#but seriously: THANK U FOR THIS
anachilles · 1 month
just mass-consumed @rambleonwaywardson ‘s astronaut AU in (basically) one sitting and i honestly don’t know how to act rn. i don’t know how to go on with my evening. i’m paralysed by emotions and sheer awe; this fic is l i t e r a t u r e and everyone should go read it, like, now.
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astraldes · 5 months
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Another year of a wonderful partnership (Happy birthday Ink!)
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builtintripping · 8 months
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never forget...
read again?
no you did not see me repost this, shh
hemlo!! thank ya'll so so much for enjoying this lil comic series!! i know it's been a year since the first part, but most importantly i finished it 💀✨️
every single tags ya'll leave on me posts and past questions i recieve about this au is super appreciated, they make me smile the widest you have no clue!! im just a lil mad at myself that i couldn't expand on this au more so yall could have had more crumbs. irl stuff happened + still getting the hang of drawing and socializing again after years of doing neither of those 😭
but still, im glad i could share this comfort comic i made for myself, and for you guys too. it's a pretty personal one despite the characters not being mine 😅 i hope that you can walk away from this story believing (entirely or not) that someone out there still thinks of you, whether they're from a late/absent loved one who still wants the best for you or a dear friend who will make room in their hearts for you. life will never not be hard, but if you keep them close to your heart, adulting will be bearable 🫂
thank you so much for reading 💕
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 10 months
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It's that time of the year again
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blacktabbygames · 5 months
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Dang, Slay the Princess just crossed the threshold into the 250 best-reviewed Steam games of all time. It's still so wild to us that our weird little love story resonated with SO many people. Thank you all so much for playing and for leaving reviews!
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spiderthread · 7 months
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why don't you let yourself be gently peeled off the ground and tossed across the back of a horse like a sack of potatoes by the most handsome man in china, then maybe you'll calm down
(+ bonus:)
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findafight · 1 year
Robin chose Steve. Robin made the conscious and deliberate decision that she could and would trust Steve. She already liked him! She had fun working and bantering with him! They were already on their way to being weird little bffs and the torture just expedited the process. Steve chose Robin just the same! He thinks she's fun and cool and likes her so much! He chose to be honest and open with her too, putting himself out there.
Even though their interests on the surface level don't match why wouldn't they share them? Steve clearly caves when Robin wants to watch a movie he doesn't think he'll like, Robin can watch a March madness game or five.
Stop trying to take away their bond oh my god people can be close to more than one person!!! Their best friend doesn't have to be dismissive or mean or whatever in order for a romance to be special to them!
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iraprince · 2 years
it bums me out to see (esp younger) artists talking abt quitting in the wake of this dumb ai shit or worrying that there will be no place in the world for their art in the future... i know it's hard but u HAVE to trust other humans to care abt art. u have to trust ppl to give a shit
i've spent the past few weeks near-constantly simmering abt this shit but then i spent literally one weekend seeing the artist/fanzine alley at a convention + going to a screenprinting fair and my soul is healed tbh. u have to zoom out. ppl have always given a shit and they always will
it's one thing to have the courage to make art. it's another to have the courage to trust other ppl to respond when u are vulnerable enough to share it. i know that most of the time the latter is way harder, bc it's not rly in ur control. but u have to!! sorry!! or uve already lost
u have to have a high enough opinion of humanity as a species to recognize that we love creating art + we love experiencing art + we always have + we always will. it's mandatory. scream abt it if u want but after ur done screaming u have 2 go back to the hard work of loving the world
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ryllen · 6 months
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regal-bones · 6 months
Hey!! As the dust settles from the first of the month a few patrons always drop off - it would really mean the world if you’d check out my page, even just for a glance! All pledges go directly towards my bills and rent!! Thanku! ❤️
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muckyschmuck · 10 months
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WOOT WOOT my half of a trade w the absolute legend @bogmonstergirl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is their oc Cyras she's awesombe (if u havent already seen her half GO LOOK(
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dnpbeats · 3 months
more phagenda theories ft. analysis of dan's story bc i am painfully unemployed
hi besties it's me again. i'm reaching the point of waiting for the announcement where it's like that tweet about the plate of corn in encanto. i decided to go back and watch dan and phil's first videos to see what frames they used to see if it would reveal anything intersting and well... it kinda does, but also this theory falls apart a bit towards the end so. take this with a grain of salt this is just for fun i'm just yapping it's not meant to be that serious etc etc
so starting with phil's video blog, i believe the frame is from about 0:41 or at least very very close to there (based on the position of phil's paper):
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(side note but i don't wanna get too off track: 2 seconds after this is when phil's curtain blows which like obviously is from wind but maybe in another universe it's some kinda sci-fi fantasy spirit ghost thing idk)
this section of the video is when phil is reading off a question from his linguistics exam. we know from "teaching dan to speak" that if youtube hadn't worked out and phil actually used his degree, he was gonna be a forensic linguist. okay so now, what frame is used from hello internet? this one isn't quite as easy to pin down but my best approximation is at 0:37, or at least somewhere soon after that (going off of dan's placement in front of the door):
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this is the section of the video immediately after dan gets done saying some "really good friends" he's made recently persuaded him to "give it [making videos] a shot" which like, we all know means phil. when i say immediately i mean he finishes saying that at 0:36
i just personally find this intersting because like. for phil's video why pick a frame of him reading an exam when you could've gone with the thumbnail or him looking at the camera or something? with dan, i at first thought it was the very beginning of hello internet, but it's definitely not based on the way he comes into frame. instead it's right after he says that phil persuaded him to make videos... so this brings me to the ripple effect/alternate universe idea a lot of people have been throwing around. what if they chose phil reading his linguistics exam bc they are going to explore a universe where he becomes a forensic linguist? and of course, if he didn't do that, then dan wouldn't have made his video, because the part where phil persuades him to give it a shot never happened (this is where we get into dinok territory). ok so how does this fit with the other two shots we can see? (i'm not including something we want to tell you bc it would be impossible to know exactly where in the video that shot is from, and ofc i can't include the mystery one 💔)
(warning this is where this starts to fall apart lmao) now obviously the one from gtpwtw is from the yoga section:
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how does this fit in with the alternate universe/choices theory? well, this particular moment is right when dan is asking phil "top or bottom," which obviously in the moment is a joke and it's a really inconsequential question. however, it is a question nonetheless, with two possible outcomes 👀
for saying goodbye forever... i quite literally have nothing, the shot they chose has nothing going on it's just them standing there as priest sean walks in at about 0:35 💀💀
anyway yeah, assuming they consciously chose what shots of videos to include, it might give more validity to the multiverse idea, regardless of what medium they present it in! ofc this could also all mean nothing and i am just grasping at straws (10x more likely) i just thought it was intersting :)
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unspuncreature · 11 days
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howdy, y’all
i am scheduled for top surgery in just a few short months! i’ve wanted this surgery since i was 14, and i’m beyond stoked that it’s really truly finally happening
although i have a little in savings, i live paycheck to paycheck, and i need your help to keep the lights on while i’m recovering
click here to view my gofundme campaign! even a $5 or $10 gift goes a long way towards offsetting the costs of surgery not covered by my insurance provider and carrying me through recovery while i am unable to work
if you’re unable to donate right now, please share this post to your dashboard, with your personal trainer, on your nearest bathroom stall wall, or with that one 3 person group chat with the really specific name. you know the one i’m talking about
sincerely, thank you so much for taking the time to read and share and donate. this online space has been beyond important to me through transition, and i wouldn’t be the person i am today without you and your shitposts and meta and edits and fanart and fic and friendship
i love u guys :o)
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buggythemoth · 7 days
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'play again?'
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4pp13-ju1c3 · 8 months
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GUYS. I AM SO SORRY FOR BEING GONE1!! so, so many things have been going on in life recently and it's been kind of horrible BUT WE ARE BACK!! My birthday is the tenth, and I am very excited so take these doodles as a thank you for everyone that's sticked around even though all I did was repost for like 4 months...oops
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cameoliob · 20 days
I love the way you draw jacen
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He’s very glad you like the way he looks :)
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