#[ eternally grateful to everyone who boosts this ty ty! i may have had a cocktail so ignore any stupid errors i made? ]
corvvii · 6 years
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For all practical purposes a ghost, this Elezen only appears on public records as far back as three summers ago. It’s likely, then, that he’s chosen to live under an assumed name. He tends to use his appearance to his advantage, passing himself off as a Wildwood whenever it suits his interests—which, given the discrimination that Duskwights face, is more often than not.
He first stepped into the public’s eye as an academic—and, unbeknownst to all but those closest to him, the proprietor of The Cloak & Dagger (under the alias “Crow”). He is passionate about magicks, especially arcanima, and has a demonstrated talent for alchemy, both beyond what one may expect of a man who’s only twenty and one summers old.
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In Character———
Profession(s): Academic — Director of Alizarine Research & Reclamation ( @alizarinefc ). Information Broker — Proprietor of The Cloak & Dagger, and current self-proclaimed leader of the Ebonguard ( @ebonguardls ).
Alignment: Generally neutral. Loyal to the Eorzean alliance, but not the msot law-abiding citizen. Has a misdemeanor charge on record (disturbing the peace) in Ul’dah.
Professional Talents: Magic — Arcanima. Alchemy. Warding and minor enchantment. Bartending/mixology.
Current Residence: The Goblet, Sultana’s Breath.
Likely Haunts: Ul’dah and Thanalan, primarily. Bookstores. Antique Shops. Magic Shops. Bars and Taverns. Gambling Establishments.
Hobbies: Gambling, primarily poker and other card games. Magic tricks, primarily sleight of hand. Reading, especially academic texts but also including poetry. He will die before he admits he’s tried writing some of his own. He has a general interest in music and fashion as well.
Abbreviated Bio: Leonnaux is a Shroud-born Duskwight. He is obsessively studious and somewhat selfish in nature, though simultaneously surprisingly laid-back. Those who can make it past his strictly-business demeanor might note a heart of gold, despite the kind of work he’s often involved in via The Cloak & Dagger.
Having run away from home and come to Ul’dah, he quickly had to find a way to make money, which led him to dip his toes into the criminal underworld... and after he took the plunge, he never looked back. He took advantage of his new-found freedom (both in person and, to an extent, in finances) to continue his studies into the flow of aether and alchemy.
Full Profile Here.
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Out of Character———
I’m Mid and I use they/them pronouns! My personal blog is @penvmbral. I’m a college student who bounces between Central Time and Eastern Time. I’m generally most active during NA Evenings and Late Nights.
I play on Balmung, but I’m also experienced in Tumblr RP and am more than willing to do threads here! Discord RP probably won’t happen though because my DMs get buried super easily and I’m very easily-distracted with things like Discord. I’m 100% open to connections on other Crystal worlds as well!
Leonnaux is my main character, but I’ve generally been too busy to do much RP outside of my immediate circles unfortunately. I do want to change that, but I will admit to being a little picky!
First: I am a lore-strict RPer. I don’t mind bending the lore a bit if it means telling a better story or if the effect is mostly for flavor, but I take the integrity of the setting very seriously. I also tend play on the lower end of the power spectrum, so I’m not really interested in characters who spend their weekends hunting Ifrit in the Bowl of Embers.
Second: I value OOC communication above all else. If you are unable or unwilling to use OOC channels to the necessary extent to avoid potential issues regarding touchy material in RP and the like then I’m not interested.
I’m also not looking for shipping/relationship RP (Leon is taken and very monogamous) or ERP, but those are kind of givens.
Beyond that, I’m open to anything, but in particular I am looking for:
Casual acquaintances and friends!
Business contacts!
Long-term plot-focused RP connections!
Discord and Linkshell communities! (Note: I’m also willing to come hang out with FCs if they have an open Discord, but I lead my own and am not interested in joining another, sorry!)
Detailed RP Hooks Under the Cut.
Thanks for reading! I will likely be watching the notes of this post and reaching out to people myself from time to time, but by all means feel free to send me a message here on Tumblr. I generally respond within the day. My Discord is available upon request!
Tagging for Visibility: @balmungrp, @ffxiv-balmung-rp, @ffxiv-crystal-rp, @crystalxivrp, @mooglemeet
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1. The Academic/Scholarly Community.
While the majority of Leonnaux’s career has been spent in seclusion, teaching himself the skills he’s learned, he eventually came out of his shell. Having gained some experience in a position of leadership, he is now more confident in his abilities as a scholar and as a mage. He’s always looking to expand his horizons, and has an extensive personal collection (although it’s doubtful that he’s read every book cover-to-cover). 
He also has a passing interest in alchemy, although he’s less skilled with it than he is with magic. He understands and can clearly explain most of the basic principles of Eorzean alchemy (at least the sort they teach in Ul'dah), but the most complex principles or foreign variants of the art are utterly lost on him… Not that he wouldn’t love to learn. Despite his talent for alchemy, he also doesn’t have the time or knowledge to go out and collect his own reagents and materials, so he relies heavily on outside help, be they merchants in Ul’dah or independent suppliers.
He is also the director of Alizarine Research & Reclamation, a company focused on such academic pursuits as well as the study and acquisition of artifacts, regardless of whether their significance lays in their history or their properties.
2. The Criminal Element
For a long time, Leonnaux’s primary source of income was selling information and watching the rumor mill turn. He’s always had somewhat of a disdain for law and authority, viewing such things necessary only insofar as they serve his ends. He sold secrets and whispers under the guise of a somewhat ostentatious man known as “Crow,” using his “messenger” (really a cover to ensure that he was taken seriously in his work, and to protect his identity/safety if things went awry) as an intermediary between himself and business contacts as a means of protecting his identity due to the nature of his work. More recently, he has taken to thievery if the price is right. 
“Crow” is also known to be the leader of a loose criminal network that he calls “the Ebonguard” and is the proprietor of an establishment known as The Cloak & Dagger, a restaurant meant to be a sort of ‘neutral ground’ for criminals and n’er-do-wells to do business and have a good bite to eat. 
Leonnaux is known to gamble his money in seedy places. More than happy to sit for a game of cards or a cigarette, one might notice that he can get an uncanny winning streak going under the right conditions. The keenest might be able to connect the dots to the pronounced talent for sleight of hand and other magic tricks that he seems to possess.
3. Contract Work.
Leonnaux is more than willing to take contract work, although he has his boundaries. This is in its own heading because he’s willing to take work to research things or track down artifacts as he is to sell information or organize heists to steal valuables. His only hard line is that he won’t kill on contract and he will not aid in any plot involving human trafficking.
Note though that Leonnaux is comfortable enough financially that he may not take every job that’s pitched to him. High risk jobs that offer little reward are likely to be declined, but if the pot is sweet enough then he can be convinced to do anything that doesn’t cross one of his hard lines.
(Note that RPing contracts in the east will be difficult, as I don’t generally play with IC teleportation due to playing on the lower end of the power spectrum.)
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