#all my stuff is queer
boundless-ennui · 3 months
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You like click _and_ clack????? Well then have I got the necklace for you! It's full of bones, just like you! Boy howdy you should buy this now or sooner, especially since it's in my shop!
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the-nothing-maker · 8 days
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"[...] It is assumed that the thieves took opportunity of a commotion at the Earl's estate later in the evening to commit their crime. Authorities have urged local nobility to keep festivities to a low during the summer so as not to attract attention from these infamous jewel thieves, to no avail: Earl M. is their eight victim of the season. [...]" (Mélisande and Lazuli, my D&D PC and my DM @luposlipaphobya's NPC!)
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bonemeal12 · 3 months
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The urge to put The Guy in creepy Pinterest bathrooms is real… and I have no self control
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midnightfrappe · 3 months
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i've been pondering lately,,
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bsideheart · 5 days
honestly i am not liking the trend of using “fagdyke boygirl genderfreak” as almost derogatory descriptive terms for a queer person you think is annoying. like has everyone just forgotten that bigender people who actually identify with those terms exist, or are you just trying to think of the labels that you think signify edginess and queerphobia against others in the community? idk something about it doesn’t seem quite right
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domibella · 6 days
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Nathan’s first live-concert, with his girlfriend who is perhaps a little too into Snakes N Barrels. It did not go well
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
Okay so I have a lot of thoughts about the whole thing of the Gerudo being a race of entirely women, with the only exception being one man born every hundred years, and that man automatically being their king. Now this worldbuilding comes from Ocarina of Time, and there's obviously a metric fuckton of unfortunate implications there, because it was 1998. And it seems that Tears of the Kingdom is sticking with the lore of Gerudo men being extremely rare and becoming the King of their people, which once again has a metric fuckton of unfortunate implications because it's 2023 and Nintendo has somehow gotten even worse about this shit.
But let's set aside the whole... everything, and look at this from just the in-universe perspective. How does it work? I mean, it's pretty clear that there is no overlap between the kings; the old ones are normally long gone by the time a new one is born, but the Gerudo manage to take care of themselves during the hangtime. So they must have an established system of government and leadership that doesn't involve a king, and somehow that system is set up in a way that does a smooth transfer of power once a new king is born and old enough to take the throne. But why bother always declaring a random guy to be your King when you already have a perfectly functional system in place?
I mean again, the whole thing has a lot of sexist implications, but we're not looking at this from a real world context, we're examining it in-universe. And we could just go the lazy route and say that their king is in charge just because he's the only man, but I don't like that. I mean come on, the Gerudo are a race of entirely women, and most of their outside problems come from Hylian men being creepy about it. They are entirely a matriarchy; there is literally no reason for their culture to have an inherent respect for men, even if the man in question is one of them. And they're desert people; they live in an extremely harsh and dangerous landscape, if they don't have their shit together, they will die. By sheer necessity, their culture needs to put a lot of value in being practical, because if they're stupid about things, people die. They really can't afford to have a shitty leader take over, and just letting some guy take the wheel doesn't really fit with the way their culture must otherwise work.
So again, why the fuck do they bother having a King?
I think it's mainly just a ceremonial position. Yes, if the guy is a good leader he'll be in charge, but if he isn't good at being a King or isn't interested in the job... fuck it, they've already got a functional government system that's been leading their people the whole time, why fix what isn't broken? The title of Gerudo King isn't about leadership or power. I think it's more about belonging. Because the Gerudo are a culture where every single one of them can be defined in the same way... and there is exactly one exception once a century. Men are considered to be inherently outsiders at the best of times, and more often they're enemies. A man born into this culture is a natural outsider; he is completely unique, and that means he doesn't really fit into his community. And well... when someone is fundamentally different from the rest of their community, they tend to be ostracized.
So I think that's why the position of Gerudo King exists. It isn't about them needing or even wanting a man to lead them. The title of King doesn't need to involve any leadership at all. It's about giving the man born every century a place in their society. It's a way of saying yes, you are one of us, you are a Gerudo, you belong here, you are wanted and you are loved.
The Gerudo know that every hundred years, one of their children will be fundamentally different from all of his peers. And so their society is built to ensure that a child who is completely different from them will still be loved and accepted. He will always have a place in their society. He doesn't need to earn their love, he has it just for existing. These are his people.
The title of Gerudo King isn't an inherent position of authority. It's a promise of acceptance.
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bri-cheeses · 3 months
personally I think that all queer books should have a “special edition” with a subtle cover (and a code name if it’s necessary) for all of the people in homophobic areas
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buckera · 3 months
gotta be real for a sec before i drop this whole discussion entirely but... i am glad we got the deleted scene and that abc continues to promote the authentic queer rep they've given us this season, but i am not very keen on it having reignited the same exact discourse we've been having since Tommy's return
just cuz you don't like a character he's not problematic and even if he was who the fuck cares? he isn't real.
the queer people in the fandom seeing all that active rancidness and hate you could keep in your dms and gcs are very real though, but that doesn't matter when big mean fictional man is fucking your woobified fictional guy instead of the other dude, now does it?
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boundless-ennui · 4 days
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Trying my hand at new patches. One being for an oppressed people and the other for a dear friend and her husband. I'm still tweaking both but I'm pretty happy with these first passes!
Shopify is magical and awful. Help. boundlessennui.myshopify.com
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Do you understand what I’m saying
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darknesspervades · 4 months
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
Comics Masterpost (organised by collection)
Please heed relevant content warnings on each post. Completed collections have physical and digital copies available for purchase on my store.
Soliloquy Down to Three [COMPLETED]
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Soliloquy down to Three is an anthology of dark sapphic comics, all of which are a mix of both old and new inspiration. Its title is a line from 'craters', indicating that the phrase "I love you" manages to fit a whole monologue worth of feeling into three words.
The compiled version contains exclusive illustrations for each couple, as well as a secret ending to 'craters'.
1. fishing twine 2. hook, line and sinker (sequel to 'fishing twine) cw: suggestive imagery 3. RED cw: suggestive imagery, blood, murder with an axe 4. RED - epilogue cw: blood 5. patchwork canary cw: mouth + neck mutilation, blood 6. craters cw: implications of suicide
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10pm is a collection of introspective comics that covers feelings of aimlessness, alienation and finding joy in creativity again. Its full title is "It's 10pm. Do you know who you are?" which is a twist on the old PSAs that used to play on American TVs reminding parents to check up on their children.
1. the parade
2. the elevator
3. the machine
4. the candle
5. the stone
6. the dredger
Hearteaters [COMPLETED]
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Heart-eaters is an anthology about the ugliest, gory-est, most heartfelt and most brutal parts of love. Sitting at a whopping 180 pages, Heart-eaters is the longest anthology I've made yet, and took over a year to finish in full.
The compiled books available for purchase on my store contain an exclusive joint-comic to "Shallow Grave" and poem named "Laozi's bowl", as well as 9 original full-page art splashes unique to their assigned stories.
1. the sunset cw: gun violence, death, blood 2. the calamity cw: eye scarring, blood, eye mutilation, gore (minimal) 3. seeing clearer (epilogue to 'the calamity') cw: biblical references 4. shallow grave cw: gravestone imagery 5. bite of winter (joint comic to 'scorched earth') cw: gore, blood, death, cannibalism, dismemberment 6. scorched earth (joint comic to 'bite of winter') cw: blood, death, burning alive, beheading 7. ashes to ashes (prequel comic to 'scorched earth') 8. little dove (prequel comic to 'scorched earth') 9. warmth 10. the fox god cw: emotional manipulation, animal abuse 11. the fields cw: blood, animal death, mild gore and blood
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boredlime · 2 months
when you're Probably Not Cis but you present as it anyways because you're too lazy to do anything about it
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hazel2468 · 6 months
Anyone who tries telling you that both parties are the same and there is no point in voting? Has a fucking agenda, and it's a nasty one.
Do the Dems disappoint me? Yes, constantly. Do I have gripes with Biden? 100%.
Do I also recognize that he has GOTTEN SHIT DONE and that those things are like. NOT talked about by people my age because it feels better to be angry and constantly demanding better while being unwilling to put up with Average Joe who is ACTUALLY doing things that progressives have been asking for for AGES (putting caps on medication prices, working to cancel student and medical debt, investing in infrastructure and going after inflation, started working on protecting reproductive rights after Trump put in place the shitty judges who wrecked Roe, is trying to go after how weed is scheduled and pardoned all federal offenses, et-fucking-cetera).
Not only do I actually LIKE some of the shit Biden is doing? If Trump gets back in office? People will die. He and his have been OPEN about the fact that they want to go (somehow) even MORE fascist.
Fucking vote. Anyone telling you not to has your worst interests at heart. Be as pissed off as you want, but fucking VOTE. Because we have a chance of continuing to push a president like Biden towards the change we want to see. We have ZERO chance of that with Trump, or someone like him.
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cherrybombfangirl · 1 month
Ok say what you will about Maleficent (2014) as a remake or whether it’s a good villain ‘origin story’ or not or how it’s a flawed retelling or whatever-
But, this movie is always going to have a special place in my heart as and AroAce person. Like, not only does the ‘main romance’ get maybe five minutes of screen time total and becomes a little red herring and mostly irrelevant, BUT the movie also has a huge focus on the platonic love and relationship between Maleficent and Aurora, AND on top of that, it’s that platonic love that saves Aurora from the sleeping curse at the end, not the romantic relationship.
Right now that might not seem very revolutionary, but back in 2014, fantasy and fairytale movies, and ones coming from Disney no less- having a story like this was a huge deal, especially to me as an Aromatic and Asexual person.
I remember when the movie first came out I was 11 or 12 (hadn’t discovered the queer community or the terms aro or ace yet) and starting to realize my peers were having crushes and such and felt confused and alone that I didn’t- and then this movie came out and so many of the people around me were baffled by the idea of a non-romantic love taking center stage and saving the day in a fairytale movie from Disney. I swear I watched this movie so many times during that age because it helped me feel that maybe, just maybe I wasn’t broken for not being interested in romance.
(context: I’m rewatching the movie and when I dove into the tag for this movie on tumblr, I was severely disappointed that no one was talking about this specifically and mostly had negative things to say about the movie overall)
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