#ahem in conclusion i love you
kalims · 5 months
kiss your best friend | diasomnia
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kiss your best friend and see how they react!
parts. one , two , three , four , five , six , seven
characters. malleus, lilia, sebek, silver
content. gender neutral reader as usual, mentions of murder by lilia's cooking, someone faints lol
note. finally last part after ten years /j
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goes absolutely silent but his surprise is definitely there -> eyes widen, brows raise on a miniscule scale. you'd think the guy would be all lowkey about his joy but five seconds later and there are comical sparkles surrounding his face.
I mean. you had to formally confirm that you two were friends before, and you had off-handedly linked his name and best friend in the same sentence a few months later (he was bursting for like a week.) and now all that?
thrown away, nu-uh. you two are NOT friends no more, he doesn’t have a single care in the world. he's throwing the friends label off a cliff with his foot and skipping off with joy cause you just got upgraded to the next ruler of briar valley wink wonk.
or perhaps you'd like being referred to as his consort? he can always make the people refer to you as both.
if you're wondering why he's so silent all of a sudden; malleus: already thinking of how he'd decorate the castle when you move in with him. maybe... he can break down the wall to link your two bedrooms together—wait no he'd very much like to share the same room instead..
"child of man, do you prefer violet or green?"
"uh... green...?"
"excellent choice, you have my gratitude."
the thing you should be asking is 'why' because it's either the main color theme of your wedding or the gem he'd engrave on your ring (he's very happy it's green though, since it'd be a constant reminder of him.. oh he knows! he should get his a color of your eyes too—)
someone stop him.
spiderman kisses spiderman kisses spiderman kisses spiderman kisses
more knowledgeable than malleus about the level up of relationships so he doesn't jump from best friends to newlyweds immediately. actually he doesn't even need a label, if you're going around kissing him he's just gonna act like you two are a married couple without a confirmation on your status'
"darling, could you hand me the sugar?"
"lilia, I hope you know that you're supposed to use salt for the sauce not sugar." <- *passes the right bottle*
ignoring lilia's attempts on lives he acts pretty normal.
ahem, besides the fact that your first kiss on him has made him come to the conclusion that he can now incorporate kisses in your daily routine since you've already done it, so apparently that means he can too.
kiss him once, he kisses you thrice I guess. it's either the occasional jumpscare from the ceiling since he felt like reminding you of his love through a pack or the times you blink and feel a sensation against your lips without seeing anything cause his affection can be silent as it is loud you suppose.
pov student you were speaking to who definitely saw that but you didn't midst your blink: 😨—
"lilia are we dating."
"i suppose it would make us more official like you humans like, so of course~"
he just accepts it without any complaints, just announce you're spouses and he'll accept that too probably.
if we have spiderman kisses surely we can have the sleeping beauty kiss?
sleeping beauty kisses sleeping beauty kisses sleeping beauty kisses sleeping beauty kisses
I reckon he would be a pretty light sleeper though the quantity of his sleep is more often than not so even though he accidentally passes out a lot he's really easy to wake. trained to be vigilant and all, courtesy of his murderous father (well, murderous through food?)
he knows the weight of certain things. a blanket draped over him, the feeling of something squirming on his shoulder—a squirrel, most likely. something on his head, a bird or some other critter. but this?
a light press on his lips, gone as quickly as it came. that, he isn't sure of. the animals don't tend to linger around his face so the unknown origin of it has curiosity opening his eyes.
and boy, he is trying to find every reason to not believe that you didn't peck him.
perhaps they touched it? he furrows his brows lightly, attempting hard at trying to avoid your gaze because he feels guilty at his first assumption, you're his best friend! you wouldn't do such a thing..
"did you touch my lips?"
"nah, is it fine that I kissed you?"
*passes out*
is he dreaming?
in what scenario will sebek even let you near him? hmmm.. I suppose being 'best friends' (he calls you self proclaimed, and that you guys aren't that close but still rages over someone and hits them with an essay why you're so much better than their insults) makes you more tolerable around to be closer.
totally not the fact that he might have a crush on you, which can't be right cause he can't be capable of having feelings for a *gasp* human!
scandalous. he knows.
raises a brow when you do anything but be discrete with your intentions of shuffling closer but he doesn't really double back, okay. he's getting a little concerned now when you continue getting closer, he takes a step back not because you're near or anything but this behavior is... just strange.
you're in his face already and before he can question (loudly) what in the seven's name you're doing before you just casually peck him on the lips?
stiffens up immediately, his face looks like it's holding in a yell. maybe that's why it's getting so red? he's just standing there with shoulders so tense he looks like he's trying to seem big.
"why are you so quiet."
if only you knew.
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lilisouless · 3 months
Matthias: really, there’s no conversation between you and Jesper that’s not bickering
Wylan: that’s just our thing, how we work, it’s the usual
Matthias: but would it will you try,just TRY, to not respond his obvious provocations with snapping? Like,actually try to be cute?
Wylan : hmmm
Jesper: hey mercher, let me carry you your satchel, wouldn’t want you to hurt your perfectly perfect polished nails
Wylan: why don’t you polish your….?
Wylan: ahem,thanks Jesper, it’s lovely you care so much about me
Matthias enters the room where Nina and Inej are hugging a crying Jesper
Matthias: huh…what’s wrong?
Kaz: I can’t watch this
Kaz leaves the room
Inej: Jesper tried to make fun of Wylan
Nina: but instead of biting back he….he…didn’t. And that only means one thing
Jesper crying: Wylan is secretly dying!
Matthias: what? Is that your reasoning? Wylan tries to be normal for once and your conclusion is “he is dying!”?
Jesper cries louder
Matthias: don't you think maybe he wants to be more mature and stop bickering?
Jesper: Oh be serious!
wylan enters the room
Wylan: why was Kaz sweating from his eyes?
Wylan: oh, Jesper. I will use the sweater that says "math dork" that you made me
Jesper hugs Wylan while Inej and Nina weep
Nina: he is trying to put a strong front
Inej: such a valiant soul
Matthias facepalms
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kekeke32 · 3 months
TOUCHSTARVED trailer theme theory??
Hi guys, hi everyone. Hope we’re doing well!
SO the full version of the trailer theme is finally out on YouTube and holy shit??? It goes so HARD!!! Give it a listen here.
After rewatching it over and over again, I noticed something so I’ll map out which lyrics appear with which character for y’all to see:
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Wish I could’ve added more ss but I’m on the mobile app 🥲 Anyways, I really don’t think the dev team added the characters photos randomly ‘cause check this out:
In Ais’s part, the lyrics are about a certain weakness (ik the lyrics “my weakness” refer to a person but I chose to ignore that jskdksk) and survival. This may be a reach BUT doesn’t this reminds you of Ais’s official character description? Specifically of this part: “Ais seems capable of curing you...but a sick sense of dread surrounds him. He's beginning to suspect that he may not be as in control of his powers as he thought. Can you save each other, or will he drag you down to the abyss with him?" This so-called “weakness” could be his very own powers and he’ll need the player to help him, to “survive”.
Now, about Vere’s part, I don’t have much to say tbh other than the fact that the lyrics “Cause everytime we touch” appear for the first time in his part and I guess you could say it’s related to his frequenting at the brothel? (iykwim 😏) Oh! And you could also see him being touched by a lot of different hands in the trailer. Besides that, his part ends with the lyrics “need you by my side” sung softly by the singer hmm…
Kuras’s part on the other hand, starts strongly (I suck balls at describing music so pls listen 4 urselves, you’ll know what I mean😭) and at 1:59 mins the lyrics are “Cause everytime we touch” then his face darkens a little and it stars an instrumental interlude. I don’t know what that really means but he’s sus
Mhin’s part is sung very softly as well and the lyrics “We’ve been through them all. You make me rise when I fall” are so sweet more so because I think in their route they’ll open up more to the player after going together through incomprehensible horrors and we’ll learn how to support each other <33
Finally, Leander’s part!! Now, LISTEN. His part is the reason why I even made this post in the first place lmao This mf is way too sus but first of all, the building synth progression at 2:58???? oh my god I got CHILLS. literal chills. *ahem* Moving on, his part, starts strongly the same as Kuras’s part did. Their parts are the only ones sung like that… Weird, huh? Anyway, after the lyrics “I can’t let you go. Want you in my life” at 3:49, the song gets SUPER intense and starts sounding very desperate ig?? (kudos to Dan! love his voice frfr) and Leander’s part ends with “Need you by my side”. Okayy y'all… Y'ALL. THIS IS CRAZY. In his part we have both the lyrics "I can't let you go. Want you in my life" AND "I want this to last. Need you by my side". AHHHH Leander you obsessed little bitch (affectionate)
In conclusion, there’s no fucking way the red spring team didn’t assign the certain parts of the lyrics very and I mean VERY purposefully to each LI. The parts suit them specifically well so I highly doubt it’s random but it could also just be me reading too much into this
Whatever!!! Good morning/Good night to this fandom only ^_^
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bridenore · 2 months
HD eight year fic recs : less than 10k words
Here are a few drarry eight year fic recs that are less than 10k words. Posted in alphabetical order, as always.
All I Have to Do by @fluxweeed [9k]
The Patented Daydream Charm (Adult Edition) allows you to enter a top-quality, highly realistic thirty-minute sexual fantasy. Solitude and privacy spells advised. or: Draco finally has some alone time; Harry just needs to nip in for a book.
All We Want Is Danger by @cassiaratheslytherpuff [9k]
Something weird was happening to Draco. It wasn’t something Harry was used to being concerned about. He’d spent most of sixth year sure that Draco was up to something, yes, but this was different. This was – something was off. Wrong. Harry had never in his life been scared of Draco. And yet, something about him had changed enough to make the hair rise on the back of Harry’s neck every time he entered a room. The feeling was only made stranger by the rush of arousal that usually came along with it.
Alpha by @lqtraintracks [2k]
Finding out I’m Malfoy’s Alpha and he’s my Omega might have gone a lot differently had we not still hated each other. But we do, so here’s how it goes
Aurora by @wolfpants [5k]
Eighth Year at a half-built Hogwarts, and Harry is not following Draco Malfoy anymore. At least, that's what he's telling himself.
Awake in the Night by venis_envy [2k]
H/D Post war, eighth year Hogwarts.
Back to You by aibidil & daisymondays [8k]
The eighth years make Harry and Malfoy go head to head and back to back in a question-and-answer drinking game. The worst that can happen is they end up drunk, right?
Bare Feet, Giant Squid, and One Perfect Moment by bryoneybrynn [4k]
Gryffindor may be the House of the brave but Harry’s feeling a bit nervous. It’s one thing to face a dragon or a Dark Lord. It’s quite another to make a move on the bloke who’s been your nemesis for the last eight years…
Brandishing The Wand by @ladderofyears [2k]
When four Eighth Year boys overhear Draco and Harry having sex in the dormitory bathroom, each jumps to a very erroneous conclusion.
Checking out the Opposition by birdsofshore [6k]
Harry and Draco seem quite wound up after their latest game of Quidditch.
The Comfiest Armchair by @xanthippe74 [2k]
In which Harry and Draco won’t stop fighting over the best armchair in the Eighth-Year common room, Hermione takes matters into her own hands, and Harry sees a (ahem) side of Draco that he’s never seen before.
Empty Nights by  winterstorrm [4k]
Draco and Harry have had this ‘thing’ for months now. It’s ‘just sex’ though, right?
Erase the Shame by FleetofShippyShips [6k]
An Inter-House unity party is the last thing Draco wants to go to. It's not long into a game of Truth or Dare when he is reminded why. But maybe his dare is worth it after all.
Flutter by @shiftylinguini [4k]
Being back at Hogwarts is not what Harry expected, and neither is what’s going on between himself and Malfoy, but it feels good, and that? Well, that’s what Harry’s chasing this year. Amid the rebuilding of the school and the budding relationships of the other students at Hogwarts in spring, Harry finds that the flutter of change and the new feelings it brings are exactly what he wants ― and more.
Games Night by @agentmoppet [6k]
Harry has no idea why Hermione decided that an inter-house Games Night would be a good idea, but he’s here now, and he intends to beat Malfoy, no matter what game he chooses. But, who would have thought muggle games could be full of so much... tension?
A Ghost of Blissful Feelings by @alpha-exodus [6k]
Harry hadn’t expected to spend his eighth year fucking Draco Malfoy, but it’s the only thing that helps him let go.
A Good Place to Start by JET_Playin [2k]
Harry is finding 8th year rather dull until he goes to visit Hagrid and ends up helping him deliver Draco Malfoy’s baby. Now he has to protect Malfoy and keep his secrets and he might just be falling a little in love with both Malfoys just to complicate matters.
Good to Me (And I’d Be So Good to You) by AWickedMemory [8k]
Everyone returns to Hogwarts after the war, but nothing is quite the same. Harry’s groupies are creepier than ever, Ron and Hermione are snogging all over the place, and the once-proud Draco is shuffling around like a kicked puppy. But that’s okay: Harry’s got a plan.
Grow by @shiftylinguini [3k]
There’s an abandoned greenhouse, right at the back of the lot. There are unruly trees, and snagged brambles, and the grass is long and lush. It feels like the Forest, but tamer somehow, and Draco likes it. It feels like the spot where the castle meets the wild, or where the wild is trying to creep back in. There’s something mildly thrilling about it at night, the potential for danger, for something to look back at Draco as he stares into the dark, lush woods. Draco’s always loved that feeling.   This is where they meet.
Jump Into the Fog by taradiane [9k]           
Draco returns to Hogwarts for his eighth year carrying a secret that will change not just his life, but Harry’s as well.
Of the Heart's Fullness and Of the Coming Emptiness by tout a coup [9k]
Harry Potter is nineteen, and he's already peaked.
An Old Habit by fireflavored [8k]
The boys have changed a lot over the summer after the war, but Harry hasn’t got over the urge to spy on Malfoy. 
A Pain of Our Choosing by @lqtraintracks [5k]
It’s 8th year and everyone’s still a bit messed up. Harry and Draco fall into being messed up together.
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kneazles by curiouslyfic [1k]
Harry sort of comes back to the world to the sound of sniffling, which strikes him as odd.
Room for Improvement by acromantular [2k]
Malfoy’s family-rehabilitation project is going so well. But is Potter worth risking all his hard work?
Sexplanations (Of the Horrible Sort) by @bixgirl1 [7k]
Harry’s willing to put up with a certain amount of injury, as long as he and Malfoy can keep doing… whatever it is they’re doing. Maybe. Mostly. Especially if there might be more to it than sex. Based on a tumblr headcanon.
Snug by @moonflower-rose [6k]
Potter can’t keep his hands off himself. Draco can’t look away.
Sores by mijeli [3k]
It’s been going on for weeks. They don’t talk about it.
Speechless by mayberry_rose [6k]
In which Draco can’t speak, and Harry learns to listen.
Starting Positions by @bixgirl1 [8k]
Later, Harry would wonder if Malfoy regretted that first, surprised mutter after three days of hard-pointed silence. Later, Harry would wonder about his own lack of regret over looking up when he heard Malfoy’s voice. But that would come after everything had already happened, the way events always seemed to, when even a Time-Turner couldn’t change things. The shape of a path, as Harry knew very well by then, once walked, was a lot like a paper crane — unfolded and pressed flat, you could try to fashion it into something different, but the original creases would always remain.
Storm in a Teacup by @faith2wood [7k]
For reasons he’d rather not think about, Draco is obsessed with Potter’s hair. This cannot end well.
swallow your words by icarusinflight [9k]
The truth is, not many things are known about the magic that is behind soulmarks. They’ll turn up when they want and not before. The truth is, you don’t get a choice in your soulmark. The truth is, not everyone is okay with that.
This Heart Shut Wide by @xanthippe74 [4k]
It’s New Year’s Eve and Draco refuses to talk to anyone at this wretched party in the Eighth-Year common room. He’s going to ignore Harry Potter and not think about snogging him in the staircase earlier. And he’s definitely not going to let himself fuck up both their lives by continuing the reckless game they’re playing. As usual, nothing goes according to Draco’s plan.
Trouble with your tie, Potter? by @tenthousandyearsx​ [6k]
The last thing Harry expects when Slughorn partners him up with Zabini is Malfoy shooting them furious looks throughout the whole class and then unceremoniously snogging Harry in the corridor.
the Veela codec by curiouslyfic [3k]
Potter wants obvious. Draco wants Potter. Clearly, some sort of plan will be required.
What Potter Wants by birdsofshore [3k]
Harry definitely didn’t want to do that to Malfoy. Not at all. So why did Malfoy keep saying that he did?
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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Hiii, Harpy anon again.
I have more thoughts. Instead of making Idia a dog boy, I say we make him an insect. Mostly because there are some insects out there that just make sense for him. (Also because he kinda look like bug to me tbh)
For example, spiders. (Yes I know they aren't insects but they look insects and that's all that matters) Spiders specifically have a lot of significance in Greek mythology, so it would make sense for Idia (who is based off a Greek god) to have some kind of connection there. But also spiders tend to be solitary creatures, they don't live in groups and only come together during mating. And a lot of the time, during mating the males are killed by their female mates. Which..I feel like is why Idia would avoid Yuu like the plague. Because all he can think about near them is "Mate.Mate.Mate.Mate.MATE-" and he's scared if he tries anything he'll get killed immediately.
Now I don't know if we've talked about Ortho yet but I feel like he's a little robot bee. I know it doesn't really go with spider Idia but Robot bee Ortho would be so gosh darn cute. There was a study done on bee's that came to the conclusion that when bee's bump into eachother they make a little "Whoop" noise. IMAGINE BUMPING INTO BEE ORTHO AND HE JUST GOES "Whoop!"
Ahem, sorry got carried away there for a sec. Bee's are also very protected of their hive and other bees in said hive, so I can't help but imagine if Yuu gets picked on Ortho immediately just pulls out the laser beams. Bee's can also smell fear. Giving bee Ortho this trait is like giving a toddler a glock and telling them to go do a crime. It is both horrifying and hilarious at the same time.
Robot Bee Boy.
BeeBot that makes cute noises when bumping into things.
So very cute. I don't have much to add to that except look at this cute bee butt.
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Now...spooder Idia...
Did anyone else see Kar'niss from Baldr's Gate 3 and thought he was hella fine?
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What kind of spider would he be? If he's one of the fluffy kinds I love the idea of his floof matching his hair. Would he have multiple eyes? Fangs on top of having those already pointy teethies?
Did you know an interesting thing that bee's and some spiders have in common his helping with pollinating plants?
Hmm drider's are usually big and people in general already don't like regular spiders very much. Poor Idia is just going to keep getting more reasons to not leave his room. 😔Oh Jeez Jamil would prob freak out seeing him.
Man, Idia and Azul have it bad. For females of both of their kind if they don't kill you after sex cuz doing the diddly works up an appetite, they might kill males that they simply rejected...or just because they got too close.
Another thing that both male octopuses and spiders have been shown to do to lower the risk is present their possible mate with food. Azul's an amazing cook with his own restaurant and Idia has a surplus of every kind of snack/junk food you can think of so at least they have that going.
Still, I would like to think that even if that happens with their kind in that world it's not nearly as bad or quite as common. Funny though to think of Idia screeching when he sees you and tossing a few bags of gummies and chips at you.
Also....to avoid getting eaten after sex some male spiders will actually tie the female up in his web and set her free after. Do with that info what you will.
Some spiders also do a mating dance, but you have a snowball's chance in hell of seeing him do that.
Still, it's just more things that get these types of nonhuman boys thinking that you the little would be the best choice when it comes to finding a mate. AMAB? Cool. AFAB? Well, human ones don't cannibalize so it's all good....well once the guys learned that they don't.
Plus, once he gets to actually know you and see how you're the least threatening thing in the school things will be easier.
Once he's comfortable around you get to see something amazing...
That he's a snarky little shit with so much sass. He's a weird combination of having issues with self-loathing while also having an ego.
One time you tried to bite him for mouthing off and he was legit scared for a sec but once he saw those little teeth of yours couldn't even make a scratch on the exoskeleton on his arm, he gets super freaking smug, and now he's even more of a shit when teasing you.
One of the cool things is that you can legit ride him places cuz he big spooder. It's too bad it rarely if ever happens with being a shut in.
He'll still let you sit on him like that when you guys are in his room.
A cool thing he can do is climb on walls and ceilings, does it often when trying to sneak to the vending machines on campus without being seen. He has unfortunately been seen once or twice though and it scared the hell out of the poor student to see a giant freaking spider on the ceiling and almost made Idia drop his snacks.
His webs are pretty and glowy, he kind of has them around his room set up like fairy light.
Weird fact, spiders can taste with their feet.
Cute fact, some spiders will keep a frog as a pet. Frog helps keep the spider's eggs from getting eaten and the spider protects the frog from other things.
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I'm kind of picturing Idia as the spider and you as the frog. You are his emotional support human that he keeps close when he has to leave his lair.
He unintentionally gives you scary dog privileges.
Imagine working your shift at Twisted McDonald and a little human comes up to you with this big-ass sharp-toothed spider dude behind them, you are scared out of your mind but then the human says "Excuse me, he asked for no pickles."
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dollcherray · 3 months
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୨୧ “WORLD WE KNEW” ♡.°୭̥
Hazbin Hotel x Betty boop reader
Type: General headcanons.
Genre: Fluff, romantic/platonic.
About reader: Reader is feminine, very short like betty and reader does not have betty's age, shes way older.
Characters: The crew
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୨୧ when you first got in the hotel, everyone was curious about you, some thought you were weird looking, others thought you looked cute and some... thought you were an actual child. (ahem... nifty)
୨୧ Alastor personally found you cute, but wouldnt admit it, since we all know how he tries sooo hard to be mysterious and edgy. (and honestly? it works and it makes him look even more attractive).
୨୧ speaking of which, i think he would be the only one to fall in love with you, although it may take a little while, but it does happen if you put effort in it (or if you're insanely lucky)
୨୧ Nifty would be so happy to see someone who is small like her, so she doesnt feel like the only gnome in a hotel full of giants.
୨୧ i heavily HC that Husk would be your friend, since your so charismatic and emotionally mature and how you seen so stable, he honestly finds it cute and surprising that theres someone a little decent in the hotel.
୨୧ Everyone in the hotel either finds you charming or absolutely dainty, especially when you do that "bu bu biro" sound, its very adorable.
୨୧ back to Alastor, the reason he would take a liking to you is probably because you remind him of his times and how polite and charming you can be at the same time, you really are something else to him.
୨୧ Charlie personally finds you ADO-RA-BLE, you are so cute and calm to others and is very mature, she even asks herself how did you even ended up here.
୨୧ You are friends with everyone in the hotel since you are so goddamn charismatic and mostly an extrovert, you just match everyone's energy in the hotel perfectly.
୨୧ When Lucifer went to the hotel, he honestly was surprised that it was even possible for someone to be at least a little shorter than him, but yet, here you are.
୨୧ You performing one of your little songs for the gang in the show & tell day <3 (Alastor was very smitten but wouldnt admit it)
୨୧ Angel would make you repeat your little "bububiro" all the time because he finds very cute.
୨୧ now lets talk more about betty boop!reader
୨୧ You were probably be a Frank Sinatra, Brenda lee, Liana flores fan, it matches your charming but somehow calm and collected personality
୨୧ your room would have more calm color palette, it probably would be draped in black, grey and white, your bed would be those queen sized with lacy decorations on the poles, real queen and fancy shet.
୨୧ Vaggie would probably like your hair, because of how singular and cute it looked she would ask if she could touch but she doesnt wann ruin it. (Unrelated but i really like betty boop's hair design)
୨୧ the egg boys probably calls you "fancy short lady" since you're wel... short, but they enjoy being around you since you are so kind and sweet with them, sometimes you even entertain them with your little songs and short shows.
୨୧ You and sir pentious have a normal friendship, he respects you and you respect him, although you think hes very silly sometimes because of his way to act and... attempts to look tough.
୨୧ In conclusion, you would fit in very fast with the crew (<3)
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A/N: im so sorry if this is short, im very sleepy but wanted to provide something for yall cuties.
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celabi · 1 year
I’m super glad you’re back! :D
I’ve got a ton of little prompt ideas floating around in my head for scummy scara but I don’t want to dump them all out at once so I’ll just bring one for now:
what if reader asked scara out on a date?
bonus points if reader shy and stuttering because yes
here’s a gold star for your awesome writing ⭐️
Hello!! I’m semi-returned to writing!! I’m still in the hospital but I feel better then I did before so I’ll be trying to clear out some of my drafts !! 🫶 sorry, this is really short, I didn’t know how to write it 😭😭
Asking Scummy Scaramouche out on a date! ☆彡
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The lesson had just wrapped up for the day when Scaramouche feels a light tap on his bicep. It’s you, when he turns his head to the side— and with a cute little smile plastered on your glossy lips no less. He blinks slowly, and momentarily halts his actions of packing away his stationary so he can provide you his full attention— even going as far to prop up his elbow, leaning his red tinted cheek on his palm and returning your grin. “Yes, [name]? Would you like me to walk you home today? I truly mean it when I say that my time for you is unlimited.” ‘Please say yes, please say yes, please sa—’ his eyes slightly crease and shoulders visibly drop in disappointment when a head shake is what he receives in return, but he still nods back to you in understanding. “Oh, okay… no worries.”
He watches in curiosity as you turn your gaze and look anywhere but towards his dazed stare— awkwardly coughing into one of your fists and softly tapping your fingernail on the surface of the desk. “Ahem… it’s actually because I was wondering if you… uh, wanted to like, you know, hang out t-together, instead.” The first thing he takes notice of is the way your voice is in a much lighter tone then normal, which he mentally coos at. ‘She’s acting shy now… did I do that to her? Does— does she love me too?’ Giddy, that’s what he found himself feeling— and even though he knows he shouldn’t get so far into his deluded fantasies, he can’t help but to imagine you getting all flustered over him. Him. “We could go to the… movies? That’s always fun. Or maybe we could go to the park, i-if you’d prefer to talk, or something…”
“Like a— a date? You and me? Us? T-together?” Scaramouche has to make sure that he’s not misunderstanding your intentions and jumping to conclusions, because god he would be so upset if he accidentally managed to embarrassed himself in front of you if he happened to be wrong. He gulps down the lump in his throat, and reached up the tug at the collar to his shirt as he had started to feel slightly light headed from this whole ordeal. It can’t just be a regular study session, could it? The term was almost over, and he can’t rack his brain and recall if the professor had assigned any new assignments as of late. (Either there really was no new work to be completed— or he was just too busy staring at you every period and couldn’t bother to listen to the teachers words.)
The thought out you just asking him to hang out like friends would, enters his head— but he’s too delusional to care about that. And you’re so nice that he wouldn’t even think you’re trying to mess with him, there’s no way. Still, you both hang out all the time and you aren’t usually so fidgety and bashful around him, so this… this just has to be you asking him out romantically, right? He hopes so, he hopes so bad that his fantasies are coming to life and he can finally have you all to himself. Hell, he’s shifting around in his seat excitedly just thinking about it.
When you nod shyly in response to his clarification, Scaramouche is one hundred percent sure he would just Aww at just how adorable you look right now— if it weren’t for his heart almost bursting from his chest. This isn’t a dream, it’s real— he‘s sure it is from how much he’s sweating. You like him back, and though it’s a stretch, he thinks there’s a chance that maybe you love him too. You want to date him, to hug him, to kiss him, like he does you? Of course you do, why else would you ask him out. Duh.
He lets out a breath, and you take notice of how shaky it sounds, and how he looks like passing out. “Uh… if you’re sick, we can reschedule, o-or just not go at all if that’s what you pr—” you don’t even get to finish your sentence before he’s straightening up in his chair and whipping his head into your direction, a panic look overtakes his previously dreamy one.
“No, no! I’ll go, I want to!” He interrupts, and waves his arms around in embarrassment, before looking down into his lap shamefully from his sudden outburst. “I mean… I would like that… if you took me out on a d-date. Please.”
“Pftt… okay, Kuni, follow me then.”
He only nods, a love sick smile on his lips as he stands up and trails behind you, reaching for your hand and even forgetting to grab his bag on the way out because of his excitement. Loser 😔
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em-harlsnow · 4 months
okay, I'm gonna go through my opinions on Trevor.
overall, I don't like him. I think the fandom as a whole has some pretty mixed feelings about him so that might annoy some people. Lots of people say they like him but they just prefer Mickey - I also prefer Mickey, but I want to talk about Trevor as a separate person.
firstly - the one most people talk about - the 'she apologised, move on' scene. I can't stand by him on that at all. he works with kids whose parents have hurt them, abandoned them and yet jumps to the conclusion that Ian should apologise? Honestly, I think that's stupid.
secondly - the one where he encourages Ian to 'fuck a chub' to get over his dead mother????? and then later he says 'grief changes you' as if he's got some insight on the world that Ian doesn't. it makes him seem like a sanctimonious asshole as well as somewhat hypocritical.
thirdly - the fact that he wouldn't allow Ian and him to be friends. like okay, fine, you think you're gonna fuck eventually but you still don't push someone like that. let them come to you at their own pace. he just comes across as pushy and a real dickhead.
overall, I'm not saying Trevor is a bad person, I don't think he's right for Ian and he comes across as very self-righteous. He's actually very much a good person which is seen by him trying to help all those kids and putting them first. Just because I think he's a good person doesn't mean I have to like him as a character though. I prefer more complex and morally grey characters, which don't come across as so high and mighty and don't give off 'I'm better than you' vibes. (he's not the only character that comes off like that - ahem Lip)
Clearly, he's used to be somewhat of a foil character for Mickey. he's everything Mickey wasn't. He's not Southside trash for one (not hating I love Mickey to death), he's comfortable in his sexuality and gender identity from the start of his on-screen character - I'm not saying anything about who he might have been before we meet him. He's not devoted to Ian like Mickey is - he's more focussed on work (not a bad thing) - and he's overwhelmingly legal in his work considering how every job Mickey had involved something illegal. he was meant to show everything that Mickey lacked, instead it left a gaping hole where Mickey should have been.
As a character, I think he lacks depth and seems to be pissed off at Ian in every scene I see him in.
Also, trevor didn't 'deserve better' with Ian. They both deserved different.
And - I didn't like their on-screen chemistry, especially when put next to gallavich I mean there's no competition.
I don't hate trevor, he just annoys me.
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agoracactus · 2 years
Golden Crush - Heimdall
i just have to write something since i saw that one beautiful pic of heimdall reading, i dont have the pic nor do i remember which lovely ppl posted that sorry
also merry christmas!!
also's also idk whats wrong with me having the urge to write every time when its super late and my eyes half closed fml
Pairing: Heimdall x reader
Word count: 1545
Warning: no proofread goodnight!
<Your POV>
He's the most beautiful god you've ever seen.
You're not sure how you started to feel this way, but it's too late now- not like you're looking to change your mind anyways.
You love staying away and stealing glances when he's around, knowing he's either feeling bored, or enjoying belittling someone, or trying to impress the All-father. You tell yourself this works out perfectly- having a crush on a god with a stick up his ass that absolutely no one likes- means you won't fall in love with him. You don't need to fall in love, there are things far more important like, life, and living one.
You were tasked to clean up Odin's hall that afternoon when everyone was out training. So you went, pushed open the heavy door with your back, with your arms full with a half-filled bucket, a rug and a broom, humming a tune you made up.
You froze when you saw him sitting by one of the tables, reading.
The golden sunlight poured in and he bathed in it. You watched his braids shimmering in the light with his slight movements, purple eyes focusing on the pages, slender fingers breaking a piece of cheese next to him and gently pushing it between his thin lips-
You blinked.
Those eyes were looking right at you.
"These tables aren't going to clean themselves." he had a slight frown on his face.
" -! Yes, sorry." you quickly averted your gaze and rushed to the tables furthest away from him, flustered.
Did you stare for too long? How long? Did he get a read on you? Did he know?
Your mind was such a mess that you didn't even know if you were doing your job right. You tried to focus on what you were doing with your back turned towards him, but you couldn't help but feel the burn on your back.
You didn't know if you want to take as long as possible to clean this side of the table- risking him putting his attention on you and getting scolded again, or getting it done as soon as you can- and move on to the table he's sitting at and risk getting his attention again. But all cleaning has to come to an end.
You squeezed the cloth dry and took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself to move on to the table he was at. You turned around- someone was standing right behind you.
Water in the bucket splashed out with your sudden stopping, drenching your shirt.
He of course was right out of the zone of dirty cloth water.
"Indolent and clumsy, tell me, who decided that it would be wise to let you clean for the All-father?" he took a disgusted glance at the dirty puddle at your feet.
"I, I'm sorry..." You panicked, quickly kneeled down to clean up the mess you made. He crouched down, watched for a second, then snatched your wrist. You weren't sure what was the purpose of that, did you do something wrong again?
Before you could form a reaction, he suddenly leaned in and pressed his lips upon yours.
Your eyes widen, frozen in place, staring back at those sparkly purple eyes.
<Heimdall's POV>
At first, it was simply curiosity.
He was passing through the training ground, and felt something different. He had to do another glance-around to figure out where it came from, then saw you quickly turned away.
He wasn't sure what it was. Usually people's intentions towards him were very clear, it's either fear, frustration, jealousy or any sort of hostility. This was something new.
He started doing his own little experiments. Taking paths he didn't normally take, engaging in activities he didn't have to take part in, putting himself in the center of the attention, or hiding away in the corner... Then he was finally confident to come to the conclusion that you only have that weird emotion when he's around, and you only react to him.
Of course he had read it before, sometimes from teenagers hiding away in the back side of the houses, sometimes in the hall between some einherjars... Never towards him. Which intrigued him even more.
He felt your presence immediately when you pushed your way into the hall. He felt you staring. And somehow it became very hard to suppress a smile. He couldn't pay attention to what he was reading anymore, instead he kept listening to what you were doing. He found himself getting impatient at how slow you were cleaning that one row of tables.
He didn't even fully comprehend what happened when he's been shoved and fell backward onto the ground. He heard you running away and the door of the hall closing behind you.
What went wrong? Did he read you wrong?- No, impossible, he is the God of Foresight, he'll never read anyone wrong. Confusion soon turned into anger. Did you just reject him? How dare you?
He wanted answers. But you were nowhere to be found. For days, he patrolled everywhere he had seen you, but he couldn't find you, not even sense you.
It was at a huge drinking party where he found you- in the corner, serving people.
A sense of success washed over him before he swiftly parted the crowd to stand before you- and the somewhat cheery feeling slid away when he saw your warm smile turned into an awkward grin.
What's the intention he's getting now?
He heard you mumble something before slipping away into the crowd, eyes never meeting his.
And what's this feeling in the pit of his stomach?
<Your POV>
You've been avoiding him since the day he kissed you.
You still weren't sure what happened, a part of you thought it was all just a dream. Perhaps you thought about him too often. It couldn't have been true, no, it would be more likely that you approached him and assaulted him... On second thought, it could be exactly that. You took advantage of the Asier god and twisted the memory in your head...
Most likely he already knew your feelings towards him. That's why. He's always been a jerk, he just wanna make fun of you. Or perhaps you did something and that's his way of punishing you?...
Either way, it's better that you keep your distance.
It took you a lot of effort to stay out of the way. You saw him showing up at all the places you had to be, and had to take a hard turn and duck out of his sight. But you couldn't run forever.
You found him outside, at the back of the drinking hall, drunk.
It got you worried because he was never drunk. But he was, here, slouching against the wall.
"...Heimdall?" you approached carefully.
"...Look who's here," he raised his empty mug, "Pour me another drink!"
"You're quite drunk." you tried to take his mug away. "Aren't you here to serve? Serve!" he raised his voice, swatting your hand away.
You stood there, staring at him.
"...What is that?..." he squinted his eyes, "Is that pity?... How dare you..." he tried to stand upright, but the moment he left the support of the wall he started leaning right. You quickly step forward, held onto his arm, and helped him lean back against the wall.
"...How dare you change your mind..." he mumbled. "I'm sorry?" you gently took the mug from his hand. "You!" he frowned, "Don't you like me?"
You nervously gripped the mug with both of your hands, "...So you do know..." eyes fixed on the rim of the empty mug, "...Did you, kiss me just to mock me?"
You waited, but there's no response. You raised your gaze and met those purple eyes.
"...Your eyes are beautiful." he said, almost in a whisper.
"...Don't change it." he took a step towards you, wobbly. "...Change what?" "What you feel, towards me." he leaned forward, putting his arms around you, "It's quite nice..." resting his head on your shoulder, "...And stop running..." his words ended up slurred. You froze, feeling his weight on you.
No response.
He already fell asleep, standing.
You woke up with a pleasant sigh, eyes closed, feeling the warmth of the sun caressing your face, hearing the chirp outside the window
And a low chuckle.
Your eyes shot open.
The Aesir god was laying next to you, one arm supporting his head. The morning sunlight gently fell upon him, on his golden braids, his perfect skin, leaving sparkles in his purple eyes.
"Mornin' sunshine."
...Is this a dream?
"Who knew y/n would seduce a drunken god-"
Your hands reacted faster than your thoughts, pressing firmly over his mouth, "Nothing happened! You fell asleep! I can't just leave you there!" you quickly explained.
"Tell yourself whatever you want." he gently pulled your hands down, "It's too late now."
"...What?" you couldn't take your eyes off of him, as he was bathing in the swirling golden particles.
"I will let the whole Asgard know, that y/n got me drunk to lay with me." "-! That's not true! I-" He smirked, gave you a soft kiss on your forehead.
He whispered against your skin, "Now you can never run away from me."
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fandomwe1rd0 · 2 months
Morty being our favorite creepy little grandpa's boy
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Him defending Rick is so sweet- I love our precious baby boy sm-
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He was so kind to Rick in this episode...Rick didn't deserve it
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He was so determined to save his grandpa!
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The first thing he did when he tried to impress someone is brag about Rick- He's so cute
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Awwwww he just wanted Rick to come with...I love our creepy little grandpa's boy
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He had the chance to come with Evil Morty, Rick encouraged him to go with Evil Morty, but he still choose his grandpa....he really is a creepy little grandpa's boy and we love him for it
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Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm not crying. You're crying shut up.
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He always looks instantly gulity when he thinks/finds out that something he said hurt Rick....I can't....Morty you have every right to lash out!
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He's instantly calmed down when he hugs Rick....I swear to god I will always protect this precious child
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AWWWWWWW He just wanted Rick to be included! Look at himmmmmm. He's so adorable!
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Morty you just can't be this cute- It's illegal to be this cute, the fact that this was after an arguement he had with Rick as well-
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Awwwww he smiled when Rick smiled! He loves his grandpa!
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I'm obssessed with the way he holds onto Rick for comfort...he's so adorable
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He wants Rick to stay around forever by using anti aging serum, be there for his first house, and be there for his first drink....he's so cute AH!
In conclusion: Morty is a precious cute lil' baby who needs to be protected at all costs and is our favorite creepy little grandpa's boy and we love him for it!
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rabid-mercenary16 · 5 months
So uh,
Theory time :D
The corruption virus works by keeping the infected in a frightened state to keep them abstracted, but what about the circus members that are already abstracted? What about Caine?
An so, my theory is that the virus doesn't create a new problem per se, it instead alters the one alteady in the code to its advantage. This one being something like:
If <user> = unstable:
run <abstraction.exe>
This would explain the virus forcing a mechanic only the circus has, as otherwise the most probable explanation would have been that the virus was specifically made to infect the Digital Circus. It also would explain the situation with the already abstracted, they are simply not affected. The line of code above has already run on them, it is not something supposed to happen multiple times, so I doubt there was a loop code of any kind, therefore, they are out of the mess.
So, a virus coded to attack weak spots and enhancing them is the root right? Well yes, and no.
There's an oversized pair of dentures that opposes this theory, he isn't a user, he should be immune.
And here comes the second part of my theory, you see, one would think the virus could be either a sickness, or a conscious malicious entity, but what if here we have both?
More specifically, a virus cannot affect code or whatsoever without admin powers, and the only one with such thing here is Caine, plus, he was the only one is directly seen having two personalities, one being himself (seen through a mirror as he's not in control) and the virus (most likely with an AI programmed only to destroy with its malware, but who knows).
In conclusion, Caine is the main host for a virus with a chaotic evil ai that apparently wants nothing else but to infect everyone by smashing buttons and forcing them into abstraction, but since it's a corrupted abstraction and not the actual thing everything will probably be just fine and nobody will be traumatized or abstract the second they are freed from the goo, yay!
Anyways bye, love your art <3
Lovely analysis
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le-velo-pour-dru · 11 months
I have a slideshow to share with you all. Ahem.
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Thank you for your consideration. ❤️
[ID 1: A title slide that reads, "Why Dallon Weekes is Really A VAMPIRE, By Dru". The word "vampire" is written in red in a harsher font and in all caps. To the left of the title is a photo of Dallon Weekes under purplish lighting during an iDKHOW concert. To the right of the title is clip art of a stereotypical vampire sitting up inside of a coffin, a glass of wine in his hand.
ID 2: A slide titled, "Introduction". The body of the slide states, "Dallon James Weekes. You know him. You love him. ...Or at least, you think you do. But what if he was hiding a more sinister secret below his floral print shirts and immense musical talent? In this presentation, I will prove that the Dallon Weekes you think you know is actually a bloodsucking creature of the night." An image is below this of Dallon with red eyes, smiling and giving a thumbs up. The caption says, "Ignore the h8rs and keep being a demon, guys. That's what really matters."
ID 3: A slide titled, "Reason #1: His Lyrics". The body of the slide states, "To start, let's take a look at his lyrics, specifically the lyrics of his song Kiss Goodnight." Below this is a screenshot of some lyrics from Kiss Goodnight, which read, "Should you invite me in / To spend the night on the floor / Oh please believe I'll believe I'll be a gentlemen / Or you can show me the door". There's more text below this, which states, "Pay special attention to that first line. He says, 'Should you invite me in', suggesting to his wife-to-be to invite him to her place. Now, why am I pointing this out? Because who is it that needs to be specifically invited to places before entering? That's right. VAMPIRES." The word "vampires" is bolded, red, and in all caps.
ID 4: A slide titled, "Reason #2: His Youthfulness". The body of the slide states, "Look at Dallon in the 2000s." Below this is a photo of Dallon from when he was in The Brobecks. He's looking to the camera with a smile. The slide then says, "Now look at him today." Below this is a photo of Dallon during an iDKHOW concert. He's speaking into a microphone and holding up a water bottle. At the bottom of the slide, it says, "Not much difference, right? Twenty years have passed, and he still looks as young as ever. Now, who else are known to stay looking the same age across long stretches of time? That's right. VAMPIRES." Once again, the word "vampires" is bolded, red, and in all caps.
ID 5: A slide titled, "Reason #3: His Hint Hiding In Plain Sight". The body of the slide states, "Now, the final reason. I've saved the best for last. For our final piece of evidence hinting towards Dallon's vile vampirism, let's look at Le Velo Pour Deux, shall we?" Below this is a screenshot of some lyrics from Le Velo Pour Deux, which say, "Vampires never have to complain, / Of living a dull circumstance / So let's all pretend that we are undead, / In turn of the century France." Below this, it says, "Again, pay special attention to the first line. Or even just the first word! Because what is it that he refers to? VAMPIRES. This begs the question: how would Dallon know anything about the way vampires live? Well, if you take all the previously discussed evidence into account, it becomes clear that the only possible reason for this is that he himself IS a VAMPIRE." Both instances of the word "vampire" are bolded, red, and in all caps.
ID 6: A slide titled, "In Conclusion...". The body of the slide states, "After viewing this slideshow, it must become clear to you that Dallon Weekes is, in fact, a vampire. This just goes to show you that you can't always trust your first impressions. Where you may see a kind, funny, charismatic father of two with outrageous musical talent, there may actually be a bloodthirsty, fanged monster lingering just beneath the surface..." Below this is clipart of Dracula edited to have Dallon's head over the normal head. /end ID]
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chweverni · 3 months
my 3teen gang as songs from my playlist (except i barely use spotify)
ik i did one like this before BUT I SWEAR ITS DIFFERENT HERE! the previous one was my favorite songs and this is from my play..list? (i js realized how weird that sounds) BUT GUYS THIS IS ON THE OCCASSION THAT I DID SO WELL ON MY ENGLISH TEST OMFGG
@mellowdyverse (mai, my soulmate <3) - on and on (tyla) ahem. *sweats profusely* this song is literally so hot and cool at the same time, it screams mai in the sense that she's captivating as a person. her long, black, shiny hair; her deep (dark) brown eyes i could (literally) drown in; her addictive personality (bc i wait for her texts EVERY MOMENT) and the way she puts literally ALL her effort into showing you that your love infact is reciprocated by her. (i still hope this song choice isnt too weird for your liking ;-;) the way we connected so instantly makes me feel like there's a red thread of fate somewhere connecting us bc never have i ever clicked w someone this fast (not lying!). it takes me literal AGES to open up to someone so when i first started to talk to you, i was so nervous of losing you haha so i tried my best to keep the conversation going (dont regret it now)
@247yuyu / @leehanascent (yuyu, my mashu <3) - lucid dream (aespa) "no i cant stop love!" need i elaborate? ;) lucid dream by aespa literally has me on a chokehold just like yuyu's out here making me hold my breath with every thing she writes back because when i tell yall she THINKS about everything she writes, i mean it. she also really really matches my energy bc have yall seen our mattbin / haobin interactions? if not i suggest u check it out cuz those posts give me that extra dopamine i need to go about w my day happily :) yuyu's presence is like a happy pill which i dont think ill stop taking anytime soon :( (NOM NOM NOM)
@hyunhanie (lili, #bffsnextdoor) - nostalgia (crush) the day i stop assigning you crush's songs is the day i start lying. literally. crush is like my comfort artist just like how lili is my comfort person :) ill take the stage to appreciate her cat (murrp murrp meow) doodle of me bc 1) HOWD YOU KNOW I LIKE GINGER CATS //// 2) THW FUCKING HALO OVER MY HEAD IM- MISS MA'AM THATS SUPPOSED TO BE OVER YOUR HEAD
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like livi.. thats your accessory :( since i like drawing too i will def stir up some doodles (on paper bc im broke js like that) bc that eye reveal was enough for me to come to the conclusion that you're as pretty as your personality!!!!! i love you so so so so so so much lili <333
and thats all! 3teen gang lives again!!!
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
Since yall loved my “Wednesday is fucken whipped fer asking Enid out on a funeral date with matching snoods” post, can we PLEASE talk about Wednesday moving her crime board all the way down to the beekeeper club hive located in the literal fucken woods?
L I K E, she could’ve denied Enid, she could’ve moved the board to face a wall and use a sheet to cover it when she’s not using it, but nnnoooooo, Enid said to move it outta the room so that’s exactly what we’re gonna do. Mind you, they live in a literal attic space, so imagine Wednesday and Thing hauling this wholeass blackboard down several stories, carting it through the halls until they’re off campus, and then trekking through the woods with this blackboard in order to store it in the club hive.
In her pursuit to not become her mom, Wednesday’s Simp Gomez™️ genes activated and that’s how she always end up going the extra mile at Enid’s every little request. Apologize to Thing? Ofc mi sol lemme zoom off to my room. Oh, you don’t like this crime board? Don’t worry cara mia I’m already halfway across campus with it. In conclusion, ahem:
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
HELLO I'm here I've made it, don't mind me running in with my little pocket watch like the White Rabbit. Ahem! For the position, I got missionary with a pillow. For the man, I'd like to request Ezra. And for you, I have many kisses for your cheeks.<3 Ok love you byyeeeeee
Birdieeeee I will accept all of the cheek kisses and oh so many nights with Ezra. I hope it's filthy enough for my favorite Ezra writer.
Pairing: Ezra x F!Reader
Position: Missionary with a Pillow
Word Count: 1584 (hELp)
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, unprotected PiV sex (don’t be a fool, wrap your tool), little bit of oral (f receiving), fingering, allusions to sex toy use, mentions of bad past sexual experiences, Ezra's filthy fucking mouth.
Notes: This has gotta be one of my favorite positions and I love it for Ezra because there's a kind of care that comes from this that gets me all swoony.
Ezra’s expression blooms from curiosity to confusion.
“You would like me to…take you to bed?” he asks, bionic and flesh arms folded over his broad chest. The henley he’s wearing stretches over his biceps, tapering to loose work trousers cinched at his waist. His tongue peeks out to wet his lower lip, confusion beginning to morph to contemplation, all while you try not to wring your hands too nervously. 
“It’s just…I um,” you try to say, the sudden mortification of how you’ve come to this conclusion weighting your tongue. “I’ve…heard about you. With others. They’re always, uh, very satisfied.” You don’t dare to extrapolate on that, or touch on how his voice carries across the hall and into your small room on the Pug. The few times you ventured to listen at his door, you burned over how expertly he took his partners apart. But beyond all that, you hated to admit why you wanted to ask him. 
“And you would like to be satisfied?” Ezra says, just a little smirk at the corner of his mouth as he tilts his head down at you. Face burning, you nod. He uncrosses his arms and braces them on his modest desk, giving you a full view of his muscled body and soft stomach. “And what would you offer me for that gift?”
Your stomach drops, and you bite the inside of your cheek to keep tears from coming to the surface. Bad enough that you had to humble yourself for this request, but to be so bluntly asked what he’d get out of it only amplifies your anxieties.
“I, ah…I can…I could…shit, I’m…I think I’ve been stupid about this, I’m sorry, I’ll…” you stammer, backing towards the door. Quick as electricity Ezra pushes off and closes the gap between you, hand coming up to cup your chin. You still as he studies your face, deep lines etched between his brows and under his dark eyes.
“Have you never laid with another before?” he asks in a soft voice he only reserves for speaking to his ward. It makes your throat clench.
“I have, but it’s never been…good.” You hold his gaze, willing your boldness to return. “And it sounds like it’s always….good…with you.” Ezra’s eyes dance over your face, thumb stroking along your cheek. “I’d like to see what it’s like when it’s good, if you’ll have me.”
Ezra purrs darkly, the cool plastic of his prosthetic hand drifting to your hip.
“That is quite a gift you’re offering me. Are you sure there’s no other who would want to share in your first taste of ecstasy?” Before you answer he tugs at your waist and you follow his lead, swaying steps leading you to his bed. 
“I’d like a sure thing,” you reply, giving him a smirk of your own that he greedily enjoys. His thumb swipes over your lips before pushing inside, scraping the pad over your teeth to press your tongue. Saliva floods your mouth. 
“Take off your clothes,” he says firmly, stepping back to pull his henley over his head. The lines and planes of his chest are littered with scars and faded pink burns, noticeable redness where his prosthetic attaches. You rid yourself of your tunic and slide your pants to the floor, shedding your underwear in one fell swoop. This pleases Ezra, who groans and palms his crotch at your nude form.
“Lie down, I’m going to stretch you out on my fingers first,” he husks, stalking towards you as you sit on the edge of the bed. 
“You don’t…have to, I made sure I was ready before I came,” you said quickly, making Ezra’s head cock and eyebrows pull together.
“You…prepared yourself? Without me?” he says slowly, sinking to a crouch and parting your knees with broad, hot palms. Your core is puffy from the toy you worked yourself up with, shiny with the lube you generously used in case Ezra was larger than you were used to. His eyes flick up to your face, now anxious.
“You did not need to do this. I take great pleasure in making you cum on my fingers and in my mouth before finding myself in your tight heat.” You try to shut your knees, embarrassed that your forethought seems to be in bad taste, but he slots his hips between yours and pushes you back on the bed. The sudden intimacy of his body so close makes your heart flutter. “Did you even make yourself cum?”
You shake your head, which he follows with one of his own. “Next time you’ll let me take my time with you, pull two screaming peaks from this sweet pussy before I bed you.” The promise of next time rushes blood to your head so quickly you fear you’ll faint, but Ezra’s thick fingers sliding through your folds to press inside makes you snap into sharp focus. As he coats his fingers, pressing a spongy spot that zings pleasure down your spine, he deftly unbuttons and shucks his pants to join you nude and scorching hot.
“Since you wish to get to the main event so efficiently, I’ll do my best to make it worth your while,” he says, and one hand urges your hips to lift as he tucks a pillow under your bottom. The height tilts your hips, your cunt suddenly empty as he pulls his fingers out to wrap around his cock. “I find if the act is not as pleasurable for you, this position helps.” 
“Thank you,” you blurt out, his motions stilling as he looks down at your pliant body. There’s a flicker of something hungry on his face, the harsh squeeze he gives his cock echoing your observation. 
“You may thank me when you’re cumming on my cock,” he plays it off, circling the tip of his cock at your entrance. A deep breath, then he presses in inch by sumptuous inch. Throwing your head back, you clutch at his biceps as he leans over you, harsh little pants blowing out of his nose. He stops in his journey to shallowly fuck, tiny movements that pinch your brow and drop your mouth open. Finally, after what feels like whole minutes, he’s seated deep and full inside. 
“Oh, wow, Ezra, that feels…” you pant, opening your eyes to find him inches from your face. He’s draped down over your body, elbows planted on either side of your head, watching you so closely it makes you want to close your eyes again. The veins in his neck bulge, lips parted with his teeth clenched behind them.
“How many men have had you and not satisfied you?” he asks, strain in his voice as he drags back out.
“All of them. Never…fuck, never knew how to tell them,” you gasp, fisting Ezra’s close-cropped hair. It’s softer than you expect, sweat curling the strands at the base of his neck. 
“Tell me everything,” he rasps out, then snaps back into your cunt.
Ezra’s pace and power curls your toes and rolls your hips against the mounting pressure. The angle is perfect, cock pressing into a place that makes stars explode on the edges of your vision. He watches your face for pain, revels in your pleasure, and when he begins cursing colorfully he drops his forehead to your shoulder. The rough pants and drag of his lips and teeth drive you to wrap your arms around his shoulders and pull him flush with you.
“Is it good? Is it what you needed?” he asks, arching over you and shifting his weight to find your clit between your sweaty bodies. Fanning his fingers over your abdomen, he strums his thumb over it. Your cunt clenches, legs trembling as the telltale signs of your orgasm rumble into your body.
“Yes, Ezra, thank Kevva it’s so good, please…” you beg, clamping your body around him as he speeds up, humid mouth finding your ear. 
“I would fuck you like this and any other way you desired. Every night. Would have done it every night before this, since you told me your name. To think you’ve been suffering so long and I could end your torture. Cum for me, and you’ll never want again.” 
You let go with a ragged shout, the profound ecstasy of cumming full of Ezra and surrounded by him thrashing you through the best orgasm you’ve had of late. He pins you down with his hips and hands, arms above your head as he mouths at your jaw and throat. Finally your body relaxes, sticky sweet with endorphins and dumb with pleasure. When you can peel your eyes open enough to watch him, the smugness you expected is well tamped by an affection that catches in your lungs. 
“Can you move?” he asks, your agreement preceding his gentle movements to roll you on your stomach. Pillowing your hands under your head, you sigh and prepare to thank him even more properly. You’re beaten by his large hands tilting your hips, and his hot tongue sliding into your pussy from behind. The gasps you choke out elicits a chuckle from Ezra’s throat.
“I’m going to take my reward now,” he teases, kneading his fingers into your generous ass. 
“What’s that?” you manage to get out before he slaps one cheek enough to spike arousal back in your cunt.
“Every orgasm I can pull from your body before the sunrise.”
Night cycles on the Pug last 16 hours, and Ezra uses every minute.
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LJ’s Bangathon 2023
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 11 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 85... You have been warned...! 👌
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(Endo, how do keep doing this to me...!?)
This chapter was absolutely NUTS, so talk about it shall we...? 👍
Okay, so... When I first opened up this chapter, my dumb ass thought that this was Twilight being woken up by Fiona...: 😅
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Obviously it was Yuri, but I still got a little worried that Endo was gonna skip Fiona and Wheeler's confrontation...! 😤
Anyway, it turns out that the female SSS officer that we saw at beginning of this arc is the one that wakes up Yuri, and her name is Chole...!! (Which honestly makes me laugh because Scarface and Agent Mustache have been in the series for a way longer time than Chole has, AND WE STILL DON'T KNOW THEIR NAMES!! 😵 Endo, you nut... 😌)
Then, after Scarface tells Yuri to get some medical treatment and for Chole to help him to get there, Yuri starts to wonder to himself about Twilight, and...:
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...HE HASN'T FULLY FIGURED IT OUT YET! 😅 Which tells me that Yuri loves doesn't suspect his brother-in-law and would probably have to see that Loid is injured the same way as Twilight before he jumps to that conclusion...!! 😖
Moving on, we cut back to where Wheeler, Nightfall and Twilight are, and things couldn't be more intense...!!
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Wheeler has Twilight hostage and threatens to kill him like he did for that other agent back in Mission 84, but unlike last time...
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...Nightfall does in fact, drop her weapon... And because of that, Wheeler figures that she must care for Twilight, so tells her THIS:
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Nightfall then rushes towards Wheeler, and before he could properly react...
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(Breaking her arm in the process...!! 😰)
And y'know what, I'm starting to get the impression that Endo might have a thing for women that can kick his ass...!! 😏 (Just like Twilight...!) 😎👍
Sorry, I got a little off topic there...! 😅 What was I saying before, oh right...! *Ahem...!*
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And after she absolutely destoryed her arm (and Wheeler's face), she tells Wheeler that he's weak because...:
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Nightfall proceeds to KICK THINE ASS of Wheeler, breaking her other arm and one of her legs in the process...!! 😱 This causes Wheeler to think that all he needs to do is get his distance from her, but before he could, Nightfall uses one of her broken arms to do THIS to Wheeler...:
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Thus ending the chapter... AND WHAT ANOTHER AMAZING CHAPTER THIS WAS!! 😍 This whole arc ain't even over yet and it has already become...
And at this point, I honestly don't care how good or bad the ending of this arc is gonna be because THIS ARC HAS BEEN NOTHING BUT ABSOLUTE HYPE THROUGHOUT!! 😁
Speaking of the end, could we be reaching the end of this arc in the next chapter or so?And if we are, what's gonna happen next? 🤔I don't think that Yuri will be hospitalized, especially after seeing how he was doing in the beginning of this chapter...! But, I still most definitely believe that Twilight will be in the hospital, and I hope that Yor finds out about it...! 💔
Anyway, that's all I gotta say about Mission 85, and like always, I can't wait for the next chapter!! 😆 So until next Mission... Take care, be safe out there, and be kind to one another...!! 💗 SEE Y'ALL LATER!! 👋😊
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