#aka my ao3.
phthalology · 5 months
monarch solutions branded fidget toy
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mugentakeda · 7 months
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in my opinion the best "zuko joins the gaang early" fics are the ones that take place in book 1. the comedic potential is unparalleled
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bahoreal · 1 year
Question for fic writers!
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year
On this episode of Angel trying to figure out how to proceed with my fic through tiny snippets:
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I'm in that strange purgatory where I know how I want it to end, but trying to piece it together is another story. I appreciate everyone's patience, though!
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calmlb · 3 months
Domestic skk where Chuuya gets home after a long day at work, only to find the apartment empty, with no Dazai in sight.
The lights are off, not a sound to be heard, but Chuuya can feel Dazai’s presence— some kind of sixth sense they’ve both been cursed with since they were 15.
Chuuya slowly removes his coat & shoes, letting his eyes rove over the empty kitchen & living room, till his eyes finally catch the top of a familiar head of mussed, brown waves.
Tension he didn’t realize he was holding releases at the sight, & Chuuya takes a deep breath before padding around the couch. It would do no good for his own stress to add to Dazai’s, if tonight was indeed one of those nights.
As Chuuya rounds the sofa, he finds pretty much what he expected. Dazai is curled up against the armrest, looking small despite his gangly limbs.
What Chuuya hadn’t expected was for Dazai to be fast asleep— soft breaths puffing against the expensive fabric of the armrest.
Chuuya blinks in disbelief, but can’t help the fond smile that steals across his face. Dazai always has such a hard time sleeping, so finding him like
this was a welcome surprise. Especially compared to the more somber situation that Chuuya was worried he’d be faced with.
Chuuya removes his hat & gloves, laying them aside as he crouches in front of the couch. He shamelessly studies his partner while he can’t be teased for it.
Dazai looks peaceful— cheeks rosy with sleep, & unfairly-long lashes dusting his faint spattering of freckles.
Those freckles felt like Chuuya’s little secret, because the only way to know they existed was if one got close enough to see.
And it was no secret that Dazai didn’t let people get that close.
Chuuya finds himself brushing a finger over those freckles, following the perfect slope of Dazai’s nose, tracing his high cheekbones down to the contour of his smooth jawline.
Chuuya pinches Dazai’s chin between his thumb & forefinger, tilting it at just the right angle to press a gentle kiss to Dazai’s forehead. He bites his lip to hold back a laugh at the way Dazai’s nose scrunches at the disturbance, but he really doesn’t want to wake the brunet. He obviously needs the sleep if he fell asleep here, still in his work clothes.
Why is Dazai out here? If he knew he was this tired, why not at least lie in bed?
Chuuya absently brushes Dazai’s bangs away from his eyes as he leans into the touch, releasing a contented sigh.
Oh. Chuuya’s eyes widen. He was waiting up for me.
Or, trying to, at least.
This time Chuuya doesn’t stop the warm chuckle from slipping past his lips. He presses another soft kiss to Dazai’s temple, then carefully scoops him into a princess hold. He carries his sleeping partner to their room, smiling as Dazai nuzzles his face into Chuuya’s neck.
His partner really is such a cat.
Chuuya sets Dazai down on the bed, careful not to wake him, & draws the blankets up under his chin, just the way Dazai likes it. He doesn’t bother getting him into comfier clothes— obviously, he was comfortable enough to fall asleep as he was.
Chuuya does change his own clothes, though, & brushes his teeth before turning off the light & slipping into bed next to Dazai.
He turns to wrap himself around Dazai from behind, but before he can, he finds himself with a face full of mackerel.
Soft hair tickles Chuuya’s chin as Dazai snuggles into him again— always seeking out the nearest heatsource.
“I thought you were asleep, you malingerer,” Chuuya scolds quietly.
“Shh, I am asleep,” Dazai whispers, nose digging into Chuuya’s breastbone as he tries to burrow into his partner’s chest.
Chuuya rolls his eyes, but he can hear the grogginess in Dazai’s voice that tells him he wasn’t faking it. He doesn’t fight the urge to bring a hand up to card through Dazai’s fluffy waves.
Dazai doesn’t grant him a response other than to press himself even closer to Chuuya, so that they’re practically melded together. Chuuya smiles, pressing one more, languid kiss to the crown of Dazai’s head— pausing to breathe him in— before closing his eyes & letting sleep overtake them both.
Chuuya version
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I AM NOW THE PROUD OWNER OF A 400-PAGE LONG BOOK OF ACADEMIC ANALYSIS ABOUT MDZS (both the novel and CQL, as well as the wider danmei sphere, internet authorship, fan reactions in both CN and non-CN spheres, and so many more interesting things – there are photos of the contents list below) >:DDDD
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I only got it this afternoon so have only read the (quite long?) excerpt available online and pages I came across while flipping through, but everything I've read so far is really interesting and well-written. If you're interested, it's promoted on the blog of @pumpkinpaix, where there are also chapter spotlights with comments from authors of each paper/chapter about them and about MDZS in general (which is how I found out about it, one came up in tumblr's 'based on this tag you follow...' recommendation), as well as FAQs (including where to buy it, though I did link that at the start). Alternatively, all posts about it are in the tag #catching chen qing ling!
I really recommend it, especially if content about MDZS interests you! and I promise I haven't been told to advertise this it's just something so so cool... a collection of academic work about MY FAVOURITE BOOK... and I know people do follow me for meta/analysis so this might be the sort of thing people looking at this blog will be interested in..?
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echoesofaheart · 3 months
do you have an opinion on the obelisk?
wh. the what????
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dykesapphics · 8 months
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Does everyone know that Aka Yakumo has leaked over to reddit or do I have to break the news myself
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i feel like i entered the misha collins tag and saw the aftermath of war. there is blood in the streets, i can still hear war cries in the distance, the spoils of battle were hard won but the masses are rejoicing; our lord and saviour has stood with us once again.
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emmawithtwoms · 8 months
Marauders Fandom, how are we doing after THOSE videos from THOSE Wolfstar cosplayer?
I’m not okay
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anachilles · 1 month
just mass-consumed @rambleonwaywardson ‘s astronaut AU in (basically) one sitting and i honestly don’t know how to act rn. i don’t know how to go on with my evening. i’m paralysed by emotions and sheer awe; this fic is l i t e r a t u r e and everyone should go read it, like, now.
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aka-indulgence · 2 years
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angstandchaoscreator · 2 months
people often tell me that i need sleep, to which i respond with, “sleep is for the weak and the mentally stable, and i am neither of those things”. needless to say, people have become concerned, but i’m just an author and i like making things chaotic even if i’m at the end of my own joke.
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snowangeldotmp3 · 11 months
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don't touch that dial!
the wandavision au
(ronance edition!)
Robin wakes up with Nancy Wheeler in her house. Her house. Not her parents. Hers. Nancy’s in the kitchen, in a dress and hair curled and pinned back in a way that Robin has never seen, already making a cup of tea (Robin hates coffee, but she doesn’t remember telling Nancy that…) and greets her with a, “Hi, Robbie,” and a quick kiss on the cheek. Robin freezes. Her stomach flip-flops and she feels her face warm and she’s not totally sure how to react without shattering whatever this is. So she answers with a weak, “Hi.” Somewhere in the back of her mind, something screams THIS ISN’T REAL. Duh. She gathered that already. But the problem is it’s not her voice in her skull telling her this. She doesn’t know who it is, or why they’re telling her information that she already knows. The biggest worry in her mind is that this isn’t her Nancy. Her Nancy, the real Nancy, would be fighting and kicking and screaming because this is not the life that Nancy wanted. Robin would know too, in-between their world saving adventures, Nancy told her what her future looked like, and being a ‘50s housewife was not one of them. Robin hates the ‘50s. She hates the way her hair is done and she hates the dress she’s been shoved into and she hates the canned laughter (seriously, can anyone else hear that?) and— “Robin?” “Yes, dear?” Robin answers without thinking, going along with whatever this illusion wants. Nancy’s frowns a moment, breaking the tight smile she had on her face, and briefly Robin wonders whether she’s aware of their current predicament, too. If Nancy’s aware like she is, and just simply playing along—just better at hiding it. It’s too risky though to outright ask her, so for now she’s just going to have to read her newspaper (that doesn’t have any articles written by Nancy—seriously?) and find a way to tune out that damned laugh track.
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catalysmic · 3 months
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this is from a fanfic lmfao but real still
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