gravavissetque-blog · 14 years
How to avoid becoming a victim of a crime while traveling in Peru
 Despite what you may have heard, Peru is a country that has a lot of violent crime. There was a time when terrorism creates a dangerous environment, and as poverty has also created a problem with petty crime in big cities. But in general, tourists and travelers to Peru is not considered to be in more danger than visitors from any other developing country. As mentioned, petty crime is a concern. Especially in large urban areas, or anywhere that tourists and travelers often pass, one must always be alert and aware of surroundings and the people in it. This includes bus stations, markets and large crowds gather anywhere. There are things you can do to reduce the chances of becoming a victim during a trip to Peru. These tips are intended strictly for preventive measures to avoid giving excessive worry or fear of travel. Peru Safety Tip # 1: Do not wear flashy jewelry or fish as presented. This includes watches, bracelets, necklaces and other fine or expensive. Avoid the temptation not to use or keep them covered. Peru Safety Tip # 2: Keep the camera saved. Just out to break the necessary vaccinations. Walking with her dangling from his neck is not a good idea. Peru Safety Tip # 3: Bring a copy of your documents with you at all times. If possible, leave your passport in a safe place like your hotel safe and carry a copy with you while you are out and about.Peru Safety Tip # 4: Do not carry all your money with you. Only carry as much money as needed at any given time. If you need to carry a large sum, has kept in the shoe or in a hidden pocket or purse and carry a smaller amount in the appropriate pocket. It is best to use the ATM to get money just for a day. Peru Safety Tip # 5: Speaking of ATMs, where possible, use ATMs inside banks or grocery stores instead of machines on the street. Beware of those who may be following their actions very carefully. Peru Safety Tip # 6: When traveling by car or taxi, do not carry valuables in the car with you. Instead, put in the trunk. This is especially true in the road coming from the airport in Lima. Thieves know what to expect along the route and break windows to snatch items inside the car. Peru Safety Tip # 7: Although it should be obvious, do not let your luggage or luggage out of sight. Be sure to keep an eye on your luggage paying taxis, air tickets or settling the hotel bill. A moment of inattention fast is all it takes to lose everything. Peru Safety Tip # 8: When traveling by bus, keep any luggage at your fingertips - Do not use containers above, where items can be easily caught. And, of course, never under any circumstances accept sealed packages to carry equipment or for another person on a bus trip or flight.
Valle Nevado ski center
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gravavissetque-blog · 14 years
8.8 magnitude earthquake strikes Chile, earthquake in Concepcion, Chile Centered
An earthquake measuring 8.8 has hit the country of Chile. The 8.8 magnitude earthquake shook Chile Concepcion, Chile late on Friday evening after the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake seats just over 200 miles from Santiago. To this in perspective, a 8.8 magnitude earthquake would be measured by one of the strongest earthquakes in history, making it far ahead and took that the recent earthquake in Haiti. The Haitian earthquake measured a 7.0 magnitude, which is very strong in its own right, but only shows how much more the 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile is measuring.To put it in a little perspective, the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti a seismic energy yield of 32 megatons, while these measures 8.8 earthquake more than 5.6 tons of gig. There are not many earthquakes in the history of the measurement of this quake, 8.5 on the Sumatra, Indonesia encompasses in 2007 was 9.2, which happened in Anchorage in 1964, with 9.5 in Chile in 1960 were measured, and a 9.0 in Portugal back in 1755. That's it for earthquakes that have surfaces, measured over 8.5, to have struck, but there were probably more that came back before the measurements were taken in the place. It really is relative, which has just been taken in Chile.We, still waiting for further information about what has happened in Chile, but a tsunami warning was issued, and there are certainly a lot of damage from this earthquake. We update when we have more information about what has been learned. There is a report that a tsunami has also been discovered, but no news of the country is striking-out of the area are only yet.The earthquake of magnitude 9.5 that struck Chile in 1960 killed a reported 1655 people, but hopefully , the country has been built in a way that a bit of damage have, but saves many lives during this event scary. This event in 1960 was referred to as the Valdivia earthquake.As of 1.35 clock PST CNN reported that six people have died, and out of an item from Chile, she had been giving ten o'clock died.References: CNN ReportMagnitude equations
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gravavissetque-blog · 14 years
Alternatives for Bus Tours
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