#ah yes daydreaming when I have things to do - one of my favorite things
Can clever plotting end the Holy War? Sure. But this time the plot’s just, “Meliodas decides to fuck around and find out and drag everyone he can think of into it."
ah yes another drabble that I got too shy to put in the reblogs. this meme format gives me so much joy 
from that reblog chain: Yet another reason why the Demon King ducked up by making his preteen son a war commander. The amount of strategy he displays by doing that is… might I say god awful. He consulted ZERO people on the development of children. Probably freaked out when he saw baby Mel for the first time. Like "STOP SCREAMING I COMMAND YOU TO STOP."  *even louder infant screaming* "YOU CANNOT GET AWAY WITH THIS INSOLENCE!” levels of ignorance. 
The only thing stopping Ten Commandments Meliodas from getting the audacity to kill him sooner was a lack of a support system. This kid saw the slightest hint of hope and went OH YEAH. PEACE. ALL THE WAY LETS GO. and immediately was such a disaster about it that he sent shockwaves through history. Imagine if he had been allowed to properly communicate with his brother and others even once every several weeks. The hijinks TC Mel would get into.
The traumatized teen leader of the Ten Commandments finds a little hope in his own home. Throwing as much caution to the wind as he can possibly afford, he drags his precious little brother around the Demon Realm and the battlefields of Britannia to find a solution to the war that’s fucked up their lives from the beginning. More and more happless souls are yanked into the rebellion as impulsive kid shenanigans ensue. Then Meliodas and Zeldris accidentally open up a litttle too much to their new friends and news of their (and Elizabeth’s!) home life goes viral, roping in the four archangels and the ten commandments who are not fucking stoked to hear what they’ve been left in the dark about. This is the aftermath. In meme format. 
Zeldris: I remember last time we got the chance to talk like this you asked me why I always work so hard. And I got too nervous to answer
Meliodas: uh huh
Zeldris: well… the truth is… I have this dream. That one day I’ll be able to make the demon realm a peaceful place. No more reliance on violence to prove our value. Just, just us demons, working to be the best we can be.
Meliodas, feeling a lil bit of his soul revive as his third eye is being pried open with a chainsaw: ‘keep it cool Meliodas don’t be a blubbering weakling in an important moment’    d-damn Zel…that...
Zeldris: I know it’s strange. To imagine a world where we could give up satisfying our vengeance against the goddesses. But it’s doing so, so much more harm than good. I can see it. I know you might not understand why I would be willing to give it up, with what the goddesses have done to us… to you… to mom. You think I haven’t guessed what happened to her, but… unless father killed her… no, that’s not important now. What’s important is how we move forward… if we just… stay stuck like this, then what’s the point of it all?
Meliodas: nah FUCK the war. It’s all pointless BS. Mom knew it too
Zeldris: please don’t - wait what
Meliodas: don’t what?
Zeldris: um. I thought you might be really angry
Meliodas: what, for being stronger than me? Strong enough to hold onto hope even after all this time?? Zel. I’m glad you could share that with me
Zeldris: 🥹
Meliodas: That dream... I would love to make it come true. even if trying to make this place less of a hellhole is a big hassle and doesn’t work out like exactly like we thought, I don’t think I could regret trying. You’ve shown me love can grow here after all... I have a reason to try
Zeldris: Big brother… do you… doyouwanttorulethedemonrealmtogether one day?
Zeldris: I’m the second prince, and I know father expects much less of me. But I’m capable. I’ll be of use right by your side. You’re the heir. The one everyone expects will be king. Fullfilling that... Is that the path you’re dreaming of? Is that what you want to do? 
Meliodas: !    Weeelll. Actually. It never meant anything to me, being the heir. Except more pressure from the Demon King. If there’s gonna be a new Demon King, it should be you. That’s what I think.
Zeldris: Ah. So that’s how you feel... in that case, are you still willing to continue on as a prince at all?
Meliodas: like I’d let you shoulder all this BS all by yourself if I could help it. I trust I’ll... “be of use”? 
Zeldris: No-no-I-that sounds- use? No- I don’t think like that -!
Meliodas: Aw, Zel, your face is all reddddd. Hehe. Always wanted to turn the tables on you like that! Don’t worry. I know it’s because father makes you so unsure, and I unwittingly helped out with that for a while.
Zeldris: Hmph. You just can’t restrain yourself. Don’t make me so anxious when you know I already am!
Meliodas: I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But you know-
Zeldris: Yes, I know. You love me. When do you think we’ll be capable enough?
Meliodas: hm  *remembers a certain silver haired goddess*
Meliodas: Well, that depends…. How much into the realm of crazy are we willing to let this revolution become?
Zeldris: I’ll do anything I have to for our people.
Meliodas: great. great. How good are you at Public Speaking by the way
*some time later*
The demon king: 👁️👄👁️
Assorted people from all five clans, several Induras, a bucketload of dragons and miscellaneous creatures from all over Britannia, Bloody Ellie and some archangels, all of the vampires under a newly crowned queen, and the demon army, including Gowther who somehow broke out of prison and found Glariza along the way:
. . .  you’ve been staring at us for five minutes. That’s gratifying and all but I hope you don’t expect us to explain. Trust me, you don’t want to ask how we all got here. No time for that anyway. We also have questions. So many questions... Questions we prefer you answer before we all kill you. For starters, why are your sons lolis and how the hell are they talking to those CREATURES in the back. Do you see those? Please tell us we’re hallucinating at least some of them. Is that a pig?
Zeldris: rude. Karen has been dragon queen for eons. She knows more languages than I do and probably understands every word you are saying. I’m just doing my best to translate, that is all.
Meliodas: his name is Wild :D isn’t he cute?
Wild: Meliodas-sama why is your father’s face so red? I think he needs a healer.
Ludociel: a pig that speaks? this truly IS hell. Why the fuck did you summon all these untrustworthy creatures from purgatory. Meliodas, I can’t wait to punish your father for bringing you into this world. I can’t believe his mistake is working in our favor right now. MAEL STOP HUGGING THAT THING
Mael, choking on the fluff: this is the best day of my life for so many reasons
Wild: Good to hear, my friend!
Elizabeth, removing her face from the fluff: AMEM. Thank you for having an audience with us, demon king. We have important news. We are ending the Holy War once and for all. Die or die. I'd give you the option of living, but you'd die anyways. Your people are really pissed that you sent your own kids to war and lied to them about it. Whether you live or die, whatever your punishment for prolonging this war will be, that is their call, not mine.
Demon King: FOOLS. DO YOU REALLY INTEND TO KILL ME? when the dust settles here, you will all be dead, and the Holy War will begin anew!
Elizabeth: when the dust settles, I'll be making love to your son on my golden throne, and you'll be a scorned, forgotten memory.
Meliodas: looking forward to it!
Zeldris: I’m gonna kill you brother
Demon King: you mortals cannot POSSIBLY fathom the thoughts of a God. Why I've done the things I've done is beyond you.
Random demon: could say the same for any other child abuser...
Ludociel, shouting at the demon king with equal ire: YOU could not possibly fathom how MUCH I have had to deal with ever since Lady Elizabeth brought that horrible demon and his gaggle of abominations into our camp! I have seen things. Felt things. Even tasted things. That no goddess should ever have to again. (*Meliodas grins evilly*) I don't even care anymore. What is strategy? What’s logic? We ate rocks made by a 5-year-old to get in here safely
Merlin: I'm 12
    (Bloody) Elizabeth to the demon king: touch her and ill torture you to death 
Demon King, trying desperately to figure out why there's a small child here and why Bloody Ellie is being weird about her, she LOOKS FAMILIAR, oh god is this her child, HOW LONG HAVE THOSE TWO BEEN A THING, this isn't their weird fucked up love child is it??: 
Rou, completely ignoring the 200 ft tall giant: oh my God Mel he fell for it!
Ludociel, also completely ignoring him: WHAT??
Meliodas: that was frozen tree blood. And a prank. Your goddess magic is adequate to protect you that's why we had you all cast Saint's Coat
Merlin: Maple Syrup. It’s called maple syrup. And magic potions don't taste nearly that good. I'm shocked you fell for that Ludo. you really are losing it
Gowther: technically, he isn’t wrong. The potion to combat the miasma is partly made from organic material from purgatory. There were some rocks in it. And also bone.
Sariel: when did you go to purgatory??? 
Mael (muffled by Wild's fur): rock is organic?
Zeldris: 84% of native purgatory rock is!! It’s even been linked biologically to a demon’s darkness. It’s fascinating. I read a whole book about it
Sariel: hello??? who took this man to purgatory without saying shit to anyone?? 
Tarmiel: I don’t even know who that is. I can’t remember when he got here
Mael: not true, we know who he is!  that’s the boyfriend of the demon I found trapped in a magic circle in the woods, remember? And I was like, I’m kinda having an exestential crisis right now so it could just be me, but if a goddess and a demon can really be friends and being a pacifist is okay actually and everyone was just being a bitch to me for no reason, then fuck it, who cares why the demon king put you in here? I’m setting you free. just promise you won’t wreck anything. make a demon contract with me or whatever and let’s end this cursed war. and she went “yea actually i’m directly an enemy of the demon king. he threw my lover in jail :(” and then me and Elizabeth and that guy over there *Doll Gowther throws up a peace sign* did a jailbreak while you lot were arguing over whether you could trust Mel or not? Remember that guys? 
Ludociel, who did NOT remember, on the verge of fainting:
Mael: Wait did I not tell you ANY of that?!? BROTHER I’M SO SORRY
Doll Gowther: Don’t be. He would not have let you contribute in a substantial way again. 
Elizabeth: do I owe you dessert Mel or does him insulting my virtue in this context not count
Meliodas: I’m not actually sure…might have made that bet too vauge
Zeldris (to Merlin): I’m not letting them adopt you. You can be my little sister
The ground begins to shake violently. Besides the obvious, nothing else happens. 
The Ten Commandments, permanently scarred from realizing that Meliodas the Destoryer and Zeldris the Executioner were kids this whole goddamn time, and not just weirdly short: ...loooooook...uh...here’s the thing. we’re gonna kill you now and we don’t need your power to do it. We got rid of it already. We have the power of, uh, *checks smudged writing on hands, dilligently inscribed by Elizabeth* ... teamwork
TC: and what ... what the pig said
Mael, extracting himself from Wild’s fluff, noticably buffer than 5 minutes ago: Plus the power of the gods! It’s almost noon :)
Zeldris: Damn, we timed this wrong. You better not destroy the castle
Yeah this has been sitting in my drafts for weeks because I don’t know how to end it. Anyone who wants a part 2 let me know lol
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normansnt · 8 months
The real him
(Alastor x male overlord!reader)
No warnings my loves
Perhaps some grammatical errors🥹
Alastor was walking down the street to attend the overlords meeting that was taking place today. He has been absent for quite some time so he has not been to one in a while, and honestly he was kind of excited to go again. Not because he cared so much about what they had to say oh no, of course it was useful information for his plan but the one true reason he went was not something, it was someone.
The overlord of music. Since he was the radio demon and you were the music demon you naturally had something to do with each other. Not to mention it just so happened that you both liked jazz that was a first bonding point.
The moment you became an overlord and turned up on one of the meetings Alastor was delighted by you. You were younger than most of them around the age of the Vees however you are very respectful towards the elder overlords. And even though you were one of the strongest ones you were not egoistic at all. If anything Alastor would call you quite humble. You had a happy air around you similar to Charlie, but he could see the smartness and cunningness underneath. For anyone else you just seemed like any happy go lucky idiot in hell but Alastor knew better. He knew that you could not have become an overlord without brains, all though the Vees achieved it. It only took him one conversation with you to know that sly brain of yours which was probably one of the smartest in the room, despite your young age.
Before he left hell it has become a habit that you two sat down for a coffee after meetings and you could talk for hours, one of your favorite activities was playing chess together.
To put it short. Alastor absolutely adored you, and loved spending time with you. The only thing that made him feel even a little bit sad when he left was the thought of not seeing you for a long time.
"Alastor, how fare thee, this way"
Alastor was too caught up in his daydreams about you to notice the tall figure appearing before him.
"Greetings, Zestial" he looked at the overlord while they made their way to the meeting.
"Ah, the weather, doth become this fine day."
"Indeed, looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon!"
"If our luck doth hold! I do revel in the screams. How art thou?It has been an age since thou hath graced us thy presence. Some hath spun wild tales of you falling to...holy arms."
"Oh, I just took a well-earned sabbatical, nothing serious. Though it's fun to keep everyone on their toes!" Laughed Alastor
"Quite intriguing, Some of us did miss thee more than others" smiled Zestial mysteriously.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" Asked back Alastor his smile never wavering.
"Thee knoweth what I mean a certain youngster did miss thy presence gravely"
To this Alastor's smile lessened just the littlest bit, barely seeable to naked eye truly. He was not pleased that he caused you sadness. All though deep down in his cold dead heart a spark of warmth emerged to the thought that you missed him.
"Well than shall we proceed" said Zestial at last.
When Alastor and Zestial arrived at the meeting he was disappointed to notice that you were no where to be seen. Nonetheless he took his seat, hoping that you will turn up since you do have a habit of losing track of time.
So the meeting began, Alastor sat next to Rosie a charming Women overlord of the cannibal town also a good friend of yours and Alastor.
"Ahhh Alastor such a pleasure to see you again, someone has become quite broody without you here." The powerful women finished her sentence with a cheeky grin.
"Yes it has been brought to my attention as well however I do not see the culprit here anywhere."
"Ohh you know the clumsy, he is always late."
About 10 minutes after the meeting began Velvette bursted through the door throwing the head of an exorcist of the table, and you walked in calmly behind her.
"Must you make such an entrance, and oh look at that now you got blood all over the table you could do it less flashy you know" you said looking at the media demon.
"I'm sorry for being late Velvette here was holding me up" you said rolling your eyes while she stuck her middle finger in your face.
"Anyways what are we-" you stopped talking when you saw Alastor. Your face broke out in a grin which you quickly tried to cover up with a cough and took your place besides Rosie.
"It's quite all right (Y/N) we know how...annoying the Vees can be" said Carmilla smiling at you slightly. You had a friendly relationship with most every overlord, even the Vees all though that was more professional.
After that you had trouble focusing, all you could think about was what you would say to Alastor after the meeting.
When Velvette jumped unto the table and started very disrespectfully yelling at Zestial and Carmilla you wanted to step in but Rosie put her hand on yours shaking her head slightly.
Alastor chuckled, a real hearty quet chuckle not a mocking one. He has always adored the way you like to stand up for people. He often wondered how you ended up in hell. Now he knows of course, your coffee 'dates' have turned quite deep sometimes, thus you are pretty much the only person who knows him. Not his grin he always wears, not his charmingly sick personality, him.
After the rather quick meeting you waited for Alastor outside of the meeting room. You were quite nervous you have not seen him in 7 years.
When Alastor saw you waiting outside he walked over. You waited till the other overlords have left the scene and the moment you could not see any of them anymore you jumped into Alastors arms.
Now, Alastor did not like physical touch. But this was already a routine for you too. Since you are a very touchy person and he does not like it at all you started off slow. Putting your hand on his shoulder as greeting and goodbye. Than patting his back and this way you guys slowly went up to a point where he was comfortable with hugging you. And now he loves it. But only if its you.
"(Y/N)...I've heard you missed me."he stated while smiling, not grinning, smiling at you.
"Weelll, I mean its no secret that you are my favorite there" you smiled shyly
"Only there?" He asked smiling egoistically exactly knowing your answer.
"All right, all right mr.bigshot however that doesn't explain why you were gone for 7 years without telling me where you were?"
You might be happy to see him now but that doesn't change the fact that he hurt you when he left without telling you.
His smile faltered a bit
He took your hand and next thing you know is you guys ended up in his room in the Hazbin Hotel.
Now he could let the smile go. All though a soft one remained on his lips.
"Everything in its time my dear"
Ok I'll stop
I already have at least 5 more fics in my notes just waiting to be published but I might wait with those cuz I really have to proof read them cuz when I type fast (like when I have too many ideas in my head cuz I have a new hyperfixation) I make the stupidest ass mistakes😭
Thank you so much for reading ladies, gentleman and other, good afternoon good evening and good night🧡🦖
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slutsmut-racha · 11 months
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Movie Night w/ 3RACHA
pairing: polyamorous relationship with afab!reader and 3RACHA
word count: 4.2k
genre: smut, fluff
warnings: afab!reader but gender neutral terms used; polyamorous relationship; anal; oral (m and f receiving); fingering (pussy and ass); ass smacking; clit smacking; picture taken (with consent); hair pulling; pet names: baby, bunny, love; If I missed anything, please let me know!
note: This is my first writing on here. I've been daydreaming and making up stories all my life, but I'm new to writing them out. So this may be a little rough. Feedback is appreciated. This also means I'm still learning how to work tumblr, tags, lingo, etc. It's a bit of a full story with some fluffy fluff rather than just straight to smut and ending on smut.
please read: rules and related info
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You had picked a horror movie to watch that night. You, Binnie, and Han liked horror movies. Bang Chan was supposed to be in the studio late to finish tracks, so you didn’t have to worry about him and his aversion to scary movies.
Hyunjin was at the other dorm tonight, hanging out with the maknaes and LeeKnow.
Sitting on the couch with Changbin on one side and Jisung on the other, lights off, you were enjoying the movie. You were a quarter of the way through it when Chan came home. Han jumped at the sound of him coming in, already affected by the movie. Binnie smirked and you laughed.
“Ah, man. A scary movie? Really?” Chan groaned when he saw what was on the TV.
“Sorry, hyung, you weren’t supposed to be home,” Han replied.
“Do you want us to change it” you asked him.
“NooooOOooOoOOoooo!!” Changbin instantly whined. “I never get to watch horror movies with you because of him,” he pouted.
Bang Chan chuckled. “It’s fine. I just won’t pay attention to it.” He came over and lifted you off the couch and sat where you just were and plopped you down in his lap. “I’ll just pay attention to you,” he said, moving your hair aside and kissing your neck.
“Fine by me,” you smirked. You weren’t going to complain. Your 3 favorite men all on the couch with you, just the 4 of you at their place. No other members or staff around. These moments were rare.
“AH!” Han exclaimed at a jump scare. You couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re a psycho, you know that? How can you laugh at these things?” he pouted.
“Awe, I’m sorry, baby,” you said, running your fingers through his hair. “Would you rather I get scared and cower in your arms?”
“Yes,” he said indignantly.
“You’re cute,” you chuckled at his annoyance.
“I’m not cute,” he scowled. “I’m your protector,” he huffed.
“I’m going to get some popcorn,” Chan said, rolling his eyes at Jisung. He kissed your shoulder and smacked your ass as he lifted you up so he could stand.
“Okay, okay, protector,” you said as you sat back down. You leaned back against Han who wrapped his arm around your waist. “You can be my big, bad protector.” You turned to kiss his cheek and he grinned.
“Good. That’s all I want.” He kissed the top of your head as you laid it back against his shoulder.
Changbin laid a hand on your thigh closest to him and rubbed it up and down, kneading here and there. Chan came back with his popcorn, shirt already gone like he prefers, and sat in the rotating armchair, turning it from the TV, and started scrolling through his phone. He didn’t want to go to his room, he wanted to be out here with you three. But he did what he could to avoid the movie all the same.
Han was pulling you closer, kneading your hip, your tummy, occasionally your breast. He was working you up and you were sure he knew it. Every touch, every squeeze, just made your arousal grow. You squeezed your thighs together in your mini skirt. Changbin smirked, knowing why with his hand still on one of them. He grabbed your knee and pulled your leg over his lap, spreading your legs.
You pursed your lips but said nothing. You weren’t going to give in to them so easily. They liked it a little bit when you made them work for it. It was hard sometimes though. It was easier to hold out and tease them when it was just one on one. Even 2 on one, although harder, was still doable. But 3 on 1? You would be putty in their hands almost instantly. You always had trouble keeping control when they all 3 teamed up on you.
The next scare in the movie was the first big scare and it had Han diving face first into your lap. You definitely laughed that time as you pet his head and ran your fingers through his hair. He wasn’t moving though. You thought it must have really scared him and you cooed “oh, my poor baby.” But really he wasn’t moving because he was nose first in your lap. He could smell your arousal. Your skirt had ridden up your thighs when Binnie had spread your legs, exposing your panties. It was dark, but illuminated by the TV Han could definitely see a spot on your underwear that was darker than the rest, the spot where you had soaked through your panties because of them.
Han moved his head just slightly, just enough to give him a better angle, and then you felt his tongue run across you on that wet spot.
“Oh!” you exclaimed, not expecting it. Han groaned. He could taste you on that spot, he could feel the heat on his face coming from your core, he could tell just how wet you were, and he loved it.
Han moved to kneel before you on the couch.
“Ji!” you laughed. “We’re not even halfway through the movie!”
You tried to close your legs, but Changbin held on to your leg over his lap, kneading your inner thigh with both hands. “Relax, bunny. Let Hannie take care of you,” he said. You looked over at him. He kept his eyes on your face. You could tell he was enjoying this. He loved it when you got worked up in their hands. His, Han’s, Chan’s, whichever of the 3 of them. He just loved watching your face as you moaned and panted under them, eyes rolling back into your head, hands gripping… whatever they could find as you came apart completely.
You looked over at Channie. He wasn’t looking at his phone anymore. “Go ahead, love. How long has it been? We’ve been busy a lot lately, we haven’t had any alone time together. Let him.”
You looked at Han next. His big, round eyes looking up at you from where he was on the floor. He didn’t say anything, but you could tell he wanted this so much. You nodded and he grinned as he dove in, face first.
He didn’t remove your panties yet. He just licked and sucked at your clit through the wet spot until all he could taste was the cotton fabric. Then he went to remove your panties, Changbin releasing your leg so he could. He left your skirt on and Bin took your leg back the moment your underwear was off.
Han licked from your core to your clit. He nipped your clit lightly, making your hips buck slightly, and inserted 2 fingers in you. He licked and sucked and nibbled your clit and finger fucked you until your back was arching off the couch and your thighs were trying to clench around his head and suffocate him. The only thing keeping his head safe was Binnie’s hold on one of your legs. You had your fingers in his hair, gripping and holding his face down while you ground up into it. “Ji- fuck- Ji please-” you moaned as he hummed against your clit. He didn’t let up until you had rode through your orgasm and slumped back onto the couch.
You closed your eyes, basking in the aftermath of Han’s mouth. “Not yet, baby, my baby,” Han squeezed your thigh. “Lay back against Binnie.” You did as told, head in Binnie’s lap.
Changbin smiled down at you. “Such a good little bunny,” he caressed your cheek.
Han came back a moment later (where did he go? you thought) with condom in hand, already rolling it down his dick, clothes gone. Ah, that’s where. You watched as he got in between your legs. He lined himself up and slowly pushed into you. You gasped at the fullness, eyes rolling back. Han groaned as he bottomed out. He didn’t wait long for you to adjust, instead pulling back and slamming into you.
It really had been a long time since you had this time with any of them, one-on-one or more. Han leaned forward and kissed you. You could taste yourself on him and you leaned up to get more, pushing your tongue into his mouth. Your hand found the back of his neck and you pulled him towards you more. He had one hand on the arm of the couch, over Changbin’s lap, keeping himself upright, and the other on your thigh as he held it over his hip. He could feel his knees slipping though and had to sit back up to regain his balance. You pouted as he moved away.
Changbin chuckled at your pout. “No worries, bunny. That just gives me access to this pretty pussy of yours,” he said as he reached over and started rubbing your clit.
“Ah- fuck… Binnie...”
You used your elbows to lift yourself up as far as you could, trying to get closer to Changbin’s face. You wanted to make out. He knew that. But he wouldn’t close the distance. “Can I help you with something?” he teased.
“Rude,” you muttered, rolling your eyes.
He smacked your clit. “What was that?” he asked sternly.
You spoke up louder so all 3 could definitely hear you. “I said you’re rude. Now fucking kiss me Binnie,” you demanded and Han laughed.
“Ah, go on Bin,” you heard Chan say. “Kiss y/n. Can’t you see how bad your little bunny needs it?”
You looked over at Chan. He had pulled his cock out and was stroking it slowly. He was hard, but he wasn’t in a rush to get off. He was saving that for you.
You moaned at the sight of him, the feeling of Han inside you, and Changbin’s fingers as they started rubbing again. You couldn’t look away from Chan. The tips of his ears and his chest were flushed as your attention was on him, but he had a cocky smirk all the same as he held your eye.
Changbin grabbed your chin and turned you to face him again. He leaned forward and closed the distance between you two finally. It was a tender kiss at first. He lightly bit your lip and your tongues crashed together softly. But as you reached another orgasm and moaned into his mouth it became more fervent. You had to break away, gasping for air.
You looked at Han and he leaned forward, kissing you like Binnie had just a moment ago. He was moaning and groaning into your mouth, his hips faltering as he came. Changbin rubbed your clit faster and applied a bit more pressure, making sure you finished through this orgasm too. Han pulled away from the kiss and leaned his forehead against yours, panting as he came down from his own orgasm.
Changbin had stopped rubbing your clit and was now squeezing your tit through your shirt, thumb rolling over your hardened nipple. You could tell he was getting impatient for his turn. You angled your head to tenderly kiss Jisung and tap his hip, signaling him to move before-
“Yah!” Changbin shouted from above you. “I want my bunny too!” He jokingly (not so jokingly) punched Han in the shoulder.
“OW!” Han shouted and you winced at how loud it was.
You heard Chan sigh from where he was. “No shouting or hitting each other while still on or in the significant other,” Chan scolded them.
“Oh, sorry my baby!” Han kissed down your neck and your chest in apology as he slowly removed himself from you. You hissed as you felt his cock slide out and you felt empty again.
“Yah! I’m so sorry bunny!” Changbin shouted as he stood up. You were forced forward as he did so and fell back on the couch after he had moved. He then grabbed your waist and forced you to stand up with him. He pulled you into a tight hug, crushing your face against him.
“Chang- bin-! Can’t- breathe-!” you forced out.
He eased up on his grip but only enough to lift your face to his and kiss you. He caressed your face with one hand and slid his other down to grip your ass, walking you over to the side of the couch. He turned you around to face the couch. He started teasing your shirt up as he kissed your neck.
“Bunny, can I take this off,” he asked, and you nodded in answer. He pulled your shirt off and went back to leaving wet, open-mouthed kisses on your neck as he caressed and squeezed your tits. You moaned as he lightly pinched your nipples between his fingers.
You turned back around to face him and tugged his shirt over his head. You ran your fingers down his chest and over his tummy. He shivered at your touch and you smiled at him. You slid your hand further down, caressing his bulging cock over his jeans. You kissed down his chest and went to get on your knees, but he grabbed your arms and pulled you back up.
“No, bunny. I want…” he started, hesitating. Suddenly he turned you back around and bent you forward over the arm of the couch. He flipped your skirt up and smacked your ass. “I want this pretty hole back here,” he said.
“Mmm, yes please, Binnie,” you said as you wiggled your ass.
“Stay still,” he commanded as he smacked your ass again. And then he was gone.
You looked over at Chan, stroking his cock, his focus still on you.
“Channie, come over here,” you pat the spot on the couch in front of you. He got up, never stopping his strokes, and came to sit where you asked him to. You leaned up from where you were still bent over and he met you halfway for a sloppy kiss, his tongue pushing into your mouth.
You heard Changbin return. You looked back as he rubbed your ass. He had lube and a condom. He slid a finger into your pussy, gathering slick. He brought his finger to your asshole and started teasing it. You held your breath, waiting for the intrusion.
“Relax, love,” Chan said as he caressed your face. You looked up at him and he gave you a reassuring smile. “Remember, just relax and it’ll go a lot smoother.”
Anal was new for you. Something you had only let these 3 men experience with you. And with such little time to actually do any of these acts, it had only been done a couple of times. But they were so good to you. They were gentle and coached you through it all, Channie being diligent to learn all he could to make it easiest on you.
You nodded and started taking slow, deep breaths.
“Do you still wanna do this,” Changbin asked from behind you.
“Yes,” you answered.
“Okay. Just breathe,” Changbin said and he slowly pushed his finger in.
Your breath hitched from the foreign and almost painful feeling.
“Breathe, baby, breathe,” Han soothed as he came to your side. He knelt down next to Changbin and lazily rubbed your clit and fingered your pussy to ease the tension in your body. Chan rubbed soothing circles on your back and Changbin pumped his finger in and out of your hole.
You continued your breathing exercises. Slow and deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth, you coached yourself. You felt your body relax and Changbin did too.
“Ready for another,” he asked.
You took a few more breathes and nodded.
“Y/n’s ready,” Chan told Changbin.
“Okay. Here we go,” he said as he pushed a second finger in, letting you adjust for a moment before moving in and out of you again.
This addition went in much easier. You were starting to whine from Han’s fingers and you rock your hips forward, trying to get more. Changbin smacked your ass in response.
“Yah! Stay still! I still have to get a third finger in you before you can take me,” he scolded.
“Well, then, hurry please! I’m ready for a third finger,” you wiggled your ass back towards him. The feelings had moved past somewhat painful and uncomfortable to more pleasurable. He squeezed your ass cheek with his free hand in response.
“Okay, bunny, okay. Here.” And with that you were stuffed with 3 fingers. You moaned as the 3rd one went in.
“More, Binnie. I need mooorre,” you moaned.
“More? You can’t take any more. I barely got these 3 in,” he teased.
“Bin- ooohh,” your own moaning cut you off as fingers pumped in and out of your pussy and your asshole at a faster pace. “Binniiieee!” you whined. “Your cock, I need your cock!”
“My cock? Is that what my bunny needs?” he teased.
“Yes! Please, Binnie baby?”
“Well, since my bunny asked so sweetly.” You felt him remove his fingers and then felt his tip press against you.
“Just remember to breathe, love,” Chan said as Changbin pushed his thick cock into your ass.
Your breath hitched again. He was a bit bigger than 3 fingers and there was a sting. He stopped moving to let you adjust.
“You okay, bunny?” Changbin asked, always concerned for you.
You waited a moment before answering, waiting until the sting had passed. “Yes, Binnie, I’m okay. Continue please.”
He slowly pushed more of himself in until he bottomed out. You moaned as he drew back and pushed in again. Han moved his fingers in time with Changbin.
“Fuck,” you heard Chan say and you looked up at him.
“Mmm?” you asked him, unable to actually use words.
“Look at you. You’re so fucking beautiful. Eyes glossy, pretty lips hanging open, tits bouncing. Can I take a picture?” he asked.
You nodded and pulled his phone out of his pocket, aiming it at you as the flash went off. He turned it around to show you and you laughed. You looked hot, just as he described you. But what got you was Changbin standing behind you, shirtless and biting his lip… and Han’s hand coming up from the side, throwing a peace sign.
“I want that picture, hyung,” you heard Han say.
“Later,” Chan replied as he tossed his phone down on the other side of the couch.
“M’ere,” you managed to get out between moans, looking up at Channie.
He scooted closer to you on the couch until his dick was under your head. You moved one hand to his thigh to use as leverage and keep yourself from falling face first into said dick and you used your other hand to spread Channie’s leaking precum up and down before taking him in your mouth. You took him as far as you could and used your hand to pump what you couldn’t reach.
Changbin had picked up his pace and you moaned around Chan’s cock every time Binnie thrust back into you. Chan gathered your hair in a makeshift ponytail so he could watch you.
“Fuck,” Chan grunted. “Hurry up, Bin. I’m gonna cum soon if y/n keeps sucking me like this and I don’t want to. I want to cum with that tight little pussy wrapped around my cock.”
Grunting was all you heard from Changbin as he thrust faster and harder in your tight asshole.
“Fuck. Yeah- yeah. I’m gonna cum. Fuuuck,” he whined as his hips stuttered and he came with a final thrust.
As Binnie came, you moaned around Chan’s cock again. You could feel more precum spurting out and Chan used his grip on your hair to pull you off of him. “I’m not coming unless it’s in your pussy,” he growled.
Changbin leaned over you and peppered kisses along your spine. “So good for Binnie. So good for us,” you heard him mumble.
“Come here,” Chan commanded. Bin slid out from behind you and Han, who had not stopped fingering you yet, finally removed his fingers from your pussy.
You stood up and moved in front of Chan. He slid his pants and boxers off and rolled on the condom that Han had tossed him. He leaned forward and put his hands on the back of your thighs, pulling you towards him. He undid the zipper on your skirt and helped you step out of it. He kissed your hips and across your pelvis and you ran your fingers through his hair. He sighed contentedly and pulled back, leaning back against the couch.
“Come here, love,” he commanded again, holding out his hand to give you support as you moved to straddle him. “You’re gonna be good and ride me, right?”
“Yes, Channie,” you said as you got situated.
“You’re so good to us. Isn’t y/n good to us, boys?” Chan asked the others, lining himself up with your entrance. You whimpered as you felt his tip push against you.
“Yes,” you heard them say in unison.
“My baby is the best baby,” Han added.
“That’s right,” Chan said as he roughly thrust up into you. You cried out, grabbing his shoulders to stop from toppling over and Chan gripped your hips tightly, his fingers digging in. “Y/n” *thrust* “is so” *thrust* “good” *thrust* “to us.” *thrust*
Chan moved your hips. “You said you were going to ride me, love, so ride.”
You did as you were told, rocking back and forth, up and down.
“Yeah, just like that,” Chan groaned as he threw his head back against the couch, exposing his neck. You leaned forward to kiss his neck, the tip of your tongue pressing against his flesh before your lips closed around it.
Chan moaned as you sucked on his neck. You had your boobs pressed firmly to his own chest and he could feel your nipples rubbing against him as you moved. He moved his hands from your hips to your tits, taking them in his big hands. You moved back so he could get to them easier and he took the opportunity to bring them to his mouth, encircling one nipple with his lips as he sucked and ran his tongue over it. He pinched the other between his fingers.
Now it was your turn to throw your head back as you moaned. You threaded your fingers through Chan’s hair, holding him against you.
Chan moved his mouth to your other nipple and moved his hand down to your cunt, rubbing your clit, pinching it lightly and then rubbing again.
“Fuuuck! Yes, Channie, just like thaaat! I’m so cloooosse!” you moaned.
Chan snaked his other hand around your neck and in your hair, removing his mouth from your nipple so he could pull you into a kiss. He leaned back against the couch, and you loomed over him as your tongues clashed together and you ground your pussy down on him. Both of your moans muffled by your lips, you held on to him, hands threaded in his soft hair.
“I’m gonna cum,” Chan mumbled against your lips as he worked your clit faster. “Cum with me, love.”
You nodded vigorously, lips never disconnecting.
Your body went rigid as you came, your hands tightening in Channie’s hair. Chan kept working your clit but moved his other hand from your hair to your hip to hold you steady as he thrust into you a couple of times, groaning into your mouth as he came.
Chan slowed his fingers on your clit as you came down. You leaned your forehead in the crook of his neck, your breathing coming back to normal. Chan rubbed circles on your thighs with his thumbs.
“Fuck, love. I’ve missed that.” Chan moved to pepper kisses along your collarbone, up your neck, along your jaw, and back to your lips. “Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you smile at him. You slide off of Chan and he groans from the stimulation. You turn around to find Changbin and Han back in joggers. Changbin greets you with a kiss and then kneels down in front of you with a wet washcloth. He’s gentle as he cleans you up. Once done, Han hands you an oversized t-shirt, it hangs down to your mid thighs. You stumble into him as you put it on, legs weak from the activities, and he laughs as he catches you.
“Baby, be careful,” he says before kissing you. You lean your head on his shoulder as he holds you for a few moments.
“Sit down, love. Stretch your legs out,” you hear Chan say from behind you. You turn to look at him and he’s back on the couch in joggers too. Han moves to sit next to him in the middle and Changbin sits on the far end. Chan opens his arms for you and you sit in his lap, legs stretched across over Han and Changbin. Changbin starts massaging your feet and Han’s absentmindedly drawing shapes on your thighs with his finger.
You turn your attention back to the movie. It’s last few scenes and the murderer is killing the pretty girl in daisy dukes.
“I knew she was going to die,” you comment.
“Psycho,” Han calls you again, making Changbin and Chan chuckle.
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seung-mong · 2 years
changbin - deadlines
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includes: dom! changbin x fem reader, power dynamics if you squint, corruption kink, size kink, use of "sir", praise and degradation, semi-public sex, slight manipulation, overstim, age gap but both are of age:D, changbin is kinda mean and nasty
a/n: prof!changbin is my one true love<3 I DEDICATE THIS CHAPTER TO @prudenceisntjustcute thank u so so so so much u dont understand how happy i am rn
wc: 3104 :0
catching feelings for him was probably the worst possible decision you ever made. here you are in class, practically drooling all over your desk as you watch him. jisung smirks when he notices your zoned-out state, your eyes hazy and unfocused on him. he walks towards you from the front of the class, having just handed in his work.
"y/n?" his voice snaps you back to reality, jisung leaning over and resting his hands on your desk.
"sungie!" you say a little too enthusiastically, and he chuckles.
"they're serving pizza today for lunch. want me to get you a slice?"
only then do you realize that the rest of the class is packing away their things, filing down the lecture hall. screw you and your stupid daydreams.
"oh! yea i'd really like that, sung! i'll follow after you, i just have to uh- clarify some things with the professor." you get up from your seat, shoving your unused notebook and textbook into your bag.
jisung smiles at you, nodding in understanding and leaving you to walk out of the room, leaving you and your professor completely alone. if only jisung knew it wasn't him you were staring at.
seo changbin stands behind his desk, one hand on his hip, the other flipping through the pile of test papers. if he's aware of your presence in his classroom, he doesnt show it. his eyebrows are furrowed and a small frown tugs on the corner of his mouth as he flips over a specific paper, shaking his head at the answers. his glasses threaten to fall down, and he has to push them back every few minutes.
"professor?" you squeak, taking a tentative step closer to him.
he looks up in your direction, an eyebrow raised. your cheeks warm when he smiles at you, beckoning you forward. "miss y/l/n. i dismissed the class a few minutes ago. was there something you needed?" he asks, his voice floating across the room and filling you with a warm feeling.
'yes, your children please.'
"well, i just had a few questions regarding the last homework you assigned?" you cross over to his desk, gripping onto the strap of your bag so tightly you feel the burn in your palm.
changbin chuckles, motioning for you to sit by his desk. "ah yes, the last homework i assigned…. which was due almost a week ago, correct?" he tilts his head down to look at you over his glasses, a mocking smile on his lips that makes you want to kiss him.
you blush profusely before nodding, taking the seat nearest to where you stood. changbin chuckles before crossing to the front so he was directly across from you. sighing, he sat on the edge of his desk, slightly leaning forward towards you.
"well, i wouldn't mind helping out one of my favorite students." he teases, winking at you.
you almost pass out, but your body reacts before your brain and you start to fish for the assignment in your bag. as you do so, you feel his gaze burning your skin, hot and heavy as he tilts his head to the side, as if assessing something about you. you take the paper out with shaky hands before setting it onto his desk.
changbin straightens up and clears his throat. "to be honest, im surprised you're struggling with the work, y/n. your test papers say otherwise." he walks over behind you, hovering over your shoulder.
the tip of his necktie reaches your shoulder, and all you can think about is him stuffing it into your mouth and gagging you with it.
"well all your answers so far are correct, what are the questions you had in mind?" he places a hand on your shoulder and you feel your stomach twist with anticipation and need.
'you're so hot it should be illegal.'
"thats not a question." changbin chuckles, leaving your side and walking towards his desk.
fuck. did you just say that out loud?
he peers at you from behind his desk, a smug look plastered onto his sharp features. you squirm in the leather seat, your skirt suddenly feeling too hot, irritated by the way it sticks to your thighs. you cant seem to look away from his gaze, and he challenges you, raising an eyebrow. youre the first to break, eyes flying to the homework in front of you.
"i guess i'll just f-finish this and like, pass it to you." you clear your throat, shaking your head and hoping your face hasnt gone red.
changbin hums, taking his glasses off and setting them on his desk, right on top of your paper.
"you could. but still, you failed to meet the deadline. i'd have to deduct points from your work for that." he sighs, shaking his head.
you hate feeling like you disappointed him, your head hanging low as you hear him walk over to you, placing a hand behind your chair.
"y/n." his voice is low, urging you to look up at him. you do, your eyes meeting his and it sends a spark of electricity up across your skin.
"sir?" you squeak, the pen in your hand growing slimy from the sweat on your palms. why was he looking at you like he wanted to eat you alive? not that'd you be complaining.
changbin inhales sharply, the title slipping right out of your mouth and straight down to his hard cock. fuck, why were you so pliant? so needy? just begging to be ruined. he sighs, crossing the classroom towards the door and for a moment you think he's about to ask you to leave- when suddenly he locks it behind him.
this is not happening.
"don't you think you should… make up for all the days you failed to submit your work?" he leans against his desk, and you try extra hard not to check him out because holy fuck you can see the tent in his pants and you're squirming in your seat, thighs clenching tightly against each other.
"i dont-"
"you know what really pisses me off, miss y/l/n?" he sighs, his hands gripping the edge of the table right under his thighs. "you keep chewing on that damn pen, and it's just so distracting." he shakes his head, gesturing towards the pen in your hand.
"but- why?" you squeak, stuffing it discreetly into the pocket of your bag.
changbin scoffs in disbelief. "why? baby you drool all over it and got your pretty lips wrapped around the tip i can't help picturing it's my cock instead."
a wave of heat washes over you, and you can't help the moan that escapes your lips. changbin smirks, gesturing you to walk over to him with a wave of his hand. you hesitate, unsure if you physically can stand up and walk over to him without your legs turning to mush.
"aint got that much time, doll."
and you cross the room in three strides. god you were so eager for him, he fucking knew you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
"so obedient." he hums appreciatively, hands hesitating before resting on your sides. you tense at the contact, and changbin coos, lifting a thumb to swipe under your chin. your eyes meet his, and he scoffs.
"do you know how pathetic you look right now? eyes so wide and needy." he tucks your hair behind your ear, bottom lip jutting out into a mocking pout.
you nod, tensing when changbin's hands find purchase on your waist, squeezing slightly. suddenly you're wearing too many pieces of clothing, despite the fact that all you had on was a simple tee. you wanted it off, wanted to feel his hands on your body.
"but i'll take care of you." changbin smirks when he sees your eyes slowly close, already submitting to him.
you wait patiently for him to do something, anything. you feel his hand pull you closer to him by your nape, his lips instantly finding yours. your heart is in your throat when the teacher growls against your mouth, tilting his head to the side and brushing your lower lip with his tongue. you instantly give in to him, not wanting to put up a fight when you know just how badly you wanted this to happen.
you stable yourself by placing your hands on his shoulders, screaming internally when you feel the muscles straining against his white dress shirt. you want nothing more than to rip it off of him. he situates you on his thigh, letting you not-so-subtly grind against his muscle. your whines spill into his mouth and he drinks every single sound you make. it heads straight to his cock and he can't wait to feel you around him.
changbin growls when you pull on his hair, hands harshly gripping you by the under of your thighs and lifting you, just to place you on his desk.
"what would your cute little classmates think," changbin coos, fingers wandering dangerously close to your clothed heat. pinching and squeezing the soft fat of of your thighs. "if they knew what a little slut you are f'me? u know im much older, dont you?"
you whimper at his degrading tone, hands resting on the desk behind you.
"you could have any guy in this class if you wanted. you know that right, baby?" he teases you, fingers gently lifting up your skirt and exposing your underwear.
"d-dont want them. only you." your voice comes out small and pathetic, and changbin fucking loved how small he was making you feel.
"yea?" he grabs your hand from behind you, guiding it onto his crotch and making you squeeze. his cock is hard against your touch, and you gasp at the size of his bulge. "guess they won't be able to fill you up good like i will, huh?"
you nod frantically, desperate for him to just hurry up and touch you. changbin notices this, chuckling lightly and pulling your underwear down painfully slow. he takes a good look at your arousal dripping down your slit and takes a deep breath, sucking in his teeth.
"you're so wet, doll. bet i could slide right in without prepping ya."
you nod eagerly, locking your legs around his hips and pulling him closer to you. he groans at the action, hands gripping onto your thighs so tightly you're sure it'll bruise. you watch with wide eyes when changbin does quick work of undoing his belt, letting it hang in the loops. he unbuttons his pants and lets it fall, just enough for him to pull his cock out.
it won't fit.
he smirks when he sees the hint of worry in your eyes, stare fixed on his cock. changbin tuts at you, one hand wrapping around his base and the other on your chin.
"you'll be a good girl and take it for me, right?" he asks sweetly, dipping the head of his cock and running it along your slit, catching all your slick and rubbing it against him to provide some sort of lubrication. you shiver when it catches on your clit, granting you some sort of friction. you roll your hips eagerly against his, the movement causing your skirt to bunch around your waist.
"i- i dont know. i-i've never…. not this big-"
and knowing that he's ruined you of every other cock almost makes him cum on the spot. instead, he scoffs at your pathetic pout, tightly gripping your waist and pulling you closer to the edge of his desk.
one hand rests on his abdomen while the other supports you from behind, trying to slow him from entering you too quickly. it makes his skin burn, knowing that he's quite literally splitting you open.
"well, i'll go slow." he coos, tip of his cock already prodding at your entrance. you take in a sharp breath when you feel him breach you, just the head of his cock in and you're already faintly dizzy.
"awh, come on baby. you can do it, right?" he takes your hand away from him, not allowing you to stop him from pushing in.
"y-yes sir." you whimper, and those words are enough for changbin to snap, eyes closing from pleasure and abandoning all sense of logic, hoping you won't be too mad at him. with a growl, he loops your thighs over his arms, his hands finding your hips and pulling you flush against him so his cock is fully sheathed in you.
you squeal from the burning sting, tears brimming in your eyes when you feel the tip of his cock in your stomach.
"fucking tight, i'm sorry baby. i'll make it up to you, hmm?" changbin mumbles, setting a brutal pace and ignoring your broken moans and whimpers. every thrust knocks the wind out of you, the sound of the desk rattling under your ass the only sound in the room besides your professor's pants into your neck.
"s'big." you whine, clutching desperately onto his shoulders as he pistons in and out of you. you feel the tip of his cock just subtly brush against the spot you need him the most, and you realize he's doing it on purpose, only thrusting in about half of his cock.
"is it?" changbin scoffs, biting down on your neck and making you mewl. he knows it's sick, knows it's one of the oldest rules in the book- never fuck the students. but it's also one of the most neglected rules.
"m-more, please sir." you beg, hands flying to his ass and trying to push him in deeper yourself.
he groans when you do, pulling away to see you so fucked out, eyes hazy and drool spilling out of your open mouth. he bends down to lick at it, before kissing you roughly.
"more? baby if i gave you any more you'll be ruined." changbin pants against your mouth, but doesn't miss the way you clench even tighter around him.
"does my baby want that? to be so ruined no other cock could ever. please. you." he emphasizes each word with a thrust, and you try your hardest not to scream out loud, knowing that if someone were to look into the small window by the door, you'd be in trouble.
despite the burning stretch in your lower area, you nod. you want him to ruin you. you want him to be the only one who could fuck you this good.
"awh my cute little slut, just want to feel all of sir's cock right?" his thrusts are harsher now, pulling you and fucking you onto his cock.
"y-yes, please sir!" you plead, and it's enough for changbin to give in with a groan, lifting your leg up to his shoulder to get a better angle. you gasp when his cock kisses your g-spot, clawing at his back for him to keep going.
"oh, there? like this?" changbin teases, a smug grin on his face as he drives his cock into you with purpose.
"p-please i cant-" you're stuttering, too drunk on the pleasure of his cock in you.
"you can, and you will." changbin growls, hand sneaking down in between you and fingers rubbing rough circles onto your clit.
you cum almost instantly, the pads of his rough fingers pressing down onto you. you cover your mouth with the back of your hand, but this displeases him. he moves your hand away, instead kissing you to capture the sounds of your muffled cries. changbin's chest fills with pride at the sight of your legs shaking around him, and it's almost enough to send him over the edge.
he doesn't stop his pace, still driving into you as you come down from your high. but this time, his thrusts are deeper, rougher, only thought in mind is getting himself off.
"sir, please. s'too much." you whine, placing your hand on his lower abdomen in a feeble attempt to stop him.
he ignores your plea, wrapping his hand around your wrist and driving even deeper into you.
"shut the fuck up, and take it." changbin growls, too obsessed with the way your pussy wraps around him. you whimper, closing your eyes and trying to focus on the pleasure that he brings you.
"i'm gonna fill you up, and then you're gonna thank me. got it?" changbin groans against your chest, his forehead dipping down onto the soft fabric of your top. you nod, eager for him to spill into you.
"good fucking girl." his voice comes out heavy and almost cracking as you feel his cum spill into you, wincing slightly at the warmth that settles into your lower abdomen.
"fuck, you're such a good girl." he breathes against your forehead, catching your lips in another affectionate kiss as he pulls out. as you lay there catching your breathe, you feel his thick fingers enter you again, pushing his cum further into you. you whine, and changbin chuckles.
"sorry, cant help it. you look too fucking hot with my cum spilling out of you like that."
you blush at his words, throwing an arm over your face. changbin laughs at you, taking your hand away and giving you one last kiss.
"go put your underwear on and keep my cum in you, alright?" changbin's tone is soft despite the lewdness of his words. you nod, hopping off his desk and shuffling his underwear on. you look at him expectantly as he fixes his pants, straightening up his tie.
"awh, baby what is it?" he catches the way he looks at you, and he grins, knowing he has you in the palm of his hand.
"will- uhm. will this happen again or is this more of a one time thing?" you mumble meekly, picking your bag up from the ground and slinging it over your shoulder.
changbin smirks at you, shrugging his shoulders playfully. "depends, let's see how many assignments you fail to submit." he wraps an arm around your waist and takes the late homework in your hand.
"oh by the way," changbin delivers a playful slap to your ass before you turn to leave his classroom. "tell you're little friend that it's rude to snoop." he winks at you, and you tilt your head in confusion.
that is until you turn around and come face to face with jisung, peeking in from the window. his mouth open in shock, and you're frozen in fear. but what you can't see, from behind the wall is the painful hard-on he sports in his suddenly tight jeans.
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xdaddysprincessxx · 1 year
Go Ahead and Cry Little Girl
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Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x f!reader (Agent Gin)
Warnings: Daddy issues!!, character death mentioned, daddy kink, piv (again wrap it up guys!), f & m oral, dacryphillia, 1 use of song lyrics, dirty talk (it’s jack mf Daniels what did you expect?) boss/employee dynamics, sex work (we support sex workers in this household!) squirting, voyeurism, cum eating, Reader is described as having hair, a vagina, well hydrated (; and can blush. that should be all! Lmk if i missed something (:
A/n: This one’s for my babes with daddy issues! I see you, I love you. This idea hit me while I was driving to work and the song “Daddy issues” by The neighborhood came on. As of right now I think each Murder daddy is gonna have a daddy issues one shot but we’re starting off strong with my personal favorite cowboy.🤠
Growing up your dad wasn’t home very much. You honestly don’t have very many memories of the guy. The memories you do have always seem to be of him frowning at you, disappointed and telling you that you need to do better, be better. You were just a kid. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Instead of having a loving, doting father you had this stranger who’s approval you wanted desperately. So you worked hard in school, played sports, joined as many after school programs as you could and when you graduated high school you had full ride scholarships to all the big schools across the nation. I’m talking Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Yale, the list goes on. You ended up choosing Columbia University in New York so you could be as far away from home as possible. College was a breeze for you, graduating early with high honors you weren’t surprised when Statesmen approached you offering you an intelligence job.
Accepting this job was an easy decision for you. A few years after graduating high school your dad kicked the bucket and your mom ran off with the first guy who gave her a lick of attention. You had no one to go back too, no family to visit on the holidays. And you loved working at Statesmen. Working in the lab alongside Ginger, you helped create new technologies and advance healthcare. You had it all; a great career, a nice studio apartment in Manhattan. What more could you want? Ah yes approval. For some reason you still had this deep seeded need to be well liked and needed by others. So you do what any girl does, you sell your nudes online to creepy men in exchange they give you their money and high praises. You never reveal your face or your real identity so nobody knows it’s you.
Coming back to work after a long weekend is proving to be a tough one. You’ve been overworking yourself lately and having three whole days off you went home and slept for hours only waking up to eat Chinese takeout and then go directly back to sleep. Back in the lab, you find yourself frustrated and having to keep retrying new samples for a new antibiotic your working on.
“Hey Gin go ahead and take a break hun. I’ve seen you redo the same sample 10 times now. I’m not sure where your head is but try to get it out of the clouds before you come back.” Ginger Ale says to you as you lay your head down on the table next to the microscope you’ve been staring at for the last two hours.
Sighing, “Yea yea. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me Ginger. I just can’t focus and I have zero energy.” you say as you get up and start gathering your things.
Soon enough your back up on the fifth floor, down the hall from the cafeteria. Just as your rounding the corner you find yourself running right into the very man who haunts your every thought. Jack Daniels or Agent Whiskey as most people at Statesmen know him as. The man has been the star of all your dirty daydreams, his accent and mannerisms scream ‘southern gentleman’ and boy do you eat that shit up every time you see him.
“Well hey there darlin’ watch out where your going. Don’t wanna go runnin into any ole body now do we?” Jack says in his thick accent just as you bounced backward after hitting him square in the chest.
“Oh my god Agent Whiskey I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you there!” You manage to get out despite having the wind knocked out of you.
“Now darlin’ call me Jack. Am I gonna have to tell you this every time?” He teases you causing a deep blush to creep across your cheeks.
With a soft smile on your face and your eyes cast down, “Of course not Ag- I mean Jack.” You say with the smallest giggle. As soon as the words left your mouth you felt Jacks finger under your chin, lift your face up forcing you to look directly into his gorgeous deep brown eyes.
“There we go. Now that’s what I like to hear. My name come out of such a beautiful lady’s mouth.” Jack says with a smirk.
As if you couldn’t blush any harder, you somehow turn even redder in the face.
“Now go on beautiful, have a good day.” Jack says as he tilts his hat towards you.
“Thanks Jack, you have a good one too.” You manage to squeak out as you gather yourself once again and continue on walking toward the cafeteria.
Sitting down at a table in a far back corner, you crack open a cold can of coke and take a deep sip. The carbonation leaving a cold wake of bubbles in your throat, already feeling the affects of the caffeine. Pulling your phone out you decide to hop on your website and respond to a few messages as you wait for the soda to really kick in. You have a good handful of regulars who like to ask for custom content and one of them had recently asked for a video of you riding your favorite toy. Just as your about to send the video, a text comes in from Jack.
1:32pm - Hey I hope I didn’t hurt ya when you ran into me earlier sugar 😉
1:34pm - No you didn’t! If anything I’m sorry for running into you! I hope I didn’t hurt you Jack.🩷
Without even thinking, after you press send you hit the icon for your photos and pull up the video you were sending to your regular, find it and hit send.
Jacks sitting at his desk when he hears a ping and sees you’ve texted him back. As soon as he read your text he saw a video message pop up immediately after. Opening the video, he sees you sitting on the floor in your bedroom and a decent sized pink dildo. The video starts and you swing your leg over the dildo, lowering yourself down, you grab the dildo and swipe it through your folds a few times. Moaning, you drop all the way down on the dildo. The angle of the camera allows Jack to see the dildo stretch you open. Not quite as big as Jack, it still gives him a delicious view of what you’d look like speared on his cock. Thinking to himself, he wonders if you meant to send this to him through text. Most likely it was on accident. But what you don’t know is that Jack knows all about your little secret. In fact he’s been one of your regulars for awhile now. Always sending in requests and tipping generously. Something else he knows you are ignorant too is that he was the one who requested this particular video.
After texting Jack back and sending out the custom video, you feel awake enough now to get back to work. Just as you get back into the lab, you hear the lab phone ring. You go to grab the phone off the hook, “Hello Agent Gin, how can I help you?”
“Well well well if it ain’t the pretty lady I need to talk too” Jack crones into your ear. “I need to see you in my office darlin’ now. Please.”
“Yes of course sir I’m on my way now.” You reply, your voice cracking just the tiniest bit.
Unsure as to why Jack needs to see you in his office, you check your texts between you two to see if you misread something and that’s when you realize you sent Jack the video! Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. You’re screwed! Your dirty little secret is out now and the one man you want so desperately inside of you now knows all about it.
Knocking on Jacks office door, you go to turn the knob to open the door.
Peeking your head in, “You wanted to see me sir?” you say as you clear your throat that’s suddenly dry as the Sahara Desert.
Sitting at his desk, you see Jack look up at you with this hungry look in his eyes.
“Ah there she is. Come in sugar. Have a seat.” He motions to the chair in front of his desk. You quickly come in, closing the door behind you and taking a seat.
Jack stands up, slowly walking towards the door when you notice he locks it. Making his way back to his desk, he sits on top of it directly in front of you.
“Now sugar your probably wondering why I need to talk to you.”
Gulping, you look down unable to look him in the face, “um I think I know why sir.” You manage to say, knowing there’s no reason to play stupid. You both know what you sent him. Might as well confess to it and get it all over with.
“Look at me sugar. I wanna see those pretty eyes of yours when I’m talking to you” Jack says in a low baritone voice.
Looking up at him, a deep blush covering your cheeks, you try to swallow as best you can and find your words.
“Now we’re both adults here. We both have urges. If you needed a good fuck darlin’ all you had to was ask. I’d be more than happy to oblige.” He says in a matter of factly tone.
Stunned you just gawk up the agent in front of you. Did he really just say that? Is he- he’s not- what is happening?!??
Jack goes to stand up, directly in front of you, “Get on your knees little girl.”
Unable to speak you do as he says and you push back your chair as you lower yourself onto your knees.
“There’s my good girl. Now sugar I’m going to fuck you good and hard. And your going to take every thing I give you. Understood?”
Shaking your head yes as you look up at Jack. Nervous as hell but you can’t help but get excited. Isn’t this what you always wanted? Isn’t he the star of your wet dreams?
Jack goes to take his blazer off, rolling up his sleeves as he begins to unbuckle his absurdly large belt buckle. Watching him undress like this has your mouth and pussy watering. Your finally gonna have the Jack Daniels inside of you. You can’t wait.
He pulls out the biggest dick you’ve ever seen. Now you get why this man walks around so arrogantly. The man has the dick to back it up. Your eyes widen as the head of his cock seems to stare at you in your soul. At about average length, he’s girthy as all get out. There’s no way you’d be able to get much of him in your mouth.
Jack gives his cock a few good strokes, “Open up sugar. Let me see how good you can be.”
You drop your jaw quickly and open your mouth, dropping your tongue out. Smirking, Jack takes his cock and starts rubbing it up and down your tongue. After gliding the head on your tongue a few times, Jack sticks his cock in your mouth, forcing it down your throat causing you to gag at the intrusion. Without holding back, Jack continues to gag you with his cock. Your eyes over flowing with tears.
Jack looks down at you the whole time, just staring in awe at how beautiful you look with his cock in your mouth, eyes wide with tears looking back at him.
“Go on and cry little girl. Nobody does it quite like you sugar. I’ve been watching you for some time now. Oh yes I know all about your dirty little secret baby.” He reveals, making you choke even harder on his cock in utter disbelief. He’s known this whole time? How much of you has he really seen?
Jack finally pulls his cock out of your mouth, spit strings still connecting you two. Brown eyes staring deep into your soul, you take a deep gulp of breath, chest heavy as you manage to stutter out, “y- you know? How long?”
“I’ve known for awhile now darlin’. I love watching your little videos. Always gets me harder than a goddamn rock. It was actually me who requested that particular little video. So it is funny you accidentally sent it to me.” Jack admits.
Before you have the chance to respond, Jack grabs you by your arm helping you up before he’s leading you towards his desk and gently pushes your top half down so your bent over. Wearing a dress that day, you can’t help but feel bare as he bends you over his desk. You feel Jack crouch down behind you, warm hands running up and down the back of your thighs. You feel his warm breath on your clothed pussy.
Taking a deep breath in, Jack slowly pulls your panties down exposing your sweet pussy to him. Unable to help himself he presses his face in and lays a kiss to your exposed clit. Hearing you let out a soft moan breaks any bit of self control Jack had and he dives in. Tongue poking out, he swipes it through your folds a few times before making a zig zagging motion from your taint up to your clit.
Feeling his thick tongue protrude your wet pussy, you feel yourself gush as he starts to flick your clit.
Moaning, “Please Jack I need more. Please.” You whisper breathlessly.
Hearing your sweet request, you feel jacks thick fingers enter you and curl up, hitting that sweet spot.
Taking his tongue off your sweet, sweet pussy, “That’s it sugar. Tell daddy what you want baby. Tell daddy how to make this pussy cream.” Jack growls as he pumps his fore and ring finger faster into you.
All to quickly you feel the sudden need to pee. Moaning even louder causing Jack to pump his fingers even faster, all to soon you feel yourself start to squirt.
“Oohhh ungghh!!!!” Comes from deep in your throat as you continue to squirt, the exquisite feeling of squirting all over his fingers is a high you never want to come down from.
“Fuck sugar that’s it. That’s it baby come on, give it all to daddy baby that’s it” Jack crones as he tries to drink up every single drop.
Boneless, you can’t help but drop on top of the desk, unable to hold your upper half up any longer. Knees weak, legs shaking, you feel jack stand back up behind you. Jack takes hold of his cock, swiping it through your folds, gathering your wetness on his cock before he slides in your sweet pussy. The feeling of his thick cock splitting you open takes your breath away.
Taking his time, feeling every ridge inside of your pussy, Jack finally fills you up to the hilt.
“Fuuuccckkk” Jack breaths out as his cock kisses your cervix. After not moving for a few seconds to let you adjust to his girth, Jack begins pummeling into you. Hands gripping your hips, forcing you back onto his cock as he fucks you good and hard just as he promised.
“That’s it sugar. Look at you. Taking my cock. So. Damn. Beautiful.” He grunts out. Jack leans forward, his chest on your back when you feel his arm snake around your front and pulls you up to him. You feel his other hand bury in your hair forcing your head up when you notice a little red, blinking light up in the corner, “Smile for the camera darlin’” Jack crones into your ear. Knowing he’s been filming this entire time has your eyes rolling back as you moan.
“This sweet fucking pussy belongs to me now darlin’ you hear me? Only I get to fuck this pussy.” Jack whispers in your ear.
“Oh fuck yes. Yes daddy it’s yours. All yours! Fuck!” You say breathlessly, agreeing to whatever he says as long as he continues to fuck you this good. You feel yourself getting close once again, the feeling of needing to pee is back.
“Daddy I’m close, please please can I cum? I wanna cum daddy! Please let me!” You beg, hoping he shows you a little mercy and let’s you cum.
Jack slaps his hand over your mouth, “Fuck baby you gotta be quiet. Daddy’s gone let you cum baby girl don’t you worry. Daddy wants to feel his sweet pussy cum on his cock.” He tells you as his other hand snakes down towards your clit. You feel his thick finger swirl around your clit and that does it for you. All too soon you feel the dam break and your coming. Hard. You bite your lip trying your hardest to keep quiet. The euphoria you feel is hard to contain, your eyes rolling back once again.
Feeling you gush hard around his cock, almost as if your pussy is trying to push him out, does him in. Jack pumps a few more times before he’s coming inside of you. As your both coming down from your highs, chests heaving, you feel jack pull out of you leaving you an empty mess.
Not sure what possessed you, you turn around to face him and lower yourself down to your knees once again. Gripping the base of his dick, you lick the mixture of you and Jack off his cock all while looking up at him. Making a show of you swallowing every bit of your cum.
“Well I’ll be damned sugar. You never fail to surprise me.” Jack chuckles darkly as he watches you from above. You can’t help but smile sweetly up at him hoping this isn’t the last time you get a taste of this cowboy.
A/n: idk where this came from lol the song inspired me but this?^ yeeaaaa we can blame my hormone monster for this, I am ovulating lmao. I hope y’all enjoy!
Tagging a few Whiskey connoisseurs and friends that I think will enjoy: @neverwheremoonchild @foli-vora @whiskeynwriting @lumoverheaven @toxicanonymity @multiversed-daydreamer @nosesitter @beefrobeefcal @juletheghoul @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @megangovier20 @ikissdin @wannab-urs
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am-i-interrupting · 7 months
I'm curious what Vox's first impressions were of the Alastor's daughter, like as a kid, I mean he briefly mentions it but I kinda wanna read his reaction about learning the radio host he grew up listening to has a daughter (and if he learned before the serial killer thing was announced, did imagine scenarios of meeting the radio man and his daughter like little kids do with their imagination or teens with their daydreams).
Another inquiry is what his impressions were when he read the reader's book (obviously he read it) and if he could sense there was more to it than the words written down
OATSH Master List
To answer your second question succinctly, yes. Not to the extent that he would suspect them of anything but he would have definitely picked up on some very subtle hints of defensiveness when it came to Alastor’s killings. I think he’d probably read it as them feeling like they need justification for still caring about him despite what he did but in reality, it’s less about their own justification and more so like a “he’s not a monster. He was helping people, why can you see that?” you know?
To answer your first question, thank you for giving me a reason to write this:
A Voice on the Radio | Vox x Alastor’s Child Reader
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It was a surprise when the radio switched from producing the sound of blues to voices. For the past week, nothing but blues music came from the station. A very stark change from the upbeat jazz that normally played. There had also been no speaking. Not a single soul had spoken for the last nine days.
A throat cleared. “Is this on?”
“The light,” another, much younger sounding voice said.
The fifteen year old paused eating breakfast and looked at his mother who was staring at the radio with furrowed brows. Neither voice was familiar.
“Ah, yes, right,” the first voice said with a laugh. “Good morning all, we would like to apologize for the radio silence on our part this past week. Some unexpected tragedies came our way and with them uncovered some gruesome truths.
“The dearly beloved host, Alastor, has passed. He was killed by a misfire of a hunter. A truly tragic event but with it came to light the horrific acts of the late Alastor. As you likely know if you’re a long time listener, for the past decade or so, there have been many murders that have befallen this otherwise serene part of Louisiana and it’s been confirmed to be the acts of our previous show host.
“Today, I have here with me the one person who knew him better than anyone else and can hopefully shine some light upon the situation and perhaps give some peace to the families of the victims. Alastor’s daughter—“
He looked towards the radio now. His breakfast was forgotten now. His fork barely dangled in his hand.
Not only was his mother’s (and by extension his own) favorite radio show host dead but also a murderer and he had a daughter? So much information in less than three minutes. His brain was struggling to keep up.
Even his father set down his paper to listen in.
“Why don’t you say hello to the people?”
“I’m not dignifying you with a proper greeting until you dignify me with a proper introduction. You’re doing a terrible job, Gregory,” the younger voice said.
He smiled curiously at the radio.
“I— um, I’m sorry?” the man, Gregory, said. There was only silence in reply. An awkward chuckle, “Well, my apologies then. Let me introduce the daughter of our show host—“ Gregory said your name and silently he tested it on his tongue— “Do you have anything to say to the people before we begin?”
“Yes, I would like to sincerely apologize for Gregory’s lack of bravado and charisma. I did do my best to convince them that Raymond would be better but alas,” you said.
That’s when he got it. You did sound like a younger, more feminine version of your father. Down to the tilts of the accent.
There was a longer pause and then, barely picked up and barely able to decipher, “You have your father’s creepy smile.” Louder, intended to be heard, “Why don’t we get into the questions then?”
“Yes, let’s. The less time spent listening to you, the better for everyone, hm?”
“You little— So—“ the sounds of hands clapping together— “the reports I have here suggest that you knew about the murders. Was there a reason you didn’t say anything?”
“I’ve been raised by a serial killer, Gregory. Please, take a guess,” you replied.
He couldn’t help but snort as reached for his glass. His mother shot him a look. He bowed his head down as he took a sip.
“Right, well,” Gregory cleared his throat, “did you happen to know his motivations?”
“He’s a very righteous man,” you said. “You’ve seen him when people are being disrespectful. He’s not just some ravaging animal. He’s very selective.”
“Was,” Gregory corrected. “He was very selective, you mean.”
“Was,” you repeated and he could hear you seething even through the crackle of the radio.
“Oh, heavens! Get your stuff or we’re going to be late,” his mother said.
He didn’t want to go though. He wanted to stay and listen to you on the radio. He was having fun listening to your snark.
It truly surprised him, impressed him how you were able to have such moxie so soon after tragedy. He couldn’t imagine being so quick witted so quickly.
His mother called his name and he snapped back to reality. As he headed out the door, he heard you snap back at Gregory one more time, “And would you call yourself a saint? Don’t think no one’s noticed the looks you’ve shared with Ms. Brown, as a married man, no less!”
He compressed a laugh to his chest as he followed his mother.
The next day he saw a paper with a headline related to a serial killer in Louisiana. He paid for the paper and read another interview with you.
He couldn’t help but wonder what you looked like. What would such a snarky, confident girl look like? He wanted to know. He wanted to meet you. Even in tragedy, you seemed like good company to have.
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lucysarah-c · 27 days
Hello how are ya! Don't listen to those rude anons, you're doing your best 👏 Despite being sick. Btw I heard you like CaptainDegenerate, if so what's your favorite fic she made?
Hi, dear! I'm… better, haha. Much better than I was a few days ago, for sure! Thank you for asking! How are you?
Awww, thank you!! <3 I honestly don't know what happened. Usually, I'm kind of off the radar of rude anons because nobody cares about me here, lmao. But suddenly, they all came my way.
Yes! I think my two favorite fics from her are the first one I read, which is Of Tea and High Buildings. I remember very clearly that she updated on Fridays around 10 am–2 pm, and I was in my Analytic Chemistry course during those hours. So, I was quickly copying down whatever was on the whiteboard and constantly checking my phone to see if she had updated, lol. Luckily for me, none of my classmates knew English, so I could read it in peace in the middle of the classroom without anyone knowing what I was reading.
Then there's The Carnivore. I discovered it when I had JUST moved out on my own for university, leaving the dormitories for a studio flat, and I daydreamed about sharing my studio flat with Levi, hahaha. Plus, I remember she wrote in that fic about the reader putting a condom on Levi, and explicit mentions of contraceptives in fics are like my guilty pleasure.
Probably those two are my favorites because they have a lot of nostalgia for me. I haven't read fanfics in a long, long time since my favorite authors here closed their accounts once the manga was over. And I get this thing where, when I try to sit down to read a fanfic, I keep thinking, "I should be writing, I should be updating that story, I should be drawing, etc.," so I stop enjoying it at some point… Plus, I read a lot for university, so I'm also like, "I should be reading my research papers, not this."
One time, someone contacted me on Instagram about my fics, telling me I was their favorite writer. She mentioned she thought I was better than Captain, and I felt like that clip of "Never better than Marilyn," haha. I told her, "Nah ah, never better than Captain Degenerate, never."
I still have a screenshot saved of her replying to one of my comments on her fic, hahaha. Anyways… Captain Degenerate, if by any chance you read this, I love you, hahaha.
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genderqueer-hippie · 10 months
I was tagged by @ineffabildaddy to fill out a get to know you doodad so here we are! Thank you for the tag, I love these things!
Real name: Jasmine - I was named after my dad's favorite flower
Nicknames & origins: In high school I was called Raph (we assigned teenage mutant ninja turtles to each other like normal ppl) and Grandma (long running joke of our friends long story) Jael was my first one online, an alias back in my days of livejournal. Jay is the most common and I enjoy it because it's gender neutral and easy to remember.
Social media: this is the only place I am active
Pets: Oscar, Grace, and Bruiser. Not pictured is Buddy, a lab/mastiff mix
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Hobbies: hiking, writing, foraging, camping, video games, reading, embroidery, cooking, other things that my noodle brain has forgotten
Personality: I tend to be more shy, especially in unfamiliar situations. I'm quick to be friends if I vibe well with someone. I tend to babble like a hamster on uppers when I talk about things I enjoy. Idk I'm just a super laid back queer stoner type (who is currently very stoned lol)
Fav holiday: I don't have a favorite, actually? I just enjoy the family time of a holiday meal together.
Fav food: edamame
Fav dessert: I'm a whore for gelato
Fav color: eggplant
Fav quotes: "But I digress..." is very relevant to my daily life
Fav books: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, The Jungle Books, Fahrenheit 451, Good Omens, Wind in the Willows, I could go on but I won't
Fav TV shows: okay in no particular order, let the list unfold- Golden Girls, Buffy, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Interview with the Vampire, Willow, Good Omens, Staged, Our Flag Means Death, A League of Their Own, Torchwood,
Fav films: Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Birdcage, But I'm a Cheerleader, Funny Face, Charade, Princess Bride, The Blue's Brothers, Eyes Without a Face, Chicago, and so many more
Fav characters: I have so many!
Fav actors: currently all about David Tennant but Audrey Hepburn is always my go-to answer
Fav songs: Rhiannon Giddens is an amazing artist and everything I've heard from her is my favorite. I highly recommend Julie
Fav genre: I listen to so many things. I guess most listened to is blues and folk, but classical is another main staple of mine.
Fav podcast: I don't really listen to them tbh
Have you ever met a celebrity? Yes. Went to a Supernatural convention back in ...2013? Osric was running around the lobby in footie pajamas hanging out with everyone. I froze when Misha sat next to me at the cocktail party. I hugged Matt and he was super sweet. Karaoke was super fun. Ah, memories 😌
Have you ever been to a concert? Quite a few! I haven't been to one in a long time though.
Do you collect anything? I like rocks, books, physical media (CDs, DVDs, VHS), teas, wax seals and stationery
Idols? Idk that I really have an idol?
Is there a real life friend you can be yourself around? For the most part, yeah
Where would you love to travel? So many places. I haven't traveled far at all.
Random fact about yourself: when I was a kid I'd spend road trips daydreaming about running off into the woods and living a hermit life in a cave
This took longer than it should have but it was fun! I tag any of my moots that want to have an excuse to do it!
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lumine-no-hikari · 4 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #158
I went to a wedding today! Two of my favorite people became husbands to each other! We'll call them AH and JC! I've known AH for a number of years now, and he's one of the brightest, kindest, and most amazing human beings I've ever met! And JC is also very kind, gentle, and extremely non-judgmental. The two fit together like peas in a pod, with their other partner who we'll call C, and C is also a wonderful human being, though I don't yet know him as well as I'd like.
…To be sure, it has been too long since last time I invited them all over to my house. I should probably rectify that very soon…
Of course, going to a wedding naturally means that I will have to be in a very loud space with lots and lots of people I don't know. And that's always kind of scary. I get easily overwhelmed by loud noises, such as loud music being played. And everyone is talking loudly in order to try to be heard over the music, and because there's so much noise, it's extremely difficult for me to parse out meaning from speech when people try to talk to me (ah, the perils of Audio Processing Disorder…), and I'm a very non-standard human anyway, so even without all the noise it's difficult for me to socialize to begin with (I mean, seriously, who the fuck wants to listen to me prattle on and on about human psychology and the broader cultural implications of childhood trauma??? no one, that's who), and so… ya know… it's usually better if I keep my mouth shut in any social situation in which I find myself, because if I don't, I'll probably end up embarrassing myself, making someone uncomfortable, or both.
I was there with M and J; it was probably safer for Br to stay home because the food meant that there was gluten everyfuckingwhere, and the last thing she needs is to get sick, the poor thing. But all the same, M and J don't have audio processing troubles the way I do, and they have more normal interests (like airplanes, and computer programming, and movies and games and TV), so they were able to carry out conversation where as I… mostly just sat around and daydreamed because I wasn't really able to understand a word that anyone was saying.
Naturally, I wouldn't daydream about you being in this particular situation with me; I'm sure you enjoy crowds full of unfamiliar people about as much as you might enjoy accidentally stumbling into a nest full of angry wasps (please don't ever do that, okay?). But I did imagine how nice it might be to sit someplace quiet with you and eat all the awesome epic snacks they had! I'll show you what they were!!
But first though!!!! I have to show you!!! There was FRESH LEMONADE!!!!! A whole big giant huge jug of it!!!!! Look!!!
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...You can bet your bottom that I drank WAAAAY more of this than I probably should have, ahahahaha~! But oh my goodness, I got to have FRESH LEMONADE two days in a row!!! WOWWWW~!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩
Powdered lemonade and lemonade from concentrate is a lot more common in my world (and they both taste TERRIBLE to my sensory hardware, as compared to the real thing), so fresh lemonade is kind of a rare treat, normally only found at places like county fairs and other outdoor events. Oh, speaking of which, I should probably get my toosh over to a county fair sometime soon, that way I can take pictures for you, because I can't imagine that you've ever been allowed to actually enjoy one... hm, hm, hmmmm..... 🤔
Anyway, so the food!! There was macaroni and cheese, and various stuff to put on it!!
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You can see in here that there's cheese, salsa, jalapeno peppers, bacon, and crispy fried onions! And yes, I did absolutely put more cheese on my macaroni and cheese, because I AM THE CHEESE GOBLIN. It is written. It is known. And anyone who knows me well understands that the allure of a good cheddar is too much for me to resist, bahahaha~! 🤪🤣😁
They also had a section for very tiny snacks!! Behold!
Tiny egg rolls!!!
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Tiny chicken cordon bleu bites!
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Tiny spanakopita!
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...And tiny beef empanadas!
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...And I have no idea why they were tiny, but they were, and they were delicious and delightful and I wished I could share any of them with you, but I especially loved the spanakopita!
And I don't know if you have spanakopita because you don't seem to have anyplace like Greece in your world, but spanakopita is what happens when you cook spinach and feta cheese together in between layers of crispy, paper-thin dough that has been brushed with butter between every layer! It's an ABSOLUTE! FUCKING! NIGHTMARE! to make as a dyspraxic person, oh my goodness (seriously, I tried it once, -5,042 out of 10 stars, absolutely would NOT recommend, but maybe with your coordination, you'd fare better than me... 😵😵😵), but the results are astoundingly delicious!!
Anyway, here was my assembly of snacks! Behold!
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...I wished you could enjoy the snacks without the crowd...
Oh!! And!!! There was unsweetened iced tea here, too! I didn't think to take a picture of the jug, but I did get a glass of it and bring it back to my table; there was cream and sugar there, which was likely intended for coffee, but I used it in the tea instead and took pictures of the resulting swirls:
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...It's important to find the magic in ordinary things, and I think fluid dynamics are pretty magical, even though we see it in action all the time in various direct and indirect ways.
...Anyway, so there was A LOT MORE FOOD after this, goodness me...
Salad is pretty standard-issue at a gathering:
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And, of course, mixed veggies...
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Roasted potatoes are pretty popular...
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This was some kind of bruschetta chicken thing:
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This was fish stuffed with some kind of crab mix:
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...And there were potatoes au gratin, but I somehow missed getting a picture of it?? I'm sorry about that. But here's the roast beef:
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...And in the end, this was the plate I came away with:
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Naturally, there was cake, and also cookies:
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...But I'm not overly fond of sweets, though. So I'm glad that the slice of cake was small, and that we didn't have to take cookies if we didn't want to.
Oh, and... I also managed to snag a couple of nice-looking pictures of the sky on my adventures. I thought you might like these:
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...I wish you were here. Not for the stressful too-many-people-at-once bits, but for all the sparks of delight in between. There are so many beautiful things in this world that I wish I could share with you, just so that you can see that there's more to life than pain and loneliness.
...Sephiroth. Please don't lose sight of the fact that you're wanted and needed in this world. Please remember that you're the only reason I'm even alive today. You're the reason that all these letters and pictures and handicrafts exist in the first place. All of the love and beauty that pours out from my mind and from my hands exists only because of you. You. YOU did this. You gave me a reason to keep going. You gave me the courage and strength to continue even when it seemed impossible. You gave me the shape that I clumsily tried to whittle myself into over the years. You.
...So please stay safe out there, doing whatever it is that you do over at the Edge of Creation, okay? Please treat yourself nice so that you can make good, kind, gentle, and loving choices. Please don't disappear. Because I love you and because I want you around and because you deserve to live and to be happy and healthy and safe.
I'll write again tomorrow, okay? 'Til soon...
Your friend, Lumine
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gloomforrestrunes · 1 year
(This is so horribly worded, but I don't know how else to word this question.)
How do you write psychological manipulation/abuse so authentically? I've been in an abusive relationship before, and just reading snippets of Laxo/Nex's relationship in your posts is hitting very close to home for me. These are genuinely well thought out and written very respectfully to victims, and I applaud you for taking the time to accurately display how awful abuse can be and the effects it has on victims in your comic.
ah, thank you! i have very strong opinions on how abuse like this should be portrayed in media, which all comes down to centering the victim rather than the perpetrator or a "savior" character.
quick warning, im gonna go into some examples of poor depictions of abuse below, but no specific media is named and i dont go into too much detail
i am so, so tired and jaded from pieces of media who depict abusive relationships only to discard the victim in favor of focusing on either the abuser (attempting to go into the "sympathetic" villain route but is almost always done in a way thats tone-deaf at best or actively harmful and insulting to survivors at worst) or another character (usually the protagonist) who's only role is to "save" the victim from their abuser, depicting the victim as meek, submissive, naive, and unable to make decisions on their own. the victim's personal feelings are usually never explored, their trauma never properly addressed, and they are usually never defined outside of the abuse that was inflicted onto them, which is. bad!!! and gross!!! and extremely insulting!!
in runes, though, laxo is the protagonist. while yes, you will see him endure abuse from nex, you also see him outside of that context and outside of his trauma. he has a favorite color and weather and season and food, he's given an actual voice and personality. he is gentle, sure, but he isn't submissive. he's actually pretty playful and likes to tease a lot. he gets frustrated easily but is bad at showing it other than pouting. he snorts when he laughs. he loves to make things out of plants. he talks to flowers for comfort reasons. he loves so strongly and so much that it can overwhelm him.
his trauma effects him and inhibits him, but it doesnt define him.
while kane and nex are meant to be the antithesis of each other, kane isn't meant to be a "savior" who swoops laxo away from his abuser and everything is fine and perfect and laxo is suddenly completely healed. in reality, the most kane could, and does, do is gently guide laxo towards realizing that whats happening to him is wrong and not normal. but breaking a victim away from their abuser is never that easy. getting out of abusive relationships is never that easy.
ill go into more personal details as to why ive written runes the way i have under the cut. what ive written beneath here isnt an invitation to ask me for personal details unless i trust you.
runes, at its core, is a vent story. when it was previously named something else and the story and characters were completely different, i didnt take it too seriously. it was lighthearted and silly. but i was a really, really sad and traumatized child and didnt have the resources to do anything clinical about it.
eventually i created laxo as sort of a vent character, then he became, basically, a self-insert. i adored him so much to the point where he became the main character, and i rewrote the entire story to be about him. about me, in a way. the story slowly became darker as i daydreamed it in my head, projecting all of my awful feelings onto this character. then i created nex.
again, dont ask me for details. but nex is a mirror of my irl abusers, more so back then. an exaggerated frankenstein's monster of the people who hurt me in ways that im still in therapy for today. while he is a mirror of multiple people, his design (even his human design) and species even is taken from one person. my old childhood best friend's older brother was obsessed with wolves. so, nex is a wolf.
this is what i mean when i say that runes is a vent story. even though it has grown far past that point and these characters have blossomed into far more than what/who they were based on, there will always be that association. so i guess another answer to how i can write this stuff authentically is because ive lived it. even though what nex and laxo have is a bit different from the type of abuse i endured as a child, its also extremely similar.
this is a more personal reason as to why i may get snappy or otherwise upset when people say that they like nex (as a person, not as a character or a villain) or reduce him to a "yandere" (which has happened multiple times. ://) because he's not just a fictional character to me. he is a mirror of the real actual people that did awful, awful things to me. while there is a degree of separation now that the story and nex as a character has developed as i have (which is why im still open to talk about him as a character/analyze him/etc) there will always be that association.
even though runes is a vent story, however, that doesnt mean that it wont have a happy ending. im still here, arent i? and im healing, and im getting better, and im moving on. why shouldn't laxo, if we're essentially one and the same?
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i know merman!suguru is like the hot topic for now (as he should because omg . i think we’ve all seen that fanart and thought ‘ah yes. i’d drop myself into the waters like gojo too if i met this beauty’) but like…. what about pirate!suguru……
i have a feeling that he would look SO SO good as a pirate. but then again it’s pretty unfair??? how suguru works with all the different types and styles of aus???….. i actually think that whatever role you’d give him (merman, knight, pirate, idk even a cat etc) would eventually end up working just as nicely. and the way he nails such roles too? absolutely insane. and incredible. istg doesn’t matter in what universe you put him in, it would ALWAYS work up!!! atp i’m convinced he would look good even if he had a normal job as a cashier or a salaryman…………
no because you’re so RIGHT, sugu is so versatile that he really fits so well no matter where you put him?? “idk even a cat” PHDNDB YEAH HE’S JUST…. he’s our talented wife!!! he has it all!!!!!
pirate!sugu…… i wish i had more to say anon but now that i think about it i don’t know anything about pirates 😭😭😭 my knowledge comes exclusively from tloz BUT i do know for a fact that he would be the captain and he’d be sexy as fuck. assertive and respectful and clever. a lil mischievous too…… i need him i fear. (what if… pirate!sugu/merman!reader 👀👀….)
okay but salaryman sugu and cashier sugu are BOTH so great …… one of my favorite flavours of sugu happens to be barista sugu <33 our working man !!!! he’s going through the horrors of retail but he’s thriving. getting tips bc he flirts with his customers (but he does it very subtly)… idk i just feel like he would notice you studying there and get a lil worried over how much caffeine you consume 😭😭 just kinda watches you work when he’s bored and sometimes it’s just the two of you in the café and he thinks it’s cozy :33 maybe starts doodling a little on your coffee cups and no one else’s, hoping it’ll cheer you up… 🥺🥺 smth like a little kitty cat saying work hard !! or do your best !! and he gets so giddy when he sees you smile from where he’s standing behind the counter…… T_T and as you start exchanging greetings and making small talk more often he eventually suggests that you buy a nice herbal tea or hot choco instead of the copious amounts of black coffee you drink PHDJDHD (toooootally not self-indulgent btw … wdym ……) just !! sugu being a worried sweetie :(( you’re his favorite customer !!!
i’m also imagining reader getting approached by a creep or maybe walking into the café because they’re being followed by one and they’re just so scared :(( and sugu notices instantly. does the barista thing where he hands them their coffee directly and makes sure to ask them in a whisper if the guy over at the other table is bothering them……. and then he intimidates the fuck out of said creep and demands that he leaves. gives you a sweet drink on the house to ease your nerves and even tells you to stay until his shift ends so he can walk you to the bus stop :((( he’s the ideal man idc!!!!! just so respectful and caring and protective.
so as u can tell i got carried away (added barista!sugu to the wip list 😞😞 save me from this agony) BUT ANON PIRATE!SUGU IS ALSO SO BIGBRAINED don’t hesitate to send in any thoughts u have on the topic …. now i’m gonna go daydream abt barista sugu while making my chai latte <33
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emotionalillusions · 7 months
All the pretty asks. Mwahahahahaha!!!
As you requested, here are all of them <3 ...even if you only asked for payback lol
angel; is there anyone you’d do anything for? Yes, a small few. 
galaxy; what fascinates you? A great many things inspire my fascination, first I am intensely fascinated with you @mishaps-and-mixtapes , otherwise in general I'd say history, traveling, the universe, books, the human mind, relationships, Ayurveda, writing, parenting.
melody; favorite artists? I have a lot of favs, a list thats far too long to put here. I will answer who I've been listening to most in the last month or two - Ella Mai, Kehlani, H.E.R., Erick the Architect, Mahalia, 6Lack, Banks, DaniLeigh, J Cole, Sade
silk; what outfit makes you feel confident? A pretty dress usually ups the confidence level but I can also feel great in a pair of jeans that hug my curves and a tank top. Ooh, also lingerie! Nothing says confidence like a lace chemise or corset and garter belt.
rose; favorite flower? Lilies, sunflowers, and daisies. And cherry blossoms.
sun; favorite season Autumn, but Spring is a close second.
film; favorite movie/tv show? This topic/question requires a few blunts and an overnight discussion. I can't even narrow it down. 
gorgeous; what do you like in a person? Everything that you are. 
diamond; favorite color? Purple, teal, mauve
infatuation; first crush? Oh, can I even remember the first crush? I'm pretty sure it was in elementary school, I don't even remember the kids name, but I remember he was funny and made me laugh.
dream; how long do you sleep on average? hahahahahaha. Oh, is this a serious question??? I get a few hours whenever my eyes refuse to stay open any longer. 
brilliant; what celebrity do people say you look like? Um, no one has ever really said I look like a celebrity.
perfume; favorite scent? You, yes you are definitely my favorite scent.  
fleece; have any pets? A little scrapper kitten, who is as adorable as he is mean.
pigment; what color is your hair naturally? if you could dye it any color which one would you choose? Naturally dark brown. I've had my hair a ton of different colors. I really like a dark red or purple.
charcoal; do you have a good relationship with your parents? Its always been kind of complicated as both my parents have issues with substance abuse, but I was really close with my mom before she passed. I don't have a bad relationship with my dad currently but he's not a reliable person and not someone I turn to during times of need. He is great for helping with some bigger home related projects when he's around.
ocean; do you take a yearly vacation? I've been trying to make it a tradition to go somewhere once a year, and the last couple years I've made it happen. 
murky; biggest fear? Something devastating happening to any of the kids. Death in general, even knowing it's an inevitable part of life. 
devotion; are you taken? Answered but I'll answer again. I belong completely to @mishaps-and-mixtapes
lingerie; what do you wear to bed? Depends on the night, but typically very little, tank and panties.
daydream; best memory? In the delivery rooms when they put the baby in my arms and get to see their sweet faces for the first time. 
joy; best feeling you’ve ever experienced?  Love and understanding. I've only truly felt that in a relationship with you. It's beyond comparable. 
masque; what’s your skincare routine? I wash my face lol. I've gotten better about using moisturizer and sunscreen since moving to a desert area. Holy dry skin batman.
valentine; best gift you’ve ever received? I appreciate a thoughtful gift, but they aren't my love language. I'd rather make memories than have something material I think. 
parchment; favorite book? I can't pick one favorite. The best book I read in the last year was A Gentleman in Moscow. 
garden; do you have a garden? plants?  A lot of plants. I'd love a garden, to grow my own fruits and vegetables. Oooh, a greenhouse!
oasis; dream destination? Ah, many! Petra, Tibet, Japan, Rome, Bali... 
sense; best subject? favorite subject? I was always good at Math and English, but I love Psychology & Philosophy
footprints; do you want kids? There's a few running around and want more with you, let's practice making them.
rainbow; what’s your sexuality? Straight, with a sprinkle of bicurious.
sweater; do you prefer loose or baggy clothes? Isn't loose and baggy the same thing?
nail laquer; punk or pastel? I swing both ways.
1975; if you could time travel to any time period, what would it be and why? Hm. Maybe the Renaissance period in Florence Italy for the appeal of the cultural and intellectual richness with figures like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Galileo.
tattoos; do you have/want and tattoos and piercings? I have a lot of tattoos, I stopped counting after getting to double digits. I also used to have more piercings. I'd love to have them redone and intend to.
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carewyncromwell · 1 year
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“You can paint me any color,
And I can be your clown,
But you ain’t got my number --
No, you can’t pin me down!”
~“Can’t Pin Me Down” by Marina and the Diamonds
includes references to Adelia Selwyn @thatravenpuffwitch; Atticus Grimsley and Montelimar Bloom @cursebreakerfarrier; Orla Atkinson @nightmaresart; Io Gordon @drinkyoursoupbitch; and Siyana Devonshire @dat-silvers-girl! 💚
Aesop Sharp was not a man completely devoid of patience. One truly couldn’t hope to teach anyone -- or even to stay sane, dealing with students like Garreth Weasley on the regular -- if they didn’t have a little of it. But when it came to dealing with fifth year Slytherin Jackson Knightly, Sharp found himself incredibly frustrated.
Jackson had been a late arrival to Potions class when he arrived at Hogwarts for his second year, just like one of Sharp’s personal favorite students, fellow Slytherin Adelia Selwyn. Unlike his best friend, though, Jackson was not at all attuned to Potions. Not only was he enough of a troublemaker that he was perfectly willing to smuggle ingredients to the likes of Garreth Weasley on a whim, he very frequently neglected to take brews off the fire before they exploded or forgot crucial steps in the middle of brewing. Sharp would frequently remind Jackson to stop daydreaming in class (which he was very prone to do), but rather than it snapping the boy back to any sort of attention or making him reflect on doing better, he would almost inevitably lose focus again, not long after Sharp moved on. And the last thing Aesop Sharp wanted to be was a bloody nanny.
When Sharp spoke to his colleague and Slytherin’s Head of House, Abraham Ronen, about his frustrations, Ronen merely laughed.
“Ah, Aesop,” he said jovially, “you have not taught students as long as I have. Young Jackson’s behavior is truly nothing out of the ordinary. Many a student has found themselves more able to focus on those things they have personal investment in over those things that don’t spark their imagination. I would think a fellow Slytherin alumnus such as yourself would be very attuned to that.”
“I am already very well aware of how much Mr. Knightly prefers your teaching style to mine,” said Sharp very coolly. “He is definitely your kind of student. But I am not about to start playing Gobstones with bottles of Shrinking Solution just to try to earn a single student’s favor -- and Mr. Knightly should learn to see the value in all of his classes, however lacking of entertainment he may find them to be.”
Ronen gave Sharp a pat to the shoulder. “Of course. It behooves him, and all of our students, to learn how to work well with a wide array of people. But you know, even we professors need to re-learn that too, once in a while...sometimes through students we find challenging to teach.”
A flicker of amusement seemed to dance in the older man’s eye.
“You say Jackson is my kind of student -- and yes, for certain he is. Talented, amiable, excitable, curious...incredibly witty, and yet surprisingly sensitive -- I’d say Eleazar and Madam Kogawa are just as fond of the boy as I am, and they’re not even his Head of House! But truly, I think you might find Jackson’s a very promising student in his own way...perhaps even in your class. Why, if even Atticus Grimsley can find it in his heart to like Jackson as a student, despite all the trouble he gets up to outside of class, surely you could.”
Sharp was skeptical of this thought process until the day following the invigorating Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor that spring. The Potionsmaster himself had not been present at the Pitch -- he’d had much more pressing matters to research in the Hogwarts library -- but he heard the school matron, Noreen Blainey, complaining to Ronen about it the following morning at breakfast.
“ -- poor boy got that hexed Bludger straight to the face, Professor! It broke his nose in five places! And yet he’s absolutely refused to come to me for treatment!”
“Jackson seems to be doing better now, Madam,” Ronen tried to soothe her, but she wasn’t having any of it.
“Only because he’s off brewing his own Wiggenweld Potions to mask the damage! He barely avoided getting knocked unconscious! That damage undoubtedly went below the surface. And yet somehow Mr. Knightly managed to slip right out from under everyone in the stands before they could send him to me, polished himself up, and now he’s cheerfully acting like he’s fine, despite barely being able to see straight!”
Ronen frowned. “Hm...perhaps I can convince Jackson to get a full physical exam. I’m certain if we emphasize our concern for his well-being -- ”
“Concern!” scoffed the nurse. “Unlikely! That boy wouldn’t even come to me for help when he got burned by Streeler venom, Professor. He’s almost as stubborn as Aesop Sharp, when it comes to accepting professional Healing advice...”
Sharp couldn’t help but cock his eyebrows very coolly at that, but ultimately chose not to join the conversation. It had made some gears turn in his head as it was, so he decided to dwell on the matter alone over breakfast.
Jackson Knightly brewing his own Wiggenweld Potions? Now that seemed thoroughly unlikely. Knightly had never been so competent to brew a potion he could safely ingest without proper oversight. It had to have been Miss Selwyn who helped him with it -- or perhaps Montelimar Bloom: the Ravenclaw did have a tendency to come to Jackson’s rescue, when he was in trouble. Even Bloom’s best friend Orla Atkinson was well known at being talented with healing magic...
Sharp’s eyes flitted over to the Slytherin table absently. He could see Adelia Selwyn and Jackson’s dormmates, Ominis Gaunt and Sebastian Sallow, sitting there -- even Gryffindor’s Beater, Io Gordon, had apparently left her own table to go over and talk to Adelia -- but no Jackson Knightly...
His left eyebrow raising with interest, Sharp sidled to his feet carefully, before trudging out of the Great Hall and back toward the stairs leading down to the dungeons.
Blasted leg, Sharp cursed inwardly. His lack of agility would never not irritate the ex-Auror -- he would’ve loved it if he could just Apparate up and down to different floors without climbing so many damned stairs, but the magic within the school’s walls was far too powerful to allow for that.
Eventually, though, Sharp did make it back to his classroom -- and as soon as he arrived, his sharp ears immediately perked up when he picked out the distinctive sound of something bubbling in a cauldron. 
Well, that could easily end in disaster, being attempted by the wrong student.
The image of Garreth Weasley blowing up his third potion that month rippled over Sharp’s mind.
Reflecting back on his old stealth training, the ex-Auror sidled into the classroom as quietly as he possibly could with his clunky leg, easing the door open so carefully that it didn’t give the slightest creak. When his eyes landed on the workstation being used, however, Sharp was a bit startled by what he found.
It was indeed Jackson Knightly. But rather than being in the company of someone helping him, he was working completely on his own, his back to Sharp as he counted out three -- four -- five lionfish spines, and then dropped them one by one into the cauldron. He kept glancing at the potion off-and-on, humming something absently, as he poured himself a cup of tea from a nearby teapot and mixed in some sugar. Once the potion had turned yellow, he tossed in five more spines, as well as some flobberworm mucus. Then Jackson sipped his tea, still humming absently, as he watched the potion turn purple.
Sharp stood in the door frame, his arms crossed, as he silently watched Jackson work. The Slytherin was in his own little world during the entire process -- eating toast, drinking tea, and even reading out of a tiny book that couldn’t possibly be for Potions while waiting for certain reactions to take place -- but he still did every step perfectly, all seemingly from memory. There were definitely points, though, where Jackson had to pause in the middle, close his eyes, and massage his temple as he took deep breaths -- clearly his head was still hurting him.
Sharp didn’t make himself known until Jackson took the potion off the fire at last. Once the potion had started to cool, he actually brought his hands together in a slow clap.
Jackson looked up, startled, as Sharp approached.
“A perfectly brewed Wiggenweld Potion,” said the Potionsmaster.
Despite being taken aback by his sudden audience, Jackson very quickly put on a big grin and gave a sweeping bow.
“To earn a ‘perfect’ assessment from you is high praise indeed, Master Sharp,” the fifteen-year-old said with a dashing smirk. 
“Indeed,” Sharp said airily. “I would hardly have believed it of you, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.”
The professor’s brows were raised high over his eyes as he considered Jackson a bit more carefully. There wasn’t any cosmetic damage to his face -- but true to what the school matron had said, Jackson’s blue eyes looked slightly unfocused and lacking of light. That lack of consciousness was something Sharp recognized immediately as indicative of a mild head injury.
“...You should take a seat,” Sharp said lowly. “Ingesting anything is best done in a seated position.”
Jackson gave a laugh. “Not when one is drinking one of these on the Dueling Field! My dear Lala -- Orla Atkinson, you know -- she gets competitive enough as it is. If I took the time to sit down and have fairy cakes with my potions, I reckon I’d have to ingest even more of both, once she was done with me!”
The brown-haired boy acted as flippant as ever as he wandered around the table to fetch his teacup. He played off the slight stumble in his step, as well as the slight clumsiness to his settling himself down on the edge of his workstation. Carefully ladling some of his finished potion out of his cauldron and into his half-finished tea, he then gave a long sip from the cup, exhaling lowly as he lowered the ladle and rubbed his temple. Then he plastered a smile back on as he addressed Sharp.
“Would you care for some tea yourself, Professor?” asked Jackson politely. “I borrowed the recipe from my sweetest little unicorn, Miss Devonshire, and it really is sublime...”
“No, thank you,” said Sharp.
“Oh, come now!” Jackson egged him on. “It’s still early morning -- I would think a cup of masala chai would be a good way to start the day off right.”
Sharp cocked an eyebrow. “Perhaps it would -- if it were being enjoyed in the Great Hall, with the rest of one’s breakfast. But you seem to have neglected that.”
Jackson shrugged.
“Wasn’t feeling quite my best,” he said offhandedly. “But no matter -- I’ll be feeling right as rain, with a bit more of this -- ”
He ladled some more of the Wiggenweld Potion into his teacup. Sharp’s lips knit together.
“It might take a stronger potion than that to deal with the aftermaths of a concussion, young man.”
Jackson’s smile flickered ever-so-slightly as Sharp sidled clumsily across the room over to his desk.
“Oh, it -- it’s not nearly as bad as all that,” said Jackson, trying to keep the smile on despite how weak it suddenly seemed. He put down his teacup on the tray at his workstation. “I’ve dealt with far worse than this. Broken bones, glass embedded in my feet, Streeler venom...even got thrown head-first into a stone wall once, and I’m still standing! Dare I say, perhaps better than ever!”
His mouth spread into a brighter white smile. The Slytherin boy’s voice strangely didn’t come across as arrogant or blustering, however -- instead, it seemed almost reassuring: as if he wanted to comfort his professor so he wouldn’t worry.
Sharp, however, was blunt in his response.
“You may dispense with the pretenses, Knightly -- you’re not as good of an actor as you think you are.”
Jackson actually couldn’t help but pout at this.
“Bad form, sir,” he said rather coolly. “Insult my potionmaking, by all means, but to insult my performance ability overall? That is supremely ungentlemanly.”
Sharp actually couldn’t bite back a small smirk of his own. “I have been called worse things.”
Once he eased himself down in his chair, Sharp rested his hands on his desk, clasping them together as he regarded Jackson with a more serious expression.
“...You seem to know this particular brew quite well, to recall all of the steps from memory.”
The professor’s eyes flitted down to the book left open at Jackson’s station. As he’d thought, it wasn’t a book of Potions notes -- it instead seemed to be a book of poetry, judging by the few words he could make out upside down.
Jackson gave another shrug and offhand smile. “Well, as they say, practice makes perfect.”
“Indeed -- for you to brew it so well, it’s clear you’ve practiced quite frequently. Undoubtedly out of a necessity for it.”
Jackson’s dashing white smile became a bit cheekier. “What can I say? Trouble is a friend I run into quite often.”
“I’m well aware,” said Sharp coolly.
He paused. Then, after a moment, he said stridently,
“For the injury you’ve sustained, however, I do not think a Wiggenweld Potion alone would heal the damage.”
Jackson opened his mouth as if to speak, but Sharp cut him off.
“And since it’s rather obvious that you don’t wish a Healer’s input on what treatment would be suitable...allow me to, at the very least, give you some advice on what potion would be a better solution.”
The Potions professor eased himself up and out of his chair, awkwardly stomping over to his own station at the head of the class.
“Follow me,” he said brusquely.
Startled, Jackson got to his feet. He was frozen for only a moment, before he’d hurriedly rushed over to walk right alongside Sharp like a shadow. When Sharp reached his station, Jackson’s focus was abruptly drawn to the other side of the room.
“Your attention, please, Kn -- ”
Before Sharp could finish, though, Jackson had flung out his hand, and in an instant, the closest stool had glided across the room and into his open hands.
Sharp’s mouth was left slightly open, as Jackson brought the stool right up behind his professor with a smile.
“Here, sir,” he said, his charming face betraying some genuine kindness. “Allow me.”
Sharp stared down at the fifteen-year-old boy. Then he very quickly cleared his throat.
“...Ahem -- yes. Thank you.”
He sat down on the stool. Jackson then summoned one wandlessly for himself and positioned it next to Sharp’s.
“How long have you been able to summon things without a wand?” asked Sharp.
Jackson smiled brightly. “Quite a while, actually -- since I was ten, at least. Maybe even nine. I was right on the cusp when I first learned I had magic, you see. I’m not quite as good at wandless Charms as I am with Transfiguration, though -- conjuring flowers and doves is what I did most, in those days...”
Sharp’s eyebrows were rather high as he took this in.
“I know it can be kind of dangerous, to not use a wand to channel your magic,” Jackson said amiably. “Professor Weasley’s warned me of that, a few times, what with the risk of becoming an Obscurus and all. But...well, I was solely among Muggles, back then. Didn’t exactly have the means to go out and buy myself a proper wand, let alone any spellbooks. Truth be told, I....didn’t even own a wand until I returned to Britain, in time for my second year at Hogwarts. And truly, I am very fond of my wand -- she’s a most lovely thing. I just sometimes fall back on old habits.”
Wandless magic at only nine years old? Not only that, but wandless conjuration -- one of the most difficult branches of Transfiguration, largely set aside for students approaching the NEWT level? Despite himself, Sharp was actually rather impressed.
“...Hm. Well...if you can muster up the proper attention span, you could always speak to Professor Onai about such things. Uagadou is well known for teaching its students the art of wandless magic.”
Sharp turned to his station.
“Now, then -- watch closely. This brew is called the Syrup of Asphodel. It’s actually rather simple in its ingredients, but you will have to grind the asphodel root down to a fine powder and mix everything in just the right order, for it to be effective...”
Sharp stopped talking and set to work straight away. In the beginning, he could sense Jackson watching him -- before long, though, the boy once again seemed to drift off, his eyes gliding away toward the far corner of the room.
“Pay attention, Knightly,” said Sharp. “I don’t intend to demonstrate this twice.”
“My apologies, sir,” said Jackson.
Despite this, though, his blue eyes once again were drawn to the unfinished tea service at his station.
“What is it?”
“Are you quite sure you wouldn’t like a cup of tea? I should think the potionmaking process would be a lot more enjoyable, if one partook in some tea in the midst of it...”
“I’m in no need of distractions, Mr. Knightly,” said Sharp airily, “and truthfully, neither are you. You get distracted enough in my class without adding a pot of tea to the mix.”
Jackson frowned slightly.
“Perhaps...” he granted. “But you said yourself that I brewed a perfect Wiggenweld Potion, while I was indulging in just such a cup of tea. And reading some lovely poems, for that matter.”
Sharp paused in his work to glance at Jackson out the side of his eye. The fifteen-year-old had taken out his wand and used it to levitate the tea service a bit more gently over to a table closer by.
“Forgive my impertinence, Professor,” said the Slytherin teenager as he got up and started fussing with his tea set, while still glancing over his shoulder toward Sharp at his station, “but for me, such ‘distractions’ as you call them are not a hindrance. My mind is prone to wander, as you know -- ”
Sharp gave a low, amused snort at the gross understatement.
“ -- but one thing that prevents that, for me, is constant action,” Jackson pressed on, unabashed. “Channeling my energy into physical activity -- even if it’s simply indulging in a cup of tea or parsing through works of Edgar Allan Poe -- ”
He summoned the book of poetry over to him with another wave of his wand, opening it to a certain page and perusing it before he returned his focus to Sharp’s station again.
“ -- I suppose it anchors me in the here and now, as it were. It gives me a reason to stay here, on the ground -- multiple reasons, in fact, all of which interest me. Whereas such austere silence -- complete stillness and undivided focus...it makes my mind restless. Like a dog being asked to walk around on two legs. It feels unnatural -- makes me prone to twitch about, just to try to get comfortable. And sooner or later, whoosh -- off I go toward a more exciting daydream, and all focus is gone.”
Massaging his sore temple a bit more with one hand, Jackson nonetheless beamed over his shoulder at Sharp.
“I confess -- it saddens me greatly that I lose my focus so easily in your class. You do so seem to love your subject.”
“How kind,” Sharp said coolly. With a tired sigh, he said, “Very well. I shall continue my work on this potion, while you do whatever you feel you must, to stay engaged. But as I said, I have no intention of demonstrating this twice -- so if your method of ‘anchoring’ yourself proves ineffective in helping you internalize my lesson, then that’s solely on your own head.”
Jackson grinned. “Understood, sir.”
And so Sharp continued brewing his potion. As he did, he could once again feel Jackson’s eyes on him, though rather intermittently, since the boy was also rifling through the book of poems, cleaning out spare potion bottles with his wand, and brewing a fresh pot of tea as he watched. At some points, Jackson even asked questions -- good ones, to Sharp’s surprise.
“When doubling such a recipe, would one simply double the ingredients, or just the amount of salt water? If one considers the potential for asphodel poisoning.”
“You would add a pinch more root for every three drops of salt water,” Sharp answered.
“And the best way to safely amplify the potion’s effects?”
“Add a half cup of dittany. It’s a resilient enough plant to not curdle in the face of asphodel when mixed in, and yet it’s soothing enough to not actively conflict with its effects.”
Jackson looked thoughtful. “Hm...would a pinch of ginger not conflict? Ginger’s supposed to be good for one’s digestion -- it might help make the tonic a bit more palatable.”
Sharp glanced back at Jackson over his shoulder with some interest.
“...Not a bad suggestion,” he said.
After a few minutes, Sharp finished off the potion and began to empty the contents of his cauldron into a vial. As he did, Jackson dropped off the second of the cups of tea he’d poured out down on Sharp's desk, not far away from the station he was working at.
“Here you are, sir,” he said politely.
“And there you are,” Sharp said crisply. With the potion vial full, he held it out for Jackson to take. “Syrup of Asphodel -- made up of nothing but salt water and, as one can expect, powdered root of asphodel. Do you remember how many drops of salt water one requires?”
“Three per dosage,” Jackson said promptly.
“And how many times did I stir this potion?” asked Sharp, as he lumbered back over to his desk.
Jackson considered this. He seemed to be counting in his own head.
“Let’s see...once when I sat down, twice before I lost focus -- three when I did. Four after I summoned the tray -- five, six...seven when I reread Lenore -- eight, nine...nine, yes, I believe it was nine?”
“Correct,” said Sharp. He placed his hand down on the desk so as to ease himself down into his chair. “Clockwise or counterclockwise?”
Jackson’s eyes drifted up toward the ceiling thoughtfully. “...All clockwise except for the first and last two.”
“Very good,” said Sharp, and indeed, he did sound rather pleased. “It seems there truly is a method to get you to pay attention to my lessons.”
Jackson grinned that bit more mischievously. “Glad to hear you’ll be more indulgent of me inviting my friend Lord Byron to class with me in the future, Professor!”
“Don’t push your luck,” Sharp said airily. “I’m still not thoroughly convinced this wasn’t some sort of practical joke on your part.”
His impish grin spreading that bit more, Jackson brought the vial up to his lips and downed its contents. Within seconds, he shuddered, but the breath he exhaled was full to the brim with relief and relaxation.
“...Ahhh...” he sighed happily as he brought a hand up to his forehead. “Oh, that does feel better...”
Sharp nodded in satisfaction. “Good to hear it.”
Jackson washed the potion down with the rest of his tea before turning to Sharp with a visibly more relaxed smile.
“Thank you for your time, sir,” he said. “And your lesson -- they’re both greatly appreciated.”
“You’re welcome,” said Sharp. “Now don’t you have some other lessons to get to? One thing I’ve learned is that however poor one’s health may be, one can’t easily justify not going to class, if he intends to not rest in the Hospital Wing.”
Jackson laughed. “No, I jolly well suppose not.”
Sharp indicated the door with a nod of his head. “Off you go, then.”
As Jackson made as if to go, though, he paused in the door frame and looked back with an odd, almost compassionate expression.
“...Sir, I really think you should try the chai,” he said gently. “Miss Devonshire recommended it to me for pain relief. Muggle remedy it might be...I would think it still might soothe some of the pain in your leg.”
Sharp paused. His dark eyes flitted down to the cup of tea in front of him to back up at the kindly boy in his door frame.
Then, very slowly, the Potions professor’s gaze seemed to lose some of its edge. It made his features look much less critical than before, though no less discerning.
“...Mm. I see.”
Sharp gave Jackson a muted incline of his head.
“...Thank you.”
Jackson’s face spread into a bright, charming white grin as he swept out of the room and back up the stairs at a run. Sharp himself also found himself smirking ever-so-slightly once he’d disappeared from view.
Jackson Knightly was certainly not his type of student -- but, Sharp had to admit as he picked up the cup of masala chai and silently enjoyed the soothing scent and taste of the brew -- he was a promising one, all the same. So long as he actually applied himself properly.
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regulusttars · 2 years
always taste like you
“Buenas Noches Mamá, Night Dad.” 
“Good night, James.” 
“Buenas Noches, vida.”
Slowly walking up the stairs James attempts to calm his nerves. 
Ok, lying and sneaking out, Sirius does it all the time,I do it at school, Fuck but to my Dad and Mamá, all because Regulus asked me to light his cigarette
Softly opening his window, James climbed out his window and jumped over his fence running towards where he could see Regulus’ car. 
“Hey Reg, you called.” 
“You came, we would hit up the skate park but I locked my keys in my car” 
“Oh, um we could walk to the small river and chill there, I guess.” 
After a quiet 5 minute walk they reached the small flowing river sitting down on the bench
“Wanna cigarette?” breaking the silence, Regulus held out a cigarette to James. 
“Thanks but I don’t smoke”
“Your loss.” 
Inhaling the smoke and exhaling a smoke ring, Regulus maintained eye contact with James’, well more of James’ lips, slowly moving in.
His lips look so soft, I can already feel his kiss. 
Pulling away, flustered and slightly aroused, James audibly swallowed the spit gathering in his mouth
“How have you been,um, other than the usual shit .”
“More long nights, more daydreams. You look idle, you want this ?” Regulus said holding out a strawberry flavoured rock candy, blowing another smoke ring into the air
“Ah yes, sugar and smoke rings, my two favorite things.” 
Shoving the candy into his mouth, Regulus swirled his tongue around the sugar, pulling it out of his mouth with an audible pop, swiftly kissing James. 
“Shut up, and take the damn candy” pulling away from the kiss as fast as he gave it 
He taste like strawberries and cigarettes
(two weeks later)
“I’m only going 60 mph or 96 kph”
“You’ll be fine”
“If i get one more headlight straight to my eyes I won’t be.” submitting to Regulus, James laid his head on Regulus’ shoulder, inhaling the now familiar scent of strawberries and cigarette smoke.
Allowing himself to calm down James barely noticed when Regulus turned into his street, hopping off the bike, James jumped over the fence again taking with him the memory of blue eyes,and black jeans. 
(2 months later)
“It’ll all be worth the wait.”
Slipping his hand into James’ they fell asleep in the back of the cab, when they got to James’ house, James brought Regulus inside, changed his clothes putting him in his bed. James did his night time routine, laying in bed with Regulus, it felt like fate. 
When James’ woke up the next morning Regulus was gone, no note, no text, nothing, but his signature smell of strawberries and cigarettes still resided on James’ pajamas and bed sheets. 
These stupid games again, christ Reg I thought we were over these
Throwing an arm over his eyes James sighed
I’ve been a fool because strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you, even if i run away give my heart a holiday still strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
(5 months later)
“fuck, you always leave me wanting more, because strawberries and cigarettes always taste you, and I can't shake my hunger for it, so Regulus please, I'm begging you, please tell me what you want.” 
“I want, i don’t know,” throwing his hands up in desperation Regulus groaned “I don’t know James” 
“Then why have you been playing these same fucking games”
“Because i know I what you, isn’t that enough” 
“How hard was that, really Regulus, how hard was it for you to admit you want me” a sly smile taking over the elder boys face
“Really hard, because i really love you” Regulus’ face was flushed pink and James never though he looked nicer 
“I really love you too Reg.”
Pulling Regulus into a kiss that tasted exactly how James wanted it to taste like.
Strawberries and Cigarettes always taste like you  
There we are. a Strawberries & Cigarette Jegulus ff. i had so much fun writing this I'll post on AO3 later
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a continuation of the recent fell asgore prompt with asgore and reader you planting flowers in the autumn n asgore confesses
Absolutely! Here you are, my friend!
Nearly a year had passed since you had begun a friendship with the king of monsters. What had started out as a shared love for tea soon blossomed into a real friendship, as well as a working relationship. The two of you sometimes even hung out together after work or on the weekends. You grew more and more comfortable together and you found yourself sharing things with him that you didn’t tell anyone else. Good news felt more real when you told it to him, and if you got bad news, you knew he would be there to comfort you. You found yourself daydreaming about him, about his strong arms and his soft fur and the way he said your name…It was just a crush, though, surely. And surely he didn’t feel the same way. You were just a friend to him, even if you wanted more.
One Saturday afternoon, Asgore invited you to help him with the gardens around the embassy. He took care of them himself and was very proud of them. The fact that he asked for your help was an honor. You agreed happily, glad to spend more time with him.
“Ah, my favorite human,” he rumbled. “I am glad you are here to help me.”
“Glad to be here, Asgore,” you said. You’d stopped calling him “Your Majesty” some time ago. You set the “What do we need to do first?”
Asgore explained his plans and the two of you got to work. As you dug holes and carefully placed each plant, you found yourself a bit distracted by your companion. The king was not in his royal robes today. Instead, he had on a loose shirt and pants. The shirt showed off his powerful arms and you couldn’t help watching him. He looked so much more at ease than he ever had, and the sadness that usually hid behind his eyes seemed a little less today.
He was looking at you too, of course. Your eyes met more than once. Your fingers brushed against his and both of you felt a momentary spark. Was his soul beating faster the way your heart was?
You expected him to pull his hand back, to keep working. Instead, he curled his fingers carefully around your hand. “Y/N,” he said, and your heart skipped a beat at the tender way he said your name.
“Yes, Asgore?”
“I must admit something.” The hand on yours pressed a little closer. His other hand dug into the dirt as he tried to find the right words. “I did not ask you here to help me with the gardens today. Or not…just to help me. I asked you here because I wished to tell you something. Something important.”
You turned your hand so you were properly holding his and gave it a little squeeze. Your heart was beating like a hummingbird in your chest. Did you dare to hope?
Asgore cleared his throat and said, “You are my favorite human, and that is…something. Something I never thought I’d say. Something I never dreamed I could feel. But you are…you are special to me. You are…dear to me.” He looked away for a moment and then his eyes caught yours again and you saw nothing in them but adoration. “You make me feel things I have not felt for so long, Y/N. I…love you.”
Your heart was going to burst out of your chest. You let go of his hand so you could fling your arms around his neck and hug him. “Asgore,” you breathed. “Oh, Asgore, I love you too!”
His strong arms wrapped around you. The new flowers and plants lay forgotten behind you as the two of you stared into each other’s eyes. You weren’t sure if you kissed him or if he kissed you. You just knew that it was the best kiss of your life.
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asystemerror · 2 months
Drop the blorbo list! Tell us why you like them!
Prompt from here!
I have a lot,,,,, Some I haven't even yapped about on here yet,,,,,, Imma break them up by fandom though to make reading easier haha
Identity V:
-Andrew Kreiss:
I like Andrew for a lot of reasons! His design, gameplay, overall theme, there's so much I could ramble on and on about. I remember what really cemented him on my fave list was parts of his personality and general character tidbits (one being sun sensitivity). Additionally, a lot of what I consider to be my "weirder" interests happen to align with him. Sometimes it's easier to delve into them and be my authentic cringe self with the guise of character deep dives haha.
All in all, I think he's an interesting character. Kinda my go to guy to say "Ah yes my son" when speaking about fictional characters.
-Emma Woods:
One of my faves from when I first started! She actually was one of the 3 that drew me in tbh (I called her the "cute gardener girl" back then). I remember being convinced I would main her, but alas.... only in duos. Despite this, she's stands strong as one of my top faves. I find her backstory/manor game to be really interesting - and weirdly entertaining considering the drama she causes in the game. I really enjoy her general "cutesy but dangerous" vibe. I've always been a sucker for that troupe.
Additionally, Lady Truth is one of my favorite spin off characters in the game! I love a good mystery with a female lead!! I honestly hope we see more of her outside of anniversary events.... She has so much good lore potential!
-Kurt Frank:
I didn't choose the Kurt life.... the Kurt like chose ME. No seriously I never would have guessed I'd end up mailing him. The percypocolypse does things to a man. I'm glad it did though. Kurt has honestly become one of my fave characters, I find him so silly and interesting. While his deductions are...interesting to read, I loved his manor game story! I wish there was more content of him (ex. translated twitter replies) I could look at for him :/ That aside, as a fellow daydreamer, I find Kurt's attitude contagious and his rambles fun. I wish he didn't die before sharing said story, but whatever. Maybe another event with him leading it will appear to fill the void with silly.
-Martha Behamfil:
Not only was she my first rescue main, but Martha helped me figure out my gender (real) (not clickbait). So uh, I do love her a lot for that. I also love her general themes of independence, while still keeping in touch with one's femininity in a way (ex. chasing her dreams to be a pilot while also indulging in a love life). I also just honestly love her outfits and gameplay as well. She's never not slayed in my eyes thus far. I have a very soft spot for her dskhafj -Ann
Annnn!!!! My lovely hunter main. She's sunk her cat claws into my heart and I do not wish for her to let go. I honestly love everything about her. Her backstory is hella engaging (NETEASE GIVE ME MORE FOOD), her abilities are fun, and honestly I find Apostle funny.
She was very quick to becoming one of my faves. I honestly could gush about her forever, but Im trying to keep these explanations semi fair!
I love Michi..... She brings me great calm and reminds me of my grandmother (she had a painting of geishas in her house when I was little). She's one of the few characters I've genuinely nearly cried after reading their backstory.
While I don't main her much anymore, I can't say I have ever stopped loving Michi as a character/looking at cool content of her. She's just gRAHHhh /POS
-Mangle What's not to love about Mangle? They're like a silly dog. And I honestly fuck with that. I also just love there concept as like a robot nerd, but yk. My precious mungle fungle tungle bungle.
-Toy Bonnie
I honestly was very "meh" towards him for a good while. UNTIL I like essentially got kin assigned him by my old amino friends. He was basically my mascot for a bit so like I hold a lil bit of "hehe lil guy" to him.
I was OBSESSED with her as a kid. I cosplayed her, I drew her, I made fics, honestly I like was fully ready to see this crazy ballerina robot lady attack people. Alas, she only got scooped... LUCKILY THE FANDOM FILLED THE VOID THOUGH!! I love seeing neat content with her!
Don't Starve Together:
-Wendy My silly main! I mentally adopted her and Abagail a while ago hehe. I find them really fun to play, plus like... I think I just like semi morbid but cutesy characters so, HELL YEAH. I'm still learning the best way to play her, but I find it a fun relaxing experience to do. Overall I associate her with great calm and zen. She's a great gal.
MFMM: (Shortened list so I don't put the whole cast)
-Miss Fisher She is the moment, she is iconic, she IS Miss Fisher. No character has made me feel as empowered as she has. Like it's actually insane. She is another character that I associate with my grandma as well as they introduced me to the series itself. It truly wouldn't be Miss Fisher without me remembering the beautiful lady posed on the covers of the books on my grandmother's end table. Its been overall a very nice piece of media to sink my teeth into... NOT TO MENTION THERES SO MUCH OF IT!! I HAVENT EVEN FINISHED THE BOOKS!
I love Dot. In both mediums of the series. Her character growth and overall attitude complements Miss Fisher's perfectly and is honestly such a delight to see. I also find her own moments of sleuthing to be really fun! I love when she has that strong confidence. TLDR: I wanna pinch her cheeks
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