#alien stage oc: yumi
alien-til-i-stage · 1 month
Macbeth, Age 14
Macbeth has always been surrounded by chaos, he thinks to himself. Back when he was still with his guardian, Roulette, his ‘siblings’, they called themselves, were always loud. If they weren’t working, they were playing and screaming.
Maybe not screaming, but it was just as annoying to Macbeth. He hated it, being around them. They were always incompetent and noisy.
Maybe this was karma, he thought to himself as he listened to the other kids playing around him.
He looks up from the book he was in the middle of reading, only to see the other children playing. Most of the kids here had taken a liking to Innamorati, unfortunately Innamorati had taken a liking to Macbeth himself, making to when Innamorati wanted to play around Macbeth, so would the ten other kids who wanted to play with Innamorati. Including Toki, who he despised the most.
He heard shouts and laughter ringing out all around him, Toki and Sebastion were playing a game of tag, while Innamorati was currently reading to Nene and Yumi about some other book. Innamorati had tried to convince Macbeth to join in, however he would rather die than have to spend any amount of time with anyone in general.
Innamorati was just like Juliet. Macbeth hated this the most about him. He hated how Innamorati mimicked his sister, the one he had left behind in Roulette’s care and essentially abandoned. It wasn’t like that, he thinks to himself. But a part of him isn’t convinced by that.
He turns his attention back to the book in his hands, ignoring the ruckus around him. Ignoring how similar it is to the noise he had heard with his ‘siblings’.
“I am a fool with a heart but no brains, and you are a fool with brains but no heart; and we’re both unhappy, and we both suffer.”
Hm? His eyes passed over the text, not taking in what was said. He tried again.
“He is a fool with a heart but no brains, and you are a fool with brains but no heart; and you are both unhappy, and you both suffer.”
Wait, that’s not what it said?
“Innamorati is a fool with a heart but no brains, and I, Macbeth is a fool with brains but no heart; and we’re both unhappy, and we both suffer.”
Ok… There’s no way it includes Macbeth in this story. He thinks to himself. He blinks a couple times, his vision getting gradually more blurry with each blink.
He looks up and sees his siblings playing around him.
He blinks again and realizes it’s just the other kids. His siblings were no longer here.
Whatever, neither them nor these kids matter, he tells himself.
He can feel tears falling and hitting the paper on his book, he hadn’t even realized he was crying.
He heard Innamorari in the distance, shouting to Macbeth after noticing he was crying, but Macbeth didn’t answer.
Maybe he really did miss his siblings.
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rockwgooglyeyes · 1 month
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Asuka and Yumi, my two season 40 ocs! (Asuka uses he/him and Yumi uses she/her)
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Asuka is the younger brother of Isla (@nottoonedin) and he has a very close relationship with Leto (@paradisedisconcert) (they're gay for each other okay)
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Yumi is the girlfriend of Asahi (@apriciticreveries)! She is something of a younger sister figure to Jae and Evon (@kofeedoggo). This is just her official profile, a lot of you already know about her lmao
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lookatmysillies · 29 days
Yael Fun (Tragic) Facts!
Since he has the least amount of screen time of any of my OCs so far, he’s some tidbits of his character to help get to know him better:
-He gravitates towards unhealthy relationships whether that be for friends or romantic partners. He has an incredibly toxic and codependent relationship with Macbeth, and after Macbeth’s death, he becomes obsessed with trying to get Innamorati to accept him and accept Macbeth’s passing.
-He could have the potential for a healthier dynamic if @paradisedisconcert is still making their shy little guy
-He’s had multiple unnecessary surgeries done. He’s had organs removed and replaced that were perfectly healthy. He has to have a very specific diet not to aggravate his system after all that’s been done to try and “fix” him.
-Because of this, he has to exclusively eat plain, tasteless food. He misses sweets.
-Tends to wander with seemingly no goal, aimlessly picking petals off of flowers or staring at seemingly nothing
-Before he goes to sleep, he has a routine of pressing his fingers against different spots on his torso to feel if anything is inside that shouldn’t be or otherwise missing. He does this again when he wakes up.
-They’re very interested in his peers and sometimes follows them around without saying anything.
-He and Naz used to be friends, but Naz slowly became freaked out by Yael and pushed him away.
-His hair is always cut short and straightened when he comes back from a visit home. His guardian is wealthy and likes him looking as clean and presentable as possible. Naturally, his hair is curly.
-Takes a lot of strange medicines every day that switch out frequently. He has to take them crushed in his food since he can’t swallow pills.
-Born female but leaned more androgynous and masculine as a young child, so they grew up as such.
-Wants to help others but often goes about it the wrong way.
-Their guardian, Aligri, has never sent any humans to Anakt Garden before Yael, who was sent very, very young.
-He has a very blank look about him most of the time.
-Can often be heard singing strange, unfamiliar melodies and words under his breath—he sees singing as ritualistic. He’s never known a life in death without it.
-In addition to Macbeth and Inna, he’s also interested in Naz, Kioku, Yume, Xael, Numa, Sebastian, and Yumi (subject to be added onto, obviously)
-He never really seems happy or childlike, just listless.
-He once had an incident where he almost drowned in the stream in Anakt Garden. He wandered there and was found facedown in the water by a classmate. He was pulled out and had to be revived.
-He had to wear a collar after that.
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cloverandstuff · 23 days
She doesn't recognise anyone there.
That should have been obvious, of course she wouldn't. But she can't help but take note of it. Some seem to have made connections while others are content on their own. But none are faces she finds familiar.
Maya chooses to sit in a corner, under a tree (are they truly trees? is the grass truly grass? is any of this real-). She is content to watch the kods play. She is content to watch the way this story will end.
Maya takes notes of some of the kids in the meantime.
There was a boy with lengthy pale blue hair and blue eyes, talking rather happily to another kid, who had brown hair and striking gold eyes. Maya can't tell if they were friends...but they looked close to it. Maya can't help but think the scene looked rather sweet. The blue haired kid looked happier to be there than the brunet, but he looked content nonetheless. It was an odd pairing, but they seemed to be friends. She could see smiles, no matter how big nor small. [Innamorati and Macbeth by @alien-til-i-stage ]
(There was another boy, a redhead, who was looking at them from a distance. He seemed fixated on the 'blue one'...to an unhealthy degree. He felt dangerous...almost like he was inevitable. Were the blue and him also friends..?(Toki by @zerostyrant )
There was another duo she took notice of, mostly the girl, hair fading from white to brown, being more..excited, she could say. She was a bright person, there was no doubt about that. The kind that would draw people in. The boy looked rather stoic, as though he was one of those noble aliens Echidna sometimes talked to. But Maya could tell there was also an air of...caution? He even avoided looking her in the eyes...why would he be catious of the girl? Despite this, he let the girl stay around. Thats curious. [Jiu and Kioku by @solei-eclipse]
Maya looks around some more and a child takes up her attention. He looked almost ordinary, with black hair and dark eyes, but there was definitely something...uncanny about him. Like he was an attempt at something resembling human, but not entirely one. He was smiling, and it should by all means look genuine, but Maya couldn't help but find it to be so fake. Ingenuous. Almost like a doll in a way. [Yume by @sotogalmo]
The other boy he was at near felt familiar. Maya could find a sense of resemblance in the boy to someone she had seen before. But this time, he felt more...sane? Was he sane? Was anyone here truly sane? He seemed like one of the more quiet ones...like he was constantly afraid of something happening. (...why did he almost resemble one of those funny dolls Maya had seen before? The ones with strings) [Sebastian by @/sotogalmo ]
There's so many scars she can notice on the kids...are they safer here than they were before? Did some of them even want to be here-
Is that a kid in a tree?
...Dear guardians, it's a kid in a tree. He seems comfortable up there, like he's done this plenty of times before. And he just up there...observing. He had bright red eyes. (It almost seemed like they wouls glow), and beauty marks that looked like the bite marks from one of those crude shows Echidna watched. He seemed normal despite all this, if not shy. Still, he was intriguing if only for his habit of apparently watching from trees. [Ciaran by @starry-skiez ]
....ah, there was a familiar face. Just one Maya had never spoken to. She should have known Yvonne would be here. And she still carried that air of elegance around her...as well as that sense of unhinge. Her muted pink hair was always a sight to see, but Maya never got over the eerie personality of hers...Maybe she changed [Yvonne by @aakaneeee]
Maya's eyes landed on strands of white, with striking pink eyes to pair with them. The girl was staring up at the clouds (were the clouds eve real?...suppse it doesn't matter to the girl) . She seemd content in her activity. It looked peaceful. [Asahi by @apriciticreveries ]
There was another child by her side, also content. Maya could note that there were moments where seemed to communicate something to the other one using her hands rather than her words. It makes her curious on how she made it into the garden in the first place. [Yumi by @rockwgooglyeyes ]
A loud vpice caught her attention, and Maya turned to look at a rather fragile looking girl, with brown hair, only interrupted by a streak of yellow. She looked cheerful...almost like she would tackle someone to the ground out of sheer affection. But Maya felt like something deeper was lurking, like she had her own secrets she wanted to keep...Still, she seemed to be a lind soul. [Nene by @junebluues]
Ah, there. There was a boy who looked like he didn't want to be there. There was no sense of honor or want that Maya could see on the surface. He simply didn't wish to be there. Bandages wrapped around his hands, but Maya couldn't see if there was blood from where she was sitting. He did seem to be fiddling with some sort of technolody in his hands, useless if not for the fidgeting. [Xael by @junebluues ]
Beside him was another boy, though he looked more friendly than the other one. He seemed fond of his...friend(???) regardless. He seemed happy to be there, and rather brighter tha his counterpart....they were cute together. [Numa by @spcells]
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junebluues · 1 month
Xael and Yael have similar names. ,, which I think goes well with their dynamic??? Which I think is like. Similar to Yume and Yumi
The parallels, the differences, etc etc- yeagh
this is so real. yume yumi xael yael should so be marketed as the little similar names squad and all the aliens would be like “i love the y3+x group!” or soemthing. yuyuyaxa. idk. but them. they. yeagh.
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sotogalmo · 1 month
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Yumi and Yume as Levia and Behemo from Evillious Chronicles!
I honestly winged/did Yumi's look all based on my memory of her, Indunno if she looks okay or even remotely the same.
Yumi: @rockwgooglyeyes / Yume: @sotogalmo
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its-langgg · 2 months
(attempted) alnst oc masterpost! ✰
oc profiles: (belongs to their respective creators)
Ji Woo
oc alien stage blog: (created by @/apriciticreveries)
oc height comparison: (created by @/solei-eclipse!)
oc zodiac signs: (created by @/aurienneirua!)
oc flower symbolism: (created by @/sotogalmo!)
masterdoc: (created by @/alien-til-i-stage!)
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alien-til-i-stage · 1 month
OH MINAKO! or uh. well. anyways. first hello! i hope you're doing well! I hope you feel better (after the sister showdown) <3
Secondly, I have a question for Inna! What do you think of Yumi? Are you okay with the fact that she doesn't talk a lot of the time?
(IM DOING GOOD THANK YOU (she only ripped off my arm) HOW ARE YOU!!! ty for the ask!!!)
Oh Yumi? She’s so sweet I love her! When we meet up with Nene, it’s always really fun! I won’t lie, her not speaking worried me for a bit… I didn’t realize she didn’t and thought she hated me! I was so sad!
But now I know that she’s just like that, everything is better now! Even if she doesn’t speak with us, she’s still such a great listener. Sometimes I look over at her waiting for her to respond before remembering…
I feel bad and I really hope she doesn’t notice
⌒( ´•̥〜•̥` )⌒
I have a feeling she’d be great at charades!!! maybe we should do that sometime
I do really worry for her though. I don’t have a particular reason but sometimes when I see her, I feel like I… That I have to just be there? I don’t know how to explain it. I just hope she’s alright and can come to me if she needs help…
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rockwgooglyeyes · 2 months
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Ta-da!! All four of my Alien Stage OCs in stunning technicolor! (not necessarily stunning im just making a joke) but yeah here are the official colors/designs for my little guys when they're at the Garden!
Notes to add context to their appearances/backgrounds:
At the time of the current competition (season 39), Onyx is actually 20 years old, being about nine months older than Dian (Di's turning 20 on the 13th of October!). They're both comparatively pretty young though. Nausi is 26-27 and Yumi will be 18 during her season.
Nausikaa's eyes are no longer heterochromatic because I wanted Yumi's to be and I didn't want to double up. They're like . . . reptile/cat yellow now, which lines up with her other predatory features
Dian, Nyx and Nausikaa's hair grow naturally in reddish-orange, grey/black, and teal respectively, due to genetic modifications and specific breeding. On the other hand, Yumi's hair is naturally brown but her bangs are almost always bleached to keep up with her dual-toned image.
Yumi is the youngest, she'll be participating in Season 40, as she was in the same class as @alien-til-i-stage's Macbeth and Inna. She's babey (in presentation and age. do not ask her about the horrors because she knows them all too well)
Nyx is mixed Korean and European (maybe Irish because of his coloring?), Dian is Mexican/Filipino/Indonesian, Nausikaa is Egyptian/Greek, and Yumi is predominantly Korean (as in, she has some other ancestry but none of it is significant enough to be noteworthy)
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rockwgooglyeyes · 2 months
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Yumi profile!! (her name is technically Yu-Mi but she spells it "Yumi" for simplicity's sake. like jiwoo or hyuna instead of ji-woo or hyun-a). written out, it says:
she/her (agender), 20 yrs old, 4/1 (♈️) - 5' (151cm), ID#027819
likes: flowers, origami, and poetry
dislikes: children, sweet foods, and singing
special talent: acting (masking)
solar sign: sun/supernova
friends: asahi (@apriciticreveries), innamorati (@alien-til-i-stage), jae (@kofeedoggo), moran (deceased) (@geospiral), and nene (@junebluues)
more info about yumi:
Yumi has a poor relationship with her owner, Beau, who treats her like a doll that exists to be dressed up and shown off. She wouldn't really mind this except for the fact that Beau does everything that he can to keep her looking as she did when she was a child, dressing her and treating her the same way he did back then. This is the cause for her dislike of sweets and children in general. (Not symbolic of it but their relationship was inspired in part by the way that Asian women are infantilized and treated differently than other women) (also autistic people are often infantilized)
Yumi is autistic and selectively-mute. She knows sign language and generally uses that to communicate, though with certain people she is willing to speak. Singing is distinct from talking in her mind which is actually why she could get away with going to the Garden. She far prefers to listen to others rather than to talk herself.
She is suicidal and clinically depressed. She's not treated for it because she masks it well enough that no one has really noticed. She cuts herself which is why she is always wearing long sleeves. She's skilled at compartmentalizing and is a queen of repression but at the same time, she's one extremely bad event away from flipping her shit.
She doesn't really like music and she dislikes singing but she can play guitar and piano and she enjoys both because they are outlets for her emotions. She. plays piano very violently. shall i say
edit: messed up her owner's name, fixed it
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rockwgooglyeyes · 1 month
hey rock! would it be alright to know if your ocs got any opinions on azure? :D
*me searching for my own inbox* it's hiding from me . . . oh wait no I'm just stupid anwyays HIIII ALISTAIR!!! so lovely to have you in my homely little inbox 😌 it is always a joy to see you on my dash because you are just very funny and humorous. Anyways now onto the babies,
Nyx doesn't like Azure! I am sorry but it's unfortunately true. Azure reminds him too much of himself, the apathy, the blasé and fatalistic attitude towards death, the disconnection from others . . . Nyx sees too much of Azure in himself and due to the fact that he doesn't like himself very much, he doesn't like Azure much, either. He's actually a little afraid of Azure, especially the way that Azure was different from the Garden after graduation, flipping a switch and changing his personality/presentation completed. It made Nyx kind of sick to his stomach because he knows that was the biggest difference between them- Azure was willing to change while Nyx was not.
Dian liked Azure just fine but didn't have any super strong feelings about him. He mourned Azure's death, especially since it was the first in a long line of more deaths to come and because Dian skews empathetic/compassionate as well. He feels especially bad about how it effected Himei and by extension, Tov, even though he's not very close to Tov, because he's close to Himei he know how hard it hit.
Nausikaa thinks that Azure is kind of funny (actually in the "funny haha" way) because she finds him very peculiar. She interprets his emotionless demeanor as deadpan rather than true apathy (because she's not very people smart lmao) and laughs constantly at things that he says that are definitively not jokes.
Faisal, what little exposure he had to Azure, he liked just because Azure didn't try to talk to him. He's unobtrusive which is something Faisal appreciates in a person. Yumi liked him for similar reasons, he was quiet and not talkative, which means that he wasn't stressful to be around. She didn't know him well, though.
Asuka only knew Azure by name and his post-graduation persona. Surprised that he went out in his first round. Cynically views him as kind of forgettable.
(just gonna tag the two OCs who I mentioned, Himei belongs to @lookatmysillies and Tov belongs to @ivanttakethis)
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rockwgooglyeyes · 2 months
Who would be the closest people to each of your ocs (though you can actually put whoever you’d like), and why? (This is for..scientific reasons)
Hahah not suspicious at all, anon, but thank you for the question, this is really fun!
Dian is closest to Himei (@lookatmysillies), Solei (@solei-eclipse), and Nyx, I would say. Those are all people he's willing to be fully honest with- while he loves Aurien (@aurienneirua), he puts up a front of strength around her, and he is good friends with Flor/Rose (@sotogalmo & @rosedeleca), too, but those are people he enjoys doing things with and if they ever were just hanging out doing nothing, I think he would be nervous/awkward and talk a lot to fill the presumed silence. Solei and Dian have a great time hanging out and chatting and doing insane shit just because they feed off each other's warm energy and fill each other's need of being around a person but they understand a lot of each other's insecurities as well, making them something of a perfect fit! Himei just loves Dian unconditionally and doesn't mind his nattering on and his intensity, and he values her greatly for that. He's in love with Nyx so that's one is more or less self explanatory, methinks.
Nausikaa is closest to Naz and Itsaso, probably, but I'll admit, I'm not too sure about anyone else because I haven't spent as much time with her. . .
Nyx is closest to Dian, Solei, Aurien and Cas! Kyo as well but in canon, Kyo has passed away, so he doesn't really count? I think he has other friends in Tov (@ivanttakethis), Lang (@pwippy), Tallis, and Vera (@bittersweet-adagio), but those are more "I hang out with this person for a specific reason" not "I love this person and I would do anything with them" just because Nyx is quality time heavy when it comes to love languages. At the same time, he's act-of-service heavy too, which comes out with Cas/Aurien the most because of his more familial ties to them. With Solei, he mostly just gives them space to cool down and be themself without judgement and he gets to bask in their warm rays. With Dian, well, Dian is someone who challenges his worldviews about everything, which makes him keep coming back, for whatever reason.
Yumi is closest to Asahi (@apriciticreveries) because that! is! her! girlfriend! but also she's close to Jae & Evon (@kofeedoggo), Nene, Innamorati (@alien-til-i-stage), and Moran (@geospiral). Jae, Evon and Yumi have mostly a good time just hanging out and doing things of little consequence together, which Yumi is deeply grateful for. Asahi, Nene and Yumi are a silly little trio that kind of get up to shenanigans, Asahi being the voice of reason while Yumi eggs Nene on. Yumi admires Moran and is fond of her because of the general existentialism and she enjoys talking to Moran about philosophy. Innamorati is a yapper and Yumi likes him for similar reasons as Nene, they can do all the talking and she can mostly just listen and chip in occasionally. Low energy/high energy dynamic go brrr
Yumi also kind of wants to kill Yume (kellie's baby boy) with a big hammer but she wouldn't call herself close to him.
If anyone has any questions about ANY of my responses, please lmk and i will do my best to answer!! thanks again for the question, Anon!
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rockwgooglyeyes · 2 months
. . modern au yumi headcanons ( < ^ _ ^ > ) ?
Oh yeah rad thanks Apri!!
Yumi modern AU headcanons
she has her natural brown hair and her eyes are still heterochromatic but brown/blue instead of blue/yellow
she’s the daughter of some corporate bigwig in the music industry which is why she’s able to play piano and guitar and sing despite not having a passion for music at all
her father is a smothering, controlling parent who determines how she dresses every day, who she’s friends with, what she eats, where she goes, etc. She hates him but plays along in hope of escaping him at college (she’s in like. high school?)
she meets Asahi in middle school and they hit it off, only getting together as girlfriends in like sophomore or junior year of high school. Yumi’s father doesn’t like Asahi because she’s middle class and not necessarily impressive but Yumi doesn’t give a shit
Yumi is still close with Jae & Evon (@kofeedoggo) who serve as kind of older sibling figures to her. Inna (@alien-til-i-stage) goes to the same school as her, and they hang out, and she knows Nene (@junebluues) through Asahi.
Yumi is in the gardening club at her school and is a skilled horticulturist as well as flower-arranger. This is one of the few skills her father approves that she enjoys so she’s invested a lot of time into it. She’s in the writing club too but her father doesn’t know about that
I think that’s about all I have right now but if there are any specific questions, feel free to let me know!
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rockwgooglyeyes · 2 months
ahaha is nyx excited for round 6 ? i hope he is . . ( chuckles evilly )
( lil side note : to distract myself i kinda might have mixed yumi and asa like two chemicals in a lab to create . . this . . child . .
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realistically, i honestly don’t think she’d be able to exist in the original world . . don’t think beau would want that mainly . but ill give some info that i made about her out !
her guardian is named lalani ! lalani specializes in plant biology and research mainly, which means she also grows plants of all kinds as well . she often involved cosmo in the gardening processes, which led cosmo to learn a lot about plants in general .
im open to any more questions about her for fun lol . i wonder what yumi would think of her ? asa herself, like nyx, would be incredibly invested in cosmo . she’d mainly be kind and nurturing, but stern when needed, i would think ! )
by the way, i was talking about yumi and asa to one of my friends . . and he said . . that he wanted to see a drawing . . of them making out on a couch . . 😶
Nyx is decided not excited. He is in dread.
But OUGHHAGHHHghhghough COSMO she's so CUTE grgrgrgrggggrrrrr she's such a little thing! I love her eyes, the colors you chose are so perfect!! they fit together well . . and the light brown hair?? ougrgh she would be so cute in pastels. mori kei . . .
Oh gosh, Yumi would be so thrown off by Cosmo. Confused and skeptical of something so good and easy to cherish coming from, at least in part, her. She would be so immensely worried, as well. She knows that her looks, in part, caused Beau's treatment of her and she would be concerned that Cosmo is destined to be treated the same way, forever locked in a saccharine, vapid childhood with no escape.
I think that if Yumi were a parent, she would be more passive but still loving and involved, just a little more lenient and "I'll let you do whatever until you need to be redirected and then I'll point you the right way. But I'm always right here if you need me." She would treat Cosmo like an adult right out of the gate, talking to her as an equal, nodding along to the incoherent babbling, respecting choices and decisions, that sort of thing. If Cosmo were to happen for real in the modern AU, then Yumi would be happy to have her in her life, because in the modern AU, she doesn't actually have any problem with kids. The thing about her hatred towards children is that it's caused by being treated as a child herself and that's why I think she always treats children (in the modern au at least) with the utmost respect and she listens to them as if they're adults. In canon, she mostly avoids children because they remind her of her trauma.
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rockwgooglyeyes · 2 months
may i ask how you interpret yumi’s and asahi’s whole relationship ? im sorry im just a bit confused 😓 . .
( translation : im just really dumb )
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( i offer you random doodle of asa ^ _ ^ . . i hope you accept my offering and i shall now actually go to sleep now . . )
yayyy!! asahi!! and apri sleeping! two boons for the price of one gee thanks!
First of all, you’re not dumb. I don’t think I’ve ever articulated clearly what I think Asa and Yumi’s relationship is like.
I think that they’re a positive influence on each other. Asahi is Yumi’s person and Yumi seems like one of Asahi’s favorite people. They love each other and push each other to be better (Asahi giving Yumi a reason to live) (Yumi challenging Asahi to see the world differently) but at the same time, I think they have pitfalls like every relationship does.
They both want to keep each other happy or at least, complacent, for their own reasons. Yumi grapples with depression and self doubt and pretending to be a much more palatable person than she really is. Asahi seems to believe in the good in people and tend towards forgiveness even when she really shouldn’t, and at the same time, she has trouble making connections with others.
Ultimately, I think they’re good for each other but they both have some unhealthy traits that the other feeds into or subconsciously encourages. They love each other to bits but I feel like they both rely on that a little too much and they aren’t as open with each other as they should be. I would call them doomed yuri but not toxic doomed yuri if you catch my drift. They’re like Mizisua in that they have their flaws but they’re still good for each other when push comes to shove.
i hope that answers your question Apri and that you slept well!!
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lookatmysillies · 2 months
what do you think your ocs (you can only use 1 though!), would think of s40’s batch? (macbeth, innamorati, yumi, asahi, and nene, i think? though you may include however many you want!)
Thanks for the ask!
I’ll pick Naz to answer with since they’re part of the S40 batch and I’d like to develop her relationships with more of her classmates outside of Akane, Nausikaa, and Ji Woo!
Starting with Macbeth (@alien-til-i-stage) oh boy. Naz and Macbeth would not get along at all. From the moment these two meet it is not good. Naz is shit at social cues and wouldn’t understand that Macbeth doesn’t want to be bothered until he’s like “get out” so. Yeah. Naz would be scared of that child. They don’t like each other much.
On the other hand, Naz would think Innamorati (same account as Macbeth) is really fun! She likes his hair and would vocalize wishing she was as colorful as him. They’re both sweet, outgoing people, but I feel like Naz would be intimidated by how easily he seems to get along with others and just how likable she finds him in general. She’s probably a little jealous, even.
Yumi!! Naz likes Yumi (@rockwgooglyeyes) but isn’t very good at interacting with her—they don’t seem so compatible personality-wise and they don’t have any shared interests to bridge the gap.
I feel like Naz and Asahi (@apriciticreveries) could actually have a chance of being friendly at some point? Naz and Asa would probably have a hard time getting on the same page for a long time, but Naz would be one of those people who pays Asa to play Cupid for them and then just talks Asa’s ear off about Akane. They’re quite different but they seem like they could mesh.
Naz thinks Nene (@junebluues) is great! Similar to Innamorati, they might be a little jealous of Nene’s charisma, but they think it’s awesome that their eyes are the same color and would awkwardly try to connect by referring to herself as Nene’s eyeball twin.
The only other S40 OCs I remember are Ava and Nero (@paperstarry) although I don’t think I have enough on Nero yet to make a judgement of how he and Naz would blend. Ava, however? I think Naz would see some similarities to Akane in Ava. Instead of this making her like Ava, however, she would open up a conspiracy theory about how other people are copying Akane because they recognize her talent. Which. Is obviously a total misfire. But let Naz be delusional
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