#my inbox is open if anyone wants to come yell
anachilles · 1 month
just mass-consumed @rambleonwaywardson ‘s astronaut AU in (basically) one sitting and i honestly don’t know how to act rn. i don’t know how to go on with my evening. i’m paralysed by emotions and sheer awe; this fic is l i t e r a t u r e and everyone should go read it, like, now.
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norrizzandpia · 3 months
Heyyy ages ago when you wrote "She's missed you" you mentioned you would write about reader being close to Oscar's family and taking his sister's for coffee, would you consider writing something like that please I'd love to read it
This has been in my inbox for some time but i remember when i first got it going, “FINALLY SOMEONE ASKED ME TO DO THIS” I absolutely love this idea i just didn’t know if that was something yall wanted to see!!
Y/n and the Piastri Sisters, the Piastri Sisters and Y/n
Summary: Oscar knew that Y/n and his sisters were close, but to wake up on a Saturday morning to find all of them gone, he wonders if he really underestimated how much the girls loved each other’s company.
Warnings: none, absolute FLUFF, cutest thing i think ive ever written lowkey, yn and Oscar being relationship GOALS (i want what they have), one remark about Oscar wanting to plan their wedding
What Oscar expects when he wakes is Y/n’s head shoved into the crook of his neck, breathing deeply as she slept. He’s always the one to wake up and, while he used to hate that when sleeping at his friends’ houses, he learned to cherish it. Cherish it because it gave him the opportunity to admire the beauty of his girlfriend when she wouldn’t see and blush whilst pushing him away. The soft dip at the top of her lip, the freckles around her nose, and the strands of her hair splayed across his pillow were all things he loved to stare at when he got the privilege of waking up before her. Yet, to his dismay, this morning when his eyes fluttered open, his girlfriend is nowhere to be found.
Frowning, he rises from the bed and looks around. Her clothes from last night are still flung over his desk chair, but her purse, the black bag that was right beside the clothing just hours before, is gone. His confused expression deepens and he moves to the bathroom, finding the door closed. He assumes she’s in there, maybe having brought her purse in because she had gotten her period and needed the tampons from it. However, that idea soon falls apart when he remembers the basket he’d set up underneath his sink with everything she could possibly need if she ever were to get it whilst at his house. And he knows there’s no way she has it seeing as two weeks ago she had pushed him away when he was trying to have… fun and told him it would be too messy.
Plus, the bathroom is weirdly silent and when he knocks on the door, “Baby?”, nobody answers. It creaks as he pushes it open and the small room is completely empty. Void of his girl.
The image of Oscar Piastri, in only his boxers, standing in the midst of his bathroom with knotted eyebrows and his arms stretched out at his side with his palms facing up would make anyone chuckle. He’s so genuinely lost at the lack of Y/n and it’s written all over him. From the way his eyes dart from the bed, maybe he had somehow missed her, to the door, it’s clear he’s trying to figure it all out in his head.
Finally, he comes to realize that the only logical explanation is that she’s downstairs or somewhere else in the house. So, his body takes him to the hallway outside. No Y/n. Then, he walks down to the kitchen and living room. No Y/n. Maybe the dining room? Nope.
Where the hell is Y/n?
He remembers a time when he was having trouble locating the girl and had only found her because her giggling had echoed throughout the whole house. That time, she had been with his sister in her room. Oscar loves how close his three sisters and Y/n are, but it makes him groan in annoyance when they steal his moments alone with her.
He goes to Hadie’s room first, but he finds it empty. Weird. Usually, the girl sleeps in late and, if not, she’s almost always in there.
Then, it’s Mae’s and he finds the same thing. Completely empty.
Lastly is Edie and he’s partially not surprised to find it’s empty as well.
Now, he’s wondering where his sisters are.
“Mom?!” He yells into the house, hoping his mother can alert him on where the majority of the women in his life have gone to.
He hears soft steps before his mother’s face appears at the bottom of the stairs, “Yes, love?”
Oscar patters down to her, looking completely helpless and lost. She frowns at him, noting her son’s lack of enthusiasm.
He huffs like a disgruntled toddler before whining, “Where’s Y/n? Or Hadie? Or Edie? Or Mae? I can’t find Y/n and when I went to look for her, I found all of them gone.”
Nicole chuckles before patting his shoulder lovingly, “They all went out to get Starbucks around thirty minutes ago.”
His head rears back, “What? Why? Why wasn’t I invited?”
Nicole smiles softly before turning around to walk into the kitchen. Oscar follows her closely behind, waiting for her answer, but she takes her time as she cleans dishes from, what he can assume, was her breakfast earlier.
Her hands wet and soapy, she lets her eyes drift to him, “They wanted girl time and Y/n didn’t want to wake you. She knew you were exhausted from the triple-header. She told me if you woke up running around the house and looking for her to tell you they’d be back soon and with coffee for you.”
He softens at that. How well she knows him always melts his heart. The exhaustion from all the races and the sleep he craved, she knew all too well. His coffee order, which he was confident she would get right, was something she had already thought of from the beginning of this escapade. The way she knew he would be slightly panicked, wanting her for their slow morning together, made him feel seen randomly. As she always says, to be loved is to be seen.
Still, he’s a bit disappointed he didn’t get to spend a morning with his sisters and his girlfriend. His mother must see this on his face because she shuts off the water and lays a hand over his.
“You know, it’s okay to feel left out, but you should also know that I’ve never seen any prior girlfriend of yours this close with your sisters. They look up to her and when she started reaching out, asking if they wanted to play games or go out and do something together, their eyes lit up. You’re entitled to want to be with them this morning, but promise me you’ll acknowledge the effort Y/n continuously puts in to bond with the girls you’ve always wanted to protect.” She states softly. Her eyes lock with Oscar’s and she recognizes the understanding in them, the sudden realization. Maybe he hadn’t picked up on how hard Y/n had been trying, but Nicole definitely had. She saw the way Y/n always brought up topics of conversation the sisters could relate to, the way she always listened to their every word, and the way she learned their interests before using those things to bond. Nicole will never forget Mae telling Y/n about a book she had read only for Y/n to come back a week later saying she had read the book and couldn’t wait to talk about it with Mae.
Nobody was really interested in reading in the Piastri family the way Mae was. But, now, there was Y/n.
Oscar nods, “I guess it never really dawned on me how close Y/n was to them, but I see it now. If they’re comfortable enough to be hanging out alone, without me, then I guess they’re further along than I thought.”
“You should’ve heard them leaving this morning. The amount of laughter leaving the door was the cutest. Not to mention the way they joked about having to fear for their life while Y/n drove and Y/n responding about turning into you. The girls have never sounded that excited.” Nicole’s smile is big. Oscar knows it’s because she always wanted a bigger sister the close-in-age sisters could have to guide them. He loves that his mother believes that to be Y/n.
A moment of silence passes before Oscar asks, “How’d this end up happening? I know they didn’t talk about going out this morning last night when Y/n got here. I know because I was with her the majority of the night. Did the girls wake up and ask her? Did they come into our room?”
Nicole shakes her head quickly, “No,” She laughs, “It was Y/n. Y/n set an alarm to wake herself up, I know because I heard it, and then surprised them all by waking them up from their beds and rambling about getting coffee in their pajamas. It was all her. I assume she’d been planning it since yesterday, but just forgot to tell you. When you went to the bathroom last night, she turned to me and asked if the girls had any plans in the morning. When I told her no, she just nodded her head with a smile and turned away.”
Oscar feels as though he could start planning the Y/l/n-Piastri wedding right then and there. To know she’s gone out of her way to get to know his siblings, someone she knows he loves so dearly, gives him confirmation Y/n and him are together for the long haul. Nobody has ever nurtured a relationship with his sisters this heavily before. He falls in love with her more because of it.
Just as he’s about to speak, the front door flies open and roars of laughter flood through. He smiles to himself before turning around to see his girlfriend in the midst of all the sisterly chaos. His eyes land on her first, seeing her looking at Hadie with a smile on her face. He’s not sure what Hadie’s done, but it seems to be the funniest thing she’s ever experienced with the way she’s almost doubled over in laughter. Edie stands next to her, but when some of her coffee spills out and onto the floor, all four girls almost fall to the floor, borderline wheezing. The laughter is infectious and Oscar finds himself joining in. He can only imagine the kind of heart eyes he must be sporting right now.
His steps take him closer to the girls and when Hadie sees him, her face contorts, “Ugh, not you. You’ve come to take her away!”
All his sisters nod as they cross their arms over their chests, mischievous grins on their faces. He only shakes his head, smiling at them too.
“It’s only fair, I’m afraid.” Y/n begins as she walks toward him. He pulls her into him by the waist and she smiles, kissing him on the cheek, before handing him his coffee, his order completely right. “You guys got me all morning and, not to mention, all last week when he was gone. I’ve got to tend to my girlfriend duties now.”
The sisters nod their heads slowly, begrudgingly. Oscar laughs at the fact that they most likely wish he didn’t exist so they could have Y/n all to themselves. Ironically, he adores that.
“You guys hung out all last week?” He asks when Y/n’s previous statement catch up to him.
They look at him as if it’s obvious. “Yeah,” Y/n says as he continues to hold her against him, “Who do you think convinced them to get matching pajamas?”
It’s only then that Oscar clocks the matching sets his girlfriends and sisters are all sharing. His mouth falls open and his cheeks redden. He’s not exactly sure why he blushes, but he thinks it’s because he can’t believe how lucky he’s gotten to have a girl like Y/n fall in love with him.
When all four girls start rambling, at first to him but then to each other, about how much they love their matching pajamas, Oscar feels eyes on him. His head moves to the side and he finds his mother peering her head around the corner to admire the scene in the doorway.
If the way his mother and sisters all look at Y/n tells him anything, it’s that they will not be letting her go for a while. Neither will he, though.
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Please Don't Be In Love With Someone Else ~LA!Shanks x Reader x LA!Mihawk Imagine~
Summary: You keep waiting for Shanks. But someone new comes along and suddenly, you're not so lonely.
Author’s Note: You read the title correctly. I'm evilly laughing right now as you read this in pain. Also, this is technically a rewrite of the angst ending cause the one I wrote and in my drafts is more fluff than angst.
Angst Ending to I Was Enchanted to Meet You
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: angst, fluff, but angst to all you Shanks lovers
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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It had been years since you last saw Shanks. And it's been a year since you last saw Luffy. Ever since he was old enough to sail off in the world to find the One Piece to become King of the Pirates, you had been by yourself since. Of course you did a lot for your small village to keep you occupied but you still missed your boys.
You were tending to your garden as it was time for you to harvest before it became spoiled and over grown. That was until you heard someone say something behind you.
“You don’t seem like someone who can harm a fly."
You turned around to see the warlord Dracule Mihawk standing before you. You stood up straight to seemed less intimidated.
“I can hurt a fly. Don’t think I’m good at harming anyone else,” you tell him as you crossed your arms.
“I see.”
“I know who you are so what do you want?” You asked.
“I was sent to kill you but in all honesty, I don’t think I can kill you. You’re too beautiful to be killed,” he tells you.
“Who sent you to kill me?” You asked, now worried. You’ve stayed in the island since you were born. Not only that, you stayed even when Luffy left.
“Not to worry now. I don't have any intentions to kill you," he tells you.
"Then what are you still doing here?"
"I'm curious to see why someone would send me to go after you."
"Feel free to stay. Just to tell you, it's going to be quite boring," you tell him.
Mihawk stayed around the next day to watch over you. He didn't understand why Vice Admiral Garp would want a warlord like him to kill a sweet little thing like yourself. You did nothing of the sort that would be considered dangerous or even pirate bounty level dangerous.
"Ow!" You yelled as you accidently burnt yourself with the pan.
"What happened? What's wrong?" Mihawk asked you as he rushed inside your home.
"Just burned myself," you tell him.
Mihawk quickly grabbed your bucket of water before gently putting your finger in the cool liquid.
"Thanks," you tell him.
"Of course."
"I made extras if you'd like. I got used to cooking for two," you tell him.
"Was it for you and your past lover?" Mihawk asked you.
"Not really surprisingly. I used to take care of a little boy who used to live with me who had a bottomless stomach. He wanted to become a pirate so he set sail a year ago," you tell him.
"I see."
"So, dinner?"
"Why not."
Mihawk stayed for a couple more weeks before he needed to back out to sea. You stood on the deck as you watched Mihawk get ready to leave.
"So I guess this is farewell?" You asked him.
"For now. I will be back in a month at most," he tells you.
"To finish me off and claim your berry?" You asked.
"No. To come see you again," Mihawk said before sailing off. You shook your head at him before walking back to your home.
You assumed Mihawk was lying or joking when he said he was coming back to see you. But to your surprise, you opened your door to see him standing before you.
"Brought you some new seeds for you to grow in your garden," Mihawk tells you.
"I'm guessing you're staying for dinner?" You asked with a small smile.
"If you'd have me," Mihawk said. You nodded before letting him inside your house.
As much as you didn't want to admit, you fell for Mihawk. Even though part of you hoped for Shanks to come back, you appreciated the fact that no matter how long Mihawk was gone for or even if he was wounded badly, he came back to you. Even though Shanks would come back to you, he hasn't for years.
"Will you be mine?" Mihawk asked you one night. After a midnight stroll, you both headed back to your home. Mihawk stopped you from walking inside by holding your hand.
"What?" You asked in shock.
"Be mine. I've fallen for you Y/n. And I swear to you, I would never let anything happen to you," Mihawk tells you.
"Alright. I'll be yours," you tell him. Mihawk gave you a small smile before pulling you towards him.
"May I kiss you?" Mihawk asked you.
Mihawk cupped your cheek with his hand before leaning in to kiss you.
Shanks rushed over to your home after being away for so many years. He was excited to tell you his adventures and was looking forward to seeing you once again. He knocked on your door, his heart pounding in excitement.
Instead of seeing you, he saw someone else open the door. His smile faltered as he stared at the stranger in front of him.
"May I help you?" The stranger asked him.
"My apologies. I was hoping to find Y/n L/n? The woman who lived here?" Shanks asked.
"Oh. I'm sorry. She's been gone for quite sometime. She left the village I want to say two years ago? Her and her husband moved to another island."
"Her husband?"
"Yes. I'm surprised she married a warlord but he had been kind to the village whenever he was here," the stranger pointed out.
"Do you happened to know her husband's name?"
"I believe it was Dracule Mihawk."
Shanks made it to Mihawk's castle where he knew you would be at. After demanding to see you, Mihawk came out to talk to him.
"You should know my wife is resting," Mihawk tells him.
"You took her from me," Shanks angrily tell him.
"I didn't take her from anyone. When I met her, she was alone," Mihawk informs him.
"She never told you about me?" Shanks asked.
"No she has. I just never told her that I knew you."
"Please. Let me see her!" Shanks asked.
"Let me see if she's well enough to move," Mihawk said.
"Is she sick?" Shanks asked.
"Not entirely."
Shanks waited anxiously for you to come down. His eyes widen when he saw Mihawk helping you down. Your stomach was large but he knew that it was because you were pregnant. And what's worse was that it wasn't Shanks's child you were carrying. It was Mihawk's child.
"Shanks?" You asked in shock.
"Hi, Y/n."
You sat in the garden with Shanks alone so you two could talk. Shanks stared at you, admiring your beauty once more. While you thought you were alone, Shanks knew that Mihawk was watching nearby.
“Are you happy my love?” Shanks asked you as he held your hand.
“I am. Hawk Eye makes me happy,” you tell him with a small smile.
“I’m happy that you’re happy.”
“I did wait for you Shanks. I really did. But I feared that if I waited any longer, I’d be too old for you,” you tell him with a frown.
“You could never be too old for me. You could have white hair and many wrinkles and I’d still think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” Shanks tells you. You smiled at him before tearing up.
“I loved you Shanks. And I’m sorry I didn’t wait for you longer."
“Don’t apologize my love. I’m sorry I didn’t come back to you sooner,” Shanks said. You nodded before taking off your makeshift necklace that held the ring Shanks gave to you. You handed it over to Shanks before kissing his cheek.
“I hope life treats you well and I hope you find a woman who will love you endlessly as much as I did,” you tell him.
“And if Hawk Eyes dares to lay a hand on you, come find me. I’ll protect you.”
“I know you will."
"So this is goodbye then huh?" Shanks asked you.
"If you find Luffy, tell him I miss him and love him dearly. And that, he's more than welcome to visit me or find me whenever he wants," you tell him. After all, Luffy was yours and Shanks's unofficial son and you two were his unofficial parents.
"Goodbye, Shanks,” you tell him before giving him a kiss on the cheek once more.
“Goodbye, my love.”
You sat on the couch in your lounge room waiting for your son to arrive with his new fiancée. Twenty five years had gone by and you had lived your life. Dracule sat next to you as you both waited for your son to come home. Now that your husband has retired from being a pirate, he had spent his time with you while your children explored the world.
“I wonder what she’ll be like,” you tell your husband.
“I trust his judgement. After all, I chose well didn’t I?” Dracule joked.
“You most certainly did,” you smiled.
“Mom! Dad! I’m home!” You heard your son say.
“Over here!” You called from where you were.
You smiled at your son the moment he walked in but your eyes widen from the sight of the woman next to him. Not only did she have the exact same hair as Shanks, but she also had the same eyes as him. It was no doubt that she was Shanks's daughter.
“Mother. Father. This is my fiancée, May,” your son said proudly. You smiled at the woman before getting up from your chair to greet her.
“It’s nice to meet you, May,” you tell her.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Mihawk.”
“Please call me Y/n,” you tell her as you shook her hand. You noticed her necklace with a ring on it. It looked exactly like the one Shanks gave to you from years before.
“I like your necklace,” you say.
“Oh thank you. My father gave it to me. Said it was his prize possession,” she tells you. You felt your heart break a little from what she said.
“Will we be able to meet your parents soon?” You asked.
“Unfortunately no. My mother passed away from childbirth and my father passed away not too long ago,” she tells you. You frown from hearing that.
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright. I’m really glad to have met your son,” May tells you. You smiled at her before giving her a hug.
“Well, I know my son will treat you well. And if he doesn’t, you tell me,” you tell her. May smiled at you before looking at your son.
At the end of the night, you stood outside on your balcony as you stared up at the stars.
Maybe this was the universe telling you that in another life, you and Shanks end up together. But you did wish he didn’t have to be gone so soon. You wished that he would’ve came back to you sooner and maybe you two could've had the future you two wanted together.
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sugrhigh · 8 months
BOY NEXT DOOR - ( c.s )
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part two
summary- you and your roommates live beside a bunch of senior hockey players, one of them being the infamous team captain chris sturniolo. he’s effortlessly flirty and undeniably attractive, but he’s also a pain in your ass. you find that you have to fight between lust and hatred as you finally get to know the boy next door, whether you want to or not.
warnings- swearing, drinking, no smut (yet 😁)
neighbor/hockey!chris x fem!reader
a/n: WELCOME TO MY FIRST REAL SERIES! i have a lot of ideas for this cuz i love this trope dearly so buckle up! more parts will come soon. also working on a tattooartist!reader x matt series (thank you anons) that will also be out eventually. in the mean time if you have smaller/specific reqs you’d like to see, my inbox is open babies! and if u just wanna say hello or ask a question i’m here xoxo
the music booms over the speakers inside the house next door, just like it always does on the weekends (and occasionally on thursdays too). it always drives you up a wall, but tonight it’s particularly bad.
you sit up slightly in bed, absentmindedly wondering who the fuck is on aux. you’re not sure why the thought crosses your mind, but you know it’s not chris, because these picks are horrendous.
it’s already past two in the morning, not to mention it’s the middle of the week. you haven’t been able to get a wink of rest, even with your headphones blaring at full volume. usually they do the trick, but tonight’s party is relentless, demanding to be heard.
wine wednesday, you think to yourself sourly.
neither of your roommates are home; they’re both off with their significant others, somewhere that’s not here, listening to fuckface and his friends get drunk.
you’re usually pretty passive about the noise, because they provide free alcohol for you guys when you show up and typically give you notice that they’re throwing something.
but tonight it’s just too fucking much. you’re tired, and groggy, and very much so still in your silky pajama bottoms and oversized t-shirt, but you don’t give a shit.
you jam your feet into some sneakers and grab a jacket, clutching it close to your chest as you head down the stairs to the main level of your own house.
you pass the dark living room, shadows leering in the corners as you’re guided only by the light coming from the street lamps outside.
you step onto the porch and the cold smacks you in the face, breath fogging up the air. it’s the middle of january in boston, and the expanse of dead grass between your houses crunches under your feet as you tread toward the front door.
the rest of the street is quiet, aside from the party. but they’re all senior hockey players, and it’s the beginning of their last semester, so what else can you expect?
besides maybe some basic human decency every once in a while. in fact, you’re so frustrated that you’re going in without backup, and without a real plan of any kind.
for some reason, once you get up the three steps to their door, you pause to knock. as if anyone would hear you over the music, or care enough to open the door for someone who’s fucking knocking.
so you twist the handle next, and it’s unlocked. of course.
it opens to a hazey front hallway that you recognize, stairs to the left hand side, blocked off by a young-looking guy you assume is probably a freshman on duty.
the front area is full of people, pressed against the walls, chatting over the music. well, more like yelling over it.
you can smell weed, which confuses you slightly. you know none of them smoke, not during the season at least. they usually don’t let anyone do it inside the house, so it must be an allowance for a girl.
you’re already getting strange looks as you step inside, which is fair. your shorts are hidden by the length of your shirt and jacket, so you’re just legs and shoes. you’ve got no makeup on, and you didn’t check your hair before you came.
but you swallow the lump in your throat, because it doesn’t matter right now anyways.
you shift your way through the crowd, gaze skipping over the people as you finally reach the dark living room. multi-colored strobes flash, lighting up the hoards of tipsy college kids dancing on the soaked wooden floor. furniture is pushed aside to make room, though the championship banner from last year still hangs on the wall.
his eyes find you before yours find him.
he stares at you across the tops of people's heads, standing by one of the couches that’s shoved against the wall. one of his roommates, connor, is leaned back on the cushions, watching the two girls they were talking to pass a joint back and forth.
but he’s no longer focused on anyone else, because he’s spotted you across the room, and he thinks this is the most disheveled he’s ever seen you. your angry eyes lock in on him seconds later, and they narrow instantly.
you beeline toward him, right through a group of people that are half-dancing along to the terrible playlist.
he lifts his eyebrows at your attitude, but not in fear. he’s actually a little impressed. his friends are watching you warily, just as confused as everyone else who saw you walk in.
he can’t help but stare at your legs as you finally reach him, admiring how cute you look in your pajamas, pale pink bottoms peeking out underneath your shirt with every step. he briefly wonders if you’re even wearing a bra.
then you open your mouth, and the fantasy is over.
“what time is it, chris?” you snap at him, one hand balled into a fist, the other clutching your phone.
“i don’t know, but i have a feeling you’re going to tell me.” he takes a sip of his drink to try and hide his grin.
it takes a lot of self control to keep yourself from slapping it out of his fucking hand, just because of how smug he looks. you hold up the screen to his face.
two twenty-two in the morning. chris almost laughs.
“the answer is way too fucking late to be having a party on a wednesday.” you reply, bringing the device back down to rest by your thigh.
“why didn’t you come? i missed you.” he pouts.
you glance over at the people on the couch, at the girls who are still making eyes at you as they converse with connor. he’s giving you a weird look too, as if no one could possibly understand why you’re here like this.
“yeah, sure you did,” you turn back to him, “now shut this shit down before i call the cops.”
chris puts his hands up in surrender, though he knows this is an empty threat just as much as you do.
“wow, somebody’s grumpy.”
you roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest self-consciously. “i’m serious. tell the puck bunnies to go home for the night or i’ll do it myself.”
he takes a tiny step closer, just a few inches, and yet it still seems suffocating. he looks too good, clad in a simple black tee and jeans, and he’s studying your face with the fire of a thousand suns.
“you don’t have to be jealous because other girls are here. you know you’re my number one.” chris replies easily.
even though his tone remains light, his expression is serious now. it enrages you more, that he thinks he has so much control over you.
“as if i give a fuck. i just want to sleep, so the choice is yours. police,” you wave the hand that holds your phone slightly, “or call it off.”
chris takes another sip of his drink, tipping it back so he can finish the rest of it in one foul swoop. then he nods his head, like he’s admitting defeat.
“fine. i’ll send everyone home.”
you can feel the relief creeping over you, knowing that you don’t have to actually get law enforcement involved. “thank yo—”
“on one condition.” he interrupts, and you furrow your brows.
“no conditions, chris. we’re not bartering right now.”
“come to the game on friday and we can hang out after for a bit. i’ll even give you a practice jersey to wear.” he offers, and the trademark smirk has reappeared on his face.
lights dance across his features, morphing his expression every few seconds. you just stare, because for once, you’re actually not sure what game he’s playing.
“what, can’t get a date without having to resort to blackmail?” you taunt, and he laughs.
“please, i don’t date. and i’d hardly consider this blackmail. just think of it as getting to know your friendly neighbor on a more personal level.”
there’s a humorous glint in his eye, one that’s daring you to say yes. what’s there to be afraid of? all you have to do is watch hockey, eat some popcorn from the concession stand, and deal with his attitude for an hour afterwards.
you’re still not sure what chris is getting out of this, or why he’s insisting that you need to be there, but at this point you don’t care. all you can think about is salvaging the rest of your sleep.
“alright, fine. now you have five minutes to get everyone out, and i better not hear any more shitty remixes for the rest of the week.” you point an accusatory finger at him and he shrugs, though he’s clearly content that you caved in.
“your wish is my command, princess.”
you turn on your heel to head back outside, retracing your steps from earlier as you slip through the mob. you half expect chris to follow, just because he’s annoying, but he doesn’t.
the overhead lights are coming back on now, and you can hear deep voices shouting, combined with collective groans from the crowd as they all realize they’re being kicked out.
luckily you make it out the front door first, and you jog back up the steps to your own place to get out of the cold.
you’ve only been inside for seconds when your phone buzzes in your hand.
see you friday
sweet dreams ;)
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fhatbhabiee · 4 months
Cuz I Loved You | Part 3
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DBF!Joel Miller x Reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: labor (nothing too descriptive), argument, mixed feelings, confessions, dad!joel, not beta'd, no physical description of reader
note: so idk if i wanna do a next part. i like the idea of an open ending- kinda leaving it up to y'all's imagination on how you want it to end, but if you guys would like a next part just let me know and i'll see what i can come up with- or if you just want drabbles based on this mini series shoot me some prompts in my inbox!
part 1 , part 2
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You were sitting in the living room, going into full nesting mode and folding the loads of baby laundry you've been washing all day, when the doorbell went off. It threw you off guard- you weren't expecting anyone so who could it be?
You walked over and opened the door, only to feel your heart sink to the floor.
His eyes went straight to your round belly, anger building up in his chest.
“Why didn't you tell me?”
“You didnt want to start over, remember?”
“That's my child! I'm it's father, I had a fucking right!” he yelled
“Yeah the child you never wanted! The child that you said was a dealbreaker before he was even real!”
“You still should have told me!!” You stepped back from him when he yelled again. His face was slowly turning red, veins and muscles becoming noticeable in his neck. You'd never seen him this mad before.
He let out a sigh, calming himself down before he said anything else. You both stood there for a moment, staring at each other and not knowing where to go from here. The silence was broken by the sound of Joel's phone ringing. He took his phone out and saw it was Tommy calling- most likely something happened at work.
“I gotta get goin..” you gave him a small nod. He looked at you again, like he wanted to say something but he just stayed quiet and made his way back to the truck.
Later that night you laid in bed, finger hovering over Joel's contact in your phone. You felt guilty. You truly thought not telling him about the baby was the way to go, but after seeing him get upset guilt filled your mind.
“Fuck it…” you muttered before tapping in his contact. It rang a few times until he answered.
“Everything okay?” he asked.
“Yeah. Just wanted to tell you that my moms throwing a baby shower this weekend at the house.”
“Do you want me there?” he asked.
“You don't have to come if you don't want to Joel, I was just letting you know.”
He let out a dry chuckle. “That your way of apologizing?”
“I wanna talk to you. Face to face.”
He let out a small sigh before responding. “I'll see you this weekend.”
— • —
There was blue everywhere- blue balloons, blue party streamers and a table piled high in the corner with gifts wrapped in blue gift wrap. Everyone was outside, chatting and enjoying themselves while you walked inside the house with your mom.
“Mom I think you went a little overboard…”
“Nonsense its my first grandbaby I had to.” she smiled, making you laugh. The back door slid open and closed, pulling your attention to who just walked in. His curls were slicked back, white button up tucked into black slacks and unbuttoned low enough to see his bare chest. Your heart fluttered at the sight of Joel. You couldn't tell if it was the pregnancy hormones or if it was the fact that he actually showed up.
“Hey.” he muttered giving you a small smile.
“Hey.” you smiled back. You looked over at your mom and gave her a nod. She gently squeezed your hand before walking back outside.
“You look beautiful.” Joel said, eyeing you up and down, admiring the blue sundress you had on.
“Thank you. You look good too.” you smiled. His eyes traveled down to your belly again and you noticed.
“Wanna feel?” you asked
“Can I?” you grabbed his hand and placed it on your belly. He smiled as soon as he felt the tiny foot press up against the palm of his hand.
“Wow he’s really in there huh?”
“Should see him at night.” you giggled. “It's like he doesn't sleep.” you leaned back against the counter and watched as Joel's hand traveled its way around your belly. You felt your heart swell. All you wanted was to kiss him and lay with him while he talks to your unborn baby.
“What do you want to do?” you asked, breaking the silence.
His hand dropped from your belly, leaning back against the counter next to you.
“When it comes to us… I don't know really, but I do know that I want to be a part of his life.”
You gave him a small nod. “Okay. You can take the gifts to your house, I have everything but a crib.”
“We can go look for one tomorrow if you want?”
“I have a doctor's appointment in the morning. We can go after.”
“Can I go? To the appointment?” he asked. You smiled and nodded.
“I'd love for you to go.”
— • —
“This damned thing.” he grumbled under his breath as he tried piecing the crib together.
“No, I think that part goes there.” Tommy muttered.
“It wouldn't make sense to go there.” Joel muttered back. You leaned against the door frame, crossing your arms over your chest.
“How many contractors does it take to put together a crib?” you asked, making the brothers face you and give you an offending look. “Don't look at me. There's a perfectly good manual sitting on the dresser.”
Joel scuffed. “Don't need no damn manual.”
“Well take a break. Dinners ready.”
“Sweet.” Tommy quickly got up and ran out the room leaving you and Joel alone.
“I could have called my dad to come put it together so you didn't have to spend your entire day off with me.”
“I don't mind darlin.. Plus I didn't really think you and your dad were on speaking terms.”
“Why wouldn't I be speaking to him?” you asked.
“Because he was the one that told me you were pregnant.” you scoffed, anger slowly building up in your chest. All this time you thought it was Tommy. After you saw him at the store you were sure he had told Joel but no. It was your dad.
“Was over at his house for the game and he told me. Kinda just blurted it out.”
You scoffed and shook your head. “Asshole.”
“Don't get mad at him. He was just thinking it was for the best-”
“It wasn't his place to say anything Joel.” you snapped.
“Okay okay just... Calm down. Remember what the doctor said this morning.”
Your doctor had put you on bedrest for the rest of your pregnancy, worried that your blood pressure was too high and if it stayed high you'd go into premature labor. You wanted to tell her to kick rocks, knowing you still had so much to do and didn't have time to be on bedrest but you had to take it seriously.
You took a deep breath and nodded. “You're right…”
“I'm sorry.” Joel placed his hand behind his ear and leaned down closer to you. “What was that?”
You sighed and rolled your eyes. “I said you're right.”
“Mmm” he smirked. “How'd that taste coming out?”
“Like I'd rather cut my tongue out.”
— • —
It was time. You hated being a drama queen but your son was ready to come out and he was being very dramatic about his entrance into the world. To your luck, you were at your house with Joel when your water broke. You leaned over the back of the couch, slowly rocking back and forth as you watched Joel run around with his head cut off. Apparently after all those years he did forget what he was doing.
“Joel hurry up please.” you groaned as another contraction shot through your body. The pain was unbearable- like nothing you had ever felt before. All you wanted to do was curl up into the fetal position and cry.
“Alright I got everything.” he called out as he ran downstairs.
As soon as you got to the hospital they quickly put you into a room and started hooking you up to all these monitors. It was fairly quick because as soon as the doctor checked you she had you pushing. You leaned back into the hospital bed, panting and sweating
“I'm done.” you whined.
“Cmon darlin he's almost here.” Joel said in a soothing voice but you were at your wits end. The pain was too much and by the time you got to the hospital, it was too late for an epidural so you were feeling everything.
“It hurts Joel.” your voice cracked, nearly on the brink of tears. “It hurts too much.”
“I know it does sweetheart but think about our son. That sweet little boy you've been so excited to meet. All those nights you talked about having him in your arms- you finally get that. Just a few more minutes of pain, for a lifetime of happiness.”
Minutes later, the room filled with the cries of your newborn. Joel looked up, instantly falling in love with the crying baby. The nurses cleaned him up before placing him on your bare chest.
“Oh he’s perfect.” you smiled, gently kissing the top of his head.
“Beyond perfect.” Joel smiled. He gently nudged your shoulder, pulling your attention away from your son. “Proud of you mama.” he muttered.
“Couldnt have done it without you…” you admitted. His eyes glanced down at your lips. All he wanted was to press his lips against yours but it wasn't the time. Instead he kissed your forehead, making a small wave of disappointment wash over you. You really thought he was gonna kiss you, but maybe it was just your imagination.
“Do we have a name?” the nurse asked.
“I've always liked Blake.” Joel murmured.
“Blake Miller it is then.”
“Darlin do you want me to-” he got quiet as soon as he walked into your bedroom and saw you sound asleep with your newborn on your chest. He let out a quiet chuckle and gently picked up the baby from your chest, not wanting to wake either of you.
“Let's put you in your crib bud.” he whispered, gently rocking back and forth as he walked over to the crib you had tucked in the corner of your room. Before Joel set him down, he looked at the sleeping baby in his arms. He had the same grumpy look Sarah had when she was a baby, eyebrows scrunched together and lips puckered up. He has your nose and that was something Joel was very thankful for.
Your eyes fluttered open, not feeling the weight of your baby on you anymore. You turned your head and saw Joel staring down at him.
“Want you to know… Whatever happens between me and your mama I'll always love you with all my heart. I know I was scared before you came into the picture but… now that you're here, starting over doesn't seem so bad after all.” Blake let out a small coo, making Joel chuckle.
“Alright I'll shut up.” he kissed his forehead softly before setting him down in the crib and turning on the mobile. He turned around and saw you were still asleep. He pulled your blanket up to your chest and kissed your forehead before walking out of the bedroom. Your eyes shot back open as soon as you heard the click of your bedroom door close.
You clearly heard everything Joel just said. Now what?
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divider: @saradika-graphics
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freshlluv · 1 month
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distraction - m.s
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summary: after a painful conversation with Matt, where he harshly ended your friendship, you are left heartbroken and confused
warnings: sad, bsfmatt, cussing, use of y/n, not proofread
word count: 1.1k
a/n: this is kinda really bad lmfao
my inbox is always open to requests <3
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You sat alone in your room in the middle of your bed. Has it ever been this quiet? The cars from outside would drive past your apartment, that’s all you can hear. It’s only 8pm and I have nothing to do. You quietly sobbed
Matt just dropped me off. That’s all I can remember.
Nick called you 
N: “Y/n?”
You: “Nick?
What happened?”
N: “Matt is crying. What the fuck happened in that car ride?”
You: “Oh. I..” You didn’t want to think about it honestly.
“I just don’t feel like we can be friends anymore.” Matt said, his tone dripping with disgust
“What?” You froze. He was joking. Right?
“We all talked, we just think you're a distraction.” He held the bridge of his nose.
“Did you?” You croaked out
“What did Nick say?” You were in defeat, no way Nick would actually say that. And as well as Chris?
“It doesn’t really matter what he said. I think you are a distraction” he said shifting uncomfortably in his carseat.
“Oh.” Your heart broke into a million pieces. You’ve always liked Matt. He was your favorite.
“I’m sorry.” You tried to say. But your throat felt like it was blocked and you couldn’t even swallow. Your face was hot, you just wanted to go home.
“I’ll drop you off.” He said his words were a bit lightened.
 If he never said anything I would’ve been home 10 minutes earlier.
I wouldn’t be crying.
The engine was humming, that's how loud the silence was. No words spoken, no sounds. 
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N: “Why the fuck did he say that?”
You shrugged like he could see you through the phone. Your head falls into your hands.
You: “I wish I could tell you.” Your voice a bit raspy
A few minutes pass by and it was filled with silence
N: “Hey okay I’m going to help Matt alright?” He says in an almost whisper.
You: “Alright”
You didn’t like that you had all this time on your hands to think about it, to replay it in your head over and over again.
So you got dressed and called your friend to see if you can forget it all and go to a club.
You applied the last of your mascara. 
You didn’t even recognize yourself, it felt like you’ve completely alternated but that wasn’t true. 
At least that’s what you were trying to force yourself to think.
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You exited out of the uber and entered the club.
“God!” You yelled it was extremely loud
“Oh my god Y/n!” Her voice was slurred but anyone could recognize it’s your best friend Bri.
“You actually fuckin’ came?” She laughed and gave you her drink
“Here sip. S’good right?”
You nodded trying to not puke already, that was the most terrible drink ever but it’s beer what did you expect.
You went over to the cooler and grabbed yourself your own beer and chugged it.
“So why are ya here?” Bri asked “Did a guy break your pretty heart?” She giggled
“Something like that, remember Matt? Oh yeah he fucked me up”
Hours later, and 3 beers later. (You weren’t much of a drinker to be honest)
“Does Matt really hate me?” You thought to yourself
You’ve grown sick of being here suddenly it was too hot, too loud, too many people. 
You checked your phone
You left the club you didn’t want to get into an uber afraid you were going to puke in it.
Everyone was most likely asleep right now. 
Except for one person
The phone rang on maybe until the 3rd ring
“Hello?” He groaned, his voice was deep and tired
“Matt?” You sniffled 
“Y/n are you okay? Where are you?”
“IdontknowIwannagohome!” you said really fast and sobbed
“Fuck, let me keys I’m coming” You heard jangling and the call ended
The realisation quickly hits you. You called Matt, the one you literally just fought. What the fuck were you doing?
You sat at the curb, waiting for him, that's all you could do. 
He pulls up, you could instantly recognize his minivan. You snickered to yourself, you always teased him about it.
You opened the passenger seat and sat down
“Are you okay?” A worried look plastered on his face
You nodded, your lips jutting. Trying not to cry
“Listen Y/n I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to-” He realized it might not be the best time to talk so he just drove.
“I have a bag here um, just throw up in there I guess” He place the bag in my lap
“Matt, you never told me what I was distracting you from.” you swallowed
“I never meant it. I thought you were.. Distracting me from.. Our videos.” he admitted embarrassed. “I’m sorry” he whispered looking at me “Also heres a jacket it’s fucking cold out here”
You hummed as he threw the jacket over your shoulders.
Holding tightly on the jacket around your shoulders you fell asleep.
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We arrived at my apartment
“Y/n” He tapped my shoulder “We’re here”
I shook “Huh?” I looked around, noticing my apartment. I slipped off the jacket and took off my seatbelt.
“Thank you so much.” You smiled 
“Of course, but, Y/n look I’m sorry.” The moonlight shined on his face, the outline of his puffy eyes indicated that he did indeed cry.
I just hugged him
“It’s okay.” You whispered into his hair
He hugged you back tightly
“Wait actually. Can you stay over?”
He smirked
“No! Fuck off not like that!” You furrowed your brows annoyed
“Yeah, yeah I know” He rolled his eyes smiling
“I don’t like sleeping alone, y’know” you said quietly
He nodded and we both got out of the car. 
You got to your door and unlocked it and headed inside throwing everything to the floor, your purse, shoes. You left his jacket hanging and went into your room. Matt followed
You slipped out of your dress without a warning 
Matt’s eyes widen and instantly turns around his face flushed
You threw on some sweatpants and a random big shirt (Matt’s shirt)
“Do you need any clothes?” You offered
“Nah I’m good” He cleared his throat
“C’mere” You yawned inviting him to bed. He joined you taking off his socks and stretching
Matt wraps his arms around you and plays with your hair.
“I’m sorry. Genuinely”
You looked at him “I know.” You snuggled into his chest and yawned
You fell asleep instantly, in his warm embrace.
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lottins-only · 18 days
I love you, it's ruining my life | Part IV
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pairing: Kylian x black!Reader
word count: 6.2k
part one, part two, part three
A/N: as always, please let me know what you think in my inbox <3 Like this post if you'd like to be added to my taglist.
IV. Spring 2023 through Summer 2024
July 2023
“Tic Tac!” The man on the TV had wide, and quite frankly, manic-looking eyes. “Tic Tac!”
Kylian quickly grabbed the remote and turned the TV off, releasing a sigh of relief at the ensuing silence. It was all noise these days, the minute he turned on the TV, or opened Twitter and Instagram, or even glanced at a newspaper. His name in big bold capital letters, in a headline that almost always contained the words “leaving” or “staying”. Everyone wanted to know. The paparazzi stalked his every move, yelling out the million dollar question to him any chance they got – “Kylian, are you leaving PSG?”  as if he’d respond to them. People on twitter tracked his flights, trying to see if any of the planes he boarded were headed to Madrid. Self- proclaimed insider journalists went viral on social media with their ‘scoops’, causing a flurry of conversation, and depending on which day it was and which side you were on, either joy or sadness. Turtle emojis haunted his dreams, and now, thanks to the Spanish TV channel he’d accidentally come across, so would the words ‘tic tac’.
He was a good sport about it, most times. But at times it was all too much. Like today. He’d spent the majority of it in a meeting with his mother and legal team, discussing  PSG negotiation strategies. Then he’d come home to take an afternoon nap, only to be woken up by his lawyer calling him to deliver the news: PSG had frozen him out of the first team. He’d proceeded to go to his living room and open the TV,  mindlessly scrolling through the channels, happy to not just think for a couple of minutes, to let the disbelief and anger marinate inside him until he could express it at a later time . But that was all gone when he happened upon the Tic Tac man, who apparently hosted a show that was dedicated to the Mbappe - Real Madrid Saga. Now it was back to stressing about his present, and his future. 
Truthfully, everything had started unraveling the day he’d royally fucked everything up with Y/N, back in December. The heartbreak he’d felt had been unlike anything he’d ever experienced before, so all encompassing that it had left him at a loss of equilibrium. It shook him to his core.  He didn’t just lose the girl he loved, he lost his best friend too.  He’d decided to pour everything he had into football, and he’d quite literally been rewarded for it when he’d become PSG’s top goalscorer. He felt happiness he hadn’t felt in a long while when he stood there in the stadium that evening, thousands cheering him on as he held up the trophy. But then all of it had dissipated back in his apartment, his friends and family gone after a night of celebration,  the golden 201 staring at him from his trophy cabinet. What good was any of it if he couldn’t call and share his joy  with the person who mattered to him the most? He’d felt incredibly lonely then, more lonely than when he was just 14 alone in the Monaco academy for the very first time.  Y/N had left a big, wide hole in his life, and no matter how he tried to forget it, it was still there. 
His phone, which he had  carelessly tossed across the couch, started to vibrate. It was his mother, probably calling to check on him, maybe offer some words of comfort. He ignored it. He didn’t want to speak to anyone at the moment; He didn’t have the energy to pretend he was ok, , to feign acceptance of his uncertain future and Y/N’s absence from his life. Instead, he headed to the fridge and grabbed a rare beer. He wasn’t going to be playing  professional football anytime soon , so who cared how much carbs he consumed? 
He watched his phone continue to vibrate as he took a gulp of beer. It periodically flashed different names: his parents, his brothers, his sister in law,  Tchaga. He was happy to ignore all of them in favor of wallowing in his sadness. It went on like that for an hour or so, his phone occasionally lighting up with someone calling as he sunk deeper into his misery. Then, a name appeared on the screen that made him almost choke on his beer.
He quickly grabbed the phone and answered. “Hello?” 
 “Hi” Y/N’s voice was tentative, almost shy. “Are you okay, Kylian?”
“Yeah” He managed to keep his voice steady. “Yeah, I’m okay”
“Are you sure?” her voice was tinted with concern. “It’s all over the news here. Plus, your mom is worried, said you’re not picking up your phone” 
He winced. “ Don’t mind her, It's probably all the stress from the negotiations taking a toll”
“And you?”
“And me what?” he asked.
“Is it taking a toll on you?” She clarified
“No, I’m good” he said defensively. “I’m great, actually”
His beer bottle that had been teetering on the edge of his coffee table suddenly tumbled down and crashed to the floor. 
He cursed. “Sorry, my beer just went everywhere…” 
“Beer?” She sounded surprised. “You don’t drink beer. Especially so close to the season starting”
He sighed. “Y/N, we haven’t spoken in more than 6 months. Since you fucking broke my heart, mind you. I don’t think you can confidently say you know me anymore”
“Harsh” She replied. “But maybe deserved”
He heard shuffling at the other end, and the unmistakable sound of a cat’s meow. “Is that a cat?” he asked.
“Yup. I adopted one about a month ago” she replied. “Her name is Luna”
He snorted. “Half the cats in the world are named Luna. Couldn’t you be a little original?”
“Shut up” She chuckled, then paused. “And I still know you well, by the way”
“Mmm?” He was searching for a broom and dustpan to clean up the beer bottle mess. He couldn’t find them anywhere. He was shamefully clueless about this stuff, seeing as he had a cleaning person come take care of things  like that. 
“Yeah. I can bet my salary you’re looking for something to clean up your mess with but you can’t find it” The sound of her giggle made his heart skip a beat. 
Kylian smiled in spite of himself and muttered “Fuck you” under his breath.
He finally found the broom and dustpan. 
“You know what else I can bet?” Her tone softened, turned more serious. “I can bet that the Kylian I know wouldn’t let this type of stuff get to him. No matter what pressure he’s put under, no matter what they say. He’d just let his football speak for itself”
“Yeah well, they’re not even letting me play football. That’s the issue. It’s either renew my contract  or I won't play a single minute this season. And that’s a problem, Y/N. Because if I don’t play, then It means I start getting out of form. And I can’t have that. There’s too much on the line. The Euros next summer, and then maybe the Olympics…” He’d swooped up all the broken glass carefully and was now wiping the excess beer. “I don’t want to disappoint anyone”
“What about… What about here?” 
He knew ‘here’ meant Madrid, but the way she said it made it sound like ‘here’ was more personal. For a moment he imagined a world where they were together, a world where he’d be able to find solace with her – in her city, her apartment, her bed. He quickly dismissed that thought before it could hurt him.
“I want to finish my PSG contract first” It was a line that almost felt robotic the number of times he uttered it to the press, but it was still true.
“In any case, I don’t think you should worry too much, Kylian. You have great lawyers, great people behind you. They’ll figure it out” Her voice was comforting, and for the first time, he believed those words that had been told to him by friends and family countless times. 
The door to his apartment rattled just then, and he cringed. The timing couldn’t be worse. He disposed of the glass as he heard the door unlock from the other side, and then the sound of clicking heels approaching. 
“Kyky, are you okay?” She asked, just as she came into view. “You didn’t pick up when I called”
She saw that he was on the phone, and Kylian was about to open his mouth to explain when she whispered “Is that Fayza?”
He didn’t know what possessed him to lie, but he did. He nodded a yes. 
She gave an understanding nod, before motioning that she was headed towards his bedroom.  Kylian watched as she went up the stairs, overnight bag in one hand and the sound of her heels echoing. 
A brief silence, and then, “Who was that?” from the other end of the phone. 
“You remember Sophia from Monaco? She lives in Paris now” Why did it feel like he was delivering bad news? She was the one that had left him heartbroken. “And we’re dating”
“Dating dating or are you still just hooking up?” Her voice was unreadable. 
“No, we’re dating. Shocker, but I’m actually capable of being in a relationship”
“Why did she move to Paris?” She ignored his pointed jab. “What does she even do now?”
“She’s a model” 
She snorted. “ There it is”
He frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“That’s your usual type, no?” 
He rolled his eyes. “Not really. My type was you. Just you.  You thought I was using you for sex, though. That’s why we didn’t work out right?”
“But yeah, she is a model” He ignored her, not wanting to prod his own open wound.  “Not all of us can be super smart, saving people’s lives…”
“I don’t save lives” She pointed out. “At least not directly. I’m in nonprofit work, remember?”
He did remember. He knew everything about her, admired and cherished every single detail. Yet, she wasn’t his. He’d gotten close; those 10 days after his birthday were the best of his life. But she ran away. And maybe it was his fault. It was a thought that haunted him till this day. Maybe I should have been more forward. Told her how I felt. Told her I love you.
He cleared his throat. “You know, we’re doing an event next week for the kids in my foundation. About getting into STEM fields.”
“I know” She responded. “I’m going to be there”
“What?” He couldn’t hide his surprise. 
“Yeah, your mom invited me. I’m going to be one of the speakers” She sounded amused that he didn’t know.
“Oh… I guess I’ll see you then”
“Yeah, I’ll see you” she said quietly. 
There was a brief silence, and Kylian thought it was the appropriate  time to wrap the conversation up. Any other time and they’d spend minutes in comfortable silence, speaking only when they felt like it, and on things that ranged from random to deep. But this was the first time they were speaking in months, and there was another girl waiting for him upstairs. 
“Thank you for calling. For calming me down. You’re very talented at that ” He let out a sad laugh.
“Of course. I’m always your friend, Kylian. No matter what” She said it with so much conviction it almost made up for everything else. 
He thought she was going to add something else, but she didn’t. They said their goodbyes and hung up the phone.
October 2023 
The second time they spoke on the phone, he was on a flight back from a game. It was a loss, and no one was happy, so there was a muted atmosphere on the plane. Despite that, the adrenaline still running through his veins prevented him from falling asleep. He kept awake, fidgeting in his seat, trying to fend off the thoughts that usually assailed him after a loss. Could’ve made that pass. Should’ve scored that goal. 
He decided to distract himself. He pressed play on the latest episode of his favorite show, but he couldn’t concentrate. He contemplated playing a game, but he didn't want to think. Next to him, Dembele was softly snoring. He instinctively reached for his phone, and before even thinking about it, called Y/N. 
She picked up almost instantly. “Hello?” Her groggy voice made him realize it was well past midnight in Madrid.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was so late. We can –”
“It’s fine, it’s fine” Her voice was soft. “What’s up?”
He looked out at the night sky through the small airplane window. “Nothing, nothing. Just couldn’t sleep, and thought I’d try and talk to someone” 
She chuckled. “Well, you’re in luck, because I’ve been sitting at my desk for the past hour trying to study. You caught me just when I started to doze off”
“Study for what?” He kept his voice low to not wake his neighbor. “I thought you were done with all of that”
“Decided I have one more degree in me” She said. “I started a masters program”
“Wow. So you’re juggling classes, your job, and being a mom to Luna” He tsked jokingly. “That’s a lot on your plate”
“Tell me about it” She yawned. “I’m fully embracing the cat lady stereotype these days”
“What, no guys hitting you up?” He kept his tone teasing, but he was very curious.
“Don’t have time, is all” She responded. “I barely leave the apartment during the weekends… I barely even see friends”
He frowned, imagining her cooped up in her tiny apartment all alone, straining her eyes by poring over her books. Neglecting herself. “Y/N, you work so hard, don’t forget to take care of yourself”
“I’m managing” Her tone was soft but strained. His frown deepened. How had he not noticed the deep tiredness in her voice until now?
“So, what are you doing this weekend?” She asked, clearly trying to change the subject. “Any plans with Sophia?”
“Well, we have two days off, so I was thinking–” A lightbulb flickered inside his head. “I’m actually going to be in Madrid”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah” He lied. “ I’ve got a Nike photoshoot”
“So, I’ll get to see you right?”
“Yes, of course. You’ll have to text me your address and stuff and I’ll come by..”
She didn’t express any excitement, and he didn’t blame her. He felt nervous himself,  seeing as this would be their first meeting alone since December. He’d come up with the idea on the spot, lying about a photoshoot,  because something in her voice was off. He wanted to see her, to check on her. Plus, he missed her. 
He texted his assistant to arrange a flight and a hotel to Madrid before the plane even landed in Paris. He rushed back to his apartment just to shower and to pack a bag, then he was once again on a plane, making his way to Y/N. 
By morning, he was in sunny Madrid. By mid-morning, his driver was taking him to Y/N’s apartment. His heart was beating out of his chest as he knocked on her door. A few seconds, and it opened. And there she was. 
He was struck by a sense of longing, the heartache he’d felt all those months compounded tenfold at the sight of her. He couldn’t dwell on that, though, because the longing immediately gave way to a wave of concern. She looked exhausted, her curls frazzled and dark circles visible on her tired face. Despite this, she smiled at him wordlessly and let him inside. 
Her apartment was a reflection of her current state – chaotic and disheveled. Papers and books were scattered across surfaces, take-out boxes on the floor. 
“Sorry about the mess, I got swept away with work” She shrugged at him in embarrassment as he cleared away papers on the sofa to take a seat.
“No worries” he said, looking around her apartment. This was his first time in her living space.
“Do you want me to get you anything? Water?” She asked, just as a blob of gray fur suddenly flew across the room from nowhere and leaped at him.
“ Ow!” Kylian exclaimed as the cat’s claw made contact with his face. He looked down at it with a disapproving look.“ You must be Luna. Thanks for that”
Luna meowed at him contentedly from her perch on his lap. Y/N chuckled, but her laugh quickly turned into a yawn.
He scratched Luna’s ears and gave Y/N a serious look. “ You need to sleep. Now” 
“But I— 
“No buts. You need rest” He said firmly “ You go take a nap, I’ll chill with Luna”
“ But you just got here!”
“ We have the whole weekend to hang out”
She frowned. “ You came here for work though”
He ignored her comment. “Just go sleep,Y/N”
With a resigned sigh, she made way to the bedroom. 
He looked back at Luna, then at the messy apartment. A former coach of his had once told him a person’s living space was a reflection of their mental state. He sighed at the British shorthair. “Let’s get to work Luna”
He started by gathering the books and papers, carefully arranging them so they were all in the right place. Next, He cleared away all the trash and disposed of it. He wiped all the surfaces of the living room and kitchen, restoring some sense of order. Luna trailed after him all throughout his cleaning, rubbing her head against his leg once in a while.
After some contemplation, he decided to take the risk and walk to the grocery store across from her apartment building.  Thankfully, the store clerk didn’t recognize him in his cap and sunglasses so he got his shopping done without any hassle. Back in the apartment, he replaced the wilted flowers on her kitchen table with the fresh ones he’d gotten, then put away the groceries he’d picked up. 
He’d never cooked a meal in his entire life, but he figured he’d be able to follow a recipe. So he pulled up youtube and searched up a simple pasta recipe. It took him longer than he’d anticipated, but by the time Y/N woke up, there was a steaming home cooked meal waiting for her on the kitchen table.
She broke into a giggle as soon as she walked out of her bedroom, her eyes lighting up in delight. “You did all this?”
He raised his arms up in mock triumph. “I’m not a completely useless human being outside of football, you know”
“Never said you were” She took a seat by the kitchen table, eagerly stabbing a fork through her pasta.
He watched her take a bite, a grin spreading across his face as she gave him an approving thumbs up. Nothing he loved more than validation from Y/N.
He plated up some for himself, and they ate in companionable silence. Afterwards, Y/N insisted on cleaning up and he didn’t protest, seeing as doing the dishes had always been his least favorite chore ever since he was a kid. He watched her move around the kitchen, already sensing less tension in her after the nap and meal. 
When dusk rolled around, he turned to her and grinned. “Time for you to show me your city”. And so they set off, him dressed modestly in just a T-shirt , sweatpants, a cap and pair of sunglasses not to attract attention and her in a pretty yellow sundress. This was his first time venturing outside without a bodyguard in years, and he was sure his mother would have a heart attack if she found out, but he didn’t tell Y/N; he wanted her to feel completely at ease. As they walked, she pointed out some of her favorite things about the city: the mix of historic and contemporary architecture, and the street art. He listened attentively, though his anxiety was growing. It would take only one person to notice him for word to spread around and a mob to form. Then he could do little to protect Y/N or himself. 
She must have sensed his worry, because shortly after she pulled him into one of the less crowded cafes. They took a seat outside, his back facing the streets. He watched her people watch, the setting sun casting golden hues over her face. She’d gotten a scoop of ice cream while he was sipping on peach iced tea. 
“You know, I hate to complain, but sometimes I wish it was easier” His tone was heavy. “Whenever I’m outside, it feels like I’m always on guard. ” He turned and looked wistfully at the bustling street.
“On the bright side, you’re living your dream” She reminded him with a sympathetic look. “Not many people can say that”
He nodded in agreement, then paused. “Do you think, you and I,  if there wasn’t all of this”–He gestured vaguely at himself – “would we have worked out?”
She raised her eyebrows at him, clearly surprised at his question. “I don't – Kylian, I–”
He interrupted her, snorting bitterly. “Remember when you basically told me I’m a fuckboy athlete using you for sex?”
“We don’t need to talk about that now, Kylian” She looked down at her ice cream.
“No, I think we do” He said firmly. “Do you know how much you hurt me?”
She looked up at him. “ Kylian… I’ve seen the pictures, heard the stories. Plus the way you behaved during our…situationship or whatever you call it.  You can’t fault me for thinking that way”
“What do you mean the way I behaved?” He laughed bitterly. “ You were the only person I was seeing.  Holding hands, kissing, I’ve never done that in public before with anyone else.  All because I was proud you were mine… at least I thought you were going to be mine.”
“Well that’s the issue, Kylian. You never told me any of that. I was hurt.. I thought I was just a temporary distraction to you” She said quietly. “I thought you were throwing away our friendship just for sex”
He was hurt that that was the way she viewed him. But he hadn’t led her to believe otherwise, had he? He’d never entertained the idea of a relationship with anyone before her simply because he’d never liked someone so much before her. And so most of his late teen years and early twenties had been spent in a cycle of casual flings, never letting anyone get too close. He could see why she’d thought that way.
“Y/N, I never meant to make you feel like that,” he said, his voice earnest. “I’ve never been in a place where I cared about someone as much as I care about you. Maybe I didn’t show it right, but it was never just about a fling for me.”
“It doesn’t matter anyway, though” She continued, locking eyes with him. “We have two completely different lifestyles… it would never work” She said the last part quietly, as if it was a painful truth she would’ve rather be false.
“So your answer is yes?” He tried to hide the pain in his voice.
“The answer to my original question, about my career being in the way, it’s yes right?”
She slowly nodded. He nodded back, a silent acceptance passing between them. Perhaps she was right; they lived in different countries, worked two completely different jobs. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. He had Sophia– who lived in the same city as him, who ran in the same circles, who had no problem throwing herself into his world. That should have consoled him, but he couldn’t help but feel that this would be the ‘what if’ that haunted him forever. 
She reached out and took his hand. “But Kylian, your friendship means the world to me. I want that forever.  I mean look at me, I was on the verge of collapse before you visited. Thank you, by the way” She added, giggling self-deprecatingly. 
He managed a small, bittersweet smile. His phone rang just then, and Y/N snatched her hand back when she saw the caller ID on his phone. It was Sophia, wanting to know how his photoshoot was going. He weaved a web of half-truths while Y/N looked down, playing with her ice cream.
By the time he hung up, the sun had completely set and the bustling street outside was bathed in street lights. He’d drunk the last of his iced tea while Y/N spooned the final bits of her ice cream. He found himself watching, mesmerized as her tongue peeked out of her mouth to lick her spoon. Her tongue darted out again to swipe the remaining ice cream from her plump lips.  His mouth slightly gaped as she closed her eyes, letting out a  soft moan of satisfaction. “That was really good” She said as he moved his eyes away and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Even after the painful conversation they’d had, she was capable of getting his blood flowing to all the wrong places in his body. He didn’t know if it was pathetic or funny. 
He cleared his throat. “Let’s head back, shall we?”
February 2024
“Look this way, you two!” The photographer shouted over the loud chatter. Kylian had slowly grown irritated throughout the night; first it was the itchy jacket that clung to him, then the seemingly endless stream of people coming up to him asking for pictures, and now it was this nosy photographer trying to get a snap that he could sell to the tabloids. He knew he was hired by Tchaga to document the opening of his new business, so he tried to keep a polite facade. “No thanks,” He said. “We’re good”
The photographer moved along, clearly disappointed. Next to him, Y/N gave him a playful pout. “You don’t want  pictures with me?”
He rolled his eyes at her. “You know why”
She smirked at him as she took a sip of her drink. “Can’t help it if people think I’m hot”
A few weeks ago, a video of Y/N speaking at his foundation event back in July had resurfaced online and gained traction on Twitter and Tiktok. People were commenting on the ‘insane chemistry’ between her and Kylian, and how they looked like the perfect match. Up until then, Y/N had been able to maintain her anonymity; she was never photographed with Kylian or seen out with him. She’d always joked about making her public debut in his documentary fifty years from now, where she’d recount embarrassing stories from his childhood. But that video going viral meant she’d had hundreds of thousands of people camping out on her Instagram page, convinced she was his latest love interest. A few tabloid articles soon followed the social media buzz, lighting up even more speculation online.  The irony of  all of that happening just  as they finally moved past their short lived romance was not lost on Kylian. 
Though she hadn’t mentioned it, he knew she wasn’t taking this invasion of her  privacy lightly. He felt a pang of guilt,  especially since this wasn’t the expected outcome when she’d volunteered to speak to the kids. So he overcompensated sometimes, like in this instance, to make sure no photos of them leaked online or on tabloids to fuel further gossip. 
He watched her open her email app for the third time at night, anxiously refreshing it to see if there were any new messages in her inbox.
 “Stop that” He snatched the phone out of her hand.  
“Give me–” She started protesting, but he’d already replaced her empty hand with another drink.
“You need to relax, they’ll get back to you when they get back to you” He said.
She sighed, nodding hesitantly. She’d come to Paris for a job interview with a company she’d been impressed by for a while. She wasn’t very stressed before the interview, saying she’d rather stay at her job in Madrid anyway, but no one likes facing rejection. As a result, she kept checking her phone for updates while in the middle of the party,  which she’d been able to attend because it had coincided with the day of the job interview. 
They watched as Tchaga made a speech, Kylian clapping proudly for his best friend. Y/N left shortly after he cut the ribbon, citing exhaustion. Kylian offered his driver to take her home but she declined, so he walked  her out of the party and waited for her Uber with her. 
“Where’s Sophia tonight?” She asked, shivering slightly in the cold evening air.
“Oh, we broke up” He said casually, shedding his jacket and holding it up for her.
“What?” Her eyes widened in surprise as she turned around, letting him drape the jacket over her shoulders. “I didn’t know that”
He shrugged. “ It wasn’t working out. We wanted different things”
“And what were those?”
“She..” He paused, measuring his words. “ She wanted to be more public. And I didn’t want that”
It was more than that. She’d started posting photos of inside his house, which Kylian had expressed his discomfort at. She didn’t understand where he was coming from though, didn’t understand that as someone who was in the public eye from a very young age he placed a high value on his privacy. Then it was calling photographers whenever they were out together– at events,  restaurants, you name it. He’d always known that being her boyfriend increased her profile in the modeling world, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that she was in the entire relationship just for the spotlight. So, he’d called it quits. Her reaction had confirmed his suspicions – he’d seen pictures of her out and about with an A list actor just a few days after their break up.
“I’m sorry, Kyky” She gave him a hug, wrapping her arms around his torso. He rested his chin on the top of her head, fighting the urge to kiss her wind frazzled curls.
“You haven’t called me that in a long time” 
“ Just wanted to reclaim the nickname I gave you, now that she’s out of your life”  She grumbled.
Kylian chuckled, feeling slightly satisfied by the jealous undertone in her voice.Y/N had still never met Sophia but she always overheard her call him Kyky over  the phone. It was true that she was the one who’d come up with the nickname when they were younger. He liked that she was possessive over him; over a part of him, at least.
They said their goodbyes after a few moments, and he watched her uber speed away. He only went back inside when the car turned the corner and disappeared. 
Inside the party, he mingled with friends of friends and other acquaintances. An hour or so went by before it was just his inner circle left. He stood around with Ethan, his father, and Tchaga, chatting about the week’s football and other random tidbits. 
Ethan pointed at the small beard on his chin, laughing.  “You’re still growing that out? We told you it sucks” 
Him and Tchaga had teased him mercilessly about it last time he’d grown it out, saying it was tacky. He’d quickly shaved after that.
“Oh, Y/N said she liked it so I just kept it” He shrugged.
“You’d probably wear clown shoes if she told you they looked good”  His father muttered quietly.
Ethan and Tchaga burst into laughter, while Kylian’s face flushed. Seeing his son's embarrassment, Wilfried quickly corrected himself.
“What I meant to say,” he said, raising his hands in mock surrender, “is that you clearly value her opinion more than anyone else’s.”
“Which is great” Tchaga added “If you both weren’t running away from your feelings”
Kylian groaned.
“It’s never going to work out” He automatically repeated the words she’d said to him, the same words he said to himself during sleepless nights.
His father squeezed his shoulder and looked him in the eye. “To me, it just seems like you’re both scared. Maybe take a leap of faith. It’s obvious you two care about each other a lot… If you don’t give it a shot, you’re going to regret it. Trust me”
You’re going to regret it. Wasn’t he already? Deep down, he knew there was no one else for him besides her. Anyone else he kissed, slept with, dated, or even had a fleeting connection with was just second best. No one knew him like she did, no one else had his heart in the palm of their hand. If he didn’t tell her now, then they’d start drifting apart. Separate futures.  Separate lives with different families and different partners. A life of misery is what awaited him.
He sighed. He knew what to do.
April 2024
Kylian had arrived in Madrid on that April morning  with two missions; First to sign the most important contract of his professional career so far, then to tell his best friend he was in love with her. The first part was straightforward; himself and his group of lawyers had met Real Madrid’s lawyers, signed the papers, and sealed the deal. Just like that, the most dramatic football transfer saga of the decade came to an end. 
The second one he’d been more nervous for. He’d tried to come up with a script, something romantic like in the movies. But it felt disingenuous, so he decided he’d make it up as we went along.  Hey, I know you said we’re never going to work out, but we’re going to be living in the same city soon so why don’t we give it a try? Nah, that was too simple. He needed to come up with something better.
He met her at her apartment in the evening, leaving behind his mother and the rest of the team who’d come along for the contract signing.
“He’s off to see his girlfriend now” His mother had announced to the table when he excused himself after their late lunch. 
He’d flinched at the term and whispered, “She’s not my girlfriend”
“Oh, really?” She shot him a look that could melt steel.  “And why is that?” 
He opened his mouth, but she cut him off. “Don’t even start with the ‘I don’t have time’ excuse . You two  can spare 2 hours a day to talk on the phone, so you clearly do have the time”
He didn’t respond, just gave her a small smile. Being called out by both parents for unresolved feelings wasn’t for the weak.  Hopefully, he'd give her good news by the next day. 
Now, he was in Y/N’s living room, waiting for her to finish getting ready before they went out to dinner. After contemplating how he’d talk to her about it, he’d decided dinner was the best option so he’d proposed the idea that they go out for a nice meal.  He entertained himself by playing with Luna as he waited for her, watching the cat run around the apartment leaving chaos in her wake. 
He looked up when he heard the sound of heels.  Y/N emerged out of her room, looking beautiful in a white dress that hugged her figure gracefully. It was knee length, sleeveless and was complemented by a pair of tall white heels. Almost involuntarily, his gaze wandered up her legs, admiring the way the white of her dress contrasted with her brown skin. His eyes traced the curve of her hips – he’d once had the privilege of laying his hands on them, but now he could only stare longingly.
She cleared her throat and his eyes immediately darted away. She had an amused look on her face, clearly aware of where his thoughts had been. He just smirked back in response, as if to say “sue me”.
“You look beautiful” He said quietly.
“Thank you” She said. She was glowing more than usual, the happiness on her face evident. 
“You look really happy” He noted, smiling at her. “It suits you”
“Well, it’s because I got that job I told you about!” She squealed in excitement. 
His smile faltered. “What?”
“I was going to tell you over dinner, but I couldn’t wait” She shrugged happily, her delight evident.
“Wow” He was well and truly speechless. “Congratulations”
“Thank you” She beamed at him.
“So, you’ll be moving?” He dreaded the answer to that question.
She nodded in affirmation. “I’m really excited”
He thought about the cruel coincidences that had followed them for years; She left Paris as soon as he came back to Paris, and now she was leaving Madrid to Paris just as he was leaving Paris to come to Madrid. It felt like a cosmic joke from the universe, a message that they were never meant to be. The thing he wanted most in the world at the tip of his fingers, now gone. He felt tears prick his eyes but he blinked them away. 
“Kylian, are you okay?” Y/N gave him a concerned look.
He put on his best fake smile, the one he reserved for journalists. “Yeah, I’m fine. Come on, let’s go celebrate”
tags: @kyliansonlygf @ynkfreeastheocean @scottishthistle @user6373738 @lucysantos6-blog @tuliptopiasstuff @kennasutopia @cinderellawithashoe @akiracim @kymb-10 @germanapples @ariesmai
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torialefay · 8 months
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❤️‍🔥 Mercury in Libra 🪫
bangchan as your boyfriend series!!! (pt 5)
(based on astrology) 🔞
✨bangchan x reader (f); angsty sad times, little fluff if you try
✨word count: ~3.1k
✨5th and final part in chan’s astrology series!!! together, let’s take a look into chan’s natal chart to see what type of boyfriend he would be!
✨i will give a brief synopsis of what each chart placement means throughout the series (for all my non-astrology friends out there <3) and how that would affect channie in a relationship
✨ author’s notes:
(1) i do brief compatibility readings w/ skz members! if interested, send your natal chart to my inbox, as well as which member you’d like me to read for OR if i think there is one member best suited to you <3
(2) the aspects in this reading are based solely on my opinions and interpretations! nothing about a person is set in stone simply because of astrology. please don’t use anything i say as canon :)
✨warnings: sad plot, theme of unfaithfulness, occasional cursing
✨tl/dr: chan is a loverboy who gets caught up in flirting when he doesn’t even know he’s flirting. then he ends up a blubbering mess.
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Mercury in Libra:
-Mercury is the planetary ruler of communication and intellect. It shows how you connect with others throughout everyday life, just in speaking with them. It can also tell you a lot about how you relate to others and interpret the information they give you.
-Libra is a cardinal sign, meaning that people who are in this placement REALLY live by the aspects associated with that placement- in other words, chan is likely to hold very true to these values.
-Libra is the sign of love, beauty, charm, and balance. Libra in Mercury has a few key traits when it comes to communication. They are natural charmers and can instantly make people like them simply by talking with them. Libras are very good at placating to what others want, so they can speak to you in a way that they tell you what you want to hear. Libras also love beauty, so they many times will have an elegant way of speaking or cute quirks and mannerisms. Lastly, Libras value harmony and balance, so most likely their communication style will either (1) mimic yours, or (2) counter yours to be able to reach a happy medium.
-Long story short: Mercury in Libra people are sweet talkers who can charm anyone they meet, make them feel special, and meet them at the communication level that they are in. HOWEVER, the downside to Libra in Mercury is that they do not like confrontation- so they are likely going to avoid any conversations that could disrupt the peace between them and that person.
As your boyfriend:
• Chan always supports you exactly how you need him to.
◦ Had a bad day? He understands, come lay on him and talk about it.
◦ Upset over a test score? Scores are stupid, he’s gonna buy you ice cream and let you rant about how ridiculous it was.
◦ Got into a yelling match with a close friend? Hold his hands and talk him through it. He wants to know how he can help.
• He adapts to what you need in that moment- if you need someone to listen, he will sit there with an open ear. If you need advice on what to do, he will analyze every option and patiently walk you through what he thinks is best.
• If you get really frustrated or angry over something, he will 100% come up behind you and bear hug you, shaking you around until you give in and put a smile on your face.
• “Come here and talk to me,” he says, pulling you down to sit on his lap.
• He loves talking about deep things with you, like the meaning of life. It makes him feel so lucky to have such a smart significant other.
• He stares at you in awe as you talk about things you’re passionate about. Even if he genuinely doesn’t care about the topic, he holds on to every word, thinking of how cute you are in this moment.
• He remembers every little story you tell him about your childhood. When you bring up a long-gone aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc., he says “Oh, the one you told me about who ___?” You always smile at how he remembers these little things.
• Chan knows that you’re mad. He ALWAYS knows.
• He can tell in the way that you don’t instinctively turn your knees towards him in the car and when you don’t automatically reach for his hand when you walk next to him.
• He may not know why you’re mad, but he does know that you are.
• What he has a really hard time with is addressing it.
• He’s been trying for days to make up for it- whatever it is.
• Every day, he starts with “Good morning beautiful.” And every night, he finishes with “Good night princess.” Making sure you didn’t feel unloved.
• He’s been doing extra housework- cooking, cleaning, finishing up odd jobs you’d asked about a month ago. Could that be it?
• He’s been putting his foot down at work, leaving every night 5 PM to make sure he gets to spend the evenings with you. Maybe that’s what this is about- maybe you just missed spending time with him.
• Chan doesn’t know what’s wrong, and nothing he’s done so far has changed anything.
• He was hoping that his efforts would change your attitude toward him, or even make you forget about it, but he just couldn’t understand why you weren’t letting up. Why you weren’t letting him in as closely as you once had. Why things were so good, but now they are so different.
• All he knows now is that he is hopelessly in love with you, but it seems like you don’t feel the same anymore.
• You both sat together on the couch for a while. You thought Chan wouldn’t notice as you slowly inched yourself away from him, more slowly as the minutes passed.
• But he knew. He tried to reason that something was wrong. He didn’t want to push for an answer yet for fear of learning one that he wished he wouldn’t have.
• You continued to scroll on your phone, mind-numbingly on the ‘X’ app. This was a habitual routine, but one you decided you needed to break.
• There were a lot of great posts on there, but there was a lotttt about your boyfriend on there as well. One more unwanted post you knew would send you into a spiral.
• But you couldn’t help yourself. You had to know.
• You scrolled through the hashtag on the app. “#bangchan” splayed across the search bar.
• Cute photos and gifs. Adorable collages. Sexy TikTok edits. The usual. It took you probably 10 minutes of scrolling before you found something that got you ticked off again.
• ‘Every goddamn time,’ you thought, as your scoffed and rolled your eyes. You stared down at the video playing on the phone, as if this was the first one you’d ever seen.
• The caption of the video:
“how cute is #bangchan looking flirting with #fem/idol 😭🥰”.
• You focused on the interaction on the screen. There was Chan at the award show last night, leaning in and whispering something into fem/idol’s ear. When he pulled back, he looked down at her with a big smile, and you could see her reciprocate by blushing intensely and batting her eyelashes back up at him. You watched as he continued to talk for a few moments, laughing and offering up big hand gestures before saying goodbye, making sure to fully catch her eyes and bow as he went.
• You quickly scrolled underneath to the comment section, hoping that someone would say something- anything- to make you feel better.
◦ “God I wish he would look at me that way 🤭”
◦ “omfg she’s so pretty id def have chan’s reaction too”
◦ “Crying 😭😭 When do you think they’ll announce that they’re together? ❤️”
• You swiped out of the app entirely, shutting your phone off afterwards and placing it in your lap. You continued to stare down at the black screen until you felt tears start to well up in your eyes.
• You quickly tried to blink them away, but you couldn’t help it. This was the third time THIS week that you’d seen him do shit like this. Smiling, blushing, and heavily complimenting one girl, helping another fix her shoe, and now this. Before, you could reason it away- chuck it up to him just being a “nice guy.” But you couldn’t keep doing that forever.
• You always saw the comments people left under the videos about how cute they would be together and how Chan would be the perfect boyfriend.
• ‘But little do they know,’ you thought as you sighed.
• You turned your legs along with your body fully toward the other side of the couch, opposite of where Chan was. You looked a bit ridiculous facing the other way, but you didn’t care. You didn’t want to see his face. You couldn’t stand to.
• You let your mind wonder, repeating the video in your head. The way he looked at her and the way she looked back.
• ‘Am I stupid?… Have I been stupid this whole time?…’
• You thought back to when you first decided to make things official with him, and how you both agreed that it would be easier to not publicize the relationship. You didn’t want anyone coming in the way of what you have together.
• ‘Was that my first mistake? So he can date me in secret and go out and flirt with any other idol he wants?’
• Your mind drifted to each other interaction you’d seen with him. You had make excuses time and time before. But it hurt to see him like this. Your OWN boyfriend talking to another girl the way that he SHOULD be seen talking to you.
• You couldn’t help yourself as one tear escaped. Then two, then three. Before you knew it, there was a release of waterworks all down your face. Your mind got the best of you as you started sobbing into your hands, burying your face into the side of the couch. There was nothing you could do to stop yourself.
• “Baby?” Chan called. His response was met only with more tears.
• “Baby, what is it? What’s wrong?” he asked, scooting his whole body next to yours to hold your back.
• “Get off of me!” you lashed out. He looked confused for a moment, but released his grip from you.
• “Honey, please talk to me. What’s wrong?” he asked, genuine sadness on his face.
• Hearing him call you pet names, all while pulling shit like he just had, completely set you off. “Don’t call me that.” You straightened back up in your seat, slightly turning toward him, not daring to look him in the face.
• “Don’t call you what?”
• “Honey, baby, whatever. You don’t get to call me that anymore.”
• “Y/n, what is going on? Seriously?” He placed his face in front of yours and used his hands to move your shoulders around to face him. This is the first time he could see how red and puffy your face had become. He felt like a piece of him had broken off just looking at you.
• “What’s going on?” you cried. “I don’t know Chris, why don’t you tell me what’s going on.” You quickly unlocked your phone, the video still open on it. You dropped the phone down to him as you stood, then taking a couple of steps to get some distance.
• He watched the video, moving his head around as if he was studying it. He replayed it a couple of times, then turned it intently, like he was looking for a hidden message. But he could find none. He furrowed his brow, then looked back up at you with a stare of confusion.
• You scoffed. “Okay. So you see nothing wrong with that?”
• “With what? Talking to another girl?!”
• “FLIRTING with another girl, Christopher! Flirting!… I’m not stupid! This is the THIRD video I’ve seen like this in a week. Do you know how humiliating it feels to have to see you, who was supposed to be the love of my life, out here flirting with all these other idols THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA.. AND THEN having people comment on top of it about how you two would be ‘just the cutest couple ever’! Do you have any idea how that feels?!”
• You saw him get a tinge of sadness in his eyes, but you cut him off before he could speak.
• “No, you know what? I KNOW you don’t know how this feels. Because I would NEVER think to look at another man the way that I look at you.. So you know what!? If you’re that interested in other girls, you can go for it! By alllll means, don’t let me stop you!” You could feel steam coming off of yourself.
• You didn’t even want to hear what he had to say, you just wanted to get out of there. He could have his idol life. Do whatever the fuck he wanted. He had you fooled for a while, but now you saw him for who he was. A liar. Wants his cake and eats it too. But not with you anymore.
• You turned on your heels to leave, thinking you’d go ahead and pack an overnight bag to head out. As you took your first step, you felt a grasp and a tug on your wrist in the opposite direction.
• You stumbled back, feeling him cling to your hand, then pull the top of your body slightly as he stood himself up. By the time he settled, he had you back facing right in front of him with your one hand in his.
• “Y/n, please don’t say that. Please, just listen to me,” he begged, eyes bigger than you’d ever seen them.
• “Listen to what? Listen to you explain how it’s okay to flirt while you’re in a relationship?”
• “That wasn’t flirting!”
• “Oh really, then what do you call that?!”
• “I was just being nice! I thought-” his voice cracked, tears starting to well up in his eyes. “I thought I was-“ he hung his head to the side. “I thought I was being nice!” He looked so defeated.
• And just like that, he started sobbing. Tears were streaming down his face like you’d never seen before. So powerful, they left visible marks even on his black shirt. He kept trying to get words out through his cries.
• ”Baby, I- I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” he cried. “I didn’t know it would come across like that… I would NEVER,” he genuinely could not contain himself as he strained to get the words out. “I would NEVER do that to you! I could never think of someone else like that.”
• Teardrops kept trickling down as he reached to grab your other hand into his. “I love you- only you! I could never flirt with someone else! But the fact that I made you feel like that- that that’s what it looked like to you…” he couldn’t even see anymore with the water flowing out of himself. “I am just so sorry… Y/n I’m so sorry! Please, please believe me.” He was getting choked now. His face was red like he was about to pass out from lack of air.
• You stood still, not knowing yet what to believe or what to say.
• “Baby please! Please,” he took your face in his hands, feeling of the few stray tears on your own face. “Please. I love you. Please don’t shut me out. I thought I was just being nice and I- I-… I’ve..” he huffed, struggling to get out what he wanted to say. “I’ve done the last thing I ever wanted to do. I would never intentionally hurt you, do you understand me?!” He tried his best to look into your eyes. All you could see were tears weeping out, redness shooting in all directions, and a look of absolute brokenness. “I promise I never meant to come across that way. I thought I was just being nice to her, that is ALL. YOU are the only person I care about. No one else means anything to me. Without you, I am NOTHING. Please baby, please listen to me. Please don’t leave me. I’ll do anything to make this right.”
• He continued to wail as he brought his arms around your body, resting his head on the side of yours. His tears began to soak down into your hair. There was still nothing you could say. I mean, what could you say? Your boyfriend was notorious for being a charming guy… But knowing that didn’t make this situation any easier.
• “Please baby,” he rubbed your head as he plead. “Please just tell me how to fix it and I will. I don’t want you to ever feel that way again.” You felt the water from his eyes now drench your hair entirely. “I PROMISE if you show me what I’m doing wrong, I will never do it again. I promise I will be perfect for you. Just tell me how. I will do ANYTHING! I am BEGGING, y/n!”
• He stood there, holding you as tightly as he could while cradling your head and trying to quieten his sobs. He waited for you to give him some sort of response. Good, bad, ANYTHING was better than nothing. He felt his heart physically break inside his chest when you remained silent, not even motioning to begin getting a word out.
• He slowly pulled his face away from your hair, coming up to face directly into you one last time. His whole face was swollen, pink cheeks now extended into a pink nose and pink ears, streaks of both new and old teardrops going in every direction.
• “Y/n please,” he begged. “Just tell me something… Anything.” He felt like the floor could drop from under him any moment. A gnawing pit formed in his stomach that he felt was going to jump out of his throat while waiting to hear you.
• You stood still for another moment, moving your eyes down and contemplating what you could even say at this point. Your emotions were so mixed.
• “I love you so much. Please know that,” tears still in his eyes, he leaned down to kiss you. It was wet and you could feel the desperation in the intensity he moved his lips over yours. You leaned into it the slightest bit, giving him most minute sense of hope. He clung onto the kiss with everything he could, throwing his lips further into yours before you felt the tears start to slowly separate you again. He pulled his lips off of yours with violent hesitancy.
• He whispered now, as if he didn’t want anyone else in the world to hear him. “Please teach me what you want. Say the word, and I will do it...” small tears now were the only ones coming out. “I would give up everything for you, y/n. Money, fame, anything. Please just teach me what you want…. Please-” he cried, “please don’t leave me.”
• wellll, I’ll let you decide what your fate is with chan 🤭 to forgive or not to forgive?
• ohhh the world of a mercury in libra
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clownprincehoeshi · 1 month
Parallel Hearts - Chapter 10
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Synopsis: Never in your wildest dreams you imagined that you’ll meet your ult bias. Maybe you finally have your shot at love and happiness. Or not.
Pairing: fem reader x idol Jungkook fem reader x idol Mingyu fem reader x idol Hoshi
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst
Warnings: Kissing-Nudity-Sex 18+-Harrassment-Stalking-Death mentions-Cheating
Word count: 10.453
Previous chapter
Rebloging is important and much apreciated. Leave your comments, oppinions, ideas, whatever you like. My inbox in open. Kpop writers, let’s be moots?
Things were awkward at dinner that night. You wanted to just stay in your room and sleep, but Hana didn’t let you be so petty.
Even though you knew you had feelings for Soonyoung, you were not sure how deep they went and you didn’t really know what to do about them, because you promised yourself to never fall in love again or get involved again.
You also didn’t know that he felt pretty much the same, maybe a little more confused and in denial about his feelings.
He knew he had feelings for you and that he found you ridiculously sexy.
Right after dinner, the guys decided to watch a movie. Jun dragged you to the couch and made you sit next to him for cuddles.
He felt you were not in a good mood so he wanted to keep you close and safe. You thought you will tell him tomorrow about the conversation you had with Hoshi.
The couch was in an U shape and everyone was sitting and laying on it. You could feel the whole movie Soonyoung’s eyes on you.
The back of your head was burning, you felt really conflicted and flustered.
Jun: Are you ok?
Y/N: Not really, but I don’t want to talk about it today.
Jun: Ok, whenever you’re ready.
Y/N: Thanks, Juni!
And you ended that with a kiss on his head.
You couldn’t miss the way Hoshi was watching you that moment. He looked almost… jealous? You were sure you were wrong.
As soon as the movie ended, you said goodnight and ran to your room, not waiting to hear a response from anyone.
After some minutes, Hana came into the room.
Hana: Ok, let’s talk.
Y/N: Not today. Pleeeaase!
Hana: Like…Soonyoung looked like a sad puppy all night. What are you planning on doing about this situation?
Y/N: I don’t know, I’d rather not do anything and it will go away with time.
Hana: Stupid, but whatever.
Y/N: Why, what would you do?
Hana: First, I would stop being a coward who’s running away from love.
You scoff and move to the window to watch the moon.
Y/N: Pffff love? Let’s say that’s what I’m feeling. How do I know it’s what he’s feeling? We know he doesn’t want to get into something serious anytime soon. He said it himself, he said he’s not ready for that. What f it’s just fun for him? What if I give him a chance and after he gets what he needs and he gets bored, I end up broken again? Then what, start from the beginning again and again?
Hana: Nobody knows what could happen. And I really doubt that he is that type of guy to just look for an easy fuck. Like come on, he’s so harmless. Even when he gets angry and yells at his members it makes you laugh you ass off.
Y/N: Exactly! I can’t even take his anger seriously. Don’t you think that’s an issue? How could I take his words, his confession seriously?
Hana: Girl, you’re talking nonsense right now. I thought you were smarter than that. Is it the Sun? Did it fry your neurons? I think that you laughing when he gets angry is the cutest thing ever, I wish I had that with a guy.
Y/N: You know what? This conversation will end up frying my brain, let’s just talk about it another day. I just want to sleep and start work again in two days. There is so much to do for the next concerts, we should focus on that.
In the morning, you made sure to wake up really early and be in the parking lot first, so you could get a seat in the car in the front and next to someone else, not Hoshi.
You decided you will try to stay away from him for a while.
It was not easy thought, because you worked together. You had to see him every day. You took the plane together, had all the meetings together, all the rehearsals, and almost all dinners after the show.
You would catch him looking at you with sad eyes and pouty lips. You thought he hasn’t changed at all from his baby pictures. The same pouty cute face.
You were sure you never met anyone cuter and more adorable than him and it was driving you crazy.
You were sure he was doing things on purpose just to get a reaction from you. He would bump into you “by accident” while in a crowded space when there were rehearsals or shows going on.
He would just look you right in the eyes and say sorry, then run away like he got shy.
You were having a couple concerts in France and you were in Paris for the week. The company decided that it was good for publicity to have the boys attend some shows for the fashion week.
Somehow, you ended up going too at the YSL show where Jeonghan was a brad ambassador. You had to go shopping for this and pick some fancy clothes and accessories.
At the event, you chose to wait a little outside to see the boys arriving. It felt thrilling. The crowd was huge and so noisy, everyone brought albums and photocards, hoping they’ll get signed.
You remember when you were like them few years back, dreaming of seeing your idols. Now you are working for them and it gave you some encouragement that your life is good and you’ll be fine.
Maybe dating an idol was never a good idea for you. While you were deep in your thoughts, you felt someone pat your shoulder. You turn to see an unfamiliar face. A guy who seemed to be a paparazzi.
Paparazzi: Excuse me, do we know each other? I feel like I know you.
Y/N: Uhhh, no, I don’t think so. You don’t look familiar.
Paparazzi: Wait, were you in Italy like 2 years ago?
Y/N: I was, yeah. Why?
Paparazzi: Damn, I still have a good memory.
Hana: So how do you know her?
Paparazzi: It’s a crazy story, but I was paid to follow you on your vacation and take pictures.
Y/N: Ohh? People would do anything for money, uh?
Paparazzi: Hey, was just doing my job and the money were really good. But I remember that just a few of the pictures were published, I never found out what happened with the rest.
Y/N: Do you happen to still have the rest of the photos?
Paparazzi: No, the guys who paid me made sure I deleted everything after. But I could just tell you what they were about.
Y/N: Yes!!
Paparazzi: Well, it showed you and your boyfriend holding hands, kissing, stuff like that. What was the deal, was like one of you cheating on your spuse? Why would someone want normal photos like those?
Y/N: Oh, no, nothing like that. Just a stalker ex, but it was all solved in the end and he stopped with his harassing.
Paparazzi: Glad to hear that. Well I need to go and photograph some celebrities now. Take care!
Y/N: You too!
Hana: That was weird. What a strange coincidence.
Y/N: Indeed. Weird.
You could barely see the boys behind the crowd of screaming fans, so you decided it was better to go inside the venue and find your seats.
It was an old theatre where all guests were sitting all around the huge place. the models would walk between the seatings. The lighting show was really something, and the music went to perfect with it.
You were like a little kid, fascinated by this new world you were discovering. It also made you feel somewhat happy that Soonyoung was there too.
He was doing everything in his power not to look at you too often, because he was afraid it would be obvious and raise suspicions.
But Jeonghan really wanted your team to be there and just have a fun evening doing something different.
When the show was over, everyone came around the boys to take photos and interviews. There were other idols invited there, Jackson, Bam Bam, Eunwoo, Karina, Sana.
Your eyes immediately went to Hoshi when he started interacting with Karina. You remember they filmed for a show together, but you couldn’t help the jealousy that was creeping up.
Afterall, you could not compare to her. She was so pretty, charming and she’s in the same industry as him. You’re sure she would be a better match for him than you.
Yeah, of course you dated idols and you weren’t ugly, but look at her. She’s famous and rich, you’re not.
Y/N: Hana,let’s go, ok?
Hana: But we decided we’ll have dinner all of us together after this and discuss some more about the show in 3 days.
Y/N: Ugh, fuck! You’re right, it’s important to decide tonight what are we going to do about the videos we’ll chose for the big wall.
Hana: Let’s have a drink then we’ll head with our team to the restaurant, ok?
After one drink you felt a little tipsy. You thought you barely had any alcohol in your cocktail, but guess not.
The guys were still mingling with organisers, press people, celebrities and even models.
Hana: Stop being so obvious! Those girls won’t eat him.
Y/N: What if they do? He looks like a tiny delicious cute cake. They have eyes.
Hana: God, you’re an idiot in love.
As you two were whispering net to your colleagues, some guys that were much older than you came over to talk to you.
“Hello there, can we offer you girls a drink? We’re William and David, nice to meet you!”
Hana: Hello, thank you for your offer, but we are on our way out soon.
William: Oh, no way! Why leave so early?
Y/N: We have dinner reservations and need to meet our friends.
Davis: We won’t hear that. Tell you what, we have a better idea. How about you join us on our yacht and continue the party there?
These guys were becoming annoying and you just hate people who won’t take your first answer and will keep insisting.
You look around, trying to not get angry, because you know if they won’t shut up soon you’ll make them eat their words.
While you’re trying to distract yourself and letting your friends manage the situation, you catch Mingyu staring your direction.
He shakes his head, trying to figure out if you’re ok. He could see your annoyed face and they old guys who looked a little drunk all over your group.
Then you see him walk in your direction and you gulp. What is he doing? There is press here.
He puts his arms around the two men’s shoulders, towering over them.
Mingyu: Hello! How are you, my friends?
William: Oh, excuse me, we were having a conversation here. Who are you?
Mingyu: You don’t remember me? Come on, drink with me!
And he drags them to the bar with his strong arms, the men not realising what’s going on. He saved you. Once again. A little giggle went trough you, as you were watching him trying his best to make the men feel uncomfortable, giving them some of their own medicine.
You took advantage and left to the restaurant and after half an hour, the rest of the people arrived also. You wanted to thank Mingyu in person so you gave him a sign with your hand to follow you, after you all ordered your food.
You found a place outside where you sat on a bench.
Mingyu: Are you ok?
Y/N: Yes, just wanted to thank you for that.
Mingyu: Oh, don’t mention it. I will always help a friend in need.
Y/N: We’re friends?
Mingyu: I hope we are. You don’t want to?
Y/N: Umm…I don’t want to be enemies and we work together. So we kind of need to be friends.
Mingyu: I guess I’m not forgiven yet.
Y/N: Sorry, was not trying to sound rude. I forgave you, but it feels weird.
Mingyu: Yeah, true. But how are you after…everything that happened?
Y/N: Good, I think. It’s been some months since we broke up. It’s been tough at first, but now I can say that I’m over it and happy. What about you?
Mingyu: Um, yeah. I am fine. It left me disappointed in myself that I wasn’t more careful about the people around me. I can be pretty naïve and stupid. Anyway, it’s in the past and it’s done.
Y/N: You think we can be friend just like we used to be before?
Mingyu: You bet! I’m ready to start over.
Y/N: I think I’m ready too. I miss you. Our friendship
He takes your hand is his, while looking ahead at some trees. A moment of silence follows. This was a decisive moment that helped you realise your feelings for him were not there anymore. He felt just as a friend and you were glad.
Mingyu: Let’s get back inside, don’t want your boyfriend get the wrong idea.
Y/N: My what?
He just have you a wink and ran away giggling.
Y/N: Yaa, Kim Mingyu!
Seungcheol: What are you two up to? Come on, food is here!
Mingyu: Yes, dad!
Soonyoung avoided your eyes for the rest of the night. He felt sad and angry. He couldn’t believe Mingyu would try to get back with you after he said he is over you and there can’t be anything between you anymore. After he told Mingyu he liked you and asked for advice.
But Mingyu played with him before, he could do it again, right? He decided to have a work with him after dinner.
Kwon Hoshi: Mingyu ya, let’s take the same car to the hotel, I need to talk to you alone
Mingoo: Why are you texting me, I’m right in front of you
Kwon Hoshi: None of your business, I do what I want
As soon as they were in the car alone, Hoshi started talking without breathing.
Hoshi: What the hell are you trying to do now, get back with her? Are you trying to play games with me again, selling me lies? What the fuck, Mingyu, what’s wrong with you? You said it’s over over and you know how I feel about her.
Mingyu: Hold on, tiger! You’re jumping to conclusion again. See if you’re not paying attention to the people around you? Things happen and things are said and they go over your head.
Hoshi: Just answer my questions
Mingyu: Everything I told you is true, it’s over between me and her and she and I made that very clear tonight. We shook hands and decided to leave the past behind and be friends like we used to be. And how could you think I would try to hurt you?
Hoshi: What was I supposed to think? You two were in love, she won’t give me a chance and you were gone like 20 minutes tonight, alone.
Mingyu: Awww, little tiger is jealous. Don’t be, you’re safe with me. But can’t say the same about other men, strangers. She’s a beautiful and smart woman, men will try to win her over. Didn’t you see the two guys who were trying to offer her drinks at the event?
Hoshi: No, what guys?
Mingyu: Don’t worry about them, they had no chance. Now tell me what’s your plan on breaking her walls down. Because I just know she’s very strongheaded and she is closed off now.
As Soonyoung got into bed, he was a little buzzed from the alcohol and from Mingyu hyping him up so he needed to hear from you. He just misses you. Even your little bickering.
Soonyoung: Y/N!!
Y/N: Soonyoung!
Soonyoung: What are you doing?
Y/N: Texting you
Soonyoung: Besides that
Y/N: Lying in bed, trying to sleep
Soonyoung: Who were those guys?
Y/N: What guys?
Soonyoung: The guys from the fashion event who were hitting on you
Y/N”: Oh, grandpa and grandfather. I have no idea, they just invited us on their yacht
Soonyoung: Do you want to go?
Y/N: On their yacht?
Soonyoung: Yeah. Did you like them?
Y/N: Ridiculous to think that, they were my dad’s age, maybe older.
Soonyoung: I wouldn’t know what your’re into, you’ve rejected me, so you might not be into guys your age
Y/N: I’ve had boyfriends my age and you know some of them
Soonyoung: Don’t remind meee, you are so mean
Y/N: Don’t tell me you’re jealous
Soonyoung: You got a problem with that? I can feel whatever I want
Y/N: You shouldn’t feel jealous, I’m not your girlfriend
Soonyoung: Because you don’t want to
Y/N: You never even asked me to be
Soonyoung: Then be my girlfriend
Soonyoung: See? Mean
Y/N: Shut up
Soonyoung: You shut up
Y/N: YOU  shut up, hamster
Soonyoung: Take that back!!!!!!
Y/N: Nah
Soonyoung: Why are you so annoying?
Y/N: And you like me anyway
Soonyoung: You shouldn’t make fun of my feelings…
Y/N: I’m sorry, didn’t mean to do that
Y/N: Soonyoung?
Y/N: ☹
Soonyoung felt hurt by your words. You knew he is a sensitive and impulsive guy, but you were close enough to joke like that. He decided to stop replying, worried that he might say to much or maybe become mean himself.
As he was trying to get comfortable in his bed, he heard a faint knock on his door. Thinking that he probably was not hearing well, he closed his eyes again. Then he hears knocking for a second time.
Getting out of bed, he walks to the door and checks the little visor. There you were, in your pj’s, waiting for him to open.
Soonyoung: I don’t want to talk to you, go away
You look at him and you don’t know what’s gotten into you, but you push him, step into his room and close the door behind you.
He gets quiet and just looks at you with pink cheeks and pouty mouth. That ridiculously pretty pouty mouth you can’t take your eyes of. His brows frown and he swallows hard.
You take one step. Two steps. He doesn’t realise how he’s stepping back slowly. He thinks you look beautiful like this. Furious and angry at him, but still beautiful. His heart beats so fast and he thinks you can hear it.
His legs reach his bed and he stops. You stop also, right before him. Your bodies are so close that you can feel the heat coming from him.
Y/N: Why are you ghosting me now?
Soonyoung: I don’t talk to bullies. I could be a jerk to you too, you deserve it. And I still don’t do it
Y/N: So do it! Be a jerk to me!
Soonyoung: Why would you want that?
Y/N: Like you said, I deserve it.
With that, you turned around and left his room. You left him confused and annoyed. Why did you want him to be a jerk to you? At some point he even thought you were going to kiss him.
All the way walking back to your room, your heart was beating like crazy. You don’t know when you even left your room and how you found the courage to knock on his door.
As you reach your bed, you sink into it face down and growl into the sheet.
Hana: Now what’s wrong?
Y/N: I think I am going mad.
Hana: What you mean?
Y/N: I have no idea how I ended up in Hoshi’s room 5 minutes ago.
Hana: It’s ok, it’s normal in old age.
Y/N: Fuck off! (you say, throwing a pillow at her). Just make sure to sit next to me in the car tomorrow morning, please. I can’t be around him right now.
Next morning, the whole road back to Barcelona, you kept your headphones on, music blasting in your ears. You needed a good distraction, but even that ended up not being enough to take your mind of Soonyoung.
You felt almost stupid for this, for not being able to control yourself. Yeah, you told him no, you denied him, but you keep on going back to him, replying to his silly texts, being silly with him.
You could just block him, but you practically work for him. Maybe talk to him seriously and tell him to give you space. Maybe ask Jun to talk to him? Ugh, you feel a headache coming.
Why does love have to be this difficult? Why can’t you just shut feelings before they evolve into something more? Why can’t you choose who to fall in love with? You’d chose a tree and you’d live happy and in peace forever. No drama, no disappointment, no pain.
The next few weeks of tour were to say the least, hard. But it pushed you to be even better at your work. The whole staff you interacted with had only praises for you and your team.
You tried to avoid spending time outside work hours around Hoshi. He did text you a few times to check on you and you only replied with short answers, not asking him anything back. You hoped he will read the room and give you time.
You were in Milano right now, few days of preparations and events before the first concert. You get a call from Mingyu.
Mingyu: My dear friend, ex girlfriend, Y/N, I have some invitations for you and your friends for the afterparty for the Dior show tomorrow evening.
Y/N: Oh, now I find out I was your girlfriend? What an honour, mister sir.
Mingyu: Why of course, miss lady. So what do you say? Wanna get drunk tomorrow?
Y/N: Of course, why not.
Mingyu: But..
Y/N: What?
Mingyu: Jungkook will be there with Eunwoo.
Y/N: Oh, fucking hell!
Mingyu: Your team will be close to us, you’ll be right with the staff, don’t worry. And I am sure he won’t be dumb enough to try something so publicly.
Y/N: You’re probably right. You know what’s funny?
Mingyu: What?
Y/N: I’ll be in the same room with two of my exes. Weird, isn’t it?
Mingyu: Nah, you’ll be fine, trust me on this.
Y/N: You would know, you big slut.
Mingyu: Can’t deny that hehe. So I’ll leave you go to sleep, it’s late. Make sure you look extra sexy tomorrow.
Y/N: Yeah yeah, goodnight you silly skyscraper!
You called Hana to give her the news. You knew she was having dinner with some of the members and staff. But a man answered her phone.
Y/N: Who’s this? I need to talk to Hana.
Soonyoung: I have her phone, so you can’t talk to her.
Y/N: Are you drunk?
Soonyoung: Yeah, and?
Y/N: You’ll cry out about your face being puffy tomorrow at the Dior show.
Soonyoung: Shut up, you’re not my girlfriend or my mom!
Y/N: Don’t tell me to shut up and give the phone to Hana, drunk hamster!
Soonyoung: I’ll get you for this, mark my words. You’ll be sorry for calling me hamster.
Hana: Soonyoung, give me that! Wife?
Y/N: Ugh, finally! Why was your phone with him?
Hana: I have no idea, I guess it was just on the table and he thought it was a good idea. Did you call or he called you?
Y/N: I called, to let you know that we’re going to the Dior afterparty tomorrow evening, with the team.
Hana: Wow, can’t believe I will be surrounded with celebrities again. I think I love this job.
You hear Hoshi’s voice in the background.
Soonyoung: Hana, is she upset with me?
Hana: Yeah.
Soonyoung: Nooo, that’s so saaad!
Hana: Sorry, wife, but a crying Hoshi needs a hug. (and she hangs up the call)
You missed drunk needy Soonyoung. You wanted to be there to hug him and wipe his tears off his cheeks, then kiss his eyes and give him some cake.
Now, whenever you eat cake, you think about him and how he would also enjoy having a piece of it.
Many times when you met Jun and you knew Hoshi will be there too, you brough cake for him, made by you. He never believed you when you said you made it, he always thought you bought it from a store.
You just wanted to watch his face light up every time you’d take the cake out of the box. He looked adorable stuffing his mouth with it and trying to say how good it is.
Anyway, you needed your beauty sleep, because tomorrow you needed to look your best.
In the morning you woke up alone, no Hana in sight. Ugh, is my wife slutting around?
You check your phone and only see the group chats filled with unread messages. Everyone seems to have gotten drunk last night. You feel a little sad you were not there with them, but it is what it is.
There are also texts from Soonyoung and you immediately click on his chat to read them.
Soonyoung: Dout be upsjet p;ease
Soonyoung: heeejjjjjj
Soonyoung: heyy
Soonyoung: missyoiu
He misses you. You could ignore his drunk texts, but you know that  what he’s saying while drunk it’s what he really feels. Then again, doesn’t mean he’s in love.
He’s always such an i-pad kid, always joking around, rarely taking anything seriously. Except when he’s working. Of course, you can’t say you really really know him, so you can’t just jump to conclusions about him.
That’s why you’re so confused and you can’t be radical about staying away from him. And even if you know someone really well, there’s nothing to vouch they’re going to be predictable.
You’ve gotten ready for work and 30 minutes later you’re in your usual meeting room, sitting at the table, working on your laptop. Hana and another girl from your team joins, bringing breakfast.
Hana: Mornin wife!
Y/N: Mornin to you too, cheater! Where did you sleep?
Hana: Hehe! Well, you see..I kind of ended up kissing Hyunwoo from the dance team and…we went to his room after.
Y/N: Uhhh! You big slut! How could you do that, here, at your workplace where these people are treating us so kind, and respect us……without telling me how the sex was? So disrespectful!
She leans closer, over the table, gesturing you and your other colleague.
Hana: It was really good. And I don’t think it was because of how tipsy we were. Plus, he’s packing.
Y/N: Ok, no need to rub it in. It’s been months for me, it hurts, so please.
Hana: Do we need to go shopping for some dildos and vibrators?
Y/N: I have enough sex toys, silly.
Hana: Or maybe you could ask your ex to help you, if you’re not going to do anything about your crush.
Y/N: My god, Hana! Never! Oh, I forgot the gossip. Jungkook will attend the Dior show too, and I guess the party also.
Hana: You know what that means. You need to look irresistible. And by the way, I’ll be spending some time in Hyunwoo’s room after we finish work today, and my advice since you’ll have some alone time? Use those toys, girl. Unwind.
4 hours later you find yourself walking the hotel’s hallways. With your laptop in one hand and your room card in the other, you’re excited about Hana’s advice. You decided that an orgasm would help you relax, especially since tonight you will see JK.
Reaching inside your room, you take a quick shower and get comfy on the bed. You got your special box with your toys next to you. You pick the vibrator that can stimulate your g spot and your clit at the same time.
You’re feeling so hot and bothered, especially after all the last weeks spent around Soonyoung. Your mind goes straight to the week you were in Spain and how he looked with just swim pants. How he would swim in the pool and all his back muscles would contract.
How he would grip the edge of the pool with his pretty hands, strong grip. And how he would use his arms to lift himself from the water. Oh, the water. The water that was dripping over his abs down to his swim trunks, down his jaw and neck. The water dripping slowly from his strands of hair.
You’d think about how you wanted to lick that hard body of his. You kept working on your vibrator that was giving you so much pleasure right now. You so wished it was Soonyoung making you feel like this.
So wanted to feel him inside you, thrusting slowly, dragging his length deep into your walls, making you cum over and over. Feeling his lips on your breasts, sucking on them.
A knock on the door got you out of your trance. Fuck!!! You kept going, you were so close. Sweat forming on your forehead. Go away!(you whispered)
Then another knock and a call for your name.
Y/N: I’m coming, I’m coming!!! Shit!
And it was not the way you wanted to come. You had to stop. You cursed under your breath. You grabbed a silk robe you had on the bed and went to open the door.
Oh, you were pissed. You open the door to find a flustered Soonyoung standing there, almost guilty and ready to leave.
You were sure your face was pink and sweaty and you were panting.
Y/N: What? You seemed eager to talk, with all that knocking, and now you’re silent?
Soonyoung: Are you with someone? I swear I heard moaning.
Y/N: I’m all alone, Soonyoung.
Soonyoung: Oh! Oh…we’re you…
Y/N: Yeah, I was. I’m a single woman, free to masturbate if that’s what I feel like doing. You got a problem with that?
Soonyoung: Noo, I will just let you get back to what you were doing, sorry for disturbing you.
His face was flushed red and he didn’t just walk away, he ran away. You never seen him run so fast.
You felt like joking around and ask if he wanted to help, but it was not appropriate in your situation. So you kept quiet and went back to business.
Back to your toy and your fantasy about Soonyoung doing filthy things to you. It helps that you just saw him minutes ago. You could still feel his perfume lingering in the air and it drove you crazy.
You ended up cumming while moaning his name. In a way, you wish he heard you right now.
I think a nap is what I need right now before getting ready for the party.
You send a quick text to Hana and one to Jun and you go to sleep for 2 hours.
You wake up at 3 PM, getting into the shower. Meanwhile, Hana arrives to and you both help each other with your hair and outfits.
Y/N: Soonyoung caught me masturbating.
Hana: Whaaaaat??
Y/N: I was about to finish and he knocked on the door. He said he heard me and he figured out, so…
Hana: Geez, that’s..pretty hot, I have to say.
Y/N: How is that hot?
Hana: You like each other and now he’ll think about this all week. Shit, he’ll be looking at you tonight at the party and only see one thing, you touching yourself. That’s hilarious.
Y/N: It kind of is, not gonna lie.
7 PM and you were in one of the company’s car with Hana, 2 of your colleagues and one of the managers.
You were checking the reels from today’s Dior fashion show to see how handsome the boys were. The fans are so quick to edit the craziest and thirstiest reels.
You were wearing a black dress that hugged your body perfectly and dropped sensually over your breasts. You thought that you should wear your hair up in a simple ponytail, to reveal more of your shoulders and back.
Feeling very confident, you walked toward the building, presenting your names at the entrance. The inside of the building was spectacular. Old and new architecture combined, scenes displayed on the walls with thousands of lights, slow electronic music and expensive clothes.
Everything smelled and looked expensive. You start with a glass of champagne, giggling with Hana and noticing familiar faces. This time there were no outside paparazzi or fans around, so you could tell everyone was relaxed.
Hana: There’s Eunwoo. Let’s say hi.
Y/N: Hana, let’s let him come to us, he would know better what to do. Maybe it’s better for him not be seen in company of women.
Hana: You’re right. I just feel weird about it because we’ve been friends for years and he’s like my brother.
Y/N: Jungkook might also be around him, so let’s just not gather to much attention on us.
Hana: Looking like this, you think you won’t catch attention? Giiirl!
Minutes later, you’re enjoying some appetizers and you’re at the second glass, this time a cocktail. As you’re sipping your drink and look forward into the crowd, you notice someone’s eyes on you, the person not flinching, not blinking.
You choked on your drink a little and Hana asked what happened. You told her you just saw Jungkook killing you with his eyes.
She immediately turned and there he was, talking with Eunwoo and some other people.
Hana: Shit, the bastard looks even hotter after his military. Fuck that guy!
Y/N: Ewww, no thanks.
You try not to look in his direction after that, your eyes looking for Soonyoung. You missed him. And you also wanted to see his face when he sees you like this.
Hana: Let’s go mingle and look around. Let’s look at pretty men.
Y/N: Ooookkk.
Hana: Come on, let’s pretend we’re two rich bitches.
The building was huge and the event was taking place outside to. There, they had a different dj with a different music. Here, there was something more like jazz and they had tables with chairs where guests were sitting and enjoying a nice conversation and a cigar.
You saw many celebrities, models, actors, musicians, athletes. It was a little too much for you, but fun nonetheless.
You could get a glimpse of some of the members, but they didn’t see you. They were pretty busy talking to people you didn’t know and taking photos. So you continued your little adventure and walked back inside.
As you turned to walk away, Mingyu saw you and he told Jun. They decided to go look for you.
Reaching a big room, you could tell here it was where the dance was happening. And you wanted to move a bit, so you took Hana’s hand and took her in the crowd of dancing people.
Y/N: It’s been a while since I’ve had so much fun.
Hana: Me fucking too.
Soonyoung was taking pictures with Taemin right in the dancing room where you were, but you could not see him from the people gathered around them.
At some point, a little tunnel formed between Soonyoung and where you were dancing. He could see with his peripheral vision someone in a black dress dancing and it didn’t mean anything, but then when he moved his eyes he saw your face.
Coloured lights were playing on your body, hips making circling moves in the rhythm of the music. Damn, she’s not wearing a bra. Again. It all turned in slow motion again. This always happens to him when he’s mesmerised, and it doesn’t happen often.
He’s never seen you dance before. You’re out of this world, you’re glorious, breathtaking. He needs you.
He was stunned. I’ll marry her.
Taemin: What?
Taemin: Hosh! Planet Earth to Hoshi!
Taemin needed to pinch Soonyoung’s arm to get his attention.
Soonyoung: Ouch! You know I’m sensitive, hyung.
Taemin: Well I needed to make sure you were alive and well. You looked like you saw a ghost.
Soonyoung: No, I just saw my future wife.
Taemin: I thought you liked someone. Didn’t think you were a player.
Soonyoung: Nooo, it’s her. She’s here.
Taemin: My god, I want to meet this woman that has my friend around her pinky.
Soonyoung: Might introduce you later
After dancing you felt thirsty so you went to get drinks.
You were back to the room where you started. As you waited at the bar, you hear someone calling for Hana’s name. You look around and see Eunwoo and Yugyeom.
Hana: Guyyyss!
They hugged both of you. It was the first time you saw them acting normal in public, not having flashes in their faces. Then there he was, Jungkook came behind them and greeted with a shy “hi”.
You and Hana just nodded. You think she hates him more than you. He has a stupid grin on his face and you can feel his eyes scanning your body. Something he will never get to touch again.
Eunwoo: What are you two doing here?
Hana: Well, we are working for Hybe this year, helping with Seventeen’s world tour. And sometimes we’re getting a little spoiled.
Eunwoo: Does that mean Mingyu is here?
Hana: Yeah, somewhere.
Yugyeom: How come we didn’t know?
You shrug and lift your shoulders. Are they not that close anymore?
Jungkook: So the whole gang is here except Jaehyun who’s on tour also.
Eunwoo: We should get some dinner and drink after this, like old times.
Y/N: I don’t know, Woo, not sure it will be like it used to.
Eunwoo: Jungkook, this is your fault. Y/N, you can ignore him. Plus, if he upsets you he’s going to have to deal with me.
You feel an arm coming gently around your waist and pulling you into him.
Mingyu: Who’s going to upset my bestie?
You look up at him with big eyes, wondering why he’s acting like this.
Eunwoo: Gyu! Come on, give me a hug. I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages. You’re a big shot now.
He takes his arm away and hugs his friends, including Jungkook.
Then comes Jun from behind and puts his arms on both your and Hana’s shoulders, standing between you two.
Jun: Hey guys, what a surprise seeing you here. And you found our girls.
Jungkook scoffs and rolls his eyes.
Eunwoo: I was just telling our girls that we should go out to eat and drink after this, like old times. Are you in, Gyu? And Jun, you’re invited too.
Mingyu: I would go, but we already have a thing planned with the members and some of the managers and staff. But you’re invited to come with us.
He looks at you for a bit, almost like asking with his eyes if it’s ok and you nod.
The three guys accept the invite and you already try to think of excuses of how to skip this late dinner.
Mingyu: Let’s take some photos for the gram, shall we?
Then he leans into your ear to tell you something.
Mingyu: Look over my right shoulder. You see Soonyoung there in the crowd?
You look as he says and you see him.
Mingyu: Take Hana and go to him. I know you want to escape JK right now.
Y/N: Thanks, Gyu.
You take Hana’s hand and excuse yourself, walking straight to Soonyoung. You felt like you could not breath unless you head him or touch him.
He immediately saw you coming toward him and he felt his heart race. His friends were talking to him but he couldn’t hear or see them anymore. There was just you. He could only see you.
Hana: Yaaa, Hoshi! Where were you?
She went for a hug. She was clearly tipsy. His eyes were on you all this time and she was trying to talk to him.
Hana: Oh, yeah. Right.
He could see you were not feeling your best, you had puppy eyes and pouty lips.
He takes your hand to rub gentle circles on the back of your palm.
Soonyoung: What’s wrong?
Y/N: Nothing, just saw someone I’d prefer not to.
Soonyoung: Oh. What can I do?
You pouted some more and looked down at your connected hands.
Y/N: Um. Hold my hand for a bit and I’ll be better?
Hearing this, his eyes turned into half moons and he smiled widely.
Soonyoung: Come on, I’ll introduce you to some superstars.
Y/N: Oh my
Soonyoung: Guys, this is my very good friend Y/N and this is Hana
Taemin: We finally meet you, Y/N friend of Hoshi. I’m Taemin
Key: Hello, I’m Key
Y/N: Nice to meet you, I feel honoured
Hana: Hello! So I don’t get the title friend, eh, Hosh?
Soonyoung: You are my friend also.
Leaning into you, he asks if you’re better and you nod, smiling at him. His hand still holding yours tight.
The room cleared a little, since some of the guests went outside to watch the fireworks. Behind you, the ’97 group and Jun were still talking. Jungkook had a clear view at you now and what he saw shocked him.
Why the fuck is she holding hands with Hoshi? He became enraged and drank his whisky glass as a shot. He needed another. Now he really needed to know what the hell was going on. He knew you and Mingyu were not together anymore. But he was not expecting you having another relationship.
He was enraged because he tried so hard to break you and Mingyu, and after the success, now he needs to do more work. He can’t stand and watch you with another man that’s not him. Not again.
Soonyoung: Want to watch the fireworks?
Y/N: I love fireworks
He doesn’t let go to your hand, leading you outside and calling his friends and Hana to join.
Y/N: Is this ok? Someone might see and take pictures.
Soonyoung: It’s fine, trust me.
Even though earlier you were feeling sick to your stomach because of Jungkook’s presence, this moment was making you feel happy and complete. You had Soonyoung next to you, his hand burning hot in yours.
He looks at you and he sees tears in your eyes.
Soonyoung: What’s wrong?
Y/N: I’m just being emotional. I guess a lot happened lately.
Soonyoung: I get that. I’m here (and he squeezes your hand tighter). It will feel better after dinner. Just a little longer, ok? You’re riding with me in my car to the restaurant.
One hour later you’re in the car with Soonyoung, Jeonghan and Seungkwan.
Seungkwan: Why are you holding hands? What’s wrong with you two?
Soonyoung: My friends needs emotional support so I’m giving it to her.
Seungkwan: Ugh, you two make me sick.
Jeonghan: Why is Mingyu saying in the group chat that the ’97 gang will join for dinner?
Soonyoung turns his face to you in shock.
Y/N: Oh, yeah. It was a weird situation and Mingyu had to invite them.
Jeonghan: But won’t Jungkook will be there?
Y/N: Yeah…(you move your eyes into your lap where you are fiddling with the rings on your fingers)
Soonyoung: Don’t worry, you’ll sit next to me and far from him and we won’t leave you alone. Right, guys?
Both Jeonghan and Seungkwan nod and it’s like a promise.
Jeonghan: I can’t promise I will be able to hold on too much, I am already fucking tired. I could sleep right here right now. But I’ll do my best.
Y/N: Thanks, guys. You’re the best!
The restaurant was empty, no other customers. It was very late too. But it filled with all of you once you all sat at the tables. Everyone ordered drinks and food and the drinking started.
You say between Hoshi and Seungkwan that were taking their mission very seriously. They took care of you all night, asking you what you needed, fixing your food, feeding you. That was a bit much, but funny still.
Seungcheol: What’s going on there? You two look like a couple, feeding their baby.
Seungkwan: We’re just spoiling our girl. She’s been working so hard.
Hana: Hey, what about me? I’ve been working hard too. Who’s feeding me?
And 4 guys offered her food to shove into her mouth. Joshua took a green salad leaf and really managed to put it into her mouth aggressively. Mingyu took a piece of steak and shoved it there too. Dokyeom wanted to go crazy and pushed a spoon with soup close to her, but it ended up on her plate. Then there was Jeonghan that took a piece of cake.
Of course he pushed it in her mouth along with the salad and steak.
Hana was stunned, trying to talk and complain, and at the same time she burst out laughing. So all the food went out her mouth. Luckily, she put a tissue in front of it before she made a mess.
Everyone laughed and you took advantage of the moment to go to the restroom.
Y/N: I’ll be right back.
Soonyoung: I’ll go with you.
Y/N: Soonie, noo. You wanna hold my hand while I pee?
Soonyoung: If you wanted me to, yeah.
You slap his chest gently and get up.
Soonyoung: Ouch, not my tiddies! (he brings his hand to his slapped tiddy to massage the pain away)
Nobody noticed that after 3 minutes, Jungkook got up from his chair and walked to the restroom too.
He was waiting for you to come out, outside the bathroom doors.
Y/N: No, just no. don’t wanna talk to you.
Jungkook: Please! I’ll behave, I promise. I’m not a monster.
Y/N: Could have fooled me after all the shit you did.
Jungkook: I’m so sorry about everything. I wish to explain myself. I know I have no excuse and I don’t deserve forgiveness. I just want to explain why I did what I did.
Y/N: Go ahead, explain.
Jungkook: I was very stupid. Young and dumb you could say. I didn’t tell you about the army because the company found out about our relationship and they were very strict about it and told me to end it. And the reason they wanted me to end it was because some stalker of mine had photos and videos with us, even from my apartment and your apartment. And she threatened that she will expose me. You have to understand that my career would have been over.
Y/N: You could of told me.
Jungkook: No, because I needed a reason for the breakup. And the company came up with the idea that I could go to the military, just like that, without a word. And it worked, didn’t it?
Y/N: And after you were a complete asshole.
Jungkook: I was mad angry when I found out about you and Mingyu. I still loved you.
Y/N: You could still text me after you went to the military and explain.
Jungkook: I just didn’t feel it was the right thing to do. I needed to get away from you completely. I also tried to forget you but I couldn’t.
Y/N: And then you started to get your tail between me and Gyu.
Jungkook: I’m sorry about that too.
Y/N: Were you the one who attacked me in front of my building that night?
Jungkook: I would never do that. Could never hurt you physically.
Y/N: And you think emotional pain is ok? You think it was easy for me when you left me? You pushed me and Gyu together. He was there for me when you weren’t. you chose to leave and he stayed. He’s still there for me after everything.
Jungkook: I need to confess something. I need to get this off my chest.
Y/N: What?
Jungkook: Mingyu never cheated on you. I planed that night. I spiked his drink, and the girl n the photos was a friend. I’m really sorry.
Y/N: What? What? Are you telling me that all those miserable weeks and months, all those nights when I could not sleep, those days that I could not eat and was close to collapsing at work because of it… all of that for nothing? Just because you were jealous?
Jungkook: I have no excuse.
Y/N: No, you fucking don’t. You took away my happiness twice. And you took away Mingyu’s happiness too. We were so good together. I even thought he was the one. I fucking hate you, Jungkook!
Tears run down your cheeks, reminiscing all that pain you felt when you thought Mingyu broke your trust. And all this time since then, that you spent punishing yourself because you thought all men are the same and all will cheat. You punished yourself to be alone.
Y/N: I can’t believe how sinister you can be.
Jungkook: I’m sorry, I am really trying to be better.
You look at him and you can see he’s tearing up too. His eyes look honest and you never seen him in this state, almost broken.
Jungkook: You have to believe me. I am really trying. It’s hard. I’m even seeing a therapist to help me. Please, believe me. I am trying to keep the bad thoughts away. Even tonight when I saw you holding Hoshi’s hand I went mad. I don’t know, I thought I was over you. I guess I’m just a sick person.
He gets on his knees, his face filled with tears that roll down his chin, dropping onto his shirt.
Jungkook: Please, forgive me! Please Y/N!!
You take his hands into yours. He’s trembling like crazy and you need to calm him down. You can’t stand him, but you can’t leave him like this.
So you pull him up and into your arms, hugging him tight.
Y/N: It’s ok, it’s going to be ok.
Jungkook: It’s not ok, I did horrible things.
Y/N: Let’s relax for now, ok? We will talk another time when we’re both feeling better. But now we are here and the food will be ready. Also, we don’t want anyone knowing we bawled out eyes out, do we?
Jungkook: No, we don’t
Y/N: Come on, let’s go into the restroom and make ourselves looks presentable.
Jungkook: I feel like you should kick me in the balls or something, because you’re too nice to me.
Y/N: Do you want me to kick you in the balls?
Jungkook: N..no?
Y/N: Then don’t put nice thoughts like that in my head.
Hoshi noticed you were gone for quite some time and Jungkook was not in his seat. He got up, going to look for you. Going into the restroom, he found you and Jungkook fixing your makeup in the mirror.
Soonyoung: What the hell is going on here?
Y/N: Soonieeee! Come here and help me!
He looks at you and he can see you’re eyes are red and a little swollen.
Soonyoung: Y/N, did you cry?
Y/N: This one cried harder.
Jungkook: I’m going back to the table. Thanks, Y/N.(he stops in his track and gives a nod, then leaves)
Soonyoung: What the fuck! What was that about?
Y/N: We talked
Soonyoung: About?
Y/N: About how he was a butthole.
Soonyoung: Are you ok though?
Y/N: I am now.
Then you pinch his cheeks and place a soft single kiss on his lips.
Y/N: Let’s go, tiger. I’m starving and I need a drink.
Soonyoung: You’re not actually going to pretend you didn’t just kiss me?
But you did just that. You got back into the room bickering like always.
Seungkwan: That’s more like it. I was starting to miss this bickering. Y/N, when are you going to kick him in the balls next? That was really fun to watch
Y/N: Kwaaan! Why would I kick Soonie like that?
Seungkwan: Soonie? I think I’m going to puke.(he makes a dramatic scene where he pretends like he’s puking and fainting)
Food came and Hoshi continued to feed you. It made him feel good.
Y/N: I can do it myself, you know.
Soonyoung: Shut up and eat, I’m an expert with food and eating.
As he feeds you, your hand goes to sit on his thigh. You didn’t even notice, but he did. Oh, did he. You were even squeezing it whenever he was giving you too much food that you could not fit into your mouth.
Y/N: Soonie, slow down. Can’t eat this fast.
Soonyoung: Sorry, but your hand it kind of distracts me from thinking straight.
You look down at your hands. One is on your thigh and the other on his. You pull it away immediately, apologising.
He feels like he can finally let out a breath that he was holding for decades. He thanks himself for wearing oversized clothes tonight. You just have this effect on him and he’s just a weak man.
You’re both blushing. You’re acting like you haven’t been teasing and bullying each other since you met. But that was your thing. When it was banter, you two were at each other’s throat, daring and shit. But when it was serious, you were both a shy mess.
Jeonghan and Minghao were the first ones to leave. Hana asked them to take her with them. He told you she needed to go meet Hyunwoo the dancer.
Hana: Wife, I’m going to leave with Jeonghan. Hynwoo is waiting for me. Can you sleep in Jun’s room tonight? Hyunwoo’s roommate is sleeping already in their shared room.
Y/N: Ok, have fun and use protection my silly slut.
You scoff and sight and Soonyoung asks what happened.
Y/N: I need to ask Jun to sleep in his room tonight. Hana is having some action in our room.
Soonyoung: Sleep in my room!
Y/N: Oh! Really?
Soonyoung: Yeah. My bed is huge and I’m a good boy.
You look at him and you can tell he’s pretty drunk. There are two scenarios that go trough your head. One-he’s going to fall asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow and he won’t bother you. Two-he’s going to be clingy and needy and he’s going to cuddle the shit out of you.
You don’t plan on doing anything else, though your whole body wants to. But no. Even if you’d decide that you want to accept him romantically, this would not be the right way to start.
You’d want to try a different path and make sure this one would last. He is indeed very different from all the guys you met in your life. Maybe that’s one of the reasons you’re so drawn to him.
So you accept his offer. You have nothing to lose. Maybe just your sanity for being this close to the guy you’re in love with. Maybe you’re sleep, knowing he’s right there, arm reach, and you’re all sweaty and wet and needy.
But no. You will behave and you know he will too.
Y/N: Ok, then I’ll sleep in your room.
And his face lights up at that and he pats your head, calling you a good girl.
I mean, he could keep these remarks to himself. It’s enough that I’m having such a hard time already. My sex life it’s inexistent and he’s so…
Soonyoung: Why are you looking at me funny?
Y/N: Oh, am I? Sorry, no reason. You’re just cute when you’re drunk.
You continue eating and hiding the alcohol from Hoshi. He already had 2 glasses of whatever, you don’t even know what was in there. You catch his glass that he just filled earlier and you take it to your mouth to taste it.
You decide he won’t drink that, Afterall, you are the one who’s going to be dealing with him later. You don’t want to break you back from dragging him all the way to the bed.
He pouts a little whenever you take his glass, and doesn’t even realises when you switch it with water. You’re not much sober than he is, but you’re more responsible.
Now it’s your turn to feed him and you don’t mind. Seungkwan shoots you dramatic looks. He likes to act like cute things make him sick but everyone knows better.
You hear Mingyu, Eunwoo and Jungkook argue about who’s the most popular idol among them. You’re glad to see they are still close. Noticing Jun on the other side of the table you want to go sit next to him and spend some quality time with your bestie.
When you get up, you tell Seungkwan and Joshua to keep their eyes on Hoshi and not let him drink alcohol anymore. A grip on your wrist keeps you from walking away.
Soonyoung: Where are you going? Why are you leaving me alone?
Y/N: You’re not alone though, and I’m going to sit next to Jun for a while.
He sights and puts some food into his mouth, nodding. As you sit next to your bestie, you have Soonyoung right in front of you and you can’t not notice how often he looks at you.
He’s being quite flirty, you think? Sending flying kisses, then he catches them himself. But there is someone else watching you. Jungkook. You caught him a few times while you were having a conversation with Jun.
He looks lost, you might say. It’s impossible he still has feelings for you, right? It’s been such a long time and he’s sure met plenty of interesting girls.
You even heard a rumour about him having a girlfriend not long back. And also, you didn’t think of yourself like such a great catch. Why would someone like him would not be able to get over a nobody like you?
It’s not that you are not confident, but you like to keep it real. There are others far more beautiful, talented, richer and more suitable for him. Maybe you’ll have a nice grown up conversation with him sometime and unravel this mystery.
You’ll need to talk to Mingyu also and apologise for what happened and all the hurtful words you said to him in the past.
But until then, you needed to get Soonyoung out of there and into bed, because the poor guy ‘s  face was red and puffy and he could barely keep his eyes open.
So you ask Jun if he will go to the hotel with you in the same car. Hearing that you want to leave, Minghao says he wants to join you too. Good, more help with carrying Hoshi.
You announce that you’re going to leave. Jun helps Hoshi to steady himself. He can walk straight, but he could bump into something because of his blurred vision right now.
Mingyu comes outside with you, asking if everything’s ok and you tell him you’re fine and that you need to talk to him soon when he gets some free time. He nods, gives you a warm hug and goes back inside.
Mingyu: Someone needs to drink Dino under the table.
In the car, Hoshi puts his head in Minghao’s lap, falling asleep. 20 minutes later you find yourself knocking at your room, waiting for Hana to bring your sleepover backpack. That’s your drill whenever one of you needs the room for herself.
Then off you go to Hoshi’s room. You find him collapsed onto the bed, clothes on, shoes on.
You start to take his shoes off and he starts to kick his feet ap and down.
Soonyoung: Hihihih it tickles.
Y/N: I know, but we need to get you into bed, ok?
Soonyoung: Ok, mom
Y/N: I’ll also take your shirt and pants off and put your pj’s on.
He just keeps on giggling and kicking his feet. He’s so cute. You’re glad his’s this type of drunk.
You look for his sleeping clothes and you find a tshirt and some shorts. These will do.
Then the hard part begins. You get him to sit on the edge of the bed and pull on his shirt over his head. Then you pull the tshirt on.
When it’s time for the pants he gets shy.
Soonyoung: I’ll do it, you can’t see me naked.
Y/N: But you have underwear on. Right?
Soonyoung: So what. You’re not taking my pants off
Y/N: I thought you wanted me to do that
Soonyoung: Y/N, this is not the time to be thirsty
Y/N: If I was acting thirsty I would be in your lap right now. Do you see me there?
He looks at his lap, brings his hands in front and looks at them. Then all of the sudden you’re in his lap.
Y/N: What are you doing?
Soonyoung: Now you’re thirsty.
Y/N: Am not!
You try to get up but he keeps you there with a strong grip around your waist, holding you tight.
Soonyoung: Don’t go!
Y/N: I’m not going, I’m just trying to change you into sleep clothes then we can go to bed
Soonyoung: Can you cuddle me?
Y/N: I don’t know if we should, Soonie
Soonyoung: I should have known to ask Jun to sleep here tonight. He would cuddle me
He buries his face into your chest. More exactly between your breasts and you wonder if he’s realizing what he’s doing.
Y/N: Hoshingi, my tits are in your face. Stop being so thirsty
Soonyoung: So warm, could sleep like this.
Then you push him on his back and get off him. You grab his belt to take his pants off.
Soonyoung: Whoah, take it slow, I’m sensitive.
When his pants are on the floor you pull his short on, and he huffs disappointed.
Soonyoung: I thought you wanted to take advantage of me.
Y/N: Shut up and sleep. Tomorrow you’re having rehearsals for 10 straight hours.
You go into the bathroom to get ready for bed and when you return, he’s already sleeping. You exhale loudly and find a spot on the other side of the bed.
Not even 5 minutes passed that you feel movement and an arm coming over your waist, pulling you into his warm body. His leg going right over yours. You’re caged in.
This feels nice, but how are you going to be able to sleep now? You feel his breath on the back of your neck. Makes you feel butterflies. You smile and you feel like crying.
You remember all those times you felt alone at night, wanting someone to just hold you. It feels nice even to just hear his gentle snores. Sometimes his fingers would twitch in his sleep and you so wanted to hold his hand right now.
So you put your hand over his and the twitching stopped. It was like you calmed him down. At some point, you don’t really know when, you also fall asleep.
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puppysirie0-0 · 6 months
Can I request an angst Aleksander Morozova fix where is wife just head there son and it was a really hard birth and all he can remember is her scream and cry while clutching his hand. She’s asleep and the baby wakes up, at first Aleksander is a bit apprehensive to hold him but doesn’t want his wife to wake up. So he hold the baby and when he sees that the baby has Y/n’s eyes he just falls in love. Sorry if this was long. Hopping you have a wonderful day ❤️❤️❤️
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Pairing: Husband!Aleksander Morozova x Wife!Reader
Warnings: There is none, it just a BIG OL' FLUFFY FLUFFY BEAR
When Aleks heard about the baby he was scared but also delighted. He knew exactly what NOT to do, but he didn't know what TO do. And not to mention the state of the world. It was no place to raise a child. But nontheless, he was elated to be starting a family with you, his wife.
Aleksander was by your side when your water broke. He stayed by your side as you were in labor. He watched you cry and scream. Listened as you yelled bloody murder for your child to come into the world. He wiped your tears and swiped the sweat off your forehead. Held your hand as you squeezed it so hard it felt it would fall off from the lack of circulation.
Once the baby was delivered he almost felt disappointment. His wife had been in pain and not only could he not help her but he was part of the cause.
You pass out after the baby was cleaned and fed. You held your daughter in your arms but Aleks was yet to. But the baby starts wailing right after you fell asleep and Aleksander knew he could at least help with this.
He walked over to the cradle and held out his hand. He was trying to muster the nerve to go up and lift the baby. You had already decided a name, Luna. He walked over and created shadows to amuse the child, but she just continued crying.
He picks her up, just like the nurses had. Dealing special attention to her head and trying his best to support her. He looks down at her as she stops crying. He had nothing but a loose tunic on, having abandoned his kefta and other layers while you were in labor. The baby is flush against he exposed chest as he holds her.
He continues to stare down at her before he notices her eyes. She had the same eyes as you, a light grey. He had poured pools upon pools of love into eyes just like those and this time was no different. As soon he saw the familiar eyes on Luna's cherub face, his heart had melted.
You woke up in the morning to see Aleks napping with Luna on his chest. Luna laid there in the silence of the early morning to see your husband. You admired the two, your two favorite beings in the same room as you. You were exhausted but you were happy. You were irrecoverably and irreversibly happy. No one would take this from you, No one at all.
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
Thank you so much for the ask, I absolutely loved writing this! Have a great evening to anyone still awake, and amazing day to anyone getting up. Again, my inbox and messages are always open if you want to send in a request or just talk. Love y'all, mwah!
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if you’re still taking yugioh requests do you think i could get atem and kaiba comforting an s/o who’s afraid of storms (especially thunder and lightning)? thank you!! 🩷
OMGOMGOMG YES HI I just saw this in my inbox!!! I am absolutely still taking Yugioh quests!!!
Content: Atem x gn!Reader; Seto Kaiba x gn!Reader
Warnings: None
Notes: You didn't specify if Atem was in modern or ancient times, so I just went with ancient times......I'm a history/mythology nerd so I took the chance lol sorry. I also slipped in a small YGOTAS reference at the end of Atem's part lol
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❥ Pharaoh Atem
Normally, it was custom for the Pharaoh and his spouse to sleep in separate bedrooms. This allowed them both down time after being in the public eye all day. As much as you loved your husband, you needed this time away, even if it was to just rest.
After your servants helped you undress and get ready for bed, you were left alone with your thoughts. Although, you were so exhausted you just wanted to sleep. You'd be up and at 'em again in the morning.
You hadn't even realized you fell asleep until a loud boom woke you, practically shaking your room. Sitting up immediately, your heart beginning to thump rapidly in your chest, you opened your mouth to yell for anyone who was still awake.
"Guards! Guards!"
Almost immediately, a couple of the many palace guards entered the room, all three being armed. "Your majesty, are you alright? Are you hurt?"
"I'm-" You were interrupted by another loud boom. You screamed and shut your eyes. "Fetch my husband! Please!"
"Right away, your majesty!" The three left the room to get their king from his room.
Soon, Atem strode in swiftly, and the sight before him broke his heart. His spouse, curled up in a tight ball on their bed, scared out of their mind. He quickly approached them, and gathered his (Y/n) into his arms. "There, there...I'm here, my love. What's gotten you so afraid?"
Clinging onto him almost immediately, you answered, "The storm...I wasn't expecting it..."
"Oh, my love..." Atem gently moved a strand of hair out of your face. "It is only a storm, it will pass."
"No, Atem...I have always been afraid of them. Since I was a child." You shook your head, moving away slightly to look at him.
"Is there any way I can help you with this fear?" He asks, voice soft and kind, as always, and his hand gently rubbing your arm. "I can try to cover your ears, but I'm afraid my hands do nothing compared to the might of Set."
Atem adds a small giggle to the end of his last remark, showing you that he was kidding. It makes you giggle too. "Oh, Atem...how I love you so."
Another boom flows through the sky outside, making you jump and scream, scaring Atem for a moment. He tightens his hold to try and calm you. "My (Y/n), it's okay. As long as I am here, I will protect you. Set will not harm us."
"How can you say for sure?" Your voice shook with fear. "Set is a fearsome God, Atem...have you forgotten all of his stories?"
"Set would not harm the royal family, he protected my father during his reign, and his father before him, and his father, and so on." Atem then gave his spouse a smile. "We are safe. But, if you still feel scared, I can stay with you throughout the night."
You nod. "I...would like that very much."
Atem nods, then moves your head rest out of the way so you both lay on the bed, your face in his chest. "Is this okay?"
You nod again, then yelp and jump closer when another boom rings in the room. Atem thought for a moment. "There is one story that comes to mind about Set. You recall how Anubis killed him, yes?"
You nod. Atem carries on.
"Well, after going into the afterlife, Set had begun to do good things. My father once told me a story about how Set travels with Ra on his nightly trip to the underworld, and Set helps him battle the fearsome Apophis."
You focus in on what your husband is saying. The warmth of his arms around you and his body being pressed to yours, the softness of his voice as he tells a story passed down through generations, and suddenly you find yourself falling asleep once more.
"...and now, when people hear thunder, they are reminded that Ra is engaging in an epic battle, with Set by his side." Atem finishes not too long after, waiting for a response. When he doesn't get one, he looks down to see you've finally fallen back asleep, and the thunder seems to have gotten quieter. Set was moving away, possibly sensing the Pharaoh's spouses discomfort.
Sighing softly to himself, Atem placed a kiss on your forehead and taking in the peaceful look on your face, before finally falling asleep himself. Screw the rules, he's the Pharaoh.
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❥ Seto Kaiba
It was after hours at KaibaCorp, and Seto was still at his desk like usual. You, having finished work three hours ago, stopped by to try to coax him back to the house so that he could get some sleep. Of course, he didn't budge. Like usual. Knowing you were going to be sitting here for hours, you opted to order some dinner for the two of you.
"What about Mokuba? Where is he?" You asked Seto before ordering the food.
"He's with Yugi, he wanted to attend one of his game nights." Seto spoke without moving his eyes away from the screen.
After getting said food, you had noticed dark clouds rolling across the sky, with flashes of light in between the angry clouds. Clenching your jaw as your anxiety spikes, you quickly move back to your car and sped (as legally as you could) back to KaibaCorp.
When you got back to Seto's office with the food, he hadn't noticed your anxiety yet, or the rapidly approaching thunderstorm. You plopped the food down and curled up on the couch. Reaching over, you took out your food and begin to numbly eat it while scrolling through your phone, tensing as you start to prepare for the first sound of thunder.
Soon the storm begins, first with a flash of lightning, and then a loud boom soon after. You jump, dropping your fork. That gets Seto to look up as it makes a muffled thump against the ground. "...you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." You nod, going to pick up the fork from under the table. Another flash and boom sounded, making you jump and hit your head on the table.
Reeling back, you grimaced and held your head, and Seto moved over to you. "Are you sure?"
“I…” You sighed. “No. It’s the storm, I’m…scared.”
Seto didn’t do anything for a moment before sighing and pulling you back up on the couch. “I suppose I can stop for the day.”
“What? No, Seto, your work is important. Don’t-“
“Hush.” Seto tapped some more on his keyboard before shutting it, and moving over to you. “Mind if I sit here?”
He gave you a small smirk that makes your heart stutter. You nod and he sits down. Thunder sounds around you both, and you jump into Seto’s side. His heart warmed as you came to him for protection. He put a hand around you.
“It’s okay. No storm will hurt you with me here.”
You resisted the urge to cringe slightly. You loved your boyfriend, but sometimes he can say the weirdest things. “Thanks, hon…”
Seto’s grip tightened, then he leaned over to grab his food, and then grabbed your fork from the ground. “You can share my fork.”
“Thank you.”
Seto ate with one hand, his other hand around you. You watched him eat for a moment before he wordlessly offered a bite to you. You took the bite, then looked to the windows as rain began to pour down.
“It’s okay, we’re inside. Nothing can harm us.” Seto reassured.
“I know, just…” You sigh. “I’m sorry, I know this is probably childish…”
“Is that why you never told me about this before?" Seto asks, taking another bite of his food.
"...kind of." You then jump as lightning flashes and thunder rolls loudly in the sky. "Although, I guess you would've found out one way or another..."
Seto nods, setting the fork down. "Well, I don't think it's childish. People have fears, always have and always will. It isn't something childish or new."
You nod, sinking into his side a little, jumping and yelping a little when thunder sounded again. Seto leaned back into the couch and moved you into his lap, one hand on your head as he cradled it against his chest. His other hand rested on your thigh.
"Is there anything I could do to help?" Seto asks, his hand that's on your thigh begins to massage it, and the hand on your head gently scratches your scalp.
You begin to relax, but tense up again as you see lightning light up the room again. Seto's repeated movements are accompanied by a kiss on the forehead. You focus back on him.
"This is fine...thank you." You move your face slightly, so that it's in his chest.
Seto hums, and you can feel the reverb. It feels nice. It feels warm, and safe. You still tense and jump at thunder and lightning, but Seto's hands help you settle down enough. He occasionally plants kisses on your forehead or cheek, and makes small talk to try and distract you. Before you know it, the storm clears and the thunder begins to sound distant, the lightning becoming less frequent.
"Seems the storm is going away. Should we get ready to go home?" Seto asks, looking out of the many big windows, then back to you.
"In a minute." You mumble, snuggling into Seto's chest. "Right now I'm enjoying myself."
Seto cracks a smile. "Was this your plan?"
"No, but I'll take the outcome." You smile, making Seto let out a small chuckle before tightening his hold on you.
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
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achaotichuman · 2 months
Hello 👋
I hope you're well
Idk if you're taking prompts for fics but if you are, could you please write something for Tarquin from ACOTAR? Could it be something platonic (not sexual at all), him interacting with the other High Lords or yelling at the IC or maybe just expanding on the Summer Court? I feel like there's so little Tarquin-centric fics and i am dying just to get something.
I hope i'm not pressuring you into doing anything tho (and am really sorry if i'm sounding like i am) becoz if you don't want to or want to do something else, that's fine as well. I love your writing and will be happy regardless
Sorry if i'm disturbing you
Omg I love this prompt so much!!
Don't ever think you are disturbing me by sending me prompts, I am always happy to receive them!!! And if anyone is ever wondering whether or not I am taking requests, in the pinned post on my blog, it will tell you whether my inbox is open or closed. We def need more Tarquin-centric fics so I am very happy to write this one!!!
Okay so, I definitely wanted fluff and a touch of hurt/comfort, but mostly good vibes. Tarquin's trauma in the books is completely swept under the rug and I absolutely despise it, so here we see a window into him healing from Under the Mountain. Some friendship with Eris and Tamlin, and his relationship with Cresseida and Varian.
I hope you enjoy anon!!
 I’m almost me again, she’s almost you
I got some colour back, She thinks so too. I’m almost me again, She’s almost you. -(Almost (Sweet Music) Hozier
I’m running a circus. Tarquin thought to himself as he watched the three lords around the glass circle table bicker over minor details of the recent High Lord’s meeting. Debating seating arrangements, decorations and who would greet who. Tarquin listened as each Lord gave his opinion, only to be talked over by the other. 
Eventually though, his eyes slid to Cresseida who met his gaze. He gave the slightest of nods, and she plucked a crystal bell from the table. Ringing it loud and suddenly to catch the full attention of everyone in the room. 
Tarquin smoothly stood from his seat, folding his hands in front of him. He said cooly, “We will assess and organise the arrangements as necessary, but first I would like to discuss the logistics of the meeting with my second. For now you are all excused.”
There was a murmuring of ‘yes High lord.’ And general thank you’s for the meeting before everyone began to file out. The door finally clicked shut and Tarquin fell back into his chair. 
Cresseida hid her laugh behind her palm, but couldn’t stop the shaking of her shoulders as she watched her younger cousin practically melt into his chair. 
“What we really need to do is prepare a room as far away from the rest of the Palace as possible. And find some sort of enchanted unbreakable chairs.”
His second nodded thoughtfully, “Perhaps, my lord, we should nail them into the ground so that no one decides it's necessary to use them as an aerial weapon.”
Tarquin faced her with a deadpan expression as Cresseida struggled to reign in her giggles. 
“I swear to the Mother and Cauldron, if anyone ends up getting choked on my floors-”
“We’ll make it mandatory to remove all weapons. And ask Thesan for his spells to ward the room against magic.”
“I think we’d have outrage from the Night Court if we made their spymaster strip off all his weaponry.” He mumbled. 
“Maybe then they won’t come.” Cresseida murmured as she picked at her nails. 
“It would certainly be a more peaceful meeting then.” She argued. 
“We have to get along with them. If only for Varian’s sake.”
She frowned, “Varian is a love-sick fool. Completely blind, I couldn’t tell you what he sees in her.”
Tarquin waved his hand in dismissal, he didn’t really want to think about his cousin’s love affairs right now. As strange as they may be and as much as he did not understand them. They weren’t his business. 
They were when he found out Varian had been telling Amren Summer’s personal matters. It got him revoked from the Court until Tarquin was completely sure it would not happen again. Since that day, Varian had not been seen in Adriata. And Tarquin didn’t go looking for him. 
“I need a drink.” Tarquin said, standing up and stretching his arms, hearing his joints crack and pop. 
Cresseida stood with him. Her skirts wishing around her ankles. The long, slim flowing blue fabric of the Summer Court billowed in the sea air as they opened the doors. 
Most of the palace was open to the air. The tall stone pillars that lined the hallways, allowing the breeze to waft in. As well as the hot, buttery yellow sun combining with the salt in the air. Tarquin closed his eyes as he breathed it in. 
He had taken it for granted. In his decades before Amarantha came for them, he had taken this all for granted. 
He breathed it in like the salt might burn away the tang of blood which tainted his senses. The thick crimson which had caked Norstrus’ and Brutius’ skin as Tarquin watched them executed. The image was there whenever he dreamt, stained in the sky at sunset, in his the blood rubies he sent to the Night Court after their thievery. 
Tarquin had always hated the colour red, it was too harsh, too cruel, too much like fire for him. It was a stain to the normal whites, blues and gold he wore. 
But after Amarantha, it was a nightmare of itself. 
“Tar?” Cresseida asked, snapping him from his own thoughts. 
Tarquin looked down at Cresseida, her eyebrows furrowed as she watched him carefully.
“Are you okay?” She asked. 
Her eyes were an earthy brown, skin made vibrant and dark by the sun again. She was alive, and so was he. She was breathing and he did too. The scars on her arms from where she had been grabbed by the Attor at times hadn’t faded entirely, and the claw marks down Tarquin’s thighs from when he had been in a grapple with one of the guards who picked on Varian still got sore sometimes. 
But they were healing. They would heal in time. 
“Yeah, Cress.” Tarquin smiled and it was real, “I’m okay.”
She smiled back, and he knew she knew what he meant. 
“We’re both okay.” She took his hand and gave it a loving squeeze. 
“You thought you could escape me.” Her voice was dripping with cruelty as she laughed and laughed, “Did you think I wouldn’t see through your plans, oh Norstrus, you weren’t this dense even when I first entrapped you.”
Cresseida grabbed his hand, squeezing it tight enough to grind the bones, as tears flowed relentlessly down her face. She couldn’t stop them. 
Tarquin squeezed her hand back. 
“I feel like something fruity and full of good alcohol.” Tarquin loudly proclaimed, “And let’s go to the beach, I’ve been in shoes for far too long now.”
Cresseida laughed, “Cousin, you are full of good ideas.”
“Ive more ideas that all of Helion’s libraries combined, you should know this well.” Tarquin grinned. 
Cresseida looked out over their people in the city streets far below, she smiled at what she saw, “Of course, of course.”
Tarquin and Cresseida sat at a busy bar at the beach that night. Tarquin got to lose his shoes and feel the sand under his feet, the sea lapping at ankles. Now he savoured a pineapple drink and watched the ocean sparkling in the deep orange light as the sun began to set. The band of red glimmered at him, Tarquin watched as the colours darkened, the stars beginning to shine from the blanket of darkness high above. 
Cresseida happily sipped on her drink, watching the sunset with her cousin. He wondered if she also saw blood in the sky as he did. 
“I love sunsets,” She said, he looked over to her, to see her eyes trained on the display before them. 
“They’re pretty,” He agreed. 
“They’re unique.” She said, “Not one is the same as another. Just like people, you’ll never see one the exact same as the other.”
Tarquin looked over the sea again, the sky an array of blended colours and dimming light. 
He watched the red as it began to fade, seeing that deep orange-tinted colour as it blended with the pinks, blues, purples, fading into the silvery ocean as the sun fully dipped below the horizon. 
“You know,” Cresseida said, “When you were young, I told you that no sunset is the same and the one we saw that night you would never see again.”
Tarquin rubbed a finger along the lip of his drink, listening intently as he turned to stare into the yellow of his drink. 
“You didn’t like that,” She laughed, “You asked me if we could get on a ship and sail to the horizon, if we could chase the sunset and see it forever.”
He followed the line of his fingers with his eyes, his skin, his wrists, his veins. He saw it all. 
“What did the sunset look like that night?” He asked.
Cresseida sighed dreamily as she thought back fondly on the memory, “It was marvellous, the whole sky was red, even the ocean shone crimson. You were amazed by it. Said it looked like the Mother had dipped a bucket of red paint over the sky.”
He remembered it, he remembered holding Cresseida’s finger with one hand and clutching a stuffed seahorse in the other. He had smiled and pointed at the sky and been upset when Cresseida said he would not see it again. 
Perhaps he had not hated red as much as he thought. 
Amarantha had tainted his memory, dragged jagged claws and left a bleeding scar. 
But blood clotted, and scars healed over. His were no different. 
Tarquin turned to face the sky. He looked at the red band, and saw the Mother’s grand expanse of paints. 
Norstrus’ blood would always haunt his mind. 
But he would look at the sunset, and he wouldn’t be afraid. 
Music played in the air, a symphony of notes that wrapped around his limbs like hands pulling him forward. The night air was cool, the notes of ocean, fruits and citrus salt blew through his hair and pushed him in all directions. 
Every string was plucked with the celebrations of his lands. Tarquin clutched a flute of bubbling Faerie wine in one hand, watching the dancing Fae, twirling and spinning in long fluttering layers of fabric. A sea of blue and gold, as shining and unbound as the ocean itself. 
The meeting was over and he forgot the stress as he drank deeply from his glass. Swallowing each pale gold drop. A haze settled deep in his bones, making him as free as raging currents coursing through the sea itself. Tarquin didn’t know when or how, but he found himself spinning and twisting in the crowds to the music which wrote and rewrote itself into his soul. Etching this memory into his bones. Burning out the memories of days and nights under a cave’s ceiling, they turned to ashes which blew out into the night with the ocean air, replaced with the view of the stars above, the perfume of his Court, and the smiling, free people around him. 
At some point he spotted Cresseida, she was twirled around by a man he hadn’t met before. She met his gaze and laughed, in a second she was beside him. Grabbing his hands and spinning him around. 
“You got wine on your shirt, dunce!” She laughed, throwing her head back, white curls bouncing around. 
Tarquin stopped his spinning just enough to grab his shirt and look down. And instead droplets had splattered across his pale blue and gold shirt. 
“Oh well!” He laughed with her, grabbing her hands again. 
The night spun away from him, it came back to earth when another set of hands caught his wrists. 
“Cousin!” There was Varian, grinning from ear to ear, drunk on alcohol and the spirit of the crowd. 
“Var!” Tarquin caught him in a tight hug, catching Cresseida’s arm once more and drunkenly pulling her into the embrace. 
The three laughed and danced and drank to their merry heart’s content. Allowing the night to sweep them off their feet, whisking them into the antics of the party. 
At some point, sometime very early in the morning, Tarquin found himself laying across an empty beach, the last rays of moonlight shining down on him, painting the sand in pure silver. The ocean shimmering like the scales of a fish with every tiny wave. His shoes were gone, possibly for good, and his loose pants were rolled up past his ankles. 
He laid supported by his elbows. Watching the horizon as the very first drop of sunlight broke from below the horizon. 
“Well that was a wild night.” A voice he didn’t immediately recognise commented. 
Tarquin looked up to see a head of blond nearly right beside him, supporting a near unconscious pale-skinned redhead. 
“Tamlin,” Tarquin grinned, he glanced down at Eris and raised an eyebrow. 
Tamlin laughed, slowly lowering Eris who swayed with every movement like he’d be sick. 
“Too much Faerie wine for you, Lord of Autumn.”
“It was your terrorising cousin who wished to see me undone who kept shoving a full glass into my hand.” Eris said. 
“Cresseida is a force to be reckoned with.” Tamlin noted, flopping down on Tarquin’s other side. 
“Truer words have never been spoken, Spring,” Tarquin said, letting himself fall back down into the sand. Tamlin joined him. Staring up at the last remnants of the stars. 
“You’ll both come to Spring solstice this year.” Tamlin said, not even an invitation, almost an order. Almost, if Tarquin did not know he had long planned to go regardless of if Tamlin even wanted him to be there. 
“And I’ll be at the Autumn Equinox,” Tarquin noted, “I have to get Eris back for emptying out my cellars by doing the same to him.”
“You’ll never succeed.” Eris responded, laying back with them, looking a little more in control of himself, “If there was anything Beron was good for it was collecting the good stuff. There’s hoards of it that will put your treasure trove to shame.”
“We’ll compare and see who comes out on top then.” Tarquin said with a challenging grin. 
“What new kind of dick measuring contest is this? I’ll have to start my own hoard.” Tamlin laughed. 
“What are you going to hoard Tamlin? Flower crowns? Those would rot in mere days.” Eris snapped. 
“That's why you either dry or freeze them, Eris, then you can keep them forever. I still have the flower crowns my mother had her nieces wear to her wedding.”
“Introduce me to them one day.” Tarquin said, “I’ve heard many good tales about Lady Dahlie Fairburn.”
“My mother was awesome.” Tamlin grinned. 
“Your mother’s awesome? My mother is the most awesome,” Tarquin said, “But your mother can have second place.”
“No, my mother is the most awesome.” Eris said, “Not even a competition, you two can fight over second place.”
“Oh, please,” Tamlin scoffed, “It’s not even a fair contest, Tarquin never even met my mother.”
“What are the three of you bickering over?” Someone else chimed from above. 
Tarquin tilted his head as back as he could to try and make out who stood above them. 
“Mother, you’re just in time!” Eris chimed, clambering to sit up properly. 
Andrea took in a deep breath whilst the observed the three males try and stumble to get up. Dusting sand that stuck to their wine-stained clothes and hair. 
“Come inside the lot of you, you can sleep all this off.” She said, beginning to walk back to the Palace. 
“Wait Andrea! You knew my mother, you can settle this argument.” Tamlin shouted after her. 
Eris, Tarquin and Tamlin got up and started running after the Lady of Day. The soft fluffy sand cold beneath their feet, turning to the stone steps and the rocky cobblestone as they continued to argue. 
Andrea laughed as she listened to the three, her ribs ached as they tried to make her pick who would win their imaginary competition. 
The sun’s rays grew stronger, blue bleeding into the dark as day overtook night. 
Tarquin looked up at the sky and saw the endlessness spread out for all to see. 
Maybe he was stained with the darkness of that depraved mountain forever. 
But right now. 
He was almost him again. 
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itsphoenix0724 · 11 months
can i please request feysands daughter reader who is in a relationship with eris’s son. They’re sneaking around and when eris and the inner circle are away for a meeting in the townhouse she sneaks her in and they makeout. They’re however caught by the whole inner circle + eris. and they literally throw eachother away and act like nothing happened but everyone knows👀😭 nyx knew already and nessians daughter knew too
Kiss Me In The Quiet. (Leander Vanserra x Reader)
Warnings: Making out, a little spicy
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: Hi love! Thank you so much for your request! I actually had a lot of fun with this, and if anyone is interested I would definitely be willing to write more! I appreciate the visit to my inbox, please come again! As always, constructive criticism is welcome <3
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“AURELIA,” You yell down the hall to your little sister's room, and you hear her treading footsteps pad to your door before it creaks open. “You have my emerald hair comb, and I need it back for tonight.” She averts her eyes quickly, her grip tightening on the door. 
“I gave it back to you after I borrowed it.” Her cheeks are turning bright red. Your poor little sister has never been able to lie because of her obvious tell. 
Your Uncle Azriel had politely ruled her out of spy work after that. 
You shoot her an incredulous look, and she cracks immediately. “Please just let me wear it for one more night! You don’t even like emeralds!” You roll your eyes and turn to face her from your vanity chair. 
“I do like emeralds. I need it back, Aurelia.” 
“But you never even wear it. You haven’t worn it in years!” 
“That’s completely irrelevant, it's mine, I need it back!” 
“No buts! Get your own if you like it so much!” 
“Sisters!” Your brother bursts into the room, still looking rumpled, even though you and your sister are almost completely ready to leave. “You both have more jewels than you know what to do with. Aurelia, if you want one so bad, I’m sure Mummy and Daddy dearest will get you one for solstice.” He rubs out the crease in his eyebrows, looking so much like your father at that moment that it scares you a bit. You and Aurelia whirl on your brother, now finding a common enemy. 
“Stay out of this Nyx!” You both yell in unison. Your elder brother holds his hands up in surrender, backing up a step from the budding argument. 
“I’m not trying to intervene,” he promises, “But we’re leaving for the townhouse in twenty minutes with or without the both of you.” He sends one final look before exiting the room. Hopefully, to make himself look presentable.
“The comb, Aurelia.” You send your little sister one final look, and she stomps away in a huff, grumbling all the way, but returns the comb to your room. You pin the comb in place, holding back your hair from your face. The beautiful matching emerald green dress hugged your figure. Applying one final touch to your makeup, you were out the door and down the stairs to meet the rest of your family. Your Mother and Father looked like the pinnacle of night-kissed royalty. Your Father always looked at your Mother like she hand strung every star in the sky, it made your heart lurch in your chest and your thoughts cloud with one male. 
One male who you knew for a fact would be at this meeting tonight. 
Taking your father's arm, you appeared in the cozy living room of the townhouse. Your Aunt Nesta and Uncle Cassian, along with the twins Cassandra and Cordelia, had already arrived. Your other cousin Atlas is also perched on the arm of a loveseat, shadows whispering in his ears. Nyx immediately flocks to your cousins, Aurelia leaves to find your Aunt Elain to discuss a new baking technique, leaving you alone in the center. You spot the High Lord of Autumn in a Burgandy waistcoat. He shakes hands with your Father and presses a kiss to your Mother’s knuckles. His son stood dutifully beside him, copying the actions of his father. His eyes found you a moment later, and bolts of lightning shot through your body. 
Leander Vanserra affected you, and the asshole knew it too. 
His russet curls were brushed back tonight, and you missed the messy waves framing his face, preferably by your doing. You had to move on before the staring contest between the two of became obvious. You needed to escape the trap of his gaze, maybe get something to drink before the fire lit in the pit of your stomach consumed you whole. You just had to wait for the adults to leave for the meeting, and your cousins and siblings just had to get drunk enough to slip away into your corner of the library.
Disappearing into the kitchen you dip into one of your Father’s expensive bottles of whiskey, pouring yourself three fingers worth, and trying not to remind yourself that the color resembled a certain male’s eyes. A warmth appears at your back and steals the glass of bourbon right before it reaches your lips. Strong hands wrap around your waist, and you turn around to find the offender pressing your cup to his lips, downing the drink. 
“That was mine you know.” The hand rubs soothing circles into the curve of your waist. Despite your admonishment, Leander seems perfectly content to crowd your space and steal your drink. 
“You seem to have misplaced it, it couldn’t have found its way into my possession otherwise.” The feline grin that stretches across his face makes you want to kiss him stupid and chase the burning whiskey down his throat. He seems to agree with your sentiment because his amber eyes haven’t left your lips. “Meet me in the library at eleven-thirty. Our parents are returning at midnight.” His voice drops an octave, pouring into your veins like slow-melting sugar. 
“Only thirty minutes, I feel you may be overestimating yourself Vanserra.” He adds to your high with a dark chuckle, hand coming up to gently clasp your jaw. He tilts your head to the side, and the sight of your obedience lights sparks in his eyes. His thumb rubs over your bottom lip in a sensual promise. 
“Oh Fawn,” he tuts. Just the right amount of condescending to make you melt. He leans down so his lips are level with your ear, his lips brush against you with every word, and you stomp down every shiver threatening to surface. “We both know I can make you fall apart in five.” After that he pulls away completely, draining the rest of your whiskey, and sets the crystal glass face down on the counter. Your eyes track his tongue as he licks the remainder off his lips, he winks at you once before abandoning your heaving form in the kitchen. 
You really needed a glass of whiskey now, maybe the whole fucking bottle, if you were going to get through this night. It was only eleven. You still had half an hour of making nice to do. Walking back into the living room you found Leander sitting enthralled in conversation with your cousin Cordelia.
Two can play at his little game. If you leaned forward a bit, and if his eyes dipped to the neckline of your dress that was none of your business. 
“Where is Pandora tonight?” Cordelia asked with a slight red tinge to her tan cheeks, hulking wings ruffling behind her. You fail to hide your smugness at the way Leander doesn’t even seem to hear her question, too preoccupied with staring at you. Your cousin calls his name again and he glares at you before answering her. 
“Pandora elected to stay with my mother tonight. She was feeling a bit ill.” You don’t fail to miss the way Cordelia’s wings droop at his response, but you have no time to ponder it further as the large grandfather clock chimes once.
It’s eleven thirty. 
You announce to the group that you have to use the restroom and excuse yourself. Making your way to the library, wandering through the stacks you stop infront of a painting to lean against the small table underneath it. It’s quiet in here, with nothing but piles of books surrounding you and the blanket of moonlight streaming through the windows.  It takes five minutes for Leander to appear out of the shadows. 
“Leo,” you whisper. He’s on you in a second, pinning you in place with a searing kiss. His warm hands trace the curves of your body, lifting you in one solid motion onto the table. You get your earlier wish, hands rushing straight to his hair to get a hold of the curls you love so much. He heaves a breath before moving to kiss down your neck. 
“That was a dirty little trick you played in the living room Fawn.” He bites particularly hard at the crook of your shoulder. You thank the Cauldron for your inherited gift of glamouring because that’s sure to leave a mark. 
“Oh, my poor Lion,” he simpers at the nickname just like he always does, melting like candle wax in warm sunlight. You abuse the spot where his neck meets his ear and drawl in a voice like star-flecked silk, “Payback for what you did to me in the kitchen.” He lets out a laugh that dissolves into a moan. 
“It seems I have some apologizing to do,” His voice drops into that low timber again as he skims his hands along the underside of your breasts. 
“I was promised five minutes,” You smile as his hands start to bunch up the bottom of your dress growling at the sheer amount of layers blocking him from his destination. He’s just about to drop down to his knees and give you exactly what you’ve been waiting all evening for. 
And then the door opens. 
You two snap apart with impressive speed, even by fae standards. You pretend to read a book that had been abandoned on the table and Leander feigns looking at the titles on a nearby bookcase. 
“Alright,” Calls your mother's voice, “would the two of you like to explain something?” She raises one eyebrow at you, looking over at your clearly disheveled state. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You turn a page in the book you’re reading, the random words skimming past your eyes. 
“Yes, Mother?” 
“Your book is upside down.” You sighed in defeat, closing the book and leaning your back against the wall. Your mother smiles, blue eyes alighting in victory “You owe me twenty gold marks, Rhys.” You shoot her an incredulous look as Eris appears and claps a hand on his son’s shoulder. 
“How did you find out?” Leander winces eyes darting between your parents. 
“It’s not as if the two of you make a conscious effort to hide it.” Your brother’s voice comes booming from the back, “You two practically eye fuck each other every time you’re in the same room.” Atlas smacks him upside the head as Cassandra’s laughter echoes through the library. 
“Can we please just talk about this later?” You feel your cheeks flame in embarrassment as you jump off the table. Your mother escorts you out arm and arm back into the main area of the townhouse.
“We certainly have a lot of talking to do about this later.” You know it will be a long discussion, even worse when your father starts on about inner court politics. Looking at Leander he seems to be getting a similar discussion if Eris’s muttering whispers are anything to go by, but he’s still sending you that sugar-sweet smile. 
You get the feeling in your gut that everything will turn out okay. Just as long as he keeps smiling at you like that.
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cahrlotah · 1 year
𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩
this work contains +18 content so if you are a minor get out of here and don’t read it 
disclaimer, i haven’t written anything since October so this is kinda bad ngl, also English is not my first language so I’m sorry if there are some grammar mistakes <3
my request inbox is open again for anyone who wants to send in a request. 
If you guys want part two of this one-shit pls let me know <3
paring: eddie munson x carver!reader
word count: 2.8k
trigger warnings: use of female anatomy, use of she/her pronouns, she is Jason Carver’s twin sister, unprotected sex ( wrap it before you tap it ), virgin reader, marking(?), degradation, praising, oral female recieving, fingering ( if u blink), choking, hair pulling, manhandling,  cum, mirror fucking (?), 
Eddie Munson and (Y/N) Carver had hated each other for the longest time. No one in their close circle knows how it all started, the only thing they truly know is that if you mix Eddie and (Y/N) bad things are going to happen. That’s until Halloween ’86. 
7:45pm, (Y/N) Carver is in her room getting ready for the Halloween party thatis taking place at her house, hosted by her brother Jason. She is dressed as Red Riding Hood but since it’s Halloween she has cut the skirt of the dress into a mini skirt, revealing her legs and cleave to the world of Hawkins High. Chrissy Cunningham is helping her with her make up, finishing her look with a bright red lipstick. 
8:30 pm, all the guests are at the Carver’s home, the ground floor and the back garden are flooded with teenagers and the smell of alcohol and tobacco fill (Y/N)’s nose trills as she makes her way to Chrissy. Her little red skirt moving as she walks, she won’t say it out loud but she knows everyone is looking at her, and she likes it. 
As she makes conversation with Chrissy, her eyes scan the garden. Her gaze lands on the infamous Eddie Munson. Something inside of her burns, as she looks at him, she looks at his veiny forearms and how his hands are decorated with rings and she can’t help but to think how hot he looks laughing at something one of his friends has said. Those feelings rapidly turn into anger and she storms towards him.
“Hey Munson!” She yells, making the whole Hellfire silent in a second. 
“What’s up sweetheart” he says with that smile of his. “ Looking for the big scary wolf?” he says mockingly.
“ Fuck off, will ya?” she rolls her eyes “Aren’t you supposed to be a responsible adult or something?” She turns to look at the two youngest and newest members of Hellfire. “ No kids allowed at this party, I’m afraid. So get lost” her cold tone and gaze makes the two youngsters look around in fear.
“Come on princess” says Eddie positioning himself between his friends and the girl. “ Don’t be an ass and let us have fun, alright.” He turns around and just guides his friends to another area where is more crowed. At the same moment someone grabs her arm, forcing her to not follow the hellfire group. 
“Here you are!” Emma yells “let’s go, your brother has challenged us to beer pong match”. 
“Shit” she whispers. (Y/N) goes with her friend as a pair of eyes follow her every move.
9:45pm,the night goes along with no sight of Eddie and (Y/N) is happy but curious on where he must have gone. at this point everyone is drunk, or at least has had some drinks. She lazily goes inside in search of  some water to sober up a little bit. The inside of the house is filled with drunk teenagers, and The journey to the kitchen is complicated. 
“Having complications sweetheart?” A voice behind her says, she immediately knows who it is but she decides to ignore, pushing people around to get through but she can’t “ it’s not going to work, too many people” she knows he is smirking and anger starts building inside of her. 
“Fuck off will ya Munson? Not in the mood for your bullshit” she says harshly. She is irritated because Jason friends said some fucked up shit about her, and he did nothing to defend her so having no chance to get some water plus Eddie Munson bothering her it is just no help for her bad mood. All her attempts to go through the mass of people are a completely fail. 
“Just stop trying and wait a bit” Eddie says, being this the last straw.
“Leave me the fuck alone Munson” she yells at him, storming towards him “ seriously I don’t really need your bitchy comments right now, why don’t you grab your shit and get the fuck off my fucking house!” Their faces are so close, that their shaky breathes collie and Eddie’s back hits the wall making it impossible to get away from the girl. This leads to his cheeky smile reappearing only infuriating her more. 
“Don’t be such a bitch seriously “ he spats back closing the gap between the two of them. “ I don’t even know why the fuck you hate me so much. We don’t even share clases. You are the one always coming to me.” His face moves closer to hers, his lips travelling to her here and in a low whisper he says “Is it because you like me? Or because you want me to fuck you?” The hot air of his breath hits her in the right spot making her goosebump, her mouth is dry making it hard to swallow. “ Oh shit, so you want me to fuck you huh?” Eddie’s voice is lower and feels somewhat darker but she knows it’s all a game and she is loosing. His mouth is almost touching her neck, his hands land on her hips pulling her closer to him. 
She would never admit it to anyone but she had something for Eddie, she did not know if it was the fact that him and her brother were what you can call “enemies”, the fact that even though no one in her circle found it attractive the ring decorated hands made her feel something or the fact that the constant bickering between the two of them had created some tension that had to be realised. But now she found herself melting into Eddie Munson’s touch, she could feel a wet felling in between her legs, she wanted Eddie Munson to ruin her, to fuck her into oblivion. The best part of it? One of the things that exited her the most? The fact that they could go to her room, a do it at the spot while his brother, downstair would have no fucking idea that his sweet little sister is being ruined by the town’s freak. This idea was not only exiting to (Y/N) but to Eddie too, the fact that he had Jason’s Carver’s sister, sweet old (Y/N), melting at his touch made him hard on the spot. 
“Munson stop it” her voice trembles “ don’t start something you cannot finish” 
“Who says I’m not going to finish it?” Eddie’s lips are non her ear again, but now he takes it a notch higher and at the moment his lips brush her earlobe a quiet moan, that only him and her can listen, escapes her mouth making Eddie’s grip tighter. His mouth travels all the way to her neck leaving small kisses all over it. 
“Mun… munson” she whimpers “ not here, somebody could see us” he stops and looks at her, looking at the Carver girl for a solution “ go upstairs to my room and wait there. I’ll be there in 5 minutes. Make sure no one sees you” she   says to the curly-haired boy. 
“Sure thing” the pair look around and luckily, everyone around them are too focused on themselves either drinking, dancing around or making out to even notice the couple. Eddie slowly climbs the stairs unnoticed and heads to (Y/N) room while she goes outside to talk to Chrissy and make some lame excuse so people don’t go and look for her. Fortunately, her brother and his friends are joined by the cheer squad.
“Hi there!” Jason exclaims, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. 
“Hey…” she says fake-pouting and in a low voice, instantly worrying her twin brother. 
“What’s wrong? Has anyone touched you or something? Because if some.-“ he starts to get heated up but she cut him off
“I kinda have a headache so I’m going to lay down for a bit in my room oaky?? I just wanted to let you know so you don’t get worried if you don’t find me around” she puts on the sweetest show so her brother can buy her lie, but even if (Y/N) was the worst liar in this word Jason would believe every single word she would tell him. 
“Oh shit have you taken something for it?” He asks and she nods “ Alright, if you need something come down again and tell me okay?” He has some worried look on his face as his twin sister means the world to him. (Y/N) nods and heads upstairs where the metal head boy is waiting for her. (Y/N) makes her way to her room, trying to go unnoticed through the crowd climbing the stairs as quickly as she can. 
10:05 pm, the door of (Y/N)’s room is half open, a dim light coming from her bedside table lamp lights her room. When she enters Eddie jumps as he turns around, like a scared cat.
“Shit Carver you almost gave me a heart attack” Eddie exclaims putting his hand on his heart. She laughs at his reaction “ you should laugh more, you look pretty” she does not know if it the real Eddie talking or the alcohol he has consumed. 
“ Shut up Munson” she locks the door behind her.
“ What a show you put out there with your brother “ he walks towards her “ pouting like that, jeez, how would Jason react if he knew that you lied to him just to get fucked but the towns freak?” His hand is now behind her head, their faces are close. She does not want to show it and will never admit it but she needs him, she needs him to kiss her to touch her. And as if he can read minds he connects their mouths, at first the kiss is slow sweet, she backs up until she falls into her bed. The moment they touch the matters Eddie’s hands start discovering her body, moving from her lower back to her tits to her face caressing her. Eddie lifts her to take her dress off, leaving (Y/N) in her underwear. He kisses her stomach, slowly going upwards leaving lovebites on her chest. 
“God, so fucking pretty” his husky voice praises her. “Now show me how good of a girl you can be” he stands up, allowing her to follow him, “ on your knees” she does as he says without any complain. (Y/N) looks at him through her lashes, a sigh Eddie Munson never thought to be alive to see. Her big eyes are looking at him with a sense of innocence, like she has never done this before. “ Have you ever done this before?” He asks and she nods in negation making him feel weaker as the thought of ruining good old (Y/N) Carver makes him harder. “I need you to open that pretty mouth of yours alright?” He commands as she nods. His belt unbuckles and his black jeans fall down to his ankles, his hand moves to the side of her face moving strands of her hair. “Now I need you to open you mouth for me sweetheart” he commands and she obeys. She looks at him as she slowly opens her mouth. “Fuck” he whimpers as he pulls down his boxers. He does not have time to react because (Y/N) she puts his dick on her mouth making Eddie grip into her hair and moan loudly but the sound of music in the background mutes it. 
Her head starts moving and with it, it also does Eddie’s hand her head forcing the girl to go deeper, exploring how much she can take. “Such a fucking good girl for me huh?” he tounts her “ a little slut sucking on my cock, jeez, what would your brother think? His little sister sucking the towns freak cock?” as he finishes the sentence, she forces herself to go deeper into  eddie’s cock, she is breathing through her nose but tears fall from her eyes smudging her marcara and make up. With the help of Eddie’s hand the rhythm fastens and the room is filled with Eddie’s moans. 
“Fucking shit just like that princess,” he moans and she goes faster “ ho- holy shi-shit” he whimpers. “ Fuck” he stops her, becuase he knows he is about to cum. “ Lay on bed” he orders and again she obeys. As it is an instinct she opens her legs, allowing Eddie to slowly crawl towards her, he kisses the insides of her thighs until he reaches her cunt.
“This wet for me already, kinda weird for a girl that hates me” he says with a cheeky smile
“Oh shut up Munson” her smile decorating her make up smudged face.
Eddie buries his face in between her legs, grabbing her panties in between his teeth and pulling the down, allowing him to bury his tongue on her cunt. That takes (Y/N) by surprise making her moan loudly, grabbing Eddie’s hair hard making him to moan into her cunt. 
“Fuck Eddie” she exlaims while her hands move from the boy’s hair to the bedsheets. His tounge working around her clit. Moans and music form the distrance fill the room as the metalhead is buried in between (Y/N) legs. Her legs shake, her hips move upwards and her back arches as she uncontrollably moans the Eddie’s name. “Ed- eddie fuck!” she screams “ I- I need you” she says as Eddie lifts his head to look at her.
“What did you just say?” he asks as in his mind this still feels like a hallucination. “I need you to use you words” the cocky tone in his voice makes (Y/N) even weaker for him, wanting him to ruin every single aspect of her.
“I need you to fucking ruin me Munson” she desperatly whimpers.
“ Sorry love I could not heard that quite well” his smile decorates his face as he sees the frustrated look on her face. 
“You cunt” she whispers “ I said” she clears her throat “I need you to ruin me Munson, I need you to fuck me so hard I don’t rembember my name” her needy face it what Eddie needed. 
He grabs his dick and takes it to (Y/N) cunt, moving it up and down in her entrance teasing her to the point where she is crying and begging for him.
“Fucking shit Eddie stop teasing” she says as small tears of frustration fall down her cheeks.
“Whatever you say love” he slowly enters her. Air leaving her lungs as she feels him inside of her for the first time, eyes rolling to the back of (Y/N)’s head, back arching. Eddie grabs (Y/N) wrists and pins them above her head with one hand and his free hand he uses for support. He thrusts slowly.
“So fucking tight, holy fuck” he moans as he fastens his pace, their moans are syncronized, filling the room. He frees her hand allowing her to deepen her nails into the metalhead back, leaving red stripes on his skin. Her bed hits the wall as a result of Eddie’s thrusts, the creaking sound of the metal structure follows the rhythm of the movements happening above. Out of nowhere he stops, pulling out and turning her around forcing her to be on all four facing the mirror hanged in the door, his hand grabs her hair strongly pulling it forcing her to look at herself in the mirror.
“I want you to look at yourself while I ruin you” he whispers into her ear, entering her again spanking her at the same time. “Such a dirty little slut for me huh?” he exclaims thrusting harder into the girl “jesus Carver” he moans. The pace rapidly increases as he holds into her hips, sweat dripping down their foreheads, breaths being irregular at this point. 
“Fuck, I-I thi-think i’m going to cum,” she exclaims as she grabs into the bed sheets harder, that is the phrase Eddie needs to thrust into her faster and harder. Their moans are louder, she is moaning his name as he was some sort of god and he is groaning too focused in pleasuring her to even notice how he now has grabbed her hair again, her eyes all rolled back her head, her mouth open moaning uncontrollably. The two of them feel it coming a tight knot on her stomach loosen up, him noticing how the big tension between his legs is being released. 
“Fuck” the two of them let out as they collapse on the mattress. 
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variousxreader · 7 months
(Haven’t watched that far into One Piece, I’m at like episode 500 so sorry if these are ooc at all)
- Doesn’t like coffee, no matter how much sugar or creamer he puts in it’s always not quite right or to his liking, he’s the same way with some teas.
- Keeps a pocket sketchbook or some sort of small notebook hand, sketches or writes about things he sees or thinks about.
- Favorite animal would be otters, I feel like he would see them frequently while sailing and overall likes them for their smarts, such as using rocks to open shells. Though, he absolutely adores how they hold hands or hold their kin while they sleep or float to not get lost.
- Morning person, definitely. Almost always the first one up and awake, walking around and already doing things while everyone else is still in bed.
- While he has grown up and became stronger, he’s still an easy crier. He gets emotional over things and while he can shove down the need to cry, he finds some place private to let his emotions go. He doesn’t like it when people see him cry publically, he feels like that wouldn’t make him “strong” to anyone anymore, especially with everything he has to go through.
- Struggles with anxiety, and I mean this man is brimming with it. His habit of overthinking can lead him to peril, while he has been scolded for “not doing anything and risking lives” due to it, some of his decisions after that could seem reckless, as he wouldn’t even give a second thought to the first thing that comes to mind.
- Definitely sleeps hugging a pillow, cannot sleep without hugging or holding something.
- Personal headcanon (I don’t know if we ever learn about his family or not) I think that while yes he truly did mistake the Alvida pirate’s boat for a fishing boat, he really was trying to sail away for good that day. People in his life would always tell him that he cries too easily or was too skittish about literally everything, overall bringing him down for years of his life. Yes, it was ok when he was younger, but while this behavior continued, people yelled at him more about how he needed to “not be such a crybaby” and not be so afraid of everything. Even now, he has issues dealing with people yelling or raising their voice at him.
- Another personal headcanon, this fella is so trans masc coded to me. When he found Luffy he was scared at first of course, some random ass stranger popped out of a barrel. But what really sold him is that Luffy didn’t question him at all about how he sounded or looked different, but to be quite frank, Luffy doesn’t seem like the type of person to bring that up anyway. Yes, Luffy saved him and he’s happy about that, but he also saw how he was? How he actually wanted to be? AND inspired his dreams?? The boost of confidence he got from that still fuels him to this day as a captain, that’s why he still looks back to that day, the first day someone saw him for who he actually was and didn’t question him. Still questions to this day if he’s valid or even passing for that matter, but that memory always helps him with dysphoria.
- Loves spooning, he doesn’t care if he's big or little spoon, he’s perfectly content either being held or him holding you. Though, he does have the habit of being mostly big spoon since he wants to protect you and keep you safe.
- His love language would definitely be quality time, especially with how long he has to be gone for sometimes. When he comes back after whatever duties he had, all he wants to do is spend some time with you doing whatever. Could be something as little as just sitting and holding each other in silence, or something more like going shopping or on a date. Though, his favorite thing to do would probably be being able to snuggle up with the person he cares the most about and rest without having to worry.
- Love hugging his s/o from behind and resting his head on their back or shoulder, depending on his height.
- This man is all green flags, will absolutely pamper his s/o if they’re feeling under the weather and sooth them if they’re not feeling 100%.
Sorry for any spelling mistakes btw :3€
AAAAA GOD TIER HEADCANONS!!!! I love them all!!!!!!
Don't you worry, im crawling through Impel Down, dreading 482 and what comes after 🙃 Ace girl things™️
This man has abused golden retriever energy, like rescued and bounced back and is the healthiest boy now.
He is a literal cinnamon roll!!!!!
God he'd cry over every animal he sees because its so cute. Like "S/O! Look!!!!! At them!!! Can we adopt them?!" Its so hard to say no
I loveeeeeeee the idea of him falling for a Pirate. Man is so upset about it too at first, like he is so in denial about it. Till a silly fanfic esq situation gets them alone and he can't deny the attraction, physical and emotional anymore?! Chefs kiss the drama!
I also love the idea for Trans masc Koby, that Garp is just like Luffy in his acceptance, like hes so confused as to why people would be upset that Koby identifies as a man. "You say you're a man so you're a man. " simple as that.
Also, forehead kisses on his scar!!!!!
Steal his bandana to tie up your own hair, the mans heart nearly stops and he clutches his chest.
Also i love the idea of his S/O trolling Alvida in subtle ways. As petty revenge on Koby's behalf. Like just any chance they get, they fuck with her. Steals her hat or something just goofy shit that you know would drive the unhinged woman mad.
Koby would 10/10 write little love poems in that notepad/ sketch book for his s/o or crush. Not that he'd be brave enough to share. He could be convinced. Lol
Hes a precious little Peony
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sadie-bug345 · 5 months
hey! thank you sm for doing my enemies to lovers request! Could you do some head cannons about getting into and argument with Dallas as well as making up and how he’d go about apologizing in his own way (cuz we all know damn well he’d never outright admit to being wrong) 😭💀
YESSS ofcccc sorry i feel like this is late but i been busy w school and crap🙄 anyways🫡
my man my man😭
he is SO difficult i’m being so real
like dont get me wrong there’s pros to being his s/o
but one of the biggest cons is he is so ANNOYING to argue with
like he’ll interrupt you when you’re talking, roll his eyes, scoff, and act like he’s the victim
but this is cause he’s got an ego the size of the SUN
just your usual superiority complex stemming from an inferiority complex no biggie
obviously im kidding but early in the relationship when yall argue he’s just like an annoying little boy
sventually you snap and yell “just LISTEN to me!”
and ever since then he’s been kinda scared towards how you are when you’re mad
you’re also the type to whenever you get pissed and you make eye contact w him (or anyone) everyone’s like 😟 cause DAMN you got an intense look to you when you want
hes been wary of you since your first fight as a couple
later on you kinda have to teach him how to argue like a normal person cause he’s so STUBBORN
it’s lowk giving gentle parenting LMAOOO
but like three months into your guyses relationship you two were fighting and he starts yelling and you’re like “🤨🛑✋what did we talk about last week?” and he sighs and is like
”it made me feel unseen when you don’t buy me a coke like you did for pony and johnny.🙄😐😔”
LATER later on you guys don’t have to express your emotions like ai people do but with dal you just gotta start somewhere
cause he always looks angry it’s hard to tell what he’s angry abt yk?
so when you force him to (funnily) share his feelings you appreciate it and you learn a lot abt his kinda weird mind
plus you tease him abt it later LMAO
when it comes to making up i feel like if the argument really blows up you guys just kinda part ways
sometimes it’s a day sometimes it’s a week and a half
but you know your worth (LETS GO🕺🏼💞😌) and you just wait for him to initiate the apologizing process
cause whenever he just peaces out like that the argument is 99.99% his fault and he knows that
when he does call you or pull up again he’s just kinda like
”hi.🙂” and pretends like nothing happened
after you guys date for a while you tell him that he’s gotta own up and actually apologize
it takes a lot but he’s making progress
like just last week he was like “i’m sorry😐…..”
and you’re like “🤨🧍‍♀️”
and he’s like “….that you’re so sensitive and you can’t take a jo-“
i HOPE YOU ENJOYEDDDD🫶🫶🫶 my inbox (along w my dms) are always open!
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