#albus in a relationship with gellert is not albus anymore
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selayapss · 7 days ago
Wasn't Grindeldore just a mere short-lived summer fling? It reminds me of people who fall head over heels in love after a week, get ruined, and then fall into depression because that guy was a complete asshole.
Why do people like this ship? Grindelwald seems like a total bitch, and Albus deserves so much better. After Ariana's death, I highly doubt Albus would ever fall in love with Gellert again. It changed his soul in the worst way, and I don't think he would ever allow himself to fall for him again. He would always replay Ariana's death, Aberforth's anger, and his own grief, and he would put up so many walls every time he even thought of Gellert.
And also, it's not like it was a long-lasting love that would make him crumble and put aside his convictions. They knew each other for two months—hardly enough time to genuinely love or truly know a person.
It's not even about what Albus deserves; it's about who he is. Pairing him with a person he connects with the downfall of his family, his biggest grief in life, as well as his biggest disillusionment and mistakes, goes against his entire character. It's like pairing Hermione with Voldemort. I'm not against enemies-to-lovers, opposites attract, or villains x heroes, but there should be something that allows the two to connect and let go of their walls—something that connects them internally. Albus doesn’t have that with Grindelwald. Gellert ruined his life. The fling he allowed himself to have with him ruined his family, and family means everything to Albus. He'd never get over it. He never got over it. His entire soul goes against that relationship. It goes against who he is. It goes against his morals, his convictions, his personality, his soul, his worldview, his needs, and his self. And that's not romantic. That's tragic.
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metalomagnetic · 6 months ago
Hi Metalo! I hope you're alright (and your back injury isn't causing you pain anymore). I have a question that keeps popping into my head every once in a while. What do you think other death eaters think about Sirius naming his son Marvolo? Do you think they say anything behind Sirius' back? Or they didn't trace the Gaunt line as obsessively as Sirius? How do you think Harry (or Marvolo) will react if Dumbledore (even though I don't think Sirius will allow Dumbledore to get that close to them) tells them Tom's name? I think Dumbledore's reaction to the name would've been so interesting! I imagine him spiraling into a bunch of what ifs and writing a letter to Gellert.
At least a handful of Death Eaters have always know Voldemort's name, Lucius included. And I don't think any of them are surprised Sirius named his son after Voldemort; those in the inner circle knew of their relationship, and also know Sirius always has a hard time letting go of people he cares for.
Sirius has no way of stopping Dumbledore from getting near the kids; he's going to be at Hogwarts, with the kids, and Sirius can either send them to another school or understand Dumbledore will have easy access to them.
I think Albus felt a lot of pity for Sirius when he heard of Marvolo's name.
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calessy · 6 months ago
Everyone sees Gellert Grindelwald with Albus Dumbledore, but what about Vinda Rosier?
We know Rowling said that Gellert is gay ( which I have no problem with ). But let's remember that they were "together" when they were young. Years passed and both Gellert and Albus could have changed their minds ( one thing is what you do as a teenager in real life and another as an adult already mature and with your ideals clear ). Let's talk about Vinda Rosier and Gellert Grindelwald:
1) Vinda was worried about him when he wanted to open a window, before looking at him for 20 minutes to then tell the driver to "go around the back, it's not safe" (her words not mine).
2) Vinda was the one who entered the room excited to come and tell GG that "everyone in the street is shouting your name, you are free" ( she told him with a sincere smile, from the body language that smile that Rosier shows is a sincere smile).
3) Gellert allows her to question him several times ( in one he asks GG if he will kill Albus and in another was the window scene, where he tells her "are you sure?' or "what?" when she asks him to put her down )
4) Accompanied Gellert to Paris.
5) She stayed with him when all of his other followers ☠️ to the muggles.
6) He sat her next to him at dinner , when he had Queenie and thousands of followers to sit next to him , as well as being at the head of the table ( both of them )
7) of this one I'm not really sure of the context anymore) but it was Rosier who gave Gellert a look when he said to Albus "who will love you like I do" . But since I'm not sure about this one, let's just count to reason 6....
8) This reason doesn't even need an explanation: "LET'S SAY I AM.... VERY COMMITTED".
9) Once Gellert was named leader of the magical world, the first thing he did was look at Vinda with a little smile ( and no, it wasn't because he was "happy" that he was promoted to leader )
What do you think? Do you think he had a closed door relationship with her with Vida Rosier?
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ourgreatergood · 8 months ago
Okay, I finished @humlesnurr’s prompt, yay! It’s not very good, but at least I’m getting back into writing, so thank you so much! (Still working on the other prompts as well.)
I believe you had something happier in mind, but you know, they’re still idiots - hope you have fun anyway! <3
Prompt was: Gellert responding differently to the "Because I was in love with you" at that date <3
Would this be one of your regular haunts?
Only Gellert could have the unbearable charming confidence to open the first meeting in decades like that. It was curious, really, that Albus did not mind. He did not mind at all. In fact, if he was completely honest with himself, the feeling that surfaced in his chest at Gellert’s flippant opening line could only be adoration. How did he manage to make him smile so easily when nothing in the world was easy right now?
The blood troth moved around his hand in recognition, content to have them both in such proximity.
That would have to be his answer. It felt warm around his neck, like the blood contained within it. It felt comforting. Alive. Terribly so.
But he could not grant Gellert an answer, too great was the risk that he would use it to try and sway him. And despite everything he wasn’t sure that his stance was firm enough to resist. Maybe Gellert knew and that was why he did not even dignify his proposal of freeing each other with an answer.
“What you are doing is madness.”
And how could he not see that? It was not what they had said they’d do. It was never how he had imagined it. He could not imagine that Gellert had meant this all along when they had talked endlessly in warm summer nights about a world that was better than the one they lived in. Or perhaps it was him who was remembering it wrong? Was his memory and conscience playing tricks on him?
“I was young. I was -“
“- committed. To me. To us.”
He almost had to laugh. Committed. It made it seem like a business, the troth like a contract - when it had been so much more than that. He was never confident around Gellert anymore but he still knew him, at least he thought he did. At least a small part of him. And he saw that Gellert wanted this to be a strategic meeting. His turn in a game of chess.
He saw that Gellert wanted him to see reason as much as the other way around, too. It could never be merely game or business between them.
“No. I went along because -“
Somehow saying it was not as easy as it had once been.
“Because I was in love with you.”
For a moment he managed to hold Gellert’s piercing gaze until it becomes unbearable. How could it sound so simple? As if their relationship wasn’t the single most difficult thing in his life.
“And I was in love with you. Yet here we are. I am doing what we said we’d do. It was you who said we could reshape the world, that it was our birthright.”
“But not like this. This was never what I wanted.”
Gellert chuckled. A mixture of cold fury and fond amusement. “It is very much like you to want to break our vow and tell me what to do.”
“If you did what I wanted you to do I would never ask you to break the pact.”
“Tell me, what do you want me to do, Albus?”
He swallowed. “I want you to stop riling up the masses. Stop causing so many deaths. Stop starting a war. Stop and -,” his voice broke and became quiet. “Gellert, if you were ever in love with me then you know perfectly well what I imagined - what we planned.”
Gellert studied him for a long time and it took and it took everything in him to hold his gaze. When Gellert spoke next his voice was low and heavy.
“If you remembered, Albus, who proposed the pact you would not say such a thing. Do you remember?”
Naturally, he did.
The water was running steadily down the stream on the outskirts of Godric’s Hollow. It glistened crystal in the summer sun and trickled along the riverbank, the colorful meadow and the old willow tree. It was their favorite spot - where the mill, the stream and the willow met on the seam between village and forest.
They met right before dusk could take over, while it was still so warm that Albus had opened his waistcoat and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and Gellert had discarded any regard for clothing customs and had shed all but his trousers and half-buttoned shirt. He had his feet dangling in the cool stream, his head cushioned on his arms, his pretty face calm and content in a way it rarely ever was.
Albus could imagine him like this by the pillars of Hercules, on the bank of the Skamandros, on a ship on the Nile.
Gellert had the gift of sight but whenever Albus imagined his future, he could only see Gellert by his side as certainly as if Fate herself had placed him there.
He ran his fingertips along Gellert’s exposed collarbones and smiled at him, when he opened his eyes at the touch.
Gellert returned his smile. He reached up and gently twirled a strand of Albus’s hair around his finger, holding it up against the sun, eyeing it intently.
“Sit up,” he said, suddenly and sit up they did.
“Are you all right?” Albus asked, when Gellert took his hands almost solemnly.
“Yes. Listen, I’ve been thinking - “ He took a deep breath. Albus frowned. Gellert was a master of words, he didn’t stumble upon sentences like this very often. “I’ve told you about my visions, I know that it is not always going be easy. A revolution will take time and sacrifice and I know I can only do it with you by my side.”
Albus’s heart fluttered and he squeezed his hands. “It is you, who makes me feel free, my dear. We are the most powerful wizards on this earth, we can do anything when we’re together.”
“Anything but live openly - for now, at least.”
“Not forever.”
“No. I know that you are my only equal, Albus, my twin soul, my better half. I know that I will spend my life with you. I know this bond and I know no spell and no ridiculous law could ever alter it but I want to swear it to you, anyway.” When their eyes met there was a glimmer in Gellert’s that somehow was both determined and insecure. “I want my blood to know yours, I want to have my magic woven with yours, I want Fate to know that it is us.”
“There are many oaths they won’t let us take, but as you said, we can do anything. Please, would you make a blood pact with me?”
Albus’s face slowly spread into a ridiculous grin. His insides were melting and he doubted his body would be able to hold all the incredible beautiful feelings Gellert’s words had placed there. He wanted to scream with happiness, speak it into the universe itself, devour Gellert on the spot - but he merely found himself nodding.
“Yes. Of course, yes!” Laughter bubbled up inside of him, because Merlin, did Gellert really think for one second that he could refuse, when he could imagine nothing more perfect than seal their bond with magic.
“I do,” he said, “where did all that go?” His own voice was barely above a whisper now.
Gellert shook his head ever so slightly. “You tell me, Albus. You tell me.”
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firendgold · 2 months ago
Personally I can’t get behind shipping canon era Harrydore but I think it’s interesting that it was literally suggested in the text (Rita Skeeter).
I wish Dumbledore was alive for the publishing of Tge Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore (though I honestly can’t see Skeeter daring while he’s alive…) because I’d like to see how he’d react to Skeeter’s implications.
I personally think canon era would be easier to ship. There are a lot more obvious challenges (the age gap, the disapproval of literally everyone else for various reasons, the age gap, the avalanche of outsiders who would think Albus was grooming Harry and Harry was misunderstanding what a father figure looked like, the age gap, the fallout of the war and the Horcruxes, the AGE GAP HOLY SHIT), but it also solves one of the biggest hurdles time travel!harrydore has which is "getting Albus to meet, like and fall in love with Harry". Present-day Albus already adores Harry and thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. Harry has numerous issues with Dumbledore's... communication style, but still respects and trusts him implicitly. *mechanic voice* You've just got to tweak these wires riiight over here, and...
Even without That Woman muddying the waters post DH on how Albus and Gellert felt about each other, it's clear that at least any time before 1945 Gellert was a huge shadow in Albus' mind that probably put a damper on any romantic thoughts, much less toward a stranger. Finding ways to organically close that gap can be tough.
Rita Skeeter though... ew. Just goes to show you that apparently the wizarding world is apparently as backwards with "only blood relatives can be close!" as the real world can be sometimes. My one regret is that she and That Woman had the audacity to bring that idea up, but then there's like... no DH chapter where anyone in Harry's corner explicitly says "well obviously that's nonsense, because Dumbledore saw you as the child he never had". DH is in great part about Harry and Dumbledore's relationship at its darkest point, I know, but still. If you're going to go there, go all the way there.
I agree that Rita may not have been daring enough to publish without feeling safe from Albus' wrath. But it's my personal opinion that if he'd lived to see Life and Lies, Albus wouldn't outwardly show he cared that much. It's true that he still values what certain people think of him and can't stand to let them (or himself) down. But with how blasé he is about losing positions that extend his national and international reach during OOTP, an argument can be made that he's also just gotten so old he doesn't give a shit anymore about the common opinion.
Perhaps his closest friends can tell the ugly spin Rita puts on some things disturbs him, but I see him basically making a casual, mysterious statement while being cornered by reporters one day, and then the hordes of angry people he has aided his whole life would do the rest without his input. "How dare you go digging into his private life", "prying into the death of a child should be beneath you", etc. People are usually far more willing to defend the dead than the living, but wartime shifted the dynamics a bit. I think it would be different in that case.
If anything, Aberforth would've been the one more likely to burn down Rita's house for mentioning Ariana. He's more bitter about the secret being out in DH than someone who supposedly hates his brother and wants everyone else to hate him too should be.
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dhr-ao3 · 2 years ago
Atonement https://ift.tt/zZlGOYv by ohmegaera She didn’t recognize herself anymore. Honestly, maybe she didn’t even know herself in the first place. Seeing her own hands made her recoil in shame, because she couldn’t shake the image of the blood that once stained them. Her name wasn’t truly hers and the image in the mirror that looked back at her always seemed to smile, even if her face was permanently in a scold. In her head, she named herself a third time, with, again, a second-hand name borrowed from fiction: Macbeth, Lady Macbeth. Words: 3212, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Harry Potter & Original Female Character(s), Severus Snape & Original Female Character(s), Albus Dumbledore & Severus Snape, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood/Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson/Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ginny Weasley, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Severus Snape/Nymphadora Tonks, Albus Dumbledore & Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Child Abuse, My First Fanfic, Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter), Family Secrets, Torture, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Racism, implied racism, Implied Sexual Content, Unrequited Love, Grooming, Pureblood Politics, coming-of-age story, no beta we die like men, Blood and Violence, the author is deranged you should be careful, probably more tags in the future, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Sadism, Family Curses, Found Family, Curse Breaking, Magical Creatures, Banshees, Seers, Not Dumbledore Friendly via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/Kz0ou4B May 03, 2023 at 01:15AM
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wizardingworldlibrary · 9 months ago
Gellert Grindelwald Masterlist
Links Last Checked: January 19th, 2025
amaranthine (ao3) - penn_and_paige albus/gellert G, 3k
Summary: The first lesson Gellert learned in Durmstrang was silence.
When Albus held him close, red hair shot through with the golden sunlight, the barn's air tinted with dust swirling around them, and said, "I love you," Gellert cut his hand and cut Albus and would have cut the world until it bled itself dry if only it would keep his damn mouth shut.
So, no, Gellert never said I love you back.
Clementia (ao3) - RedBlood_Moon G, 2k
Summary: Gellert Grindelwald had spent many decades sitting in his pathetic little cell reflecting on his life and thinking about the atrocities he had committed in the name of the Greater Good. So, when the day came on which his successor sought him out for the knowledge he possessed, he refused, wanting to do one last good thing before he died. Unfortunately, Death wasn't done with him yet.
Destiny (ao3) - gracerene albus/gellert E, 1k
Summary: We're meant to be together, Albus. It's our destiny.
Dragon Princess (ao3) - orphan_account albus/gellert G, 1k
Summary: A young princess, hidden away in her tower, would like to see more of the sun. Turns out the sun comes to visit her. A chance encounter, and the beginning of an unusual friendship.
Aka how Ariana met Gellert, and the secrets they’re both hiding.
high in the halls (ao3) - Ascel albus/gellert T, 15k
Summary: “They have a prophecy, you know,” Gellert spoke up suddenly, leafing through one of the older books. “The followers of light. They speak of the one who will return to save the world from the dark. Azor Ahai, with a sword forged in blood, who will wake dragons from a stone.”
“Yes,” Albus interrupted him. “I know it.” He did know it. He didn’t need any boy to recite old child tales to him, even if his voice sounded as smooth as silk felt.
“But you’re not much interested in that.” Gellert was, once again, smiling. “No, I didn’t think so.”
“It’s only a legend,” Albus said curtly.
“Or so they say,” Gellert agreed.
Love Letters (ao3) - mautadite albus/gellert E, 6k
Summary: O, long is is march of men and long is the life and wide is the span.
(“I don’t speak with him anymore,” he said, very quietly. “I do not even think of him.”)
A love story in reverse.
Metamorphosis (ao3) - Metalomagnetic albus/voldemort E, 86k
Summary: Voldemort has traveled a long way to kill Dumbledore.
Nostalgia (ao3) - BrightDream albus/gellert N/R, 1k
Summary: A re-encounter fic. Takes place a few years after The Crimes of Grindelwald.
Relationship Counselling (ao3) - Anonymous past albus/gellert G, 1k
Summary: Grindelwald wants to win Dumbledore's heart back, and keeps asking a captive Graves for love advice.
Sacred, the secrets I’m keeping (ao3) - motorradfahrerin albus/gellert T, 21k
Summary: In which Albus reminisces about the past and his controversial relationship with Gellert Grindelwald. The professor’s dissatisfaction with his current life is going to lead him on a dangerous downward spiral that will have him questioning whether he had truly made the right choices in his life.
Secret (ao3) - pangaeaseas albus/gellert T, 1k
Summary: Gellert is Albus’s very best secret.
So Many Chances Unseen (ao3) - The_Marron albus/gellert T, 6k
Summary: Albus Dumbledore always knew how to find Gellert Grindelwald. It wasn’t even an instinct, nor was it any magical connection they shared ( although young Albus sometimes hoped it was,) but no, it was merely observation. Although exceptionally skilled at transmutation and potions, Gellert could wear any face he wanted and still, Albus would recognize him. Because Gellert could change his name, features, pattern of speech, everything. But he couldn’t get rid of his own charisma.
Charisma, that usually affected young boys.
* Dumbledore wants to die, Severus Snape doesn’t want him to, and there is also an ex-Dark Lord trying to get his ex back. Maybe.
The Case of the Missing Obscurus (ao3) - manic_intent original percival graves/newt E, 31k
Summary: Getting rescued from the sarcophagus that Grindelwald had stashed him in turned out to be a thoroughly uncomfortable affair, if only because Graves suspected that Tina would never let him forget it’d happened, ever. Of all the Aurors who could’ve stumbled over Grindelwald’s vault, did it really have to be her?
Besides, Grindelwald hadn’t had that much time to make Graves’ said sarcophagus stay anything more than humiliating, unless his Grand Plan was to see how long Graves would take to die of boredom. Thankfully, Tina had found Graves before he’d gotten tired of grimly plotting Grindelwald’s murder. Unsettlingly enough, by all reports, Grindelwald had actually been credible enough at Graves’ soul-sucking time sink of a normal job that not even Graves’ closest minions had figured him out. Which meant that a) small wonder Grindewald hadn’t progressed his Plans of World Domination(?) further than aggressively stalking some poor kid and b) Graves clearly needed new minions.
The Cigarette Case (ao3) - AgentMalkere original percival graves/newt G, 6k
Summary: Apparently even Gellert Grindelwald isn’t immune to a niffler’s sticky paws.
(In which Newt was not expecting to find Percival Graves in a stolen cigarette case.)
The Greater Good - Part One (1898-1900) (ao3) - IhaveAbadfeelingAboutThis albus/gellert E, 413k
Summary: Albus Dumbledore is sorted into Slytherin, Ariana isn't killed, and Albus leaves with Gellert as planned. The Summer of 1899 stretches into 1900 and beyond. Let's give these boys a happy ending.
The King's Omega (ao3) - MercurialTenacity original percival graves/gellert E, 13k
Summary: Percival never thought it would come to this. He thought he knew what kind of ruler Grindelwald would be, and he had mourned for the dark times which would beset the land after Queen Seraphina’s fall. He thought he was prepared, but this…
There was little Percival could do but wait to be rounded up and hope he wasn’t detained too long.
The Summer That Gellert Grindelwald and I Fell in Love (ao3) - Petra1999 albus/gellert T, 28k
Summary: The summer of 1899 was tainted with tragedies that would shape my life from that point on. Never up to this point, nor since, have I felt as locked up as I did in then, when my entire life came to a standstill. Foolishly I thought, as everyone does when such things happen, that it was the worst moment of my life. It might have been, had I not met Gellert Grindelwald.
A story depicting the events of the summer of 1899 from Albus Dumbledore’s point of view.
Will we die, just a little? (ao3) - Mischiefs_Hawk gellert/newt N/R, 20k
Summary: Newt's soulmark is the Deathly Hallows, something no one had ever understood before. Except one professor at Hogwarts, who was terrified for the young Hufflepuff- who did not deserve someone like Gellert for their soulmate.
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johamfated · 2 years ago
"Grindelwald appearing in the paper doesn't upset me," Harry told Albus, trying to clear up what seemed to be a misconception. "Not anymore than it did when Voldemort was mentioned."
He took a sip of his tea, taking the time to try and find the best way to phrase his explanation. "I get angry, and upset, because I know how much you care about him. And I realise that that is childish, I do. And I should grow up really in that regard. It's...well, it's jealousy, plain and simple. And perhaps more than a little bit of insecurity."
Harry took a deep breath, trying to stop more tears from falling, "I've said to you before, that the aftermath of your death was traumatizing for me. Everything which had come to light. Your past. Your plans for me. It got to the point, where I didn't know if you even actually cared about me at all, or if I was just a vital tool in your plan to defeat Voldemort. So, when I heard about your relationship with Gellert Grindelwald, a renowned dark Wizard - my head frazzled. I thought that everything I knew had suddenly been a grand lie. And then, I came here. And everything regarding Grindelwald is much more raw for you. So much more plain to see than it was in my time. And I guess it just poured salt on an already painful wound which never had the chance to heal. I needed reassurance, and all you gave me were more secrets and lies."
(Private Harry/Albus RP between myself and @regretismyconstantcompanion - you are welcome to read along, but if you have comments, please add them in the tags, but don't reblog as another post, as this could prove confusing. 🙂)
Was this the moment his former Headmaster had foretold? It had happened within the blink of an eye. For the first moment, Harry had been enshrouded with the uproar of a hundred voices all cheering as the body of Tom Riddle collapsed to the floor, finally defeated. In the next, there was a sudden deafening silence, as though a charm had been placed upon the crowd. However, as Harry turned on the spot, he found himself very much alone.
There was something very disconcerting about the Great Hall being vacant of people. Even within the whispers of an early morning, students could be found speaking softly at the tables within, helping themselves to goblets of pumpkin juice and a slice of toast, as they prepared for the day of learning ahead.
Those tables which had been upturned in the battle, were now upright once more, yet void of placemats. Harry walked along between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, skimming his fingers along the wood. This room had not yet seen the perils of war, had not known the horror of its students being murdered within.
Truth be told, it was a fact Harry himself struggled to comphrend, as he thought of the past few hours he had endured with his friends. But that had all disappeared, and now he was left with a facade of what was to come. In a time where his memories could be seen as prophecy.
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ciphersworld · 3 years ago
Some of my thoughts about Grindeldore in The Secrets of Dumbledore
So, im REALLY obsessed with this movie and i wrote some of my thoughts and i decided put it here.
First of all, english is not my native language, so im so sorry for any mistake, and obviously, in this post there are spoilers. LETS GO
The Restaurant scene
Their smiles kill me btw
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I love the restaurant scene for how Gellert insists over and over that it was both planning a revolution, that Albus not only followed him because they were in love, because HE helped make their plans and HE turned his back on them. Phrases like "It was you who said we can reshape the world" and "Committed to me, to US" it makes that clear
I think that Gellert was so angry with Albus because, in his perspective, he went on with his life as if nothing happened and that bothers him, he has so much anger and bitterness in his heart that he doesn't see beyond appearances
He doesn't want Albus to make excuses, he wants the Albus he MET in 1899 in his side , but he hasn't realized of THAT Albus died with Ariana and only at the end does he realize that Albus left his arms forever
And Albus, this is where I asked myself what was his point in being there, did he just want to try and convince Gellert to break the pact or did he want to see if there was a way to deal with this situation without breaking it? Albus doesn't want to let Gellert go either (even though he knows that isn't the Gellert he fell in love with anymore), he wants to save Gellert and try to save what they have.
Gellert was hurt after Albus said "We can free each other", which is why i think he acts so mean to Albus in the rest of the scene (and in the movie!). Gellert loves and cares about the pact, he carried the Troth with him everywhere for about 28 years, that he had it in a chest pocket, that he sacrificed and risked his escape in order to get it back at the start of COG, it's very obvious that. I think he uses the pact all the time because it's a palpable reminder of the one time he felt understood and loved by an equal. He uses it because it makes him feel close to Albus.
This scene was perfect, and I thanks so much to Jude and Mads performace <3
How they talked about the other in the movie
Someone doesnt feels weird the way they talked about the other with another people in the movie? Like, sometimes it feels like their relantionships was not a secret. Gellert explicity admits to his acolites and Kama he knew and was a Dumbledore´s close friend.
I personally think that Gellert doesnt hide their relationship to anyone, he is very pround and selfish about their conextion (another reason for he posibble cares so much about the troth!). But Albus is the contrarian.
He talks about his realantionship but with a few people, talks about it with Thesus but only for convinced him. And says THREE times he loved Gellert (and one of it was to Gellert himself).
ALSO, Gellert and Albus are so obsessed with each other in the movie, like Albus mentions their love every time he can and Gellert have visions about Albus and look at him with the most look of longing have ever see, THEY'RE OBSESSED WITH EACH OTHER AND I LOVE IT!!
For next, my favorite part of the movie
The almost duel
Frist of all, THE SOUNDTRACK OF THS SCENE IS PRECIOUS AND GORGEOUS, thank you James Newton Howard.
And then, can we talk about Gellert's face in this frame and how he trembles at the mere thought of touching Albus after 30 years and realizing he can't hurt him because he still loves him so deeply?
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When they put their hands on each other's hearts, Albus keeps his hand outstretched, Gellert presses his hand to Albus's chest as if he wants to hold on to it, trembles at the thought of hurting him and clings to him in the face of it. His face of him is one of absolute despair, this is the moment where they realize that their destiny is inevitable and that they will repeat this duel one day.
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Now something that I find interesting is how Gellert trembles at the idea and lets his guard down for a moment, and Albus holds his wand up, he doesn't like the idea, but he's more determined to do it, that's the moment where he chooses to do what is right and not what is easy.
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And Albus, he doesn't even know how to feel about all of this. Should he feel angry with Gellert for left him? Should he be glad that he was stopped in that summer in the worst way possible? Would he be willing to give up the best two months of his life for his sister? He can hurt to the man he loves?
They both love each other, but that is the moment where they have lost each other and their reactions to it kill me. Gellert seeks to emotionally harm Albus and Albus just walks away, he does not seek to harm Gellert with his action from him, but the fact that he turns his back on him and shows a certain indifference after tremendous emotional shock hurts Gellert more and seeks to harm Albus more with his next action
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"Who will love you now Dumbledore?, you're all alone" Those words seem more directed at himself than at Albus, he feels alone, and the only proof that someone really loved him lies broken on the ground.
It is also interesting how Gellert goes from calling him "Albus" at the beginning of the film to calling him "Dumbledore" at the end of it
I think Albus was more prepared for the idea of ​​​​confronting him, from the beginning he raises the idea of ​​​​getting rid of the troth and Gellert is resistant to the idea, he doesn't want to, it is the only physical proof he has of his and he clings to it. Item.
Gellert is an emotional wreck and unlike Albus, he doesn't have people who love and support him unconditionally, he's alone.
He is a man who does not know how to deal with strong emotions (and it has been shown since fbwtft) and that is his greatest weakness. Dumbledore always talks about how love is the most powerful magic because he thinks it is what we don't know. He doesn't even feel lovable, but he keeps thinking about it.
And every day I am more convinced that Gellert's feelings for Albus are the reason why he loses THE duel, that Gellert's love for him is enough for him to repent and let him win, and thats why Albus locks Gellert in Nurmergard, because he has faith that he will regret it because he already showed signs of it
The end of the movie
"I was never your enemy..." says Gellert to the public, and then proceed to search Albus, look at him to the eyes and says "...then or now"
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I was speechless at first, THIS MAN hurts Albus firts and he feels betrayed and emotionally hurt by him, BUT HE STILL WANTS ALBUS ON HIS SIDE. I HAVE NO WORDS FOR THAT.
The end of the movie is so sad, Albus promeses to Thesues find and captured Gellert after have that moment is so hurtful. See the pact broken is a hurtful pain and he cant explain that.
(btw Newt is a great friend for Albus in this movie, all the time he helps and supports because he knows that this hurts him, he doesn't judge him and that's why i adore Newt so much)
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At the very end see Albus seeing the wedding was so sad, i cant belived how that scene is so painful and so happy and the same time. I actually refuse to belive that they dont invite Albus to the wedding, but the fact that he stays alone in the street see something that nows it will never be able to live it's a very hurtful moment, and a very sad ending for him.
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I feel like people are interpreting the ending as if Albus isn't in love with Gellert anymore. But that's not true imo. You can't just stop being in love, that's not how it works. Their relationship is over and Albus has moved on from it, that's what the scene means. But they are still very much in love.
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cinnamoncountess · 3 years ago
"With or without I'll burn down their world."
With or without you.
With or without you.
It's truly absurd. Gellert hasn't buried the hope of having Albus join him for their cause. It's absurd this idea seems to be a very possible, realistic option to him, still. Despite their relationship going downhill. Despite them parting ways on such a bitter note. Despite him being well aware about Albus' drastically shifted views and feelings since summer 1899. Albus, at this point, would certainly not support Gellert's ideologies in any shape or form anymore.
Nevertheless, for Gellert it's still a very desperate "with" option weighing in. Decades have passed in which they haven't seen each other. He's obsessed.
He can't let go of Albus.
He can't.
"Us against them or me against them. I'll gladly have you by my side. You decide, Albus."
[On the other hand, Albus' heart is troubled and in turmoil at this point. There's a great uncertainty in his mind. It could be possible Gellert still sees a vision of them together, side by side, in one of the many future scenarios (though I seriously doubt Albus would let himself get tempted again).]
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judgmentalfishnun · 2 years ago
what do you think about the rest of the fb movies being cancelled? i'm torn bc i don't want jkr to get anymore money but i wanted to see the final duel...
Many mixed feelings, friend. Hope you don't mind if I ramble (a lot).
I'll start off with noting that the statement didn’t say that Fantastic Beasts was cancelled, only that no wizarding world movies are currently in active development. Active development is an industry term that can be nebulous, but usually means a writer has been engaged and is working on early drafts of the project, or that the producer is actively attaching talent. So “not in active development” basically means that no movement is currently being made toward putting the next film into production, which we already knew. Yes, it's bleak, but WB is being very poorly managed right now and some decisions may not stick. It could be a while before the series is picked up again, and TSOD could still turn out to be the end, but take that for what it's worth.
Re: JKR: I very much agree that not giving her any additional cash is a good thing. It's important for her and the film execs to see that her actions have real consequences for the value of the IP. So, all the fans who wanted to send a message by boycotting these movies have definitely succeeded. I only hope WB realizes what the message was and doesn’t blame the series’ failure on something else, like centering a queer love story.
As far as the ship goes, FB has been a mixed blessing. After fifteen years of shipping, I and many others have deeply-held headcanons and feelings about the ship, and FB vindicated some of these. Most importantly, it established that Gellert returned Albus' feelings, that the two of them did in fact have a romantic and sexual relationship, and that they never stopped loving each other. This was an extremely welcome change from the author's stance on the ship fifteen years ago.
Unfortunately, FB also played fast and loose with HP canon in general, and made quite a few other, less comprehensible changes to Albus & Gellert's backstory without any explanation that the films ever got around to giving us. This was aggravating and made the series feel disconnected from the wizarding world I've loved for so long. I dislike that they went in the direction of making Gellert a blood purist Voldemort-knockoff, instead of exploring the fascinating ways in which his character actually contrasts significantly with Voldemort. As a result of all these changes (including changed character designs!) and missing backstory, a lot of grindeldore shippers who came to the fandom from FB ship a version of the pairing that’s almost unrecognizable to me.
All in all, I think FB had a lot of great raw material and the writers just didn’t know what to do with it. Whether it ever gets picked up again or not, I’m going to choose to remember the good that came out of it, namely that grindeldore sails strong. :)
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sweetbutdevil · 3 years ago
Here's the thing, I've already seen TSOD about three times and I wanted to make some comments about grindeldore bcs I love them. -Cafeteria scene: boyyyyy everyone looking for the dark magician of the moment and he simply... meets him to drink... tea (that's love, bitches). How nervous Dumbeldore was to see him (I'm expecting someone). As soon as Grindelwald appears we can observe an increase in Dumbeldore's blinks (which usually indicates that your brain is processing too many emotions at once), the smiles, the TENSION in the environment
BECAUSE I WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU (as far as this is concerned, the use of "was"), does that mean not anymore? Is it because he talks about the past? In my opinion Grindelwald was the only love of his life, since, in the rest of the saga we can see that Dumbeldore does not fall in love with anyone else.
The number of times Dumbledore uses "Gellert and I" or takes advantage of any moment or conversation to highlight the fact of how in love he is with him (just the fucking fact that he A LOT of times (even then) refers to him as "Gellert" (just melts my heart)
-The battle: one of the scenes with more tension and sadness of the entire movie. Knowing that you have to fight with the love of your life because the magical world is what it expects of you... omfg I just want to cry. The moment of "hands on the chest", the sound of their hearts, all the time around them stops, it's just the two of them looking into each other's eyes, noticing the other's heartbeat, what would each one think?they separate (we can see how Grindelwald takes a step forward) why? The safest thing is that deep down, as we all know Grindelwald has always had that manipulative part, he knows that he is in control of the relationship, Albus was simply "blinded" by love and the power and ideas of Grindelwald, BUT, Albus separates, doesn't let him invade his personal space and... without Grindelwald expecting it, Dumbeldore simply... turns around and turns his back on him (Grindelwald has just been rejected by Albus), you can see the change of expression on his face, the desperation of being rejected, by someone who for him, he would think would never say no. In the face of the overwhelm, he shouts almost desperately: Who will love you now, Dumbeldore? , knowing that, there will be no one who will be able to love. And to his surprise... he simply tells him that he is alone.
After finishing the battle we can see how Grindelwald "throws back" off the cliff. People look out to see what happened and... we can see the desperation on Albus's face (thinking if he got hurt in the fall?), he will always care about Gellert no matter what. -The fact that he collects the remaining pieces of the pact and despite everything he continues to keep them (and he kept the rest of the years, I will talk about this later)
--Wedding scene: OMFG, yes, the cafeteria scene and the fight killed me inside but WTF, "grindeldore" goes through a "divorce period" and they make poor Albus attend a wedding??? omg my poor boy Everyone is happy, everyone is reconciled, the "accepted" standards of love are those that survive, those that have happiness but, what about them? It's just not what "is well seen" for which, no it will have a happy ending :( And already , in the scene in which Albus looks into the cafeteria , he smiles for those who are happy , for love , for happiness ( because as we know Albus is one of the characters that defends love throughout the saga , even to Harry he explains several times that, above all, the most important thing is love), when HE is the only person he has not been able to love (I am broken inside) -Already at the end of the saga, when Albus dies, we can observe several things: Grindelwald tried to prevent Voldemort from going to Dumbeldore's grave and one of the things that he now understood and that hurts me the most: we can observe that a phoenix arrives later at Grindelwald's cell with something shiny around his neck (IT WAS THEM, IT WAS THE BLOOD PACT) simply together until eternity, because love, if it doesn't survive in life, will survive in death.
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trothplighted · 3 years ago
What do you think makes the Dumbledore/Grindewald romance so compelling? I personally love their, lets call it, contradictions? Dumbledore the books source of Goodness in love with one of the greatest Dark Lords. Dumbledore, who usually can reign his emotions in is so deeply driven by his heart for this one man, Gellert is in prison and Albus is free but he is alone even in a crowd of people (the best people, truly!) because HE is not there...
god you’re so RIGHT, the contradictions really are the icing on the cake
however for me the compelling thing is almost like - the tragedy of it? because Albus and Gellert set out to save the world, they’re two crazy booksmart kids with high INT and low WIS, and they’re teenagers who really believe they can fix every problem ever because they’ve got boundless energy and nowhere to go but up
and you’ve got the mix of ideas and culture happening at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, the brewing world wars, the coming shift in social classes everywhere - things are really changing, the time for radical reform is now, and together there’s nothing we can’t do! I really think that they romanticized themselves, they became poets when they spoke of one another’s souls and their presumed future together, they saw each other as one person in two bodies rather than anything else.
And then Ariana died, and they fell apart, and they tried to fix things but what developed was a deep philosophical divide regarding how to go about saving the world - Gellert is very much in the White Man’s Burden mindset, this sort of “we’re inherently better so we have to rule for their own good” thing (which I find really funny, because boy the colonizers hate when that logic is used against them) while Albus wants to work WITH Muggles and educate them and bring them into the fold as equals
and then it continues to escalate and fall apart (I have my own headcanons for the first wizarding war and the political movement that existed before I saw the FB movies and I doubt I’m retiring them, but I’ll stick to movie canon in this ask for convenience’s sake) and presumably it’s only made worse by the failure in Bhutan and the really irrevocable change in their relationship. They’re not one person anymore, they’ve truly broken apart.
but I keep coming back to the fact that they were at the epicenter of this immense cultural movement and they were each fighting for what they loved, and they loved one another, and they never wanted to be enemies but here we are, as it were
that… it’s so poignant? and it hurts me
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 2 years ago
This is from my Muggle Modern AU. Albus Dumbledore was born in 1949 in this timeline. He met Gellert Grindelwald on his last year of school. And since there is no war, he doesn't become a manipulator. He is actually a genius math teacher and an incredible and accepting Headmaster.
Trigger Warning: Homophobia and Toxic and obsessive relationships.
June, 1967.
Albus didn't sleep in his bed anymore. He couldn't imagine a night without Gellert beside him. His body had got used to the other boy. Albus was trapped. He couldn't escape now. And he was in love. So in love.
Gellert was wild and didn't care about making things public. Even if people wouldn't agree. Even if people thought they were weird and sick. And that made Albus more reckless as well. Lately he felt adrenaline when Gellert took his hand to show him something. He felt his heart jumping on his chest and pure joy feeling the eyes of his classmates in them. They were jealous, Gellert used to say, they were jealous because they would never be able to be as in love and as happy as they were. Albus was pleased with that statement.
And Gellert made Albus lazy. Because he had to get to class. But that bed looked so appealing if naked Gellert was underneath the sheets.
"Gellert..." Albus whispered softly.
The boy in question moved in his sleep.
"We are late for breakfast... We better go" Albus said as he started to get dressed. When he felt a pair of arms wrapping him from behind.
"Don't go" Gellert said under his breath "Stay with me"
Albus found himself smiling. He loved school. He loved classes and homework. But he loved Gellert more.
"I can't afford to miss more classes, Gellert"
Gellert untangled himself from Albus. He groaned and turned to the other side. He was grumpy again.
"You go" he said "I want to stay. I don't feel well"
Albus would've protest but he knew better than to mess with Gellert in this state. He was impossible when he was in a bad mood. And he received a call from his father last night. Gellert detested his father with his life. And it was mutual.
So Albus decided to go to class on his own. Surely teachers would believe that Gellert was sick.
"Albus!" Someone called him on the corridor.
Elphias Doge used to be Albus' best friend. That was before Gellert. That was before his whole world circled around Gellert and only Gellert. Perhaps it had been bad ignoring Elphias completely. But Gellert said he was a boring twat. And that he was jealous of Albus. He could tell.
"Hi Elphias" Albus smiled politely.
Elphias looked at Albus carefully. He swallowed. They used to be the same. Too shy to say what they were thinking. That's why they used to be friends.
Elphias poked his glasses back.
"You didn't sleep in our dorm last night" he said "Again"
Albus felt embarrassed for a second.
"You were with him, weren't you?"
Elphias didn't like Gellert enough to pronounce his name.
Albus didn't answer. He knew most of the people in his year suspected about him and Gellert. They called them names. But still Albus didn't want everyone to find out. Not the teachers. Not Gellert's rich and powerful family. Not his parents. They would surely get expelled.
"You are breaking the rules" Elphias swallowed again.
Albus didn't know if he was speaking about the dormitories or the fact that he was in love with a boy.
"I slept in the castle, didn't I?" Albus said, though he felt guilty "I am going to class..."
"Professor Dippet wants to speak to you" Elphias added going pale.
Albus swallowed. This couldn't be good.
So minutes later, Albus knocked on the Headmaster's door.
Albus did as he was told. Professor Dippet's office was dark, cold and smelled like moist. With the paintings of the past Headmasters staring at him. It appeared as they followed Albus with their gaze.
If Albus had this office, he would make a few changes.
"Good morning, sir" Albus said "You wanted to see me?"
"Oh, Mr. Dumbledore. Yes" Dippet said "Please take a seat"
Albus was sweating as he took a seat. All he had was this scholarship. He could get places. Far away from his family. From everything. A life free with Gellert. Albus needed Hogwarts for that.
"I am concerned, Albus" Dippet said "You are one of the most brilliant students in this school. The best, in my opinion" Dippet swallowed "But, Mr. Dumbledore... I don't like the company you keep..."
Albus knew exactly who he was talking about.
"That boy... He is trouble. He is gonna waist his future... He is gonna waist yours"
"He is my... He is my friend"
Albus knew the only reason Dippet let Gellert stay at Hogwarts, was for his powerful, rich and influential Russian family. Gellert was not the most brilliant student. And he liked breaking the rules. He had done that so many times.
"Friends..." Dippet scoffed "Friends are supposed to be an encouragement to do better in life. Not worse. Your grades are falling, Mr. Dumbledore"
Albus felt guilty again. It all had been his fault. All of his brain was full of Gellert. He couldn't concentrate as before. But it was love. Wasn't it supposed to be that way?
"I don't want it to continue like this, Mr. Dumbledore"
"I promise, I'll do better, sir" Albus said quickly.
Mr. Dippet sighed.
"Just remember, boy. Great Universities have set eyes on you... Maybe Oxford..."
Dippet looked intensely into Albus' eyes.
"Friendships..." The Headmaster made a pause "Friendships can come later... I met a few of my best friends in University. Even my wife" he chuckled "Perhaps it can happen to you as well"
Albus looked down.
"Remember, Mr. Dumbledore. Women like centered men. Bright men with futures, not lazy wannabes... Yeah?"
Albus almost laugh. If this man didn't suspect about him and Gellert, then he was a bloody idiot. Or perhaps he knew about them and he wanted to break them apart. Albus couldn't like women. Albus couldn't like anyone but Gellert.
"Yes sir, you are right" he said "I will do better. I promise"
Of course, innocently, Albus told Gellert about his encounter with Professor Dippet. And he got furious. He used many cursed words and insults to describe that man.
"You're not gonna leave me, right Albus?" Gellert asked finally with desperation in his eyes. Such desperation that it scared Albus.
"Of course not" Albus touched his face.
Gellert's expression softened.
"I love you" Gellert said before attacking Albus' mouth. He didn't have the chance to say it back, but he kissed Gellert showing him how much he loved him back.
But it was a few days later that something happened. Albus heard the fire alarm in the middle of the night. He woke up in a beat.
"Gellert!" he screamed. But the boy on question wasn't beside him.
Albus felt cold shivers down his spine. He froze.
Gellert. Gellert. Gellert. Gellert...
His name was in Albus' thoughts as he run through the corridors as the rest of the students. They were being escorted outside. But there was a commotion. Girls were screaming. First and second years were crying. Albus was looking for him with his eyes. But the multide of students were pushing him outside.
"Gellert!" Albus screamed. And his voice was drown with the other sounds.
"Albus!" he heard in the distance "Albus!"
Albus' head turned quickly. But he was disappointed to see Elphias instead of Gellert.
Gellert... Gellert... Gellert... Where are you, my love?
"I heard the Headmaster's dorm was set on fire" Elphias explained as he reached Albus.
"Yeah" Elphias nodded, poking his glasses back "Luckily he was out in the garden, having a cigar and nothing happened to him"
Albus froze. He knew it immediately. But it wasn't until hours passed and students were shivering near the Great Lake, that he confirmed it.
Professor Dippet was talking about the disgrace that had happened. That he wouldn't rest until he found the responsible ones. That he was disappointed or whatnot. But Albus wasn't listening properly. He was numb. Not even cold.
"What a spectacle, ha?"
Someone whispered in his ear and Albus jumped. Gellert was smirking beside him. Looking as innocent and concerned as the rest of students. Wearing Albus' pijamas because he didn't own any.
Albus was furious in that instance.
"Where were you?" he whispered.
Gellert didn't answer.
"Fuck Gellert, you did this, didn't you?"
There still was a tiny glimpse of hope that Albus was wrong and Gellert was innocent.
But Gellert smiled again.
"I was trying to give him a fright. For what he said about me"
"What the fuck, Gellert!!" Albus whispered so hard that the students in front of him turned to look curiously but got rapidly bored and turned their attention to their headmaster.
"This is insane!" Albus whispered again, furiously "You could've hurt him. He could've died!"
"I did for us" Gellert answered with puppy eyes of love.
"You're crazy!" Albus scoffed.
The minute Professor Dippet dismissed the students, Albus ran inside ignoring Gellert's calls. He was furious. He wanted to cry.
But he turned back to Gellert's room and Gellert's bed anyway. Luckily his parents made sure their precious son had a private room.
"I wasn't gonna hurt him, Albus!" Gellert entered the room minutes later. He was furious. He slammed the door behind him. And lit a cigarette for himself. "Do you think I am a psycho? I knew he was out... And I was the one to warn him about fire...I helped put it out" Gellert smirked. Like an insane person. "Don't you get it, Albus? I reckon he loves me now. Because I saved his office on time. And now he won't mess with us. He won't break us apart".
Albus looked away. He was trying hard not to cry. This was wrong, right? This was wrong.
"Albus, look at me"
Albus didn't.
Still he didn't.
Albus obeyed this time. He has tears in his eyes. He couldn't avoid it.
Gellert's expression softened. He turned off the cigarette and climbed the bed as well.
"My love..." he whispered, wiping Albus' tears away.
This was the Gellert that Albus adored. Not the one that scared him or frustrated him.
"Don't be scared... We are always going to be together, okay?" Gellert said "I love you"
"Don't do shit like that again" Albus answered.
Gellert sighed and rolled his eyes, sitting beside him.
"Gellert, you can get caught" Albus added "They can expell you. And your parents can send you back to Russia"
Gellert smiled at that. He scooped closer. And started to kiss Albus' cheek. Over and over. Softly.
"M'sorry Al..." And he traveled that way to his neck.
"I don't want to lose you, Gellert" Albus said, closing his eyes "Please don't do anything stupid" he begged.
"I promise, Al" Gellert said between kisses "Love you. Love you so much"
"I love you too" Albus sighed.
They kissed on the lips now. Passionately and they dropped into the bed like that.
Of course, Albus didn't know how Gellert would fuck up his life. That he would lose his sister Ariana because of him. That his parents would toss him to the street. And he would have to climb back up. But at the same time, he didn't know that Gellert would send him in the path he was supposed to go to get where he was. So Albus ought to thank him, he guessed.
June, 2014.
Sirius and Remus had it all different. Not only because times had changed and people were more accepting, but also because they weren't toxic and obsessive as him and Gellert were. Sirius said something to make Remus laugh and then the boy kissed his boyfriend's cheek over and over.
Gellert had been Albus' one and only true love. And Albus was cursed, because he would never forget him.
"Albus!" Minerva called, bringing Albus back to reality "Did I lose you right now?"
They group of students were waving at him happily. Albus waved back. Then, Albus got his eyes away from the seventh year students. And he smiled.
"Of course not, Minnie. You have all my attention"
"The School Board is waiting for you" Minerva said "They are not particularly pleased with the way you decorated your office"
Albus sighed, following Minerva through the hall.
"Was it the purple curtains with white dots or the LGBTQ flag on the wall this time?...."
Let me know if you'd like to see more of Albus' story :)
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dhr-ao3 · 2 years ago
Hell is empty
Hell is empty https://ift.tt/Zqc9M4G by katekrum Five years. It's been so long since the day Hermione Granger went missing during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries to the day rumors of her return began to appear. Rumors were picked up by both sides of the conflict, both by the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix. Neither side wanted to believe it for the same reason. Every new piece of information about this girl was associated with extreme cruelty. Behind the rumors, there was a trail of victims. On the last body, a piece of paper was found with one single sentence written on it. - "Hell is empty and all devils are here. And I'm one of them." - That day it turned out that rumors aren't just rumors anymore. However, there were many questions, among them one that tormented everyone. What happened to the witch who was once the brightest witch of her generation during all this time? Words: 319, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Helen Granger, Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Death Eater Characters, Other Character Tags to Be Added Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Severus Snape/Hermione Granger's Mother Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Mystery, Character Death, Violence, Dark Magic, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Slow Build Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Dark Hermione Granger via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/bxRnhC8 April 14, 2023 at 02:42PM
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