#airplane shooting through the sky
“Shang Houhua?” A voice behind him spoke.
Shang… Hou…Hua?
He raises his head in confusion, the dizziness and nausea overpowering his concentration. He squints through his blurred vision as his world tilts.
A hand holds him firmly. He tries to focus on the sounds instead.
There were multiple people in the room.. for some reason. What happened again? Wasn’t he preparing to leave for a mission? Or soemthing…
Wait, wasn’t cucumber bro with him?
“Cucumber bro?” He questioned, trying ennounciate his words more clearly, fighting through the heaviness of his tongue. Of course, it only serves to confuse everyone, he thinks, because they suddenly started murmuring and not confirming that his best friend was present at all.
He could swear he heard someone say that cucumbers only grew in the demon realm which was ridiculous.
Shang Qinghua doesn’t even remember adding cucumbers to the story.
Wait... He distantly remembers describing one in one of the recent chapters. Oops.
He wonders if he had added coffee or hot chocolate in one of the drafts because damm he really wanted one right now.
“Mmm…” he hummed happily at the thought before sinking into the depths of his consciousness.
He shoots up when he hears a loud noise in his ear, “WHAT THE FUCK!?”
Instinct— he’s a little surprised he still has those l— makes him grab a sword and slam the intruder against the wall. Years of carrying things for people during his disciple years and as a peak lord helped, not to mention having to carry Mobei Jun to the medical bed whenever the man had a severe injury, which didn’t happen as often, but often enough to get used to it.
He’s surprised to find out that the person who had spoken had been his…
“Sh…Shizun…?” He says in shock. Hadn’t his master ascended already??? What was going on???
“Wait— where’s cucu— ah I mean— Shen—shixiong?? Is he okay!?” He spoke pleadingly to his master, letting go of the sword. His Shizun seemed surprised and slightly proud oddly enough.
“Shen—shixiong? Do you mean… Shen Jiu?”
Shang Qinghua tilts his head in confusion, noddingy yet correcting her, “Shen Qingqiu, Shizun, forgive this lowly one for asking, but haven’t you… ascended already?”
(His brain and my brain are incredibly slow I love him)
Ahh shit he’s time travelled???
He bowed before the previous sect leader (god please he hopes he doesn’t have to stay here and grow up?? He misses his husband man.
Also like what the fuck where’s tiny him? The body he’s in is still the grown up one. So there’s probably a way for him to get back home.
“This one is Shang Qinghua, the current master of the An Ding peak” he introduces himself politely, unused to talking so formally since the present sect had gotten used to his informal blabbering (he could even say they’ve gotten fond of him or something).
His Shizun smiles at him proudly, my lord it’s been so long he missed his master…… the one kind soul throughout his discipleship
“May this one ask if there was anyone who had arrived with this one?”
With good timing, Shen Qingqiu appears with his fan wearing Binghe’s robes
He visibly sighs in relief. “Shen—shixiong… this one is relieved that you are unharmed.”
In response, Shen Qingqiu hides a snort behind his fan. “This one is also glad to see you alive as well.” He turns to the master, everyone present surprised at how he’s not glaring or giving bad vibes.
“This one is Shen Qingqiu, the current master of the Qing Jing Peak unfortunately, this one has had a incident with a severe qi deviation and in turn lost many memories of the past. So excuse this one for not recalling many things.”
**SQH and SQQ hidden behind a wall and watches the past peak lords converse in English while they wait for their Shizun to introduce them.**
“Man…. I feel bad for Zhangmen—shixiong.” Shen Qingqiu sighed, “I mean, I get Shen Qingqiu’s behaviour towards him, but like…. I feel really bad for him. I wish I could give him something, anything but the man in our timeline isn’t even angry at me for body stealing.”
“Is it even body stealing if it’s not intentional?”
“Body achievement, then.”
“That makes less sense bro…”
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lookingkindofdumb · 3 months
SVSSS - cumplane AU
(the AU i'm never going to write because I'm not nearly funny enough to write these two)
Where Cucumber and Airplane both play an online game together.
Their Avatars are: an ice demon with a resting bitch face and a beautifully ruthless half demon, respectively.
They did the character design for each other's avatars.
They spend the entire time tripping each other up, mocking each other (and occasionally any poor soul who gets in their way) and forgetting this is a team based game.
Cucumber: That is not adequate protection against the elements.
Airplane: bro, he's an ice demon. Cold fears him!
Cucumber: And?! Surely he feels some of the colder climate! He's wearing a cape, that means he's cold!
Airplane: Capes are cool! It's an aesthetic.
Cucumber: Aesthetic...sure. That's why his nipples are eyeline with every other character and free for viewing.
Airplane: yup! you're just jealous you didn't think of it first.
Cucumber: *throws his pen and nails him in the forehead*
Airplane: Cool tattoo.
Cucumber: It's not a tattoo! It's a - rambles on emphatically for four minutes about the lore and meaning behind the forehead demon mark.
Airplane: I said it was cool!
Qi Qingqi: ...are you sure I can't kick them out of the group hunt?
Yue Qingyuan: *watching Cucumber and Airplane bicker ceaselessly as they pull Gongyi Xiao out of a pit and shove Lui Qingge out of the path of a deadly attack* Don't you think we benefit from their cooperation?
Qi Qingqi: But at what cost?
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anachronismstellar · 7 days
Another week another post of Airplane vs The System.
No, these are not following an order, my brain is scrambling this as we go lol
This is going to be posted on ao3 as soon as I finish it, I swear, I just- I just wanna finish it before posting so I break my fanfic writer curse orz
God Airplane, pls let me finish this 🧎‍♀️
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it :D
RIP Mobei-Jun born to be a powerful demon king, forced to play crazy sci-fi pc game 😔
The next time Mobei had woken up, he had felt slightly better. At least the headache was gone, and thankfully he could move his arms and legs. He still was encased in a white room, magical cool lights hurting his eyes, as if he were surrounded by fresh fallen snow.
“Welcome, Character_s201,” the voice from the Thing echoed around him, making him jump on his feet, a bit wobbly but ready for an attack. And just like their previous interactions, the Thing paused, waiting for his response, not bothered by the lack of it. “Very well. The parameters of this experiment are: to cross the chamber.”
A door, that he could swear wasn't there before, opened up in front of him showing a long corridor, the same cold lights following all its extension. To his side, a square blinked into existence, as if the writings of a talisman were held afloat in the air, in the center a repetition of what the Thing had said, with a small counter under it, a quarter of an hour time set going down.
Mobei wasn't stupid, and he wasn't about to test what would happen if the number reached zero.
He didn't run, because only fools would run straight to an unknown room. Still each step echoed as if he were walking over thousands of swords, the metallic sound making the hairs at the back of his neck stand up. He kept going, touching the walls from time to time, until he reached the end, a doorless opening exposing a perfect square room with no floor, only another opening on the other side of it, a good distance separating him from his goal. He looked down, only darkness stretching far beyond he could see. Another glance at the instructions showed him that nothing had changed except for the time, ten minutes passed after he was made to leave his previous cell.
He flicked his wrist, grabbing the threads of space, tearing reality apart until a portal appeared next to him. Again, he wouldn't be stupid to try escaping right now, no, the Thing was watching, It had said it was an experiment. So he conceded for now, extending his portal to the other side of the room, crossing it with ease.
“Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!” the Thing announced as soon his feet touched the floor, the time freezing, the passage closing behind his back. “Important things must be told three times! The first chamber was completed in eleven minutes and fifty seven seconds. Please proceed to the next chamber.”
Mobei looked around, considering his options. What was the point of all this nonsense? What the Thing would gain from making him play such games? Even though curiosity made his throat burn, he refused to ask, instincts telling him that making questions would be playing right into the Thing's hands.
Left with no other choice, he walked. This time the next room was just around the corner, even bigger than before. As soon as he stepped inside, the door slid close, blocking his way back. A few steps ahead there was a wall made of glass, and on the other side of it, laying on a pedestal made of sharp angled metal was a sword, the blade the deepest blue Mobei had ever seen. Frost gathered around it, wisps of smoke curling from its sharp edge, as if it was made of shadows.
He wasn't the type of person to carry a sword, he could make his own from his ice, but he could admire a powerful weapon. Even behind the glass he could feel the cold energy coming from it, a hum in the air that made his teeth ache.
“Welcome, Character_s201, to the second chamber. Experiment parameters are: acquire the sword.”
Once more the voice came from everywhere, startling Mobei enough to make him blink. It was disconcerting to be bossed around by something he couldn't grasp.
Or punch.
And just like before the sign next to him blinked, the time now set to ten minutes. He held back his scoff, better not anger the Thing, but it felt as if It was just playing around, not actually giving him a challenge. With two portals he was in front of the pedestal, hand hovering over the handle, eyes looking up, waiting for another comment. When nothing came he took the sword for himself, the weight of it grounding him, as if confirming that this wasn't a crazy dream.
“Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, Character_s201! Good things must be told three times!” It cheered on him with fake happiness. “Sword “Tengliu's Fortune” added to your inventory. Second chamber was completed in six minutes and forty nine seconds. Please proceed to the next chamber.”
Mobei-Jun looked around, searching for the next door. Maybe he should go back from where he came? But that made no sense, there was nothing else in that room.
A “ding!” sound rang in his ears, a new door appearing at the back of the room. He hesitated, the grip on the sword tightening up, waiting for an attack. He wouldn't be given a sword if something wasn't about to jump on him.
Then he felt it, the moment the air pressure shifted, the floor under his feet vanishing as the voice cheerfully announced:
“Experiment parameters are: survive.”
Mobei fell.
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miaoqing · 5 months
can't stop thinking about airplane thanking shen yuan for bringing pidw back to what he had first imagined in his original outline. ??? like. to what extent. was it just "binghe gets to be a shizunfucker" or was it everything to the letter? did shen yuan change the story because he attempted to loophole his way through what the system wanted or did he do exactly what it wanted BECAUSE he refused to do what it told him to?
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memecatwings · 1 year
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spaceakiko · 6 months
F in the chat for me having to go to school tomorrow because spring break is over and then it’ll be months before summer bro I’m crying 😭. Fluffy gay fanfiction and staying up way too late to save time is the only thing keeping me from falling into a state of pure, mind tearing depression.
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sunderwight · 3 months
Cumplane where Airplane, in a fit of either bravery or insanity or positive or negative self-esteem (he's not totally sure) decides to cosplay as Luo Binghe and post the pictures online.
Of course, he doesn't do it as "Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky", he knows he has some questionable fans and doesn't really want to hand them a picture of his face. So he posts the images under one of the pseudonyms he uses for lurking around the comment section and social media tags. It's just a handful of images of him looking like the protagonist in his head, attempting to strike cool poses in a wig and some period clothes (he rented both).
The reception is... mixed. Airplane does not have abs, after all, nor a flawless complexion or much skill with makeup. He is fat, freckled, and awkward. The PIDW readership is not known for being particularly supportive either. In fact they're mostly a crab bucket of negativity and masculine posturing, so he gets a lot of mean-spirited commentary.
It's fine. Nothing he hadn't expected. Really solidifies for him that posting was a fit of madness, actually! What did he even expect? He's bracing himself for the worst when he sees that Peerless Cucumber, notorious hate-reader and defender of Luo Binghe's honor, has commented. Ah, shit. He's probably going to rip into Airplane for daring to sully his precious Binghe's reputation by dressing up like that, isn't he?
The comment is long, too. Fuck. Airplane's not sure if his self-esteem can take a comprehensive beating from the champion hater himself, but he's too curious not to look.
Shen Yuan, in the meanwhile, is just pleased that there has FINALLY been a Luo Binghe cosplayer who looks the part. Of course Luo Binghe wouldn't have exaggerated muscles, those are just a product of dehydration. Binghe spent most of his disciple years running around chopping wood and hauling laundry, and then later doing whatever he could to pack on the calories in order to make it through the Abyss. A hefty workman's build would only make sense for him, anything else would be nonsense. Airplane also described Luo Binghe as having a beautiful face, which Shen Yuan won't blame most cosplayers for not being able to just make happen, but a beautiful face doesn't mean "covered in so much makeup it looks like an anime character"! When would Luo Binghe have the time or inclination to put on makeup? A natural beauty with some inevitable blemishes would make more sense and be much more appealing, and this "Airplane Crashing to the Ground" (funny play on the author's name, Shen Yuan approves) has very pretty features! Everyone hating on this cosplay is just an idiot, the only actual problem is that his wig is poorly fitted.
So in true Peerless Cucumber fashion, he lays this all out.
This gets him embroiled in arguments with several other fans, who even accuse him of actually being the guy in the photos, claiming that there's no other reason why he would defend them. Shen Yuan doesn't care if people think that's him, because that's still the best Luo Binghe cosplay he's ever seen, but he doesn't want them doubting the sincerity of his arguments. So, he decides that the only reasonable thing to do is dress himself up in cosplay as well and then post the actual photos of himself.
While he'd like to dress up as one of Luo Binghe's allies like Mobei Jun, or maybe someone cool like Yue Qingyuan, he is too pedantic to think he could pull that off. Those guys are all strong warrior types, and Shen Yuan is a scrawny pale rich kid who looks like he'd probably lose a fight with a wet paper towel. The only characters he could plausibly pull off would be some of the more consumptive members of Binghe's harem and maybe, maybe, one of the weaker villains like Shen Qingqiu.
Shen Yuan is NOT posting pictures of himself crossplaying to the central nexus of toxic masculinity itself, so... Shen Qingqiu it is!
Poor Airplane has to go sit and stare at a while for a while. Peerless Cucumber likes his cosplay. Peerless Cucumber, ardent defender of Shang Qinghua's sellout crappy main character mary-sue, thinks Airplane is good-looking enough to cosplay as him. And said so. Repeatedly. And then posted borderline thirst-trap villain cosplay of himself, inadvertently revealing in the process that he is hot.
What the. What. What?!
Anyway, Shen Yuan suggests that they attend the next convention both cosplaying together because Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky is supposed to be doing a meet & greet at that one, and wouldn't it be fun to go as a pair? And Airplane agrees before his brain catches up and he realizes that might present a problem.
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sapphicjackal · 1 month
Baby Dimension au
inspired by this
Baby dimension au
One of the many things that had always bothered Shen Yuan about Proud Immortal Demon Way was the way that Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky treated Luo Binghe’s children. 
By the time that Luo Binghe was into his centuries long reign and the story completed, Luo Binghe had dozens of children. Some were named, and others were only known by the fact that their mother had to go into seclusion in the background of a harem drama. The exact number of his kids were unknown, and Luo Binghe showed little to no interest in them beyond their continued survival.
To ensure his children’s survival, Luo Binghe used Xin Mo to create a pocket dimension of sorts. Only his most trusted servants would be selected with the task of living permanently in these hidden realms to raise his children. Each child had their own separate pocket realm and caretaker, with children born of the same mother being grouped together.
Some of the more filial mothers spent time with their children, and Shen Yuan quietly suspects that a number of the ditched Harem members chose to live with their children instead of in the palace full of snakes. 
The reason the fan dubbed ‘baby dimension’ came into existence was because of Luo Binghe’s first children. 
Luo Binghe’s foray into fatherhood began with his first two children, Luo Meiying and Luo Fang. 
When Luo Binghe lived on Qing Jing Peak, he had made a promise with Ning Yingying that when he married her, they would have a beautiful child together. Once the three realms had been unified, revenge had been taken, and the harem had been settled; Airplane introduced that retconned promise. Ning Yingying asked if they could finally have a baby together and Luo Binghe agreed.
Of course, this sent Sha Hualing into a jealous fit. She acted out and terrorized the other harem members until Luo Binghe agreed to give her a child as well. To prevent Sha Hualing from escalating and trying to do anything to make Ning Yingying miscarry, Luo Binghe agreed to impregnate her as well.
Naturally this led to a threesome sex maraton between Ning Yingying, Sha Hualing, and Luo Binghe. Luo Binghe gathered a fertility lotus plant for the two of them, and they locked themselves away in Luo Binghe’s chambers for 3 days. The two girls spent the whole time fighting each other and vying for Luo Binghe’s attention as well as more turne with the Heavenly Pillar. 
It ended with both of the wives undeniably pregnant.
Fast Forward some harem antics where some wives tried to sabotage the pregnancies, and a lot of kinky pregnancy related sex, the two babies were born. Ning Yingying’s daughter, Luo Meiying, and Sha Hualing’s son, Luo Fang. Luo Binghe was there for the births of his children and he seemed genuinely pleased about it. Sha Hualing and Ning Yingying were obviously the most favored wives for a time, as Luo Binghe exclusively dual cultivated with either of them and spent a lot of time with his children.
Then the readers got bored of this domestic arc.
Luo Binghe’s children were faced by constant threats, targeted by the harem and his enemies alike. The dangers were so numerous that Sha Hualing herself wanted to go into seclusion with her child, just so that her son would survive. Of course, she was more motivated by the fact she didn’t want to lose the leverage that the child gave her after all of the effort she spent bringing it into the world, but still. It was a problem.
The solution?
Creating a series of Hidden Realms using Xin Mo. 
Since the space was only accessible through Xin Mo, nobody could threaten the safety of his children any longer. He allowed his wives to choose their most loyal servant to entrust the task of raising their children. After setting them up with all they would need, and telling the mothers they could ask any time for visits, he left the children to be raised in the Hidden Realms, with the expectation they could leave once they reach adulthood.
After that, his children were promptly forgotten and only mentioned in passing.
Ning Yingying ended up having another child later on, and that one joined his older sister in the Baby Dimension after being weaned. 
From there, pregnancies and children were only mentioned in passing. There were no updates as to what goes on in the Baby Dimensions, and Luo Binghe’s children became yet another forgotten plot line. 
Any children he had were forgotten in favor of an ever expanding harem of women who were wedded, bedded, and forgotten.
The whole thing bothered Shen Yuan immensely, being a common topic that he brought up in his vicious reviews of each chapter. Yes, Luo Binghe was a blackened stallion protagonist, but it didn’t make sense for his character to simply have a bunch of children that he forgot existed in favor of getting his dick wet. Luo Binghe seemed to genuinely love his children during the time before he sent them away, and it was the closest thing to happiness that he displayed since the beginning of the story with his adoptive mother.
None of the other fans cared about it, so Luo Binghe’s unknown number of children were thoroughly forgotten. Even the end of the story didn’t address the children whatsoever! Not even a mention of Luo Binghe having an heir, let alone multiple.
Shen Yuan had never forgotten about it, but it did get tucked away in some far off corner of his mind after he transmigrated. 
Now, he lived as Shen Qingqiu, and he was happily married to his own version of Luo Binghe.
The reason all of his prior frustrations came racing back to him is because his husband asked if they could have children. The two of them had been married for 15 years now, and a lot of the problems from earlier in their relationship had been worked on. Luo Binghe was no longer as intensely jealous because of his abandonment issues to the point that having children would be upsetting to him.
They were in a good place to start discussing things. 
Shen Qingqiu had stepped down as Peak Lord with the rest of the Qing generation in favor of their successors, and instead moved full time to the Demon Realm. He had long since revealed his true identity as a transmigrator to his Husband, so Shen Yuan adopted his old name once he left the Human Realm.
Their rule was secure, they had been married for years, and their relationship was stable. It seemed like the perfect time to add to the family.
There did exist flowers and relics that could allow men to get pregnant, however, once Luo Binghe brought up the topic, Shen Yuan’s mind instantly went to the abandoned children of Luo Bingge.
Shen Yuan knew that his Binghe would be a wonderful father, one that would never abandon his children. Shen Yuan never really got over the fact that all those children had been made and discarded, out of sight and out of mind.
So, he made a deal with Binghe.
They would have one biological child together, but after that, any additional children would be ones that they obtained from Binghe’s counterpart. Binghe initially protested, wanting nothing to do with that imposter, but Shen Yuan laid out the way all of those children had been abandoned and how it had bothered him for years.
It took some arguing and tears, but eventually an agreement was made.
Luo Binghe bore pregnancy with grace and sneakily used his blood parasites to ensure that egg split, resulting in twins. Luo Binghe was ecstatic with pregnancy, having fought to be the one that carries the child. Shen Yuan thought that as the Emperor, Luo Binghe should be the one to get him pregnant, but Luo Binghe said he’d only agree to snatching the imposter’s children if he gets to give birth to Shizun’s babies.
Shen Yuan gave in to prevent having a Qi deviation over the sheer nonsense that Luo Binghe spewed.
Shen Mingyu and Shen Yongrui were fraternal twins, a girl and boy. They both took after Shen Yuan more in looks, but shared Luo Binghe’s curly hair, something that Shen Yuan was extremely pleased with. The two were doted on and spoiled endlessly, beloved by their parents and people, who were happy to have an actual heir at last.
When the children were 4, Luo Binghe started to get restless, asking for more. 
Thus began their newfound hobby of breaking into Baby Dimensions and kidnapping children.
Well, to be more exact.
Thus began a series of excursions where they traveled to various baby dimensions to meet with the children there and get to know them. When they offered the opportunity to leave and come with them to their own world, each and every child jumped at the chance to leave, even knowing ahead of time that Luo Binghe wasn’t the father that sired them.
They didn’t do it too often. Not wanting to do the same thing as the original and forget about their children and spending time with them because they valued quantity. They made sure that each and every one of their children were loved, regardless of if they were created by them specifically.
Each new addition to their family brought joy to their lives. Shen Yuan truly couldn’t understand how Luo Bingge didn’t adore each of these wonderful beings that he helped create. Shen Yuan loved all of his children, and they were each a blessing.
Maybe Shen Yuan got a little ambitious, because he started to want the two that started it all. Luo Meiying and Luo Fang, the ones that almost could have had a loving father if only the readers hadn’t gotten bored of domesticity. Shen Yuan wanted them to have better. He had avoided taking them thus far because they were the children of the main and favored wives, but they had taken close to a dozen children without notice over the years.
Just like the rest of their siblings, Luo Meiying and Luo Fang agreed to join them. 
However, this time they caught the attention of Luo Bingge. Turns out, Luo Bingge had been noticing his children dwindling, so he set extra protections around all of his remaining children so that he could catch the culprit and save his missing children, if they were still alive.
Luo Bingge came to demand his children back, but his children all claimed that they were Shen Yuan and Luo Bingmei’s children.
Bingge doesn’t actually have THAT many kids at this point in the timeline
SY was grossly overestimating how many kids LBG had in general
atm Bingge only had like 18 kids and Bingqiu stole 10 of them
Bingge does actually check on his kids when he can get away from his harem (which isn’t often)
this is yet another thing that the fake has stolen from him
even his own flesh and blood prefer an imposter over their own father
it really fucks Bingge up
plus side is that he figures out that Nice Shizun is actually named Shen Yuan
then he finds his own SY
And he makes sure that the rest of his kids won’t get stolen by abolishing the baby dimensions and bringing the kids out
SY becomes their teacher
Bingge believes in adopted parent relationships so he doesn’t try to take his kids back, but he does fall into a weird shared custody agreement with Bingqiu
Bingge makes harming his children punishable by death, and his wives are NOT exempt from this. Little Palace Mistress finds this out the hard way when she tries to eliminate one of Bingge’s daughters and gets publicly executed.
Bingge overhauls the harem in general, because now he has got his priorities in order. Which are railing his kid’s teacher, and also taking care of his kids because he doesn’t want them to get taken from him and lose out on them.
Bingge stops expanding his harem and even downsizes it, plus he works out something other than dual cultivation to control Xin Mo because having sex is cutting into his time braiding his children’s hair. And also trying to sleep with their teacher.
Bingge finds being a dad a lot more fulfilling than being a harem master and emperor of the united realms, and also fucking his children’s teacher. That also fills him better.
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indiweb · 2 months
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⠀ 𐚁ྀ PERVERTED THOUGHTS ABOUT THEE ? ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ryōmen sukuna ⋆ satoru gojō ⋆ suguru getō
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⠀" jjk men crushing hard on you as they .. please themselves. "
<– [ BACK ] : HOME [ NEXT ] : MLIST ㅤ→
明示的 ⌇ nsfw. fem!reader. masterbation. dirty talk. crying. begging. perv!characters. ( wc. 1.5k )
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀his fist pumped steadily , eyes shut tightly with the edges of his razor sharp teeth sinking into the fabric of your underwear he’d stolen from your dorm the last time he was there. not that you’d notice , you were always oblivious to everything unless it was spelled out for you. plus , when he was rummaging through the drawer , there seemed to be about a hundred in there. if you were to notice , then that meant pigs were replacing airplanes in the sky.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀it was the dead of night and there was only one thing running through the man’s mind. you. you in that dangerously short skirt the university made all the women wear. the gym shorts that’s hugged your lower body so dearly he swore he could see your ass straight through the black fabric. the busty blouses you always wore to parties that were thrown off campus , buttons coming undone the more you drunkenly danced with your girlfriends on the floor.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀his hand was full of his base , fingers practically glued together with how much cum had stained them. sweat beads swirled his temples before trickling down the sides of his face and meeting at the crevice of his exposed collarbone. it didn’t matter that your undergarment was washed , it was the closest thing he had to tasting your sweet juices , so he’d take it. all he could ever do was admire from afar , and he’d be perfectly fine with settling on what he had at hand.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀" f—fuck , just like that. such a good girl , " he mewled pathetically , unbothered by the fact that his door wasn’t locked , and that anyone could waltz in at any given moment. especially you , whose belonging he’d stolen unprovokingly. though , he was wholeheartedly okay with that. he’d let you watch him all day if need be , that’s how much he wanted you. if seeing his desperate would get you to finally notice him , then so be it. at least you had him on your mind.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀his dick twitched every time a teasing thought swept his mind , whimpers prattling along the edges of his dry lips that hung open so pathetically. he found himself bucking into his grasp , imagining that it was you bouncing along him and not his own embarrassing hands kneading the flesh of his throbbing erection. that you were guiding to his third and final orgasm he tediously dragged on , mouth engulfing one of your breasts whilst his free hand groped the other. it was a down right terrible thing to imagine , but he couldn’t help himself. you’d bewitched him so horrifically he couldn’t stop himself even if he wanted to.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀he knew his imagination would never truly live up to you , but it’s all he had. the only interaction he ever sought out with you was the fantasy world he’d created in his head , like a demented teenage girl gawking over fictional men. he truly felt pity on his own self , but definitely not enough for him to stop. even if you yelled at him to , he’d never be able to bring himself to get over you. your mere existence drove him crazy , his once pride in his intellect being drowned out by the excitement he got whenever he smelled your signature perfume lingering the halls.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀tethered cries fell dryly from his quivering lips , liquids shooting onto his bare lower abdomen for the third time in a row. shuttered body shivers ran goosebumps along his silk skin , tattoos bubbling at the chills. heaved sighs were his only form of speech , hands dropping his heavy base and reaching for the nearest towel that he laid on his bed for the specific occasion. it wasn’t his proudest moment , but he’d be able to live with himself as long as you stayed ignorant of his existence. that was , however , until a gentle knock was hit against his door with a an even softer utterance of his name. " sukuna? " , had his blood running colder than niagara falls.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀the man was widely known around campus , mainly for being a charmer , of course. he could never stick to an agenda , always up to something knew every week. always up someone every month. he was passed around more than a blunt at a frat party. he didn’t mind it though , he knew he had the looks , the body , the technique. so as long as he was getting something in return , none of it mattered. none of the whispers made it to his head.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀despite everyone knowing almost everything about him , one thing they didn’t know was that he could never properly get off to any of the girls (or guys) he slept with. they all sounded the same , wanted the same thing ; a quick fuck a dip. and , though he’s never heard your sweet sounds up close , he’d always think back to your classes spent in culinary where you’d moan in delight at how good a dessert tasted. satoru didn’t know when his obsession started, but what he did know was that just the slightest thought of those noises had him creaming his pants on the spot.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀anytime he was amidst a lecture , mind wandering off and running free , he’d always somehow resort back to those moments and would have to excuse himself or he’d make an absolute mess in the auditorium seat. which is exactly what he’d done some time ago. he was caught up in some english lesson when his mind went astray and he could feel a fiery knot forming in his abdomen , the man scurrying to his feet faster than anyone could notice him out the door.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀he sat in the unisex restroom with the door locked , pants loosely pooling at his ankles with his pulsating tip already leaking out heavily. he could feel himself slowly losing his mind , jaw hanging open with incoherent sounds of pleasure chopping through the eerily quiet aroma that set in the room. every time he is hand glided to the top , he’d slide his thumb pad through the slit of his tip , whimpered sobs following closely behind.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀the man had never even talked to you , for crying out loud. let alone be within five feet of you , and yet he found himself letting off to your mere though any time he had a moment to himself. it’s why he always drowned himself in having sex with random classmates , imagining that it was you who’s folds he was sliding into. your neck he was littering in hickeys. your chest he kneaded at so carelessly. and , every time he did so , he’d have to force himself not to spill out right then and there.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀his entire body would tense as the cum that’d leak sooner than he planned , silencing his partner with his own mouth so he wouldn’t have to hear them anymore and would be able to only think about you and you alone , no interruptions whatsoever. it was a guilty pleasure , something he surely wasn’t proud of. he couldn’t believe that the girl he’d only ever admired from afar had such an impact on him.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀his thrusts would get sloppier the more you lingered his mind , ridding him utterly silent before he became a whimpering mess with your name drooling from his mouth. his quivering lip would tug between his teeth , hand reaching for his base as he slid from between the woman , pumping himself until he coated her abdomen in nothing but his sticky white seed. it wasn’t for her , and she knew that the minute she heard him cry out your name. she knew who you were , much like everyone else. so it was going to be one hell of a day when her friends found out the infamous playboy could only get off to the thought of you.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀your instagram has to probably be the most public thing about you. you were closed off. reserved. much like the man who had your socials pulled up on his laptop. he never once uttered a word to you , and you’ve never even looked in his direction. yet , he still found himself fisting his dick to you , imagining that he was bullying it into the depths of your cervix with you crying out his name. it was foul play , something you couldn’t waterboard out of him. a vile and inexcusable thing.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀but , of course , that didn’t stop him from leading into his second orgasm. the most he had to look at were bikini pics from last year , and frat party videos you’d drunkenly taken and still posted to the public eye. his dick twitched just from the sight alone , his pants already tossed into a random pile in his room. his mind wandered freely the more you videos played on loop , his pumps become more thorough with each stroke.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀he knew you had a second account , everyone did. but you’d never let him into it if you didn’t know him. so , he scrounged your main and made do with what was on display for him. his whimpers were calling out to you , balled fist delving into his desktop as he could barely contain himself. his thumb pad would slide through his slit with the intention of it being your mouth , utterly melting into his seat at just the thought of you taking his entire dick and gagging along his walls with his liquids tainting your perfect little mouth.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀he couldn’t help himself , never did. the only " play " he got was from imagining a night with you. because while yes , he surely was attractive, being the talk of the school and all. no one cared enough to actually befriend him. so , he stayed to himself and disregarded everyone’s vague whispers that were passed at any given time he walked by them. not like he’d genuinely care anyway , he had more important things to do. more important things to care about. which , obviously , were you.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀some would call him crazy for caring about a woman that didn’t even know his name , let alone acknowledge his existence. but that wasn’t the point. he didn’t mind if you knew about him. for all he cared , you could tease and taunt him for being a loner and he’d still admire you because at least then he could say you knew he existed. it was a twisted way of thinking , for sure , but he couldn’t stop. you had such an effect on him that he couldn’t stop. not now , and probably not ever.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀vigorous sweat beads painted his once clear skin , hair strands falling from his man bun all the while he hunched over in his seat. his back trembled with each movement he made , mewling and sobbing at the endurance. his tip leaked faster than a running faucet , white juices littering his fingers that grasped his dick. all he could do was cry and plea for you to let him cum , ushering that he would be good for you. though , he never once thought it’d get so bad. that he’d be so down bad he actually started talking to himself about you.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀" p—please , i’ll be a good boy. o'fuck! please , y/n! " he sobbed in hysteria , tears streaming down his cheek bones and meeting at his dehydrated bottom lip that hung open. if his desk chair wasn’t covered in his juices enough , it’d surely be drenched by the time he finished his last climax. he wanted it to build up for some time , enjoying the back arching tension that washed over whenever he finally his hit limit and creamed on himself. which is exactly what he did. he couldn’t stop it , not when the sight before him was you tanning at the beach in absolutely nothing , the " nude beach " sign slightly showing in the background. it was just your backside , but still , it was you so his mind jumbled into an entire mess.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⭒
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TW// Panic Attack// Derealisation /Derealization //
Multiple names used interchangeably// ambiguous ending
read the side notes at the end!//
Sometimes, this world feels fake. Sometimes, he doesn’t feel like he lives in it.
When he was Houhua, he tries wave the fog away and picks up his brush and does his duties. He makes way too many mistakes in those days but no one pays any mind to him. No one pays any mind to his bruises anyway.
No one would care to find out. Why would they?
He was just a pathetic, puny little mouse, scurrying to survive. Canon fodder destined to die and return to the earth below for his sins.
This was his world. His story brought to life.
When the sun glimmers through his window, he wonders if the glow is artificial, like the failing bulbs he used to change when he was falling behind in his rent.
He opens his eyes, trying to blink away the fog, trying to bring back clarity , but to no avail, time slips by again. It’s warmer now, so he forces his limbs to move.
Stumbling into the bathroom, he takes a deep breath and reaches out for a hair tie before locking eyes with himself in the mirror.
Distantly he thinks, ‘this isn’t who I am.’
The colour of his hair was as bright as a chestnut, different from what it should be, shorter dark curls floating in the wind instead of being in a bun. His eyes glaze over— his bright amber compared to the hazelnut shade— scanning himself in the mirror.
His height—the body’s height was shorter by a few inches. He tries to breathe. It only serves to tighten the space in his chest. Finally, with his clumsy fingers, he wrangles his messy, unbrushed hair into a low bun, having no energy to do his usual high bun.
He wished he could cut it.
His hand lifts up to touch the body’s face . Shang Qinghua’s face. Shang… Houhua…?
He tries to think about true name.
He remembers projecting himself into his story, the story that he loved so much, even if it devolved into horrible cliché plots that never went anywhere. Even if the stories were left buried under, he still loved this world.
Luò Méihuā
A plum blossom. Blooming in the midst of winter.
He feels like he’s wilting. He steps outside of his room, dizzily fumbling with his accessories, the buttons, the sashes messily wrapped around him
He thinks he smells smoke, a Pringly feeling rubbing against his fingers. He remembers the day he dies, the currents and volts electrocuting him. The sound of thunder never used to scare him.
Now he trembles at the sight of a storm. The percentage of getting hit by lighting is low, but it still terrifies him. To die. To feel that excruciating pain, to feel that excruciating loneliness at the same time, it was unbearable.
Feiji blinks, suddenly standing right infront of his office door, a disciple of his holding the side of his shoulder. He remembers watching her stumble around as a young student, her name being on the tip of his tongue. He didn’t write her, he knew this, yet he couldn’t stop the wave of unease.
“Shizun?” She frowned in concern. He tries to smile and pat her head. Her frown doesn’t disappear, but she does scatter out the front gate.
Feiji wonders if Gua-xiong (Cucumber bro) feels like this sometimes. Like the world is floating away against his will.
“Shang-shidi?” He blinks again. A different person steadying the body— he didn’t even know the body was swaying.
Hm… Yue Qingyuan should be pretty and likeable… but no one likes a one-dimensional character. Though, they really don’t care as long as the protag gets their wives huh… hm…
Maybe I can scrap the Xiao Jiu storyline? The sect leader is gonna die anyway… it’ll be super bittersweet.
Yue Qingyuan’s brow was furrowed as he stared at the body. Shang—Hua flinched, remembering the descriptions that he’d thought of to make the pair suffer even more.
“All you do is apologise, and for what!? You left me behind!” Meihua laughed slightly as he wrote Xiao Jiu’s lines, thinking to himself, this will surely satisfy the readers angsty desires!
Meihua grinned with the artist he had commissioned to make official art of the peak lords, “this is exactly what i think they look like in my head, thanks!”
Shang Qinghua opens his mouth—
and chokes on a sob, “S—“
he gasps as his knees buckle beneath him, “Sorry.”
Fortunately, Yue Qingyuan jumps in quickly and reaches out to steady him, lowering him slowly instead of plunging to the ground. “Shang-shidi? What’s wrong? Your disciple ran into me and told me that you were acting weird—“
His eyes go wide though he’s not quite sure why and his hearing suddenly shuts down, muffling everything the worried man is saying.
Feiji is sorry, Yue Qingyuan— he’s sorry—he’s so incredibly sorry—!
“Are you sure there’s nothing that could’ve possibly sent him into such a severe qi deviation?” Mu Qifang questioned once more, desperate to get any answers on how to help his patient.
Yue Qingyuan shakes his head, grimacing, “No, the disciple I saw told me that he’s been that quiet since the start of the day.”
He paused thinking for a little longer before sighing, “She did not mention if Lord Mobei had visited either… there was nothing that could have triggered it. And nothing is calming him down.”
Mu Qingfang gazed over to the sobbing man boy, “I wish I knew how to help him.”
“Perhaps we should ask Shen-shidi for assistance. He…”
Yue Qingyuan’s expression closed as he thinks about it, “The two of them has been quite close in the recent years.” He reminds himself to calm down.
Shang Qinghua to him, is like having a younger brother, he could feel totally at ease with the oddly anxious peak lord. Despite that, it’s hard to let go of one’s protective instincts. One day, he hopes his instincts will protect the younger as well.
“Hey,” a familiar voice called out from the darkness, “Bro?”
Feiji opens his eyes—he didn’t even know he had closed them— and sees the Scum Villain he had created. His breath hitched, thoughts running at a million miles per hour.
The—The backstory that he had scrapped in order to chase the trends and feed into popular tropes—
“Sh—Shen—“ Feiji stuttered out. Shen Qingqiu softened (!???) his expression, before holding his hand out.
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s just me, Shang-shidi. Mu-shixiong told me that you have—“
In a burst of weird emotions, He swats his hand away from him, his voice almost going to a shrieking level, shocking everyone in the room.
“STOP—! That’s not my name—! Please! Shen—Shen—Shidi.”
The two names were fluttering in his mind.
Yuan. Jiu.
He didn’t know what to do anymore. He didn’t understand what was happening anymore.
“Yu—Yuan—xiong please—! That’s— that’s not my name!” He pleaded, “N—Not Shang Qinghua, not Houhua! That’s not me!”
He remembers vaguely the destiny of the body he’s residing in. “He’s not me—“
The two peak lords behind him blink in shock and panic, both frozen, not knowing what to do or say. ‘Yuan…?’
“Okay, I’m sorry, I know you’re not, you’re not him,” Shen Qingqiu nodded comfortingly, “It’s okay, Feiji—ge Gua—xiong is here.”
Feiji shudders at the nickname, one that would usually make him feel safe when it’s Shen Yuan uttering it, yet— all the name does is remind him that he had written all of these characters, all of their suffering, caused by him.
He shakes his head desperately.
Luckily, the man understands. “Alright, this master won’t call you by that name, it’s okay. Can you tell me what you want me to call you?”
It takes a very long time for his mind to catch on, for his mind to send signals on how to respond, he shivers, bowing his head, he grasps at the strings, pulling the cord that would finally make his voice work.
“Meihua— L—Luo Meihua! That’s—“ He sobbed, cutting himself off and desperately clinging to the one person he knew was real. “This one—Gua—Xiong.”
Despite not being good with physical touch, Shen Qingqiu allows the mousy man to grab on as a crutch, he nods along to his mumbles, gesturing Mu Qingfang to help put the panicked and stressed man to rest. “Okay, thank you for telling me Meihua, This one won’t leave you.”
“Please. We will explain it all, but please just trust us.” Shen Yuan whispers as the author in his arms falls quiet with his breathing at ease.
Blue =Airplane(Feiji)/Meihua(my Airplane’s original name) / & Shen Yuan / Gua-Xiong (cucumber bro)
Green=Shang Qinghua /Shang Houhua( Sqh’s original name?)’s body and original self (or what he perceives to be the original)
also, green refers to SVSSS characters in general and differentiates from real people
It’s honestly super cool I can do this on tumblr
Also side note:
PIDW to Shen yuan feels like Miraculous Ladybug to a lot of fans
it’s so funny
In general, a lot of mlb fans absolutely hate the way Chat and Ladybug is written and I just can’t help but think of Shen Yuan. But at least here, Airplane is likeable haha
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Taking me higher
Written for @steddiesmuttyseptember, week 1
Prompts: mile high club & service dom
Rated: E
Words: 1,232
Tags: Dom!Steve; Sub!Eddie; Fear of flying; Airplane sex; Semi-public sex
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Before today, if anyone had asked Eddie what hell looked like, the answer would've come easy. Hell was a blood red sky, parched earth covered in vines, and monstrous creatures with flower-shaped maws prowling the decaying landscape. Obvious, right?
Hell is a two-hundred-ton sardine can, shooting through the sky at five-hundred miles an hour, the ocean stretching forty-thousand feet below. No, scratch that, thirty-nine-thousand-nine-hundred-and-ninety-nine feet, because the goddamn thing just hit another air hole. 
Next to him, Steve stirs. He looks infuriatingly at ease with his sleep mask pushed up into his hair and his neck pillow and the little fleece blanket with the airline’s logo on it. When he takes in the way Eddie’s fingers are white-knuckling their shared armrest, his brow furrows in concern. 
“Hey, everything okay?” 
“Fine,” Eddie grits out. “Peachy, don't you worry about- shit, what was that?” 
“Turbulences,” Steve shrugs. Like it's fine. Like it's not a big deal. Like they aren't locked in a steel and glass deathtrap moving faster and higher than anything has a right to. “It’s okay, they haven't even switched on the seatbelt signs.” 
“Okay, great,” Eddie babbles. “Perfect, I just- … shit, I didn't think it'd rattle so fucking much.”
“It gets a bit bumpy sometimes,” Steve's hand finds his, prying Eddie’s fingers from the armrest, ghosting soothing touches over his knuckles. “Just relax. Think of them as potholes.” 
“Potholes, right,” Eddie mumbles. “Brilliant comparison, Stevie, so helpful. You know what, if the potholes weren't ten fucking miles deep, that might actually-” 
Eddie barrels to a stop. For a second, he's convinced he must've heard wrong, because why would Steve call him that now? Steve only ever calls him that when they're playing, and there's no way-
“You with me, baby?” 
Steve’s voice has dropped to a low rumble, and fuck, all the training they've done must've finally stuck, because the answer is out before he even knows it. 
“Yes, sir.” 
Steve smiles, slow and pleased. His hand shifts to Eddie’s upper thigh. “There's my good boy.” 
And yeah, the training clearly stuck way better than Eddie is comfortable admitting, because the words go straight to his dick. Steve’s hand moves, brushing the shape of him through the fabric of his pants. Eddie gasps and squirms, and that smile goes smug. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” Eddie hisses. He cranes his neck, casting frantic glances at the other passengers, but most of them are asleep in their seats. At the far end of the aisle, two stewardesses are talking and giggling at each other in hushed voices. 
“Shhhh,” Steve says. He cups Eddie’s cock in his palm, a firm and solid pressure. “They haven't noticed. You don't want that to change, do you?” 
“I- … no,” Eddie stammers. Steve’s grip tightens. “I mean … no, sir.” 
“That's what I thought,” Steve smiles, giving the bulge in his pants a good-natured pat. Eddie whines and rolls his hips in his seat, greedy for more friction, more pressure. Steve removes his hand. 
“Oh, come on,” Eddie groans. The lady in front of him grunts and stirs in her sleep. Eddie bites down on his own tongue.
“Now, here's what we're gonna do,” Steve says, lips tickling the shell of his ear, voice trickling down his spine like honey. “You're gonna go into the bathroom and get yourself ready for me. We'll need to be quick about it, so I'll give you … let's say three minutes before I join you.” 
“Wha-” Eddie wheezes. “You wanna-… Is there even room?” 
Steve chuckles. “Oh, we'll manage. I’ll just need to fuck you against the wall, nice and tight, huh?” 
Eddie gawks at him. Steve raises an eyebrow and checks his watch. “I’d hurry, if I were you. Your three minutes start now.” 
The bathroom is ridiculously tiny. For some reason, the movements of the plane are even more noticeable here, but Eddie doesn’t have time to dwell on that. Stumbling in on jelly-like legs, he pats his pockets until he finds what he’s been hoping for - a lonely, small package of lube. Ripping it open with his teeth, he yanks his pants down all the way to his ankles. When a few, awkward twists and turns reveal that this won’t do, he chucks off his right shoe and steps out of the pant leg entirely, propping one sock-clad foot up on the toilet bowl. 
He has hardly started preparing himself when the door opens behind him. For a panicked second, he’s afraid it’s a random passenger out for a midnight piss, now faced with the sight of him, two fingers knuckle-deep up his own ass. But it’s Steve. 
“Oh baby, look at you,” he whispers. Eddie hears the door lock, and then one large, strong hand caresses his hip. “So desperate for me? Tell me how bad you need it.”
Steve’s hand is casual and possessive as he cups his ass, the touch of a man taking what’s his. It makes Eddie feel owned in the best possible way. A prized possession, looked after and taken care of. 
“Need it so bad,” he whines, bucking back into the touch, knowing exactly what it is that Steve wants to hear. “So desperate for your cock sir, please-” 
He can’t turn, not crammed together in the tiny space as they are, but he hears how Steve’s belt and zipper come undone. That large, hard cock slaps free, hitting his ass with an obscene sound. 
“My poor, greedy boy,” Steve coos. “Asking for it so nicely. Of course you can have my cock, baby.” 
And then, without further preamble, he pushes in, all the way to the base. He sets a quick, relentless rhythm, not bothering to ease them into it slowly, and Eddie has to grip the toilet bowl with both hands or topple. It feels like his head being filled with fuzzy cotton. It feels the ground dropping out from under him, leaving him floating on clouds, but this time, it has nothing to do with the stupid plane.
It doesn’t take long. After a few hard thrusts, Steve moans and comes, hands digging into Eddie’s hips hard enough to bruise as he spills deep inside of him. Eddie is only seconds behind him, spilling his own release all over the toilet, and Steve shoves his fingers inside his mouth to muffle his scream.
“You good, baby?”
Eddie blinks back into reality. The ground and the walls are still rattling, but it doesn’t bother him as much, now that all of his bones have been replaced with warm jelly. Steve has pulled him out of his bent-over position and up against his chest, tucked his neck into the crook of his shoulder, and is peppering kisses over the side of his face and into his hairline. 
“Perfect,” Eddie slurs. “Thank you, sir. Could stay like this forever.” 
Steve laughs softly. “As much as I’d like to, I think we need to get back to our seats.” 
“Aw no,” Eddie pouts. “I thought everyone was asleep. Can’t we just-”
“You’re insatiable, huh?” Steve smacks a firm kiss to his cheek as he disentangles their shaky limbs, pressing a stack of paper towels into his hand as he goes. “C’mon now, be a good boy and clean yourself up. If you make it back in three minutes, I’ll consider doing this again. There’s always a return flight, y’know?” ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️
More smutty September
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thewidowsghost · 4 months
Hi, can you maybe write about y/n dating & her sisters natasha & yelena are being overprotective. You can make if however you want
Protection (Kate Bishop x Romanoff!Reader)
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(Y/n)’s gazes up at the sky, stars shimmering and shooting stars crossing the sky. About every half hour, an airplane, its green and red lights blinking, distracts from the beauty of the night sky, 
She looks down at her girlfriend, for a moment, studying her squished cheek against her chest, and her mouth slightly parted as she snores softly, tired from the morning’s mission.
(Y/n) wasn’t an active duty Avenger anymore, though she had come from the Red Room – like her adopted sisters Natasha and Yelena. 
She moves her hand up to Kate’s head, and begins running her fingers through the archer’s hair. (Y/n) can feel the two pairs of eyes on her. She wants to sigh out loud, but she doesn’t want to wake Kate. 
(Y/n)’s touches must’ve woken Kate, because she stretches slightly, and then pushes herself more into (Y/n)’s chest. 
A laugh bubbles up in (Y/n)’s throat, but she doesn’t make a sound, because she wanted to fully make sure Kate was awake before she woke her girlfriend by accident. 
Kate nuzzles closer, letting out a murmur that sounded something like “ta nd ena dere.”
“Hmmm?” (Y/n) hums, wondering if she’d get a better response if Kate knew she hadn’t understood.
“Natasha and Yelena over there,” Kate repeats, lifting her head slightly so that (Y/n) could actually hear her that time.
“Yeah, I know, baby. I know,” (Y/n) replies, running her fingers down the side of Kate’s face. 
Kate lets out a contented sigh, and leans into (Y/n)’s touch. “Keep me safe?” Kate asks into (Y/n)’s side.
“Of course, honey,” (Y/n) says, her expression softening, and she almost laughs at Kate’s question – because the archer could definitely hold her own against Yelena and Natasha - yet she wanted her girlfriend’s protection from her sisters. “I’ve always got your back.” 
Kate’s head falls back into (Y/n)’s chest, and she begins snoring softly once more.
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gardens-light · 1 year
Shooting Stars
Since breaking into K.S.I, more questions than answers were being raised. It seemed like things were becoming more unclear, than they originally were. And in the midst of all the chaos, the secret (or not so secret) romance between you and Optimus begun to build. With your heart and his Spark, yearning for one another. The pair of you slowly got to a point, where you could only resist temptation for so long...
Content: Course Language. Events takes place in Transformers- Age of Extinction (no spoilers.) Fluff followed by NSFW smut. (This chapter is basically pure smut, as my head has been in the gutter for the past week.) Optimus Prime x F/Human reader.
Inspired by the song: Airplanes- B.O.B
Word Count: 2,800.
Sparkmate Series: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 Part 7 (End)
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Two Days Later
With the nights growing colder, the thin blankets that Cade found only did so much. The stained-glass windows of the cathedral no longer seemed beautiful- but more of an annoyance, as the chill air would sweep through the cracked glass.
And in addiction of Cade's snoring, sleep seemed impossible to come. A heavy sigh escaped your lips, eyes rolling a little as you grew bored of staring up at the ceiling, for who knows how long by now.
Sitting up and rubbing your temples, trying to allow your eyes to adjust to the dimly lit darkness. As you carefully exited out of your sleeping bag, trying to disturb the others as little as possible. Hands running along the cold brick walls, while you made your way towards the main hall.
Nerves crawled up your back, as a low rumble echoed through the main hall. Your breath hitching slightly with each step, stopping whenever the low rumble slightly peeked in volume. Moonlight lazily shined through the windows, as the overcast sky slowly cleared.  
It’s just Hound. Your thoughts assured, while a suttle sigh of relief left your lungs.
The muscles in your body slightly relaxing, as the sight of the Autobot snoring away teased a smile upon your lips. Tip-toing towards the makeshift table and quietly making a protein shake. A steady breath returned to you, as the dim darkness soon grew on you, making your surroundings somewhat more comfortable.  
While taking a few sips from the drink, your head tilted to the side a little, as a familiar shadow fell across the table from outside. Curiosity stirred your thoughts, causing your body to carefully tread towards a large hole in the wall.  
“I thought it might have been you.”  
Optimus’ optics fell onto you, a small smile spreading across his faceplate. Watching you carefully climb over the lose bricks, with your drink in hand. You approached the mechanical giant, as he sat upon the ground. Leaning against the solid wall of the cathedral. 
He felt your eyes study his features, “are you alright, Optimus? You look tired.” 
“I’ll be alright, Sweet Spark.” His soothing voice assured, “you do not need to worry about me.-” 
“But I do, Optimus.” You shyly admitted, walking towards the gazebo, that still had string lights and fairy lights surrounding it. “Especially what you said earlier.”  
You watched his optics quickly avoid your questioning gaze. His helm lowering slightly, as guilt played on his processors and slightly squeezed his Spark. You wasn’t supposed to hear that...      
“’What did you mean? ‘You’re done fighting for humans.’ You didn’t mean that... did you?” 
“Y/N...” Optimus sighed, hesitating before looking back at you. “How many more of my kind must be sacrificed to atone for your mistakes?” 
“What do you think ‘being human’ means?” you questioned. Another arrow of guilt struck Optimus’ core, as his audio receivers detected the underlying hurt within your voice. “That’s what we do, we make mistakes. But sometimes the most amazing things comes from those mistakes.” 
You softly bit your bottom lip, fingers playing with the cup as you took a moment.  
“When I fixed you... it was for a reward.” The words tasted like poison upon your tounge, as regret slowly squeezed your heart. But at the same time, a sensation of relief washed over you. Like a long bottled-up secret could finally break free. “That was it. That was the only reason why. For the money.” 
Optimus slowly turned his attention back onto you, his expression softening as his optics watched a single tear roll down your cheek.   
“And that was me making a mistake. But without it, you wouldn’t be here. We wouldn’t be here.”  
Reaching out for him, a slight ease relaxed your aching heart as Optimus still welcomed your touch. A loving sigh escaping him, as your delicate fingers ran the back of his servo.   
“So... even if you have no faith in us, all I’m asking is you do what Dad taught me and Tessa. Look past all the junk and see the treasures.” Your hand ran up towards his wrist, gently pulling out your iron ring from under his metal plates. “You need to have faith, Prime, in who we can be.” 
Optimus’ free servo curled into a relaxed fist, gently using the knuckle of his index digit to brush away a tear from your cheek. His touch feathered down your body, fingertips tracing each and every curve which the Autobot has now memorized. Carefully wrapping it around your waist, picking you up and bringing you closer to his height.     
You were just about to say something, but Optimus’ lips lightly pressed against your own. Giving you a passionate kiss, as both closed your eyes, melting into each other's embrace. The cup slipped from your hand, landing upon the ground with a small shatter, while you wrapped both arms around the Autobot’s neck.  
“Forgive me, my Sweet Spark.” Optimus pleaded, his kiss trailing down your neck.  
“I-I just don’t want to lose you.” you turned your head to the side, giving him more room to kiss your neck.  
“You could never lose me-” 
The sound of an airplane's engine roared above, causing Optimus to briefly break away. As you both looked up at the night sky, seeing the lights from the metal wings.  
“If only wishes could be made upon airplanes, like we do with shooting stars.” You sighed. Only to chuckle a little, that sounded a little corny.  
“Why? What would you wish for?” 
Your eyes returned to Optimus’ optics, “that we could have a moment of peace, with no interruptions. Just... Just us two being alone.” 
“Well... we’re alone now.” The Autobot spoke, the small spark of desire zapping within his core. Causing his processors to stir his mind towards temptation. His thumb gently rubbing small circles upon your lower back.  
A flirtatious smile teased the corners of your lips, “then... perhaps we should make the most of it.” 
Without hesitation, Optimus’ lips returned to yours. As he carefully laid you upon the curved roof of the gazebo, his free servo trailing down towards the waist band of your PJ bottoms. 
“I’ll start slow.” He promised, briefly allowing his lips to part from yours. “If I ever get too much. Please tell me, Sweet Spark.” 
You silently nodded, as a small shade of pink dusted your cheeks.  
Bringing both servos towards your thighs, massaging the muscles. While he placed passionate kisses along your neck, towards your collarbone. Butterflies disburse in your stomach, as a warming amber begun to flicker within your core. 
Hearing your soft moans against his audio processors, heat begun to rise beneath Optimus’ metal plates. The fans in his vents barely able to keep his temperature at bay. 
  A low sigh escaped your lips, as Optimus’ glossa traced the curves of your cleavage. A shy smile teasing the corners of your mouth, as a satisfied hum rumbled deep within his throat. Hands embracing his helm, as Optimus’ mouth danced over your clothed breasts, softly biting through the fabric, leaving suttle bite marks upon your skin.  
Your torso rolled and moved against his mouth. Hands exploring the worn parts of his helm, caressing his old battle scars. Your eyes closed, as your head gently rested against the gazebo’s roof. 
Your breath hitched slightly, as Optimus’ placed a last kiss upon your hip. The small ambers within your core slowly rolled into a warm flame, once your eyes met his loving gaze. His hands cupping your ass, occasionally giving it a cheeky squeeze, as the desire pulsing through his Spark tore away the remaining pieces of his self-control.  
“Don’t stop.” You encouraged, seeing the lust glossing over his optics.  
A shaky breath leaving his lips, as you ran your hands towards your clothed core. Feeling Optimus’ digits twitch, as you opened your legs, causing the Autobot to fall onto his knees. His glossa licking his bottom lip, breath hitching as you slowly tugged your bottoms down your hips.  
The scent of your arousal drove Optimus into a spin, a burning desire of want pulsing through his wires, as his beating Spark cried for satisfaction.  
Sh-She smells so good. His processors teased.   
“Th-These... are in the way.” Optimus lowly spoke, his servo’s gently tugging the waistband of your bottoms down a little more.  
“Remove them then.” 
A breathless gasp escaped you, as the Autobot tore away the clothing along with your laced undergarments. The sound of the tearing fabric leaving your body made your soaked core clench around nothing. As Optimus carelessly threw the items aside, burying his faceplate between your thighs before the clothes could even reach the ground.  
Muffled whimpers tried to leave you, as you bit your bottom lip. Body quivering and legs trembling, as Optimus’ glossa caressed your folds. His servos returning to your thighs, gently placing your legs over his shoulders. Before using one of his servos to tease your wet, throbbing entrance. 
Your back arched against the roof, a moan slipping from your mouth, as Optimus’ middle digit slowly entered your sweet spot. The satisfied growl coming from the back of the Autobot’s throat, rippled against your skin. His lips tenderly kissing tangled the nerves of your clit, as his digit pushed more into your depth. Your soaked core relaxing, as his servo gently rocked against you. Ripping more muffled whimpers and whines from you, with each plunge of his digit. 
Electric volts raced through Optimus’ wires, as fireworks burst within his Spark. His engine revving, low moans rumbling within his throat, as his optics looked up at you. A smile forming upon his lips, as he witnessed the hot mess you slowly tuned into. 
“You’re so wet, my darling.” His voice cooed, “you’re practically dripping down me. Perhaps, I should clean you up.”  
Before words could form a question, a moan slipped from your lips as Optimus’ servo retreated from your core. Eyes widening, as his mouth kissed and sucked upon the glistening folds of your entrance. Your nails digging into his helm, scratching the navy-blue paint, as his glossa plunged into you without hesitation.          
“Optimus! Optimus!” 
His free servo quickly clasped against your mouth, muffling the whines of his name. A speechless command for quiet, as his passionate assault upon your soft spot didn’t ease. 
Your eyes rolled shut, arching your back and melting into the heated moment. As your legs spread a little more, giving Optimus more space to push his lips against you. Allowing his glossa to go deeper into your wet depths.  
His free servo slipped under the hem of your shirt, cupping and foundling with your breast. As the other trailed down, resting upon your neck. The tightening of your pussy around Optimus’ glossa, made his Spark begging for more.  
You were unlike anything he’d ever had. How your soft, organic body molded just oh so perfectly, against his servos and faceplate. The sweet essence of your soaked core, dripping down his glossa- providing a taste that made the Prime wonder how he ever lived this long without it. The sound of your voice moaning his name felt like a beautiful melody to him. A sirens song that you sang only for him.  
Your eyes fluttered open, as a breathless gasp slipped from your mouth. Biting your bottom slip, while another moan of Optimus’ name bubbled in your throat. Heat erupted in your core, a burning fire of desire warming your body, as an ache built up between your legs. Your hips rocking against Optimus’ faceplate, as nerves tangled together within your lower adomiain. A wave of pleasure building up, as the Autobot devoured your wet pussy. His glossa gliding in and out of your soaked entrance, lathering up your essence upon his glossa, like he had been stranded in a desert for days. And your body was the oasis, which held the key to a lifesaving nectar. 
“Oh...” you whined, as Optimus pulled away, causing your hand to slip down by your sides again. The wave of pleasure slowly settling down, as the fire within your core caused an ache. His servo retreating from underneath your shirt.  
“Forgive me, Sweet Spark.” He lowly spoke, wiping your glistening essence off his mouth and chin. Using the back of his servo, “but I need some... relief of my own.” 
His servo’s gently caressed your lower back, cradling your soft body as he picked you up. Bringing you closer to him, as Optimus shifted into a standing position.  
Your blush radiating a little more warmth upon your cheeks, as your eyes lowered to his modesty plate. Biting your lip a little, as the metal buckled from some hidden pressure behind it.  
Optimus’ low groans caught brought your attention back, noticing that the Autobot had trouble stepping over the fence which was on the left side of the of the courtyard. The fence divided the courtyard of the abandoned cathedral, and the community pool next door.  
Sitting down upon the overgrown grass, you straddled Optimus’ lap as he bent down and cupped your face. Placing soft, delicate kiss upon the top of your head and forehead. You could feel his modesty buckling more beneath you, as you grinded against the surprisingly light metal.  
“Be mine, my love.” His breathless plea brushed against your ear. Causing the fire in your core to burst, as Optimus’ Spark pulsed through his wires, “spend one night with this Prime, and I swear you’ll never want to love another.” 
Your hand caressed his cheek, as a loving sigh escaped your lips. “You already make feel like I don’t want another, Optimus Prime. For it’s you who has my heart- my whole heart.”    
You slightly adjusted your position, as Optimus removed his modesty plate. Eyes widening as you admired the size of his spike, the flickering flames within your core burned into a heat of want. A fire matching Optimus’ electric pulses of desire.  
Positioning himself near your close, using the tip of his spike to tease your throbbing entrance. Servo’s trailing down your torso, feeling every delicate curve as his palms rested against your outer thighs. His digits caressing the soft skin of your ass.  
A moan slipping from you, as his spike slipped into your soaking core. Your hands sliding from his faceplate, and onto his chassis. Gripping onto his chest plate, as your velvety walls felt every ribbed inch that Optimus gently thrusted into you.  
Optimus’ helm slowly tilted back, as his optics rolled shut. His engine purring, his Spark pulsing, vents cooling as he began to thrust into you. Cables tightened throughout his body, as the sensation of your essence dripping down him, sent Optimus’ processors into a spin. His scanners picking up your racing heart, as his Spark matched its rhythm. A knot begun to tighten deep within your core, as your body adjusted to the Autobot’s size.  
Your features flushed red, breasts bouncing with each thrust as you leaned forwards. The water reflecting off the outdoor pool, made the sweat upon your body glimmer slightly, as it dripped down your neck and back. Hair sticking to you, as your forehead rested against Optimus’ chassis, low whimpers and moans leaving your lips, as his hips picked up rhythm.  
“Primus! You’re so tight! So wet!” 
His digits begun to clench your ass, causing a low hiss to slip from you. Biting your bottom lip, trying to stop a scream of pleasure escape you. As you bounced and grind against his spike, never feeling so stretched yet so full at the same time. Knowing fair well that this mechanical God of a man, has absolutely ruined you. Optimus’ spike plunged into your soaked core, each thrust hitting your cervix harder and harder. Teasing the knot behind it, to come undone.  
“Y-You feel so good-” 
“Shut up and fuck me!” 
A satisfied growl rumbled deep within Optimus’ throat, your breathless command making the pulsing electricity within him, burst like fireworks. His optics fluttering open, as he tried to blink away the lust that glossed over his vision.  
“Your body was made for my love, Sweet Spark.” Gripping tightly upon your ass, making your body bounce harder against him. Pushing your hips down and meeting his, the tip of his spike slapping against your g-spot.  
“O-Optimus... Optimus!” 
Your grip upon his chassis tightened, as the knot in your core caused your legs to quiver. The rocking and thrusting of your hips, turning into an unforgiving pace, as your wave of pleasure began to build. Cables tightened inside Optimus’ body, as his body prepared for an upcoming overload.  
“Oh! Oh, fuck.” 
A breathless gasp escaped Optimus’, as your soaked core tightened around his throbbing spike. Your body falling against his chassis, as the warm feeling of his trans-fluids painted your insides. His sticky fluid, and your glistening essence covering your thighs and his.  
A small whimper left your lips, as Optimus carefully lifted you off his spike. Your heavy breathes fogging up his chassis, as your fingers scratched a little more of his blue paint off. Eyes fluttering, your body slumping against him, as it felt like all the energy and strength was taken from your body. Barely able to lift your head, as you gave the Autobot a contented smile. His vents working overtime, trying to cool down the warmth that radiated from his body.  
Cradling you against him, Optimus carefully shuffled towards the pool. Lowering himself into the water, making sure that the level only came to your waist. Both happily sighing as the cool water, felt refreshing against your warm bodies.  
“This... feels nice.” Your tone was sleepy, as your head rested against his chest. 
“It does.” Optimus placed a soft kiss upon the top of your head. His free servo grabbing a nearby towel, dragging it into the water, and wrapping it around your waist. Giving you a little bit of modesty. “Rest, my Sweet Spark. For I shall watch over you.” 
“I love you, Optimus Prime.” 
“And I you, Y/N Yeager.”  
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megapocalypse · 2 months
CW: Mpreg
I think if Bingqiu/Bingyuan had children that they'd have a dozen or so more of them. Not exactly by choice, it just happened one day when Shen Qingqiu woke up feeling sick and lightheaded, even with the blood mites and his cultivation body for some reason his Qi felt off.
He goes to Mu Qingfan who does an inspection on him (to Binghe's dismay 🥺😤) and it turns out Shen Qingqiu's got like 10 of those fuckers in his belly.
Shen Qingqiu thinks to himself 'flush it' but then reconsiders, he has to consider how Luo Binghe would feel...
Binghe certainly has a lot of baggage with that sort of thing doesn't he, and Shen Qingqiu thinks that maybe, well, he certainly is fond of children. And if he's carrying Binghe's children well-
"Flush it" Binghe says.
Welp, that settles that.
"You can't" Mu Qingfan chimes in. "You're already 3 months pregnant"
So that's why Shen Qingqiu's belly was getting fuller recently, he just thought he was getting chubbier.
But how exactly did Shen Qingqiu get pregnant in the first place?
"Did you have protected sex?"
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They end up keeping the baby (not much choice in the matter with how fast heavenly demons grow in the womb). Luo Binghe makes sure to take care of Shizun and make sure he's resting properly and eating right, while Shen Qingqiu knits the babies their heavenly demon robes with little mittens and gloves to boot. Of course, he makes a matching set for Binghe too.
They set up a baby shower at the palace to celebrate. Shang Qinghua is the chaperone of course, leading the guests (a begrudging Liu Qingge, the sect leader, and Mu Qingfan) towards the backyard. Yes, Binghe's palace has a backyard and Shen Qingqiu likes to garden there.
Shen Qingqiu sees that they walk by, appreciating the gifts in their hands. Mu Qingfan had brought the snack platter by Shen Qingqiu's instruction, and he's admiring the assortment of food decorating the board, he advised Mu Qingfan to specifically design it like a charcuterie.
"What's a charcuterie?"
He asked him to have a plate and to make it look nice.
At some point he has to kick Shang Qinghua in the shins for trying to hog all the snacks, after all Shen Qingqiu called dibs- well, it's for the guests, of course. Yes.
He opens the presents, starting with Liu Qingge's first he finds a bloody bag inside the box, Shen Qingqiu is really getting "dead dove do not eat" vibes.. he finds the heart of a three headed monkey spider.
"Mm, I'll keep it in my collection Shidi." He gives him a smile.
Liu Qingge only grunts.
Luo Binghe tries to give him the death stare, but it almost looks comical when he's wearing the knock-off burger king hat that Shang Qinghua made out paper for him, the word "Daddy" scribbled on it.
He opens up Shang Qinghua's gift next, and it's ten tiny shirts that spell out "Pride Month" that slowly spells out "demon". And at the bottom of the box is a parenting pamphlet... written by Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky...
Shen Qingqiu only gives him a pointed stare.
Shen Qingqiu opens up gift after gift, with each one accompanying awkward clapping from the crowd.
Yue Qingyuan got him toys for the babies, Mu Qingfan brought the necessary toiletries. Liu Mingyan gave them some clothes, Sha Hualing gave them tiny knives (he'll just throw those out later).
A month or so passes by and Shen Qingqiu had finally gone through the terrifying ordeal of childbirth, as in he didn't, really. He was asleep for most of it actually, score for him! Go cultivation setting!
Mu Qingfan was the one to deliver, he handed him one kid after another to the passed out drooling Shen Qingqiu, while Luo Binghe stood by his side sobbing like a mess. Each baby had an assortment of their features, one had a cute button nose that looked like Binghe's, another had curly black hair and brown eyes, another one had the shape of Shen Qingqiu's sharp eyes.
As expected of the protagonists babies, they were so cute!!! It's like holding a bunch of white lotuses in his arms, so many fluffy small heads he can pat! Shen Qingqiu nearly had hearts in his eyes over how cute they were.
"What will you name them, Shizun?"
"They're yours too, don't you want to name them?"
Luo Binghe only shakes his head, "You have the honor to name our children Shizun," he gripped his hand and gave him a bright smile. "That would make me the happiest man alive."
And so Shen Qingqiu thought to himself long and hard about their names. He considered, they are Binghe's children so they should carry the "Luo" surname. Yes, he's got it:
Luo Bingye, Luo Bingfei, Luo Bingyue, Luo Bingren, Luo Binghan, Luo Bingluan, Luo Bingliang, Luo Bingbing, Luo Bingfu, and Luo Bingchun.
Shen Qingqiu smiled to himself very proud of his naming choices "welcome to this world," he said. Luo Binghe looked in awe and adoration.
And Mu Qingfan nearly passed out.
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
Ayo thank you for your contribution to society and world culture through the SVSSS iceberg, now if you don’t mind can you please explain it? I’ve been in the fandom a while but I swear I’ve never heard of some of these
Sure! Explanations will be sorted under the cut:
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- all items in this tier are either surface level details from the source material or
- daily bingpup is a popular fandom meme (used in the metal gear sense lmfao) started by @ kamkamquats on Twitter that's pretty self explanatory: kam draws and posts a bingpup picture every day! The archive is available here.
I probably should have made this point just bingpup, as I believe his origins precede kam's art, but she certainly boosted his popularity significantly, and now her art and bingpup are canonized with the publishing of the 4th volume English translation of the novel, so I thought it was a fun point!
- Feynite's au collection: an extremely popular collection of alternate universe fics written by legendary Scum Villain fic author Feynite.
- Scum Villain is a tragedy: an interpretation of the books that poses that from every other perspective besides Shen Yuan's, Scum Villain is an incredibly depressing tragedy.
- Luo Binghe is Airplane's self insert: "Don't asky why Luo Binghe wasn't the embodiment of [Airplane's] ideal man; Luo Binghe's use had primarily been to fulfill his desire to be a badass and get revenge, as well as his desire for wanton [this section has been censored]" (The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System volume 4, page 163).
- Shen Yuan died on his birthday: Shen Yuan's death date is never given in the original novels, but in the first scene of the donghua when he dies while at his computer, you can catch a glimpse at the date reading September 21st (both his birthday and the day svsss was published!)
- Shen Qingqiu's canon fursona: binghe compares sqq to a crane multiple times in the story but is depicted as a cat in fandom much more frequently, leading people to joke about how the fandom disregards his "canon" fursona in the same way bingpup is much more prevalent than sheep binghe.
- Shen Qingqiu can knit: there's official crossover Christmas merchandise that shows all of the mxtx couples participating in different holiday activities: wangxian are decorating a tree, hualian are baking cookies, and shen qingqiu is knitting a scarf for luo binghe.
- Luo Binghe's birthday: Luo Binghe is actually the only main mxtx character that doesn't have a canon birthday. He's noted in the books as being born on "the coldest days of the year", but it's debatable whether this is late December or early January, and there's no specific date from this that we can confirm is his birthday.
- sv manhua's indefinite hiatus: much to the excitement of starved fans, a Scum Villain manhua began publishing in 2019. It ran for a grand total of 3 wonderful weeks before being unceremoniously put on indefinite hiatus because of drama within the fanbase stemming from rumors that the artist/company drawing it actually hated scum villain. It has yet to return.
- Moshang's horrible first time: MXTX stated in a Q&A interview that neither Mobei-Jun nor Shang Qinghua enjoyed their first time having sex together.
- Shen Qingqiu invented maxi pads: the "scum villain pad commercial" is a commercial from the first season of the donghua depicting an exchange where Ning Yingying is self conscious about going out on her period because her sanitary supplies aren't cute, so Shen Qingqiu magics her up some maxi pads.
- Shen Yuan read mpreg yaoi: "#18 Peerless Cucumber [Expert]: Upthread, keep cool. This forum has a lot of Green JJ sisters 😎" (The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System volume 4, page 145). / "''Great Master' Liu! Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky didn't write a green Jinjiang mpreg novel!'" (The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System volume 4, page 295).
- Shen Jiu transmigrated into Shen Yuan: A somewhat popular theory in the fandom that when Shen Jiu died, he transmigrated into modern day Shen Yuan the same way Shen Yuan did to him.
- Cursed monkey island: Cursed monkey island is/was a private discord server made up of very og sv fans that was known for outputting somewhat dark/off-color/weird fics for each other, often with funny porn spoof names and niche concepts. The first fics from there were published in 2018, while the last fic in the collection seems to have been published in 2022, so they might still be active, but I'm not sure.
- Moshang has a 20 year age difference: Shang Qinghua died at at least age 20 (probably older) and since he transmigrated into a baby, he has 20 extra years of consciousness from his first life on the PIDW native characters, who he meets when they're both teenagers in the Airplane extras. Though physically the same age group, he would've been mentally somewhere around 30-40 years old at this point getting bullied by teenagers.
- The microwave: some of the first previews released for the donghua were static turnaround videos of the 3D models set to elevator music -- after these dropped, it was radio silence on the show's status for a long, long time. Fans called these previews "the microwave" because of the static rotation of the models and referred to the time it took for the donghua to come out as "defrosting it in the microwave". There's a fair amount of art/memes from this time period featuring the characters literally inside microwaves, even to the point where people made microwave-themed SV merch. When the donghua finally came out bingqiu were declared "free from the microwave" and a wave of fanart of them destroying microwave prisons emerged.
- Wangxian have read resentment of chunshan: in the mdzs audio drama extra episode "Accompanying you to sleep - Lan Wangji", Lan Wangji takes care of a drunk Wei Wuxian by getting him ready for bed. Towards the end of the episode, Wei Wuxian asks Lan Wangji to read him a bedtime story. Lan Wangji says he isn't good at telling stories and Wei Wuxian suggest he reads him The Resentment of Chunshan (bingqiu fanfiction). Unfortunately, Lan Wangji had never heard of it before and thereby could not ASMR it.
- Six Balls x Zhuzhi Lang: a rarepair (also called bamboo balls) written by the lovely Alex here.
- Shen Qingqiu has the protagonist halo: a theory/headcanon suggesting that when Shen Yuan transmigrated, the role of protagonist and subsequent protagonist halo left Luo Binghe and transferred onto him. Often used in angst canon divergences wherein due to the lack of a protagonist halo, Binghe dies from an event he otherwise would have survived because of his story invulnerability.
- Shen Yuan's sister found his dead body: an angst headcanon centering around the idea that Shen Yuan's sister found his dead body rotting in his apartment after he died- very good art made about this here!! (Gore/blood cw)
- Who is zhuzhi lang's dad: we all know zhuzhi-lang's dad was a big snake but what kind of big snake? How big? Why did his mom fuck him? all important questions heavily debated about in this fandom.
- Every ship is cumplane: we already know Luo Binghe is Airplane's self insert, and Mobei-Jun's cold demeanor is somewhat reminiscent of Peerless Cucumber's tsundere wife-isms, making bingqiu and moshang arguable proto-cumplanes. However, we can go further and argue because Airplane created the entire world of PIDW, all of it in a way reflects him and his feelings, therefore meaning that because it loves Shen Qingqiu and Shen Qingqiu loves it back, every possible PIDW asset x sqq is cumplane in its basest form.
- Original donghua designs: the first pv for the donghua actually featured slightly different designs for bingqiu, which were then changed later in production! You can see the original ones here.
- PIDW is real: someone actually posted PIDW on jjwxc so you can get the real Shen Yuan experience.
- Shen Yuan penetrated into the body of the scum villain: there is a listing for the svsss donghua on Amazon prime video (though no episodes are actually available) which features this banger summary:
 An ordinary youth, Shen Yuan, after reading the novel "Arrogant Gods and Demons' Journey", triggers the mysterious system so that he crosses into the book world and penetrates into the body of villain--Shen Qingqiu. Shen Qingqiu's disciple, Luo Binghe, is the main character of the novel.
- Airplane's foot fetish:
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phoenixtakaramono · 3 months
Hi I just wanted to say I absolutely love your fic The Untold Tale so far. The way our favorite emperor is already obsessed with our favorite oblivious idiot is just perfection. You’re an incredible writing and all your fics are amazing. I can’t wait to see what you write next!
This is in reference to The Untold Tale (AO3 🔗).
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Thank you very much for reading, anon! 🫶 I’m very happy there are still readers who are waiting for the next update and I’m very excited to return after I finish writing Truce ch3. 🥰 Honestly, after reading the Bingge vs Bingmei extra after SVSSS, my heart broke reading the passage where Bingge entreats Shen Qingqiu (Shen Yuan) to come with him and obviously gets rejected because Luo Binghe (Bingmei) won’t have his husband bride-napped even if it’s the PIDW version of himself and wanted to try my hand at writing a bingyuan story where our blackened Luo Binghe does get a version of Shen Yuan that’s tailor-made just for him. It also presented me an excuse to play around with a C-novel style of writing and granted me a small opportunity to write about my culture :) which is very rare for a writer. And I love it 💞 we also get to play with C-novel & C-drama stereotypes that I can playfully poke fun at and hope y’all find as subtly funny as I do . Playing with meta is very much aligned with the spirit of SVSSS, and this story was always intended to be a love letter to the novel series that got me through the pandemic and introduced me to the danmei genre.
I’m very excited when we return! I’ve got a lotta fun things planned. :) For the next chapter, we’re meeting the Jade Emperor. With SY being a celestial fortuneteller, we’re also meeting Shen Yuan’s PIDW equivalent family. After that chapter is the Moshang introduction chapter I’m most excited about because it’s the reveal of ✈️’s identity (and my illustration of him embedded in the chapter itself). It’s technically been foreshadowed already who he might be but you will never be able to guess who Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky transmigrated into in this new setting in PIDW in The Untold Tale. ✈️ can only blame his fellow novelist SY for this. He’s both lucky and unlucky. 😔😂
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