#🧚‍♀️ anon
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orchidsarchives · 6 months ago
I have the hadcanon that if jason todd smoked whe would have a Vivienne Westwood lighter!!
I’ll do you one better, Jason with a significant other who carries his Vivienne Westwood lighter around for him.
You stared out into the crowded room, feeling overwhelmed. Your foot tapped against the wooden floor and that’s when your eyes are met with Jason’s. You shyly waved at him, hoping that he’d notice the anxiety and he smiled softly, immediately picking up on the nerves.
Jason nodded his head towards the main exit and you raised your eyebrows, confused. He put his hands in flannel’s pocket and pulled out a box of Marlboro cigarettes. He shook the box lightly and you scurried through the crowd to find your way to him.
He immediately engulfed you in a warm embrace, his hot breath grazed your ear and you clutched on to him tighter. Jason’s hand rested on your waist as he escorted you out the door. The sounds slowly became muffled as you were met with the chilly September air.
“You looked like you needed a break,” he said, pulling out a single cigarette from his box.
“Yeah, too many people,” you replied, almost disgusted. You watched Jason put the cigarette between his lips and you reached into your pocket to pull out a lighter.
The lighter was a small silver heart, engraved with the signature Vivienne Westwood orb. It was a present for Jason, but he refused to carry it on himself. “The buzz feels better when you’re there,” his words often echoed in your brain, as you remembered the promise you made to him— to always carry his lighters for him.
Jason suddenly leaned down to get closer to you and you quickly sparked the lighter. His eyes stared directly into yours as you brought the small flame to his cigarette. Jason took a large inhale of the stick, taking a second to let the smoke fill his lungs. He then slowly exhaled, blowing the smoke on to your face and you giggled at his actions.
He offered the cigarette to you and you shook your head, refusing politely. He sat down near the edge of the building and you found your seat next to him. He put his large arm around your shoulder and pulled you in closer. He placed a quick kiss on your head and you pushed yourself further into his chest. You closed your eyes and sighed, finally feeling at peace.
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cillivnz · 11 months ago
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RUNAWAY BRIDE [Lord Dimitrescu]
pairing. Lord Alcides Dimitrescu x Ex!Wife Reader
genre. angst, smut.
warnings. nsfw (18+). infidelity, abandonment, cannibalism, gore descriptions, murder, separation, hunter-prey-chase dynamics, manipulation, pregnancy, cursing, pet-names, mention of cults, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, squirting, overstimulation, clit-play, breast/nipple-play, multiple orgasms, unprotected vaginal sex, creampie, doggystyle, crying.
word count. 3.7k+
a/n. idk how i feel about this :,) sweet anon, thank you so much for requesting this! i apologise for not getting to work sooner, but i hope it was worth the time! feedback is always appreciated <3 NOT PROOFREAD. EXCUSE INACCURATE TRANSLATIONS (I USE GOOGLE)
translations. “Mireasa fugară” - The Runaway Bride. “draga mea sotie” - my darling wife. “mireasa mea fugitivă” - my runaway bride. “Comoara mea” - My precious. “căprița mea mică” - my little doe. “iubițel” - darling/sweetheart. “Draga mea” - My darling.
listening to. HIM — Lose You Tonight - Thulsa Doom Extended Dub
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TEARING HELL FOR LEATHER, you were cursing Fate and her knack for irony, because as you galloped like a doe from one forest Spruce to another, you were sure you were being compared to one by your tiger hunters; a dumb doe, too.
For thinking you could outrun them.
Vampiric barbarians that chased prey like you for sport, and devoured your meaty, lifeless bodies for dinner.
‘None of it seemed to be a problem to you then, so why now, my darling?’
You could hear his voice ring in the eye of your mind, a taunt, perhaps a warning, that you had no choice now but to suffer the consequences of a lustful love that once became the root of your existence.
You had been the talk of the town, rather, every town coming under The Four Houses; firstly, for your damn-near blasphemous marriage to him, and then when you ran away from him, leaving him to be a bastard widow of sorts.
Lord Alcides Dimitrescu and his Runaway Bride.
“Mireasa fugară”
Of all titles given to you, from ‘his little doe’, to Lady Dimitrescu, or even ‘Mother Dearest’ by your adoptive children, the one that stuck was this.
As you tear through the verdure of the outskirts of your renounced Castle, you hope the now-grown men chasing you remember how you were their “Mother Dearest” as boys.
“Mother, that’s enough,” grunted Boian, your oldest, ever the most obedient and faithful, but his loyalties will remain to his father, and so he’ll hunt you down for his validation, if he must.
“Yeah, Mommy, aren’t you getting tired of the cats-and-mouse chase?” Cătălin intervened, a snarky comment always on the brat’s lips, but his mischief and naughtiness had always warmed your heart.
“Just come back to father— to us,” begged Dorin, your youngest. He had always been the most attached to the idea of you as his mother, clutching onto your dress and hiding behind you when his father would scold him for blinding the messenger raven by throwing rocks at it, and would always consider you to be the epitome of the ideal woman.
Your eyes well up at their cries for you, but you must do this. You mustn’t ever return to Castle Dimitrescu, the hellish abode of Satan himself.
Not after his cannibalistic tendencies were shamelessly rubbed in your face, a mortal noblewomen who lost the people of her kingdom to her husband’s appetite.
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The night was cold, the frost blanketing over the foliage like a cruel lover’s intoxicating embrace.
Speaking of a noxious love, you were preparing in your chambers, to let go and breathe the air of freedom and quit living in a necromantic land ruled by tyranny.
“‘Ya almost done?” A thick transatlantic accent broke the eerie silence of your quarters.
Where the only sound heard was that of your beating heart, now, the planting of wet kisses along your spine was sounded, too.
“Karl…” you whimpered in hesitation,
“I know, bub, we’re leaving as soon as ‘ya finish packing.” He planted one final kiss on your shoulder before leaving you alone; once again the silence fell.
Your heart palpitated, sinking into the pit of your stomach with guilt, making you sigh as you second-guess your decision. It’s ironic how you spent your entire life in the belief of infidelity being the biggest sin— the ultimate blasphemy to betray whom you’re betrothed to, and now you’re forsaking your husband to live a “normal” life with his friend.
“Fuck me,” you groan. You were never one to use profanities so casually, but the given circumstances had you cursing like a sailor. Clutching your bag of belongings, you make your way outside of the chambers. You see your chamberlain bustling about the halls, eagerly preparing for dinner for the five of you— Lord, Lady, and children. She nods curtly at you, “Pasha, where must the Lord be,” you inquire. She immediately stops tending to the kitchen staff and pays full heed to you. “He is still at the Tower of Worship, m’ Lady,” Pasha replies.
Right, so he’s still where he’d said he’d be; where he requested you to accompany him, but you refused, feigning a faux headache that your stress soon turned genuine.
“I am going to accompany him there, don’t wait for me for supper,” you dismiss her and her ‘but’s’ of concern for your health.
As you walk towards the Tower, your steps felt faltered, meek. The damp, chilly air only constricted your breathing and the large ruby on your ring finger that once fit you like a glove, back when he proposed to you on one knee, levelling your height then, felt like needles pricking into your soft flesh— a beautiful but bitter reminder of your imprisonment.
The ruby glowed when you walked past the Tower, as if telling you that the object of your desires— your demise— is in there.
You ignore all omens screeching at you, and disappear into the night; Karl Heisenberg waiting for you on the outskirts of the town in a chariot.
“What happens now,” you inquire, breathless from kissing Karl. “We’ll live off of regular means. I’ll look for a job in welding, and you— well, bub, with a face like yours you could start your own cult,” he smirks, nuzzling his bearded face into your neck.
You try to laugh but your conscious was grim.
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“HE KNOWS, IT’LL ONLY A MATTER OF TIME!” Cătălin had a possessed look on his face, his raven hair wild in the wind, yellow eyes fluorescent in the dark.
Tears stream down your face, the wind carrying them to your storming children.
You were tired, wanting the nightmare to be over. Never having anticipated these to be the consequences— hell, had you known, you would’ve never accepted either man’s proposal— neither Alcides nor Karl.
Alas, a woman’s beauty is to blame for bad luck.
When the sound of thunderous strides tearing through foliage is no longer heard behind, you stop dead in your tracks, hidding behind the largest tree of the forest, a century old banyan.
Your haggard breath created a veil of fog around you, your eyes dart in every nook and corner for a sign of your predators, not knowing they’re circling you from each direction, until the leap in front of you.
“Mamă,” Dorin cooed, his voice soft. Cătălin pushed past him, cornering you further in. He wipes the sweat on his lip with the back of his hand, his eyes flick from a pale beige colour to an electric yellow.
“Say you want us to take you back to Dad,” he grabs you by the shoulders, forcing you to look into his eyes. Your pupils dilate, your subconscious felt manipulated into a trance.
“No!” You intended to slap away his grip, but what surprised the three was that there was no need for you to. Your own eyes glimmered a fluorescent amber, hypnotising him to back off.
“That’s enough,” Dorin intervened, his voice gruff, depicting maturity you didn’t know he was capable of possessing.
Boian stood closest to you know, your eyes watering with heavy tears, like the reflection of the sun in a stream.
“Rest, mother.” His eyes shined the brightest, compelling you to comply, and your tired mind just wanted it for the sufferance to end.
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THE FIRST SIGHT YOU SEE when you awoke was of the gothic ridges adorning the ceiling of your— Alcides’ bedroom.
Wait, what—
You shoot up from your grave of silk bedding, eyes landing directly on the man you were dreading, the man you abandoned, the man you married.
His kept stubble grew into a full beard, tiny specks of grey were illuminating in his roots, and he was seemingly taller, with the pride of having stolen you from the world once again.
“Good morning, draga mea sotie,” he spoke with a nonchalant face, but you of all people knew when you heard amusement in his tone. “I take it you slept well, thanks to our oldest—”
“Keep my boy off of your necromantic ways,” you cut him off.
“Dare you suggest I cut off his diet? Starve my boy? Rob him off of his luxuries—”
“I’m suggesting you raise normal nobles, not cannibals in a cult,” your voice came out weaker than you expected, and the faux offense feigned on the tyrant Lord’s face turned into a smug grin, “There’s nothing normal about nobility, and you’re one to talk,”
“They told me what happened.”
Your eyes widen— the same eyes he’s referring to right now. “No. Th-that was an accident—”
“‘That so? How come you have the symptoms of a plague that never infected you, hm?” He moves closer, from the edge of the bed to right beside your bare knees. “Unless you’ve had it embedded in you, or you’ve resorted to our diet, the odds are not in your favour, mireasa mea fugitivă.”
“How dare you call me that,” you sneered.
“How dare you hide my unborn child from me.”
“How dare you leave me.”
You dare not look at him now, face turned away from him, clenching your jaw while your eyes well up with fury.
“Comoara mea, look at me,” his large hands grab a hold of your chin, and the gentleness took you by surprise. He makes you face him, and when you look into his amber eyes your expression softens.
He stares into your glassy doe eyes, parted plump lips quivering, “There’s căprița mea mică,” he smiled— not smirked in his usual conceit, but smiled— the smile you received when you stood in the chapel of the Tower of Worship, and swore yourself to him.
His lips find yours in a yearning kiss— gentle, longing, and passionate. You clutch his half-unbuttoned shirt, remembering how you’d have to stand on your tiptoes to button them for them, not that the trimmed chest hair ever bothered you, if anything, it got you hot and bothered, which is why you buttoned him up. The fabric crinkles under your grip, and whether you were holding onto him to push him away or pull him closer was something you couldn’t figure out.
His hands tear open your blouse, and you couldn’t help but compare the act with the way you’ve caught him ripping through human flesh.
You pull away.
“You know why I left, and why I’ll leave again,” your chest heaved, breathless.
“Because I’m cruel? A cannibal?”
“Like your little paramour was any better.” He spat, and your eyes widened.
He knew about Karl, “What?”
“Please, ‘y really think he left you in a tavern full of drunken hunters every night and day to weld weapons? He’d deal in his work for a pound of flesh from the very hunters whose tables you’d been scrubbing,” he revealed, running a hand through his onyx locs.
He knew everything.
“Karl couldn’t— where is he?!” The realisation of his a sense dawned on you.
“Being served— as dinner.” He smirked.
The metal man was dead.
“Come on, don’t tell me you felt for that bastard. He was your exit ticket, I know, but other than that what’s he got,” says your ex-husband, meaning to say, “What’s he got that I don’t— that I didn’t?”
You couldn’t meet his eyes, so the tantalising question hangs over the cold tension of the room.
This time his hand grabs ahold of your nape, tugging the hair towards him.
“Don’t go all quiet on me now, my darling,” he cooed, voice husky and soft despite the harsh pain he was inflicting on your scalp.
“What do you want, Alcides?” You spat, and he smiled at his little spitfire.
“Another chance,” he spoke almost instantly, a request lingering in the air.
“—To do better for you, and my unborn child.” He’s patient, oh so careful with you, like this doe’s made of glass.
He grips your calf, causing you to wince. Immediately he searches for the reason of your pain, noting it to be a laceration.
“Lie back, relax, and let me take care of you,” he cooed, making his way to catch your lips, “Let me worship you the way I should’ve.”
You couldn’t help but lean into the kiss. He had a way with words, a way so profound that he had you wrapped around his abnormally large finger the minute he set eyes on you.
You succumb. And fuck, do you succumb?
“Mireasa fugară”, her Tyrant Lord— a cruel tale men would recite at the tavern table, laugh at Fate and her knack for irony. Perhaps, they’d compare her beauty to their distraught wives’, curse their luck for not making her theirs, they’d surely have treated her better than the Cannibal, and the barkeep ladies yearn for the sight of a mammoth hulking in their pub, offering a penny to anyone who’d tell him with whom his wife ran away with. He who hunts hunters for sport, lost all wits and appetite for destruction over a woman.
The men laugh, their ale clinks, the barkeeps scrub the tables with a satiated sigh. Such is life, a beautiful ending to a tragic tale.
His kisses follow the trail from the corner of your lips to your jawline, your prominent collarbones. He takes a minute to observe the glass flesh which was earlier always adorned in tyrian purple like a leash of love; now the slate was clean, the collar, erased— a cruel reminder of the last time you made love— so casually that night, and had he known it would’ve been the last for a very long time, he’d have given you a night to remember— not that you ever forgot.
Alcides got to work, gently suckling on your pulse points. His beard pricked your soft flesh, sending jolts of arousal through you. You bit your lip, holding back moans, but the minute his mouth landed on your breasts, you were a goner. He kneaded them, caressed and fondled them. He noticed how your breasts had swell up, your body preparing for sustaining the child that hadn’t even developed into a bump yet. His serpentine tongue peaked out, encircling your hard nipple. Wet kisses trailed along the valley of your breasts, every inch of your body was covered in his essence.
When he reached your belly, he peered at you. Amber yellow eyes were blown out in lust, staring into the crests of your soul as his lips pressed into your flesh in a chaste kiss.
“It’s happy,” he began, causing your trance to break momentarily, “To have its parents back together,” he continued. A swell of overwhelm gathered in your heart, but that was every moment in a relationship with Alcides.
All thoughts and sense left your mind when his face was between your thighs. His broad shoulders were enough to have you fully spread out for him, even more than you’d like. He observed your body, the flutter of your walls, the blood rush to your clit, all were odes to his heed, and with immediate urgency.
The first lick to your cunt sent you spiralling back to doomsday. What every fibre of your being tried to prevent was unravelling right before your eyes, and the worst part? You wanted it to happen, you craved it, needed it like he needed human flesh. Maybe you two weren’t so different in your desires, you gnaw at his being alive and he eats corpses.
“Prettiest pussy,” he spoke, smothered in your thighs. His gentle licks were putting pressure on your sensitive spots, the texture of his abnormal tongue had always coaxed your soul to ooze through your orgasmic tides. Your clit was constantly taunted by the tip of his tongue, flicking and sucking on the bundle of nerves, relishing in the sight of you writhing and pulsating.
Soon enough, his tongue slipped into your velvety walls, the wet muscle stretching your constricting walls in a manner so painfully good.
Sex with Alcides had always been excruciatingly good, and tonight this artist put on his finest performance for his favourite audience of one.
You were squirming in his grasp, trying to get away before coming undone, but he wouldn’t budge, if anything, his tongue dove in deeper into your clenching pussy.
With fervent rubs of your clit, he had you coming in his mouth, a celestial maiden quenching the thirst of a mortal with ichor.
You struggled in overstimulation, but Alcides only lapped further at the juices dripping down his chin.
“One,” he rose, parting your legs further. He positioned his fingers on your mound, pressing down firmly. The feel of your cunt convulsing with need sent him tremors down his spine. He eased a finger in, and you gasped at the sudden intrusion. The sharp digit sat fat and deep inside you, slowly curling to the rhythm of its master’s drum.
Your clit throbbed, and with senses as heightened as yours, it ached. Alcides was quick to soothe or intensify the pain, leaning in to lick leisurely at the bud, while his finger teased your sweet spot.
Another digit in had tears welling up in your eyes, and soon the stream flowed down your cheeks as his rhythm picked up pace.
“Hurts, iubițel,” you whined, and Alcides froze.
‘iubițel’, was something he hadn’t been addressed as for years. A genuine smile flashed on his handsome face, you’re accepting it— accepting him.
“I know, Draga mea, but you can take it,” he got back to sucking your clit while scissoring your cunt open with his thick digits. “Alcides, fuck!” You moaned wantonly, gushing all over him. He grinned from ear to ear, eager to coax more of that squirt out. His movements tripled in velocity, and soon enough, he pulled out only to replace his digits with his mouth, drinking every spurt of your juices.
“Two,” he groaned, licking his glistening lips.
He pulled you closer by the neck, crashing his lips onto yours in a passionate tango of tongue. He was quick to turn you around, manhandling you on your fours came naturally to him; too easily did you comply.
The feeling of his fat cockhead rubbing against your tender entrance was nostalgic to say the least, but fear of not being able to take him soon crept it. Even when he’d fuck you day and night, you could barely, just barely accommodate the mammoth’s monster cock, and now that it’s been years without practise, you could only pray to Gods you wouldn’t rip in half.
As the tip slide in, you felt a wave of euphoria crash your shores of uncertainty. Concealing in lust was the love you had now opened yourself up for.
Alcides spread your ass, relishing in the feel of the plump fat of your curves in his large palms. He gave your hips a squeeze before letting his palm fall on the swell of your ass.
You gasped at the smack, looking back at him through wet eyelashes. “My little doe, my beautiful, beautiful wife,” he gave you a chaste kiss on the forehead.
He pushed in further and further until no inch was left, until your thighs were clad together and your bodies conjoined.
Feeling merciful, Alcides decided to let you adjust to his intrusion. As you clenched and cried on his cock, Alcides took a minute to close his eyes and smile on cloud nine. The feel of your warm, tight, wet cunt choking his cock to death was a feeling he longed for, and it was then he knew no other desire of his could amount to you. He would leave it all for you. He will.
“Alcides, fuck,” your pornographic moans were sound in the whole chambers. He set out a slow pace, yet every thrust was felt in your cervix. “Good G-God, darling,” Alcides moaned, his breath hitched as your tight channel gripped him like a vice.
He snaked a hand to settle between your thighs, pinching your clit.
You were in tears, beads of sweat pearlescent on your body, brows furrowed in pleasure and pain, a beautiful symphony.
“Slow down—” you managed to shriek, but Alcides was too far gone to act on it, he could only bring you solace to endure what his desires have in store for you. He kisses your spine, bathing your silk skin in wet kisses.
He pounded into your cunt, the whole room rumbling with the thrusts of the titan above you. He had an ironclad grip on your hips, slamming them back on his cock as he pistons into you. “Fuck, I couldn’t live without you,” he croaked.
“Don’t leave me again, please,” he beseeched, causing you to nod rapidly, face buried into the sheets.
“Alcides, I’m going to—” your tears and slick stained the sheets, you broke down on his cock, the sensation, the memories too much for your precious and fragile little heart to endure.
He pulled out.
He glared at your gaping hole, your flustered face crying in frustration at the painful denial.
Alcides slams inside of you, “I need— need to look at you while I cum,” he groaned, resuming his animalistic thrusts.
Your legs wrapped around his narrow waist, nails ripping through the flesh of his broad back.
Rutting into your cunt, he bent forwards to catch your bouncing breasts into his mouth, squeezing the two together.
He left your hip to abuse your clit, tormenting the swollen bud with overstimulation.
“Cum with me. Cum with your husband,” he was lost inside of you. Rambling sweet nothings like never before, making every cell inside of you swell up with love and lust.
“Alcides!” You moaned, feeling his warm seed shoot into you.
“Oh my god!” You saw stars.
It finally came to you, in bits and pieces of your being, Fate isn’t cruel, but comic.
“Three,” he groaned, crashing beside you.
Three earth-shattering orgasms for the three years you abandoned him.
“I love you, I’ll do anything for you,” he caressed the side of your face.
“I love you, too,” you sighed, feeling exhaustion embrace you.
You spent so long running, only for your strides to lead you back to bed with him, to home.
Fate isn’t cruel but comic, because the bones you were so against finding devoured in your house became your daughter’s favourite toys.
Just like her father, Alcides, Alcina Dimitrescu loves the grotesque, but her doe of a mother even more.
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main masterlist. more of Lord Dimitrescu. SEE ALSO. important clarification in rgds to this fic.
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ditzydoe444 · 9 days ago
we all know and love dbf!jason when he’s downright feral for reader, but what about something more romantic?
dbf!jason who’s only recently become buddies with readers dad, maybe after you left for college. maybe readers dad is a bit neglectful, only bringing you up a handful of times while you’re gone and it’s only to complain that you’re so far away and can’t “pull your weight” anymore, as if he hasn’t heard your dad calling you drunk, begging for a few hundreds bucks to get him through the month.
dbf!jason who is extremely surprised when he first meet reader. She’s shy, keeps to herself, and isn’t at all how her piece of shit dad described her. Maybe you’re picking your dad up from the bar every night you’re back home on break, and Jason follows you out, only to hear his “friend” berating you for the smallest of things.
dbf!jason who decides then and there that he doesn’t give a fuck what happens to his friendship with your dad, he can’t let you be treated like that. he could at least treat you with kindness while you’re in town. that kindness turns to feelings, and he can’t find it in him to feel bad when he’s kissing your tears away as you cry into his chest, clinging to him when you just can’t take it at home anymore.
— 🧚‍♀️ (if no one’s taken that anon emoji yet!!)
you are added anon!!
dbf! jason in this case would be super protective, even though your dad seems to not value you as much, jason knew it was because of his own issues, and how him as a friend had to be there for him. occasionally during their night out in the bar he would try and talk to you to your dad, your accomplishments, how college is going for you etc. even though jason was good friends with your dad (despite the occasional mishaps) you always came first. if your dad didn’t see your accomplishments he would, sending you flowers to your dorm, small encouraging texts and even ordering food during finals season. when you come back to the small town during break he would distract you by taking you out on dates, spoiling you rotten!!
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sdv-confessions · 28 days ago
i think when you marry alex dusty should move onto the farm with yall
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wandaslovey · 19 days ago
you’re so creative !! getting bad grades make me anxious, also whenever i get sick i’m convinced i’m gonna die
you flatter me, pretty fairy 🤭
getting bad grades!!
wanda: when you tell wanda you got a bad grade, she immediately feels sad for you, knowing how devastating it is when you see you’ve received anything below a B+. she’d pull you in for a big hug, kissing your head and gently rubbing your back.
“you did your best, baby - that’s what really matters.” she’d then praise you for how smart you are, reminding you of your amazing track record with good grades. this was just a small blip, and it had nothing to do with your worth as a person.
let’s say you slacked off - didn’t study enough or didn’t try your hardest on the project/exam/assignment - she’d definitely scold you.
now in this scenario, some people benefit from a scolding and others sink into a deeper pit. assuming her “brand” of scolding is productive for you, she’d pull you aside and ask you why you didn’t try your hardest. she’d hold your jaw with a firm hand, her fingers digging into your cheeks as she’d say “this isn’t going to happen again, is it? you’re much too smart for this, milaya. next time, ask me for help and i’ll make sure you study.”
if scolding makes things worse for you, ignore that part 🫢
wanda takes academics very seriously
oh also, here’s a sick reader x wandanat drabble :3
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allfearstofallto · 9 months ago
I think sometimes that Childe’s darling had miscarriages too, with all that stress he put her in she probably would experience a miscarriage but I still don’t know what his reaction would be to either blame her or himself for that. Maybe he would even accuse her of causing it intentionally idk he’s unpredictable🤷🏻‍♀️
TW: Mentions of pregnancy, baby trapping
Reader actually has no miscarriages with Childe! If you're willing to believe that and she definitely couldn't try to force one either. Both children were indeed an accident though, with Damon being slightly less of an accident (?).
Adonis was conceived on consummation night, shortly after the wedding. It takes much too long for you to even realize you're pregnant, the stress of the entire situation weighing on you. But when you do, it's already a little too late. When you notice, Childe notices as well. And overjoyed doesn't even begin to describe what he's feeling. If there's one thing he is good at, it's caring for children, and that does include the one in your belly. You're pampered the entire time, but you're also, never ever left alone. He knows better than to trust you with his offspring.
Damon on the other hand, was partially planned, partially not. He was more spoken about as Adonis got older and less affectionate towards his father. Ajax would sulk and whine, begging you for another and insinuating that he wasn't going to use protection anymore. There are two ways I think it happened, either you gave in and relented, allowing him to put another baby in you or he had something you really really wanted, particularly, the chance to see your family who you missed oh so dearly.
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pjsk-headcanons · 6 months ago
ena hates ai art so much. like so so so so much. after she's had to work her ass off for years only to still be told she's not good enough, a computer can just churn something out in seconds and people will accept it?? yeah take her anger toward mafuyu in the main story and multiply it by 10000000
(kanade hates ai generated music. it instills an unfamiliar rage in her as she's reminded of how her father's career fell apart)
- 🧚‍♀️ anon
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sea-lanterns · 1 year ago
TENTACLE SEX mmmm yum god, imagine the plants having an equivalent to aphrodisiacs that they give us, a sweet treat to have while all our holes are being fucked and breasts massaged. our woman would just be watching, admiring the scene, giving praises to you for handling everything so well. she kisses your cheek, taking a tentacle out of your mouth to kiss your lips. - fairy emoji anon<33
Not only are you being overstimulated by multiple vines fucking you and massaging you, but the effect of the sex pollen emitting from the vine’s flowers is making your body hornier than ever.
Everything is so sensitive, the feelings of ribbed vines and slippery tendrils increased tenfold as the dendro woman (or women teehee) watch amusedly at how helpless you are, all tangled up in pretty vines and flowers while your legs are pried open and your body is held on display for all of them to admire 🥺
Oh to be the dendro women’s pretty flower display 💕
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iolite-moodboards · 1 month ago
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marnie x marlon for 🧚‍♀️ anon
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orchidsarchives · 9 months ago
omg I HATE when people write jason being mean to his girlfriend, like, he has suffered SO MUCH do you guys really think that he would be like that?? and the worst of all is when they write him being mean (agressive, rude, rough etc) with her IN S*X! LIKE GUYS, HE WOULD NEVER DO THAT NASTY THINGS THAT PEOPLE IMAGINE HIM DOINGGGGGGGGG😭😭😭😭
the way he treat's artemis is so sweet and so different from what people imagine!
RIGHT!! Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for angsty and angry Jason, but I hate when he’s an asshole.
I got a request once that asked me to write him as a toxic and mean bf and one where he accidentally hits his gf and I have never been more distraught in my life?? Like are you insane?? Sweet, sweet Jason A WOMAN BEATER?? Even on accident?? Crazy. Absolutely baffling that people write him as such a dick sometimes.
He wants to help people, he wants to clean up Gotham, albeit his methods are a little more permanent, but he’s always been a good man. He’s just seen a lot of shit and it reflects in his personality.
He’d always want to protect his partner though, give them love and make sure they’re taken care of.
If an argument were to start, maybe he’d yell and get angry, but he would never, I MEAN EVER, get physical or get angry to the point where he would hit you. He’d always check up on you and apologize if he was in the wrong. If he feels like an argument is about to escalate he’ll walk away from the conversation and come back when he’s calm. He cannot afford to lose you, he would never put himself in a situation where he has to fear for that.
I think Jason can be rough, sometimes rough is good, whether it’s sex or just in general. However, portraying him as ONLY rough and mean is kinda weird in my opinion. Jason is so much more than just this rough, mean, nonchalant guy!! He’s a sweetheart and he loves his partner!!!
Update: there’s one exception to him being mean in my opinion and that’s if you write a really good enemies to lovers 🫡
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lunicho · 1 year ago
Thoughts on massage therapist hubby yeonjun who sees you’re tense and agitated after a long day and just has to offer his services. He starts out super helpful but your little moans here and there have him removing your clothes one by one under the guise of wanting to “help”. In the end he just ends up fucking you just how u like it to take the stress away :) -🧚‍♀️
oh i have to answer this rn ik i haven't been on here answering asks much but!!! i actually went to massage school and although i didn't finish this is just.... yum..
thinking abt him having a love for deep tissue work bc he loves to see you ball your fists and whine and get all out of breath,, loves the way you sigh in such a relieved way when the pain subsides and all that's left is your body feeling so much more refreshed than before. loves helping his baby feel better,, anyways 😁
he'd start off slow and helpful, trying to set up the massage table as quietly as he can in the middle of your living room, just in case you have a headache. he'd slide the coffee table over near the massage table and he'd set up some oils and some candles, your favorite ones to be exact. he'd worked at his studio this day so everything was left out since he hadn't put it back quite yet. he's naturally a flirt so it's normal for him to grab your arm, trailing his hand down to yours, interlocking your fingers as he brings you over to the massage table, relaxing music playing from the tv. he'd have already asked you to change into something tight as it's always recommended for ease during clothed massages. sometimes he'll straight up ask you to get on his table naked but his intentions are truly pure at first with this one. you always look so good in your sports bra and leggings.
he'd start by warming up your body, gently loosening you up. his hands would move skillfully amongst your body. he'd quietly remind you to breathe, even guiding your breaths with his own when he hears that you're still a little tense from your day. his hands easily locate your areas of tension, swiftly getting rid of them. he'd start off on your back, the whimpers that fall from you going straight to his cock. he can't help it!! the curve of your ass looks so good in his favorite leggings and your little whines don't help much either :(
when he has you flip over you can't help but take notice of his bulge in his sweats, but you don't initiate anything. his hands would continue over your body, adding more oil into his hands so he can slick his hands over your arms and chest, his fingertips slightly dipping into your bra. you'd moan on purpose when he does this, knowing he won't be able to resist for long. he'd have you pull the band of your leggings down below your belly button as well, hands dipping into your waistband once again. he's losing it a bit this time, his hand hesitating to go further into your pants. he'd mutter to you about how you should remove your pants so he can put oil on your legs and really help you feel relaxed and ofc you agree!! but with your pants gone it's not long before he's rubbing you over your panties, one hand squeezing your breasts. he loves when you're laid out for him, you're like his own little anatomy chart.
he'd play with your pussy, the oil on his hands providing some slick for him to easily glide all over you. he'd move down your legs, continuing to massage you more in between. i could soo see him standing at the head of the table, fucking into your throat while he plays with your clit 😵‍💫😵‍💫. but just fucking your throat won't do,, he'd wanna fuck you on the table, moving down to the floor later on, getting onto the couch after that even!! he'll go as much as you want, as long as he can relieve your stress 😵‍💫
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teaxeee · 2 years ago
Heyy, can you please do 'ZB1 legal line having dirty thoughts about y/n as a friend' ?
Also can I be 🧚‍♀️ anon
Literally in love with your acc😭😭
ZB1 (legal line): having dirty thoughts about y/n as a friend
Jiwoong would obviously jerk off to the thought of you and whenever he sees you he'd be more flirty than usual, which you didn't mind at all, but later on you'd end up bent over a counter as he fucks you from behind, of course he let his thoughts win what do you expect from THE KIM JIWOONG
Zhang Hao would shamelessly jerk off at any thoughts of you that he has, even if it's you riding him or him eating you out, he'd just jerk off and moan your name till he cums but when he's with you, he's gonna be flirty a lot
Hanbin would feel bad that he has these thoughts but he can't help it but to jerk himself off to you, you were just too pretty for him not to want to fuck you, but whenever he sees you he still acts the same with you
Matthew would try to ignore those thoughts, telling himself it's wrong to think of you like that even tho he's desperate to touch himself to the thought of you, so he tries his best to push those thoughts but miserably fails whenever he sees you, I MEAN MAN FINDS YOU SO PRETTY AND HOT that he tries his best not to bend you over any surface and just fuck you right then and there
Taerae would unintentionally ignore you, trying to avoid you whenever he sees you because this boy is DESPERATE, whenever he sees you he tries not to get any thoughts but miserably fails, probably looks at your ass a lot and wonders how it would feel in his hands, but when you two have a talk on why he's been ignoring you, you only thought he didn't want to be friends anymore, but as he tried to explain you noticed how visibly hard he got and you smirked, and as he noticed you smirk he accidentally said "fuck...you make me so hard it's painful.." and you admitted that he makes you soaking wet, in the end? He pulled you in the bathroom, he got the best blowjob from you in a while meanwhile he ate you out like no one else did, probably had a few rounds where he's fucking you from behind as you both try to keep quiet
Ricky would be obvious but in a flirty way, yes he does jerk off to you but when he's with you? Man compliments you like he's seen you for the first time even tho you know he's flirting, he'd say "damn look at that ass, mind if I hold it for you?" and you'd just burst out laughing at his pick up line as you innocently sit on his lap, not realizing things would escalate to you soon being under him as he fucks you roughly, making you moan loudly when he finally cums inside of you
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sdv-confessions · 1 month ago
i feel like sometimes people forget it’s an endless game
yes it can be stressful bc it feels like you don’t have enough time but once you settle on that it’s an endless game it becomes more relaxing imo <3
on top of that, sometimes people will over compare their farms to other farms who may have been playing for a long time (i am victim of doing this too lmao)
the point is - you could be on year 37 and still trying to reach perfection and that’s ok :) do things at the pace that best suits you !!!
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championleonsslut · 1 year ago
First of all, HELLO, welcome to Tumblr! :3 (Just in case you are new!)
And now, here comes my idea: Leon with a shy but VERY powerful S/O. Full team, the best of the best, destroyer of champions.
I just like the contrast between a cute and shy girly and the most menacing team you can imagine.
- Fairy Anon 🧚🏻‍♀️
Ooh this is a good one anon! I would have responded sooner, but I didn’t see this request at first, sorry! I also have been on Tumblr awhile, I just used to be a lurker.
Leon W/ a shy, but VERY powerful s/o.
G/n reader
At first, it was hard for Leon to even get to know you. After all, he was the champion, you were just a trainer. But you caught his eye. With how downright adorable you were, and your Pokemon.
Leon saw you battle once, and was immediately intrigued. He already thought you were psychically attractive, but this just added to it. You were a great trainer too!
So naturally, he got “lost” in the Wild Area and followed you around for a bit. But when he tried to talk to you, you yelped, and took off in the other direction. He felt a little hurt, but pushed it aside.
So you were shy, huh? Alrighty then. Leon has to do this the non-Leon way.
He followed you around the Wild Area again, but this time, was much more strategic. When you had set down camp, that’s when he “pounced.”
He made sure not to startle you, and carefully introduced himself. Once you guys got to chatting, he just developed more and more of a crush on you. Not like it wasn’t mutual, you’ve had a celebrity crush on him for years! And now he’s TALKING to you???
You exchanged numbers, and met up again many more times. Eventually, he even got to meet your Pokemon team when he challenged you to a battle!
A Togekiss, Garchomp, Melmetal, Jolteon, Lucario, and Milotic. You kicked his ass. This was kept a secret for a very long time, as he had to keep up the façade of unbeatable champion.
He was… very surprised, and so were you. But nonetheless, you happily parted ways after a little more flirting from him. He asked you out a few days later, of course you said yes.
You both decided to keep it secret for a bit, as the media would get right up in your grill. And you are shy. You would not like that. Leon would also not like that.
He comes to see you whenever you battle, and drool from the sidelines. You have a bit of a streak going by this point, some people saying you may as well be the next champion with how good you are.
You have many secret dates with him before you both finally decide to tell people. Leon lets it slip in an interview, and everyone goes B A N A N A S.
Now, you are a target for the press. They catch you sometimes after matches, but normally Leon is there to shoo them away when they get too nosy, or when you look like you’re about to have a panic attack. But when Leon isn’t there, it’s not as good.
You usually just (very politely) tell them to fuck off, and bolt away. Leon is so so proud of you whenever this happens. You are rewarded with many kisses.
Sometimes you do interviews together, and Leon can’t help but gush about you while you sit there blushing like you’re going to explode.
You end up becoming one of the best trainers in Galar, actually! Maybe even good enough to be a gym leader, if you’d like.
Of course, you keep kicking your boyfriend’s ass along the way, and he keeps trying to scheme ways to beat you.
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allfearstofallto · 9 months ago
What type of pets would yanderes give to their darlings? Do they allow any or none at all cause they might get jealous?
Ahhhh I never even thought of this!!!
I think the only one who would actually give you a pet is Diluc. Mondstadt has a lot of strays anyways, so he believes that a cat would be a good way for you to socialize since you can't leave the manor and don't talk to him or the maids.
For Childe, he'd be a bit jealous of a pet. Especially if you asked for one. Childe strikes me as a dog fan sometimes, but it would be hilarious for him to just give you a fish. Something very unassuming that won't take too much of his attention.
And Scaramouche would make you earn the right to a pet. He makes you earn damn near everything that you have. Dogs are way too roudy for his taste, but he is rather fond of cats. I imagine that reader, being a bit mischievous, would ask for a rabbit. A calmer pet, but not what he wanted.
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pjsk-headcanons · 3 months ago
all of vbs' family members were at rad blast.
an spent weeks trying to convince akito to invite his, but he only gave in once toya asked. on the night of, both boys thought their parents wouldn't show up. akito tried to play it off like "i never wanted them here anyway" but then got really emotional when he saw them in the crowd (ena would've raised hell if shinei didn't go)
in the meantime, the shiraishis were trying and failing to hold back tears and the azusawas were embarrassing their daughter by radiating unmistakable normie energy
- 🧚‍♀️ anon
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