#aka the only blog i tried to make follow me
kwanisms · 1 day
Kinktober 「10:16」 — s.changbin
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» stray kids menu | changbin menu | kinktober masterlist «
➮ werebear!Changbin × fem!Reader wc: 4.1k summary: Changbin just wanted to have a nice camping trip with his girlfriend but she has other ideas. genres/themes/au: fluff, smut; supernatural, horror, thriller; non idol au, monster idol au warnings: adult dialogue, female reader, supernatural and horror themes, mentions of: fishing, cleaning said fish, camping, storms, food & alcohol consumption; sexual content (18+ mdni), see smut warnings under the cut! taglist has been moved to reblogs join my taglists! kinktober taglist is CLOSED! Strikethrough means I cannot tag you.  MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. AGELESS BLOGS WILL ALSO BE BLOCKED.
a/n: so this one is a follow up to last years (which I just posted and I’m sorry about that lol) but werebear!Changbin lives rent free in my head. I love the concept but tbh any werecreature concept for Changbin is so good and I will die on this hill. Thank you for reading! The next one is a Seventeen one with a certain maknae. So please look forward to that! Thank you for reading and as always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only.
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smut warnings: teratophilia (aka monsterfucking), outdoor sex (it's fucking in tents lol i'll see myself out), strength kink, oral (m receiving, f receiving), deepthroating, fingering (f receiving), protected sex (do this. Use protection like them), use of pet names (hers: baby, babe, etc.; his: babe, Binnie, bear, etc.), soft dom!Changbin, switch!Reader, that should be all but let me know if I missed something! kinks: Outdoor sex + strength kink dialogue prompt: ❛❛ I cannot possibly focus with your damn hand in my- ❜❜
This wasn’t exactly how he envisioned his camping trip with his girlfriend going but Changbin wasn’t complaining, not when you looked so pretty on top of him, taking his cock like it was made for you and you alone.
The trip had started out innocent enough, driving to the national park where Changbin often went camping on his own. This was the first time he was taking you with him and he had been beyond ecstatic to show you around his stomping ground.
Your initial worry of running into something dangerous dissipated quickly when Changbin reminded you that it wasn’t the wolves, or the bears, or the big cats that were the scariest thing in the forest. It was him.
Not long after the fateful night you gave yourselves to each other, Changbin told you the truth. He was plagued with a curse that often left him irritable, standoffish, and withdrawn once a month: he was a werebear. It came as a shock and at first, you tried to play it off but the more he explained, the more everything started to make sense.
His terrible mood swings that always seemed to happen once a month, and always around the full moon. His unexplainable illness that also accompanied his irritability. The inexplicable display of strength he showed that night and ever since. It wasn’t until your first full moon with him that you truly understood.
He’d taken you with him, ensuring you would be safe as he locked himself in a shed, hidden deep within the woods, deeper than you thought anyone would normally venture and well off the beaten path. He’d shown you the truth and while the thought of it terrified you, there was an undeniable attraction to the raw show of strength he exhibited when he nearly tore the bars from the windows of his makeshift cell.
Since then, you’d been by his side, thankful he chose to share that side of him with you so that you would not only know what you were getting yourself into but also because it meant he trusted you with his secret. Your relationship with Changbin blossomed naturally, albeit not in the order most relationships did but you wouldn’t change anything about it.
After being together for nearly two years, he finally decided he was sick of having his own space and wanted to find a place you could share together. You offered to let him move into your apartment and as much as he liked your place and the memories it held, he wanted to find a new place for you to make yours, together.
It had taken nearly 6 months to find a place that met your criteria but once you were both on the same page, you found a cute two bedroom top floor apartment not far from your current building. It was another historic building in the quiet part of town, away from the hustle and bustle of downtown. The move was easy when you had a boyfriend who despite his smaller stature could very easily lift boxes that would make any ordinary man buckle under the weight.
The furniture was easy as well. Your couch was moved in the middle of the night so no one would see Changbin singlehandedly carrying it up the stairs of the new building. Your bed, being bigger than Changbin’s and much more comfortable, was carried in the same way: under the cover of night.
Whatever didn’t fit in the new apartment was put in a storage unit until you could sell it, which Changbin graciously offered to pay for. The new apartment was bigger than both of your old ones but still cozy and comfortable.
The dark hardwood floors contrasted well with the lighter tone walls. The kitchen faced the small balcony with floor to ceiling windows that separated the two. Vaulted ceilings made the space feel much bigger and Changbin enjoyed living on the top floor with no one above him.
The other nice thing about this building was the walls were thick which meant you didn’t have to be quiet during your more vigorous activities, a quirk Changbin took full advantage of as he made sure to break in every new surface of the kitchen by either bending you over it or laying you back on top of it.
Only after being settled into the new apartment, did Changbin ask you to go camping with him. Fall was settling in, a distinct chill in the air as the leaves of the few trees in the city started to turn. Browns, oranges, yellows, and even reds decorated the branches before the leaves inevitably fell to the ground to be swept away by some street cleaner if the wind didn’t get to them first.
You were beyond excited to go camping with Changbin. You hadn’t been since you were quite young and the prospect of being alone in the woods with your boyfriend posed many new experiences for the both of you. The thought of sharing a tent in the middle of the forest with a campfire, so far from anyone, sounded equal parts spooky and romantic.
Changbin had most of the essential camping gear packed away in the storage unit and once retrieved and all things accounted for, there were only a few items you still needed to get. A trip to the closest outdoor good store fulfilled the rest of the items needed and after requesting time off from work, you were on your way out of the city to spend a week in the woods with your werebear boyfriend.
What could possibly go wrong?
Despite how smooth things went from leaving to arriving at the forest, your trip seemed to be plagued by some dark cloud as not even ten minutes into your hike, you tripped over a downed log and fell, scraping your hands and knees. Changbin was ready with the first aid kit, cleaning and disinfecting the wounds before patching you up.
He kept a much more watchful eye on you from then on, making sure to help you over anything he deemed remotely dangerous. He jokingly offered to carry you, pack and all, if you kept tripping over things. You briefly thought about taking him up on his offer when you slipped over a moss covered rock but ultimately decided to just be more careful and cautious.
The first stop of your trip ended with you camping several yards from a river that wound through the entire forest. Changbin initially was going to set up right beside it but after noticing the sky, he decided higher ground was a smarter move. When you asked him about it, he said it was his intuition.
That night, you were eternally grateful for the extra blankets and even portable heater he brought, not that his body wasn’t a portable heater in of itself. The temperatures plummeted down near freezing as a massive thunderstorm blew in. Changbin’s intuition was right on the money. The torrential downpour made the river swell to twice the size it had been the day before and due to his smart decision making, you were safe from the roaring river that raged just a few yards from your tent.
Changbin made sure you were kept snug and warm, using the portable heater while he was awake before using his body warmth to keep you from freezing. It did the trick and once you got warm initially, you never got cold again throughout the night.
The next morning looked like the scene out of a disaster movie. Branches littered the shore of the river which had reduced in size almost back down to what it had been before. There were even some litter like old tires and even a torn up tent that had washed downriver. The last one had Changbin concerned and after leaving for a brief hike, he discovered an old abandoned camping site which he surmised the tent had come from.
Though you were ready to pack up and move on, Changbin assured you that the second night wouldn’t be as rough. You instead kept camp by the river, going for a hike with Changbin, following the river as it got faster and faster until the forest opened up and the river gave way to a fantastic cascade that plummeted down the side of a massive cliff at least thirty feet.
At the bottom was a deep pool where the water collected before continuing on into the river and snaking through the trees before disappearing out of sight. You wanted to climb down and check it out but Changbin promised next time, he would plan a course that included this spot.
After your hike, you returned to camp and Changbin surprised you by pulling out a couple of fishing rods. You’d never been fishing as you always thought it was kind of boring and the idea of skewering a worm on the end of a hook had your skin crawling.
Thankfully your boyfriend took over, hooking the bait before showing you how to cast. It wasn’t exciting by any means, waiting for the fish to bite but once you did hook a fish, you were so ecstatic, you didn’t know what to do with yourself. Changbin had to take over, reeling it in for you until the fish finally flopped out of the water and danced for a moment on the end of your line.
It was a trout, he told you. The first one of the day and you caught it. After the initial shock and excitement wore off, you were ready to go again but you still refused to bait your own hook, something Changbin didn’t mind doing at all.
After several hours, you managed to catch quite a few fish. Changbin showed you how to gut and clean the fish, tossing the insides back into the water where he told you it’s actually beneficial to the ecosystem. Other creatures feed on the entrails like crawdads and other fish. It’s better to toss them in the water than leave them on the banks.
Dinner that night was the fish Changbin cleaned and fileted with some veggies and a few mushrooms he found on your hike. After dinner, you relaxed by the fire, enjoying the warmth it provided while drinking a beer from the pack brought on the trip. 
The next morning, you helped pack up and continued on past the river and further into the forest. The next stop was right at the edge of a clearing down the mountain from where you had stayed. Changbin was certain this was a good place to camp, taking note of the tall grass that looked wholly untouched by the rains from the other night. 
He found a nice flat spot in the shade of the trees to set up the tent as well as an old fire pit ringed in rocks. While he tried to set up the tent, you kept distracting him. You weren’t sure what it was about how he looked that morning when you woke up but you couldn’t seem to keep your hands to yourself. The extra attention you gave him made him blush but he couldn’t complain with all the additional kisses and lingering touches. He liked it.
After he finally got the tent set up, he entered to unfurl the mats to place under the sleeping bags. You followed him, helping him with the pillows until you couldn’t take it anymore and needed to have your hands on him. Changbin couldn’t help but chuckle as your hands wandered, feeling up his bicep as he flexed, pulling the sleeping bags from their stuff sacks one by one.
“I’m trying to set up our tent,” he said softly, grabbing one of your hands and kissing the back of it. “You’re distracting me,” he added, chuckling as your hands moved, sliding over his chest as you moved behind him, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling into his neck. “What's gotten into you?” he asked as he laid out the sleeping bags over the mats. 
Instead of answering him, you placed light kisses along his neck, enjoying the way he paused, tilting his head to give you more access. “Seriously,” he sighed as one of your hands slid down his stomach to palm over his semi-hard cock. “What's going on?” he asked.
You nipped at the skin below the shell of his ear, hand massaging against him harder and making him groan as he paused, eyes fluttering shut. “Can’t even wait for me to finish?” he murmured, moving his hand over yours as he lightly bucked into your touch.
“Let me finish this and then I’m all yours,” he murmured, pulling your hand back as much as he didn’t want to. He wanted nothing more than for you to have your hands all over him but he also wanted to make sure the tent was set up fully.
You whined, pouting at him as you moved your hand back, making him chuckle. His breath caught as your hand slipped into his pants, darting under the waistband of his underwear to firmly grasp his hot cock in your warm hand. “Fuck,” he groaned as you started to stroke him. “Baby, what has gotten into you?” he asked again as you started to stroke him faster.
“Am I distracting you?” you whispered in his ear as his hips chased your movements, bucking against your hand. “Why don’t you keep going?” you added, nipping at his earlobe. “I cannot possibly focus with your damn hand in my – hng!” he groaned as your hand squeezed him a little harder.
He grabbed your wrist, holding it steady as he rutted into your touch. “F-fuck, baby. Gonna cum if you keep doing that.” At his words, you pulled your hand from his pants, ignoring the glare he gave you until you pushed him back against the sleeping bags and grabbed the waistband of his sweats, pulling them down past his hips and quickly taking hold of his cock again.
Changbin let out a gasp, head falling back as your hand moved up and down his shaft before taking the tip into your mouth, your tongue warm and went against his skin. He let out a guttural moan as your head sank down, taking as much of his thick cock onto your mouth as you could, teeth lightly scraping against the skin.
His hands moved to the back of your head, pushing you down more. “Holy shit, babe,” he gasped as you took more and more of him in, relaxing your jaw and pushing until his cockhead was nestled against the back of your throat.
Letting out a shaky breath, Changbin raised his head slightly, taking in the sight of his cock disappearing into your mouth. He groaned as he felt your swallow against the tip of his cock, aching for it to be buried in your throat. As if you read his mind, you forced your head down, the head of his cock pushing into your throat and he choked out a moan, hips bucking slightly as he held your head down.
Your lungs begged for air but you waited, saliva starting to spill from your mouth and drip down the small part of his cock that didn’t fit into your mouth. “Oh fuck, baby,” he moaned as you swallowed around him, feeling his cock throb and twitch against your tongue. “M’gonna cum,” he breathed out, fingers tightening their grip on your hair as he thrusted once more, thick ropes of cum shooting out of him and painting your throat.
You wait until the last of it finished spurting from him before you pulled back, his cock slipping from your throat and mouth and air finally invading your lungs as you inhaled deeply. You look at your boyfriend, watching as his chest rose and fell, head lying back against the sleeping bag. His eyes fluttered open taking in your triumphant expression. “Fuck that was so hot,” he groaned as you pulled his pants up over his now flaccid cock.
“I don’t know what’s going on with you right now,” he said as he pushed himself up onto his elbows. “But I like it,” he said with a crooked grin. You wiped your lips on your sleeve, giving him another smile. You started to pull away but he grabbed your wrist. “Let me return the favor,” he croaked. You shook your head. “It’s okay,” you replied, voice slightly hoarse. “You don’t have to.”
“I want to,” he replied, gently pulling you to take his place, lying down where he’d just been laying moments before. He quickly peered outside the tent, grabbing your packs and bringing them inside to set against the side of the wall. He zipped up the tent entrance and turned to you, moving to grab your leggings and pull them down, slipping your boots off at the same time.
He made quick work of your panties, pulling them off before settling down on his stomach, face level with your pussy. He licked his lips, spreading your folds before giving you a slow lick from your entrance to your clit, his tongue flat against you. He let out a groan as his tongue swirled around your clit, the vibrations making you gasp as your back lightly arched off the ground.
“Binnie,” you breathed out, fingers combing through his curls as he lapped greedily at your cunt, savoring the taste as he moved his hands, holding your hips in place. He groaned against your skin as he teased your clit with the tip of his tongue. Your thighs squeezed his head slightly as he suckled on the sensitive nub. “B-Binnie,” you moaned, your free hand moving over his on your hip.
You pulled his hand up, guiding it under your sweatshirt to your chest. Taking the silent plea, Changbin pushed your sweatshirt up, groping your breast as he continued to suck and tease your clit with his tongue. His hand slipped under your bra, palm hot against your skin as he kneaded.
Without breaking contact with your pussy, he moved his hand, squeezing under your back to undo your bra clasp with expert precision before pushing the cups up to expose your tits. Both of his hands cupped your chest as he kept his mouth trained on your pussy. You placed a hand over his as he kneaded your tits, lightly raking your nails against his scalp with your other hand.
You felt his teeth graze your clit and your hips rolled up into his face, grinding against him. He let you, holding his tongue flat against your clit as you continued to buck your hips, riding his face as your orgasm drew closer and closer. Changbin moved his hands down, sliding them under your ass as he focused all his attention on your clit, letting you grind against his tongue.
You moaned loudly, a firm grip on his hair while your other hand fondled your chest, pinching one of your nipples as you came, moaning a chant of your boyfriend’s name and a slew of curses as he helped you ride out your high. Changbin lapped up every drop of your release, his cock painfully hard against the sleeping bag. 
You gasped as you came down from your climax, Changbin wiping his mouth with his shirt as he crawled over you, kissing up your stomach and chest, stopping to run his tongue over your nipple before he enveloped it with his mouth, suckling softly. He pulled back, letting it fall from his mouth before he took you in a sear kiss, tongue invading your mouth quickly.
You felt his cloth covered cock, hard again, against your crotch. “Binnie, baby,” you whined, rolling your hips up to meet his. “I need you.” He chuckled against your skin, littering kisses along your neck. “Is my baby impatient?” he asked softly, his hands pulling your sweatshirt up over your head and pulling your loose bra off, leaving you completely nude under him.
“Yes,” you breathed as his hands cupped your chest, squeezing the supple flesh and moving to roll your nipples between his fingers. “Needs me to fuck her immediately?” he whispered, kissing along your collarbone to your shoulder. You clawed at his shirt, pulling it up his back as you begged him with soft pleas. Changbin obliged, sitting up to pull his shirt off.
“Binnie,” you whined, hands moving to his waistband and tugging to pull him closer. “Please, bear,” you moaned as he grinded his hard cock against your soaking cunt, wetting his sweats. “Please baby, please.” His cock twitched in his pants and he moved to grab his pack, unzipping one of the inner pockets where he kept the condoms.
He pulled one out, setting the bag back against the wall of the tent. You watched him with wide eyes as he pushed his pants and underwear down in one go, shimmying out of them with the tip of the condom wrapper in his teeth. You licked your lips, eyes drinking in his naked body hungrily as he tore open the packet and carefully rolled the latex down his length.
He didn’t need to ask if you were ready, his fingers moving to your entrance and pushing two into you with ease. He still wanted to make sure you were properly stretched before he even attempted to fill you with his thick cock. Your hips moved against his hand as he fit a third into you, pumping steadily in and out of your walls. Your back arched, moaning wantonly as he curled his fingers against your inner walls. “Binnie,” you whimpered, grabbing at his arms and tugging him.
“Please fuck me,” you breathed. “I need you, baby.”
Changbin withdrew his fingers, replacing them with the tip of his cock and pushing the head into you with a sigh. You let out a content moan as he slowly slid into you, stretching your cunt as you accommodated his girth. Once he was full inside you, he started a slow, steady pace, holding your hips in place as he rutted into you.
“Feels so good,” you gasped. “Feels so f-full.”
A groan escaped Changbin as he fucked into you more roughly, hands spreading your thighs as he held you down. Your hands grabbed at him, pulling him closer as your walls sucked him in over and over. Taking the silent plea, he repositioned, putting your legs over his shoulders as he leaned over, folding your body in half as he thrust down into you roughly.
He learned quickly that this was your favorite position. You had called it the mating press and told him you loved how it made you feel like you were at his mercy. You always complimented his strength in and out of the bedroom and it always made him feel a surge of pride.
“How’s that?” he grunted, pinning you down as he rocked into you, cock filling your cunt with each harsh thrust. “S’good. Fuck, baby!” you cursed, brows knitted together in pleasure. “So strong, Binnie. Love it when you pin me down.” A deep growl emanated from Changbin’s chest as his pace increased, slamming into you roughly, the sound of skin against skin filling the tent.
You cried out as his cock hit the spot deep in you that had your toes curling. “Fuck, right there, baby,” you gasped as Changbin continued to hit the same spot. “Right there?” he asked in a low tone, holding back a moan as you clenched around him. “Right there!” you moaned. “Fuck, yes, keep doing that!”
Changbin slammed into you harsher as your walls clamped down on his cock, an orgasm ripping through you unexpectedly as you came, coating his cock in your release as you writhed in pleasure, screaming his name repeatedly.
Changbin fucked you through your orgasm before he carefully let your legs fall back down. He stilled, kissing your face as you came down slowly. “Think you can ride me for a bit, baby?” he whispered in between kisses. You nodded eagerly, sitting up as he slipped out of you, taking your spot on his back as you hurriedly climbed over him.
He let out a chuckle at your eagerness, groaning as you lined the tip of his cock with your pussy and sank down on him, a moan escaping both of you as your walls welcomed him back in. You gave him only a second to adjust before you started moving, bouncing on his cock and making him groan, hands grabbing your hips as he helped you move.
“Fuck baby,” he groaned. “Slow down or I’m gonna cum.” You placed your hands on his chest as you rode him harder, faster with a smirk on your lips.
“That’s the idea.”
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©️ kwanisms 2024 | all works on this blog are protected under copyright. Do not repost, continue, or translate my works. All graphics made by me.
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So I decided to make a drawing challenge for systems and plural people (aka, me explaining Systember)
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Systember is a lot like other drawing challenges, except instead of taking place in October like a lot of other ones, it takes place in September, and is focused on plurality and systems. (Why September? Purely because of the name. That's literally the only reason.)
If you decide to participate, please tag your works with "systember" so I can look at them all cause I'm a curious little goober :33 And please reblog this post to get the word out!
List and questions under the cut
Prompt list:
Your choice!
Questions you might have (and answers you might need):
"Do I have to follow the prompts?" Absolutely not, they're just a suggestion. I tried to keep them vague enough to allow anyone to participate. The plural experience is wide and varied, and this challenge hopes to celebrate that.
"Can I participate if I'm ____?" This challenge is open to all systems/plurals/multiples, no matter their origins or beliefs. If you share a body with other people in some way, this challenge is open to you. While I can't exactly stop singlets from participating in this challenge, it's not exactly meant for them. That being said, I want no syscourse to interfere with this challenge. We're here to draw, not to argue.
"What if I don't draw everyday?" That's fine! Do what you can! You don't have to make fully fleshed out pieces, you don't have to draw every single day, you don't have to participate at all, no one's holding you at gunpoint to draw these. Just have fun to the best of your ability.
"This was posted too late! I have no time to prepare!" Yeah, uh... I forgor. Sorry.
"Are you going to be doing this?" I'm gonna fuckin try! Although most of my art will probably be posted to @somewhatdailyanthrostuck since we have a lot of Homestuck introjects and I need ideas for my "daily" drawing blog.
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ken-dom · 1 year
Ken’s First Orgasm
Ken x reader
1.1k words
Summary: Since Ken entered the real world, he’s been experiencing some… feelings (AKA a good orgasm might calm him down)
Author’s Notes: It’s smutty, it’s tongue-in-cheek, it’s a little bit silly… just take it for what it is, enjoy the Kenergy and have fun 🩷
This was my first Ken fic, originally posted to my main blog under the title 'Ken's First Time.' Due to a tagging issue on my main, I'm reposting my works here to have everything in one place.
Warnings/content: NSFW, 18+, first kiss, first orgasm, making out, dry humping, hand job, gn!reader, Ken’s self doubt and nerves (and crying)
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‘I’ve been getting these… urges, like, there’s something stirring deep inside me that I can’t seem to tame,’ Ken uttered huskily, fingers toying with the hair by your ear. ‘I think it might be because I’m craving… this.’
Biting his lip, he stared deep into your eyes, the heat of his gaze dropping down to your lips before slowly leaning in.
When you followed his lead, breath quickening as you tilted your head, he faltered, pulling back with a quiet growl and balling his fists in frustration.
He had hung on your every word all day, never taking his eyes off you for a single moment. And you’d noticed the way he lit up every time you looked at him… but now, you began to wonder if you’d done something to put him off.
‘Ken?’ you breathed carefully.
‘I- I’ve never…’ he hesitated.
Oh. That’s all it was. You dipped your head to meet his sparkling eyes again.
‘You’ve never kissed anyone?’ you asked gently, lifting your palm to rest softly against his handsome cheek.
Ken cleared his throat and forced a smile. ‘I’ve tried. Lots of times.’ He lifted his chin with mock confidence, as though trying to kiss was some sort of proud accomplishment. ‘You know how it can be.’
‘It’s alright,’ you soothed, rubbing your thumb soothingly over his cheekbone. Your mind raced with what else he probably hadn’t done either, the thought causing heat to pool at your core. ‘We’ll take it at your pace.’
The silky tone of your voice and the comfort of your words made him feel… dizzy? He blinked his gaze away, blushing. Feeling it again. That pull of something deep in his gut that made him want to submit himself to… whatever it was his body was craving so much. Damn it, he really needed to just get over it and kiss you.
You smiled warmly, leaning in again with pause enough to allow him time to decide. To your delight, he pressed forward, lips crashing soft and wet against yours, and as you parted your lips to encourage his tongue, he moaned loudly into your mouth while his fingertips drove hard into the flesh at your waist.
Lost in the intensity of the moment, it was suddenly hard to remember to breathe, his needy whines and desperate grabbing clouding your thoughts, causing your legs to tremble, but eventually you pulled away, panting.
‘Wow, Ken… that was-’
‘Terrible! I mean, you… you were great. I had no idea what I was doing. I'm not made for kissing, I’m only good at Beach.’ He shook his head, frustrated. ‘I shouldn’t have- mmh!… mmm…’
You shut him up instantly, diving back for more and inadvertently pushing him to lay back on the bed. You straddled him naturally, conscious thought still lost in the haze of excitement.
‘You- you liked it?’ he breathed huskily as you pulled up to get a look at how pretty he was, breathless with anticipation beneath you.
You nodded, humming in approval. ‘And it feels like you did too,’ you smirked, grinding down against his already aching erection.
The noise he made was unearthly, a growl and a whimper and a groan and a desperate exhale all at once. The pressure he had been feeling there released ever so slightly with a small pearl of precum, affording him a moment of bliss between the aching neediness.
You stilled, worried you’d hurt him somehow, but his eyes widened revealing pupils dilated to the size of dinner plates, and you realised it had been a sound of pleasure, not pain.
‘What… was… THAT?’ he cried out breathlessly. ‘That felt incredible! Sublime! That’s it! That’s what I’ve been craving?! Do it again? Please-’
The last word tapered into a whine as you rolled your hips to grind against him again, and he flopped down onto the pillow, eyes rolling back with overwhelming sensations he couldn’t find the words for.
‘Ken?’ you asked softly, leaning down, ‘you’ve never had an orgasm before have you?’
He shook his head.
‘Do you want to?’
He couldn’t catch his breath and his reply came out as a husky whisper. ‘Will it feel like that again?’
‘Better,’ you grinned wickedly.
‘Oh fuck, yes,’ he mumbled, not even realising he’d sworn. ‘Please.’
You leaned in to kiss him again, igniting the flames inside him that had been roaring since the first time you held his hand. Ken moaned in anticipation, closing his eyes tightly, composing and preparing himself.
You rocked your hips only once more and he exploded, fists bunching the sheets while you continued to writhe against him, his back arching off the bed and tears prickling at his eyes as his orgasm tore through every fibre of his being.
It was like nothing else. How had he never so much as wondered what this would be like until he had entered the real world and discovered human feelings and thoughts… and needs.
His chest heaved as he came down from his high, lazily lifting an arm to rest over his forehead in complete surrender while he tried to claw his way back to the present, with you.
When he opened his eyes, he was met with you smiling down at him, nothing short of smug.
‘Was that- did I-?’ he stuttered.
‘You sure did,’ you panted, heart pounding and heat rushing down to keeping your own arousal simmering. God, he was a picture, mussed hair and pink cheeks and heavy eye lids.
‘Oh… oh, that was, it was-’
You chuckled, climbing off him to settle at his side, where he turned to face you.
‘Should I have… you know? Was there something I didn’t do? You didn’t…’
The concern in his eyes was endearing, but you laughed again and he relaxed. Another tear slid down his cheek as you caressed his arm tenderly.
‘Don’t worry, Ken, we have time for that. I get the feeling you’ll be great at… doing stuff. Besides, that wasn’t quite the whole thing. I’m glad it felt good, but there’s a lot more I can show you. If you want me to…’
Ken snorted a disbelieving laugh. ‘Well, good, because these urges I’ve been getting? I think they might have actually been for-’
‘Orgasms,’ you interrupted with a smirk. ‘Yeah, humans tend to get that a lot.’
‘I’m not surprised! How do you get through the day without doing that at regular intervals?’
You laughed, gently wiping the tears from his cheeks. ‘It will calm down when you’re a little more used to it. In the meantime… let’s make the most of your libido, yes?’
‘Absolutely,’ he agreed eagerly, as though the word libido meant anything at all to him. Nevertheless, he was as eager as anything for another round.
‘I’m going to start undressing you this time… if that’s alright?’ you muttered seductively, kissing at his collar bone while your fingers toyed with the buttons of his shirt.
‘Of course. You don’t have a body like mine for nothing. Well, I suppose it’s main purpose is for Beach, but-’
You didn’t use any more words, and he suddenly lost all concept of his own thoughts when your hand slid inside his beach shorts.
‘How does this feel?’ you whispered as your fingers wrapped loosely around his thick length and pumped slowly, lightly. You didn’t want to overwhelm him too soon.
‘R-real- f-fucking- oh!- good, hnnng…’
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myownwholewildworld · 2 months
wherever you go (a joel miller’s ff) - chapter 8
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chapter 7 | series masterlist | main masterlist | chapter 9
pairing: outbreak!2003!joel x f!reader. (it's actually 2004 now)
summary: when death comes knocking, you can only answer the door.
a/n: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek where do i even start 🥺 i’m just gonna say i’m sorry in advance and leave it at that, but if you read between lines you’ll understand. i do appreciate any comments, reblogs and/or likes you may want to leave! they do keep me motivated. as always, THANK YOU for reading. see you on the other side! x
warnings: 18+, mdni. a LOT of angst and drama incoming. cutesy fluff. established relationship (my babies 😭).  no smut in this one, don’t hate me! mentions of alcoholism and drugs as coping mechanisms. pet names (darlin’, sweetheart). clickers steal the show 😖. death everywhere so be warned. swear words. reader is female, no other description given. reader is mid-late 20s, joel is 37. no use of y/n.  joel’s and reader’s pov.
w/c: ~5k.
tags aka the drama wagon (let me know if you want to be added/removed from the list pls!): @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @pedrospurplerain @missladym1981
@fancyyoouu @smolbeanzzz @guelyury @bishtrouille
The patrolling shifts had increased around Chicago River and Interstate 90. The Rioters had allocated more resources to survey the borders of the area their people inhabited. In the following days to your disastrous incursion, clickers’ activity had peaked. They were coming closer, so it was decided to dispatch them as they neared.
You were all tired, but there was no rest for the wicked. They kept on moving eastwards, as if something was calling them. No one had been able to figure out why, but the answer to that question didn’t really matter. You suspected that something happened that night at the hospital ― maybe Sasha and her team did something they shouldn’t have.
You would never know, so you tried to stir your thoughts away from what would remain a mystery.
You rolled on bed, the early morning light shining a ray on your face. You grunted in discomfort. Your whole body ached ― those patrols were physically intense, but also mentally exhausting. After all, the infected had been people. A father, an auntie, a brother-in-law, a loving child… All those stories were lost to the wind, and you just hoped there still were people who remembered them as they had been before succumbing to the fungus.
You pouted ― That wasn’t how you wanted to start your day.
Still sleepy, your hand dabbed the bedsheets on your right, unconsciously looking for him.
Joel wasn’t by your side. You frowned in confusion and sat up on the bed, rubbing your eyes. As you got up and walked towards the en-suite, you heard Joel and Tommy talking on the other side of the door, where the living room was.
It was a heated argument ― an everyday occurrence lately. Since you three arrived at Chicago almost five months ago, the brothers appeared to headbutt very often. It didn’t take you long to realise that Tommy’s attitude had gradually changed over time, the alcohol being the main culprit. The bubbly, kind Tommy you had come to meet was buried somewhere underneath that ethanolic stench.
You missed his jests, his nonchalance, his light-heartedness. Buy you did understand him too ― he needed an escape from reality. You all did, really. It was just sad that was his choice of inflicting himself with absent-mindedness.
“You spent the night in the fucking cell, really?”, you heard Joel whisper angrily.
Tommy replied, but his speech was so slurred you couldn’t make out his answer.
“I don’t fucking care for your excuses anymore, Tommy, you need to get your shit together. I need you sober, for fuck’s sake ― the situation is getting dire here, we’ll need to leave soon. In this state, you can barely walk”, you knew Joel was getting frustrated attempting to reason with the younger Miller.
You contained a fatigued sigh ― Joel had tried his best these past months to help Tommy straighten out his path. But you couldn’t help someone who didn’t want to be helped. You just wished Joel understood that. But you knew he wouldn’t give up on his brother so easily. His only living relative.
You sauntered towards the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. You were in the middle of doing so when you heard Joel enter the room. His reflection appeared in the mirror in front of you and you smiled at him, your mouth full of toothpaste. The corner of his mouth lifted just slightly as he placed a heavy hand on the small of your back, his lips brushing your right temple. You closed your eyes at the soothing touch. You quickly bent over to spit the toothpaste and rinse your mouth.
“He’ll come around”, you said as his hand draped around your waist, yours stroking his forearm instinctively.
Joel humphed. “I hope so”, he muttered, his mouth pressed against your crown. “It’s not safe here anymore, darlin’, I think we should head somewhere else”.
“I hear Canada is lovely this time of the year”, you joked, hoping to lighten the mood. His expression didn’t flinch ― worry distorting his rugged, gorgeous face. “I know, I know… Could we wait a few days at least? Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve”, you blinked at him.
He considered it for a few seconds before giving in. “Alright, we’ll leave on the twenty sixth”.
You clapped your hands together, a smile widening your features. Joel cocked an inquiring brow.
“Well, Joyce is throwing a party on Christmas Day at hers and, uhmm, I kinda told her we were coming?”. His brow furrowed even more. “Pretty please?”, you begged, your fingers laced in a prayer.
You knew Joel didn’t like socialising nor big gatherings, but it was just one teeny tiny ask. You flashed your eyelashes at him.
“Okay, it won’t hurt, I guess”, he conceded reluctantly.
With an excited squeal, you turned around in his embrace, circling his neck with your arms. You stood on your tiptoes as Joel leaned forward to kiss you.
The day went by slowly. You had been assigned to the evening patrol ― your hunting duties put on hold until further notice. With all this clickers’ activity, it wasn’t safe to venture out. To your dislike, Joel had been in the afternoon one, so you kissed him goodbye when you took over. At least Tommy was with you.
You were stationed in the bridge on West Madison Street, the Lyric Opera of Chicago to your right. There was a total of ten people in your group, each one of you covering different positions. When clickers approached, you shot them through the rifle scope. It had become a mindless game, like the one you used to play in the arcade when you were younger ― Wolfenstein 3D.
Hours had gone by, and you had been standing up for so long that your feet hurt. You eyed the red, thick metal railing to your left and, with a little jump, you sat on top ― your legs dangling in front of you, facing southwards and the rifle conveniently placed on your lap. Tommy joined you a few minutes later.
He remained silent and so did you. Although he was somewhat sober, you could smell the alcohol on him. It was bad enough that he drank himself to oblivion in his free time, but it was not great he came to patrol with dulled senses.
You took a deep breath.
“Your brother needs you, y’know?”, you said with resignation. His eyes were fixed somewhere in the distance, but you could see the pain in them. “We’ll be leaving in three days, Tommy, and we both need you. This reckless path of yours could have dreadful consequences, not only for us, but for yourself… We are both here to help you out, but you’re shutting us out ― Joel is worried sick and, to be honest, so am I. And I get it, this world sucks… but you’ve got us. The people you are meeting up with… They aren’t good for you.”
He didn’t say a word for a long minute. It was probably not fair of you to pester him with your not-so-uplifting speech, but he needed to hear it. As much as you liked Tommy, what troubled you the most was that it would destroy Joel if he lost Tommy too. It had taken him a long time to open up, to start living again, and Tommy was undoing all that hard work Joel had put in.
He sighed heavily, turning to look at you.
“Do I? And please don’t get me wrong ― I’m happy for both of you. But you’ve got Joel and Joel’s got you. Again, nothing wrong with that, but it sometimes feels lonely, y’know? That’s what drove me to Laney and her group, they get me. Yeah, sure, the alcohol, the drugs ― it ain’t great, but it helps. But I know I need to get my shit together, believe me, I do, it’s just… hard”, he shrugged.
Your eyes softened, downcast expression. You knew you were just brushing the surface; it wasn’t just that he felt left out. This new world was devastating, it toyed with your mind, making you believe things that were never really there ― a figment of your imagination, of your worst fears.
You palmed his forearm to cheer him up.
“As hard as it is, I’m sure you’ll still come out the other end just fine”, you smiled, but he was evading your eyes. “You only need to reach out, Tommy. We’re here for whatever you need of us.”
You got home past midnight. You were so worn out, you just whispered goodbye to Tommy and headed towards your shared bedroom with Joel. The handle made a screeching noise, then the door creaked when you pushed it. You scrunched your face in frustration ― you didn’t want to wake Joel up if he had fallen asleep. He had trouble in doing so, his nightmares still haunted him.
You quietly closed the door behind you. The room was dark, the silence only broken by his faint snoring. You grinned ― he did snore, as much as it pained him to admit it. Tiptoeing towards your end of the bed, you scattered your clothes on the floor. Only wearing your panties, you sneaked under the bedsheets. There was no heating, but Joel’s body radiated enough warmth to keep you both cozy for the whole night ― so you curled up against his back, nipples grazing his bare skin, your left arm around his waist and your hand gently pressed against his chest. You could feel his ribcage raising with every breath he took.
He lulled you to sleep, your mind slowly drifting away. He really was your safe haven.
You smiled absentmindedly, a snug sentiment weighing in your belly. You kissed him where his shoulder blades met and whispered, “I love you.”
Maybe he dreamt it. He was not sure.
Maybe his unconsciousness made it up. He was not sure.
However it came to be, that “I love you” had been haunting his mind the whole day. His chest felt tight, a longing ache lodged in his core. Joel had not been able to get rid of that feeling ― being honest, he didn’t want it to disappear. As much as it was painful, it was also hopeful.
His heart fluttered with yearning at the memory, only coming back to reality when you elbowed his side. He had not heard what you said, but your features had lit up with your laugh. The biggest muscle in his chest skipped a beat at such beautiful melody.
“I bet you were the taciturn type as a kid, right, Joel?”, Joyce asked him, question marks dancing in her pupils.
“I was a normal, boring kid. Played a bit of baseball and went on a few fishing trips with our old man, but that’s about it. So yeah, I guess taciturn covers it”, he replied, spooning the stew into his mouth.
Tommy huffed taking a sip of the moonshine in his cup, but didn’t say anything.
The three of you ―Joel, Tommy and yourself― were in the canteen in the Art Institute of Chicago. Joyce, her granddaughter Ava, Walter and a few others were sat around the table, everyone sharing funny snippets of their childhood. Tomorrow was Christmas Day, which seemed to have lightened the mood a bit, some people had even sang some Christmas carols.
“What about you, sweet pea?”, Joyce turned her attention to you.
“I was a weird kid”, you admitted with a laugh. “Used to love bugs, and I really mean love bugs. I had a huge terrarium, a beautiful ant’s nest. I used to go out and picked some of them off the anthill in our backyard to bring them to my colony. Not gonna lie, it was fascinating seeing how the ants would work together to build their little glass community”, you shared while devouring Joyce’s stew. “Then one day, quite a few ants bit me as I was trying to relocate them to a different part of the terrarium, and they fucked me up real bad. Got a terrible infection, was in hospital for two weeks. When I came back, the whole colony was dead, my parents didn’t even let me have a look at it. It was heartbreaking. After that, I steered clear of any type of bugs. I cared for them, even named every one of them, and that’s how they paid me in return? Little bastards”, you cackled, shaking your head.
“You were indeed weird, sweetheart”, Joel muttered so low, you thought you were the only one who heard it.
You patted his hand with a chuckle, unconsciously leaning towards him, your shoulders touching. You always gravitated towards Joel, you just couldn’t control it. Your eyes met and you giggled ― his smirk widened.
“Guilty”, you whispered, his hand enveloping yours under the table.
You had forgotten Joyce was sat across you until she cleared her throat.
“So, you two lovebirds are a couple yet, or what?”, her not-so-innocent question caught you completely off guard.
Shit, shit, you thought, almost choking on your food. You had not talked to Joel about what you two really were. You loved him wholeheartedly, but you didn’t need to put a label to your relationship. At least not yet. You didn’t want to pressure him ― you knew Joel would come around when he was ready.
“Uh, well, we…”, you stammered, your heart racing so fast you thought you were going to throw it up in your bowl.
Joel’s hand gripped yours tighter.
“Yeah, we are”, he replied, matter-of-factly.
Your soul literally left your body. You scrutinised his face in awe ― your lips dissevered, sparkly eyes, speechless. A wave of relief washed over you. He did love you; you just knew it in your heart. The immense love you suddenly felt almost throttled you. If your brain was a functioning organ, you would have hugged and reciprocated him ― but your mind was still short-circuiting.
Joel’s hazel eyes held yours prisoner. He wasn’t a man of many words, but he didn’t need to be ― his orbs spoke for him. They were soft, tender, loving. You heard Joyce’s snicker, but your eyes could not leave Joel’s. There were so many things you wanted to say but couldn’t ― your heart was drowning in oxytocin.
“Why do you look so surprised, sweet pea?”, said the older woman, hardly containing a guffaw.
Before you could find any words to answer Joyce, a shrieking cry disrupted the festive atmosphere. People got up a few tables away from you, screaming so loud you couldn’t make out their words.
A few seconds later, another commotion took place but from the other end of the room.
“Infected! They are infected!”, someone shouted.
Panic spread quickly. People started running, cramming around the two exits. Pushing their way out, elbowing anyone in their way with no regards to children or the elderly. Then you saw a young girl in the middle of a circle, people trying to keep their distance from her. You recognised her from the patrols but couldn’t remember her name.
Then she propelled forward, tackling a man to the ground. He screeched loudly, trying to free himself.
“No, get away from me! Aaaarghhh!”, then silence.
You had gotten up. More cries came from the opposite direction, but you didn’t dare to look. Joel’s hand on your shoulder forced you out of your trance, and you turned to look at him.
His expression was a reflection of yours for a fraction of a second. The fear, but then the resolution.
“Move, move, we gotta go. Tommy?!”, his hands were on your back, pushing you to walk in front of him.
The younger Miller went in front of you, gun on hand, to find the way out. Then you remembered the firearm in your belt and swiftly gripped it. You were about to run behind Tommy when you realised. Suddenly stopping in your tracks, you turned around to face Joel. You looked at him intently, then to Joyce and her granddaughter.
You couldn’t leave them behind. Joyce was the best person you had known in a while. She was like family to you. And you had already lost all of your blood relatives. Joel had one look at you and understood you were not going to accept no for an answer.
“Joyce! Ava! C’mon!”, he shouted while approaching them. Joel picked up little Ava in his arms while Joyce ran towards you, thick tears blurring her vision.
You held Joyce’s trembling hand as Tommy guided you out of the building onto South Michigan Avenue. You looked back a few times, ensuring Joel was right behind you. Ava was sobbing loudly, her tiny face against the curve of Joel’s neck, wetting his t-shirt. The fearful look in his eyes told you a sad story ― you knew exactly who he was thinking of. A gut-wrenching feeling sat in the pit of your stomach.
The streets were crammed with people, everyone screaming names at the top of their lungs. You recognised a few faces: Walter, Eric and his mother, Troy, Kelsey…
“They’re coming through the bridge on West Adams Street!”, someone wailed.
All of you looked in that direction and saw a massive herd of clickers galloping towards you.
“RUN!”, you shouted at your group, pulling Joyce’s hand.
You all ran northwards, across Millenium Park. You could feel your lungs burning, your brain entering fight-or-flight mode, your heart racing so fast you were on the verge of having a cardiac arrest. But none of that mattered ― you were focused on getting out of there, all of you. Tommy, Joel, Joyce, Ava, yourself. You were going to make it out.
“Go to William Fahey bridge, it’s closer!”, Tommy yelled once on East Wacker Drive.
More clickers were coming towards you from the west ― you heard someone around you say that all the bridges on North Wacker Drive were packed with infected.
“They’re here! THEY’RE COMING!”, Joyce wept.
The whole moment was so hectic, with no time to process what was happening. You all sprinted to the only bridge in the hands of the government ― you had no other option. You were almost halfway through the bridge, just a few yards more and you would be on the other side.
As you were racing, you heard a gunshot behind you. You came to a sudden stop to check, letting go of Joyce’s hand ― Joel had just dispatched a clicker which had come too close.
“Joel! Come on!”, you begged, getting closer to grab him by his free forearm.
Then you saw them. Waves of clickers coming towards you, people falling to their demises. Your eyes widened, terror pumping through your veins. You shot a few of them, your aim perfect. But there were too many to fight, fleeing was your only real option.
“Don’t stop! Let’s fucking go!”, Tommy howled, waving at you.
Then chaos unfolded. Gunshots swirled around you. You all ducked behind a car to avoid the trajectory of the bullets ― the government soldiers were shooting to whoever attempted to cross the bridge, clickers and humans alike.
“Help!”, a cry to your left made you turned around in a panic.
Joyce was flat on her back, fighting off an infected. You couldn’t think, so you just reacted ― you leaped forwards, tackling the clicker. Knelt on top of it, its disgusting teeth snapped close to your hand. You felt a brief pang on your wrist as you lodged a bullet in its forehead.
With tears darkening your vision, you came off it and crawled to Joyce. Her eyes, devoid of life, stared at the cloudy, dusking sky. Her lifeless expression was filled with terror, tears still running down her cheeks. Blood was surging from her neck ― unconsciously, you covered the wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding.
“No, Joyce, come on, wake up”, you whispered, grief tugging at your lungs.
She could not be gone just like that. But she was. Joyce was dead.
“Up! Lift the bridge!”, a man’s voice was carried by the wind.
Suddenly, the ground underneath you started moving up, the bridge parting exactly where you were. With no time to think, Joyce’s body rolled off the edge into the river as you tried to hold on to something to avoid the same destiny.
That something was Joel’s firm grip on your arm. His eyes wild with dread, he pulled you up and back into his arms. His trembling breath caressed your temple as he hugged you tightly. You knew he was as scared as you were, albeit for different reasons.
But there was no time for the shock to wear off. Off the corner of your eye, you saw little Ava running towards the edge, kneeling on the border, her tiny hand reaching into the abyss underneath. “Nana! Come back, nana!”, her wailing tone gave you goosebumps.
“No!”, you and Joel shouted at the same time, both lunging forward towards her.
And then she was gone too. The rotten hand of a clicker wrapped around her tiny wrist, and she fell off the bridge. Her piercing shriek was still ringing in your ears.
Joel and you remained flat against the asphalt, disheartened and broken.
“I had to let go of her for one second, you were falling, I―”, his voice faltered, his eyes broadened with remorse, transfixed on the exact spot Ava had disappeared from.
He was reliving his worst nightmare again. Your heart bled for him. For Joyce, for Ava. For yourself.
“Joel, don’t―”, you couldn’t finish. Don’t do this to yourself, you wanted to say.
“Get up! MOVE!”, Tommy shouted.
He had fended off the clickers who made it across the bridge before it was lifted. You hadn’t realised his efforts until you swept your surroundings and saw the bodies littered around you. Joel shook his head to clear his mind, casting off all emotions, and got up to his feet, helping you up in the process.
Then the three of you started running towards East Illinois Street while the government soldiers kept the clickers at bay as some of them tried to jump from one side of the bridge to the other ― this time, at least, they were aiming better than they did before.
You were still in living hell, with no chance to digest what had happened yet. It was like walking blindly through the darkness, unable to find the switch to turn on the lights. Your emotions had deserted you, at least for the time being. You needed to find shelter before you could shatter.
You raced for what felt like hours but was only minutes. You turned the corner on Erie Street, near Northwestern Hospital. The streets were filled with soldiers and uniformed police, shouting directions at the unhinged mass of people who were trying to find cover.
You stopped running, feeling like fire was consuming your lungs. Joel and Tommy stopped too to catch a breath. You bent over, hands on your knees, to aid your uncontrolled breathing ― Joel’s hand rubbed your back.
“Laney, wait up”, you heard Tommy say, and supposed that Laney and her group had made it out too.
You frowned when you saw blood dripping from your inner wrist on to your jeans. You turned your hand around to check the wound out.
Your breath didn’t reach your lungs. Teeth marks were imprinted on your skin, a grotesque sight. Your heart came to a halt, and then it pounded so hard your ears rang.
I’ve been bit, you thought, realisation dawning on you. Fuck, I’m bit.
Even though you were internally panicking like you had never before, you straightened your back and looked at Joel blankly. It felt like it wasn’t you who was talking, as if you were seeing yourself from outside your own body.
“Joel, I’ve been bit”. Your voice didn’t feel yours ― calm, ethereal.
He was watching his brother walk away, and then his eyes darted to yours in less than a second. His pupils were dilated, his nostrils flared, his lips pursed. A vein twitched in his jaw, his anxiety peaking to the highest level possible. You saw his hand shaking when he grabbed your wrist to inspect it himself.
Joel didn’t say a word. He didn’t have time to do so. You hadn’t realised that Tommy had stopped walking towards Laney and had drawn his gun as he was retracing his steps back to where you were.
“Joel, move”, the barrel was pointing at you, his hand steady.
Panic set in. Was he really going to shoot you? Just like that? Like your life didn’t matter at all? Like he wasn’t your esteemed friend? In front of Joel? Was this how you were going to die after all?
Questions flooded your mind, death knocking at your door.
Joel positioned his body in between you and Tommy ― one hand reaching back to keep you behind him, the other one in front of him at waist level, palm down, to keep Tommy away.
“Tommy, please―”, he implored in a hush.
You couldn’t see his face, but you knew his features were torn. His defeated tone ate at your conscience.
“She’s been bit, Joel. She ain’t coming with us, she can’t”, as much as Tommy wanted to convey a reassuring tone, he couldn’t.
Why was he talking like you were not there, like if you were already gone?
“Tommy, don’t do this. I lov―”, your heart sank to your stomach.
“Don’t say it, she’s dead”, Tommy cut him off before Joel could finish his appeal. “If you stay, you’re going to die. Come with me please, we’ll go with Laney and her group, we’ll survive this. You will survive this”, he nodded in your direction.
You were “this”. He was telling Joel he would get over you once you were dead. And you wanted him to listen. You were doomed, there was no coming back from this. You had seen people turn ― you had a couple of days tops before you would get lost to the fungus. Some people only lasted hours. If he stayed by your side to see you wither away… it would break him. For good.
“Joel, listen―”, you whispered, wrapping your fingers around his wrist ― a silent plea dying in your lips.
“No, don’t say a word”, he barely looked over his shoulder, unable to face you yet. “Tommy, I can’t. I just can’t”, he said under his breath.
“Choose then. Either you’re coming with me or you’re staying with her. But I won’t stay by your side to see you destroy yourself.”
An anxious knot formed in your throat. Was Tommy really going to make Joel choose between you and him? That was so fucking cruel you couldn’t believe your ears. You gaped, trying to say something, but Joel took a step back which forced you to do the same.
“Tommy, are you fucking serious?”, Joel asked, a shift in his tone from incredulity to betrayal.
“There’s your answer, I guess”, the younger Miller replied angrily.
Tommy simply walked off, not looking back, not even once.
Both Joel and you froze in place for a long minute, trying to wrap your heads around what just happened.
Your eyes drifted back down to the wound. Pus and blood oozed out. Your chest heaved, reality setting in. You were going to die. This was not what you had in mind for Christmas. How could this happen? Why you? Even with your mind racing with trepidation, you didn’t regret killing that clicker. What you lamented was that it had been for naught ― Joyce and Ava were dead.
“Hey, look at me”, Joel’s voice brought you back. His hands cradled your face, his thumbs sweeping away tears you were not aware of. “Look at me”, he repeated.
You looked up at him through damp eyelashes, memorising his face. His beautiful brown eyes were swirling with shock, with pain, with darkness, with guilt, with loss. His jaw was so clenched his lips were just a fine line. You momentarily shut your eyes, nestling your cheek into his hand before kissing his palm and taking a step back.
You could not look at him directly. The pain was too grave, too profound ― so insatiable it was consuming you. “You gotta go, Joel. Tommy is right. I’m… I’m dead. It’s just a matter of days, maybe hours. You can’t stay. You can’t follow me where I’m going.” The words escaped your mouth in shortened bursts, unable to keep a steady tone.
He took a step forward and cupped your chin, forcing your head up. His sad eyes captivated you, pulling you into their orbits, as if you were a tiny meteor dancing around too close to the black hole of his irises.
“Wherever you go, I’ll follow you. Even to the fucking edge of the atlas”, he muttered breathlessly. “I love you, so don’t ask me to leave you behind. I’m staying, till the bitter fucking end”, your heart dropped to your stomach at his confession.
This was not how you had expected things to be. You were supposed to have time with each other, all the time in the fucking world. And that time had just been snatched from you mercilessly.
Life was so fucking unjust.
You couldn’t stop the tears any longer ― they overflowed your waterlines, your vision so smeared you couldn’t see his face anymore. Your head tilted forward, until your face was buried in his chest.
Joel hugged you tightly, feeling like he was starring in a twisted horror movie. A dark void had replaced his heart, which had been completely ripped off his chest. He was barren inside. His breaths were shallow, they didn’t even reach his lungs.
Had he forgotten how to breathe?
“We need to get off the streets”, he managed to mumble, holding your hand and taking you away.
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sourlemonsprout · 3 months
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ayooo I made this like a year ago and posted it on my original blog, I thought I'd post it here cause why not lol?
I've loved the RE games for a while now, but recently I realized I didn't know the lore that well.
Now, there are plenty of thorough videos online that lay out the lore of the games, but my silly little brain has a hard time following along. So I wrote it out in a way that made sense to me.
I haven't played all the games myself, so if something is incorrect, I’m sorry. Additionally, I left some content out to keep it as simple and comprehensible as possible!
(obv images are not mine)
Mother Miranda lives in an Eastern European village. In 1919 the Spanish flu claimed her only daughter. In a state of depression, Mother Miranda finds herself deep within a cave network underneath her village, hoping to find the sweet relief of death and be with her daughter once more. This is where she discovers a unique mold (a form of mutamycete) with regenerative properties. She spends the next several decades researching the mold in hopes of using it to reincarnate her daughter. 
In 1951, a British medical student by the name of Oswald E. Spencer discovered Mother Miranda’s research. He basically becomes very interested in the human genome and goes off on his own to run his own experiments for the next few years. 
In 1962 Oswald E. Spencer hired a man named George Trevor to build him a mansion in the Arklay Mountains, so he could continue his research privately. 
Later, Oswald E. Spencer joins forces with two other men, James Marcus, and Edward Ashferd. The trio sets off to Africa to find a unique flower, the  “Stairway to the Sun”, which has regenerative properties. Using this flower, the men synthesize the Progenitor Virus. 
In 1968, Oswald E. Spencer, James Marcus, and Edward Ashferd, co-founded Umbrella Corp.  This “pharmaceutical company” was really just a front for their viral bioweapon research.
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Above is the Umbrella Corp. Emblem  
Shortly afterward, Edward Ashferd gets frustrated with his two partners and moves to Antarctica where he starts up his own Umbrella research labs. Oswald E. Spencer dislikes this and has Edward Ashferd injected with the Progenitor Virus, killing him. 
 Oswald E. Spencer is working on Project W.  where he kidnaps children and injects them with the Progenitor Virus, in hopes of building a race of loyal superhuman soldiers. All of the test subjects die, except for one, Albert Wesker. 
In 1987, James Marcus and his assistants William Birkin and Albert Wesker created the T-Virus, by combining leech DNA with the Progenitor Virus. Shortly after this, the facility gets shut down(?), and the trio moves back to Oswald E. Spencer’s lab in the Arklay Mountains. 
Back at the Arklay Umbrella lab, William Birkin discovers that ~10% of the population is naturally immune to their viruses. So he created Bio Organic Weapons (BOW’s). His work with BOW’s is refined into making specific BOW’s, aka Tyrants.
(Late 1998) James Marcus is working with his own strand of the T-Virus, and he creates his “Queen Leech”. Oswald E. Spencer dislikes this as well and tries to kill James Marcus. This attempt fails. James Marcus’s body along with his Queen Leech are dumped into a sewage area, where the Queen Leech eats James Marcus’s body, and absorbs his consciousness. This sort of reincarnates James Marcus.
In the 1990s, Umbrella expanded, and Oswald E. Spencer commissioned a new lab facility to be constructed underneath Raccoon City. 
(William Birkin created the G-Virus around this time.)
In 1996, S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics and Rescue Service) was created. It is technically under Raccoons Cities jurisdiction, but it's privately funded by Umbrella Corp. so they can have control over it. Albert Wesker gets assigned as Captain to the S.T.A.R.S Alpha team. 
In 1998, Rebbeca Chambers stumbled across a train wreck filled with James Marcus’s infected leeches. She ends up finding, and killing the Queen Leech (remember James Marcus’s consciousness is intertwined with the Queen Leech).
(Still 1988) S.T.A.R.S Alpha team is on a mission. Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield discover Umbrella Corp.’s experiments and learn that Albert Wesker is a traitor. They fight, and Albert Wesker injects himself with the T-Virus, and escapes. 
Raccoon City’s water supply is contaminated with the T-Virus. This infects the whole town and turns them into zombies. Umbrella uses this situation to test out their new BOW, a Tyrant named Nemesis.  Nemesis targets Jill Valentine. With the help of Carlos Oliviera, they escape the Tyrant and Raccoon City before it is nuked so the virus doesn't spread.  
At the same time, there's a girl by the name of Claire, she's searching for her brother Chris Redfield in Raccoon City. 
(All you need to know is through RE from here on out, she keeps searching for her brother and getting into dangerous situations where different viruses are present.) 
Anyway, Claire meets Leon Kennedy, and they go to the Raccoon City Police Department (RPD). The two get separated and Leon Kennedy finds the G-Virus. He meets a woman named Ada Wong, an independent mercenary who's trying to get her hands on the  G-Virus, and sell it. (She actually does this). Claire and Leon Kennedy escape Raccoon City through a sewer before it’s nuked. 
It's now 2004, Leon Kennedy was deployed to a village in Spain to rescue the U.S. president's daughter who was kidnapped. The village is plagued by the Las Plagas Virus, which has something to do with the Los Illuminados Cult. Ada Wong shows up and grabs a sample of the Las Plagas Virus to sell to Albert Wesker. Leon Kennedy saves the president's daughter, defeats the Los Illuminados, and escapes the island. 
(2006) Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine find Oswald E. Spencer’s location, and they go to his house. When they get there, they find Albert Wesker had just killed Oswald E. Spencer. (This is cause Wesker found out he was the product of Project W). 
Basically, Albert Wesker kidnaps Jill Valentine for a while and uses her as his test subject/mind-controlled dummy. (Eventually, she breaks free from Albert Wesker's mind-control)
Around this time, the B.S.A.A. was created. The Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance. (This is because bioweapons are being made worldwide) 
Above is the Umbrella Corp. Emblem  
Shortly afterward, Edward Ashferd gets frustrated with his two partners and moves to Antarctica where he starts up his own Umbrella research labs. Oswald E. Spencer dislikes this and has Edward Ashferd injected with the Progenitor Virus, killing him. 
 Oswald E. Spencer is working on Project W.  where he kidnaps children and injects them with the Progenitor Virus, in hopes of building a race of loyal superhuman soldiers. All of the test subjects die, except for one, Albert Wesker. 
In 1987, James Marcus and his assistants William Birkin and Albert Wesker created the T-Virus, by combining leech DNA with the Progenitor Virus. Shortly after this, the facility gets shut down(?), and the trio moves back to Oswald E. Spencer’s lab in the Arklay Mountains. 
Back at the Arklay Umbrella lab, William Birkin discovers that ~10% of the population is naturally immune to their viruses. So he created Bio Organic Weapons (BOW’s). His work with BOW’s is refined into making specific BOW’s, aka Tyrants.
(Late 1998) James Marcus is working with his own strand of the T-Virus, and he creates his “Queen Leech”. Oswald E. Spencer dislikes this as well and tries to kill James Marcus. This attempt fails. James Marcus’s body along with his Queen Leech are dumped into a sewage area, where the Queen Leech eats James Marcus’s body, and absorbs his consciousness. This sort of reincarnates James Marcus.
In the 1990s, Umbrella expanded, and Oswald E. Spencer commissioned a new lab facility to be constructed underneath Raccoon City. 
(William Birkin created the G-Virus around this time.)
In 1996, S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics and Rescue Service) was created. It is technically under Raccoons Cities jurisdiction, but it's privately funded by Umbrella Corp. so they can have control over it. Albert Wesker gets assigned as Captain to the S.T.A.R.S Alpha team. 
In 1998, Rebbeca Chambers stumbled across a train wreck filled with James Marcus’s infected leeches. She ends up finding, and killing the Queen Leech (remember James Marcus’s consciousness is intertwined with the Queen Leech).
(Still 1988) S.T.A.R.S Alpha team is on a mission. Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield discover Umbrella Corp.’s experiments and learn that Albert Wesker is a traitor. They fight, and Albert Wesker injects himself with the T-Virus, and escapes. 
Raccoon City’s water supply is contaminated with the T-Virus. This infects the whole town and turns them into zombies. Umbrella uses this situation to test out their new BOW, a Tyrant named Nemesis.  Nemesis targets Jill Valentine. With the help of Carlos Oliviera, they escape the Tyrant and Raccoon City before it is nuked so the virus doesn't spread.  
At the same time, there's a girl by the name of Claire, she's searching for her brother Chris Redfield in Raccoon City. 
(All you need to know is through RE from here on out, she keeps searching for her brother and getting into dangerous situations where different viruses are present.) 
Anyway, Claire meets Leon Kennedy, and they go to the Raccoon City Police Department (RPD). The two get separated and Leon Kennedy finds the G-Virus. He meets a woman named Ada Wong, an independent mercenary who's trying to get her hands on the  G-Virus, and sell it. (She actually does this). Claire and Leon Kennedy escape Raccoon City through a sewer before it’s nuked. 
It's now 2004, Leon Kennedy was deployed to a village in Spain to rescue the U.S. president's daughter who was kidnapped. The village is plagued by the Las Plagas Virus, which has something to do with the Los Illuminados Cult. Ada Wong shows up and grabs a sample of the Las Plagas Virus to sell to Albert Wesker. Leon Kennedy saves the president's daughter, defeats the Los Illuminados, and escapes the island. 
(2006) Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine find Oswald E. Spencer’s location, and they go to his house. When they get there, they find Albert Wesker had just killed Oswald E. Spencer. (This is cause Wesker found out he was the product of Project W). 
Basically, Albert Wesker kidnaps Jill Valentine for a while and uses her as his test subject/mind-controlled dummy. (Eventually, she breaks free from Albert Wesker's mind-control)
Around this time, the B.S.A.A. was created. The Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance. (This is because bioweapons are being made worldwide) 
Above is the Umbrella Corp. Emblem  
Shortly afterward, Edward Ashferd gets frustrated with his two partners and moves to Antarctica where he starts up his own Umbrella research labs. Oswald E. Spencer dislikes this and has Edward Ashferd injected with the Progenitor Virus, killing him. 
 Oswald E. Spencer is working on Project W.  where he kidnaps children and injects them with the Progenitor Virus, in hopes of building a race of loyal superhuman soldiers. All of the test subjects die, except for one, Albert Wesker. 
In 1987, James Marcus and his assistants William Birkin and Albert Wesker created the T-Virus, by combining leech DNA with the Progenitor Virus. Shortly after this, the facility gets shut down(?), and the trio moves back to Oswald E. Spencer’s lab in the Arklay Mountains. 
Back at the Arklay Umbrella lab, William Birkin discovers that ~10% of the population is naturally immune to their viruses. So he created Bio Organic Weapons (BOW’s). His work with BOW’s is refined into making specific BOW’s, aka Tyrants.
(Late 1998) James Marcus is working with his own strand of the T-Virus, and he creates his “Queen Leech”. Oswald E. Spencer dislikes this as well and tries to kill James Marcus. This attempt fails. James Marcus’s body along with his Queen Leech are dumped into a sewage area, where the Queen Leech eats James Marcus’s body, and absorbs his consciousness. This sort of reincarnates James Marcus.
In the 1990s, Umbrella expanded, and Oswald E. Spencer commissioned a new lab facility to be constructed underneath Raccoon City. 
(William Birkin created the G-Virus around this time.)
In 1996, S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics and Rescue Service) was created. It is technically under Raccoons Cities jurisdiction, but it's privately funded by Umbrella Corp. so they can have control over it. Albert Wesker gets assigned as Captain to the S.T.A.R.S Alpha team. 
In 1998, Rebbeca Chambers stumbled across a train wreck filled with James Marcus’s infected leeches. She ends up finding, and killing the Queen Leech (remember James Marcus’s consciousness is intertwined with the Queen Leech).
(Still 1988) S.T.A.R.S Alpha team is on a mission. Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield discover Umbrella Corp.’s experiments and learn that Albert Wesker is a traitor. They fight, and Albert Wesker injects himself with the T-Virus, and escapes. 
Raccoon City’s water supply is contaminated with the T-Virus. This infects the whole town and turns them into zombies. Umbrella uses this situation to test out their new BOW, a Tyrant named Nemesis.  Nemesis targets Jill Valentine. With the help of Carlos Oliviera, they escape the Tyrant and Raccoon City before it is nuked so the virus doesn't spread.  
At the same time, there's a girl by the name of Claire, she's searching for her brother Chris Redfield in Raccoon City. 
(All you need to know is through RE from here on out, she keeps searching for her brother and getting into dangerous situations where different viruses are present.) 
Anyway, Claire meets Leon Kennedy, and they go to the Raccoon City Police Department (RPD). The two get separated and Leon Kennedy finds the G-Virus. He meets a woman named Ada Wong, an independent mercenary who's trying to get her hands on the  G-Virus, and sell it. (She actually does this). Claire and Leon Kennedy escape Raccoon City through a sewer before it’s nuked. 
It's now 2004, Leon Kennedy was deployed to a village in Spain to rescue the U.S. president's daughter who was kidnapped. The village is plagued by the Las Plagas Virus, which has something to do with the Los Illuminados Cult. Ada Wong shows up and grabs a sample of the Las Plagas Virus to sell to Albert Wesker. Leon Kennedy saves the president's daughter, defeats the Los Illuminados, and escapes the island. 
(2006) Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine find Oswald E. Spencer’s location, and they go to his house. When they get there, they find Albert Wesker had just killed Oswald E. Spencer. (This is cause Wesker found out he was the product of Project W). 
Basically, Albert Wesker kidnaps Jill Valentine for a while and uses her as his test subject/mind-controlled dummy. (Eventually, she breaks free from Albert Wesker's mind-control)
Around this time, the B.S.A.A. was created. The Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance. (This is because bioweapons are being made worldwide) 
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Albert Wesker moves on and tries to make West Africa a diseased wasteland. Chris Redfield and the B.S.A.A. team up to go to stop him. This is where they discover the Uroboros Virus. (This is an RNA virus in the Progenitor family. It was engineered by Albert Wesker). Chris Redfeild and the B.S.A.A successfully kills Albert Wesker.
In 2012, there was this thing called the C-Virus, which can mutate bodies while keeping their consciousness. For a while Umbrella Corp.'s was under some heat, but they revived themselves as “Neo Umbrella”. Neo Umbrella unleashes the C-Virus (in China?) and basically, Raccoon City happens all over again. 
There is this crime syndicate called “The Connections”. They strike a deal with Mother Miranda, she gives them her mold and the DNA of her daughter hoping they would help revive her. The Connections use the E-Type Mutamycete mold to create bioweapons out of children.  This gave birth to the genetically modified human Eveline, who had mind-controlling and regenerative powers. The B.S.A.A. caught wind of this, and The Connections loaded a research team with Eveline onto a cargo boat to ship her somewhere safer. Eveline infected the whole cargo ship with her mold, killing everyone except Eveline's direct handler, a researcher named Mia Winters. 
The cargo ship wreckage landed somewhere along the coast of Dulvey Parish, Louisiana. An old man by the name of Jack Baker found Eveline and Mia Winters and took the two back to his house to take care of them. Eveline infected the whole Baker family. 
Mia Winters sends an email to her husband, Ethan Winters. He drives to Dulvey Parish, Louisiana to save his wife. Unfortunately, Ethan Winters gets killed pretty quickly, but he gets revived by Eve’s mold. Eveline turns into a big mold monster, and Ethan Winters does his best to fight it, until Chris Redfield comes in and saves the day. 
Fast forward a few years, Ethan and Mia Winters have a baby named Rosemary (Rose) Winters. Somehow Mother Miranda finds out about this and decides that Rose Winters is the perfect candidate to use to resurrect her daughter. So Mother Miranda kidnaps Rose and Mia Winters and brings them back to her old Eastern European village. Ethan Winters goes to save his family. He fights a bunch of Mother Miranda's experiments (i.e. Lady Dimitrescu, Heisenberg, Lycans, Dona Beneviento, etc...), and eventually, Chris Redfield comes to try and save the day again. But Ethan Winters sacrifices himself for his family and blows up the whole village. 
Fast forward again, it's 2037. Rose Winters is a teenager now, and she has Mutamycete mold powers. She hates that she's different, and wants to get rid of them. She is told if she enters the Mutamycete mold’s consciousness, she might find a way to rid herself of these powers. Now everyone who's ever been in contact with the Mutamycete mold is trapped/a part of the mold consciousness. Inside, she fights off Mother Miranda one last time, meets her father, and then decides to keep her mold powers. 
Again, I did leave some games/content out, but I hope this was enjoyable and/or useful and easy enough to understand!
- sourlemonsprout<3
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I made it better
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I'm assuming this is because of me getting annoyed at Azutara shippers in my other blog and calling them and Tyzula fans the "Azula fandom's equivalent of Zutara and Zukka" XD
Anyways *grabs a megaphone and gets on a soap-box*
As a bisexual woman that would go crazy with joy if Azula was gay/bi, and that ships her with Ty Lee and Mai, and even Toph and Suki every now and then, let me make one thing very clear here: Azula DOES have a confirmed canon sexuality, and it's straight. Heterosexual. Likes guys and only guys. The idea that ANY gay ship was CANON in ATLA, a show made in 2005 by a kid's Network, is ridiculous.
Azula explicitly stated that she has tried to flirt with boys before and it never worked out because they are scared of her. She was jealous that boys were paying attention to Ty Lee - and while fanfic writers, and even I, like to say stuff like "Oh, you don't like them getting too close to your gilfriend, Azula?" it's VERY CLEAR that the show was going for the classic "Why do they like her and not ME?" aka she wanted attention from GUYS. She wanted to hook up with Chan, and immediately went for "Let's conquer the world together!" after one kiss. Even the up-coming Azula comic has her dreaming of a guy trying to flirt with her and calling her pretty.
For fuck's sake, Grey Delisle already admiting to voicing the scene between Azula and Zuko as if Azula was trying to seduce her own brother. Meanwhile, even though she likes Tyzula now, when asked about the ship her first reaction was the same as the one every actor, writer and/or showrunner had to hearing about popular gay ships: "I did not see that coming."
It might seem surreal nowadays that the Network let the show get away with incest bait but gay characters were out of question, but that's what happened because, surprise surprise, homophobia was still going strong. Hell, it's still going strong TODAY.
Lots of Nickelodeon shows from the 90's and early/mid 2000's tried to get away with implying or flat out saying "This character is gay" and it ALWAYS resulted in banned episodes, some of which became lost media because the Network was just that desperate to bury any evidence of it to avoid controversy. Even characters that never had any love interests ever were assumed to be straight - not as in "treat them as being straight unless we say otherwise" but in "They are straight because that's the only thing allowed to exist in kid's media." There was no "otherwise" to be heard of. Fitting for years that followed the policy literally called "DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL."
THAT was the general sentiment around homosexuality at the time, especially on TV (KIDS TV, I remind you): pretend you don't know that's a thing.
Even The Legend Of Korra, that parts of the fandom still pretends did anything for gay representation, had the creators (the same who made ATLA) that they never even bothered to ask Nickelodeon if they could Korrasami happen, and thus kept the whole love triangle, with the girls fighting over a GUY, going. It wasn't until the very end that they had the guts to ask "Can we make them hold hands in the finale?" and Nick said "Sure, the final season will basically not be aired on TV anyways." Bryke even had to state ONLINE that "Yes, they are a couple." Only THEN, with the positive response from audiences, that neither the writers nor the Network had thought could ever gain any sympathy for the show, did they make Korra and Assami have an actual relationship in the Korra comics.
Do these guys sound like the type that would leave a character's sexuality up for debate or even try to write a gay couple into the show IN 2005, years before Korra was allowed to get away with a slight hint of gayness that to be explained on Twitter?
They didn't make Azula's attempts to win guys over fail to show she was a gay teen trying too hard to be something she was not, her envy that Ty Lee was getting a ton of attention from boys while she wasn't was meant to be taken as EXACTLY that, and no cutesy moment between her and her friends was meant to be taken as anything other just gals being pals.
We can, and should, point out that it is unfair that gay relationships were treated as "too adult" while straight romances weren't. We can change any character's sexuality in fanfics. We can ship whatever the hell we like. But claiming Azula was EVER meant to be seen as anything other than a 100% straight girl that just sucked at flirting and thus was struggling to get a boyfriend is just a flat out lie.
She's not bisexual. She's not a lesbian. Her sexuality was not "left up to debate" because THERE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE A DEBATE!
Again, I would love a bisexual Azula (provided that wasn't handled by people like Yang and Bryke, who see her as nothing more than an ableist stereotype), but let's not kid ourselves here.
Nickelodeon is not our "ally", they're a company that wants your money. Bryke, by their own admission, were not revolutionaries who pushed for gay representation and were ready to give up on the idea of same-sex relationship with no resistence if the Network told them "no, only straight romances allowed". Korra was no Steven Universe or even Adventure Time, it was basically Disney with it's 50th "first" gay character that gets five seconds of screentime. Azula's sexuality absolutely WAS confirmed and it is (sadly for me) heterosexual.
And to the people that claim to love headcanons for bisexual Azula, but still insist I should only ship her with women, or make her strongly prefer women, or only have had bad experiences with men and positive ones with women, otherwise she'll be "basically straight": your biphobia is showing, stop hating on bi women everytime they shatter your ilusion that we're just confused/in denial and will eventually realize we're actually lesbians.
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soup-scope · 1 year
You have been bitten by the mutual virus. To cure yourself, you must provide one reason why you follow each of your mutuals before sending this to others (whether mutuals or not) while in anon.
Good luck!
This… is gonna be so long…..
@star-sheeps : absolutely fucking hilarious. i always catch myself giggling whenever i see one of ur posts!! i also loved the ‘styling the listeners’ lil series u were doing i love fashion content sm. you were also one of the first people i followed when i first joined the redacted fandom🫡🫡
@caramel-metal : you somehow find the funniest shit to ever exist. your blog is a genuine gold mine for content i would’ve have seen otherwise it’s so‼️‼️‼️‼️
@taelonsamada : i thought it was a mistake when u followed me back 😭😭 but ī absolutely ADORE your writing. i constantly find myself rereading between me you and the fence post ehehehe. i’m gonna be ordering your new book soon and i’ve been vibrating at a frequency that’s impossible to witness with the naked eye (translation: im very excited)
@davidsfanclub : ANOTHER PERSON THAT MAKES ME GIGGLE. i loved ur angel design the first time i saw them and it’s genuinely infected and rotted my brain like THATS how i see angel too now omg. a very creative mind that makes me want to nibble on it
@artbykays : another person who i thought followed me back by mistake. *THE* best listener designs omg. THE ANGEL DESIGN EVER. AAAAAAAAAAAA. i genuinely love ur redacted art sm i had heart palpitations the day u followed me back
@basiliskbrews : another one of my first moots!!! i love citrus with a burning passion. i witnessed u rebrand ur blog and i still absolutely adore all and any content you put out. your vega and warden design has me frothing and convulsing on the ground like a fish abandoned on a deck.
@mothmayhem : I MISS YOU💕💕💕 another moot that has me giggling and kicking my feet. constantly has me twirling my hair and laughing ehehehe. i still can’t get over how you CALLED the david and asher proposals like dawg. how
@beedoes-stuff : GIGGLE ALERT. aka another moot that makes me laugh my ass off. not only do u post absolute bangers you have a tendency to reblog them too and i always have to put my phone down for a few mins
@themonotonysyndrome : it took me three tries to spell ur user right. we got another castin lover in this house 🤝🤝 i want to bite you on the head and then maul you. (all said with love and extreme amounts of affection) I LOVE HOW U TALK ABOUT BRIGHT AAAAA. i want to take a gigantic chunk out of ur writing i love it sm it has me rolling around and flailing
@falkea : MISS YOU💕💕. THE ANGEL DESIGN THAT EXECUTED ME ON THE SPOT. i hit the floor when u followed me back like my mouth was AGAPE. your quinn and darlin art genuinely changed my brain chemistry i will never be the same. a very big art inspiration for me. i shake with anticipation whenever i wait for ur next posts.
@vaselinepot : sometimes all you need is a silly lil moot who says the funniest shit unprompted. sometimes i have to put my phone down and breathe. i miss u vaseline come home
@darlin-collins : ANOTHER MOOT THAT MAKES ME LAUGH. YALL ARE FUNNY AS FUCK. however whenever you talk about the imperium i have to mentally prepare myself to be mentally and physically crushed.
@jollyfang : I LOVE THE REDACTED ART SM AAAAAA. another person who’s follow sent me into cardiac arrest. THE GAVIN DESIGN THAT HAD ME SWEATING. i love how you draw portraits it has me falling in love with ur art all over again when i see that u post.
@thevqid : i think we need to sit down and have a talk. idk about what. i just know that one of us isn’t leaving that room alive. said with all the love i can possibly muster. i love u tho💕💕
@beemybella : genuinely one of the sweetest people i’ve ever interacted with. i love being on ur tag list smth whenever you post it tosses me out of artblock and FILLS me with inspiration 💕💕
@konnorhasapen : PIRATE AU PIRATE AU AAAAAAAAA. i love your writing sm i need to be beaten back with a stick. i’m going to fist fight with you in a parking lot one of these days. i’m so glad you made it back into ur account. i love u sm from afar i feel like a maiden waiting for her husband to return home from the war.
@bratty-telepath : so shape. so shape. i love how stylized your work is. make an art book. please. graphic design IS your passion like pls spare some good character designs and interesting layouts for the rest of us. another moot who id be down the fist fight. this is a fight that i know id get my ass kicked during tho. like my body bent at angles no one is capable of. said with love ofc
@lovesstateofmatter : i always forget we’re moots until you interact with my shit and i bounce around for 5 minutes straight. YOUR BLAKE AND ELLIOT ART. I STILL THINK ABOUT IT. that’s fr how i imagine them now 😭😭
@friendly-waffles : TANKTANKTANKTANKTANK I LOBE UR TANK DESIGJ SM AAAAAAA. AND ANGEL AAAAA. i want to bite your art and SHAKE like a rabid animal. i think about ur sam and darlin art daily. i hit the floor when we became moots
@peraltuki : THE WWDITS X REDACTED VIDS 😭😭 we joined the redacted tumblr at like the same time so i feel a bonded connection to u. ily. you have the best fucking posts they have me sobbing on the floor (cause i giggle too hard)
@doodleanddie : your redacted doodles killed me, sent me to heaven, then dragged me back down to hell and then reincarnated me as a fly. i love ur art and all ur doodles have so much character it’s WILD. (i miss u💕)
@epsi-l0n - your thoughts are so incredibly big brained i want to pick apart ur brain and take a few bites while i’m at it. i think if we fought it’d be the battle of the ages. simply because i think we both *CANT* fight so it’d just be entertaining to every witness
@dollvre : VINCENT STAN HIIIIII. finding another vincent lover and taylor swift enjoyer in this fandom had my brain exploding. tell me what zsakuva videos i should watch. i’m too indecisive to choose what series i want to get into. i think we need to hold hands and exchange rings 👍
@mrsmiagreer : Niyah i would genuinely kill for you. tell me a name. or names. plural. i would quite literally do anything for you. say the word. BUT I LOVE UR WRITING SM PLS MAKE A TAGLIST PLS
@oceanicwhitetipshark : whenever i feel myself drifting from redacted. i get a notif that you’ve posted and i’m immediately pulled back in by all ur writings and your thoughts. ur genuinely so talented and so incredibly sweet di i’m very glad we’re moots
@kelseadelle : i’ve never loved women more in my entire life. the way u draw has me wanting to sacrifice myself to the nearest woman for no reason other than that they’re a woman. your evie and ranger art. id give anything to be a werewolf.
@romeo-the-homeo : there can only be one trans jackass in the redacted fandom there isn’t enough room for the both of us. we should totally combine our physical forms and ascend to a higher form of being. and then get a wendy’s frosty or smth.
@clover-46 : whenever smth messy happens i always appear in ur dms 😭😭 i love obsessing over hush with you and giggling in our dms💕💕. YOUR DESIGNS SLAP SO HARD. i hope you know that i think of your milo design on the daily. he’s my little girlfriend and i’ve never wanted anything more in my entire life
@celestecreateschaos : trying to type out ur user gave me an aneurysm. I ALSO MISS GEORDI SM WHERE IS HE. you’re genuinely so funny you constantly have me giggling. i wanna tape an x-ray of ur brain to my wall.
@venuslove-28-replies : HIIIIOIOIIIIOOOOEDIIWIWISIDOW. one of these days i’m going to shake you so hard you come apart like a mr potato head. your art has me wanting to bite you and not let go. all your designs have me AAAAKAOSAIKALA
@peacefullibrarian : i will never get over that one piece of writing u did about lasko and his listener. the “like the fan” has me slamming myself into the ground imagining them interacting. make a tag list. make a tagLIST RN AND ADD ME
@morgansplace : hi king i’m going to evict you from this plane of existence. (translation: i love you and i love how incredibly creative you are. i want to eat ur nails. i think we could solve all the worlds problems if we held hands and spun in a circle until we fell over from dizziness. i think it’d be nice)
@heshheshfish : omw to send u a cease a desist. your walls are very comfortable. i have officially devoured all tress-passers who have crossed my unwelcome path. i only accept offerings in the form of whole blocks of cheddar cheese. (translation: hi hehe)
@teaseat : i don’t think i can genuinely put into words how much i love u tea. you have me CACKLING. and other days you have me needing to put down my phone to take a minute. anyways. IN SO GLAD IM IN UR TAGLIST HEHEHE I LOVE UR WRITING SM AAAAAAA
@deviantaj : you make me want to listen to marina and the diamonds and then kill someone. aj ily. you make me giggle. i think if we were ever put into the same room we’d probably cause a cataclysmic event that no one could ever recover from.
@swanconcerto : HOLLYYYYYYYYYYUEJFJE. ily holly my favorite person to ever exist you have me twirling my hair and giggling i’d give anything to exist in ur presence. holly i am in ur basement.
@messenger-of-stupidity : i love your writing so much it has completely rewired my brain i think we should tussle outside and then hold pinky’s or smth. THE VEGA LOVE>>>>> i wait with baited breath for your vega fic
@shawslut : i love ur blog layout sm how do you do it. we both go by ray/rae so i think maybe we should do a lil dance to decide which ones superior. your geordi fic had me wanting to test the sharpness of my new kitchen knives. i will eat you one of these days.
@4letteraroace : i want to bite your hands so bad bro. i still think about ur darlin dance fic. now i know nothing about dance but i could fucking picture what was going on and it HURT. i think your keyboard deserves to be taken away. it should also be taken away because of how u interact with lemon on a daily basis 😭😭
@milosirlgf : hi jaydyn i think one of these days you’ll genuinely rule the world so pls remember that i am nothing but ur undying servant hi. i’m going to empty my life savings in ur name.
@terrazaurio : YOUR DAVID AND ANGEL DESIGN AAAAAAAAA RAHHHHHHHH. i want to bite someone’s head off. i get horrific cute aggression whenever i see your work. i think if we ever existed in the same section of the universe the space time continuum would collapse
@goodboyaudios : i think we should fist fight.
@tunasfishbowl : i think we should paint each others nails and then watch horror movies. tuna ur designs have me gasping for air on a daily basis i lost my mind when we became moots.
@yoteako : THE LASKO DESIGN EVER. INCREDIBLE WOLF BOY DESIGNS. i lobe how u draw them as grown men. idk if that makes any sense but it does to me. also enlightened me to the idea that is vega and brachium omg the most brain idea ever. when we became moots i breakdanced on the hardwood floor
@echovale052 : HI ECHOOO i’m taking a few chomps out of all of ur works like your art style is so pleasant i wanna EAT IT. i think that if we fought we’d probably end up destroying a few small towns.
@kittyshaw : HI REIIIIIII 💕💕💕💕 genuinely one of my fav people. you have the best takes and omg i love ur headcanons sm. i am going to eat ur brain one of these days. any second you aren’t moving i’m only getting closer
@lovelylonerliterature : i’ve read your cutie/geordi fix it fic an ungodly amount of times. (also a shadows appeal……) i love ur writing and interpretations of the redacted characters so much. your ability to capture angst has me wanting to throw myself into the abyss.
@elisacaleisa : another user i struggled to spell 💔💔. THE BEST MORGAN DESIYJ IVE EVER SEEN THATS MY MAN THATS MY WIFE I LOST MY SHIT M.LWFIIWKSJWIWO. i’m going to bite and shake your gavin design. i think our brains should combine at some point for fun
@sweetlemongrove : Lemon u are the light of my life. please make a taglist and add me to it. i love you. THE LOMLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. also ur blog layout is so pretty what.
(Ok but in all seriousness. This is my first time ever really fully interacting with a fandom and not just lurk. To be able to interact with an incredibly creative and kind fandom has been a pleasure :)))) thank you all for all the work you do!!!!)
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mookymilksims · 6 days
Hello everyone,
I wanted to address the situation regarding Sisilou. They have blocked me and deleted all their comments on my post. I had offered to delete my original post and even suggested creating a follow-up to clarify things. Unfortunately, they did not respond to either offer, which gives me the impression that their actions were not genuine. However, that’s not the main point of this message.
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I've also reached out to bellakenobi, who is behind the xto3conversions account mentioned below.
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You might be wondering why I questioned their intent. The reason is that I blocked bellakenobi's main account over a year ago due to some passive-aggressive behavior I had noticed since then. I didn’t want to dwell on that here to minimize drama; I just want to focus on the issue at hand.
I only discovered that xto3conversions was bellakenobi’s account after tagging her in an upload two weeks ago. I noticed that everyone else I tagged reblogged the post except for her. This led me to investigate, and I found out it was her account. It seems she is upset with me for blocking her, and her actions of not sharing my work appear to be intentional. That’s fine; I have blocked this account as well.
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The screenshots below show that bellakenobi hearted Sisilou’s post after I publicly called it out. The first screenshot provides evidence of the number of notes, the second shows her hearting the post, and the third shows her reblogging it under xto3conversions several hours later. This pattern makes it clear to me that her intent is malicious, though I initially gave her the benefit of the doubt.
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After reaching out, I waited about an hour to see if she would respond, as she was active shortly after my message. Instead, she chose to ignore me. When I tagged her previously, she also ignored my tags to reblog my work. This behavior continued when Sisilou reblogged my work, which violated my terms of use, and bellakenobi subsequently reblogged it as well.
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A creator friend of mine has reached out to Sim-Songs (aka Simfluencer-Network) to request the removal of Sisilou’s tag as the creator or, ideally, to remove the post entirely. It won’t surprise you to know that I’ve also blocked that account a few months ago.
I have already asked pierrotccfinds why they reblogged this as sisilou's work, but when I found out this was mdpoodles ccfinds blog, I quickly knew I was not going to get an answer or any deletion out of respect for me, in fact, she reblogged this as sisilou's work intentionally to spite me, before I even called it out (mspoodle has great disdain towards me, again, while I can prove it, I want to minimize drama).
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They were online all day yesterday and this morning, and still have not responded or removed the post or even corrected their creator tag.
I can only come here to show my efforts: it seems they are all ignoring me, understand the situation, and do not care.
If you feel inclined to ask them to remove the post out of respect for all creators, that would be much appreciated. If not, I understand; at least I’ve tried to address the issue. I have to stand on my callout from yesterday, because if I don't address this behavior today, they will do something else tomorrow.
Thank you for reading and I hope you understand.
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majaloveschris · 1 year
HALLELUYA!!! MAJA YOU FINALLY SEE THE TRUTH. it was indeed justin and ab in chelsea video and people have try to tell you many time!!!! my god im so chock that a pr blog can for once see what is clearly in front of their eyes. i know you dont believe chris and ab will get married, you will only believe when it happens but it will also mean that all the time you spent "debunking" to make it fit pr you were wasting your time fooling yourself and fooling others. some people learn their lessons through pain and through embarrasement.
What are you talking about? I went back to take a look at my posts I made about this topic, and at first I said it was Justin, then that it wasn't, and now that it actually was him. I don't know if you've sent asks in about that man being Justin or not, but saying people tried to tell me "many times" is a bit of an exaggeration.
And don't say that it's only me, or team PR that tries to fit things into their narrative, because I can most certainly remember team real people trying to explain why Alba doesn't wear her ring publicly," aka, ever. I don't really understand what you expect, since most people do this. You either believe it's real or not, and no matter which side you are on basic things like this trip, it won't convince you otherwise. I think we all should admit if something is obvious, like this time, that it definitely seems they spent time together, but people do this. They try to fit things into their narratives. And yeah, this Bermuda triangle (Tara's follow, Chelsea's post, and Justin's post) won't convince me it's true! Just like the fact that she didn't walk the Ghosted red carpet or the fact he dropped his hands in Central Park didn't convince any team real people it was fake.
I don't think being wrong is an embarrassment. I'm here to share my opinion and my thoughts about this situation. We are grown people here, and I'm not responsible for whatever anybody is thinking about this. We are all capable of making our own decisions and having our own thoughts. Whatever I say, that's my opinion; anybody can agree or disagree.
If I'm wrong, then so be it. The only reason I want me to be right is because I don't want him to turn out to be somebody I thought he was not or the exact opposite of someone he's portrayed himself as. And yeah, him marrying someone like Alba would mean that.
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 7 months
I wanna ask about reblogginggg😭😭🙏
Do you guys (author/writer) prefer reblog or likes? And what kind of reblog? Is the with comment or just reblogs fine? Cause sometimes i really like your story, but idk what i have to say🥹🥹😭🙏!! THANK YOUU
Hi thank you so much for reaching out I am more than happy to explain reblogging to you and anyone else who doesn’t quite get why us creators go on about it!
Okay at its basic level reblogs are so so much better than likes. Likes do barely anything, there isn’t an algorithm like tiktok or twitter where a highly liked post gets pushed out to others. Honestly the most it does is bookmark that post in your likes, which if you have set to private isn’t going to spread that work any further.
Reblogs however do get posts pushed out further because it allows other blogs who don’t follow the OG creator to see the post, and since fandoms work and survive on engagement this is why creators push for reblogs.
Now to explain what kind of reblogs are better than others essentially I see it as a scale.
At the bottom is likes: they do nothing to benefit the creators
Next is an empty reblog (no tags or comments) these are good because they spread the content further but they don’t help inspire a creator to keep creating
Next is a tagged reblog: these are better because people follow tags on tumble aka #andybarberfanfiction therefore more people can discover it but again doesn’t help inspire the creators
At the top is a comment reblog; these are amazing because they spread the work, tell others why its good and why they should read it and the comments inspire the creators to keep going! They make us do a little happy dance!
Now dropping into a creators ask box is what I consider an add on: you can do it and it boosts what ever option you went for. For example a like and an anon ask is better than just a like. They do however have limited reach because only those who follow the creator will see it when it gets answered so it might help their followers find a fic they missed etc but it doesn’t spread the content further than the creators followers if you get what i mean.
Of course I understand that some people might be hesitant for various reasons but there work arounds:
“I don’t know what to put” just a simple I loved this will do (just don’t ask for an update because that has an adverse effect)
“I like to keep my blog aesthetic and it doesn’t fit that” - create a side blog that’s specifically for reblogging content
“I don’t wanna seem annoying by blowing up their notifications with reblogs” - we love that! There is nothing that makes me happier than when i see multiple comments left on a series etc.
I could honestly go on and on and on about reblogs and engagement and what readers could do to help but I’ve tried to keep it as precise as possible and if other creators have other points that want to chime in on then they’re more than welcome to
I really hopes this help 🩵🩵
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geddy-leesbian · 1 year
hey look it's all my Serrennedy fic (note that I did not come up with tags for the AU's until making this post, meaning I have to go back to retroactively tag the posts I've made, which is going to take a while because tumblr's search is hot garbage.)
and also due to tumblr's search being garbage, searching my blog for my tags won't give you shit, but if you click to search all of tumblr instead, every post will show up. idk man, that's just how it is.
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started as a one-shot and then spiraled into a whole RE2 AU. the only thing I've written where things pretty much go right for them 💖 Leon isn't a government agent, Luis is a stay at home dad, and Claire and Luis lovingly bully Leon together.
tag: 𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒. 𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛'𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆.
How Do You Talk To Girls? (2/3 chapters posted)
❝Don Juan, eh? Always thought of myself as more of a Don Quixote, but if the shoe fits… How about we try some practice anyway? I can talk to you like I'd talk to a girl, give you a first-hand demonstration.❞ OR Leon tries to learn how to pick up women from Luis, and instead has a bisexual awakening and picks up Luis. Task Failed Successfully.
“𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝑰𝒎𝒎𝒊𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑭𝒓𝒂𝒖𝒅” (unpublished WIP)
Claire and Luis are getting married.
Something A Little More Plain
Not in the same continuity as the other two fics, but it is an RE2 AU, so I'm putting it here. Just really soft Luis being a dad to twins content. The only thing I've written about them that is just fluff and no angst.
Signals // Childhood Friend AU
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tag: 【𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝖽𝗈 𝗂𝗍𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀. 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙫𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙞𝙩 𝙜𝙤.】
𝑇𝘩𝜀 𝛥𝜋𝛼𝑙𝜎𝑔 𝐾𝜄𝜕 (1988)
you move me, you move me. with your buildings and your eyes, autumn woods and winter skies. you call me, you call me.
somewhere out of a memory, of lighted streets on quiet nights… (1988)
ΠⴹⰞ Ⱎ⎕ᒥᒪᗪ ᎷᗅΠ (1988-2004)
he's old enough to know what’s right, but young enough not to choose it.
Digital Man // Open Secrets (2004) (1/? chapters posted)
Well I guess we all have these feelings we can’t leave unreconciled. Some of them burned on our ceilings, some of them learned as a child.
The things that we’re concealing will never let us grow. Time will do its healing, you’ve got to let it go.
BU2B (aka Leon Fucking Dies)
(2/3 chapters posted)
❝That Agent Kennedy is proving to be quite a thorn in my side, much like you. I need him to live long enough for him to appreciate his gift and go home and begin to spread it to the rest of the world, but he's starting to cause a little too much trouble. But still, it would be a shame to have to kill him. Such a 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦 it would be. If only there was some distraction to keep him occupied and out of trouble… You 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 him, don't you?❞ ❝This isn't about him. Say whatever you want about 𝘮𝘦, but keep 𝘩𝘪𝘴 name out of your mouth.❞ ❝But you'll want to hear this: He's quite fond of you too. He doesn't want to admit it, but I've been in his head. He likes it when you tease him. He 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘴 you. You could send him on wild goose chases over and over, and he'd just keep following you, until time ran out.❞
𝐌𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫 (𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒆𝒍𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒓𝒆)
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My very first Serrennedy fic,,, someday there will be a second chapter, but I have zero idea of when because I've been fighting demons tbh (by demons I mean various rough drafts because I can't figure out what the fuck to do with it. The ideas are there,,,,, but the execution is not 🫠)
Luis thinks he's a shitty person. Leon disagrees.
Other random stuff kicking around in my drafts (and feel free to ask about any of these because I love talking about them):
AU where Luis sabotages the Nemesis Project, gets caught, and sent to Rockfort Island.
Alfred Ashford notices that Luis was a child prodigy and thinks that's neat because he's a weirdo and Alexia was a child prodigy. So instead of being executed, Luis is forced to be his friend until Alexia wakes up from her cryo stasis thing. (And being his friend is not a good time, because he's a weirdo and threatens to get his sniper rifle and hunt down Luis for sport a lot.) Luis gets out when Claire does, and goes back to Valdelobos after to hide from Umbrella, meaning RE4 will still happen, although slightly different. Luis is much colder and very hesitant to help Leon, because trying to do the right thing previously got him sent to a concentration camp.
Songfic. While Leon and Ashley are waiting on a helicopter to come pick them up post-RE4, Luis tries to quietly slip away, because he thinks he's a shitty person who doesn't deserve to have Leon. Leon notices him trying to leave and says fuck that and argues with him, insisting that he will come with Leon.
Don't have a title yet, but a little thing where Leon gets a call from Chris right after he gets back from Spain. Chris says the BSAA has been conducting their own investigation into what happened, and they found someone ex-Umbrella they had been trying to track down for years severely injured, but alive while searching the place, who claims to know Leon and that Leon would vouch that he's a good person now.
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If you guys didn't know, ASDIBAU ("ASDIB" will be referred to the in-universe cartoon, ala-70's to 80's, and the one with "AU" refers to this universe) is an RCP AU where a few details are present:
All of Broomstown besides the Rescue Team (specifically the RTs' counterparts) are part of a cartoon show with some sort of plot beats like Mr. Roger's Neighborhood or smth, but is overall a mix of Amanda the Adventurer (missing people and someone in the shows' tapes; also involves the outside world), The Stanley Parable (Narrator shenanigans in ASDIB and things being derailed when the wrong actions are taken), and a bit of TADC (forgetting names and trapping thingy) and likely Welcome Home? But mostly ATA and TSP. Might add Andy's Apple Farm elements but ehh—
If this ever becomes a fic, it will be ASDIBAU!Helly's POV, aka Harley Robinson. Follow him as he tries to get his uncle (Mr. Robinson) out of the tapes the former shouldn't had tried opening, resulting in the ASDIB's Narrator finding someone fit to play the role of the host, "Poli". However, everybody plays by improv to finish the ending of the last episode and it "()never goes right!()"
However, newspapers detailing cases of incidents about ASDIB's production's working conditions, Narrator's treatment towards Mr. Robinson—now having to take on the alias of the role he was forced in—once you view it under his controlling attitude, the unusual codes around the attic and the ones flashing on the antique TVs, the details behind Harley's blocked memories of his parents' deaths, and what his mother's last words are.
@"Find the tapes, end its fate
The only way, to stop his rage
Broken bonds, from his tomb
Dont let time, tick like a bomb
May I cast, the story's last...
...So her demise will suffice."@
(Implied Royber (past), Polroy (eventually, once they are done being mad at each other), Harley/Shenanigans, and Poli/Coffee)
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sorenphelps · 7 months
12 years of Tumblr - stats are fun?
I used this website to get some nice stats for my blog which turned 12 years old this month.
I have 94,009 notes on the 1,155 original posts combined.
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Average notes per original post: 81.39 notes
My top 5 most popular posts:
this post with 17,472 notes from Sep 22 2013
this post with 3,784 notes from Jan 9 2016
this post with 3,466 notes from May 4 2014
this post with 2,851 notes from Nov 30 2014
this post with 2,376 notes from Apr 19 2015
My peak was definitely about 10 years ago😂🤷🏻‍♀️
Also, to further commemorate this anniversary, I wanted to share some additional thoughts.
I am not good at social media, I just lack the skills and conscious determination of content creators, I mostly post randomly and I put little to no effort into growing my follower base. I've never really tried to become "famous" here (ngl, when I was younger I envied the popular blogs a little), but generally speaking, I just really like to draw and I want to share it with people, maybe getting to know some new people, making new friends even. For me, Tumblr's main purpose is being a platform for fandom interactions. I love how Tumblr operates with a different logic than other social media sites, how you have actual control over your own experience as it is not run by algorithms.
That's why it makes me a little sad how "Tumblr Etiquette" is not respected nowdays. I've been here for 12 years, and I am very extroverted, I have no problem with new people using this website, really, the more the merrier. As I said above, I don't really care about notes and follower counts, and I am not easily discouraged by having only a few notes on the stuff that I post. If I would be, then I will definitely put more effort into what I draw and create only what received more notes. (E.g. the Lily red carpet look pic has 14 notes as of today, while the domestic wolfstar pic is over 300, yet I am sure that I will not exclusively draw wolfstar from now on.)
Case in point, what I wanted to actually talk about is the poor reblog-like ratio. It makes me sad because I desperately crave the interaction and a like goes completely unseen here. (I know that you can make your likes visible, but most people, me included, check their dashboards only, and will check likes of certain people only if they are specifically looking for something.) My main driver is not the exposure or recognition or whatever in itself I get on my drawings (it is certainly a nice bonus tho). I want to interact with people, and I can only do that if the stuff I post is seen by them, aka reblogged. On my main blog I almost only post my artwork (I've reblogged 158 posts only in the past 12 years), but I have a sideblog especially for reblogging purposes (which comes with the nice bonus of making my "likes" searchable, because the tagging system is truly a wonder).
Let me further explain what I mean by presenting the reblog-like ratio of 3 of my latest most popular posts:
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Reblogs > Likes! Please! I want interactions! Share your thoughts! That's what this site is for!
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what-the-jams · 7 months
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𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟
(𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱 )
(𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐠𝐨 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬)
Please do not repost my work anywhere else aka other platform, this is all my original work and I don’t exactly want anyone reposting it hahah 😭 the only thing I allow anyone to do with my work is reblog on tumblr!
my name is Mia, I am a 19 year old female. I write for funsies and I love the color pink and dark red teehee. I have a bf who supports my writing lol. and I write mostly for Draco malfoy but I can also extend to the following:
-eddie munson
-peter parker
- miguel ohara
- ron weasley
- harry potter
- nct members
- bts members
- seventeen members
- jjk boys
- mha boys.
along with writing those characters I also have things i DO NOT under any circumstances write for, which is stated below:
-any characters that are under the age of 18 (smut unless stated that they are aged up)
-any thing dealing with SA, R@pe, or P:dophilia
-i also do not state anything political, religious, or anything pertaining to anything that may be happening to the world as to not “choose” sides or show any relation to violence as violence makes me uncomfortable.
if anyone tries to ask for any of these dislikes or states any of them( aka asking me my stance on a political matter etc etc) you will be automatically blocked. And as the same with most writers on tumblr,
also would like to say that just because i do not like talking about politics and religion in my blog, doesn’t mean i do not believe or stand with a certain side as i choose to remain anonymous because people are annoying in the internet and shame you for not talking about shit ur uncomfy with.
no ageless, faceless, or minors allowed. if you are found to be any of these, you will automatically be blocked.
enjoy 🎀🎀
𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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I posted 1,977 times in 2022
859 posts created (43%)
1,118 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,118 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#teen wolf - 845 posts
#stiles stilinski - 750 posts
#derek hale - 702 posts
#sterek - 664 posts
#lost fic - 440 posts
#anon - 424 posts
#idk - 94 posts
#magic!stiles - 85 posts
#peter hale - 79 posts
#best followers ever - 68 posts
Longest Tag: 31 characters
#peter hale. stiles appreciation
My Top Posts in 2022:
do you know about any looong slowburn sterek fics preferably with smut? optional magic stiles👀
hehe thank you❤️
Hi anon. @kevaaronday made this list for you.
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Actions Speak Louder Than Words by isthatbloodonhisshirt (25/25 | 434,625 | Explicit | Sterek) “I apologize.” The cop finally looked back up at his face, seeming thrilled. “It’s just—it’s been so long. And we finally have you.” 
That was a bad word. Not found. 
Stiles wrenched his hand free and took a step back, but before he could even think up a gameplan, he felt a prick in his neck and jerked away, reaching up to slap one hand against it and twisting in the same moment. 
One of the others had come up behind him while he hadn’t been paying attention, and his vision began to swim even as his eyes caught sight of the half-empty syringe the guy was holding.
Put Down in Words by paintedrecs (31/31 | 203,776 | Mature | Sterek) “Oh,” Stiles said, his voice coming out low and breathy, “fuck me.”
“I don’t think that’s on the syllabus, but we can check to see if there’s a spot open in any of his classes,” Scott said, grinning.
“This isn’t an actual professor, though,” Stiles insisted, unable to resist brushing his thumb over the sharp line of the man’s bearded jaw. He was laughing at something off-camera, the shot taken in three-quarters view, his coat collar casually rumpled and opened to reveal a sliver of a simple grey t-shirt. The whole thing was deliberately calculated to lend him a more accessible feel, and god help him, Stiles was falling for it.
When Stiles signed up for Dr. Hale’s intro to history class, he had two goals: knock out the credits his advisor was bugging him to complete before he graduated, and spend a few hours a week daydreaming about his sexy professor’s salt and pepper beard.
Derek, a few months away from turning forty and not sure when his life had started feeling so damn lonely, had never encountered someone like Stiles before. Bright-eyed, sharp-tongued, determined to throw Derek’s carefully cultivated world into disarray…and absolutely the last person Derek should be falling in love with.
Most (Im)Proper Proposal by Welsh_Woman (72/72 | 200,136 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles Stilinski has not seen his childhood friend for going on ten years when Derek Hale insists on meeting him in a barely reputable inn to make a rather startling proposal…
The Hollow Moon by thepsychicclam (10/10 | 180,079 | Explicit | Sterek) It's the summer after Stiles' first year of college, and he's working a crappy job and dealing with nightmares and anxiety - but he's okay, he swears. He makes it through most days without too much trouble. Then, a certain werewolf comes back into town. Which Stiles doesn't care about, nope, not at all. 
After two and a half years, Derek returns to Beacon Hills with his small Pack. Though he tried to move on, something just kept drawing him back to Beacon Hills, he's just not sure what. Now, he figures he can start building something like a life - but he keeps getting distracted by Stiles Stilinski of all people.
Teenage Love Song by HaleHathNoFury (26/26 | 155,834 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles is sick and tired of how much he fucks up. His dad is disappointed, his step-mom judges and his step-brother can do no wrong. It's not that he doesn't love them, he just gets so tired of being different. Now he's being moved lock, stock and barrel to Beacon Hills aka the town his mom grew up in so they can go live in his grandma's house and his father can get him back on the straight and narrow. 
It's going to suck.
B.E.A.C.O.N. by Mythological_Compendium (43/43 | 140,691 | Explicit | Sterek) "What better situation could there possibly be? We'll be pretty much stuck together, we can talk, drink and maybe later even…”
A scoff. “What? Have reunion sex?”
He shrugs. “It's been four years.”
Same Old Song and Dance by Halevetica (91/91 | 125,721 | Explicit | Sterek) Raised in the hunter life after his father was killed, Stiles hates werewolves. So when he lands a contract to kill the alpha of the pack that killed his father, he's elated. Until he runs into complications. The alpha is smart and strong and playing a game Stiles can't figure out. When secrets are revealed and new enemies made, Stiles must decide for himself what side he's on and who he can trust.
Bruises and Bitemarks by orphan_account (27/27 | 121,566 | Explicit | Sterek) Biologically, Stiles is weak. When he presented as an omega, he knew that to be the truth but that never stopped him from running his mouth as a defense mechanism. However, it could only save him so many times before he ended up pissing off the wrong person. After he's attacked in the parking lot outside of school, Stiles realizes he can no longer protect himself with just pure wit and sarcasm. When the attack lands him in the hospital, his dad forces him to pick between two options, report the alphas who attacked him or join a kickboxing gym run by omega rights activist and alpha, Derek Hale, a man Stiles has been in love with for many years.
Strip by Fessst (23/23 | 117,194 | Explicit | Sterek) "Singletail whip. Your favorite, isn't it?"
Red. Stiles felt nauseated as he bent over the bench. Red. The tremble only increased when his wrists and ankles were secured with leather straps. Red. He heard the Dom behind him give a sample crack of the whip in the air. Red. This would likely pierce his skin. So fucking Red.
"What's your safeword?"
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364 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
I’m in awe of this blog and the amazing people that run it!! Do you know of any Sterek fics where Scott is a bad friend to Stiles and so he spends more time with the Hale pack/Derek? I read one a long time ago on AO3 where Scott walks in on Sterek and he gets mad but I can’t remember what it was called
I sure do!
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The only thing I know, came from dreaming. by gunsknivesandplaid
(1/? I 4,660 I Mature I Lydia/Jackson/Stiles)
Stiles just wants to Leave the city where ghosts of his past follow him, He walks right into his soul mate. Problem is he doesn't think he deserves this literal magical phenomenon. Wants to just ignore it, because he's not ever going to get a real break from the chaos. Will He be proven wrong? Will he let himself fall, with the chance of being hurt again?
Stop Crossing Oceans by greenleaf
(1/1 I 11,654 I Mature I Sterek)
“There are no absolutes, Scott! No hard rights or hard wrongs! The world doesn’t fucking work that way and we can’t afford to think like that, because people are going to die! We signed up for that the moment we got involved with all this!”
“We? We?” Scott hisses. “Don’t you think you? Don’t forget that you’re the one who dragged us into that forest the night it all started, Stiles. So if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s yours.”
Something inside Stiles cracks, so strong and so deep that he practically hears it.
(Actually) Magic Bullet by orphan_account
(1/1 I 2,020 I Teen I Sterek)
It wasn't like Stiles was about to saw off his own mate's arm, Jesus...
He used magic instead; of course, magic required a slightly more...hands-on approach. If Derek wanted to include a little makeout session, well. Stiles wasn't complaining.
How Derek’s Brain Works by Warlock_Nerd
(15/18 I 25,934 I Teen I Sterek)
After looking at Derek’s childhood medical file, Stiles finds out that Derek was diagnosed with Autism at the age of eight. So in Stiles Stilinski fashion, he dives into research on how to help understand Derek’s condition and also help Derek understand it himself.
Glowing eyes by 0809m
(16/? I 37,852 I Teen I Sterek)
"If you accept it, the bite will take. Someone so loyal like you, with so much will, you're born to be like this Stiles." Derek says.
Stiles stays in silence a big amount of time. He really wants this, as much as he would like to think, he can't protect himself and he can't count with Scott, not anymore. He wants this.
"Do it." He says, no trace of doubt in his voice.
stuck in reverse by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli)
(1/1 I 65,656 I Explicit I Sterek)
Look, Derek is the worst. Everyone knows that. Their fearless leader is a total and complete failwolf.
Which means the rest of them? Are kind of the worst too. They’re a ramshackle, slap dashed, sorry excuse for a pack that’s about a half second away from getting one of them killed. And this is a problem, because Stiles would really like to survive high school. Thanks.
Still, nobody deserves what Derek has gone through. Nobody.
And it’s about time somebody told him that.
The Overlooked by HarleyJQuin
(32/32 I 108,266 I Mature I Stackson)
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386 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
hii do you know any fics wgere the sheriff calls derek son or treats him like one??
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Denial by thejoyfulfox for CurlzAbound
(1/1 I 4,924 I General I Sterek)
Scott thinks they're flirting. Isaac's betting on Derek sniffing him. The Sheriff thinks they're dating. Erica and Boyd are rooting for them. Derek's waiting for him to figure it out.
Stiles is the only one in denial.
light returning by lilysaid
(1/1 I 32,993 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek skips town just after the Nogitsune. When he realizes his mistake, he sets off to find Stiles, make amends, and keep his feelings for Stiles hidden. Two out of three isn't bad.
Pining, bed sharing, highly-suspect platonic touching, and shameless adoration of Derek's beard.
Love Don't Die by Finduilas
(1/1 I 33,459 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek is nine years old when he discovers the gift that he's been given. A gift that he didn't necessarily ask for. Derek can touch dead things and bring them back to life. But not without consequences and conditions, many of which are heartbreaking.
Many years later, his path crosses that of his childhood sweetheart, Stiles, in very unfortunate circumstances. But now, Derek's gift gives him the power to save Stiles. And damned be the consequences.
The New Normal by midnightcas
(27/27 I 63,392 I Teen I Sterek)
After Stiles gets hurt...again, Derek puts him on the metaphorical supernatural bench. Meanwhile, Stiles tries to have a normal life and make normal friends. But when a new pack comes to town and the Hales start getting threats, things start to get a little....not normal.
@npgirardog and @hokee101 suggested this one!
Sharing Food by aussiebee
(2/2 I 9,564 I Explicit I Sterek)
"Sharing food with another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged in lightly." ― M.F.K. Fisher
Derek is pretty much absorbed into the Stilinski family, one meal at a time.
404 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
Do you guys have any stories where Derek is the alpha of the pack, but stiles is really the one in charge, like he's the alpha mate, or the emissary and every one listens to him.
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To Find Your Home by adara
(1/1 I 14,905 I Teen)
The wind shifts just as he is is about to lay into the trespassers for disturbing this place, this private property, the place where Laura took her last breaths. Alone. The place he had come to look for his own clues in the daylight, to say goodbye to the only family he really had left. His breath catches for an altogether different reason when the shifted breeze reaches him. He stops thinking about Laura for a moment as his brain simply shuts down, taking in the sight of his mate before him.
The More That I Know You (the more I want to) by LadySlytherin 
(1/1 I 43,656 I Mature)
When death, in the form of hunters, comes for a family of Kelpies seeking refuge in the Preserve - in Hale territory - the Hale Pack is too late to save them. Before he dies, the male Kelpie presses a precious bundle into Stiles’ arms and begs the Emissary to take responsibility for it, which an initially reluctant Stiles does. When he agreed, Stiles had no idea what the sight of him with a baby would do to his esteemed Alpha, Derek. If he’d known, he might not have been so reluctant to agree.
Came For The Spark, Stayed For The Flame by orphan_account
(15/15 I 54,091 I Mature)
Derek felt the panic build up in his chest as Jezebel held out a hand. He smelled it before he saw it, because who could forget the scent of what destroyed your life? Fire and spark and smoke curled from Jezebel's hands, and the wood stacked at Stiles' feet flared up.
When Stiles and Derek get bonded as Emissary-and-Alpha, hidden attractions become a lot harder to hide, secrets are kept and secrets are surfaced, and an evil teenage girl is planning even more ritualistic sacrifice.
558 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Must Read Fics
I asked, ya'll answered. Here's the list. More under the cut cause it's long. Enjoy.
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Play Crack the Sky by WeAreTheCyclones
(23/23 I 122,787 I Mature I Sterek)
Excerpt from “Hale Pulls the Plug on the Future of Rock,” Rolling Stone, Issue 1203 – Oct. 2014 “Fans and music industry vets alike are left reeling in the wake of bassist Derek Hale’s sudden departure from Smokes for Harris. At a time when the foursome from Beacon Hills, California seems to be on the cusp of rock superstardom after just one double platinum record, Smokes has everything to lose.”
Excerpt from “Smokes for Harris: Gladiator,” SPIN.com – Feb. 2015 “Smokes for Harris gives in a little to the pop punk of yesteryear in their sophomore effort, but rather than pandering to fans of a lost era they elevate the genre in a way that hasn’t been seen in quite some time. Frontman Stiles Stilinski works double duty as singer and primary songwriter and proves that he can handle the task even without former bassist Derek Hale."
Safety in Silence by Survivah
(5/5 I 66,901 I Mature I Sterek)
It's perfectly understandable. Even Derek wouldn't want to be Derek's soulmate.
The Moon's Gonna Follow Me Home by turningterrific
(2/2 I 82,866 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek doesn’t want to call the window repair guy. He doesn’t want to sweep up the glass. He’ll inevitably miss a few shards and pull them out of the bottom of his bare feet for weeks.
He doesn’t want to try to make this place feel like home when it isn’t.
Derek stayed in Beacon Hills and tried to make it work because he wanted pack, wanted purpose. He gave his best effort and found himself back where he started: alone, with a few begrudging allies. He’s tired, and even though his werewolf body heals quickly, he feels the weary ache down to his center.
He packs his car with the few things he cares about enough to drag them from place to place. He locks the loft and calls a realtor about listing the building he’d bought in a misguided attempt to secure a future.
And then he leaves.
A Desperate Arrangement by mikkimouse
(29/29 I 115,506 I Explicit I Sterek)
"I'm sorry, I believe there's something wrong with my hearing," Stiles said. "Because I could have sworn you just told me you set up a betrothal agreement with the Hales. A betrothal agreement involving me. Me."
Scott smiled his easygoing smile and nodded, which told Stiles no, he hadn't misheard a damn thing.
After seven years of lengthy negotiations, the treaty between the Hales and the Argents has fallen apart and the two countries fell into war.
Months later, there's an uneasy truce, thanks to the intervention of King Scott McCall, but it won't last. In a desperate attempt to maintain the peace, the Hales sign a treaty with the McCalls to marry Prince Derek to Prince Stiles Stilinski, King Scott's brother.
In the history of the world, there have been many better ideas.
It's Insanity, but... by rosepetals42
(12/12 I 79,678 I Mature I Sterek)
See the full post
593 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tsundeoku · 6 days
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Being a working individual trying to run a funny little blog again is crazy. Anyway, honestly is this is more for me than anything—BUT. Just some rule updates ( somewhat reflecting on my actual carrd ) + me yapping ooc - ly!
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+ activity / writing - wise ...
i'm going to shift for now. days particular to the weekend, i'm either going to be here fully or not at all! like said in my rules prior, i don't work a lot, but someone like me ( aka... who struggles both mentally and physically with obstacles ) it's very hard to keep up socially. i run a two post a day queue to make this blog at least look alive, but i pause it when i show obvious signs of no rp activity.
i'm also kind being a silly little goober rn going to my revisiting my natural habitat as well ( jcink & gaiaonline ) so i'm just awful at using my blog... socially. XD
i know memes/prompts are common here, i really want to get into that too. but i just simply cannot right now. i prefer threading, ongoing plots. not saying i won't reblog them or send them ever !!! i just - it won't be super often for a bit, aha. but i'm absolutely okay with doing dumb little drabbles, etc ... !!!
if i'm taking a while in thread(s), or you're not into it, just tell me! i don't get anxious over this, and actually super encourage you to? learning how to track threads properly again, so i might forget them. i'm also learning how the hell tm to make good, palpable threads / how to write canons i love again & i'm not expecting everything i write to make sense each time !!!
+ fandom wise ...
so. as expected, i am a fire emblem / twst blog with a hint of hoyo. that's perfectly fine with me, haha! my other fandoms might remain dormant-ish anyway, till i have the time to properly write aus for them.
i have updated my hoyoverse, which essentially says the following:
all my genshin and honkai star rail muses are technically not official in this blog. i only really write them if someone asks + / or i feel like starting threads with them. so if you get a starter or meme from someone not on this list, they may be in my request / secret section. but just know the must list can fluctuate [aka i just be adding muses man. i come from gaiaonline where ya just write everyone] and i don't reallllly consider this fandom formally in my muse list lmao i just like to have fun with them.
i have update my twisted wonderland information as well:
 i am on and off with my knowledge of twisted wonderland. while i am in the process of catching up with book 7 i am up-to-date with everything else ; basing my portrayals off the japanese translations. although for less repetition sake, i use both english and japanese terminologies ( e.g magift / spelldrive, my sebek says "waka" / "young master" / "liege". stuff like this ) you are absolutely free to write with my muses, but fair warning writing in this fandom is mainly for my own self-indulgence.
probably gonna add a fe: fates category but fire emblem muses are kind of like hoyoverses' ngl. (aka for cyan and now aster /hj lol)
+ communication wise ...
slowly following new people if i see em & have the time to scope them out !!! thanks to the people who advised me how to look around now !!! but ... yeah, i still feel like a fish out of water, so i'm somewhat nervous on that. tumblr has absolutely changed, the last time i was here, so i'm not particularly preparing to put myself in the tags anytime soon.
i'm slow in tumblr dms. i think we are all. they are small & sadly not easy to remember. if you've read this far, i seriously respect your time and my discord is ' onry0. ' if you want it.
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i dm everyone i follow and vice versa, as i think communication is important - no matter how small it is. but god damn. those tumblr dms. i am not going to pretend i can stand them the like 3 years i've tried to use tumblr to rp. dofmsfgofmh
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got nothin' else to say other than i hope i can get to know all my new mutuals as well as spend more time with the ones who saw me struggling like hell irl. i love writing so much & i'm so happy i get to be in this hobby again - even if it's just in bits for now. ♡ mwah
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