#aib king of clubs
mirawidowkano · 15 days
Do we know who played what in Kyuma's band? If I remember correctly Uta plays the bass guitar right? But I don't know the others
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ryn-s · 2 years
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♤ ♡ ♧ ♢
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Put Some Clothes On
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Ginji Kyūma x reader
We talked about this…
Fluff (mentions of nudity)
“Where is he?” Maki crossed his arms with a bored look on his face.
I raised an eyebrow towards him, “How should I know?”
“You’re his lover.” Shitara pointed out.
“And?” I rolled my eyes at him, “You know Kyūma as well as I do, he always has something planned.”
“Probably making some big entrance.” Kisaragi sighed.
“Kyūma!! Hurry the hell up!” Kanzaki yelled into the empty air.
I turned to our guests, an apologetic smile on my face, “So sorry for the wait.” I held up a finger, “It will only be a moment, I promise.”
“Ah…” The boy with scruffy black hair scratched the back of his neck with confusion.
“Welcome!” Kyūma entered the arena.
“Oh thank goodness,” I turned around, the relief in my breath forming into a huff at his attire or rather lack there of.
My eyes grew wide as a embarrassment the color of red roses flushed throughout my face. He decided to do this in front of the other team? Did we not have an entire conversation of why he shouldn’t be naked? At least during this life and death situation!
“Ginji Kyūma!” I motioned to him to which he only looked at me innocently, “We talked about this! You need to stop walking around nude!”
“I am only in my true form my love!” He argued back.
I groaned, dragging the palm of my hand across my face, “You can be your true self by wearing clothes too Kyūma. You wore them in the other world all the time!”
“But that was because society deemed it so… Long ago, countless people would walk around nude without being criticized.” Kyūma spread his arms wide, “I am merely bringing back a lost culture.”
“Being nude is not a culture.” I mumbled.
“I don’t like to hide anything about myself. I want to be as open as I can be in a world that is-”
I tuned out his rant of how it should be okay to be nude, looking to Kisaragi for help.
“Hey, you agreed to all that.” Kisaragi pointed to Kyūma with a chuckle.
“I agreed to date him before we came here and I most definitely remember him in clothes.” I crossed my arms, “Imagine him being nude on stage? The scandal! Nevertheless the countless women and men that would swoon over him all the time.”
I yelped, my face flushing red as Kyūma wrapped me in his arms.
“My love, if you are worried about that, know that I will only ever have eyes for you, I promise.” He insisted and as always, never fails to hold up to his promise.
“I am not worried about that, but I just don’t understand why you can’t at least put some shorts on? This is a tag game after all.” I tried to reason.
“You know my ideals…” Kyūma whispered into my ear causing my shoulders to slump in submission.
“I know…” I replied softly with a sigh, “And I respect your decision. Do what makes you happy Kyūma.”
“You still love me.” He stated as if it was a universal fact.
“Without question.” I answered almost immediately looking up at him. His calm expression and long dark hair made me lose track for just a moment, “Since you refuse to get dressed, can you at least welcome our guests? They’ve been waiting an awful long time.”
“Right.” He cleared his throat before turning to the other team players looking confused and embarrassed, “Welcome to the King of Clubs game!”
I smiled softly at his charisma as he confidently walked over to them as if were greeting fans on stage.
I felt it in my heart that whatever happens today, at least we will go through it together.
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thinkingofchishiya · 3 months
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So for those who don’t know, all of the game masters during arisu’s time arrived only days after eachother and all met very quickly- almost becoming a group like we see with our protagonists.
Mira met Kuzuryu (the king of diamonds) , and then they came to encounter Shirabi (the king of spades) who was on his fourth day, On kyumas 2nd day he left his band in the morning to go for a run and this is when he bumped into Shirabi, who was exercising to the radio.
Not too long after mira approaches shirabi for the first time, as he was burying someone. She asks why he was burying someone he didn't even know, and he tells her that humans don't want to die atop some asphalt, that it breaks the cycle of life. This fascinates mira who tells him that she'll plant some seeds on top of the graves, and water them everyday until they grow. Eventually, they all start sprouting flower buds.
Every morning they all met up at the same place to do radio calisthenics and to talk. Mira and Kuzuryu played a game of chess once while getting to know each other better. One of my favourite quotes is “she is seen proudly showing off the massive fish she caught to Kyūma.”
It is said on the 87th day of sojourn for the king of spades is when they all had their final game and were given the option to stay or leave the borderlands, this means they spent 87 mornings together and more😭 can you imagine the regular morning meet the day after kyuma died, him simply not turning up after all that time and the group knowing it was because he lost his game and was gone.
When they finally only had one game card left to beat, kyuma suggested a celebration in which they completed it together for the first time. Their first and only group game together was their last before they all chose to stay in the borderlands and became game masters of the cards they beat. This meant their last game was a game of clubs.
and like i don’t fucking care, mira and kyuma were BESTIES i tell you!!! she finds the beauty in human nature and would’ve loved kyumas outlook on life and his little quirks. My favourite platonic rare pair right there!!!
“she is seen proudly showing off the massive fish she caught to Kyūma.” i’m not crying YOU are.
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the game masters are so scooby doo mystery gang coded and i won’t explain further !!
edit: kyuma and tatta were both the first people of their groups to die and they died in the same game (cries)
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jadeinretrogrde · 2 years
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bluebugjay · 2 years
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Some aib text / twitter memes I made at work to quell the brainrot
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choerypetal · 2 years
Niragi isn’t wrong to look at the King of Clubs with admiration.
He is such a distraction i mean—
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sidneycaitlinart · 1 year
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♡ Kuina ♡
Warning - Alice in Borderland S2 spoilers ahead - proceed with caution!
Kuina is such a great character - her backstory is so heart-wrenching, but the fact that she pushes past all she’s endured and remains a heroic person, even in the Borderlands, is incredible.  I was a fan from her first appearance on screen - I loved her attitude and style, and her friendship with Shiya too! (I really hope they meet again after returning home!) But I think it was her fight with Last Boss which really cemented her as one of my favourites. The duality of her fighting her demons and coming to terms with her traumatic past while simultaneously defeating a terrifying swordfighter with the martial arts skills she had previously resented - all while standing barefoot on broken glass - was just incredible! That was it, I was in love ♡
The King of Spades battle broke me - it was just SO BRUTAL. Everyone did so well but watching everything rapidly falling apart as the main cast got taken out one by one was absolutely heartbreaking. Kuina fought so bravely, and her being stabbed was incredibly painful to watch (kudos to Aya Asahina - she played Kuina brilliantly, and this scene in particular was so well-performed). Kuina later being helpless to do anything as An dies beside her was tragic, and the realisation at the end that An had survived because Kuina held her hand and pulled her back home with her (“let’s go back together”) was so beautiful and touching ♡
I was overjoyed to see Kuina alive in the hospital, and the scene with her father had me in tears again. The promise Kuina and An made to be friends when they got home makes me believe that they’ll reconnect in the real world. I can only hope for a cute little love story too, because I’m a huge sucker for the relationship between these two damn it!
As with my Chishiya piece, the face card designs are exactly as shown in the series, and I made sure to include all of the games Kuina plays!
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styxfoxx · 16 days
trying so hard to not cry rn, the king of clubs always hits hard
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arichishiya · 2 years
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I can't blame Niragi, bro was baffled and interested
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witchwhaat · 2 years
i was like "where's chishiya tho ://" and then got the most intense mafia game ever
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Meeting Takumi Maki
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(Y/N): *walking beside Kuina* “Honestly, if he would have just took his hands out of his pockets and ran then he could have jumped into the car, but no he- You have got to be kidding me.”
Kuina: “What?”
(Y/N): *points dramatically at the man wearing a long t-shirt* “Look at him!”
Maki: *looks confused*
Kuina: *chuckles* “What about him?”
(Y/N): *groans* “He’s gorgeous!”
Maki: “Thank you?”
Kuina: *rolls her eyes* “Oh my god…”
(Y/N): *sits on the ground* “I can’t play this game.”
Arisu: “You kind of have to?”
(Y/N): “Speak for yourself! Imagine if Usagi was on the other team!”
Usagi: “You already have the bracelet on…”
(Y/N): *heaves a sigh* “Such a cruel cruel world…”
Taka: *laughs* Looks like you have an admirer.
(Y/N): *scratches back of neck* “Sorry… I just… You’re just…”
Maki: “I don’t mind, it’s cute.”
(Y/N): “Wait- So if we met in the real world, you would think I was cute?”
Maki: *nods* “I’d probably even take you out after a performance.”
Tatta: “You’re in a band?”
Maki: “We all are. I’m the drummer.”
(Y/N): *stops functioning*
Kisaragi: *laughs* I think you broke them.
(Y/N): *tears up* Cruel world…
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raingalaxy · 2 years
Tatta is gone and Niragi is still  alive, how are we supposed to accept that?
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game-of-clubs · 2 years
how would ya describe your ideal man?
Oh! Great question!!
◊ Wears glasses
◊ Uses acid for his game
◊ King of Diamonds
◊ Very smart
◊ Tells great jokes
◊ Is a lawyer
◊ @diamond-attorney-keiichi
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