millesimus-archive · 7 years
Sorry, but I will no longer be RPing on this blog! You’re free to unfollow and continue on your ways!! I will still be around on my discord/twitter/etc. Thanks for being around and I’ll probably still write occasionally on some other blogs.
But this blog will come to a soft close! 
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
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you ever have that moment when you remember the fandom an oc was originally part of but you left and swear to never return to? yeah, i’m going through that right now. 
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
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by  consequence_s
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
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         that’s who we really are.
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
                               Victory isn’t something you are given.                                         It is something you take.
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
When you die, you appear in a cinema with a number of other people who look like you. You find out that they are your previous reincarnations, and soon you all begin watching your next life on the big screen.
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
‘ stay with me tonight? ’ (soulmates; crossover canon!)
@millesimus // meme
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a soft smile escaped her. 
Keep reading
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
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i’m kind of here and not here but i’ll do a few replies when i get home before i go raid tonight. in the mood to write. 
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
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With all my heart.
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
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c - cute?! oh… he was such a flatterer… but she could recognize such empty words! why! she’s always heard the same thing from autumn when he felt like messing with her on a good day. “e - erm…” well, there was certainly no harm in it; karn was, for a lack of a better word, harmless in his playful antics anyway. “i - i guess? but, i still do- don’t think i’m all that in- interesting… do you… do you want to get something to- to, um, drink?”
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   “nonsense. i’m talking to you, right? that makes you interesting.” enough, anyway. sometimes, it was just teasing, sometimes it was just to pass time. regardless, he pondered upon her suggestion. “sure, why not? know of any good place or should we see where the wind takes us?” he’s in a playful, but over all, polite mood. messing around with solidad. maybe it was because messing with cute ones was a kink of sorts. who knew. “i’ll even treat you, okay?”
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
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     “O-oh–I–u-um–!” She jolts, obviously having not expected a response to her mumbling. Samantha fidgets, a nervous little laugh tumbling past her lips as she flusters over the question. “I… Well… I-I do–… I mean! I-I don’t. It’s… um.” Gosh. What was she even saying? “I-I don’t… h-have someone like that, n-no…” She had someone in mind, but that was merely a though; an idealization; rather than reality. A meek little smile tugs at her lips upon the embarrassing admittance. 
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   It would be a lie to say Addie isn’t amused, but then again, she’s not as awful of a tease as her sister. Still, there was a need to poke and prod, so she could understand why he sister did so. “Yet! Not someone like that yet.” Laughing, not at, but rather just enjoying herself. “I suppose it’s that time of year where you see a lot of people together, yeah?”
   There was a moment’s pause before she held out her hand. “Addie, that’s what you can call me. Sorry for interrupting your thoughts. Sometimes, when you talk to yourself, it’s surprising when someone answers back.”
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
She’s raw, real, rough, rude and reckless. She’s always one step ahead and yet manages to push you forward, she’s not afraid to hurt you but never does. She’d bruise your heart but she’d never break it. She doesn’t know how to mend with words and she never traps her actions in them, if they are not done then they are not done. She’ll never spoil you with words, she’ll hit you with them but her actions hold all the tenderness she never speaks.
VàZaki Nada (via vazakinada)
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
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“  i’ve  —  this is NEW to me. being on my own like this.  ”     / *  @millesimus
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   “it’s hard, once you’re on your own. but it’s okay. one step at a time, yeah?”
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
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he hadn’t expected the messenger to come in place of the mistress, but he digressed. there wasn’t anything of urgent importance, and this could be seen as a serendipitous encounter. any pawn of miri’s always sparked intrigue, and he hadn’t had the pleasure of personally speaking to this one. 
what made him special, delbar had yet to inquire. 
“are you in a such a rush? i assumed that she let you carry out this assignment because she wished for us to meet. i see that she favors you enough to send you in her place.” either that, or she wanted a story for him to share at their next tea exchange. 
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   a curious look crossed his features and while he honestly didn’t care too much for people who dealt with miri, didn’t mean he couldn’t play the part. after all, he had no real choice in that regard, did he? 
   “something like that. i’m her favorite.” it was the best way to describe their relationship without going into the bloody and gory details. not that he thought the mister before him would care or even mind. “no rush. i just enjoy my free time, like any other person.” 
   but he stood a little straighter, opting to give a faux salute. “what is it that you require? i am at your service for the time being.”
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
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         “Everyone sorta has someone special, h-huh…” Love surely was a beautiful thing; of all forms and shapes! Somehow, though… she wishes… she had someone like that too–
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   “Yup, they do.” She didn’t need to answer but she did anyway, because why not? “Does that mean the way you talk about it, you don’t have that special someone?~”
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
you are fourteen when you discover that girls are a concoction so full of magic that being around them makes your hands shake at sixteen you kiss your best friend at a party. your fingers find the side of her face, the smooth moon of her jaw, her thick black hair. she tastes like whiskey and your heart hammers against your ribs. she breaks apart from you, laughing, and goes to make out with her boyfriend. at eighteen you are in a short tight skirt and your eyes are on a golden girl who smells like daisies and never stops smiling and there are six boys around you and they’re all begging you to reach for each other and you refuse at first but after four shots suddenly it’s all heat and hands and holding her against you, it’s the way she feels when she sighs against your lips and how her teeth feel against your neck, it’s knowing you messed up hard this time because you want to kiss her awake in the mornings you want to kiss her over tea you want to kiss her until her toes curl and she forgets how to speak but she just finds a boy and leaves.
“I like girls but my parents can’t know.” // r.i.d (via inkskinned)
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
My mother should’ve done something, My mother should’ve done something, My mother should have—
am kennedy, “Why does it still feel like it’s my fault?” (via siilentiary)
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