#akashi edit
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akashirl · 20 days ago
sei when the subject is serving cunt.
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wannabe-cartoonist-blog · 4 months ago
Last Game, but everyone speaks the right language.
Like the freak that I am, I made a full-length edit of the Last Game movie, in which everyone speaks the appropriate language (Jabberwock speaks English, Vorpal Swords speaks Japanese, some switch between the two). The clear issue of the language barrier being shoved to the side for the most part always broke the immersion for me. So now that there's a dub, I figured I could "fix" that.
If you would like to watch/download the full-length version of this edit, please follow the instructions/rules below.
Do not upload the edit anywhere else (tiktok, youtube, bilibili, etc).
Do not directly share the link to the edit with anyone. If someone wants the link, please send them the link to this post.
Keep in mind that this edit isn't perfect and is simply for fun. There may be some parts here and there where the audio/visuals get a little clip-y.
If you notice anything particularly off with the edit, please let me know. I watched over it a few times, but I'm just one person lol.
DM me with a message saying you understand the rules and will comply and I'll send you the link.
And that's it! If people start breaking the rules I will be taking the links down. Don't ruin it for anybody, please! I hope you guys enjoy it!
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hidengifs · 11 months ago
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When we find him, you can punch Akashi as hard as you'd like.
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the-witch-of-one-piece · 1 year ago
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🎃Tokyo Revengers Dad's : Halloween edition 🎃 Ft: 20+ daddy's TW: none (unedited) Resident: @enchantedforest-network Photo: Tokyo Revengers x Tower Records Cafe
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-one of his kids would dress as a shark (tell me I’m wrong). When he sees them walking in front of them he could see the sale of the costume mimic like a shark's tail. -Would his kids trick or treat in the upper scale areas in Tokyo they get the good candy (the king size candy bars). -Would be the type to finish trick or treating early so it wouldn’t get too late.
-Three kids dress them as lock, shock and barrel from the nightmare before Christmas. -Definitely cause mischief with his kids and teach them the fun of ding dong ditching or TP’ing someone's house if they didn’t give candy out. -Would pick some of the candies from his kids bucket but they would happily share with him
-His child would be either a black cat or a witch and carry around a stuffed black cat. -Go with group friends and they all take their kids trick or treating. -Check his kids candy to make sure it is safe for them to eat.
-When his child said they want to be a superhero he goes all out for them, cape, mask even giving them a super cool hero name. -spend hours trick or treating till it gets every late. -His child would get tired and he would end up carrying them all the way home while they slept.
-Wouldn’t settle for ordinary costumes would make sure his kids had the best costumes made out of the finest materials. -Throw a Halloween party with a big candy bar they kids would be in heaven. -Have a decorated wall so he could take pictures with his kids in there costumes 
-would spend hours at the Halloween store trying to pick out the best costume for his kids. Enjoys every minute of it to see his baby's eyes light up with excitement. -One of the dads that would dress up with his kids.  -Would rehearse with them and teach them how to say ‘trick or treat’ 
-Kids would be some type of battle character either from mortal kombat or street fighters.  -He has confidence his kids would win any kind of costume contest. -Scoping the competition on the kids costume contest give a smirk ‘my kiddo got this in the bag’ waiting for them to announce his kid was the winner of the costume contest.
-Twins he's gonna have one angel and one devil. IF one kiddo a little devil with a pitch fork. -Taking his kid trick or treating when there is a full bowl of candy left in front of the step no one is looking takes handful handy putting it into his littles one’s bag -Then he decided to empty the full bowl into his little one's bag and take off quickly.
-Taking his precious little one to the pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin. -When finding the perfect pumpkins they would crave them together but the pumpkin carving he would be the one carving them he wouldn't let his little one do it.  -They would pick out the face then he would cut it out. -When taking out the seed from the inside he would see the gross yet funny look on his baby's face and laugh.
-His baby would definitely be wearing a mini Toman uniform just like daddy would on Halloween. -He and his sibling would all take their kids trick or treating together.  -Would start telling the kids which candy they wouldn’t like so when they give him that candy he secretly wanted those candies all along. 
-Having a Halloween party knowing it may be a challenge for him to take his kids trick or treating due to him being recognized by fans. -If his kids are going to be a certain theme he would join them like the Adams family or the Munsters but have his own style in it.  -All the desserts and foods would be themed all around Halloween like cupcakes that look like brains, drinks that would call witches brew, and spider cookies.
-Would make his babies their costumes every year like the best daddy. His baby wanna be a ‘rainbow pony princess’ daddy got you. -Would let them know every time when they are trick or treating to say thank you after getting candy from the house they got it from. -would make sure they wouldn’t eat all the candy in one sitting and would give them one piece before bed.
-Baji would send photos to his mom with photos of the grandkid(s) and their costumes. -Would go to the same houses to get double the candy. -If they get home late from trick or treating he would make them some yakisoba noodles to eat
-Attend his littles ones' school Halloween parade record the whole entire parade.  -If his little one is unable to take the steps at someone's house because the steps are too big he would pick them up and place them on the top step. -When they get home they would watch a Halloween special of his kids favorite show.
-He and his kids decorate the house from head to toe with Halloween items.  -If his babies wanted their face painted he would paint their faces and do a decent job on it. -The following day he would prank his kids about eating all their Halloween candy but when he sees them crying he would apologize and give them the candy.
-Would have enjoyed taking his kiddos out for Halloween festivities but when they get older the enjoy more of watching scary movies -Watching classic slasher movies, ordering food and buying the candy they want to eat. -he would also have a large bowl of candy when he gets trick or treating and give them handfuls of candy. 
-if he sees his baby scared to go up to a house because the decorations are too scary he would go with them to make sure they are comfortable. - He would dress up like Dracula and his baby a little vampire he would tell them ‘let’s go my little bat’ -When his baby empties there bucket they would go through the candy and would randomly give him candies that they think he would like. 
-He sees a haunted house on first instinct ‘oh hell to the nooooo’ but if his kiddo wants to go in he has to put a brave face on.  - He would be jumped scared a lot in the haunted house he would try to control his reflexes so he doesn’t knock anyone out -He admires that his child don't seem to be afraid of these types of things. Would go through every haunted house they wanted to for the night
-When practicing for the Halloween performance he would want it recorded so he could have memories of them when they were in their costume being so small. -He would enjoy making the sugar cookies with ghosts on them during this time of year. -Keep every Halloween costume because you don't have the heart to toss them, they hold valuable memories to him.
-Blog entire Oct month from when the kids find their costumes to the day it was Halloween. -Teach his kids ‘trick or treat that smells like my feet.’ -He and his kids would learn how to do Thriller or the monster mash dance.
-Kids would dress up in classic 50’s attire pompadours and leather jackets   -Making sure the brush their teeth before bed to avoid cavities from the amount of candy they got -If the kids watched a scary movie he knew that they would be staying in his bed for the next few nights. 
-If he missed trick or treating the way he would make it up to the kids is to take them to the store and let them pick out which candies they want.  -That cart would be filled up in 0.5 seconds full of candy picked by his kids.  -He would promise them that next year he will make sure he will be there with them so they can trick or treat together. 
-If he saw his baby crying because they were took scared of a character or a person he would tell them ‘you have 5 seconds to leave or I will kick your ass for scaring my child’  -would cheer up his baby and make sure they won’t cry anymore let them don’t daddy wouldn't let anything happen to them. -Avoid homes that are too scary for his baby. He wants to make sure they have a great time. 
-His kids love hearing him do scary stories and would make them think they are true on how he tells the story like the boogeyman.  - if his kids doubt on of his stories he would hear like the wall/floors slightly creek and catch the kids attention then he would speak ‘they are listening to you.’ -Google how to make spooky snacks with the kids. He would enjoy creating snacks and eating them with the babies. The kitchen would be a mess. 
Trunk or treat (all dad’s)
-If each man showed up with their kids they would have candy for days. -Big party for the kids to enjoy with a variety of things to do. -Each man would compete about who’s kid(s) the cutest. Because in their mind there are kids who are the cutest. -One big photo of all the kids together in their costumes even the older ones who aren't in costumes, because no matter how older they get those will still be there babies T^T
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Tagging: @the-haitani-baton, @satanlovesusall666, @galactict3a, @ratlovecat, @niko-ash, @iluv-ace, @captainmycaptainn, @strawberrychrome, @missgab, @anxious-chick, @livefromraleigh, @kei-b-gurlll, @spookiisopium, @bontensbabygirl, @txna04, @intheafterall, @stygianoir, @kira-rrh, @intheafterall, @staygoldsquatchling02, @nightqueensk, @alexanderlightwoodii, @ilovenats01, @sintyu, @missgab, @elmakimaki_ , @hana-patata, @thesleppybitch @ancient-vivarium
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nijimurasx · 8 months ago
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Those who can't be a cog in Bonten's wheels are just scraps!
Happy Birthday Sanzu Haruchiyo! ⚔️🫢😷 [7.3]
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yacchannanamin · 1 year ago
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Happy birthday Akashi Seijuro - December 20th
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iluvluvnutella · 2 years ago
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Sanzu and Haitanis coloring commission
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We finally have a decision about their eyes, thanks Wakui!
(I still think Sanzu wears colored lent from confusing Baji people and Senju joins him sometimes 👀)
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c00l3stl0s3r · 2 months ago
AKASHI EDIT🥀✂️<3!!!!!!
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mason-ajar · 2 years ago
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little edit i made a while back bc i was sad abt momoi not being in any official art (og and speedpaint under the cut)
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cemetery14 · 9 months ago
Bokushi had a dance mom's type pyramid every week at rakuzan
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akashirl · 19 days ago
i've been posting a lot today but it's only because my brain is seiffected. just hear me out, alright?
so i've started to read the replace plus novel (thank you, @japeneselunchtimerush ) it just hit me how people say that sei is "intimidating" and generally minimize him to being scary and quite the "bad guy" of it but this is further proof that those types of perceptions are just completely wrong.
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sei purposefully getting off at the wrong stop to carry an old lady's bag + nijimura confirming that he has a heart of gold. he really is the most reliable of the bunch. i wonder if he got in trouble for arriving home later.
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sei literally saving a baby from getting ran over. and then minimizing it by saying that anyone could have done it. can you start valuing yourself, for the love of god???
++bonus !!
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« even if akashi is choking under the weight of expectations, as long as he has basketball and friends that will play alongside him...i'm sure he can overcome it.» sei... :((
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wannabe-cartoonist-blog · 9 months ago
“Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me” amv/edit for Kuroko Tetsuya/Kuroko’s Basketball
So tell me everything is not about knb…but what if it is?
Literally this whole album I’m like “that’s a Kuroko song, that’s a Kuroko song, that’s about Kuroko” I need serious help
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hidengifs · 11 months ago
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If you took adventure away from me, I would have nothing left.
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roseatedesire · 4 months ago
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💕— 1BitHeart Boys Icons ;;
like/rb + credit if using !
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michinath · 7 months ago
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D4DJ Arcoíris!🌈٭
D4DJ rainbow!🌈 ٭
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