#those wolfstar cosplayer
emmawithtwoms · 8 months
Marauders Fandom, how are we doing after THOSE videos from THOSE Wolfstar cosplayer?
I’m not okay
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I want to find a girlfriend the old fashioned way (doing wolfstar cosplay together)
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addsalwayssick · 9 months
the wolfstar effect is real because first of all
all the fanfictions of them falling in love despite all
Cosplayers like Andy and Ethan. I don’t know if they’re dating or not but those kisses were certainly not friendly.
Ash and Aslan. Dating.
Ben and Andrew have the same birthday for goodness sake
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 6 months
The mischief productions are a team of absolutely WONDERFUL people and they’re working their asses off to make a fan film about the marauders. The storyline is as canon compliant as possible but still includes so much representation of the lgbtq+ community!
If you want to check out their work they have some incredible short films up on YouTube and they have more coming!
Those that are out are:
A bite of peace: Dorlene
The last Christmas: Jily
The Evans Sisters: Lily and Petunia Evans
Once you’re back: Wolfstar
A night’s tale: Jegulus
The ancient and most noble house of black: the family black + Lucius
To able to finish their fan film they need financial help and if you’re not in a position to donate, please consider sharing!
They also has some well known cosplayers on their team that you might know of!
But the WHOLE TEAM is absolutely fantastic! Everything from casting, to writing, to editing, to acting is MIND-BLOWING and they are the SWEETEST people ever 🫶
There’s a link if you want to donate in my Masterlist ✨
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khaleesiofalicante · 7 days
Dani, I'm alive!
Let me start with this very accurate meme I made on the train:
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This is pure entertainment! I did try to take the test when you made it on my way to the library, but I got to the third question and saw a classmate so I had to drop it (socialising sucks) and just got the time to finish it.
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Is 70% acceptable? If not, please tell me so I can leave quietly and in shame🙃 I remember you made a video once about your tattoos but I can not find it anywhere and now I'm curious! I love tattoos, how many do you have?
In other news, I saw a video you made about naming characters with alphabet and it was hilarious 😂 You have an adorable laugh, by the way, it made me laugh too.
Also, I had just enough time to read one update, and did I choose the funny, Malec one? No, I chose the Mavid, angsty one. Something is wrong with me. But Dani, my Mavid babies😭 The fics of them growing up together are a little extra close to my heart. I mean come on, they were talking to each other like they've been married for years and they were children! Also, I'm kinda excited about pissed off Max LB, am I going to regret that? "Right where you left me" is amazing🥹
I can't wait for exams to be over so I can start OFRI, Alec and Asmodeus besties? Malec getting married and then falling in love? Pure poetry✨️ Although, Malec meeting and not having a crush on each other immediately? Sounds suspicious🤨 I can't wait to read and find out.
I read "Marauders" in an ask and I squealed I'm so obsessed with them at the moment and I adore Sirius Black. I mean, the parallels I see between Sirius/Remus and Max/David? I could talk about it all day long, and I will once I get the time believe me.
Can I just say, your characters have like, the most amazing names? Alyse? Prettiest name I've ever seen. And I love how there's a meaning behind them, enough that a picture can resemble it? I can't wait to find out everyone's names and personalities! What is your process in choosing their names? Does their personality play a part in choosing? Or their story and journey in the book? Like David meaning beloved?
Okay, I'm gonna fuck off now and go back to studying now, hopefully I survive the next two weeks and come back. I leave you with a bunch of tik toks that will hopefully make you smile, have a fantastic week☺️🌼
David with Max??
These two are my favourite Wolfstar (Sirius/Remus) cosplayers, they are adorable🥹
That meme is so accurate 😭😭😭
How are you, Vicky? I hope the exams are going okay and you are taking good care of yourself 🔪 (yes this is a threat)
70% is actually very good (apparently 🤣)
I have 5 tattoos so far. I don't have a dragon tattoo yet. I want to get one, but I need the right design!!
Omg the names games was something else. I was so exhasuted when I made it so I have no idea what I was saying lol.
Of course you picked the angsty story 🤭 Pissed off Max LB does not make good decisions, so we probably shouldn't be excited. But then again, not pissed off Max LB doesn't make good decisions either lmao. We will wait and see how things go 😌
Wolfstar is a whole thing, isn't it? I love the dynamic too. If i remember correctly, Gigi is a big fan (it's mentioned in the early LBAF fics).
The name is actually Anise 😇 The naming process is actually a nightmare because in this world, people are named according to a system and I have to fit a name that fits the system while also giving nice vibes. IT'S A STRUGGLE I TELL YOU. But I love all the names so far. They are vibing hard. I can't wait for you to learn all the names and why are given those names 🥰
I hope the next two weeks go well. I have a bunch of deadlines for end of September, so I hope we both survive it ✊🏾 Good luck with your exams and can't wait for you to come back and enjoy OFRI 🩵
PS - The sharks and camels thing??? AH. And that's definitely David with Max hehe. I love my codependent clusterfucks 😎 And those cosplayers were so cute 😭
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wolfstar-in-color · 3 years
July Creator Spotlight: Desicosplay
Hello, lovely people, and welcome to our second creator spotlight!
Each month, we will highlight a different creator in our lovely fandom who features diverse characterizations of Sirius and/or Remus. We will invite you to get to know them better through questions and answers, Fandom Discourse(tm), and a featured prompt created by our guest.
For our second spotlight, we are absolutely honoured to having the presence of @desicosplay, an incredible cosplayer and writer that if you don’t follow, you should do right away. They’ve gifted us with many, many amazing gifsets, a lot of them about Sirius. Below you’ll see a little snippet of the interview and Mastani’s prompt. Under the cut you’ll be able to read the full interview. Don’t forget to share and interact with this post, and if you have anyone you’d like to recommend for a spotlight, shoot us an ask!
“Diversity means celebration. So in fan spaces, that means actively seeking out creators that you might otherwise miss. It means trying out new perspectives, or listening to new perspectives on your favorite characters. It means standing with your peers, being loud in your love and support of them. I’m not saying you have to reblog or comment on everything. Diversity is not just visual, it’s also mental. Diversity needs to be intentional and active, even if that takes place just in your head.”
Mastani’s prompt: Muggle AU! Sirius and Remus at Harry’s sporting event!
Hi! I’m Mastani, she/they/he pronouns, I’m a 1.5/2nd Generation Indian-American, and I cosplay and write fanfiction!
Q: How did you start creating in the fandom? What did you wish to bring into the fandom?
A: Almost five years ago, Laina @ohtheclevernessofme1972 convinced me to join the HPRP community. She and everyone else were so supportive of my desire to bring my culture and background to the Harry Potter characters. Eventually, I also started writing fanfiction again!
Q: What things about s/r as characters or in their relationship inspire you to create around them?
A: I think that they are very complex characters that really demonstrate how external factors affect your life, whether you like it or not. Their relationship, whether platonic, romantic, or anything in-between or outside, is also so fascinating in its potential to evolve. Wolfstar is constantly changing, and all its interpretations are totally feasible to imagine.
Q: What things would you like to highlight about the Wolfstar fandom and your experience in it?
A: My main dips into the fandom are when I cosplay Sirius, and every time, I feel so much love. The fandom is so open to any interpretations of Sirius, and it does wonders to make someone feel accepted.
Q: What type of content do you wish you saw more in the fandom?
A: This is entirely self-indulgent, but Godfather/Uncle!Sirius just make me feel so warm inside. There’s a love inside Sirius that only gets touched upon inside the books. AUs where he gets to interact with Harry as a child or teen outside the pressure of a war are just so calming and warming.
Q: What is your favourite wolfstar fancontent (fic/fanart/gifset/etc) and how does it inspire you?
A: Y’all, I have so many Wolfstar fics saved that are just stunning and several that are comfort fics. I think the biggest takeaway from all of them is the comfort the boys find in each other. All of them are AUs, and I’m inspired to depict my Wolfstar as something kind, gentle, and communicative.
Q: Which of your own identities inform your creative processes? How has that process been for you?
A: All of them! But more specifically, my racial background informs most of my process. My process is… Sporadic, to say the least. However, when I do get struck with an idea, I have to create it almost instantly. One example, Wolfstar-related, is that my Sirius cosplay has long hair, half-up in a bun. I feel like desi!Sirius would celebrate his heritage by growing his hair long, which also is a nice, “screw you,” to societal and familial constraints.
Q: What advice do you have for other content creators with diverse backgrounds in the fandom? What would you say to people that might feel they don’t have the “right” history/experience/characteristics to participate in the creation of content related to Wolfstar?
A: think the best advice for participation I have comes from the iconic Jay @siriussly-serious, Rest in Power. “Go. Get in. Dive in. Fucking head first. Fuck that, cannonball your butt right in there and make a damn splash…” There is no, “right,” history/experience/background. These characters are fictional, but they can reflect our world. Our world is not homogenous. So why should fictional worlds and characters be that way? These stories are ours, and we shape them to be whatever we want them to be. If you want to create, that’s all the prerequisite you need.
Q: How could we build a more diverse fandom?
A: This blog is a great example of how to build a diverse fandom. Celebrating creators with diverse backgrounds and being loudly supportive of them makes us want to stay. Finding communities that celebrate, not just accept, can make a world of difference. So, raise your voice and love on your favorite creators.
Q: What’s your favourite thing to modify in Sirius’s or Remus’s characterizations to bring new perspectives to them?
A: I’m a huge communicator, so improving character communication is something I love to do. I like to create fluff, and this change lets me focus on the gentler parts of Sirius and Remus, or the parts that need some love, e.g. mental health. It also lets me flesh out their senses of humor more, like their dislike of cats (in my headcanons).
Q: What does diversity mean to you? What does that encompass in fanish spaces?
A: Diversity means celebration. So in fan spaces, that means actively seeking out creators that you might otherwise miss. It means trying out new perspectives, or listening to new perspectives on your favorite characters. It means standing with your peers, being loud in your love and support of them. I’m not saying you have to reblog or comment on everything. Diversity is not just visual, it’s also mental. Diversity needs to be intentional and active, even if that takes place just in your head.
Q: What are your ideas about the notions of culture and ethnicity? How do you relate to those notions?
A: I find culture and ethnicity to overlap in many ways, as they both pertain to group characteristics. I’m not an anthropologist, so I don’t know the detailed differences between the two. However, in my quick searches, it feels, to me, that culture is a bit broader and ethnicity is more geographic. So, I’m culturally Indian-American and ethnically Gujarati Indian (Gujarat is the state in India). I find these notions to be helpful when defining and describing my experiences. For example, among desis (and other brown folks), saying I’m generation 1.5/2 tells them that I straddle American/Western and Indian culture. If I tell another Indian that I’m Gujarati, they instantly know the kind of foods I grew up with and the language my parents speak. It’s a streamlined way of explaining my experiences, and as a science brained person, it makes life easier for me.
Q: Is there a page/organization/institution you would recommend for fans to search/read when it comes to learning about diversity?
A: With the tool that is social media, there are so many activists and creators that are willing and able to teach about diversity. On my page, I keep a page titled, “Resources for Justice.” This page has a wide variety of social justice resources on it. Google is great, but you also want to cross-check your sources. However, I feel like the best way to learn is to ask questions. Do so respectfully and ensure the person you’re asking has the energy/time/compensation to answer. Especially if you’ve done some research ahead of time, I find that many folks are willing to have a discussion - but again, check with the person first. Trust is paramount in these conversations.
Q: Is there a project/organization that you want to hype?
A: Oh, I could name so many. However, the ones I want to shout out here are Chrysalis - Gender Identity Matters and Raze Collective. As many of you know, Jay @siriussly-serious passed away recently, and in his name, we’re promoting/donating to these charities. Chrysalis - GIM offers online and in-person mental health support for trans and nonbinary people in his area and Raze Collective supports LGBTQIA+ performers. Ami @ami-acts and a few others (I apologize for not remembering exactly who - I’ll message the mods if I remember/please add on if you know) organized this. Links are below.
Donate to Chrysalis - GIM here.
Donate to Raze Collective here.
Q: Leave us with a quote or work of art that always inspires you
A: Is it too cheesy to say all of our fandom? To be totally honest, that’s who/what inspires me most of all. It’s a work of art, all the people in it make our fandom a work of art!
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