#all best od sad songs
lookninjas · 2 months
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What can I say, it's a metal kind of summer for me.
Anyway, pick a song from a bad description! You do not have to recognize any of the songs from the descriptions (she says, despite literally having written a description with the song title and band name in it). Just go by vibes. Go by what you think is funny, or interesting, or sounds like something you could headbang to.
At the end of the week, I will take all the songs and put them into a playlist, from the song with the least amount of votes from the song with the most. If you would like to hear the playlist, leave a comment or put it in the tags, and I'll tag you when I've got the playlist up. And if you really want to know what a song is and don't want to wait, shoot me an ask and I will answer you.
And please reblog the playlist! These are my little mixtapes that I send out to tumblr with love. The more people that I can give my mixtapes to, the happier I will be.
Also, you know, the songs always go hard as hell, and you will want to hear them. Seriously.
Anyway, have a good week, headbang safely, and remember that if someone goes down in the pit, we pick them back up and get them to safety.
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schmem14 · 2 months
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It’s my birthday! Celebrate with me by reading my top favorite fanfic discoveries this past year. (Feel free to flail with me in DM’s!) I feel so lucky to have found so many wonderful talented friends and amazing stories! 
1. flour and flesh by foxglovetonic (nocturn) Hermione x Pansy, wc: 666 rating: M
(Mind the tags) This sapphic horror fic gripped my soul from the moment I read it and it lives rent-free in my head because of its amazing imagery and masterful use of unreliable narrator. I’ll be forever creeped out by carving pumpkins and pie (but in the BEST way, I swear!) This is the #1 reason Halloween is my fav. 
2. Usually by @lumosatnight Percy x Oliver, wc: 1k, rating: E
What’s not to love about banter, chess as foreplay, and stripping down until there’s nothing left but heart-pounding hot AF sex? This pairing is fantastic, and Lani’s writing is on point, as always, and I was incredibly impressed by the real live chess match taking place in the background. Read it, you won’t regret it! 
3. drink up, boys by @emilyrickman gen work featuring Parvati Patil, wc: 1.5k, rating: M
(Mind the tags) I URGE you give this gripping revenge story a chance! Between Parvati’s confidence and the absolute heartbreaking and empowering ode to sisterly love, this story gave me goosebumps. Emily is such a great writer, and I can’t stress enough how well the feels come through on this one. Also, give the song What It Means To Be a Girl by EMELINE a listen as you read, it will elevate the whole experience! 
4. One Woman’s Trash by @nanneramma Lavender x Hermione wc: 2k, rating: T
My friend Nan can do it all, and I don’t care that coffee shop AU has been done a thousand and one times before, THIS is the one to read! Lavender is to die for in this, and the fluff is pure, gourmet sweetness. It will have you kicking your feet and squealing by the end. 
5. Head Over Heels by @vdoshu Narcissa x Mrs. Zabini, wc: 575, Rating: M
This itty bitty fic is singlehandedly feeding my Narcissa Mommy delusion. I want her to step on me SO BAD! Ugh. Doshu packs a punch with every story, and the punchline of this one is sure to have you gasping like a beached fish. Please come scream at me about it if and when you know what I mean. 
6. Welcome, Peasants by @fluxweeed Draco x Ron x Harry, wc: 15k, Rating: E
It was nearly impossible for me to pick just ONE of my favorite fics from Dronarry fest this year, but I narrowed it down to two. Strap in for an hour and immerse yourself because the payoff is WORTH IT!  This one blends the juicy polyjuice trope with a healthy dollop of mistaken identity and a pinch of jealousy. Better yet is the twisty reveal and the absolutely smut-tastic finale that follows.
7. For I Have Found Salvation by @lumosatnight Severus x Harry, wc: 7k, Rating: E
Yes Lani, I couldn’t resist another! I feel like I have to preface this by saying I’m not usually a Snarry fan, but this filthy Priest AU fic is EVERYTHING. The dynamic of guilt and forbidden church sex (while church is IN SESSION) is so fucking delectable. I’m going to just say it and embarrass myself: Insta-Wank Bank. Yep. 
8. Nightswimming by @sweet-s0rr0w Draco x Ron (x Harry), wc: 5k, Rating: M
…Which brings me to my SECOND Dronarry fest pick from this year, and I love it so much because it’s all banter and hypotheticals. Draco and Harry are a couple, but Draco and Ron share a car ride where it comes out that maybe they’ve been considering a three-way with Ron. They don’t even fuck, but the tension of them just talking about it is too hot to handle. Bonus: There’s art at the end! 
9. Mistletoe Mojito by @amethystheart2421 Sybill x Severus, wc: 3k, Rating: E
This fic knocked me flat on my ass. This lust potion fueled one-night stand fic had me laughing and crying (from hilarity and absurdity and sadness) all at once. Such delightful writing, and the perfect example of crack taken seriously. 
10. All That Is Beautiful, Burns In The Making by @sailtomarina Narcissa x Bill, wc: 8k, Rating: E
Narcissa is hot. Bill is hot. We all know this from canon, but imagine they get together and how much hotter they are as a couple! This fic contains such delights as werewolf Bill, seduction, forbidden love, infidelity, knotting, endless refractory periods, voyeurism, rough sex, and mating. It’s not quite A/B/O but it has a lot of the elements that make it such a juicy AU.
11. A Perfect Answer by @p1013 Draco x Harry wc: 9k, Rating: E
Downton Abbey AU. Harry is Draco’s valet and the love is very much forbidden. Contains: pining, jealousy, decorum, emerald cufflinks that Draco favours, and BATHS. Something about it reminds me of Jane Eyre, though I know that’s a different time period and there’s no crazy wife in the attic. I loved this fic so much because it was a well-written AU and it brought a breath of fresh air to an old favorite otp. The angst is divine, and the ending is such a lovely payoff. Enjoy! 
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welcomehomerandomness · 6 months
Welcome Home Website Update Reaction Notes (3/9/2024) Part 2 (SPOILERS)
Here's Part 2 of my Welcome Home Website Update Reaction Notes (3/9/2024)! Hope you enjoy it!
Howdy caterpillar walking ASMR
“It was then that Howdy Pillar pulled out a luxurious looking scarf- If one were to take a guess, it was probably the perfect size for a large house! Wally’s eyes sparkled brightly as he looked at it, but Barnaby was not as impressed. Still, he remembered this was all for Wally.” Barnaby doesn’t like the scarf but at least he knows that Wally needs it to give it to Home…Barnaby’s a true bestie
“There, scaling the tallest of the Homewarming trees in all of the neighborhood, was Sally Starlet herself. She was wearing an outfit adorned in sparkles, glitter, tinsel, ornaments, and even strings of popcorn- She was, as she’s ever been, truly a sight to behold. Even now as she continued to climb up the tree, she was radiant.” Sally is a goddess and an icon
Sally’s nickname for Barnaby is “Barntholomew” lol
Poppy is best bird mom friend lol
Also I wonder what the sunflower-seed ham tastes like
Why does Wally’s voice sound distorted when he says “How can that be.”? Is he sad? Mad? Both?
Awww at least the story ends on a good n-WAIT WHERE’S EDDIE??? WHY ISN’T HE IN THIS STORY???
I’m scared for Eddie now
Also I love how we get to hear more of Home in this storybook record even if I joke around on how I hate Home lol
Now let’s hear Wally’s Toyland…I think it’s a Christmas song lol
Well at least this one has music instead of Wally singing acapella
Wally’s singing is so beautiful...It brought tears in my eyes sniffles
Also is it just me or do the lyrics “Childhood's joy land…Mystic merry toyland…Once you pass its borders…You can ne'er return again” seem kinda sus?
Like I feel like Wally’s singing about the Neighborhood and how you can never return back home once you entered it? Hmmm…
Anyways let’s listen to Up from the Home-Top which is basically the Welcome Home version of Up from the House Top lol
Oh crap Barnaby’s dead/j
“You lost control!? Can’t you see we’re in the middle of preparing for my Homewarming play? Julie is my Santa Claus! And Home? Her trusted reindeer!” Sally, how does Home being a reindeer work??? Is it gonna drag itself on the stage as Julie rides on top of it or???
Oh crap Julie and Frank are dead/j
Also the song is so silly and wholesome I love it
Now it’s time for “Howdy's Holiday Hullabaloo” Record!!! I’m so excited to hear this!!!
“How, normally, I don’t close early for any ol’ thing! Not rain, not sleet, not snow - not even that time Julie launched herself clean through the wall over there!” Oh god I imagine that one scene from the Scott Pilgrim movie where Scott crashes through a window…But instead of a window it’s a FREAKING WALL
Howdy’s brother kinda sounds like Frank lol
Poor Howdy’s dying inside
I think we all know who Howdy’s favorite sibling is lol
The brother-in-law sounds so nonchalant lol
The nephews are so adorable awww
I just realized that Howdy’s uncle is a snail which is why he’s French lol
I wonder if the uncle is a reference to the Swedish Chef from the Muppets but he’s French instead
Oh god the cousin is a stoner hippie lol
I love Howdy’s grandma
I love Barnaby’s reaction to seeing Howdy’s family at the end lol
Overall the song is pretty charming and I love it so much
Also Barnaby's Tobacco Pipe??? Honestly it’s funny but I don’t think this toy will go well if it was created today lol
Barnaby be teaching kids in the early 70s’ how to be like Snoop Dogg but instead of weed it’s bubbles
Oh god not the nephews
Now let’s listen to “Bug-a-Bye and Goodnight: An Ode to Hibernation” Record
Frank’s voice is so beautiful I love it
But Frank seems kinda sad…
I want to buy that set of homewarming greeting cards to give to my family and friends during Christmas lol
Also I want to try the Crispy Sweets frosted cereal so bad...I NEED IT!!!
And there’s a mini doodle on the side of the pictures too
I solved the code at the back of the cereal box but I don’t have time to decipher the other code that was spread all over the website because I’m too lazy lol
I went back to the Merchandise section and found out that Eddie’s toy that Santa was about to introduce in the radio ad was an Eddie Dear Li’l Mailman Kit
I also want to buy all these toys so bad I don’t care if I’m a college student I want them all lol
“Although our Guestbook is and will remain closed for the foreseeable future, we wanted to properly recreate it for those newly joining in our efforts to explore Welcome Home! After all, it’s fun to look back and see how far we’ve come together as a community! We will be recreating all eight original pages in the near future, so check back in soon to see if you can find your message! Have fun!” I can’t wait to see the Guestbook in the future
Dang I’m gonna miss those bugs
I can’t believe I spent hours on this website lol
My hands are kinda tired from typing lol
Also let me know if I miss anything
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heliza24 · 6 months
Daniel, Armand, and Keats???
Ok so the incredibly grainy footage of the new teaser has me spiraling! Devils minion on screen! But even more exciting, is Armand describing himself as “easeful death”, presumably to Daniel. Ok Rolin Jones, listen up. I don’t know a ton of literature by heart by I WAS a depressed and then chronically ill teen and early twenties person, who identified maybe a little too hard with romantic poet John Keats. Some of his poems are permanently tattooed on my brain. So I see what the writers are doing here. “easeful death” is from Ode to a Nightingale. The full line is: “Darkling I listen; and, for many a time/I have been half in love with easeful Death”. I mean. Come on.
I reread the poem after watching the trailer last night, and it’s actually SUCH a clever reference. It could practically be written by Daniel about Armand. We already know the writers room is familiar with and willing to reference other classic poets (Emily Dickinson absolutely is a vampire) so I think this is 100% intentional.
The narrator of the poem is tired of the difficulties of life and is longing for death; he speaks to the nightingale as a kind of immortal figure who is free from all cares. He is able to momentarily accompany the nightingale, at least mentally, as it flies and forget all troubles, but must come back to earth by the end of the poem. It’s pretty easy to read this as Daniel talking about Armand.
In fact, the first thing the speaker longs for is not death or the nightingale, but wine to take his mental pain away.
O, for a draught of vintage! that hath been
         Cool'd a long age in the deep-delved earth,
Tasting of Flora and the country green,
         Dance, and Provençal song, and sunburnt mirth!
O for a beaker full of the warm South,
         Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene,
                With beaded bubbles winking at the brim,
                        And purple-stained mouth;
         That I might drink, and leave the world unseen
And we know that Daniel was numbing himself with drugs when he first met Louis and Armand. In fact the voiceover in the trailer almost feels like a pitch to Daniel; Armand is saying “I’m better than the best drug you’ve ever had”, effectively.
The speaker is determined to forget what the lucky nightingale (or Armand) “hast never known”:
The weariness, the fever, and the fret
         Here, where men sit and hear each other groan;
Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last gray hairs,
         Where youth grows pale, and spectre-thin, and dies;
                Where but to think is to be full of sorrow
The nightingale doesn’t know about the trials of living and aging, just like Armand. The speaker wants to forget about the inevitable “palsy shakes” that arrive with age. which could easily be a reference to what we now diagnose as Parkinson’s Disease.
At this point in the poem, the speaker tells the nightingale that he will join him in forgetting life not with the help of “Bacchus and his pards” (wine) but with “posey” (poetry). Which makes me think of Daniel using his writing to get closer to the vampires.
The fact that the speaker calls the nightingale “Darkling”! I mean what a perfect name for Armand. In fact I think this whole section is just perfectly about a vampire if you want it to be:
Darkling I listen; and, for many a time
         I have been half in love with easeful Death,
Call'd him soft names in many a mused rhyme,
         To take into the air my quiet breath;
                Now more than ever seems it rich to die,
         To cease upon the midnight with no pain,
                While thou art pouring forth thy soul abroad
                        In such an ecstasy!
         Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vain—
                   To thy high requiem become a sod.
Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!
         No hungry generations tread thee down;
The voice I hear this passing night was heard
         In ancient days by emperor and clown
Armand was not born for death; he’s seen many an emperor and clown and in fact been both (leader of the coven, pretending to be Rashid). There’s also an emphasis on the nightingale’s song. I don’t know if Armand will be a musician at all in the show, but he and the coven are definitely performers.
In the last stanza, the speaker comes back to himself. He knows that he does not get to escape the burden of life for the ease of death, or at least not yet. It makes me wonder if Daniel will eventually turn down the gift at some point in the devils minion timeline. We know that he rejects Louis' mocking offer to give him the gift in the Dubai timeline.
Forlorn! the very word is like a bell
         To toll me back from thee to my sole self!
Adieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well
         As she is fam'd to do, deceiving elf.
Adieu! adieu! thy plaintive anthem fades
         Past the near meadows, over the still stream,
                Up the hill-side; and now 'tis buried deep
                        In the next valley-glades:
         Was it a vision, or a waking dream?
                Fled is that music:—Do I wake or sleep?
The last line and the confusion about whether the time spent with the nightingale is a dream or not makes me think of Daniel waking up from the dream of Polynesian Mary’s.
In summary, Rolin Jones what the fuckkkkk. I’m so so excited about this season and all the Armand/Daniel content we’re about to get.
Oh also, as a bonus, if you want to hear Ben Whishaw recite the entire poem, and you definitely do, here you go:
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vctrvn-ls · 1 year
Beta Squad members as The Weeknd songs {and why}
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AJ: Shameless
guys guys guyyyssss , listen to the fvcking lyrics and tell me that’s not how you imagine being in a relationship with him!! the melody too, like it just gives off such Aje vibes you know? trusstt this is his song 100% , im sure with this one
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Niko: Losers
now now now, why would I pick a semi-basic song for my husband? well it’s not really basic though. listen to the words and fricking tell me that it doesn’t sound like a Niko thing?? like the lines “cause stupid’s next to I love you” and obviously “only losers go to school” ahahah. and the melody is so upbeat but not too over the top at the same time, just like Niko, you guys get me??? like plz I put a lot of thought into this one ahahah
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Sharky: Rockin’
sooo I was stuck in between this song and ‘Next’ but then I came to a conclusion that the latter is too too chill (almost sad) and the lyrics wouldn’t make sense. maybe the lyrics of ‘Rockin’ don’t all apply to Sharks, but the melody is his 100% because of how catchy and easy going it sounds!!! and you would totally be rockin’ together. being with sharky would be like dating your best friend no? j think ab it, he loves to gossip (podcasts r there for a reason), he dresses sooo well (outfit matchy matchy), great listener and an overall sweetheart!!! and the line “you don’t have to waste your energy”!?!? a slay line, defo cause he’d be so carefree w u and feel amazing. Sharky ily sm <3
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Kenny: Gasoline
ssshhhh guys,this is such an underrated song Im telling you, j like Kenny. this song is j *chefs kiss* for him, despite the fact that I can’t explain why the main chorus of the song has me thinking ab Kenny when the lyrics have nothing to do w him. Ik it feels like I j wasn’t bothered for poor Kenny, but that ain’t the case. really like, here you either get it or don’t, it’s j all ab the vibe rlly. (also the OD line in the chorus kind of resembles his boxing to me..like if u were to be in a relationship you’d obviously help him, help him stay motivated, always be on his side and support him no matter what, that’s why it’s “I know you won’t let me OD” , cause he would literally trust you w his whole life!!)
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Chunkz: Ordinary Life
lyrics lyrics lyrics is all I can say guys. maybe don’t listen to them too deeply, but off of the surface vibes we get religion, fame and the contrast of the two. we all know Chunkz takes his religion seriously, to the point where he gave up music, and we all know he is considered a very successful individual. so connecting the two, he probably does have a hard time balancing them which only makes sense because usually religion is more ab the spiritual world rather than the material. additionally the main chorus is lively tuneful but still sounds kind of mature (u get me guys? I hope so) which is literally a description of our bby Chunkz <3
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Filly: Best Friends
honestly self-explanatory hahaha, like this man always talking how he doesn’t want a serious relationship or anything like that, like he a fwb typa guy. lyrics v fitting if like someone ends up falling for him (me), I mean cmon like who wouldn’t…it’s Filly. looks, charisma, vibe, j a dream man fr. the melody lowk calm, drk if it’s v Filly but in some way I would say yes..
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alogeminiss · 3 months
Hi everyone :)
In this first post u want to tell you my opinion of all the albums by twenty one pilots. They have seven albums in this moment, a couple weeks ago they released their new album.
First, we have the called "self titled" this is my favorite album from this band and I really like all the songs, the songs are very sad and nostalgic and make me feel and anxious. The lyrics are the best and tells so many good stories. Also, the cover is gorgeous and magnificent. I really can't choose my favourite song.
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The second one is "regional at best". This is not the big thing because many of these songs are in the next album but with a better sound and littles changes. But songs like "glowing eyes" and "forest" are so great and are just in this album. I wish the album was in the platform, but is not.
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Next one "vessel" this album has many song of the last one, but better. The songs are really nice and sad (obviously) It has different sounds, maybe more happy (to me) but the lyrics are very sad too. I love all the songs but "ode to sleep" and "migraine" are gods. I think this album have one of the best experimental sound and lyrics so deep. I really recommend it.
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"blurryface" is the most popular for their songs like "ride" and "stressed out" (good song but honestly I had enough). I think it's a good album but not the best one. Have more sound like rap and trap and it's good but the songs aren't my favourites. In this album began the lore of their own story.
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Another one, follow the story deeply with lyrics and the videos. Has incredible sounds and a baddie energy like "you are not like the other people" or "you don't understand" lol. I really enjoyed when I listened for the first time and I appreciate it so much. But some songs are just a NO (like "bandito" I can't listen it) otherwise I love "cut my lip" best song.
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"the unique and different" : "scaled and icy" at first time I was so confused about the fact that the music sound so different and the lyrics are so happy. I mean, in all the albums are really deep and dark but in this one...
But then I understood was made on purpose because also follow the lore of them. I like all the song but "redecorate" is a feeling.
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And the last one, they just released a couple weeks ago and I still in shook. I REALLY LOVE ALL THE ALBUM. The lyrics, the sounds, the emotions...
I am impressed with the album, and the most important: I WILL GO TO THE CONCERT. I'm so excited to see them and listen the new songs in live.
I don't have my favourite one yet.
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mysadblacksoul · 4 months
Let's talk about Clancy, eh? (plus the livestream)
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So I'm watching the livestream (the vod) and I decided to share my opinions about each songs!
without the first 4 singles
But tbh I think I'm an Overcompensate girly, that before hearing the rest of this album this is my top 1
With Backslide as a close second
Wait why should I increase my volume
Oh that's why
It was a trap
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Okay Midwest Indigo, let's go I'm so ready
What an outfit Mr Joseph
Omg it's so bouncy
I love the shouty lyrics
This MV is so goofy what the hell
Okay so it's so happy, so funky I love it!
The drums make want to do a lil dance
Hope the next one won't be sad
Yes Tyler, this song will go so hard live, I agree
And yes, put Josh on the mic!
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Routines In The Night everybody
Oh so it's the rap one?
It's much less bouncy, but I can still tap my leg to it so I'm fine
You think that this is like the sister song to Ode To Sleep?
The chorous is so catchy what the hell
Yes! Give me those adlibs!
The dances, the visuals, the face card that never declines
What is he eating for Lord's sake
I can't pay attention to the songs when every time one ends those fools pop up on my screen again lol
"not every video is gonna be lore based" my ass
Wait so Routines is not lore oriented? But I see so many references :((((((
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So it's a crowd's favourite? Aight
Oh it sound so nostalgic
More rap? okay, okay
Omg the vocals????
It's so different, like I can't predict where are we going with the beat
The bridge is so out of place but so in place???
What is going on
No but I see why they like it, for sure
God I love all the Joshes in the MVs
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So Jenna's version will have another MV?
Sounds fun!
Oh it's soft version
So this is a fanmade mv for Jenna, how cute
No for real it is emotional, but in the best way possible
This version is filled with so much love, I can't even explain
The flashbacks to the young dudes? I might cry too
Yeah I se the vision. Like The Craving does feel more "right" played on the ukulele. It gives it much more emotion!
Now you just bully him lol. Tyler has two hands to hold two ukuleles, this is lore guys
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Lavish whoo!
Before we start why the hell is the title of this song the only one written in different font in the lyric sheet in the CD, huh?
O damn man in black, get it I guess
The vocals are so dreamy, so different
Another leg mover
Why all of this songs are so catchy are you putting crack in it or what
It's also very chill so far
I also really like the use of the strings, it makes the song more full!
It kind of sounds like a movie soundtrack? Or is it just the MV that makes it feel this way
The silliest MV so far lmao
And seeing the amount of work that went into it makes it even better
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And now Navigating!
I have to stop myself from looking for lore
I'm 3 seconds in, why it already sounds like a bop
This might be my new favourite song from this album
The electric guitar? With the synth? 11/10
The chorous is so amazing, simply
Will the bridge be sad or will he scream
Oh come through with this bass
Where did he go irl lmao
No for real it might be my favourite now, sorry Overcompensate
The Bandito one is the real one, write that down
What the hell Tyler, we have such a different taste then
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Snap Back let's go!
What is going on
I'm like a second in
Oh no, it's broken
Instead of Snap Back premiere we have the premiere of Next Semester (ukulele version)
I'm not mad at all
Okay, let's go for real this time
Oh it's so dreamy
So this is the MV with head shaving lmao
BACKSLIDE, I heard that everyone
The drums are really shining on that song
And I love the contrast between low tone verses and more melodic, high alibs in chorous
The bridge seems sad I fear
Or are we picking up the tempo?
Nah we are putting more adlibs now!
Even better
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Oldies station better be nostalgic
And quick question before we start, what the hell did you do to Josh?
Is this ballad?
Soft, fun and with funky vocals!
The lyrics are so beautiful, god
Omg Josh lmao
What a contrast to the song lol
Oh we are switching
I don't know how to justify it, but it feels like such a twenty one pilots song
Like it just makes sense for them to make it
I really like it
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Honestly At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb sounds silly from the start
So is the MV
I really like the rollercoaster of the vocals. They are kind of all over the place, but still makes a lot of sense
It's the beat drop on the "drop"
Oh rap some more sure!
Why does he want to fight in every MV
Very fun, very chill and then you have the post chorous that are hard hitting
Love the contrast
Am I crazy or did they use kalimba in the end? I might be wrong tho
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That's so sad that we are already finishing
One last track
Paladin Strait whoo!
I'm afraid that this one will be the sad one
The tears producer
The heart clencher
The ukulele strikes back
Love those low vocals
It's a song to sway this time
The drums strikes back
I don't know why it kind of sounds like the end of the western movie. Like after the good ending the cowboy is walking towards the sun, you see my vision?
This song is full of hope, so amazing
God the lyrics sounds like Clancy is finaly free
I might cry
It sounds like good ending to the trilogy
So it feels like a scam
It's too good to be true
But I don't know, maybe after all the ending of this story is good for all of us
What, is the silence in the official audio or is it just the end of the livestream
wait guys no
Now I need the MV to see what the hell is going on
The End
Nah, I'm not leaving you like this
I still think that Navigating is my fav from the new songs
But I'm gonna go listen to the album some more and then decide for sure
It's a good mix of everything, very twenty one pilots style
I just wished for more rage and screaming, but we need to be calm sometimes, I get it
There isn't a song that I don't like, that's for sure
So yeah! This are my feelings, thoughts (and prayers)
Give me your favourite song in the comments!
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i actually love you’re losing me haha
but i got a little sad/frustrated at the thought that most people taylor’s writing songs about won’t ever get the chance to tell their side of the story. and it’s such a complicated matter, too. because while yes, i believe that singing/writing about one’s own experience shouldn’t be viewed as wrong, it’s hard to ignore the audience’s reaction to the songs.
i remember this one interview, i think it was from red era, when taylor was telling a story about a guy who after breaking up said something along the lines of “don’t you think about writing songs about me”. and taylor played it off as a joke, and i think she said that she replied i won’t, and then she did, with the sassiness that was on-brand for her back then, and which i loved. but this particular interview always was in the back of my mind whenever one of her exes was brought up within the fandom.
i remember that people would bring up this quote as an example of jake’s(?) assholery, and i get that, because trying to control another person’s way of expression is kind of an asshole move, but. it must be extremely frustrating for taylor’s exes to be painted as the bad guys and then be hated by thousands (if not millions) of people for years after.
and it’s not even the ‘rabid’ fans, so to speak. one of my best friends, a fellow swiftie, reacted with confusion and mild disgust(?; i’m sorry, not sure if that’s the best word for it haha) upon hearing that one of my comfort movies is one in which jake plays lead role. and she’s really rational and level-headed. granted, she’s probably not tweeting hateful stuff about him, but it still impacts her choices about which movies to watch, for example. and i imagine there’s more people like that.
i have this one song of john mayer’s that brings great memories, cause it was my camp counselor’s favourite and he used to play it for us on his guitair & sing, and i felt guilty listening to it for YEARS bc of what john mayers did to taylor.
i went on quite a rant, but what i mean is: the view that taylor only writes songs about her ex-boyfriends is *extremely* damaging and frankly not true, but it’s hard to deny that her songs impact (sometimes more, sometimes less) the lives of people about whom the song are about. the question is, should artist take it into account while creating, or would that impact the craft too much? i don’t exactly have an answer.
but i do understand why people would be afraid to start a relationship with taylor.
also, your blog feels very safe, so thank you for that :D <3
Okay, so... I'll get back to this when I'm not as frustrated with the fandom as I am today, but there are a couple of things I wanna say.
I need everyone who says "it's her story, she can say whatever she wants!" to please reflect on what such a blank statement entails and what are its consequences.
EXAMPLE A. Lev Tolstoy is one of the greatest writers that have ever existed. He was also a horrible human being who vexed and tormented his wife, Sophia Tolstaya, for years. I'm not gonna go into that here, but there was abuse, of all sorts, involved. Tolstoy crushed her spirit and made her life miserable while forcing her to bear more than ten children. Tolstoy is also the author of "The Kreutzer Sonata", a novella about the hatred of a man for his wife, which ends with the former killing the latter (described by him as "hysterical" and "mentally diseased") and which can be read as an ode to sexual purity. Did Tolstoy practise what he preached in the novel? Absolutely not. And yet, his word was taken as gospel by everyone in Russia, and people pitied Sophia. They thought that she was the woman portrayed in the novel and that she was making poor Tolstoy's life miserable, even though she went to great lengths to stop people from speculating and talking about it (she went as far as protesting the censorship of the novella in front of the czar). After the author's death, she was also despised by scholars and her entire persona was reduced to that of a frigid wife holding her husband back. It was only at the beginning of the 2000s that Sophia's diaries and two novels were finally published and studied. And they told the story of a woman who longed for a loving marriage and who was dying in her husband's shadow. It took 100 years for people to learn the truth about Sophia, because they'd only paid attention to Tolstoy's art before then.
EXAMPLE B. H��lène Devynck is Carrère's ex-wife. He is, without any doubt, one of the most famous writers alive, and arguably a top 10 writer worldwide when it comes to literary fiction and nonfiction. He is, again, an amazing writer (read "The adversary"). In his latest work, Yoga, he had a few passages where he wrote avout Devynck, even though in their divorce there was a clause that forced him to submit anything he wrote about Devynck to her, so that she could delete it, no questions asked. The story is long, but this quote from Devynck sums it up nicely: "I'm asking for distance. I don't want to be his literary object anymore. I just want to exist elsewhere".
So, to sum up: to every fan out there who's saying "she can do whatever she wants with her story! She shouldn't care about the consequences!", PLEASE remember that that's the same excuse used to justify what famous and powerful MALE artists have done for years: write about their female partners, make them a character in their story and delete their personality without any care for the consequences.
I don't have a solution. And I think that art should be as free as possible. But if you can't recognize the precarious position of "the muse", if you can read Carrère's ex-wife plea and still think that the author can do whatever the fuck they want, then I really don't know what to tell you...
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go-learn-esperanto · 2 years
I would like to have finished writing the well thought out post I was gonna do initially but I've been extremely busy today, so I'm just gonna say.
I am so distraught by what this situation has done to my community.
Right now I'm in constant anxiety and terror because I don't know which of the blogs I followed and loved, and even possible friends, are just gonna leave forever.
It hurts seeing something that was mostly build by the fandom - let's be real, the last year of Dream SMP popularity has mainly remained because we are so many and we created fics and art, and videos and everything. It wasn't the the Minecraft server. Definitely not just that.
And more than that the Minecraft server isn't just Dream. There are so many CCs who poured all their art in it, and to see the story gone? The community gone? Just like that? That would destroy me.
I spent the last 2 years dedicating so much of my time, love and happiness to it. I made so many friends in this community.
I really don't want to say I left a fandom not because I lost interest but because the fandom sinked all around me.
The last Reblogs aren't done with lightness in my heart they're made of desperation, of simultaneously trying to maybe make my followers happier with fun posts and trying to convince them to maybe not leave, or even the worst of them all, scattering trying to reblog a posts of a blog that has said they won't be here anymore.
To me the Dream SMP was ours. We all got together when there was a new Sad-ist or Late August animatic, a lot of my music library is Dream SMP fan songs, Passerine was a fanfic with fics, music and animations made out of it. A lot of us talk about the Super Hero au like it's canon sometimes, we fought to get that Ao3 tag!!! We made content in the Dream SMP canon (the white streak, YCGMA limbo).
I am inclined to say that the fandom as a whole is as much of a Content Creator as the the Dream SMP's content creators, if not more (we are a lot of people).
And now some are leaving for very valid reasons, and us that are staying know that we'll have to find way to make this work in a sensible way - that we'll also suffer consequences of having extra hate thrown at us, even if we really haven't supported Dream directly in a long time (I for example never really liked manhunts that much so outside that really small lore video of Dream I haven't touched a Dream video or stream for more than a year).
And to think of the community that bonded around an Ode to L'Manburg and still knows how to sing it today. To think of a community that is such a safe space for LGBTQI+ people. To think of the inside jokes about salmon. To think about the zines. To think about the fact that I could live of fan content!!! Because we had almost all art forms! From embroidery to book binding, to composing to drawing, animatics/animation, sculpting, cosplaying, writing, programming, etc... I have seen it all.
And to think it can all be threatened by a single person? When we are literally millions? It's a feeling I can't really describe.
I can only wish that on the best case scenario something happens like what happened to Hermitcraft - the server goes to another person. But part of me thinks we might end up like Yandere Highschool, although worse because everyone knows about the Dream SMP. I'm starting to wonder if that even is wishful thinking. Because at least people leave Yandere Highschool fans alone because almost nobody knows about it.
All of this to say - more than the lore I am worried about the people and friends I might lose because of this situation, and what I wish is for we all to come out of this the least scratched as possible, so that maybe we can still play a little melody.
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vanalex · 4 months
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I can't help it... I'm obsessed with him...
A little "history lesson" (for the ones interested) about how I became a fan of Type O Negative... and my feelings towards them...
When I heard 'my girlfriend's girlfriend ' for the first time in 1996 I was just a teen. Watching MTV in my bedroom. I was, at that time, very much into 60s music and aesthetic. A hippie après la lettre, sort of speak... I was also, for as long as I remember, obsessed with vampires and a huge fan of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles.
So when this video came on I loved the colorful backdrop and sixties influences. And then there were 4 guys dressed in black, looking like vampires. Especially the singer. I lost it. This was my new favorite band. 🤗
When 'Love you to death' came out I ordered the T-shirt (a girl t-shirt, not the unisex shirts they sell now) via postorder catalogue Large. I loved that T-shirt and would still have it, if my mom didn't throw it out with all my other band shirts, because she thinks you need to keep the economy going by buying new stuff all the time and getting rid of "old" stuff. Insert *dramatic eyeroll*
Type O Negative were not a mainstream band and unfortunately, growing up in a small town, I was about the only one, as far as I know, that liked their music.
So, I completely missed out on their 1999 world coming down release. ☹️
In the early 2000s, a record store in the city where I went to college had a clearance sale. I found the least worst of CD and bought it. Around that same time I bought the After Dark DVD. It was only then that I found out about world coming down. I liked the "new" songs, but also had mixed feelings about them. They depicted an unhealthy lifestyle.
In 2003 'I don't wanna be me' was playing on MTV and I was excited to hear more new music from them and seeing them on MTV again. I remember also being shocked with Peter's appearance in that video. He did not look well... It would become clear he wasn't doing well at all: mental and physical health problems, addiction, jail time, forced rehab, relationship problems, etc...
Later that year Type O Negative came to a festival a few hours driving from where I lived... Unfortunately I had noone to go with and my boyfriend and I were volunteering for a local 'save the forest' non profit that same weekend. I thought I would see them next time, but the same circumstances made me not see them in 2007... 😥
And although Peter looked better (healthier) in the late 2000s, he aged a lot due to his addictions and lifestyle, he also looked kind of sad when he was performing on Wacken in 2007.
When he died in 2010 I initially had peace with it, thinking it was probably for the best.... knowing about his struggles and losses...
I did not know about the circumstances of his death until many years later and since then I've felt it could have been prevented. He did not OD, he did not commit suicide... he was clean for almost a year (!), he looked happy in his last interview 🥹... he died because he didn't receive the correct medical care on time... because he was taking care of his sick cat instead of himself, because the people nearby him didn't help (Did they not see/know how severely ill he was? I guess we'll never know)...
I've always felt like I missed out on something with not seeing Type O Negative live. From all the bands I've listened to as a teen until now, they're the only band that I love more with each time I listen to them. I don't have this kind of connection with other bands/artists... Seeing pictures, videos, ... of them makes me very nostalgic... it feels like they're still around. And then it hits me they're not 😥 I just miss this band a lot and wish we had more years with them, more music...
So... seeing old pictures of them, especially Peter in his more happier and healthier years (everything before world coming down era and even before 1997), makes me feel nostalgic ... "obsessed" ... and the pictures where he smiles are solid gold. 💚
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I wonder... did he ever know how truly special he was ? Handsome, intelligent, goofy, creative, sensitive... I guess he didn't and let his value be determined by others. At least, that's how I interpret some of his lyrics... What do you think about this?
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So, what's your story? Why do you love their music? I would love to find out!
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This last picture is my absolute favorite 💚
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 10 months
Halloween (chapter 2)
Book: Open Heart
Chapter: 2/7
Characters: Jensen Valentine, Aliyah (OC)
Rating: Teen
Words: 865
Chapter Summary: Moving backwards in the timeline (as this story is in reverse chronological order), we're now at the chemical attack to see who was there for him when he needed it.
Not necessarily who should've been there.
A/N: casey, who is mentioned briefly, belongs to @jerzwriter
It's an ode to the hole that I found myself stuck in
A song for the grave that I dug
There's a murder of crows in the low light off Boston
And I see your face in each one
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Hands halfway in his unpacked bag, Jensen was watching out the window. It looked down to the courtyard as leafless trees swayed in the wind and sprinkling of snow. A crow ruffled its feathers, flapping the snowflakes off, then settled once again. Next to it was a smaller crow, hopping closer to it on the long branch until they were nearly touching. It hopped away, then the other hopped closer, and that went on until the larger of the two flew out of the tree and long gone into the city.
Jensen hadn’t been outside in a number of days now, impatiently watching the nights and days pass until he was healthy enough to leave. Both physically and mentally, that was.
While a surprise to others, he was ready to go. It was over, and, though there was still aftermath to address, he was ready to be done with it. He was surprised he ever made it this far, honestly. Throughout and even before undergrad, anything beyond was a fleeting feeling. Usually people like him didn’t make it out of the gutter, and when they did, it was short-lived.
He thought it was all over months ago when the ethics hearing happened and his reputation was tarnished with a false accusation. Making it past that was a miracle, and, though he probably shouldn’t mention it to his therapist, it made the attack feel inevitable. Like he had missed his deadline and it was coming back to get him worse than before.
He was nearly done packing his bag, grabbing his phone and Switch charger from the wall.
“Knock knock,” he heard from the door, a familiar but unexpected voice as its source. 
He whipped around towards the door, Aliyah standing there with a sad sort of smile. Opening his mouth once, then twice, both times failing to get anything out, he took a breath. “What are you doing here?”
She invited herself into the room. “Oh, I don’t know. I mean, when your best friend almost dies, you’d think it’d be nice of him to give you a call. And maybe you should come see him, considering that nobody else would.”
He could hear the tension in her tone, but her being there was enough to prove it didn’t matter. They hadn’t talked in a number of months—not genuinely in years—so to see her there was a shock.
He couldn’t manage more than a guilty look, apology on his face. She crossed the room to meet him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. He tensed for a beat but settled only a moment after, breathing out the shakiness and wrapping his arms over her shoulders.
“Thanks,” he said. He meant it, but it still felt forced. He knew he never had to force anything with her, but it felt right considering their time apart. 
She pulled back only a second later, giving him a characteristic smile before motioning towards the door. “You good to go, I’m guessing?”
He nodded, shouldering his bag and following her out.
He avoided eye contact with others in the hall. Namely, Casey’s parents, who were hovering nervously around her room, and Raf’s Vovo, filtering in and out of his room since Jensen had been up and able to wander freely.
Maybe he should’ve called Liyah from the start. It felt wrong, considering that their recent conversations amounted to no more than an Instagram story reply or chatting about a new album from their favorite artists. But she cared. More than anyone else had—more than certain people should. 
But he felt he didn’t deserve it. He had practically ghosted her through med school and didn’t even offer her a proper goodbye when he left. People had left him for less so what was he doing that was keeping her around?
He should’ve had somebody to call. He should’ve known someone would give a shit, but the lines had always been so blurred that he could never tell if it was sincere or if it was out of obligation. With Liyah it was sincerity. The same way when she picked him up when he was high and drunk, waiting on some street corner in the pouring fucking rain because his phone died and he decided to hook up with a stranger that didn’t give a fuck if he stayed or left. The same way when she told him to get the fuck out of the band because she knew if he pushed himself any harder he’d hit the end of the road. The same way when she showed up unannounced after not talking to him seriously for nearly five years to take care of him when nobody else would.
It was sincere, and maybe he had such a hard time telling it because he had never seen it before.
Outside, she packed him into her rental car. She slid into the seat behind the wheel and started the drive to their home for the next week: a mediocre hotel with enough space to breathe but not enough to feel too hollow. It was a practiced sort of art, and if anyone would know what he needed, it would’ve been her.
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tagging: @jerzwriter @cariantha @kyra75 @gutsfics @inlocusmads @choicesficwriterscreations
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Obscure Song Tournament Masterpost - Round One!
Bracket images + list below the cut. (Long post)
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Extremely apologies for that fucked up formatting, it was the easiest way for me to set it up & now I don’t feel like redoing it <3
Matches will be updated with links when the posts go up :-) (links removed when votes finished. Link link whyyyyy </3)
虚に産まれた毒蟲達の選択 - Haint VS. Keep Away - Insane Driver
Manchester - Lana Wild VS. Pulp Friction - Fool Heavy
Scatterbrain - Casual Tees VS. Dopamine - The Fundementals
Angelic 2 the Core - Corey Feldman VS. Sad Hit Song - V is for Villains
Cosmos - Jawbreaker Reunion VS. Patches - Jawbreaker Reunion
John Congleton & The Nighty Nites VS. Away From You - Nicole
New Dance - DEERPEOPLE VS. Not My Good Side - Deafpony
Maple Leaf Etc. - Maxshh VS. Give Me a Moment - 2far2jump
Goodbye Goodnight - Eudora June VS. Mama - Eudora June
The Helper - Giannah Noelle VS. The Hummingbird - Miss E
Worm Song - Sunny Side Down VS. Victim of a Siren - Seraph Siege
There’s a Darkness (but There’s also a Light) - The Wild VS. Ray - Dylans TIE
Alive - GON VS. Red - Oh Dorian
You are Loved - David Lamotte VS. Getting Around to it(Maybe) - Ollie Oxyn
Timed Out - blockkids VS. Where U Goin? - Half In the Bag
All That I Am - Maia Grandy VS. For Me - Dearlie
The Hidden Word - Noe Venable VS. Echo in the Hills - Carrie Elkin TIE
Hold Onto Myself - Yendawg VS. YOUR GALAXY - ROZLYN PELL
critter song - tidepooler VS. Juliet and Juliet - Kactus Kid
Low Rent Truman Show - Marc with a C VS. Body Heat - Guard Petal
Pub Money - Bag of Cans VS. Take a Peek - Heat Above
Daddy Daedalus watched me GO DOWN IN FLAMES! - lonely carp VS. The Danger - Patricia Wallinga(twt: @ pwallinga)
Call Me Captain - Emrys Layne (tumblr: @ callmecapt) VS. Insecurity Impermanence - Ian Woodside
Deep Blue - Grapefruit VS. You’re So Hot To Me - Commuted
Fly Octo Fly Piano Arrangement - Original - ButterShutter VS. PIANO GAMES - Hazma Notes
Devil’s Game - Lonovve VS. Worst in the World - Uncle Outrage
Cheese (Original Mix) - Cheese VS. The Best Poop of Your Life - Squatty Potty
Сопряжение сфер - Ясвена VS. Hokutoshichisei no Ichiya - Akiko Ikuina
Pink Clouds - Sammy J VS. There Will be Someone at My Funeral Who Doesn’t Want to be There - Sammy J
The Crayon Song - Class of 3000 VS. Eco - Jim Valley
Kinky Murder Machine - Slav the Dog VS. TECVM CIRCVMAMBVLARE NOLO - John Linnel
Imagination - Niel Innes VS. Me & Nikolai - Pale Young Gentlemen TIE
Checking My Pulse - Alix Olsen VS. Eat Your Heart Out, Sigmund Freud - Mollie Maxwell
Pink Lemonade - Kristi Krause VS. Don’t Want You - Carpark
Home(Here) - Big Tree VS. Runaways - Big Tree
Przyszłam do miasta - Ballady I Romanse VS. 10,000 Days - OK Glass
Cross My Heart - Richard Myhill VS. Hurricane - My Cat Umi
Bitches (Do as Bitches Are) - Brain’s All Gone VS. Rotten - Missouri Surf Club
Born To It - Freefonix VS. No Place Like Home - Freefonix
8:15 - 3:30 VS. last week/month/year - rain
Pointillize - Raccoon Fink VS. Tokyo Koya - Van
execute - ninty VS. Bloodlust - ninty
Better Red than Dead - KELChip VS. Bloodbird - KELChip
EGO - Powderpaint VS. Tax Evasion Scheme Artist - Golden Line
.. - subeteanatanoseidesu VS. Fictional Girl - cindersnow
Nighttime (I fall asleep) - SamX VS. No Time at All - MORE
GOTH BITCH DUB - 621 gecs VS. BORKYCORE - ida deerz (ft. kaj strife)
To.Get.Her - Nixis VS. Hyper Arcade - Glass Daydreams
Dusk and Dawn - Das Fi VS. Full of Light - Le Professeur
Between You and Me - Clementine Werchola VS. Digital Love - SilverTunes
I Wish Was Dead - Cherry and the Other People VS. Monmon_Fanmoran - Mochitsune
Splitter Girl - Weevildoing VS. Can Graze the Roof bring you back to childhood? - Anomaly Vector
Moongrains - Anomaly Vector (ft Gumi Ai) VS. Memories - Jens East (Ft Lotta Rasva) TIE
Black Plate - Profilgate VS. Ode to Janey Lou - FOE
It’s Murder - Skeleton Staff VS. The Dreaming - Marquis of Vaudeville
Best Friend - Taitoki VS. Chakra - Marnage
Rusalka and The Shepherd Girl - The Forgetmenauts VS. Minesweepers - Peter Bellamy
Four Tall Trees - Leslie Fish VS. Carmen Miranda’s Ghost - Leslie Fish
Butterfly/Drowsy Maggie - Double Indemnity VS. Captain Ward - Tempest
The Finchley Waltz - Robin Grey VS. The Trials Of Oscar Wilde - Alan John
Blood and Passion - Alexander James Adam VS. Winter’s Tooth - Alexander James Adam
He of Sidhe - Alexander James Adam VS. Curiosity - JTSteam
they say you see the sparrow fall - pabrizzer VS. Labyrinth - Madeline S
Star Fire - Julia Ecklar and Cynthia McQuillin VS. The Phoenix - Julia Ecklar
Liar and the Hound - Beneath Eden VS. Song For Sandy - Thirsty Moon
Snake in the Grass - Couch Slut VS. Bodysuit - FlooringCo
On a Walk - Fort Womb VS. Pause Button - Particle Devotion TIE
Death is a Girl - Skippocalyptic VS. Sea ll - Momoi ALLU
52 Pickup - Z. VS. Are You Underwater - The Gerbils
山谷澗 - Mysterain小雨樂隊 VS. Lately - Strip the Image
613 - FC the Kid VS. Never Be Famous - Hussalonia TIE
Too Hot - Jay Safari VS. Lhasa -Shapaley
We Made it - JAMIEvx VS. Collide - Harold J TIE
412 (coffin built for two) - Mollie Maxwell VS. Vampire Bop - Feel Spectres
No Bird Sing - Plastic Lines VS. Unretractable Fact - Second Person
Real Woman - comfort VS. Preserve - PETROLEUM! GENDERLOSS
See You in The Pit - Rotten Youth VS. No Proposals - Physical Plant
Rebels - Old Death Whisper VS. Maneater - Blue Eved Blondes
Candy - Joe Mama VS. la somnambule - La Femme Pendu & Damien Done
Center Stage - Howard Martin VS. Lethal Temptress - The Mendoza Line (COVER)
Gears of the Atom Man - Angels of Liberty VS. Inhuman Liberty - Dr. Arthur Krause
Wake Up Girl - Skeeter Truck VS. Pennies in my Pocket - Stamen and Pistols
Flower Gurl - Ronen VS. Dark Rip - Teen Girl Scientist Monthly
Heart of the TARDIS - Time Crash VS. Trust Me - Time Crash
The Machine - Asta Wylie VS. Not Yet - Leo and the Little Things
Grace - Raelle VS. Transfixed - Joss Smith, NUYD
Animal - Xisco Feijoó VS. No Me Lames - Natalia Cassis
Hyperphantasia - Fearful Earful VS. We Who Are About To Live - Le Professeur
Tonight Eternity Alone - Rene Claus VS. HEAD OF HOLOFERNES - lonely carp
Milá má - Nahore VS. Cardigan Sweater - Jasmine Kennedy TIE
Side B - Alohaha VS. Side A - Alohaha
The Binding Of Isaac - Schmekel VS. the man who wasn't there - A Fictitious Band
Let It Go - The Murder of Crows VS. Slip! - Bright Orange
Boy who Blocked the Sun - Demi the Daredevil VS. Rainy Day Georgia - Jayne Trimble TIE
Burn it Down with Math - Deuce of Gears VS. Camouflage - Ed's Redeeming Qualities
Reach - Rachel West VS. Haircut Song - Shannon Moser
BurnerPhone - Dirty Heathen (ft. Bittersweet Evergreen) VS. Reunion - Brent Spiner & Maude Maggart
Deadname Birthday - The Timewasters VS. Small Parts of Something Much Larger - Suns
STILL FEEL IT - caseJackal VS. Sunshine and Lollipops 2020 - Sad Snack
Smooth Operator - Supernothing VS. Say What You Want - Growth Spurt
Бетонные блоки - Truckdrivers VS. Mirèmèngies - Edona Vatoc
Have You Ever Seen a Duck, Like, in Real Life? - lisa the beauty queen VS. Zip Ties and SSRIs-Dinosawh
Housekeeper- Faun Fables VS. Kill the King - Rabbit Rabbit Radio
Caroline - Espers VS. Mega Mouse - Putrid Shark
Whiskey and Water - Parader VS. Tales of the Phantom Ship - Nathan
Raising the Dead! - Jessica Law VS. Lotus Eaters - Jessica Law TIE
Autism Murder Memorial- Fit to Work VS. All Cats are Beautful - Fit to Work
Moon - Feel Spectres VS. Blow Up the Moon - Feel Spectres
All For Me Grog! - Spud Bugs VS. A Place We Could Call Home (Turncoat Collective) - Spud Bugs
Reclaim - Porch Cat VS. Perspectives - The Cast Before the Break
Orpheus on Ice - The Small Calamities VS. Violin Concerto in the Key of Crippling Regret - The Small Calamities TIE
Paint By Numbers - From Fragile Seeds VS. Homme Offer Knee - Ben Below
Tomb Song - Nora Keyes VS. Hold My Heart - The Dune Sea
Each Time She Calls - Jessie Goslin VS. Daisies - Heather and Hay
A Catalyst - Blood Crying Twinks VS. flexible guy - clown residue
Howard - Demo - Mother Aiden VS. going thru it - teamonade
Blooming Strangely - Ginger & Pear VS. Pressed - Ginger & Pear
Alright! Heartcatch Precure! - Aya Ikeda VS. 恐竜あげみざわ★ - Kyouruu Friends
星の旅人 - Sayaka Senbongi & Yumiri Hanamori VS. Gyokuza no GEMINI - Eclipse
The End of the World - Fred Deakin VS. Weekend Anarchist - MEMODEMO
運命は “I" Love You - チームDEKAI VS. Endure Emptiness - Kain Vinosec
Heritage of Sampled Electronic World - KR. Palto47 VS. Ultimate Performance of Abandoned Magic Boxes ~Rack of Junks - KR. Palto47
Liminal Spaces - Logan Fredricks VS. 薔薇は美しく散る × 輪舞-revolution - okurigi66
297回の試行 - Image44 VS. 川のそばで - Image44
DiViNE - EXiNA VS. We'll make a monster of you - Freefonix
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
How would all versions of Harry from your story feel if reader dated other men and she was completely over them for a short time
OOOO stop this is so interesting??? (also hi ily 😭💞)
Teach Me Harry: Oh boy....honestly, I think it would be really hard for him at first. Because he's losing his lifelong best friend, too. I think he'd be super angry at the start. Goes quiet, doesn't want to talk, doesn't really leave his house, snaps at everybody.
Eventually he starts asking about her, hearing that she's doing all right, but that she misses him and he realizes he'd much rather be her friend than be a stranger, so they decide to talk and stay friends (but she'd have to go back to him eventually, it would break my heart if they ended things 😭)
Mine Harry: Oh this man 1000% pulls an Andrew Garfield from the Amazing Spider-Man and just follows her around. He lets her go, he lets her be with someone else because he knows she probably deserves it, but he keeps such a close eye on her. Not exactly in a stalking sense but he def wants to make sure she's still protected and safe and happy!!
One for the Money Harry: Oh fuck...well, he's crushed, but he plays it off like he's fine. He stops watching her content for a while (he's scared he's gonna see her new partner in one of the videos) and they don't really speak. She's gotten a new job (that's what maybe inspired this change) and he feels like the halls are a little less lively without her. He's also kind of sullen and less happy!!
He finally caves and texts her everything he never got to say or was too afraid to say and that starts the reconciliation process!! With Nadia's help of course alsjfsdf
iFall for Harry: Ooooooof well he obviously writes a bunch of songs about it. The album is just an ode to her and to how happy she made him and how sad he isn't that he couldn't be the painter she needed.
He also def tries to stalk her social media but she's not very active and I think it's hard for him to throw himself into work without her!! He turns on Back to the Future whenever he misses her hehehe
404 Harry: Well.........we'll see 😗 ALFJSDF
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house-of-naga · 15 days
The Sound of the Force: A Study on Han Jisung's Perception of the Force as it Relates to the rest of Stray Kids.
Jokes aside, below is a list of what I think the Force might sound like to Hannie in my fic, and some notes on the way I've written it. (note: Art transcends the artists, and the curtains aren't always blue. This music stuff is NOT my forte, so I always welcome other interpretations)(This list will be updated)
Disclaimer: as much as I've attempted to learn, my knowledge of music/music theory/techniques is very limited. I am not musically inclined. Still, I'm going to do my best to find real life examples of some of the stuff I reference.
Before we dive into each member, I wanted to outline some of my reasoning/ideas/thoughts that I have when I choose what instrument someone will sound like:
Does this make sense with their personality/character?
What is the overall purpose of this instrument/sound in a musical setting? Is it meant as a bassline or melody? Is it versatile? Is it meant to evoke a certain emotion?
How does it play/harmonize with the other characters? Are there any duos that stick out?
What does it mean to Han? Is there an IRL element to the choices?
With that out of the way, let's get into it. (I'll be returning to add duos later)
Chan (Piano):
Chan (along with Changbin) was the first one I decided on, and since the piano is one of the most versatile instruments, I thought it would be fitting for him. It's also one of the key instruments for composition with a lot of range and expression of emotion, which I felt fit the leader of SKZ well.
Examples (paired with emotions/chapters when applicable):
Happy/Content: Coffee Jazz (the best music for studying IMHO), or Nocturne op.9 No.2 (Chopin)
Sad/Nostalgic: Moonlight Sonata (Beethoven)
Anxious/Angry: Rush E (the meme one)
Minho (Vocals):
Setting aside his beautiful IRL vocals, his Force, I think, is one of the more difficult ones to describe. However, in 1.5 I mentioned that, to Han, vocal accompaniment is special and carries a certain weight. You'll find I have two people in the group (Minho and Jeongin) who both have vocals as their Force. (Will also note that, obviously, any lyrics to these songs are not in his Force. It's more about the sound, notes, and the vibes)
Examples (paired with emotions/chapters when applicable):
Happy/Content: Ode to Joy (specifically the version from Evangelion because I'm a weeb)
Sad/Nostalgic: Haven't found a good one yet 🤷‍♀️
Anxious/Angry (as in the Ord Pardron Interlude or in the Inquisitor fight): Dies Irae Requiem (Verdi) or Duel of the Fates (Williams)
Changbin (Cello):
And here we get to a bit of a problem (not really). Changbin's instrument was formulated more with his personality and role in the group in mind rather than a specific song. There are a few that I've found that may fit, but overall this is more a case of 'he's the glue/he's the one people lean on/he's the one that serves as the team's emotional support'. So, while I'm sure there are cello pieces out there, the instrument is typically focused on the harmony role to let others shine.
Examples (paired with emotions/chapters when applicable):
Contemplative/Content: Cello Suite No.1 in G (Bach)
Sad/Nostalgic: 🤷‍♀️
Anxious/Angry: I haven't found a good solo example yet in a song, but this is typically pizzicato
Hyunjin (Woodwinds):
A little bit of yet another problem - Han has not heard the full range of Hyunjin's Force due to them HATING each other at this point. That will change with time, but for now, Han has only heard the flute/piccolo in his Force. There wasn't much rhyme or reason to this choice other than I needed something high and nasally and generally annoying to start that downwards spiral of the typical 'Rap better, dance better' duo, and woodwinds seemed like a good choice.
Examples (paired with emotions/chapters when applicable):
Annoyed (because this is all he's heard thus far): Baby Elephant Walk (Mancini) (specifically the solo parts at 2:30) and Viva Italia (Rossini and Verdi)
Felix (Percussive Instruments):
Ah, the duality of man. He can go high, he can go low, he can go in the middle, he can go dee- ahem. Like Changbin, Felix just generally seems like an emotional support person, like the glue to their team, and as such, I gave him percussion. There are so, so, SO many different instruments in the percussive category, harmony, melody, and rhythmic alike, and I thought it fit pretty well.
Examples (paired with emotions/chapters when applicable):
Happy/Content: Usually represented as a triangle, chimes, or something else in the higher register. Also, anything jazzy probably.
Nervous: Usually represented by a snare drum, with a snapping noise.
Anxious/Angry: Whiplash Solo or the Percussive section of the 1812 Overture (Tchaikovsky)
Seungmin (Guitar):
For now, this is acoustic, but I might branch out into more electric versions. The biggest factor here is specifically Han's affection and admiration for guitars, their versatility, and the fact that I wanted something to connect him to Changbin (both string boys). Was originally thinking about vocals or violins, but I thought this suited him better. Since his was finalized pretty recently, I don't have many examples...
Examples (paired with emotions/chapters when applicable):
Nostalgic: The opening riff of Disenchanted by MCR or Good Riddance by Greenday
Jeongin (Vocals):
And finally the Maknae! Like Minho, his Force sounds like vocals to Han, but unlike Minho and unbeknownst to Han, it sounds like Trot! This was the easiest decision for me to make, and didn't take long because it just makes sense to me. His Force sounding like trot will come up later with a tiny bit of angst and a lot of homesickness, but I digress.
Sad/Nervous: Camellia Girl or Busan Seagull (sung by I.N)
I'm still a little new to trot, so forgive me, but I don't have any other examples OTL
And that's it! I'll keep this updated if I run into anything else that I think would work!
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finishinglinepress · 3 months
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FLP BOOK OF THE DAY: Blue California Sky by B. L. Bruce
On SALE now! Pre-order Price Guarantee: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/blue-california-sky-by-b-l-bruce/
Award-winning author and two-time Pushcart Prize nominee, #California #poet Bri Bruce (writing as B. L. Bruce) has been called the “heiress of Mary Oliver.” With a bachelor’s degree in literature and creative writing from the University of California at Santa Cruz, her work has appeared in dozens of anthologies, magazines, and literary publications. Her poetry most recently appears in The Lakeshore Review, Red Wolf Journal, Bivouac Magazine, The Sunlight Press, Riverstone Literary Journal, and Gone Lawn, among many others. Bruce is the recipient of the Ina Coolbrith Memorial Poetry Prize and the PushPen Press Pendant Prize for Poetry, as well as the author of four books: The Weight of Snow, 28 Days of Solitude, The Starling’s Song, and Measures. Her highly praised debut collection, The Weight of Snow, was the 2014 International Book Awards poetry category finalist and the 2014 USA Best Book Awards #poetry category finalist. The Starling’s Song, released in February of 2016, was selected as Honorable Mention in the Pacific Rim Book Festival. Blue California Sky is her fifth book.
PRAISE FOR Blue California Sky by B. L. Bruce
“Spoken in meditative prose poetry, award-winning Bruce’s latest work is an ode to life’s acuity. She captures the poignancy of grief and provokes reflection on those defining moments that render us forever changed. . . . [Blue California Sky] is filled with dramatic and poignant moments, as it highlights the challenges of getting older, bearing the weight of memories, and reveling in the beauty of life. Readers are invited to consider the splendour and intricacy of life, and urged to find purpose in both extraordinary and mundane experiences. Passionate and illuminating.”
–The Prairies Book Review
“Bruce’s most recent work, a compilation of poetic prose, explores many topics ranging from the impermanence of life to the beauty of the outdoors, along with pain, sorrow, psychological and physical suffering, suicide, romance, and ardor. . . . Grief remains the book’s central emotion . . . Amid the sadness, there is also a sense of awe at the beauty of nature, as well as fond recollections and longing. This unique and gorgeous collection boasts rich, evocative wording that transports the reader to unexpected places, accompanied by striking images all along the way. A stunner.”
–BookView Review
Please share/please repost #flpauthor #preorder #AwesomeCoverArt #poetrybook #read #poems #grief #life
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effyeffa · 2 years
a comprehensive list of (almost) all of my spotify playlists, sorted by theme
category 1: a bit of everything.
every feeling everywhere all at once opened by brian eno, closed by mitski, in between an eclectic mix of everything to scream cry and dance to  essentials. as the title suggests this is the music that makes up the foundation of my identity. funkadelic, air, spiritualized, y la bamba, weyes blood etc etc multitudes: similar idea but older. more hip hop in there, a little time capsule of 2017
seasonal playlists: these are closed chapters that won’t be altered
forbidden fruit february. self explanatory. aquarius season is for yearning and getting messy, thanks fiona apple idlings of march is when spring begins again, just barely but there’s a careful joy spreading. joyful tunes! this must be the place! spring has sprung and continues springing. instrumental interludes as standalone songs, everything sounds like water. the time that we wasted just hit like a wave begin again, another spring playlist. this time with childish gambino, laura marling, hayley williams, guns’n’roses, the classic combo april flowers. short and sweet, alice phoebe lou meets car seat headrest slowly come the saints of summer. do you remember when st vincent said daddy’s home well i made a whole playlist about it. mika is in there. genuinely no idea what was going on that summer. never ending summer, this IS the season of the witch. we love a strange mix of oldies and french and german new wave  i can’t believe summer is over and oh it’s so sentimental, it’s a cherry-coloured funk winter walking. it’s giving phoebe bridgers in the graveyard, mountain goats, springsteen, mother mother winter fruits: the first big thief singles off their latest album came out and sent me down this particular spiral. frankie cosmos and mitski, niche italian indie pop
playlists i still edit/add to, first: good moods.
still you. skinshape, biig piig, kadhja bonet, julia jacklin autobahn, a roadtrip playlist, best friends laughing, mostly italian 70s/80s many moons ago: it’s pop! it’s happy things! silly goofy times golden hour! an old one. started this in 2018, sylvan esso was big, king krule, her’s, clairo will you always love like this? dream pop. lesbianism. st south.  everyday’s a holiday: okay kaya and rex orange county, steve lacy vibes maybe i wasn’t there: kendrick, dijon, rosalía come on over & do the twist. they’re love songs. aching with nostalgia but happy coffee in bed is teetering on the edge between a lovely warm soup of emotions and desperate yearning clear the fog is where the yearning begins in earnest.
moody moods.
free drinks at the local bar, we’ve got mac demarco, the strokes, girlpool. you know the drill take me for a spin: something of a continuation of free drinks a few years later now including sam cohen, kevin morby. sad-ish music that still works if played in public ring: odes to being happysad on public transport in berlin, short and sweet peel you like a fruit. THEE playlist of psychological warfare.  i would be an electrician: if you enjoy julien baker’s happy to be here, the following ten tracks might do similar damage to your psyche  no more bad news from my jorja smith phase, also greentea peng, arlo parks gloomy. it’s the end of the world, sharon van etten said, and love is a losing game, and there’s stormy weather and love will tear us apart.  calm there’s definitely a flatsound track in there. be warned.  
and here’s three completely new ones, works in progress, not yet categorised:
touch. a very specific moment in time. listening to beach house and rhye with all my friends on a big couch, drifting off together, crying a little, holding on tightly all the in between: the only place that matters is by your side, mama you’ve been on my mind, only the strong survive, don’t think twice it’s alright. songs that transcend time and space transitional. seeing angels in everything
already this post is way too long. i have so many playlists, my god. i have a whole folder sorted by genre, one by decade, more by concepts and themes. i’m currently sorting through everything and thought i’d share my process, maybe you’ll find something for yourself new in my chaos :)
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