stepmarchen · 3 months
Unveiling Shuri's Memories
aka (spoiler) compiling all of Shuri's flashbacks from her death
1st timeline spoilers under cut (warning: graphic depiction of violence):
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Ch 83: Shuri's carriage abruptly stops. She looks out the window and calls for her guards, holding the pendant Jeremy gifted her for her 19th birthday.
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Ch 113: Shuri remembers seeing the dead bodies of her guards.
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Ch 3/70: Bandits wielding swords open the carriage doors.
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Ch 15/69: Shuri remembers the bandits' last message before getting brutally murdered: "Your fate was doomed to end like this."
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ch 81: Shuri drops the the pendant and dies.
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Ch 59 Bonus: Alberon discovers the murder scene.
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ales-art · 2 years
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Alberon himself, king of the fairies, appeared before the people.
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lellarps · 3 months
closed starter to @cometcalloway based on this.
Alberon hardly ever strayed from his brother's reach, yet there he stood. After months of meticulous preparation and under the false pretense of dealing with some of their estate's administrative matters, he found himself standing alone on a remote road hillside, far from the opulence and familiarity of their home.
A true goal he had, of course, he had someone to find, but for now, he allowed himself a brief respite.
His eyes wandered the night sky, admiring the stars above as his long, wine-colored cloak fluttered gently in the wind. Under the moon's glow, the tall, pale figure of the vampire cut a striking silhouette.
"I sense your presence," he spoke softly, his heightened senses attuned to the slightest disturbance. "Declare your intent, traveler".
After all, he might not like bloodshed... but if it were for him to find he was standing near a priest or a monster hunter, things would certainly get ugly.
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lamolinastreetart · 3 months
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'Les dés sont pipes' by French Alber (@alberoner) in Bordeaux, France (2024) #alber #alberoner #streetart #lamolinastreetart | photo via artist mysl.nl/AdSQP
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winemastery · 2 years
Rosso Grande Alberone Zinfandel (Episode 377)
Rosso Grande Alberone Zinfandel (Episode 377)
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yoitsjay · 3 months
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Pairings: Hunter x fem jedi! Reader
Summary: after a successful but injury ridden mission in the outer rim, you set course for a medi center for your troopers. Only to get pulled out of hyperspace and shot down onto a familiar planet. Thank God The Bad Batch is there.
Warnings: bits of angst, lots of plot, made up clones and names, you get a cool lightsaber I have pictures, kissing, innuendos of more than kissing, hurt and comfort epilogue kinda.
Word count: 5,033
The last battle had many of your good soldiers dead. The separatists foothold in the outer rim was not something the council wanted, so they sent you to deal with certain planets. You had a 98.99 percent success rate with missions, and your clone troopers definitely made up most of that percentage.
You had a small battalion, maybe only a couple thousand instead of several. You got a few rookies now and again but most of them went to General Skywalker or General Kenobi. But regardless of who was sent to you, you cared for them like you did any other. You tried your best to learn everyone's names, and even learned Mando’a, courtesy of your medic and ARK Trooper Kasey.
You had just finished the battle on Alberon and left that battle with about a hundred dead, the majority injured including your commander. So you made it your personal mission to bring your injured troop to the medical center in the outer rim.
You knew it was risky, but what you didn’t expect was to be forced out of hyperspace because an explosion went off on one of your engines on the outside of the ship, and then attacked by separatists as soon as you exited hyperspace.
You had managed to fend them off, and the pilots did good with flying your smaller jedi cruiser, The Resplendent. But there was no doubt you were going to have to crash land.
“Pilots, can you maneuver The Resplendent to an empty pocket of land? avoid any cities, it stinks of separatist here.” You snarled, and your pilots nodded. “We got it General!”
You nodded, turning to the more technical clones in the bridge. “Can you tell me anything about where we are about to land? hostiles, terrain, temperatures?” You asked, gripping onto the back of their seats as the cruiser shook violently when hitting the atmosphere. “It's a crystal desert terrain, General. a major seppie city not far away. No hostiles so far, but I can't get much else. The planet’s name is Cryt” The Clone explained.
You nodded. “Buckle up boys! don't die on me now!” You shouted before running off the bridge and to the medical center. You managed to get inside and seal the doors just as the ship lurched forward, and was about to toss around the wounded soldiers, but you quickly raised your arms, and used it to keep the more wounded secured in their beds and up against the wall.
Your eyes were squeezed shut as you focused on keeping your soldiers safe, but as the cruiser lurched forward again you remembered that you didn’t buckle yourself to something, so that concentration was quickly broken as you flew forward into the farthest wall, a couple of injured clones landing beside you.
You groaned, looking up just as a broken piece of wall metal came flying towards you, again you acted quickly, extending your hand as you pushed the metal down and onto the ground so it wouldn’t hurt anyone.
You grabbed your clones, wrapping an arm around them as you brought them back to their cot’s. You then strapped them in, for their safety, and moved the cot’s all together to lessen any impact. You found something to hold onto, sensing that the ground was getting closer and closer…
And soon the cruiser hit the ground and it shook more violently than it had coming down, glass shattered and surgical instruments went flying, but you managed to deter them from hitting any of your boys.
Soon The Resplendent slid to a stop, and you sagged, giving yourself a few seconds before standing up to check on the men. The ones who were conscious all gave you a thumbs up, and the ones who weren’t you just quickly checked their pulses, looking over at your commander finally.
His helmet was off, which showed the interesting tattoo’s he had gotten done. The sides of his head were shaved with some patterns in the buzzed hair that connected to a tattoo on his face which he had told you were Jaig eyes, only bestowed upon warriors with high valor and honor. You had told him he deserved them so he went to get the tattoo much later.
He had some words in Aurebesh that went in a vertical line from his hairline and down to his jaw, closer to his ear on the left side of his face that said ‘Born to fight, Trained to win’ and you also thought that was pretty neat. He told you he had some tattoo’s elsewhere too, but again you didn’t mind the clones customizing themselves.
The top of his hair was slightly longer, still short but not buzzed or styled, so some loose pieces of hair fell on his forehead. He was asleep, which was good. You analyzed his splinted leg and arm, which looked to be healing well despite the rocky landing and the adrenaline that kept him walking despite your orders for him to lay down.
The medical droid had told you he had multiple fractures, but they would all be healed quickly with proper medical attention, but for now as long as he rested and didn’t move he would still heal fine.
You left the medical room, glancing around as non-injured clones filled the hallways, helping those who were injured because of the crash, or moving those who had died because of it. You sighed, placing your hands on your hips as you shook your head.
You then went to the nearest terminal, which was still working luckily, and you made an announcement.
“All non injured soldiers and personnel report to the bridge for further orders.”
Once the order was carried out, you made your way back to the Bridge, noticing a few more dead pilots and technicians, but most were alive, if not a little bruised. “Good job boys.” You sighed, standing in the center as your soldiers, and other personnel arrived at the bridge.
“General? what happened?” One of the clones asked, and when you turned around you realized it was your ARK trooper, Kasey. He had a slight gash in his head, but was holding some cloth to it. Your medic, Koba, was already assessing the damage of the bridge and the people in it.
You studied your troopers, most of their armor was painted orange and black, the orange matched your lightsaber, and to them it meant ambition, and fierce loyalty, which you loved. The black was just an accent color, but you had chosen to match them clothing wise.
A sigh fell from your lips and you spoke up, placing your hands on your hips. “We have landed on the separatist planet of Cryt. There’s a major city a few clicks west from where we landed, I'm going to go see if i can find any way to communicate with The Republic or the Jedi to send reinforcements and a new cruiser for pickup.” You explained, pausing for only a moment before you continued.
“I want you all to protect those in the medbay with your life. Keep a tight perimeter, and scrap any metal you can for some extra defense. Kasey and Koba are in charge while I'm gone. If Commander Pulse wakes up and tries to move, you tell him that my specific orders are for him to rest. And if I find out any of you let him walk around or give orders, you’re gonna get the grainy peas from the mess.” You growled, your men saluting automatically.
“But General- should you really go alone?” Kasey asked you, a worried look on his face. You sighed, shaking your head. “No, but I need my men here, safe and protecting their brothers. I can hide in plain sight, you can't.” You started moving your lightsaber so it was hiding on a clip you had on your lower back attached to your belt
Kasey sighed but nodded, and you left the bridge, heading to your quarters which were luckily still accessible. You changed into something a little less obvious, removing what little armor you did wear.
You changed out of your robes, and into a form fitting pair of tan jeans, as for your top you wore a sleeveless blue top, with a form fitting turtleneck collar. You placed on your bracers and hand armor overtop the fingerless elbow gloves you wore, and then came your leather boots which were a dark brown and went up slightly past your ankles.
A blaster was an unorthodox weapon for a jedi, but you had one just in case, and you clipped it to your thigh holster. The blaster also had a grapple attachment to it, which could help you scale the walls of the city to get inside.
Finally you pulled on a dark blue poncho, which hid your lightsaber successfully, and left it easy to grab just in case. You walked out of your room and said your goodbyes to your men before making your way into the desert where you pulled your hood up. “Wait General!” One of your men called, and you turned around, seeing a shiny pull up on an operational sand speeder. “Thought you could use this.” He grinned, getting off of the speeder.
You smiled and patted his shoulder. “Thank you…” You trailed off, hinting for him to give you his name. “O-oh! My name is Pincer.” He answered, nervous as he spoke. You smiled, getting onto the speeder as you nodded to him. “Thank you Pincer, now go join your brothers in the medical bay.” You ordered, watching as he nodded and ran back into the cruiser.
You pulled up your hood, using little clips you had in your pocket to keep it attached to your head so it wouldn’t fly off in the wind. You slid a pair of goggles you had in your room over your eyes, and you revved the engine before speeding off.
You knew Cryt, the lethal sands that could shred your skin, the cannibalistic vultures that circled overhead. It was your birth planet after all.
You sped through the crystalline desert, kicking up the sand which gave you a bit of cover as you reached the edges of the city. You scoped out the walls, searching for an access point. When you saw one, you sped closer before shooting your grapple upwards. You made sure nobody was looking before pulling yourself up, quickly scaling the wall until you pulled yourself up.
You avoided some patrolling droids, and found a staircase leading down. You took it, eventually finding yourself inside the city walls. You stuck to the shadows until you reached what looked to be a market area. The city felt familiar, but you had only been a baby when you were taken from here and raised in the Jedi Temple.
You visited a couple times before it got too dangerous when the separatists took over and the government became corrupt. It was a sad fact, but one you had accepted quickly.
You knew you had to get to a place where you could connect your com to a terminal and boost your signal in order to contact the jedi temple, and the only place you knew was the most popular and only bar in the city.
So you started making your way there, keeping yourself close to the shadows or the walls if possible… Until several loud explosions rang out through the center yard of the city. You heard screaming, and you looked up to see the droid facility being torn apart from the inside out. But that explosion had caused a chain reaction, and caused some construction towers to start falling.
You saw a group of kids running away, but the tower was getting closer and closer.
So you ran forward, extending your hand for just a brief moment as you suspended the tower, and grabbed the kids before moving out of the way, letting the tower fall down. “Are you okay?” You asked the young kids, who nodded to you in fascination. “Are you a-”
“Shh young ones, how about we keep that our little secret hm? i wont tell if you don’t” You whispered, offering the kids a warm smile and a couple credits from your belt as they nodded and ran off.
You sighed, standing and looking around before heading back to the sidelines. You might’ve just blown your cover, but for now you were in the clear.
Until you passed an alleyway, and hands reached from the shadows, one wrapping around your mouth while the other grabbed your waist and yanked you into the dark alley.
You grunted, immediately struggling against the figure. You elbowed him, wincing when you hit sturdy armor, however you elbowed him again, this time lower, which allowed you to make contact with an unarmored portion of that man. You did it a few more times before biting the man's hand.
“Ouch! fuck-” He cursed, but you weren’t done. You grabbed his wrist, and you twisted it, using your leverage as you swung him around, stepping behind him before kicking his knees, sending him to the ground.
You still had your grip on his arm, and had him pinned to the ground while twisting his arm, hearing him hiss.
“Okay okay! stop!” The man exclaimed, but you kept him under you. “I would let him go…” ANother voice hissed, and you saw a flash of a sniper scope above you. You then heard a pair of footsteps, heavy, behind you… and in front of you emerged another man, the shadows keeping him mostly obscured.
You stared down at the man below you, studying his armor… which was very clone like in the way it was designed. You then noticed the 99 printed on the man’s shoulder pauldron, and recounted the men surrounding you.
clone armor…
it clicked in your mind, and you released the man below you before standing up, glancing behind you as a large man stepped closer. You turned to the man you previously had pinned down, and he had just removed his helmet and stepped into the dim light of that alley.
He had a half skull tattoo, and a red bandana with a skull on it, keeping his longer hair out of his face. You narrowed your eyes for a moment before extending your hand, using the force to remove all their blasters, throwing them to the ground.
“Clone force 99, correct?” You asked, lowering the hood from your head, fixing your hair, moving the giggles to sit above your forehead. “You know us?” The man from behind you spoke up, slightly louder than he should have been.
“How could she not? she is clearly a Jedi.” The man behind the skull face spoke up, now beside the man with a datapad in his hands. “I am, but I'd like it if you shut up.” You growled, poking your head out of the alley for a moment before turning back to the man. “Were those explosions you?” You asked, and The man nodded.
“Yes, we were sent here to covertly destroy the droid factory so that the 212th could gain control of the city. it wasn’t ready yet, but then we saw a jedi cruiser falling from the sky.” The man explained, and he extended his hand to you. “I’m Sergeant Hunter, beside me is Tech, behind you is Wrecker, and above us is our sniper, Crosshair.” He introduced, and you nodded briefly.
“That’s great. I need to contact General kenobi. A lot of my men are injured. We were on our way from Alberon when an exterior explosion on our engines caused us to exit hyperspace, then we were attacked and had to crashland here. I need an emergency pickup.” You huffed, adjusting your poncho.
“Your explosion almost hurt a group of kids. I could have blown my cover and im sure pretty soon there will be droids fucking us in our asses if we don’t find somewhere to lay low.” You hissed, your language causing the sniper above you to snort. Hunter raised his eyebrow, but nodded. “Fine. We will follow you, and help you contact Kenobi.” Hunter stated, not sounding super thrilled but you didn’t care.
You lead the four enhanced clones through the alleyways until you reach the back entrance of what seemed to be an abandoned home. But you knew better. Last time you were here you were only a teenager. You remember begging your master to let you visit your family until he finally caved in and brought you.
This was your mother’s home.
You used the force to unlock the door, pushing it open with a grunt as you led them inside. It was dark, and dusty, but you brought them up to what seemed to be a living area. Everything was tossed or strewn aside like the place was searched. You frowned, but continued searching for something to boost the signal of your or Hunter’s com device.
Eventually you found a terminal, and you opened up the wiring panel. You took your commlink and you attached it to some wires before turning it on. While you worked on that, Hunter was trying to contact Kenobi as well, his brothers looking at you, before looking at Hunter and then back at you.
They were still very on edge around you, you may have been a jedi but they didn’t trust easily. Just then you got a com from Kasey, and you quickly answered it.
It was glitchy, but on the hologram you could see Kasey firing at something. “general! droid… ambush… backup!” Kasey exclaimed, his voice cutting in and out of the transmission. You growled, trying to patch the connection through. “Just hold on Kasey! don’t back down. Keep your vod safe!” You exclaimed, the transmission cutting before you could say anything else.
You groaned, clenching your hands into fists before taking a deep breath, Tech then walked over to you, kneeling down beside you, wordlessly helping you rewire the terminal, and soon You and Tech successfully boosted the signal, hooking up their comms to contact General Kenobi. Hunter spoke up first, explaining that some complications arose before you stepped forward.
“General L/n? what are you doing on Cryt?” He asked, a soft laugh leaving your lips. “Not such a funny story, Master Kenobi. Myself and my battalion were on our way to the outer rim medical center after the battle of Alberon when one of our engines detonated and we were pulled out of hyperspace. We were attacked, and had to crash land here. I came to the city to find a way to contact the Jedi temple when I ran into Clone Force 99. and now we’re here.” You explained, trying to keep the explanation brief.
“If you can, can you request additional backup? droid’s are attacking my men and I need to get back to them before they get killed. My cruiser is inoperable.” You explained, seeing Kenobi talking with someone else for a moment before he nodded to you. “We will be arriving shortly with a fleet. We will send some gunships down to collect you and your men. Perhaps you could aid us in taking back your home>” Kenobi asked, and you nodded.
“I'll do whatever you command, General, just help my vod- my men.” You quickly corrected yourself. Kenobi nodded and the transmission ended. You sighed, rubbing your face before turning to look at Hunter.
“Thank you.” You muttered, Hunter nodded and walked away, talking with his brothers as you gathered yourself, ready to leave before you felt a hand wrap around yours. “We did our part for Kenobi, we’ll go back with you to help your men.” Hunter stated.
Your eyes widened, and you shook your head in disbelief. “Why would you do that?” You asked, hearing the man chuckle. “Because you are the only general I've heard of that has willingly learned our language, and then called your men your brothers. So we will help you. even if they are regs.” Hunter explained.
You stared at him for a few seconds before nodding. “Prepare for one hell of a fight.” You muttered, running out of your childhood home and out to the streets where droids were already patrolling.
You grabbed your lightsaber from your back and ignited it. The blade glowed orange which surprised The Bad Batch. They had never seen an orange lightsaber before. But what was unique about your saber, was that it had a crossguard, with smaller lazers escaping from the sides.
Your muscles flexed as you swung your blade forward, slicing through a patrolling vulture droid. You jumped from his leg, spinning as you cleaved a rolling droideka in two pieces, before blocking several blaster shots that came at you. But then you unlinked something on your holster, and a smaller saber disconnected from the crossguard saber which was still ignited.
You ignited a small orange lightsaber in your left hand, and started dual wielding, slicing through droids. “She’s a force to be reckoned with.” Crosshair muttered to Hunter, shooting a couple of droids that you had left behind. “I like her!” Wrecker exclaimed, rushing to help you as you both smashed through some droids, paving your way to the exit. Hunter, Tech and Crosshair followed close behind, shooting or knifing down any droids that your lightsaber’s didn’t cut through.
Hunter watched you, watched the sweat dripping from your brow as you skillfully swung your blades before attaching them together again, however this time, instead of just a single blade you had switched your stance to a dual blade. Now that was unique.
You were strong, that was clear. Unlike most of the jedi he had seen, you actually had muscle on your arms. You were heavy in your swings too but you left no room open for weakness. You used your body mass to your advantage to flip and swing over droids.
And soon you and the batch were on speeders, and heading towards your crashed ship which was already under heavy fire. But just as you arrived, so did the republic gunships and fighters. You commed Kasey, who picked up after a few buzzes. “Lieutenant just hold on! we’re almost there and reinforcements have arrived!” You exclaimed, igniting your lightsaber whilst on the speeder as you wiped out several droids in one pass. You then jumped off the speeder, force jumping again while mid air as you landed on a vulture droid.
You plunged your blade into its head, jumping off and landing back onto the ground. The Bad Batch managed to keep up with your speed, following you inside the crashed vessel, cutting through droids until you reached the med hanger. “Kasey!” You called out, the blades of your saber shutting off as you clipped it back to your belt, inhaling with relief when Kasey’s head poke out from behind a barricade, Kobo right behind him.
“Hey General! right on time for the fun.” Kasey beamed, and you chuckled as he turned to look at Hunter and his brothers. “Who are they?” Kasey asked, and you grinned. “This is the elite Clone Force 99. They’re helping take back Cryt.” You explained, hopping over the barricades. “Is Pulse okay?” You asked, looking around the med bay but not seeing him.
“Feeling good as ever, General.” His voice carried out, and Hunter saw your face brighten up significantly… he almost felt… jealous… But he couldn’t think like that, he barely knew you!
But regardless he watched as you embraced your commander in a hug for a few moments before pulling away, smacking him on the back of his head. “You di’kut! you’re supposed to be resting your leg!” You exclaimed, the men around you laughing at your exchange.
Eventually you turned back to Hunter, nodding. “I'll be sending my men up with the gunships once they land, But i’ll stick with you if that's okay.” You started, walking over to him. “Of course it's okay- i mean yea- its uh- its fine.” He cleared his throat, looking away from you.
Wrecker gasped. “Hunter’s got a crush~” He sang, and your face lit up, almost the color of your lightsaber. “Shut it Wrecker!” Hunter exclaimed, glancing back at you. You offered him a light smile, and he started blushing in return.
He kind of zoned out after that, you were so close and he could smell your natural perfume, which smelled of smokey vanilla and baking smells, along with the smell of your sweat… It's only been two or so hours since he met you and already he felt like a horny cadet all over again after seeing some pretty Jedi for the first time.
But he noticed the way your eyes brightened every time you spoke to your men, especially your commander and lieutenant, he saw the way your lips curled up slightly before you laughed or smiled wider. He admired the way you moved, you were walking with purpose, but at the same time you were so graceful.
Wrecker was right.
But he couldn’t stop looking at you, even in the midst of battle when you were on the frontlines with them, fighting separatists to free the people of your home world, he studied you, seeing you laugh, or grunt at every droid you slaughtered.
He thought you were gorgeous.
Even if you were covered in oil and dirt, and your hair was sticking to your face because of the sweat that dripped down your skin, you were still gorgeous.
At the end of battle, he noticed your afterglow, the way you smiled while talking with Kenobi, securing the peace of your planet.
Hunter's lips parted when you turned to look at him, he didn’t even realize you had walked up to him and started talking until Crosshair elbowed him in the ribs.
He snapped back to the present, trying to compose himself as you stared. “what? sorry-” He choked out, and hearing you laugh nearly made his knees give out.
“I said, while my men are healing, and are given a much needed break, I will be working alongside your squad, as long as it’s okay with you, sergeant.” You explained again, holding your hands behind your back as you stared right into his eyes.
he gulped.
he was in for it now.
You were on one of the Jedi cruisers now, having just showered and dressed into your under robes when you had bumped into Hunter in the hall. One minute you were talking, laughing… Then the next you were in your temporary quarters, and Hunter was kissing you, his hands sliding up your robes to lay flat against your warm skin.
Tongues and teeth clashed together, but you didn’t care, you didn’t want that moment to ever end.
And you fought beside Hunter for months after that, but you had a routine. After every mission you’d release all that passion with each other. And even when you went back to Coruscant, and was placed back with your squad, you found yourself partnering with The Bad Batch a lot more, and even when you couldn’t you’d find him on Coruscant.
So much passion, and love… And you shared it with him. Every piece of your heart you shared with him, just as he did with his own.
Nobody but your closest knew, and of course Hunter’s brothers knew. But your relationship was extremely confidential. Pulse understood, as did Koba and Kasey. They wouldn’t tell a soul.
And you were so grateful.
Order 66 killed so many, ruined so many lives. And had almost got you if you weren't able to remove the chips of your three most Loyal. You were able to hide with them, and escape from the growing Empire. Pulse, Koda and Kasey had felt so guilty, knowing the people you were raised with were probably slaughtered, and your battalion, you couldn’t save them all and it wore down heavily.
You hadn’t had any contact from Hunter, and you were scared to even reach out. Instead you reached out to an old Jedi contact, Cid, and you made your way to Ord Mantell with your remaining men. You had acquired (stolen) a ship from some pirates to actually get you there. But as soon as you stepped into Cid’s parlor, you sensed a familiar presence.
Your eyes searched the parlor, until you landed on a slightly hidden group in one of the back booths. You narrowed your eyes, and turned to your men who were looking at you curiously. “Guard the door.” You muttered, and started walking over to the booth…
You nearly choked, eyes widening as you saw none other than Hunter, and his brothers Tech and Wrecker and… another, one you didn’t recognize. But no Crosshair… and there was a girl, blonde with brown eyes.
When Hunter turned to look at you, he almost had the same reaction you did. You were both frozen as you looked at each other, But as quickly as it happened it was over, and not only was Hunter embracing you, so was Wrecker and even Tech.
You held them all tightly, tears beginning to fall from your cheeks, allowing Tech and Wrecker to pull away as you just focused on Hunter now, pressing your lips to his in a passionate, relieving kiss.
You pulled away again, sliding your fingers through his hair. “I thought-” he choked out, and you nodded. “I’m not, and you aren't either.” You whispered, kissing his cheek and then his lips again for a moment before pulling away when you heard the clone you didn’t know clear his throat. “Oh yes- hi.” You greeted the stranger, introducing yourself as you waved your men over.
It was a huge reunion, and that night you and Hunter shared a bed on your ship while his brothers and your men shared drinks and stories at Cid’s bar. But Hunter just held you as you cried. He was crying too, but more in relief that you were alive, and his arms.
he wouldn’t let you go again, and you wouldn’t either.
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incorrect-mtg · 6 months
A Rose in the Desert
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It started, like many things in her life, with a report from one of her many spies. A short missive whose message was hidden under a cypher of her own design:
"Selvala of Alberon has left Fiora"
Not Paliano. Fiora itself. It was curious enough that she had to investigate it.
The elven explorer had been a thorn on her side ever since her ascension to the throne, even if never to a significant enough degree to warrant any action. She brought legitimacy to Adriana's opposition, sure, but her days of politicking ended back before Brago's death. She was someone to keep an eye on, but never a priority. If she was planning to bring outside help, however, that was a different story.
So she set her spies into motion to find the when, the where and the how. If the elf meant to return, this would mean she found a stable omenpath and even without a rival's involvement that was the kind of thing the Queen of Paliano would rather have under her thumb. When the reports came back of Selvala exploring a different world filled with sand, cacti and a growing network of omenpaths? Oh, but that was striking gold!
This "Thunder Junction" was easy prey to Marchesa's well oiled political machine, spies spreading throughout the plane and quickly establishing lines of communication flowing by train and mount from its frontiers directly to her desk. It became such a point of interest that one of her advisors — the one whose job was to be bluntly honest, to keep her grounded — called it a growing obsession, and they weren't entirely wrong.
Because Marchesa had never been one to fight a battle she could lose. Her ascension to the throne had been the work of decades setting up everything so that even before a crown sat on her head she was already pulling all the strings.
Despite insurrectionist former guards and unprecedented phyrexian invasions, her reign was at this point a self-maintaining hold over everything that mattered in Paliano.
The fact that many of her political rivals had perished in the invasion — be it through phyrexian blades or not — meant that, despite all of the struggles of reconstruction, she kept feeling something she had never felt while setting up her own ascension:
How long had it been, really, since she had to do any ground work? To be the one holding the poisoned knife or the stolen missives, instead of ordering people to do her bidding?
Perhaps that was why Thunder Junction held her interest. A new garden for a rose to show her thorns.
Setting things up for a self-approved leave of absence was easy: she already had body doubles, of course, so it was simply a matter of choosing the best one for a prolonged act, then making sure her lieutenants would do their jobs without getting any silly ideas of subterfuge.
Queen Marchesa held court at the same time a nameless traveler arrived in Thunder Junction, her bag filled with her favorite knives and poisons, clothes that perfectly fit the local aesthetic and not a single plan or scheme set in stone.
The plane wouldn't know what hit it.
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darkbluekies · 1 month
Blue, look what I found today at my volunteering job. Personally dolls freak me out but I thought you might like to see her 😭 idk how much she originally cost but she’s only £6 here.
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Saw her and instantly thought of u lmao
You should know what a coincidence this is!! I just bought a new doll😍
That doll is a new production! She's very cute, I don't think I have one that crawls! But i recognize the Alberon style. I probably own some of their dolls? 🤔her face mold reminds me a bit of my girl L.M. they have similar hands too. I Googled a bit and some of Alberons doll sit in the same position so she's possibly from the same manufacturer! I'm not sure she has a stamp so I can't check that way
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I love how she has a name too, it feels so special somehow. Her name is Lucy and the girl I put a picture of, L.M, stands for Lucy Montgomery. Interesting coincidence haha
Thank you so much for showing me her she was adorable 🥹
I bought a doll today, a head, and I will show her under the cut because she might pass as frightening. She's a metal doll whose paint has flaked off. She smy first metal doll!!
By tracing her stamp have traced her back to 1888 — 1930, but based on her hairstyle I feel like 1920 feels like the right time. Possibly earlier, but hard to say
She has a dent in the back of her head which raises my interest🤔 wonder where it came from
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I think I'll name her Wera🩷
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blood-orange-juice · 1 year
Hello! May I ask if you have any headcanons for Fischl, Albedo, or Kaeya? Or thoughts about them in general?
Either way it’s quite fun to read your posts on Childe’s personality✨
Hello! ^^ Thank you for the ask and for the kind words! These guys are among my favorite characters and I mostly have incoherent shouting.
My main Fischl headcanon is that Oz is not an electro construct but an instance of true creation magic, similar to what Gold did and Narcissenkreuz Ordo tried to replicate.
Girl just accidentaly performed a godlike feat because she was lonely and bored. She does that.
Other than that, all my previous headcanons have been covered in the last year summer event. She's talented, kind, observant, a bit too sensitive for the everyday world and brave af (not the "rush into danger" brave, the "I can look at myself closely and admit I was wrong" brave).
Lil sis is majestic. And she got all the important stuff right. If she wants to roleplay through life then I see no problem.
(it's so often shown how caring she is! during Unreconciled Stars she's one of the first to arrive in the disaster zone. and she regularly invites Mona for dinner because she knows Mona keeps spending all her earnings on books instead of food.
she just... helps others. all the time.)
Also Bennett absolutely has a crush on her.
Also sitting in a garden watching a play is THE shit (even more so in real lfe) and I loved that summer event.
With Albedo it's weird in the sense that there's a lot of going on with him but we either have obvious things (him being Gold's creation) or things we can't really connect with anything yet. I wonder if him being a potential danger to Monstadt will be subverted.
I also hope that him not getting a winter event this year means Hoyo are cooking something else. They usually do that when a character doesn't appear for a while.
For Kaeya I would need a week and multiple posts.
Do you know that his surname, Alberich, means 'king of elves' in Old High German?
(which in Old French slowly became Alberon and then Auberon. so not just a king of elves, the king of elves)
Which is incredibly bizarre because he's a descendant of the regent family, not the royal family. Why were they called Alberichs?
Also In The Song of the Nibelungs (which for me rhymes thematically with The Ballad of the Fjords spear lore) Alberich is the dwarf/dark elf (svartálfar) who guards the treasure of Nibelungs.
(actually I should write a detailed post about it. hold my beer)
A smaller thing: it also makes me sad how his EN VA makes him sound slightly sadistic while in CN he's more of the "teasing older buddy/coworker" type (and later in the story we learn he's incredibly kind). He's just so beautifully voiced in the Chinese version and none ot the translations do him justice.
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q-ueen-potato · 9 months
I Have ZERO knowledge about butterflies but here are the butterflies that inspired the wings of Luffy and his family/ the fairies I'm my au...
Luffy – Monarch Butterfly
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Elanor (mother) -red Lacewing
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Luffaron ( grandfather) – emperor moth
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Abina (aunt) -Blue Morpho
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Melona(cousin) -Red spotted purple
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Alberon(cousin) -Pipevine swallowtail
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Cirdan (uncle) - Tiger swallowtail
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Daena( Gran-aunt) - Atlas Moth
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Gildor (cousin) - Eyed silk moth
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Nienna(gran-aunt) - Luna Moth
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Yaknow how I wrote that hetalia cursed antique doll fic with the face family and sealand recently, and it was based on a real doll I bought at an antique market ?? She was just an alberon not super super old, maybe 80s/90s
But I did it again lads 😱
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I couldn't resist buying this girlie today and I'm brushing her tangled hair and washing her clothes a bit atm 😱😱
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stepmarchen · 6 months
A Stepmother’s Marchen (as we know so far)
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An extensive summary of the 1st timeline:
The 1st Timeline, Part 1 (2nd Timeline), Part 2 (2nd Timeline)
1072: Johannes is born
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~ Johannes, Ludovika, Maximillian, Albrecht, and Heidi meet
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~ The imperial war takes place. Alicia, an imperial knight, becomes crippled.
1095: Erwin (Richelieu) is born
~Johannes gifts Ludovika lavender roses
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~ The Emperor Maximilian is engaged to Elizabeth but marries Ludovika
~ Johannes confesses to Ludovika. Ludovika challenges his love
~ Johannes marries Alicia
1099: Shuli is born.
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1100: Ludovika gives birth to Theobold.
1101: Jeremy and Nora are born
~Ludovika dies. The royal family orders for all lavender roses to be destroyed.
~ Emperor Maximilian marries Elizabeth
~ Erwin is baptized and begins his priesthood training
1103: Elias and Ohara are born
1105: Erwin “dies” in a river and is saved by God
1107: Leon and Rachel are born
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~ Alicia dies
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~ Theobold blames Nora for breaking Albrecht’s (Nora’s father) prized pipe.
~ Nora’s rebellion begins and he befriends commonfolk
1119: Erwin, now Richelieu, becomes a Vicar
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1110: Richelieu discovers the secret passageways of the Vatican and becomes a priest. He takes on Wolffe as his follower.
1111: Richelieu becomes Theobold’s teacher
1113: Johannes marries Shuli
~ Johannes begins training Shuli to be the head of the household
~ Duke Heinrich and Johannes decide to arrange a political marriage between Jeremy and Ohara.
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1114: Johaness’ condition worsens. Shuli receives a love letter and a necklace. Johannes discovers this and accuses Shuli of an affair. Johannes attempts to lock away Shuli then collapses.
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1115: Johannes dies of pneumonia.
~ Shuli's mother urges her to get remarried
~ Shuli turns away the Neuschwanstein relatives and starts a contractual relationship. Jeremy confronts her and Shuli isolates herself from the family.
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~ To raise money for Christmas, taxes rise and the common folk begin rioting against nobility, royalty, and the church
~ Nora meets Shuli at the balcony of a banquet
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~ Nora is sent off to boarding school
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1118: Elias confronts Letran. Shuli begs the Royal family for forgiveness
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Shuli's 19th birthday takes place. Jeremy gifts Shuli a peridot brooch.
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National Founder's Day takes place. Jeremy and Nora duel at the swordsman tournament.
~ Jeremy joins the Imperial Knights and becomes Theo's chosen knight.
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~ Nora joins the Emperor's secret police organization Streife and is assigned to observe Shuli from the shadows.
~ Elias, Rachel, and Leon make surprise plans to bring Shuli to the wedding.
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~ Jeremy tells Ohara his plans to reconcile with Shuli before the wedding. Ohara lies to Shuli that Jeremy is not in favor of her attending the wedding
~ Shuli discreetly makes plans to leave the Neauschwanstein estate. Alberon confides in Wolffe, sharing Shuli's plans. Wolffe reports to Cardinal Richelieu, who organizes for Shuli's murder.
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~ The day of the wedding ceremony begins. Shuli is brutally murdered by Safavid bandits. Jeremy refuses to start the ceremony until Shuli arrives.
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~ Alberon follows Shuli to give her a final goodbye and discovers the murder scene. The only recoverable item is Shuli's peridot brooch. The Imperial Guard detain Alberon at the scene and Streife announces Shuli's death at the wedding.
~ The truth behind Shuli's death is covered up and news of war between the Empire and Safavid begin to spark.
~ Nora begins investigating deeper into the truth behind Shuli's death. Jeremy confronts Nora.
~ Jeremy is sent off to war
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~ Ohara and the Heinrich family goes into hiding.
~ Wolffe and Everette make an attempt to save Alberon, who is about to be executed. Alberon is executed.
*Some important things to note in this timeline:
- Theo never meets Shuli
- Nora never speaks to Shuli after their first meeting
- The 2nd timeline is currently chronologically behind the 1st timeline. The date that Shuli is supposed to die has not happened yet.
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blogoslibertarios · 2 months
Polícia prende 3 após tentativa de latrocínio contra prefeito de Encanto; outro suspeito é procurado
Foto: PCRN / Reprodução   Três homens foram presos nesta quinta-feira (1º) em uma operação das polícias Civil e Militar deflagrada logo depois da tentativa de assalto que deixou ferido o prefeito de Encanto, Alberone Neri (PL). O crime e a operação policial que veio em seguida aconteceram no município de Pau dos Ferros, onde o prefeito cumpria agenda. Segundo a polícia, as prisões aconteceram no…
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lellarps · 1 month
‘👀' for Leopold <3
Leopold stared at his twin. Alberon had the terrible habit of reprimanding him... even though aware that it scarcely led them anywhere. "He is just a human, brother. Were it not him, it would be another" and this was said with a scoff, followed by an amused statement: "At least I'm keeping the same meal alive instead of hopping from one body to another, aren't I?" he asked, as he elegantly crossed his legs, slightly annoyed.
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lamolinastreetart · 1 year
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Art by French Alber (@alberoner) in Saint-Ciers-sur-Gironde, France (2022) #alber #streetart #lamolinastreetart 📷 via artist mysl.nl/fMgV
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lamilanomagazine · 10 months
Roma: confiscati beni e contanti per un valore complessivo di circa 1 milione di euro.
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Roma: confiscati beni e contanti per un valore complessivo di circa 1 milione di euro. Roma. Nella mattinata odierna, gli agenti della Polizia di Stato della Divisione Anticrimine della Questura di Roma stanno eseguendo un provvedimento di confisca di beni, emesso ai sensi del Codice Antimafia dal Tribunale di Roma – Sezione delle Misure di Prevenzione, su proposta del Questore di Roma. A novembre dello scorso anno, nel corso di un'importante operazione finalizzata a contrastare l'accumulazione illecita di patrimoni da parte di organizzazioni criminali, sono stati sequestrati a 3 fratelli di origini calabresi, stanziatisi nella capitale da lungo tempo, beni e contanti per un valore complessivo di circa 1 milione di euro. Quel sequestro si è oggi trasformato in confisca e la ricchezza accumulata è stata sottratta alla disponibilità, diretta o indiretta, dei proposti e messa a disposizione della collettività. Con la disposta misura di prevenzione patrimoniale sono stati confiscati i seguenti beni: 6 unità immobiliari, di cui 5 ubicate a Roma ed 1 a Siderno (RC); 99.770 euro in contanti; polizza assicurativa del valore di 80.000 euro; disponibilità finanziarie pari a 35.000 euro. Con lo stesso decreto, per l'attuale ed elevata pericolosità sociale di tutti e 3 i fratelli, è stata altresì disposta l'applicazione della misura di prevenzione personale della sorveglianza speciale per la durata di 2 anni. I predetti si sono evidenziati per i loro stretti contatti con diversi ambienti malavitosi, anche di matrice 'ndranghetista, e sono stati già condannati con sentenze irrevocabili per attività criminali legate al traffico di stupefacenti e ad altri gravi reati. Nella primavera del 2021 erano stati arrestati nell'ambito dell'operazione denominata "Alberone", condotta dalla Squadra Mobile della Questura di Roma e coordinata dalla locale Procura della Repubblica, per aver costituito un'organizzazione, operante proprio nel quartiere San Giovanni – Alberone, dedita ai delitti di usura ed esercizio abusivo dell'attività finanziaria, con estorsioni nei confronti della vittime contro le quali, in caso di mancati pagamenti, venivano organizzate vere e proprie spedizioni punitive. Le indagini patrimoniali, avviate nel 2021 dagli specialisti della Divisione Anticrimine, hanno abbracciato l'arco temporale di circa un trentennio ed hanno permesso di accertare, nei confronti dei 3 fratelli, un'assoluta sproporzione tra i beni, nella loro diretta o indiretta disponibilità, il tenore di vita condotto e i redditi dichiarati al fisco. L'odierno risultato rappresenta un'ulteriore conferma che la criminalità va contrastata non solo attraverso un'assidua opera di prevenzione e repressione ma anche mediante indagini di carattere patrimoniale, in grado di recuperare quella ricchezza, illecitamente acquisita, che costituisce una minaccia per l'economia legale.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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