlogs or maybe the members try to host a housewarming party
i’d literally cry if they plan a housewarming and then invite their friends from boys planet to come
please i just need to see dog union and junrae reunite
and imagine if we can get wumuti, seo won, woongki, and hwan hee
this is purely wish fulfillment but i want it so badly
and i want to see their skincare + morning routines
closet tour?? the boys shared their clothes so often on the show that it was hard to tell who wears what normally
pc decorating episode
could be an album unboxing episode
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and if the album itself has any sort of interactive element like how seventeen’s semicolon had the weaving kit then they could assemble that
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they can also get toploaders to decorate
it can be based on the pcs they pull because i have a strange desire to know what their pc luck is like
also i know this is sort of blasphemy but it is their album so ig they get a pass
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but imagine journaling but with the photobook and maybe stickers if they include any
in case you can’t tell, i want to see how artistic the boys are lmfao
amusement park episode
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we all knew this was coming
why are we surprised
hear me out, it’s a combo of an escape room and an amusement park
so like to escape the amusement park they need to collect clues which are scattered all around the park
some of the clues require them to go on the ride first
they can also be split up into teams of 3 maybe?? to see who can get out first
and the team that gets out last has to go on a ride that the other two teams pick
school episode
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i want yujin to be the teacher
and the rest of them are the students
and they all play some sort of character but like switched
watch sung hanbin and zhang hao switch
jiwoong and gyuvin
matthew and gunwook
this is purely because i need to see gunwook cringe while doing aegyo
gunwook our canadian oppa
tbh i think matthew can pull off the student president character
ooohhhh and he should debate too
and i saved the best for last
taerae and ricky switch, outfits and all
show and tell?? mini series
like i want each member to teach the other members a specialty of theirs
ig ricky’s was the art episode already so pretend that’s here
cafe episode
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yes this was inspired by my idea of hanbin teaching all of the members how to tut and waack
but i feel like that’s too easy, so how about having hanbin bring the group to his family’s cafe and they run it for a day LMAO
or maybe help run it…
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and hanbin’s mom can teach them (not hanbin bc cold injeolmi toast…)
i want gyuvin waiter like i cannot tell you why but
and taerae too bc the more i can see him smile the lighter my soul feels
and matthew waiter for the same reason ofc!!!
jiwoong making coffee, pls he has such barista vibes
hanbin on making hot desserts because i want him to redeem himself
and gunwook and yujin on decorating desserts because i also need them to redeem themselves for their cake
ricky on sodas and smoothies because his mocktail video was just too smooth like that’s what won me over
zhang hao on tea and tea lattes
idrk why but i feel like he’d be good on whisking matcha
like the violinist wrist yknow
strings ensemble episode
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also zhang hao teaching them how to play violin
he can also play piano and gunwook said that one of his goals was to learn how to play
so what if they make their own little strings ensemble with gunwook piano solo
you cannot tell me that gyuvin doesn’t give off double bass and taerae doesn’t give off cello energy
as a cellist, i’m claiming taerae
ricky would probably play violin, like it has very expensive vibes
and hanbin too because haobin violin lessons…can you see the vision
i think yujin and matthew would play viola. i don’t have any reasoning but ik some violists and they all have that energy
jiwoong gives me saxophone vibes 💀 but since we can’t have that, i’ll also give him the cello
it has a really warm and deep sound?? idk i feel like it suits him but maybe i’m going insane
wouldn’t it be so cute if they played an arrangement of their debut title track
also not alone would be soooooo cute
learning english episode
with our canadian oppa matthew
i think it’d be so funny if ricky and gyuvin pretended like they didn’t know any english
ik vancouverites don’t really have a “canadian accent” but i want matthew to mess with them by doing like a newfoundland accent so badly
or he just starts speaking french but with like an english accent and we see how long it takes the other members to figure it out
i feel like ricky would know but not say anything
debate episode
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so as we know, gunwook is a debate kid (i say that both lovingly and maliciously)
so essentially going seventeen’s debate night LMAO
i want the members to vote on something that they fundamentally believe to be true
like what way should toilet paper go
and then put them on the opposite team
BUT we follow actual debate rules so they have to do research and cite their sources
prepare objections, etc etc
all within like 15 minutes lmfao
musical episode pt 2
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but i specifically want them to write the whole thing
one team can write the script, another can write the music and choreograph and another can build the sets and plan costumes
as the resident actor, i nominate jiwoong to write the script and help direct
maybe gunwook for writing too? he’s a nerd and a debate kid so i feel like his writing must be good
literally the dream team i’m sobbing
ricky on set design and costumes because he’s an art kid so i trust him
and matthew too because his cake in the final episode was actually really cute??
not sure where i’d put gyuvin and yujin? maybe gyuvin on script writing so he can be with gunwook because i will never get sick of watching them interact
and yujin on set design?? but also yujin and jiwoong (T ^ T) and i want to see the sheer chaos that is gyuvin trying to build a set
maybe they can play rock paper scissors to figure it out
actually just a whole school performance episode or mini series??
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so each episode could be a different performance that they put on as a school recital
to perform for their parents LMAO (yes this is just the artist battle special star creator stage)
i need them to do a spoken word poem and or interpretive dance because i had to do that in elementary school and i need somebody else to share in my suffering
some ideas include: a poem about the importance of colours?? and a series of tableaus depicting the creation of the Canadian Pacific Railway
they could also do church plays but instead of stories from the bible they can be like korean folktales or disney ripoffs
and ofc they have to do the awkward singing and then doing hand movements that correlate to the lyrics of the song
could also be done with their debut track btw
i want fancams of all of this
sports day
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you know i had to do it
isac also works!! but idk if they're doing that so um
so with the summer olympics coming up in 2024, i think it’d be so funny if they do some summer olympics sports
volleyball segment for gunwook our resident haikyuu nerd please
and they can wear the uniforms from the anime too
please please please wakeone think about it
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also imagine a skateboarding episode?? idk why maybe it’s the north american but i feel like matthew would be surprisingly good at it?
also surfing?????
idk if the surfing scene in korea is good but if not they can always take a trip to hawaii or smth i certainly will not be complaining
esports + pc building episode
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listen we have 3 whole gamers in the group, this is kind of perfect
the gamers can be the captains of each team
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i want the lame ass esports poses and intros
and the stats too like imagine
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ALSO if you guys have seen the trash taste pc building special but think about the potential
so it’s partly based on skill and also how well they can build a pc
so they build the pcs and then play using the pcs
there should be a separate prize or bonus for building it the fastest (but not necessarily the best)
also i want the editing thing where they have an expert build the pc properly and then every time that the boys fuck up, the clip of them messing up is played right after the expert does it the correct way
think about the chaos
mock trial episode
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same sort of thing as the debate night but they have to represent their clients
i feel like sung hanbin would be the defendant like i have no evidence for this but i want someone to indict him
he just seems like he would be really good at pretending to have not committed a crime
and then 2 attorneys and 2 witnesses on each side
prosecutors: gunwook and zhang hao (imagine the haobin tension guys) (also gunwook just has major prosecution vibes idk what to tell you)
defence attorneys: matthew and gyuvin
prosecution’s witnesses: yujin and taerae
defence’s witnesses: jiwoong and ricky
i feel like gunwook and zhang hao would be really good and logical
but like how can you not want to trust matthew and gyuvin like they’re so sweet
also i need them for comedy
gyuvin would 100% object to random shit and i need that
i’m sorry but i can’t imagine yujin and taerae being very good witnesses so ig it balanced out gunwook and zhang hao?
and jiwoong and ricky would be AMAZING witnesses
like it took skill to not be evil edited so ricky would be able to keep his calm so well and jiwoong too like i would trust whatever they say
and the judge could be an actual lawyer they brought on as the expert for the episode
and the jury can be the staff lmfao
now what is hanbin’s crime you might be asking?
being too handsome tbh i have no idea maybe the fans can vote on it the week before or smth LMFAO
volunteering mini series!
it really warms my heart to see people give back to the community, especially idols because it inspires a lot of fans to do so too!
it’d be really nice if maybe as a holiday special? they went around to different places and volunteered to spread awareness for the causes
maybe it’d be better if they split up?
the members can choose what they’re passionate about too
my personal suggestions/ideas would be:
a retirement home (they can perform music for the elderly people there. i’m thinking zhang hao and taerae would be a good combo)
a hospital
a soup kitchen
a community centre (i’d love to see hanbin and gunwook teach after school dance lessons to children)
and the proceeds for the episode could go towards different charities or programs for these places (ie if they need more funding or renovations) as well as a link for fans to donate more to these places
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peachiecure · 9 months ago
A reflection on Project: Dimension (logo made by my friend Petal I’m so sorry your work is never actually getting used)
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Hello everyone. I’m here to talk about a project that is now defunct. This will be a reflection/info post on what I have personally done for it. Project: Dimension (PD for short) WAS a group project between me and 3 other members, combining our precure fanseries together to form a crossover story with new and familiar characters. It was originally considered a Project SFA spinoff for some reason (looking back at it now, it is MUCH more precure than SFA so I don’t think this really stands anymore), and it was going to be told in comic format. To sum up the plot… Phantom, the god of death, summons the other villains to form a group to take down the precure for their own personal reasons. The precure join together to try to take them down… but a certain turn of events happens. Chaos ensures.
During the project’s beginnings on the platform we were using, the team created teasers, making it interactive with hidden clues so people could dig in and discover what the project is about. We ended up stopping the teasers when we found out only one person was actually trying to find the clues rather than a group of people… I’m so sorry Nitro😭😭 Please take care of yourself. I drew many things for these, some are pictured.
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The majority of my work was art, of course, I did have a say in aspects of the story considering that the main character it was focusing on was indeed still my own, Larissa Frausto. Others that were from my projects included Pixelena (Larissa’s precure team’s crazy mascot alpaca), Princess Sweetheart and Dimentio. Yeah, the character choice from my stuff is honestly really funny looking back at it. Like how did Sweetheart and Dimentio get here?? I guess it doesn’t matter now. The main villain, Phantom, was also my own from a RP which was then adapted for PD, and let me tell you I HATE HIM. Like not even in a “oh he’s a good villain because everyone loves to hate him” way NO HE’S LIKE GENUINELY SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN MADE. His whole premise is built on a harmful stereotype, and I’m only acknowledging such things now because I have grown since then. Please do not let the teenagers cook sometimes because this… yeah please don’t make a yandere type character and PLEASE don’t make them a GOD. Please. Learn from my mistakes. On my knees BEGGING. Sadly, the whole project REVOLVES around this dynamic between Larissa and Phantom as the plot progresses and I think I don’t need to say where this was gonna go, so I’m just not gonna. It was beyond saving and thus the plug being pulled was for the best. I will enjoy the memories of the team working together, but canning the project was the right decision in the end. It does suck that I put in years of work for it to not go anywhere, but it is what it is.
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The final thing I will talk about is Raguel’s old lore for PD. Well… all that I know of it anyways. Raguel in PD is still the god of life, but Phantom, then called Azazel, was like his little brother figure for many many years. Raguel deeply cared for him, even if Azazel was a bit… stoic and didn’t seem to understand emotions. Raguel also had a precure team of his own that he viewed as his daughters. But one day, something was going to happen and Azazel was going to like??— go against him or something… (I DONT ACTUALLY KNOW WE NEVER FINISHED) which then would have resulted in Raguel stabbing out his eye and Azazel killing Raguel’s whole magical girl team. Yeah. Then Azazel gets sealed away by Raguel for 700+ years and when he’s finally freed again, he’s the way you see him now as Phantom who has this BURNING hatred towards him and the precure which was his whole motivation. The prologue pages start when he’s finally freed from the seal… so yeah. I realize this project is a total departure from my usual bubbly stuff.
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In the end, PD wasn’t going to affect any of my main project’s lore because it quite literally was going to be revealed at the end that none of it was canon and just someone’s fanfic. PD’s aspects that I liked are being used in other projects. Raguel has been moved to my new persona project, the comic format has been moved to tell SFA’s story now, and Phantom will stay 6 feet under!!! Everyone cheered!!! I want that twink obliterated. Anyways, I feel that I finally have closure on this and can move on so um… thank you for reading me ramble about this. I feel better. NOW TIME TO DRAFT THE NEXT SFA PAGES WITH BLUMIERE AND TIMPANI— (I am dragged away)
I think it is important to me to acknowledge this project and the work I’ve done for it, even if I don’t agree with content included in it now. As humans, we change and grow, and I’ve learned so much since the time this was originally made. Below are the prologue pages that I finished, the final bit of work I did. Thank you for your support.
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