#ahhh so excited to finally be able to share this!!
zukkaoru · 1 year
💞 her heart is fit for home 💞
Rachel grins at her, and Reyna can’t suppress the small smile that worms its way onto her face. Rachel has a way of softening Reyna’s heart and making the sun shine over her even in the middle of the night. Perhaps it’s a blessing from Apollo that comes with being the Oracle, or perhaps it’s simply who Rachel is. Regardless, Reyna is grateful for it. Rachel reaches over, taking one of Reyna’s hands in hers. Reyna has never been a fan of physical contact, but Rachel’s touch is comforting. She runs her thumb over Reyna’s knuckles, and Reyna wants to sink into this feeling of being wanted and loved and live there forever. “If you want to talk, I’ll listen. It might help.”
or: rachel comforts reyna after she's awoken by nightmares
💞 reychel qpr || 2.2k words 💞 written for @campsapphozine, leftover sales open october 7!! 💞 be sure to check out @oranglesswrld's incredible spot art that goes with this fic!!
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hannieehaee · 7 months
Ahhh I’m so excited that your requests are open, you’re like my fav fic author!! If it’s alright would you be able to do a fic where Wonwoo proposes to the reader please? Thank you!
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content: bf!wonwoo, established relationship, fluff, proposal, etc.
wc: 1368
a/n: thank u so much u are so so sweet T-T i used a few of wonwoo's own quotes to carats in the confession hehe hope u enjoy!! <3
for the first time in his life, wonwoo's brain had completely shut off.
he had no plan. he was completely unaware of what his next move should be. the ring had been purchased exactly two weeks ago (wonwoo knew you so well that he was extremely confident you'd absolutely fall in love with his pick), but no further steps had been taken after that.
it's not that he was an anti-romantic or anything like that. you'd always let him know how loved his words made you feel. you had singlehandedly revealed to the world a romantic side of jeon wonwoo that even he had been unaware of. it was always just so easy with you. loving you was the easiest thing he had ever done. there was never any thinking behind the loving gestures he gave you, nor behind the fondness in his eyes every time they met your own. which was why he currently stood once again with no plan in mind.
there was just no perfect way to ask you to be his forever when he already thought the two of you to be imbedded to each other in all ways possible. although a ring on your finger would make wonwoo the happiest man alive, he already knew you were his as much as he was yours. however, he wanted nothing more than to give you a grand gesture as he expressed to you how badly he wanted to spend every one if his remaining days by your side.
but being wonwoo, he knew no grand gesture would do. he was certain that he would not be able to go through with a grand gesture without throwing it all aside to pour words straight from his heart as he expressed the purest of love towards you. there was no possible way for him to hold back the moment he finally pulled that tiny squared box from the bottom of his sock drawer. the mere thought of looking into your eyes with the intention of making you his would have a plethora of love confessions flying out of his mouth without him even realizing.
despite all this, he had formulated some sort of plan to propose.
tonight was the first time his busy schedule would allow the two of you to share a bed due to the short break he had from tour. he figured that since he finally had you in his arms for the whole weekend, he would cook you a meal (courtesy of mingyu's training) and get on one knee afterwards. it was very simple, but he knew you'd appreciate an intimate setting for such a moment.
however, that had been the plan for tomorrow. today he was simply meant to finish brushing his teeth and join you in bed, finally able to hold you through the night as your breathing soothed him to sleep. yet this was, unsurprisingly, an impossible task for him to complete, as his mind became blank the moment he stepped into your shared room and saw your soft figure waiting for him in bed.
how was he supposed to hold back from begging for your hand in marriage when you were already so fully his? when he knew that a ring would bring him a promise to end his days in your arms until the end of eternity? it was as if time had slowed as he stepped into the room, his eyes full of love as they refused to look away from your form perched in bed, making just enough space for him to fit in there. and he knew that the moment he laid in that bed you would shape yourself to fit perfectly against him. he knew that you'd place yourself in his hold and play with his hair as he told you about his day (despite already having shared bits and pieces of it with you throughout the day), commenting on the things he did today and making plans with him for tomorrow. he knew you were completely unaware of his feelings in this moment as you laid there as soft and pretty as you always did.
yet knowing all these things did not prevent him from from making a quick stop at his drawer and hiding the tiny little box in his pajama pants – pants you would later insist he takes off because you love the feeling of his bare skin against yours. you still hadnt realized he'd been watching you this whole time, as your gaze was still on the tv in front of you. this gave wonwoo the perfect opportunity to nervously approach you as he called your attention away from the screen.
like always, you met his eyes with a smile full of interest for what he was about to say. if he wasnt sure before (which he completely was), then he was sure now. he needed to propose to you right in this moment. he needed to remember the mundane, the day by day that he would have with you for the rest of your lives. his heart was beating for you, and his lungs pumping out air just so he could breathe out his next words.
"marry me?", completely out of breath and with nothing but love in his eyes, he dropped to his knees next to the bed, his extended hand holding your own while the other pulled out the boxed ring from his pocket.
your eyes jumped out, but you didnt seem too exalted apart from that. you scoot over to sit at the edge of the bed, speechless as your eyes began to cloud due to the tears that would soon begin forming in them.
before you could say anything, wonwoo spoke up once more.
"im sorry. i didnt plan it like this, i just ... i couldn't help myself. i couldnt watch you be the love of my life for another moment without making you as mine as humanly possible. i know i couldve given you a dinner and fireworks, or even brought the guys out for a serenade ... but that's not us. this. this is us. this is what i want for the rest of my life. you in my bed, ready to hold me in your arms at the end of the day, letting me do the same any time you come home tired from work," he paused to hold onto both of your hands, looking up at you with adoring eyes as he inhaled, "i hope to become your daily confort in the way you have been mine. even when i'm not tired, i can lean on you. i always know happiness is just around the corner, because you are all i see ahead of me. you are my youth, my past, my future, you are everything. will you please become my forever?"
it was hard for wonwoo to put his feelings for you into words. his relationship with you had always been an enigma of emotions for him; emotions that left him feeling a level of comfort he never thought possible. he had always chased for happiness. he'd always been of the philosophy that one must build their own happiness; that one must live and experience life in order to discover the meaning of the word. except you had thrown him a curveball somewhere along the way and shown him what it truly meant to be happy pretty early in his life.
and now he felt the most happiness he had ever experienced in his many years of life. no matter how many accomplishments he achieved, nothing had thus far compared to seeing you smile with tears in your eyes, nodding crazily at him as you threw yourself into his arms, completely disregarding the ring in his hand. because you didnt care about a ring or a title. he knew you simply wanted to be his in the same way he needed to be yours. there was no better scenario in wonwoo's mind than your enthusiastic approval and the promise of a lifetime chasing happiness together. and now wonwoo would get to have you in his bed, waiting to love him every day for the rest of his life. just like today.
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byunpum · 4 months
Back to you | Part 1
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Pair: Jake(human and avatar) x Neytiri x Human reader (trio couple)
Warning: None, i think kinda sad. More in future, maybe soft-smut in the future.
Note: I'm still alive after disappearing for 1 month. Ahh omg, it's been so long, I'm so sorry. A lot of things have happened, more good than bad. But we're back…and as I had posted. Here I bring you this story, based on my mini-series 'mama's boy'. Here I share with you how our characters are paired up. I hope you like it, and let me know what you think and if I should continue with the mini-series. Love ya <3
+Read 'Mama's boy' HERE+
AVATAR MASTERLIST| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (final)
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You were feeling uncomfortable in the metal chair, which was placed next to the bonding machine, which allowed humans to use their avatars. Since the routine expedition, Jake had not returned. Everyone knew he was alive, but where was he? No one knew. Grace had asked you as a favor to monitor him until he returned. You weren't complaining, but you had avoided having any contact with Jake. He reminded you of things…Not even 20 minutes had passed, when the machine made a noise indicating that it would open. You get up from the chair as quickly as you can, to assist Jake. You help him open the lid, finding a confused, sweaty Jake with a stupid grin that made your heart pound. “You won't believe where I am?” says Jake, as you let out a big sigh and shift your gaze to Grace.
“Oh my god…you're back!!!” shouts grace from her desk. Coming towards you, she was already releasing a machine to take jake's blood pressure. “Grace…I'm in” says Jake, the man was lying on his shoulders. He was still a little weak, you force him to drink water from a bottle. Taking his chin to make him open his mouth. While grace looks at him with confusion. “What?” grace continues to work on adjusting the machine on his arm. Jake had been so many hours without using his body, he could pass out at any moment. “Yes…they accepted me. I'm inside their home” jake, looks at you. “You're in the tree home?” you ask. You watch as he nods his face quickly. Grace takes jake's face in her hands, and gives him a warm smile. “I can't believe it…are you serious?!!!” grace was shocked. They had tried to get in, but it was impossible. “I'm with a girl…ahhh netyy ahhh” jake tries to remember and pronounce the name correctly of the girl who is supposed to help him adjust. “Neytiri?” you speak softly, but loud enough for jake to hear you. “Yes her” jake speaks up.
Grace looks at you quickly and she can see the sadness in your gaze. You change your face and mood, moving away from Jake, helping him to put his weight down. Turning away from them, you bump into norm who had approached you moments before. “Are you okay?” norm asks, touching your shoulder, but you push him away. Walking as fast as you could away from them, you wanted to get out of there. You felt short of breath and were wiping away tears hiding your emotion. She was fine. It had been so long since you had heard from her. On the other side a group of friends are confused, “What's wrong with her, did I say something wrong?” asks Jake, looking at Grace. The woman was still looking towards the exit, sighing deeply. “It's a long story…come on out of there you need to rest and tell me everything” says grace, helping Jake into his wheelchair.
Lunchtime came quickly, and the entire team was gathered in the dining room eating dinner. The group of scientists were very excited and focused on every word that came out of Jake's mouth. It had been so long since they had been able to have a connection with the Omaticaya clan. Even grace was giving him their undivided attention. Meanwhile you and norm were standing a little away from the group, eating the disgusting food. You couldn't help but laugh at the look on norm's face, you could tell he was very upset. You kicked his foot a little, “hey get that face away” you scolded him, but you saw how he snapped with his teeth. “I can't stand this… it's a very unfair” norm says. “Unfair?” you ask, as you put a mouthful of food in your mouth. “Yes, Tom has been studying for 3 years and I've been studying for over 6 years…and where am I? sitting here, doing nothing. In fact, if anyone in the whole RDA deserved to be with the omaticaya clan, it's you. You've been in pandora all your life…you're part of the clan” speaks norm annoyed, seeing how you interrupt him with your index finger. “Ah ah was…past!!!” you speak, lowering your gaze for a moment. Some memories come to your head, yes, it was very true what norm said, you were once part of the omaticaya clan…but it's been so long. Maybe… they have forgotten about you. “Norm…I understand your discomfort, but there's nothing we can do, the pretty boy was lucky to be accepted” you joke, seeing Norm's disgusted face. “Jake pretty boy?!!!! You have to be crazy” you laugh loudly, looking at the group of scientists who were still harassing jake. “Well…you were tom's girlfriend, that says a lot about you” Norm says, now he was the one laughing at you. “We weren't boyfriend and girlfriend…we just spent a few nights together” you speak up, laughing with your friend.
While you and Norm were still laughing, for a moment you see Jake look at you and give you a smile. You return it, seeing how jake makes a help signal with his hands. You laugh even harder, but you feel Norm pinch you “don't be fooled by the enemy” says Norm “Norm let me go!!!” you roll your eyes back. Norm could sometimes be very very annoying. But you were used to it, he had always been like that.
You remember when norm and tom came to pandora. Just for their studies, and you were the first to meet them. From then on… you had grown very fond of them. When the news that tom had been killed reached your ears, you were heartbroken, again…but you got over it little by little. But with the new member of the group, it wasn't very easy. Since Jake had arrived, he hadn't taken his interest in you, and to make things worse for you. Grace had delegated all responsibility for Jake's avatar to you, so if anything happened to him it was your fault. And the last thing you wanted was for a $20 million dollar avatar to happen to him, or else the RDA was going to kill you.
After the meal, and when everyone was about to go to their respective rooms. Norm had gone ahead walking as fast as he could through the cold corridors of the RDA. You were walking more calmly, plus you wanted to meet Jake. You felt you owed him an apology for leaving him alone. By pure chance you find him, you see that he was talking something with Quaritch. You look at him with concern, if you knew one thing, it was that quaritch never had good intentions, if he wasn't given anything in return. When you see both men stop talking, you decide to approach jake. “Hello” you speak softly, catching the man's attention. Jake turns around, with a small smile. Lifting his gaze. “I'm all ears” jake says. You had barely spoken to jake since he arrived, so you were a little nervous. “One question…ahh where did you leave my avatar?” you ask. “Your avatar? It's in a safe place” jake says. “Yeah, but what safe place?” you wanted him to be more literal, because his concept of safety might be very different from yours. “I'm sleeping in some kind of giant leaf…ahh I don't remember” jake speaks up, shuffling his hair.there was a short silence between the two of you, but you decide to speak. “You're in the big tree?” you speak. Jake can see your eyes light up for a moment. “Yes…that. There I am” jake can see you kneel down in front of him, and move much closer. Placing your hands on his knees. As if whatever you were going to ask him, you didn't want anyone else to hear. “And how did you see everything? Is everyone okay?” you ask. “Yeah…normal, there's only one who seems to be a bother and he's warrior…I don't remember his name” jake says and can see how you smile softly. “That's tsu'tey” you speak. “That same one, do you know him?” jake gets closer to your face, and you quickly push him away. “Ahh thank you for answering me…see you tomorrow” you get up quickly, and leave quickly. Before you continue walking to your room, you stop “By the way…sorry for leaving you alone when you wake up, next time I'll take better care of you” you apologize, and turn to continue on your way.
Jake stood there confused, he thought you looked kind of strange. But cute…very cute. He could understand his brother now. Laughing to himself, he started on his way to his room. Although he must admit that he found it even stranger, that you knew the name of that navi. It was assumed that only people who have an avatar have had contact with the Omaticayas, and he understands that not all of them have. How did you know that?
The next day came quickly, and Jake had almost no time to wake up…because he had to get up early. Wiping his eyes, he was already sitting on the edge of the connection machine. “Good morning” you hummed, approaching him. You had a cup of coffee in your hands, offering it to him with some vitamins. “Good morning gorgeous” jake chuckles, as he can as norm makes a dirty face. “Here…you'll need this” you hand him the stuff. “And this?” jake asks. “It's some vitamins that will help your body not collapse from not eating all day and a coffee” you speak, as you practically force jake to take it all. Grace approaches you, accompanied by Norm. “Well, here's the information,” says Grace, showing Jake a screen. On it was all of neytiri's information. You come to Jake's side, looking at the screen with a warm smile. “Please don't disrespect her….y do not be a jerk” norm speaks, giving jake a dirty look. “You're just upset because I'm the one going on a date with the leader's daughter” jake says in a mocking voice. Grace rolls her eyes and tells you to take care of hooking Jake up. As jake lies down, you approach him. “ Advice…don't try to flirt with neytiri” you speak up. Watching as jake raises an eyebrow, and laughs a little. “There you go…and how do you know that?” he speaks. You now give him a big smile, but one of sarcasm. “I know why I say that” you speak, as you turn away from jake. “You should listen to her,” Grace shouts from the distance. “Good luck…soldier” you speak, being the last face jake saw to wake up in his avatar body.
And yes, jake should take your advice, you knew neytiri more than anyone. And yes you were hating the fact that he could be with her. It had been so many years since you last saw her, you didn't even get to say goodbye…nothing. The last time you saw Neytiri was when that tragedy happened at school. You sigh a little, as you begin to prepare the week's paperwork. But your thoughts are interrupted when you feel grace sit down next to you. “I have good news… a new project is coming out tomorrow,” says Grace. You look at her curiously. “Project?” you ask. Grace's face ascends. “Yes…we need to be closer to the clan, a place we are safe, but we can still get on with the project 'jakesully” says grace, watching you laugh. “I was able to convince the RDA idiots to have a bunker, where we can have a team, a small lab. i'm counting on you, right?” grace looks at you with a raised eyebrow, waiting for your answer. “Can I refuse?” you speak, feeling Grace hug you and press a kiss to your hair. “It'll be for the best… we'll have a great time, no personal space” grace jokes, as you groan loudly.
And as if by magic, within a week you were in the bunker in the middle of the jungle. Norm, grace, judy, jake and you. Although judy came and went from time to time to get everything you needed. Even though she used to get away so often, she was part of the team. You adjusted too quickly, it seemed to be comfortable. And the comfort you felt around Jake was increasing too, and very quickly. This seemed to be nice for grace, she liked to see you happy and excited about something or someone…it had been a long time since she had seen you like this. Watching from afar, as you wiped jake's face with a wet rag. “I'm not a baby” says Jake, as you wipe his eyes. While you hold your face with both hands. “Yeah but you're barely taking care of yourself…I know your avatar body is amazing, but you're here” you touch his chest and feel his heart. “Can you feel it moving? It's that fast for you “ jake jokes, watching you laugh and turn away from him. “That was the worst thing you've said so far” norm complains from behind you, as he sips his coffee.
You liked it when jake would go back to his body in the afternoon, and do his video documentaries. And you could listen to everything he had learned, plus he would also tell you everything he had done with neytiri. “It's just that it's hard to use the bow…it's” Jake would explain with his hands, you could see the frustration in his eyes and gestures. Neytiri could be very rude at times, but that was the way it was and he had to learn. “The trick is to put pressure on the back arm” you move, and show him the pose. “And boom…done” you joke. Jake shakes his head to the side, watching as you continue to explain how he should do things. Just like neytiri was doing, they were explaining almost identically. Jake leans forward and brushes a strand of hair away from your face. Tucking it behind your ear. “Thank you” you speak timidly, now pulling away. “Thank you for helping me” jake says.
Since you had gotten closer to him, he had improved so much with the lessons with neytiri. If she told him something, he would ask you as soon as he returned to his human body. And you answered him without hesitation, sometimes he didn't understand how you knew so much about the clan. Only grace and a few avatars were supposed to have had contact with the clan, norm could know some things. But you were an expert. And your advice is really paying off. Now jake was in his avatar body, he was holding the bow again, and he remembered what you had said to him. “Neytiri was asking you to put strength in your arms, so you will be more accurate in your shooting” jake remembered your words, he adjusted his stance. Neytiri was approaching him, but stopped short. When she noticed Jake's stance, she stood watching him. Seeing how the shot was perfect. “Well done” says neytiri, watching as jake smiles at her. She was wondering how he had improved overnight. But if she could tell, it was the technique jake was using…it was very similar to yours. Neytiri tries to distract herself and keeps walking towards the prey.
For a moment during the day, the two of them had sat down in a nice quiet meadow to eat something to eat…neytiri was minding her own business eating her food. But she could feel jake's gaze, he might change his gaze once or twice. But he would look back at her. “ What are you looking at so much?” speaks neytiri without taking her eyes off her fruit. Jake remains thoughtful for a moment. “That necklace around your neck” jake points to the woven necklace neytiri had around her neck, she touches it while looking at it warmly. “What is it?” jake asks, but he thinks he knows the answer. The reason he's asking is because the night before, when he came over to fix your hair. He could see you had that same necklace, he wanted to believe it was something grace gave you. But today he noticed the same one on Neytiri and was surprised. They were identical. “This…” neytiri holds her necklace tightly. “This is a memory of her” neytiri says, she stops eating for a moment. She could look thoughtful, like she was remembering someone. “Her?” asks jake. Neytiri looks at him slowly, you could see her little teary eyes. But she gets up suddenly, “Come on…we have a lot of things to do” says neytiri. Jake stands up behind her, and catches her hand to stop her for a second. “Neytiri…are you okay?” the boy asks. Neytiri squeezes jake's hand for a moment, looking down and taking a deep breath. “Yes,” she says. Starting to walk to a new route, but Jake could tell how she didn't let go of his grip and continued to hold his hand tightly. Jake didn't refuse at any point, neytiri is not very affectionate to say the least, and the fact that she was still holding his hand. It meant that she needs him right now.
That same afternoon, when jake and neytiri came home from training, they had lunch with the whole clan. And lay down to rest in their respective places, neytiri waited a few minutes to carefully lift her head and see if jake had finally fallen asleep. She had her home with her parents, being still single, neytiri could live with her parents. But right now, she had the task of training and taking care of Jake. So she had to be wherever he was. Neytiri notices how Jake is asleep. Getting up from her hammock, to walk carefully in the branches. Leaving the resting area, running carefully to her ikran. “sense…come on” says neytiri, climbing into her ikran quickly. flying away from the familiar tree, she hopes no one was following her, because she was heading to a place she only knew about.
Not far away, there was a very tall tree. Too tall to be anything but scary for anyone to come and interrupt. Neytiri leads Seze to a giant branch, which had a beautiful view of the jungle of Pandora. Neytiri climbs down from the ikran, stroking the creature's head, stretching a little. To approach the tree trunk, picking up a small bag. Now to sit on the edge of the branch. She sighs a little, looking at the scenery. Opening the bag, and taking out of it a piece of paper. Very carefully she unfolds it and laughs to see what was drawn on it.
A cute doodle drawing…on it were two girls. Neytiri laughs to herself, as she touches the paper wistfully. “I hope you never forget me…my Y/N” Neytiri speaks softly. Hugging the paper carefully, this was the only thing I had of you.
What do you think? should I continue? btw, If you want to be tagged, let me know.<3
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xndrexcruz · 2 months
Unexpected Love (smau)
✮- pairing: joão félix x fem!reader
✮- faceclaim: madison beer
✮- summary: when an unexpected turn of events causes a beloved pop star and a rising fútbol star to unexpectedly fall in love and share their story through social media
✮- warnings: none
✮- author’s note: this is pure fiction, also this is my first time doing anything like this so if you have any tips or feedback that would be great. also jude bellingham and reader have a pure platonic friendship.
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❤️ 💬 ↗️
liked by 691,652 others
username1 are we gonna talk about what my man just said a few minutes ago..
view all 88,793 comments
username2 UHMM… when was this?!? (not that im mad about this at all 🌚)
username3 SAY WHATTTT
username4 wait why do i kinda ship…
username5 he’s upgrading 😌✊
username6 MY WIFE AND HUSBAND!?!!?
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❤️ 💬 ↗️
liked by sabrinacarpenter, itsnicolewallace, judebellingham, and 1,920,077 others
yourusername finishing my newest album can be expected to drop later this week 🤍🎶
view all 72,583 comments
sabrinacarpenter can’t wait to listen ☺️
yourusername liked this comment
username7 can we be expecting any feature by anyone 🌚
username8 i wish i wanna see her feature with someone again!!
username9 i’ve been counting down the days since your last album im so excited!
judebellingham can you even play the guitar? 🤨
yourusername yes now why are you hating 😒
judebellingham IM JUST ASKING
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❤️ 💬 ↗️
liked by joaofelix79, judebellingham, milliebobbybrown, and 2,973,328
yourusername ackk i can’t believe it after 2 motnths of working my ass off y’all can finally go stream UNEXPECTED ENCHANTMENT 😌 anddd not only that but i’ll be having a tour in europe/the uk for it as well, so go buy tickets if interested i’d love to see all of you there! 🤗 i’m so happy that i was able to pull this off in the spam of 2 months thanks to not just my production team but a certain someone who might or might not be my muse thank you 😉 but HOPE YALL LOVE UNEXPECTED ENCHANTMENT!!! 🫶🏼
view all 962,895 comments
judebellingham so did your “muse” send all those flowers 👀
yourusername wouldn’t you like to know
username10 not jude being a chismoso
username11 he’s so real for that
username12 i love their relationship
theweekend congrats on your album
yourusername liked this comment
username13 okay joão i see you liking her post 🌚
username14 our man is finally making a move 🙈
username15 can’t he just like her post?
username13 i’m just saying he might be liking it since he likes her
@joaofelix79 just posted a story!
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seen by 8,459,035
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❤️ 💬 ↗️
liked by yourusername, pablogavi, redbullracing and 1,156,833 others
joaofelix79 thank you for the amazing experience, i had a lot of fun! 🏎️
tagged @f1 and @redbullpor
view all 378,563 comments
username18 YOURE SO FINE JOÃO 🤭
username21 uhmm wasn’t y/n supposed to be at this event too ?? 👀
username22 are we not gonna talk about who took these pictures 🧐
username23 probably his manager or a photographer?
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❤️ 💬 ↗️
liked by scuderiaferrari, joaofelix79, redbullracing, and 1,847,384 others
yourusername fast cars and even faster melodies! had a blast at the event! 🏎️🎶
tagged @redbullracing
view all 153,472 comments
username24 spotted at the same event…. is it official yet? ❤️
username25 woww you and joão are both here! coincidence? i think not! 😉
username26 it was not a coincidence let’s be honest 😏
redbullracing we were happy to have you! come again soon
yourusername dw you’ll see me again!
@yourusername just posted a story!
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seen by 7,749,264
judebellingham has replied to your story
is it who i presume it is ⁉️
who knows maybe.. 🤷🏻‍♀️
girl you know damn well 😒
fraternizing with the enemy is a big no no
womp womp
go cry about it ☺️
i see where ur loyalty stands now 😔
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❤️ 💬 ↗️
liked by 472,859 others
foxsoccerspn joão félix’s pointing gesture says it all. a win dedicated to someone special in the crowd! 🌹
tagged @joaofelix79
view all 328,561 comments
username27 pointing to his lucky charm? 🫣
username28 idk what else y’all need as proof to him and y/n dating SHE WAS LITERALLY AT THE GAME
username29 i really hope they are cause i shipppp!!
username30 this celebration means everything 🥰
username31 he’s so sweet i need a joão to my y/n like by yesterday
@yourusername just posted a story!
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seen by 9,475,946
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❤️ 💬 ↗️
liked by hugofelix18 and 368,946 others
barcelonasportsnews caught by surprise! joão félix and y/n l/n, from stages and fields to barcelona’s streets! 🌇❤️
tagged @joaofelix79 and @yourusername
view all 274,921 comments
username33 awww they’re so cute wth 🥺
username36 the new it couple 😍
username37 i’m just so happy he’s moved on from magui
username38 as he should she’s a bop 😝
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❤️ 💬 ↗️
liked by joaofelix79, lamineyamal, judebellingham, and 4,643,275 others
yourusername he’s got a way of turning every doubt into gold, with him by my side, there’s a story yet untold 💗
tagged @joaofelix79
view all 2,975,832 comments
joaofelix79 minha linda namorada 💗 (my pretty girlfriend 💗)
yourusername o meu lindo namorado 💗 (my pretty boyfriend 💗)
username40 i knew her album was about him 🤭🤭
lamineyamal mis padres ✌🏽(my parents ✌🏽)
yourusername mi niño (my boy)
joaofelix79 creí que yo era tu chico 😒 (i thought i was your boy 😒)
yourusername mmm los dos? (😁 mmm both of y’all? 😁)
useranme41 he’s living proof you can get with your celebrity crush!
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cre8inghavoc · 1 month
Can’t help it…
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Part 4
inumaki x f!reader
pairing: inumaki x f!reader
summary: Transferring to a new school is tough, but having your three best friends there makes it easier. Things get even more interesting when you start falling for the mysterious boy who rides his motorcycle to school every day. What will happen next?
genre/warnings: [18+] Characters are aged up. Story contains cursing, new friends, alcohol, college!au, no curse!au, dark humour, SMAU and written parts, fluff, smut.
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You both walked out of the restaurant and then suddenly you turned around so quick, Inumaki's confusion was evident as he nearly ran into you, his concern growing as he saw the upset expression on your face. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry.
You couldn't contain your frustration (you weren't really upset though just surprised), and blurted out, "What's wrong?! You literally paid for both our meals when I told you I was going to pay for mine! Why would you do that?"
Inumaki's expression softened as he realized your distress. "Just wanted to treat you ," he explained, as he smirked.
"I know you wanted to be nice, but I just feel bad," you admitted, your voice softening. "You didn't have to do that, Inumaki. I appreciate it, but I want to be able to take care of myself too."
Inumaki's gentle touch as he placed the helmet on your head sent a shiver down your spine. The way he held it, almost as if he were cradling your face, made your heart flutter. Then, he gently nudges your helmet in a playful way.
"Don't be silly. Let's head back before we're late for class."
"Yeah," you agreed, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach as his gaze locked onto yours. Your visor was still open, allowing you to see the warmth and sincerity in his eyes, and for a moment, it felt like time stood still.
With a silent understanding passing between you, you both got on the bike, ready to return to school. As Inumaki started the engine, you held onto him tightly, feeling a newfound sense of connection blossoming between you.
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You both made your way back to school, and once you arrived, you decided to exchange phone numbers.
As you entered the school grounds, you were met with stunned silence as everyone froze in their tracks, their eyes widening in disbelief. Whispers rippled through the crowd as people pointed and gasped, unable to believe what they were seeing.
Confusion flickered across your face as you took the helmet off, but you shrugged it off and continued on your way to class.
The rest of the school day passed quickly, filled with classes and moments shared with your friends. Finally, when the last bell rang, signalling the end of the day, you gathered your belongings and headed home.
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As the hours dragged on, the sky slowly transformed from the vibrant colors of daylight to the serene shades of twilight. You sat there, staring at your phone, waiting for the notification that never came. Each minute felt like an eternity, the silence between you growing louder with every passing second. Eventually, frustration and boredom set in, and you began to pace back and forth in your room, the walls closing in as your thoughts spiraled out of control. What had started as mild impatience turned into a storm of overthinking, your mind racing with endless possibilities and unanswered questions.
Why hadn't he texted?
What was he doing?
Did I do something that put him off?
We only just became friends, but why hasn’t he texted me?
I don’t want to be the one who texts first—what if he’s not interested?
But wait, why do I even care? It’s not like I like him or anything—right? I mean, why would I? We just met!
Oh my God, what am I even doing?
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*cough cough*
I mean, oh yeah, cool, whatever.
You leap onto your bed, excitement bubbling over as you start to type "heyyy!" But just before hitting send, you hesitate, pulling your thumb back.
am I responding too soon? Should I wait a few minutes?
Maybe I just won’t respond until tomorrow....
Yeah, that way I won’t seem desperate.
But...what if he thinks I'm not interested and decides not to talk to me again?
Ugh, okay, maybe I’ll just wait a few minutes.
You glance at your phone, curiosity gnawing at you.
But I really want to know what he’s going to say.
Why is this so hard?
Finally, you throw your hands up in defeat. You know what, screw it.
You hit send and immediately toss your phone onto the bed, heart racing.
"Yep, I'm just gonna walk away. If he texts back right now, I’m not even going to read it," you mutter to yourself.
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FUCK, did I put too many y's? You panic for a second, staring at the screen.
Maybe I overdid it…
Your mind starts racing again, overanalyzing every letter, every detail.
Is it too much? Does it look like I’m trying too hard?
You can’t help but feel a wave of regret wash over you as you wait, second-guessing everything.
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But- Okay, he definitely called me out. You can feel your cheeks heat up as you realize he's seen right through you. Yeah, I was totally waiting for him to text me all day, but there’s no way he needs to know that.
You let out a frustrated sigh. He’s already got a high ego—clearly. If I agree, it’ll only inflate it more. Plus, I don’t need him thinking I’m desperate… You pause, correcting yourself. Wait, what? I’m not desperate! What the hell?
Your phone buzzed again with a text from Inumaki, asking for your address. With a mixture of excitement and intrigue, you hesitantly provided it, wondering what he was up to.
You catch yourself spiraling and mutter under your breath, "God, why the hell am I talking to myself?" You shake your head, trying to regain some semblance of composure, but your thoughts are all over the place.
OKAY, BUT HE WANTS TO HANG OUT??!! That’s a good thing—wait, holy shit, I need to get ready quickly!
You leap off your bed, adrenaline kicking in, and start rummaging through your closet. Outfits fly as you scramble to find the perfect look. "Okay, no, not this crop top—my breast will literally show out too much. That’s going to look way too desperate; I don’t need that much attention." You toss it aside and pull out another option. "Ugh, not this one either—too much color." Another reject.
You glance at a skirt, but immediately think twice. "Ehh, it’s too cold for this—wait, is he bringing his bike? Oh shit, okay, leggings and a long-sleeve cropped top…oh yes, that’s actually perfect." You smile to yourself, finally feeling like you’ve got it just right.
Then, you remembered the chocolates that Nobara, Itadori, and Megumi had given you, their mysterious behavior still fresh in your mind. They had insisted that you try the chocolates at night, giggling mischievously as they handed them to you. You hadn't understood their odd behavior at the time, but you found it amusing nonetheless.
Deciding to bring the chocolates along for the ride with Inumaki, you tucked them into your bag, curious to see what the fuss was all about. With a smile, you headed out the door.
As you made your way down, a flutter of excitement and anticipation danced in your stomach. With each step closer to him, the butterflies grew stronger, a mix of nerves and exhilaration swirling within you.
You approached the motorcycle, and couldn't help but notice Inumaki leaning slightly back, his figure outlined against the backdrop of the streetlights. The sight of him exuded an air of confidence and allure, sending a shiver down your spine.
With his dark attire contrasting against the glow of the night, Inumaki looked undeniably captivating, his presence commanding attention. The subtle tilt of his body added to his mystique, making him appear effortlessly cool and incredibly attractive.
A flush of warmth spread across your cheeks as you admired him, feeling a rush of excitement and anticipation at the prospect of spending the evening with him.
"Hey," you greeted as you approached him, a nervous excitement bubbling within you.
As he passed you the helmet, you hesitated for a moment, uncertainty flickering in your eyes as you stood by the motorcycle. Just as you were about to climb onto the back seat, Inumaki hopped off the bike and playfully motioned for you to take his place. “nah uh” he said with a grin, tapping the seat in front of him invitingly.
Your eyes widened in surprise. "Are you serious? I’ve can't ride a motorcycle!" you protested, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement bubble up inside you.
Inumaki tilted his head slightly and asked, “Do you know how to drive manual?”
You met his gaze, slightly taken aback by the question, but then nodded. “Well, yeah, I do.”
A knowing smile spread across his face. “Then it’s really no different from that.”
Then he asked, “How’d you learn to drive manual?”
“My dad actually has a few cars in manual,” you explained, a hint of nostalgia in your voice. “He also rides a motorcycle. I mean, he kind of showed me how to ride, but I just didn’t fully understand it.”
“Oh, so you can ride,” Inumaki said with a grin, clearly amused by your modesty. Before you could respond, he stepped closer and gently guided you towards the front seat, his hands steadying you as you got on the bike.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” he reassured with that same confident smile. "I'll be in control. Just trust me."
You start to feel a surge of uncertainty coursing through you.
He walked up in front of you as you settled onto his bike, his presence steadying your nerves. Gently, he reached for the bottom of your helmet, tilting your head up so your eyes met his. “Do you trust me?” he asked, his voice soft yet undeniably firm.
You swallowed nervously, feeling the weight of the moment. Searching his eyes for reassurance, you found a quiet confidence that made your heart race. After a brief hesitation, you nodded slowly, a blend of apprehension and trust swirling within you as you silently placed your faith in him.
He then hopped on the back of the bike, settling in close behind you. “What do I do?” you asked, your voice tinged with both excitement and nervousness as you felt Inumaki lean forward, his body pressing against yours, adding to the intensity of the moment.
With a calm and steady touch, he guided your hands to the handlebars, positioning them just right. His fingers, warm and reassuring, moved over yours, showing you the precise motions needed to start the bike. Each movement was deliberate, his practiced ease giving you confidence as you began to understand the mechanics beneath your fingers.
“So, put the bike into neutral,” he instructed, his voice steady and calm. You gently pushed up with your foot on the gear shift, feeling it click into neutral as your hand held the clutch down.
“See? Just like that. You know what you’re doing,” he said with a hint of admiration in his tone.
The words caught you off guard. Your heart dropped, and you felt your face flush a deep shade of red. Butterflies began to flutter wildly in your stomach, a shiver running down your spine. You knew he didn’t mean it in a sexual way, but the way he said it—the timing, the tone—had an unexpected effect, sending a rush of nervous excitement through you that you couldn’t quite shake and thank god he couldn't see your face right now....
“Okay, start up the bike, then pull in the clutch and shift to first gear,” he instructed, his voice steady and reassuring. “When I say, ease the throttle gently. We’ll start off slowly.”
You nodded, taking a deep breath to steady your nerves. Following his instructions, you gradually increased the throttle, feeling the bike come alive beneath you as it began to move forward.
As you gained speed, the wind rushing past you, a surge of exhilaration and freedom washed over you, the feeling unlike anything you’d ever experienced. A laugh escaped your lips, disbelief mixed with joy.
“Holy shit, I’m doing it!”
“Yeah, you are,” he replied, his smile evident in his voice, a note of pride lacing his words as he watched you take control.
You only made it down the block, the realization hitting you that you had no idea where you were going. Plus, with it being your first time really riding a motorcycle, you didn’t feel entirely confident or safe enough to take both of you any farther, especially with the night closing in around you.
“Okay, I’m going to switch now,” you said, a mix of relief and satisfaction in your voice. “I don’t know where we’re going, and I’d rather you take over.”
Inumaki just laughed, the sound light and teasing. “No worries, scaredy cat,” he said with a playful smirk, As he got off the bike, still chuckling, he reached out to help you dismount, his touch steady and reassuring. Once you were safely off, he smoothly slid into the driver’s seat, then turned back to you with that familiar smile. “Come on, ” he said, guiding you onto the passenger seat with a gentle hand, making sure you were comfortable before starting the bike again.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling yourself closer to him as he began to drive down the road. The cool night air brushed against your skin, but all you could focus on was the breathtaking sight in front of you—the city lights stretching out endlessly, illuminating the night with a mesmerizing glow. It was beautiful, almost surreal.
Lost in the moment, you found yourself absentmindedly moving one hand up, gently caressing his chest over his clothes, while your other hand softly trailed along his arm. The intimate touch caught Inumaki completely off guard. His heart skipped a beat, and he glanced down at your hand on his chest before quickly looking back up at the road. His face flushed a deep shade of red, nerves suddenly bubbling up inside him. Thankfully, your helmets hid his flustered expression, and he couldn’t help but be grateful for that small mercy.
In response, he moved his left hand onto your leg, his fingers brushing up and down in a calming motion. The sensation brought you back to reality, making you acutely aware of where your hands were—and where his hand was. A wave of nervousness washed over you from his touch, but you held on, feeling the connection between you deepen with each passing moment.
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- again sorry for being gone but i acc enjoy writing this series a lot bc i also ride a motorcycle
- also enjoy:)
taglist <3
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blushy-tigerrr · 2 months
story time with tiger!
so, as you know from my post earlier, i was blessed to be able to spend the past six days with @applesyaboi :3 it has truly been the time of my life getting to hang out with this lovely human for so long, and as i’m writing this post while waiting in the airport to fly back home, i already miss him so much.
the whole story is under the cut if you’re interested in reading, but before we get into that, we did make content :3 but i will be waiting to share them as a celebration for reaching 400 followers as i am only 10 away from that amazing milestone!
anyway, here’s the story <3
let’s start at the beginning: may 30th. apples and i had been chatting and becoming very close friends for about a month when we really started talking about the idea of us meeting up and spending some time together. we had talked about it in a hypothetical sense a bunch, but this was when the actual planning happened. we both determined that august would be the best month, and we then decided on august 8th-13th! it worked out really nicely with my job and him moving into his own apartment a little bit before then. shortly after that, i bought my ticket on june 8th.
and then the waiting began.
let me tell you, that was the roughest part, second only to having to leave today. i went through some really tough stuff during that waiting period, and apples was constantly there as a support system for me through anything and everything. that made me all the more excited to get to see him and thank him in person for how much he had done for me.
after a very long 60 days of waiting, the day finally came. i got to the airport ridiculously early in the morning and boarded my plane with little issue. luckily for me, apples was awake when i was on the plane waiting to take off, so we got to chat for a little the morning of! and it was mostly just “AHHH OH MY GOD ITS HAPPENING!!!” messages hehe
once my plane landed, i got my bag and waited at the exit for him to pick me up. once i saw his car pull up, my heart dropped in the best way. when i saw his face through the car window, my heart started pounding and i almost was scared to move, but this silly goose made a little beckoning motion to me and i broke out of that easily. when we hugged for the first time, i felt all of my stress melt out of my body completely. he gives some of the best hugs ever <3 and that was just the first of many
we were both a little nervous still on our drive to his place, but the nerves dissipated pretty quickly. we got to his apartment, i got to meet his cat, and then we laid down to snuggle for a bit. we were snuggled with the intent on taking a nap, but i’m sure no one is surprised to know that’s not what happened right away. he had his hand on my side and asked if i minded if he tickled me a little bit, and i told him i didn’t mind of course. he was so sweet and gentle and showered me with compliments the entire time. he’s very good at making me feel beautiful and loved and also very good at tickling oh my god he’s so teasy and constantly got me so flustered
then, because i’m a switchy little shit, i asked him the same question. he said it was okay, and guys. for as teasy of a ler as apples is, he is also soooo ticklish!! he’s super squirmy and flinchy, and his giggles are some of the cutest that i’ve ever heard <3 he told me a while ago he had never been tickled before, so i did my best to be very gentle and careful with not pushing it too far by checking in and making sure he was still having fun and was okay. he did the very same thing for me, and i greatly appreciated it.
we also tried out a few tools while i was there! none of them worked on him (scam) except for the pursonic, but that only worked in one spot for him. for me, though? that thing is the devil. it tickles so badly in just about every spot you can think of. i think apples is just broken lol <3 we also tried feathers and makeup brushes which were suuuuper effective on spots like my ears and neck and behind the knee (mean), but all of that was incredibly fun!
of course, that’s not all we did in those six days although it was majority. we also went out for food a few times, went to a sports game, and went on multiple walks around the area. however, i think the only thing we may have done more than tickle each other was snuggle together. and that? was so nice. like i said before, he made me feel so comfortable so quickly, and because of that, we were able to be so snuggly the entire time which i know we were both very grateful for.
as i’m sitting at my gate writing this all out, it’s really sinking in how much fun this all was for me and how lovely it was to have a break from regular life for a while. it was definitely very needed for both of us. apples, thank you so so much for having me these past six days. you’ve truly made me happier and more relaxed than i’ve been in an incredibly long time. it’s been so lovely to get to laugh with you and snuggle with you and just be around you for this time. thank you for being so sweet and loving and kind and understanding, and thank you for being one of the best friends that i have ever had in my entire life. i love you so so much /p <3
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s-brant · 5 months
Yeeees! Your aemond fics always respark my love for him
i haven’t posted a sneak peek in so long this is so exciting 🤭 to celebrate season two approaching…
sneak peak for judas part four
The guards hold the doors open for them and announce their presence as the couple enters the room. The first thing Y/N sees is her mother and father standing together. Then, it’s her half-brothers sitting on the couch behind them. And, finally, her youngest brothers, Viserys and Aegon, playing together on the carpet-covered floor.
“My sweet girl,” Rhaenyra says in greeting with a bright smile and holds out her arms.
Aemond, ever the attentive husband contrary to the assumptions from her side of the family, is already reaching to take the babe from her arms to allow her the chance to embrace her mother. A quiet, “Thank you, my love,” is muttered under her breath as she passes their daughter off to him, trying not to ogle him in the presence of her family. Seeing him cradling their small child against the body she knows so intimately never fails to make her stomach flutter.
What she doesn’t notice due to her preoccupation with her mother is that her brothers are staring daggers at Aemond from where they lounge on the couch. As always, he doesn’t miss a thing.
Jacaerys in particular has the more sour expression between the two of them, seeing that he is older and more knowledgeable about the ins and outs of marriage, but it does little to intimidate her husband. Aemond simply stares back with a blank face, daring him to say or do anything to provoke him in the presence of his wife and child.
Next, he turns his attention to Lucerys while Y/N is greeting her parents. The younger of the two is less angry and more frightened. Ever since what happened between them at Driftmark, they’ve never been able to let their guards down around one another. And now that the young boy he maimed has grown into a man, one who rides the largest dragon alive and has bested Criston Cole with a sword, Lucerys has often anticipated retaliation of some sort whenever they meet again.
But he made a vow to his wife. He swore that he would not harm either of her brothers, and it was not something he took lightly. It wasn’t a means to end their argument, it was real. For her, he would leave them be…unless they swung first. In that circumstance, he cannot deny that he would revel in the opportunity to get revenge. His vow to her did not mean that he would befriend her brothers, or that he cares about them. It only means that he cares more for her and their daughter than he does revenge.
Aemond never breaks his eye contact with Lucerys as he stands by in silence. The mischievous glint in his remaining eye seems to say, “I won.” The tiny, shifting weight of the newborn cooing in his arms is proof of that.
Before anything can be said between the two of them, Y/N pulls away from the embrace shared with her parents and turns to him to say sweetly, “Māzigon, valzȳrys. Ivestragī zirȳ rhaenagon zirȳla.” Come, husband. Let them meet her.
ahhh so exciting. rhaenyra and company are back in king’s landing after the birth of her and aemond’s daughter. this is the calm before the storm 👀 one last time where everyone is happy together before all hell breaks loose
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paperweight91 · 10 months
I was told by Krirebr to send you an ask with a CE character and a scenario (https://www.tumblr.com/krirebr/734440334834253824/do-it-send-chelsea-asks-itll-be-fuuunnnnnn?source=share). So:
Jake Jensen + "some creep is following me. Please act like you know me?"
Ahhh I looove this…
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So I almost went a completely different direction with this, but I restrained myself…
You stepped out of the high rise building excited to start your weekend. It was finally Friday, and you were going to make the most of your weekend. The only caveat? This feeling you had had all day. Like there was someone watching you.
You quickened your pace as you made your way to the nearest bus stop, which suddenly felt like miles away from your office. Maybe you should stay home instead of going out for drinks with the girls.
You looked over your should as you approached the stop, and that’s when you saw him. He was tall, with broad shoulders and legs that seemed to go on forever. You couldn’t make out much of his face from this distance, since he was wearing a ball cap and sunglasses, but you were sure he was familiar. And he was definitely following you, trying to be discreet, but your guy and your brain knew. This guy was following you.
Changing your mind last minute you decided to duck into a local coffee shop and order an Uber. That way at least this creep wouldn’t be able to follow you home.
As you got in line to order something, you bumped into the man in front of you, “Oh God, I’m so sorry.” It was then a though occurred to you. “Hey I need help, do you think you could do me a favour? I’ll buy you a coffee for you’re trouble.”
The man turned around and you got a good look at him, he was probably around the same height as your creep, but his face had this boyish quality about him that you immediately trusted. He gave you a bashful smile, “For a pretty girl like you, I think I can do that.”
Your face heated at his words. “Some creep is following me. Please act like you know me?”
His face momentarily looked shocked, before you could see his brain shift gears. “I got you.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side. While inconspicuously looking towards the door for said creep.
The two of you made small talk as you waited in line to place your orders. You learned his name was Jake “but everyone calls me Jensen.” He worked in IT in the building next to yours, and you both played a ridiculous amount of Call of Duty. By the time the two of you got to the counter to place your order, you had almost completely forgot about your creep, until Jake nudged you and tilted his head back. After you paid you quickly checked and there he was your mystery creeper.
You both waited for your drinks, placed under Jake’s name fore safety, when he said something that caught you off guard, “I think I should at least take you home, to make sure this guy doesn’t follow you.”
You pause as you think about his request. It seems like the safest way to get home, and Jake seems like a nice guy. It wouldn’t be so bad - would it? You shake your head and laugh as you say, “Yeah you know what, you’re probably right.”
“Great! My cars just outside,” With the the grin that spreads across his face you know you’ve made a good decision and follow Jake out to his car. Your mind far away from the creep who was following you.
It’s only when you’re a few blocks away from your building that you realize…you never gave Jake your address.
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Welp…that kind of ended up where i had visions of it going…
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existentialarcade · 7 months
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AHHH IT'S FINALLY TIME!! I made this art for chapter 12 of Sword and Smoke by @apollothetransboy for the @hermitshippingbigbang !!! So excited for this and im so happy that i can finally share this art with yall! if you haven't read the fic yet, run don't walk, it's so good!! It was so much fun being able to work with this author, he's super awesome and an incredible writer!!
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 2 years
Ahhh sorry I'm a tad blazed one more.one more
You don't have to but I totes wanna share this idea and if you like it I give it to you lol
Aemond/reader, reluctant lovers
Like they hate that they are attracted to each other but he's so addicted to her and she to him song for the inspooooo
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Goodness me, your taste in music is something else lmao. There is no way I am listening to Ariana Grande. I Googled the lyrics and could make no sense of them. Is this what it feels like to be old? Do I not understand the music you whippersnappers are listening to anymore? ANYWAY, here's a reluctant lovers fic for you.
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Warnings: Smut. Word count: ~1000
Her eyes light up as they settle on the tome she is searching for in the library; Dragons, Wyrms, and Wyverns: Their Unnatural History. She has been visiting the library every day for the last month looking for this book. She is desperate to read it, but it’s never there; he always has it.
Excitement bubbles in her chest as she reaches up for the book, only for the feeling to be replaced by annoyed exasperation as long, nimble fingers beat her to it and grab it before she can.
She sighs, turning to face the tall Targaryen Prince. He is ever the infuriatingly perfect picture of regality as he stands there, a smirk tugging at his full lips. She longs to slap that stupid look off of his face.
“Aemond, I wanted to read that!” She protests.
“I was unaware that you could.” He says flatly.
She rolls her eyes at his obvious insult. “You have read that book already.”
“And I shall read it again.” Aemond replies, his mocking smirk never faltering.
Scoffing, she reaches to take it from him. “You only want it because I do!”
He lifts it from her reach, his right eye narrowing at her. “A bold accusation. What purpose could you possibly have for wanting to learn about dragons? You aren’t of Valyrian blood.”
She groans in frustration. It has always been this way ever since they were children. She cannot stand Aemond Targaryen. He is the bane of her existence and makes life as a ward of his house incredibly difficult.
They bicker at every opportunity. His compulsion to have the last word and know more than her on every conceivable subject drives her to the point of madness. It feels as though he seeks her out just to annoy her, constantly belittling her, insulting her intelligence and making a mockery of everything she does.
“Just give me the bloody book!” She finally snaps, losing her temper. She feels the flush of anger heat the skin of her cheeks.
Aemond’s expression remains unchanged. He turns from her, eye scanning the bookshelves before pulling out what he is looking for and offering it to her. “I believe this is perhaps better suited.”
She gasps as she reads the title, A Caution for Young Girls. It is infamous as one of the most debased works of carnal debauchery circulating throughout the Seven Kingdoms, of the lowest sort.
“How dare you!” She hisses, smacking the book out of Aemond’s hand and glaring at him.
He chuckles, gaze flickering to the floor where the book now lays, then back to her angry face. “Pick that up.”
“I shall do no such thing!”
“Openly defying the orders of a Prince.” He tuts. “Insolent wench.”
Furious, and without thinking, she lunges for him, ready to strike his cheek with her palm.
He captures her wrist easily, before she is able to make contact, yanking her body to his. Her surprised yelp is muffled by his mouth as he captures her lips with his. The kiss takes her by surprise, but what shocks her most is the intensity with which she finds herself returning his affection.
“Stupid girl.” He mutters against her lips, before forcing her backwards.
That is how she ends up with a leg wrapped around Aemond’s waist, as he drives his cock into her against the bookshelves in the library. It is frantic, the air of desperation thick between the two of them.
When it is over, he pulls out, composes himself and then leaves without a word. She is shocked and confused. That was the very last thing she had expected to happen. Irritation interrupts her astonished pondering when she realises he has taken the book she wanted with him. Bastard.
No further mention of their tryst is made by either of them, then a few days later she laughs at dinner as Aegon calls Aemond a pompous arse. Aemond has a few choice words for her later that evening and that is how she finds herself with her skirts bunched up over her hips and his head between her thighs, feasting on her cunt like she is his last meal. Once more they part as though nothing has transpired between the two of them.
A week later, Aemond passes a comment that her dress would be better suited to the Street of Silk and, following a heated exchange, she is on her knees as he thrusts into her mouth, spilling his seed down her throat.
The pattern continues over the coming weeks, passionate arguments followed by passionate coupling. Over time she finds herself less irritated by Aemond’s presence. She begins to wonder if perhaps they are finding excuses to annoy each other as a means to be intimate afterwards.
She ponders this as she lays in her bed, Aemond’s spend trickling out of her as he lounges beside her catching his breath; the post-coital recovery that has come about as the result of an argument she can no longer remember.
When he leans over the side of the bed, she expects him to begin dressing and leave without a word, much like he always does. She is surprised when he leans back, passing her the copy of Unnatural History that had started all of this in the first place.
“You can have this.” He says softly. “There is a part where Septon Barth describes how the children of the forest could speak with ravens and make them repeat their words. I think you’ll enjoy it.”
Her eyes look at the book then up at his face, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion. “Aemond, I don’t understand…what is this?” “A book.” He says simply.
She smacks his arm playfully, annoyed that she wants to laugh at his response rather than be angry with him for it.
“You know that is not what I meant.” She chides. “What is this between us? I thought you hated me, but you are behaving like the opposite.” “Hate is not the opposite of love.” He corrects her with a sense of smug satisfaction. “It is indifference, and I have never been indifferent towards you.”
Her breath catches in her throat, as her heart flutters. “Y-you love me?” She stammers.
Smirking, Aemond murmurs “Stupid girl.” before pulling her to him for a soft kiss.
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Tendo Satori in "On and about with the hq-boys"🛫
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-a series of airport drabbles.
Previous: Hinata Shoyo “My friends get so annoyed by how much I talk about you sometimes”
Next: Nishinoya Yu “Your cuteness is making everyone stare. Stop it.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Look what I made for you! Do you like it?”
The day had finally arrived. After six long months of waiting your boyfriend would finally visit Japan. Tendo had made a name out of himself as a chocolatier and was working in Paris in a famous chocolaterie. This was also the place where you two met each other for the first time. Though back then, you were with another guy, who bought you some tasty pralines for Valentine’s Day in the place were Tendo was working. Unfortunately, it was the same day you found out that he had been cheating on you for quite some time. In a state of shock, you were running out of the apartment and back to the chocolaterie, where Tendo was about to close the shop. With a face smeared with tears, he couldn’t just dismiss you, so he let you in. After helping you with some chocolate-covered strawberries while listening to you whining about your relationship, he helped you figure everything out. Without him you probably wouldn’t have stayed the week in a different hotel than your boyfriend, while exploring the city on your own and picking up Tendo from his shift to grab something to eat in the afternoon. Since you to got along so well, it was only natural to exchange numbers and keep in touch before you headed back to Japan. In the last six months you facetimed almost on a daily basis, never running out of things to share with each other. While in the beginning you were still to hurt from your former relationship to develop any new feelings, it didn’t take long for you to notice all the excitement piling up in your body after a long day without talking to Tendo. And when he would finally pick up his phone, his voice would never stop to send shivers down your spine. Luckily, Tendo was feeling the same way about you, so for two months now he picked up the phone to talk to his beautiful girlfriend. Unable to keep the distance any longer he had planned a trip to Japan, to spend time with you in the same time-zone. Nobody could tell which one of your smiles was bigger when you finally were able to hug your boyfriend, let alone kiss him. In this moment you both knew, that all the waiting had paid off. Expecting to leave the airport, you were grabbing his hand and about to start walking when he pulled you close.
“Wait, I have something for you.”
He started to look in his bag, while you looked at him expectantly.
“Ahhh…no, not this one, this is for coach Washijo.
 Maybe this one? Nope, that’s Ushijima.
Oh here! I placed it in a box, yours is the one I didn’t want to crush. “   
Opening the box, you found some chocolate-covered strawberries, just like the one you ate when you met for the second time.
“Look what I made for you! Do you like it?”
“Do I like it? Are you joking? I love it! Thank you so much, Satori!
“Well then, I´m glad! I know that when we first met you were out of a relationship as fresh as one can be, but I knew back then what I also know now, that I want to love you, like you deserve it!”
Almost crying, you told him that you loved him too, while thinking about eating one of these incredible strawberries.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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haechanhues · 2 years
So I recently (like a couple of months ago) read Bowie’s Books by John O’Connell which is a series of essays exploring David Bowie’s list of 100 Books that transformed his life and I thought it was a way to make my own. These are all fics (in some way or another) that have been memorable in many different ways and I hope to share them with you all.
This is also a full on sap train so I thought you should be ready. I’m also weirdly nervous since this feels kind of vulnerable and makes me shy. but haiii
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1. @hyuckiebabie - Bad Intentions | NCT (discontinued) 
Of course, I have to start with this. I have to. I’ve also just learnt that author-nim has since left tumblr. But the writing was beautiful and the connection that Haechan and the MC had with each other was absolutely alluring. God I felt things I have never felt before. This was quite awhile ago and I’m kind of sad I can’t reread it to boost my memory a bit more but I was super excited for every update. But aww I wish you could all read it even though it was discontinued, it still remains very memorable for me. 
2.  @beom1e​ - Love Is Not Easy | TXT (completed)
The fic that made me obsess over TXT fics for a very large portion of the year. I read it again and it’s so chaotic and erratic in the best way. I love these boys with all my heart and it was so fun to be able to read it and connect to it. There were different endings that were all really fun. The very first time I was a very big Yeonjun supporter but nowadays I feel a more Beomgyu lean. Hmm, I don’t know. So many options. Can’t forget about Soobin either. The best kind of crossroad ever. 
3. @dovechim - That’s Okay That’s Love | BTS (ongoing)
No because I’m frustrated my original comments about this didn’t save. I remember reading this and it was the first time I had read something involving mental health so blatantly and it just felt oddly satisfying. What I liked the most about this fic however was the way that every character was interwoven within the story without the sole purpose of their existence to be a ‘friend’ to the main character and give advice and put some sense into them nor to invoke drama. I liked that they each have their own story and plot and it’s so majestically done that I always have to applaud this story for it.
4. @jayflrt - The A List | ENHYPEN (one-shot) 
Ahhh yes, I finally get to talk about this. This was one of the first ENHYPEN fics I read and it definitely helped me stan them to the level I did. I love the ....friendship between the MC and Jay. I love the taste of the whole fic in general - the rich people shit and the drama and the need to just not be made into a total loser by an anonymous source. I’m not even being dramatic but this fic has a taste and it’s absolutely fucking wonderful I’m salivating. 
5. @fantasybangtan​ - Queen Cobra | BTS (ongoing) 
One of my utmost favourite writers on Tumblr and in general. I love this story with all my heart and it made me a total * girl. This fic always manages to have a hook on me in more ways than one and I was so excited to see that a chapter has been updated since I last read it. I hope to god you never stop writing. Ever. Such a talented person and a very special one at that. I sound a bit like teachers comments in student reports and I’m sorry. But I hope you feel how sincere I am in my recommendations to read this fic. You have to. Absolute art. 
6.  @caramellohigh - Not Such A Good Boy | THE BOYZ (ongoing) 
This is my favourite depiction of Juyeon, like ever. I remember seeing three times before I actually read it. First it popped up in my dash just randomly, then it was recommended (not specifically to me) but I had been wanting to read a few fics. I thank whatever higher power exists for this fic. I can’t explain myself but like it’s so good. I love the whole golden sweet nice sunshine boy being this person who isn’t actually all that sunny and saintly trope. I don’t know the proper name for it but I loved this. I can’t wait for more chapters such an exciting fic, I couldn’t put this fic down for the life of me. I had a lot to do today but I didn’t do it because I was reading this hahaha best decision ever. 
7. @theluckyyyoneee​ - Antipode | EXO (completed) 
OH MY GOD I JUST SAW THERE’S AN UPDATED CHAPTER, I’M GOING TO READ IT NOW. Okay okay I’m going back to writing normally so I don’t look like an idiot, but I love this fic with all my heart. So so warm. I love that Chanyeol is just a literal puppy throughout the fic. God I hope to see this couple again. In any way. I’ll take it. I remember I first read this when Chanyeol went to the military and reading the final chapter when he’s back literally feels like all is right with the world. I adore this couple. And with the risk of sounding cheesy as hell, this story smells of pine and appears like Christmas lights in the night and I think that’s the cutest fucking thing. 
8. @jungblue - Future Hearts | BTS (ongoing) 
I’ll be honest, before I came to Tumblr I always ignored recommendations for fan fics - simply because I had different tastes to the person giving the recs (they were a bit too much for me) and I just liked that fan fics were just my terrain to freely explore the fics available without in some form being attached to someone else (i was going through some shit obviously). Then this fic showed up and I took a chance on it. Best thing I’ve ever done for myself. I fell in love with writing all over again. I thought of colours differently. Everything. was just so different. I was super invested in the story. I would say it became so definitive of the person I was at eighteen, when life started changing. So thank you author-nim. From your forever fan <3 I hope all is well with you, you deserve the whole world y’know. 
9. @sankyeom - Break Your Rules | THE BOYZ (completed)  
Okay okay so, I love Sunwoo with my whole heart and one of my favourite tropes is brother’s best friend (disclaimer : it reflects to my life in no shape, way or form but we love a good ol’ forbidden love without the death involved) I first read this on my other account and it’s always one I seek out if I want a little thrill and a happy ending. Also the side characters are so fucking funny, I loved reading them. This fic is the treat your aunty tells you she shouldn’t be giving you but does anyway and you love her with your whole heart. So wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. 
10. @chittapornswife​ - DYNL Club | NCT (ongoing) 
A fic I’m forever fond of, I think. I always used to read this whenever I would go to class and it would keep me from having panic attacks. It would always leave me feeling fluffy and energised enough to get through an hour (or longer) class (and it wasn’t like the class was terrible, it just made me anxious.) I always link this fic to good things, or at least like it’s a bridge from being less than okay to recovery which is kind of ironic considering the content. It also has Haechan in it, which I’m thankful for. This story helped build my love for him in a way, I think. I’m truly grateful. 
11. @desayunho​ - Time Of Love | ATEEZ (completed) 
Oh my god it was a struggle deciding what fic to use but I decided on this one. It’s so beautiful. Oh my god I loved it. I read ‘Lovefool’ before this one and just knew that I had to hop on this train too. Lovefool blew me away and I knew it would happen with this one too. Absolutely after my own heart. I’m not one for poly fics (not against them either, I just don’t normally read them) but AHHH I’m screaming. The dynamic. The everything. This fic is everything. Thank you and good night. I love San and Wooyoung and ATEEZ AND author-nim, a special place in my heart is reserved for you and your artistry. 
12. @ballelino - Wedding Season | STRAY KIDS (completed) 
With the risk of sounding absolutely delusional, this fic helped me well and truly realise that I am never ever going to move on from Lee Minho. Like ever. The fic left me feeling very vulnerable but well protected? I don’t know how to form words but...  Everything was just perfect. Truly a foundation. It’s a fic I want to read for the first time again for the feelings I felt and the sensations I was going through. Truly a magical ride. I’m not even being sappy - this is me being totally brutally honest. I loved it for lack of better words. You know that question that goes ‘If the words ‘I love you’ didn’t exist what would you use?’...This fic. That’s it. My new love language. 
13. @thepixelelf - Hood | THE BOYZ (completed) 
This was well and truly a rollercoaster.. god I could remember it. I was on the edge of my seat every update. I loved the whole friendship and the back and forth. Ever since that first chapter it has been a favourite of mine and has remained one of my favourites since then. Also it was literally a year spent together with a fic and I don’t know why but this makes me feel more attached and feel more love for this fic even more. It’s beautiful and it’s literally like cuddling a teddy bear. I don’t know how else to describe it. If I could hug any fic it would be this one. Cause it deserves everyone’s high praises and I want someone to experience reading this fic to experience it and just tell me what they thought and we can go nuts over it. 
14. @seokjinsdisciple - Who’s Your Daddy | ATEEZ (ongoing) 
What a rollercoaster of events. These ATEEZ fics (not even just this one) has a special place in my heart but I’m here to talk about this one in particular. It’s so incredibly cute and angsty at the same time. Anything you ask for in a fic, you get it practically. It’s everything. It gives me everything. It gives me life. Seventeen chapters in and I've already tried finding a wizard to turn me into a puddle on the floor because I can’t cope. It’s absolutely brilliant. Ahhhh- also one of the authors to open the new door for me in terms of social media aus. I never thought I’d be into them but I really am and a large part is due to author-nim so thank you for this medium of storytelling and doing such a good job every single time. No misses. 
15. @aspenwritesstuff - Prove Me Wrong | STRAY KIDS (ongoing) 
HOW COULD I NOT INCLUDE THIS. I can’t even remember how I came to read it but I remember reading it and being so hooked the very first chapter. I am also extremely affectionate of you, Aspen. This story and everything about it. I love it. It’s cute and fucking interesting and I’m just so hooked and excited I cannot wait to see how the rest of the story pans out. Like truly amazing. I’m going nuts over just thinking about it. Absolutely wonderful and just truly cute. I don’t know what else to say but it’s so cute. So fucking cute. Ahhhh. Just screaming and yelling and hollering at this point. LIKE YEAH THIS IS ME. THIS IS HOW EXCITED I CAN BE. Can’t wait, Aspen, honestly (take ur time tho <3) 
16. @gyukult​ - We Don’t Usually Hold Hands | SEVENTEEN (one-shot) 
So usually whenever I read Mingyu books I’m used to player Mingyu or sugar daddy esque-Mingyu who’s very cool. I’m not hating it. I still most likely would read it. But I never knew how much I needed a fic where I could actually see Mingyu in it and I think it’s perfect. I fell in love with this fic at first read and I think it’s actually changed the trajectory of my life forever. I’m not even being remotely funny. It really has. I don’t know - I loved the humour, I love just how casual the romance was. Like it felt so natural and just so Mingyu I don’t know what else to say without rambling. I feel like this fic is especially for those who don’t necessarily believe in romantic love, for those who do and in love with the idea of love and just everyone in between. So everyone basically. It’s a necessity. 
17. @kyufiber​ - How To Be A Heartbreaker | THE BOYZ (completed) 
God, I love this fic so much I don’t know what else to tell you. This is an Eric fic but it felt like more than just that. I’m a Sunwoo girl, have been from the very first video I saw of these guys but everyone just-. Let me tell you how PERFECT this fic is. It went exactly the way I wanted it but every update was a blessing and a gift. Like...is this music? No but I’m honestly always starstruck by this fic. I have no way of formulating proper sentences, it’s amazing. It’s so good. It’s so good. It’s honestly- GOD, especially if you’re an Eric person. This is for you. For all of you actually - read it! I’m begging with my whole chest, my whole soul, everything about me that is me - read it. 
18. @starrgaziinggg​ - Friends With Benefits | STRAY KIDS (ongoing) 
I can’t remember exactly remember the 6 W’s of how, where, when I found this fic. But all I remember is that it was a god send during my Minho phase (that is still in fact going, don’t get me wrong). Every new update is so fucking fun for me and definitely has me all up in there. I love this version of Minho. It’s one of my favourites. Absolutely. This fic has been a newfound love of mine and I’ve enjoyed falling in love with it every single chapter and I know that won’t ever change. I’m a bit speechless I don’t know what to say, currently I’m looking at it and I’m so excited to talk about it but all I am right now is a blubbering mess that can’t string two words together to make a single sentence. But I really appreciate this fic and I can’t wait for more updates! <3 
19. @wooyunhwa​ - Kingdom Of Welcome Addiction | ATEEZ (ongoing) 
Although it’s been a couple of years since the last update, I am still going to praise and praise this fic as if it’s my sole purpose in life. I love the way the characters are and how there’s a whole world away from everyone else - as if its just the three of them in this demon vs angel love affair. Don’t even get me started on the writing - it’s so beautiful, detailed and I love how humour is incorporated into it. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. It surprised me so much in such little but significant ways that I think sets apart this fic from others like it. Truly. 
20. @yeow6n - boyfriend!haechan tiktok series | NCT (ongoing) 
Ahhh my current go-to Haechan fic writer. God, I’m in love. Have you ever felt a connection with someone you haven’t talked to or anything but because you share that one thing you’re in it for life? This is it my friends. This. Every fic I’ve read is a love of mine and I’m so excited to write about it. They’re usually short and sharp but incredibly sweet and it just- it makes loving Donghyuck easier. Honestly author-nim came in at the right time and totally swept me off my feet. In love with it. In love with him. Stan author-nim for good Haechan content. Honestly I feel like calling you bestie which is one hundred percent out of character for me so I won’t - but I just want to let you know that the temptation was there and it was a strong one! 
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swallowtailed · 5 months
palisade 47! finalisade part 2!
truly three incredible scenes. also this is not going to be a short finalisade lmfao. probably minimum five more episodes (for a total of seven) but the sky's the limit. if they keep going at this rate of scenes, and presuming interludes/epilogue are each one scene long, that'd already be a nine episode finalisade. very exciting
brnine's scene: so glad we finally got to come back around to their attempt to recruit lattice/refrain. it's a good opener for the finale, too, for brnine to be able to make a more successful argument in favor of fighting with mbreak now that they're in the mirage. also obviously it's excellent to have a nobel ghost literally fully just haunting the blue channel now
refrain flickering between faces was really fun. friends at the table has some excellent genderfluidities. speaking of, my first thought re tm comparisons was polyphony--another town created by a shapeshifter (although changing personality rather than face) who wanted folks to come in and stay. was really interesting to me that refrain accepted the compromise of taking only the willing, which is sort of coming at polyphony's strategy from the opposite direction. refrain as archive was also really compelling to me. i like when an archive is covetous and hungry and persuasive, and constructs morality around/within itself, and is animated by preservation and interment. (chanting: WORST! PARTS! OF! MUSEUMS!)
lastly, the question of "what happens when the war's over" has been a quieter throughline in palisade (highly entangled with the whole blue channel self-sacrifice situation, cf phrygian) and it was interesting that brnine raised it to refrain. i'm curious whether that's going to come to the forefront in p3--really depends on what's going on at the end of the perfect millennium, i think.
august's scene: ahhh what a mess. delicious. really good visuals here as well--steeple catterick, clem on her big dramatic dragon, cori's new mech in action (skeleton covered in blooming flowers!), giant ink ferrets devouring the bilat front line and then vanishing and leaving only bloodstains and echoes behind... love to see it
always fun when fatt discovers an animal on air. i do think we should give the giant prehistoric otters serious consideration and also as many other giant prehistoric creatures as can fit (yes i'm still thinking abt the flash nautilus). it's thematically relevant
what did catch my attention about the ultimate result of the scene, re the iconoclasts turning indiscriminately on anyone military (thus neatly equating the bilats and the cause), is that it immediately shoves august's storyline farther in the direction of "compromised and implicated simply through the use of violence". i do wonder where august's gonna end up by the end of palisade--he's on a similar path, i think, to a couple other characters who have struggled to see beyond the war, but he's in much more of a position to be found guilty for it. does seem like he's set up to fail
cori's scene: YAAAAAAAAAY GO CORI :D what a win, what a legend. finally kissed a girl. good for her. the crumbling ballroom filled with the map of the galaxy was reminiscent of brnine and dahlia in a very fun way. "i didn't want to scare you off with my power" / "you know it's an invitation" / [blushing, stammering] "....for what"
my favorite thing about the scene was cori using perennial magic to show elle a potential future for the two of them, because it's such a perfect mirror to future's visions. like, cori can create that herself, using perennial's magic, when elle asks ("build me another dream, then" was such a tasty line), rather than the aura of future dragging it out of her. and can share it (and shape it, and rewrite it) rather than just envisioning it privately. a really interesting contrast between the two divines and their respective views on possibility
can see a one-way ticket out of the mirage being a really pivotal thing to have on the table in a few episodes. cannot wait :):):)
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moonjxsung · 9 months
Hope you’re doing well, Star!! I just saw the ask where you said you’re getting your wisdom tooth removed and omg good luck I hate doing anything related to going to the dentist 🙃 hope they give you all the good drugs so you don’t feel a thing💗
Hope work is going well, too!! I recently started working from home and I love it so much, just the fact that I don’t have to leave the house makes me wanna cry with happiness 😭
Love you!💗
HIIII pookie!! Thank you so much!! I’m weirdly a little excited for it only because work has been so stressful and I’ll take any excuse to have 2 days off and lay in bed eating pudding LOL 😭 also excited to finally have them out bc they’ve been bothering me for a little while now, I just haven’t done anything about them until now finally 🫠 they will indeed be knocking me out for it too! The surgeon was actually like “hmm you have tattoos, I’m assuming you don’t want anesthetic because you seem to be okay with pain?” And I shut him down soooo fast nooooo give me all the IV tubes and knock me out 😭
AHHH I hope your new job’s going well! I work from home too and it’s such a gift being able to take calls and meetings from the comfort of your own desk (I am also surrounded by a kpop shrine so it helps boost my morale) best of luck with everything pookie!!! 🫶💓
ALSO I am in the final stretch of your fic and I believe it’s my longest one yet 👼 so so excited to share it w you and I’ve been listening to the song inspo on REPEAT. (ily !!)
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Naff! I'm finally catching up on stuff and I just read "Let's play a game" ! I didn't realize how much I missed the SJ world until I was back at reading about it haha!
And omg, Naff, it bears repeating that you are such a master of suspense. I was at the edge of my seat the whole chapter, the anticipation building up so naturally but constantly. I keep being amazed of how well you can swap the voice of your narration, having come from the supernatural tone of Cryptid Sightings, to the Noir feeling in SJ. God I want to describe it but it's just everything about it, you know? The playfulness of the Vigilante, the heavy atmosphere of the illegal gambling place, the untold words and understandings between y/n and the detectives. And that's just the execution!
Getting into the story, I just love how easily the thought process of the vigilante makes me smile. How they just secured a good amount of money from one of their steals to be able to get to another of their objectives and how even though the relationship with the detectives is no longer regarded as a game, there is no way when they are working together for them not to play a little with them.
And, oh gosh, the antagonist for this one! Kravette is such a good character! Having Eclipse as the main untouchable Mafia Boss, such a huge symbol of power and violence, made me think it would be hard to make any character feel as a big threat to the main trio because, well, you already have a character analysis on some of the first few asks I sent you, haha, I don't want to repeat myself XD But boy did Kravette bring so much with her! Eclipse probably didn't have many problems against her, but I can definitely see her as one of the main competitors for the throne now that he's gone!
Her focus is not so much on having information and everyone under her thumb but on people making the mistake to deal with her, and that's represented in both her gambling business and the loan shark one. She disguises her ploys as fun and helpfulness, even hiding herself in plain sight, instead of the more direct approach of offering power that Eclipse had, which was also way more showy.
I like also how she shares some motivations with him, as she seems of the same mentality of "I was used, so I will use everyone else so that I can never be used myself again". Though, in contrast to him, she really is also very into her role as a player. I was very surprised by how against cheating she was, since she did let them all go. Not to say she doesn't have her tricks, trying to ruin everyone's pockerfaces with her comments and casual flirting. The detectives were attacked with the threat of their vigilante being taken away in a dangerous deja vu of a situation, AND had their recently deceased brother thrown in their faces too with all the complicated emotions that brings (even if this last one probably Kravette was unaware of), and the vigilante had some bad memories of someone trying to force them to do something, and the fact that the detectives were being targeted because of them. She plays fair, obeying her own rules, but she definitely plays dirty too.
Too bad y/n doesn't care to obey rules they don't like, be it from a game or a legal standpoint ha! Which by the way, such a clever use of a red herring with that Ace up their sleeve! Y/n really is a lucky one, but I adore that their luck is also manipulated by them, manufacturing the perfect situation to be able to take risks. I imagine that now that they are a solid team, knowing the detectives much better helps as well, as the boys are every bit capable of keeping up with their improvisation~
Also I had to laugh at the end there XD The detectives all disgruntled about what just happened and vigilante just goes, hmmm, what if I remind them how cool and sexy I am, and then it works. Pair of simps right there kjghfsdj Who can blame them though?
Ahhhh, anyways that was a great chapter and I'm excited to keep catching up! :D
Ahhh, Chaotik!! That melts my heart, ahh, I love to hear that ♥ You're so sweet, thank you so much!! Atmosphere and tone are huge parts of what I strive to craft better so I'm glad it's working! ♥
Oh yeah, just because they're all in it together now doesn't mean the vigilante isn't gonna keep up the teases with their two favorite detectives!
Kravette was so much fun to write and get into her headspace, so I'm happy you enjoyed her appearance! It was a bit of a challenge to craft a new antagonist, who, you know, could stand apart from Eclipse in their own right, but she's playing with the big boys for a reason. She sets the rules once someone engages, and if her opponent doesn't play by them, then she wins. That's exactly it. She knows how to play dirty within her own rules, so she crafts a perfect way for her to win every time (almost hehe). She is one of the rare few that sticks to her word. A very old-school sort of honor, but she holds herself to it. That's not to say she can't read others well and exploit the weaknesses she finds ('flirting' with Detective Sun right in front of Y/N). It was a pretty tense poker game, all things considered!
If only Kravette wasn't going up against the vigilante themselves hehe now in synch with the detectives, the three of them are one mean crime-fighting machine!
PFFFT Y/N just does one hair flip and is just "You love me guys so much, you love me so bad" and the detectives can't even argue alsjdfalsdf
Aw, thank you so much for reading, babe!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
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allylikethecat · 7 months
how’s our baby infection verse doing 🤲🏼
Ahhh thank you so much for being so lovely and supportive of the Infection Fic Verse! I love that little universe so much, and am so thankful that everyone has been so wonderful! I don’t have any *new* installments actively in the works (though I do have some roughly planned- there will eventually be a Baby!Fictional!Matty and Baby!Fictional!George get together fic that takes place between chapters one and two of the A&E fic as well as a fic dealing with the fall out of Fictional!Matty’s relapse / suicide attempt that takes place between chapters 8 and 9) I will also hopefully be able to finish the Christmas Fic soon!!! I am actively working on it, it’s just somehow turned into even more of a beast that originally planned and also can be a little daunting to work on because I love it so much. 🙈 It also doesn’t help that I’ve been traveling a bunch AND started a new job! BUT I am working on it and excited to share the next chapter soon! (Might not be the *final* chapter though, we will see!) Thank you so much again for the support and for reading! I hope you have the very best week!
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