#Kylian mbappé smut
lottins-only · 17 days
I love you, it's ruining my life | Part IV
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pairing: Kylian x black!Reader
word count: 6.2k
part one, part two, part three
A/N: as always, please let me know what you think in my inbox <3 Like this post if you'd like to be added to my taglist.
IV. Spring 2023 through Summer 2024
July 2023
“Tic Tac!” The man on the TV had wide, and quite frankly, manic-looking eyes. “Tic Tac!”
Kylian quickly grabbed the remote and turned the TV off, releasing a sigh of relief at the ensuing silence. It was all noise these days, the minute he turned on the TV, or opened Twitter and Instagram, or even glanced at a newspaper. His name in big bold capital letters, in a headline that almost always contained the words “leaving” or “staying”. Everyone wanted to know. The paparazzi stalked his every move, yelling out the million dollar question to him any chance they got – “Kylian, are you leaving PSG?”  as if he’d respond to them. People on twitter tracked his flights, trying to see if any of the planes he boarded were headed to Madrid. Self- proclaimed insider journalists went viral on social media with their ‘scoops’, causing a flurry of conversation, and depending on which day it was and which side you were on, either joy or sadness. Turtle emojis haunted his dreams, and now, thanks to the Spanish TV channel he’d accidentally come across, so would the words ‘tic tac’.
He was a good sport about it, most times. But at times it was all too much. Like today. He’d spent the majority of it in a meeting with his mother and legal team, discussing  PSG negotiation strategies. Then he’d come home to take an afternoon nap, only to be woken up by his lawyer calling him to deliver the news: PSG had frozen him out of the first team. He’d proceeded to go to his living room and open the TV,  mindlessly scrolling through the channels, happy to not just think for a couple of minutes, to let the disbelief and anger marinate inside him until he could express it at a later time . But that was all gone when he happened upon the Tic Tac man, who apparently hosted a show that was dedicated to the Mbappe - Real Madrid Saga. Now it was back to stressing about his present, and his future. 
Truthfully, everything had started unraveling the day he’d royally fucked everything up with Y/N, back in December. The heartbreak he’d felt had been unlike anything he’d ever experienced before, so all encompassing that it had left him at a loss of equilibrium. It shook him to his core.  He didn’t just lose the girl he loved, he lost his best friend too.  He’d decided to pour everything he had into football, and he’d quite literally been rewarded for it when he’d become PSG’s top goalscorer. He felt happiness he hadn’t felt in a long while when he stood there in the stadium that evening, thousands cheering him on as he held up the trophy. But then all of it had dissipated back in his apartment, his friends and family gone after a night of celebration,  the golden 201 staring at him from his trophy cabinet. What good was any of it if he couldn’t call and share his joy  with the person who mattered to him the most? He’d felt incredibly lonely then, more lonely than when he was just 14 alone in the Monaco academy for the very first time.  Y/N had left a big, wide hole in his life, and no matter how he tried to forget it, it was still there. 
His phone, which he had  carelessly tossed across the couch, started to vibrate. It was his mother, probably calling to check on him, maybe offer some words of comfort. He ignored it. He didn’t want to speak to anyone at the moment; He didn’t have the energy to pretend he was ok, , to feign acceptance of his uncertain future and Y/N’s absence from his life. Instead, he headed to the fridge and grabbed a rare beer. He wasn’t going to be playing  professional football anytime soon , so who cared how much carbs he consumed? 
He watched his phone continue to vibrate as he took a gulp of beer. It periodically flashed different names: his parents, his brothers, his sister in law,  Tchaga. He was happy to ignore all of them in favor of wallowing in his sadness. It went on like that for an hour or so, his phone occasionally lighting up with someone calling as he sunk deeper into his misery. Then, a name appeared on the screen that made him almost choke on his beer.
He quickly grabbed the phone and answered. “Hello?” 
 “Hi” Y/N’s voice was tentative, almost shy. “Are you okay, Kylian?”
“Yeah” He managed to keep his voice steady. “Yeah, I’m okay”
“Are you sure?” her voice was tinted with concern. “It’s all over the news here. Plus, your mom is worried, said you’re not picking up your phone” 
He winced. “ Don’t mind her, It's probably all the stress from the negotiations taking a toll”
“And you?”
“And me what?” he asked.
“Is it taking a toll on you?” She clarified
“No, I’m good” he said defensively. “I’m great, actually”
His beer bottle that had been teetering on the edge of his coffee table suddenly tumbled down and crashed to the floor. 
He cursed. “Sorry, my beer just went everywhere…” 
“Beer?” She sounded surprised. “You don’t drink beer. Especially so close to the season starting”
He sighed. “Y/N, we haven’t spoken in more than 6 months. Since you fucking broke my heart, mind you. I don’t think you can confidently say you know me anymore”
“Harsh” She replied. “But maybe deserved”
He heard shuffling at the other end, and the unmistakable sound of a cat’s meow. “Is that a cat?” he asked.
“Yup. I adopted one about a month ago” she replied. “Her name is Luna”
He snorted. “Half the cats in the world are named Luna. Couldn’t you be a little original?”
“Shut up” She chuckled, then paused. “And I still know you well, by the way”
“Mmm?” He was searching for a broom and dustpan to clean up the beer bottle mess. He couldn’t find them anywhere. He was shamefully clueless about this stuff, seeing as he had a cleaning person come take care of things  like that. 
“Yeah. I can bet my salary you’re looking for something to clean up your mess with but you can’t find it” The sound of her giggle made his heart skip a beat. 
Kylian smiled in spite of himself and muttered “Fuck you” under his breath.
He finally found the broom and dustpan. 
“You know what else I can bet?” Her tone softened, turned more serious. “I can bet that the Kylian I know wouldn’t let this type of stuff get to him. No matter what pressure he’s put under, no matter what they say. He’d just let his football speak for itself”
“Yeah well, they’re not even letting me play football. That’s the issue. It’s either renew my contract  or I won't play a single minute this season. And that’s a problem, Y/N. Because if I don’t play, then It means I start getting out of form. And I can’t have that. There’s too much on the line. The Euros next summer, and then maybe the Olympics…” He’d swooped up all the broken glass carefully and was now wiping the excess beer. “I don’t want to disappoint anyone”
“What about… What about here?” 
He knew ‘here’ meant Madrid, but the way she said it made it sound like ‘here’ was more personal. For a moment he imagined a world where they were together, a world where he’d be able to find solace with her – in her city, her apartment, her bed. He quickly dismissed that thought before it could hurt him.
“I want to finish my PSG contract first” It was a line that almost felt robotic the number of times he uttered it to the press, but it was still true.
“In any case, I don’t think you should worry too much, Kylian. You have great lawyers, great people behind you. They’ll figure it out” Her voice was comforting, and for the first time, he believed those words that had been told to him by friends and family countless times. 
The door to his apartment rattled just then, and he cringed. The timing couldn’t be worse. He disposed of the glass as he heard the door unlock from the other side, and then the sound of clicking heels approaching. 
“Kyky, are you okay?” She asked, just as she came into view. “You didn’t pick up when I called”
She saw that he was on the phone, and Kylian was about to open his mouth to explain when she whispered “Is that Fayza?”
He didn’t know what possessed him to lie, but he did. He nodded a yes. 
She gave an understanding nod, before motioning that she was headed towards his bedroom.  Kylian watched as she went up the stairs, overnight bag in one hand and the sound of her heels echoing. 
A brief silence, and then, “Who was that?” from the other end of the phone. 
“You remember Sophia from Monaco? She lives in Paris now” Why did it feel like he was delivering bad news? She was the one that had left him heartbroken. “And we’re dating”
“Dating dating or are you still just hooking up?” Her voice was unreadable. 
“No, we’re dating. Shocker, but I’m actually capable of being in a relationship”
“Why did she move to Paris?” She ignored his pointed jab. “What does she even do now?”
“She’s a model” 
She snorted. “ There it is”
He frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“That’s your usual type, no?” 
He rolled his eyes. “Not really. My type was you. Just you.  You thought I was using you for sex, though. That’s why we didn’t work out right?”
“But yeah, she is a model” He ignored her, not wanting to prod his own open wound.  “Not all of us can be super smart, saving people’s lives…”
“I don’t save lives” She pointed out. “At least not directly. I’m in nonprofit work, remember?”
He did remember. He knew everything about her, admired and cherished every single detail. Yet, she wasn’t his. He’d gotten close; those 10 days after his birthday were the best of his life. But she ran away. And maybe it was his fault. It was a thought that haunted him till this day. Maybe I should have been more forward. Told her how I felt. Told her I love you.
He cleared his throat. “You know, we’re doing an event next week for the kids in my foundation. About getting into STEM fields.”
“I know” She responded. “I’m going to be there”
“What?” He couldn’t hide his surprise. 
“Yeah, your mom invited me. I’m going to be one of the speakers” She sounded amused that he didn’t know.
“Oh… I guess I’ll see you then”
“Yeah, I’ll see you” she said quietly. 
There was a brief silence, and Kylian thought it was the appropriate  time to wrap the conversation up. Any other time and they’d spend minutes in comfortable silence, speaking only when they felt like it, and on things that ranged from random to deep. But this was the first time they were speaking in months, and there was another girl waiting for him upstairs. 
“Thank you for calling. For calming me down. You’re very talented at that ” He let out a sad laugh.
“Of course. I’m always your friend, Kylian. No matter what” She said it with so much conviction it almost made up for everything else. 
He thought she was going to add something else, but she didn’t. They said their goodbyes and hung up the phone.
October 2023 
The second time they spoke on the phone, he was on a flight back from a game. It was a loss, and no one was happy, so there was a muted atmosphere on the plane. Despite that, the adrenaline still running through his veins prevented him from falling asleep. He kept awake, fidgeting in his seat, trying to fend off the thoughts that usually assailed him after a loss. Could’ve made that pass. Should’ve scored that goal. 
He decided to distract himself. He pressed play on the latest episode of his favorite show, but he couldn’t concentrate. He contemplated playing a game, but he didn't want to think. Next to him, Dembele was softly snoring. He instinctively reached for his phone, and before even thinking about it, called Y/N. 
She picked up almost instantly. “Hello?” Her groggy voice made him realize it was well past midnight in Madrid.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was so late. We can –”
“It’s fine, it’s fine” Her voice was soft. “What’s up?”
He looked out at the night sky through the small airplane window. “Nothing, nothing. Just couldn’t sleep, and thought I’d try and talk to someone” 
She chuckled. “Well, you’re in luck, because I’ve been sitting at my desk for the past hour trying to study. You caught me just when I started to doze off”
“Study for what?” He kept his voice low to not wake his neighbor. “I thought you were done with all of that”
“Decided I have one more degree in me” She said. “I started a masters program”
“Wow. So you’re juggling classes, your job, and being a mom to Luna” He tsked jokingly. “That’s a lot on your plate”
“Tell me about it” She yawned. “I’m fully embracing the cat lady stereotype these days”
“What, no guys hitting you up?” He kept his tone teasing, but he was very curious.
“Don’t have time, is all” She responded. “I barely leave the apartment during the weekends… I barely even see friends”
He frowned, imagining her cooped up in her tiny apartment all alone, straining her eyes by poring over her books. Neglecting herself. “Y/N, you work so hard, don’t forget to take care of yourself”
“I’m managing” Her tone was soft but strained. His frown deepened. How had he not noticed the deep tiredness in her voice until now?
“So, what are you doing this weekend?” She asked, clearly trying to change the subject. “Any plans with Sophia?”
“Well, we have two days off, so I was thinking–” A lightbulb flickered inside his head. “I’m actually going to be in Madrid”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah” He lied. “ I’ve got a Nike photoshoot”
“So, I’ll get to see you right?”
“Yes, of course. You’ll have to text me your address and stuff and I’ll come by..”
She didn’t express any excitement, and he didn’t blame her. He felt nervous himself,  seeing as this would be their first meeting alone since December. He’d come up with the idea on the spot, lying about a photoshoot,  because something in her voice was off. He wanted to see her, to check on her. Plus, he missed her. 
He texted his assistant to arrange a flight and a hotel to Madrid before the plane even landed in Paris. He rushed back to his apartment just to shower and to pack a bag, then he was once again on a plane, making his way to Y/N. 
By morning, he was in sunny Madrid. By mid-morning, his driver was taking him to Y/N’s apartment. His heart was beating out of his chest as he knocked on her door. A few seconds, and it opened. And there she was. 
He was struck by a sense of longing, the heartache he’d felt all those months compounded tenfold at the sight of her. He couldn’t dwell on that, though, because the longing immediately gave way to a wave of concern. She looked exhausted, her curls frazzled and dark circles visible on her tired face. Despite this, she smiled at him wordlessly and let him inside. 
Her apartment was a reflection of her current state – chaotic and disheveled. Papers and books were scattered across surfaces, take-out boxes on the floor. 
“Sorry about the mess, I got swept away with work” She shrugged at him in embarrassment as he cleared away papers on the sofa to take a seat.
“No worries” he said, looking around her apartment. This was his first time in her living space.
“Do you want me to get you anything? Water?” She asked, just as a blob of gray fur suddenly flew across the room from nowhere and leaped at him.
“ Ow!” Kylian exclaimed as the cat’s claw made contact with his face. He looked down at it with a disapproving look.“ You must be Luna. Thanks for that”
Luna meowed at him contentedly from her perch on his lap. Y/N chuckled, but her laugh quickly turned into a yawn.
He scratched Luna’s ears and gave Y/N a serious look. “ You need to sleep. Now” 
“But I— 
“No buts. You need rest” He said firmly “ You go take a nap, I’ll chill with Luna”
“ But you just got here!”
“ We have the whole weekend to hang out”
She frowned. “ You came here for work though”
He ignored her comment. “Just go sleep,Y/N”
With a resigned sigh, she made way to the bedroom. 
He looked back at Luna, then at the messy apartment. A former coach of his had once told him a person’s living space was a reflection of their mental state. He sighed at the British shorthair. “Let’s get to work Luna”
He started by gathering the books and papers, carefully arranging them so they were all in the right place. Next, He cleared away all the trash and disposed of it. He wiped all the surfaces of the living room and kitchen, restoring some sense of order. Luna trailed after him all throughout his cleaning, rubbing her head against his leg once in a while.
After some contemplation, he decided to take the risk and walk to the grocery store across from her apartment building.  Thankfully, the store clerk didn’t recognize him in his cap and sunglasses so he got his shopping done without any hassle. Back in the apartment, he replaced the wilted flowers on her kitchen table with the fresh ones he’d gotten, then put away the groceries he’d picked up. 
He’d never cooked a meal in his entire life, but he figured he’d be able to follow a recipe. So he pulled up youtube and searched up a simple pasta recipe. It took him longer than he’d anticipated, but by the time Y/N woke up, there was a steaming home cooked meal waiting for her on the kitchen table.
She broke into a giggle as soon as she walked out of her bedroom, her eyes lighting up in delight. “You did all this?”
He raised his arms up in mock triumph. “I’m not a completely useless human being outside of football, you know”
“Never said you were” She took a seat by the kitchen table, eagerly stabbing a fork through her pasta.
He watched her take a bite, a grin spreading across his face as she gave him an approving thumbs up. Nothing he loved more than validation from Y/N.
He plated up some for himself, and they ate in companionable silence. Afterwards, Y/N insisted on cleaning up and he didn’t protest, seeing as doing the dishes had always been his least favorite chore ever since he was a kid. He watched her move around the kitchen, already sensing less tension in her after the nap and meal. 
When dusk rolled around, he turned to her and grinned. “Time for you to show me your city”. And so they set off, him dressed modestly in just a T-shirt , sweatpants, a cap and pair of sunglasses not to attract attention and her in a pretty yellow sundress. This was his first time venturing outside without a bodyguard in years, and he was sure his mother would have a heart attack if she found out, but he didn’t tell Y/N; he wanted her to feel completely at ease. As they walked, she pointed out some of her favorite things about the city: the mix of historic and contemporary architecture, and the street art. He listened attentively, though his anxiety was growing. It would take only one person to notice him for word to spread around and a mob to form. Then he could do little to protect Y/N or himself. 
She must have sensed his worry, because shortly after she pulled him into one of the less crowded cafes. They took a seat outside, his back facing the streets. He watched her people watch, the setting sun casting golden hues over her face. She’d gotten a scoop of ice cream while he was sipping on peach iced tea. 
“You know, I hate to complain, but sometimes I wish it was easier” His tone was heavy. “Whenever I’m outside, it feels like I’m always on guard. ” He turned and looked wistfully at the bustling street.
“On the bright side, you’re living your dream” She reminded him with a sympathetic look. “Not many people can say that”
He nodded in agreement, then paused. “Do you think, you and I,  if there wasn’t all of this”–He gestured vaguely at himself – “would we have worked out?”
She raised her eyebrows at him, clearly surprised at his question. “I don't – Kylian, I–”
He interrupted her, snorting bitterly. “Remember when you basically told me I’m a fuckboy athlete using you for sex?”
“We don’t need to talk about that now, Kylian” She looked down at her ice cream.
“No, I think we do” He said firmly. “Do you know how much you hurt me?”
She looked up at him. “ Kylian… I’ve seen the pictures, heard the stories. Plus the way you behaved during our…situationship or whatever you call it.  You can’t fault me for thinking that way”
“What do you mean the way I behaved?” He laughed bitterly. “ You were the only person I was seeing.  Holding hands, kissing, I’ve never done that in public before with anyone else.  All because I was proud you were mine… at least I thought you were going to be mine.”
“Well that’s the issue, Kylian. You never told me any of that. I was hurt.. I thought I was just a temporary distraction to you” She said quietly. “I thought you were throwing away our friendship just for sex”
He was hurt that that was the way she viewed him. But he hadn’t led her to believe otherwise, had he? He’d never entertained the idea of a relationship with anyone before her simply because he’d never liked someone so much before her. And so most of his late teen years and early twenties had been spent in a cycle of casual flings, never letting anyone get too close. He could see why she’d thought that way.
“Y/N, I never meant to make you feel like that,” he said, his voice earnest. “I’ve never been in a place where I cared about someone as much as I care about you. Maybe I didn’t show it right, but it was never just about a fling for me.”
“It doesn’t matter anyway, though” She continued, locking eyes with him. “We have two completely different lifestyles… it would never work” She said the last part quietly, as if it was a painful truth she would’ve rather be false.
“So your answer is yes?” He tried to hide the pain in his voice.
“The answer to my original question, about my career being in the way, it’s yes right?”
She slowly nodded. He nodded back, a silent acceptance passing between them. Perhaps she was right; they lived in different countries, worked two completely different jobs. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. He had Sophia– who lived in the same city as him, who ran in the same circles, who had no problem throwing herself into his world. That should have consoled him, but he couldn’t help but feel that this would be the ‘what if’ that haunted him forever. 
She reached out and took his hand. “But Kylian, your friendship means the world to me. I want that forever.  I mean look at me, I was on the verge of collapse before you visited. Thank you, by the way” She added, giggling self-deprecatingly. 
He managed a small, bittersweet smile. His phone rang just then, and Y/N snatched her hand back when she saw the caller ID on his phone. It was Sophia, wanting to know how his photoshoot was going. He weaved a web of half-truths while Y/N looked down, playing with her ice cream.
By the time he hung up, the sun had completely set and the bustling street outside was bathed in street lights. He’d drunk the last of his iced tea while Y/N spooned the final bits of her ice cream. He found himself watching, mesmerized as her tongue peeked out of her mouth to lick her spoon. Her tongue darted out again to swipe the remaining ice cream from her plump lips.  His mouth slightly gaped as she closed her eyes, letting out a  soft moan of satisfaction. “That was really good” She said as he moved his eyes away and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Even after the painful conversation they’d had, she was capable of getting his blood flowing to all the wrong places in his body. He didn’t know if it was pathetic or funny. 
He cleared his throat. “Let’s head back, shall we?”
February 2024
“Look this way, you two!” The photographer shouted over the loud chatter. Kylian had slowly grown irritated throughout the night; first it was the itchy jacket that clung to him, then the seemingly endless stream of people coming up to him asking for pictures, and now it was this nosy photographer trying to get a snap that he could sell to the tabloids. He knew he was hired by Tchaga to document the opening of his new business, so he tried to keep a polite facade. “No thanks,” He said. “We’re good”
The photographer moved along, clearly disappointed. Next to him, Y/N gave him a playful pout. “You don’t want  pictures with me?”
He rolled his eyes at her. “You know why”
She smirked at him as she took a sip of her drink. “Can’t help it if people think I’m hot”
A few weeks ago, a video of Y/N speaking at his foundation event back in July had resurfaced online and gained traction on Twitter and Tiktok. People were commenting on the ‘insane chemistry’ between her and Kylian, and how they looked like the perfect match. Up until then, Y/N had been able to maintain her anonymity; she was never photographed with Kylian or seen out with him. She’d always joked about making her public debut in his documentary fifty years from now, where she’d recount embarrassing stories from his childhood. But that video going viral meant she’d had hundreds of thousands of people camping out on her Instagram page, convinced she was his latest love interest. A few tabloid articles soon followed the social media buzz, lighting up even more speculation online.  The irony of  all of that happening just  as they finally moved past their short lived romance was not lost on Kylian. 
Though she hadn’t mentioned it, he knew she wasn’t taking this invasion of her  privacy lightly. He felt a pang of guilt,  especially since this wasn’t the expected outcome when she’d volunteered to speak to the kids. So he overcompensated sometimes, like in this instance, to make sure no photos of them leaked online or on tabloids to fuel further gossip. 
He watched her open her email app for the third time at night, anxiously refreshing it to see if there were any new messages in her inbox.
 “Stop that” He snatched the phone out of her hand.  
“Give me–” She started protesting, but he’d already replaced her empty hand with another drink.
“You need to relax, they’ll get back to you when they get back to you” He said.
She sighed, nodding hesitantly. She’d come to Paris for a job interview with a company she’d been impressed by for a while. She wasn’t very stressed before the interview, saying she’d rather stay at her job in Madrid anyway, but no one likes facing rejection. As a result, she kept checking her phone for updates while in the middle of the party,  which she’d been able to attend because it had coincided with the day of the job interview. 
They watched as Tchaga made a speech, Kylian clapping proudly for his best friend. Y/N left shortly after he cut the ribbon, citing exhaustion. Kylian offered his driver to take her home but she declined, so he walked  her out of the party and waited for her Uber with her. 
“Where’s Sophia tonight?” She asked, shivering slightly in the cold evening air.
“Oh, we broke up” He said casually, shedding his jacket and holding it up for her.
“What?” Her eyes widened in surprise as she turned around, letting him drape the jacket over her shoulders. “I didn’t know that”
He shrugged. “ It wasn’t working out. We wanted different things”
“And what were those?”
“She..” He paused, measuring his words. “ She wanted to be more public. And I didn’t want that”
It was more than that. She’d started posting photos of inside his house, which Kylian had expressed his discomfort at. She didn’t understand where he was coming from though, didn’t understand that as someone who was in the public eye from a very young age he placed a high value on his privacy. Then it was calling photographers whenever they were out together– at events,  restaurants, you name it. He’d always known that being her boyfriend increased her profile in the modeling world, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that she was in the entire relationship just for the spotlight. So, he’d called it quits. Her reaction had confirmed his suspicions – he’d seen pictures of her out and about with an A list actor just a few days after their break up.
“I’m sorry, Kyky” She gave him a hug, wrapping her arms around his torso. He rested his chin on the top of her head, fighting the urge to kiss her wind frazzled curls.
“You haven’t called me that in a long time” 
“ Just wanted to reclaim the nickname I gave you, now that she’s out of your life”  She grumbled.
Kylian chuckled, feeling slightly satisfied by the jealous undertone in her voice.Y/N had still never met Sophia but she always overheard her call him Kyky over  the phone. It was true that she was the one who’d come up with the nickname when they were younger. He liked that she was possessive over him; over a part of him, at least.
They said their goodbyes after a few moments, and he watched her uber speed away. He only went back inside when the car turned the corner and disappeared. 
Inside the party, he mingled with friends of friends and other acquaintances. An hour or so went by before it was just his inner circle left. He stood around with Ethan, his father, and Tchaga, chatting about the week’s football and other random tidbits. 
Ethan pointed at the small beard on his chin, laughing.  “You’re still growing that out? We told you it sucks” 
Him and Tchaga had teased him mercilessly about it last time he’d grown it out, saying it was tacky. He’d quickly shaved after that.
“Oh, Y/N said she liked it so I just kept it” He shrugged.
“You’d probably wear clown shoes if she told you they looked good”  His father muttered quietly.
Ethan and Tchaga burst into laughter, while Kylian’s face flushed. Seeing his son's embarrassment, Wilfried quickly corrected himself.
“What I meant to say,” he said, raising his hands in mock surrender, “is that you clearly value her opinion more than anyone else’s.”
“Which is great” Tchaga added “If you both weren’t running away from your feelings”
Kylian groaned.
“It’s never going to work out” He automatically repeated the words she’d said to him, the same words he said to himself during sleepless nights.
His father squeezed his shoulder and looked him in the eye. “To me, it just seems like you’re both scared. Maybe take a leap of faith. It’s obvious you two care about each other a lot… If you don’t give it a shot, you’re going to regret it. Trust me”
You’re going to regret it. Wasn’t he already? Deep down, he knew there was no one else for him besides her. Anyone else he kissed, slept with, dated, or even had a fleeting connection with was just second best. No one knew him like she did, no one else had his heart in the palm of their hand. If he didn’t tell her now, then they’d start drifting apart. Separate futures.  Separate lives with different families and different partners. A life of misery is what awaited him.
He sighed. He knew what to do.
April 2024
Kylian had arrived in Madrid on that April morning  with two missions; First to sign the most important contract of his professional career so far, then to tell his best friend he was in love with her. The first part was straightforward; himself and his group of lawyers had met Real Madrid’s lawyers, signed the papers, and sealed the deal. Just like that, the most dramatic football transfer saga of the decade came to an end. 
The second one he’d been more nervous for. He’d tried to come up with a script, something romantic like in the movies. But it felt disingenuous, so he decided he’d make it up as we went along.  Hey, I know you said we’re never going to work out, but we’re going to be living in the same city soon so why don’t we give it a try? Nah, that was too simple. He needed to come up with something better.
He met her at her apartment in the evening, leaving behind his mother and the rest of the team who’d come along for the contract signing.
“He’s off to see his girlfriend now” His mother had announced to the table when he excused himself after their late lunch. 
He’d flinched at the term and whispered, “She’s not my girlfriend”
“Oh, really?” She shot him a look that could melt steel.  “And why is that?” 
He opened his mouth, but she cut him off. “Don’t even start with the ‘I don’t have time’ excuse . You two  can spare 2 hours a day to talk on the phone, so you clearly do have the time”
He didn’t respond, just gave her a small smile. Being called out by both parents for unresolved feelings wasn’t for the weak.  Hopefully, he'd give her good news by the next day. 
Now, he was in Y/N’s living room, waiting for her to finish getting ready before they went out to dinner. After contemplating how he’d talk to her about it, he’d decided dinner was the best option so he’d proposed the idea that they go out for a nice meal.  He entertained himself by playing with Luna as he waited for her, watching the cat run around the apartment leaving chaos in her wake. 
He looked up when he heard the sound of heels.  Y/N emerged out of her room, looking beautiful in a white dress that hugged her figure gracefully. It was knee length, sleeveless and was complemented by a pair of tall white heels. Almost involuntarily, his gaze wandered up her legs, admiring the way the white of her dress contrasted with her brown skin. His eyes traced the curve of her hips – he’d once had the privilege of laying his hands on them, but now he could only stare longingly.
She cleared her throat and his eyes immediately darted away. She had an amused look on her face, clearly aware of where his thoughts had been. He just smirked back in response, as if to say “sue me”.
“You look beautiful” He said quietly.
“Thank you” She said. She was glowing more than usual, the happiness on her face evident. 
“You look really happy” He noted, smiling at her. “It suits you”
“Well, it’s because I got that job I told you about!” She squealed in excitement. 
His smile faltered. “What?”
“I was going to tell you over dinner, but I couldn’t wait” She shrugged happily, her delight evident.
“Wow” He was well and truly speechless. “Congratulations”
“Thank you” She beamed at him.
“So, you’ll be moving?” He dreaded the answer to that question.
She nodded in affirmation. “I’m really excited”
He thought about the cruel coincidences that had followed them for years; She left Paris as soon as he came back to Paris, and now she was leaving Madrid to Paris just as he was leaving Paris to come to Madrid. It felt like a cosmic joke from the universe, a message that they were never meant to be. The thing he wanted most in the world at the tip of his fingers, now gone. He felt tears prick his eyes but he blinked them away. 
“Kylian, are you okay?” Y/N gave him a concerned look.
He put on his best fake smile, the one he reserved for journalists. “Yeah, I’m fine. Come on, let’s go celebrate”
tags: @kyliansonlygf @ynkfreeastheocean @scottishthistle @user6373738 @lucysantos6-blog @tuliptopiasstuff @kennasutopia @cinderellawithashoe @akiracim @kymb-10 @germanapples @ariesmai
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swayziiwriter · 1 year
Victory's symphony | Kylian Mbappé
summary: the France football team captaincy had been awarded to your fiancé Kylian, prompting a night of private celebrations between you both.
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WARNING: 18+, sexual content
NOTE: the French at the end of the song suits Kylian so well
Kylian had been awarded captaincy of France, a position that allowed him to represent his country and his passion for football. This promotion alls meant that Kylian deserved his own gift, specially for him. That’s how you’ve both ended up in this position.
Kylian laid under you, panting softly as your bare pussy continued to grind against his clothed cock, moonlight shining through the tall windows of the bedroom providing enough light for you both to see each other when in close proximity. You slid down his body, bringing you face to his covered hard on aching to be touched. “Please- please” Kylian let out a strangled breathe, pleasure pulsating through your body at his words.
Kylian always had you begging, tears streaming down your face before he’d let you release all over him. Tonight was different, tonight was about providing your own pleasure to Kylian.
Your hands reached his V-line, tracing it softly before bringing a hand inside of his boxers. He was rock hard, heavy and hot in your hand dabbles of precum sticking to your fingers. Bringing them out of his boxers to your mouth, sucking softy on the two fingers tasting Kylian on your tongue. Kylian let out a guttural moan, “putain, tu es si chaud” fuck, you are so hot he groaned dragging a hand to lock in your hair tugging on it softly.
“Suck me off, please” Kylian begged again, eyes pleading as his member remained hard. You nodded, bringing your hands to his boxers, pulling them down to free his cock that slapped against his abdomen. Standing tall and thick, aching for a release.
You leaned down, levelling your head with his cock before spitting on it. Bringing your hand to stroke his dick, Kylian’s breathing increased hyper fixative on the way your spit drippped down his cock until you held his member. “Oh, oh fuck that feels-feels so good” he moaned, his head falling back against the pillow as you jerked him off. It wasn’t until you left a kiss on Kylian’s red tip that he brought a hand to stop your motions.
“Don’t want that right now” he stated. You studied him “then what do you want baby? Anything you want, you’ll get” keeping eye contact you let your tongue run softly against his tip. “Putain” his head shook, “I want you to ride me.”
Oh fuck. Kylian was strong. He was big and well groomed, abs sculpted perfectly to his v-line that protected his huge cock. His skin was smooth and hot, his moans sounded like heaven and every touch he gave you was addicting. Every curve of his body was addicting, you’d memorized every detail. Licking the rugged edges of his body until you reached his bodies most prized possession, his cock.
Your hair fell in front of your face as you looked down to the space between your bodies, Kylian didn’t give you much time before he was grabbing you by the shoulders to be brought back into his body. Immediately your lips were on his, connecting in a feverish manner. Kylian brought his bigs hand to your ass, massaging the soft flesh attentively. You gasped at this action allowing Kylian to slide his tongue into your mouth, you let out a deep moan as you let him explore your mouth tongue and teeth clashing.
Pulling back for air as quickly as possible before reconnecting your swollen lips together. Kylian pulled away, allowing for you to catch your breathe as he brought his cock under your dripping pussy. “mhm, shit” you sighed softly, letting your wetness coat the base of his dick as Kylian encouraged you to align his cock with your entrance.
You lifted your hips, positioning your body over his before he stopped you with a grab of your hips. “Wait, what about a condom?” He asked curiously, you’d never let Kylian hit it raw before, always telling him he had much bigger things to worry about then getting your pregnant. But tonight, Kylian deserved it all, he deserved to feel your pretty pussy ride his cock.
Leaning into his face you kissed him hard, bringing a hand to the back of his head. You pulled away looking into his eyes as he smiled softly. “I want” you brought your hands together, intertwining them over his abdomen. “I want it raw Kylian, I want you to fill this pretty pussy with your cum” Kylian could have came at your words, the filthy words spilling from your mouth were going directly down to his dick that was twitching under your dripping core.
“Then be a good girl and get on this cock” he stated, tilting his head to the space between your sex. Kylian buried his head in your breasts, kissing them softly as you held his cock in your hand, aligning it with your entrance before finally falling down on his cock. “tu me prends tellement bien, ma petite salope” you take me so well, my little slut Kylian groaned, latching his tongue onto your nipple, sucking on it as his hand fondled your other breast.
The stretch of Kylian’s cock was never one you could get used to, his thick, hot member felt as if it was leaking into your stomach each time, leaving your mind blank and your pussy squelching. Kylian’s head lifted to connect his lips with yours once again, before you left them dragging along open mouthed kisses down his neck, marking the hot flesh as a coat of sweat started to appear on his smooth skin. He wanted to move, he wanted to move so bad it hurt. But he knew waiting for you to adjust would allow you to last for many rounds, Kylian was always in it for the long run.
“I’m ready” you croaked, head titling back as Kylian shifted his body slightly. Kylian smirked, leaning against the headboard hands at his waist. “Give me a show y/n” Kylian shrugged, “chevauche ton capitaine comme la salope que tu es” ride your captain like the cockslut you are he continued, eyes piercing. Your hands attached to his broad shoulders, holding them for dear life as you lifted your hips before sliding back down onto his cock.
“So full, always so full with your cock” you moaned, building up a rhythm as you bounced on his dick. Kylian felt so hot inside of you, now that you were riding him raw it felt as if you could feel every bit of his cock like never before.
“Merde, so good at riding this cock” Kylian praised, grabbing at your breasts as they bounced with every move of your body. Your were taking Kylian hard, you hands coming to lock around his neck for support. Kylian could tell you were getting tired, your rhythm slowing as you tried to calm your body. “Getting tired?” Kylian mocked, “always so needy for my cock, don’t even know what to do with yourself” he continued, reaching to grab bunches of your hair as you grinded on a particular spot that had his cock twitching.
Kylian began to match your bounces with hard thrusts, soon enough your moans turned into screams as Kylian let out guttural groans in return. “Kylian, it’s so good Kylian” you moaned bringing your lips to his neck, assaulting the flesh as Kylian’s head titled to give you better access. Your first orgasm approached quickly, passing over you hard and slow. Kylian guided you through it, hitting the spots inside of you that made you go dizzy until you were shaking.
“Turn around” Kylian demanded. You stopped moving, confused at his sudden halt. Kylian slipped out of your tight hole, turning your body swiftly to be on your stomach. “Ass in the air mon amour” Kylian spoke, handing a palm across the edge of your ass, watching as your body inched forward. You turned around, bringing a hand to his neck pulling him into a harsh kiss, “ruin me Kylian, cum inside this pussy. Your pussy” you whispered seductively. Kylian smirked, pushing your body back onto the bed, sliding inside of your empty core.
“So big” you muttered burying your head into the pillows as Kylian wasted no time letting you readjust, his thrusts were mercilessly drilling into your dripping sex. Kylian bundled your hair in his hands bringing your body to be flushed against his, allowing for him to hit deeper inside of you.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop please” you begged, tears brimming your water line. Kylian laughed softly, “give me another one bébé, I know you can give me another.” You nodded to his words, focusing on his deep stokes before coming undone at the shout of his name. Kylian didn’t stop, he continued to thrust inside of you even after you cried it was to much.
“I’m gonna cum, and you’re gonna take it like a good girl yeah?” You could only muster a broken “yes” the overstimulation on your clit overpowering. Kylian let out a soft moan, leaning forward to press his forehead onto your shoulder, groaning, dick twitching as he releases inside of you. His thick, hot load creaming your insides as you come another time, your body convulsing as Kylian rode you through your highs.
Weakly, you close your arms behind you and cradle his head by pressing your back against his chest. Once more, he thrusts inside of you, and you can feel his cum spilling out of you, warm and sticky.
“mon capitaine” my captain you spoke softly. Kylian didn’t release his grip on you, instead he pressed a messy kiss to your neck, his light stubble sensitive against your hot skin. You both take short, loud breaths after a minute's pause. His lips wait against your skin, one more kiss squeezed into it, a way for him to channel the immense love he feels.
A victory’s symphony.
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nymrs · 1 year
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#2. MISBEHAVE | Kylian Mbappé
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Summary: above
Genre: smut (oral, male receiving)
Pairings: Kylian Mbappé x female reader
"Come on Ky, one short dance and I'll shut up for the rest of the night", you pleaded, but your boyfriend beamingly shook his head from left to right.
You currently were on one of Neymars parties and as usually, the house was crowded, filled with tipsy people dancing and jumping around. The alcohol took control over your body, you loved dancing, especially if you were drunk enough to not care about how your moves looked like to others. Kylian, on the other hand, tried his best to avoid dance floors. He simply thought he wasn’t good at it and didn’t want to make a fool of himself.
Neymar, who was standing only a few metres away from you, watched you rocking back and forth on your seat, discreetly moving your hips to the loud music. He heard you singing along and begging Kylian to finally go with you in between the lines of the song. "May I, madame?", Neymar smirked and reached out a hand for you. You glanced over to your boyfriend, who sometimes got jealous of you and Neymar being so close, though there was no reason since Neymar and you were like brother and sister. "Go", Kylian sighed out, feeling relieved you would stop trying to convince him now. You quickly pecked his cheek before intertwining your hand with Neymars and dragging him to the middle of the room, holding your hands up high eventually feeling the release of enjoying yourself. The two of you foolishly danced around, laughing at each others goofy dance moves, until a slower placed song came on and Neymar grabbed your waist in order to pull you closer to his body. "Do you think he’s getting mad again?", Neymar whispered into your ear. You spied over to Kylian, only to see his body already tensing up at the view of another man touching you on those spots only he was privileged enough to touch. "Definitely", you giggled out as Kylian started chewing on the insides of his cheek. Neymar and you didn’t let his insecurities stop you from having a good time though. Driving your boyfriend insane was your personal way of amusing yourself. You loved seeing him being all possessive and protective over you. "Are you done?", Kylian bluntly asked as he walked up to you and grabbed your wrist, dragging you away from Neymar, who was left alone, chuckling to himself before he turned around to continue his dance session with someone else.
Feeling Kylians muscles vibrate caused by the built up tension turned you on in a way you couldn’t explain. The way his jaw clenched, his hand held onto your wrist so tightly - Kylian showing his dominant side was your weakness.
"Am I getting punished now?", you joked when he led you down the hall, stopping at the door of one of Neymars many guest bedrooms. "Maybe", Kylian coldly responded, clicking the door open and slightly pushing you inside. His tongue moisturised his lips by slowly circling on them while his eyes wandered up and down your body. "You owe me an apology." You bit your bottom lip while you nodded yes, taking some steps towards him, "I do. I haven’t been really nice to you, hm?" His breath against your skin sent tingles all over your body as you were only a few inches away from one another. Your fingers tipped slow beats on his chest, steadily lowering their position. Kylians breath got heavier the moment your hand found its way to his well visible bulge. Before you finally started rubbing on his cock through the fabrics, you kept on looking down at it and peering up to stare right into your boyfriends eyes. He looked down to watch your hand move up and down on his growing curve, letting out a low moan when you used two fingers to put some pressure on his sides. You kissed his neck as you unbuttoned his shirt, then your lips went all the way down from his shivering chest to his v line. Arriving at that spot, you wasted no time and quickly pulled his jeans down along with his boxers, revealing his huge cock to you. Just like every time you saw him, you admired him with one hand pounding on him at a calm pace, supporting yourself by holding onto his knee with the other hand. You covered his dick in short soft kisses first, next twirling your tongue just around the tip. Kylian threaded your hair, brushing it away from your face so he could watch you with his dick in your mouth. You knew he had enough of your teasing when his hips started moving, pushing his shaft deeper into your throat. With your hand massaging his balls, you began to bob your head back and forth, looking him in the eyes as you tried to keep them open. His head fell back in pleasure. "Yes bébé, just like th- fuck", he moaned out once you got faster and squeezed harder on his balls. His hips found their rhythm as he thrusted in and out your filled mouth. Your eyes got watery with all the gagging, saliva already running down the corners of your mouth. Kylian pulled on your hair, you felt his cock twitching. His groans got deeper and longer with every thrust. The moment he was about to cum, he grabbed the back of your head, pushing his cock the deepest he could. His eyes roll back as he uncontrollably moans out. You feel his warm semen shooting into your throat and let him watch you swallow it before licking his cock clean. Kylian tries to catch his breath as you proudly smile at him, "Am I forgiven?"
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emwritesfootball · 1 year
Formalwear | Kylian Mbappé
hey em! hope you’re well 💕could you pls write sth with my baby mbappe 😍 his gf runs her own enterprise and everyday she’s dressed formally and it turns him on so much. one day she shows up to his house in the middle of the night wearing a trench coat and nothing underneath 😈 and she’s really assertive and dominates him in bed for the night and he loves it. can you make it super duper smutty if poss 🥺
Warnings: a lil femdom, nipple play, cunnilingus, blowjob, light mention of edging
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You walked out of the bedroom ready for the day, tilting your head to one side to put in your earrings. Kylian was already at the table eating breakfast, his eyes lighting up when he saw you. 
“Good morning,” he said, giving you a quick kiss. “Busy day?”
“Yeah. Got an earlier-than-usual meeting followed by a presentation and then a very important meeting with a potential investor.” You were almost breathless recounting your upcoming day, excited for the challenges ahead.
“You’re going to look very sexy during that presentation. I wish I could be there.”
You shot him a grin, rolling your eyes as you poured yourself a cup of coffee to go. “Don’t worry - I'll give you the play-by-play later, as long as you return the favour.”
“Are you coming back here tonight?” Kylian asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.
“I wish,” you sighed, shaking your head. “I’ve gotta head home and make sure spiders haven’t completely overrun the place. You leave tomorrow for an away match anyway, right?”
“Oui, Le Classique against Marseille. I should be back by Sunday.”
You gave him one last kiss that held promise of things to come later. “I’ll see you then. Au revoir, Kyky.”
You watched Le Classique from your house, cheering on Kylian every time he got close to scoring a goal until he finally did. An idea sparked as you thought of ways to congratulate him when he got home.
Sunday evening, you stood in front of your wardrobe, surveying your options. Kylian was infatuated with all of your formalwear - pencil skirts, blouses, and of course, the lingerie you wore underneath them. 
You took your time getting ready, showering before assembling your clothing and putting it on. Each piece was meticulously selected along with your perfume and jewelry. You slid on your favourite pair of heels and slipped your trench coat on for the finishing touch before walking out the door.
Kylian was about to go to bed when he heard a knock at the door. He opened the door, his smile growing wide as he saw you on the other side. “I thought you couldn’t stop by tonight?” He said, leaning in for a kiss that you didn’t grant him.
“Thought better of it,” you replied, stepping inside and reaching for the buttons on your trench coat. “And after the way you played, I figured you deserved a little treat.”
Kylian’s eyes lit up. “What kind of treat, chérie?”
“Sit down and I’ll show you.”
Kylian did as you said, spreading his legs so you could see the growing bulge in his sweats. “Don’t,” you ordered when he reached for his cock, smirking when he immediately pulled away. “Good boy.”
Kylian’s eyes were locked on yours as you sauntered over to him, undoing one button at a time on the trench coat. His tongue poked out to wet his lips as you bared your cleavage. “Nothing on underneath?” He asked in French, switching to his native language.
“Nothing,” you confirmed, getting to the last button and shimmying the trench coat off your shoulders and let it fall to the floor. You let Kylian drink you in, knowing how good you looked naked in just heels and thigh-highs. 
Kylian swallowed hard. “I’ve been fantasizing about this.”
“I know.”
“Can I touch you?” He looked up at you, waiting for confirmation. When you gave it, Kylian reached for your breasts, running his thumbs over the hard peaks of your nipples.
“I think that’s enough,” you said, right as Kylian was about to put his mouth on your nipples. “Get on your knees.”
Kylian dropped to his knees, moaning as he did so. You propped one leg on the sofa so that your pussy was open to him. Taking his chin in your hand, you led him between your legs until his mouth latched onto your clit. You let out a moan as he licked and sucked at your dripping cunt, his fingers dipping into your hips for leverage. 
“Don’t stop, Kylian!” You whimpered, gripping the back of his head to hold him in place while you rode his face as you came. The orgasm rocked you and you were grateful you had him to hold onto as you composed yourself. Kylian looked up at you and you leaned down to give him a kiss, tasting yourself on his lips.
You walked toward the bedroom, Kylian at your heels. He laid down on the bed and you took pleasure in getting to undress him, freeing his cock and taking his length in your mouth until he was a whimpering mess, begging to cum, but you didn’t let him. 
“Patience, Kyky,” you chided, mounting him so you could ride him. “You’ll get to cum when I say so.”
You let Kylian give you two more orgasms before you let him cum, Kylian babbling his thanks as he came inside you.
“You’re going to spend the night, yes?” He asked, cuddling into you.
“You’ve still got my suit hanging in your closet, right?”
“Of course.”
You fell asleep in his arms, both of you wishing you didn’t have to get up for work in the morning.
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pedrifsx · 1 year
you think i hate you?
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pair< kylian mbappé x belle aurélie (oc)
summary< kylian and y/n who are roommates always argue about the most silliest things. this one time, belle brought up the topic of respecting her privacy when other girls that kylian bring home are over.
warning< enemies -> lovers, playboy!kylian, smut eventually, petnames, confession, argument then smut, roommate!kylian x roommate!reader.
“kylian! you’re not hearing what i’m saying,” belle shouted at the 24-year-old, “are you fucking deaf?” her eyebrows furrowed with her arms co-ordinating with her words. she was furious with kylian as he was good for the past month with bringing other girls home until this week and, boy, was she sick of it.
“zut alors, belle,” he responded in annoyance, the frenchman was tired of belle and of her telling him what to do whether it was to do the dishes because it was ‘his turn’ to the girls he brings to their apartment to respect her privacy, “you can’t tell me what to fucking do!”
“at this point i have a right to. you’re always going into my room to fuck another girl when you’re too lazy to walk down the hallway to yours!” she argued back, lifting her glasses onto her head to take a good look at the pathetic man standing infront of her.
“it’s not my fault that you signed a lease here!” he shouted at her getting up from the couch he was slouching on to the kitchen island that belle was sitting next to.
“well it’s not my fault you agreed for me to leave here!” belle accused him for his doings and how he could’ve avoided this relationship with belle if he didn’t agree for her to live in their penthouse, “use your brain for once, you fucking idiot!”
kylian’s mouth dropped when she told him to ‘use his brain’. “no wonder you don’t last in relationships, you’re so hardheaded.”
annoyed and confused why he would say that, she opened up her laptop and logged in, putting her glasses back on, “forget it, kylian. just- just respect my privacy. please?”
kylian rolled his eyes then sneakily smirked knowing that belle just gave up like that. it made his ego grow knowing that he had won another argument, which to everyone else, just made him look more cocky than people think he is.
after working for a little bit, belle decided that it was a good idea to go to sleep since the day was long and tiring. and, it was nearing 1am. kylian was already in bed as he had training at 10am until 12pm.
without thinking, the girl grabbed the door knob and twisted it open, surprised when the end of the bed hit the side of her waist.
“merde,” she winced, rubbing the pain from her waist. the moonlight was her only source of light and she couldn’t see the bed. to her surprise, the bed wasn’t made. she thought, surely i made it when i woke up, but ignored it as she was fucking wasted.
she slid into the covers of the sheet and sighed of relief when the warmth hit her body. she backed up to get comfortable and felt a firm hand slide to her waist.
belle gasped at the sudden action, squirming and cussing when she felt the familiar hand of her roommate.
“kylian, what the fuck?” she whisper-shouted, feeling a sensation that she had never felt before.
“more like, belle, what the fuck?” he responded, chuckling at the confused lady, “what are you doing in my room?”
belle’s face softened when she turned on the light and realised that she was, in fact, not in her room, but in kylian’s.
“oh, shit,” she mumbled, flustered and hoisting herself up, “i’ll go.” kylian stopped her by grabbing her hand and pulling her back down.
“stay,” he groaned, “you caused a problem.” his eyes directed at his erection that belle created while her body rummaged to get comfortable.
it was too late at night for her to make right decisions as she held onto his neck and kissed his soft lips.
“fuck, you don’t know how long i’ve been waiting for you to do that,” kylian murmured after breaking the kiss.
“shut up and kiss me,” she whimpered, grinding against his erection. there tongues fondled with eachother before kylian’s large hands wondered up belle’s large t-shirt that seemed to be his. he realised that she wasn’t wearing a bra and with one swift movement, removed the shirt from her body leaving her in her shorts.
kylian didn’t hesitate to go down her neck and leave marks like he always did with other women. but this time it was special, she could see that he wasn’t hesitant on doing this like he does with other women.
his hands soon reached her boobs, grasping onto it and his fingers rubbed over her nipples, making her whimpers underneath his touch.
kylian detached his dominant hand from her body and reached down to take off his boxers. he revealed his huge length which made belle shocked as she thought it was tiny from his cockiness.
“you’re huge,” she mumbled, pushing him down, telling him that she wanted to suck him off.
“be patient, bébé,” belle squirming when she heard the name. she spat on his dick before taking his tip into her mouth, circling her tongue around it, making him shut his eyes and lean his head back.
belle kept her eyes open and looked up at him with her big, manipulative doe eyes. she went to the base of his dick, making her gag on his thick manhood.
kylian’s hands managed to grab her hair into a makeshift ponytail before guiding her into bobbing her head up and down his length.
“you can take it,” he whimpered, “you’re a good girl.”
his sexual words made her go rapid and sucked his dick faster than before.
“shit,” kylian whimpered, “gonna cum.” his hands bobbed her head, fast and violent, the couple waiting for kylian to come into her mouth.
and alas, his white liquid painted her throat, her swallowing right after. she took it out of her mouth making a small “pop” noise when she got up.
her body weight shifted on kylian as she straddled his lap. without thinking, she ground her hips against the man practically riding his thigh.
“shit,” she mumbled as her nose picked up the familiar scent of the man. it was musky and homely as she recognised it, this time making her want to cum.
“ride me, belle,” he groaned, his hands grabbing onto her neck, making eye contact as he spoke his words.
the half french half colombian lady thrusted her hips up, rubbing kylian’s tip into her entrance and slowly, went down on him.
he tried different ways on pleasing her that night, one being him with his hands placed on her juicy ass, pulling it forwards to make her grind her hips while he was inside her.
“fuck, you’re tight,” he growled in a low tone, his voice rough from his drowsiness, “gonna make me cum.”
“cum for me, ky,” she moaned, rubbing her clit that was puffy and yearning for more.
kylian had his second shot, this time up belle’s pussy. it wasn’t surprising that belle fell on top of him after he collapsed.
it was a moment of pure silence, just fast pants and breaths.
“so?” kylian sounded out, “what are we now?”
“fuck it,” belle sighed, “will you be my boyfriend, ky?”
“fuck yeah!”
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liked by k.mbappe, leomessi and 1,279,454 others.
brelie mbappé? more like mmm papi
k.mbappe you thought i hated you about 4 months ago🧐🙄
> brelie u don’t now do u
neymarjr bro was in love with you the whole time. simp.
> brelie @/brunabiancardi
brunabiancardi soft launch is on top🥺🥺
> brelie love you sm
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judes-hoe · 4 months
Mbappe fluff one pls 🙏🏽
1. “Do you want the last bite?”
Kylian wasn’t the type to share his food, unless it was you. So while out at dinner with his friends he had orders this delicious looking pasta. He let you try it, he always lets you try his food, you loved it so much you didn’t even notice yourself staring at it every once in awhile. You had also ordered a pasta and let him try it. When he got down to the last little fork twist of his pasta he saw you eyeing it and looks at you. “Do you want the last bite?” He asked you softly. You looked at him then the fork and shook you head, he knew you wanted it and held it to your mouth. “Have it, please?” He said which made you open your mouth and eat his last bite. All his friends in shock at seeing him let you take not only one bite of his food but the LAST bite. “Ky the other day at training you wouldn’t even let me have a piece of fruit and you had like 10 pieces!” Achraf said with wide eyes. “Shes my princess have to make sure she eats good?” He told his friend while kissing the side of your head which made blush flush across your cheeks. You loved that he cared about you so much to share his food which he never does with anyone not even his last girlfriends.
Please request🫶🏻 inbox is open always even if it’s just to chat
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latin5mamii · 18 days
Sometimes - Kylian Mbappè
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warnings: none, maybe flirt (?) and google translate french🙏🏻
genre: interviewer!fem!reader x Kylian Mbappè
summary: The interview that you feared the most, seems to he as unpredictable as possible…
author's note: new husband unlocked😝 btw i think Kyky would totally be like this, like the type of man who, when he wants you he makes it unmistakably clear, even to the point of being a little embarrassing sometimes…
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When they told you that you would have to interview Kylian Mbappé, your heart skipped a beat.
"Nothing too difficult," you told yourself, trying to ward off the rising anxiety. "You've done this a hundred times before." But no matter how much you tried to calm yourself, the nerves wouldn't go away. 
Sure, you’re fluent in French, but what if you mispronounced something? What if he couldn’t understand you, and you had to repeat yourself? 
Even worse, what if he was in a bad mood, or worse, simply disinterested? The last thing you wanted was to fumble through a tense or awkward interview. You would have killed for one of the regulars—Vinicius or Rodrygo, maybe—someone you could comfortably chat with. But after tonight’s game, Kylian was the star, and like it or not, the spotlight was yours.
You took a deep breath, gathering your notes as you made your way to the interview area.
As you reached the designated spot, you caught sight of him walking down the corridor. And when your eyes landed on him, your breath hitched. Damn, he was hotter in person.
You took some time to observe his face intently. Droplets of sweat still clinging to his skin, sliding down his sharp jawline, his face slightly tired,and your heartbeat was slightly faster than before.
He must have felt your gaze, because his eyes met yours. For a split second, his expression shifted, surprise flickering in his eyes as if he hadn’t expected to see you watching him so intently. But then, just as quickly, his lips curled into a smile, warm and genuine, that made your pulse race even faster.
You tried to compose yourself, looking as professional as possible, offering him a smile in return as he approached. 
“Bonsoir, Kylian. Félicitations pour le match de ce soir,” you began, hoping your voice didn’t betray the nerves you felt. “Vous avez vraiment dominé sur le terrain. Comment vous sentez-vous après une telle performance?”
("Good evening, Kylian. Congratulations on the match tonight. You really dominated on the field. How do you feel after such a performance?")
Kylian’s smile broadened slightly as he responded, his voice smooth and steady. “Merci beaucoup. Je me sens bien, mais je dois avouer que je suis surpris, et agréablement, je dois dire.”
("Thank you very much. I feel good, but I have to admit I'm surprised, and pleasantly so, I must say.")
You blinked, trying to decipher the meaning behind his words, but he gave you no time to dwell on it. Instead, he continued, his tone laced with a teasing edge. “C’est rare de rencontrer quelqu'un qui m'observe avec autant d'attention. Je me demande ce que tu pensais.”
("It's rare to meet someone who watches me with such attention. I wonder what you were thinking.")
Caught off guard by his candidness, you felt a blush creeping up your cheeks. You quickly composed yourself, trying to steer the conversation back to the interview. “Je pensais à quel point vous avez montré une grande détermination ce soir. Qu'est-ce qui vous a motivé à pousser si fort?”
("I was thinking about how much determination you showed tonight. What motivated you to push so hard?")
Kylian chuckled softly, the sound warm and disarming. His gaze remained locked on yours, and you could feel the intensity of his attention. “La motivation vient de plusieurs choses, mais ce soir… il y avait une énergie particulière dans l'air, quelque chose qui m'a poussé à donner encore plus. Peut-être que c'était la sensation que quelqu'un d'intéressant me regardait.”
("Motivation comes from many things, but tonight… there was a special energy in the air, something that pushed me to give even more. Maybe it was the feeling that someone interesting was watching me.")
You felt your breath catch at his words, the playful glint in his eyes making it clear he wasn’t just talking about the match. Professionalism, you reminded yourself. You had a job to do.
“ Une dernière question, Kylian. Après une telle performance, comment vous préparez-vous pour le prochain match? Y a-t-il quelque chose de spécial que vous faites pour garder cette concentration?”
(" One last question, Kylian. After such a performance, how do you prepare for the next match? Is there anything special you do to maintain that focus?")
Kylian paused for a moment, as if considering your question carefully. Then, with that same playful smile that had started the interview, he leaned in just slightly. “Pour rester concentré… je pense qu'il est important d'avoir quelque chose ou quelqu'un qui vous inspire. Quelque chose à quoi penser quand les choses deviennent difficiles. Peut-être que j'ai trouvé ça ce soir.”
("To stay focused… I think it's important to have something or someone that inspires you. Something to think about when things get tough. Maybe I found that tonight.")
Now your heart was definitely skipping beats, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to laugh or melt. He was definitely flirting, and he was good at it. But you had to keep your composure, right? Even if you were enjoying this more than you’d like to admit.
But before you could respond, he straightened up, the smile still lingering on his lips as he gave you a nod. “Merci pour l'interview. C'était un plaisir.”
("Thank you for the interview. It was a pleasure.")
You managed to smile back, still a bit flustered. “Le plaisir était pour moi, Kylian. Merci pour votre temps.”
("The pleasure was mine, Kylian. Thank you for your time.")
As the interview wrapped up and the cameras stopped rolling, you began to gather your notes, relieved that everything had gone smoothly. But just as you were about to step away, Kylian leaned in slightly, his voice low and teasing.
"On devrait refaire ça un jour, peut-être sans les caméras," he said, his eyes locking with yours.
("We should do that again sometime, maybe without the cameras.")
You felt your heart skip a beat, and before you could stop yourself, you leaned in a bit closer as well, a playful smile tugging at your lips. "Seulement si tu promets d'être aussi charmant la prochaine fois," you replied, meeting his gaze with a spark in your eyes.
("Only if you promise to be just as charming next time.")
Kylian’s smile widened, clearly pleased by your response. "Je peux te le garantir," he said softly, his voice carrying a hint of something more.
("I can guarantee that.")
As he straightened up, he added with a grin,
“Au fait, ton français est parfait. Très impressionnant.” 
("By the way, your French is perfect. Very impressive.")
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jkkyks · 16 days
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So here is the deal, if he stared at me like that, u might find me searching on our wedding venues and all yk. Just sayin
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lottins-only · 30 days
I love you, it's ruining my life | Part III
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pairing: Kylian x black!Reader
warnings: some nsfw (?) content
word count: 6.9k
part one, part two
A/N: this one is a bit long 🫠 Thank you to those who read the first two parts, and to those who sent me sweet messages🙏🏾Inbox is open, so please do let me know your thoughts !! <3
III. December 2022
“What are those for?” 
Y/N followed Ethan’s inquisitive gaze to the top of her tote bag . She quickly shoved down the bags of candy peeking out, trying to conceal their abundance. She knew she’d packed way too many, but more meant better options, she’d reasoned. Especially since the person they were meant for had the sweet tooth of a 5 year old. 
“Oh, you know me, I always have to have snacks on me” She lied.
Ethan looked at her like she was a madman, then shook his head before turning his attention to his phone. They were sitting outside at a luxurious hotel that served as the base camp of the French National Team for the duration of the World Cup. With the final only a few days away, the FFF had organized a “fun day” for the players to unwind with their loved ones. There were bouncy castles and inflatable slides littered around the lawn for children, while the irresistible aroma of barbecue wafted through the air. Kylian was somewhere entertaining his niece and nephew, and was hanging out with his parents as well. Y/N and Ethan, introverts as they were, spent most of their time chilling on the lounge chairs drinking mojitos (Virgin mojitos for Ethan; he’d tried to convince her to let him have a try from her drink but she’d refused). 
Y/N was enjoying herself. Truly savoring every moment. A one month-long, all-expenses-paid trip to watch her best friend play in the World Cup? She couldn’t have submitted her PTO request fast enough.  
 “It’s probably only going to be 2 weeks though”  Kylian had said to her half- jokingly when he’d proposed the idea over the phone. He was referring to the “winner's curse”, the jinx that often saw past winners exit the tournament in the group stages.  But against all odds, France was once again in the final of the World Cup. 
She opened her phone, dismayed to find zero new messages from her boyfriend of 8 months, Lucas. They had met when she moved to Madrid straight after graduating from university. She’d found a job at a small public health non-profit, and Lucas had been one of the few people working there that was her age. They’d quickly struck up a friendship,  and he’d immediately asked her out after he left that job a few years later. It was a no-brainer for Y/N to say yes. He was good looking, charming, and made her laugh. Besides, it was well past the time to move on from Kylian. 
For his part, Kylian had been ecstatic when she’d returned to Europe. They had grown closer after both of their moves,  despite the distance. They facetimed at least once a week, and it sort of became a tradition for Kylian to give her a quick call before games. They’d text regularly too, their conversations meandering from trivial topics to deep confessions. Once, she’d mentioned that she used “Study with me” YouTube videos for her study sessions, as it was a way to keep herself accountable. 
“I could do that with you, you don’t need stupid youtube videos” he’d said confidently over the phone. 
She’d laughed. “You can’t shut up for 2 minutes if your life depended on it, Ky”
“No, I can” he’d said seriously. “I want to, for you”
And so they’d formed another tradition. They’d sit silently on facetime for hours and hours, Y/N poring over her books and notes, and Kylian in his room alone doing god knows what. He’d check in on her every once in a while, always encouraging. She knew that he had a busy life and few precious hours to himself, so she was grateful that he’d decided to spend that time with her, doing something that had no immediate benefit to him whatsoever. 
They’d opened up more about their love lives as well, as they’d promised to each other back in Monaco. She didn’t volunteer any information herself, because it was still  a little weird, but she’d answer questions if he probed. It was a lot less easy for Kylian to hide things from her, thanks to his growing fame. She’d only have to scroll through her explore page on Instagram or go through gossip websites to find detailed information about any woman who so much as breathed next to him. He’d continued dating people after the breakup with Sophia, which had happened only a month after her visit in Monaco. But much to her relief, it was never serious with anyone. She’d once seen pictures of him in the stands at the Parc des Princes with a blonde actress, and that old feeling of jealousy had snuck up on her like it had never left.  But just two weeks later, Kylian informed her that it was over. 
She had mentioned  Lucas to him  pretty early on in the relationship. Like she expected, he’d made a bad joke out of it. Something about HR needing to be alerted. She’d reminded him, rather annoyed, that Lucas no longer worked at her workplace. He didn’t say anything after that, quickly changing the subject. One day, however, Lucas mentioned something that gave her pause.
“You know something crazy that happened to me today?” He’d laughed. They were lounging on her couch in her apartment, watching a movie. “Kylian Mbappe liked a picture of mine on Instagram, from like 6 years ago”
She’d furrowed her eyebrows. Lucas was a huge football fan, but Y/N still hadn’t mentioned her friendship with Kylian. It had only been a month of them seeing each other, and about 3 days after she’d told Kylian about him. 
“Yeah, look” Lucas brought out his phone and showed her a screenshot. Sure enough, Kylian’s username was under a picture of Lucas’ dated December 2016. Lucas was a regular poster on Instagram, so Kylian must have scrolled far back to find that picture. She raised her eyebrows in surprise. 
“I know right?” Lucas  had said. “Funny thing is, it disappeared just a few seconds after I got the notification. So random.”
She imagined THE Kylian Mbappe in his bed late at night, lurking on Instagram, accidentally liking an old picture and then hurriedly unliking. 
“Yeah” she had said, a smile tugging at her lips. “Random”
As Y/N’s thoughts drifted back to the present, she glanced at her phone again. Still empty. After a rocky couple weeks  of arguments, Y/N and Lucas decided to go on a break. Lucas had grown distant and less affectionate. He was less present when they spent time together, and was generally making less effort in the relationship. It had been a punch to the gut when he’d forgotten her birthday two weeks ago. She hadn’t said anything; he’d only realized when he saw the huge bouquet of flowers from Kylian sitting on her dining table. 
That was also another sore spot in their relationship; Lucas was not at all comfortable with her friendship with Kylian. He hadn’t mentioned it, and she had made a point to tone down the constant texting and calling as soon as they became official, but she could still see it in the way he behaved. The World Cup trip was the tipping point. She couldn’t blame him; Her male best friend, who was one of the most famous footballers in the world, was bankrolling a one month trip for her to watch him play on the world’s biggest stage. It would be a hit to the ego for any man. But frankly, she was tired. She was tired of him, and she wanted time away from him. And so the break began. 
She did not miss him, if she was being honest with herself. Yet, she couldn’t help checking her phone to see if he’d reached out.  Lucas was the only person she’d been seriously interested in, besides Kylian. Maybe it wasn’t wise to give up on something good over a bad month or so. A tiny, insecure part of her told her she’d never find someone who liked her just as much as Lucas.
“Hi there” A deep voice cut through her thoughts. She looked up to see a very handsome face.
He stood tall in the dark blue tracksuit of the French national team, smiling at her broadly. She recognized him immediately. 
“Hi” She responded shyly, having never spoken to Kylian’s national team teammates before. 
“Saw you from over there” Aurelien Tchouameni pointed to the mini basketball court, where some other players were shooting hoops. “And you’re really pretty”
Straight to the point, then. Ethan snorted from across the table. 
“Uh.. thanks” She said nervously. “I have a boyfriend though”
Aurelien glanced at Ethan, then at her. Realization dawned on his face, and he held up his hands apologetically. “Oh, you’re Y/N! I should’ve realized… So you and Kylian finally got together, huh?”
“W-What?” She blabbered. Ethan was now laughing. “No, we’re not dating. Just friends”
“Oh” Aurelien said, his eyebrows furrowing. “Sorry. It’s just that he always talks about you”
“Yeah, whenever we talk about shows and music and stuff, he’s always like Y/N recommended this, Y/N said that”
“Yeah, he basically stole my entire personality” She deadpanned, trying to feel less awkward.
He laughed, nodding in agreement. “Well, you guys have fun. And sorry about that, I just had to shoot my shot”
He winked and walked away as quickly as he’d appeared.
She turned to Ethan, who was no doubt opening his mouth to tease her. She held up her hand. “Don’t even”
Y/N unloaded the contents of her tote bag on the bed, spilling out every type of candy Kylian had ever enjoyed. She turned to him, smiling proudly. “There you go, Monsieur”
Kylian’s eyes lit up as he grabbed a bag of M&Ms and tore it open. “Thank you” he said with a dimpled grin.
He’d  texted her the day before asking her to grab him some candy, and she was happy to oblige. Kylian was the most disciplined person she’d ever met, but everyone deserves a cheat day—especially someone who’d made it to his second World Cup final at 23. She’d waited until they were alone in his room to give him the treats, careful to not be seen by any of the coaching staff. 
She leaned back on her chair and opened her phone, once again checking for new messages. 
“Stop that” Kylian scolded.
“Stop what?” She asked innocently.
“I know what you’re doing” he said. “I can’t believe you’re the one who’s hung up on him while he’s the asshole. It should be the other way around”
“I’m not hung up on him” She said, flustered. “I’m just…”
“You’re checking your phone every 5 minutes” He cut in. “You deserve someone who gives you their full attention and consideration, you know”
And why can’t that person be you?
The door burst open and Ethan walked in, his eyes immediately landing on all the candy.
“I knew it!” He pointed at her, accusatorial. “I knew it was for him”
She shrugged apologetically. 
Ethan happily opened a bag of Haribos, and turned to his brother, a mischievous look on his face. “Did she tell you about Tchouameni?”
“What about him?” Kylian responded absentmindedly, his attention on his phone. 
“He hit on her” Ethan said grinning “And then when he found out who she was he said he thought you two were dating”
An idea unfurled in Y/N’s head. “He’s so hot” she said. “Maybe I should ask for his number. Might as well, right? Since Lucas and I are basically done…”
“No” Kylian’s voice rose slightly. “No, don’t do that.”
“Why not?” She asked “You just said I deserve someone who gives me attention. Aurelien seems like the type”
He was fidgeting now, irritation clearly written on his face. “Athletes are assholes, haven’t you heard that before? Also, it would be weird for you to date my teammate”
“Are you saying you’re an asshole?” She asked
“No, but.. Just trust me” He turned his attention back to his phone, clearly uncomfortable. 
Y/N wasn’t much of a football fan, but she knew that the match she just witnessed was one of the best ever played. The highs and lows, the split second moments that changed the trajectory of the whole game, the sheer unpredictability of the whole thing. Every single movement made by the players felt like the tipping point. The atmosphere inside the stadium was electric, a living, breathing entity fueled by the passion and excitement of the fans watching. By the time the Argentinian player had kicked the final penalty to seal his country’s win, she was overwhelmed by a deep feeling of sadness. So much so, that she felt tears prick her eyes. She looked down at Kylian, only a small figure from her seat in the stands. His shoulder was slumped, his entire body deflated. He had given his all, and yet he had lost.  Teammates and coaching staff alike kept coming up to him to comfort him. She desperately wanted to go over to him, to hold him, but she knew she couldn’t enter the pitch until after the medal ceremony. 
She saw him and his teammates retreat into the tunnels just as Messi lifted up the World Cup to the cheer of thousands. She turned to his family and friends,  with whom she’d been cheering in elation at Kylian’s equalizing goal just a few minutes ago. 
“Go” his father urged her “The only person he’d want to see right now is you”
She didn’t need to be told twice. She weaved her way through the stadium, flashing her VIP access lanyard when met with security, and asking for directions once or twice. She passed through the final set of security before finding herself outside the French team’s locker rooms. She informed the guard outside who she was looking for. He went inside, and moments later, came back out with Kylian. 
Her heart nearly shattered at the sight of him. He kept his head down, but she could see his eyes were bloodshot. Without a word, she wrapped him in a tight hug, feeling him shake silently in her embrace. She had never seen Kylian cry before. 
“Hey” she murmured softly. “It’s okay”
He buried his face in her shoulder, his breath hitching with each silent sob. Her own tears slipped down her cheeks. He gently let go a few moments later, and they sat down on the floor, leaning against the hallway wall. 
“I thought we had it” He said, his voice cracking. 
“ I know you did” She said gently, wiping a tear falling down his cheeks. “ You gave your everything. Sometimes it just comes down to luck, Ky. There’s nothing you can do about it” She took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. 
Kylian nodded, but she knew he didn’t believe her. Knowing him, this night would haunt him for a long time. 
“Thank you for being here” His voice was steadier now. He leaned his head on her shoulder. 
“Always” She whispered. 
They sat there for some minutes, watching the hallway slowly become filled with the families of the other players. Her heart warmed at the sight of Griezmann’s daughters comforting their father. Her thumb was slowly caressing the back of Kylian’s hand. Turning slowly, she kissed his forehead. She wondered if they looked like a couple just then, with their hands joined in her lap and her lips on his forehead.
It was 2 days after that disappointing night in Qatar,  and two nights since Y/N had been unceremoniously dumped over the phone.
The weight of the defeat had lingered that night, sucking the energy out of everyone. By the time Y/N and the Mbappes returned to the hotel, the atmosphere was thick with sadness and disappointment. She’d gotten the call just as she’d walked into her hotel room. Lucas’ voice had been calm and detached as he’d delivered the news she had dreaded: their relationship was over. The entire conversation was a blur, but there were bits and pieces that stung so much it still echoed in her head. “ I don’t feel that connection anymore” to “I’m clearly second choice here”  and “you’ve been lying to yourself all this time”. She’d cried herself to sleep, overwhelmed by a storm of heartache and confusion.
She had planned to go straight to Madrid after the final but decided to hide out with her parents in Paris for a couple days. It was now the 20th, Kylian’s birthday. She hadn’t spoken to him since coming back to Paris, caught up in her own heartbreak, but she’d received an invitation for a birthday dinner via his assistant. It took everything in her to drag herself out of bed and to get ready. 
The restaurant was one of the most famous in Paris, and Kylian’s personal favorite. He’d reserved the entire space for his friends and family. It was cozy, with dimmed lights and ambient music  blending in with the chatter of the guests. A single long table stretched across the room, dotted with candlelight. 
As Y/N made her way through the room, she greeted everyone –  Kylian’s parents, his brothers, his closest teammates, his close friends, and other acquaintances. To her embarrassment, she’d been the last guest to arrive. His assistant guided her to the only open seat left, right next to Kylian. 
“No one wants to sit next to the birthday boy?” She quipped as she took her place.
“Was saving it for you” He replied. He looked handsome in a blue Dior sweater and black denim jeans. His tan from Qatar was already fading, and he had a small smile playing on his face. They chatted for a bit, asking each other about their respective heartbreaks, before becoming engrossed in the lively conversations surrounding them. 
At one point, they caught each other’s eyes. The candlelight was casting strange shadows on his face. She smiled at him, and without thinking, poked at one of his dimples. “I’m really glad you were born, by the way”
“ I know” His eyes sparkled with amusement. His  arm was draped casually over the back of her chair, their faces close. He  gently tugged at a single braid of her hair with his other hand and murmured, “I like your hair like this. It’s new right?”
It was indeed new. She’d decided to try boho braids for the first time. 
You deserve someone who gives you their full attention and consideration, you know. 
Someone cleared their throat, and they sprung apart. It was the waitstaff, ready to serve appetizers. They spoke sparingly as they ate. Kylian, the menace that he was, kept reaching for bites from her plate. She elbowed him whenever he did, but she didn’t hesitate to steal from his plate as well. 
After everyone had eaten and all the food was cleared, a huge cake with 24 individual candles was brought out. She made sure to take a video of Kylian smiling as everyone sang Joyeux Anniversaire, giggling at how awkward he looked. 
“Make a wish first!” Someone called just as he was about to blow out the candles.
He paused,  his gaze locking with Y/N’s over her phone screen as he playfully pointed a finger at her. He continued blowing out his candles, never breaking eye contact with her. A chorus of laughter came from the guests at his antics, and Y/N felt her face burn as she put down her phone. 
“He’s so down bad for her…” She could hear Tchaga snigger. Another ripple of laughter broke out from the guests at his comment. She wished the ground would open up and swallow her at that moment. 
The laughter and celebration gradually tapered off after some time, and Y/N and some other friends were invited by Kylian to his apartment for some drinks. He had training the next day and didn’t want to do some heavy clubbing. 
The sound of easy laughter and the clinking of glasses filled Kylian’s apartment. Y/N and Kylian were sitting on the couch in his living room, their bodies close together despite them being the only occupants. They were reminiscing about the time Kylian had tried to convince her to play in a school tournament. There was a rule that the teams had to be mixed, and not a lot of girls wanted to play. He’d begged Y/N to join, and she’d reluctantly accepted on the condition that he’d buy her a teddy bear if they won.  They were playing for a plastic trophy that cost 2 euros, yet Kylian treated it like it was life or death. They won, and Y/N got her teddy bear.
“I still have that teddy bear, you know” she said.
“Uh-huh. It’s probably my favorite gift I’ve ever received”
He hummed, clearly pleased. She didn’t know when and how, but her leg was slung over his. His hand was on her, his fingers softly tracing lines up and down her calf. 
“So, I’m your birthday wish huh?” She knew she wouldn’t be bold enough to say those words any other time, but here they were. The physical proximity was like a promise of something greater happening. 
“Yup” He met her eyes confidently, his eyes shining. 
“Maybe you should’ve started small though. Like a kiss?” She tried her best to sound flirtatious.
He laughed, “Ok. Let me redo the wish”
He cleared his throat and closed his eyes, a small smile still playing on his lips. He put his palms together as if in prayer and said in a deep, affected voice, “ Dear Universe, for my 24th birthday, I wish to receive a kiss from Y/N”
Without skipping a beat, she leaned in and slanted her lips over his. She could feel his breath hitch, like he hadn’t expected her to do that. It hardly took a second for him to kiss back though. It was slow, sensual. Tender and exploratory. His tongue brushed her lips before slipping inside, and she welcomed him with a soft sigh. The hand that had been on her calf quickly moved to her hips, and his other hand gently cupped her face. Her stomach was a puddle, and she was glad that they were sitting down because she was sure her knees would’ve given out if they were standing. The kiss deepened and went on and on and on, until they had to break away for air. He looked dazed, his lips glistening from her shiny lipgloss.
He quickly put his lips back on her, but Y/N pulled away.
She pressed her lips over his ear and murmured, “You need to tell everyone to leave. Now”
Kylian quickly waved Tchaga over and whispered in his ear urgently. Y/N didn’t feel a trace of shame when Tchaga shot her a knowing, teasing look. She was just happy that he was making quick work of announcing  that the party was over and ushering everyone out of Kylian’s apartment.
No sooner had the apartment emptied and the door slammed behind Tchaga that she climbed his lap. She was able to get one sloppy kiss in before Kylian pulled away breathlessly. “We need to get to my room”
And so he hoisted her up and effortlessly walked them all the way up the stairs and into his bedroom. They kissed fiercely as he gently put her down on his bed. Kylian scrambled out of his sweater as she unbuttoned her shirt. He helped her out of her skirt and then her tights. 
She rolled over and climbed on top of him, finding him as ready as she was. Lustful brown eyes stared openly at her pale pink underwear. “Do you have?” She asked frantically. 
“Yeah, in the drawer”
She leaned sideways, stretching her body to reach the bedside drawer. She found the box pretty easily and grabbed one from it. He was still staring at her hungrily. With shaking hands, she unhooked her bra and took it off.
He kissed her neck, her breasts, her stomach. Her hands caressed his biceps, his chest, his torso. This was years of desire she’d harbored, finally unleashed. His mouth brushed over her lower torso before his fingers deftly removed the last remaining piece of clothing on her body. She unbuckled his belt buckle and removed his jeans and boxers at the same time. His breathing was shallow and rapid as she ripped the foil open and rolled it on him. She lowered herself onto him slowly, and they both gasped. 
They were chest to chest, their hearts drumming together. They moved together in a steady rhythm, watching each other, checking in on each other with their eyes. Is this okay? How about this? And this?
She wanted him closer, deeper. It was never enough. They breathed into each other's mouths, tongues meeting sloppily. Breaking apart, their foreheads met. Their eyes said a million little things at once. Time and space had no meaning anymore for Y/N. There was only Kylian.
* **************
It turned out that if you’d wanted something badly for a very long time, and then you finally got that thing, it didn’t necessarily mean that you'll have enough of that thing. Sometimes, it could leave you wanting more and more. Case in point: Y/N.
They woke up midday with bodies hot and sweaty and limbs tangled together in the sheets. They had laid there for an hour or so, kissing languidly. He somehow already knew what she liked, the moves that made her moan and gasp. 
“I could do this forever” he’d murmured as his lips softly trailed after hers.  But his alarm rang out just then, a stark reminder of real life. They both sighed reluctantly as they pulled away. He had to get up and get ready for his afternoon training. 
She laid there, silently watching him get dressed. She was mesmerized by every movement of his beautiful, lean yet muscular body. Her own personal Adonis. It was a wonder she’d been able to keep her hands off him. He caught her looking at him and smirked, winking at her. She just rolled her eyes.
Once he’d gotten ready and packed his bag, he came over to her on the bed and showered her face with affectionate kisses. “I’ll come back in the evening. Feel free to just chill here.”  He said between kisses on her forehead, lips, cheeks, chin.  “I’ll leave a spare key by the door though”
She nodded happily, giving him one last tender kiss. He stepped out, and she was left to bask in the lingering warmth of his affection. Her mind replayed the memories of the night before, and she felt like the happiest person alive. Now that she got a taste of him, she wanted more of him. As if on cue, her phone pinged with a text. 
Ky: I miss you already 🙁
She giggled, quickly typing out a I miss you tooo before getting up and hopping in the shower. It was only when she got out that she realized she didn’t have a change of clothes, and unless she wanted to walk into her parents apartment dressed the same way she’d left it yesterday, she needed to put on something else. She walked into Kylian’s closet and  grabbed the nearest T-shirt and sweatpants, as well as some slippers. She quickly snapped a mirror pic after changing and sent it to Kylian, typing heading to my parents for a bit.
The reply was almost instant.
Ky: 😍 😍
Ky: don’t forget to grab stuff you need.
She smiled, loving the implication she’d spend the night again. At her parents, she grabbed Kylian’s gift that she’d forgotten to take with her the night before, as well as a change of clothes. She came back to Kylian’s place and answered work emails and completed other miscellaneous tasks concerning her job.
He was back in the early evening, just as promised. The passion of the night before had faded and the afterglow of the morning had subsided, meaning there was nothing to embolden either of them. Thus, they treaded lightly around each other. Their looks were furtive, their touches tentative. Kylian, the least shy person she’d ever met, had somehow turned uncharacteristically quiet. Yet, they were both undeniably giddy. She could see it in the way he broke into an inexplicable smile whenever he caught her eye during dinner, and in the way she was in the best mood she’d been in for a long time. 
This illusion of coyness evaporated as they settled on the couch after dinner, Kylian turning on a tactical video the PSG staff had instructed him to view. The video was on for less than 2 minutes before their focus shifted entirely and they began to make out. 
“You’re too distracting,” he said between kisses as she giggled. 
His lips shifted to her neck. “I think kissing you is my favorite thing to do”
He was biting there, sure to leave a mark. 
“Well second favorite” he corrected himself.
She took off her T-shirt and straddled him. He continued, his hands softly gripping her waist “Second place is kissing you. First place is obviously playing football—”
He was momentarily interrupted as she took his own T-shirt off. “—tied with fucking you”
His shit eating grin was the last thing she saw before he flipped her over and sent her sprawling comfortably on the cushions. 
It was unfortunate that they had a game on new year’s eve, but Y/N liked the ambiance at the Parc des Princes. The stadium was buzzing with a special, festive energy for Kylian’s first match after the World Cup final. She was seated in the VIP section along with his parents, brother, and Tchaga and had jumped up and down when Kylian scored the last minute winner. He’d never say it, but she knew he needed that confidence boost. 
In the past week, she’d gotten to know a completely different part of him –  one her lovesick teenage self could only have dreamed of, and that her more cynical young adult self had never thought she’d experience. 
For example, she’d always known that he loved taking care of his loved ones, but she hadn’t spent a single dime during her stay with him. Any purchases she thought of making, he insisted on paying for. He’d even surprised her with a package containing everything from her wishlist after he saw her browsing her favorite store online. His generosity extended to small things like sharing food (which he was notoriously known for disliking), and thoughtful gestures like arranging a work space for her in one of his spare rooms. He endearingly loved using pet names, alternating  between “bébé” and “chérie”, and her heart did somersaults when she heard him use those in everyday conversation. 
She learned intimate details too, thanks to their newfound physical closeness. The birthmark on his lower back that she loved pressing kisses to. How scratching his head would put him to sleep almost instantly. She learned about his preferences as well; he was most definitely an ass man –  it was evident by the way he never passed up a chance to feel her up when they were by themselves.  Now, she committed everything she learned to memory, seeing Kylian in hues she never thought existed. 
The days after his birthday were perfect to her, it felt like she was living a dream. Lucas and Madrid were so far from her mind that it was as if the break up had happened a year ago. The person she’d been pining after for ages seemingly liked her back. She was at her happiest. 
There was one issue that gnawed at her, however. It bothered her that they had never spoken about what they were, or where their relationship was heading. She’d thought that the fact they had slept together was a mutual admission of serious feelings, that they had an unspoken agreement. Yet, the more she thought about it, the more she realized they hadn’t actually talked about it. The first two days or so, she’d been on cloud 9, swept away by the euphoria of it all. But now, as reality set it, it was torturing her. 
A buzz of excitement filled the VIP lounge as a small crowd gathered around the entrance. She suspected it was Kylian and his entourage; he’d promised to come up to the lounge after the game. Sure enough, in walked Kylian’s bodyguards, followed closely by the man of the match himself. 
He made the rounds first, meeting all the important people in the room, taking pictures and making small talk. He finally made his way to his family and friends. He came to Y/N last, and there was an awkward shuffle when he went in for a peck on the lips as a greeting, and Y/N instinctively aimed for his cheek. They laughed it off, and she gave him the kiss he’d wanted. Ethan let out a loud “ew!”, and Y/N flushed, looking at the ground. So far, none of their family and friends had had visible reactions to the recent developments in their relationship. No one had said anything when they’d shown up holding hands at Kylian's family Christmas party a week ago; it was almost like they expected it, as if they believed this was the natural culmination of Y/N and Kylian’s 10+ years long friendship and not an unexpected turn of events. 
“ I have something for you” she murmured after it was just the two of them speaking, indicating a small gift bag she was holding. 
He raised his eyebrows. “Oooh. What’s in there?”
“It's your birthday gift” She said as she handed it to him. “I was supposed to bring it to dinner but I forgot. I brought it to your apartment the next day but it slipped my mind again”
“And here I was thinking my gift was the mind blowing sex” He said grinning. 
She shoved him playfully, rolling her eyes. As he reached to open the bag, her stomach started fluttering. 
Someone slid up to him just then, whispering in his ear.
“ Give me one second, I’ll be back” he said apologetically as he dropped the bag on the nearest table and was whisked away, no doubt to meet some other important person that was there to see him. 
She sighed, her shoulders slumping. The gift was a scrapbook she’d made herself, chronicling their long friendship. She’d hoped it would help open up the conversation about their current situation.
“Fancy a drink?” 
It was one of the waiters, holding a tray of colorful looking drinks. She graciously took one.
“New here? I’m never seen you in the lounge before”
He seemed polite enough. “Uh, yes. I’m here with…my boyfriend” She tested the word on her lips, her eyes on Kylian across the room.
The waiter followed her gaze and snorted. “He has a girlfriend? I’d sooner believe Macron quit the presidency to be a mime”
He blanched as soon as he realized she was serious. “I- I meant-”
He looked at the ground. “He just- I see a different model every other week here. They're almost always his guests”
She opened her mouth, but he beat her to it. “Look, just forget I said anything. It’s not my place.” He looked at her pleadingly. “Please don’t get me fired”
He scurried off before she could say anything. 
She glanced at her gift bag, left forgotten on the table. He was now taking pictures with a group of older people. Her eyes started to well up, and she walked out of the room. She kept going until she found herself outside, ordering an Uber. She sent him a text as she got in the car:
Y/N: going home to deal with some stuff, think I’ll spend the night there
She closed her eyes, tears now sliding down her cheeks.
She barely slept that night, spending hours on her phone looking up the many women Kylian had been linked with. She went through their instagrams, her mind treacherously comparing each one to herself, as if she could measure her worth against their curated, seemingly perfect lives. She came across photos of Kylian on yachts, laughing with bikini-clad blondes. The comments on the photos only twisted the knife deeper – some criticized him as a “playboy” , while others mocked him with a dismissive “typical footballer”.  Each photo was like a dagger to her heart.
But it was the final blow that left her breathless: blurry photos of Kylian leaving a club with a girl, taken just a month ago, in November. It was that recent. It all made sense now,  why he’d never made an effort to have a serious conversation about their relationship. He liked his current lifestyle, focusing completely on football while indulging in a fleeting series of flings from time to time. She was nothing special, just another name on the long list of women he entertained. 
What shattered her the most was that he had no consideration for their friendship, that he could throw it away just like that for some sex. He had traded something she deeply cherished for something else he considered transient, meaningless. 
By the time dawn broke and the first light filtered through her curtains, she was resolute. Dragging herself out of bed, she made her way to the kitchen and was shocked to find her parents sitting and laughing with Kylian. 
His face brightened as soon as he saw her. “Morning chérie” he greeted, the pet name failing to make her stomach flutter this time.
“Dropped by to check on you” he continued. “You weren’t answering my texts”
It was intentional, of course. Seeing the tired look on her face, her parents moved out of the kitchen to give them privacy. She sat down beside him slowly, and his face twisted into concern. 
“Is everything ok?” He went to grab her hand but she snatched it away quickly. She didn’t miss the hurt look on his face.
“I- uh. I’m ok” She didn’t know how to approach the conversation. “Did you finally open my gift?”
"What? Your gi- oh. Yeah. I did”  She could clearly see through the lie.
“Kylian” She warned, her tone sharp.
He rubbed the back of his neck, looking guilty. “I’m sorry, I completely forgot. But it still has to be there though, no one will take it”
“What the fuck, Kylian?” her voice rose, frustration spilling over. “You didn’t even take it home with you?”
He frantically reached for his phone. “I’ll call and get someone at the club to look for it. I’ll get it back, I promise”
She snatched the phone out of his hand, her eyes blazing  “I spent a lot of time on it. I can’t believe you did that, it's like you don’t even care”
He looked at her earnestly. “You know I care, I care about you a lot”
“Is that what you say to every girl you sleep with?” She couldn’t help it.
“What?” He looked at her incredulously. “ No. This is different. You’ve always been different”
“I find that hard to believe, Kylian” She muttered, her voice quivering.
“Why?” He challenged her, his confusion mingled with frustration. “Why would you think that?”
“Because” her tears spilled over “You’ve been uncommitted forever”
“Well maybe that’s because the one person I would’ve liked to be committed to was in another country, wasting her time on some asshole” 
“Then why not now?” She spoke through tears. “I’ve been sleeping in your bed for a while now, Ky.”
“I was trying to give you time” His voice shook. “You broke up with that idiot literally 3 days before we hooked up. I  thought you weren’t ready”
He looked at her pleadingly, his eyes desperate. 
“I don’t know, Kylian” She laughed bitterly. “you said it yourself, don’t trust athletes”
She saw a tear falling down his cheek, and she was struck by the sight. She never thought the second time she’d see him cry, it would be because of her.
She weighed the possibility of making it work – a long distance relationship, with her in Madrid and him in Paris. They’d see each other infrequently, her being tied to Madrid with work and him to Paris by the relentless demands of football. They’d miss birthdays, anniversaries. She’d never be able to take him to an office Christmas party. Maybe she’d be able to go with him to things that mattered to him, like award ceremonies, but only because his career would take precedence over hers. She’d hear whispers about his potential infidelities, but she wouldn’t say anything. Until the resentment feels so suffocating it bubbles up, and she’d have no choice but to end it. It would happen, whether months away or years down the line. And then they’d have to cut each other off forever.  She didn’t want that. She loved him too much. She’d rather have some of him than nothing at all. Perhaps if she ended it now, their friendship could be salvaged. 
She couldn’t meet his eyes. “I’m sorry, Kylian. I don’t think… I don’t think we should do this anymore”
They sat there silently for a few seconds. Then she heard a sniffle, and then the sound of his chair  scraping as he got up. She heard footsteps retreating, and then the sound of the apartment door open and slam shut. Only then did she let herself fall apart.
Her mother hurried into the room, looking very alarmed. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“Maman” she choked out between sobs. “I need to book a flight back to Madrid”
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swayziiwriter · 1 year
Embrace | Kylian Mbappé
summary: Kylian’s return from international duty meant that he was not only home but all yours until the league continued, and you were going to make the most of it.
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WARNING: 18+, sexual content
NOTE: imagine the cold nights in Paris spent in bed with Kylian
You cuddled nearer to Kylian He was like a natural heater when it was cold outside. Missing the manner in which his body felt against yours as he had been abroad for international duty. The fragrance of vanilla from your shower perfumed the room and the chimney brought warmth and the sensitive breaking of consuming wood. So there you were with a leg thrown over his hip and your head on his chest while his arm folded over your midsection. Bringing a soft hand you ran your fingers down his broad chest, soaking in his presence.
"Bébé” baby he said lowly. You didn't reply however rather kissed his lips. Kylian pushed hair from your face as you kissed along his smooth skin. Kylian brought his hands over to your butt and pulled you up to kiss better while kneading the tissue. As you slung your leg over his hips, your tongues intertwined. “Missed me huh?” Kylian teased in a soft voice as you snacked along his ears and your hands meandered down his body. You nipped at the muscle in his neck sure to leave a mark. “Missed you so badly” you responded.
You pulled your shirt off your head and Kylian twisted down to kiss between your shoulder bones. You could feel his hardness press against your butt as he groveled your neck prior to tracking down your lips. Pushing your silky pants down your butt and thighs. One hand arrived at down to knead your ass while the other established close to your head, confining you in.
Kylain scoured his now uncovered cock against your butt before running his hand up between your legs to play with your pussy. He grabbed your hip with one hand and pulled your ass up a little. Kylian shifted his elbow and his arm moved under your upper chest to nearly embrace you with his one arm as his other fingered you. You let out soft moans while driving your ass into his hand. "Kylian” you relaxed. “I need more.”
He gestured against your skin prior to moving to supplant his fingers with his member. Kylian held your hip while pushing in. You panted and rested your head up against his arm embracing you. Kylian began a soft yet agonizing speed, pulling moans from you with the drag of his cock. You pushed your hips back to meet his thrusts, encouraging his movements. You were becoming restless and cried while putting in to push back more effort to get more contact.
“Faster please” you managed to breathe out, panting heavily. Kylian immediately pushed with greater force and depth than before. You inhaled harshly as he drilled into you. The sound of skin on skin and raspy moans occupied the room. You brought a hand to cup his head as Kylian kissed and nipped at your neck. He was just about falling apart at the manner in which he embraced you and squeezed against you.
“Don’t stop, so good” you whimpered, snatching his arm as you felt yourself drawing near. You pressed your lips to his forearm before cumming around his cock as you heard yourself moan much louder than you intended. You bit at his skin to hold back from shouting out. Kylian pierced your high with a rough thrust. Before finishing on your ass, he jerked himself a few times as you felt the warm liquid coat you.
You laughed softly, turning around to be face to face with him. “I missed you baby” you spoke, leaving hazily kisses upon his toned chest. “I can tell” he said , earning a playful groan from you as you let your hand connect with his chest. Shifting your body to be over his Kylian mirrored your actions with a smile. Bringing your body down to connect your lips once again, smiling into the deep kiss.
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judebelle · 9 months
Tomorrow is Kylian birthday can you write something about waking him up with blowie?
happy birthday - k.m. x fem!reader
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authors note : i'm kinda in the middle of changing the layout of my fics so bare w me, also happy birthday kylian!
warning : smut, oral (m!receiving), a tinge of fluff, no distinct words of the consent in the beginning, but they're both consenting <3 dont read if you may feel uncomfortable
pairing : kylian mbappe x fem!reader
word count : 1k
you took a quick peak at the alarm beside your side of the bed.
8:17 am.
a smirk played on your lips before you began pulling down your boyfriends sweats and boxers. you were careful not to wake him, only pulling them enough that his cock would come out.
you licked the smirk off your lips as you took his length in your hands. even when he was asleep his body still responded to your touch. his cock twitched softly in your palms as you stroked it gently.
your eyes darted up to kylian, who was in deep slumber above you. without wasting more time, your soft, warm lips wrapped around him.
your mouth was soft and wet as you moved it on his shaft. you kept your eyes on him when you bobbed your head up and down, agonizingly slow.
you felt him grow hard in your mouth. his eyebrows furrowed and his breath quickened. you saw him swallow sharply, his chest heaving as you continued moving along him.
he was now rock hard in your mouth, and you could taste the precum dripping from him. you focused your mouth on his tip, sucking softly because you knew he liked it.
after a few moments, you heard him slurring a few words which you couldn't understand. you could tell his skin was slick with a thin layer of sweat. finally, his eyes fluttered open.
his eyes adjusted to the very dim light peeking through his curtains. he suddenly looked down at you, his eyes wide. you gave him a wink, not stopping.
"y/n- what's going- ohhh my god.."
his head lolled back onto the soft pillows when your tongue trailed along his slit, the words leaving his lips in short breaths.
he panted out words of encouragement, "god, don't stop.." his voice was raspy and tired. his hand reached down to softly grab at your hair, trying to urge you down further.
"please, don't be a tease.." you gave into his pleas and took him deeper. after all, it was his special day.
your warm lips travelled down the burning skin of his cock, pushing as far as your could. you couldn't reach the bottom , already feeling his tip prodding the back of your throat.
but kylian had other plans. he slowly pushed you down further. your nose made contact with his pelvis, coughs and gags erupting from your throat.
"that's a good girl, taking me so well.. just like that." you could feel the strain in his voice before his hand loosened it's force on your skull. you lifted your mouth off of him to catch a breath before engulfing him again. his hand began to reach for your hair out of pure habit but you swatted it away.
you saw him immediately give up and resort to clenching the sheets, struggling to keep quiet with the pleasure he was feeling.
you mouth began bobbing up and down again at a much faster pace. your hands slid over his muscular thighs. you kneaded his flesh as your mouth kept working on him.
mewls and whimpers left his mouth when you would stop bouncing you head and focused on sucking his tip dry. your hands rushed to softly stroke along his cock.
"mon dieu, vous êtes incroyable!" (my god, you're incredible). you moaned onto him at the praise, the vibrations travelling up your throat and onto his tip.
he grunted as you left his tip to continue bobbing up and down, wanting to finish him off.
one of your hands snuck up to massage his balls. kylian's eyes rolled into his skull at that. he groaned out in ecstasy while his hands fisted the sheets, his knuckles shifting white.
"don't stop, 'm gonna cum- jesus.."
you sucked faster, slightly twisting your head as your pace increased. you felt him twitch again in your mouth, and you knew he was on the edge.
"god- i'm cumming, i'm cumming!" he warned. usually at this point, you would let him cum on your tits, or on your face. sometimes he would finish himself off with his hand, but you wanted to give him a little present.
you pushed your mouth down as far as you could, nose digging into his pelvis. the familiar feeling sent tingles between your legs. you felt him in the back of your throat, pulsing with fervor. his eyes shot open when you didn't pull off of him.
it seems that seeing his cock stuffed in your mouth when he was already teetering over the edge sent him flying over it. he bit his lip hard enough to draw blood before he craned his neck back, crying out in a rasp.
"ah hah- fuck!"
he bucked his hips up into your warm mouth. you coughed around him before he came with a sharp moan, shooting everything he had down your throat. his warm, bitter seed filled your mouth. some dripped out the sides of it and down his cock.
his hips were trembling before he collapsed flat onto the mattress. you slowly lifted your mouth from him, wiping any remnants of him with the back of your hand. you licked off any drips of seed from his sensitive shaft before crawling over his spent form.
he pried his eyes open, glazed over with the force of his orgasm. a soft smile fought its way onto his face, and you gave into the urge to kiss it.
he returned it, his weak hand cupping your cheek that was full barely a minute ago.
you broke the kiss, leaving you both panting softly. you placed another on the tip of his nose before whispering against it.
"happy birthday."
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nymrs · 1 year
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#1. UNFAITHFUL | Kylian Mbappé
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Summary: above
Genre: angst
Pairings: Kylian Mbappé x female reader
The entrance door clicked open. He had a hard time finding the keyhole, probably still tipsy from his night out. "Bébé? Why aren’t you sleeping? It’s 5am. What made you wake up this early?", he asked as he entered the living room of your shared apartment. If he only knew you haven’t slept a single second. The room was dark and silent, only a few candles lightening up the room, the music you’ve been playing was almost too quiet to hear. He only saw your silhouette in front of the window, the moonlight shining right on you. Your back was turned to him and you were refusing to turn around. "Are you drinking? What did I miss, are we already celebrating our anniversary?", he joked the moment he realised you held a glass of wine in your hand. Yes, the next weekend would mark your three years anniversary. But it wouldn’t even get this far. You scoffed and took another sip. "I'm celebrating my comeback to the world of singles." Obviously nothing Kylian expected to hear, you could tell he was lost for words. "Wha- what? Y/N, what are you even talking about?" Slowly turning around, you looked him dead in the eyes. He took a step back when he saw the blurred mascara under your eyes that left marks of the already dried out tears you’ve been crying the entire night. "Instead of making a scene I decided to pack your belongings so you could leave as soon as possible", you informed and nodded towards the bags you’ve placed on the other side of the room. Kylian stared at you in disbelief, "Are you serious right now? What are you doing this for?" Your wine glass dropped onto the floor, the red liquid pouring all over the ground. "Y/N, what the fuck?! What got into you?" The sadness you felt earlier turned into nothing but anger and hate. "What I’m doing this for? You’re honestly asking me what I'm doing this for?", your voice got louder with every word. You took a few steps towards him, but still left enough space between you two. Kylian bluntly looked at you in shock before you threw your phone into him. "Reason enough?", you cried out. He picked up your phone that landed on the floor, only to see an instagram reel that showed him all snuggled up with another woman. She was sitting on his lap, they’ve been whispering sweet nothings into each others ear, then she started tugging at his shirt and leaned in for a kiss. "Y/N, I'm so sorry", he sighed, running his hands through his face. "I don’t need your fucking apologies Kylian, grab your damn things and leave!"
"Bébé, I know this shouldn’t have happened, but I regretted it the moment I realised what I was doing. At this point of the night I got absolutely smashed. I immediately told her to leave and haven’t been drinking after", he tried to explain himself but you couldn’t even bother to listen. "It didn’t mean anything to me, I promise."
"The only thing that doesn’t seem to mean anything to you is our relationship, the bond we had, the life we’ve built together. If you think being drunk is an excuse for cheating, then why haven’t I cheated every time I was black out drunk? Why were you the only person I was always thinking about, the only one I wanted to go home to? Trust me, I had a lot of opportunities to do what you did, but I didn’t. Because I truly loved you." You were trying to hold back the tears that threatened to roll down every second. Even being in the same room as Kylian right now, you couldn’t stand it. You needed him to go.
"I love you Y/N, it was just a moment of weakness. It’ll never happen again, I swear on my life." He tried to keep up with you as you were walking up and down the room. When he finally placed his hands on your shoulder in order to calm you down and look at him, you absolutely lost it. "Don’t fucking touch me", you exclaimed and pushed him away, "You humiliated me Kylian! The whole world knows what you’ve done!" All the articles that have been written in the last few hours popped up in your head. "Football star Kylian Mbappé apparently cheating on singer and actress Y/N Y/L/N." "Are (your ship name) over?" "Kylian Mbappé enjoying his freedom after ending his relationship of three years with singer Y/N Y/L/N." Even your manager already called you, asking you to make a statement saying the two of you have broken up some time ago, to make it look like you’re not a victim of betrayal. Only thinking about all those interviewers and paparazzi asking about Kylian made you feel sick already. You turned your back to him again, hearing him sobbing and sniffing. "Grab your bags and go. I don’t want to see you, I don’t want to hear from you", you spoke up, surprisingly in a calm voice. The tears you’ve tried to avoid slowly ran down your cheeks. You heard him hesitatingly walking to the other side of the room, his crying got harder when he took his stuff. "I'm sorry. I’m really sorry what I’ve done. I hope you’ll be able to forgive me someday. I love you", was the last thing he said before he stepped towards the door and left.
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darlingmbappe · 1 year
When We’re Ready [1] | Kylian Mbappé x Fem Reader
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[Part One] [Part Two]
Summary: Kylian's blatant desire for a baby has your head spinning. Though, you must say, he is quite convincing...
Warnings: SMUT! Minors, go away. Penatrative sex, oral (female receiving), groping (semi-public), breeding kink, cussing, horny mfs, kinda cringe and cheesy but I stand by it. Let me know if I missed anything! – English is not my first language. –
Kylian was easy to read. His expressive face always gave him away; scrunching and elongating against his will. Even when he was meant to hide his true feelings in certain situations, there was always a little twinge of the eyebrow or crook of the lip to let you know exactly what he was thinking.
Maybe you just knew him too well, spent too much time with his elastic face to pick up on the micro expressions that made it possible to know his mood at any time. But, something was different about tonight. Cheeky? Yes. Pensive? For sure. Annoyed? Maybe… It was hard to say with the way he stared at you from the bed. One hand propping up his heavy head while he watched you intently putting lotion on. 
This expression was new.
“Babe?” You call, rubbing together the leftover lotion on your hands, sitting in front of him on the bed. “You okay?”
“Mhm.” He hums, still seeming out of it as he shifts and stares at the TV now, though it only reflects a dark image of himself back at him, seeing as it wasn’t even turned on.
You narrow your eyes at him. “I don’t buy it. Something’s on your mind.” You take your rings and earrings off, setting them in your jewelry catcher by your nightstand. Kylian stayed quiet as you got under the covers, drawing his attention back to you.
When he didn’t give you any sort of answer, you had no choice but to scroll on your phone in an attempt to ignore the burning stare that came from your husband's side of the bed. Eventually, it was impossible to pretend you didn’t feel his eyes dead set on your face. You shut your cell off and set your phone on your stomach, looking directly at him, your sudden view shift taking him by surprise. “Okay, seriously. What?”
“Nothing.” You catch a smirk barely grazing his lips before he just shakes his head, turning and switching off his bedside lamp, cozying up under the duvet. “Don’t worry about it.”
You huff and sneer at his answer, shutting off your lamp as well, curling up with an obvious annoyance at the lack of information. “He thinks I'm not gonna worry about it.” You mumble to yourself passive aggressively, your back turned to him. “You’re being weird. I don’t like it.”
“I'm not being weird.”
“Are too.”
Kylian stared at the back of your head, quiet as he slowly reached for your waist, effectively pulling your body up against his to share his warmth.
“Oh, so now you wanna cuddle?” You grumble, settling in comfortably despite the bite that laced your words.
He kissed your hair, lost in his own racing mind, not fully convinced he should bring this up to you tonight. Your annoyance was surface level, nothing he was deeply concerned about because he felt the way you relaxed against his own muscles, letting his arms act as your blanket. 
He was sure that the thoughts that persist in his skull had crossed your mind as well. As he lay there with you, the love of his life, he let his brain think without hesitation; no if’s or but’s, no playing devil's advocate with himself. He let himself indulge in the future fantasy that he had dreamed of since he was a small boy. He felt lucky he had you in all of his delusions, always right there with him. You’re around in every scenario he makes up; ever present, making you laugh, making you swoon. He feels so lucky that you stand with him in the tangible world as well, looking better than anything he comes up with in his mind. Saying funnier things, sweeter things.
As your breathing stables, he’s not sure if you’re fully asleep yet, or how long the silence has even run for. His throat would close at the words when you were awake and responsive, but now that he couldn’t tell, it was easier to whisper them to your sleeping figure – nothing holding him back from telling you his little secret.
“Let’s have a baby.”
His voice could have been mistaken as a sigh as he breathed the words gently into your ear… but you heard them.
Your eyes shot open wide, the air becomes harder to take in your lungs at the shock, laying still in his arms. Slowly, you lift your head and stare back at him. He feels just as shocked upon seeing that you’re actually awake, gulping at the confession he let slip. 
He knew you wanted kids, just like he did. You’ve been married just about four months and had previously talked about waiting two years or so to start a family. The pair of you agreed stability in the home was necessary before bringing a child into it – which was fair enough – but his baby fever was deadly. There wasn't anything he could do to keep away the images of little toes, and bassinets, and rolls on their tummy, and dimples on their legs and… just everything. He wanted to see them grow up. He wanted to debate you on who they got it from. He was prepared to do anything for that baby, and the baby itself is just a thought. A sweet little figment of his imagination… but they already had your eyes.
“Did I hear you right?” You sleepily mumble, feeling his grip on you grow tighter and his heartbeat quickening just a smidge.
He kisses your sleepy cheek, resting his face against yours as his arms wrap more securely around you. “Oui, mon coeur. I want a baby with you.” He repeated, voice still soft.
“You think now is a good time for us?”
“Mm…” He ponders a moment. “I think so.”
“Is this what you were thinking about?”
He kisses your shoulder. “Yeah. Been thinking it for a while.”
“A while…”
“A month or two.” Kylian shrugs like it's casual… like it hasn't completely taken over his brain from the second he saw you walk down the aisle. “Imagine our little family. Just the three of us." He lets the silence marinate, unsure of whether or not you've fallen asleep on him. "Don't you think?" He squeezes you gently, needing to keep this conversation going now that it's started.
You burrow your back into him to let him know you're still lucid. "Yeah. Just the three of us... but... is now the time to bring a baby into the world?"
His sigh sounds defeated, tickling your face. “You don’t think it is…”
“I don’t know… I haven’t really thought about it.” You admit, looking at him once more. His eyebrows furrow and now you can read him clearly. 
The overthinking face. 
Despite being confident in himself and his actions in pretty much every aspect of his life, Kylian is a chronic overthinker. He’ll let his thoughts drag him into a darker place. He begins to question little comments or actions that he wouldn’t have thought twice about if the little voice in his head would just leave him alone. The crease between his eyebrows tilt upward, his tongue finds his top row of teeth, his stare points away to a still object that will allow him to daze off into the flying spiral of introspection. 
You tap your finger on his chin to get him to look back at you so you could ground him. “I have thought about it. A lot. Just not so much recently…” You say, not only doing damage control on your last comment, but a true statement on the topic of family that you’re interested in exploring further. “With the wedding, moving, family stuff, you know. Everything’s a little jumbled right now.”
The gears turn in his head and he purses his lips. “No, I get it.” He sighs deeply. “I guess you’re right.” You turn in his arms, now curled into his chest. He kisses your forehead before resting his chin on it, engulfing your body completely in his. “But, maybe two years is a little long to wait.”
“Yeah, I agree. Who knows if we’ll even still be together by then.” You grin mischievously into his skin and feel the vibration of his deep chuckle from your obvious joke.
“Shut up.” 
You move your head so you could look at him, pressing a kiss to his chapped and upturned lips. “Let’s give it until the end of the summer. That’s like, what, three months? If we both feel like the time is right, then we start trying, For real.”
He closes his eyes to feel your presence in his, content enough with the compromise. Isn’t that what marriage is all about, anyway? 
He wiggles his eyebrows. “You up for a little practice?”
He rubs a firm hand down your back, letting it rest lower than it was before. “Just a little refresher…”
You caught on, rolling your eyes as he pulls away to gauge your reaction to his suggestion. 
“Ky, if anything, you’re a little over-practiced in that department.”
“No such thing, baby. Take it from me, I’m an athlete.” He smirks cheekily, letting only one finger run against your skin, tracing where the hem of your tank top had been resting on your hip. He dipped it lower and pulled up at the waistband of your underwear, letting it snap back gently, stinging only slightly but your sleepy state caused you to feel it ripple through you like he had whipped you.
“Hm…” You were sleepy, sure… but Kylian dipped his face into your neck. His lips could not have been more supple against your skin. The open mouth kisses he placed were gentle, soft, beyond seductive. Your eyes shut against your will at the feeling, his large palm flat against your side and moving up under the material that separated his bare chest from yours, tongue prodding out just slightly to taste your skin. “... I guess we can practice. Just a little…”
That night changed everything for you. 
You see babies everywhere now, it’s like the population multiplied overnight. There was nothing that could stop you from cooing at their tiny socks and chubby ankles, the sound of their giggle echoing through the grocery store, their innocent little smiles when they looked at their mommy or daddy… God, does everyone have a damn baby but you?
The months went on and the late summer sun was hotter than it had ever been. At least for as long as you’d lived in Paris. You could barely walk outside for the mail without sweating and needing a shower. You verbally thanked the heavens you weren't pregnant right now, not being able to imagine carrying a human inside of you with all of this heat. Kylian brushed it off, still holding out hope for a new addition to the Mbappe household. 
Kylain might be an extremely intelligent man, but, boy… subtlety is not his strong suit. It started with him leaving open baby magazines on the kitchen counter, flipped to the cutest, smallest, chunkiest little one they had on print. He’d send you baby TikTok videos with a message that read “do you like this color for the living room walls?” 
In his defense, he was never trying to be subtle. He continued to think about what you said that night he first mentioned trying, and he still thinks that bringing a baby into the mix is right for you two. He tried to chop it down to his social media algorithm sabotaging him with constant baby content or maybe the honeymoon phase after the wedding had him feeling this strongly, but those explanations just didn’t feel right. After knowing you for six years and getting to love you for almost all of that time, he was eager to create a family with you right in the center of it. 
The baby discussion had made a sharp turn at some point this last month. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint when it all went from questioning every aspect of your life together and reasoning with one another about very serious doubts and scenarios, to unhinged conversations about things that just caused you to giggle. Things like: where the pair of you would bring your newborn on their first vacation, what their first word would be, if they’d follow in Kylians footsteps, how much money the tooth fairy would give them for their first lost tooth.
It’s safe to say, you finally came to the silent conclusion that you were ready – but that realization couldn't have come at a more awkward time.
Dinner with his whole side of the family was a blessing for you both. It wasn’t very often that every schedule cleared up in the same time frame. A large restaurant section was rented out in the heart of Paris for family and friends to get together. It was a nice time to make conversation and catch up on everything life had churned out since the last time you’d seen each other. The appetizers were spectacular, the drinks were doing their job, it was all so nice…
… Except that nothing – yes, nothing – is more awkward than being unstoppably horny for your husband in front of his entire family. You cut yourself off after martini number three when you noticed it was turning your brain into goo. The buzz wasn't enough to make you drool and incoherent, but seeing your Kylian playing with his niece and nephew, picking them up and turning them upside down, pressing affectionate smooches to their bulbous cheeks… drooling and incherency was not far behind. 
He was going to be such a good dad. He was already the most caring husband, even with all of his responsibilities and commitments. He found time for you in every sliver of open space in his schedule, needing to soak up quality time with his wife as if it were as necessary as air. 
The entrées began to come out as everyone took their respective seats. Kylian was still oblivious to the googly eyes you’d been throwing in his direction all night, but it wasn’t long after he sat down that he caught on. 
He leans over to whisper to you, lips brushing the shell of your ear. “I know that look. Very well.”
You shudder at his breath tickling your skin. Flustered beyond belief, you could only manage to shake your head, letting out a shy and breathy laugh.
Kylian bit his lip and snickered along with you, setting his hand on your knee and faces forward. His touch was hot. A skillet off of the stove would have sent the same wave of heat all the way up your limbs. You reach for the water on the table, positive that the fierce blush overtaking your face would be obvious to anyone who decided to look at you in your current state. His long fingers began moving against your knee, tracing mindless patterns that only sent you more goosebumps. He knew that every gentle touch or fragment of affection he would give you right now would be heightened tenfold… he loved knowing that you were putty in his hands. He knew your mind – and right now, he had completely taken over it.
“Feeling okay, mon amour?” The sly smirk on his face gave him away. He was just teasing you, and Lord, does he love teasing. His hand moves upward to your midthigh, stopping and moving his thumb up and down above your dress, crinkling the material. “You’re looking a little flushed.”
You’d been avoiding eye contact, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of your needy gaze. “Kylian, stop it. Your mom’s sitting right there.” You reprimand in a soft voice, not wanting to raise any attention to the pair of you up to nothing decent.
“I’m not doing anything.” He chuckles, moving his hand a little higher. You suck in a sharp breath as he leans into your ear again. “Won’t you look at me, bébé?” 
You shake your head no, feeling quite shy as your throat dries up. You clear your throat discreetly and reach for the cold water once more, but Kylians hand grabs your palm, bringing it to his lips. “Let me see those eyes, baby.” He mumbled against your hand. His back was turned to the rest of the table, acting as a human curtain for your obvious discomposure.
You roll your eyes before looking at him. You tried your best to give him a scolding look, but the second you saw that same glimmer in his eye that matched yours, your current sensitivities doubled down. The pace of your heart heightened quickly, the warmth in your cheeks increasing by the second.
You felt like leaning in to kiss his lips. He licked them right when he took a quick glance at your own, your hand still taken in his.
“Your eggplant parmesan, madame.” You didn’t even see the waiters bringing out the entrées being too engrossed in Kylian's burning stare. You smile up and thank her then look around the table. You’d forgotten that there were other people there for a second, much less his family. His mom, dad, nieces, nephews, aunties – distant or otherwise… You had to pull yourself together before they caught on to your overly horny demeanor. 
Kylian took his hand off your thigh when his chicken alfredo was placed in front of him, noticing how you sat up straighter. For now, he’d let you do your best to make regular conversation with his cousins that sat across from the both of you, but he noticed how tightly your legs were crossed together. He saw your eyes dart away from his whenever you turned his way. When he brushed your pinky on the table before engulfing your hand, you took in a sharp breath. So sensitive. 
He nodded toward your empty plate. “Feel like turning in early, mon coeur?”
You raised a brow at him. “Ky, you sure? Your whole family’s here. Don’t you wanna stay a little longer?”
He shrugs. “We’ve been mingling for like,” he looks at his watch, “almost three hours. Besides, I’m quite a bit distracted tonight.” He peeks down at your cleavage, darting his tongue out to wet his lips. “I think I wanna take you home.”
You shudder when he leans in and kisses the corner of your lips. To anyone watching, it’s a sweet gesture of affection, but to you… it was erotic. Sensual. It made you tighten your thighs even more.
His attention is taken back to the others at the table, letting them know that the two of you would be leaving a little early, blaming it on his morning training schedule. You two made your rounds to every seat, kissing cheeks and rubbing shoulders, making sure you left a good impression with each and every one of the members of the group. 
He opened the car door for you, grabbing your hand to help you in, kissing your knuckles before hopping in the driver's seat. He weaved through traffic with a sure hand on your upper thigh, slowly and subconsciously getting higher and higher. 
It’s unfair that he holds all the power right now – making you sweat and need him with every purposeful tap on your skin. The pads of his fingers migrated downward over your dress until it reached the hem of the frilly garment. His eyes were fixed on the red light in front of him as he let his hand travel under your dress – the simple skin to skin enough to invade you with goosebumps – feeling each and every one on the trail he formed toward your panties, toying with the band wrapped around your hip.  
You didn’t even mean to swivel your hips closer to his hand, but when his forefinger traveled lightly to feel your slit over the elastic material, you couldn’t stop yourself. “Ky…” You whined as he wiggled his digit against you. 
You look over to see his smirk facing forward, practically visualizing his ego growing at just your involuntary mewl. Looking at his lap, you saw the trace of his member was much too prominent to assume your neediness wasn’t affecting him. You reached over and took hold of it, gripping with a single squeeze that had his breath shake in surprise. 
“Merde, cherie…” He hissed, taking sporadic peeks down at your hand as it rubbed him through the layer of cloth. It wasn’t responsible to grope him while he was behind the wheel, but the standstill traffic and ultra tinted windows lent you enough feelings of safety to continue your motions. You felt him getting harder as you pumped your fist as best you could over his stiff zipper. 
Half his mind wanted to ask you to wait until you got home so he could shove you between him and the wall, feel, kiss, bite, lick every centimeter he saw… but how could he? Your fluttering lashes made him forget how to speak coherently. He just couldn’t resist you. 
His personal fucking kryptonite. 
There you both sat, hands on each other's most intimate parts in the center of traffic. It was kind of exciting that the people on the same road had no idea what was going on. That the thick steel doors and blackened windows were the only thing keeping them from seeing you throw your head back when he pressed on your clit. That they were oblivious to the sweet sounds that bubbled up from Kylians chest as you ran your knuckles over his tip, the hand that wasn’t lost under your otherwise innocent dress gripping the steering wheel so, so tightly. 
Kylian took a quick and sharp left, finally away from the traffic going down the last road until you reached your private residence. His foot pressed all the way down on the pedal, impatiently rolling the stop signs. In any other scenario, it would make you nervous, but you truly didn't even notice the way he broke traffic laws once he had removed his hand in the urgency of it all. 
You unbuckled as he drove down the last couple of blocks, leaning over the center console to attack his open neck, surely leaving a big purple bruise in your wake. Your hand wrapped around his face, pressing him further into you. He grunted and closed his eyes as soon as he put the car in park inside the garage, wasting no time grabbing for your leg so you could straddle him in the tall SUV. 
Kylian hiked your dress up with his hand firmly placed on the globe of your ass, squeezing your flesh harshly as you grinded down onto him. With his lips now on your own, all the sounds of pleasure were muffled and smothered.  
“J'ai tellement besoin de toi, putain.” I need you so fucking bad. His hands roamed higher around your waist as he got access to your neck.
“J'ai besoin que tu mettes un bébé en moi. C'est si dur.” I need you to put a baby in me. So bad. When you say these words, you feel him stiffen. His hands cease their movements, now only gripping you in place as he leans his head back to look at your face. He needed to see if you were joking or not. Breathless and completely earnest, you stare into his wide eyes, feeling the way the mood changed with just a single phrase. 
He hints at a smile. “You’re serious?”
You nod, kissing the tip of his nose, brushing your thumb dearly on his cheekbone. “So serious.”
He grins happily, pure excitement behind his eyes as he rubs your back with an incredible gentleness. He’s overtaken with fondness as he leans in to kiss you again. He smiles into it, letting out a joyous giggle when he hugs you tightly.
He barely pulls back. “Let’s get you inside. My beautiful wife.”
He couldn’t keep his hands off of you as he hugs you down the hallway toward the master bedroom, taking small detours when he simply couldn't help himself; grasping your neck to kiss you lovingly, slowing down to press you against his front and whisper sweet things in your ear. 
You half expected him to throw you on the bed, rip your dress off, and take you like it was an animalistic instinct. By his conduct in the restaurant and in the car, you’d expect nothing less than a rough and primal fuck. 
But, no. He walked you backward toward the bed, only staring into your eyes adoringly as he lifted you up to lay your head down on the pillow comfortably. 
He kissed you once before just looking at you on the mattress, knees turned in and pathetic little squirm demanding its way through your limbs. Your pretty purple dress was now wrinkled and twisted, halfway up your thigh, straps hanging loosely off your shoulder.
He beamed, deciding to sit on his knees with you in between him as he began undoing his white dress shirt, button by button, eyes never leaving yours. Your grabby hands untucked the material from his pants, matching his slower pace as you undid the buckle of his belt.
Once his shirt just hung on his shoulders, he placed two warm hands on your legs, allowing them to wander up and up, the material of your dress all scrunched up in their path. He unveiled your body to his hungry eyes, tapping the side of your ribs so you’d sit up and let him take it off of you completely. You both giggled softly when it finally went over your face, disheveling your hair in the process. Kylian brushed it all away from your features, grabbing your face sweetly and laying you back down, noses only an inch away as he balanced his body on top of yours.
“Mon amour.” He mumbled adoringly, brushing his nose with yours, grazing your lips slightly. “We’re really doing this.”
You just smile, pecking the cheesy wide grin that had taken over his features. “We’re ready.” You confirm, wrapping both your arms around his neck. 
He slowly made his way down your body, inch by inch, kiss by kiss. His tongue made soft and swift circles on your left nipple, your other being pinched and soothed by his strong fingers. As he ventured further, he placed his palms firmly on your tummy, kissing it so tenderly, as if to prepare a space for his future baby. Blessing it’s temporary home before they even had the chance to get there.
“You’re going to look so pretty when I get you pregnant.” The words were strangled between the emotions in his voice and the ringing in your own ears; the pressure of his lowering hands making your head spin. 
He tossed his shirt aside along with his pants when he reached your underwear, placing himself with purpose as he began pulling down the lacy garment. He hummed delightedly when a string of your slick clung onto the material. You showcased your pussy to him like he paid for it, jutting your hips toward him with pure need. 
“You’re so fucking wet.” He murmured as he ran a finger through your folds, just to tease, perceptive to the shiver that formed a sweet noise from your chest.
Without needing further instruction, he kitten licked your clit, gently sucking on it now and then. You turned your head into the silk pillow, letting it catch most of the crude noises you were making for the man between your legs. With his arms securely wrapped around your thighs, he pressed his face further into your core, shaking his head back and forth before adding two fingers. 
“God – fuck, Ky.” The abstruse praises spewed out of you when he curled his long, long fingers up, pumping them as they hooked inside your rigid walls. 
He pulled them out too quickly for your liking, taking his magic tongue with him as he stared down at your pussy. He stretched your skin apart with his thumbs, playing with you for his own visual gratification before slowly inserting three fingers inside at once. He watched them intently disappear into you, then quickly looking at your face that twisted in delight as he stretched you open – preparing you for his thick member. 
You wailed in pleasure, your hands gripping the sheets until your knuckles turned white. “Oh my god, Kylian.” How he loved hearing you moan out his name. It only made him need you more, staring up at you dotingly past your stomach. “Please, baby… I need you.” You begged.
His fingers slow down before leaving you bare. He watched your empty pulsing hole for only a second, licking his fingers clean as he shuffled around to be on top of you once more. 
He hovered over you, staring deeply into your eyes. You sighed in contentment at his gazing, allowing one of your hands to go astray to lower his boxer briefs over his ass, pulling down the front as well. You took hold of his thick and hard cock, pumping it while keeping eye contact with your lover. It was so beautiful to observe the tiny fragments of expressions that waved over his face. The microscopic twinges of his eyelids, the slight curve that forms between his eyebrow, the gentle pursing of his lips. 
You tugged him to your opening, running his dick along your soaked lips, lubricating it as you began to try and prod yourself open with him. Just the feeling of his tip beginning to enter your tight pussy had him shuddering. Kylian met your hand, helping it guide his cock to your entrance, slowly inserting his desperate mushroomhead.
He moved slightly, watching your expression for discomfort. “You’re so tight.” He huffed. Your hand stayed on his base, his small and paced movements still only to stretch you out for him. He felt the pads of your fingers as he shallowly pushed in and out of you.
“Faster.” You demanded, moving your hands to his ass to follow his movements. 
He complied, heavy breathing fanning your face, his pace increasing, stuffing more of himself inside of you. Kylians eyes were shut tightly, head lulling down and occasionally planting a sloppy kiss on whatever skin happened to be closest to his parted lips. His arms shift into a plank position and he nuzzles his face in your neck, body pressed firmly against you – the beads of sweat on his muscles rubbing against your middle in tandem with his thrusts that still only went in halfway. With your hands still on the globes of his ass, you clenched and pushed him deeper with your palms. 
He groans at the feeling, almost all the way inside of you. “You want it all? Huh?” He asks between gasps of air. “You want me to stretch out your tight little pussy. Take it.” He kisses you, tongue aggressively scouting your mouth. He lifts your legs up and sets them around his shoulders. 
While staring into your eyes, he snaps his hips forward until his pelvic bone was pressed deliciously on your own.
“Fuck!” You scream, feeling him so, so deep inside of you. The slightly upward curve pinned against your g-spot as he stayed still in that position. The way your strained walls grabbed him and kept him buried inside made his eyes cross for a second. He tilted his head and kissed your left knee. Your foot grazed his back when he pulled out almost all the way, and, Christ… the look he gave you was debilitating when he thrusts back in.
When you say Kylian is easy to read, you really meant it. You could stare at his face for all of three seconds and gauge his mood. It was something he actually found a little annoying sometimes; coming home after a tough day and you’d force him to talk about it before he would even get a hello out. He could say he hated your perceptiveness all he wants, but he’ll never truly convince himself of that. He loved that he could communicate with you with just a simple impression on his features. 
Now, he thrusted in and out, in and out as he gazed down at your hooded eyelids – and the look on his face was, again, one you've never seen before. 
And despite this, you just knew what it meant. You felt it in your heart. 
Love. Passion. Devotion. Care. Companionship. He'll be there for everything that is to come.
You saw your future in the shining glimmer in his irises. You saw everything. 
Tears naturally welled in your eyes, one slipped, rolling down the side of your face. There was a glint of concern in Kylian as he slowed his unforgiving pace, but you moved your hips to keep him going.
He halted his motions and was about to ask you if you were okay or if you were hurt, but your hands cradled his face and you leaned up to peck his lips. “I just love you so much.” You say, answering the question he hadn’t even asked yet. 
He lets out a deep sigh, wavering and telling. His thumb grazes over the trail of your tear, then leaves it there to stroke your skin. You gave him a light and playful spank on his right butt cheek, making you both giggle. He leaned down and kissed you feverishly – smooching once, twice, three times and pulling back only slightly.
“I love you. Je t'aime. Dieu, je t'aime tellement.” I love you. God, I love you so much. He planted sweet kisses all over your face, still smiling. “Tu es tout pour moi.” You are everything to me. 
He pulled completely out of you, leaving you empty. A whine bubbled out of your chest and Kylian traced over the crease that had formed between your eyebrows, just before inserting himself back. Your mouth opened in pleasure, a moan stuck inside your throat as he gradually powered through your tight walls, inch by fucking inch. It was a feeling of complete satisfaction when his tip collided with your sweet spot once more. Even better when the drag of his thrusts nudged it over, and over, and over, A slow pace. A gentle pace. A pace that he felt necessary for the beginning of this new chapter. 
He knew he was close, but kept his rhythm to get you there with. His hand found your clit quickly, making you jolt up, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck and pulling him into you.
“Oh, shit, Kylian… God! Yes! Fuuuuck…” The heaps of praise melted like butter in Kylians ears. The sweet voice of the woman he loves praising him made his heart flutter, soaking in the feeling of your teeth sinking into his shoulder. 
“I’m gonna fill you up.” He stuttered into your hair, changing the motions of his fingers of your sensitive bud to get you there faster.
“Please, please, Kylian.” You kiss his neck, biting the skin. “Get me pregnant. Please.”
He moaned at your words, feeling like he couldn’t stop himself from orgasming for a minute longer. “Putain, je suis sur le point de... bon sang!” Fuck, I’m about to… Jesus Christ! 
It was there. Right there. His thrusts faltered, he took your face from his neck and ran his free thumb over your lips, pressing his forehead to yours as he groaned deeply. He squeezed his eyes closed as you felt his hot spurts of cum painting your walls, shooting into you delightfully until you were sure you were full. He cursed, eyes screwed shut as he continued thrusting sporadically. The feeling of it all made the knot in your abdomen pop. You screamed his name, legs shaking on his shoulder violently, toes curling, thighs shivering.
He pulled his hand away and kept fucking his cum into you through his groans of overstimulation, right until he had to gently and slowly pull out. He kept your legs pressed against your chest as he ventured down the mattress to get a better view of your pussy; his seed spilling out of you in dribbles, forcing him to stuff as much as he could back into you with his thumb. You shivered, lifting your head to watch him admire his work as if you were a piece of art he’d spent centuries perfecting. Slowly, he brought your sore legs back into a more natural position, soothing your aching muscles with a gentle massage. You were still coming down under his touch, both of you absolutely breathless. He throws himself down on the pillows next to you, whisking your hand from your heaving stomach – just holding it as you both calmed down and caught your breath. 
“Christ…” You mumbled, chuckling a little bit. You rotate your body toward him with a giddy smile on your face, cuddling into his side and kissing his cheek. He began chuckling along with you. “What if I'm pregnant right now?” You ask, excitement comfortably taking over your face. 
He shakes his head and looks at you, then down to your exposed stomach pressed against him. His hand snakes onto your middle, gently pushing you on your back as he steadied his hand right on your belly button. 
He didn't even need to say anything. His face said it all. 
The excitement of it all carried through the following weeks. It took everything in you to not tell every one of your friends and co-workers that you guys were trying. With the media breathing down your necks, it was agreed that this would be kept on the down low and you’d only announce when you were showing and could no longer hide it. Privacy was important to you both as a couple, and saying you're trying was really just a socially acceptable way of telling people you and Kylian were just constantly having sex.
Your leg bounced in anticipation as you asked your Alexa (again) how long was left of your fifteen minute timer. Kylian chewed on his thumbnail as he sat next to you on the bed with the same frustration at the slow clock ticking down, needing to know if the little stick that sat in the bathroom had one or two lines painted on it. 
“I’m not pregnant.” You say into the silence with no evidence that that was true.
He leans back, taking his raw nail away from his teeth. “You could be.”
“I don’t think I am. Wouldn’t I, you know, like, feel it, or something?”
He sighs, placing a sure hand on the small of your back. “I have no idea. I don’t know if you know this about me… but I’ve never been pregnant before.” He smiles, earning a forced grin from you. He notices the unnaturalness of your curved lips to appease his bad joke, never reaching your eyes as they darted around the room nervously. He scoots closer, hugging your shoulders comfortingly, rubbing them like it would take away your anxiety. “Whatever it says, we have time. We keep trying.” He kisses your cheek with a quirk in his smile. “I quite enjoy trying.” You huff out a laugh – a real one – and playfully jab his stomach with your elbow. 
That moment lasted no longer than a few seconds before the sound of the alarm went off. You audibly gulped down the minimal moisture in your mouth, taking a deep breath in as you both walked to the bathroom, Kylian holding your shoulders as he walked behind you into the tiled room. 
“You want me to look?” He quietly asked after you just stared at the stick that was face down on the counter, not moving a muscle or even blinking. You nod, wiping your hands on your pants. 
It felt like everything moved in slow motion when he reached for the otherwise insignificant plastic test that your future was written on. He kept the stick face down in his hand and took a deep breath in. You subconsciously crossed your fingers at your side. You’d never done that before, but you were hoping the universe would listen to your silent pleading superstition. You watch his face so intently, hyper-analyzing it before he even turns the stick in his hands. 
His eyes shot down to it and he pursed his lips with a miniscule sigh. Without saying anything else, he sets it back down on the counter and pulls you in for a hug. Your heart dropped into your stomach as you needed confirmation of your suspicions, looking over at the stick with only one single line. 
He put his chin on top of your head, squeezing you dearly. “It’s okay. It was our first try.” He murmured as you wrapped your own arms around his torso disappointingly. 
You nod despite the grave let down, having convinced yourself that it would happen now like you had both hoped. “Yeah. I don’t know why I expected to get a positive that quickly. I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up.”
He shakes his head, not really knowing what to say to comfort you while dealing with his own waves of sadness. Embracing each other in lieu of speaking was just as comforting, knowing you both were having the same experience together was consolation enough. 
He kisses the top of your hair with a whispered I love you, holding you, holding him. 
A/N: Part 1 of 2 (possibly 3). I'm back! Thank you to everyone for being patient with me and checking up on me through my little month hiatus. Sometimes, you just need a break and I appreciate you guys so much for being so kind through it! Huge hug and kiss to everyone here! Based on these requests (anon 1) (anon 2). And, don't worry, @megannandrewss , yours is coming in the next parts!
Taglist: @trentione @mentalbaddie @neymarsrealgf @akiraquote @mrswhitethornbelikov @kymb-10 @formula101x @photmath @marcelineslove @tsikik @iheartkyky @freshfraise @jokertbh @germanapples @urfuturesoccerwife @nightlockcornucopia @laylaynaynay130 @starlight8374 @depressoesssspresso @mbappesbae @ maddyperrezz @gigiboss @xanjoy @lovekm @jkkiks @vvbasmavv-blog @suzysface @ lolarmy72 @lizzz2967 @kylians-world @superswaggycooch @shashla @mehrmonga @abayo222 @missmo79 @tties24-7 @gurleenkl @drewstarkeysbae @ vibinwkay @ctn26 @ippid @i0veless @abayo222 @b-bradshaw @http-isabela @zoeeeruiz @mitruscity @kenanlotus0 @mbapbaesluvr @alwaysclassyeagle @nhatquynh @philipetchebest @ricsaigaslec @dfswfvf @urfav-tz @kylianswag @fanatica2023 @alexisquinnlee-bc @megannandrewss
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boobo13cambridge · 1 year
Send That Picture Promise I'm A Keep It | Kylian Mbappé
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Pairing: Kylian Mbappé x f.Reader
Warnings: Fluff, sexting, masturbation (m.)
Summary: What’s it like texting when your husband is a really busy athlete? 
A/N: Hello, everyone! I’ve been trying to finish up all my old requests before I get to the new ones. I was actually supposed to post this May 5th, and its now June, oops. I’ve seen all your prompts for the new Kylian smut, and I love all your ideas. I’ll try my best to get them done because for once I have nothing to this summer except find a job, lmao. I swear having a job ready for when you graduate is not easy at all. Uni should’ve prepared us better for the post-grad life. Anyways, as always don’t forget to like, comment, and repost! Enjoy, lovelies ❣️
Kylian: bébé 
Kylian: bébééé
Kylian: bééébééé
Kylian: béééébéééééééééé
Kylian: Arrête de m’ignorer 😢 (stop ignoring me)
Kylian: jte veux  (i want you)
Kylian: j besoins de toi (i need you)
Kylian: envoie t seins (send your tits)
The incessant buzzing of your phone that was conveniently located in your back pocket was proving to bea major distraction as you were trying your best to follow what your boss was trying to say. You knew who it was without even having to look, the culprit - a certain brown-eyed professional athlete who was called away on international duty. 
While you wished you could be there to cheer him on as France played against Gibraltar in Faro, you were unfortunately tied up at work as you had to deal with an important client. As a divorce lawyer, you were constantly surprised to learn just how selfish and idiotic some people could be. You’d think a firefighter would be too busy trying to save people to have two mistress with three children each. Alas, humanity never failed to disappoint. To add fuel to the fire, this particular client absolutely refused to comprise on anything and insisted that he still loved his wife despite being a piece of shit.
Seeing all these cases, you were grateful that Kylian wasn't like that. To be honest, in the beginning of your relationship, you were very self-conscious as footballers were known to be cheaters. A few people (who were no longer in your life) warned you that your husband would inevitably turn out like most people in his profession and leave you for a model. Kylian, on the other hand,  turned out to be nothing like that. He was consistently loving, truthful, and patient with you. The media's attempts to tear your relationship apart still pained you deeply, especially the heartbroken look in Kylian's eyes as you shouted at him, accusing him without even giving him a chance to explain.
But returning to the present, your boss finally released you from the conversation as her secretary reminded her that her husband was waiting on the line. Your boss, an intimidating woman whom you respected greatly, was the only one who hired you straight after graduation, despite most law firms turning you away. You suspected they viewed you as nothing more than a trophy wife destined to retire after having a few kids. Céleste Beauregard was the only one who gave you a chance, and for that you would be eternally grateful.
Walking back to your desk, you pull out your phone and look at the messages Kylian send you. Letting out a snort at his antics, you reply.
You: t’a pas un match à jouer toi?  (don’t you have a match to play?)
Kylian: c koi le rapport bb??    (what’s the correlation baby??)
You: tu c ke chui au travail kyky  (you know I’m at work kyky)
Kylian: allez bb juste une photo 🥺 (cmon baby its just one picture)
You: ds t rêve (in your dreams)
Kylian: fais pas ca (don’t do this)
Kylian: arrête de faire ta difficile (stop being so difficult)
You: t un gros pervert Mbappé 🤢 (you’re a big pervert Mbappé)
You: j d’autres choses à faire ds la vie ke de t’envoyer d pics de mes seins              franchement  (I have better things to do than send you pics of my tits seriously)
You: t’a pas déjà d pics? (don’t you already have some?)
Kylian: j’en veux d fresh svp (I need new ones pls)
You: tu m’énerve (you’re annoying)
In moments like these, you couldn't help but appreciate having a private office with tinted glass. Glancing around cautiously to ensure no one was present, you carefully unbuttoned your dress shirt, unveiling a seductive, lacy red push-up bra. With one hand, you delicately squeezed your breasts together, your cheeks flushed crimson as you quickly snap a picture and send it to him. 
Buttoning your shirt, you feel a mixture of excitement and anticipation, as you nervously bit your lip, holding your breath as you observed the three blinking dots in your message thread. You couldn't help but giggle at doing something so risky at your workplace.
Kylian: putain bb chui bandé 🤤 (fuck bb i’m hard) 
Kylian: si tt là ça serait parti en branlette espagnole 😏 (if you were here I would’ve fucked your tits)
You: t dégeulasse 🙄 (youre disgusting)
Kylian: tu m’aimes pareille ❤️ (you love me tho)
You: vrm pas  (not really)
You: envoie moi t seins toi (you send me your tits)
Kylian: jpeux tenvoyer qq chose de mieux 😘 (i’ll send you something better)
Your heart raced with anticipation, a symphony of palpitations echoing in your chest, as you waited impatiently for your husband to send you a picture of himself.
As the picture popped up, you felt liquid heat pool in your panties as your breathing deepened looking at the nude Kylian had sent you. 
The dim lights showed his hand wrapped firmly around his throbbing cock. Your gaze was fixated on the engorged head of his member, a vibrant hue of crimson, as a drop of precum bubbled on top. You could feel yourself throbbing as you feasted on the photo. Waves of pleasure surged through your core, causing your body to pulse with an insatiable hunger.
You: merde kyky ta pas le droit de m’envoyer sa quand tu c ke jpeux rien   faire (shit kyky you can’t just send me this when you know i cant do anything about it)
Kylian: enjoy bb 😘
You: ??
You looked at his message confused, not really sure what he meant. A few minutes later, he sends you a video that ignited a blush so intense it flushed the very roots of your hair.
In the video, he moved with tantalizing slowness, his strong, veiny arms caressing his length with deliberate, seductive strokes. Each movement of his arm drove your senses ablaze. The air around you thickened with the sound of his sinful moans, weaving a symphony of pleasure that sent shivers down your spine.
Your eyes were fixated on the mesmerizing sight, unable to tear themselves away from the erotic scene playing on your small screen. Your breath hitched as he swiped a bead of precum, his fingers glistening with the essence of his desire. 
It was when a primal groan escaped his soft, pink lips with the sound of your name on the tip of his tongue that sent a blast of ecstasy through your body, electrifying every nerve ending with longing.
Unable to contain the building heat within you, you instinctively pressed your thighs together, seeking relief from the persistent throbbing that radiated from your slick core. 
The video was two minutes long, and you were burning up so fast. As you continued to watch the captivating video, your senses became heightened, every nuance and detail etching itself into your memory. The sheer eroticism of the scene, the raw sensuality exuding from his every movement, unleashed a whirlwind of desire within you.
With every gasp and moan that escaped his lips, you felt the reverberations deep within your core. His sinful utterance of your name was like a symphony of passion, intertwining with the symphony of your racing heart. 
As his fingers swept across his velvety skin, spreading the intoxicating precum, the ache between your thighs intensified. The throbbing in your core demanded attention, aching for release. The tension built, and with every second, you grew closer to the precipice of ecstasy.
It was almost a bittersweet torment, because as much as the video set aflame your desire for him, it also intensified the ache of longing for his physical presence. With a final, lingering stroke, the video came to an end, leaving you breathless and craving more. 
You: t vrm cruel kyky (you’re so cruel kyky)
Kylian: 😘😘 mmmhhh jte vois samedi? (mmmhhh see you saturday?)
You: non, viens mtn 🥺  (no, come now)
You: jte veux trop (i need you too much)
Kylian: hahah, tu c ke jpp princesse (hahah you know i can't princess)
Kylian: mais jvai marquer un but pour toi bb (but i’ll score a goal for you bb)
You: t mieux ❤️ 🙄 (you better)
You: jtm booboo ❤️ (ily booboo)
Kylian: jtm fort mon coeur ❤️ (ily so much my heart)
You: tu veux que je t’amène qq chose bb? Je c ke tu vas rester à l'hôtel avant le match au stade (do you want me to bring you something bb? I know you’re staying at a hotel before game at the stadium?)
Kylian: ouii, t seins 🤤 (yess, your boobs)
You: ugh bye 🙄
Your playful exasperation was evident as you bid farewell to the teasing suggestion. The exchange left a lingering sense of anticipation and passion in the air, as you both were eagerly waiting to see each other again. The thought of being in his arms, of holding him and kissing him, made you long for him so bad. Looking at the time, you quickly packed your stuff and rushed home, excited to be with him.
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judes-hoe · 2 months
Kylian having a hard time with letting other people holding his newborn baby
Kylian was over the moon when the baby finally came. He couldn’t ask for anything better, holding them any chance he got, doing skin to skin with them anytime. Your newborn baby was about a month old and you had to go to one of his families birthday parties. Everyone was in awe at the little baby as Kylian was carrying them in his arms. Obviously he had no problem letting like his parents or siblings hold them. But when it came to other people he would hesitate, he didn’t want anything to happen and you were like that at first a little too. So when one of his cousins asked to hold the baby he hesitated but you gave him a nod and he smiled softly. He knew his cousin had two kids so he happily handed the baby over to his cousin for them to hold the baby. But after a few minutes he was immediately asking for his baby back.
Please request🫶🏻 inbox is open always even if it’s just to chat
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latin5mamii · 12 days
no, no, no - Kylian Mbappé
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warnings: suggestive but not smut (sorry…)
genre: one night stand
summary:You can’t recall exactly what happened last night, but someone is here to remind you.
author's note: wrote this last night and decided to post for my kyky girlies! Let me know if you like it🤍🐢
ִֶָ 𓂃˖˳·˖ ִֶָ ⋆★⋆ ִֶָ˖·˳˖𓂃 ִֶָ ִֶָ 𓂃˖˳·˖ ִֶָ ⋆★⋆ ִֶָ˖·˳˖𓂃 ִֶָ ִֶָ 𓂃˖˳·˖ ִֶָ ⋆
This shouldn’t have happened. Oh no, no, no. What did I just do?
I wake up suddenly, my heart pounding. The room is dimly lit, but I can see enough to know it’s not mine. I take a deep breath, trying to piece together the memories of the night before. My head spins slightly, and that’s when I realize there’s something—no, someone—holding me tightly.
I slowly lower my gaze and see a muscular arm wrapped around my waist. My skin brushes against his, warm and impossibly close. No, no, no. I carefully turn, praying it’s not what I think it is, but of course, fate decides to confirm my worst fears.
I know who’s lying beside me. Did this happen because of too much alcohol? Or maybe because his smile was just too irresistible last night? Fuck my life.
I try to move gently, hoping to slip out from under his arm, but without even opening his eyes, he pulls me closer. No, no, no.
He presses a soft kiss to my shoulder.
"Don’t run away," he murmurs with a mischievous smile, his voice low and husky, sending shivers through my entire body. His warm breath grazes my skin, and I can’t help but shiver as his arm tightens around me.
Kylian moves closer, his lips brushing over my shoulder, then trailing up my neck, sending a wave of heat through me. "You’re not seriously thinking about leaving now, are you?" he teases, but there’s an intensity in his eyes that takes my breath away.
My heart races as I feel his hands exploring my body with a disarming confidence, like he knows every weak spot, every place that drives me crazy. His touch is both gentle and firm, as if he’s fully aware of the power he has over me. I try to resist, to keep my head clear, but every time his lips meet my skin, my willpower melts away.
Every inch of my body seems to respond to his touch, as if it’s been waiting for this moment. His fingers trace a line down my side, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. I close my eyes, trying to regain control, but it’s impossible. Kylian’s lips find the sensitive spot just below my ear, and a soft gasp escapes me before I can stop it.
"You’re trembling," he whispers, his voice filled with that same teasing tone. "I guess that means you don’t really want to leave, do you?"
I want to say something, to push him away, to remind him that this was a mistake. But instead, my body betrays me, arching slightly into his touch. His lips curve into a knowing smile against my skin, and he takes that as an invitation to continue. His kisses become more insistent, trailing down my neck, his hands exploring with a mix of gentleness and urgency that makes my head spin.
"Kylian…" I manage to breathe out his name, but it sounds more like a plea than a protest. He pauses for a moment, pulling back just enough to look at me, his dark eyes searching mine. There’s a spark of mischief in his gaze, but also something deeper, something that makes my heart race even faster.
"What is it?" he asks, his voice softer now, almost tender. "Don’t you want it too?”
He reaches up, gently brushing a strand of hair away from my face, his touch so light it sends a shiver down my spine.
"You don’t have to run," he murmurs, his thumb grazing my cheek. "Not from this. Not from me."
My breath catches in my throat, and I feel a strange mix of emotions swirling inside me. This shouldn’t be happening, and yet, a part of me doesn’t want it to stop. I know I should walk away, but the way he’s looking at me, the way his touch makes me feel, is pulling me back in, making it impossible to think straight.
The memories from last night rush back, clear as day—his touch, those messy, heated kisses, our clothes tossed carelessly around the room. I groan inwardly, my hand flying up to cover my face as embarrassment floods through me.
“Oh, come on,” he laughs softly, his voice light and teasing. “Don’t get all shy on me now. Where’s that bold girl from last night?”
I peek out from behind my hand, my cheeks burning, and catch the mischievous glint in his eyes. He’s grinning at me, clearly enjoying my discomfort, which only makes me blush harder.
“Kylian, seriously,” I mumble, trying to stifle a laugh, but failing miserably.
“What?” He stretches out beside me, casually propping himself up on one elbow. “I mean, it’s not like I didn’t notice you had fun too.” He winks, and I can’t help but roll my eyes, though there’s a smile tugging at my lips.
“I was drunk,” I protest weakly, though I know that’s only half the truth.
“Sure, blame it on the alcohol,” he teases, leaning closer.
“But you and I both know it was more than that. I saw the way you looked at me.”
I can’t deny it, and his knowing smile says he’s already aware of that.
“I knew you wouldn’t run away from me,”
ִֶָ 𓂃˖˳·˖ ִֶָ ⋆★⋆ ִֶָ˖·˳˖𓂃 ִֶָ ִֶָ 𓂃˖˳·˖ ִֶָ ⋆★⋆ ִֶָ˖·˳˖𓂃 ִֶָ ִֶָ 𓂃˖˳·˖ ִֶָ ⋆★
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