#agriculture translation services
lakesparkles · 4 months
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Alright, you guys wanted to see more of my OCs and I wanted to do more of these short comics, so here you you! :D I don't post about my characters often, but most of you probably know Taylor (Golden Retriever) already. However, I decided to focus on a character I didn't before: Chayene (Jack Russell Terrier/Dalmatian)! This isn't much, but my plan was to show a bit more of her relationship with Taylor (I just LOVE when characters are exes) and sexuality.
But PLEASE, this isn't me trying to say that every aroace person feels or thinks this way. Everybody is different and this is just how Chayene feel about herself - that is also inspired by how I feel (even that I'm not sure if I'm aroace, idk, I didn't think much about this yet).
Now, if you're curious about what they're doing in the first page and want more worldbuiding lore, I'll translate a message I sent to my friend:
Fish are like "fishermen" in their world. Taylor and Chayene are going to the lake to deliver agricultural products to them in exchange for money (as Taylor is unemployed, his dads' farmer friends call him for services like this). These coins that the fish are giving them have a much greater value in the land environment, it's as if they were receiving them in dollars so they have to exchange them for their currency. Taylor gets, like, one of those coins.
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lordzannis · 3 months
Here are 30 ways you can support Palestinians:
Donate to reputable organizations providing humanitarian aid to Palestinians, such as the Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF), Muslim Hands, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), and UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).[1][4][5]
Advocate for change by writing to elected representatives, signing petitions, and supporting political campaigns promoting peace and justice.[1][4]
Educate yourself on the history and root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.[1][4]
Support Palestinian businesses and the local economy.[1][4][5]
Attend protests, marches, rallies, and vigils to demonstrate solidarity.[1][4]
Write letters to the editor countering harmful narratives and providing context.[4]
Read and share Palestinian voices and perspectives, such as the anthology "Light in Gaza."[4]
Hold corporations accountable for complicity in human rights violations by divesting or boycotting them.[4]
Join initiatives like AFSC's "Apartheid-Free" campaign to dismantle Israeli apartheid.[4]
Make du'a (supplication) for relief and blessings in your efforts.[1]
Share information on social media to raise awareness.
Volunteer or intern with pro-Palestinian organizations.
Organize educational events, film screenings, or discussions in your community.
Support Palestinian artists, musicians, and cultural events.
Learn the Arabic language and Palestinian dialect.
Travel to Palestine as an activist or on a solidarity trip.
Boycott products made in Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territories.
Donate to crowdfunding campaigns supporting Palestinian families and causes.
Sponsor a Palestinian student's education.
Plant olive trees or support Palestinian farmers and agriculture.
Advocate for Palestinian refugees' right of return.
Call for ending the blockade and occupation of Gaza.
Demand corporations divest from the Israeli military-industrial complex.[2]
Support the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement.
Amplify Palestinian voices and stories through art, writing, or filmmaking.
Pressure universities to divest from companies complicit in the occupation.
Participate in an annual Palestinian solidarity event like Al-Awda or Israeli Apartheid Week.
Support Palestinian prisoners' rights and call for their release.
Donate blood or join a humanitarian aid convoy to Gaza.
Offer skills like web design, translation, or medical expertise to Palestinian organizations.
The key is taking meaningful action through donations, advocacy, boycotts, education, and amplifying Palestinian voices to promote human rights and a just resolution.
Citations: [1] https://muslimhands.org.uk/latest/2021/06/how-to-support-palestine-and-gaza-with-charity [2] https://www.reddit.com/r/EffectiveAltruism/comments/17nbhqf/what_can_realistically_be_done_from_abroad_to/ [3] https://afsc.org/programs/us-palestine-activism-program [4] https://afsc.org/news/6-ways-you-can-support-palestinians-gaza [5] https://www.pcrf.net/information-you-should-know/how-to-help-palestine.html
i asked it :how to build keffiyeh factory ?
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shadowmaat · 1 month
Jedi Service Corps
The Legends-fueled propaganda of "bad students get sent to the Agricorp/Services" has always bothered me. First of all, forcing kids into a career not of their choosing isn't the best way to encourage them to perform well.
The Services in general seem to get a bad rap, and TBH it's kind of bizarre to assume that every kid who winds up being taken in by the Jedi wants to grow up to be a cop. LOL!
There is so much untapped potential being ignored, and even within the four pseudo-canon branches there's a lot to explore.
Agriculture. Farmers Without Borders. LOL! It isn't just about growing plants, it's about analyzing trends, understanding ecosystems, geology, climatology, politics, etc. There's mechanical engineering so you know how to fix the machines that do the hardest labor (often illegally, given corporate software locks and so forth). Probably a lot of fiddly stuff with plant genetics, too, given similar issues with seed corporations.
Being Jedi, I'm sure they're also aware of the need to include "ornamental" plants to help with the emotional welfare of hurting/devastated populations.
Education. This field must be fucking wild. Sure, you have your future creche masters and archivists, but I imagine there are those who do public outreach, too, and go to schools to teach kids about what the Jedi do beyond waving laser swords. There's probably also a need for teachers in isolated/rural areas to help with basic things like reading, writing, and maths. Ditto areas devastated by wars and natural disasters, where kids need a safe distraction from trauma. I bet Educorp and Agricorp team up more often than people might think.
There's also the sheer variety of topics. Even something basic like history will have a wide net. Galactic history, region-specific, planetary, etc. And then there's the arts. Music, singing, dance, physical media, holo media, theatre, and so much more. There will be differences between species, understanding what they need to know, how they learn best, and what their aging process is like. Teachers to cover the full range of mortal maturity, from teaching toddlers to old-timers. And don't get me started on teaching "forbidden" topics in repressive communities.
Medical. LOL. Every. Single. Species. And often subtypes between them. So many specialists needed. And again, you probably have a number that specialize in helping in disaster areas. Hello, Educorp, let's help teach these people how to best care for themselves. Maybe Agricorp can help with showing folks how to purify their air and water. There must be SO many diseases, some of which have inoculations and so that don't. And again, figuring ways to smuggle medicine and supplies to those who need it despite the extortionist rates corporations charge. Repairing faulty equipment, finding work-arounds when the parts aren't there. Triage. Using the Force to help heal is all well and good, but sometimes they still have to get hands-on.
Even with non-emergency stuff, I imagine they're still kept busy. The idea of a Jedi "country doctor" settled in some remote area sounds delightful. Communities that get "lost" in the shuffle or otherwise overlooked. Veterinary medicine as a sub-specialty.
Jedi having a special "knack" for determining what's wrong with someone, finding early warning signs before it's too late, etc. Comforting the dying. Comforting the survivors. ALL the mental health stuff and neurodivergence.
Exploration. Jedi Starfleet. LOL! It isn't all about discovering new worlds, though. Sometimes it's rediscovering planets and cultures that have been forgotten. Charting new hyperlane routes and hoping the end doesn't pop you out in the middle of a star.
I betcha you could fold so many things into this one. Botany. Archaeology. Xenoanthropology. Medicine, of course, since new worlds/people means new poisons, venoms, and diseases. New or ancient languages? It'd help to have someone around who could work on translating. Diplomats to help you talk to people. Geologists. Zoologists. A bit of everything.
Sure, there'd be room for solo missions, but I imagine there'd be bigger ships that they'd launch from. A place to come back to so the brains can pore over everything you brought back and see what they can determine from it. And big ships (or any ships really) means pilots, engineers, general crew, logistics, and all those fun things.
Anyway, I can see plenty of room for additional corps, too, but of the ones that get mentioned in Legends there's still a huge playing field.
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Ally: Dru’ugo the Shoalworm
An adventurer’s desire to explore isn’t the sole province of those born to the land, as the seas contain just as many if not more secrets waiting to be explored.
A naturally curious creature, Dru’ugo has always been fascinated with artifacts left behind by ‘bovers, those mysterious folk who live beyond the scintillating surface of his watery world, and has spent his youthful decades exploring wrecks, salvaging from ruins, and collecting whatever ( often erroneous) gossip the merfolk see fit to trade him. Fittingly, this makes him one of the best contacts the party can ally with when trying to explore the sea, as the shoalworm is happy to share his findings and provide water-taxi services if the party will explain to him things like agriculture or share the stories of the places they explore together.
Adventure Hooks:
A sea beast has been menacing ships throughout a high-trafic trade channel, forcing them to veer widely off course in order to avoid a confrontation. Tired of profits lost after shipments are delayed by days, the local commerce commission offers an open bounty on the beast’s head after a reputable crew of leviathan hunters very publicly turned the job down. As it turns out this “beast” is just Dru’ugo, excited at having found a reliable place to try and make contact with ‘bovers and ask them questions, rearing up before their ship and trying to mime out what he needs with fins and tail.
Due to a tragedy of anatomy and never having attended a non-fish based school, Dru’ugo is incapable of speaking the common tongue, and his chances to learn to understand it are sparse. This has forced him to be reliant on a friendly mermaid by the name of “Opportunity-bubbles-up-from-below” ( or Ublup for short) to serve has his translator. For her part, Ublup gets figity when her friend makes her play mouthpiece for too long, as she’d much rather be out manta racing with the other deepsea layabouts.  If the party could somehow find some means of breaching the language barrier, whether by using telepathy or devising some enchantment, they’ll earn themselves a friend for all time, provided they can handle the ensuing barrage of the shoalworm’s questions.
Some time after their first excursion with the shoalworm, Dru’ugo gets word to the party that he’s found another ruin, and would love to explore it together in order to hang out with them once again. Drawn in by the prospect of looting a sunken city in good company, the group and their sea-noodle ally don’t notice that the place they’ve exploring are occupied by a cult of marrow dedicated to a terrible goddess of the deep ocean. Angered above all at Dru’ugo for helping these land-dwellers to trespass into the goddess’s domain, the high priest of this cult calls down a curse that transforms the mostly harmless shoalworm into a rampaging leviathan. While Dru’ugo struggles in vain against the curse in order to give them time to escape, the party must break for land and devise some means of subverting the goddess’s wrath, before they’re forced to slay their transmogrified buddy as he mindlessly rampages along the coast.
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apenitentialprayer · 19 days
When Materialist Soviets Just Didn't Get It
Scientific atheists believed that their technological and scientific successes would obviously disprove the validity of religion because the two are fundamentally in opposition. Official Soviet ideology stated that "religion exists where knowledge is lacking, religion is opposed to science." […] Scientific atheists viewed any technology as evidence of atheism because it demonstrated that humans could work "miracles" that were not performed by God. At the very first attempts to industrialize the newly created Soviet Union, scientific atheists seized on the introduction of new technologies as a source for their anti-religious propaganda. For example, farming technology became a means to convince rural residences of their outdated reliance on religious concepts. An anti-religious pamphlet printed in the first Five Year Plan period was entitled "Prayers or Tractor" and a widespread poster crudely elaborated on the alleged contradiction between "cross and tractor." The alternative, "religion or tractor" with which the communists operated, never existed in the minds of the people for who this propaganda was intended. The illusions about "atheist tractor" were therefore soon shattered, especially when peasants affixed crosses to them and when priests celebrated thanksgiving services at their arrival in villages. As this instance demonstrates, scientific atheists simply did not understand the nature of religious belief. The fact that a tractor exists does not translate into a disproof of God and, ironically, Kolarz points out that farmers often interpreted these agricultural advancements as gifts from God. Similarly, scientific atheists thought that atheism was empirically proven because God remained unseen or because certain religious stories were scientifically inconceivable. Following World War II, Soviet officials started a campaign to produce natural-scientific arguments against belief in God. For instance, Soviet scientists placed holy water under a microscope to prove that it has no special properties and [… i]n one of the most famous examples, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin proclaimed upon his return from the very first space flight in history he did not see God in space. Aeronautical technology was often presented as proof of atheism and Soviet leaders viewed every flight as an "assault on heaven." In the Russian language, as in many others, there is only one expression for both "heaven" and "sky" and "assault on heaven" therefore meant both the technical conquest of the air and the conquest of space where God was supposed to live . . . However, before the atheist propaganda was able to exploit the "conquest of the stratosphere" it suffered a tremendous setback when the stratosphere plane "SSSR" crashed after having reached the height of 22 kilometers. As the communists considered these flights to be a challenge to religion . . . the more simple minded believers considered the accident and death of all three pilots as an act of divine punishment. [...] As there examples illustrate, scientific atheists did not recognize the nonempirical character of religious concepts and stories. In most cases, atheist proselytizers had little or no knowledge of actual religious doctrine. In fact, a visitor to the Soviet Union in the 1960s reported that "no atheist ringleader has ever dared to allow those under him to study the Bible, even for the purpose of spying out the enemy's territory in order to more easily conquer it." Under these conditions, atheist recruiters were largely ignorant of the nonempirical tenets of religious belief, which led them to only attack the supernatural using empirical arguments.
- Paul Froese ("Forced Secularization in Soviet Russia: Why an Atheistic Monopoly Failed")
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cinemaocd · 4 months
Thomas Cromwell's big book, The Valor Ecclesiasticus
Reading this morning in History Today about the Valor Ecclesiasticus, a massive survey of all religious holdings that was begun in 1535, and completed in less than 18 months (or at least it was completed enough to be acted upon as 1/4 of the religious houses in England were closed by the end of that period). It details not only the holdings down to every last bone of every last saint, but maps, and the detailed accounts of the tenants, as the Church was the largest landlord in England.
This document was probably Cromwell's greatest achievement, just in terms of sheer output, as it covered not only the 800 religious houses and their tenants' activities, which often required tracing people across county lines, etc. something that had never been done at that point. The data was collected rapidly, from a wide variety of sources. In many cases, church officials simply refused to meet with Cromwell's commissioners. In those cases the commissioners took matters into their own hands and made broad guesses about holdings based on what they could observe.
After the Valor was completed and the associated religious houses closed, it was set aside and forgotten until 1800, when Parliament funded a team of scholars led by John Caley to "translate" the document into some useful information, attempting essentially turn it into a modern ledger book. Caley took 38 years to do this, spent thousands of pounds more than he was meant to, held the documents hostage in his home and then promptly died as soon as the last volume was published. The government found the results "a mischief of confusion" and it was never used. Historians largely ignored the Valor and Caley's "translation" for the most part, except, fascinatingly, around the time of the Russian Revolution, some Marxists attempted to use it as a blueprint for modernizing Russian agriculture!
Now it is being digitized for the first time.
One thing that I gleaned from the article, was that special attention was paid to dams on rivers, which were used by many religious houses for private fisheries. This interfered with Cromwell's general scheme of improving the navigability of waterways (no son of Putney could love a dam that stops a barge moving on a river). This right of the government to take private property away from the church was critical to create a modern government that could conduct nationwide schemes like improving the navigability of the waterways.
The leap from not having fishing dams on every river, to the profitable canal system borrowed from the Low Countries in later centuries, was not dramatic after the legal impediments were removed. And you really can't have the industrial revolution in England without it.
I have for a long time characterized Cromwell as someone had multiple motivations for almost every decision he undertook. Usually there would be a personal profit motive as well, which is unseen. It really depends on the political leanings of the historian as to which of those motives people have tended to see, be they greed, Lutheranism, Machiavellian political maneuvering etc, but as far as I'm concerned, his motivations could simply be: I find fisheries on the Themes and its tributaries annoying because they interfere with my daily commute.
Another interesting thing in the article was the discussion of class mobility provided by unseen parts of the monastic system. There was a class of clerks, agents, etc. that were enriched by managing the church's land holdings. Cromwell's agents often came from this pool of men, and he himself, given his start assisting Wolsey, could be seen as also coming from this class. Putting the overall management of this class of people into the hands of Parliament and away from the Pope was a huge improvement for them and you can see it as the bedrock on which the British Civil Service was built.
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arsacra · 4 months
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9 matchbox labels printed in 1969 for the Czechoslovak consumer cooperative chain Jednota. They advertise the goods and services that co-op members can recieve like fresh produce (1, and fresh and dried mushrooms 6), wine (8), nutricious foods (3), stores close to residential neighborhoods (2) and new locations (4), and co-op owned hotels and roadside bars for motoroturism(5, 7). The last label boasts 1,800,000 members of the co-op.
The matchboxes were produced by Solo Lipnik (now Morago AS Ltd) to be glued onto wooden matchboxzes, but collecting the designs was highly popular and there were many unions and clubs dedicated to collecting labels. These labels were designed by Jednota to promote the cooperative, but other designs were commissioned by various government and social organizations to promote public health and safety, agriculture, labor, and of course, matches.
In 1969, the Jednota co-op expanded into the tourism sector with TATRATOUR, a travel cooperative. Also in the 60s, Jednota exported honey, forest fruits, mushrooms, and snails to western Europe in order to have an account of foreign currency to import certain goods and industrial parts. However, many goods sold in Jednoka stores were domestic - local honey and fruits from the rural areas, and bread and pastries produced in Jednoka facilities (but production flucuated thanks to government interventions). By the 80s the co-op also expanded to include household goods, health and beauty items, and other non-grocery items as smaller specialty stores were overtaken by larger stores that sold a larger variety of items. (COOP Jednota still exists today in SL. source translated from Slovak. Translation notes welcome!)
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rollsrocker · 2 years
Kremlin's Plan for Moldova
Greetings everyone.
The RISE investigative journalism agency published a highly detailed account of the Russian efforts to infiltrate Moldovan politics with a comprehensive strategy to integrate the country firmly in the Russian sphere of influence by 2023, with the side effect of completely alienating Moldova from Romania, the EU, NATO and the wider west.
Bellow I took the liberty of translating it into English, and the hyperlink of the Investigation in Romanian.
If you are Moldovan/Romanian, or if you take interest in the regional geo-politics, I highly recommend this read.
Thank you for your attention and time!
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A document leaked from behind the scenes of the Kremlin presidential administration reveals Russia's plan to bring Moldova under its own umbrella by 2030.
The document, which has not been made public, is called "Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Moldova" and was created in 2021. Several key points of Moscow's strategy have also appeared over the years on the public platforms of pro-Russian parties and in speeches by politicians. 
"The document is an interesting one, but it shows that they are one step behind the general situation because of the war in Ukraine and because of the regional capacity of EU countries and other international organisations to mobilise and face Russia's intentions to achieve this," Sergiu Diaconu, head of the Moldovan Prime Minister's Office, told us after we showed him the resulting strategy.
Against the backdrop of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the government in Chisinau is increasingly promoting Moldova's rapprochement with the European Union. The head of state recently set a deadline for this goal. The year 2030.
This year - 2030, is also included in Russia's strategy as the deadline for gaining control over the Republic of Moldova and moving it away from the EU, NATO and other partners.
The document detailing Moscow's strategy was obtained by RISE Moldova together with an international consortium of journalists including Yahoo News, Delfi Estonia, the London-based Dossier Centre, the Swedish newspaper Exane Westdeutscher, Rundfunk and Norddeutscher Rundfunk, the Polish investigative station Frontstory, the Belarusian Investigative Centre and the Central European news website VSquare.
The document comes from the same Presidential Directorate for Cross-Border Cooperation that produced a similar strategy on Russia's plans to annex the Republic of Belarus. The strategy was drafted in autumn 2021, as was the Belarus strategy, with input from the Russian General Staff and Moscow's special services: the FSB, SVR and GRU. "There is zero percent [chance that] these documents are fake," according to the source who provided us with the documents.
The strategy was built on three spheres of influence: political and military, economic and humanitarian.
Strategic objectives in the political, military, military-technical and security spheres
In the short term (until 2022), Russia has set out to open a consulate in ATU Gagauzia, but this has not happened. The idea of opening a Russian consulate in Comrat has been promoted by former head of state Igor Dodon since 2012. At the time, Dodon was a member of parliament.
In 2021, an initiative group started collecting signatures in support of the idea, arguing that "many Gagauz residents have Russian citizenship and go to this country to earn money. Many citizens of the autonomy got married in Russia, have businesses there. We are linked to Russia by many threads".
Mihail Vlah is the chairman of the supervisory board of the public company Teleradio Gagauzia (GRT) and one of the organisers of the rally against price increases in the summer of 2022. His wife, Tatiana Vlah, owns 67% of Bakayan, which is on the list of Moldovan companies that Rosselkhoznadzor allowed to export to Russia in December 2022, after imposing an embargo on all agricultural producers on the right bank of the Dniester in August. Vlah denied at the time any link between obtaining the right to export to Russia and the organisation of the protest.
Mihail VLAH, civic activist from Gagauzia: I think Russia is generally not interested in Moldova. What is happening in the Transnistrian region is very important for Russia, because about 50% of the population there is Russian, they keep their weapons there and there are peacekeepers there.
As far as Moldova as a whole is concerned, I think Russia would naturally like to see Moldova in its sphere of influence. Just as Europe and America would like to see Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia in their sphere of influence.
And from Gagauzia, Russia wants nothing. We live as badly as the whole of Moldova. We pay 30 lei each for gas and electricity. Our products do not reach Russia. We, like our Moldovan brothers, suffer from the fact that there is war in Ukraine and from this relationship between the authorities of the Republic of Moldova and the authorities of the Russian Federation.
Another objective of the Russian Federation is 'Countering Moldova's collaboration with NATO', which it has set itself to achieve by 2025. And in the long term, i.e. by 2030, Russia wants to "form a negative attitude towards NATO in Moldovan society and political circles". This was one of the "10 priority objectives" promoted by the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM) in the February 2019 parliamentary elections: "We will not allow NATO membership and we will achieve the closure of the NATO office in Chisinau".
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"Countering Romania's expansionist policy in Moldova" - Russia's medium-term goal - by 2025. In the same 2019 elections, the PSRM claimed that if it had a parliamentary majority, it would ban "unionist parties and movements". At the same time, the socialists promised that Moldova would "achieve full membership of the Eurasian Economic Union" (EEU). The objective is also reflected in the Russian Federation's strategy.
Also in the political, military, military-technical and security spheres, Russia wants to "broaden the electoral base of political forces in Moldova that advocate constructive relations with the RF", "create stable pro-Russian groups of influence among the Moldovan political and economic elite", 'developing cooperation in the politico-military sphere, including intensifying Russian-Moldovan contacts between the armed forces and law enforcement institutions' and 'increasing the level of Moldova's participation in CIS activities, including restoring the participation of Moldovan representatives in all Community formats as well as through the EEU'.
Dorin RECEAN, Prime Minister: From a military point of view, at the moment, they do not have the resources and circumstances to do much. They cannot advance on the Transnistrian side. They are not aligned enough.
But in terms of increasing insecurity and fear and anxiety and funding protests and different kinds of destabilization, that's what they're trying to do. And that coincides with the agenda of these groups that normally should be in jail, and their money - recovered by the government, because they stole money from the people.
"Russia sees the Shor Party as a reliable partner"
One party that satisfies the Russian Federation's agenda in Chisinau is Shor. The party led by fugitive Ilan Shor has openly shown sympathy for Moscow.
Alongside socialists and communists, Șor has not once spoken out against NATO, even threatening that our country's rapprochement with the military alliance could lead to war with Russia.
"As if it is not clear how our traditional partners in the East will react to our giving up our neutral status and joining NATO. [...] Do we want war? Maybe we should tell this witch (Maia Sandu - ed.) to stop bringing NATO trouble to our peaceful land," Ilan Shor said in early 2023.
Amid the large-scale war unleashed by Russia, Șor has shown his support for the aggressor state, campaigning against the sanctions imposed by the EU. "In the case of support for sanctions against Russia (by the authorities in Chisinau - ed.), I reserve the right to call people to the streets," Șor said in a Facebook video.
Moreover, back in 2021, the parliamentary party claimed that it aimed to establish cooperation relations with "Edinaia Rossia" (United Russia), the party that has been governing in Russia for more than a decade. A statement published by the Shor Party said that the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Russian State Duma, Leonid Slutsky, said that "in recent years, the big problem has been that we have not had a reliable and long-term partner in Moldova for all our big companies. Today, however, we have found this partner in the person of Ilan Shor and the 'Shor' Party."
Ilan Shor and his party have been included on the US sanctions list for representing Russian interests in Moldova.
"Before the 2021 parliamentary elections, Russia was planning [...] to bring Moldova back into its sphere of influence. To support this effort, it worked with Russian citizens to create a political alliance designed to control Moldova's parliament and then support the adoption of a series of legislative acts in the interests of the Russian Federation," a document issued by the US State Treasury in October 2022 said.
We interviewed Marina Tauber in front of the government during the Sunday, 12 March 2023 protest organised by the Shor Party. Tauber denied that she was financed by Russia in any way.
Marina TAUBER, member of the Shor Party: No, we are not financed by Russia in any way. I declare this officially. And when people say or affirm this, please ask them to prove it to you and show you the concrete evidence. Otherwise, sorry, blah, blah, blah. I can't answer for all the people in the world. If they hired some of their employees, they have to answer. Mr Chernăuțan (Viorel Chernăuțeanu, head of the General Inspectorate of Police), as far as I heard from his briefing, said nothing about the Shor political party. If there are provocateurs here, what can I say? How can I tell you? I show you people who came from the district at our invitation. What the others are doing, I can't answer for the whole world.
Strategic objectives in the humanitarian sphere
By 2025, Russia aims to create a network of "NGOs promoting the development of Russian-Moldovan relations" in Moldova and to provide "organisational, financial, legal and informational support for Russian-friendly NGOs". Igor Dodon founded such an NGO in 2021.
Transfers to the Moldovan-Russian Business Union
About the former president's "Moldovan-Russian Business Union", RISE Moldova wrote in the "Rubles for Dodon" investigation, in which we showed how from October 2021 to April 2022, i.e. in just seven months, more than 20 million Russian rubles (about five million lei) entered the association's Moldovan account. The money came from the "Delovaia Rossia" organisation in the Russian Federation, financed by businessmen close to the Kremlin and represented in Moldova by Igor Chaika, younger son of Yurii Chaika, Russia's Prosecutor General in 2006-2020.
Also on the humanitarian track, the authors of the plan set as their objectives "ensuring that the Moldovan authorities give up the idea of abolishing the study of Russian in schools" and "reconfirming the status of the Russian language as a language of inter-ethnic communication". The issue of the status of the Russian language on the territory of the Republic of Moldova is also reflected in the political programmes of the Socialist and Communist parties. In the latest political programme, approved in 2021, the PSRM "advocates strengthening the legislative framework on the status of the Russian language as a language of interethnic communication throughout the Republic of Moldova". And the PCRM notes in its electoral programme that "the state authorities will strictly observe the rules stipulating that Russian is the language of interethnic communication on the territory of our country". At the end of 2020, the parliamentary majority made up of socialists and the "For Moldova" Platform (made up of Shor Party MPs and defected MPs) passed a law in Parliament giving the Russian language special status. A month later, the law was declared unconstitutional and subsequently repealed.
Young people are also on the Russian Federation's radar. Russia aims to "expand opportunities for Moldovan students to receive distance education in Russian", to increase the quota allocated by the "Russian government to Moldovan students for studies at Russian universities with budget funding", and to create consortia between "higher education institutions of the two countries", open branches of Russian universities and develop an academic exchange programme.
Sergiu DIACONU, Head of the Prime Minister's Office: Interesting in this document, what we know exactly, but it is just a confirmation that they will put a lot of pressure on the so-called humanitarian and social zone. And here they can really cause some damage, because they are using institutions, including the Russian Cultural Institute here in Moldova, where you can see the permanent presence of the young generation, especially from the socialist side. It's a kind of enclave for the exchange of anything but cultural issues.
And the most interesting thing in the humanitarian sphere is that they want to increase the number of student organizations and the growing presence of the Russian language. They want to increase their media capacity.
The Russians' strategy also targets the church. According to the plan, by 2030 they aim to support "the Russian Orthodox Church in defending the interests of canonical Orthodoxy in the Republic of Moldova".
Mihail VLAH, civic activist from Gagauzia: The European Union is a very big and friendly family. It is like an intellectual, brain, technology. And Russia is Orthodoxy, a shared history of centuries that you cannot break with a pickaxe.
Strategic objectives in the commercial and economic sphere
"Maintaining the volume and legal framework for Russian natural gas supplies" is the objective with which the plan for the commercial and economic sphere begins.
Sergiu DIACONU, Head of the Prime Minister's Office: I would be very happy if people in Moldova could see this strategy. Because in the second point, in the economic sphere, they set out in the short term that they want to maintain the volume of gas deliveries to Moldova, which they did in 2021. But in this year, 2022, they have cut the supply by 40% and they are keeping us permanently under the prospect of the permanent cessation of gas imports from Russia. Every month we have this problem, that they say we're going to cut gas across the country. So how does what they say here stack up against what they do?
The goal of expanding "Russian-Moldovan cooperation in trade, economic and interregional relations" is similar to the mission of Igor Dodon's organisation. The "Moldovan-Russian Business Union" advocates the development of bilateral relations in the business environment of Moldova and the Russian Federation.
A Moldovan-Russian investment project is also AgroHub Moldova, a business started in Hincesti, which RISE Moldova wrote about last March. Specifically, the investment involved the creation of an agro-industrial and logistics centre, which aims to facilitate the export and import of agri-food and wine products. Worth $55 million, the project was also included in the protocol of the Moldovan-Russian Intergovernmental Commission meeting of 2 October 2020 and, according to the document, the agrohub was "aimed at improving trade relations between the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation". Except that, a few months after the publication of the RISE investigation, the lease contract for the public land on which the agrohub was to be built was terminated. Details, HERE
RISE Moldova sent requests for information to the Party of Socialists and the Party of Communists in which we asked them if there is any connection between the political and humanitarian objectives in the parties' programmes of activities and the exact same objectives found in the Russian Strategy. At the time of going to press, I had not received any reply.
Intelligence and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova: A multitude of subversive strategies, scenarios or plans with direct or indirect reference to the Republic of Moldova are circulating in the public space, elaborated by various experts or pseudo-experts. However, in most cases, these have little prospect of materialisation, as they are launched either to attract generous financial resources from sponsors or to manipulate public opinion.
The document "Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Moldova" was reportedly drafted under the leadership of Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Colonel Igor Maslov, who headed the Kremlin's so-called "Moldovan Division" until 2021. We talked about this subdivision in the #Kremlinovich series of investigations.
Our partners' sources report that Andrei Vavilov, an employee of the "Moldovan branch", was among the authors of the strategy. Our sources in special services in several countries claim that Vavilov's superior is Victor Lisenko.
Vavilov and Lisenko are not just officials of Putin's administration. They also communicate with FSB General Dmitry Miliutin, who is in charge of the Moldovan-Transnistrian intelligence network. We talked about how Miliutin influences Moldovan politics in the investigation "FSB agents in charge of Moldova".
According to data obtained by RISE Moldova together with the Dossier Centre, from November 2021 to May 2022, Vavilov called Miliutin at least three times, and Lisenco is one of the most frequent phone contacts of the FSB Moldova coordinator. During the period mentioned, Lisenko called the general at least ten times, being surpassed in terms of calls only by Miliutin's wife - Natalia.
If Miliutin came to Moldova in 2016 when Igor Dodon took office as Moldova's president, then Lisenko paid a visit to Chisinau relatively recently. In June 2019, an official Russian government delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak arrived in Moldova. Kozak was also accompanied by Viktor Lisenko, only his presence in the delegation was not made public.
Viktor Lisenko at the meeting between representatives of the Moscow and Chisinau governments. 24 June 2019. Photo:gov.md
In Chisinau, the Russian guests met with Maia Sandu, newly appointed prime minister in a coalition government with the socialists. The incumbent president at the time, Igor Dodon, also met with the Russian delegation. The parties discussed bilateral trade and Moldova's gas supplies, which later became the focus of Russia's ten-year strategy.
RISE Moldova contacted Vavilov on one of his phone numbers just a day before this story was published. As soon as he heard his last name, the man asked:
Andrei Vavilov
- But who is calling?
- This is Vladimir Thorik calling from Moldova.
- About what?
- I'm a journalist with RISE Moldova. I have a question about a document concerning Moldova. We have a document: "Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation..."
- You... you got the wrong number... Then he hung up.
We sent an official request to the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Moldova to find out which of Russia's strategic objectives had been achieved, but until the inquiry was published we had not received a reply.
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blessed1neha · 2 years
10th House of Astrology
The 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses are the pillars upon which the strength of the horoscope depends. These are the four pillars of your horoscope, lying on the horizon and meridian plane. These are called Angular or Kendra houses.
Amongst the 12 houses in Astrology, the role and purpose of the 10th house need not be overemphasized. The 10th house is called the Karma Bhava in Vedic Astrology. It deals with the kind of work that you do. Your area of occupation is determined by the planetary placements in this house as per 10th house astrology.
In the worldly or mundane astrology, 10th house refers to the main or the chief leader whether it is the Prime Minister (PM) or a royal figure. Besides, the ruling political party in the country or the state is also represented by the 10th house. In fact, the cream of the society (that is the most influential people) also fall under the domain of the 10th house. The factors determined by the 10th house are values, integrity, status and pride of a nation. Besides, the house also relates to the areas like the commercial, political and employment industries, according to 10th house Vedic astrology.
The importance of the 10th house is immense as this house is about what we earn and how we earn it. As the occupation and profession is the bread butter for most people, so the planetary position in this house can determine and influence a very significant factor in our life. The 10th house in Kundli is the region in Astrology diagram that is the highest at the time and place of your birth. And that is exactly what the 10th house represents – your highest achievements and your desire to rise high. Well, the 10th house is also about power, prestige, social status, financial success, achievement, accomplishment, respect and position.
Well, the 10th house in horoscope points to a lot many things surrounding your profession. It is indeed the house of career. An exhaustive study of the 10th house in Astrology provides the answers to some key questions like what kind of work will you do, whether you will be successful in your work, what are the big mistakes that you are likely to make in your career, whether you will be an employee or an entrepreneur who will appoint employees. Your connections with the high and mighty are also determined by the tenth house astrology
The 10th house in Kundli determines your materialistic success in life, be it your profession or the financial status. And your worldly success is bound to influence the other areas of life as well like your relationship with others, your love life and so on. Certainly, the planetary placement in the 10th house strongly influences the quality of your life.
1. If sun is in tenth house then the native may work for government or take up fathers business or he will have some benefits from government or he will working in an administrative role in a firm, medicine, etc.
2. If moon is in tenth house then the native may work related to Water related dairy, agriculture, boarding and lodging, writers, poets, lyricists, hotel business, agriculture, medical sciences, grocery business, oil business, wine store etc.
3. If mars is in tenth house then the native may work related to police, armed forces, electrical engineering, mechanical/ automobile/aerospace/civil engineering, fire service, medical, surgery, historical objects, weapons manufacturing, machinery and tools, marbles and tiles business, construction items
4. If mercury is in tenth house then the native may work related to Teaching job, educational institutions, financial institutions, accountancy, astrology, law, lyricist, singers, media, journalism, telecommunication related, networking, postal office, printing press, publishing house, book business, spy, orator, translator, working in embassy, banking etc.
5. If Jupiter is in tenth house then the native may work related to respected jobs, law, ministers, teaching, religious preachers, guide, spiritual teachers, accountancy, professors, training and development, yoga and astrology etc.
6. If Venus is in tenth house then the native may work related to software (developer), footwear, literature, cinema related, music, dance, financial services, banking, selling of artistic crafts, cosmetic, perfumes, sweet shop, cloth business , textile , wines, drawing, painting, vehicles, art and architecture, selling of musical instruments, beauty parlor, judge, lawyer etc.
7. If Saturn is in tenth house then the native may work related to Iron and steel related, oil business, charcoal, archaeology, quarry, hard laborious job, selling of products related to sanitation and toilets, people cleaning garbage, toilets, leather business, sheep , goat business, selling of old objects, second hand articles, barber, furniture, working in graveyard, working in construction business.
8. If rahu is in tenth house then the native may work related to chemicals, computers, spy/ intelligence agency, detectives, foreign affairs ( embassy, NRI) , drugs, smuggling, customs, snake hunters, selling of poisons, pesticides, working in prison, tantric, magician, black magic, manufacturing of bombs, photography, shade related, cinema industry, driving vehicles, selling of old and broken articles, illegal items.
9. If ketu is in tenth house, then the native may work related to Medicine, astrology ,theology, philosophy, spiritual, meditation, healers, wireless and wire communication job, information technology, thread related job , law related, pharmaceuticals, siddha , Ayurveda, medicinal herbs, occult, chemistry, temple priest etc.
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Your tags re: the Woolman article are making me think about some things... No need to respond to this--I'm just sending it over in case you have some insight, as someone who's constantly living and breathing and thinking about these things.
I've often considered my comfort a matter of physical safety. I have multiple compounding disabilities (a lot of them undiagnosed, not a lot of access to competent medical practitioners in my life) which generally directly translate mental stress & physical exertion into negative health outcomes. Insomnia, inability to process nutrients and resulting significant weight loss, joint pain and instability, constant swelling of my lymphs and tonsils, autonomic dysregulation, fatigue and muscle weakness, decreased immune function, and more. When I was working outside of the house regularly, my health was incredibly poor; when the new coronavirus hit and I was forced onto SSI, I was able to move in with a caretaker/partner and my required activity level has gone significantly down. I gained over 30 pounds, started sleeping regularly, stopped subluxing, no longer experience sensory meltdown, and went from getting contagiously sick once or twice a month to once or twice a year.
But my activity level is now only possible because I rely on the structures I think are abysmally unethical. My daily routine involves very light housework, emotional care and trauma work for my partner, and sedentary hobbies like writing poetry. I can't even do useful hobbies that require fine motor skills (i.e. sewing), because of my sustained tremors and dyspraxia. I don't cook, and I rely almost entirely on prepackaged foods and delivery services. We have a small garden, and I work in it occasionally, but nowhere near enough to grow our own food, apart from some tomatoes (very easy plant to care for where I am, but does not a divestment from industrial agriculture make). We've chosen not to care for animals because I don't think I could comfortably manage them. In fact, I do not do much of anything that involves exiting my front or back door, as my sensory overload is strongly triggered by direct sunlight and causes genuine physical pain--something that has become much more difficult to deal with ever since I stopped subjecting myself to it daily.
Frequently, I feel hypocritical for, for example, having a principled and genuinely *angry* opposition to the global supply chain and my principles being in favor of divesting from it and hoping it breaks down entirely--and yet, I myself won't divest from it, because of my own comfort. Because at the end of the day, I certainly wasn't dying before. Perhaps I could re-train myself to not feel the sensory overload I am now so sensitive to--when I was used to experiencing it every day, I barely even noticed it, and things like sunglasses do take the edge off. I was not *dangerously* underweight, just enough to make my life slightly more difficult. Getting sick so frequently was frustrating, but I could significantly up my activity level without upping my socializing or generally being around others, which would make it less likely I reach the level of contagious sicknesses that I was at pre-coronavirus.
The point of all of that being, I have been mulling over this for quite some time, and now I'm considering the matter even more intensely. I have been primarily socializing in online disability support groups for a very long time now, and this kind of talk is always met with the assertion that my comfort is more important than my principles above all else. That I should care for myself, make my life as comfortable as possible, because disabled people deserve to be happy. I agree with that. But simultaneously, my happiness should not come at the expense of others' *lives,* and while I cannot actually stop those people from being exploited and dying, individually, I still resonate with your statements... that my principles are important to live by, and even moreso, that we *must* make the decision to be comfortable with discomfort to destroy these systems to begin with--all of us, individually. I wonder where the threshold is for "comfort" vs "safety" when you are someone whose discomfort can be physically dangerous. How does one assess that danger? Where does one draw the line? I am in the process of feeling out that line... but where are the rules for how to draw it, where are the guidelines... Has anyone even written any?
I appreciate you sharing your insights with the Internet as a whole, allowing me access to them and expanding my worldview. Once again, certainly no pressure to offer any on this ridiculous essay of an ask specifically. This is a matter I will surely be journaling about!
Honestly Anon? I love you for this. You've given me the space to say out loud things I very rarely acknowledge to anyone other than my wife and my therapist. Not because it's private or shameful, but because it's just....so goddamn hard???? To figure this shit out.
Simple answer Anon: we all have to make that judgement call for ourselves based on our values, our needs, and our circumstances. We cannot, and should not, prescribe judgement calls to others, because we can never fully know what their relationship with those factors is like. I meant what I said about needing to refuse to share your power with a system that wields violence in a SUSTAINABLE way, maybe even your whole life. That doesn't mean "strip every connection out and then deal with the consequences until you find a new normal" though. It means "for every place you don't HAVE TO utilize a connection, don't, and be REALLY honest about what "have to" means to you."
Long answer: I have lived a "homesteader" life for poverty and access reasons during my childhod. And now, as an adult, I am returning to it after the sweet joys and freedoms of modern infrastructure, NOT because of poverty, but because of being middle class with an autoimmune disorder that nearly killed me at least twice in the past 5 years. In both cases, there were parts of life that absolutely still relied on systems of power (as a kid, for example, my mom bought me all my clothes through thrift shops for as long as she could, but my body type has always been a bit unusual and by the time I was 10 we had to buy clothes from your standard department store - usually a sears or every once in a while a kohls, and it's not like we weren't aware of the clothing industry's impact on the environment and human life globally. As an adult, I currently depend HEAVILY on technology, and for all that I am a huge advocate against the ongoing atrocities in Sudan and DRC in part due to their geographical role in tech, research, and development from rare earth mining, I also literally cannot survive in the world right now without semi-current tech due to communication needs, work needs, healthcare beeds, etc.)
This is not to say "if I can do it, so can everyone else!!1!" (Obvious bullshit I have no interest in selling yall). But it IS to say that there are so many different reasons and ways that people withdraw their power from systems of violence. For example, people who undergo the process of removing themselves from the public workforce and accessing state or federal financial aid are absolutely withdrawing their (e.g.: labor) power from systems of violence. The fact that your (e.g.: finanancial) power may be placed in various access points, resource pots, etc., really isn't a BAD thing, it's just the reality of being human.
To one extent, this is why I talk about (and try to engage as much as possible in) mutual aid the way I do. It would be literally an impossible demand to tell someone they have to completely withdraw their contributions to and from society in order to have opinions about systems within that society being abusive or unacceptable. The idea that you (or you, or him, or her, or them, or me, or it, or ANYONE) should need to be completely self-sufficient as an individual or a household in order to demand change from resource systems is ultimately one that opressive systems themselves put forward in this twisted all-or-nothing portrayal of autonomy. To buy into that framework is to accept their claim that there is no other way to do things besides theirs or Alone and Unsupported. And we all need to work REALLY hard to remember what utter fucking horseshit that is.
So instead of shaming yourself for being a human being with survival needs you don't want other people to have to die for, focus on asking yourself what you ACTUALLY need, at the literal survival level. Then take the time to think of as many different ways you could meet those needs as possible, even the obviously unreasonable ones. Think about WHAT MAKES THEM unreasonable. Is it an intersection with another need? A societal construct (money, respect, family structure, etc)? A logistical/environmental issue? What would it look like to problem solve for any of those? What is EFFECTIVE at addressing the barriers and what is ACCESSIBLE at addressing the barriers? Figure out, realistically, what it would mean to take the autonomy and choice of each factor FULLY into your hands.
So that way, when you make a decision, you know you've made one based on what is as in line with your values as possible, while taking into account your needs and your circumstances, on a case by case basis. A conscious, thoughtful level. Whatever the outcome is, that's ultimately less important than the fact that you really took the time to observe, understand, and actively participate in the process of impact on the world living your life will inevitably have.
"There is no ethical consumption under capitalism" doesn't mean, as some allege it is understood or used as, "ethical consumption is impossible therefore do whatever you want," it means "your existence and its interaction with the existences of others, whether direct or indirect, WILL have an impact, and not all of that will be good, or within your control, so don't waste time trying to be perfect when what you need to be is respectfully and compassionately INTENTFUL."
So what does that look like for me?
Well, I have an autoimmune disorder, intermittent chronic organ failure, constant pain and frequent limited or restricted mobility, and can't let anything touch a mucus membrane that I don't know the EXACT ingredients of.
So long before a return to homesteading, or COVID, or anything else that's happened in the last 5yrs, I had already been put in the position of needing to be EXTREMELY aware of the origins and distribution chains of everything I came in contact with. I had to start making my foods, drinks, hair and skin care products, hygeine products, hell my own fucking PET FOOD sometimes to cut out potentially lethal exposures to substances I could no longer interact with. And while that list STARTED at 3, it has only grown since, and I now maintain strict isolation from. Well. Basically everything and everyone. It. It sucks, Anon, gonna be honest. I genuinely don't want to do most of it, and between the constant pain, the brain fog, the ADHD, the intermittent flareups that leave me bedridden, etc, my life has basically been nothing more than an endless game of catch-up since I was about 23.
I *am* catching up tho.
Like, one of the things that's really stuck out to me through the near-decade long process is how the every step more distant you take from these systems makes the next step easier.
My first step was removing gluten and corn from my diet, and boy howdy let me tell you, there is NOTHING left for you that you don't make from scratch if you need to avoid both. Your life as "normal" kinda just. Ends there. You know?
Like, I'm about 9yrs into this change in particular, and once or twice a month I STILL manage to bring home something from the market that ends up having a gluten ingredient that got missed in the first scan because I got careless because why the FUCK do egg salad and hair shampoo have wheat flour in it STEVE??????
So the idea of buying any ingredient or food item that has been processed in any way beyond basic cleaning and transport just comes with this inherent thrill of terror every time. And god, the THINGS that I have to CARE about???? Literally, it depends on severities and who you ask, but there are real conversations being had in celiac circles about having to raise their own chickens because COMMERCIAL EGG LAYING CHICKEN FEED HAS WHEAT IN IT AND SO THEY REACT TO THE EGGS???? Nightmares, I'm telling you.
All this to say, the more often the stuff you bring home from the outside world inches you closer to death, the more motivated you are to have a complete understanding of the entire lifespan of anything you come in contact with. The easier it is to just. Do it all your damn self. Not because it's ACTUALLY easy mind you, but because you just don't have the emotional strength to keep pushing back on the sneaky, magical thinking based idea that if you just do it all yourself maybe being alive will hurt a little less. So it's probably not a surprise to anyone that my end goal here is to retreat to about 100+ acres of conservational land that I can slowly restore with edible, astringent, and fiber plants indigenous to the land's ecosystem and then just spend my days puttering around eating nuts and berries and amaranth and spinning thread or weaving cloth for bandages and blankets.
But I can DO that in part because I'm NOT doing it alone, or even just with my own household. I work with friends, colleagues, community resource programs, and everything else to make this stuff happen. I do everything I reasonably can to sustain my life as it needs living in ways that allow me to only depend on infrastructures of systemic violence as a conscious concession that I lack other survivable long term options. And I keep my evolving needs and circumstances in mind in case that ever changes in a way I can take advantage of.
I dunno, I guess....I've lived life a lot of different ways now, and I've come to understand the world really differently. One of the most meaningful frameworks for change I use now isn't eliminating or stopping something, but just. Lessening it.
When we were homeless for a while, we lost basically everything we owned. I think we had a handful of blankets, clothes, the pets, the car, a couple of personal treasures we managed to keep on us, and that was it. And we've stabilized now, but that doesn't mean we can afford things like furniture or dishes or clothes or whatever. Not unless we need them. So we make do with thrifted whenever we can and we also just. Make do without. We haven't had a couch in about 3-4 yrs now. It just wasn't a priority. Same with a dining table or chairs or the like. We have a bed! For a long time it was just a mattress from a lady selling them out of her garage and then we got some box springs, and now we have an actual bedframe! We each have a work desk and chair that's really it tho. A whole house now, and maybe 7 pieces of furniture in the whole place.
It's kinda similar with dishes and clothes. If you have to handwash all your dishes with special hypoallergenic soap that costs. Just so much more. Than normal dishsoap would. You're gonna start being really inventive about your dishes. My wife and I have what I like to call "service for 4" meaning we have 4 plates, 2 bowls and two tupperwares, two pans (1 cast iron, 1 ceramic, same size different functions), two pots (a 4cup stock pot and a 3gal stock pot), a full sheet baking tray, 3 mugs and a few washed jam jars, four of each sppon/knife/fork, and 2 nice butchering knives. Basically all of them are thrifted or gifts. And I could fit almost the whole lot piled together in the 3gallon stock pot for washing as needed. If you have to wash all your clothes in a basin while you shower, and hang them out to dry, you benefit from having only about 2-3 outfits worth of clothes that you can spice up with accessories instead of new combos, that way someone can do a basin full of washing each day and you'll more or less keep up with the pace of laundry. Missing days will happen, but they won't pile up as badly, are easier to recover from, and can - in a pinch - just be taken to a laundromat and dealt with for less than $10.
My floors are all (as much as possible) hardwood, because it's much easier to just put on my dusting or mopping slippers and "skate" around for a while to clean the floors than it is to lug around a vacuum I can't carry or use without pain.
I'm lucky enough to live on land with a creek, a well, and henhouse, so I thatch the henhouse floor with $5/bale clover hay from a local farmer once a week, and keep enough chickens on a rotation to cut down our protein costs and eliminate our egg costs. We're (wifey and me) building a fenced in run this weekend around the hen house so the hens can start foraging for food daily and we can cut back on feed (the area is already planted with lots of lovely chicken safe plants and I figure I'll keep cultivating that for them with replantings as necessary. That way, we can just let them out in the morning and close them back in (if we bother) at night, and top up a 25lb feeder once a week when we change the hay over again. The hay we clear out goes into the garden for mulch and fertilizer, and in turn the chickens get bundles or herbs and veggies and other snacks to supplement their forage and feed. It's an involved first year or so, but once the system is set up it's actually remarkably self-perpetuating.
And a lot of the ways I've changed my life are like that. Intensive to set up right, but shockingly low impact on day to day life once established. And sure it adds up, but like. So do the benefits.
I'm the healthiest I've been in years.
That doesn't always FEEL like much because things do still very badly wrong for me about once a month.
But it used to be daily. I used to push myself through a system of functioning that DID depend largely on these external hierarchical systems, and STILL come up short of resources in the end while experiencing daily symptoms. The more I've removed myself from those systems, the more I've removed their IMPACT on me, both positive and negative. And. At least in my case. It turns out there was always a LOT more negative than positive. I just. Didn't get to see and assess my alternatives, so it was harder to notice. Depending more on subsistence and community systems has turned out to be REALLY healthy for me.
I think part of that has also been learning how to create alternatives out of spaces that feel like voids. It's made it easier for me to cultivate a life of intentional accommodation by familiarizing myself with the process of initializing them.
And I think if that's NOT how you're experiencing your withdrawal of power from systems of violence, then you're not ACTUALLY meeting the needs you are trying to find replacements for OUTSIDE of that system. Maybe you can right then or maybe you can't! But either way it's worth asking why hurting yourself helps anyone else.
Praxis is uncomfortably complex in its simplicity: bring as much safety and compassion and collaboration to your world as you can.
It does include safety, compassion, and collaboration towards OURSELVES as well, after all.
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god-slayer-apprentice · 3 months
OCs! I have a lot of them.
I have a tendency of listening to songs and making up cool imagery from them, and then that imagery turns into OCs. Sometimes it happens the other way around. There’s an odd variety of music involved here, but the whole thing is generally action-oriented. In terms of genre it’s like, modern fantasy punk action?
Anyway, my OCs are divided into factions because I like symmetry. I have a long playlist that covers the entire story which I might post later.
In terms of worldbuilding, it’s very similar to the modern world, including specific locations but not sharing any people or organizations. The supernatural element is entirely focused on spirits, embodiments of things, in a generally animist fashion. Spirits have various powers, appearances, and levels of intelligence. Many spirits form into colonies and/or bond with people. Spirits can telepathically communicate with their bonders, and many spirits are incapable of other forms of communication, leading them to seek out bonders to further their goals.
Anyway, the factions are:
-Merit Inc., a giant conglomerate founded by Mike Garden, current CEO. It started out with translation services, but now it’s reaching into agriculture. It has nefarious and supernatural things going on behind the scenes.
-The Rebellion, a group fighting against Merit and their schemes.
-The Pantheon, a group of powerful spirits in general alliance. Largely a neutral faction that serves its own various interests. It does occasionally do mercenary work in exchange for esoteric favors, though.
Now for the characters. This is going to be long.
The Rebellion:
-The protagonist, who is the only character I have not come up with a name for. He’s a young human and the newest recruit into the Rebellion. He comes from a rural farm. When it was threatened by Merit’s overreach, he discovered Grass-Cutter in an old shed and formed a bond with it. The Rebellion noticed this and came to recruit him shortly afterwards. Associated songs include: GoGo Penguin - Initiate; Eminem - Lose Yourself
-Grass-Cutter, a sentient weapon and host of spirits living within it. Grass-Cutter was first formed in ancient Japan, and its spirits are the spirits of river pebbles and dead bonders. (Dead people, being inanimate objects, may also form spirits.) Grass-Cutter has had many bonders over the years, and its use has always been associated with revolt, good or bad. Grass-Cutter changes form to reflect its current bonder, but it is always a handheld cutting implement. Its main ability is to cut through plant matter as though it were water. Grass-Cutter first appears as a weedwacker, and later as a sickle, then a scythe. Associated song: Yot Club - Japan.
-Kate, the spirit of an image from a corporate slideshow. Merit Inc. has successfully created many such spirits, which it is using as a secret work and military force. Kate, after seeing the secrets of Merit, escaped and founded the Rebellion, which she leads. She is mostly humanoid, though with disproportionately large arms and legs, as well as blue skin. Like other tsukumogami (spirits born from images), she is able to produce little floating marks upon making any strong impact, which she can then take and attach to flat surfaces; when she does, she can enter that surface, going into her 2-dimensional form until she leaves. Kate is also exceptionally strong, durable, and light (though not agile). Associated songs include: Bjork - Army of Me, David Guetta - Titanium
-Gill, an odd sort of spirit: the embodiment of a living human, in colony form. Gill, who appears as a tall East Asian man, is a hive mind; instances of him exist all around the world. Their experiences, knowledge, and personality are shared whenever one of him sleeps. Gill has no other abilities, but he has lots of experience in basically every subject; nevertheless, he remains physically weak. Before the events of the story, Gill was discovered by Merit CEO Mike Garden, who offered not to reveal Gill’s existence to the public in exchange for Gill splitting off part of the hive mind to work for Merit. Gill joined the Rebellion when one of his split selves discovered Merit’s secrets, similarly to Kate, and escaped, spreading the news to the rest of Gill. Associated songs include: David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World
-The Frog, also known as The Messiah. Capable of reincarnation, it was, in previous lives, a spirit of revolution, change, and rebirth, leading many great historical revolutions (both good and bad), and wielded Grass-Cutter many times. In its current form, it is not sentient. It is a large frog. However, it remains extremely powerful; it is able to cause actions to repeat or reverse, as well as levitate things. The Frog was first discovered by scientists in a forest in Belize, heralded by a host of spirits; it quickly escaped, and was discovered by the Rebellion. It seems to have taken a liking to Kate, but it is rarely any help. Associated song: Shpongle - Dorcet Perception
The Pantheon:
-Writer and Quill. Writer is an elder spirit of a sun that died before the Earth was born. However, due to being formed from a dead object or something, it requires a bonder for most actions. Quill is that bonder. Quill is an instance of Gill, who was abducted by The Beast and formed a bond with Writer. Quill has a distinct personality, much more jovial than Gill’s general tiredness, and maintains this by being unable to sleep (something which Writer ensures). Writer manifests as amorphous masses of cuttlefish-like eyes and black tentacles without suction cups; it is able to reshape itself and Quill, dissolving into a slate-like material and reforming as desired. Associated songs: Tally Hall - Ruler of Everything
-Sera is a spirit generally identified as simply “fey”, Sera’s origins are an enigma. She has a curious obsession with humans, whom she finds fascinating and charming. She is able to turn invisible and incorporeal, though only both at once; she can do this extremely rapidly. She is humanoid. She is bald and wears a simple dress (which is part of her body). Her entire body is the exact same shade of pink. Her eyes are almost always closed, and her mouth is almost always open. Associated songs: Bjork - Human Behavior
-Theo Solberg (no relation to my name) is a tochigami, or genius loci: the spirit of a location. In Theo’s case, that location is Hollywood. Theo appears as a very fashionable blonde human, and is a celebrity actor. He delights in drama and controversy. He has a capricious romantic relationship with Gill. As a tochigami, he is completely invulnerable within his location. He also has the ability to create small, camera flash-like bursts of force in his vicinity. Associated songs: Duran Duran - Rio, Taio Cruz - Break Your Heart
-The Beast, though often referred to as a demon, is technically the only member of the Pantheon who is not a spirit. It is a peacock. It is a bonder, and has formed a bond with a colony of ink spirits. Its sentience is dubious, but its intelligence is not. It “collects” sentient beings, especially spirits, by trapping them in contracts made inescapable by its spirits, and this collection has formed into a cult. The Beast is a silver color, and has plumes covering its eyes. The spirits are floating, amorphous globs of ink with the general shape of a plume. Associated songs: Eagles - Hotel California, ERA - Ameno
Merit Inc.:
-Mike Garden: The main villain. He is a human, a ruthless, joyful entrepreneur who has worked his way from middle class to billionaire status with nothing but skill and a lot of subtle help from his bonded spirits: a swarm of insects that, with sufficient food, is capable of growing infinitely. Associated songs: Peter Gabriel - Big Time, Poor Man’s Poison - Feed the Machine. Associated song for spirits: Gorillaz - Empire Ants
-Alice: The leader of Merit’s secret team of corporate slideshow tsukumogami, as well as head of PR. Alice is crazed and unreasonably devoted. Despite being a spirit, she has formed a bond with a colony of pill spirits, which are capable of inducing dizziness, disorientation, and vertigo with a touch, but can also function as simple projectiles. Associated songs: Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit, Lemon Demon - Redesign Your Logo
-Tympan: A spirit of unidentified origin, Tympan looks like a tiny man with the lower body of a blue jay, as well as wings instead of arms. He is capable of causing internal fractures, both mental and physical, with his voice. He manages the captured units of Gill, and also as Mike Garden’s advisor. Associated songs: They Might Be Giants - Birdhouse in Your Soul
-Cassius “Cass” Holden is a grizzled human veteran who leads Merit’s military operations. He has a bond with a spirit of right triangles, which takes the form of a yellow right triangle that can divide itself in half repeatedly into more triangles; all of these triangles are freely controlled by Cass. Cass can fire beams from “empty space” created by assemblages of these triangles, and usually arranges the triangles into crosshairs for sniping, or around his wrists and legs as propulsion and rapid fire. Cassius is doubtful of Mike Garden’s cause, but does it anyway because of the favors he owes Merit. Associated songs: Linkin Park - Battle Symphony, Kula Shaker - Mystical Machine Gun
And, finally, that’s all. I might post more about these, especially the story. I know these notes aren’t very organized, so thanks for reading this far!
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Sorry if someone has already asked this, but do you have any suggestion(s) for any Catalan documentaries? History, culture, anything?
Hello! Since you're asking in English, I'm assuming you need the documentaries to be in English or have English subtitles, right?
I only know of one documentary about Catalans that was made by foreigners and for foreigners. It's a Spanish documentary on Netflix called "Two Catalonias" (or "Dos Cataluñas", in Spanish) which is about the people in favour and against independence. It was made in 2018, so it's outdated with what happened since, which is a lot. I watched the documentary when it came out and it's... ehh. I don't think the filmmakers are good, because they just let politicians speak and don't fact-check anything. In my opinion, after someone makes a statement, it should be verified. It's not, so there are conservatives saying things that are lies and it's shown as if it were true. But if you want to watch something and don't speak Catalan, it can be a place to start.
That being said, there are many documentaries about the history, culture, society, etc of Catalan people, but they are made by Catalans so they are in Catalan and very few of them have English subtitles.
TV3 (Catalonia’s TV channel) is trying out a button to activate automatically translated subtitles to English and Spanish, but so far this option is only available in very few videos. It’s a shame, because TV3 uploads all their content to be streamed for free from their website and they make a lot of great documentaries. I’m not sure what the criteria for which videos have the option is, because there are different episodes from the same show that will have the option and others will not...
Anyway, I’ve been looking and here I’ll link you to some documentaries and programmes that have the English subtitles option (activate it with the button at the bottom-right of the screen).
El futur del català [Catalan’s future]: this talks about how and why the Catalan language is loosing speakers and where it’s headed.
Mil anys de presó, adéu a la mili [A thousand years of prison, goodbye to the military service]: people who took part in the movement to abolish the mandatory military service talk about how they did it and its consequences. This is a very relevant social movement that stretched since the 70s until the 2000s and which had a positive result for all of Spain but was mostly done in Catalonia.
Els nens de la riuada [The flood children]: in 1962, there was one of the worst floods in history. Somehow, when the houses were destroyed, many children disappeared and families have not been able to find them ever again. This documentary researches into what happened to those children, who the fascist dictatorship gave away to adoptive families. It seems it could be part of the regime’s policy of stealing children from working-class, suspected leftist and/or Catalanist families and giving them to “correct” Catholic/fascist families.
Pressumptes culpables: els altres Altsasu [Allegedly guilty: the other Altsasus]: Altsasu is a famous case where a group of Basque boys were sentenced to prison for having a pub fight with a group of Spanish policemen. They received solidarity from many places, but one of the places that mobilized the most was Catalonia. In this documentary, they come here to meet other people who are in similar situations. It’s a good documentary to see some cases of how the Spanish judicial system treats political dissidence and national minorities.
Entre cendres [Among ashes]: this follows the effects of a destructive forest fire that took place in the south of Catalonia in 2019. It looks for the reasons why every year we have so many horrible fires that burn and destroy our land. It goes into reasons of global warming, the abandonment of agriculture, and how people from rural areas are pressured to move to the cities.
La Pilarín [Pilarín]: this is a very sweet documentary about Pilarín Bayés, a Catalan illustrator who has worked for decades illustrating for children. She is very loved in our country, I think at one point someone calls her the grandmother of us all and that is true!
I diem prou! [And we say: enough!]: this one shows the points of view of five women who are survivors of sexual violence and what they go through.
Jo sí que et crec [I do believe you]: this documentary talks about why are women not believed when they report having suffered sexual violence. It’s not in any way a phenomenon unique to Catalan culture, but it’s definitely a real problem we have like the rest of the world and this documentary was made here showing experiences of people from here, so I’ll link it as well.
Dona, vostè no té res! [Woman, you’re alright!]: this one talks about obstetric violence, that is, the violence that women suffer in healthcare. It deals mostly with giving birth and mental health. Again, not an exclusive problem of ours, but it is especially revelant here: consider that the UN has condemned Spain because some of the procedures that pregnant people are put through when giving birth are considered torture.
On a different site, I’ve also been able to find L’Alguer, un pentagrama com un carrer [L’Alguer, a staff like a street] with English subtitles. This documentary is about an initiative to save the Alguerese dialect of Catalan through music. It talks about the situation of Alguerese Catalan (spoken in Sardinia, Italy) and how they did this programme where children sang with musicians from L’Alguer and from around the Catalan Countries.
Quanta guerra! - This show is still airing weekly, so there are only 3 episodes so far but will add more, so who knows if more episodes will have subtitles but for now it’s this one. This show is about the experiences of ordinary people in the Civil War. On each episode, the show invites a famous person from Catalonia (this episode linked is a comedian) who doesn’t know what one of their grandparents did in the war (it’s a taboo topic here that many people never talked about to their children) and the show researches about them to find out their experience. Some episodes can be very emotional, but I really recommend all the show.
Lastly, I want to recommend one last show. It’s not a documentary, but it’s a great way to learn about Catalonia. It’s a show called El foraster [The Foreigner]. A famous comedian travels to a different village in each episode. He spends a few days there meeting the local people and then does a “stand-up comedy” about it. I think he’s very talented, because he can have moments that are very funny and moments that he’s very respectful if someone talks about their experiences with, for example, the war or the dictatorship or other difficult moments. It’s an interesting show because you will hear the experiences and memories of people of all ages who live in these villages.
A Punt (the Valencian channel) and IB3 (the channel from the Balearic Islands) don’t seem to have anything with English subtitles. If any of my followers has anything more to add, as always feel welcome to do so.
I hope this was helpful and that you’ll find something that is interesting to you, and I hope they some day apply that automatic subtitle option to all the videos!
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jothishi · 1 year
How do you study career in a birth chart?
How To Study Career In A Birth Chart
September 25, 2020 by Team Jothishi
A birth chart is a very useful source of information about every single aspect of a person’s life. It can also give great insight into the career path and the many aspects of the profession or daily work that a person chooses to do. Read on to know more about Vedic astrology careers and profession indicators.
Business Vs Employment
The million-dollar question with regard to career is how a person will fare in business versus working in a job, in other words as a self-employed person vs being an employee. The chart must be studied for both aspects and the one that shows itself to be stronger and more favourable is an indicator. In a birth chart, the 10th house is the Karmasthana or the house of one’s profession/career.
10th House and 6th House: To study what sort of a profession a person will take up, the astrologer studies the 10th house both from Lagna and the Moon. One also studies the Sun and the lord of the Navamsa Rashi that the 10th lord is placed in. For service, the 6th house also comes into the picture. Being one’s own boss requires that the person be a self-starter and highly motivated. The strength of the Lagna, strength of the 6th house, Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Mars reveal the person’s ability to be self-employed.
The Planets and Profession
Planets have their own definition of characteristics and tendencies. They also have a significance that indicates the kinds of profession a person is drawn to.
The Sun can indicate government, owner, promoter, boss, doctor, commission agent, politician, banker, teacher, administrator, manager, magistrate etc.
The Moon is the significator of the mind and water-related things. In terms of profession, this is mental work, work that is very changeable or unsteady, dairy, liquids, navy, a traveller, sailor, salt, sea, pearls, white coloured goods, merchants etc.
Mars is the action-oriented planet. So it indicates soldier, army, police, engineer, lawyer, surgeon, metalwork, wrestler, guard, security personnel, dentist, weapons as well as medicine.
Mercury primarily signifies reasoning and logical thinking, trade, languages and communication. So Mercury relates to careers that relate to these areas such as auditors, accountants, teachers, translators, tradesmen, business, travelling, writing, journalism, stenography, sales etc
This planet governs wisdom, intelligence, dignity and prosperity. So, Jupiter indicates careers in banking, law, treasury departments, income tax, counselling, teaching or even being a scholar, editor, priest, researcher as well as being in the advertising field.
Venus is the planet that deals with pleasure, luxury and the finer things in life. So Venus represents careers in fashion, arts, poetry, jewellery, cinema, hotels, transport, automobiles, video, wealth, pleasure, amusement parks, perfumes, cosmetics, furniture as well as interior decoration etc.
Saturn denotes long and hard work. It is a planet of non-glamorous and steady work. The careers signified by Saturn are government, service, coal, agriculture, justice, mining, brick making, iron as well as hair.
If Rahu is well placed it indicates jobs in research, law, speculation, medicine, pharmacy, electricity, teeth, poisonous chemicals as well as drugs etc.
Ketu indicates careers in intoxicating substances, secret services, war, poisonous substances, occult, religion and jobs that are generally unpredictable or out of the way.
House Significations for ProfessionHouses One to Six
The first house denotes self-employment or careers that deal with the public. The second house is food and beverages, catering, investments, banking, law and teaching. The third house indicates brokerage, commission agents, writing, publishing, sales and anything to do with communication. The fourth house is the house of education, water, real estate, mining, agriculture as well as geology.
The fifth house is very prominent in actors and people in the entertainment industry. It also shows speculators as well as a job in any field that requires both inspiration and intelligence. The sixth house denotes lawyers, arbitrators, armed forces, jailors, hospitals, wood, timber as well as stone merchants.
Houses Seven To Nine
The seventh house indicates a career in trade as well as in dispute resolution. This includes courts of law as well as other areas of arbitration. Partnership, export and import as well as flesh trade are also the seventh house professions. The eighth house indicates jobs in insurance, inheritances, forensics, research as well as the occult. The ninth house shows professions in counselling, consulting, law, education, being a judge or jurist as well as careers in religion.
Houses Ten To Twelve
The tenth house is the main house of profession. It also signifies the government, public sector, industries as well as higher levels of management. The eleventh house is the house of gains. It indicates careers in finance, gain, trace as well as NGOs as well as other charities. The twelfth house indicates careers in hospitals, travel, secret services, jail and those careers require one to spend a lot.
The Rashis And CareersAries, Taurus and Gemini
In the same way that houses indicate careers, the Rashis also add their indications to a career reading. The fiery and passionate sign of Aries (Mesha) points to careers in the armed forces, police, athletics, industries, security companies, boxing, wrestling, mechanical engineering and iron and steelwork. The Venusian sign of Taurus (Rishaba) fosters careers in jewellery, luxury items, fashion, music, dance, performing arts, perfume, cosmetics, banking, tailoring, automotive (especially high end and luxury cars) as well as real estate. The Rashi of Gemini (Mithuna) indicates Mercury related careers such as writing, journalism, trade, healing, sales, diplomacy, personal assistants, stenographers, linguistics, bookkeepers as well as law.
Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio
The Moon-ruled Cancer (Kartaka) Rashi indicates careers in water-related fields. This includes the navy, fishing, shipping as well as interior decoration, catering, food and beverages, exploration and the petroleum industry. It is also a nurturing Rashi and could signify a career in health care and nursing. Leo (Simha) shows a career in government, authority, politics, soldiers, higher management, speculation and even magic. The Higher octave of Mercury makes Virgo (Kanya) the Rashi for careers in teaching, IT, astrology, journalists, healers and astrologers. Libra (Tula) makes excellent judges, beauty industry personnel, models, fashion designers as well as air hostesses and receptionists. Scorpio (Vrischik) makes careers in the navy, medicine, doctors, police, the army as well as liquids and drugs as well as chemicals.
Saggitarius, Capricorn, Aquarius And Pisces
Sagittarius (Dhanus) is the Rashi of sportsmen, lawyers, judges, preachers, finance, judges, capitalists, wool, and shoe traders. Wood and timber, geologists, mineralogists, real estate agents and forest department staff are Capricorn (Makara) careers. Aquarius (Kumbha) indicates careers in astrology, counselling, NGOs, philosophy, computers and engineering. Pisces (Meena) indicates oil, chemicals, perfume, navy, sailors, surgeons, doctors, jailors, secret services, hospitals and prisons.
Analysing Profession In The Chart
The tenth house of the birth chart is the primary house of profession. The Dashamsha is the divisional chart that is studied for career-related matters. One must check the Lagna lord of the Dashamsha. Then one studies the lord of the Navamsha Rashi that the 10th lord is placed in. Of them, the strongest planet shows a clear indication of career. Jaimini astrologers also study the sign in which the Atmakaraka is placed in the Navamsa. If this is the Sun it indicates government or public sector job. Moon indicates teaching, Mars army, police or electrical, Mercury politics, business or social services. Jupiter or Saturn indicate the same profession as the father, Venus is a politician.
The Varga Chart – Dashamsha Or D10
The Dashamsha chart is the Varga chart that is formed by dividing all the Rashis into tenths, i.e., the 30 degrees of a Rashi into 3-degree sections. It is the most important divisional chart for career and profession. It also shows the impact that the person will make on society at large. Every indication that is seen in the birth chart has to be confirmed in the Navamsa and the Dashamsha. An inclination toward a particular profession must be confirmed only after seeing patterns repeat in all the aspects that are being studied. Merely one placement should not be used to give a definitive conclusion. The tenth house of the D10 is a good indicator of a person’s profession. The Lagna of the D10 is also studied for auspiciousness. The signification of the Dashamsha is very similar to the 10th house of the birth chart.
D10 Lagna
The Rashi in which the Lagna of the Dashamsha falls is important. If the D10 Lagna falls in a Dusthana the Dashamsha will not play too much of a part in the profession of the person. If the Lagna of the D10 is strong we can take the indications of the D10 as significant. The next step is to study the lord of the 10th house of D1 and where it falls in the D10 as well as where the lord of the 10th house in the D10 falls. Planets that influence these houses by placement or aspect add flavour to the profession indication. Repeated patterns that keep confirming one indication add more and more emphasis.
In the same way, an astrologer also studies the placement of the Lagnesh of the D10, the planets that are in it as well as the planets that are aspecting it. As in any chart, the planets in Kendras and Trikonas are more auspicious than those in or associated with the Dusthanas. Planets that are aspected by or placed with the Lagnesh of the D10 are good for the person’s profession.
Additional Career And Profession Indicators
The number of career options that are available to a person is expanding exponentially. The astrologer must use the significations of the planets, houses and Rashis together and intelligently relate them to modern concepts of different careers. For example, the classical texts do not define a career in cinema or journalism. The astrologer intelligently relates the classical definitions of the basics of professions to modern ways of working and earning a living. Some examples of careers and their planets described below will help understand how the significations of the planets relate to each profession.
Communication, Aviation And Metallurgy
The Air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius when prominent indicate a career in aviation. Careers in communication are closely linked to Gemini and the planet Mercury. Mars as well as the Mars-ruled Aries and Scorpio are engineering planets. The process of extracting metals and ores from the ground are Saturn ruled. Metallurgy is ruled by the Sun, Mercury and Mars.
The Navy And Marine Careers
Since the Navy and sailing are to do with oceans as well as long journeys, the signs of Sagittarius, Scorpio and Pisces are prominent in sailor’s charts. Moon and Venus are also watery planets and influence careers that have to do with the ocean. However, the engineering aspect of ship design and building and other marine engineering careers link to Mars and Mercury. Virgo with such combinations suggests the merchant navy and other commercial and trade aspects of shipping.
Landscape And Gardens
Those in the profession of landscape design and other plant-related jobs have the involvement of Mercury as well as the 4th house. Venus could enhance the ornamental aspect of the job. When the person does garden and forest-related work while also owning extensive land for it, Mars the significator of land is the indicator.
Careers In Writing, Art And Drama
Mercury is a major planet of writing, journalism, reporting and writing. To be an editor, Jupiter must also be involved. Mercury controls drawing and Venus artistic inclination. Venus and Rahu are the main planets for the fields of theatre and cinema. Rahu rules anything that is filmed or is an illusion such as photography and movies. The Sun and Jupiter control the traditional methods of photography that require the use of chemicals for development.
Mars Careers In Electricity, Real Estate, Arms And Ammunition
Mars signifies land holdings and directly relates to real estate careers. It is a warrior planet and signifies career paths in arms and ammunition. Mars is also a significator of electricity. While Aries (Mesha) is electricity, Scorpio (Vrischik) is a water sign of Mars and signifies hydroelectricity.
Career And Gain: The 9
Lord Or 11
Lord In The 10
The placement of either the 9th lord of fortune or the 11th lord of gain in the 10th house of career is a very auspicious placement. The 9th lord in the 10th that makes an association of the Kendra and Trikona is a Raj Yoga. The 11th lord of gain in the 10th house of profession is also a very beneficial placement that shows great gain, growth and authority in career
So, in a similar fashion one can effectively read a birth chart and assess the career options available to the person using the basic significations of the Rashis and planets.
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roamanddiscover · 1 year
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Illinois, a state located in the Midwestern region of the United States, is known for its diverse landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. It is the sixth most populous state in the US, with Chicago as its largest city and Springfield as the state capital. Illinois is bordered by Wisconsin to the north, Indiana to the east, Kentucky to the southeast, Missouri to the west, and Iowa to the northwest. The state of Illinois covers a total area of 57,915 square miles and has a varied terrain, including vast farmlands, dense forests, rolling hills, rugged bluffs, and pristine lakes. The state's economy is heavily based on manufacturing, agriculture, and services, with major industries including financial services, healthcare, transportation equipment, and food processing. Illinois has a rich history and heritage that dates back to ancient times. The region was inhabited by various indigenous tribes, including the Cahokia, Potawatomi, and Illiniwek, before the arrival of European explorers and settlers in the 1600s. The French established the first settlement in Illinois, and it later became part of the United States in 1818. The state has a diverse population of around 12.7 million people, with a rich cultural tapestry of ethnicities, religions, and languages. English is the most widely spoken language in Illinois, followed by Spanish and other languages spoken by immigrants. The predominant religions in the state are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Illinois is also home to many stunning natural attractions, such as the Shawnee National Forest, Starved Rock State Park, and the Lincoln Trail State Park. The state also boasts a rich cultural heritage, with world-class museums, art galleries, and music venues. Illinois is famous for being the birthplace of many notable public figures, including Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Ernest Hemingway, and Oprah Winfrey. If you visit Illinois, you will experience the warmth and hospitality of the locals, enjoy the natural beauty and stunning vistas of the state's countryside, and immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage and diversity that the state has to offer. Whether you are a nature lover, a history buff, or a foodie, Illinois has something for everyone.
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The name 'Illinois' comes from the French rendering of the Algonquian language word for the Illinois Confederation, 'ilinwek' or 'illiniwek.' This name refers to a group of Native American tribes who lived in the region even before the arrival of European explorers. The meaning of 'ilinwek' is disputed, but it is commonly translated as 'tribe of superior men,' 'men of men,' or 'best people.' The Illinois Confederation was a loose alliance of several tribes, including the Cahokia, Kaskaskia, Peoria, and Tamaroa, among others. They inhabited the region around the Mississippi River, extending from present-day Illinois to parts of Wisconsin and Missouri. The name 'Illinois' was officially adopted as the state's name when it achieved statehood in 1818. It was chosen by the state's first governor, Shadrach Bond, who sought to honor the Native American tribes who had long inhabited the land.
Illinois has a rich and diverse history, dating back to precolonial times. Before European settlers arrived, the area was home to indigenous peoples, including the Illini, Miami, and Potawatomi tribes. In the years that followed, Illinois played a key role in the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. The state became part of the Northwest Territory in 1787 and was officially recognized as a state in 1818. Throughout the 19th century, Illinois grew rapidly, becoming a major hub for transportation and industrial development. The state was also notable for its involvement in the Underground Railroad, helping slaves escape to freedom in the north. In the early 20th century, Illinois was a key player in the labor movement, with major strikes and protests taking place in Chicago and other urban centers. The state also played a significant role in both World Wars, supplying troops and resources for the war effort. In the years that followed, Illinois continued to grow and evolve, with major advancements in industry and technology. The state was also marked by several notable political scandals, including the impeachment and removal of Governor Rod Blagojevich in 2009. Today, Illinois is a vibrant and diverse state, with a rich cultural heritage and thriving economy. Its history is woven throughout the fabric of the state, from its urban centers to its rural communities.
Illinois has a diverse geological landscape with various regions that all have their unique formations. One of the most notable geological features in Illinois is the Ozark Dome, a subterranean formation characterized by underground mines of lead, zinc, and other minerals. In contrast to this, the northwest and north-central region have mostly glacial formations such as drumlins, eskers, and moraines, created by the last ice age. The state has a rich history of coal mining that has left behind abandoned underground mines throughout the central part of the state. These coal deposits are from the Pennsylvanian period and are believed to have been formed about 300 million years ago. The coal-rich areas in Illinois are where the land is flat and the soil is fertile. Illinois has also been known to produce natural gas and petroleum, which has played a significant role in the industrialization and economic growth of the state. The reserves of natural gas and petroleum are found primarily in southern Illinois, in the Illinois Basin. The state has an extensive system of rivers and lakes, including the Mississippi, Illinois, Ohio, and Wabash rivers, that have played a significant role in shaping the geological makeup of Illinois. The contributions of these rivers and lakes have been significant in creating the rich farmland that exists in the state, aside from providing transportation for goods and services. the state of Illinois has a diverse geological landscape that ranges from underground mines that are rich in minerals to the flatlands that are suitable for farming. The state's history has been shaped by the natural resources found within its borders, with coal, natural gas, and petroleum being significant contributors to Illinois's industrialization. The region's numerous rivers and lakes have also had a remarkable impact on shaping the landscape and creating the fertile soil necessary for farming.
Illinois is a heavily populated state located in the Midwest of the United States. It is surrounded by Indiana to the east, Missouri to the west, Wisconsin to the north, and Kentucky to the south. The state is divided into three distinct regions: the Central Plains, Shawnee Hills, and the Illinois Ozarks. The Central Plains region consists of gently rolling hills and vast prairies with fertile soil, while the Shawnee Hills region is characterized by hills, bluffs, and forests. The Illinois Ozarks region, on the other hand, consists of rugged hills, ridges, and deep ravines. Illinois also houses several water bodies, including the Mississippi River, the Ohio River, and the Wabash River. The state also has many lakes, including Lake Michigan, which is the fifth-largest freshwater lake in the world by volume. The Chicago River also meanders through downtown Chicago to create an impressive sightseeing opportunity. The land use in Illinois is predominantly agricultural, with over 75% of the land used for farming purposes. The state is one of the largest producers of corn and soybeans in the United States. In addition to agriculture, the state is also known for its manufacturing and industrial capabilities. The major industrial centers in the state include Joliet, Rockford, Peoria, and Bloomington-Normal. Over the years, there has been a significant increase in urbanization and suburbanization in Illinois, primarily near Chicago, which is the largest city in the state. The state ranks fifth in the country in terms of urbanization, with over 87% of the population residing in urban areas. The state has an extensive transportation infrastructure network, including roads, highways, railways, and airports. The Illinois Tollway system covers over 292 miles of roadway to connect the major cities and metropolitan areas in the state. The Chicago O’Hare International Airport is the busiest airport in Illinois and one of the busiest in the United States. It serves over 83 million passengers every year. Illinois is also home to several protected areas and parks, including the Shawnee National Forest, the Illinois Beach State Park, the Starved Rock State Park, and the Lincoln Park Zoo. These parks offer visitors a glimpse of the state's natural beauty and biodiversity and are popular destinations for hiking, camping, and wildlife watching. the physical geography of Illinois is an interesting mix of rolling hills, deep ravines, forests, and water bodies. The state's land use is predominantly agricultural, with a growing urbanization trend near major cities. It has an extensive transportation network and offers numerous recreational and entertainment options for tourists. Illinois is indeed one of the most geographically diverse and culturally rich states in the United States.
Illinois is a state filled with diverse ecology, with several major biomes present within its borders. Forests, grasslands, wetlands, rivers, lakes, and streams are all habitats for a wide variety of plants and animals. About 25% of the state remains forested, with the majority of it located in the southern part of the state. The state's wetlands play a crucial role in regulating water levels, filtering pollutants, and providing habitat and food for many species. Sadly, many of these biomes have been severely impacted by human activities such as development and farming. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) works tirelessly to preserve and maintain these natural areas. They have established numerous state parks, nature preserves, and wildlife refuges to protect habitats and support wildlife populations. the state has several programs to provide financial and technical support to landowners who wish to participate in conservation efforts. One of the most significant conservation challenges in Illinois is combating invasive species that threaten many of the state's native ecosystems. The state has established protocols to identify and remove these species, including the use of prescribed burns, herbicides, and other methods. The state is also working to address water quality concerns, particularly in the Illinois River. Agricultural runoff, sewage treatment discharge, and other pollutants have had a damaging effect on the river's ecology. The state is implementing a variety of measures to improve the water quality, including guidelines for agricultural practices, new wastewater treatment facilities, and river restoration projects. The state also recognizes the importance of protecting its endangered and threatened species. The Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board is responsible for developing and implementing plans to conserve and recover species on the brink of extinction in the state. Several species, such as the gray wolf, black bear, and mountain lion, have been eliminated from the state and are being considered for reintroduction. the state encourages residents and visitors to participate in conservation efforts and education programs. These programs provide opportunities for people to learn about the state's ecology, wildlife, and natural resources and how they can help protect them.
Illinois boasts a diverse array of flora and fauna, with both native and introduced species inhabiting the state. Several types of forests, including oak-hickory and beech-maple, cover much of the state. The Illinois River, Lake Michigan, and other waterways are home to several species of fish, turtles, and amphibians. Moreover, Illinois' native plant life provides an important habitat for a variety of animals. Wildflowers such as purple coneflowers and wild lupine are often found on the state's prairies, providing food and shelter for animals ranging from bison to butterflies. Threatened or endangered species such as the Illinois mud turtle and Hine's emerald dragonfly call the state home, requiring conservation efforts to protect their habitats. In addition to the native species, Illinois has seen an influx of non-native species. Some species have been deliberately introduced due to their perceived benefits, while others have arrived unintentionally through human activities such as shipping and travel. However, non-native species can have negative impacts on the environment and native species, often outcompeting and marginalizing them. As a result, Illinois has regulations in place to prevent the introduction and spread of non-native species. Protecting Illinois' biodiversity is necessary to maintain the state's ecological health and promote its economic wellbeing. The state has established several programs to address conservation and restoration efforts, such as the Illinois Wildlife Action Plan and the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission. the state has regulations in place to protect threatened and endangered species and their habitats, as well as to prevent the introduction of non-native species that may threaten the native ecosystems. Furthermore, Illinois residents also play a critical role in the protection of the state's biodiversity. For example, homeowners can plant native species in their yards to provide habitat and food for local wildlife and can take steps to reduce their carbon footprint, aiding in the fight against climate change. Conservation organizations and volunteer groups also provide opportunities for citizens to get involved in restoration and conservation efforts across the state. Illinois' biodiversity is essential to its ecological and economic health. The state's rich natural resources provide habitat for a diverse array of native species, as well as several non-native species. However, conservation efforts are necessary to protect these resources and prevent the spread of non-native species. Through both governmental and individual actions, Illinois can continue to promote its ecological wellbeing while supporting its social and economic interests.
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Illinois has a diverse climate due to its location in the central United States, bordering the Great Lakes region and stretching south to the Mississippi River. The state experiences all four seasons, with hot summers and cold winters. In the northern part of the state, the climate is considered humid continental, characterized by warm summers and cold winters with heavy snowfall. Average temperatures in January, the coldest month, range from 24°F to 30°F (-4°C to -1°C), while July, the warmest month, sees averages from 64°F to 82°F (18°C to 28°C). In central Illinois, the climate is also humid continental, but with warmer temperatures throughout the year. Summers are hot and humid with occasional thunderstorms, while winters are milder with less snowfall. Average temperatures in January range from 25°F to 33°F (-4°C to 0°C), while July sees averages from 65°F to 85°F (18°C to 29°C). Southern Illinois is located within the humid subtropical climate zone, characterized by hot summers and mild winters with occasional snowfall. Average temperatures in January range from 32°F to 40°F (0°C to 4°C), while July averages range from 69°F to 89°F (21°C to 32°C). Illinois sees its fair share of severe weather, including thunderstorms, tornadoes, and even blizzards in the winter. The state averages about 35 to 45 thunderstorm days per year, with potential for damaging winds, hail, and tornadoes. The peak tornado season is from March to June, with an average of 47 tornadoes per year. Due to its location near the Great Lakes and Mississippi River, Illinois also experiences lake-effect snow and flooding. In the winter, cold air over the Great Lakes travels south, picking up moisture and dumping heavy snow on coastal areas. In the spring, heavy rains can cause flash flooding, especially in the central and southern parts of the state. Illinois' climate varies depending on location, but the state experiences all four seasons with mild to hot summers and cold to mild winters. Visitors should always check the weather forecast and be prepared for any potential severe weather events.
Environmental issues
Illinois is faced with numerous environmental challenges and concerns. One of the major concerns is the issue of pollution, both air, and water pollution. There are multiple sources of pollution in Illinois, including industrial facilities, agriculture, and transportation. Industrial facilities such as power plants, refineries, and manufacturing plants release toxic pollutants into the air and water, which can be harmful to human health and the environment. Agricultural activities such as the use of pesticides and fertilizers in farming contribute to water pollution in the state. These chemicals find their way into streams and rivers, leading to increased algae growth and the death of aquatic life. Transportation is also a major source of air pollution in Illinois. The use of vehicles such as cars, trucks, and buses releases harmful pollutants into the air, leading to respiratory problems and other health issues. Another major concern in Illinois is climate change. The state has experienced extreme weather conditions in recent years, including floods, droughts, and severe storms. These extreme weather events have led to damages to infrastructure, crop losses, and human health problems. The state is taking measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote clean energy sources, but more needs to be done to mitigate the effects of climate change. Illinois also faces challenges in conserving its natural resources such as forests, wetlands, and wildlife. Deforestation, urbanization, and industrialization have led to the loss of important habitats and biodiversity. The state has established protected areas such as state parks and nature reserves, but these efforts are not enough to prevent the loss of wildlife and habitats. waste management is another major environmental concern in Illinois. The state produces a significant amount of waste yearly, and proper disposal and recycling methods are needed to prevent land and water pollution. The state has implemented waste reduction programs such as the Illinois Green Business Association to promote sustainable waste management practices. Illinois is faced with numerous environmental challenges and concerns, from pollution to climate change and natural resource conservation. The state government, together with stakeholders, is taking measures to address these issues, but concerted efforts are needed to ensure a sustainable environment for future generations. Read the full article
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marine-indie-gal · 1 year
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The Roman God of The Wild, Shepherds, Flocks, Music, Fertility, and Hunters. "Pan" is his Greek Name, though unlike his history by his Original Greek Name, Faunus has a different history when he was once called "Innus" but that was when that the name "Faunus" became a Roman Translation to "Pan".
Faunus is one of the most Oldest Deities among the Roman Pantheon, known as the "Di Indigetes" in which by the Poet, Virgil, Faunus was a legendary king of Latins. His shade was consulted as a Goddess of Prophecy by the name, "Fatuus" by the Oracles in the sacred grove of Tibur around in the Well of Albunea and on the Aventine Hill in Ancient Rome.
Marcus Terentius Varro asserted that the oracular responses were given in the Saturnian verse believing that Faunus could reveal the future in dreams and that voices were communicated to those who came to sleep in his precincts, to those who lie on the fleeces of sacrificed lambs. William Warde Flower suggested that Faunus is identical with Favonius (One of the Roman Wind Deities).
The Name, "Faunus" came from a stem of the Proto-Italic lanugauge, "Fawe" or "Fawono" being cognate with Umbrian fons, such as the word, "Foner" meaning "Merciful") and that it may derive Proto-Indo-European of the word, "Favourable" which also reflects to the Old Irish language, "Buan" meaning "Good", "Favourable", and "Firm" and in the Middle Welsh, "Maiden" or "Sweetheart". Another Theory of the Name itself contends that Faunus is the Latin outcome of PIE's word, "The Strangler" denoting from the World, "Wolf". A Strange Fact is that a proposition suggested by the fact that the Two Luperic (Wolf Men in which "Lupus" is latin for "Wolf") are commonly treated as temporary priests of the god Faunus.
Another one of Faunus' true origins is that he may originated from Indo-European Mythology and that he may have been related to the Vedic God, "Rudra" in which that it was believed that he was once worshipped by traditional Roman Farmers before becoming a Nature Deity.
Unlike Pan's Family, Faunus' Family was different from his Greek Equivlent as he was said to be an Old King of Latium, a Grandson of Saturn, the Son of Picus and even the Father of Latinus with a Nymph by the name, "Marcia" as his wife (sometimes known as his Mother). He was raised to the position of a tutelary deity of the land, for his many services to agriculture and cattle-breeding.  A Female version of Faunus was called "Fauna" was associated in his worship as she regarded as both a Sister and Wife while a Goddess by the name, "Bona Dea" was often equated with Fauna.
While Pan was accompanied by Satyrs, Faunus was accompanied by Fauns believeing that Faunus was their own Chief since Fauns were often gentle creatures of Woodland while Satyrs were more preverted-creatures.
Faunus was worshipped across the Roman Empire for many centuries. An example of this was a set of thirty-two 4th century spoons found near Thetford in England in 1979. They had been engraved with the name "Faunus", and each had a different epithet after the god's name. The spoons also bore Christian symbols, and it has been suggested that these were initially Christian but later taken and devoted to Faunus by pagans. The 4th century was a time of large scale Christianisation, and the discovery provides evidence that even during the decline of traditional Roman religion, the god Faunus was still worshipped.
SBSP Universe
Faunus is The Roman God of The Wild, Shepherds, Flocks, Music, Fertility, and Hunters. He is a Second Caretaker of the Wild and even a King of the Woods and even the Chief of the Fauns. His Greek Counterpart is Pan. Faunus is well-mannered and polite with a kind heart. Unlike Pan, who is more preverted, Faunus is more gentle as he is very generous around others as he personally likes to give the Good their own Money for Food. Like Pan, he has a habit of Music and he does take responsibilites as a King really well. Throughout Parades, he is often guided by Animals who usually go with him as Deer tend to pull the chariot of Faunus throughout the parade of the forests.  Around his Earliest Life, he used to live in the Mountains but was abanonded as a baby for unknown reasons until he was then raised by Bears. Faunus grew up living with Bears until One Day, some Hunters came in the Woods and try to hunt Faunus' adopted family but Faunus managed to safe them but he ended up captured by the Hunters who decided to kidnap and take him for fortune. Soon enough, under his prison cell, Faunus began to create his own instrument made out of reed and made it his own instrument so that whenever he played the music, he would miss his own family and think about the good times.  However, his prison life didn't last that very long as he manged himself to escape with the help of some Forest Animals in the Woods who help the Faun Man escape as he finally managed to run away without the Hunters even noticing. Naturually, after his escape, he rested down in the Woods until the Morning, he found himself that he was in a forest guarded by the Fauns and even the Nymphs of the Roman Woods, although he tried everything to get home to return to his Bear Family but Faunus felt so discrated by the beauty of the forest that he decided to make himself at home around in the Woods. Upon in one of his travels, he came across a village of Fauns and Nymphs, upon one of the challenges around in the village was a Stag fight between two Fauns to see on will win to become the Best King of the Forest. Faunus took in the challenge of the Stag Fight game against Another Faun as he won, thus, becoming the New Chief of Fauns after the Old Chief died due to old age. As Faunus became King of the Forest, he was very helpful and kind around the Fauns and Nymphs as he even helped around many of the Town's folks' problems. He often tend festivals around by his people, even on some days accompanied by Bacchus' Party Festivals. One time, he challenged Phoebus through a Music Composition to see who had the Best Music and that King Krabas had to be the judge. Of course, Faunus did won while Phobeus' music on the other hand felt critized as Phoebus cursed King Krabas into having Snail Eyes. He's very well mannered with King Neptune but doesn't agree on his own personal status of being King of his own Land. He would also get along with SpongeBob and Patrick due to their love for nature and would probably join him in a Music Band but he would also like to teach Squidward how to play music properly. Faunus (c) Roman Mythology SpongeBob SquarePants (c) Stephen Hillenburg
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getmoneymethods · 1 year
Future of AI: Predictions and Trends in Artificial Intelligence
Introduction: Exploring the Exciting Future of AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives, revolutionizing the way we work, communicate, and interact with technology. As we delve into the future of AI, it is essential to understand the predictions and trends that will shape this rapidly evolving field. From machine learning to predictive analytics, natural language processing to robotics, and deep learning to ethical considerations, the possibilities seem limitless. In this article, we will explore the exciting future of AI and its potential impact on various industries and aspects of our lives.
The Rise of Machine Learning: How AI is Evolving
Machine learning, a subset of AI, has been a driving force behind the advancements we have witnessed in recent years. It involves training algorithms to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without explicit programming. As we move forward, machine learning is expected to become even more sophisticated, enabling AI systems to adapt and improve their performance over time.
One of the key trends in machine learning is the rise of deep learning, a technique inspired by the structure and function of the human brain. Deep learning algorithms, known as neural networks, are capable of processing vast amounts of data and extracting meaningful patterns. This has led to significant breakthroughs in areas such as image recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous vehicles.
Predictive Analytics: Unleashing the Power of AI in Decision-Making
Predictive analytics, powered by AI, is transforming the way organizations make decisions. By analyzing historical data and identifying patterns, AI systems can predict future outcomes and provide valuable insights. This enables businesses to optimize their operations, improve customer experiences, and make data-driven decisions.
In the future, predictive analytics is expected to become even more accurate and efficient, thanks to advancements in machine learning algorithms and the availability of vast amounts of data. For example, AI-powered predictive analytics can help healthcare providers identify patients at risk of developing certain diseases, allowing for early intervention and personalized treatment plans.
Natural Language Processing: Revolutionizing Human-Computer Interaction
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of AI that focuses on enabling computers to understand and interact with human language. From voice assistants like Siri and Alexa to chatbots and language translation tools, NLP has already made significant strides in improving human-computer interaction.
In the future, NLP is expected to become even more advanced, enabling computers to understand context, emotions, and nuances in human language. This will open up new possibilities for virtual assistants, customer service bots, and language translation tools, making communication with technology more seamless and natural.
Robotics and Automation: AI's Impact on Industries and Jobs
AI-powered robotics and automation have the potential to revolutionize industries and reshape the job market. From manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and agriculture, robots and automated systems are already making significant contributions.
In the future, we can expect to see more advanced robots capable of performing complex tasks with precision and efficiency. This will lead to increased productivity, cost savings, and improved safety in various industries. However, it also raises concerns about job displacement and the need for reskilling and upskilling the workforce to adapt to the changing job landscape.
Deep Learning: Unlocking the Potential of Neural Networks
Deep learning, a subset of machine learning, has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its ability to process and analyze complex data. Neural networks, the foundation of deep learning, are composed of interconnected layers of artificial neurons that mimic the structure of the human brain.
The future of deep learning holds great promise, with potential applications in fields such as healthcare, finance, and cybersecurity. For example, deep learning algorithms can analyze medical images to detect diseases at an early stage, predict stock market trends, and identify anomalies in network traffic to prevent cyberattacks.
Ethical Considerations: Addressing the Challenges of AI Development
As AI continues to advance, it is crucial to address the ethical considerations associated with its development and deployment. Issues such as bias in algorithms, privacy concerns, and the impact on jobs and society need to be carefully considered.
To ensure the responsible development and use of AI, organizations and policymakers must establish ethical guidelines and regulations. Transparency, accountability, and inclusivity should be at the forefront of AI development, ensuring that the benefits of AI are accessible to all while minimizing potential risks.
AI in Healthcare: Transforming the Medical Landscape
AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by improving diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. From analyzing medical images to predicting disease outcomes, AI-powered systems can assist healthcare professionals in making more accurate and timely decisions.
In the future, AI is expected to play an even more significant role in healthcare. For example, AI algorithms can analyze genomic data to personalize treatment plans, predict disease outbreaks, and assist in drug discovery. This will lead to improved patient outcomes, reduced healthcare costs, and enhanced overall healthcare delivery.
Smart Cities: How AI is Shaping Urban Living
AI is transforming cities into smart, connected ecosystems, enhancing efficiency, sustainability, and quality of life. From traffic management and energy optimization to waste management and public safety, AI-powered systems can analyze vast amounts of data and make real-time decisions to improve urban living.
In the future, smart cities will become even more intelligent, leveraging AI to optimize resource allocation, reduce congestion, and enhance citizen services. For example, AI-powered sensors can monitor air quality and automatically adjust traffic flow to reduce pollution levels. This will lead to more sustainable and livable cities for future generations.
AI in Education: Enhancing Learning and Personalization
AI has the potential to revolutionize education by personalizing learning experiences, improving student outcomes, and enabling lifelong learning. Adaptive learning platforms powered by AI can analyze student data and provide personalized recommendations and feedback.
In the future, AI will play a more significant role in education, enabling personalized learning paths, intelligent tutoring systems, and automated grading. This will empower students to learn at their own pace, bridge learning gaps, and acquire the skills needed for the future job market.
Cybersecurity: Battling the Dark Side of AI
While AI offers numerous benefits, it also poses significant challenges in the realm of cybersecurity. As AI becomes more sophisticated, cybercriminals can exploit its capabilities to launch more advanced and targeted attacks.
To combat the dark side of AI, cybersecurity professionals must leverage AI-powered tools and techniques to detect and prevent cyber threats. AI algorithms can analyze network traffic, identify patterns of malicious behavior, and respond in real-time to mitigate risks. Additionally, organizations must invest in cybersecurity training and education to stay ahead of evolving threats.
Conclusion: Embracing the Future of AI and Its Limitless Possibilities
The future of AI is filled with exciting possibilities that have the potential to transform industries, enhance our daily lives, and address some of the world's most pressing challenges. From machine learning and predictive analytics to natural language processing and robotics, AI is evolving at a rapid pace.
However, as we embrace the future of AI, it is crucial to address ethical considerations, ensure transparency and accountability, and prioritize inclusivity. By doing so, we can harness the power of AI to create a better future for all.
As AI continues to advance, it is essential for individuals, organizations, and policymakers to stay informed about the latest trends and developments. By understanding the potential of AI and its impact on various sectors, we can make informed decisions and leverage its capabilities to drive innovation and positive change.
The future of AI is bright, and by embracing it with an open mind and a focus on responsible development, we can unlock its limitless possibilities and shape a better future for generations to come.
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