#VERY late uncanny post i am so sorry </3
snowangeldotmp3 · 11 months
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don't touch that dial!
the wandavision au
(ronance edition!)
Robin wakes up with Nancy Wheeler in her house. Her house. Not her parents. Hers. Nancy’s in the kitchen, in a dress and hair curled and pinned back in a way that Robin has never seen, already making a cup of tea (Robin hates coffee, but she doesn’t remember telling Nancy that…) and greets her with a, “Hi, Robbie,” and a quick kiss on the cheek. Robin freezes. Her stomach flip-flops and she feels her face warm and she’s not totally sure how to react without shattering whatever this is. So she answers with a weak, “Hi.” Somewhere in the back of her mind, something screams THIS ISN’T REAL. Duh. She gathered that already. But the problem is it’s not her voice in her skull telling her this. She doesn’t know who it is, or why they’re telling her information that she already knows. The biggest worry in her mind is that this isn’t her Nancy. Her Nancy, the real Nancy, would be fighting and kicking and screaming because this is not the life that Nancy wanted. Robin would know too, in-between their world saving adventures, Nancy told her what her future looked like, and being a ‘50s housewife was not one of them. Robin hates the ‘50s. She hates the way her hair is done and she hates the dress she’s been shoved into and she hates the canned laughter (seriously, can anyone else hear that?) and— “Robin?” “Yes, dear?” Robin answers without thinking, going along with whatever this illusion wants. Nancy’s frowns a moment, breaking the tight smile she had on her face, and briefly Robin wonders whether she’s aware of their current predicament, too. If Nancy’s aware like she is, and just simply playing along—just better at hiding it. It’s too risky though to outright ask her, so for now she’s just going to have to read her newspaper (that doesn’t have any articles written by Nancy—seriously?) and find a way to tune out that damned laugh track.
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defectivefanboy · 1 year
Hey there! I’ve read a few of your posts now and I truly enjoy your writing, you’re very good at it ^^
I was wondering if I could request an Alastor x gender neutral reader who is similar to Beetlejuice (personality and power wise). Like, how did he feel about them at first? And how did it progress into more of a relationship.
If not, that’s completely alright! I hope you have a great rest of your day <3
~ 🕷️🕸️
yessir!! this is actually the first time (and second for good measure) that I watched Beetlejuice fully through.
I was wondering if I could request an Alastor x gender neutral reader who is similar to Beetlejuice (personality and power wise). Like, how did he feel about them at first? And how did it progress into more of a relationship.
Overall notes: Stories written on this blog are GN until specified. While this story uses they/them pronouns, and I don't mind female readers on my blog, I do not write for y'all, and if you are a fetishizer fuck off????????????????? ew.
C/W: Cursing, Mentions of Pervertedness, its Beetlejuice, You're canonical Jesus Christ /j, or am I?, Dark humor, Possessive Alastor, Mentions of Bite marks, Dirt ball reader, just reader being gross here and there, nothing too much, youre Beetlejuice, reader has universal rizz
Notes: If you read the C/W warnings it was real late leave me alone. you'll understand when you get there. writing this my mind kept straying and just wanted to write Alastor love because god holy fuck I love him. Im an actual slut for domestic alastor I could write him all day.
The Radio Show...
Oh he's truly interested in you. Not remotely romantic or even platonically, but he is interested (at least at first)
Lets be real quick, he knows hes in hell, but what IN the hell is he looking at.
And what was that outfit you were wearing??? Did you just get out of prison prom???
But your first meeting with him was... interesting to say the least
But then again I think all your interactions are interesting (always more, never less)
But damn. He just had to think the 'sinner' was new to hell and could easily get a quick bite
Poor Alastor really thought the 'sinner' that looked around hell like a lost child as he strolled up with his uncanny smile
Last thing he expected was a jumpy, sporadic, and unfortunately a bit more then a little bit of a pervert.
The record stopped more than a few time at your comments–- Sorry Alastor.
And it had only been a few minutes of meeting you (rip)
And to be honest with you. come here. little closer
He did not know what in all of hell you were trying to pitch to him
He couldn't even get a word in with how fast you talked
And how many voices you did, you basically had a conversation to yourself.
"Ghost can't even scare humans away anymore, pfft. Can't you believe that shit. The last jack offs wouldn't even call me, I had to get some human girl to do it. Is it weird it happened twice? Second time her mom was dead! Gets funnier each time."
Now you have his interest
And you were able to travel to the human world
"So you're a hell born demon then, correct?" Alastor asked quirking a brow at the questionable individual in front of him, who quickly stopped talking to, well, themselves and snapped their head to him. They seemed to had just gotten here... or gotten back, as their clothes were slightly tussled and their hair was flying everywhere
With a quick dusting of your clothes you straightened your posture. Clearing your throat you spoke in a flat monotone voice. "Well, no actually, uhm, I was born in a manger inside of a barn, my mother, was a virgin and my step father Jospeh was a real piece of work let me tell you that. Died for your sins, y'know, should be thanking me."
This is the first time the radio show had gone radio silent... before he walked away.
Alastor had met a lot of demons, probably killed even more.
Hell he has even put up with that horny spider, but this was the first time he had to take a breather from another sinner? demon? enigma?
But damn it all to hell, he was curious
He had been for so long and he had only interacted with lower hellborn demons.
The occasional Goetia or hell royal would make a public appearance, but that that was all.
Never had he interacted with someone who went from hell to the human world on the daily
The first few meetings he truly tried to keep his distance, keyword tried
But you can only keep a person who teleports around at a distance for some long
Though it to end in you being pushed back by his microphone when you got a bit too close on accident more often then not
But overall he enjoys each of your meetings, enjoy being used loosely
He was more interested in the ever changing world of humans
You only get as knowledgeable of the new world as it comes in, but you have to find them
So having a way to always keep updated he truly enjoyed.
He kinda saw you as, well, while he would say a mole, as you get him information
Not that you honestly realize, you kinda just talk about random shit
He sees you as well, as uh, ahem...
"Quite the squirrelly fellow you are, aren't you?" He quipped with a smile on his face. The both of you walking along one of the many roads of hell as you talked about your latest excursion to the human world. Giving him a confused look you gave him a side eye a you spoke. "Now, what do you mean by that, hm? I don't storage tree nuts in my cheeks, I storage metal nuts in them." Taking your hand you drug into your cheek and pulled out a rusted nut before offering it to him. In which he squatted away with his microphone.
Alastor in or out of a relationship now seems like the calm one out of the pair whenever you two are together
And he always has a tilt to his head whenever he's with you as if he's always curious about your next move (well bc he honestly is)
Getting into a relationship is simple to him, but not to you.
He had to explain a few times (many times) to you that you two were on a date while out. Thank the lord he has more patience then he let's on
Truly he's only patient with you after learning he'll get no where either way
He tried threatening at one point, but it didn't work when you tried getting him to work for you in the human world.
Spoiler alert: that also didn't work
Alastor did tried to ask you out in a traditional way. Taking you to dinner, albeit at a cannibal restaurant, he really didn't know what you ate
He was disgusted when he found out, almost gagged, had to take a moment for himself
But he tried asking you out in a nice, classy, quiet place.
Spoiler again: didnt work
His question when right over your head.
"Go out? Aren't we already out? What we doing then? How more out do you wanna be? Gotta say though, never been to a place this fancy, must got some walking cash, huh? You know we could start a business together I be the brains, face and you can be..." You droned on as your hand flared around as you spoke. Alastor stared at you as static rumbled from his chest, one eye twitching in annoyance. Sighing he shook his head as he stared with a smile. Maybe you didn't understand what he was asking, or maybe you did. To be honest he doesn't know how much you know, but maybe letting you go on about whatever it is you're planning and get a deal out of you.
Nothing big, just a small pact that you two are "partners."
Cheeky Bastard.
He did tell you eventually someday, he's not heartless
Don't mention that it was after he had convinced you to move in his home (or apartment?? he staying at the hotel?? like??)
But it's another story for getting you to take a shower or a bath.
While Alastor isn't a clean freak or anything he much rather keep his house clean and smell free.
Alastor had quite a few sleepiness nights when you decided to sneak into his bed without a shower.
He almost banned you from the house until you agreed to take a shower after 'work'
now onto the good part
While he doesnt enjoy physical touch from anyone, only part taking in it when he's making someone uncomfortable
He settled on the fact you were gonna keep making every effort to get into his personal space
You only found out he enjoyed having you near him when your items from the guest room you had been staying in were now in his room
Be it having a hand placed on the middle of your back or letting you fiddle with his fingers as you talk
He always finds a way to get a touch in on a daily basis
What can he say? he likes to have a hold on what's his
That's another thing
He's a possessive lover, or person in general but ignore that right now
He just doesn't understand
Why do you have so much rizz
Both sinners and hell born demons seem to love you
And he hates it
Loathes it
If we wanted to get Nsfw real quick
He likes to leave bites and marks on you so even humans know where you belong <3
Going back to sfw
On the outside, beyond the walls of his home. He's well, he's Alastor
Cunning, Cruel, and Evil
But inside? .......Hey Siri, can you domestic a deer?
We already know he enjoys cooking, his mothers recipes are always a hit. He does have to convince you to eat something if it's new.
But he's decently domestic within the comfort of his own walls. As domestic as he can be will a feral dog in his home now. At least you're potty trained, right? Right??
He always enjoyed being alone, especially when he needed a break.
But as weird as it was for the first few months
Going to bed alone in a quiet home, everything neat and orderly was always a treat for the
just to wake up to a god awful mess like a hurricane had hit only the inside of the house.
Thankfully he's unable to fully freak out when he feels the weight of a body laying on him.
Arms wrapped securely in place as he moved around trying to view the full scope of the mess.
The look of defeat only rested on his face for a moment before he was pulled down by striped arms.
"What are staring at, red?..." You said half asleep as you pulled on the back up his shirt collar. "it's still too early to worry about the mess. Come back to bed" He gently shook his head in disgust opening his mouth to speak before getting cut off by a strong pull of his shirt. "I was setting up... sandworm traps. Couldn't't let them get my dearest deer." Alastor gave you a questioning look wanting to ask, but knowing better not too.
Sighing he let himself relax back into the comforter and wrap his arms loosely around as you laid right back on top of him. One of his hands softly treaded through your messy hair causing you to sigh and melt into his body. It was a quiet few moments until he had a passing thought.
"Wait... deer with an A, correct? Correct??"
He wasn't getting an answer from you anytime soon...
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8beats-per-minute · 1 year
Uncanny Valley AU Designs!!
You can skip to the designs if you want then come back, I wouldn’t blame you but I would like to apologize.
I don’t know what happened, I started this right after Christmas 2022 then worked on it basically nonstop for a week and a half. I basically finished Mikey’s design with a few changes and started brainstorming for Raph then my brain was like “lol no”.
It might have been part finding reference poses for Raph or stress from school and exams or burnout or idk. Whatever it was made my motivation disappear. For 3 1/2 months.
I was like “yes stuff is coming!!!! I’m making stuff!!!” And then that just didn’t happen.
Again, I’m sorry.
I’m not going to do much in descriptions (unless I add them later) cause it’s late and I’m tired. I’ve been actually busy for the past 2 weeks.
General design notes!!
I need up doing the connected ears to head idea so that’s why they look so flat
These are meant to reflect Black and Japanese features. I AM NEITHER. If I did something offensive to one of these groups in these drawings I can guarantee I did not know and did not do this on purpose.
PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I DID SOMETHING OFFENSIVE AND I WILL CHANGE IT. I would appreciate it if it is done in a calm matter but I understand if it’s not. Just please don’t call me stupid or racist cause I also have feelings. You can yell at me if I take longer than a week to respond. It would also be best if it was in the comments so it’s easier to respond.
They all have naturally really sharp and thick nails, I just couldn’t show for some of them
I tried giving them masks that incorporated how they wear fabric in their hair. It looks okay but a little weird, especially for Leo and Donnie
I’m writing/posting this between 11pm and midnight after a very long day and with a long day tomorrow so I’m not writing the (aaa I forgot the name for it. The text that explains what the picture looks like) I’ll add it when I have time I’m really sorry tho
Now, without further ado…
The designs!!!
(These might be changed, I have a tendency to change things after and be like wait I like that more but these are basically the designs. They’re also all post-movie so if you want to see pre-movie, as kids or apocalypse let me know :)).
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I gave Leo both vitiligo and red birthmark stripes. Everything is blue (of course) and I’m not a huge fan of what I did for his clothes design but oh well he’s allowed to switch styles. I was stuck between giving him short hair and long hair and blond extensions or not but this is what I settled on. He’s also 10% the type of person to have little bracelets on (Mikey made him the braided one obviously). I have this headcanon that he’d look the most similar to Splinter (as a human obv so Lou Jitsu) so I tried to do that, it’s just hard to go from animated to semi-realistic. Anyway he’s got that superstar dazzling smile/mysterious troublemaker grin. You can’t see but his hair tie is blue. Maybe an actual hair tie maybe a strip of fabric, maybe a scrunchie. It changes every few hours. 
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I was actually pretty excited to do Donnie’s face specifically (him and his very square face). I had a really fun time with his shell tho and all the little spots and scars and spiny parts. I tried to make him look similar but not the exact same and I think I did okay. I definitely think they’d look pretty similar just cause it’d be like “haha were twins :)) -Leo”. I was going to give him headphone but forgot so just pretend there’s headphone plz lol. I also believe he’d wear very baggy clothes but I made his collar way too high cause I feel like he’d hate the feeling of stuff on his neck (no this is not me projecting 👀). He also has sharp teeth but I didn’t show them.
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Oooh boy. I was so excited for Mikey!!! I also gave him vitiligo on his face, arms, hands and legs )not visible). I also feel like he’d change his hair around A LOT so I gave him a few different hairstyles. He also definitely has paint on most of his clothes and paints on them intentionally. He’s a cool sock guy I just KNOW it. I tried keeping his little shell stickers on his “casual” design but had to move it to the other one cause it looked weird. I did put them on his knee pads if you looks close. I had to keep his other cool face knee pads of course, they’re iconic. And I of course kept his off-centre gap tooth.
Last but certainly not least…
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I had so many ideas for him and I got most of them but they’re so half-assed I’m sorry Raph 😭. Especially the pose ughhhh it’s so bad. And the shoes 🥲. Anyways instead of focusing on what I did badly were going to focus more on the idea. A few thoughts I knew I wanted was the scar on his eye and shoulder and to add markings cause Raph deserves to glow too. I added some markings on his forehead and just below his ears if you look close. I also added some on his shell and the spikes on his shoulders. He definitely has the most obvious shell out of his brothers but it’s still smaller than how it is in the show. AH I JUST REALIZED I FORGOT HIS RAPH CHASM 😭. Sorryyyy. I also wish Raph’s markings were lighter but oh well.
That’s all for now! Now that I can stop stressing about finishing this I can try and post more about this, whether it be art or talking about it idk.
Also I plan on making a proper logo soon I just have a very busy month ahead of me so we’ll see how fast that gets done
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howdoesagrapewrites · 3 years
All yours, Babooshka.
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Tags: Yelena x fem!reader, soulmate!au, fluff with a bit of angts, historically completely incorrect, happy ending.
TW: depiction of war, brief mention of sex, homophobic slur a few times, suicide.
Synopsis: War is no place for loving, it never was, but maybe you could love her again in the 21 Century, i mean, only if you could stop feeling so overwhelmed by her only existence, but no matter what, you can't stop something that's meant to be.
Notes: one, i don't like the part 4, it just feels lazy to me, and two, i'm not a native, so please tell me if i made a mistake <3
Part one: When she was beautiful.
Yelena Armanovna, as strong as ten soldiers, the jewel of the battlefield, once was just a kid, her land was destroyed by the war, and as the only child of the house, she was forced to join the army, or else die there, she became a soldier, and she desired that the war wasn't real, that she hadn't being born into this world, that no one had. 
Everyone knew that she didn't talk a lot, most of their fellow soldiers didn't even knew where she came from, or if she was even from Russia, the only one she talked to was a nurse, her name was y/n y/ln, and like Yelena, no one knew about her origin, the nurse was way more talkative than Yelena, but she was assigned to other areas, staying with older soldiers, child soldiers, or severely injured soldiers, she was called by the child soldiers "angel", because of her comforting aura in hard times like those. 
These women wouldn't be able to meet eachother if it wasn't for the near-death experience Yelena faced one time. She got shot by a hidden enemy, fainted from the blood loss and was taken to the nursery right away, they couldn't afford to lose her. That's when you saw the look in her eyes, that look, and you knew that death was upon the jewel of the battlefield, and you knew that if she died, everyone else will die, you tried as hard as you could to stay cool during the surgery, but you were breaking, because of all the hope that was layed on her shoulders, she was the hope of everyone else in that place to return home someday, even if Russia didn't won the war, her strenght will keep a few alive. So there you were, assisting the surgery of the one that could do something to keep everybody safe and triying to act like it didn't meant a thing. At the end, she survived, and with her, the dreams of returning to your home, you were the one assigned to take care of her, and you were  going to make sure Yelena survived.
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Part two: Uncanny how she remind her of her little lady. 
—"¿Yelena Armanovna?" You asked to the blonde girl laying on the bed. 
"Yes" she answered without taking her deep eyes out of the book. 
You told her that it was your bed she was in, pointing at your last name on the post-it next to the bed, then showing her the same mark on the bed across the room where it said: "J. Armanovna". 
"Ah, i hate when they misspeal it, it's Yelena with a "Y". Well, sorry, but this is the only bed i can sleep in, i'm kinda tall, you can use mine, i will give you a cookie for your kindness." She concluded with a little smile, you notices how her voice was way sweeter than you could think considering how menacing her looks were. 
At the end you decided to let her keep the bed, thinking it wouldn't mean anything, how wrong you were, now you could look at her sleeping without moving from the bed, and you did it, you thought it was so creepy and you wanted to stop, but you couldn't, why? Why were you obsessed with the sight of her closed eyes and dry lips at night? Why did she gave you this insane feeling of comfort and loss at the same time? It was so uncanny. 
No matter how weird It felt, you couldn't escape from Yelena, she was your roommate, and your classmate in some of your classes, on top of that, she was quite nice, a very smart lady with a pleasent personality, so you had no excuse to be mean or distant whenever she asked about your day, or started a small talk when the professor was late. Along with that sort-of friendship, you also knew Yelena's group; a beautiful girl with raven hair named Pieck, a blonde sarcastic man named Zeke, sometimes his brother Eren, and Hanji, a very excentric and funny person. These people were good friends to you, more than you expected, and that confirmed you: there was nothing wrong about Yelena, and you had no reason to be disturbed by her… Well, to be honest, there it was a little thing that made you upset, Pieck said that Yelena liked Zeke, again, you had no reason to be mad, but you were anyway. Why did you felt so attached to this lady? Why did you did what you did? 
It was 2:00 am, you couldn't sleep and you were so ashamed of being doing what that thing, what thing? Writing a love letter, a love letter to Yelena, with a pseudonym, with the first word that popped into your head: "Babooshka". You put perfume on the paper, and you signed it under that name, a scented letter, when you were finished, you let the envelope under your bed, and let it on Yelena's locker. 
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Part three: How she was before the tears.
She woke up, feeling dazed and almost disappointed for being alive, when Yelena saw you, she recognized you for the stories of her colleagues, "Angel?" She guessed. 
"Hello", you smiled and giggle a bit for that nickname, "My name is y/n y/ln, and i will take care of you until you are better"
"If i'm with you means i'm already dead, you only take care of the ones that are almost there." Yelena asserted with a careless attitude. 
You wanted to protest, but it was meaningless, you wouldn't make her upset in her state, "May i ask how is your wound feeling? Are you in pain?" You kept that polite and sweet smile on your face. 
You kept taking care of Yelena, she healed way too soon, her body wanted to stay alive, but you couldn't say the same thing about her. You got to meet the real jewel of the battlefield, she told you her story, and you told her yours, you two knew everything about eachother, likes, dislikes, and sad pasts. You noticed how Yelena cried softly whenever she thought about her life before, her life before the tears, before the war, when she felt happy. And you also noticed that you could erase that tears, the touch between your soft hands and her ser face, was something magical, something that nobody could understand in that moment, but you two? You knew everything about it, about that love touch, those secret beautiful instants you shared. 
You were the one crying when Yelena got better, you were joyful for her recovery, but you knew that she had to go, and after that, you were going to lose her forever, or so you thought. "We can send eachother letters, and we can meet at night." She reassured you while you were laying on her chest, skin to skin, she kissed your forehead and caressed your cheeks with her strong and graceful hands, you purred at her cuddled your body in hers, you liked to kiss her scars, she had so many, it showed how determined she was on the battle and you liked that, the eyes and body of a soldier, and the heart of a suave lover, Yelena was always elegant, her movements could been rough and beastily, but she was soft and neat, whether i'll be fighting, talking, or embracing you. You could say with pride that only you knew this side of Yelena Armanovna, the subtle dominance she always established on her manner mixed with the chivalry and dulcet, that made the blonde woman truly enticing and amusing to anyone with enough luck to discover it.  
You knew that your letters to Yelena couldn't be too suspicious, so you took advantage of the fact that no one knew a thing about her, "Babooshka", was the pseudonym you choose, because everyone was going to think that it was from Yelena's grandmother. 
Your first letter to her, was this one: 
"My dearest Yelena, even though i promised that i wouldn't miss you too much, you have been away for three days and i'm already feeling the lack of your touch, and missing your dark eyes that make me shiver every time. I always thought that i would die without having loved, but you prove me wrong, i love you, i love every part of you, if i could picture perfection, it would be you, your laugh, your hair, the way you talk about home, everything about you would fit the word "perfect".
I swear to God and every star on the sky, that someday i will marry you, someday i will call you my wife, and you will be fully mine, and i will be fully yours. I know that you may think i'm silly because of this wish, but i know in my guts that i will become your wife, no matter how many years or Centuries i have to wait to do it.
All yours, Babooshka." 
When Yelena read the letter, she felt nothing but joy, she couldn't use words to describe how in love she was with everyone of your words, and giggled at the idea of marriage, of course she would marry you, she would marry you all the times that she could, she will make you hers every time, and she would submit herself to you every time. 
The two lovers kept sending and receiving love letters, and meeting at the comfort and hacen of the night, with only starts and the moon herself as a witness, sharing the intimacy of loving, not always touching two bodies, but the touch of two souls, two tormented souls who found love in a hopeless place.
It has been almost a year since the letters and secret meetings started to happen, Yelena and y/n couldn't be more in love, but tragedy was upon them. A soldier named Floch, started to notice the letters, and one day, he intercepted one, the love words were obviously not from Yelena's grandmother, and with fear of the jewel of the battlefield getting courted by a man who could get her pregnant and useless, this soldier tried to trace the letters, he spend days getting up triying to catch the mailman, and when he did it, he noticed that there wasn't an adress, so it must have been another soldier. After waiting for the guilty one to put the letter on the mail box, he saw y/n y/ln, the nurse, the angel, being a witness of how Satán corrupted the two women into a sapphic relationship, he ran into his superior's arms, showing him the evidence and warning him that given the nature of the letters, he may be grossed out by the devil's pervertion in the two women. 
The superior gave orders of keeping Armanovna here, and taking the nurse away, into a convertion field. 
Yelena was lucky to hear it, and she ran the fastest that she could into the critical patients nursery, where Y/N was. "Babooshka", she whispered at your ear while grabbing your arm yo take you away, you followed her into the woods. "What happened?" You asked with confution, you saw the look of pure fear un Yelena's eyes.
"They are going to tear us apart, they are are going to take you away, they will torture you there", she was ay the edge of crying, and so did you. 
"What can we do?" You couldn't think anything, you were all feelings
"Die, that's our only option, if we run away they will find anyway." The tall one tried to stay calm, failing
"You can't die, you mean hope for everyone!" Your conscience was heavy, you couldn't let Yelena die for you
"Y/n… You are the love of my life, if they take you away, i will kill myself anyway, i can't live without you, i can't just survive anymore, i need to live, when i'm with you i'm alive." Yelena wrapped you in a hug and you felt the tears falling on her face.
At the end, you agreed, Yelena already had a little bottle hidden in her uniform, you both took  sips until the bottle was empty, and you kissed and felt eachother like never before, because it was the last time, those were your last hours of life. You passed away after two hours, you were sleeping in Yelena's arms, while she was singing a lullaby from her hometown. 
She started with a cracked voice; "I know i do not have silver or gold like many others,
but i promise that i will wrap my bride in silk"  she stopped to cry a little.
"and i will love her with such depht,
that all my lacks she will forget, 
and she will love until the end… "
Yelena cried louder, and before falling asleep, and looked at your corpse with adoration.
I'm all yours, Babooshka. 
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Part four: Babooshka
She woke up, ready for the exams, dressed with her usual suit, and put a lucky charm on her pocket. 
She was getting to class when she remembered, "my lucky pen is in my locker", so she went to get it, and saw a letter that fell sloppylly on her perfectly organized locker. She looked at the envelope and read "Babooshka", It clearly wasn't from her grandmother, one, because she would have written in "the tongue of mother Russia", two, because she was a bitter old woman that didn't write her, never, not even on her birthday, and three, because it was on her locker, not the mailbox. She opened it go find a love letter that has essence of a known perfume, she received the letter with a strange delight, smelling it and making a place on her locker for the piece of paper. 
These letters came one by one every week, and she knew they were from y/n, but Yelena couldn't help to love the letters, and she wanted to keep collecting more and more. 
She decided to shoot her shot after two months, when you two were studying together, she kissed your lips out of nowhere, leaving you completely confused and flustered.
"I- i thought you liked Zeke…" 
"Oh, i did" Yelena acted so shamelessly "But then you came."
"Do you say that a lot?" You asked annoying trying to shield from your notorious blush
"No, just you, Babooshka. I don't know why, but you make me fee… alive? I feel so close to you since i saw you." 
You didn't know what to do, you felt the same way, and you were way too nervous to think a witty reprise. 
"Why did you choose the pseudonym Babooshka?" Yelena have been wanting to ask you for a long time. 
"For real? I don't know, it just, familiar? I guess" 
"Ok, then" she smiled and pulled you closer
"I'm all yours, Babooshka."
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palbabor-writes · 4 years
I know you said you only might accept pregnancy requests depending on what it is so I wanted to try 😅 how about shigaraki and reader break up while she’s unknowingly pregnant with his child and he bumps into said child years later and connects the dots that it’s his? If you don’t like it feel free to ignore this request 😊
I liked this nonnie.
I am terrified that by saying that I’m going to be inundated with pregnancy HC’s, lol. But, this request I really leaned into. Plus, it’s more about a kid than a pregnancy. 
So, thank you for asking and letting me slip out of my comfort zone. It’s always good to do that every once in awhile and this ask was a great reminder of that.
It’s a bit melancholic, but I think it fits with Tomura, at least, in my mind.
Now, this is not in canon. This is not like, pre-war arc, or post-war arc. If anything, it’s more of an AU. I’d put Tomura in his late 20s to early 30s.  
warnings: none really, just some sweet, sweet interactions and mild angst 
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Hestia Hestia, in Greek religion, is the goddess of the hearth, a daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and one of the 12 Olympian deities. When the gods Apollo and Poseidon became suitors for her hand, she swore to remain a maiden forever, and Zeus, the king of the gods, bestowed upon her the honor of presiding over all sacrifices. 
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The shouting noise of children set his teeth on edge.
Toga had insisted that the bus stop by the school was the best place for the information exchange.
They won’t look for you there, she’d assured him. It’s like hiding in plain sight. Yeah, it’s patrolled, but it’s only an old security guard who does the rounds. Besides, he’s retired from the police force, she qualified, and was more like a lazy cat than an attentive scent hound.  
It’s the best place, really.
So, Shigaraki had made the long trek across Tokyo.
He kept to the shadows as he weaved his way through back alleys and streets. Although the dominance of the League had waned some over the years, he was still a wanted criminal, responsible for countless death and threats on hero society.
He was still the King of his slice of the underworld.
Besides, he reassured himself as he loitered by the bench under the bus stop, he could trust Toga.
She had improved in leaps and bounds as she came of age; deadlier, sleeker, more attuned to the ebbs and flows of the world around her. She wasn’t that girl who chattered about blood anymore.
Oh, she still held a strange fascination with the fluid. But she had more control over those impulses that drove her. If she said it was the best place, well, who was he to argue? Toga had been with him from the beginning, a vital ally. Hell, at this point she was close to being a friend.
Shigaraki is still musing when the ball taps its way to his feet.
It clatters against the pavement; the rubber shuttling it along the loose rocks and leaves. Unthinkingly, Shigaraki lifts his shoe to balance against its unbound movement, stilling its lulling bounces.
Must be from that schoolyard, he thinks, his red eyes flashing up at the low chain-link fence that separates the school grounds from the busy street.
There’s no child dashing their way to retrieve it, so he lets his gaze slip from the teeming masses of giggling youngsters. It’s a pretty blue. The ball looks new. Hardly a scuffed and battered thing.
He keeps it under his sole, toying with it, rolling it meditatively as he slips back into his thoughts.
“Hey! That’s mine!”
It’s a small voice that calls to him and he turns his head back to the fence, looking for the source.
It’s a girl.
She’s leaning against the metal, her hands clutching into the links, cocking her head inquisitively at him.
Her nose wrinkles at his silence, and she shouts another demand.
“Mister, that’s my ball. Toss it back.”
“Aren’t you supposed to say please?” Shigaraki taunts, his lips lifting in a quick grin. He’s not sure why he’s bothering to engage with this kid, but something about her plucky attitude resonates with him.
She leans away from the fence, that scowl deepening on her soft features.
“Aren’t grown ups not supposed to steal things?”
He laughs at her snark. He can’t help it. Oh, this kid’s fun.
Carefully slipping the ball into his hands, he moves closer to the fence. He can see her a little better now.
She’s still got that deep frown on her face and her dark hair is gleaming in the afternoon sun, some strands catching the light, reflecting a deep, auburn, hue. He’s just about to chuck the ball to her when he catches sight of her eyes.
They’re red.
Not that red eyes are unusual. There are plenty of people milling around Tokyo with them. But hers are different.
No, these eyes are like looking into a mirror for Shigaraki. They flint and glare with the same sheen as his own. It’s a prefect reflection.
His feet suddenly feel heavy, leaden, and he can’t lift his arms. Who is this child? Why does she-
“Ok, ok, mister. Can I please have my ball back? You’re still stealing it if you don’t, so I’m not apologizing for that. I might... if you give it back to me, cuz’ it’s my ball, not yours. And, stealing makes you a thief.”
She’s rolling those uncanny irises at his stiff form, and a huffing sigh escapes her small mouth.
“What’s your name?” Shigaraki asks, hands trembling over the rubber of the ball.
“Not supposed to tell that to strangers, mister.”
He smiles again, bemused. Well, he thinks begrudgingly, she’s a clever little thing. Whoever she is.
A sharp bell echoes across the yard and she turns her head at the sound, her dark hair tumbling around her shoulders.
“Here,” Shigaraki relents, gently flipping the ball over the fence, bouncing it to her feet.
“Thanks,” she murmurs, quickly snatching up her prize. Those red eyes of hers meet his own, and he can feel a low shiver echo up his spine. What’s up with this reaction? It almost feels visceral, like some sort of otherworldly pull on him.
“Sorry I called you a thief,” she apologizes, quickly bowing her head, ducking those eerie eyes from view.
He’s not sure what to say, so he continues to watch her. She doesn’t seem perturbed by this, opting to giggle at him as her little head lifts.
“You’re weird,” she assess, a smile finally spreading over her lips, her cheeks rounding and softening. 
Tch, she’s rude, but she’s also cute, Shigaraki thinks, snorting at her frankness.
She turns, dashing away from him, her dark hair flowing around her back as she goes.
Shigaraki shakes his head, trying to dislodge those lingering questions that keep floating to the back of his mind.
He’ll never see her again, he reasons, wandering back to the bus stop. Trying to tamp down the urge to look for her again, to pinpoint her from the other giggling and shouting children on the playground.
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But he did see her again.
He comes back to the stop a few weeks later.
There’s no information pickup this time. There’s no real reason for him to even be on this side of town.
He just can’t get her out of his mind.
This little kid had shaken something within his psyche. He kept dreaming about her. Well, not her, really. No, there was someone else haunting his dreams.
He hasn’t thought about you in years.
But now? Now, he can’t get you out of his head. He even feels like he can feel you some nights, warm against his side. He sulks in the memories of the familiar touches that the two of you shared, the love that you’d pressed into him, so, so long ago.
He saw the girl in those moments. Resting in your arms as you looked up, your eyes bright against her dark head. The girl would laugh and run to him, those reflective red eyes shining with mirth. 
It was fucking strange.
He both hated, and loved, the repetitive nature of these illusions. They made him feel safe and warm, but they also chilled him to his very bones. It was unsettling.
Unsure what else to do, he’d back come to the bus stop.
It’s early afternoon. Close to the time he’d visited it before. He waits on the lonely bench, his hands pressed together and that strange tremble races through his veins.
This is stupid, he thinks, his eyes lowering from the sea of kids, all twisting and turning in a heap as they play. It’s an impossibility, really. The chances of that girl losing her ball again is minuscule. There’s no way he can call to her either. It’s a waste. He shouldn’t even be here.
He’s standing to leave, when that small voice reaches him.
“Oh! You’re back.”
His head whips around, his long white hair glowing against the sunlight.
There she is.
She’s gripping the fence again, and she’s staring right at him.
Shigaraki smiles. It’s a gentle lift and he can feel his heart tapping a rough tattoo against his ribs. He steps toward her, kneeling when he gets close, careful to not overstep his bounds.
He’s not wanting to startle her.
No, he’s wanting to talk with her. Maybe she’ll drop some kinda clue why he’s so drawn to her. Or maybe she’ll morph into any other child again. Plain, uninteresting. Slipping from that odd ghost that she’s become to his subconscious. 
He hopes it’s the latter. But part of him also longs for it to be the former.
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She’ll hop to the fence around 3:15.
She looks for him now, used to the routine of his presence.
He told her to call him Tomura, and the name falling from her lips made his heart ache.
Tomura stopped by on Fridays. Careful to not stay too long, to not draw too much attention to himself.
At first, he’d sneak her little trinkets. 
A little plastic toy of his, one that he had since he was a kid. She’d squealed with delight and clutched it to her. He’d grinned at that, remembering how he’d once held onto the thick plastic himself. 
Once, he’d just plucked a nearby flower as he walked to the school, presenting it to her outreached grasp. He’d watched proudly as she tucked it behind her ear, the color glossy beside her hair.
She’s still a sassy little thing. But she’s softened a little, too. Her voice losing that early, untrusting, edge.
He didn’t ask her much. Sometimes they both just sat in silence as she sketched designs into the dirt. Sometimes he would listen to her chatter about her day. Her classmates, her teacher. Once, she’d even pressed something over the fence to him.
It was a drawing.
He’s not sure if it really was all that well done, or if it’s just his heavy bias toward her. But he loves the mix of color and lines. He’d asked who the people were.
One was her friend, Kenji. One was her teacher. One was him.
He’d pinned it to the wall in his room. Displaying it, flaunting the gift. He looked at it every morning, admiring her work.
He’s late one day, and she scolds him, her small arms draping over the fence.
“I didn’t think you were going to come,” she chatters, her red eyes lingering against his, the two colors casting back the same hue.
“Was running behind,” Tomura replies, leaning against the low concrete barrier, resting his back against the fence.
Her little hands reach for his hair, playing with the pearlescent tendrils, weaving some into knots and braids. 
He doesn’t mind.
“Hey, Tomura,” she says, working a tiny hairband into her creation, her voice curious.
“Hmm,” he hums, careful to not shift his head, not wanting to disrupt her hard work.
“You didn’t ask my name again. At least… not after that one day.”
“Do you want me to ask?” He queries, his pulse lifting.
He’d wanted to ask her again, but he didn’t want to startle her, to shatter these innocences that they shared.
“It’s Beryl,” she answers. She says it confidently, and he turns to face her.
She grins at him, wiggling one loose tooth playfully at his serious expression, trying to tug a laugh from him.
“Beryl?” he repeats, unable to keep that awed hush from his raspy tones. It’s a pretty name. It suits her, really. But it’s strange. It’s not Japanese. 
You hadn’t been Japanese. 
“That’s a good name,” he assures her. “But, it’s not… you don’t hear that name very often.”
“Yeah,” Beryl concedes, her vermillion eyes roving over his face. “My mom’s not from here.”
His nostrils flare at that.
He hasn’t asked her about her mother. He’s unsure if it’s a general disinterest on his part, or trepidation. He fears it’s the latter.
Gulping, he tilts his head at her, feeling that soft braid she’s plaited into his hair shifting.
“Who’s your mother?”
“Who is she? She’s my mom, silly.”
“No,” he pauses, ignoring that creeping tremor that’s working its way to the top of his skull, his skin prickling and cooling. “I mean…what’s her name?”
“Oh! Her name is-”
“Beryl! Beryl, it’s time to come inside.” A teacher is calling for her. 
Tomura startles away, drifting to his feet and pacing quickly back to the bus stop. He can’t help the snarl that etches its way across his lips. He’d been so close. So fucking close…
He chances a glance back at the fence and catches sight of Beryl. She’s dashing across the playground, her dark hair waving in the sun.
Japan is about to slip into summer. School will come to a close, moving into a long break. He won’t see her again for almost a month.
His heart sinks at that realization and he grits his teeth. Slipping his hands into his dark trench coat, he steps across the street, away from the bus stop, away from the little girl that’s feeling more and more like his own.
Edit: oh hey. so, i couldn’t stfu about this and created a sequel: Materfamilias 
hahaha & part iii
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lucandescent · 3 years
30 questions tag game
tagged by @astarlightmonbebe
tagging @privebbh @i-love-nie-huaisang and @lunarcures! (no pressure of course)
1. name/nickname: ig just lucandescent? there’s not really a nickname for that... 
2. star sign: cancer 
3. height: 5′2 :( 
4. birthday: late june 
5. favorite band: nct dream! and right now i’m listening to a lot of lovejoy. also a lot of jpop bands
6. time: 8:53 pm 
7. favorite solo artist: uhhhh my music taste fluctuates a lot. i like olivia rodrigo, tuyu, and yorushika/suis
8. song stuck in my head: right now i’m listening to glow by keeno (sung by miku) (good song) 
9. last movie i watched: whatever last thing my dad was watching that i just sat down and watched with him but i have no idea what that was. last movie i watched on my own was probably bo burnham’s inside, if that counts as a movie (it’s more of a... film, or a documentary, or an experience) 
10. free space: head empty sorry 
11. last show: last one i finished was probably uncanny counter? 
12. when i created this blog: i think it was around 2017-18
13. what i post: who knows, certainly not me. i don’t usually post my own stuff, but i reblog anime, kpop, aesthetics, writer inspiration posts, etc. 
14. last thing i googled: tubbo bear smp 
15. other blogs: i have an acnh blog i don’t use anymore @asteria-island and a minecraft blog i use too much which i’m not proud of 
16. do i get asks: not many, and just from mutuals 
17. why i chose my url: i was inspired by my best friend (aka i liked her url) to combine a kpop idol’s name with some aesthetic word, so i combined luhan with incandescent. it’s mostly just a nice sounding word now tho. or luminescent + incandescent. 
18. following: 100 or so? 
19. followers: low 
20. average hours of sleep: 7-8 hours 
21. lucky number: i like seven! 
22. instruments: violin, and i sing. (i used to play piano but i’ve surely forgotten how by now) 
23. what am i wearing: water polo t-shirt from high school and denim shorts 
24. dream job: author
25. favorite food: mac n cheese :) 
26. tea/coffee: tea. i’m slowly warming up to coffee, but very slowly
27. nationality: american
28. favorite song: uhh dear dream by nct dream is a good one. the one i’m playing a lot on repeat right now is downhill by lincoln. 
29. last book: no longer human by dazai osamu 
30. top three fictional worlds i’d like to live in: any like slice of life anime world where no actual schoolwork is done and everything is just fun and happy. a world that’s just good 
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
“The Marauders Speak” || YEAR 3 – Ch.29 (HP au)
                              Chapter List
<-- Last Chapter                          Next Chapter -->
Day posted: 10/27/2020
Word count: 3, 561
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
Hey! Sorry this is a whole week late but I am back! Thanks for being so patient :D
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
“Wait!” Harry stopped just below the incline up to the witch’s statue and stuffed the cloak in a little crevice. “Just in case we get caught.”
They were sweating and red and panting from the long run. Heather couldn’t protest, knowing if they got caught, the statue would be sealed and the cloak would be unreachable from the castle, all she could do was nod her head and huff a breathy “Ok”.
Heather started climbing up with Harry right behind her. She stopped at the statue, gripping the walls of the tunnel, and wished she knew what the situation was on the other side. Were Draco and Professor Snape waiting for them on the other side, arms crossed and fuming? Technically, only Harry was spotted. She could hide in the tunnel until after he got caught… She sighed and tapped her wand on the smooth stone and listened to the soft scrapes of the stone sliding out of place.
She stepped out into the hall and looked around. No one nearby. No one had spotted them. She stepped aside and helped Harry out. They closed the witch’s hump and wiped their faces with their sleeves, making them damp.
“They must be searching for us if Draco’s made it already.” She pulled Harry’s collar and wiped a bit of dirt off his cheek. “We should split up so – ”
Harry’s eyes moved from hers and focused on something in the distance. She swallowed and turned, watching as Professor Snape walked swiftly towards them, robes billowing back, cutting through the air with every long stride he took. It was like watching the grim reaper stalking towards them down the dim hall, the warm tones of the torch flames doing nothing to counter the harsh coldness emitting off him. She’d never felt more like a dear, watching dumbly as he stopped in front of them with a deep scowl set in his face as his eyes danced over each of them.
“So.” Professor Snape’s scowl lifted into a relaxed look of triumph, seeing as his effort to catch them turned out to be no effort at all. “Potters. My office.” He turned on his heels and led the way down the hall.
Heather and Harry looked at each other, wishing they had whatever twin telepathy Fred and George had so they could get their stories straight. As they walked, Harry motioned at their hands covered in mud and started wiping them clean. Heather did the same as she thought. Technically they could just say they were playing tag or something, and that was why they seemed so sweaty and out of breath… Do wizard children play tag? She and Harry certainly didn’t but maybe it’d still be believable if she said it.
They walked down the dungeon stairs and turned a corner into Professor Snape’s office. She had already grown comfortable to the threatening atmosphere of the room, having been inside only a thousand times asking countless questions – half of which were always answered with ‘Leave my office and ask again next year’ – but by Harry’s face she knew how intimidating it really felt to be in here.
The fireplace was half lit, casting everything in a dim green light, accentuating the sliminess of things stuffed in jars and mounted above his desk. She could never tell if the room was round or square or if there were any doors inside the room; there was never enough light to tell. The only well-lit area was his desk with the dozens of candles floating around and set on books and inside jars or stuffed in the necks of old and empty tall glass bottles.
They walked up to the only chairs centered in the room and looked at him as he stood in front of his desk with a small smile.
“Sit,” he ordered them.
They sat, waiting for him to take his own seat behind his desk but he remained standing, towering over them a few feet away.
“I’ve just heard the strangest story,” he began, speaking casually as if they were long-time friends. “Mr. Malfoy has just told me of his strange experience by the Shrieking Shack.”
Heather swallowed.
“See, he had run into Weasley – apparently alone – and was standing talking to him – ”
Heather looked over at Harry, watching as his lips moved to say something, probably wanting to say Draco had been teasing Ron about his family, but he remained silent.
“When a large amount of mud hit the back of his head.” Professor Snape paused for a few seconds. “How do you think that could have happened?”
Heather kept her mouth shut and glanced at Harry who looked very surprised.
“I don’t know, Professor.” Harry looked very innocently back at Professor Snape.
Professor Snape’s calm demeanor slowly drained as his eyes bore into Harry. “Mr. Malfoy then saw an extraordinary apparition… Can you imagine what it might have been?” His eyes turned to Heather’s.
Heather shook her head. “No.”
“It was a floating head,” he said sharply. “Your head. Mr. Potter.”
Heather and Harry stayed silent for a long while. An uncomfortable long while. Professor Snape seemed to be waiting for them to give up, give in, he had them cornered and there was no escaping Draco’s very factual story.
Heather took a breath and before she could speak, Harry’s words cut the silence.
“He ought to go see Madam Pomfrey, if he’s seeing things like – ”
Professor Snape leaned in. “What would your head have been doing in Hogsmeade?” he asked softly. “Your head is not allowed in Hogsmeade – No part of your body has permission to be in Hogsmeade. So how had your head made it there?”
“Professor – ” Heather started, ready to plead guilty and beg for anything but expulsion.
“We know all that,” Harry cut in quickly. “It seems like Malfoy’s having hallucin – ”
“Malfoy is not having hallucinations!” Professor Snape snarled. He bent down and placed a hand on each arm of Harry’s chair so that his face was a foot away from Harry’s. “If your head was in Hogsmeade… then so was the rest of you.”
She knew they had been defeated and caught. There was no way they were getting out of this one. He knew Harry had been there and if they kept up their ignorance then the punishment would only get worse. “Prof – ”
“I was in Gryffindor Tower,” Harry interrupted her again. “You told us to go to our common rooms and – ”
“Can anyone confirm?” Professor Snape slowly turned to her as well, triumph back on his face. “And you? Can anyone confirm you were in the common room or even inside the castle while Mr. Potter’s head was floating about Hogsmeade?”
“No,” she sighed.
Professor Snape straightened and his thin lips curled into a smile. “So. Everyone from the Minister of Magic downward has been trying to keep the famous Potters safe from Sirius Black. A murderer who has been spotted in the area and has already attempted an attack on one of you… Except the famous Potters follow no laws or rules. They let the ordinary people worry about their safety. Famous Harry Potter goes where he wants, with no regard for consequences – And of course where would he be without his most devoted follower.”
Heather’s face went red and she looked away. She felt the bag of ingredients under her sweater and counted the bottles, trying to calm down. He was trying to provoke them, make them admit their guilt. She had wanted to give in already, but now her anger melted her lips shut and her throat closed.
“You’ve no proof.” Harry sat up again in his chair. “Just because Malfoy Hallucinates my head in Hogsmeade doesn’t mean I was in – ”
Professor Snape looked down at him. “How extraordinarily like your father.”
Heather and Harry looked up at him suddenly, blinking with true surprise.
His eyes glinted at their intense attention on him. “Your father was exceedingly arrogant. A small amount of talent on the Quidditch field made him think he was a cut above the rest of us. As you do, Potter.”
Harry’s jaw clenched. Heather’s stomach felt like stone, heavy and cold.
“He too strutted ‘round the place with his friends and admirers at his heels – The resemblance between you is uncanny.”
Harry’s resemblance to their father had always been mentioned with praise, but Heather could see a deep hurt setting in. Harry was no longer looking innocently astounded that such a tale could have been spun about him from Malfoy. His eyebrows were pulled in and the distant green flames of the office danced on his eyes.
“Our dad didn’t strut. And neither do I.”
Professor Snape looked at them and shook his head slightly. “Your father didn’t set much store by rules either.” His words dripped from his mouth like venom.
Heather glared at him. If there was anything she hated more than hearing good things about her parents… it was hearing awful things about them. The rocks in her stomach had disappeared, replaced by a deep and hungry pit that fed on her anger. She was mad there was no one here to defend her father. Mad that she felt the responsibility was on her. According to the world, their father had been amazing, and funny, and talented, and loved… and here Snape was painting a very opposite picture. One she hated thinking about more. It gave her father flaws, something that made him feel infinitely more real and alive than anything good he’d been before. He was feeling real… too real.
Snape’s thin face was full of malice and spite. “Rules were for lesser mortals, not Quidditch Cup winners. His head was so swollen – ”
Harry was on his feet, hands clenched, mouth open – except the words had not come from him.
Snape’s dark eyes were glaring at Heather dangerously. His teeth were bared as his upper lip curled up in a snarl. “What did you say? Potter?”
Harry was still staring at her in disbelief and she stood with him. Tears were streaming down her face and she could feel her hands shaking. “I said shut up about our father.”
Harry turned back to Snape. “You’ve no right to say what you’re saying. We know the truth – Dumbledore told us. You wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for our dad!”
Snape had gone the palest Heather had ever seen him.
He stared at them rigidly and slowly his black eyes focused and the small bit of color returned to his skin. He let out a harsh and shaky breath. “And,” he whispered, “did the headmaster tell you the circumstances in which your father saved my life? Or did he consider the details too unpleasant for the Potters’ sensitive ears?”
The room was silent, except for the quiet crackle of the logs in the fireplace, and the occasional drip of candle wax onto books.
“No,” Heather whispered.
He took a step and stood directly in front of both of them. “Have you been imagining some act of glorious heroism? Your father selflessly coming to my rescue? Let me correct you – your saintly father and his dear friends played a highly amusing joke on me. One that would have resulted in my death if your father hadn’t finally come to his senses at the last possible moment. There’s nothing brave in him saving his own skin. Had their joke succeeded, him and his friends would have gotten expelled… and worse.”
Heather’s forehead hurt from frowning. She relaxed her face and wiped her tears away with the palms of her hand. She stared at her tears and sniffed. She was done with Snape’s cruel tactics and whatever he gained from ruining the memory of their father. She could no longer feel her stomach, or the anger that had been boiling in her veins. She didn’t feel sad. She felt empty. And all she wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep and forget she ever heard anything about their parents.
She sniffed and turned, taking a few steps towards the door.
“I haven’t dismissed you, Potter.”
Heather stopped walking.
“Both of you, turn out your pockets,” Snape spat suddenly.
Heather walked back and turned out her skirt pockets, showing the empty white cloth and a small bag of coins that she placed on his desk. Harry swallowed and placed his Zonko’s bag of tricks and the Marauder’s map next to Heather’s coin bag.
Snape picked up the Zonko’s bag.
“Ron gave those to me last time he went to Hogsmeade.”
“Indeed? How sentimental of you to be carrying them ever since.” He picked up the bag of coins and shook them. “And what would you be needing money for?”
“They were just left in my skirt from – ”
“The last time you were in Hogsmeade?” Snape picked up the map.
Heather glanced at Harry who looked confidently relaxed.
“And what is this?”
Harry shrugged. “Just a spare bit of parchment. For essays. You’ve assigned a lot.”
Snape’s eyes narrowed and stayed on Harry as he spoke. “This parchment is too old to hold much ink… Why don’t I give you newer parchment… and throw this one away for you?” His hand moved towards the green fire.
“Don’t!” Harry blurted out.
A twisted grin appeared on Snape’s face. “So. Are you going to tell me this is another treasured gift from Mr. Weasley? And not some sort of letter… or instructions written in invisible ink? With directions on how to get into Hogsmeade without passing the dementors?”
Heather swallowed. “There’s no way to not pass the dementors. And Professor Dumbledore has secured the whole castle so how could there be instructions for that?”
Snape’s eyes gleamed. “Why don’t we find out?” He spread out the map and took out his wand. “Let me see… Reveal your secret!” He tapped the map but it remained blank. “Show yourself!” He tapped again but nothing changed.
Heather was starting to feel less and less numb as dread took over. This was the proof he needed to prove they had been in Hogsmeade. She hoped endlessly that the Marauders had thought of teachers trying to reveal their map. Just because Mr. Filch hadn’t been able to did not mean Snape couldn’t, or wouldn’t make it his mission to find out the secrets to Harry’s ‘treasured’ old bit of parchment.
“Professor Snape, master of this school, commands you to yield information you conceal!” Snape hit the center of the map with his wand.
Harry snickered but his amusement turned to horror as words appeared on the surface of the map, letter by letter.
‘Mr. Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people’s business.’
Heather stared at the words in alarm. The terror continued as more words appeared, one mark at a time.
‘Mr. Prongs agrees with Mr. Moony, and would like to add that Professor Snape is an ugly git.’
The words just kept appearing.
‘Mr. Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that ever became a professor.’
Heather’s knees buckled and she sat back down on her chair. Harry covered his eyes with his hands as the map wrote out more.
‘Mr. Wormtail bids Professor Snape good day, and advises him to wash his hair, the slimeball.’
Snape was frozen in place, staring at the words. Heather imagined this would all be very hilarious in the far future, if Harry and her could manage to walk out of his office alive.
“So…” Snape said softly. He strode to his fire and grabbed a fistful of powder from a jar on the fireplace and threw it into the fire. The powder glittered in the air and popped as it reached the flames, turning them a lighter green. “Lupin! A word!” Snape yelled at the wild flames.
Harry sat in his chair and both Heather and him stared as a shape appeared in the fire. Moments later Professor Lupin was stepping out of the fireplace, brushing ash from his mustache.
“You wanted a word, Severus?”
Snape’s face was contorted with fury as he stepped back to his desk and pointed at the map. “I have just had the Potters empty their pockets and he was carrying THIS.”
The words were still shinning as if freshly inked. Professor Lupin glanced down and nodded.
“Well?” Snape waited.
Professor Lupin looked like he was reading over the map but he was taking far longer than necessary.
“Well.” Snape repeated. “This is evidently full of Dark Magic. Which is your area of expertise, is it not? Lupin? Where do you imagine he got such a thing?”
Professor Lupin gave a controlled chuckle. “You really think this is full of Dark Magic? It looks as if it is merely an old bit of parchment charmed to insult anyone who reads it. Does that really seem dangerous, Severus? Seems childish to me. I would guess Harry’s gotten it from a joke shop. Perhapse Zonko’s – ”
“A joke shop? You believe he has gotten this from a joke shop and not from the manufacturers themselves?” Snape’s jaw went rigid with anger as Professor Lupin smiled amusedly.
Heather didn’t know what was going on or what Snape was talking about, as apparently neither did Professor Lupin.
“Harry, Heather, do any of you know these… ‘Wormtails’ or whoever these men are?”
Heather and Harry shook their heads.
“Now you see, Severus. This must clearly be from Zonko’s.” Professor Lupin leaned on Snape’s desk and waited for him to say anything else.
There was a loud THUMP and the office door swung open. Several jars shook and clinked from the commotion and Ron came running in, out of breath. Ron Stopped next to Professor Lupin and huffed.
“I – gave – Harry – and Heather – that stuff.” Ron took another deep breath. “Bought it… In Zonko’s – ages ago…”
Heather felt the sudden need to laugh and held it in. Harry did his best not to look at Ron too cheerfully and they both held in their astonished faces, making sure to look utterly unamused, as if the world’s dullest mystery was finally solved.
“Well,” Professor Lupin clapped his hand to Ron’s back. “Thank’s so much for clearing this whole mess up, Mr. Weasley. Now let’s get out of Professor Snape’s hair, shall we?” He took the map and folded it into his robes, “Severus, you won’t be needing that will you?” He turned and faced the three of them. “Harry, Heather, Ron. A word about the vampire essays I’ve assigned to you – Good rest of your day, Severus – ”
Heather and Harry stood and were herded out of Snape’s office without a glance back. They walked out of the dungeon and remained silent until they made it to the entrance hall. Harry stopped and turned to Professor Lupin, who paused before turning to him as well.
“Professor, I’m – ”
Professor Lupin held up his hand. “No explanations.” He looked around and lowered his voice. “I know that Mr. Filch had confiscated this many years ago. I know what it really is. I’ve no idea how you have ended up with it but I am truly shocked that you never turned it in. Especially after the last time a student left information lying around the castle… I won’t be handing this back to either of you.”
Heather nodded. “Did… you or Snape know Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, or Prongs?”
Professor Lupin sighed. “They were well known… somewhat. Now, I won’t be covering for any of you next time. You two may not take Sirius Black seriously, but I would have thought you two understood the sacrifices your parents made to keep you both safe… Sneaking off and putting yourselves in danger are poor ways to repay them.” He looked away from them and walked up the stairs.
Ron, Harry, and Heather stood awkwardly at the foot of the stairs. Heather was less so hurt by his words than by the fact her new favorite teacher likely thought they were childish and selfish and reckless with their lives.
“I’m sorry. I kept trying to convince you to two to go to Hogsmeade. It’s my fault.” Ron crossed his arms over his chest and kicked at the dirt.
Heather put her hand on his arm. “It’s not your fault… or not JUST your fault. I knew we shouldn’t have gone but I had things to buy.”
“And I went knowing I shouldn’t’ve. We don’t blame you at all.” Harry started up the stairs.
They followed him up, all deciding to skip dinner, and walked up to Gryffindor Tower in silence. Heather was about to say goodbye to them when she noticed Hermione walking down the stairs towards them holding a letter.
Ron frowned at her. “Come to gloat? Don’t bother telling on us, we’ve already been told off by Snape and Lupin.”
Hermione ignored him and looked at Harry and Heather. “I thought you’d like to know… Hagrid lost his case. Buckbeak is going to be executed.” She held up the tear stained letter and walked back up to the portrait hole, stepping inside.
The three of them stared at the letter, recognizing the giant tears of Hagrid.
“We should have helped more,” Ron whispered.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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onepunchmiss · 5 years
OPM s2e3 Live Blog
“The Hunt Begins”
Ok I had 3 screenshots leaked to me before seeing the episode, but only one of them was spoiler-y in that I wasn’t sure if we’d get that far in the episode. And of course not only did I not leave work early, but had to stay an hour late. So without further delay, I’m hoppin to it. Reminder, I’m watching each episode as someone who is caught up with both the manga and web comic.
Alright, off the bat we’re getting the Charanko expulsion over with. I wasn’t expecting that, but it makes sense- it’s a good hook to lead with and set up the Garou issue before actually getting into Garou destroying everyone.
BTW I am Still not over the opening theme- nope it still gets me both visually and musically. (I definitely was not listening to the song on repeat at work all day. nope. what kind of nerd would do that definitely not me hahaaaaaa)
I like that Charanko doesn’t bat an eye that The Worlds Strongest Man King is there, or Blizzard of Hell, he’s just like ‘ah they’re multiplying.’ Fuckin kek. Saitama oh sweetheart, “Silver Fang” may be cool but to us you’ll always be the One Punch Man oh dear my heart
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oh OH YES Guys you have no idea how excited I am for this fight?? I know Tank Top Master isn’t really popular but like I’m a gym rat so I’ve got a soft spot for him and Superalloy. Guys, in the databook his favorite things are chicken breasts and protein. Also I mean hes actually a decent guy too, but----- Anyway, wasn’t too hard finding Garou, was it Charanko?
Oh, oh right. Let me clarify I’m excited to see TTM get some screen time. Also to watch trash son (aka Garou) kick some ass. I’m, I’m not excited about him kicking Mumen’s ass specifically. This is gonna hurt.
(garou scary face)
His faces literally make me shout WOAH at my screen ok thanks scary trash son. Ah, lookit the tanktopper army!! Fukkin Tank Top Mask is there to I’m- yes, just yes.
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YES. MY BRO MY MAN KICK SOME ASS. Garou’s little ‘nani??’ omfg perfect.WAIT the little ‘haha~~’ THAT was perfect. I also need to point out here that in the manga Garou has a lot of crazy faces, like his expressions are very extra, (another way he’s a foil to Saitama, hah) but seeing them actually in motion speaking is borderline uncanny valley? They’ve creeped me out twice already and he’s been on screen for like 20 seconds? I mean i guess he IS going for the scary-monster thing, so uh, good job u freeky trash man you.
Oh, Tiger and Black Hole, I only missed you a little bit.
Man the Garou music is really intense, holy shit. If I’m not mistaken something at least similar played when he was fighting at the HQ last episode. Honestly, I hope it’s not gonna be this sounding track every time garou gets in a fight. Cause, y’know, ge gets in a lot of those. It’s only been twice now and it’s still during establishing character moments so it passes, but I really really hope they switch it up or it will lose it’s epic feel.
Oh, there he goes with his creepy faces.
FUCK Mumen You FOOL. Also, how did you take that hit so well??? Tiger and Black hole are right for once. Oh you fools. Oh you fools. Stop it’s gonna get worse. ITS GONNA GET WORSE stOP TalKInG
Wait did Garou actually fake walk away in the manga?? I don’t remember that??? Gotta double check myself there cause that threw me off like? Garou??
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Garou: 50% Uncanney Faces, 50% Badass
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand back to the freeky faces. Also, TTM’s “KUSO!!”
oh god.
The sound as he repeatedly bashes Mumen’s skull into the concrete. REPEATEDLY. my stomach. This fight is a rollercoaster of hype and pain oh no
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Here have this screnecap so you can suffer, too
I must say, watching Garou fight otherwise is an absolute joy. The rest of this scene was so dynamic. I loved the way just glided through everyone and bounced around so fluidly. Keeping the water stream fist throughout it was also visually really pleasing. I need more. Give me more Garou fights, this is AMAZING. And that put us about half way through the episode like I predicted, which means I have no idea at what scene the episode will end.
“He’s here” Oh that was funny. Was that filler? I dont remember that either good shit good shit
B A N A N A T I M E  
TTM: “At least say I put up a good fight!!” Oh sweetheart I love you and appreciate you you did great
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Oh shit that was a cool gag, how the newspaper flew past and garou just appeared. also. The most beautiful friendship is about to start and oh my god I’m so excited. Ok really I won’t lie- I would have been SCREAMING at Tareo on the screen if the didn’t just lead with Zombieman’s face in the catalog. I live for that pout. And his eyebrow is quirked like the heck u lookin at just. F. I’ve exhausted all my energy screaming at that. I’m so sorry.
Wait wait they still showed the side of his face again guys I’ve got it so bad for that 2D man help
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I’ve waited so long for this scene. OH MY FUCK the little leg bob guys someone gif it NOW.  I love both of them so much. Also, Tareo’s voice is adorable. Watching that kid go through some shit is gonna be heart wrenching. FFF Anyway, it looks like we are getting GoldenBall and Spring Mustachio this episode? I was torn either way if we’d see that much. huh.
Oohhh Shit Sea King and Melzalgald! Wassup flashbacks?? Oh my gosh Saitama looks so excited I think thats the happiest we’ve seen him in a long time? No wonder he takes an interest in martial arts! AH! The ticket! The ticket! The tournament ticket!! I know a bunch of people considered the tournament filler and found it annoying, but I’m so excited for it!! Like, it seriously gave me a whole new respect for Lightning Max and Snek, I can’t wait to see those boys get the spotlight for a second again!
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OMFG What is this jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-- wtf I am Cackling?? Oh my fuck its still going this is Peak Comedy 
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AH! I missed them! And I wish the screen wasn’t so dark, but otherwise SEE WHAT I MEAN? Shit watching Garou move is fun as hell, even if he’s barely moving. Also, is that legit bullet fire sound effects? I also love that those two get drinks together regularly enough that Spring knew something was up when GB wasn’t there. So good so good.
Garou: “Ding ding ding”          Me: glorious you bastard
Question, what the fuck is that sword made of that it shoots rainbows for miles? Is it the power of gay? I mean I personally don’t ship Spring and GB buuuuuuuuuuuuuut…………………………….
OH IM SO DISAPPOINTED GAROU DIDNT JUST FLIP US ALL OFF JUST A THUMBS DOWN CMON I WAS EXCITED FOR THAT I FEEL RIPPED OFF. Also there’s that music again, but it didn’t play the whole time thank goodness.
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“Here comes the fan service to your screen” amirite?
Eh at least I got the satisfaction of watching the sleezeball get decked in the face. The brunette’s face when he asked for a kiss on the cheek is SUCH  a MOOD. And oh fuck the ‘relax its for peace” Those two girls are the real stars of this episode I love them.
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Obligatory “YES”ing at the screen rn hold on
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THE POST CREDIT SCENE. Genos I love you never change. Just. look at this precious boy. And the voice acting is perfect. I’m glad they ended on a humorous note this time. Gold.
IN SUMMARY: I honestly don’t feel like I have much to say or reflect on. I just really loved this episode. Favorite one yet. I mean of course I’m going to like it more as the story kicks the fuck up, but I genuinely had zero complaints, and actively enjoyed watching the animation.
Warning for next week btw, I’m going to be out of the country and also not really near civilization, so I probably won’t have wifi, so theres a good chance I wont be able to blog next week’s episode till I get back. Which I’m actually pissed about. because 
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I’ll hopefully see yall next week, thanks for reading!
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corvvii · 6 years
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For all practical purposes a ghost, this Elezen only appears on public records as far back as three summers ago. It’s likely, then, that he’s chosen to live under an assumed name. He tends to use his appearance to his advantage, passing himself off as a Wildwood whenever it suits his interests—which, given the discrimination that Duskwights face, is more often than not.
He first stepped into the public’s eye as an academic—and, unbeknownst to all but those closest to him, the proprietor of The Cloak & Dagger (under the alias “Crow”). He is passionate about magicks, especially arcanima, and has a demonstrated talent for alchemy, both beyond what one may expect of a man who’s only twenty and one summers old.
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In Character———
Profession(s): Academic — Director of Alizarine Research & Reclamation ( @alizarinefc ). Information Broker — Proprietor of The Cloak & Dagger, and current self-proclaimed leader of the Ebonguard ( @ebonguardls ).
Alignment: Generally neutral. Loyal to the Eorzean alliance, but not the msot law-abiding citizen. Has a misdemeanor charge on record (disturbing the peace) in Ul’dah.
Professional Talents: Magic — Arcanima. Alchemy. Warding and minor enchantment. Bartending/mixology.
Current Residence: The Goblet, Sultana’s Breath.
Likely Haunts: Ul’dah and Thanalan, primarily. Bookstores. Antique Shops. Magic Shops. Bars and Taverns. Gambling Establishments.
Hobbies: Gambling, primarily poker and other card games. Magic tricks, primarily sleight of hand. Reading, especially academic texts but also including poetry. He will die before he admits he’s tried writing some of his own. He has a general interest in music and fashion as well.
Abbreviated Bio: Leonnaux is a Shroud-born Duskwight. He is obsessively studious and somewhat selfish in nature, though simultaneously surprisingly laid-back. Those who can make it past his strictly-business demeanor might note a heart of gold, despite the kind of work he’s often involved in via The Cloak & Dagger.
Having run away from home and come to Ul’dah, he quickly had to find a way to make money, which led him to dip his toes into the criminal underworld... and after he took the plunge, he never looked back. He took advantage of his new-found freedom (both in person and, to an extent, in finances) to continue his studies into the flow of aether and alchemy.
Full Profile Here.
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Out of Character———
I’m Mid and I use they/them pronouns! My personal blog is @penvmbral. I’m a college student who bounces between Central Time and Eastern Time. I’m generally most active during NA Evenings and Late Nights.
I play on Balmung, but I’m also experienced in Tumblr RP and am more than willing to do threads here! Discord RP probably won’t happen though because my DMs get buried super easily and I’m very easily-distracted with things like Discord. I’m 100% open to connections on other Crystal worlds as well!
Leonnaux is my main character, but I’ve generally been too busy to do much RP outside of my immediate circles unfortunately. I do want to change that, but I will admit to being a little picky!
First: I am a lore-strict RPer. I don’t mind bending the lore a bit if it means telling a better story or if the effect is mostly for flavor, but I take the integrity of the setting very seriously. I also tend play on the lower end of the power spectrum, so I’m not really interested in characters who spend their weekends hunting Ifrit in the Bowl of Embers.
Second: I value OOC communication above all else. If you are unable or unwilling to use OOC channels to the necessary extent to avoid potential issues regarding touchy material in RP and the like then I’m not interested.
I’m also not looking for shipping/relationship RP (Leon is taken and very monogamous) or ERP, but those are kind of givens.
Beyond that, I’m open to anything, but in particular I am looking for:
Casual acquaintances and friends!
Business contacts!
Long-term plot-focused RP connections!
Discord and Linkshell communities! (Note: I’m also willing to come hang out with FCs if they have an open Discord, but I lead my own and am not interested in joining another, sorry!)
Detailed RP Hooks Under the Cut.
Thanks for reading! I will likely be watching the notes of this post and reaching out to people myself from time to time, but by all means feel free to send me a message here on Tumblr. I generally respond within the day. My Discord is available upon request!
Tagging for Visibility: @balmungrp, @ffxiv-balmung-rp, @ffxiv-crystal-rp, @crystalxivrp, @mooglemeet
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1. The Academic/Scholarly Community.
While the majority of Leonnaux’s career has been spent in seclusion, teaching himself the skills he’s learned, he eventually came out of his shell. Having gained some experience in a position of leadership, he is now more confident in his abilities as a scholar and as a mage. He’s always looking to expand his horizons, and has an extensive personal collection (although it’s doubtful that he’s read every book cover-to-cover). 
He also has a passing interest in alchemy, although he’s less skilled with it than he is with magic. He understands and can clearly explain most of the basic principles of Eorzean alchemy (at least the sort they teach in Ul'dah), but the most complex principles or foreign variants of the art are utterly lost on him… Not that he wouldn’t love to learn. Despite his talent for alchemy, he also doesn’t have the time or knowledge to go out and collect his own reagents and materials, so he relies heavily on outside help, be they merchants in Ul’dah or independent suppliers.
He is also the director of Alizarine Research & Reclamation, a company focused on such academic pursuits as well as the study and acquisition of artifacts, regardless of whether their significance lays in their history or their properties.
2. The Criminal Element
For a long time, Leonnaux’s primary source of income was selling information and watching the rumor mill turn. He’s always had somewhat of a disdain for law and authority, viewing such things necessary only insofar as they serve his ends. He sold secrets and whispers under the guise of a somewhat ostentatious man known as “Crow,” using his “messenger” (really a cover to ensure that he was taken seriously in his work, and to protect his identity/safety if things went awry) as an intermediary between himself and business contacts as a means of protecting his identity due to the nature of his work. More recently, he has taken to thievery if the price is right. 
“Crow” is also known to be the leader of a loose criminal network that he calls “the Ebonguard” and is the proprietor of an establishment known as The Cloak & Dagger, a restaurant meant to be a sort of ‘neutral ground’ for criminals and n’er-do-wells to do business and have a good bite to eat. 
Leonnaux is known to gamble his money in seedy places. More than happy to sit for a game of cards or a cigarette, one might notice that he can get an uncanny winning streak going under the right conditions. The keenest might be able to connect the dots to the pronounced talent for sleight of hand and other magic tricks that he seems to possess.
3. Contract Work.
Leonnaux is more than willing to take contract work, although he has his boundaries. This is in its own heading because he’s willing to take work to research things or track down artifacts as he is to sell information or organize heists to steal valuables. His only hard line is that he won’t kill on contract and he will not aid in any plot involving human trafficking.
Note though that Leonnaux is comfortable enough financially that he may not take every job that’s pitched to him. High risk jobs that offer little reward are likely to be declined, but if the pot is sweet enough then he can be convinced to do anything that doesn’t cross one of his hard lines.
(Note that RPing contracts in the east will be difficult, as I don’t generally play with IC teleportation due to playing on the lower end of the power spectrum.)
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jonesywrites · 7 years
Hey, I love your writing! I think I've consumed everything at this point. Do you have any favorite stories you can recommend? I may have blasted through all the fic updates of my own faves and just looking to see if people are reading stuff I might have missed. Looking forward to your next updates! No pressure!
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First, I am so very sorry it’s taken me so damn long to answer this. 
I actually did answer it - I wrote a very long, very beautifully gif’d post and then accidentally scrolled left on this stupid macbook and I lost the entire fucking thing and I wanted to throw my laptop out of the window.
::calming breaths::
Let us pray that doesn’t happen again this time (I am a klutz, so it’s a definite possibility). Secondly, I decided that now is the perfect time to recreate this answer because a) there are some goddamned talented ass writers out there killing the game rn, b) there are also haters out there trying to steal our joy rn and not only is it not going to work, I think now is a good time to spread the love as far and wide through Richonne as possible, so reblog the shit out of this and get reading if you haven’t already and c) I don’t have time to write the way I want at the moment so I hope this makes up for it.
I also really really need a list I can return to b/c I signed up to read a lot and am still verrry slowly getting through it.
So! Here goes…
Current Favorite Richonne fics…!
1. Round After Round by @nattah-gudgrrl
ZA Canon - Rick and Michonne after 6x10, being domestic and sexy af, round after round.
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Holy crap, Anon. I was hooked from the first few words. I’m not finished yet, but this is incredibly sexy and beautifully well-written. Nattah’s writing is hypnotic and poetic. She drops precious gems throughout each chapter with her words, the way she phrases things is so original and addictive. Rick and Michonne are pitch perfect, but so is everyone else (and she’s hilarious, btw). She includes music to score her amazing writing, and trust me, listening to her suggested tracks while reading will only suck you deeper into the tantalizing atmosphere she’s created with these two. AND THE SMUT. HOLY SHIT. Prepare yourself. I love opening up to a chapter and letting myself fall. I almost feel like I need to smoke a joint, turn out the lights, and close my door reading this, no joke. (no seriously, i’m not joking, be alone b/c you will feel thangs down there)
2. Musings of Rick Grimes by @nyese3529
NonZA AU - Rick as a NYC photographer slowly falling head over heels for a charismatic college student Michonne as she becomes his muse.
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OKAY. I’m not sure anything I say here will do this amazing piece of fanfiction justice. I’m not even caught up, but the chapters I have read so far are PURE FIRE. Nyese is a master at unfolding a real, atmospheric, moody, sexy, intense, and totally riveting Rick and Michonne for us to fall in love with from the start. Rick’s attraction to Michonne leaps off the page, as does she. She is so damn cute and sexy and seeing her through Rick’s eyes the way Nyese has written them is just to die for. Nyese also NAILS New York City life, especially as a southern transplant and artist (I feel you Rick) AND as a young, gifted black woman looking to make a difference while everyone else covets her light (I feel you Michonne). It’s a beautiful read, and I encourage you to ASAP. The smut is off the chain, as in every fucking moment of it had me squirming around wishing I had me a Rick Grimes here in NYC damn you Nyese you’ve ruined me!
3. The Art of Control by @avintagekiss24
NonZA AU - Rick as a sexy, wealthy contractor Dom and Michonne the comic book shop/cafe owner as his sub in Atlanta (bonus: featuring probably the best version of Maggie I have ever read)
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GOTDAMN. Let me tell you something. THIS IS THE SEXIEST RICK GRIMES OF ALL TIME FOR ME. Every fucking word Miss Kiss wrote for him to utter had my panties wet and my brow sweating, do you hear me? This fic is hot as fuck. Even before Rick Grimes shows up in the story, I was feeling hot and bothered about his mere existence, just like Michonne. The way Miss Kiss writes the buildup throughout their relationship is simply riveting. She’s a very visual writer, just like Nyese, so I can see, taste, feel, and ground myself in this stunning world of money, undeniable attraction and absolutely delicious sex. AND DID I MENTION HER MAGGIE IS SEXY AF, FUNNY AF, NAUGHTY AF, AND GODDAMN IT I WOULD SO BE HER PLAYTHING?? The plot is really good, too, like really good. Screw 50 Shades of Garbage. Miss Kiss’s sub!Michonne and Dom!Rick Grimes are what you want, what you need, what you deserve. Go forth, and savor every moment of this. In fact, I need to catch up, myself. Hell yeah.
4. Sirens of the ZA, by @isisnicole
ZA AU - Michonne and her two sisters, fierce, trained fighters, find and protect Carl. Richonne begins to develop once Carl is finally reunited with Rick three years later.
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Sigh, I love this fic. Miss Isis hooked me with her stellar opening, and the plot just got more and more compelling the more I read. Carl is still very Carl, but he’s got that “loved, protected, and taught to survive by three amazing black women” vibe to him that makes my heart melt. Ila, Luna, and especially Michonne are just everything in this. EVERYTHING. Their relationship is tight af, they keep it real, they are badass warriors (trained, medal-winning warriors, mind) and even though your heart yearns for Rick and Carl to reunite and for Richonne to soar, you cannot help but fall in love with the family dynamic that Miss Isis has written for them with Carl. The tension between Rick and Michonne is even more intense in this than in canon when they first meet, I’d say, but deliciously so. And once they both start to realize the business, it’s time to pull out the popcorn because the buildup is sooooo good. And did I mention an alive Shane and Merle, also written so well you kinda sorta forget they didn’t make it in canon? Yeah. Read this.
5. Red Dirt Road by @siancore
NonZA AU - Young!Richonne in southern af King County, Georgia, teenagers that fall in love one summer along a red, dirt road.
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Honestly, this fic is just perfect. The world is real. I can smell the dirt. I can feel the heat. Rick in this is juuuuuuuust….! He’s everything we think of when we think of a teenaged Rick (but not underage of course). Kind, responsible, stoic, patient, respectful, and sexy. Michonne is a vessel for us all, transporting us back in time to when we went to our grandmama’s house and she bossed us while loving us like nobody else could. The whole gang is there and they’re all written to perfection, especially Shane. He’s as shady and selfish and yet completely charismatic as you’d expect a young Shane to be. The story is so sweet and the pacing is comfortable, fun, and easy, just like those summers we spent messing around with our friends, falling in love, learning to drive, staying out after curfew. I adore Sian’s writing and this is by far my all-time favorite of hers right now. It’s a must, must read! 
To Continue Reading, So Help Me…!
1. HALO, by leeeel
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Holy smokes. I have only read chapter one so far and it is absolutely amazing. AMAZING. I reeeeaalllyy need to get back into this one. Rick and Michonne meet under dire circumstances, and the mystery begins. The writing transports you, and I actually got chills reading this. CHILLS.
2. Deception by @severelybabykryptonite
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YO. I HIGH KEY LOVE “THE BODYGUARD” AND THIS IS THE RICHONNE VERSION AND IT IS EVERYTHING. Rick as a no-nonsense bodyguard to Michonne’s sexy, vulnerable star is a dream come true. I really need to catch up on this one, it’s just so good and it’s visual and it makes my geeky movie+Richonne loving heart soar. 
3. The Day I Met You, by @chezza3009
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I almost don’t know how to describe this one. It’s dark. It’s riveting. It’s nothing like I’ve ever read in Richonne before. Rick and Michonne in the aftermath of an affair that leaves Michonne devastated and Rick a mess. I don’t recognize this version of Michonne or Rick, but then I need to continue reading. What I’ve read so far makes me very, very intrigued by this story. And it shall have my undivided attention ASAP.
4. The Beginning, by @vegasloversteel
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Once again, Vegaslover has an uncanny ability to hook you with great story telling, dialogue that flows like “how is she doing this??” and chemistry between Rick and Michonne that vibrates off the page. Richonne is hot hot hot in this. Set in their college years with a great plot and fun with all your faves. Gotta catch up!
5. Palm Trees, by @cake-by-thepound
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I AM SO UPSET I CANNOT PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THE JUICY FIC TALK GOING ON ABOUT THIS STORY RN. Arrrrgggh the spoilers I’ve seen alone are killing me not so softly. I just loooove the way Cake writes Richonne’s worlds. Rich, grounded, dramatic but in a real, honest-to-goodness “that could totally happen to me” way that makes me want to stand up and cheer. I know this is going to be a beautiful ride, so far everything I’ve read is perfection, as usual, so I’m really looking forward to the day I am finally caught up and I can (too late, of course) dip into the forums and be like “GURL. BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT PART WHEN…” 
You Thought I Was Done? LOL.
These are the stories I haven’t gotten to yet, but that are also on my list. I’ve heard nothing but good things and I am hoping to get to them soon!
Right Where We’re Supposed to Be by @tigerwalk3 - I’ve read her mini-fic Sparklers and I cannot wait to dive into this one. Her characterization alone is amazing, and the way she puts phrases and details together makes me low key jealous.
Honey Bees by @cranesinthe-sky - I don’t get enough Michonne and Judith in my fandom diet and I’ve heard some really awesome things about this one. I’ve heard nothing but praise for Lady Cranes’ writing, so I’m excited!
The TWD Chronicles by @yellehughes - I read Yelle’s Richonne Secret Fantasy fic and loved it, and I actually feel rather ashamed that I haven’t gone back to dive into this epic Olympian take on Richonne!! Allow me to correct this, with the quickness. 
The Hunter of Screams, by @codename-me - I started this, and holy crap is it amazing so far. Like me, Lady Codename has a thing for sci-fi and fantasy, and her writing is rich and detailed and visual, which totally turns me on. 
The End of Wanting, by @glowysweetfab​ - I have started this, and love this period AU, it’s immersive and the plot is so interesting I’m not even all that fussed to get to the romance bits (well that’s a lie, of course I’m trolling for smut but I’m really enjoying the ride).
Honestly, there are so many more stories I have favorited/followed that it would take me all night to list them all here. But I will do more posts like these as I finish fics and move on to others, it’s important to me to show the same support for all of these amazingly talented writers that they have shown to me, and to spread as much positivity as possible because they deserve it. 
This fandom is chock a block full of major talent, huge hearts, astonishing intellect, and abundant passion. No one can deny that, and anyone who does is lying. 
Thanks for the ask, Anon! 
P.S. I promise I will get back to updating as soon as I can. I’m in the middle of preparing myself to move across the country and transition to a new career. But my beloved fics are always on my mind, and boy do I have such glorious Richonne in store for you! Thanks for sticking with me! I promise you won’t regret adding a few of these ladies to your reading list, either, if you haven’t already. 
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2000’s Rap: Random Quarantine Thoughts
1. 50 Cent... I feel sorry for this dude. I actually follow him on Instagram as he posts again and again things that illustrate he is clutching at straws when it comes to being relevant. A few weeks ago he tried to start a beef with Kanye West over records sold in 2006, but the latter never responded. Someone should tell him that these millennials have no clue who he is at all.
2. Jay Z... People forget that in the 2000’s, Shawn Carter retired for five years. He left the rap game, so he could seemingly run Def Jam Records. I always had a problem with it being referred to as a retirement. In those five years, every 2 to 3 months he would show up as a featured rapper on someone else’s single. In the time he was supposedly retired, Mr. Carter probably appeared on the exact same number of other rapper’s singles as ones he would have released in that time anyway.
3. Kanye West... Say what you want about him as a person, but his ability to always be one step ahead when it comes to finding samples is uncanny. Take the fact that he found Daft Punk before any of those other EDM dj’s like Skrillex did. This simply serves as an example that he is arguably the greatest hip-hop producer of all time.
4. Kid Cudi... I read the greatest comment On YouTube the other day. If I remember correctly someone had posted that all he wanted when he dies is to have him hum at his funeral. I truly believe that Cudi could hum entire songs, and nobody would care because he is so good at it. If you need proof, then listen to “All of the Lights” by Kanye West.
5. Snoop Dogg... Many times in music people have short term memory problems. For example, they remember how relevant Snoop is right now, but they tend to forget there was a time in the 2000’s when he was not doing that great music wise. After his first album, he made a series of average albums that nobody remembers. At one point, he changed his name to Snoop Lion. I have no idea what the heck that was all about. I am not even sure he really is all that relevant right now in a music sense. The guy is more of a social media and reality show star, rather than a rapper anymore. I did not even mention the soft core pornography he released as well.
6. DMX... His career just goes to show you how fickle the music game is in the end. Nobody had a better decade popularity wise than this guy, except for possibly Jay Z, Kanye, or Eminem. Actually, if you get right down to it, he was probably more popular than all of them. In contrast, nobody has had a worse decade then the 2010’s as DMX. He faced jail time, debt, and a complete drought of anything resembling a hit. I believe that the guy truly wishes for the film Groundhog Day to happen to him, so he has the same day in 2006 over and over again when he was the king.
7. Dr. Dre... I will say that one of the most disappointing things for me personally in rap in the 21st-century is the fact that his Detox album was never released. The excuses on why he refused to make it began in the 2000’s and lasted almost 15 years. He should have just come out and said he did not want to rap anymore, but instead only produce. Simple as that. I mean Axl Rose finally released Chinese Democracy, but Dre cannot do the same. He made Axl actually look good with Chinese Democracy, which I never thought would happen.
8. Ludacris... Much like Ice Cube and the late Heavy D, he has also focused more of his efforts on acting. For younger kids, they probably only know him as the guy from The Fast and the Furious franchise. This shows that some rap artists will always eventually make their way to Hollywood at some point. The money is much too good and the work is for the most part fairly straightforward when compared with keeping up on the Billboard charts year after year.
9. Lil Wayne... He was in the news recently because the guy might go to jail again. I truly thought when the rapper went to jail the first time in 2010 that his career was over. Yet, Lil Wayne has shown to be quite resilient in maintaining a career that some people thought would only be a flash in the pan after the Carter III. I never cared for the musical production on his records, but I will try to stop knocking the guy so much because he seems to have been to hell and back. Weezy still has not lost that gold tooth after everything.
10. Eminem... I have never doubted the greatness in the lyrical abilities of Eminem. He probably has one of the greatest flows of anybody in the history of rap. My issue with him comes in the musical production. The samples and hooks he employs in a good percentage of his albums are average at best. Every once in a while, you will hear something very good as when Rick Rubin produced one of his albums. Yet, I contend that he does tend to be quite repetitive in a lot of his songs relying too heavily on his lyrical prowess.
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'A total blast': our writers pick their favorite summer blockbusters ever
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'A total blast': our writers pick their favorite summer blockbusters ever
As the season heats up on the big screen, Guardian writers look back on their picks from the past with killer sharks, mournful crime-fighters and time-traveling teens
Face/Off (1997)
Photograph: Allstar/Cinetext/PARAMOUNT
Madman bomber Nicolas Cage stole John Travoltas dead sons life. So gloomy FBI agent Travolta steals Cages face. When Cage steals his face and his wife and freedom John Woos Face/Off becomes the biggest, wackiest and most operatic summer blockbuster in history, a gonzo combustion that flings everything from pigeons to peaches at the screen.
Hong Kong cineastes might applaud a script with roots in the ancient Sichuan opera genre Bian Lian, where performers swap masks like magic. Popcorn-munchers, of which I am front row center, are here to watch whack job Cage and soulful Travolta, two actors who love to go full-ham, play each other and go deep inside their iconographies. Call it hamception. Or just call it a crazy swing that hits a home run as Cavolta and Trage battling it out in a warehouse, a speedboat and, of course, a church. As Cage-as-Travolta gloats to Travolta-as-Cage, Isnt this religious? The eternal battle between good and evil, saint and sinners but youre still not having any fun! Maybe hes not, but we sure are. Bravo, bravo. AN
Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
Photograph: David James/Publicity image from film company
Theres been an increasing sense of desperation clinging to the majority of roles picked by Tom Cruise in recent years. Outside of the still shockingly entertaining Mission: Impossible series, he was miscast in the barely serviceable Jack Reacher and its maddeningly unnecessary sequel, his awards-aiming American Made was throwaway and his franchise-starting The Mummy was a franchise-killer. But four summers ago, he picked the right horse just maybe at the wrong time.
Because despite how deliriously fun Edge of Tomorrow was in the summer of 2014, audiences didnt show the requisite enthusiasm. It was a moderate success (enough to warrant a long-gestating sequel) but it should have packed them in, its combination of charm, invention and sheer thrills making it one of the most objectively successful blockbuster experiences in memory. The nifty plot device (Cruise must relive a day of dying while battling aliens over and over again) allowed for some dark gallows humor and a frenetic pace that kept us all giddily on edge while it also contained a dazzling action star turn from Emily Blunt whose fearless Full Metal Bitch wrestled the film away from Cruise. Blame its relative failure on the bland title? Cruise fatigue? Blockbuster over-saturation? Then find a digital copy to watch and rewatch and repeat. BL
Back to the Future (1985)
Photograph: Allstar/UNIVERSAL/Sportsphoto Ltd./Allstar
Back to the Future very nearly wasnt a summer blockbuster. The reshoots required after Eric Stoltz was booted off, then the fact Michael J Foxs Family Ties commitments meant he could only shoot at night all meant filming didnt wrap until late April. Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg duly pencilled in an August / September release.
But then people started seeing it. Test scores were off the scale. Said producer Frank Marshall: Id never seen a preview like that. The audience went up to the ceiling. So they bagsied the best spot the year had to offer 3 July hired a squad of sound editors to work round the clock and two print editors with instructions to get properly choppy. They did, and those big trims tightened yet further one of the tautest screenplays (by Bob Gale) cinema has ever seen. The only bit of fat they left was the Johnny B Goode scene: sure, it didnt advance the story, but the kids at those test screenings knew we were gonna love it. Back to the Future is a pure shot of summer cinema: grand, ambitious, insanely entertaining. Deadpool, Avengers, take note: a blockbuster can be smart as hell so long as it wears it lightly. In the end, by the way, the film spent 11 weeks at number 1 at the US box office. Thats essentially the whole summer. CS
Teminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Photograph: Allstar/TRISTAR/Sportsphoto Ltd./Allstar
The first film I ever saw at the cinema was The Rocketeer. We drove into Bradford city centre, bought our tickets at the Odeon and sat through the 1991 tale which followed the fortunes of a stunt pilot, a rocket pack and a Nazi agent played by Timothy Dalton who sounded like he was from Bury rather than Berlin. The way into the multiplex there was a huge poster for Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Arnie sat on a Harley with a shotgun cocked and ready. My dad was a huge fan of the original but he still couldnt swing taking a seven-year-old to see it. It wasnt until I borrowed a VHS copy that I finally got to see what was behind that image. Skynet, dipshits, T-1000s, a nuclear holocaust and a motorbike chases on the LA river.
Blockbusters dont usually have that edge: theres a more brazen mainstream appeal. But Judgment Day was and still is an exception. It did huge numbers at the box office (more than $500m), was a rare sequel that was arguably better than the original and introduced really odd bits of Spanish idiom into the Bradford schoolyard lexicon. I probably would have been scarred for life watching it as a seven-year-old, but as a teenager it gave me a story I doubt Ill ever get tired of revisiting. LB
The Dark Knight (2008)
Photograph: Allstar/WARNER BROS.
The summer of 2008 was a busy one: Barack Obama emerged from a contentious democratic primary to become the first ever black presidential nominee of a major party. The dam fortifying the entire global financial system was about to burst. China hosted its first ever Summer Olympics. But somehow, and not exactly to my credit, what I remember most from that summer is the uncanny, ridiculously over-the-top publicity blitzkrieg that preceded the release of The Dark Knight, which has since emerged as not just an all-time great summer blockbuster, but an all-time great American film, period.
There were faux-political billboards that read I believe in Harvey Dent; a weirdly nondescript website of the same name; Joker playing cards dispersed throughout comic book stores, which led fans to another website where the DA was defaced with clown makeup. Dentmobiles, Gotham City voter registration cards, a pop-up local news channel: the marketing campaign might have seemed excessive had the movie not so convincingly topped it. Ten years later, as films like Deadpool and Avengers: Infinity War try to reach those same heights of virality, The Dark Knight remains the measuring stick by which every superhero movie, and superhero villain, is measured. JN
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Photograph: Jasin Boland/AP
In many ways, Fury Road is summer: arid, scorching, bright enough to be squinted at. The driving force behind all the high-impact driving is scarcity of water, the essence of life in a desert where death practically rises up from the burning sand. Even in the air-conditioned comfort of a multiplex auditorium in Washington DCs Chinatown, watching George Millers psychotic motor opera left this critic sweaty and parched. My world is fire and blood, warns the weary Max Rockatansky (Tom Hardy) in the scripts opening lines. Staggering out of a theater into the oppressive rays of the sun, it sure can feel that way.
Millers masterpiece fits into the summer blockbuster canon in a less literal capacity as well, striking its ideal balance of dazzling technical spectacle and massively-scaled emotional catharsis. There was plenty of breathless praise to go around upon this films 2015 release, much of it for the feats of practical-effects daring, but the hysterical extremes of feeling cemented its status as a modern classic. I cant deny that Ive watched the polecat sequence upwards of a dozen times, but Millers film truly comes alive in Furiosas howl of desperation, and in Maxs noble disappearance into the throng. CB
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo
Its the music, its the giant boulder, its the Old Testament mysticism, its the whip, its the Cairo Swordsman, its Harrison Fords crooked smile, its the bad dates, its Karen Allen drinking a sherpa under the table, its the melted faces and exploding heads. Its all these things plus having the good fortune of seeing this at the cinema at a very young age, therefore watching most of it through my terrified fingers. (Indy tells Marion to keep her eyes shut during the cosmic spooky ending; way ahead of you there!)
The modern blockbuster as we know it was created by Steven Spielberg with Jaws and George Lucas with Star Wars, so the hype was unmatched when the two collaborated in 1981 with Raiders of the Lost Ark. As a kid I had no idea this was a loving homage to cliffhanger serials from the 30s and 40s, I took it as pure adventure. The seven-and-a-half minute desert truck chase (I dont know, Im making thus up as I go) is probably the best action sequence in all of cinema (John Woos Hard Boiled does not have a horse, sorry), but watching as an adult one notices a lot of sophisticated humor, too. (Indy being too exhausted to make love to Marion, for example, is something that didnt connect when I was six.)
Its strange to think I watched these cartoon Nazis on VHS with my grandparents who had escaped the Holocaust, and no one benefits when you do the math to figure out how young Marion was when, as Indy puts it, you knew what you were doing. But for thrills, laughs and propulsive camerawork (though a little mild Orientalism), nothing tops this one. JH
Independence Day (1996)
Photograph: Everett/REX/Shutterstock
Short of actually calling their film Summer Blockbuster, rarely can a films height-of-summer release date been so central to a films raison detre. This being the mid-90s, when po-mo and self-referentiality was all the rage, brazenly hooking your tentpole film to 4 July was seen as a pretty smart idea.
Fortunately, all the ducks did line up in a row for ID4: a game-changing performance from Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum at (arguably) his funniest, a rousingly Clintoneque president in Bill Pullman and most importantly in that run-up to the millennium physical destruction on a gigantic scale. Much comment at the time was expended on the laser obliteration of the White House (an early shot from the Tea Party/Maga crowd?), but I personally cherish director Roland Emmerichs signature move of detonating cars in somersault formation. Like many other huge-budget films then and since, Independence Day was basically a tooled-up retread of cheap-as-chips format of earlier decades though who these days would roll such expensive dice on what is essentially an original script, with no comic book or toy branding as a forerunner? We shall never see its like again. AP
Aliens (1986)
Photograph: Allstar/20 CENTURY FOX/Sportsphoto Ltd./Allstar
An Aliens summer is one for moviegoers who prefer to sit in in darkened rooms when the sun is shining; the brutal confines of the fiery power plant make an excellent subliminal ad for air conditioning. In 1986, James Cameron took Ridley Scotts elegant, iconic horror template and turned it into an all-out action blockbuster, forcing Ripley once again to face down her nemeses in a breathless fug of claustrophobia, sweat and fear. Its relentlessly stressful and unbelievably thrilling.
I first saw Aliens many years after its initial release. Owing to its sizeable and long-lasting legacy, it was at once immediately familiar, yet also brisk and brutally fresh. I understood that it was a classic, but I wasnt prepared for just how good it is, for the pitch-perfect management of tension, the pace that never really lets up, the emotional pull. The maternal undertow of Ripleys protection of Newt, and the alien mirror of that, adds a level of heart unusual in most blockbusters, and her frustration at being a woman whose authority must be earned again and again, and then proven again and again, remains grimly relevant, 30 years on. Its also a total blast. Now get away from her, you bitch. RN
Jaws (1975)
Photograph: Fotos International/Getty Images
It is the great summer blockbuster ancestor the film that in 1975 more or less invented the concept of the event movie. And unlike all those other summer blockbusters, Steven Spielbergs Jaws is actually about the summer; it is explicitly about the institution of the summer vacation, into which the movie was being sold as part of the seasonal entertainment. It is about the sun, the sand, the beach, the ocean and the entirely justified fear of being eaten alive by an enormous shark with the appetite of a serial killer and the cunning of a U-boat commander. And more than that: it is about that most contemporary of political phenomena: the coverup, the town authorities at a seaside resort putting vacationers at risk by not warning them about the shark. The Jaws mayor has become comic shorthand for the craven and pusillanimous politician.
A blockbuster nowadays means spectacular digital effects, but this film is from an analogue world. It bust the block through brilliant film-making and an inspired score from John Williams, summoning up the shark with a simple two-note theme which became the most famous musical expression of evil since Bernard Herrmanns shrieking violin stabs in Psycho took the place of actual knife-slashing. I still remember the excitement of the summer of 1975, and the queues around the block at the Empire, in Watford, round the corner from the football ground. The inspired brevity of the title meant the word was repeated over and over again to fill the marquee display: JAWS JAWS JAWS as if they were screaming it! PB
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
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