#aka king of background faces
sqturns-blog · 11 months
Chris Sturniolo Head-Cannons, Sfw and Nsfw
Summary: Basically just head-cannons for Chris Sturniolo as always SFW will be at the top and NSFW will be towards the bottom! Pink text is you speaking! Orange text is Chris speaking!
T/w: Locals Dni! Minors Dni! or do i’m not your parent or guardian (smut head cannons at end)
A/n: i didn’t proof read this again YOLO
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SFW Head-cannons:
Not sure if he’s into PDA since he has said that he doesn’t want a girlfriend because of there girl fanbase but when he works up the courage to tell the world he’s definitely a PDA king
His love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation!
Physical Touch: He NEEDS his hands on you at all times even if it’s just a slight touch of your hand when your in public he likes to know your there
Words of Affirmation: He loves to tell you how beautiful you are (i don’t think he says i love you until later on / 6 months into the relationship because he prob has commitment issues) but when that’s over and he works up the courage to tell you he loves you he’s saying it ALLL the time
If your not feeling the best/ having a bad day all day he’s gonna try to make you laugh ( telling very bad jokes , and probably tickling you )
Idk why but i feel like he’d LOVE to tickle you 1. cause he’s very childish 2. he loves to hear your laugh it’s like music to his ears
He loves to ask you before he does something aka “Should i post this?” “Should i get Burger King or McDonald’s?”
He has you pinned on EVERYTHING messages, snap, insta whatever he can pin you on your pinned
His phone background is a photo of you and him but your face isn’t showing just in case a fan accidentally sees it
idk if this is SFW but i feel like he’s a stoner 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
loves to take .5s of you 2 or just you
has a folder in his photos of photos with you in them!
(NSFW head-cannons below ⬇️)
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NSFW Head-cannons:
he’s definitely an ass kinda guy he loves to hit it from the back iykwim 😉😉😉😉😉
ofc his fav position is Doggy, mainly cause of your ass durrrr and cause i feel like he has a hair pulling kink 🤷🏽‍♀️
he definitely has a favorite dress of yours cause it hugs you in all the right spots and (easy access of course)
he likes to take his chances he definitely enjoys public sex
will tell you what kind of bras and panties he wants you to buy cause “i’m the only one who gets to see them anyways mamas.”
PET NAMESSSS he loves to call you Ma, or Mama (you called him daddy once by accident and he went faster with pounding into you so you’ve kept that in mind)
He has probably asked for you to send him nudes before and he went CRAZZYYYY so you like to send them when he’s in public cause it makes him squirm
if you send him a nude in public trust when he gets home your not gonna be able to walk for WEEEEKS
definitely loves to sweet talk you and MAYYBEEE a little degrading “good girl nghh~~ take me like the good girl you are~~” “okay d-daddy” *proceeds to go even faster*
A/n: (i’m not the best at these kinds of Hc’s but i tried)
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anxious-witch · 3 months
Part three of height/stance analysis of DBDA character. This part is about the Cat King, mainly in regard to catwin, but I will briefly touch upon his few scenes with other characters too.
Charles's version, Edwin's version
So, the Cat King another character that take a dominant position in most of his scenes. Immediately, when we meet him, he is sitting on a throne, above Charles, Edwin and Crystal, which is meant to intimidate them and to show off his power over the situation. Focusing on that specifically, now we can notice a pattern-Charles gets lowered when he is feeling helpless, Edwin when he feels out of control and the Cat King when he actually loses the dominant role of the scene, aka the events aren't unfolding as he planned. Which are similar, but not exactly the same, which tells us a lot about each of them.
The Cat King is a magical being of unknow origin, so it makes sense his sense of self is tied into power. From what I noticed, that power comes from either intimidation or desire, or sometimes both.
So let's go back to the first scene where he appears. Crystal and the boys are naturally, intimidated by him, which is further exemplified by the fact that the Cat King doesn't even rise from his chair, and yet keeps his high ground.
When does he rise? When he is about to offer Edwin a private conversation, taking control more directly that way.
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But notice the camera angle in this scene. Not only does it not show the Cat King and our trio(because we know very well both Charles and Edwin are physically taller, but it also shows him from a slightly lowered angle of the camera, so he appears bigger. Almost as if he is looming over them. Then, once he and Edwin are alone, we get to this.
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The first time where the Cat King looks smaller than Edwin. BUT, take a look at Edwin, who is usually standing oerfectly poised and straight, looming over everyone and everything. Here, he looks almost slightly hunched down instead. But why is the Cat King smaller here, you may ask? Because he is trying to find Edwin's weak spot. He even says here "What should you punishment be?" Only when Edwin counters with "I don't see the harm in one little spell" does the Cat King resume his dominant position.
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Looking at this two shots, Edwin looks almost timid, his usual height deemed irrelevant when he is alone in the shot, almost bledning in with the dark background. In contrast, the Cat King is illuminated, appearing bigger and more threatening, further highlighted by his satisfied expression.
This is followed by a scene where CT slaps the bracelet on Edwin.
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When the Cat King leans in, die to the angle it looks like he is taller than Edwin. Because he figured Edwin's weak spot-his repressed sexuality. And here, Edwin is giving in to it, giving the Cat King the power to put the caging spell on him.
What I found interesting is that immediately after, the Cat King willingly sits down in his chair, leaving Edwin standing. He seems to work under a careful set of rules so once he brands Edwin with his bracelet, he briefly gives the power back to Edwin, in giving him a choice to give in to his desire. I talked about this in another post here, but the gist of it is that the Cat King forces him to choose between giving in to his desires(accepting his homosexuality) or face his flaw(his dismissivness of creatures and ppl he finds irrelevant to him).
Only when Edwin refuses to reclaim him power in accepting his inital offer does the Cat King rise again and assumes his dominant stance.
Now, let's analyze their second meeting. When Edwin arrives, the Cat King is lounging on the wall, lying down. He is still on a higher ground, but I find it interesting that he again, gives Edwin a chance to reclaim his freedom first. And he does so twice. Firstly, by giving Edwin a chance to tell him how many cats there are, and when he is wrong, to go along with his flirting. And when he doesn't, then the Cat King rises once again.
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When he gets close to Edwin, we have, again another shot where CT looks taller. Because Edwin feels out of control when he is around, because he feels small in the face of his own desires. And the Cat King is aware of it.
Now, the firest scene is when things TRULY get interesting. By this point, we see Edwin gain much more confidence in himself and his feelings, partially due to accepting he has feelings for Charles and partially bc of his friendship/situationship with Monty. So when they meet each other in the woods, we get this shot.
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Not only is there a very noticable height difference we weren't show before, but the Cat King is actively leaning down, leaning towards Edwin as he reveals Monty's betrayl to him.
Why? Because he realized Edwin was well on his way in winning his game. So here, he is trying to find his footing again, trying to appease Edwin. And I'd say he almost suceeds, because for a brief moment, when he is talking about Edwin owning him a thanks, they are on equal ground, height wise. But then, CT brings up a second kiss and that balance shatters. We get this shot:
Of Edwin cockying his head up and making himself appear taller, despite the camera angle not working in his favor. And of course, we then have Edwin walking away, with the camera showing how small the Cat King is in that moment as he makes his threat. Edwin turns back and then he is the one lowering himself on the Cat King's level to show off the bracelet and remind him that's all that he is to Edwin.
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Reminding him that while Edwin can stoop to his level, they are not equal, and that Edwin understands his game now and that he is done with it. He took his power back.
I find the fact that their power dynamics are shifting sm throughout these soo fascinating, honestly. Their rs is so dynamic and it's shown so plainly through who is appearing bigger in that moment. But! Let's shift from catwin for a bit and take a look at another character that manages to be more dominant in a scene with the Cat King. Which is, of course, Esther.
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Cat King tries his usual approach with her, with him sitting on his throne and not paying attention to her entering, but Esther clearly doesn't fall for that intimidation tactic, instead grabbing him by the throat and forcing him in a position where she is in control. It's not only violent, it feels almost degrading, given the way she does it and given what we know of the Cat King thus far.
And the thing is, even when he escapes her grip, he relinquishes the power to her, leaving her up on his throne while he is left standing down next to it, as people who usually visit him do.
I don't think I need to get into her literally killing him with her cane, and how he is literally at his lowest when he is lying on the floor. And even when he is resurrected, from then on, he seems noticably smaller in every other instance he appears in. Like he lost a fraction of his power. And even when he snarls at Esther and tell her to keep her hands off Edwin, the shot he is in purposefully makes the warehouse seem much bigger around him, while the shot of Esther is much closer up. Because she is a more threatening figure here now.
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When Crystal and Niko come looking for his help, at first he appears behind them, as if he had to sneak in to his own warehouse. He gets back on his uplifted position later, when he does decide to help them and when he realizes he holds the power of having the information they want. But notice how he orders them to sit, so he can loom over them more. I'd guess that he has been made aware of his own vulnerability and powerlessness by Esther and he tries desperately to reclaim it in that moment.
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Which is why his last scene with Edwin is so impactful! They have both been irreparably changed by circumstances. Where Edwin now stands taller, his confidence and power regained, Cat King looks almost comically tiny in comparison!
Look at that wide shot of the alley! Edwin's height is not only shown fully, it's amplified, and the Cat King's tight fitting clothes are making him seem even smaller and more vulnerable here.
Because in that moment, the illusion is fully shattered. Edwin calls CT out on his own loneliness and they are both aware he lost the game, because he is the one that fell for Edwin and he has nothing to keep him with anymore. But Edwin has grown too. He doesn't gloat in his power and in fact, when he kisses Cat King's cheek, he lowers himself on his eye level, so they are equals once more, in that brief moment. This time not doing it to hurt the Cat King, but rather to show affection and forgivness. He understands him now and he holds all the power.
Honestly, if we get a Cat King reappearance in S2, I'd love to see how their relationship would change. They are the ones whose relationship is the most dynamic and it's constantly about who will gain the upper hand.
As always, if anyone has anything to add/think I forgot something, olease feel free to add it
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cheezeybread · 2 months
Random Twisted Wonderland Headcanons I have that I feel the need to share with the world, sucks to be anyone reading this!
Kalim wasn't going to be invited to NRC, obviously, since he didn't have "exemplary" magic, as either Jamil or Crowley said in the game (I forgot which, FORGIVE ME), but it's clear that he would have been accepted into Royal Sword Academy due to his nature.
Kalim's family knew that Kalim would have been safer at Royal Sword, but they also knew that the school wouldn't accept their "donations" as well. Plus, they knew Jamil was going to NRC, and knew how much Kalim had bonded to the boy.
And, obviously, Jamil would be more than happy to watch over Kalim and ensure that he gets better at magic and has a good time, right? So off to NRC you go, Kalim! Oh, lookie here, you're in the same dorm as Jamil now! How convenient!
So, to sum it up, the Asim family made sure Kalim got into NRC despite the "dangerous" students because they knew Jamil would be there to protect and serve him. Ouchies
Two different kinds of merfolk- sirens and fishfolk (aka, the kinds of merfolk desended from animals-- not sure what to call them, so fisfolk is a placeholder lol--, like the tweels and Azul). Sort of the same vibe as Beastmen and humans
While it's not technically cannibalism for a "fishfolk" to eat the creature they're descended from, a lot of cultures believe it to be a sin to do so, and some just get the willies from it.
Nudity is really not a big deal to merfolk. Like, most of them don't wear clothes, and those that do only wear robes and stuff to symbolize their class/status in society underwater. On land, they have to have a crash course in how to wear clothes and what to wear when. Floyd was very prone to accidentally forget to wear clothes and wander the halls of Octavinelle naked during his freshman year (much to the horror of his dorm members)
The Merfolk don't eat each other 24/7, nor pose as much of a threat to each other as wild animals do- some find it extremely offensive that land-dwellers assume all mer-predators eat whatever other merpeople they can sink their teeth into. They live together in a society similar to the one on land. Of course, the elements and wild creatures pose more of a threat to them than natural land-predators, but the merfolk themselves aren't in the habit of killing one another.
HOWEVER, there is a special law amongst them that if another merperson is causing undue harm to them/a loved one, murder is justified. And, of course, they must consume the flesh of the merperson killed and send the head back to the killed one's family for closure reasons. They may not eat each other that often, but in the Ocean, it's more natural and well-accepted to eat whoever you killed (in self-defense, ofc, if it wasn't in self-defense, then you are going to JAIL, queen!) to show that you respected the fight they put up and to honor their memory. It's more of an ancient tradition that's now just a part of what they do.
This one was brought to me in a VISION (aka me reading part 3 of Cater's Vignette for one of his cards when I noticed the background Heartslabyul students all had Suit characters on their faces)
All of the dorm members are assigned a "card suit" after their orientation- this suit is determined by the Housewarden (who is assigned the role of the "king/queen" of the dorm and doesn't need a suit), who bases his decision off of the personality of the student, their grades, and their ambitions. No one but the Housewarden knows why they're put in the suit they are.
There's a big initiation ceremony when the Housewarden finishes deciding the Suits for the freshmen, and they host a special ceremony in their dorm's yard that involves a series of tasks for the freshmen to go through- involving a maze-run with juniors chasing after them, a hedgehog obstacle course, and a special game that the Housewarden makes per year off of one of the Queen of Heart's rules. Once the initiation ceremony is done, and the suits are given to each freshmen, they will then be responsible for painting their suit on their face wherever they want to for the rest of their time on campus.
For most Housewardens, a student needs to challenge the existing housewarden and duel them to claim their title.
For Ignihyde, they do things differently. Because they're all more skilled in technology for the most part, they'll have a challenge to see who can build something the best (whether it be a robot, a toy machine, etc etc- the decision of what to make will be voted on by the dorm members). At the end of the challenge, all of the students in the dorm will vote on who did the best- but they aren't told which invention was made by whom as to avoid favoritism, and boom! That's the new Dorm Leader.
Idia brought Ortho into the dorm and everyone just assumed that that was his challenge to the existing dorm leader LMAO
It really wasn't....but the current dorm leader was so in awe of Ortho and Idia's intelligence that he gave up his position (practically forcing it into Idia lol) for him.
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r1-jw-lover · 1 year
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Official John Wick Major Arcana tarot cards featuring Chapter 4 characters
Art by Julien Rico Jr, in collaboration with Lionsgate.
Sources: nerdsloveart, behance
Image descriptions below the cut:
[Start ID: 22 images featuring characters and locations from the movie "John Wick: Chapter 4" as Major Arcana tarot cards. The drawings are in black and white against a sandy beige background, and has plenty of circle motives. Roman numerals are at the top, their corresponding card title at the bottom, and the movie title "John Wick: Chapter 4" on the bottom left margin.
0: The number zero, or unnumbered, tarot card features Killa Harkan played by Scott Adkins as "The Fool". Killa is holding a 2 of spades between two fingers while giving a smug smile that shows off his set of golden teeth. He wears a ring on his right hand and the other hand is holding a stack of cards. Behind Killa is a minimalistic design resembling a casino token with details such as the diamond and clover symbols, as well as the numbers on the dice. In front of Killa is a table with two piling stacks of casino tokens, a gun, and the shadow of John Wick's head looming over a large portion of the table.
1: The number one tarot card features The Tracker or Mr. Nobody played by Shamier Anderson as "The Magician". Mr. Nobody has a smug expression on his face and is holding his rifle in a way that lets it rest slung over his shoulder. By his side is Mr. Nobody's Belgian Malinois. The backdrop consists of simplistic, grayish graphics of map vectors cropped into several circles of different sizes. There is a white-coloured infinity symbol on top of Mr. Nobody's head.
2: The number two tarot card features Rooney, aka The Ballerina, who first appeared in "John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum", as "The High Priestess". Rooney's back is facing towards us as she's performing a ballet move on a circular stage. Rooney is wearing a white crown and a dress that shows the cross tattoo on her back. In the backdrop, where Rooney's face is looking towards, are curtains with the initials "JW" written on the far ends of the frame.
3: The number three tarot card features Katia played by Natalia Tena as "The Empress". With a cool expression on her face, Katia is leaning forward against a set of railings, giving off a domineering aura. Katia is wearing a metallic necklace and a cross on her neck. Behind Katia is the crest of the Ruska Roma and a line in Russian circling around it.
4: The number four tarot card features The Bowery King played by Laurence Fishburne as "The Emperor". The Bowery King is sitting on a throne, but behind him is a pair of eyes staring menacingly at us. In front of him is a logo design with the same pair of eyes, though rendered smaller and appear less menacing, with an X crossed in between and a horizontal line capping the top of the X. At the Bowery King's feet, a few pigeons are shown in the foreground while the Brooklyn Bridge appear in the background.
5: The number five tarot card features The Elder as "The Hierophant". Behind the Elder is an Islamic floral design which extends into a more geometrical pattern. Standing in the background are two of the Elder's men.
6: The number six tarot card features John and Helen Wick, played by Keanu Reeves and Bridget Moynahan, as "The Lovers". John and Helen are smiling brightly towards each other in front of a New York night cityscape backdrop, with the Empire States building separating them at the centre. Above John and Helen is a silhouette of them pressed against each other about to kiss in front of a bright sun with the Brooklyn bridge in the background.
7: The number seven tarot card features John Wick driving his 1971 Plymouth Barracuda as "The Chariot". There is a bullet mark on the front glass pane of John Wick's car. On top is a closeup of John Wick surrounded by a circle of road markings and bullet marks.
8: The number eight tarot card features Charon played by Lance Reddick as "Strength". On top of Charon's head is the infinity symbol, and behind is a design reminiscent of a timepiece neatly decorated with knives, guns and bullets in a circle. Further behind is a faded image of the reverse side of the Gold Coin. Filling the bottom of the frame is the New York cityscape backdrop illuminated by the sun.
9: The number nine tarot card features Caine played by Donnie Yen as "The Hermit". Caine wears sunglasses and is holding a cane in his left hand and a pistol in his right. Caine's head is illuminated by a circle of bright light, which is surrounded by a dimmer, slightly bigger circle with Japanese wave patterns and then large protruding rays of black. In the backdrop are two winding trees along with a city landscape of Osaka, but they are overshadowed by Caine's black rays.
10: The number ten tarot card features L’Arc de Triomphe as "The Wheel of Fortune". The location is illustrated in such a way that looks like a clock, with the monument at the centre and twelve roads leading towards it. Surrounding the Arc de Triomphe are the letters from John Wick's name arranged in the exact order of north-west, north-east, south-west, south-east, west, north, east and south directions.
11: The number eleven tarot card features The Harbinger played by Clancy Brown as "Justice". The whole illustration is framed as if the Harbinger is contained inside an hourglass, with a half-body portrait of the Harbinger at the top and a full-body silhouette of him forming at the bottom from the sand flowing downwards. Behind the Harbinger's portrait is the Latin quote, "si vis pacem, para bellum", whereas next to the Harbinger's silhouette is a crescent moon. Along the sides of the hourglass outside are two duel pistols facing opposite directions on each side.
12: The number twelve tarot card features Koji Shimazu played by Hiroyuki Sanada as "The Hanged Man". Except for his feet, Koji is portrayed as an vertically-inverted reflection of himself on a pool of water. Koji is holding a katana and his head is surrounded by a circle of dim light and a brighter, slightly larger circle made of Japanese wave patterns. As seen in the reflection, behind him are cherry blossom trees and the Osaka city landscape.
13: The number thirteen tarot card features John Wick, aka the Baba Yaga, played by Keanu Reeves as "Death". John Wick is holding a pair of nunchucks in his right hand. Behind John Wick is a city landscape of Osaka lighted by the moon while his head is surrounded by a row of skull pictograms and two rows of bullets. There is also an faded image of the reverse side of the Gold Coin behind John Wick.
14: The number fourteen tarot card features Winston played by Ian McShane as "Temperance". Winston is holding up a wine glass with a capital C labelled on it, and there are multiple swords projecting from his back like wings. Behind Winston is the hotel name "Continental" and numerous halos of various fonts and patterns, along with the cityscape of New York, with the Statue of Liberty and the Empire States building in sight.
15: The number fifteen tarot card features The Marquis, Vincent Bisset de Gramont, played by Bill Skarsgård as "The Devil". Behind the Marquis is his signature emblem with two black knives crossed behind his head. The emblem is surrounded by two rows of knives. In the background is the night cityscape of Paris with the Eiffel Tower in view, illuminated by a moon that is surrounded by a snake or serpent that's chasing its own tail.
16: The number sixteen tarot card features the New York Continental Hotel as "The Tower". The top floors of the Continental Hotel are being set on fire as the small dark silhouette of John Wick and the debris carried along fall from its rooftop.
17: The number seventeen tarot card features Akira played by Rina Sawayama as "The Star". Illuminating behind Akira is a star resembling a six-pointed shuriken with two Japanese stork paintings on its left and right, which is further surrounded by a circle of alternating arrow fletchings and four-pointed shuriken. Akira is holding a bow and arrow and standing tall as the bodies of two men lie dead around her. In the background are the branches of cherry blossom trees and the sun or moon shining behind Akira.
18: The number eighteen tarot card features John Wick's and Mr. Nobody's dogs as "The Moon". The two dogs are staring up at the crescent moon, which is shaped as if John Wick's head is covering portions of the full moon. Surrounding the crescent moon are small stars and a illustration of the cycle of the moon phases. The two dogs are sitting on a road leading into an ambiguous city landscape in the background.
19: The number nineteen tarot card features the Sacré-Coeur as "The Sun". The rays of the sun spread out far and wide as wisps of clouds drifts behind the giant church. A dark silhouette of John Wick can be seen on the top open window of the Sacré-Coeur.
20: The number twenty tarot card features Chidi played by Marko Zaror as "Judgement". Behind Chidi is the emblem of the Marquis with a black knife cutting across behind his head. Below Chidi are the High Table's heavily armoured soldiers who are backdropped by a big splatter of sandy beige.
21: The number twenty-one tarot card features John Wick as "The World". John Wick's back is facing towards us with his head glancing back, showing us his face. Overlayed on top of him is his surname "Wick" with the "I" replaced by a bright silhouette of a walking John Wick. A circle of bullets surrounds John Wick and bullet marks scatter around him as the emblems of the High Table, the Marquis, the Adjudicator, and the Gold Coin fill all four corners of the frame.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 11 months
1)Jang Wonyoung ( Kpop idol )
Wonyoung is so young , but she is SUCCESSFUL & MATURE for her age . She really lives up to her name " won " & " young " . She is not only gorgeous but also very smart and talented . Although She gets alot of hate but she doesn't let others negativity or haters get to her & its evident that those people are jealous of her. She is ambassador of luxury brands like MIU MIU , skin care brands like Innisfree & all brands chase her like crazy. She is 4TH GEN IT GIRL. She also admitted in one of her interviews that she gives herself love and focus on the things she likes about herself . Her self concept is one of a kind.
" YOU ARE YOU , I AM ME " - Wonyoung
@magic-irl has made affirmations on wonyoung ( click here ) & @vanillablankie also ( click here ) I also made affirmations on Wonyoung - click on this . @heejinisoutofideas made affirmations on her too - click here
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2) Pooja Sharma aka Poo ( kabhie khushi kabhi Gham )
Poo is ICONIC . She knows her worth and never settles for less. She knows how BEAUTIFUL & AMAZING she is and only puts herself on a PEDESTAL . She pampers herself and always compliments herself. It's clear that she loves herself alot . She is like Indian version of Regina George but she wasn't as mean as Regina . I dare you to watch K3G movie and I'm sure you will know why she is a self concept icon.
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3) Jennifer Check ( Jennifer's body)
Jennifer knows that she is that bitch and she acts like it . She is confident, pretty and popular. The song " Maneater " by Nelly Furtado was made for her 🤭💖
@angelicbarbiedoll has made affirmations on Jennifer check . Click here
@fragileheart444 made affirmations on her too ! Click here
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4) Chanel Oberlin ( Scream Queens )
She is confident in herself, she knows that she is pretty , smart and rich. She is also witty and funny. Her self esteem is higher than burj khalifa .
@taurusbae222 has made affirmations on her . Click here .
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5) Maddy Perez ( Euphoria )
Who doesn't know her ? She has the CONFIDENCE one would die to have . She is the bad bitch who has it all , everyone either wants to be with her or BE HER . She literally won the IDAF mindset war .
@awhkacey has made affirmations on Maddy Perez . Click here
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6) Shah Rukh Khan ( Actor )
Shah rukh khan also known as KING KHAN . He is 58 and still ruling bollywood since 3 generations . He is not only the king of BOLLYWOOD but also the king of hearts . He is the fourth richest actor. Few years ago, his films weren't doing so good & everyone said how his " time " was gone coz he was old . Haters would make fun of him since his movies weren't able to cross more than 300 crores. He took a break for 3 - 4 years . Now when he came back , he literally broke records . His movies Pathaan and Jawan , both made 1000 crores. He literally shut the " boycott bollywood " gang and proved his haters wrong . Also , SRK came from a very poor background and he had no connections and directors said that he couldn't become an actor coz his face wasn't "chocolaty " enough but guess what ? He still did . He said that he would rule the city of Mumbai one day and he did !!! Not only he is a versatile actor but he is charming , has a great presence of mind & gives witty replies , is respectful to women & elders and he is very HUMBLE. When asked in an interview if he had any competition, he said that he didn't have any competition & he didn't come to compete but rule . In other interviews he said how he felt that he was SPECIAL & how he was the " LAST OF THE STARS " . Be like him , be confident in yourself & don't let others determine what you are capable of 💓
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7) Geet ( Jab We met )
Geet is HER OWN FAVOURITE . She loves herself and is cheerful & optimistic . She tends to follow her heart .
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8 ) Kokomi Teruhashi ( The disastrous life of saiki k )
Kokomi Teruhashi is aware of the fact that she is the prettiest girl . She is confident in herself , knows that everything will work out for her and because of this assumption everything works out for her . Life is always easy for her. She knows She can get anything She wants .
@magic-irl has made affirmations on kokomi Teruhashi . Click here To know why Kokomi is an ICON , check out this post by @awhkacey and this one by @taeriilight
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9) Tomie
She knows that she is pretty , charming and Intelligent & she uses her beauty and intelligence her advantage. She is confident in herself. She knows that she is hard to forget . She has a mysterious charm .
@magic-irl has made affirmations on her too !! Click here
@thaticonicgirl has also made affirmations on Tomie . Click here
@wishfulfilled has made a beautiful & detailed vaunt on tomie . Click here
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bucknastysbabe · 2 years
Hiii can you write anything where like the reader is Aemond’s older sister, she’s kinda a bitch to him (in the way older sisters always are, not like vile just rude and sometimes mean but like in a “only I can make fun of him” way), but they’re betrothed and it’s their wedding night and she’s nervous
Lmfao I love Aemond and characterizing his persona of I Am The Toughest Targ Ever But I Am Socially Awkward. Thanks for the request, hope you enjoy xoxo
Get a load of this guy!
Rating: Explicit at the end. Other than that SFW
Tags: Teasing, Incest, Frottage, pnv!sex, Aemond’s religious issues, Aemond’s social issues, targaryen!Sister, background sibling stuff aka Aegon is still an idiot, she’s mean but loves him
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You poked him in the shoulder in court. More of a jab really. Aemond’s sulky purple eyes glared at you. He mouthed, “What?” You smirked and leaned down, as he hadn’t hit his growth spurt yet and whispered, “Bow a bit harder to father and you might lick his boots next time.”
Aegon dissolved into a fit of snickers, hiding his smile behind a ringed hand. Helaena held hands with mother, staring off into the distance. Aemond grimaced and hissed, “Very funny. At least I show some decency.” He held his pointed chin up high, but you could see the embarrassed flush on his cheeks.
You grinned and shoved him, earning a sharp look from mother.
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You sat with your father and Lord Strong, watching Aemond twirl his sword around. You had to admit he had…grown into a handsome young man. He was your betrothed. At some point it might’ve been Jacaerys, but that ended long ago with the loss of your brother’s eye. Seeing your nephew gawk at the much more skilled, handsome, and elegant Aemond made you not question the betrothal one bit.
“Nephews? Have you come to train,” he called with that dead serious look he always held.
The boys looked apt to soil their breeches. You would too, especially if you were little Luke. They stared in shock. You smirked and leaned over the stone, shouting, “Better run lads! Aemond here is of the touchy sort!” That got a smile on their face but a sword pointed up at you.
Your brother frowned deeply, brow furrowed. He sourly replied, “You’re a very becoming jester sister!” You shrugged and laughed, Viserys’ own laughing dissolving into a haggard cough. Aemond snapped back around to get settled by Ser Criston. He was so easy to rile up, regardless of how Aemond tried to act calm and collected.
Still, he was doing better than drunkard Aegon. Drunkard Aegon was entertaining in his own ways, but no fit for a king. Everyone knew that. You hoped Rhaenyra could take the throne and that was that. Emphasis on hoped.
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Your mother had informed you that the wedding was to be rushed forward. She claimed both you and your brother were past age to procreate, since Hel and Aegon had already pushed out three. You raised a brow, wondering if Alicent considered she was 19 when she had Aegon. Aemond was eighteen and you twenty. Plenty of time.
“No more questions my child,” Alicent said.
You nodded, flexing your fingers to stare at your nails. It was something to focus on. Viserys’ ill health was the real reason. You opened your mouth to speak, earning a smack to the hand.
Still you uttered.
“Aemond know?”
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Aegon was plastered. Again. But that was perfect for you to get any information on your soon-to-be forever twerp’s sexual history. He lazed on a bench in Maegor’s Holdfast, stinking of the streets and sex. You wrinkled your nose and kicked him in the thigh.
He spluttered and hazy violet eyes stared up at you. Aegon sleepily slurred, “Whahyowan?” Rolling your eyes you sat down and tucked your legs to the side. You probably smelt of dragon, hopefully the dullard wouldn’t puke. Petting back his wild locks you said, “You took Aemond to a brothel, yes?”
His pouty lips curled into a tipsy grin, manic laugh bubbling out into the high ceiling. Aegon mused, “Yea! Like a’lil maid’n!” You moved your gloved hand in jerks to get him to keep talking. Aegon sat up a little and hummed, “Ya’ scared Aem’s gonna be impotent?” He shrugged, “Refused ta’ go back w’me but he can get the job done, dear sis!”
You flatly stared while the prince giggled and slapped his knee in hysteria.
“Ha-ha very funny Aegon. Good news he’ll be able to get it up,” you poked him, “Unlike someone I know!” Aegon gaped for a moment before laughing harder, clutching his stomach. You couldn’t help but join in with him, he had always kept you laughing.
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A couple days before the wedding you approached Aemond in the library. He was pouring over scrolls per usual, one eye intense and rapidly moving across the words. He stiffened and sat up, primly addressing you, “Princess.”
You hopped onto the wooden table, placing your hand over his readings. Aemond huffed, crossing his arms and pursing fine lips. In an exasperated tone he asked, “Will you drop the terrorizing older sibling act when we are to be wed?” You almost laughed in his face before registering the tone of uncertainty, the dead honesty in his eye.
Slowly, softly, and quite nervously you placed your hand over his much bigger one. Aemond inhaled sharply, tilting his blonde head away. You sighed, “You know I mean nothing by teasing you right? It’s just fun to see the golden child get flustered.”
Aemond narrowed his one eye, lovely hair swaying as he snapped his head up, but didn’t move his hand away. He stated, “Golden child. Hm.” His jaw ticked as the second son thought over your words. You leaned in with a secretive smile, whispering, “Well obviously Aegon’s not fit and Hel is taking care of his kids, playing with bugs.”
Aemond scoffed at your dismissal of Helaena. He filled in, cocking his head, “What does that make you then? The troublesome elder sister who should’ve had offspring by now?” You smacked his shoulder lightly in dismay.
“Easy now Aemond,” you teased. His lips quirked slightly, that cute blush from embarrassment rearing it’s head. He stared at you quietly, cheeks pinkened. You raised a brow, nervously joking, “What? Why are you looking like that?”
The chair scraped back with a jolt, you yelped and jumped in surprise. Aemond’s big hands covered your shoulders as hard lips pressed to your own. He softened slightly, you moving your lips against his own. Your hand came up to tilt his head so his nose would stop mashing against yours. Little fool.
The kiss grew heated, Aemond’s hands squeezing softly. He tentatively lapped against your tongue, you gasping in excitement. The pair of you lazily moved together, pressing closer and closer. Your brother made a soft sigh, twirling his tongue against your own. You spread your legs to let him closer. He grunted and gripped harder, growing desperate. When you reached down to palm his hard length Aemond pulled back with a sharp gasp, readjusting himself.
You gasped in shock, biting out, “The hells Aem? Something wrong with you?”
He heaved, composing himself back to that cold demeanor. Aemond declared snootily, “We must wait until our wedding. As the gods intended.” A purple eye flicked down while he continued, “I think it’s best if you go for now.”
You were annoyed now. The bastard got you riled up and your cunt wet. What did it matter if the wedding was days away? You snapped, “Others take you! Do you always have to be so damn proper? Imp.”
Indignantly hopping down the table you couldn’t help but feel scorned, tugging your stays into place. Aemond stood stiff as a board, like his obviously interested cock in his trousers. He avoided your angry glare. You scoffed and stomped off. Atleast you knew he was hung.
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You were properly wed now. Also very clothed with your nuisance of a brother pacing around— clothed too. He had forbidden the usual bawdy act of the bedding ceremony. Aegon had loudly complained the entire time, damn pervert. Nerves shook your body. Aemond muttered to himself, “Okay. Duty. I will fulfill my duty.”
You began to take off your beautiful dress, a bit dejected at his utilitarian approach to this. You had hoped the passion he had in the kiss earlier this week would come back.
Once your second stocking was off Aemond stopped pacing and gawked at you. He deadpanned, “What are you doing?” You spat, “Undressing myself so you can ‘fulfill your duty’ husband!” He looked upset, lips pursing in distaste. Aemond said almost imperceptibly, “Wait.”
You stopped and raised a brow. He came closer, now much larger frame crowding your own. He murmured, “That’s my job to undress my wife.” Your gaze softened, a hand reaching blindly for Aemond’s calloused one. You squeezed his hand gently.
As if struck by a force Aemond lifted and pushed you onto the bed. He yanked off his boots frantically, calling, “One second, okay? Stay still.” You couldn’t help but laugh, some of the nerves dissipating at the rigid brother hopping around stripping like a madman. Your laugh stopped as his hardened body was revealed to your eyes.
Fuck. He was handsome. That cock was terrifying to think about fitting inside of you. He stilled and asked, “I know I’m all scarred-,” you interrupted and hissed, “Take off the damn patch and undress me like you promised.”
He did so and busied himself ridding your dress and underclothes with steady hands. You complimented, “I love the sapphire, dolt.” He smacked your bare ass, yanking off your chemise. You moaned at the sharp pain, cunt beginning to ache.
Aemond flipped you over and crawled onto the bed, his sureness melting away. Like your own as the gravity of the situation hit you. Man and wife, naked as the day they were born, about to consummate their union. You shook with anxiety, panting under his strong body.
Aemond blinked slowly before saying, “It’s just your ‘imp’ of a brother, relax.” You closed the gap between your faces, closing into his lips like before. Aemond settled between your thighs, hard cock slotting against your bare cunt. Both of you gasped into the kiss, hands running wild across pale bodies. You deepened the kiss, licking inside Aemond’s warm mouth.
He responded with a low noise and a rut against your slick entrance. The tip of his cock drug against your bundle of nerves, drawing a surprised whine out of you. Aemond seemed to smile against your mouth, doing it again, even grabbing your hips to get a better angle.
You wrapped your thighs around his slim waist, moaning softly. Everything felt so nice. You nipped Aemond’s lip and begged, “Aem, Aem, ah- kiss my neck?” He hummed and lowered his mouth down your jaw and to the sensitive thin skin of your throat.
You threw your head back and let out a long whine, rutting back against him roughly. Your belly was tightening like it did when you pleasured yourself late, late at night. Aemond groaned quietly, sucking a mark onto your collarbone, one of his hands curiously groping your breast.
Your clit was growing more sensitive from the friction, gasping out, “Fuck! Aemond you better not stop!” He laughed breathily, “I won’t dear sister.” He snapped his hips a couple more times before you cried out and locked your thighs tight around him. Your cunt pulsed and wetted further along his cock.
Aemond groaned, “Gods, fucking hells. I need to fuck you.”
You nodded in a heated daze, begging, “Yes, yes, fuck me brother.”
He reached down to ease himself in, breathing going stuttered and harsh. You whined at the pinch, clinging to his wide shoulders, grabbing onto long blonde hair. He slid in until fully seated as best as he could in your tight pussy, desperately panting and kissing.
“Oh my,” was all he could utter.
The pair of you kissed until Aemond began to stroke into your now relaxed body. The pain had subsided, your slick easing the way. He gritted out against you, “Not- fuck- going to last my lady.” You babbled, “Don’t care, go wild you idiot.” He growled and wetly slapped harder into you, balls hitting your ass. You smiled— still so easy to piss off that one.
Aemond roughly fucked you, focusing all his energy like in the training yard. You yanked at his silky strands, moaning with abandon, crying his name with delight.
“That’s it! Fuck! Yes brother!”
Aem slapped your ass again, biting your lip until it bled. He groaned, “Yeah? Good?” You nodded with an echo, “Yes, s’good!” Aemond’s eye seemed to roll up as he fucked deeper, face falling to the sweaty crook of your neck. He grabbed so hard at your waist it would bruise later, snapping his hips with feral grunts.
You praised him along, the twitching of his cock growing more frequent. Aemond panted, “Close.” Squeezing around his length, you kissed at the tender scar around the bad eye. Your younger brother slammed into you a final time, filling you with his hot seed. The blonde rasped your name in a low timbre, mumbling nonsense as he shook.
He relaxed and slumped onto you, petting your hair in a haze. You’d never seen your brother so worn out, pliant. He sucked in breath, palms soothing the skin where he was practically tearing at your waist. You sighed at the feeling of completeness. It was done, and quite fantastic at that.
You couldn’t help but pinch Aemond’s sharp cheek and tease, “If only you fucked as well as you interact with others.” His annoyed grumble lit up your heart. So, so easy.
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
TCG - Chase The Mirage
pairing -> Cyno x Adventurer!Reader x Tighnari; poly
word count -> 1.7k+ words
themes -> fluff, established relationship, scenarios and headcanons, lots of card game terminologies
(masterlist) (previous) The two Kings of Invokations, infatuated and hooked to a simple adventurer from the Adventurer’s Guild. Thankfully, in this universe, there is no need to duel each other for your heart.
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"What a peculiar move, especially this far in the game already." Looking up from the light novel you picked up from Inazuma in your last trip, you shift your attention to the playing field before you.
"We're testing your new deck, I think it's only appropriate to see how well it works against slow build up players." Tighnari would notice your stare and send you a smile, before concentrating once again to observe Cyno's turn.
Shaking your head with a smile, you go back to reading as their chatters and occasional bickering turn to background noise.
It's one of those rare days where the three of you had the 'day-off' to enjoy time together. Emphasis on day-off seeing as your two lovers are still technically on the clock due to their positions, but here under the shade of a tree in the forest, only you three matter.
And for today's date, Cyno eagerly challenged Tighnari to a Genius Invokation TCG duel to try out his new deck. And the latter decided to humor him.
When it comes to his favorite card game, the General exudes the same seriousness when he deals with Matra work. This thought passes you as you sneak a glance at the way he strokes his chin with squinted eyes.
So focused in fact that he didn't see your hand approach his face until you're shoving the apple slice between his lips. He says a muffled thanks as he eats the slice whole, mirth in his eyes at your antics.
"Hey, why does he get hand-fed when I'm the one winning here?" Tighnari looks at the two of you with a mock glare and pout, prompting you to throw a grape at his face which he expertly evaded with a laugh.
"You're not a winner until you defeat all my charac- oh." Looking at the field, Cyno realized that all of his character cards are indeed defeated. "Must you really finish me with my own card?"
Unlike Cyno, however, Tighnari simply plays the game for fun (or when his lovers ask for a game) while being good at it still. The forest watcher only shrugs in response as he cradles the fruit bowl.
Thinking that would be the end of their game, you yelped when Cyno suddenly yanked you to his side to sit between his legs, book pried out of your hands and laid pages down to save your progress. "What the -"
"Since I lost, then it should be (Y/N)'s turn to duel you, right?" Cards upon cards fall into your grasp in your still confused state. Tighnari who now sits across you scowls at the man behind you. "Don't worry, I'll be assisting you the whole time since you're using my cards."
"And they say I'm the sly vixen here." Tighnari scoffs as he shuffles his deck, this time he seemed to be sitting up straight to show how he's taking this game more seriously now.
"I didn't even-" Your words were interrupted at Cyno's hands offering the 8-sided dice to you. You sigh. "I hate you two." And your hand throws the die to start your turn.
With your combined powers (aka Cyno's relentless backseating), you managed to defeat Tighnari with a score of 2/3. But when he then pulled you to his lap to assist YOU on defeating Cyno, you doubt that you actually won that last round.
"You two are such idiots." You grumbled as you draw the exile artifact card.
"You're also an idiot by association."
You throw the die to whoever said that.
About TCG: Introduction
It was inevitable that you got wrapped up on the TCG scene too when you have Tighnari and Cyno as lovers.
Like some kind of initiation, prerequisite to your relationship, the game was the first thing you were taught after you became official.
However, that doesn't mean you're good at it - then again, those two aren't really the best comparison to your beginner skills. There's just a lot of mental gymnastics involved that you can't keep up with.
So no, just because you're in a relationship with the kings of invokations doesn't guarantee that you're immediately a pro.
Your first deck was actually given to you by their combined cards. Extra cards they pulled or cards that don't fit their meta, it looked like an absolute mess when you knew better.
But it was endearing inheriting their cards, especially when you can see their genuine desire to share this hobby with you. Well, obsession for Cyno.
You realized this as the one who runs into Cyno a lot due to your wandering occupation, he would ALWAYS ask you if you want to play a round whenever you cross paths.
At first, you can't find it in your heart to decline since you're still learning. It wasn't until Tighnari caught wind of what Cyno was doing that he pulled you off to the side, lecturing you and reiterating that you CAN say no.
Turns out Tighnari also deals with Cyno's dueling addiction, and that if he doesn't decline, it would end up with him skipping important forest watcher duties.
To think you were lectured about the importance of consent over a trading card game.
The first time you opened a pack of cards was also a memory worth remembering.
While on a date in the city, Cyno pulled you and Tighnari to Dori after hearing that the merchant had a new batch in stock.
Paying for your respective packs, the three of you made a whole fuss to open up your cards at the same time. Somehow, while their packs were full of mediocre cards and duplicates, when they turned to you -
"What god did you sell your soul to?!" "What?" "This is the first time I've seen three meta cards in one pack!"
As a beginner, you only look at what design looks good or shiny, so you did not understand why they're breaking down on the floor then.
Dubbed as their archon of luck, it became tradition that if you were in the area, they would force you to open their pack for them.
You wish this luck of yours were for something else, honestly.
About TCG: Habits
Before you got into the game, they would always show you their new packs, showing off the beautiful designs and the rarities. At that time, you didn't know how expensive or 'meta' each card was. If it's shiny, it's probably good.
When Tighnari lets you peruse through his deck of unused cards, he would pay great attention to the cards that you took interest in even just by design.
And then he'll let you keep it! Doesn't matter if it's shiny or a really good card, you can have it, keep it in your home or in your wallet if you want.
Even if he only has one copy of a particular card, seeing you happy makes the sacrifice worth it.
It was also hilarious to see Cyno make a fuss about seeing said cards on your person when you catch up when crossing paths.
He'll look at your tiny but growing collection and throw in random facts here and there. "Ohh, you even have this card? What else do I expect from my lover, such good taste." He praises with a nod, exaggeratedly.
They both have their personal playing mats that matches their aesthetic greatly, and one that has the the limited edition Adventurer's Guild design because it reminds them of you! It's not the best looking one out there, but it's special to them.
Mats are pretty bulky so you don't really like bringing one around so when a game is expected, they bring their spare for you to use like the sweethearts that they are.
Cyno, still with his absurd spending habits when it comes to Genius Invokation, commissioned someone for custom deck boxes as a gift to you and Tighnari. It was definitely expensive seeing as he had to save up for it.
When Cyno is crafting a new deck, he urges you to do the same. Spice things up, you know? He likes to hear your opinion despite knowing more than you, to the point that he made a whole other desk made with your favorite cards and play style.
He uses that deck for casual games with the Matra, and they don't fail to notice how he seems to have a wisp of a smile on his face the whole time he plays.
Tighnari, on the other hand, is a meticulous player with a penchant for detail.
All of his cards have sleeves!!!! He likes taking care of his things and that includes his cards, some of them even have double sleeves! You can find him taking his sweet time putting each card in sleeves on a slow day.
Sometimes, you join him on putting sleeves if your hands aren't dirty, at least.
"Do you have a favorite color?" The next time you see him, he gives you a pack of sleeves in that color for your own deck. Do you want him to help you with that, actually? I think he finds it relaxing.
He also has fancy dice of his own which he changes around depending on his mood. Of course, you also get your own! There's a marbled set, a set that's galaxy-themed, oh oh this one refracts light to make a rainbow -
You don't participate in tournaments unlike your boyfriends, but they always encourage you to play with other players besides them for practice.
Tighnari doesn't give Cyno one tho, he's sure that he can buy it himself. Or lends him a set at least, one that's violet with gold accents, and had since 'forgotten' to take it back from him.
But if there's one habit that they share, it's that whenever you're around during a game, they are always guaranteed to win. It's because you're their lucky charm, they say, but it's as simple as wanting to show off when you're cheering for them so supportively.
"No, you shouldn't expend all your energy cards this turn." Your fingers twitched before moving to an artifact card instead.
"Are you sure you want to pull that out now? You're not really attacking this turn."
Your opponent, Amir, stares at you in sympathy as you pinch the bridge of your nose. Behind you, Cyno and Tighnari started a whole new conversation about strategies and what your next move should be.
"Um, do they even realize that they pretty much revealed your hand to me?"
"I think we should reschedule."
Amir let out a horrified gasp when you turned around and smacked your beloveds over the head with your deck box.
Maybe he should exercise how to say no to an invitation, too.
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My TCG knowledge from my card game enthusiast seniors back in college has finally been put to use
@chuusposts @ireallylikehamsters @maehemthemisfit
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c0ffinshit · 1 year
Smut/Romantic Headcanons: Robert Renfield
a/n: ok so i saw this movie recently and i have brain rot so enjoy a collection of my thoughts. this is the first time i've done something like this so be nice warnings: bottom renfield, smutty (shut up i had to)
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if you two have a big fight, he will bring you your favorite flowers and a hand-written note, saying how much he loves u
uses a ton of pet names... but like... not normal ones
"my intended" "moll" LIKE he means well but like... girl...
also a BIG fan of cuddles
he is a touchy boy and wants a hug
would try a learn a language for you (maybe french or german? idk just vibes)
the KING of big romance moments
like this man will cook dinner AND run a bath for you if you had a stressful week
the farmer's market is the most common location for dates
ok idk this one is a semi-romance one but he HATES horror movies (but loves them cuz he gets to cuddle with you if he or you get scared)
he would meet and greet all of your stuffed animals (if you have them) and then refer to them by name when talking to/about them
like he is always kissing you and hugging you
he would def run thru an airport just to get you your passport or a snack
he is always doting on you (esp when you are sick)
enjoys seeing broadway shows with you
loves when you laugh at his stupid jokes (he is a vadition SLUT)
ok this is stupid but i believe renfield is taylor swift fan (not a swiftie, just casual fan)
his fav is either lover or red (taylor's version)
the king of talking out your feelings
you're upset? why? what can he do to make you feel better?
he wants to know it ALL
smut warning if you dont wanna read
okay straight off the bat, HUGE dick
like 9 inches type of beat
and omg is he gentle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"i want to go slow... i want it to be special"
and cries after sex
you are just so pretty and hot and sexy that he can't help it
one word. edging.
edging is the only thing that he does to get his share of the power
and sometimes... he abuses it til you are a whiny, moaning mess
his fav position is CEO (aka he is BEGGING to be topped)
but fr his fav position is one where he can see your face
he literally can't come without looking at you or a picture of you looking at the camera
if you say something while looking into his eyes, he’s coming immediately
literally you could say “did you get peanut butter at the store today?” and he would creampie
there is so much he's into but he's scared to bring it up at first cuz he doesn't want you to break up or think he's weird
will wanna play music
but then you find out that it's just the phantom of the opera soundtrack
but like... he makes it so romantic?
this big ass organ playing in the background as renfield is fucking sideways
two words. HOLIDAY SEX.
this man wanna make christmas, easter, and your birthday the most fuckable days ever
"you want me to do what?" (renfield anytime you explain something you wanna try)
okay this is JUST based on vibes but i think renfield would be into roleplay (no, i will not elaborate)
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mask131 · 8 months
Tolkien trivia of the day: The Witch-King was originally supposed to be the sixth Istari.
Well... not really, I am clickbaiting a bit here - but let me explain how the Witch-King of Angmar was indeed originally supposed to be a wizard just like Gandalf.
I said it before in one of my previous Tolkien trivias, the idea that the Istari/the Wizards were Maiar, divine spirits sent into the world taking the shape of mortal beings, was not actually the starting idea of Tolkien. When he first wrote about the wizards - in the original edition of The Hobbit, and in the first drafts of The Lord of the Rings - Tolkien envisioned them as more "regular" wizards. Aka, as human beings that had somehow learned magic - thus making their order an ACTUAL order. It also explains why Gandalf and Radagast started out as actual, literal cousins, since they were supposed to be "regular" men that had obtained magical power/joined the order of wizards.
And during these early drafts, long before Tolkien even had the idea of a country named Angmar, the Witch-King was called "The Wizard-King". And contrary to the final version of the text, where Gandalf's confrontation with the Witch-King goes smoothly on Gandalf's part, in the early drafts Gandalf dreaded a lot this confrontation. Because, as he explained: the Wizard-King used to be of the same order as Gandalf, he was a wizard too, and he wasn't just a regular wizard but one from NUMENOR out of all places. However, the Wizard-King had completely fallen for the corruption of Sauron, becoming his entire slave - and this is why Gandalf fears him so much, as he represents what happens when a wizard becomes Sauron's agent.
However, as Tolkien decided that the wizards were of otherworldy origins and Maiar originally, the idea of the Witch-King was reshaped - his Numenor background was changed as Tolkien invented the kingdom of Angmar, since he couldn't be a Wizard anymore he rather became one of the Nazgûl fallen to the ring, but since he needed to stay a force of magic, he was changed from "Wizard" to "Witch" to highlight how he was a human that had gained powers, rather than an Istari with natural powers. By extension, in the final version Gandalf is very much less worried about facing the Witch-King, since there is now a clear power gap between them.
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canonically47 · 12 days
Dawn of the Final Review
SPOILERS!!! (no duh.)
this is a very long ramble btw. so so long. be aware!
the scene of marcus and nina in the cave was so useless i almost laughed. nina's delivery was so bad i giggled
tom's little shake was so fun, it's too bad the entirety of DSVC is in the same exact total drama style and ever took any fun creative liberties with their animation like those
thank you ONC for making the entirety of ashley's arc revolve around jake and his relationship drama, i totally wasn't interested in learning more about her. that half-assed background story does not make her deeper and in fact makes her appear even more shallow. your priorities are obvious and your treatment of your female characters is disgusting.
yay huntally!! so glad they got development as well! they were so fun for the whole time they argued
"you grew more than anyone here" ONC trying to make us think anyone had a worthy arc is laughable, but ALLY, GROWING AS A PERSON??? BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
"i'm sorry for being insufferable sometimes" "sometimes?" realest hunter moment ever
huntessally moment :( this is what we could've had :( fuck you genuinely ONC
ew ally I MEAN yay ally... ally development moment... this is not at all half-assed or uninteresting...
LMFAOAOOAOAOAOAOOAOAOAO riya having nobody interested
jake not choosing tom was fucking HILARIOUS. thank you jake
ewewewewewew why tom ewew ew why the fucking puppy eyes.. you're a grown ass man.... why is ashley entertaining this.. ONC WHY DO YOU FUCKING WRITE LIKE THIS
"why is this the most stressful thing i've ever done?" cuz you're a fucking idiot???
oh the poor patreons that waste their money on this shit :// sorry guys, my condolences again!! <33
this is going to be so historically inaccurate i can feel it
ok strong start, interesting premise
i just know they put them in these costumes for fan service... they're so historically inaccurate it hurts like.. actually
ONC trying to be hip with the kids is crazy
alellie crumbs omg i miss you dynamic duo
"don't waste your time being my shields" that's...that's their job.....??????????
alec would NOT back down from that
i'm ignoring what's happening to continue ranting about them I LOVE THEM SO MUCHHCHCHCHCH
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not to be a bitch but this is kind of the most boring finale ever, they're not actively doing anything, they're just trying not to get hit, it's annoying how they're not actually like. having to work for this actively
oh my god riya i will kill you
i love how the scar is totally inaccurate
jake run tf are you doing
riya you are a MOTHERFUCKER.
i fucking love you gabellie
i love how nobody is volunteering to help riya, at least ONC know how hated she has become both in and out of the show
"i just didn't think riya would go out of her way to screw me over" "do you hear yourself?" realest tomjake moment ever
urhghghghgh i just had to say tomjake moment...
they're disgusting. not for being gay but for being allo
what was that face trevor made lmao they couldn't afford a :3 face or what
yay finally they're actually doing something! we all know jake is winning come on it's kids cartoon logic that the one without the upgrade always wins
...aaand he's down. strong... start.......???
alec with his hand on fiore's shoulder :( <3
the slow-motion looks so goofy lol
sorry jake's wheezing is so funny to me
i hate how they panned to ashley after that, like yasss tell us her only role was being jake's bff !!!
"friendship speeches" she hates tomjake more than me iconic
.....oh my god.
oh. my god.
they actually did that.
...what the fuck.
jake :(
jake... what the fuck his whining is getting to me fuck i love him so much he's :(((
"another incredible season" yeah sure
ugh whatever at least it's over who cares
oh yay wishley! who the fuck cares.
man yk what fuck it, i'll be the bigger person and admit tomjake was cute this episode. it doesn't take away from the fact that they fucking sucked all season, but it gives them some points in my mind. maybe in another universe ONC could've actually written them well from start to finish, but for now, i'll take my crumbs and admit i can fid them somewhat cute
not letting go of arospec tom though. never.
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sobbing /pos <333333333
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crazy how they got three polycules in the same shot woah. huntessally, tomjajakeden & gabgrellie real?!??!?!?!?!!!
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they're literally girlfriends
"i won" "was it worth it?" FUCK. YES. FUCK!! YES!!!!
"have a nice life, riya." THIS IS THE ENDING YOU DESERVE BITCH
not even mad she won !!! bc at least they despise her
yay quit i do't want more seasons
why is oliver so pressed
"the producers won't cancel the show if you leave" FUCK.
ughhh trevek again...
lmao fuck you riya
wanna bet eesha will be in the next season
oh.. the soft piano.... it's........doing something to me......................
crazy how i've seen like.. all this fanart.... i fw this fandom heavy
sigh. so, it's over! i definitely have a lot of... mixed feelings on this season. as you've noticed if you've kept up with my reviews, i constantly went from loving it, to hating it, to despising it with every fiber of my being, to liking it, to disliking it, and then repeating that cycle numerous times in different orders.
disventure camp: all-stars was definitely bad. sadly, no amount of sweet piano music and decently-written moments will make me forget how much i have become frustrated with this show. i would not recommend this show to anyone purely because of DCAS and its surprisingly bad quality. the writing was inconsistent and messy, the character arcs felt forced and with little to no pay-off, the ships were badly handled, the female characters were always, without fail, put down or cast aside for the male characters, the WLW couple was brushed off for the MLM ones, and so forth.
disventure camp is imperfect in every way, but i will acknowledge the fact that it is made with love (because it's not care that's for sure SORRY, sorry i'll be nice). even though i joke about how i feel bad for the patreons or those that genuinely like it and do not see its flaws, i still find myself attached to this show. i can understand why others would be, too. as a writer, i can never brush past their many, many mistakes, but i will admit they have their good moments.
they have the occasional character that escapes their wrath - jake, for example, was probably the best character this season. i've seen many complain about him because they were unable to let go of their biases, but i genuinely believe he was phenomenal. after spending so much time stuck in the same mindset, he managed to grow as a person. he befriended aiden, he got over & forgave tom, and hey, he got the boy back. their ending also makes me feel hopeful for their spin-off, even though i wish they had never gotten one because there are much more interesting characters worth exploring.
grett's arc was close to being as great as jake's, but ONC cannot really write female characters. i guess they're listening to fresh TV's teachings? she had her moments, but she was held back from true greatness. she deserved to make finale, if not win - but that's maybe biased so i'll just leave it at this lol
we got some fun friendships this season, such as ashley & jake, grett & gabby, connor & alec, and i am trying so hard to be positive right now and ignore that two of them were ruined/not carried out to their full potential because of relationship drama
their development was probably the best relationship development in this season and i am SO. HAPPY YOU GUYS. oh my GOD. i missed them SOOO BADLY <333 that last episode REALLY fed us alec & fiore father-daughter nation holy shit i love them
i really wish things were... so, so different this season. i wanted to see actual growth in characters and relationships, less petty drama and more actual strategy, and, you know, for the winner to not be the second-placing person from the second season. that. that was bad. we can all agree that despite everyone hating on her it was bad right. like that. should not have been the ending
i wish some characters hadn't just come back to be vessels for drama. ashley and connor were only there for the development of jake and riya respectively and it kills me how obvious it is. the only reason i dislike ashley is because all she is, is jake's bff who played a small part in getting him with tom. her entire role is just to be there for a gay ship. that SUCKS.
huntessally should've also been a bigger part of the season and have gotten together. i will never not be mad about ONC not giving us the polyamorous rep they kept teasing. because c'mon why confirm them all as mspec and promote them together in social media and pride posts if you just made ally & hunter the couple and not all of them together. i mean sure i'm okay with them being '''just''' friends, not everything has to be romantic & having even MORE allos on this show would've been exhausting but. huntessally :(((
ALEC SHOULD'VE BEEN IN THE FINALE there i said my bias there it is. also fun fact before DCAS my choice for the winner was actually tom. uh now i don't even like the guy so. yea i wish we had gotten a grett-alec and someone else other than riya finale with alec winning. he deserved it before they ruined him for that tiny bit but it's okay we don't talk about it
the finale gets 7/10 and, overall, DCAS gets a 4/10. not enough decent points to get it the, if you will, passing grade. again, i will never recommend it to anyone ever. i tried to be positive - and truly there are some things i like about this show! all that screaming i did above over gabellie, fiore & alec and so forth was real excitement i promise !! - but it's a fucking trainwreck.
for my sake, i hope i do not watch disventure camp season 4. i'm probably not leaving the fandom indefinitely, i will still lurk and maybe if i get any ideas post some fic fixing this show cuz god knows we need it, but yeah. when season 4 comes out, i'm officially out of the picture. i will hopefully never rewatch the first three seasons and if i do, it should be years in the future when i will have no emotional attachment to the characters and thus not be disappointed by how bad the show is.
sooo i guess i'll still be around for a while but i will NOT be watching any new content ever. for my sake. i hope you can understand if you wanted me to share any thoughts on the spin-offs or such lol
well, this has truly been a journey. i'd be lying if i said i hated every moment of it, but i definitely did not enjoy it for the most part. however, constantly getting asks about the show - and getting to interact with you all over on @disventure-rewrite-takes - has made this so, so fun. i'll be making a separate post on the rewrite takes account about what will happen next to it :)
thank you review anon for the asks, you have been amazing, i really appreciated you coming out every other week and requesting my review, it was so so kind of you <3
thanks to the anons on the rewrite takes blog, i'll get into more detail there when i officially drop the account though, so no sappy stuff juuuust yet but tysm for being a blast you guys!!
and also friendship wins so shoutout corn @cornfields-td-nonsense for being the best and ranting & rambling with me about the episodes, leaving fun asks on the rewrite blog, and just overall putting up with me. i love you man, you're great, and i love exchanging interests, ideas, reviews, and such, roleplaying with you is awesome and i'm so grateful you listen to me yap yap yap like crazy, you're amazing and again i love you !!!!!!
so yay! disventure camp! ....i am so glad it's over holy shit it's a weight off my chest.
we're back in the sanders sides phase and i have no idea how to end this so i'll just do it thomas style no matter how cringe it is IDC HOW CRINGE IT IS!!!!!!!!!! so until next time, take it easy guys gals and non-binary pals, and PEACE OUTTTTTT <33333
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dollxkill · 1 month
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“𝐈 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐬𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮.“
pairing: king kenny x black! fem! reader
genre: fluff
cw: none
summary: morning head cannons with your baby kenny :)
a/n:hi babes! this is my first time writing for kenny ( aka my sweet baby) and also my first time writing hcs so I hope you enjoy🖤.
*Since we all know Kenny’s love language is physical touch, when you first wake up he’ll probably be spooning you with his hands wrapped around you, or his head on your chest as he holds you in his arms. No matter what position it is, he’s always touching you or close to you in some way.
*Waking Kenny up is honestly a hit or miss. I would assume he’s a hard sleeper (based on BetaSquad’s last to fall asleep video, my boy was struggling😭) so it honestly depends on what you do. Sometimes you wake him up by kissing him all over his face, your kisses trailing all around until he starts to open his eyes. Other times if that doesn’t work and you’re feeling impatient, you shake him really hard and yell his name until he pops up.
*Once you’re both finally up, it’s time to make breakfast. Making breakfast with Kenny is always your favorite part of the morning because it’s SUCH A VIBE. You’ll have music playing from your speaker in the background as you start cooking. Kenny will most definitely help you if you ask. Whenever you don’t need his help, he’s hugging you from behind and trailing soft kisses down your neck as you work.
*After breakfast, if Kenny has to go film he’ll get dressed, give you a kiss on the cheek or lips, and go. On days he’s not filming, he’ll practically beg you to come back in bed and cuddle with him, slightly upset that you woke him up earlier. When you eventually say yes (because you can’t resist him) he’ll pick you up over his shoulder and carry you to your shared room, cuddling you as he relaxes in your soft touch.
*Bonus: You and Kenny are having a conversation while cuddling but in the middle of it he falls asleep because he’s so comfortable in your arms.
*not proofread or spell checked*
a/n:hello luvs! I hope you enjoyed. These hcs are so cute and I couldn’t resist writing for Kenny (bc I’m obsessed).
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Cool questions!
1: when playing, does the duo re-act stuff from movies? Like anakin vs obi wan or when Shrek is escaping from the dragon?
2: what’s one thing that one does shocks the other? Like Chris disliking bananas on pancakes? (Read that from an earlier post of yours)
3: for the superfamily, what’s one story you would write for them?
4: what’s one story you would write for Chris for his own book?
5: same as Jake?
Phew! Took me a good while but I finally was able to get to answering this one @pin-crusher2000 . Thanks for the ask
1) Oh most definitely Chris and Jake would reenact so many Star Wars duels, especially Obi Wan vs Anakin as they can float around which make doing those fancy acrobatics all the easier. Bonus points if they utilize those cardboard tubes and paint them to their lightsaber colors and Jake using his speaker’s speakers to play the music in the background
Otherwise, they certainly would also do the Dragon Escape but most tellingly if Meredith was watching them, reenact kaiju battles
2) Oh, Jake putting Milk Before Cereal which horrifies not just Chris but also Mar’i and Dick
Also, Chris not minding the dumb fun of the Bayformers films as much as Jake does
3) I think I can have Clark, Lois, Kara, Conner, Chris and Jon get blasted across space and time, across multiple time periods, alternate histories or possible futures of Metropolis during a big battle against the Time Trapper. For example, Lois winds up in Metropolis in 1889 during the height of the Gilded Age, her mini adventure being to expose a corrupt all powerful banker while Conner is sent into a Metropolis that’s controlled by Germany in a scenario should they had won the Second World War. The finale for the arc would see the Superman Family reunite at the End of Time itself coming face to face with the Trapper, but it won’t be just the family as many of their new friends they met all across their little adventures assemble to help as well.
4) Less of an entire story and more a one to two issue arc involving Nightwing Phantom taking on a cosmic being in a game of wits and intelligence rather than fisticuffs, all for the sake of saving reality itself. Think this being akin to say A 4th Dimension Imp like Mr Mxyzptlk or more overtly the Celestial Toymaker from Doctor Who. The real meat though is whatever thoughts and emotions are transpiring inside of Chris’ mind space as I place this after he has his reaffirmation from Dad Clark of him belonging to Earth in light of Zod’s invasion. He thinks about this planet he’s trying to truly accept as his home in spite of his origins and how much he must defend it from this entity while also trying to reaffirm himself that he belongs with his real family the Kents despite Zod’s words permeating his thinking space.
5) Here, I take some inspiration from the Batman TAS episode “The Underdwellers” in which like in that episode, Jake would be investigating some recent pickpocketing going on across the Bludhaven streets, all of them being committed by street urchins and runaways, a lot of them around his age range doing such under the tyrannical rule of a supposed caretaker who treats them rather horribly. After running into one of the urchins and rescuing them from an incoming subway train, Jake and the kid become friendly with each other to where the kid can lead our hero to the whereabouts of his comrades. Coming along for the ride is one of Jake’s rouges, long time best frenemy Cody Cunningham aka Lion Master, who also had caught wind of the pickpocketing so he comes along with Skybird in this investigation, forming something of an alliance between them. This proves handy as like the Sewer King in “The Underdwellers”, the villain has vicious sewer gators that serve him which Cody’s lions are able to fend off while Skybird persues and eventually captures the villain. With that, the orphans are finally freed from his reign, taken in by the Services and able to see the light outside once again. Throughout this story, we not only can get glimpses into Jake’s head as this in a way is deja vu with his history of failing to save street orphans from a supervillain once before but also once Lion Master enters the picture, the two can have talks about each other’s deal and how Lion Master in many ways just wants a place to call a home after surviving in the streets for so long and his sympathies for Jake’s situation in light of this case.
As the two were successful working together and Cody realizes he feels much better doing some actual good rather than remaining a small time thief with a gimmick, he finally takes up Jake’s offer to renounce his old life as a rouge, first turning himself in to the authorities and spending some time in Juvie to make up for his robberies (his lions we’re thankfully tamed enough for the authorities to keep in that meantime) then once he gets out of his sentence for good behavior, moves into the Grayson Apartment complex with a place of his own. A new fresh start for him, especially when his new landlord, Dick Grayson, drops by and hearing of his skills as a lion tamer offers him and his feline companions a job at Haly Circus.
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*SPOILERS* What I like about the Harley Quinn series:
Best gay couple as the stars of the show
Bruce Wayne realistically has the flaws that come with being rich, but still has his genuine heroic traits as batman
Bane's whole character is so adorable and wholesome
Two Face doesn't actually have split personality disorder, he's just a two faced dick
Gordon is just randomly unhinged af and is fucking hilarious
Lex Luther played by Esposito, aka gus fring
Everyone, literally EVERYONE, including batman, acknowledging the joker was bad for Harley in the beginning
Harley background as a psychiatrist SHINES a couple times
When Harley figured who batman was (spoiler: it's Bruce Wayne) rather than solve it with a hand wavey mind wipe, they made her his FREAKING THERAPIST. Doctor patient confidentiality, bitch
Ivy being a little more awkward but with a strong activist vibe. STEM background also shines
King Shark being soft spoken with bursts of murderous rage
Clayface's Stephanie role somehow being his best
Joker actually doing well as a proactive stepdad, and being pro education
Joker, after finding who batman is and becoming mayor, arrests Bruce Wayne for TAX EVASION
Odd details like the joker using a sleep apnea machine, riddler being a Costco member, Bane hating linguistic mistakes
Bruce Wayne also fucking up royally and causing a zombie apocalypse because he wanted his parents back
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The Red Knight Part 1
(Few survive the Laxarus pit unscathed but Jason Todd was always a special case so somehow its worse.
Jason couldn't move... He couldn't breathe.. It was as if the world was trying to silence him all over, destroying him from within and dragging him to his knees.
Or the Laxarus pit has some spicy ectoplasm in it that doesn't take kindly to back to life Jason. And who put the Ghost King comes to guide this way word soul.... And gets a new Fright Knight.)
. Aka I write a DP X DC fic
Jason breathed heavily as he sat down on his sofa. Silently counting to 5...than 10...than 20...he wasn't sure for how long but when it was over he took another breathe.
This one easier than the other.
These episodes, if you could even call them that came frequently. Moments of his day where he'd suddenly lose all sense of reality. Like the world had pulled the rug out from under him, taking all the air with him. It had been harder with his helmet, just having something covering his face at first had been a nightmare.
But Jason had gotten through it. Now he felt safer having that layer between his head and whatever came launching at it.
He sighed, he was doing that a lot lately and got to his feet. As much as Jason would love to sit around his safe house and complete his 5th re-read of Pride and Prejudice. Gotham never slept so he had work to do.
Jason got to his feet, getting his gear on in record time and headed out the door. Gotham was chilly and the smell of smoke and screams cut through the air before fading into the background. It was a typical night, if you could call anything in Gotham typical.
He stopped a mugging here and there. Getting an old lady to smile at him before she beat the mugger with the purse Jason had returned to her. Gothamites were something else and Jason knew whatever he could've done to the guy was nowhere near as bad as this.
Man he sure loved this city sometimes.
Jason grabbed some coffee, the baristas didn't mind so long as he paid. And even than, no one cared at this time of night if the Red Hood himself sipping coffee in their shop, especially when the man tipped well.
Though the idea of someone calling the GCPD on him was enough to make him laugh. It got him some odd looks but no one dared to comment, he had a reputation after all.
And was very much armed.
He gave a nod to the staff and left without a word. Taking a different route incase someone actually decided to try something.
While it had been humerus, Jason wasn't in the mood for it. The coffee had done its job of waking and warming him up, but being awake meant he was alert to his own body.
Which had decided to turn on itself yet again.
Jason winced as the piercing pain in his head became more apparent. It felt like someone was trying to smash it open, he could say that he knew what that felt like. His body started to feel heavy, and with the gear he was holding he felt like he was carrying a mountain on his back.
Jason sighed, it was probably for the best he was done tonight.
And that would've been it, dragging himself back to his safe house and passing out on his sofa.
But fate never liked to do what Jason wanted it to do.
Because his change of route had lead him right into the path of a dealing. Where someone was trying to deal drugs to someone Jason knew just by sizing them up was a minor.
Jason froze at the sight.
He had one rule.
One damn rule... No dealing to kids.
The familiar feeling of anger flooded into his system, but this feeling was more than it had been years ago. Every single hair on Jason's head was standing on end, his body tensing like a spring ready to recoil.
Anger no... Rage rolled off him in waves.
Jason couldn't remember when he moved but before he knew it he had the dealer on the ground. Someone was screaming, something was breaking but Jason didn't feel any of it.
He felt like he'd truly come alive. His sore and tired body sharpened like a knife as he continued his onslaught. Jason lost all sense of reason, all sense of time, he wasn't even sure what he was doing or why.
It was like he was being pulled along by strings.
He felt someone come forward and he turned to strike but they took his arm before he could land a blow. Their was a gentleness to it he hadn't expected.
"-Hood, Littlewing can you hear me?"
... Dick?
Jason looked up... But that couldn't be right he was taller than Dick right? Had lorded it over his older brothers head that he had outgrown him.
"Jase, hey, you with me? I'm here, I'm not going anywhere."
They were on the ground?
Why, was Jason on the ground? And why was Dick holding his arm?
The smell of blood hit him and he froze.
The feeling of the world rushing back to him, hitting him like a truck and he would've fallen had Dick not caught him.
Jason was shaking, their was blood on his hands... Why was their blood on his hands? He didn't even notice he was shaking until Dick held him, could feel the tremors running through him.
"Oh Littlewing... Its okay."
That's when Jason saw the body.
Or rather part of the body because Dick had gently but firmly moved his head away so he couldn't see it. Any other time Jason would've snapped at him but this time he was greatful he didn't have to look at it.
At what he had done.
The rage was gone, evaporating into the breeze leaving him scared and shaken. Somehow even with his new height Dick managed to haul him up into his arms with ease, gently rocking him like he was a child having a bad dream.
But Jason didn't have the strength to argue or insist he could walk fine, he was exhausted. And so he rested his head on Dock's shoulder as the world went dark.
Dick looked at him in worry. Catching his brother in the middle of a pit rage wasn't what he wanted to see tonight. Or ever if it was up to him, he hated seeing Jason look so powerless and scared afterwards.
Hated how his eyes glowed green with so much pain and anger before melting into terror.
Dick took off to Jason's safe house, it being the closest thing to them and took out the master key he had on hand. He gently undid Jason's gear, leaving him in a t-shirt and jeans, bundling him in the one blanket he owned and ruffling his hair.
He would have to call Bruce, but he would prolong that for as long as he could. He knew the dealer was dead on sight, but Bruce would care about that more than he did.
All Dick had wanted was for his brother to be safe.
He'd failed him once, never again.
Elsewhere, a certain halfa's eyes opened. He looked around in confusion.
He had heard a cry.
As if a soul was reaching out to him in desperation before it vanished. It wasn't the first time but he was getting antsy and concerned.
Just who was this lost soul?
Part 2
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beauty-and-passion · 5 months
Eurovision 2024: 38 songs, first impressions
Wake up, bitches, it's that time of the year again.
No, not Christmas. It's Eurovision time, aka the time when we can verbally destroy each other and call our neighbors "filthy traitors", but in the end we would still be united against the real enemy: the jury.
As we all know, last year Sweden won but Finland caught the Snitch or, to put it simply, Finland won our hearts, but since the newly crowned King of Europe Käärijä was too busy being majestic and Finland was too busy being precious, Sweden graciously offered to host the competition for its neighbor.
Yes, this is what happened. No, you don't remember something different.
And yes, I ultimately decided to follow this year's competition. As someone said in some old post, Eurovision is a bit like that toxic relationship you can't escape from. And maybe you don't really want to escape from it.
So, since we're trapped in this hellhole, at least let's enjoy our time together with a heavy dose of sarcasm and a sprinkle of wholesomeness. Eurovision might have flaws, but nothing is perfect in this world after all.
As per every year, I always do my first listening while doing my chores, so the songs are in the background and I have no idea who sings what or from what country they're from. I just let them flow and see if something gets my attention.
And this year a lot of them did! I couldn't identify a clear winner, but I found a ton of small, beautiful gems everywhere. Oh, this year seems very, very promising.
As always, this is my first listening: many more will follow and my opinions may drastically change. So please, don't take my comments too seriously: this is all for fun.
Pretty nice song and pretty nice rhythm, I really like it.
But also... I've been to Tirana in January and I've listened to the songs they have there. And even if this one is very good, I would've loved more true Albanian rhythm.
Still, this will probably end in my personal playlist, so that's a plus for me.
Vote: A Titan in disguise? *Greek mythology intensifies* *Cronus intensifies*
We all stan a song in Armenian and if you don't, you will start doing now because yes, we have Armenian and yes, it sounds great.
So let's all thank Armenia for bringing its beautiful language - along with some nice Balkan rhythm that kept slapping me in the face.
But you know me, I'm a simple Mediterranean: I hear Balkan rhythm, I love it.
Vote: I will always be a slut for Balkan rhythms
If Armenia slapped me with Balkan rhythm, Austria bitchslapped me with the whole 1990 decade.
But you know me, I am a simple Millennial: I listen to something that seems to come straight from the 90s, I dance.
Vote: We! Will! Rave!
This was... good. Just good. And the singer is good too. Maybe even too good.
Sigh, Australia forgot again that this is Eurovision. Please, someone, remind them this is the show of fire, sparkles and insanity.
Vote: "What ya gonna do in the real world?" Easy, WE! WILL! RAVE!
Luckily Azerbaijan remembered that hey, they're the country that delivers good stuff! They should bring a good song!
And so they did and delivered us a good song, with good verses and a wonderful chorus in Azerbaijani.
The only problem is that the chorus is much better than the verses and if the song was entirely in Azerbaijani, it would've been a banger. Unfortunately, it's just good.
Vote: great job, Azerbaijan. Next time, ditch English entirely
"Are you still playing the game?" If you mean The Game, I think we all lost it.
Vote: +1 for the power move of making everyone lose The Game
As soon as I started listening to it, I was assaulted by a sick rhythm. Then by a guy who tells me he's a big boy. Then by his anxiety. Then by more sick rhythm.
Then by what is probably the greatest line ever said in the history of music:
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One last thing: the singer's name is Baby Lasagna. Baby Lasagna. He's speaking to my Italian heart and, even more importantly, to my Italian stomach.
And you know me, I'm a simple Italian: food is mentioned, I vibe.
Vote: my cats will vote for him
Oh no, please help this young lady! She forgot she's from Cyprus and she should send sick bops in Greek!
Vote: it's not a bad song at all. It's just not Cyprus-worthy
Oh, sorry, I didn't know this was a therapy session. I'll wait in the hall.
Vote: it's not bad, it's just... nope
After a lot of disappointing years, finally Denmark brought a great song! The singer is good, the rhythm is good and it deserves a place in the final.
Vote: it's not in Danish, but we can't have everything
This song is an instant favorite. Native language, sick rhythm, adorable weirdos, all in one package.
And let me repeat that: Estonian! Beautiful Estonian language! It was such a wonderful surprise to listen to it! I literally stopped what I was doing and perked my ears because mmmh, it sounds like Finnish, but it's not exactly Finnish... what's that? And it was Estonian.
I am in love <3
Vote: pure Moldovian spirit in Estonia? I approve.
So, let's recap:
we have a singer named Windows95man.
He wears a blurred Windows logo and no pants.
He comes out from an egg made of jeans.
The other singer isn't always in tune and he's dressed in pieces of jeans that make him look like a paperman.
He has the balls to ask if there's anything wrong with how he dresses.
The song screams of the 90s.
And then, during the performance, a pair of shorts literally fell from the sky.
With fire.
If that's not pure Eurovision, I don't know what it is.
(And before you ask: of course they cannot use Finnish, only Käärijä can and only the next Käärijä will be allowed to use it.)
Vote: Even if Finland sent the worst, most boring singer ever, for this year I would've given it a free pass. But Finns are such bosses, they decided to send this. Respect only
And here on the right, you can see the French Frenching harder than ever.
Vote: a song named "Mon Amour". Seriously. Seriously. What will be the next one about? La Tour Eiffel? Oh wait, you already did that
I'm mad because I already know this song will get zero points just because "iT's GeRmAnY", even if it's actually good.
Vote: thank you Germany for still sending good songs. You deserve more
You're "rising from the ashes like a phoenix"? Well, now I remember Conchita Wurst with Rise like a phoenix, which is way way WAY better than this song.
And since Conchita is Austrian, I also remembered the memo we got this year, which is one and one only: WE! WILL! RAVE!
Vote: more rave, less this
What? What? What do my ears hear? Greek rhythm? Greek language? And it comes together with a more modern vibe?
See, Greece? SEE? This is how you do things well. This is how you choose a good singer to represent your country. Thank you, Greece, for finally picking someone competent and not the umpteenth child.
Vote: finally, a song Greece-worthy
I don't know why, but this song reminds me of another, more famous song. Can't exactly pinpoint which one, but it's way too familiar and I don't like it.
Vote: as soon as it was over, I forgot it
And here on the left, you can see Ireland coming back to their roots, aka the most insane, batshit crazy stuff they have, stuff that will make you question what the heck happens on that island and if everyone's okay.
Vote: not a favorite, but it's definitely something I've never heard before. So that's a plus
I still have no idea why Israel is here, but I suppose that some have a free pass for killing innocents.
The singer isn't bad either, but the rhythm keeps reminding me of another, more famous song. Just like Iceland, I don't remember exactly which one, except that the famous one was better.
Vote: you shouldn't even be here
I already made a post commenting the Italian songs from this year and told a couple things about Angelina Mango and this song's meaning.
Here I can only reconfirm that this song is still a huge bop, the southern rhythm is still my Roman Empire and we may still have some chances of winning this year's Eurovision.
Vote: her southern accent my beloved
The rhythm isn't so bad, but it's just so. Very. Forgettable.
But hey, I suppose it's good for re-listening, because I listened to it twice and both times it was like listening to it for the first time.
I didn't like it both times, but that's a detail.
Vote: just as forgettable as the Icelandic one
You know, I respect Lithuania. Their songs are not my favorite, but they keep using their own beautiful language. Hence why, they deserve a place in the final.
Vote: keep showing us the beautiful Lithuanian language, I believe that one day I will find I song I like
Do you know what I feared the most this year? That Luxembourg came back after 30 years and the song was shit. That they showed us something stale and boring.
But Luxembourg stepped in like the queen of the party and said: "Please, hold both my French and my English, because I can and I will drop something sick". And so they did.
Amazing rhythm, amazing singer, amazing return.
Vote: Luxembourg is back and wants to win
Malta is my personal Sweden. Even when they send a song I don't really like (like this one), it's just weak. I don't remember a song coming from them that I considered truly "bad".
I don't know what kind of sorcery Malta does, but it works on me every year.
Vote: Malta has too much power on me
Don't worry, Moldova: you can't always be the best every year. You deserve to relax once in a while and this year you've been covered by a lot of other countries.
Vote: it's not the huge bop you would expect from Moldova, but that's okay. I'll let it pass, because Moldova always does great things for Eurovision
This song has a lot of amazing things.
First, the language: thank God, the Netherlands are still sending songs in their native language as it should be. It's beautiful to listen to it and I love to hear words that kinda remind me of both German and English.
Second: despite what it seems, this song isn't a satire/parody of Europe. On the contrary, it's a celebration of how open Europe is and how easy it is to travel without borders.
And it may seem normal for us because we're used to it now, but I visited Albania this January and there were a shit ton of controls and checks to do. While last time I went to Greece, all I had to do was walk down a corridor, show my ID card and everything was fine. The open borders truly are a victory for everyone who likes to travel - and a sign of how much better Europe is. So a song celebrating them is very much appreciated.
Third: the song isn't just about open borders! It's about a man remembering his parents, about how much he still misses them. And it's about his victory. In the end, he's literally telling them: look, dad and mom, I finally made it to Eurovision.
And these soft, wholesome things always get me in my cold heart <3
Vote: top of the final chart, no questions
Let's all thank Norway for bringing the folk theme, along with their beautiful language.
I don't know what happened this year, but we are blessed by so many beautiful languages it truly seems like Eurovision and not Englishvision.
Vote: a bit too many screams, but I appreciate the enthusiasm of speaking in your native language
Poland learned from last year and instead of bringing another ball of nothing, they brought a song more fitting for their vibes.
It's in English tho, and that's very sad because Polish is a nice language. But at least the singer is good and in tune.
Vote: She built the tower. If it's the one from Stephen King's series, then we should have a chat
Portugal did a miracle last year, by bringing a song I actually liked. So in order to be coherent, this year they brought another boring, forgettable song.
Vote: nothing good lasts forever
Don't worry, people, San Marino will bring all the party vibes we need. It will take them some time to come, because they took a detour to Spain, but the vibes are still great.
Vote: maybe this year they won't be the usual traitors and give us 12 points
Serbian lyrics? Yes, please!
And even if this song has some ballad vibes, it's not the umpteenth boring ballad. It's a very nice, soft song and the singer's voice is good too.
Vote: great job, Serbia
A song in Slovenian? We stan! We all stan!
I'm not sure I like the "rrruaph!" sound, but the use of a native language and the dark vibes are very appreciated.
Vote: all these countries are spoiling us with their beautiful languages and I'm here for it
Spain rarely disappoints and once again they proved it: instead of bringing the umpteenth young gal, this year they chose a more mature singer and not only she has a wonderful angelic voice, but she sings in sexy Spanish and her song is perfect dance material.
Vote: We're all zorras
Since Sweden refuses to bring something else besides the same generic pop music in English, I want to start a new trend: the Swedish Suggestion Box. Here we can all suggest much more interesting Swedish songs (or artists!). There's only one rule: they shouldn't be boring, nor generic stuff you can hear on the radio 24/7.
This year, I would like to suggest Nanne Grönvall: she's a pop singer, but she mostly sings in Swedish. I particularly recommend the songs Håll om mig, Den Vilda, and Vi är dom tuffaste.
If you have other Swedish artists or songs worthy of attention, please recommend them in the comments/reblogs! Even if the songs are in English, they're still fine! As I said, the only rule is that it shouldn't be generic and boring.
And I know Sweeden can do better than generic and boring.
Vote: Suggestions are open!
Switzerland is my second Sweden: even if other people might hate the songs it brings, I've rarely hated something coming from it. And if I did, it was with fiery passion. Yes, I'm looking at you, devastatingly boring 2022's entry.
So I'm very happy that this year we can all agree this is a great song, because wow. WOW. Mixing electropop with opera singing made something truly amazing to listen to and I can't wait to see if the singer manages to do it live. If he can, it will be magnificent.
Vote: fine, Switzerland, I'll forgive you for the 2022's entry. But only if you keep sending amazing stuff like this
Ukraine = quality and no one can deny it. I'm not a huge fan of this mix rap/Ukrainian rhythm they have been brought in these last years, but as long as I can listen to some nice Ukrainian language and some new vibes, I am all for it.
Vote: thank you, Ukraine, for always bringing amazing stuff
And here it is: the only country (with Ireland) that is legally allowed to use English in a song. Even if I dream that, one day, the UK will send a song in French and blow up the entirety of Europe.
The song per se isn't bad: very 90s' vibes, very dancey. But if I have to choose something with 90s vibes, I prefer the rave.
Vote: not bad UK, but could be better
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jelixpo · 1 year
Do you have like a list of things you wanna see in the Mario Movie sequel? Me personally I need to see the koopalings and Junior In the next movie or I’ll literally blow up and die, that and I wanna see the bros and Peach have unfathomable on sight beef with a bunch of 9 year olds-
more Luigi. For the love of god, more Luigi.
Peach made mention to the idea of a mario galaxy movie by bringing up that multiple galaxies are threatened if Bowser invades them. So that would be cool. Rosalina would be amazing to see on the big screen, especially how they incorporate her backstory into the movie without it stunting the flow of the movie. Since Rosalina's backstory was optional in the og game it made reading it stop all gameplay, so having it be integrated better with the plot on the big screen would be cool to see.
more explorations into Peach's background. The first movie kinda highlighted that we as an audience know shockingly little about Peach's canon backstory, so explaining that more in-depth would be cool to see.
And bring Lord Hater Squishmallow (aka King Boo) to the big screen. I'd love to watch him cause mayhem. Also it'd be interesting to see who they'd cast as a voice for him. I know it'd be a celebrity, based on the track record, but they'd have to edit the voice a LOT to get it to match the voice clips from the games.
And just more brotherly love in general. I wanna see the bros relationship withstand all odds. I know the trope is to break them up cause they get in a fight (i know the trope cause i do the trope lol) but i wanna see the filmmakers subvert that stereotype and show just how strong of a bond the brothers have. Through thick and thin, i wanna see them face it all together.
these are a lot of ideas for one movie tho lol. So maybe just for the first sequel focus on getting them in space and getting Rosalina on the screen
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