#happy birthday solomon
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boxbusiness · 3 months ago
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It's wizard 101 day~
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kirametre · 3 months ago
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🔮「単纯で小さな幸せもっと欲しいよ ☆。」🔮
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galaxydestroyer165 · 2 months ago
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Love denied💔, magic applied🪄
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krokettez · 3 months ago
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trying a new coloring style too !!! nothing super dif just a dif brush .. hopefully it’s a good change .??.?.,??
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nevvn · 3 months ago
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12.09 - Happy Birthday Solomon!!!!!!!! 🥰🫶
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slayersins-art · 3 months ago
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—————bunny café menu—————
-EoS special: Permission to play with the tail of your preferred bunny boy (30$)
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sane-omblog · 3 months ago
🪄Happy Birthday to the best human sorcerer ever!!!🌟
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Ok here I go rambling about him you can skip
Ahem As I have said on Simeon BDay I ADORE smiley characters mostly and sure Solomon is one of that with his various versions of smile from sweetly cutely to that suspicious smug even the cast said it's like he hiding something.
And I like all of that if it's his happy smile or that means he's having I love it all no matter what. He can shove his homemade food into my mouth and weak stomach and I will still appreciate every bites of it. As long as that cute smile is on his face
Cmon you already saw how down bad he is and how protective he is, I love when he calls MC his adorable apprentice like wow this guy THIS GUY.
Anyway I'm still mad at that NB lesson I can't stand seeing him sad AT ALL. If the bracelet gonna break and I can't form a pact then whatever WHY IN THE WORLD DID I HAVE TO SAY HIS FOOD IS AWFUL that's sound like "Solomon you're awful" to me and I don't even see any choice to apologise him afterward. You see how much he's down after MC said that?? It breaks my heart
Also I love Kawata-san voice so much I even have debate inside my own head whether I like Simeon or Solomon more and jump to conclusions that I just like them equally.
As Kawata-san got that gentle and soft voice how can I not fall for this sorcerer (said about Kawata-san everyone should listen to his songs about fish it's fun I like his uta no onii-san mode)
I love sanma no samba(sanma's samba) lately it's fun you should listen to it not sure if he uploads it anywhere else aside from Instagram but yea you should
This might not be it about him but I will stop here for now
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saraminwglasses · 1 year ago
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Happy Birthday ⭐️Solomon⭐️!!
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year ago
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Belated collab piece for Solomon's Birthday 2023!
Art by Mod Cosmos
Writing by Mod Chaos
His Immortal Soul
Can also be read on AO3 here Word Count: 3.8k Description: "Madness, where is its soul? Madness, all alone." A series of reflections on Solomon, shining souls, and what it means to be human.
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With an impressive 72 pacts at his command, the Witty Sorcerer Solomon is said to have a most delectable and enticing soul. Demons clamor for the chance at a piece of it; there are rumors that even Death herself longs to claim it. It shines with the wisdom he was once gifted, and it is finely aged with the polish of immortality. The soul of a man who controls so many demons without succumbing to their allurement is a delicacy indeed.
Humans with the power to resist demons have nicely polished souls, like jewels. The more noble a soul, the shinier, and the more demons both long to claim it and are repelled by it.
At least, that's how it should be. That’s how it usually works. It’s what Iarabal had expected, when he'd heard that the infamous sorcerer himself would be coming to RAD as an exchange student under the Demon Prince's bizarre plan. Of course, no one had dared actually touch him once he arrived -- his pacts are with some of the most powerful demons in the realm, and the idea of treason aside, none would want to additionally face the wrath of those such as Asmodeus or Barbatos. And that’s all before even getting to the sorcerer himself, a man so powerful and conniving that he’d managed to gain the power of those many demons while offering away little to nothing of himself in exchange.
So Solomon’s soul, by all rights, is quite beyond reach to any average demon such as himself.
But Iarabal had planned to look upon it, at least, and savor the fantasy of devouring it. Flames lick at the insides of his belly in anticipation, and he salivates at the thought, even if he knows he will never get a taste. A demon can dream, can’t he?
Yet, as he lays eyes upon the sorcerer, something feels not quite right. It sparkles, yes -- even more dazzlingly than the demon had imagined, it sparkles. But there is something wild and incomprehensible about it, like funhouse mirrors warping the refractions of a million diamonds. The longer he looks, the more it seems to expand and stretch, and he is trapped in it, as though a cavern of crystal is closing itself around him. His appetite is fading rapidly, and a growing sense of something almost like dread builds in his stomach in its place.
Is Solomon so noble, to be able to repel him this way? Is this the strength of how powerfully his soul shines?
The demon isn’t sure. This doesn’t feel the same as any other time a human’s soul has repelled him. He feels like he’s losing his mind entirely, and the longer he stares, the worse it seems to get. Then again, he’s never looked upon a human so powerful as this, so who can say?
Iarabal averts his gaze. He doesn’t want to look upon it anymore.
The sorcerer’s soul is, he thinks to himself, better left alone.
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There is something very, very strange about that sorcerer, Lucifer thinks.
Solomon has, as always, asked him for a pact again today. “Come on, this is basically just how we greet each other, isn’t it?” the human explains away blithely when the demon rejects him, with a smile that doesn’t match the seriousness of what he asks.
Of course, it’s not the pact-seeking that makes Solomon so strange, even if he is singularly annoying in his persistence about it. Plenty of humans have sought similar with the infamous fallen angel. He’s not even the only among them to try to use trickery or magic to force the demon’s hand.
No, Solomon is strange because, of all those humans, he is the most alarmingly devious, wicked human ever to have such a beautiful soul.
“Someone pure, genuine, and worthy of respect. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but demons are most attracted to the souls of people like that,” Lucifer had once told you.
The sorcerer as he knows him is none of those things. Lucifer is very familiar with the immortal’s reputation and history, and none of it could be described as pure. Rather than genuine, the man is unforthcoming at best and outright deceptive at worst. Any respect he has earned usually comes mostly from raw power, and most of that comes from the sheer number of pacts he’s accumulated, along with the Ring of Wisdom that Michael gifted him so very long ago. And then there’s the matter of his many past transgressions against demonkind...
Yet, despite this, Solomon’s soul sparkles brilliantly every time Lucifer sees him. It’s shocking how radiant it is, in fact. He’s hardly ever seen anything like it. The way it shines speaks to a level of purity and nobility of spirit beyond almost any other. And he smiles that carefree, nonchalant smile, an expression that would almost seem like he’s exactly what his soul says he is, even as he tries to solicit a pact from the demon, day after day, year after year.
But Lucifer knows better. Solomon is not pure or genuine. He is not as innocent as he plays at being. He is a dangerous person, and he is not to be trifled with.
The dissonance is unsettling, and for that, Lucifer does not trust him.
Granted, if a demon were to choose any human to make a pact with, Solomon would certainly be at the top of most any demon’s list. It’s true that a pact with that most powerful human sorcerer ever to live can lend one a certain degree of status in the Devildom. He has a reputation for only bothering with demons whose power he deems interesting enough to be worthwhile. And those who do forge such agreements with him revel in the amount of raw magic that he channels through them, when they are called upon.
Any other demon might have given in and made that pact a long time ago already. Rather, many already had – Lucifer’s own younger brother among them, to his chagrin.
But the Avatar of Pride is decidedly not looking for a human with whom to form a pact. He has had little interest in forging a pact with any human, ever. He’s made one exception recently, for you, and it’s his only one since becoming a demon. He doesn’t intend to make another. And certainly not with that particular human.
So, time after time, Solomon asks him again. And, time after time, Lucifer remains ever firm in his refusal.
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It’s a real shame, Thirteen thinks.
The sight of his soul, the first time, is still clear in her memories. The way it sparkled when the moonlight hit him -- she doesn’t think she’ll ever forget it. It was bright, and brilliant, like the rainbows refracted off of the most incredible diamond, but also so much more than even that. No image could ever capture it; no words would ever be enough to describe it. Candy had thought she was delusional when she’d tried to tell her about it afterwards. But it was no delusion. His soul really was just that incredible.
It was like nothing she’d ever seen before, and nothing she’d seen since – at least, not until very recently.
And, to Thirteen’s disappointment, it doesn’t sparkle that way anymore.
That isn’t to say she doesn’t want it anymore, of course. It’s still one of the most captivatingly stunning souls she’s ever come across, and she’s not going to give up on having it. She’s been this patient thus far; she’ll keep trying, however long it might take.
Still...it really is a shame.
She misses the way Solomon used to be. These days, he’s so serious, even as he hides it behind a demeanor so cheerful it borders on idiocy.
Back then, he was different. He’d been more innocent by far, for one thing. She remembers the sight of that child hidden away in the basement, staring up at her through the lattice of that half-underground window. His life hadn’t been exactly easy up to that point, but his world back then had been so much smaller. He hadn’t been caught up in all these otherworldly conflicts, concerned with balances of power and the fate of humanity caught between them. No, back at that time, his magic still felt like a miracle to him, and even if it hadn’t been nearly so impressive back then, he’d had a simple sense of wonder and pride at each little feat he managed to perform.
His soul had been so perfectly pure back then, unclouded, unshaded. There had been such honest terror in the shriek he’d let out, and it had been so cute from that little kid that she couldn’t help but tease him a little, even as she’d tried to reassure him that she wasn’t his enemy.
She’d meant it then, and she means it still. Even as she tries time after time to capture his soul, and for all the many ways he’s annoyed her century after century, she holds no actual ill will towards the sorcerer. In a way, frustrating as it is to have her traps constantly fail against him, it’s a fun game of sorts for her too. He’s more than worthy as a target. She’s been waiting for the day his name shows up in the reaper’s list, but at this point, would taking his soul without a challenge even be satisfying?
So he entertains her tricks, and she plays at capturing him, and in the times in between, he calls her a friend -- one of his only friends, perhaps. He trusts her, with a strength of heart that only someone with such a brilliantly polished soul could.
She is not his enemy.
Someday, though. Someday, she’ll claim that sparkling soul of his. Even if it takes until the end of eternity, she’ll never give up on it.
For that man’s soul, it’s worth it. That’s just how valuable it is.
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It was a delicious expression on Solomon’s face, that first day the two of them met -- shock, fear, desperation, shame. A delectable mix of all humanity’s basest, heaviest emotions.
To his great disappointment, Barbatos has never seen it again.
The reaper, among their cohorts, blames him for how the sorcerer’s soul changed, so many lifetimes ago; he is well aware of that. And he does not deny it -- it's true that Solomon is no longer the same as he once was. That may well be because of his influence.
Perhaps he did spoil him, back then, this fascinating human that he’d decided to take in and save from the encroaching grip of mortality. It had come about by a simple curiosity, mixed with a knowledge that few others had the privilege of being able to see. This human, a mere mortal on the verge of death, had been powerful enough to summon a demon as fabled as him without yet having a pact or bond in any way, and Barbatos could already foretell that this reckless earthly soul would someday have a pact with him who freely manipulated time at will. He knew this sorcerer would have quite the sway on the fate of the three worlds someday, and he was terribly interested in knowing how such a frail being would accomplish such a thing.
So Barbatos had taken Solomon to the Fountain of Knowledge, assigned him its guardianship, cared for him until he’d regained his health, and then made the pact he knew they were meant to have. He did show Solomon a wide expanse of alternate worlds and times, of futures and histories that the human could not have even dreamed. All of it was still nothing compared to what Barbatos himself has seen of the infinite. But it was far, far more than any human should have any right to know.
If that’s why Solomon is the way he is now, so be it.
But Barbatos isn’t so certain that’s exactly the case.
He knows who Solomon is, more deeply than probably anyone else the sorcerer has ever known. Few things can be kept secret from a demon who can see across all of time and space. He has seen Solomon at his best, at his worst, and most times in between. He has held both deep affection for and deep grudges against the man.
At the end of all of it, Solomon is who he is. He is exactly who he has always been meant to be. Barbatos has never tried to turn him into anything else.
One of the reasons Solomon’s soul shines so brightly, in his opinion, is probably that insatiable curiosity that he has. The sorcerer does not settle for things as they are; he wants to see things as they could be -- good or bad.
Solomon was the one to ask Barbatos to show him those deepest of horrors, dredged out of the abyss of possibility. “I’ve read through the books in the Fountain of Knowledge,” he’d announced, “almost every one of them. But knowing those things from books isn’t the same as knowing them. I need to see it, experience it, for myself, so I can be prepared for anything. Will you do that for me, Barbatos?”
Barbatos had simply obliged. He is, after all, the one who had brought Solomon to that place, so very long ago. It had been no surprise that the sorcerer had gone on to research what was available there, especially considering how long it took to restore him to health. He wasn’t going to deny the human’s request after already giving him that much.
And as the man himself had said, he would need to be prepared. He did need it, if he was going to fulfill the futures Barbatos had foreseen for him -- futures where Solomon would work towards pursuing the goals he has been so dogged about for an eternity now.
But that is simply who Solomon is. He wouldn’t have been satisfied with Barbatos keeping him sheltered and uninvolved, powerless in that perpetual battle between the other realms. He knew what he was asking for, and he wanted it anyway. He’s never regretted that request to Barbatos, and the demon doesn’t regret granting it.
So maybe Thirteen is right. Maybe it is Barbatos’s fault that Solomon’s soul is the way it is now. Maybe he did show the man too much, maddened his soul, corrupted him somehow. He is a demon, after all.
But Solomon doesn’t seem to mind, so neither does he.
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The sorcerer, like any human, has never been able to see his own soul.
He has, however, heard plenty said about it, by the many unearthly beings he calls company. Fascinated lesser demons have noted to him over the centuries that it is quite impressive, greed dripping from their tongues in hopes of taking it for their own.
Asmodeus, on the other hand, has never been particularly interested, occasionally quipping that if souls are like gems, he’s “not interested in lab-grown,” before ribbing the sorcerer over whether it’s even actually a human soul anymore.
Thirteen has lamented many a time how his soul doesn’t sparkle the same way it used to, a remark he usually just shrugs off. After all, what can he say in response? He has no control over the exact way that it sparkles, nor any particular interest in doing so specially for his reaper friend’s appeal anyway.
Barbatos, for his part, is quite neutral about it. “Your soul is hardly the most interesting thing about you,” the butler tells him.
Solomon is inclined to agree. Even if he can’t see souls in the same way they can, what does it matter? He knows who he is. He knows who he has been, where he came from, and what he has become. It is inescapable, in fact, even as his reflection in the mirror shows none of that change.
A reflection that, unchangingly, shows him what he has always been -- human.
They say he doesn’t really count as a human, that he can hardly even be considered human anymore at this point. And it hurts a little, he has to admit. He is still just as human as he has ever been, in his opinion, and it is only the others’ own condescending pity of humans that makes them think otherwise. They think he is not human because he has power, and no human could be so powerful. Despite his best efforts to show the potential of humans, they simply discount his own humanity instead.
His soul is proof. It’s not right. For being such a shining soul, the nobility of his heart is warped. It’s tainted by some strange shade, maddened by some unnatural force.
But he would say that unnatural force comes from the very ones who deny him his humanity. For thousands upon thousands of years, has his mission not been noble? Defending humanity’s right to be an equal, independent existence against the heavenly and demonic realms which seek to exert their influence is certainly a noble goal which has given him quite the strength of soul to resist them. Is it his fault that it required him to become so cunning and guarded to achieve that goal?
Any human who could see and experience what he has would be the same, he thinks -- if only any other human could indeed. It is, perhaps, the very loneliness of it that twists him further. He wouldn’t wish those struggles upon anyone, not truly, but he has long felt the weight of carrying this burden alone.
Then, you came along.
Falling in love with you is a little like seeing his younger self for the first time.
You are you, of course. You are not him, not a past version of him, not a thing simply to project onto. He knows that, and he would never try to make you someone you are not. But you are familiar in ways that feel almost nostalgic.
You still have an innocence, like he used to have. Not that you’re naive -- you know well enough how to handle those brothers by now, and you have certainly gained that ability to resist demons as Lucifer once instructed you to. But unlike most, you had a unique chance to earn the respect of those around you; the brothers have a true affection and camaraderie with you that most humans never have the chance to get. The Celestial Realm, too, first came to know of your existence as powerful before they really knew you.
They recognize you as an equal. And that gives you a chance to seek the same mission he has had all this time, from a more even starting point -- at least, if you want to. Or to seek anything else you’d like.
You have that kind of spirit, that he believes in whatever path you choose. Even without the power to see souls as they sparkle, he can see there is something special in you. Something he wants to protect, something he wants to nurture and see grow.
Something that he needs to protect, if the forces who twisted him are now threatening to involve you too.
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Of course Solomon is a little weird, you think. He’s a human who has existed in this world of demons, magic, angels, sorcerers, witches, and everything else, for longer than any human rightfully should have existed at all.
But at this point, aren’t you a little weird, too?
You laugh it off the first few times they say it -- that it’s debatable whether he even counts as human anymore. It’s true, you think. An immortal, powerful sorcerer who has seen everything you’ve ever learned about history and more, with a reputation of being more demonic than most demons themselves? Yeah, you’ve never met any human quite like him.
The longer it goes on, though, the more that opinion changes.
With the brothers affectionately surrounding you, chattering away amongst themselves, they make that remark again, and a small part of you starts to wonder what exactly they mean by it.
What’s so inhuman about him?
He may be deviously clever, but is it really so strange to think that humans might have their schemes sometimes? It’s rampant throughout the human world.
His age is beyond comprehension, but it turns out that plenty of human witches bargain with demons to extend their lives. You’ve started considering it too, if you’re being honest.
He is powerful, the most powerful human ever to live -- except, so are you now.
You start thinking, more and more, that the two of you aren’t actually quite so unalike.
If they think he’s not human anymore, how long until they think the same of you?
So you mention it to him one day, just as a passing comment, during your training together. You didn’t mean much by it, but he frowns, and he ends training for the day, and he takes you to a café, just so you can chat about it a little more. And you didn’t mean to complain, but you end up talking about it and all your other worries and stresses over this whole exchange student turned sorcerer deal for what turns into hours.
He's vague, and evasive about any follow-up questions, but he tells you a little about some of his worries too.
You realize you didn’t really know him all that well before. You start to get to know him better.
When you start talking to him after that, really talking and having real conversations, it’s refreshing in a way. You tell him mundane little stories about your life before all of this -- about your parents, your friends, old anecdotes of how you grew up. You tell him about the things you used to do and your worries about how you’ve become so disconnected from all of that now. And he understands. He listens with a knowing sort of care that none of the others quite have. They do listen to you, of course, but everyday human life is as abstract to them as this world used to be to you. Human life, compared to their own realms, seems so small and inconsequential.
Not to Solomon, though.
As you talk to him, you realize, without a shadow of a doubt, that he remembers. The human world has changed over time, and so has he, but he still remembers what it was like. He still sees things as a human does, no matter how long he’s been surrounded by all this. He asks you all about the human world nowadays, like a house he used to live in, where new owners have come in, and the walls have been repainted, and none of the furniture is arranged how it was before.
Even so, it still feels like home to him. And talking about it feels like home to you.
You don’t really know what they all mean, when the others talk about souls being sparkly or polishing yourself so yours becomes shiny.
Apparently, you sparkle. Apparently, so does he.
But does it matter? Does it matter how all these otherworldly beings judge the worth of a human soul?
What you know is this:
You are human. And so is he.
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devourer-of-words · 3 months ago
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First post, idk how Tumblr works <333
Happy Birthday Solomon!! :D
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sheepthatgobaa · 3 months ago
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happy birrtthhdaaaayyyyyy sollloooomooooonononnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
other versions under the cut:
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funny to explain him to my friends as "the fictional guy that made me bawl over a singular line during a tough time"
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boxbusiness · 1 year ago
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HBD Idiot Sandwich~
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dxncingwithastrxnger · 3 months ago
snowflake, you know you're the only one (Obey Me!)
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A/N: Aaaaahhhhh! I'm finally caught up!! My days are all back in order!! And to the person who sent me a request, I'm working on that, too!! It's just that this past weekend kicked my ass a bit more than I realized it would 😅 But now that I'm all caught up, things will go a lot smoother! I promise!
Pairing(s): Solomon x MC, Barbatos x Solomon + Asmo x Solomon if you squint
Prompt(s): 9. Solomon
Summary: The sorcerer and his apprentice visit a christmas tree farm in the Human World in order to bring back to their Devildom home - and make plenty of jokes along the way
Tag(s): Fluff, dark humor, silliness :3
Word Count: 897
Song Inspiration: Snowflake by Sia
Not beta'd, all mistakes are my own.
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“You know, I never thought that I’d one day call the Devildom home. Even less so did I think I would ever simultaneously believe it to be weird coming back to the Human World.” Solomon says thoughtfully.
“Oh?” MC looks at him, their hands swinging between them. “All that magic you got and you never managed to predict that, huh?”
He chuckles. “Well, to be fair, it’s quite difficult to ever predict you, even now.” His tone is teasing and fond.
“Me?” They give him a curious look. “Since when were we talking about me?”
“MC, you’re the reason I’ve even stayed in the Devildom as long as I have. You’re the reason it became my home. I mean, yes, I have more reasons nowadays. But originally? That was all you. I’d never even considered staying in the Devildom long-term until you came along.” The look on his face is serious and genuine. He means every word.
MC’s face heats up a little at such a big admission aimed at them. “What about Asmo? Or Barbatos? You’re close with both of them as well. You’ve cared about them for way longer than you’ve cared about me.” They point out.
“Maybe so. But Asmo has always been happy to go back and forth between worlds just to see me and Barbatos, well-” He sighs softly. “Things with Barbatos have always been a bit more complicated.”
They nod in understanding, squeezing his hand. “In that case, I’m glad I helped you find a new home.”
Solomon smiles at them softly, squeezing their hand back. “I’m glad, too.” He faces forward again, watching all the other people walking around. “Now, let’s go pick out a tree for that home.”
“Yes!” MC tugs Solomon along excitedly, leading him down the lane closest to them as they inspect the trees on either side.
“What is most important to you for a Christmas tree?” The apprentice asks the other.
“Tall.” Is the immediate response.
“O-kay. Well, I think that a decent amount of branches should also be a focus. And the smell.”
Solomon gives the other sorcerer a strange look. “You judge me when you think the smell is most important?”
“What do you mean? The smell is very important!” They insist.
He shakes his head at them. “How could that apply to whether it’ll be a good tree or not? They all smell the exact same.”
“Huh.” MC crosses their arms over their chest. “How could the height apply, then? They’re all tall.”
Solomon stays silent for a moment before snorting, but before he could be questioned as to why, he bursts into full on laughter, throwing his head back, eyes squeezed shut tightly. Seeing him that way, MC can’t help but giggle along with him, even though they have no idea why he’s so amused.
“What is it?” They question after a long moment.
Solomon giggles, leaning into them as he speaks. “I-I was gonna say,” He takes in a deep breath before blowing it out. “That you should tell that to all of the people on Human World dating sites. A-About the height.”
It takes a moment for them to process before they, too, have their own fit of laughter. “That’s so stupid!” They exclaim.
“Exactly! That’s why you should tell them!”
“What? No, not them! You!”
“Me? Why me?”
“Your joke, you idiot! It was dumb!”
Solomon gasps with mock offense, the two of them slowly making their way down the aisle of trees as they speak. “How dare you! That was genius!” He says indignantly. “In fact, I should be a comedian. That was peak humor for the entirety of the human race.”
“Hah!” MC is quick to quip back. “If that was peak humor, then clearly the comedy genre should’ve died a long time ago.”
“What, like me?” Solomon asks with a raised eyebrow.
The one beside him lets out a half gasp, half laugh in shock. “Solomon! You can’t just say stuff like that!”
The corners of the wise sorcerer’s mouth are already starting to lift, but it’s clear he’s trying to stop himself. “What? What did I do now?”
MC smacks their hand into his chest. “You know exactly what you did. That wasn’t funny, that was terrible!”
He grins fully now, eyes filled with mirth. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. That was the funniest thing I’ve said in the last century and you know it.”
His partner groans, throwing their head back and looking up at the cloudy sky. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do with you. I really don’t.”
“You’re gonna find the best Christmas tree in this entire place and take it home and then decorate it with me.” He says matter-of-factly.
With a sigh, MC grabs his arm and wraps their own arms around it, leaning into his side. “Yes, that’s true.”
They both continue walking and looking around in a comfortable silence for a little while before MC speaks up once again.
“Hey, Solomon?”
“Yes, MC?”
“If you go anywhere near the kitchen when we get home, I’m not baking you shit for your birthday.” They say it with a smile on their face, betraying their threatening tone of voice.
“...But I like when you bake me things.” The pout in his voice is clear.
“Then don’t go anywhere near the kitchen, birthday boy.”
A/N: Happy Birthday to the wise sorcerer!! He's such a silly man <3 Thank you so much for reading!! I'll see y'all tomorrow!!
Please let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist!!
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worm-angle · 3 months ago
Happy Birthday Solomon!
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leviisbabe · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday to our Greatest Sorcerer! Our overprotective and ever loving Senseiii~ 💜
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ribbittheribbit · 1 year ago
☆Fanart I made for Solomons birthday☆
I love this goofy guy so much it’s unreal.
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