#remedyverse for ts
phthalology · 3 months
there’s a cute meme going around to create a poll consisting of Your Favorite Characters and just let the people select a popularity contest winner, and I realized one of my polls would include a choice so difficult it is the equivalent of gently ribbing my Destiny mutuals, so, please pick a lady
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phthalology · 4 months
Fic recs ask meme: 1, 10, & 20!
A fic you bookmarked recently
unless you play it good and right by @flowers-of-io (Destiny 2, Zaiatl, 1700 words) This fic has a nice mix of coziness and tension.
No Rest for the Wicked by @bryndeavour (Alan Wake 2, Ahti & Mr. Door, 1000 words) I consider this a basically canon scene of what goes on in the Dark Place when Alan isn't looking.
A fic that isn’t prose (poetry, text fic, etc.)
merryrose by @thelivingautomaton (Alan Wake 2, 2400 words) Rose Marigold's Tumblr account.
A drabble that made you want 100K more words
This is a hard question, because a lot of my faves are not exactly 100 words (in case we use that definition of drabble in this meme) and are also perfectly suited to the length they are. @flowers-of-io's story about Nokris and Crota as kids (Destiny, about 500 words) comes to mind, as does her Savathûn & Rhulk stuff. And @synnthamonsugar's Ikora/my OC stuff. And anything from @fruitcd's "caiatl liking women" series.
Fic Recs Ask Meme
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phthalology · 2 months
The next time you blink, you are in a hotel. Look down: your hands are sepia, the color of old television transmissions and old paper, the color of the first conversations human beings ever beamed into space. The Oceanview Hotel is ray-gun drab. 
I am so, so shy about this story. I am handing it out the window between the shades. but, still, every once in a while, the spirit of early catherynne valente possesses me
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phthalology · 5 months
monarch solutions branded fidget toy
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phthalology · 3 months
None of the stuff in episode 3 was “real” Remedy canon, I insist to calm my defensive nerves! It was layers on layers of artifice, a comic book inside a meta-video game inside a story about an actor inside a Twilight Zone episode! So there’s no reason to believe the “naturally occurring Time Machine” backstory was any more canon than Shawn The Actor rolling his eyes at Sam Lake’s acronyms, or “Lisa” disappearing into Cauldron Lake. It’s all triple fake!! And yet I still am irrationally disappointed in the appearance of Door’s “randomly found a Time Machine and went mad with power” backstory. I don’t like it! Maybe they think it’s as corny as Shawn’s opening line delivery! Likely its appearance in the over-the-top, “legally distinct Quantum Break” comic was one more instance of Remedy poking gentle fun at themselves. Basically, I thought my “oh no, they’re making fun of the thing I take personally” reaction would trigger on Number One Fan, but instead, Time Breaker did it! That said, I love Door’s omnipresence in episode 3, and the weird convergence of Monarch/the REC/ the FBC
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phthalology · 2 months
About 500 words today, some on Destiny 2 fic and some on creaturefadens. Talked to three different members of my family on the phone this morning, which is a lot for one day, and got the care of my cat during my long trip sorted. He might be staying in my childhood room (!!!)
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phthalology · 3 months
My week of So Much Media is done … and my body is, unrelatedly, knotted up with stress. I don’t have any fic plans right now! Weird!
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phthalology · 2 months
for the fic writer meme, 3, 7, 26 for the fic that you currently feel most satisfied with!
“buried horrors” brings satisfaction by recency bias, but was satisfying to finish, too.
Did the idea change at all by the time the fic was complete?
not much! this fic was always meant to be a sort of tone poem of what aw2 felt like for me, and it turned out to be that — with the addition of the character maybe being turned into a shifter, an idea that appeared approximately thirty seconds before I posted the thing.
How did you decide what character(s) would narrate the fic?
This was always an x reader fic (or canon/oc, or whatever it would be called), so the perspective and narration pretty much sorted itself out. adding Freya was more of a decision. I basically didn’t feel right not having her exist in this story in some kind of way, even if she’s barely present in the game.
Share your favorite detail
There’s a jokey Control reference (“the big chair”), because it seemed true to the canon to create a mysterious connection to another Remedy game that might not actually mean anything but is evocative. Is Door FBC director material?!
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phthalology · 2 months
Similarly, note to self: play Night Springs again. But When?
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