Swagy Savy
148 posts
I live an unconventional life.
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swagysavy · 8 years ago
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Rachel's Ginger Beer makes my love a very happy man. Glad we could supply him with two growlers worth of excellent ginger beer. . . . . #rachelsgingerbeer #rgbsoda #pikeplace #postalley #pikeplacemarket #seattlesoda #seattle #mylove #bestgingerbeer #happyman #jesseandsavy (at Pike Place Market)
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swagysavy · 8 years ago
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My acting role today? Stage Right Sleeve Guard... those graduates not only can trip off the stairs, but have their sleeve get caught as well! Also sort of tearing up because I will be walking across the stage next semester!! Almost done!! . . . . #graduation #ceremony #stagecrew #iheartapu #sleeveguard #actinggig #notrreally #friends (at Azusa Pacific University Felix Event Center)
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swagysavy · 8 years ago
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In lieu of a very stressful finals week, and the desire to end strong, remember why you started. Thank you Pinterest for always inspiring me, and being my only claim to fame for my massive social media following.. because that's all that matters in life. GO follow savylicious on Pinterest right now! . . . . . #shamelessplug #plug #pinterest #following #famous #savylicious #finals #finalsweek #procrastination #passion #finishstrong #quote #inspo #goodvibes #almostdone #senioryear #senior #college
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swagysavy · 8 years ago
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For the love of all that is holy and good in this world, I'm going to rock senior year like the music won't stop 🙌🏼 #senioryear #college #collegesenior #lastyear #theonewheretheyallgraduate #rockstar #lensflare #epicface #epicpic #rockout #headshot #outtake #memberphotography #actor #acting #model #sexyface
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swagysavy · 9 years ago
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When your roommate @caylahailwood is the sweetest angel on planet earth and gets you Starbucks with your character's name on it!! 🌴 Have a blast in Hawaii, my love! 😎 . . . #roommate #love #rosalind #starbucks #college #roomielove #theater #shakespeare #asyoulikeit #rehearsal #summer #actingbuds #caylarocks #vsco #vscocam #vscodaily (at Azusa Pacific University Theater)
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swagysavy · 9 years ago
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By far the best filter on snapchat RN! 💕 Follow my snapchat account for the best look into life with Savy. From work snaps 👉🏼 singing snaps 👉🏼 crazy faces! @savyshaff will provide you with laughs and fun stories every day of the year 💩 #snapchat #snapstory #snapaccount #savyshaff #snappysavy #model #actor #instasnap #filter #crazyfaces #shades #iloveit #lalife #caligirl #hashtagcrazy #poopemoji
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swagysavy · 9 years ago
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It's people like this girl right here that make the crazy 3:30am nights worth it. I can't tell you how much of a blessing miss Caylah has been in my life this semester: from her being on costume crew for my show As It Is In Heaven, to me Assistant Stage Managing Hairspray.. It's been an amazing full circle experience from being served to serving others! This semester has by far been the one with the most change, and most growth in my life. Many things have happened, both good and bad (on top of my debit card being thrown away completely on accident by yours truly), and I wouldn't want it any other way. Every single person who has poured into me this semester I want to thank you so much. You're the reason I keep on keeping. #growth #semester #college #life #newlife #spring #theater #theaterlife #iheartapu #aputheater #apuhairspray #hairspray #instamood #vsco #vscocam #vscodaily #vscoblackandwhite (at Azusa Pacific University Theater)
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swagysavy · 9 years ago
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I've been reading a book about hearing God in the unlikeliest of places - the movies. This has been a perfect read for the season I am going through. Let me share with you something that struck me last night. Reflections on the film Smoke: "What holds you, if nothing else, is the possibility that somewhere along all those shots of people you never knew and places you never saw, you may come across something or someone you recognize. In fact - for more curious things have happened - even in a stranger's album, there is always the possibility that as the pages flip by, on one of them you may even catch a glimpse of yourself. Even if both of those fail, there is still a third possibility which is perhaps the happiest of them all, and this is that once I have put away my album for good, you may in the privacy of your heart take out the album of your own life and search it for the people and places you have loved and learned from yourself, and for those moments in the past – many of them half forgotten – through which you glimpsed, however dimly and fleetingly, the sacredness of your own journey." You are not just whatever it is you do to make a living. You and I are unique. No one has ever existed who is quite like us. And when we're gone, no one will ever be able to quite fill the emptiness that her absence leaves behind. You and I have a unique heart with which to feel about all those things we have seen and heard. That is our life's work. To pay attention to those who pass by our corner. To see them the way Jesus would see them if He were standing on the corner. To hear them the way He would hear them. And to love them the way He would love them. To touch them with His hands, embrace them with His arms, and support them with His shoulder. #reading #break #restore #peace #listen #read #drink #reflections #smoke #movies #film #springbreak #vsco #vscocam #vscodaily
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swagysavy · 9 years ago
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Back to writing. Back to my thoughts. Back to my chair. Back under my blanket. It's the simple act of writing words on a page that help me understand where God is leading me. Spring break is going to be a week of contemplative prayer, a listening ear, a waiting heart, and a restful time of quiet. #rejuvenation #break #springbreak #journaling #writing #thoughts #rest #comfy #evernote #vscocam #vscodaily
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swagysavy · 9 years ago
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Today is my 21st birthday. And while this is not a picture of me, this picture is everything I want and wish to be in my 21st year of life. Fabulously dressed, elegant in all manner of poise and etiquette, with a wine glass in my hand. Cheers to the year of womanhood. "Elegance is the only beauty that never fades." -Audrey Hepburn #21stbirthday #21 #birthday #class #sass #elegance #poise #wine #blackandwhite #cheers #quote #quoteoftheday #audreyhepburn #audreyquotes
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swagysavy · 9 years ago
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Am I allowed to brag about how I have the best roommate on the PLANET? Who else could I have more fun with getting up early in the morning to set up a photoshoot, only to participate in it with her, all while wearing shaker dresses and bonnets? Kristina is an absolute blessing in my life and a blast to live with. Here's to a great semester, and a wonderful rehearsal process with ya homegirl #iheartapu #aputheater #aputheaterlife #aputheaterheaven #roommate #collegelife #film #photoshoot #theaterlife #actorslife #vsco #vscocam #vscogood (at Azusa Pacific University Theater)
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swagysavy · 9 years ago
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When you sleep so deeply you dream about 5 years ago when you were apart of an acting and modeling competition in Las Vegas. But you wake up before you could find out where to sign up for the fashion competition, or know how you did on your Titus Andronicus monologue! Needless to say, I'm still glad I woke up with those experiences still under my belt, and the friends I made because of it. We're all in different places now, but it's amazing to see where people have gone when you know them from the beginning. Here's a throwback to my first photo shoot ever, when we all pretended to be #victoriassecret models and tripled up for this sexy triple shot. Also thanks to @jaefeinberg for being so generous and helpful guiding us through the ins and out of that amazing day! #acting #modeling #models #ipop #ipop2010 #lasvegas #jrp #victoriassecretswim #photoshoot #flashbackfriday (at Seattle Talent)
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swagysavy · 9 years ago
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Do You Remember - Jarryd James 🎧 #jarrydjames #doyouremember #morningvibes #blackandwhite #vsco #vscocam #vscogood #vscodaily
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swagysavy · 9 years ago
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Sometimes, you just need a cinnamon roll. #collegelife #firstdayofwork #vscocam #c1filter
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swagysavy · 10 years ago
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I read a quote this weekend that said, "sometimes you need to get away in order to come back stronger" While I may not feel like I'm at a weak point in my life with the need for rejuvenation, people often undermine the importance of taking time for yourself. This time away can be more valuable than you anticipate. What I've been learning about myself in the past 2 weeks has been an eye opening realization that the habits we establish for ourselves right now are the foundation for the lifestyle we lead moving forward. So I'm forming new habits. New habits for a new life. New life that adds value to the lives of others. I don't know what this means moving forward, but that's ok. It's the journey that really matters, right? We'll find out where we're going when we get there. #doepic💩 (at Cape Flattery Trail)
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swagysavy · 10 years ago
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The light was really good again (at 🎶Hallelujah - Panic! At The Disco)
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swagysavy · 10 years ago
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Today, we climbed a mountain, and it was very hot #doepic💩 (at Rattlesnake Ledge)
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