Princess Maker
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To Assist Parents to Future Queens
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petiteprincesses · 2 months ago
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Hello, it’s Petite Princesses. This isn’t a post, but a poll! Our hardest researchers (see above) are at work trying to figure out the best course of action with the Schedule Post. So, it’s up to the fans to decide what they think we should cover first! Each of these will be covered in due time. Below is an explanation.
Classes- Essentially, a crash course on each class and what would be an appropriate time to take said classes. Mostly stat based and assuming the viewer is not going for any ending in particular- though ending specific notes can be applied.
Jobs- Which jobs to take on a money-level, with dabbling in stats. Everyone knows the farm trick, but some runs might prefer different jobs. This post is to cover that.
Errantry- Maps! Treasure! Where to find them! A simpler post, possibly also has a companion post for a Bestiary. Bigger project, essentially.
Free time- Mostly vacation based. Things get a bit complicated, though, so this is mostly for stats rather than strategy.
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petiteprincesses · 8 months ago
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Hello, again! Welcome back to Petite Princesses! With Princess Maker 2 Regeneration out (except for the PlayStation), I decided it’d be polite of me to create a basic guide to some of the simple parts! This one will be about everything from the starting menu!
Bear in mind that due to the change in localization (bless the Translators), I’ll refer to each stat by all 3 English names on first mention, but I’ll default to the latest translation from then on. As well, I’ll be using Centimeters and Kilometers for ease of reference. Furthermore, I’ll be using Refine for screenshots.
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Here’s our basic screen, of which you can see many different things. I’ve labeled them accordingly, and I’ll speak of each tab in detail!
CURRENT DATE: A Box where you can tell the day— the year is on top (1210), with the month (April 4) and the day of the week (Sunday) on the left, with the day of the month (the Fourth) on the right. The game starts on your daughters 10th birthday, and ends on her 18th (in our case, April 4th 1218)
STAR: I didn’t label this myself, but the “Star” section on the right side info box is pretty important. Here, our daughter’s sign is Aries (Mars), and her blood type is B. Your star sign determines starting statistics and a +100 bonus from slaying a certain foe that I’ll mention later, while type influences passive stat increases. I’ll explain the exacts in another post someday, but for the impatient, googling Patrons on the Princess Maker Fandom Wiki should do the trick!
ARM/WPN: This is her equipment! You can set it in the menu marked ITEM (the box with the sword, shield, and scroll). All equipment can be equipped at any point, and your armor is even visible during (non errantry) battles!
STATUS: Here she will have her statuses— there are 3 in the game. Sick (Stress > Constitution/Stamina, represented by a Skull) lowers her HP in combat and can lead to her demise, Degrade (Stress > Morality or Faith, whatever is higher, represented by blue lightning) makes her less likely to work properly and risks being arrested (lowering your reputations) / wasting your money (happens mostly during free time but can occur during working hours), and Love (Triggered by an event when she’s 14 that requires her Charisma/Glamour stat to be the highest, represented by a Pink Heart) that lasts 3 months, makes her less likely to work, and lowers 3 of her hidden stats (Relationship with Father, Cube, and Prince— the last of which could be troublesome for getting the ending).
HER MEASUREMENTS: This ones pretty simple— it’s her Height, Weight, and Three Sizes (Bust/Waist/Hips). In modern releases, it uses Centimeter/Kilograms, but in the original DOS en leak, its Inches and Pound. If she’s overweight, then she cannot wear certain clothes (all that aren’t the Siren Robes, Cotton Dress, or seasonal outfits). You can tell her weight by her sprite. As well, you can calculate her threshold by .95[height]-[Age + 87]. To get a rough idea, let’s punch in our daughter from earlier, Alice. At 146 centimeters, .95 x 146 is 138.7. Now, she’s 10, so 10 + 87 is 97. 138.7 - 97 is 41.7. Behold, she’ll turn overweight the second the “weight” bar is “41.70”, but if she’s at “41.69”, it’s fine. Though I am to assume rounding is in play!
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(Do mind the different stats of her three sizes— I don’t have the original file, so I had to make a replacement with the necessary stats!)
STATS: Brings up a Menu. For Clarity, below is the side bar from Regeneration. I will list the stats in order, with every name applicable in the order of DOS/Refine/Regen.
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Constitution/Stamina: Determines your daughter’s HP. Needs at least 50 to be good at most jobs. Also determines your daughter’s health. Most easily raised by Farming. Likely to be Lowered by Dieting
Strength: A bonus to Attack: 8 points of Strength is equivalent to 1 attack point. Most easily raised by Farming. Likely to be Lowered by Salon.
Intelligence: Essentially, her MP. Needs at least 10 to cast a magic attack. Most easily raised by Science. Likely to be Lowered by Bar work
Refinement/Elegance: Not particularly important unless you’re doing a Ruling Queen run— in which case it needs to be 800. You may need this to get random proposals (which means money!) Most easily raised by Decorum, or if you’re cheap, Lucifon in the Desert. Likely to be Lowered by Farming, so it’ll be zero for a while
Charisma/Glamour: Usually important for special marriage endings. Can cause a few problems such as Attempted Sexual Assault, becoming someone’s Mistress (if it’s her highest stat, indicated by her different facial expression), and generally being asked out. Easily raised by Dance, if you’re cheap (again) Lucifon in the Desert, or the Sleazy/Illegal Bar if you’re willing to tank the stress.
Morality: Need at least 30 for a basic marriage ending. Can also play a part in rejecting the more gross offers she may encounter, as well as being able to stave off delinquency if it’s higher than Faith. If it’s your highest stat, you may encounter a deal that will sell all of it for Equivocal Gold. Easily raised by Church Work, or simply being born with Type A blood. Likely to be Lowered by the aforementioned demonic deals.
Faith: Staves off Delinquency if higher than Morality. It’s definitely a stat that exists. Easily raised by Church, which can also prevent the demon from showing up to eat her morals. Likely to be Lowered by Science.
Sin/Karma: If it’s over 100/250, she will get a Sin ending. If it’s 500 (along with some decent fighter/magic reputation), she will instantly become the Queen of Darkness by the end. You’ll likely get this by killing anything in Errantry, but other “Sinful” acts like the illegal bar and hunting animals will raise it too. Can be sold off for 100g per 10 points, or simply going to Church for work normally.
Sensitivity: It’ll let her see what’s usually “mythical”, such as Fairies and the such if she goes where they hang out. If it’s the highest, she’ll run away, lowering her reputations. Easily raised by Salon work, but can be raised in a multitude of fun ways.
Stress: This is mostly a problem early game. So long as it doesn’t exceed her Morality/Faith or stamina stats, she’s in the clear. It can go to Zero in certain events, such as witnessing Fairies, so if you plan right, Free Time doesn’t have to happen.
Combat Skill: Essentially, your Hit/Dodge rate. Essential for any adventurer, otherwise you’re unable to do ANYTHING! Easily raised by Fighting/Kung-fu classes, but the tempting Restaurant and Inn can lower it.
Attack: Exactly what it says. It determines your daughter’s attack stat. Separate from your strength, but both will result in your “total” attack. Easily raised by Fencing and most Swords. Difficult to lose.
Defense: A difficult stat to raise terribly high. Also exactly what it says on the tin. Can be gained consistently by second level Kung-Fu classes, but not terribly fast. Also, most armor increases it.
All of these skills will be boosted by the spirit Valkyria, first Skill, then Attack, then Defense. When you get to 400 Fighters Reputation, as well as 40 instances of Fencing, Kung-Fu, or Errantry, you’ll receive the Valkyria Sword— which is the second best sword in the game, with 25 attack, 10 defense, and 18 skill.
Magic Skill: Like Combat Skill, but for Magic. Easily raised by Magic Classes. Impossible to lose.
Magic Attack: Much like Attack, but for Magic. Unlike Attack, there isn’t another stat that also functions as an attack bonus, but Magic tends to be what most of the tougher bosses are weak to. Easily raised by Magic Classes.
Magic Defense: It’s like Defense, but easier to raise! In fact, there’s a few ways to raise it! Unfortunately, most things that can do Magic can’t hit you once you’re skilled enough, so this is mainly for Wendy. Can be raised by Theology or working at the Graveyard. Likely to be lowered at Science (but slowly)
All of these skills will be boosted by the sorceress Fay, first Magic Skill, then Magic Attack, then Magic Defense. When you get to 400 Magic Reputation, you’ll receive the Power Ring/Unrivaled Ring, letting you cast Magic without needing 11+ Intelligence. Unfortunately, you’ll have to waste a ton of money as this also requires 32 magic classes- which become Useless very fast. More importantly than that, if you do only Magic classes for a mont, she’ll come raise one of the Magic stats by 5. The stat she raises is of your choosing, so my recommendation Magic Attack.
Decorum: You need decorum to be able to speak to people at the palace. Easily(and for the most part, Only) raised by doing Decorum classes. Impossible to lose.
Art/Art Skill/Artistry: Impacts her Dance Contest score and determines what painting she’ll create in Art Class. For the record, if it’s the highest of the Housework/Social stats, the daughter will be locked into an Art based ending. Easily raised by… Painting Classes. Cannot be Lowered below 100 once you reach 100.
Conversation/Speech/Eloquence: Really only used for two characters at the castle. Only raised by Bar work. Impossible to lose.
All of these skills will be boosted by the demon Paimon, first Decorum, then Artistry, then Eloquence. When you get to 400 Social Reputation, as well as 64 instances of Painting, Dance, or Protocol, you’ll receive Perfume— which… attracts suitors. Which at the point you get it, you’ll already attract anyways.
Cooking: Very important for the Cooking contest. You will need at least 90+ to win, alongside high sensitivity.
Cleaning: An entirely useless stat. It only impacts your Housekeeping reputation.
Temperament/Personal/Temper: Solely important for the Queen. Likely to be lowered by Sinful Work.
All of these skills will be boosted by the spirit Domovoi, first Cooking, then Cleaning, then Temper. When you get to 400 House Reputation, as well as 120 instances of Housework, Bar work, or Restaurant work, you’ll receive the Perfect Flour— it guarantees a Cooking victory, but by the time you get it, you’ll be guaranteed to win anyways.
Fight Repuation: Derives from your “Combat” oriented stats. Can be raised further by winning fights with the sword, or a Dragon Fang. Serves as Morale if higher than Magic. Can be uniquely lowered by selling the “Royal Sword” I allude to.
Magic Repuation: Derives from your “Magic” oriented stats. Can be raised further by winning fights with Magic. Serves as Morale if higher than Fight.
Social Reputation: Derives from your “Social” oriented stats. Can be raised further by winning the Dance/Art contests. Can be uniquely lowered by talking to the Clown.
House Reputation: Derives from your “Housework” oriented stats. Can be raised further by winning the Cooking contest.
All reputations will be lowered by being arrested or running away from home.
But wait! There’s more!! Let’s bring up the Four Hidden stats!
Relationship with Father (called Father_love by Mad Eddy) is rather relevant- you can use it to scold her and dissuade her from things like delinquency and being a mistress. Easily raised by Vacations and just. Talking to her. Most likely to be lowered by Free Time (regardless of pocket money) and resting for the Harvest Festival. Needs to be 100 (along with some stats) to Marry Her.
Relationship with Cube (called Cube_love by Mad Eddy) is rather less relevant. Pretty much is only for the ending, where it needs to be 100. Can be conveniently raised by changing equipment on errantry- you can essentially spam it if you’re really into that.
Relationship with Prince (called Prince_love by Mad Eddy) is mostly just for the Ending, but this time it needs to be 96. Raised by 12 each time you meet him, so every January 31st must be spent with him.
All of them are subject to lower by 6 if she falls In Love.
Maternal Instinct is exactly what it says, Important for some endings (like Princess of Darkness for some reason). Raised by Babysitting and Tutoring. Lowered by Hunting (for. Some reason?)
TALK: Lets you talk to your daughter. The Three option are Father-Daughter Chat/Father-Daughter talk, Pocket Money, and Scold/Lecture.
When you click Father-Daughter talk, you get 3 more options. How she is doing/Recent matters will prompt her to speak about, well, whatever she wants. Usually, it is about herself, such as her (in)ability to do art, or how she worries about her childrearing skills. After that is Her studies/About study, which is related to what you’ve been making her study— be it how she appreciates how Art brings people together, or how she’s the best magician ever. As for Other topics/Another topic, it’s known to have some weird conversations, usually relating to her body, sometimes relating to other things. As well, picking any option here will raise your internal “Relationship with Father” stat by 1– this is important for two things down the line.
Pocket Money is a lot less complicated, as it’s pretty straightforward. Essentially, you give your daughter 20 + 10x gold, with “X” being the second digit of her age. So, if your daughter is 10, that’s 20 + (10 x 0), which would just be 20. If she’s 18, that’s 20 + (10 x 8), which would be 100. However, while the price increases, the benefits do not— she will lose 20 stress when used, regardless of age. This option does not raise the internal stat mentioned above. As well, if sick, she will not accept your money, and if “Degrade”, she will take it, and it will not impact her stress.
Scold/Lecture is pretty useless… it doesn’t do anything but make your daughter look a little confused. If she’s sick, she’ll wonder if she’s doing something wrong— which will lower her stress by 5, for whatever reason, at least in the refine version. But what you’d actually want to use this feature for is when she’s being rowdy, indicated by the “DEGRADE” marker— it’ll lower her stress by her relationship with her father, (up to a 100 point stress loss!!), and then raise it by 5. If you’ve been playing up a daddy’s girl, this could be of great use.
DIET: Now, this one’s a little interesting. You have the choice of 4 options, which tie to her weight and stamina! By selecting the Normal/Standard diet, you’ll have a daughter that gains roughly .20 kilograms per month. This is the default, and is also standard, costing 30g. By picking the Robust/Hearty diet, you’ll gain a little over .30 kilograms, but you’ll also gain 10 stamina at the end of every month. It costs 80g, but can be good if you’ve been neglecting your stamina intakes— or if you really want to bulk up early game with the right set up. Then there is the Slim down/Refined diet— In addition to lowering your weight gain to around .15 kilograms, it also lowers your Stamina by 5. It costs 10g, so it’s not really recommended, unless you’re about to cross the threshold. Finally is the Slim Down/Intensive diet. Here, you’ll lose a hefty 20 stamina, but in return you’ll lose around .50 kilograms, and it costs 5g. This is only worth it if you have stamina (and kilos!) to burn. It’s worth noting that if your daughter is getting a little too weak (low stamina), then Cube will swap to the Hearty diet, but you can simply change back to whatever diet you’d like.
INFO: You’ll find personal information here, such as your daughters birth and her star sign. You’ll also find connections (Raised by talking to Palace Staff) and Sick/Delinquency percentages. One percent is equal to one point of stress over the stat mentioned in “Status”— you’ll need 90% Sickness (Critical) to become Bedridden (Which will kill you if it lasts at least 2 months, ending the game), and 90% Delinquency (A hooligan) to become a Gang Member (Which will get you arrested— a harsh penalty to your reputation stats).
SHOP: Another doozy, but we’ll simplify, simplify, simplify!
The Armorer/Armoury is ran by Armorer Zeno/Zen, with Anita as a Part Time worker. Here you can buy equipment, which goes in the Armor/Weapon slots. You’re free to buy anything here, but I highly recommend buying a Dagger and Leather armor, especially if you’re not confident in “Rushing” strategies. Don’t worry! I’ll cover adventuring as a whole in a future post, maybe multiple
The Tailor is run by Maura, who sells clothes. The variety isn’t particularly extravagant, but this is where you’ll find the seasonal clothes. As well, the Cotton Dress is only 500g: you’ll always be able to afford it for the harvest festival if you’re not in debt. Otherwise, there’s not many tips I can give here, other than pick the clothes you find cute— though you can wear most of these only when you’re at least 13, sometimes older.
The Restaurant is ran by one Chef Balbon, and sometimes his part timer Marcia/Marthia. Here, you’ll find food that’ll lower your stress (or raise Stamina!) and raise your weight. Here’s a fun fact! The food is free if you don’t have the money— you’ll just have to spend your first month block working at the kitchen for free. Regardless of if you pay or not, you can only eat here once per month.
The Item/Pawn Shop is run by Shalom alongside his part time assistant Wendy. Here you can buy a few so-so items (which also serve as birthday gifts for when the day comes: you’ll have to buy from the first four items on the list), as well as a Healing Pill and Grenade for errantry. Unique to this shop, you’re able to sell items, though I’d be wary on selling anything that’s “Royal”.
The Church may ring some bells to history buffs— Sister Lee will ask you to donate 100g. Accept, and you’ll lose 10 sin! That’s its entire purpose. This can be used should you rack up far too many on a murder spree and not want to dedicate the time to church work, though it does feel rather humorous in its execution.
Lastly, is the Hospital/Clinic, with Doctor Lombardini asking if you’re sick, and if you are, charging a fee for an examination. When you pay the fee, you’ll lose stress up to one less than your stamina— which means if you don’t gain any more stress (ie- resting), you’ll recover by next month. Really unnecessary unless you’re high up on stress.
CASTLE: Basically, a way to gain reputation, a lot of it if you know how to work it. First of all, the key stat here is Decorum, raised by Protocol Classes. Let’s get started, rapid fire motion!!
The Palace Guard/Gatekeeper will be your first stop, needing 10 decorum to speak properly (almost every birthday will start you with 10 decorum). His preferred stat is Refinement. Every 5 points in refinement is worth one point for Personal Connections (hereinafter referred to as just “Connections”). You can gain up to 15 points per visit this way, and 40 total.
Next is the Royal Knight/Imperial Guard Knight, who needs 30 decorum. His preferred stat is Refinement. Every 8 points of Refinement is worth one point for your connections. You can get up to 25 points per visit this way, and 50 total. Did you notice the text was identical? This guy isn’t very special. But since you’re raising elegance anyways, it’s worth a visit.
After that comes the General, who needs 50 decorum. His preferred stat is Glamour. And every 5 points of Glamour will be worth a point for your connection stat. You can max out your visit at 50 points for connection, and 120 total for the guy overall. If you’re raising Glamour, which you likely are if you’re raising your decorum, it’s worth checking him out, at least until you max at 50.
Making it to 70 Decorum lets you speak with the Minister of State. His preferred stat is Intelligence. Aside from the usual, that being that every 10 points is worth a connection point, up to 60 a visit for a maximum of 100, your connection to him specifically can net you bonuses at the Dance Party— specifically, a score boost. This is fun if you are a dirty cheater!
If you’re still raising your decorum, at 80 you’ll have the manners to speak to the Archbishop. His preferred stat is Faith. Like the Minister of State, 10 points is one connection point, and a visit will max at 60, but his overall max is 120. You’ll want to raise Faith anyways, so it won’t hurt to visit the old man.
Getting tired? Great! So is our next stop— at 85 decorum, you’ll speak to the King’s favorite #2, the Royal Concubine/Favorite Mistress. Her preferred stat is Conversation/Speech/Eloquence. Yes, that’s right! A stat with three names!! Eloquence is the Regeneration name. Anyways, every 10 points of Eloquence will equate to 1 point for connections, up to a maximum of… 10 per visit. Her total maximum is 120, but considering you only get this stat at the Bar, I wouldn’t bother.
Now to the King’s favorite #1, the Queen! She’d love to invite you for tea if you have 90 decorum. Her preferred stat is Temperament/Personal./Temper. Much like #2, the same rules apply, 10 points = 1 point, 10 maximum per visit. She’ll raise your connections by 160 points total. This one is even more worthless, as it’s gained by doing housework (arguably easier), but there’s no other reason to raise Temper. What a fraud.
At 95 decorum, we’ll have the Bowing Skills to bow our way to the King. You may think otherwise, but his preferred stat is, strangely enough, Fight Rep. Every 10 points will go to your connection stat, but here’s where it gets interesting— the King has no limit per visit! For the crazies who raise it up to a maximum, the King will gladly give 99 points to your connections. His true maximum is 300, but Fighters Reputation is fairly easy to raise, and you’ll definitely be able to make use of his benefits.
So, what do connections do? Why, palace discounts of course! If you raise them high enough, you’ll get marked down prices! These apply even if she’s buying rogue, so it’s nice to have. Personal connections don’t go away, either! Well, unless you happen to sell that “Royal” thing.
Now, the Jester/Clown is unique— he doesn’t really care for decorum, and speaking to him will lower your social reputation by 15. What he does want is someone to talk to, and that Eloquence stat will come in handy. He’ll also raise your sensitivity by 15. If you keep talking to him, you may even be on the path for that 4th Art-based Ending. If you, of course, are feeling whimsical.
And to defy all odds, the Young Military Officer does… well, nothing. He doesn’t have any preference, he doesn’t require decorum, and he doesn’t impact your stats in any way. Well, not any way that you can see. He’s only available on January 31st, and if you keep your promises, he’s the ticket to becoming a Princess.
ITEM: A screen where you can see your inventory. Many items in this game are passive, they’ll have their effect when just held in your inventory. Exceptions include clothes (which are to be clicked on to be worn- then granting their bonuses), Equipment (can be clicked to add to weapon/armor slot, then their effects are in, uh, effect), and consumables (like the Ancient Milk and the Breast Pill). Some items are to be traded away, however. Usually, they are to be traded in errantry.
SYS: The save menu. You save your game. You load your game. You leave your game. That is. Uhm. All.
SCHEDULE: Leads to the scheduling screen, of which, we’ll talk about… next time!! I’d like you tune in for that, ok?
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petiteprincesses · 1 year ago
Princess Maker 5 Guide (for True Princess Ending)
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something i've been putting together for a little while now. the purpose of this guide specifically is to elaborate on how certain events trigger, and the conditions to trigger them. i should also note that i tested the original version of this game with a fan translated patch, so i'm not sure if this is 100% accurate or helpful to those who have the steam/CFK version. but i still hope that this paints a more clear picture of what you should be expecting at any point while going for the true princess run. i wouldn't say this is definitive, but i definitely tried to rule out everything i could think of.
goes without saying that this goes over spoilers for the main story of princess maker 5, all the way to the end!
This guide is formatted assuming you are trying to trigger events as soon as possible. Almost all of them can be delayed somewhat, but you might find yourself soft-locked inexplicably if you delay them for too long.
I use the fan translation's localization for names, but I tried to include both names for the stats themselves for the sake of clarity.
I got alot of good info from the atwiki, and a good chunk of this guide is just verifying what is already on there
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The first assassin you meet in the game. He also plays a part in the rebel boss fights for each world
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The second assassin. Unlocks the fairy world rebel boss fight
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The third assassin. Unlocks the spirit world rebel boss fight
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The fourth assassin. Unlocks Hell's rebel boss fight
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Her full recovery is REQUIRED for both the princess and true princess endings
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His events are special, and can trigger many things you might be missing (assassins, queen scouting events, Roche) in late game if you have failed to meet the stat requirements for them previously.
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You must defeat the rebel leaders of each world in order (human, fairy, spirit, hell, heaven) to achieve the true princess ending. While other events and assassins drop the items needed to explore the first 4 worlds, defeating Waffel in Hell is the ONLY way to get the Angel's Wing and gain access to Heaven.
-YEAR 3-
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Your daughter will hear the bell on the night of the first Sunday after spring vacation. The next time you go outside, Gateau will appear. You can delay this indefinitely by simply choosing not to leave the house, but by doing so, you also delay every other event that comes after it. Gateau unlocks adventuring.
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Cornet will arrive on the first Sunday of October. you can throw her away manually from your inventory, but she will always come back by the end of the day. Doing this won't delay her second event, which will happen ~1 month after she arrives, IF:
Adventuring has been unlocked
You have a relationship above 0 that isn't the parent or Cube
Winning or losing her fight doesn't hinder any further events. Her fight will be delayed indefinitely if you don't have any friends.
-YEAR 4-
The rebel boss fight for the human world will become available the moment you come back from spring vacation. You have an unlimited amount of attempts to defeat both Gateau and the Hydra. The Hydra drops the Morning Dew, which can be obtained from Cornet or the sakura tree spirit after talking to it twice.
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Both Nappage and Sabayon can be triggered in 2 ways:
You meet the minimum stat requirements based on this equation (w = weeks that have passed in game)
charm/attractiveness = (w) x 2 refinement/elegance = (w) x 1.8 charisma = (w) x 1.6 willpower/guts = (w) x 1.4 intelligence/intellect = (w) x 1.2 affection/love >=50 morality/morals >=0
They are guaranteed to trigger once you meet Aspar for the first time
The EARLIEST Nappage can appear is during the first week of October of year 4, which is week 183, making these her *minimum stat requirements for that week:
*these stats are rounded up
charm/attractiveness = 183 x 2 (366) refinement/elegance = 183 x 1.8 (330) charisma = 183 x 1.6 (293) willpower/guts = 183 x 1.4 (257) intelligence/intellect = 183 x 1.2 (220) affection/love >=50 morality/morals >=0
You have already met Aspar
Nappage's event is split into 2 parts, meaning that your stats must meet the minimum requirements for whichever following week the second part of her event is triggered (ex: week 200 would need higher stats than week 184)
You have a limit of 5 attempts to defeat Nappage before she gains full control of Takeda and leaves for good, forfeiting the run. There is no penalty for having the parent or Cube defeat her instead.
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Assiette will appear on crutches ~1 month after Nappage is defeated. Defeating assassins very late into the game (year 8) seems to prevent her from recovering at all, which also forfeits your run.
-YEAR 5-
The rebel boss fight for the fairy world will become available as soon as April, IF:
Cornet has been defeated
It has been ~3 months since you've defeated the Hydra
You have an unlimited amount of attempts to defeat both Gateau and Gelato. Defeating Gelato gives you the funeral orb, which can also be obtained from Nappage and from the ghost in the test of courage event.
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You will meet Sabayon IF:
Nappage has been defeated
~1 month has passed since Assiette was seen on crutches
The EARLIEST possible date to fight Sabayon is on the first week of year five (week 209), making these stats the *minimum requirement:
*these stats are rounded up
charm/attractiveness = 209 x 2 (418) refinement/elegance = 209 x 1.8 (377) charisma = 209 x 1.6 (335) willpower/guts = 209 x 1.4 (293) intelligence/intellect = 209 x 1.2 (251) affection/love >=50 morality/morals >=0
You have already met Aspar
You will find Sabayon by visiting any area around town EXCEPT: any friends' houses, the haunted house, Inari Mountain, the river bed, and Kuki's shop. You have an unlimited amount of attempts to fight him, but he will only be available to fight once at month at the hero show in the amusement park (and your stats must keep increasing for each week). There is no penalty for having the parent or Cube defeat him instead.
Defeating Sabayon will allow to Assiette to either fully recover by the first week in September, OR ~2 months after you defeat Sabayon at a later date. Defeating assassins very late into the game (year 8) seems to prevent her from recovering at all, which also forfeits your run.
-YEAR 6-
The rebel boss fight in the spirit world will become available as soon as April IF
Nappage has been defeated
It has been ~3 months since Gelato has been defeated
You have an unlimited amount of attempts to defeat both Gateau and Kenpi. Kenpi drops the Demon Ring, which can also be obtained by defeating Sabayon.
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Aspar does not follow the weekly equation rule like Nappage and Sabayon. These are stagnant stats and will work for any period beyond the initial set date. You will meet Aspar for the 1st time during the first week during the 3rd term of school (after winter break) in January if your stats are:
charm/attractiveness: >= 575 refinement/elegance: >= 520 charisma: >= 460 willpower/guts: >= 400 intelligence/intellect: >= 345 affection/love: >=50 morality/morals: > 0
If you have not triggered Nappage's or Sabayon's event by this point in the game, meeting Aspar will guarantee Nappage's event immediately afterwards (and then Sabayon's, after his other requirements are met).
You can trigger this event at ANY point, up until October in year 8 (though delaying it for too long will soft-lock Assiette's recovery)
-YEAR 7-
The rebel boss fight for Hell will become available as soon as April IF:
Sabayon has been defeated
It has been ~3 months since Kenpi was defeated
You have an unlimited amount of attempts to fight Gateau and Waffel. Waffel drops the Angel's Wing, which is the only way to unlock Heaven.
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you will meet Aspar for the 2nd time during the first week of July IF:
It has been more than 3 weeks since the last time you met him
Your stats are:
charm/attractiveness: >= 625 refinement/elegance: >= 560 charisma: >= 500 willpower/guts: >= 435 intelligence/intellect: >= 375 affection/love: >=50 morality/morals: > 0
And then again for the 3rd time, in the first week of the 3rd term in January IF:
It has been more than 3 weeks since the last time you met him
Your stats are:
charm/attractiveness: >= 675 refinement/elegance: >= 610 charisma: >= 540 willpower/guts: >= 475 intelligence/intellect: >= 405 affection/love: >=50 morality/morals: > 0
You can trigger these events at ANY point, up until November and December in year 8 respectively (though delaying them for too long will soft-lock Assiette's recovery)
-YEAR 8-
You will meet Aspar during the first week of July IF:
Sabayon has been defeated, and thus
Assiette has fully recovered
It has been more than 3 weeks since the last time you met him
Your stats are:
charm/attractiveness: >= 725 refinement/elegance >= 650 charisma >= 580 willpower/guts >= 505 intelligence/intellect >= 435 affection/love >=50 morality/morals > 0
You can trigger this event at ANY point, up until January.
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Aspar will propose to your daughter during the first week of the 3rd term in January if your stats are:
charm/attractiveness: >= 775 refinement/elegance: >= 700 charisma: >= 620 willpower/guts: >= 545 intelligence/intellect: >= 465 affection/love: >=50 morality/morals: > 0
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You have a short window of triggering this event from January to the end of February. If you fall short of these stats by March, and have met Aspar for the 4th time, then Assiette will become engaged to him instead, forfeiting the run.
If your stats fall below these requirements by the end of the game AFTER his proposal, Aspar will call off the marriage, and you will get the second highest priority ending.
If you accept Aspar's proposal, then Assiette "returns to France". The final boss fight in Heaven becomes available one week AFTER the proposal, making the earliest date to defeat Alfort 1/18
You have a maximum of 9 attempts to defeat him, including the final Sunday in April after your daughter graduates. Save-scumming is recommended though, since you will almost certainly need to use the water of life to revive, and it can only be used once.
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petiteprincesses · 1 year ago
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Imagine, dear viewer, that you’re playing Puyo Puyo. Or, maybe you’re playing Columns. Yes, I know, impossible to imagine. Anyways, you’re playing a puzzle game, and being the Princess Maker fan you are, you think “Wow! I wish Maria was in this game!”
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Well, dear fan, let’s talk about Princess Maker: Mission in the Little Pocket! But that name is stupid! It’s actually called Princess Maker: Pocket Daisakusen! What does “Daisakusen” mean? Great mission, Major Strategy,.. The game itself calls it “Mission in the little Pocket”, but that ignores the “大”!
Whatever it’s called, that’s the subject of today’s post!
For today’s post, we’re only going to be talking about how the game, functionally, plays. Stuff like the story and the character roster will come at a later date.
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Pocket Daisakusen (now referred to as Pocket Dai) is a match-four puzzle game. You receive a set of 3 pieces of 1-3 colors to put on a 6x13 board, one set at a time. You match four of the same color gems, and then they, for lack of a better word, poof. As they’re affected by gravity, the gems on top fall down, and if four of those match, they pop too, creating a chain reaction.
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The kicker here is that there’s more than just basic match-4. There are two main gimmicks. The first one is that you can shift 1-2 of your gems, by tapping one of the bumper keys, causing the shifted gems to be removed from the board entirely. Or, at least, the “playing” board.
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That’s where the second gimmick comes in— the pieces are moved to the side bar, in which there can be 20 pieces at a time. If two colors match here, they pop, but chains here will not do any damage!
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What you want to do is build it up, in which a roulette spawns, deciding your next pieces— with the added effect of adding 1-3 special pieces that can clearing the playing board! From clearing in a cross, to a small explosion, each item has a different, unique effect!
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A truly skilled player will know how to use both the main and gimmick mechanics, a master of the pocket strategy! … But, there’s not many people to fight against…
This post is only meant for gameplay purposes! Not necessarily for the game itself! That will come later.
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petiteprincesses · 1 year ago
Disclaimer: Users under 15 are advised to not look into the Princess Maker Series, or interact with the blog for that matter!
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Welcome to the Princess Maker Sideblog— Petite Princesses! The goal of this blog is to essentially act as a means to help people with the franchise, newcomers or people who want to return!
This first post is to introduce myself! And add links when they become relevant!
The Admin
I myself am the sole operator of the account. To represent myself, we will utilize Cube from Princess Maker 5. I don’t mind any pronouns, and I am 16+, as is the game franchise itself. This is the least important section, though it may become more relevant in the future.
The Plan
With this blog, I’d like to serve as a helpful guide towards the series, including the spin-off “Go!Go! Princess”. Since Princess Maker 2 Regeneration is on the horizon, it is the best time for any newcomer to come along. I’d like to explain things in a way that would make sense to someone familiar with the second installment, if any installment at all. If this makes someone become a fan, all the better!
The Resources
How to Play “Pocket Daisakusen”
Princess Maker 2 Basics (The Main Menu)
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