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oranglesswrld · 1 year ago
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finally get to share my spot art for @campsapphozine 💞 these were for @zukkaoru's reychel qpr fic and so much fun to work on!!
you can find the fic here please check it out!!
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whizzerd · 2 years ago
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DAY 1:  powerswap/different powers
ID: A diagonally split image of Reyna and Rachel. 
On the top is Reyna, a brown skinned girl with dark hair, braided and blowing behind her. She has a straight nose and high cheekbones, lit by the bright green glow coming from her eyes and smoke billowing from her wide-open mouth. She is wearing a purple tank top. The sky behind her is clouded and dark.
On the bottom is Rachel, looking enthralled by Reyna. She has soft round features, mouth parted. She is backlit, her pale freckled face in shadow. Her shoulder length orange hair is blowing in the wind. She is wearing an orange tank top. The sky behind her is bright and blue. END ID
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sapphicmcmean · 1 year ago
i love making rachel and reyna both date piper before realizing theyre aro then getting with each other in a qpr without realizing the other has been with piper until she herself points it out
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zukkaoru · 1 year ago
💞 her heart is fit for home 💞
Rachel grins at her, and Reyna can’t suppress the small smile that worms its way onto her face. Rachel has a way of softening Reyna’s heart and making the sun shine over her even in the middle of the night. Perhaps it’s a blessing from Apollo that comes with being the Oracle, or perhaps it’s simply who Rachel is. Regardless, Reyna is grateful for it. Rachel reaches over, taking one of Reyna’s hands in hers. Reyna has never been a fan of physical contact, but Rachel’s touch is comforting. She runs her thumb over Reyna’s knuckles, and Reyna wants to sink into this feeling of being wanted and loved and live there forever. “If you want to talk, I’ll listen. It might help.”
or: rachel comforts reyna after she's awoken by nightmares
💞 reychel qpr || 2.2k words 💞 written for @campsapphozine, leftover sales open october 7!! 💞 be sure to check out @oranglesswrld's incredible spot art that goes with this fic!!
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rahmbler · 1 year ago
call me beep me if you wanna reach me
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reifromspace · 2 years ago
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Made a board for Reyna, I’m going to be working on Dear, atlas this week, but the temptation I have to squirrel off on a side fanfic of Reyna and Rachel in a QPR is sooooooo tempting ngl
We will see, if I do it’ll probably be within the same AU as Dear, Atlas.
Maybe I’ll write the first chapter while I’m waiting for the granny concert to start
If I do it’ll be apart of a series with dear, atlas so you’ll find it linked below
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hazellevesquemylove · 2 years ago
OT4 idea: Reyna x Rachel x Annabeth x Calypso.
I love them so much. For a ship name, I’m thinking Reychelypsobeth.
What do y’all think?
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cabin10diaries · 2 years ago
rachel was obsessed with episode/other shitty mobile choice games like it and makes her own choose-your-adventure stories (with help from bsf reyna ofc)
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nicoappreciation · 2 years ago
ROUND 1 - PJOverse Noncanon Ship Bracket 2023 (VOTING CLOSED)
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From the blog that brought you the PJO/HOO Ship Bracket 2022, I present the PJOverse Noncanon Ship Bracket 2023! We will be deciding which noncanon PJOverse ship is objectively the best.
Round 1 pairings are under the cut:
Ruegard vs Lukabeth
Grovercy vs Frankercy
Brason vs Jeyna
Pipercy vs Valzhang
Jasico vs Octeyna
Liper vs Jercy
Rachabeth vs Thaluke
Reynapollo vs Valgrace
Theyna vs Thalico
Perachel vs Tratie
Percico vs Percalypso
Octachel vs Pipeyna
Valdangelo vs Jasabeth
Reychel vs Reynabeth
Lazel vs Clovico
Reynico vs Pipabeth
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mallorykeen · 1 year ago
Sapphic Summer Riordanverse 2022
παντι τουτ α γαρ πολυ περσκεθοισα καλλοσ
Day One: Bodyswap (Reychel)
αλλα παν τολματων, επει και πε��χτα
Day Two: Superheroes (Gallory)
Δέδυκε μεν α σελάννα
Day Three: Medieval (Pipabeth)
οτα παννοχος ασφι καταγρα
Day Four: Academia (Reychel)
μνασεσθαι τινα φαιμι και ετερον αμμεων
Day Five: Famous (Shelper)
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ana0de0las0tejas0verdes · 2 years ago
Yo me llamo Nicolás Díaz y esta es mi primera publicación del libro de ana de las tejas verdes
bueno mi opinión de reychel era una señora muy observadora siempre estaba observando a cada persona que pasaba tras la ventana de su casa mientras tejía y era una persona que hacia varias cosas por ejemplo el orden de la casa siempre estaba hecho también dirigía el circulo de costura ayudaba en la escuela y varias cosas más y apresar de toda las cosas que hacia tenía tiempo abundante para ver sentarse horas tras su ventana observando cada movimiento aunque ella ala vez estaba tejiendo
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whizzerd · 2 years ago
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@sapphic-summer-riordanverse-2023  day 2: dreams/nightmares
ID: A three panel comic featuring Reyna and Rachel cuddling in bed from an above view. Rachel is a pale girl with freckles and curly orange hair laying above her on the pillow, she's wearing a green sleep shirt and has short blue nails. Reyna is a girl with a straight nose and brown skin, her straight black hair is thrown across her back and Rachel’s arms, she’s wearing a purple sleep shirt. 
In the first panel Rachel is peeking down at Reyna who is splayed on top of her. “Reyna?” she whispers. 
The second panel is a close up of Reyna’s eye opening and saying “hmm?” Rachel replies with “good, you're awake,” 
the final panel is from the side, Reyna is smiling tiredly as Rachel babbles about her dream. The text in the final speech bubble fades off but what is legible is, “I had the craziest dream! I was fifteen again and Percy Percy bursts into my penthouse but he was half-horse, not in the way a centaur is but more a horse shape-” END ID
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2for2long · 2 years ago
reychel best friends and r both aro exes of piper
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the-jackals · 2 years ago
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Updates for those curious.
from @DropTheDie on twitter:
My health insurance sent me a letter telling me they're cancelling my health insurance because they don't know my address.
So tomorrow I have to read that back to them and see if they can see the problem there.
Update 1: Bro, that automated call system is an absolute nightmare. It caught me off guard and confused me (a pretty clever dude of middle age). Plus, some options are recorded at like 1/5th the volume of other options so I had to plug my other ear with a finger to hear them.
Update 2: When you call they carefully (about 2 minutes) explain the office hours of the branches in english and spanish, right? (6am-5pm on weekdays).
Then afterwards they ask if you want help on the phone. Only to explain (again) that the PHONE hours are 7am-3pm on weekdays?
Update 3: which feels like they're TRYING to trip you up making you think you can call after work (around 4-5pm) only to find the phone banks are already closed at 3. How nefarious.
Luckily i have no life and called earlier in the day.
Update 4: Reychell has been wonderful, got me set up with the numbers I needed to link my online account and stayed on the phone with me until I could do the entire 5-page form and resubmit it directly to her. She seemed dogged in helping me get this done today, the beauty.
Update 5 (the last): Reychell was a dream, i'd rate her 5 stars if I could. Handled the online forms and the paper forms, gave me instant verification via e-mail and text, along with a paper form coming in a day or two.
Last time was a 5-hour ordeal, so i'm glad this was simple
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kylaaaasstuff · 1 year ago
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As I embarked on my senior high journey at Perpetual Help College of Manila, I initially pondered how my life would be without the companionship of my junior high friends. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my first adviser, Sir Bong Abutal, was a kind and caring individual who quickly became a true adviser. His kindness and consideration for his students left a lasting impression on me, and I knew that I would make new friends in this new environment. My friendly and outgoing personality ensured that I would not be friendless, but having real friends like Brianna, Patricia, Jennylyn, Anika, and Reychelle has been an entirely different experience. They have been instrumental in building my senior life, as evidenced by my academic achievements, including being an honor student from grade 11 through the midterm of this first semester. Their encouragement and support also led me to excel in our ballroom competition, where I was recognized as the best dancer. The number of people I met increased as we participated in the ballroom competition. Although we were tired, sweaty, and had sore throats, we enjoyed working together as a group because we all wanted to succeed. And when I entered grade 12, I was fortunate enough to have another kind and beautiful adviser, Ma'am Charlene. She is also an excellent teacher like any other teacher in our school. I am grateful for the guidance and support of my teachers who have played a significant role in teaching me the value of perseverance. My senior high life has been filled with happiness thanks to the positive influence of these wonderful people. As we approach the end of our senior high journey at Perpetual Help College of Manila, I hope that our last year will be filled with more fun and good memories for everyone.
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gangel-y · 1 year ago
Verte, de alguna manera me hace sentir en calma, la manera en que observas las cosas me recuerda a mi yo mas joven, tu sonrisa me parece un estruendo de sinceridad incapaz de retenerce. Por demás se que podría contarte las cosas sin ocultar nada, porque siento que podrías dar de manera amable tu opinión.
Me sorprende que los comentarios que escucho de tu voz, guarden sentido en mi tan desordenada mente, que la forma de quejarte de alguna manera se escuche tierna y que tu incapaz manera de enojarte verdaderamente lo sea aun más.
De alguna manera haces que mi atension se centre en ti, que pierda la mirada en tus ojos y que empiece a imaginarme lo suave que seria tu piel rozar contra mis palmas.
Well... a pesar de las dificultades, hay algo q solo tú mereces saber sobre ti:
Aquello que crees es una debilidad, creo, es lo que te hace más fuerte.
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