lil' thingies
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Lau | 34 | Budapest, Hungary | hobbyist fanartist | Sirius Black fangirl
Last active 3 hours ago
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sorenphelps · 17 hours ago
I made Lina to edit this ficlet multiple times, so it’s only fair that I make a direct illustration to it to hype it up, because it deserves all the attention!!
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If you like it you should put a tag on it
You thought I would be ready to let them out of their little bubble in @sorenphelps The Bodyguard AU yet? Nope. But also, hear me out: dog tags 👀
if you want to check out previous parts of mine, I have a collection on AO3 for all of them. tags for @neverenoughmarauders @lovelymasks
“You really won't look at this?” Sirius asks, tapping his fingers against the flash drive still lying on the nightstand.
James sighs and rolls onto his back. “No, even if you ask me another fifteen times. I won't riffle through your past like you're just a piece of data to analyse. It won't change how I see you anyway.”
Sirius looks at him and there is a flicker of uncertainty in those grey eyes that James just can't have there. “Look, if you want to tell me about your time at the military or about your family or anything at all, you absolutely can. But I want it to come from you, not a military report.”
“What if what I tell you makes you run for the hills?”
“Won't happen.” James turns onto his side so he can better look at Sirius. “How many times do I have to say it for you to believe it? I saw you yesterday. I saw you stab that one Death Eater multiple times and that wasn't even the first time I've seen you get rid of someone.”
Sirius very nearly flinches and James does feel a little bad about it but he has to get it into that stubborn brain of his that James won't be turned away by this.
“There was this guy with the Death Eaters. Severus.” Sirius almost growls at the mention of that name but James pushes on. “Said he was an old military buddy of yours. He couldn't shut up about how many people you've killed. Sounded a little jealous about the numbers, not gonna lie.”
“Buddy,” Sirius grumbles. “Sure we're buddies. He only tried to blow me up and I had to get away through secret tunnels and with the help of a smuggler. Interesting way to declare someone is your buddy.”
James blinks at him multiple times. “Okay, we will come back to that eventually. My focus right now is on the mention of multiple killings.”
“As it should be,” Sirius says, sounding almost defeated now. “He didn't lie to you, James. It might be a first in his miserable life but he didn't lie.”
“Oh, really?” James huffs. “So your body count fills multiple graveyards?”
“It might. I've lost count.” Sirius looks at the fabric of the blanket, plucking at a loose thread. “The things you've seen yesterday, that's not the first time I did that. Nor was it the worst I ever did. The nickname they gave me... the Grim, the omen of death... it was well deserved. Do you know how much death you have to bring for people to see you like that? To see you and know they will die? And you know what's the worst about all of it? I enjoyed it. I wore that name with pride. I loved doing my job so well.”
“I still don't -”
“James,” Sirius interrupts him, looking at him desperate to understand. “I was addicted to that life. And I might still be because all of those people yesterday? I enjoyed killing every single one of them. I might never be able to shake the Grim completely.”
Sirius sighs and closes his eyes, unable to look at James any longer. James reaches out for him, cupping his cheek in his hand. “I saw all the bodies there when we walked out of the warehouse. All the blood,” James says, using his other hand as well when Sirius tries to pull away, cradling his face gently but firmly in both of his hands. “My point is, I know you're capable of violence. I'm not blind. I do realize you have a bloody past and it's a part of you. But I also know that you've never turned that violence against me, and that, when I needed you, you were there and ready to rip the whole world apart for me. Why is it so hard for you to hear that this is incredibly hot and won't make me run away?”
With another sigh Sirius leans into the touch, his lips brushing against the palm of James' left hand in a barely there kiss. “Because it won't be the first time something like that ruined a relationship for me.”
“Remus?” James asks. Sirius only nods.
“Well, I don't know if you've noticed but I'm not Remus.”
A little chuckle leaves Sirius' lips. “Yeah, I've noticed.”
“Good. So listen to me. I really need you to listen,” James continues, his voice almost a whisper. “I'm in love with you, Sirius. With the person you are right now. I need you to believe that I chose you and I won't change my mind on that or run away.”
“You can't promise that,” Sirius says as he opens his eyes again but he looks very much like he wants to believe it.
“I just did,” James says with a shrug like it's the most normal thing in the world because for him it is. It's easy to promise something like that because he knows he's stubborn enough to hold on to Sirius, no matter what. Stubborn enough to hold on until Sirius finally sees he's worth it.
Sirius looks at him like he can't believe someone like James can even exist, then pulls him closer and kisses him again, deep and long and all consuming.
They don't talk for a while after that.
Sunset lights the whole evening sky on fire. It's all flaming reds and oranges, tinged with a little bit of purple at the edges. It reminds James of the phoenix on Sirius' chest, brilliant and bright with a taste of new beginnings.
Sirius leans over to the nightstand and pulls the drawer open, but instead of searching something inside he reaches underneath the drawer to where he had hidden the flash drive. “Is there another one?” James asks with a lazy smile from where he sits, leaning against the headboard of the bed. “Is this where I find out you're really the prince of a small European country somewhere hidden in the alps?”
Sirius' laugh echoes through the small room. “Sorry to disappoint. As much as my parents would have liked it, we're not royalty.”
“And here I thought I could be king someday,” James says with a grin as Sirius turns back to him, a small envelope in his hands. “How will I live now with my dreams shattered?”
“I hope you'll survive somehow,” Sirius says and rips the envelope open. The silver chain he pours out of it into his palm reflects the red light of the setting sun.
Before James can ask him what he's doing, Sirius drops the chain around James' neck, cool metal hitting the centre of his chest. James picks up the small pendants attached to the chain and looks at them in the fading light.
Dog tags. They are Sirius' dog tags.
“I probably should have gotten rid of them ages ago,” Sirius says, watching James as he lets them fall back against his chest.
“Why didn't you?” James asks. The metal warms up against his skin. He likes the feeling of it. It's barely there weight but James likes the reassurance it brings.
Sirius shrugs. “Couldn't get myself to do it. Now I'm glad I kept them.”
A grin spreads on James' lips. “Do you like the idea of your name on me?”
“You have no idea,” Sirius says, a matching grin tugging at his lips as he hooks his fingers into the chain around James' neck and pulls him closer. “I would like it even more if you'd wear them all the time.”
James' heartbeat speeds up at the thought alone. “I think I can do that,” he says, sounding almost a little breathless to his own ears, before he crashes their lips back together in a heated kiss.
Outside the window the first stars can be seen in the slowly darkening sky.
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sorenphelps · 2 days ago
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slip out
A little detour from the honeymoon bliss of this ficlet of The Bodyguard AU to hype up the next one and to share some more backstory, this time about the battle between Sirius and Snape! As usual, tagging @goldenlionprince, @neverenoughmarauders @lovelymasks & @diamondmeadow!
BACKSTORY: Sirius and Snape were the only two members of “Operation Fawkes” who remained involved from the very first moment to the final hour, over the course of seven grueling years. Sirius was given a mission to eliminate Snape and his team after a traitor was suspected among them. What he didn’t anticipate, however, was that Snape had received a similar order, and was willing to sacrifice his own team to fulfill it. He had rigged the base with explosives, leaving the soldiers with no chance of survival. Sirius only narrowly escaped the blast because he had positioned himself far enough away, having intentionally separated from his team to hunt down Snape. Snape had anticipated this, though, and chose a more advantageous position for himself. Knowing he couldn’t match Sirius in close combat, he used grenades to keep him at a distance. His plan worked: Sirius quickly ran out of ammunition and couldn’t get close. Worse, one of the grenades exploded near him, injuring his leg badly. During “Operation Fawkes,” they had mapped out various routes, secret tunnels, and hidden passages. It was during one of these reconnaissance missions that Sirius stumbled upon a tunnel leading to a small cave, which was used by a local drug and alcohol smuggler. Sirius befriended him, and the smuggler, eager to help, offered him supplies. Sirius, knowing that reporting this discovery would force him to kill the man, decided to keep it a secret. The entrance to the secret tunnel was close to the site of his battle with Snape. Realizing he couldn’t defeat him, Sirius came up with a plan to escape. He baited Snape into continuing his grenade assault on his position, hoping the ensuing dust and debris would provide cover for him to slip away into the hidden tunnel. Snape eventually realized he had been outwitted, but by the time he tried to follow, the tunnel entrance had been blocked by the rubble caused by his own bombs. Injured and desperate, Sirius limped through the passageway, his leg throbbing with pain, until he reached Mundungus’ warehouse. There, he used the alcohol he found to disinfect his wounds and numb his pain. He prepared a makeshift splint for his leg from his gun. He waited in the cave for two days until Mundungus showed up and helped him escape the country.
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sorenphelps · 6 days ago
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torn apart
I thought that the backstory of how and why Sirius and Remus broke up in The Bodyguard AU was already shared, oopsie.🙈 So I drew some wolftar (I actually quite miss them) both as compensation and excuse to post their backstory! As usual, tagging @goldenlionprince, @neverenoughmarauders, @lovelymasks & @diamondmeadow!
BACKSTORY: Remus and Sirius joined the army after they graduated, and even though they were assigned to different squads due to their different strengths, they kept in contact and maintained their friendship (sometimes with benefits) / relationship (mostly on-and-off). They became exclusive when they were both selected for “Operation Fawkes” as due to the top secret nature of the operation, the members were not allowed to leave the base outside of missions and all phone calls were supervised. Remus missed his home and family (he hasn't seen them in years!), and tried to find an excuse to quit, especially upon witnessing how Sirius got more and more immersed in the violence of the missions, becoming less and less able to fully separate “the Grim” and the military from his IRL identity. Sirius had already cut all his ties with his family, so he channeled all his emotional needs to his relationship with Remus. As the operation team was not allowed to leave the base, if Remus wanted out, they would have had to become long-distance - and Sirius was too hyper-fixated on the missions and being with Remus to even consider it, while Remus avoided the topic to save Sirius' feelings. These cracks in their romance blew up completely, when Remus got hurt by being too close to an explosion, and Sirius went on a brutal rampage to “avenge” his lover. This was the last straw for Remus, who finally decided to leave the forces, and advised the same to Sirius, who however, was not ready to leave the military yet, and thought that Remus was a coward for not continuing to fight. They had a nasty fight about it, which ultimately ended their relationship as well. Remus travelled back to the UK to heal, accepting a job offer from the Ministry of Defence as an intelligence officer. Sirius interpreted Remus leaving even without him as betrayal. The loss of his only “familial” tie left made him even more violent and reckless. Remus managed to build a more or less fulfilling civil life for himself, he settled down and got married. He hasn’t seen or even heard of Sirius for years, until he called him out of the blue to ask for his help.
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sorenphelps · 7 days ago
Look I always loved your art so much but I started to notice how much your skills improved over the last months! Especially the latest is so good omg! Anyway Idk its just so amazing to see! Keep it going 🥰🩶
Thank you so much, this is such a sweet message and I really need all the positivity I can get today!
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I don't really see much difference in my artwork, but I am biased... Considering the insane amount I do for the Bodyguard AU (my latest one was I think the 70th??), I guess it should make a difference.
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sorenphelps · 8 days ago
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"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty!"
The Bodyguard AU is slowly coming to an end, but don't worry, there's still so much to come! Now we're picking up right after this ficlet written by @goldenlionprince. This is one of my favourite piece of artwork I did in a while, and I even tried to write again! It's about 1.1K words below! Also as usual, tagging @neverenoughmarauders, @lovelymasks & @diamondmeadow!
Waking up is usually a jarring experience for Sirius, mostly because he almost never lets himself sleep too deeply, unable to shake the strange urgency to always be alert. He’s always been restless, his mind awake and racing with thoughts that just won’t quiet down, haunting him with dreams. He could train his body to endure almost anything, a crazy sleep schedule (or lack thereof) at this point is business as usual. The ever lingering tiredness is a little price to be paid to avoid the nightmares. Sirius has never thought that he would ever reach the point where his whole being just shuts down from exhaustion, but apparently even his extreme resilience has its limits. Waking up this time feels like emerging from a soft, comforting fog. His body feels heavy, yet somewhat... relaxed? There's a sense of warmth and coziness around him. Maybe he is still dreaming? This must be the nicest dream he had in a long time, he doesn’t want to wake up from it. He opens his eyes anyways. It takes him a few seconds to register what he sees: A man with the wildest hair laying on top of him, the golden glow of sunlight dancing across his tanned skin. The sunlight seems to embrace him in an almost ethereal way, bringing a vibrant energy to his presence, as if he’s one with the warmth of the day. It is the most beautiful thing Sirius has ever seen. “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty!” he greets him gently. Sirius is sure he is definitely still dreaming. He feels fuzzy and confused, his brain taking too long to catch up with the situation. James snuggles closer. “Are you awake yet or you need a true love’s kiss for that?”
He drifted off to sleep again not even halfway in listening to James’ brief summary. The events of the previous few days really took a toll on him, trying to process what has happened and what he has done left him feeling physically and emotionally drained. James being there, with him, makes him both extremely happy and utterly nervous. He is relieved that James is alive, that he was not too late to rescue him, because James is his everything. He doesn’t even feel any remorse over the lives he took, he’d massacre many more again in a heartbeat if it can keep James safe, because that is all that matters. Maybe this overwhelming devotion is not healthy. Maybe he should feel at least a little bad about all the killings. Maybe that’s all he really is, a murderer, motivated by love, but still a murderer. Maybe the Grim is his true nature, that’s why he couldn’t shake it off however hard he tried.
He looks at the nightstand, the flash drive is still on it, untouched. James hasn’t checked it out yet, which makes Sirius tense and jittery like he’s sitting on a ticking bomb. If only it was a bomb instead, that he could handle. The uncertainty of James’ opinion about him, not so much. The last time he went berserk in front of his loved one ended his relationship. And Remus was trained to stomach the violence, and knew him for ages. What should he even expect from James? He helped him clean up, and he seemed all right, chatty and relaxed as usual when they woke up in the morning, and he is still in his apartment... What if he thinks he is held hostage? Or if he is scared of him? He knows he’s spiraling again and at the verge of another breakdown, but he is too mentally exhausted to stop the self-doubt and negative thoughts sneaking in his mind. He needs to do something, anything. His head might be numb now, but he can push his body to move past the fear.
He gets up and walks to his wardrobe to find clean clothes. He puts on underwear and one of his gun holsters with a spare gun. The thought of being armed somehow calms his nerves.
He finds James in the kitchen, squatting in front of the oven. He is wearing an old, faded purple coloured and quite worn-down T-shirt, the dinosaur printed on it barely visible anymore. It is one of Sirius’ most prized possessions, a rare memento from his past. The sight immediately starts to warm his heart.
“Hey, you up? I borrowed some of your clothes, I hope you don’t mind.” James says smiling, when he notices him. “Your food stock desperately needs an upgrade, there’s only canned and frozen food here, it is the saddest fridge and kitchen cabinet that I’ve ever seen! How can you live like this, like a barbarian?!”
“Maybe because I am one...” He can feel the bad thoughts creeping in again. “Aren’t you... afraid of me?”
“Should I? I mean the state of your fridge really is scary, and I am a little concerned about the diet you probably followed before me, but otherwise...”
“I’m serious, James, I need to know if... If you are still just shocked and coping with all the crazy shit by pretending they don’t exist or... I mean, you were kidnapped and forced to do and see some fucked up stuff, you actually shot someone, it’s traumatizing, and now you are at this unfamiliar place of practically a total stranger you witnessed brutally murdering two dozen people...”
“There’s certainly a lot to unpack, but I’m fine and you are not a stranger.”
“Well, technically I am still a serial killer and you don’t even know my real name... You haven’t checked the flash drive.”
“Because I don’t care. You came to save me, even after you were not obligated to do so, that’s more than enough for me. Whatever is on that flash drive and however hard you try to convince me that you are too dark or broken or unhinged, it can’t change how I feel about you. I love you, no matter what.” Sirius is speechless. James takes out a tray of dino nuggets from the oven. “Besides, I already figured out your initials, Sleeping Beauty. You’ve slept for almost a full day.”
“It’s actually Sirius. My real name, I mean, is Sirius Black.”
He looks at James, the problematic IT guy Remus had referred to him as a client not even a year ago, who has managed to completely turn his life upside down. He feels his heart-beat rising, stomach twisting, his senses heightened, his brain focused and dizzy at the same time. The feeling is similar to how he feels when he fights, fuelled by adrenaline, except it is better, warmer. “I love you too.”
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sorenphelps · 13 days ago
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target locked
A continuation of this comic, which happens parallel with this ficlet written by @goldenlionprince, and right before this comic in The Bodyguard AU. And as usual, tagging @neverenoughmarauders, @lovelymasks & @diamondmeadow!
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sorenphelps · 14 days ago
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A silly addition to this, also related to this pic from The Bodyguard AU. A little context: we joked with @goldenlionprince that the Prank was actually Snape catching Sirius & Remus shagging once during their time together in Operation Fawkes, and never really recover from the experience 😂 Snape started to learn programming as a desperate attempt at distracting himself from the continous "trauma".
(I mean just imagine being stuck for years with a couple who became exclusive with each other only recently cause they are finally at the same place at the same time since forever... Then they have a harsh break up, and you are stuck with the one left behind feeling betrayed... who is also your biggest rival in every sense of the word...😏)
As usual tagging @neverenoughmarauders, @lovelymasks & @diamondmeadow!
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sorenphelps · 15 days ago
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A Lesson in Manners
An illustration of the fanfic written by @diamondmeadow and @thistlecatfics! Happy birthday, Del! 🥳
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sorenphelps · 16 days ago
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Happy Birthday, Old Wolf!
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sorenphelps · 18 days ago
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Jim membership
A little prologue to this pic in The Bodyguard AU inspired by this wholesome video, idk how it turned into a 14 panel comic again… it is also a reference to their “first meeting”, cause I like going full circle. As usual, tagging @goldenlionprince, @neverenoughmarauders, @lovelymasks & @diamondmeadow!
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sorenphelps · 21 days ago
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code names
back to redrawing old memes for fun for The Bodyguard AU, & as usual tagging @goldenlionprince, @neverenoughmarauders, @lovelymasks & @diamondmeadow!
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sorenphelps · 22 days ago
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blast from the past
A sketchdump of my self-indulgance (i just love him being beaten up and bloody), which is not really moving the plot of The Bodyguard AU forward, but is a really good excuse to share Sirius' backstory!
Another piece of backstory is under this pic, and as always, tagging @goldenlionprince, @neverenoughmarauders, @lovelymasks & @diamondmeadow!
BACKSTORY: “Operation Fawkes” was a complex military operation led by Dumbledore, related to the safety of the “Philosopher’s S.T.o.N.E.”. The objective of the operation was to establish the military bases for storing the S.T.o.N.E. and the potential transfer routes. Each mission required the precise execution of several complex military operations, such as reconnaissance, mapping, planning, clearing the territory, locating and eliminating targets and other undesirable personnel. The details and the true purpose of the missions and the whole operation were not shared with the squad members, they were told that they were fighting against terrorists. In reality, the local people responsible for building the military bases were executed. Once all the locations were secured, the squads were also eliminated (by each other’s hands mostly), leaving Dumbledore as the only person to know the full story and the details of the S.T.o.N.E.'s locations. The last two squads left were Snape’s and Sirius’. As Sirius’ behaviour got more violent after his breakup with Remus (a feral wild dog off the leash), it was no longer a question for Dumbledore which one of the two highest performers to choose to spare and use as a spy later. Sirius was tasked to kill Snape’s squad because allegedly “there’s a mole”, while Snape killed Sirius’ unit with a bomb. During their inevitable confrontation, Snape taunted Sirius with the truth behind “Operation Fawkes”, which made Sirius realize that he’s a loose end, Dumbledore chose Snape to spare. Sirius attempted to kill Snape anyway, but failed to do so as Snape had set off multiple explosives. Sirius used the chaos, smoke and debris to disappear. He was smuggled back to the UK by Mundungus. Sirius then called Remus, who helped him to burn his identity and set him up with a new one.
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sorenphelps · 23 days ago
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the risk he took was calculated, but is he bad at math
A little insertion of story starring Snape and Voldemort in The Bodyguard AU, which happens sometime between this ficlet by @neverenoughmarauders and this ficlet by @goldenlionprince!
I'm also gonna use this opportunity to share some backstory about exactly what Voldy is after, and as usual, tag @lovelymasks and @diamondmeadow!
BACKSTORY: The ‘Philosopher's S.T.o.N.E.’ is the umbrella term to describe a complex collection of data containing classified information about each country. Grindelwald & Dumbledore, both famous scholars, came up with the creation of the S.T.o.N.E. (Security Treaty of Nationwide Equilibrium). Dumbledore, elected as the UN Secretary-General, managed to convince the representatives of each country to cooperate and share their best kept secrets, for the greater good. The S.T.o.N.E. proved to be successful in keeping world peace, as it created an artificial and delicate status quo between the countries. To ensure that the S.T.o.N.E. is safe, it is physically transferred every 3 months between top secret military bases around the world. The location the S.T.o.N.E. will be next stored at is decided by an algorithm called ‘the Prophecy’. The algorithm randomly assigns the locations and the transfer routes, making it impossible to plan a successful raid or attack. The ‘Prophecy’ was written by McGonagall. The code was (partially) hosted on the servers in the embassy building the Potters were stationed at.
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sorenphelps · 24 days ago
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at his fingertips
Whoa, The Bodyguard AU plot thickens! While @goldenlionprince showed us what's the deal with the taken James in the latest ficlet, Sirius is on his own quest following the events of @neverenoughmarauders' ficlet! and of course, the mandatory tagging of @lovelymasks & @diamondmeadow!
Also, Remus is present during this scene, but if I added him too I'd be still drawing this page... I have shit to do, so I try to somehow limit myself (with less success, as you can see), the volume of content I'm creating ever since this AU consumed my life is still insane😅
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sorenphelps · 26 days ago
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standby mode
Again a little detour on the timeline, this time back to the very beginning of The Bodyguard AU, cause we realized with @goldenlionprince & @neverenoughmarauders that we got so focused on the big finale that there's no proper introduction to the story 😅 This very early piece (picture 3) gave us the idea and I attempted to write it (see below), but I'm still an artist first and foremost, and I wanted to have another little cameo again (hello, Kingsley!), so of course I drew a loosely connected illustration too... Anyway, after the mandatory tagging of @lovelymasks & @diamondmeadow, check out the ~250 words I wrote below!
James doesn’t think he really needs a bodyguard, but he promised Minerva to at least consider it. She is the only family he has left, after all, and the most badass person he knows, yet she was just put under constant government protection. If she needs a little extra security too, James might as well look at the options Horace Slughorn, an old friend of his parents, though he’s never really liked the guy, referred to him earlier. Maybe not all of them will be utterly boring. He opens his laptop and starts to dig. Unfortunately, as expected, all the options are dull, except for one guy. James was not able to find anything significant about him besides the recent renewal of his premium gym membership, which he apparently visits every day, according to the gym’s record system. He’s only two workout sessions away from reaching a 50% discount on his next platinum membership fee. James checks the IDs again, the guy is handsome. Hell, he’s one of the best-looking men James has ever seen. He has no right to look this good on his IDs, that’s just not fair. And if he really works out as much as his gym membership indicates, he’s probably pretty fit too. James just has to see this man with his own two eyes. He looks at the attendance records again, he has a session booked in an hour. James can be at that gym in 50 minutes. It feels like it’s meant to be. * Months have passed since his last assignment ended, and Sirius is constantly nagged by Remus to start working again, but he can’t help it, he thinks he’s just not ready to have a new client yet. His last one was so extremely boring, he needs to recharge his batteries first to even consider looking at his options. So instead of working, he works out, finally utilizing his premium gym membership to the fullest, gaining the extra discount points too beside all the muscle mass. He has always been fit, but now he is probably in the best shape he’s even been since he left the military or maybe ever. Too bad he will probably have to let it go to waste again, as accompanying rich ladies to shopping or worse, following them at formal social events can hardly provide an opportunity to fight. If fighting against the overwhelming boredom doesn’t count, obviously. Sirius remembers that Remus has mentioned a problematic IT guy before as a potential new client. Maybe he should really consider having a male client this time, for the sake of variety, if anything. He likes nerds, after all.
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sorenphelps · 28 days ago
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in good hands
some smutty Bodyguard AU sketches related to this ficlet written by @goldenlionprince for @neverenoughmarauders.
adult only version
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sorenphelps · 29 days ago
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mixed signals
A little detour in the timeline, filling in some gaps. This comic happens after the events of this and before this ficlet, both written by @neverenoughmarauders! Also losely connected to this pic.
Context: James, trying to cope with his grief, convinces Sirius to let him go to a gay club to have a little fun instead. Sirius is quite unhappy about the situation, but accompanies him anyway, even thought James keeps sending him very mixed signals: he asks Sirius to pretend they are together, one moment proudly announcing how head over heels he is with his tall, dark and handsome boyfriend, then joining someone else on the dance floor the other. The problem is that the someone else happens to be Rosier Jr.
When we started to put together the timeline of The Bodyguard AU and pair the "vibes only" early content with the desired plot points, we decided to tie in the knee shot and Rosier Jr. with a night out at a gay bar. Yesterday I just randomly had the idea to have the Three Broomsticks as the gay club, because its name is such an innuendo, and I can somehow totally see Madam Rosmerta as a drag queen. She guest stars on panel 9, while Rosier Jr. is on panel 8. I tried to make him look like as much of a nepo baby douchebag as possible, @goldenlionprince assured me that I succeded 😁(And i sneaked in a little shade on jegulus and fanon Sirius...) Also, don't worry, Sirius might look like a sad puppy on the last panel, but that's not the end of their night! There's some action right after it, cause James is taken by Rosier Jr. (It will make more sense once we can post the timeline, I swear!)
Also, the mandatory tagging of @lovelymasks & @diamondmeadow!
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