#all my art of them will be yuri trust
sceebybeeby · 22 days
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the exterminators won't remove these things from my home
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capyfroyo · 5 months
Nya slander makes my heart ache
Especially if it’s something dumb l”i hate jaya” “i dont like the ways shes written” “shes annoying”
Let me guess. She gets in the way of your ship. She (deservingly) criticizes your favorite character? “Shes annoying” and so many male characters with her traits are never criticized for it? Can you not handle a female character that speaks her mind?
PLEASE! ACCEPT THAT SHE IS IMPORTANT!! She doesnt need to prove herself!!
on a lighter topic. I have just been wondering why there is such little wlw art in the ninjago fandom compared to the rest. Yeah there aren’t so many girls, but people also find the most random and insignificant male characters to ship. Gender bent art of male characters exists and is cool, but if you want yuri cant you draw the canonically female characters?? Are people just bad at characterizing them in their heads? The amount of “ceo/literally/number one fan of cole/kai/zane/lloyd” accounts iv seen across so many platforms and not a single nya one. Claiming a character for only yourself is a bit odd and a whole different story, but in the context of this why is nobody “obsessing” over nya??
Generally, she is only appreciated in the context of a romantic relationship. ( coff coff jaya. btw it makes no sense to hate nya bcs of jaya when jay was the one who wanted them to get together???)
Idk this all just confuses me. Nya slander chips my soul away and i dont trust anyone who hates her and cant justify it.
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lesbianjobutupaki · 8 months
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Art practice by trying some other artist's styles that I'm a huge fan of!
From Top Left to Bottom Right:
@ghostishere0 - the original reason I started this doodle, as I wanted to draw a "shepherd lovers squad" and their OC (who I don't know the name of F) was the perfect fit for it.
@luminesparkz - the best interpretation of Pom pikmin. If I were Mr. Nitendo, I would make them the official comic creator along with the manga comics.
@marblyso - If I was a little more unhinged and made a shrine to Erma Shepherd, it would be mostly marblyso's art of her, it's my absolute favorite Erma depiction <3
@rexscanonwife - another OC that I don't know the name of, but she makes such a cute pair with Shepherd and has such cute art that why not, let Shepherd have multiple canon wives at this point.
@citruscrisp - I think this is secretly Alph in an alternate universe where he makes comics about himself, because citrus has Alph's character SPOT ON, and also loves to put that boy in a situation (which I am happy for, I enjoy seeing that boy in a situation)
@daisythecomic - oooaaaaaaaaaa they look like little mice people they look so soft and sweet I love them so muuuuuuuuuccchhhhhhhhh
@louie-posting - I can't not include actual Louie Pikmin on this list.
@kiwilittle - the soft, the sweet, the one who makes the best family style art, really making me wish I was an inch tall so I could go to holidays with the olimar family, also their wife design is so cute that if Olimar didn't already get it I would shoot my shot for her m a a m
@pikbugz - really nails the soft aesthetic that makes pikmin such a calming series, and their coloring style is so soft and good that it gives me the ratatouille nostalgia flashback moment.
@splitster - more than just the wraith au guy, they are the one who makes incredible and funny comics; I've seen so many fics with the rescue corps where I can pick up that yes, this trait came from a splitster comic, and that's a GOOD thing. Made me actually LIKE Dingo, the nerve.
@diesaur - I can't do diesaur's incredible, unique art justice, they are amazing at using geometrics and have the best charlie (his little teefs...)
@solluxander - Cars, one of my favorite pikmin Ocs I've ever seen! Collin deserves a slightly unhinged sentient fluffball boyfriend, and I always love seeing the new ways Cars will interact with him.
@sillypikmin - all hail the best pikposter, who I'm still convinced is an actual leafling living on actual pnf-404, literally every time I have a bad day I look at drawings of Moss and feel better.
@eggpathy - thank goodness they came back to give us old man yaoi. I keep their drawing of olimar kissing the pikmin good night on my phone and look at it before I go to sleep and so far I have yet to have a single nightmare.
@the-knife-consumer - the only person I trust with Louittany, toxic yuri my beloved, I just adore their beasty brittany design so so much, I wish I could have a small brittany to live in my house...
anyway they have the best headcanons for our beloved blorbo hamster people
@natibranch - there's a voice line of Louie going "wa-ha!" in this really cute sing-song voice and every time I see any art by natibranch I hear that sound in my head as a little burst of serotonin, they just nail that exact feeling so so well.
@pikked-min - Another of my favorite Pikmin OCs, Yuva! A really interesting and unique character concept with a lot of thought put into the worldbuilding, followed by a strong unusual personality that had me looking at the pikmin world through a new perspective entirely. Please, someone, give them some sunglasses. Read the fic it's so good
@ssserf - artistic and deep while still somehow looking like official nintendo tm art, genuinely the best at the pikmin proportions, how could I resist trying my hand at the classic amazing beautiful Brittany Fruit Sweater moment, literally SO iconic
@kashi-pon - while I was working on the part of this that was just kashi's various highlife dresses there was a part of me that wanted to dedicate the rest of the space to paying homage to the joke comic of Louie lifting his skirt to show Olimar that he's wearing shorts, except this dress....well......
@diamondwerewolf - the reason we got louie in a little bunny outfit anyway, and thus why we got kashi's dress version. you single-handedly turned Louie into a tumblr sexyman, how could you
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nach0 · 11 months
MCYT Yuri Week; Day One - Dance/ Break
"Are you taking notes on our date?"
Wordcount: 1504
AO3 Link
It’s not often Pearl and Gem get the chance to relax and take some time away from things. It should have been nice, and by all accounts would’ve been, if only Gem could stop stressing for five minutes.
(Featuring art at the end!)
Gemini Tay, Grand Wizard of the Crystal Cliffs, was proud to say she was good at social interaction. It’d be disappointing if she wasn’t, after all the time she’d put into studying the cultures of each and every important person she’d ever have a chance of interacting with.
It was like a test. A constant, neverending test that she had to pass or else she’d start a war.
But she definitely wasn’t on edge at all! Large formal events totally didn’t make her nervous in any way! In fact, one on one interactions should probably be a breeze in comparison.
Courting wasn’t something she’d ever bothered to study. The Crystal Cliffs historically hadn’t held any close alliances for more than trade, the previous Grand Wizards emotionally detached by design. She’d thought herself the same, even after the Wither Rose Alliance was formed. It was the most involved the Cliffs had been in hundreds of years. Still, romance was something she hadn’t considered. It involved too much trust, too much vulnerability, for her to ever picture herself wanting.
That lack of foresight left her cramming every book on romance she could get her hands on five minutes before her very first real date with Pearl.
Apparently they’d been on ‘dates’ before, quiet moments stolen away in the midst of the chaos that was their lives. Pearl had mentioned a stargazing date fondly, leaving Gem thoroughly confused. It had been entirely spontaneous, she hadn’t even dressed up or planned anything, and it didn’t line up with anything she’d learned about how dating worked.
Not for the first time she wished there were more books on Helianthian culture. Maybe it would help her understand the distinction between ‘date’, ‘hanging out’, and just ‘chilling.’ She still wasn’t sure if they were all separate things yet. Maybe she could ask? But then it would reveal how little of her girlfriend’s kingdom she knew, then Pearl would get offended and break up with her, then leave the alliance, then the Cliffs, Mythland, and the Grimlands would all be without food and everyone would starve.
She was spiralling again. It was thoroughly unproductive.
None of her books were helping anyway. They were all about formal courtships, something Pearl had laughed about with her before-
“Now I get the intent,” she’d said, giggling slightly as she put the sunflowers into a vase. “But he would have had to buy these from my empire to gift them back to me.”
“Traditionally, it’s considered a sign of respect to give things of the courtee’s empire. It shows an interest in the culture they come from, and a willingness to compromise and combine their own culture in the process.”
Pearl rolled her eyes with a smile and Gem quickly closed her mouth, a long honed instinct from accidentally finding herself on the edges of people’s patience, but she got the odd impression that Pearl wasn’t annoyed at her.
“All this courting stuff has its place, but it’s not for me. If I find someone I want to go out with, it’d be nicer if it was natural. And if I don’t… no big deal. I’m happy with what I have. Besides, I know my type.”
Gem’s heart quickly found its place in her throat, thumping so loud she was surprised Pearl couldn’t hear it. “Can I ask what that type is?”
“I can say for sure it’s not-” Pearl squinted at the note, “-Brad from Mythland. Sorry buddy, better luck next time.”
They both laughed, and the matter was dropped.
-or wild, whirlwind romantic fantasies that moved so fast she had to put them down before uncomfortable bile rose in her throat. The thought of jumping into anything without preparation, but especially something as deep and personal as romance, made her nervous. She could handle spontaneity, liked it at times!  But there needed to be trust there first, a baseline to deviate from. Would Pearl try to move too fast for her? Would she say anything against it even if she did? There was no script for her to work from here, no guide to where normal boundaries lay. She was going in blind for the first time in a very long while.
Then a knock at the door signalled her preparation time was up.
“Gem?” Pearl called through the wood, amusement already creeping through her tone. “Did you lose track of time again?”
“No, I’m ready!”
She ran a hand down her shirt to clear all but a few methodical wrinkles, enough to seem casual without looking sloppy, and nodded once in satisfaction. The heavy wooden door opened for her with ease (and she definitely didn’t use magic to make herself seem more impressive.)
“Wow, you look… really nice.” Was Gem imagining the blush on Pearl’s cheeks? She had to be, especially as her voice quickly picked back up into fond teasing. “I didn’t know you even owned any casual outfits.”
The outfit could be considered casual. If one didn’t know the quite frankly overkill amount of thought Gem had put into it. Muted colours to give off a softer feel, an inversion of her regular layers as a symbol she wasn’t acting as a ruler but instead herself. Amethyst around her neck and hanging from her ears both for power in case of an emergency and a reminder of her empire’s resources. Her gloves were, admittedly, mostly just because she wanted an excuse to wear them. But to anyone that asked she could easily pass it off as a combination of the two of them, the stars and moons pattern conveniently fitting. She liked her regular gloves, the leather preventing any distracting textures, but it was nice to make a change every once in a while. 
“I’m full of surprises.” Gem smiled, looking Pearl up and down. She could analyse what it meant later, when they had a quiet moment, but for now they had places to be. “You look pretty as well.”
“Don’t I always?” She flipped her hair, tied up neatly in a braid that made Gem’s breath skip, turning her nose up for a moment before the act broke down into laughter. “Come on, I know you have a schedule for this. Lead the way.”
In Gem’s opinion, the date was going pretty well. She’d hit all her talking points and had genuine discussion, Pearl had laughed at her jokes, and she’d learned much more than she’d expected. They were taking a break while their horses drank from a nearby stream, Pearl leaning against a tree and Gem leaning on Pearl. 
It was nice. It was peaceful. It was very abruptly interrupted by the scratching of Gem’s pencil that was so much louder than she’d anticipated.
Pearl cracked an eye open and glanced down at her. “Gem?”
“Person I adore more than anything in the world?”
“Are you taking notes on our date?”
Gem blushed, ears pressing against her head in embarrassment. She should have been more subtle, or just tried to remember everything she needed to know, even if it meant she’d have less energy to spend on concentrating on what was actually happening, she should-
Pearl pressed a kiss to her head, carefully avoiding her antlers.
“It’s cute, fawn.”
“I just want to get it right,” she muttered, picking at the fabric of her gloves. “I haven’t done this before, before or after becoming Grand Wizard. It’s all complicated and there’s no rules to fall back on if I get lost.”
Pearl hummed gently and unfurled a wing, wrapping it around Gem at her silent nod.
“We just came out of a war with a demon. No one expects you, or any of us, to readjust instantly. If you wanna put this on pause, catch your bearings a bit, I’ll get it. Just tell me, yeah? Don’t get trapped in that head of yours.”
She moved to tap her forehead but pulled back at the last second, humming gently instead. Her gaze didn’t hold any expectations, just a gentle patience and a warmth like the sun.
And oh, Gem remembered why she fell for Pearl in the first place.
“I don’t want to stop. It’s just… a lot. Sometimes. Not that it’s your fault!” She hurried to add. “Rules are just easier to work with, knowing the limits and expectations.”
There was no judgement. The world didn’t collapse, no one mocked her admission of weakness, and Pearl didn’t immediately rescind all of Helianthia’s resources.
It was… a little disorientating, if Gem was being honest.
“That’s ok. We can figure out what works together. I don’t mind if you write your notes or want to set guidelines, so long as it’s not hurting you. Don’t sacrifice what you want for me or anyone else.”
She pulled her ever slightly closer, and the wing around Gem’s shoulders was more comforting than any weighted blanket she owned.
“For today though, let’s just enjoy this break from the chaos. We’ve earned it.”
For once, Gem couldn’t agree more.
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(if my laptop messes the colours of this up i'm going to explode btw ^^)
also i know i had a taglist but it's been like a year since i last used it so idk if anyone still wants to be tagged, i'm down for starting it up again though
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arom-antix · 1 year
Yuri!!! On Cards collaboration!
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So, I know I've been pretty inactive recently, at least in posting my own art but for good reason! In the Yuri on the Web Discord server artists and writers alike have all collaborated to illustrate a deck of cards and write stories for each of them. And as a resident artist myself, I couldn't not take the opportunity to draw for this project UuU
Oh and if anyone was wondering, yes, I am to blame for inflicting this giant project onto the server BUT I REGRET NOTHING AND NEITHER WILL YOU IF YOU CHECK OUT EVERYONE ELSE'S WORKS. Trust me, they are amazing! The masterpost can be found here!
GIANT thanks to @lines-on-ice and @yaoiconnoisseur for helping so much and being amazing co-administrators and basically making this entire thing possible! You really saved me from my own overambition XD
The guidelines for this project can be found on the Yuri!!! On Cards blog as can the masterpost with all the links to everything. All the art that gets posted to Tumblr will also be reblogged by the blog.
With all that said, here's the actual art I made! (Break for those who don't want their dash to die UuU)
Okay, I lied. First, I'd heavily recommend for you to check out the guideline posts, both the general and artists' and even the writers' if you're up to it to get a grasp of the perimeters of this project. There's also some vague lore and AU stuff about the whole thing to find which will give you context for why the art looks the way it does to a certain extent.
You can also just jump right in and take everything as I ramble about it which, I mean, I won't stop you, the guideline posts aren't short. I will not blame you. You can still just look at the art. If that's your choice, go on ahead!
First up!
Ace of the Kingdom Otabek, The Deep Shadow
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Being of the Kingdom of Diamonds, he's skillful and sharp. He moves quietly as a shadow and is just as mysterious.
Okay, I can't comment much on how he actually is, you'll have find that out by reading his fic(let?). They were supposed to be ficlets but as writers tend to do, none of us could manage that so take "ficlet" with a big grain of salt for every written work.
I've, by the way, not read any of the ficlets for this project beside my own so I'll get to experience the reveal with y'all and I'm gonna perish waiting.
Anyway, about the art. The yellow of course comes from the Kingdom of Diamonds' designated colour. As for the outfit, it's based on this handsome fellow I found who's supposed to be a Kazakh archer which I thought fit Otabek's whole shadow thing perfectly (and Writingfromtheshadow's fic Equivalent Exchange has me in an iron grip and I don't want to be released).
If there are any Kazakhs in the audience, you are free to laugh at me for any inaccuracies or missteps, I am but a humble little not-Kazakh, I don't expect to have gotten it all right UuU
Next up!
King Yuuri, Wanderer of Dreams
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The ruler of his realm, he is as the mind flows. Kind and benevolent yet of fickle thoughts, the spirals of the subconscious are ones he both masters and bows to.
Again, gonna be waiting for his fic with everyone else but like. It's Yuuri. Anxiety is kind of a given.
In terms of art, I don't know if you can tell but this was where I started writing my will because oh my stars, what did I get myself into. If you follow me or my art, you'll know that I don't draw lineless. Like ever. And apparently I decided this project on a deadline that others were depending on me making look nice was the place to go all out.
And the worst part is that I'm not even mad at it so I have no argument to not do it again.
Anyway, the blue is from the designated colour of spades and yes, you've guessed right as to why this colour was picked for this suit. I'm predictable, leave me alone. As for the rest, the outfit is inspired by traditional Japanese dress that the Internet told me about (again, Japanese may laugh at me all they want UuU Your culture is very cool but also there was so much info, I hope I got it at least a bit right).
Also I spent like eight hours looking at hanakotoba for this and I've never been this happy about a decision I regretted so much while I was having to draw that many flowers. And you know I had to include The Gay Flower^(TM).
The Japanese iris is now Yuuri's btw.
All the flowers used are: Japanese irises, Jasmine flowers, Forget-me-nots, cherry blossoms, white roses, green carnations and blue roses (Viktor's flower. Read: I am predictable).
And finally!
Queen Minako, Tamer of Minds
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Of the Realm of Dreams, she sees your fears, the snares laid by the subconscious and, strict and blunt as she is, she clears a path for the motivated and lets no potential go to waste.
Again, haven't read a word of the fic.
This one was by far the one that I made the fastest and I would've loved to do more with it but like deadlines. I'm gracefully skipping over the fact that I set the deadline and am fully to blame for being late.
But, as with Yuuri, blue is for spades. And since I wanted her to have a leotard but still match Yuuri and make her outfit look even slightly Japanese inspired, sheer fabric to the rescue! With cherry blossoms, of course, because CSP had the pattern preinstalled UuU
And I don't know if it worked but I tried to make her hair both look like her signature style, traditional Japanese hairstyles I found on the good ol' Interwebs and then kind of a spade by having that middle stick be the stem and the hair the spade's butt.
Also this probably goes without saying but the ranks of the characters are just titles. Yuuri is not married to Minako, she is just the Queen and he the King, don't worry.
Again, a BIG thank you to everyone who also participated, it was so fun to work together on this and see everyone's progress! Nic and Lil, you're amazing, thank you so much for everything you've done for this!
And to everyone who's made it this far, thank you for sticking around and please go check out all the other art and the ficlets! I promise it's worth it!
Masterpost | AO3 collection
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perisceris · 9 months
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Devil’s Garden
A quick summary post of lore for some of these OCs (after the cut). If you want to see more art of them, check out the tag #devil’s-garden-universe
“Devil’s Garden” is a universe I share with the bestie @hellosunnycore☀️ In this world, magical girls are not just a part of daily life but idols and an entire subculture onto themselves. Magical girls are also not just girls, as Saints (the common term in this world, along with Angels) of all genders can be found.
Here are some of my OCs in this universe:
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Cosimo ✨ 21 ✨he/they
Cosimo is a film student, rollerblader, and proud saint. Initially a bit nervous about taking on this role, he quickly embraced it after a tumultuous encounter with a handsome, mysterious angel. Before he became one himself, Cosimo wasn’t all that interested in the saint culture, with one exception: the beautiful Saint Valentine (belongs to @hellosunnycore). He’s trans masc+agender and best friends with Oriana and Obi. He’s dating a guy named Gabriel who goes to a different college.
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Oriana 🌷22🌷she/her
Oriana is a fashion student and saint (though she prefers to call herself a magical girl). Being a magical girl was the thing she wanted most her whole life. The day she gained her powers was a dream come true for her. However this excitement quickly turned to reality as she realized there was a lot more to this than what she bargained for. Her dream is to become as powerful as her idol, Saint Valentine. Oriana is a trans woman, she is childhood friends with Cosimo and is dating Obi.
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Obi 🦇 21 🦇 he/him
Obi is an art student and saint who runs his shop of goth+punk jewelry and leather goods from his dorm. A child of immigrants, he struggles to balance out his many identities and the ways they overlap and clash. Obi is a trans man. He met Oriana and Cosimo in their third year of high school.
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Uriel 👁️‍🗨️ 24 👁️‍🗨️ they/them
Not much is known about this saint, other than their extreme strength and the fury in their convictions. They have reached a higher level of sainthood and is referred to as a guardian. A mysterious fire broke out one day in their shrine, a place that was used to house orphans and which had somewhat fallen into disarray after their followers began to gather in masses. Nearly all inside died. The survivors were healed by Uriel’s tears. Uriel is agender.
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Borzoi ⛓️ 28 ⛓️ she/her
Another mysterious saint, her real name is unknown. Due to past abuses and trauma, she finds it extremely hard to trust anyone and she puts on a cold exterior to protect a deeply wounded heart. Borzoi is a cis woman. She has a brother who she lost contact with in childhood and a toxic yuri hatemance with @hellosunnycore’s OC Charlotte
I hope to share more art and lore of them sometime, but I think this is a good start. You can see more art of my specific OCs by visiting their tags.
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moonlightsapphic · 1 year
Y'all, I find the reception of XO, Kitty so dissapointing.
TL; DR: The underlying homophobia/biphobia/lesbophobia/misoginy towards Yuri as potential and viable endgame which I don't think would have happened if she were yet another hot guy.
The straight-baiting marketing of this show was absolutely genius and I loved that Jenny Han, who writes the straightest central romances to ever romance (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, The Summer I Turned Pretty), actually initiated a series with such visibly queer storylines and then literally jumped into this sort-of-interracial, sapphic romance centered around a bi+ character. I could see Han trying to be more inclusive in her past on-screen works, but this was incredible.
No you don't understand. There was this point midway through the show where I thought I was in a fever dream and watching wishful fanmade content because I couldn't believe an IRL Netflix show could actually give us this. My mind was blown.
So you'll understand that I was fully bamboozled to see that social media is swamped with Min-ho fangirls pretending like Yuri doesn't even exist. I love Min-ho too, but am I the only one who also saw so many signs that point to a future Yuri x Kitty?
First, for the narrative satisfaction of their moms being best friends in the past!
... and to complete Kitty's coming of age! Kitty, growing up in the cisheteronormative Song-Covey household, made the oversight of initially operating under the assumption that she exclusively likes boys and that she has mastered the art of relationships. That's already been debunked partway by her breakup with her first boyfriend who was supposed to be endgame, and is only going to be sealed further if she ends up with a girl in a long-term relationship. (And no, of course she doesn't have to "end up" with a girl for her queer identity to be valid, but I think it just makes the most narrative sense to have that unfold in the story as her worldview alters.)
Here I present to you: my pet peeves in the XO, Kitty fandom
hyping up parallels between Peter x LJ and Minho x Kitty scenes claiming that this means Minho x Kitty may be endgame. They literally have to reach and dig for those because the most parallels are between Peter x LJ and Yuri x Kitty, right from the scene that they bumped into each other! Kitty has also shown zero romantic interest in Minho so far, as opposed to her very keen interest in Yuri.
People finally addressing the elephant in the room like "Ugh, Yuri is probably going to be endgame. 🙄 I want Minho instead!!" like it's such a disappointing or borderline gross outcome. Yuri is a much more intense enemies-to-lovers character than Minho. She is beautiful, kind, and fun with a little bit of bite, everything that Minho is plus Kitty is falling for her hard.
Being real here—If you think Yuri is a boring love interest or kind of a b*tch while Minho is simply a fun old enemies-to-lovers character, I am begging you to check your biases. You, a straight woman, may only see hostile fictional women as competitiion and hostile fictional men as ... well, kinda hot. However, Kitty is bi+ and she could see them both as viable romantic interests, equally. Yes, Yuri has done more malicious things than Minho, but then again she has had a harder time this academic year than Minho. You are obviously still allowed to like Minho better, as long as you're not dismissing the struggles of and flattening a strong female character. Misoginy and homophobia make an ugly combo, y'all. Trust me, you don't want any part in that.
(Additional unpopular opinion: I'm going to get crucified for this but I genuinely think Kitty is too boring for Minho in the same way that Dae was too boring for Kitty. He seems to be into her only from the Halo Effect. Minho is my child and I squeal whenever he's on screen and I hope to see him finding someone actually fun!)
Saying that Kitty’s crush on Yuri was just a token plot point with no real basis or depth. While there is some unrealistic family drama in the show, it's all still credible. Fiction is supposed to bring in imaginative elements and try to keep things grounded. Regardless, I'm never going to be the person who says that a wild and shocking bi- or gay-awakening is unrealistic. As a queer person, let me tell you that it is just as wild and confusinh for us IRL.
Besides, many cishet people actually do not care if (or is hateful when) the MC is bi, that I doubt how much it “helps” with marketing. (That's why queerbaiting exists, folks.) Also, have you seen Kitty in TATBILB? That's a bi preteen right there if I've ever seen one.
"Stop trying to invalidate other people's ships!" I will say this once: I don't care if you ship Kitty with Min-ho, or Dae, or anyone else that's not Yuri. I DON'T CARE! Frankly, good for you because straight ships have better luck out there anyway, ya know? I am simply begging you to not reduce a queer person's nuanced concerns about dismissal of sapphic fictional characters to petty fandom arguments. Read the room, guys. Please.
This is such a crucial show to many of us. I just want y'all to understand that this is just a little bigger than your celebrity crush on a hot guy whose character you're rooting for. We never, ever get contemporary slice-of-life romcom sapphic rep (and Netflix is notorious for cancelling sapphic shows, too). Please don't be dismissive of a perfectly good possible ending! We want to give Netflix every reason to renew this show, and give Han every reason to allow Kitty to flourish just the way she plans to! (This is me begging y'all to not influence the writers into swerving last-minute towards a sloppy Minho endgame, though I do trust her better than that.)
I hope that Netflix renews the show, even if it's through the excitement of straight people in denial LMAO. And then I hope it treats us with a glorious sapphic ending.*
*(Aaaand I can already imagine the cishet women in the audience complaining online about what a terrible person Kitty is for leading Min-ho on and then dumping him, and how she and Yuri are both awful and totally deserve each other. Music to my ears.)
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darishima · 1 month
puppy your game collection is beautiful i dont know what most of those are except like the disgaeas (because youve explained them before), disco elysium (the occasional meme crosses my dash), roblox, and undertale maybeeeeee you could give me a tour of the others you like and what theyre about and stuff! whats muse dash ouppy that sounds like a rhythm game ^w^
thank you i know its incredible :3c soo here it is again i will go game by game and yap my ouppy little head off im sorry
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starting from the left! desmume is a DS emulator that i got to play puyo puyo fever, a fullmetal alchemist ROM and a lucky star ROM and PPSSPP is a PSP emulator i got for uhh. i cant remember which game i specifically installed it for. i think it was puyo puyo fever 2?
roblox is. you know. roblox
my hero one's justice is a demo i downloaded from steam which i have not actually played LMAO i got the demo to see if i wanted to buy the full game but i guess its pointless because i havent bothered to check out the demo
class of 09 and class of 09 re-up (the sequel) are visual novels, hard to explain what theyre about.. basically its all about toxic evil yuri and drug abuse and self harm. its like if needy streamer overload was about coked up high school lesbians
disgaea pc is the second best game ever made
disgaea 2 pc is the number 1 best game ever made. no further explanation necessary
i have not actually played dont starve yet, it was recommended by a friend so i bought it during the steam summer sale for like 2 bucks. from what ive heard, its a survival game, kinda like minecraft if minecraft was way harder and the game hated you
disco elysium is the same, recommended by a friend, i bought it for super cheap during the summer sale, and have not touched it yet LMAO
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full combo means i hit every note and didnt miss a single one >:3 im genuinely really good at the game not 2 brag,,, and YES you saw that right, hatsune miku and kagamine rin and len are playable characters!! they come with two respective DLCs which also come with a bunch of vocaloid songs and i bought them both <3 these are their sprites in game!
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and if you buy it it gives you a bunch of adorable art on the loading screens :3 this isnt even all of them just a few i screenshotted. if i screenrecorded myself killing it in muse dash would you watch the video teehee...
ok back to game yapping. leaf blower revolution is an idle clicker game i got for free on steam, which i got insanely hyperfixated on for three days and played for like 14 hours straight once and then gave up and never touched it again
yume nikki is a little pixelated adventure game where you explore around a girl's weird dreams. the soundtrack is INCREDIBLE especially this song. its transcendental. listen to it while youre high trust me you have to
DDLC requires no explanation i think. its ddlc. you know what it is theres no way you dont
the song of saya (saya no uta) i will be yapping extra about because i LOVE IT. its a horror eroge visual novel about a guy named fuminori who, after a brain surgery, sees the entire world and other people as a disgusting fleshy abomination, whereas everything looks normal to other people. for example this:
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is a completely normal hallway. but it looks like that to him. then he meets a girl name saya, who is the only thing in the world that looks normal to him, and he falls in love with her
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and i reeeally really dont wanna spoil it cause its really good and i highly recommend you go watch it (theres a full playthrough on youtube) but lets just say saya is Not as normal as she looks.
celeste is a game ive only played a little of, but i love it so far. its a platformer about a trans woman named madeline climbing celeste mountain, and encountering a personification of her self doubt that she has to overcome to get to the top. i lovee the style of the game its so pretty and way easier than i expected it to be, which is great for me because im garbage at every game in the world that isnt muse dash or disgaea
disgaea 4 and disgaea 5 are self explanatory. i ADORE d4, though im not super far into it, but i havent started d5 yet im waiting until i finish d1 and 4
phantom brave is a game set in the same universe as disgaea which crosses over with it, i havent played more than a few minutes of the game but obviously i love it so far cause its similar to disgaea. im waiting to jump fully into it until i finish d1 and d4 though
OFF is an rpg also recommended to me by a friend, i downloaded it online but havent touched it yet 😭 pro at owning games i dont play
omori is also very self explanatory. i downloaded it off my friends steam account and he and i have been playing it together, im not far in but obviously i like it, i knew i would. aubrey is sooo mecore <3 i really need to keep playing it... i should have gotten into omori sooner. actually no i take that back because i think 14 year old me getting into omori would have been so world-ending that it would have shattered my psyche
spore is spore. idk how to describe it. you make a fucked up little creature and you make the fucked up little creature do shit thats the whole game
undertale is also very self explanatory. and boom thats all my games :3 well i also have animal jam classic which didnt fit in the screenshot but theres not much to say about that. other than the fact that i own a super rare nonmember mantis pet and im proud of it. and my den fucks
okay thats more than enough yapping im sorry .. stop asking me questions because i do not know how to shut up. ily though thank you for asking :3c
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nessieartss · 4 months
i know I already told you I love your yuri skfs... i really hope I don't sound annoying but i NEED you to know I injected it deep into my veins and that's all flowing inside me now. i close my eyes and I see them, im OBSESSED. femkuna in general is the hottest thing to happen and then your femkuna with femgumi ah life changing...
(THIS DOESNT MEAN I DONT LOVE YOUR ORTHER SKFS ARTS !!! I DO !!! especially the back hug one where gumi takes a pic 🥹) ((n the ones you post on here too ugh I love your art style so much, i literally made it my everything your gumi wallpaper n stuff you are sooo talented thank you so much for the food)) ((and for your yuriiiii))
Anon you dont get it, this message means everything to me and no, you dont sound annoying at all because trust me ive been there. And im glad you liked it, it motivates me to draw them more. Thank you so much!! 💖
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livrere-green · 5 months
Hello Everyone!
I'm posting this to leave some important information about my blog, so you have a map of all the madness going on here, or at least, you're warned about it before following or interacting.
About Me:
My name is Liv 🍃, I'm 22, genderfluid, bi, my pronouns are they/them, but I'm fine if you use bro, man, girl or queen interchangeably.
I'm autistic so I tend to have difficulties with communication (online mostly), and my memory is terrible when it doesn't have anything to do with my hyperfixations.
Also I'm a spanish native speaker, so y'all never gonna know how truly smart I am (I'm just mentioning this so you know I may make mistakes using english, and also that you can tell me if i do... Please, tell me).
Writing, Reading, Doing Research, Analysing Music, Baking, Travelling, Watching TV Shows, Making Collages, Drawing.
I have some knowledge about the following media, even if I don't reblog or post stuff about all of it.
Anne with an E
American Horror Story
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Avatar Comics
Bridgerton Series
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Criminal Minds
DC Comics
Dead Boy Detectives
Game of Thrones
Good Omens
Gossip Girl
Hannibal Lecter (Books)
House MD
How To Get Away With Murder
Julie and The Phantoms
Law & Order: SVU
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Modern Family
One Day at the Time
Percy Jackson Universe
Red, White & Royal Blue
Sherlock Holmes (Books)
Star Trek
Star Wars
Stranger Things
The Crown
The Fall of The House of Usher
The Good Doctor
The Haunting of Bly Manor
The Haunting of Hill House
The Sandman
The Umbrella Academy
This is Us
Young Royals
Yuri On Ice
Side Blogs:
@livrere-purple / mcu - x-men
@livrere-blue / criminal minds
@coffe-min / bts - army
@dragon-fruity / tlok, atla & natla
@niko-sasaki-dbd / dead boy detectives + the sandman
[my main blog contains everything and nothing depending on my mood]
Other Interests:
Art / Literature / Astronomy / History / Law / True Crime / Human Rights / Psychology / Architecture / Design / Classical Music / Witchcraft / Dance / Ballet
I love making playlists based on fandoms, characters, ships, fanfics and many other stuff! (I accept requests if you have one)
Spotify Here 🖤
If you're part of a hate group please do not interact.
If you're a minor, I'm trusting in your capacity to evaluate the risks, be wise.
I may post/reblog nsfw content, it will be tagged as #safe for me or #nsfw.
I may post/reblog content related to mental illness including depression, bpd, antisocial behaviour, paranoia, self harm, ed and suicidal ideation. This is not common, but it can happen, it'll be tagged as #liv md.
#liv rambles - for text post about stuff
#liv writes - for posts about fanfiction
#liv draws - for the occasional drawings/fanarts
#liv asks - for polls
#mutuals - for the tag games and interactions with the moots <3
That's all for now, thank you for reading and enjoy the ride! 💫🌙
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liauditore · 1 year
Hi, I love your art and ive been really enjoying reading all your rambling about characters. Do you have any thoughts about pearl? I dont think she gets talked about nearly enough.
Also, shipping bingo for pearl and cleo?
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anon i have so many thoughts about pearl u have no idea
ok uhhhh first off HI UR TOO SWEET???? 😭😭😭😭😭 i never thought so many of you would actually read my unhinged rambles let alone enjoy them LMAO plus my art ok sometimes too ig
i feel like ppl actually give pearl a decent chunk of attention (i would say she gets way more than cleo does) but no amount is too much of pearl for me tbh i always want more so
pearls like uh. the most ever. babygirl. i think scarlet pearl was a bit of a turning point for her but i think she was always.. a little bit messed up. we talk about martyn essentially turning himself into ren's sword in 3L and i think LL pearl and scott have a somewhat similar dynamic, just less in your face about it. <-- thinking about her killing joel for scott multiple times, her essentially donating all her lives to him, etc.
she's a very lonely character i feel like. so the people who she does end up close to she will go insane for, literally being ready for give up her life for them.
if u want me to get hot take-y about it i think that read is why i've never been a big fan of her getting characterized as the crazy ex-girlfriend in fics and such. i always took scott calling her that as his version of events (and slandering her to get the rest of the server on his side), pearl i feel has such a pure devotion and need for love that i cant see her ever really considering romance.
soz im a misogynist on this one 😔😔
like every other divorce quartet dynamic i go crazy about it but i don't really "see" anything between these two i guess.
they've always felt kind of detached from eachother to me. like they just can't fundamentally understand one another. pearl is naive but capable of feats way beyond regular people. cleo is all too familiar with the world and endlessly haunted by their own insecurities.
the whole mean girl energy directed at pearl during DL def didn't help their relationship. i like to think that LimL cleo did feel kinda bad about how she treated her? a lot of what cleo does in DL i feel was kind of influenced by scott's behaviour -- i don't think she even really hates pearl (they might even pity her) but she's not gonna be extending a hand out anytime soon either.
but yeah even in another universe where either of them knows how to be normal about their emotions i don't see the possibility for anything more. an apology and return to normal is as good as it's gonna get imo. they're just not close enough.
i also kinda feel that.. idk it's just kind of obligatory? like ppl are clawing and desperate and starving to get some toxic yuri and Trust Me i understand. but idk uh. the ship has to find me yknow. not the other way around. 🙏
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cherrysmokesaconha · 6 months
Give me the does and don'ts of your ships
yes yes ofc!!! here u go
(edit¹: added some more stuff!)
(edit²: added more stuff <//3)
My boundaries on my canon x canon ships in general (2trenchcoat, BobTord, CamTord, DeriTom, CamDeri, 2004 TomTord, etc)
You can do:
Romantic Ship art;
Platonic ship art;
Queer-platonic ship art;
Poly ships are fine too!!;
Headcanons (specially hcs that are not the same as mine!!! i will love to see that :] );
Put the ship in your AUs (as long as you credit me for the ship + more in the "you can't do" list);
NSFW, but with some conditions (more about it in the "you can't do" list!);
Write fanfics, but also with some conditions (more about it in the "you can't do" list!).
Joke/satire art, with some conditions (more in the "you can't do" list);
Give your opinion or criticism about the ships (more in the "you can't do" list).
You CAN'T do:
Turn the ship into proshipping (like depict them as abusive, as loli or shota, etc);
Add my rarepairs (specially 2trenchcoat) to TomEdd scenarios/AUs (yes I know this is hella rigid but it makes me uncomfortable. please don't.)
Draw proshipping NSFW art, such as loli/shota, non/dub-con, or generally weird stuff. if ur NSFW art doesn't count as any of those, then it should be fine, but be sure to clarify that the teenager hc is not canon to your art and hc as well! (and educate the misinformed ones ofc);
Write proshipping fanfics (same as the NSFW thing above. if ur not weird, then ur fine);
Like the ship while being a TomTord Anti/thinking that "TomTord is abusive or toxic"/having TomTord in your DNI (this mostly counts for 2trenchcoat and BobTord shippers. I don't trust u and i don't want u around me if ur like that, UNLESS you ACTUALLY respect TomTord shippers, don't have that shitty opinion and won't yell at them for shipping it);
Make offensive satire/joke art (arts referencing g//re videos, attacking or bashing the ship or the shippers, depicting the ship as abusive or hella problematic, etc);
Give offensive criticism about the ships (attacking the ship/the shippers or saying that "your ship is better than this" are examples or this);
Weird stuff in general.
And now
My boundaries in my OC x Canon, HentaiGoddess/Cherry x 2004 Tord:
Most of it are the same as above, BUT ONLY ONE THING:
Please don't do:
Romantic ship art with Cherry and Tord (Cherry is aromantic, Tord is gay and they're just queer-platonic partners).
And here's the last one:
My boundaries on Ricky, Randall and my other fanchildren as well:
Please don't do NSFW art of them, cuz they're MINORS (unless it's the Henry Stickmin ones, cuz they're adults);
Shipping is fine, as long as you ask me which ones i'm fine with it!! (EX: I'm fine with Ello Stickmin Calvin x Yuri Curtis, but i'm NOT fine with Heart Son/David x Ricky);
Don't add my fanchildren (SPECIALLY RICKY) on TomEdd/TordMatt scenarios (both the ships themselves makes me uncomfortable and i wouldn't like to see Ricky in those scenarios);
Anything else is mostly the same as above lol
That's all i could think for now!! If u have any questions about my boundaries, please don't be afraid to ask!! I will be answering it :]
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theclearblue · 5 months
favorite sapphic ships (can be from any media), go‼️‼️
Happy to do my part during Lesbian Visibility Week 🫡 (No order except for the last one being my fave)
1. Clarke/Lexa (The 100) - Unfortunately a victim of bury yours gays but first time for me seeing a Sapphic ship and I was like "girls....kissing girls?! Interesting this means nothing to me." (<- liar)
2. Emma/Regina (Once Upon a Time) - Same as before, just one of the earliest f/f ships for me
3. Korra/Asami (TLOK) - Didn't get why this was canon when I first watched it (I had yet to have some Realizations lmao), rewatched it at some point and was like Oh. oooohhhhh
4. Nobara/Maki (JJK) - Nobara is the lesbian of all time omg....the way she talks about Maki and appreciates her SO much. Maki so clearly appreciating her company and her support (but also maybe doesn't even know how much Nobara is so Ready to Fight anyone). They keep getting put on dates in official art....I know what they are....
5. Nami/Vivi (One Piece) - It has been...twenty one years (of irl time) since these two were separated...when they're reunited (which seems like it could hopefully be soon) it's gonna be the biggest Yuri event in the world (to me). LOVE them so much the way they looked out for each other throughout everything and Vivi recognizing Nami's strengths and Nami even though she's scared of fighting getting hurt because she loves Vivi SO much. Girls of all time.
6. Ymir/Historia (AOT) - I've had my issues with AOT so I don't end up talking about it a lot, but this is hands down the best ship. Historia was my fave character and they were IT to each other and the final letter Ymir sends to her is top five most devastating moments in the whole series. Love some tragic lesbians.
7. Hinako/Asashi (Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon) - Read a lot of published yuri at one point and this one was a standout. Hinako struggles with comphet, anxiety, trying to meet people's expectations of her, and is also good ace rep! The two of them start out as friends and Hinako coming to accept herself is sooo good, probably some of the best canon rep I've read (need an anime for this asap)
8. Rhaenicent (HOTD) - After Game of Thrones bombed so spectacularly at the end I thought I would not like HOTD, but they brought me back on board with the toxic lesbians. Literally inseparable from each other at the start and the one person that they trust, and it just devolves as EVERYONE around them fucks them over in a way where they end up blaming the other and are bitter and hostile about it, but even still after everything you can tell there's some love that never went away truly? Insane.
9. Pharah/Mercy (Overwatch) - ...Exposing myself as an overwatch fan....But these two have some of the gayest voicelines in the entire game (Pharah is my main so I would know lmao. I'm also automatically gay for any Mercy that pocket heals/buffs me ajssllflglh). Fly through the skies together and protect each other...HEAVY flirting while they're at it...Mercy is like the one person to know about Pharah's mommy issues....Yeah I like them lmao.
10. Utena/Anthy (Revolutionary Girl Utena) - Woooaaahhhh who saw this one coming as my fave sapphic ship....everyone? Ok. Anyways ship of all time to me. It's healthy. It's toxic. It's doomed. It's saved. It's canon. I can't even really put into words in one short paragraph why they work so well, but them and their relationship are the heart of RGU. When they get to the point where Utena realizes that what Anthy doesn't need is a prince to save her, rather that Anthy needs her own agency, and Anthy is FINALLY able to leave her abusive situation through that agency, and be able to find and love Utena with full trust. The queer and feminist themes of RGU really just make it unlike any other ship that I've seen.
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proteovaldez · 7 months
Robert Battison fancast based on vibes. And my own delusion.
Joker is Timothée Chalamet. Just imagine him beating a kid. I feel he can have the range. Trust me I’ve thought about it long. I have like concept art of this.
Two Face is Henry Cavill/ or A Harley Quinn and Harvey Dent mashup played by Dacre Montgomery.
Scarecrow is Tyler Posey. I can’t explain that. I just feel it’d be fun for me specifically. Like I want them to make him so ill. Even funnier if we never see his face.
Catman is Charlie Cox. Just look up catman.
Dr Freeze (he has a doctorate and I’m acknowledging it) is, hear me out a woman. I feel I deserve yuri. Wouldn’t Dr Freeze be a great choice for some yuri. I want the wife to be an abstract concept. Like no actor or photos, just a shadow maybe.
Manbat is Andrew Garfield. (This is just for funsies for me.) Reasonably though I’d want like the most sickly man.
Ghostmaker is uhhhhh idk, WAIT I WANT AVAN JOGIA.
All the robins and batgirls are just random kids pulled off the street. I want Robert to just randomly stroll a neighborhood and yank a kid to put in pixie boots.
Yes, I’m aware some of these might not be like accurate representations of the characters identities, but this is purely vibes and delusion. I will slam my foot down that the robins are accurate races. I don’t care what anyone says, Jason is Latino and Tim is Wasian.
I’ll probably take some caffeine or wait till I’m sleep deprived enough to come up with more names.
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sloanerisette · 9 months
To Have And To Hold From This Day Forward - Chapter 4: School Daze
My final piece for Miyakari Autumn! Holidays and being sick made this take much longer to get out, but I wanted to end the year with some YURI!!!
This piece is inspired by @sluggybasson107's art of Yolei and Kari as elderly lesbians in love, as once I saw it, I INSTANTLY knew what I wanted this last one to be. Thank you to Sluggy and @digitalworldbound for Miyakari Autumn, and I'm so happy to have helped contribute to it! Here's to 2024 where I want to write more Digimon lesbians!
Summary: With all said and done, Yolei visits her wife while she's teaching, so she and Kari can enjoy the wonderful worlds they've helped foster.
You can also find the whole thing on AO3 here!
Ugh, why did the sun have to be so bright?
For some ungodly reason, the early afternoon sun managed to pour in through the blinds just right to shine right in her eyes. It caused Yolei to stir and grumble as she began to paw for her glasses on the nightstand. Her eyes were squinted shut to try and keep some of the light out, and once she finally settled on her glasses, she put them on and pushed herself up.
An early nap was always appreciated, but it was inevitably waking up while it was still bright out that was a pain. She let out a loud yawn and stretched her arms above her head, leaning back slightly as she grimaced from the back pain. No matter how gracefully she aged (and in her opinion, she certainly aged gracefully), there was no escaping all the aches and pains that came with her age.
She could hear her partner start to rush along the wood floors to reach her room, and sure enough, Hawkmon popped his head in with a bright smile.
“Ah, you’re finally up! How was your nap, my dear?” Hawkmon asked with the same energy he always had over the years of being her partner.
“Not long enough,” Yolei grumbled, but unable to hide her smirk as she looked over at the Digimon. Hawkmon tutted playfully as he rounded the bed and hopped onto the bed next to her.
“You always say they aren’t long enough,” Hawkmon said.
“Because they never are,” Yolei groaned. She adjusted her glasses and her body slumped slightly.
“It must be because Kari isn’t here. You always seem to get a good night’s sleep when she’s around,” Hawkmon teased. Yolei’s cheeks tinged a gentle pink and she couldn’t stop the giggle that bubbled from her throat.
“Yeah. I know she loves teaching, but would it kill her to take a day off now and then so I could get a good nap in?” she asked. Hawkmon shook his head.
“Speaking of her, do you want to stop by the Digital World and see her and Gatomon?” Yolei added after a moment.
Retirement had been good for her… up to a point, but Yolei tended to get stir crazy more often than not. She took up small personal projects, whether programming or audio related, just to occupy her time while Kari was out. Even despite their age, she still wanted to teach, still wanted to help out younger DigiDestined who just got their partners. It was incredibly admirable, and Yolei respected her to no end, but god she missed her.
“There are few things I’d enjoy more right now,” Hawkmon told her.
At least it meant she and Hawkmon had more excuses to go to the Digital World. Not that they needed an excuse, but being able to see her wife there was always a plus. Yolei uneasily pushed herself up off the bed, giving her partner a wide grin.
“Do you mind grabbing my cane, though?”
Without another word, Hawkmon was already rushing off to the doorway to pick it up.
“Thanks,” she smiled as he handed it to her, and despite the assistance the cane provided, Hawkmon held onto her free hand to help keep her steady. “You weren’t too bored while I was sleeping, were you?”
Hawkmon shook his head, “After all these years, I’ve figured out ways to occupy my time while you’re busy,” he said with a cheeky smile.
“Trust me, I know— you’re the whole reason our bookshelf is getting so much use right now,” she laughed, loud and full and just as good for Hawkmon to hear as always. Just as much vim and vigor as always.
They took their time heading into the living room, and although Yolei was tempted to peel from his side to head straight to the computer, she decided to take her time. Better to save her energy for the Digital World, anyways.
“You know, you should take the time to reread some of these, too, they’re quite enjoyable,” he said. Yolei shrugged.
“Maybe. Maybe I’ll bring something next time we stop by the Digital World,” she mused with a hum.
“Perhaps a picnic? It would be nice for us all to spend a day out and about. It could even just be the four of us, if you want,” Hawkmon suggested.
“That sounds nice. I’m sure Kari would like it, too,” Yolei said, a smile tugging at her lips just at the mention of her wife’s name. There were dozens of nice spots they could pick out, and it would be fun to pack up some boxed lunches like they used to for their kids so many years ago. She was getting excited just thinking about it, the idea growing in her head more and more.
It was putting a spring in her step that Hawkmon was making sure to keep a careful eye on.
“Ok, let’s get going, my perfect queen awaits,” Yolei grinned, sitting down at a desk that was off to the side in their living room, where the computer— and her D3— lay. “Do you remember where she said she was teaching today?”
“Just by Primary Village. I believe she has a class of kindergarteners who all have newly hatched Digimon,” Hawkmon said. Yolei nodded and her fingers began to tap away on the keyboard with that same deftness they held when she was a teenager. She locked in the coordinates of a gate right by Primary Village then grabbed her D3.
“Digi-port open! Let’s roll, Hawkmon!”
Her D3 shone a bright light, and in a flash, they were gone.
“—is like an extension of yourself. Your partner can end up reflecting you in a lot of ways, so as you grow up, you two will be able to learn a lot about each other and yourselves.”
Yup, that was Kari. A dopey, serene smile settled on Yolei’s face as she followed the source of the voice. Her and Hawkmon briefly settled behind some bushes, watching the scene before them: Kari sat cross-legged in front of a group of about twenty kids and their baby Digimon, while Gatomon sat next to her. She was beautiful as always, and Yolei couldn’t help but stare, caught up in her wife’s visage.
“It’s important to take good care of them, too. A Digimon isn’t like a pet, even if they may look like animals as they Digivolve. But it is made easier since they can talk,” she said with that light, lilting laugh. The other kids fell into a mess of giggles while their partners cooed in their laps. “Your Digimon will Digivolve at their own pace, too, so don’t be upset if it takes longer for them to reach In-Training or Rookie than your friends. It’s very important to not push your Digimon. Just like you, they’ll grow when they’re ready.”
And her smile, Yolei loved her smile. It was so bright and wonderful and had her heart swelling. It was while Yolei was staring like a moon-eyed teenager that Kari finally caught sight of her, and smiled and waved, a light blush settling on her own cheeks.
“Class, it looks like we have a visitor today. I’d like to introduce you all to Mrs. Inoue and her partner, Hawkmon,” she said, gesturing over to Yolei, still standing behind the bushes.
“Ah! Kari!” Yolei shouted in shock.
“Mrs. Inoue used to help me and other DigiDestined keep the Digital World and the human world safe,” Kari said, pausing for a beat, the sweet and innocent smile on her face seeming somehow… ominous. “She’s also my wife,” she added. Yolei turned a bright red and ducked her head, slapping a hand over her mouth in shock.
“B-Babe!” Yolei cried out over the tittering giggles of her class.
“Is it appropriate to call your wife a ‘babe’ in front of her class?” Hawkmon asked, a gentle, teasing tone to his voice. She looked down at him, to see him with his hands on his hips, looking rather smug. She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Oh, come on, with how many times I’ve helped save the world? After fifty-something years? I think I’ve earned the chance to call my wife babe whenever I want,” she grumbled.
“Do you wanna offer any words of advice to the next generation of DigiDestined, Yolei?” Kari asked sweetly. Yolei’s head snapped towards Kari, and she suddenly felt strangely shy. The next generation of DigiDestined… while she knew her wife had taught plenty of them, it was rare that she spoke to the classes. Davis had always been more than ready to share exploits of their heydays as heroes, and Ken, TK and Cody had been there to try and instill responsibility where Davis hadn’t as much, but Yolei hadn’t spoken to a class of Kari’s since, well… since she started teaching, probably.
Hawkmon gave Yolei a gentle pat on the arm, and with a deep breath, the woman walked over towards her wife with her partner in tow, looking over at the group of kids who looked up at her in wonder.
“Well, Mrs. Kamiya is right, first of all, you need to make sure to listen to your partner’s needs, but also…” she trailed off, taking a moment to think. This was her chance to really wow a whole new generation!
“…Uh, remember that being a DigiDestined is an important responsibility. You and your Digimon can help do a lot of good in this world and our world, and you should always remember to help others, whether Digimon or humans,” she said.
“That’s great advice, thank you, Yolei,” Kari said. Yolei rubbed the back of her neck with her free hand.
“Aw, don’t mention it…”
Kari slowly pushed herself off the ground and folded her hands in front of herself, “Ok, class, next we’re going to—”
“Is your class ready to see Primary Village?”
Every head turned to see Elecmon walking up with a bright grin plastered to his face.
Kari gestured to Elecmon, “Elecmon here is the caretaker of Primary Village, which is where Digimon are born. He’s going to show you around and tell you all about the village and what it’s like to care for the baby Digimon. Make sure to be good, don’t be too loud, and don’t touch any babies unless you’re given permission.”
The kids all got up and started rushing around the Rookie level Digimon in excitement. Kari looked at Gatomon.
“Would you mind going along to supervise?” Kari asked. Gatomon groaned.
“Do I have to?” she whined, “They always try to grab my ears and my face and it’s the worst…”
“Don’t worry, I will be there to help supervise and make sure your face stays intact,” Hawkmon said as he strode over to his DNA Digivolution partner.
“You better.”
As Elecmon led the class off, Hawkmon and Gatomon held up the rear, with Hawkmon giving Gatomon a reassuring pat on the shoulder to soothe her nerves.
Luckily they were still close enough for Kari to keep an eye on, but once they were gone, Yolei walked up behind Kari and let her chin rest on her wife’s shoulder.
“You really gave them some great advice, you know,” Kari said after a few moments, leaning her head into Yolei’s.
“W-what? Really? I was just saying what I thought. I want them to realize how important it is to do good.”
“It was still inspiring,” Kari smiled, “I’m sure they’ll think about that for years to come.”
Yolei could only hope.
“You know, even at my worst as the Emperor, I never wanted to try and do anything to Primary Village. It never felt right to go after babies,” Yolei said.
Of course, that didn’t stop her from conquering the surrounding areas of File Island, from taking control of Elecmon…
Yolei cringed and swallowed hard, but managed to calm slightly as Kari wrapped an arm around her waist. Yolei returned the gesture in kind, relishing in the warmth as she gently rubbed her wife’s side.
“See? Even back then you knew what was too far,” Kari smiled.
“Maybe you’re right.”
“Besides, you don’t have to worry about that now. That’s far behind you.”
Something Yolei was grateful for. It was only thought about in brief ways like this, no more nightmares about the atrocities she committed.
Kari turned to face Yolei, taking her free hand in both of hers, gently tracing circles along the back of her hand.
“We’ve really helped make this world a peaceful place,” Kari said.
“And we have a lot to be proud of, don’t we? I mean, look at you,” Yolei said, nodding to all of the children running around Primary Village, with wide smiles on their faces, their giggles filling the air. Hawkmon was frantically trying to make sure everyone behaved, while Gatomon kept a reasonable distance from the kids. Yolei and Kari laughed at the sight.
“Even after you could’ve retired, you’ve still worked so much to teach kids about Digimon. You’ve probably done more for DigiDestined than most people,” Yolei said.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Kari said.
“I would,” Yolei grinned, leaning in to place a kiss on her cheek, then another one closer to her lips.
“Yolei!” Kari giggled, squirming around a bit as Yolei held her close.
“Oh, come on, your students are busy over there, we deserve some time for ourselves— you deserve a little break,” Yolei snickered as she planted another gentle kiss on her face.
Kari turned to face her, looking up at her. Age had brought them closer in height, but only just barely. Yolei was happy to remain taller throughout all these years.
“All these years and you’re still the most beautiful woman ever,” Kari said, the edges of her eyes crinkling with wonder and joy.
“I dunno about that, I mean, I’m looking at the most beautiful woman ever right now,” Yolei told her. Kari leaned up and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Yolei held her closer.
“I love you,” Kari said as she leaned into Yolei’s touch.
“I love you, too.”
“I’m happy to have helped make a better world with you, two better worlds,” Yolei mumbled.
“And we’ll keep doing that for the rest of our lives,” Kari nodded.
“Yeah,” Yolei said with a gentle sigh, looking out at Primary Village again, unable to help but laugh as Hawkmon was struggling to keep hold of four different baby Digimon that had been handed off to him.
The two held onto each other, contentedly watching Kari’s class.
Together, they had helped keep the worlds safe, had helped people and Digimon come together in a way that they could witness kids and their partners for years and years.
Kari helped bring Yolei from her lowest, showed her unconditional love, and Yolei returned it in kind, keeping Kari safe, sound, and secure, just as Kari did. They were a team, and always would be.
Light, Love, and Sincerity, staying together forever, no matter what life brought them, or what it would bring them still.
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notsogreatpotoo · 5 months
for the ship ask thing: crowley/aziraphale (good omens), dean/castiel (supernatural), and gary/quinn (final space)?
thank u for the ask! hopefully my opinions make sense lol
disclaimer, i haven't actually watched good omens, supernatural, or final space, so this is just from what i have absorbed
crowley/aziraphale (red):
they deserve a domestic AU (i don't have to explain this)
kissing won't fix them but it might be fun (it clearly didn't fix them but it made all y'all freak out)
they would find each other in every universe (ineffable and inevitable)
comfort ship (despite not being involved in the fandom, this is a constant on my dash bc of my mutuals and mutual-in-laws)
they're literally yuri (so much cute femme art)
dean/castiel (blue):
divorced! (god they are so complicated, plus superhell is the ultimate divorce)
they are tending to each other's wounds (it's about needing an excuse to be close and to be vulnerable and to be caring)
they're going to die in each other's arms (the appeal of a tragedy is you can see what will happen and what won't but you hope anyway)
gary/quinn (yellow):
it's about the fundamental trust and adoration (trust seems to be a BIG part of this ship and why it works)
they are tending to each other's wounds (here it's about needing evidence that they're both okay and that they will remain that way)
they would find each other in every universe (they change each other a lot and they would be different characters if they never met)
they should get weirder with it (they should do something silly and stupid that only makes sense to the two of them)
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no bingos but that's okay :]
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