#alberu and his paperwork
crazydaymycrazyway · 7 months
Alberu: I stayed up all night and finished more than half of the paperwork. I honestly feel amazing right now.
Also Alberu: *pouring ink into his eyes*
Alberu: ...these are not my eye drops
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Is known by everyone that cale has ptsd right? SO, WHAT IF WHEN CALE'S FAMILY IS SUPER PROTECTIVE WITH HIM, HIS PTSD COME.
Like, imagine that:
*Cale planning on doing dangerous things again*
Eruhaben: you unlucky bastard, let this to me.
Cale: *feeling useless*
*Cale tries to help alberu with the paperwork but he starts overheating*
Alberu: just sit and relax. I'll do it.
Cale: *feeling even more useless*
And every time this happens he starts to think a bit more about his ""useless past"" and with more fear of being abandoned!! Incredible, isn't it?
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skylerskyhigh · 3 months
My hyperfixiation with Stardew and TCF has me feeling the growing urge to write a story where Rok Soo moves into Roan Town to finally live his slacker life. And the characters in Stardew are the TCF characters.
Imagine Cale as the local drunk who is cold at first, but eventually warms up to Rok Soo and reveals his troublesome background and why he moved to the quiet town.
Paseton the local fisherman is happy whenever Rok Soo drops by to sell him the catch of the day. He's always happy to share stories he heard of the ocean and gives Rok Soo various recipes to try.
Rosalyn is a local mage choosing to stay in isolation to focus on her studies. She often leaves her tower to explore but comes back home to compile her studies. Rok Soo and her have an understanding that she provides some of her magical services in exchange for gold.
Choi Han watches over Rok Soo per his nephew's insistence because he's worried that Rok Soo will attract trouble. He stays near the mines, taking over the the old guild in order to keep the monsters in check. He worries about Rok Soo going into the mines without guidance because monsters are dangerous and often comes with him. But Rok Soo proves to be very capable with the sword due to his time with Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo. He's there with Lock because they have a close bond.
Alberu runs the town, sometimes bemoaning the lack of funs. With Rok Soo's growing faem, he sees the opportunity to grow the town's budget and works with Rok Soo to make Roan a more thriving place. Much to Rok Soo's dismay. But he was promised that Alberu will make sure to handle the troublesome paperwork that comes with selling thousands of goods.
Ron and Beacrox run the local Inn, taking over to follow Cale per Deruth's orders. Cale hangs around the Inn a lot to drink. Rok Soo is nervous to be around such scary people but he comes often because the food is delicious and he has a lot of money.
I'm so tempted...
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catpriciousmarjara · 9 months
Personal pet peeve: When a particular character has a lot of paperwork and such associated with their job and it has been established in universe that the work is extremely hard, complicated, and tedious but then in fanfic another character in another job position takes up this character's paperwork and does it perfectly. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.
Paperwork is not some nebulous pile of papers so easy that anyone can just waltz in and fill it up just like that. Paperwork, especially for large organisations, requires specific training and knowledge. A particular situation might have at least ten forms associated with it depending on how it happened, when it happened, who were involved, who were affected, who filed the initial report etc. It could be form A.1, it could be form B8, it could be G3 or D-3.2e, and then it has to be filed away in a specific way under a specific designation. At times it could be completely nonsensical but still necessary and part of proper procedure....all of that requires training and experience. Someone from a totally unconnected role can't just take over this position and do an excellent job at it, unless it has been previously established that they too had prior training and guidance in this.
Example: Cale(KRS) and Basen Henituse in Trash of the Count's Family. Kim Rok Soo before trasmigration into Cale Henituse was a team leader who has experience with important official documentation and paperwork for the Company. Basen Henituse is established to have been send to territory heirship classes and doing well in them. These two people being able to take on the other's paperwork load is not at all farfetched. (Same with Cale and Alberu though the latter would still have to sign and seal his insignia separately in the end.)
So no someone who's untrained can't just take someone else's paperwork and just breeze through them unless they are like supernaturally intelligent to the point of figuratively downloading all the necessary data and information directly into their brain or something.
Let's not even talk about how the character might have a particular way and organisation of doing things and someone else taking over their workload without permission might just mess that order up and their well intended actions might end up doing more harm than good.
Look at MXTX's Shang Qinghua or Ling Wen. As I'm reading SVSSS right now let's take it as an example.
Someone who can conduct and lead an audit: Shang Qinghua, specifically trained as an auditor. Yue Qingyuan- can possibly fill in for a specific kind of audit.
Someone who cannot conduct an audit: Literally every other Peak Lord on Cang Qiong. Not trained for it. Should not be in charge of it.
Someone who can file in medical paperwork: Mu Qingfang, head of medical operations in the sect.
Someone who can't do that: his Peak Lord colleagues. At most they'll be able to file in incident reports and other such forms that guardians of patients will have to fill in at a hospital.
People involved with merchants and associated business transactions: Shang Qinghua(logistics expert-procurement logistics), and for large contracts, Yue Qingyuan(Sect Leader). Other Peak Lords depending on the goods. For example the Zui Xian Peak Lord when they are negotiating prices for the raw materials or equipment for alcohol brewing or Wei Qingwei when they are sourcing metal.
Someone who can handle annual budgeting: Shang Qinghua. Person who allocates the funds according to the final budget- Yue Qingyuan.
Persons who can't do that: His colleagues who are definitely not trained in finances and accounting.
And so on and so on.
Shang Qinghua was invited back to the sect after literal treason because nobody else could do his job. That should tell you that people without specific training can't just take over the paperwork of another person's job unless their own jobs are connected enough to be sufficiently similar that they can handle it.
So no someone like Shen Qingqiu who's a scholar and tactician primarily, can't take the entirety of Shang Qinghua's or Mu Qingfang's or Yue Qingyuan's paperwork and fill it in for them, no matter how intelligent he is. Though I'm sure Yue Qingyuan would let him sect be damned lmao.
You see things like this in many other fandoms as well. Innocuous forms that anyone can fill in are okay but complicated paperwork for auditing, budgeting, logistics, diplomacy, business transactions, internal affairs, etc? No way. That all takes time to familiarize with before even properly filing them let alone actually doing them.
This is of course a personal pet peeve as I mentioned from the beginning. People are free to write what they want, read what they want, like what they want. This is no way an accusation towards particular individuals. It's just that for me it breaks immersion pretty quickly.
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willaard · 8 days
A little polysoos and alberu/Cale drabble I've been thinking of for a while:
"Did you know that the only reason you're my sworn brother and not betrothed is that I did not fully trust you at that moment?" Alberu casually commented as he did his paperwork, causing Cale to cough up the tea he was drinking.
Cale just knew that Alberu timed his comment that way, the petty bastard. Cale was intent on ignoring that non sequitur, but he could see the quarter dark elf paying attention to his response and remembered a piece of advice from a work nonna, so he spoke.
"Do you want to get married politically or romantically?"
"Does it matter?"
"It does."
Cale could see Alberu blushing, and he took a moment to marvel at the mana work of his necklace allowing blushing to be seen. "Romantically." He muttered, looking down at his lap. Cale sighed, that was the response he feared. It will be hard to gently let him down.
"Kim Rok Soo was a widow."
"Kim Rok Soo was a widow. He became a widow after he gained the ability Record."
Cale could see Alberu's shaking eyes land on him, and felt sorrow for his hyung's heartbreak. But being with Cale would only be worst.
"You deserve someone better that I. Someone who could give you what I can not."
"But I want you!" Alberu has stood up, protesting how Cale seemed to be depreciating himself. Cale was not by the way- he was just being practical. He felt tired beyond belief.
"Hyung, you need someone not haunted by their past. I can never be that. I'm a widow doomed to forever feel the touches of my husband's like they're still here. Not even time nor a new body can wash away their touch, their love, their feelings. I can never love you like you deserve while I'm still in love with the ghosts of the past."
Alberu felt his heart breaking for both himself and Cale. He knew how hard it was for Cale to fully explain himself and to do it for him? It meant that despite not returning his feeling Cale did care or him. He also did not realise how hard Record was on Cale. Cale never seemed to buckle or fumble, but right now his eyes were haunted and his shoulders holding the weight of the world. Alberu felt like if he could still feel his mother's touch like she was till there would cause him to go insane. How did Cale manage to handle that?
"I'm sorry Hyung. I cannot return your feeling."
Alberu began to cry.
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galaxygirl8880 · 2 years
Raon *curious*: Cookie prince, what is that?
Hong*tried to smell it*: yea Nya, it smells gross.
Cale: Is it coffee?
Alberu *has visible eye bags*: I'd give you some but you wouldn't like it.
Alberu: Don't try it either, it's pure espresso.
Cale questioned how Alberu hadn't collapsed but as soon as Alberu made a move to respond he fell face first onto his paperwork.
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sadlynotthevoid · 8 months
I want to read an og AlbeCale fic where someone or something doss Alberu with an aphrodisiac. He manages to get away but passes out near Cale's house (or crash right to his balcony), who nurses him. Not smut involved, because og!Cale A) it's not going to do that with a drugged person, and B) for some reason knows a lot about poisons— aphrodisiacs included— and their cures.
So, basically a sick fic, except Og!Cale has to hide the sick person until he recovers. Plus, they have to plan how to catch the culprit.
Maybe the house where Og!Cale is at that moment (and therefore, where Alberu crashes) is the one at the capital. Maybe he went to pick up Bassen or maybe in this AU Bassen, Lily and Og!Cale went all at the capital together.
Maybe there was a swordmanship competition/event that Lily really wanted to go to. And og!Cale decided to accompany them because Lily will go alone if not.
Maybe Violan came too because og!Cale just got injured a few days ago. (Deruth cries bitter tears over his paperwork. He can't join his family and leave the territory unsupervised from suddenly).
Maybe they eventually find out and the talk that follows leads them to discover about og!Cale's act. Whatever shenanigans he stumbled into when pretending to be trash and all that this implies included.
All of this happening through Alberu's eyes, who is absolutely confused but so warm. He was drugged as fuck when he ended up here. He felt horny and dizzy and wanted to cry, but this guy here just treated his fever and waited until he woke up. He gave him water and asked a few questions. Then he got him medicine, telling him exactly what it is made of.
He even was careful when giving him meals, making sure nothing would react wrong with the poison on his system.
Cale Henituse, the person rumored to be trash, was more kind and considerated in a pair of days than most nobles can expect to be in their whole lives.
After witnessing the conversation between og!Cale and his family, Alberu realizes that he is just like that. This is not special treatment nor pity. This is who he is when his mask doesn't reach to cover him up fully. It's just a part, but is more than most people get to see.
Soft and warm.
Once Alberu heals and can go back to his palace, he still comes to visit og!Cale many times.
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salaapaoo · 2 years
Krs would Def be a light sleeper because of how danger constantly lurks behind every corner. There's no telling when the next monster will attack next. Sure there might be patterns and small cues they can use to predict it, or previous data from monsters they've defeated... But monsters are unpredictable. The moment you let your guard down even the slightest bit might be your last.
So when he wakes up as Cale? He hasn't been able to get rid of that habit, always listening to the passing footfalls outside his door. His mind just refuses to slack off because he's been in survival mode for so long that he doesn't remember how...
But imagine as he gets closer to everyone?? If they're around, he just knocks out. His mind just finally lets go of all the built up stress and allows him to sleep restfully because it knows his friends are there for him.
Maybe he wanders around the villa when he can't sleep? He goes to whoever is still awake and just silently keeps them company. It's a comfortable silence between them and Cale just drifts off.
Like imagine him falling asleep to the quiet clinking of glass beakers while curled up on the couch in Rosalyn's lab?? Or Alberu gently prying the papers from his hand when he dozes off while they're handling paperwork... The flipping of paper calming his mind. Maybe he's sitting in on a lesson Eruhaben is teaching Raon and the older dragon's voice is just so soothing that he can't help the way his eyelids grow heavy.
No matter how much he calls Ron scary.. Cale's mind relaxes when the butler wishes him goodnight, knowing that the old man would be there if he needed him.
Just Cale... Feeling safe around his family 🥺🥺
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weirdsht · 2 months
just thought of cales wedding,, on as the flower girl or hong and raon as the flower duo – they could be ring bearers too, eruhaben just stands there (with his lips twitching, he's happy that cales getting married + the kids happiness), Ron with the usual benign smile, beacrox cooked the Feast?, choi han may or may not have teared up (my friend is getting married to my friend!!), Rosalyn is happy for both of you (kinda like a sister to s/o), cales fam is there (happy their son found happiness), jack officiating the wedding? (Does it work like that), alberu, who's tired of his sworn brothers bs, is happy for him and his bride and ofc the rest of cales co is rejoicing (they're finally wedded!!) – will probably have a huge party that cale wants NO part in, slacker life is nearing he said
I'm sorry if it got long, I've been thunking thoughts
same anon said:
part 2 of cales wedding thoughts
(i forgot to write that his s/o was the vice commander, or smth like that)
cale, whose smile is so genuine, it's almost unreal. his group is flabbergasted at that smile – it's not the kind of smile he makes when he's scamming someone, not the one when he receives money – it's a different one, entirely different and so in love
cales s/o, whose so happy, smiling, singing, and so in love – they danced together, sang, and played with the kids
alberu, who threw a banquet after cales wedding for the couple, celebrating their union, and gives cale and the vice commander their wedding gift (golden plaque) and is planning to use the vice commander against cale (enslave cale to paperwork) (might even throw a festival for them)
the citizens who are happy that their ex-commander and ex-vice commander are now a wedded couple
clopeh sekka would be writing about their love story and everything, making a museum for cale-nim
cale who gets annoyed when his s/o and clopeh are doing caleism activities, to which she'd reply; "it's not my fault we have the same bias"
choi han, whose tearing up (borderline bawling), is carrying on and hong, raon clinging onto his neck, he's so happy that cale and miss (name) are finally married
Ron, who practically raised cale, who watched his puppy young master grow in love with (name), is proud cale grew the balls to propose (he thought it'd be cute to see little red heads running around Harris village and the villa)
Rosalyn, who thought of (name) as her sister, is giddy, if she wasn't in public, rosalyn knows her sister would be smiling and kicking her feet – she KNOWS that they're so in love with each other, she may have been the one who pushed cale to propose
Eruhaben, who thought of (name) as his daughter (or granddaughter), watched over her and cale (though from afar), he once mistaken them as a couple – which left (name) flustered – but made them both realized their feelings
cales group, who's so happy for them– their two leaders, who sacrificed themselves countless of times, saved them, and gave them a home - are finally each other's home.
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hiiii i think i mentioned before that i'm a bit uncomfortable with asks where almost the whole thing has been written out.
i'm only letting this one slide as this went in my inbox when i haven't updated my navigation yet. however, moving forward i will be deleting such asks. sorry guys.
and to anon, please don't feel bad or anything! your idea is great it's just that i'm not the person to send these kinds of ask to. i'm sorry.
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crazydaymycrazyway · 7 months
Alberu: They ask how I control Cale and his group
Alberu: I don't control them whatsoever
Alberu: Today 4'o clock in the morning Cale barged into my room through a portal, said that Choi Han, Raon and Rosalyn destroyed a few mountains, took my cookie jar and left. Today morning I got a report stating that the royal palace of the country that was planning on having a war with Roan got destroyed in a landslide.
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amarylliasky · 26 days
Number 27!
Five Times Calyan Fell Alseep on His Family and One Time He…
4. Eruhaben
Calyan took a moment to breathe in the almost frigid night air. Who knew late winter could be so cold? He’d gotten too used to the small bit of insulation in the cave where the Super Rock Villa resides, and almost forgotten that there was still snow on the ground and below freezing temperatures on the surface.
That and the Henituse territory has always gotten pretty cold in the winter.
It’s been awhile since he’d stayed at his “first” house. Lately, he’s taken to staying in the Villa or the black castle. And while the castle is definitely above ground, Lord Sherrit has a particular way of regulating temperature so that the cold air of the Forest of Darkness stays mostly outside.
Well, maybe it’s his fault for coming out to the balcony so late at night. Watching as his breath creates little white puffs of stream in the night air, he can’t help but think of the beings currently occupying his bedroom.
The children are sprawled across his large bed, tangled in the plush comforter with a mountain of pillows to cuddle (along with each other); his brother, Cale, at some point during Calyan’s nap, had fallen asleep on the sofa, and Choi Han, as always, had stayed near the door, ready to fend off any potential intruders. Even Alberu, who had been occupied with the aftermath of the last battle of Puzzle City, now sleeps in Calyan’s own room, slouched over a pile of paperwork at a desk he’d gotten from who knows where. He’d also seen traces of magic device blueprints and some ashes on a table in Raon’s experiment corner, no doubt Eruhaben and Rosalyn are around here somewhere; most likely off in their own guest quarters.
His family is here with him. Both the Henituse’s and his new family members are all within arms reach, not going anywhere.
They are safe, but he is not satisfied.
He really is so selfish.
Why now, of all times, does he suddenly feel like something is very wrong? After the years he and everyone else spent to attain this victory, why now does nothing feel right?
He’s spent the last twenty years as Calyan Henituse, a young master of the prosperous Henituse Duchy, but right now, he feels nothing but disdain for his identity. He feels like he doesn’t belong here. He thought he’d long since accepted this new person he’d become, but recently, he can’t even look in the mirror without feeling an overwhelming sense of disgust. What a time to develop imposter syndrome.
What is wrong with him?
“Child? What are you doing out here at this hour?”
Eek! He almost gasped out loud.
He hadn’t heard the doors open, though he made sure to close them softly as he came outside in order to not let in any of the cold air. Of course, the ancient dragon could have teleported out here, but how did he know that Calyan was on the balcony in the first place? And why was Eruhaben still up?
“I didn’t expect you to still be up, Eruhaben-nim.” He spoke softly, still mindful of the sensitive hearing of those inside.
The dragon sighed, “Unlucky human, I asked you why you were up so late. Weren’t you the one who claimed that you would do nothing but roll around on your bed for the foreseeable future?”
Eruhaben walked over to the railing, placing one hand on the cooled marble that made up the entire balcony. Calyan couldn’t say anything to that. He had told them something of the sort, and he’d planned to do just that, but he didn’t foresee this anxious feeling and the intrusive thoughts that came with it. So he just said whatever sounded good enough to placate the ancient dragon.
“I just couldn’t fall asleep.” He looked out over the Henituse castle. It wasn’t exactly a lie, he just left out the fact of why he couldn’t fall back asleep. “It’s fine though. I’ve slept pretty much the entire day, I can last a few hours without.” Well, that and, thanks to The Vitality of the Heart, he didn’t exactly need that much sleep to feel energized.
Eruhaben observed him, not entirely satisfied with that answer, but he must have decided it wasn’t an issue since he didn’t pry. What a relief. Calyan wasn’t sure how to even begin explaining how he was feeling, let alone why. The mental strain of trying to come to terms with who he had been for seventeen years and then thirty-six, before finally figuring it out at twenty; and then having an identity crisis at almost twenty-one would be a bit too much to process, even for a great and mighty dragon.
So yeah, he decided to stick with ‘can’t sleep’ as his go to excuse.
The elder looked out at the rest of the castle as well, not saying anything. Although Calyan had come out here to avoid everyone, the ancient dragon’s presence brought a strange sort of calmness to him. Huh, maybe living for over a thousand years does that to someone? Then again, a dragon’s presence; what should be intimidating to him, usually doesn’t affect him thanks to the Dominating Aura, so maybe he’s not the best judge of what should or shouldn’t be comforting. But that’s something he’ll think about much later. For now, all he does is stand next to the dragon as they watch the knights patrol along the castle walls.
Minutes pass gradually, and his eyes start to become heavy. Amidst the voices of his ancient powers, who had been silent until now, urging him to rest, he listens to the wind blowing softly through the trees. It’s nice, to just exist in the moment. How long has it been since he just existed outside of the never ending battles and his records constantly tethering him to the past? He doesn’t care to recall.
He stays out there for a few minutes longer, savoring the last bits of peace he would have before his thoughts threatened to consume him when he eventually has to go back inside. Just a few more minutes.
Eventually, he doesn’t know when, but Eruhaben had guided them both to sit on a nearby bench at some point. That’s fine. He doesn’t know how long he could continue standing like that. And this way, he can lean on the ancient dragon for warmth. Surely, he won’t mind just this once? It is getting rather cold out here.
He lets his eyes close and imagines himself being able to sleep as much as he wants for the rest of his days alongside his family and friends. With more moments like these.
He wouldn’t even mind not sleeping if it meant that he would get to spend more time with them. That is what they all fought for, isn’t it?
He feels a shift under his head.
“Hah. Such an unlucky human.” He stirs as he hears an almost indistinguishable voice speak. “Let’s get you to bed. The children will throw a fit if you catch a cold from something like this. You’ve had enough air for tonight.” But it hasn’t been that long? Wait, how long were they sitting there? Had he fallen asleep? Groggily, he opens his eyes, gearing up to make the short yet long trek back to his bed.
But before he can, he suddenly finds himself in the young looking dragon’s arms. How he got there, he hasn’t a clue.
He stutters, not sure how to react at the sudden action. “E-Eruhaben-nim? I can walk -“
“Nonsense. You would have spent the rest of the night outside in the cold.” Sigh “Just go to sleep, child. You clearly need it.”
He can’t refute that. Despite the fact that he slept nearly the entire day, he feels as if he could fall asleep standing up at this point. So despite his pride screaming at him to be put down, his exhaustion wins and he allows his eyes to close, content to let the ancient dragon do all the work.
He hears one last sentence as he finally succumbs to sleep, warm and comfortable in his bed.
“My unlucky child, just rest. It is okay to lean on us.”
With a light brush of a hand upon his head, the ancient dragon leaves the room. Calyan sleeps and dreams of the present, where they are all happy and alive. At least for now, he casts aside the fear and restlessness plaguing him. It can wait. He has more than enough time to figure things out.
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darksunabove · 1 year
I was reading a fanfic about alberu asking cale's paternal figures approval to marry cale and they were like kinda judging him if he was like, worthy. I thought what if they instead of that were like questioning his sanity like, 'Are you sure about that?' with a pity expression.
Because, let's be honest, getting married to Cale means misunderstandings, tons of problems, paperwork and headaches.
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ohmycale · 2 years
AU - Og!cale is Baron Thames Interlude
Something I wrote to keep some parts out of the Part 2 of this AU and out of the Secret Society AU. Not much but please enjoy!
Interlude: paper
Zedd Crossman lives for another day of receiving paperwork from the people that annoy him the most. These people include Count Deruth who pesters him with countless petitions that he will never approve, letters from nobles trying to sweet talk him to subdue the said Count (and what? Political suicide?), reports from spies in Hentiuse, Thames, and even his household, reports from Alberu, and letters from Cale. Instead of attending to the said paperwork, the king tries to imagine that if Cale or Alberu had been a woman, he would have been more than happy to plan a grand wedding instead of tending to tedious paperwork. For now, he is content with the friendship between his firstborn (to whom he is trying to redeem himself) and the child of the only true friend he ever had.
Ron Molan considers himself a very patient man. After escaping ARM as a former noble and being reduced to working as a butler for many years, he could say his patience has grown with his age. Patience had been his virtue when raising his son and a child he never thought he could love as well as his own. However, Ron Molan in the Thames barony is currently running out of patience with his former employer, Count Henituse. After escorting his young charge with his son and the installment of the Thames Barony, the said Count has been persistent in sending ‘letters’ to his now-estranged offspring as a last-ditch attempt to communicate. The Baron was once interested in these ‘letters’ until he found out that the majority of the contents were about the Count's new family – something the former doesn't want to read or hear. Ron never thinks of his charge as an angry child (despite the red hair) but he could dangle that carrot to the Count and give him some false hope for the trouble he is causing them. Ron is a patient man and he would be more than happy to trap the Count for a considerable time if it means peace of mind to the son of his heart.
Cale Thames (formerly Henituse) has been dealing with paperwork ever since he was a child. His position in life required him to be exposed to the nature and task of paperwork at a young age. Being the heir presumptive of the territory, he was taught to deal with stacks of paper,  whether of lessons and notes to be a future Count Henituse or documents that carry decisions. Cale doesn’t mind paperwork as his first interaction was with his mother doing her share of the damnable task. It became a bonding experience for them – she wrote away while he throw her his ‘silly’ questions. After her death and his father's disappearance, the simple thin paper carried a lot more weight than it should- with him reading stacks for days and weeks without fail and affixing his small signature that carries the weak authority he has to stabilize the only home he has ever known. Upon his father's return, he cursed the certificate that proclaimed his father as husband to a strange woman and by marriage, father to an unknown boy. He wanted to rip it – that stupid symbol that cements his fathers’ happiness that he cannot give. But paperwork does have its way to give him what he wants. As he signs the paper that would proclaim him Baron Thames, he wishes in all of his small might, that this paper will also give him the happiness and freedom he lost and wanted to come back.
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caleism-1 · 2 years
There are some strange rumors about a tall tower in the Forest of Darkness...
Here is the backstory for this AU because I spent a stupid amount of time coming up with one.
The White Star isn't a thing here, so Birth of a Hero isn't a thing either. Kim Rok Soo just wakes up in a random guy's body and has no idea what is happening. He learns that this body is apparently the eldest son of a count, which means that he's the heir, right? So he immediately just jumps in and starts doing the paperwork and stuff, because he thinks he has no choice. This all happens a few years before TCF.
While taking a random walk around town, he comes across two starving kittens and takes them back to the estate because 'it would look good if the future count was seen caring about two helpless creatures'.
He also hears from his acquaintances *cough* spies *cough* that Venion Stan was acting weird, and goes to check what was up. He manages to break out a two year old Raon with the help of the cats, Ron, and Beacrox. Raon acts like he did in canon and follows Cale around, and Cale reacts like in canon and adopts him.
One day Deruth brings up changing the heir from Basen back to him, and he goes "Wait what??" and basically just nopes out of the situation upon realizing he can dump all the work on Basen instead. He builds himself a big, strong tower that he can slack around in for the rest of his life, and takes Raon, On, Hong, Ron, and Beacrox with him to live there.
One day, Choi Han stumbles upon the tower (it is canon that CH explored every part of the Forest of Darkness before he found Harris Village, so if there was a tower in the Forest of Darkness, he would have found it first). Cale takes one look at him, dunks him in a bath, feeds him, and declares him to be his bodyguard.
To gain more experience in protecting things, CH becomes the guard for a merchant carriage, which is when he meets Rosalyn (who is on the run like in canon) and Lock (who was told to go get more experience by his uncle. Since Arm isn't a thing, the village wasn't wiped out either) and brings them back with him.
Cale settles down in the tower and just accepts all these new people randomly coming into his life (Alberu included). He starts a small farm to keep his promise to the team leader and Choi Jung Soo.
Eventually, Alberu learns of another dragon named Eruhaben. Raon goes to learn from him for a few months, then drags Goldie Gramps back with him to the tower.
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galaxygirl8880 · 2 years
I literally have no background for this I just want angst.
Cale becomes the caretaker of the super rock villa. He's extremely overprotective of the villa and if anyone gets near it he scares them away.
Because his family is asleep. They've been asleep for years and haven't shown any signs of waking up.
They remain unaging and so does he.
Even the crown prince resides in the villa.
Every so often, he has to check to remind himself that they haven't died, just asleep.
Still asleep.
He's trying to keep his promise to team leader by continuing to take care of the farm as well..
The bastard that is the god of death has been his only chance of waking them up. He's tried many cures for poisons, remedies for sleep potions, traveled places for even the slightest hint for waking them up..
At one point, he did the paperwork Alberu was behind in for said crown prince. Once it became apparent that he wasn't waking up..
Still asleep.
Rarely, a group of travelers or bandits will come and attempt to break into the villa..
The shield has become a permanent addition.
Cale suddenly became aware that his family's resting place won't stay hidden forever.
Kingdoms and Countries are expanding and exploring places they weren't able to before.
He can't protect the villa like this forever.
Cale has quite literally become a legend of the past. His stories actually being a popular bedtime story-
He chooses to ignore this.
Cale occasionally visits the descendants of his siblings, them being aware of his apperant immortality, but stopped doing so at one time.
He feels very alone.
Sometimes he goes out on short trips to collect any ingredients needed for whatever potion he decides to try. When he gets back, he checks on everyone multiple times.
He can't bring himself to use Eruhaben or Rosalyn's rooms, so he modified his study into a temporary potions workplace.
Temporary. He won't need to do this anymore when they wake up.
Hm.. maybe he should start a separate garden for potion ingredients?
Cale still waits.
(He's lost count of how many times he's cried by his children's bedside, pleading at them to wake up.)
He decides to hire builders to build him a greenhouse in an area far away from the villa.
After paying them, he quite literally picks up the greenhouse at night to take it back home.
It looks nice with the garden.
They're still asleep.
When Choi han stirs slightly when he is changing the bedsheets, he stops what he's doing and watches.
He doesn't stir again..
This, surprisingly, gives Cale hope. There's a slight chance that Choi han may be close to waking..
So, he takes to monitoring him a lot more closely.
He does this for two years.
Nothing happens.
The greenhouse has surprisingly started attracting butterflies. They're very pretty.
On one of his trips to the nearby county, he spots two children from the slums. A girl and a boy.
He hands them a gold coin and some bread. That's enough shopping for today.
Ron is awake.
He's awake. He's standing (albeit a bit shakily), he's breathing, he's alive.
Cale realizes just how lonely he's felt all of this time when the first thing he does is sink into Ron's arms and let out a sob.
Ngl I got a little sad writing this-
I hope you like! :D
(I feel like I'm posting too much-)
Part 2 :>
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hajidumps · 2 years
Alver: [drowning in paperwork]
Cale: [created the need to have those paperworks] may god be with you cause I won't
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