#agreeing so hard with qrt
tariah23 · 8 months
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just-antithings · 4 months
I wonder why artists with hard DNI criteria about proshippers dont list their ethical positions in their booths at cons so they ensure they're only getting supported financially by ppl they agree with
Oh wait it's money
okay but can you imagine. an artist sells at a con and has a "PROSHIP DNI" sign on their booth. an older 50 something nerd ask what their sign means and the realization sinks in for the artist that this is all so cringe, actually
I actually had an idea if people literally wore badges like that and went around then if a customer with a proship DNI badge came up to me, i'd have an excuse to be like "No I can't help you, I don't pass your DNI criteria" LMAO
This is the funniest thing to imagine honestly (though I fucking dare someone to try and walk around a con trying to avoid everyone who "believes in bi lesbians")
The original tweet, tons of the replies and qrts are hilarious: https://twitter.com/lokasennya/status/1743975677463044204
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
Re: your last post about Taekookers hating jimin. It’s also because Jimin’s very existence and the existence of Jikook’s past itself pretty much invalidates Taekook and it ruins all their lovely Taekook long-term relationship narratives. I remember when that video came out last year of the filming of butter where jungkook is trying to touch jimin’s waist under his crop top while they were watching the footage back- taekookers lost their minds because again, it ruins the illusion that jk is a devoted obsessive jealous boyfriend who has never even looked at another man. That one hurt them because it was hard to spin as “staged”. Along with the other few behind the scenes footage where Jungkook’s hands are down jimin’s shirt or whatever lol. They will continue to harass Jimin even if another jikook moment never happens, because he is a giant reminder that Taekook cannot exist romantically.
I don't really agree... I don't think that's the reason, no. I'm also against believing they get angry and hate on him because "jikook is too real", and I think it's a really dangerous mindset. The brain starts treating it as positive reinforcement. So it starts being a case of "they're hating = that must mean jikook is real".
After Jimin hugged JK in the Hoseok's entrance video, I saw a jikooker qrt a hate tweet and they said "kookminers we're back in business" because they were hating on Jimin. This is why jikookers don't even REPORT taekook accounts, and why they don't care about Jimin getting hate; because they do not give a fuck anymore. They have drunk their own kool-aid that tells them hate = jikook real.
NO. They're hating precisely because they think jikook it's a lie.
In their minds taekook ALREADY exists romantically, they're not looking for confirmation, in their minds they already KNOW that jikook is not real. They get annoyed and frustrated and they hate and fight because they want to prove what they believe is real.
And lately they've had the ammo. Jungkook plays a song and says "Taehyung loves this song." Jikookers have to make slow motion videos and edit lyrics on the video and cut clips from it to say "this song was about Jimin." No😭 He literally just played that song and thought of Taehyung. So jikookers want to take something that it's about "taekook" and make it into jikook. They don't feel threatened, they're literally standing up for what they believe in. In the wrong ways, but essentially that's it. It's more than what jikookers ever did for Jimin, let me tell you that. They never stood up for Jimin. All they ever did was use his love and care for Jungkook on "ship wars".
Taekookers don't hate on Jungkook when he does something because by logic they can't go against JK, they're supposed to love and support him too. So the solution is believing him to be a victim, someone with no control over the situation. That allows them to still support him and still believe he's a dedicated committed lover (in private) who would never look at another man and is only acting friendly with Jimin because it's work. Their response to Jungkook's suchwita live? "The company made him do it to promote flopmin."
Whereas when Jimin does something he's the aggressor, the rapist, the groomer, the queerbaiter. They hate Jimin because they geniunely have convinced themselves that he's the one forcing Jungkook to do anything. There's not more to it.
Same thing is happening with jikookers now, who are turning to hate on Taehyung because what else are they going to do? Call out Jungkook for it? Hold him accountable for his own actions? Admit that he's not being strung along and he hangs out with people when he actually wants to see them? No, now for jikookers "it's not Jungkook's fault; Jungkook doesn't say anything, it's all Taehyung."
When Jimin said he comes to my room three times, Taekookers response was exactly the same: "Jungkook didn't mention going to his room, that was Jimin" "Jimin is the only one who talks about Jungkook, JK never initiates anything". Now jikookers are going "Jungkook didn't mention hanging out with wooga, that was Tae" "Jungkook didn't post the photos, Taehyung did".
Both jikookers and taekookers the same lmao.
One of the first things I said in this blog was that -pardon my french- but I really don't give a fuck about jikook vs. taekook fights. It's the most absurd thing I've ever seen. I honestly never cared because in the end they're both fighting about who's Jungkook happiest with, who is he closest to, who does he love more, who does he go to bed with. IF the answer was SOOOO obvious for any side, IF Jungkook was actually a devoted committed loving partner to Taehyung or Jimin, there would be no fighting. If Jungkook actually made his position obvious and clear and everything shippers love to believe about him, people wouldn't spend years (because this has been going on for YEARS) analyzing the way the hugs people, or how wide he smiled, or analyzing his every word and action trying to understand what he meant.
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aetherknit · 2 years
i don't want to invalidate anyone's decision, be it leaving, or waiting, or staying, but. the way some people talk (i saw it on pretty much all 'sides', ironically enough) as if their decision is the only absolute correct thing to do here really rubs me the wrong way. this is not targeted at you at all, just in general prompted by your last post.
i think its inevitable that in situations that are so divisive many people will form hard opinions and stand by them. the people who are uncertain or middling are going to be the people who stay quiet, and the people who feel very strongly are going to be the loudest and most emphatic and draw the most attention. at the same time, its not entirely fair to place all the blame on the people whose posts you are seeing when tumblr is so personally curated -- if youre seeing someones loud opinions, its because others agree with them. the qrt culture of twitter is much much lesser on tumblr -- one of the biggest ways people tend to show their disagreement is through not interacting with a post at all
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dteamain · 2 years
like there's just no need to be mean as fans. i seriously don't think it's the fans place to even comment on how ccs communicate really (but that's just my own personal opinion) and tbh i'm sick of people's need to seek out negativity and qrt it which is why i'm no longer on twt.
hard agree on all accounts. there is already so much negativity let's lift the positive voices
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angeloncewas · 2 years
Hmm, I do think Dream should be more mature in his call-outs (like censoring names or subtweeting) he’s done it before - but it’s not his responsibility. It’s not something people are owed, they aren’t owed kindness in response to hate or aggressive “criticism” especially when it’s direct at him (dreams reply wasn’t even aggressive so it’s not the content that people are complaining about). It’s also not something you think about when you get dogpiled for saying something that could link you to being queer.
And don’t get me wrong anon, I want him to be better about it, I really hope he takes the feedback here, not for any 16 yo brat that is putting out passive aggressive slander in his QRTs, but it would be better on him and his fanbase. I want him to care again, he did before at one point.
I truely do think he’s past the point of caring, he says his tweets don’t matter if they have a tone indicator or not because people will attack him either way, he says it doesn’t matter if he responds because hate will find these people either way and come back to him, his always sounds so exhausted and it’s sad. You don’t give up trying to fix your reputation easily anon, I know a lot of it is “deserved” but not the misinfo or exaggerated allegations he responds to. And I’m not saying this is good! This fucking sucks as a fan of him, I want him to care, and reflect and be a kinder force I know he can be. But it’s hard to see smaller creators like Sneeg get cheered for QRTing toxic fans directly and Dream can’t even reply to slander? No he shouldn’t have been over defensive when people cried about his reply, but it was so incredibly hypocritical of the internet to cry about it.
Don't have much to say to this. Yeah. It's hard. I am soft on Dream not because I like him (though I won't deny my biases, I don't consider myself a legitimate stan) but because A) I've seen things like this with other creators and Dream has done remarkably well in comparison and B) I can't even imagine how much of this shit I'd be in if I was him. All of it, probably. I get in problems on here and I'm not even a notable blog by most peoples' standards.
Idk. I agree with you. I think this is partially why big creators tend to hit a threshold and retreat. Not entirely why, but some of it.
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ectonurites · 3 years
I'm a known tom taylor hater but I think we can all just admit that he. basically just knows how to write one guy. there's honestly very little discernable difference between his writing of dick and jon because they're both The Protagonist. I haven't read the nightwing annual yet (might not read it at all) but it sounds like for jason he pretty much just slid The Protagonist one step to the left. his take on babs, even aside from the ableism, is basically just Strong Female Character. he's good at being mildly funny sometimes but his grasp of characterization in the comics I've read is just incredibly weak, all he does is write lightly snappy dialogue for his action figures and use actual social issues as set dressings
Yeaaaah no I’m there with you. Like tbh, before stuff from this year I have not read all that much of his writing, so I do have a hard time making too many general blanket statements about everything. I can more just speak on the specific things I have read (primarily Nightwing and Son of Kal-El), but within those, I definitely agree with what you’re saying.
I’ve as a whole seen much more positive things from people about some of his AU works so I feel like maybe that plays a role in things/how he handles a story if he has more control vs fitting into a larger continuity/how forgiving people will be with differences in characterization because AUs change a lot/etc, but again I can’t entirely speak to that. I dunno.
I just think Taylor is overhyped. I wouldn’t even say I necessarily hate him (but I very much so understand why many do) but I think that it’s insane how many people will defend him to the death at the slightest criticism (that’s more of a twitter thing than here, but still). I don’t think there’s any perfect writer out there, there’s things to criticize like… always. Taylor just happens to keep making moves that personally annoy me more than some other authors recently, because he’s just writing multiple titles. (and also he continues being very annoying on twitter which just ya know contributes to my general image of him. Man does not know how to use twitter and I mean that genuinely. I watched him accidentally unleash his many many followers into dog piling one of my mutuals again not that long ago irt to promo stuff about this very annual that wasn’t even about him specifically, and when someone approached him about it he seemed to genuinely not understand what he did/how qrts and stuff work. it’s like, kinda concerning, frankly. He has a big platform and needs to be responsible with that)
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enderspawn · 2 years
i don't know how well worded this is, because ive been trying to think of how to phrase it correctly but i'd like to say first that i don't exactly agree with a lot of the way dream handles things despite me being a big fan of his, but i can understand it?
a lot of the time the people who initially bring things are either heavy antis who dug through the trenches to find dirt on him or fans of his who bring it up and are concerned about supporting someone who does whatever it is they bringing up. for the most part the people who so adamantly dislike him don't tend to listen when proven wrong nor do they often take his statements at face value. whats the point in convincing people you've grown if they don't bother listening?
also a lot of the qrt's end up full of death threats, doxxing, gore, and other stuff and i imagine the primary reason dream posts things on his private instead is because the people on there won't do those things. he's aware his tweets will get screenshotted and reposted, so i think he figures those who want to see it will.
again i dont fully agree with the way he goes about things, and i do wish he'd step back sometimes but also it's hard for me to fully blame a guy for lashing out with how often he's harraseed a dehumanized. i can't say i would react to it all that well either yknow?
i can understand that, as well as acknowledge I don’t know what it’s like to deal with that amount of attention or hate.
but also, if he did genuinely think “what’s the point in convincing others you’ve grown if they don’t bother listening?” then… why would he bother to try anyway? for the concerned fans, maybe, sure! but I also feel like it shows that he does still see a point in trying to convince others outside his pre-existing fan base, at least a little. i can’t say for sure.
with the hate he receives in qrts though, I guess my thought is why does he still publicly tweet on these issues then? while I don’t exactly check, if he gets those things when he’s publicly and poorly addressing an issue and is fine enough with it to continue that behavior, then why would it be an issue for a well-intentioned and prepared statement which paints him in a MUCH better light? the people who have issues with him interact with his account, that is where they would see it best— not a screenshot on a fan account.
i can understand that he’s human and could be lashing out and I can sympathize. but also, he is a public figure— part of fame is learning how to deal with that public and constant harassment because no one is universally beloved. for all he says people should just block and ignore hate on his boundaries or for all he says people should learn to put down their phone and log off, he’s terrible at following it himself.
he is still learning how to deal with it, I recognize in the grand scope he’s still a very new cc/public figure. but, he went into this with the clear intent to gain this fame and so far seems to be refusing any help in learning how to deal with it, like for example: a pr team/advisor. (honestly it seems like he doesn’t have a clear idea on what they actually do, but I don’t blame him for it bc that’s very much the general public thought on it LMAO, I’m biased bc I’ve studied it to know what it’s Actually About)
i just…. when you have a following, especially of his scale, you have an obligation to take responsibility for your audience. you have an obligation to act in a way to reduce harm. yes, he can’t control every single person, but he can change his own actions to try to prevent those single people from behaving poorly. as much as I agree it may be unfair, he has the obligation to be the bigger person here and not engage— not like he has, at least. like bitzel said, vague tweet if you must. screenshot it. whatever! do some kind of behavior to LIMIT that harm. this is ultimately something he signed up for and something I think he’s not really succeeding at
i guess, my point is that my sympathy for his plight does not exceed my expectations for how he should behave. i sympathize, but I don’t believe it excuses in any way his actions and that he’s solely in the wrong and needs to stop, re-evaluate, and move past.
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awsugar · 2 years
slipknot is doing NFTs and launched some kind of metaverse thing and although I wouldn't put any level of tone deaf assholery past Clown, with every band doing NFTs I get more and more worried MCR might too. there's just no way though that between all 4 of them, knowing full well frank and mikey are chronically online, that they wouldn't know better. but I would've thought that about other bands who have done it.
well i feel like ive seen that NFTs are already declining?? so maybe since they havent done one yet they wont be tempted to? idk i agree i feel like frank and mikey MUST have seen how bad the reaction by the fans is every time a different band does this. idk. the longer we go without one im good and i feel more encouraged that it just wont happen.
SADLY their comments are turned off on everything so its hard to react. but the QRT ratio woudl be crazy lmao. but yea im just crossing my fingers that they're not going to do it like. please. let mcr be the one good band left.
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comradedream · 3 years
I used to be indifferent about hunter and actually every now and then agree with some stuff he said but dude nah he has it out for Dream for no reason like replying that meme or whatever to Dream when Dream was genuinely trying to tell stans to not attack anyone like?!? I just know if Dream wouldn’t have said anything hunter would’ve got upset about that too… Literally Dream cannot win with almost anyone besides his friend group smh
(Friend group IMO being, BBH,Sap,George,Ant,Velvet,Punz,Karl,Tina,Foolish and Quackity… Literally the only immediate like legit friends I can think of who’ve never done anything to slander Dream or make jokes at his expense without him like there or like it being jokes Dream is okay with)
Hunter also likes to complain a lot about qrts but like bro if this happens so often you’d think he’d learn to just let stuff go to not bother replying to things but no instead he’d rather reply and then get upset about being qrt’d like…. Ugh just so stupid
so true i have a special place in my heart for the ppl in his circle that have never made low hanging fruit jokes at his expense they r very important to Me. also this happening literally just a week ago 💀💀💀 this man is OBSESSED his pussy is way too dry to b riding dream this hard 🤦‍♀️ don’t speak on his name 😒
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shoezuki · 3 years
honestly your post about twitter is SO right, i made a post here that someone replied to with “that doesn’t matter At All” and i checked their blog and. new to tumblr. coming from twitter. it’s just a weird sort of mentality like. you don’t have to fight all the time, you don’t have to demean people you don’t agree with? you literally can just scroll past and make ur own thing? idk idk but u put it into words really well thank u egg
YEA I GET U twitter in general has very... like.... Confrontational vibes????? N jus in takin Any post they see Personally and always needing to qrt or Reply with..... something. Its jus weird n hard to put into words
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elliium · 3 years
yeah i mean i don't think the dream team are horrible people or anything (they certainly are not) but they're sometimes SO bad at handling their fanbase (and it doesn't help that their fanbase is already So toxic)
like mccp21 right. you could technically argue that techno wilbur grian and solidarity were cheated out of a win because they only lost by 2 points and wilbur wasn't able to play during parkour tag. but compared to mcc14, i couldn't really see anyone from wilbur's or techno's fanbase who was genuinely mad at all? like obviously people were upset because it was so close but no one was seriously attacking scott or anything. my twitter timeline is almost entirely wilbur fans along with some techno fans and no one was doing the general toxic stan stuff, it was actually very suprising. (techno himself also said twice not to attack anyone and that it was just for charity and fun so that probably helped)
contrast that with what happened in mcc14 and like ........ yikes. hell, compare that to what happened right before mccp21 when people found out dream wasnt in it. people are still actively hating on scott and hbomb and it's so upsetting to see. i'm in a twitter gc and most of the time they're wonderful, but before the teams were announced it was like. almost all "oh my god imagine george is in a team with techno, scott and hbomb 💀 id die" and like . bruhhhh
idk its hard cause dream is someone i genuinely loved watching but a ton of that is soured just by the horrible fanbase and how badly he controls them sometimes. i'm already dreading what will happen if red rabbits don't win ..
(sorry for the rant this i just am so Frustrated with it like . damn. its minecraft guys can we just chill out.)
honestly the rant is welcomed if you ever need to rant come back LOL!! i absolutely agree with you! i say all the time that obviously the dream team can’t control all of their followers because it’s literally impossible. i do think that they could do things to try to control them though. one thing is maybe talk about personal/problematic things…. offline? crazy idea but not everything needs to be said online.
i think it stems from dream and sapnap being ultra competitive whereas other cc’s like wilbur aren’t as competitive. i just do think that a simple explanation of “guys this is a for fun event and we love hbomb! we’re saying this as all a joke it’s funny hahah” which is more techno/wilbur’s style of saying things to their fans is a lot better/more respected and well received by their community than dream/sapnap’s style of “obviously don’t send hate guys”. i wouldn’t have blamed wilbur if he’d have said guys make them wait for me it’s not fair if i’m not playing you have to make them wait (which i can’t help but think dream would’ve done LMAO sorry dream flashbacks of mcc where he got stuck in SOT and the mcc where battlebox got reset😭) but the responses to different CCs is crazy. it’s like dreams fans like to treat him as a victim of targeting so they feel the need to defend him to no ends: see parkour warrior being removed LMA9 (i am a dream fan. i’m half making fun of myself.)
ultimately i can’t blame them Really too much because they absolutely can’t control their full fanbase. but i just think that they should learn to handle things better! get a social media manager or let out your feelings in therapy or something! the mcc14 stream was the worst way to handle things and no person who didn’t want hate sent to another cc would’ve done that, they would’ve ended the stream. really though there are a lot of factors that played into it, it’s just in bad taste looking back.
i think in regards to mcc15 if dream or ranboo’s team don’t win, there’ll be hell on twitter tbh. just look at the qrts of the hermit team - if anyone who isn’t a twitter favourite golden boy doesn’t win we’re in for another war 😭
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theangryjikooker · 3 years
I think inconsistency is the main issue with taekookers, not the ship itself. Celebrating cute moments and making conclusions based on our gut feelings and daily life experiences is something we all do. But something happens with them that I personally don’t see happening with the rest of the shippers in the fandom. The way they ship is very drastic and almost unrealistic in a way. One day they say that V and JK are free and showing the world their love and the next day they say they are caged and brutally stopped by the company, I’m talking in a span of 24 hours depends on the content we get. One day they curse Jimin’s existence and the next day they call him captain of their ship. They claim to love and believe V or JK but go and call them liars when one of them says things that are facts we can actually see rooted in reality for years , like how JK spends a lot of time with Jimin. I think this is why a lot of them sounds like trolls and why it’s hard to engage in a conversation with them. They cherry pick a lot while changing versions based on what they like to hear and what they don’t which makes things really hard. Putting that aside, they project a lot on the guys personalities, especially on JK’s character and the way he express himself. He’s cold and mean but only to one person, he’s a user but only with one person, he does exclusive fanservice but only sometimes…how is that possible? And if he is why do you even like him and want him for your bias? it’s not a healthy mindset. Projection is something all shippers do because we can’t help it sometimes it’s natural to question certain moments but a person can’t be all that all the time. I wish shippers on all sides would be more honest and would just let them live and be themselves and actually trying to enjoy following them. most of the fandom sounds miserable and depressed half of the time
Hey, anon!
I'm going to try and approach this as delicately as I can because when I say I don't pay attention to Tkkr content, I really do mean it. Anything I know/anything I learn about them is trickled down by Jkkrs who QRT and say things in response to something nasty being said, and so I have a very narrow perspective on Tkkrs as a whole (even though I know they're not all like this in the back of my mind).
I have seen the flip-flopping and toxic narratives that don't really make sense, but I don't really know if that's how true Tkkrs feel or if that's coming from the more vocal, mentally unsound Tkkrs. You know what I mean?
Jkkrs shouldn't be painted as the "better" of the two, even if it's implied, because some Jkkrs really, truly are deluded by their own fantasies.
I mean, thank you for your input and shedding insight to what your view and experience has been with Tkkrs, in general, but I'm sure some Jkkrs aren't sunshine and flowers to them either. Some people might relate a lot to what you have to say, but I have to stress that I don't believe all Tkkrs are the way you've described.
I do agree that projection is part of shipping. And while it shouldn't be taken seriously, there's really not much that can be done about it. The misery that some of us might experience is dependent on our environment, so the best thing we can do for ourselves is divert our attention temporarily until things calm down (like now, for instance, since Twitter has turned into a dumpster fire).
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candicewright · 4 years
Hello Candice, it might not be the right time and place to vent my opinion in, since it mainly includes twt and ytb and might cause some controversy, but you are very reasonable person and won’t slam me so I’ll just do it. I am both XZ and WYB fan. I am not an yizhan shipper yet the majority of accounts I follow are bjyx related. Why? I cannot stand most of the solo stans. The last straw for me was today’s announcement of USXiaoZhanFans🇺🇸 twitter account and all the comments below. If you want to spend the rest of the evening peacefully, do not look it up. So there is this thing... Whether you are just XZ’s fan or WYB’s fan you will occasionally come across a content that involves both of them. And that is alright, isn’t it? Since CQL has been such a huge success, and let’s be honest ~ XZ hit a jackpot with his popularity especially thanks to his outstanding acting in the said drama, it should be all well. Yet, especially XFX, are trying to either wash XZ’s part in filming CQL or wash WYB’s existence in general. They would mention almost everyone XZ has ever associated with except for WYB, claiming there are just protecting him. But are they really? Isn’t it partly their fault XZ and WYB can’t publicly interact anymore? If XZ sees his fans disliking WYB’s presence around him, what will he logically do then? And I am not even talking about those XFX slamming WYB. Before anyone can come at me for complaining just about XFX, I would like to say I did a big research on things, watched tones of toxic solo videos and content, stuff involving the 227 incident, not because I like to torture myself, but because I wanted to make my own opinion. The funny part is that I have seen just minority of MTJJ talking badly about XZ but I have seen tons of XFX slamming WYB, acusing him of not supporting XZ or even participating in the 227 incident. Of course, this might be different on various platforms, especially on weibo, but I just find this very interesting. I immediatelly dismiss all the people blaiming WYB for taking part in the 227 incident. There is no point in interacting with them because what would he achieve by that? I’m not blind, I know WYB has valued his friendship with XZ over everything else. If you don’t see it from their interviews, and choose to ignore it from the bts clips (because if they didn’t like each other they wouldn’t have interacted at all; it’s not like they were forced to do so) then you are just a big idiot. As for people slamming WYB for not supporting XZ after the hate.. Well, is that even a question? First of all, I doubt that XZ, as WYB’s senior, would like him to suffer as well. Second of all, wouldn’t it make it even worse? Third of all, silence is better than bullshit. I believe that they supported each other privately. I’ve been a long time k-pop fan so this silent treatment is nothing new for me (as some of the k-pop idols get slammed for even more ridiculous things). XFX blaiming WYB for not being dragged down by the incident as well (yeah, you see this right) are just on another level. Did he really not suffer? Didn’t he loose his good friend...? “Why the antis attacked just XZ, not WYB?” Maybe because WYB has already gone throught this and got stronger and wouldn’t keep up with their bullshit at all? It was only logical thing to tear XZ down as his popularity was insanely increasing and in the antis eyes he was the weaker prey. (Don’t get me wrong here. I am not saying XZ is a weak person, I am just stating the fact that WYB has already gone throught this and is more experienced.) .... I could go on and on but I choose not to do it. The main point of submiting this wasn’t just to “vent my anger,” but mainly to thank you guys. As I said before even though I don’t ship them I have never seen more love and understanding than here. I can clearly see you care for both of them, without being biased, and that’s what I want, what I was looking for. And how do I deal with stuff I don’t like to see or don’t feel comfortable with on bjyx blogs? I simply skip it, ignore it. 😊 It’s not that hard😊🖤 TY
Hey! It's absolutely okay to vent here. In fact, I encourage it💜 I completely understand your frustration. If I was in your shoes, I feel like I too would follow bjyx blogs because I've seen way too many toxic solos trying to bring each other's idol down. There are some really sweet solo fans though! I could name many here on tumblr and they are a delight to talk to.
I didn't have to look up that drama because it popped up on my Twitter tl. I'm glad they made that statement and the QRTs and replies are just a free block list. But yes, it's disheartening to see so much hate in fandoms that would be so much better together.
I agree that wyb had nothing to do with 2//27 and it always makes me sad to see people saying that they wish he had done more because he probably wishes so himself. But yes, It would have just made things worse if he had, and I think it's obvious that he gave xz his support privately.
I am glad that you can find a comfortable place here! We really do love them both and you can always ignore our screaming and CPN if you need to lol😂 I wish you all the best, anon💜
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aetherknit · 3 years
He literally said "I don't want people to take this any way"
He would "feel weird if people were talking directly to him or talking about him in a conversation.." (He trailed off but it's clearly like about other pronouns)
He said - and guys pay attention to this - "I feel like my pronouns are he/him". he did emphasize "my", and only said he/him in this sentence
Just because he doesn't feel uncomfortable doesn't mean it makes him comfortable!! Your pronouns are valid no need to force them on other people!!
This isn't directed at you ofc I just wanted to give some quotes from the stream when I saw you didn't watch this part haha
actually super appreciated anon thank u so so much for the direct quotes like i cannot brave the embarrassment of those donos ToT <3333 i wish desperately that ppl could read subtext.... im not trying to argue dream will scream and die if u call him a they/themmie but if it feels like he (for some reason) wont BLATANTLY say hes against they/them for himself there might be a reason beyond "omg hes trying to communicate to 70k ppl secretly that hes nonbinary and im the only one smart enough to pick up the vibes"
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no okay because smth that pissed me off sooo bad about ppl getting defensive about "omg dream is all pronouns he told me himself" is that i never said ANYTHING abt what ppl do in their own priv spaces like.... personally i find it a bit odd if its beyond jokes but if i went crazy over everything i found "a bit odd" in mcyttwt i would never stop. BUT ASKING DREAM DIRECTLY...... like IDDDCCC ur justification -- ITS WEIRD!!!! anyways in essence: i agree
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yeah thats the right term dont worry!! i agree.... ultimately it kind of sucks because i know a lot of these ppl come from a desire for validation and i empathize but its suchhh a terrible outlet for it </3
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^ grouped because i have nothing to add except i agree and u are all so smart.
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OMG no worries + i appreciate u supporting me....... to be honest i would do it if i was fighting on tumblr but those twitter ppl are bloodthirsty like ive seen what they can do (shivers) im not afraid to admit that i will lose to a mob of stans crying wolf(self)
but genuinely u bring up a great point about how equally dehumanizing it can be to project onto ur streamers like they arent real people with feelings. tbh i dont really understand why those ppl are in this fandom at all sometimes if they arent satisfied with who their CC actually is
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THATS WHAT HE PREFERS . USE THOSE. how hard is it :sob: its funny bc twitter stans are genuinely so afraid to speak out against this kind of thing too -- despite getting absolutely destroyed (100+ qrts in 30 minutes im honestly still in shock that my tweet could be SEEN by so many in such short time ?!?!?!?!) i ended up gaining ten followers...... like i was expecting to be on 50 blocklists but ppl who agreed just silently followed to avoid joining me in the depths of hellfire ifg
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clarz-cc-archive · 3 years
answered June 26, 2020
Q: what are your thoughts on the viability of twitter as the long-term hub for fandom? i've been on twt in various fandoms for 7 yrs now and my general assessment is that it brings out the worst in many ppl. even apart from the terrible mass harassment and dog piling (which only seems to be getting worse, tbh), even the culture of "chill" twt often seems to encourage a lack of empathy or compassion, an assumption of bad faith, and a sort of generalized hyperbole that can lead to a flattening or removal of nuance. this was sparked by an interaction i saw play out earlier that went very badly bc of how everyone approached it when, from what i could tell, there was no actual disagreement btwn any of them. idk. ultimately, i don't know where else fandom would go that wouldn't replicate many of these problems to a greater or lesser extent. but i feel like i've seen you touch on some of this before and i wondered if you had any thoughts.
A: bts fandom is my first one on twitter, so it's always hard for me to separate what of my experience is fandom-specific vs platform-specific; my acct was created in 2016 but i literally had never used it until i started using it for bts at the end of 2018 because it seemed like all the cool people i would wanna be friends with were on twitter (the vibe of the bts fandom on tumblr, which is where i was previously, seems p different to me and i couldn't rly find anyone who was talking about them in the ways i wanted to talk about them!) i think there are advantages and disadvantages to twitter tbh, but i can only really compare it to tumblr, since that's the only other platform i've used for fandom (i was around and reading fic in fandom during livejournal in the early 2000s, but i only lurked, so i don't have any experience with creating content or interacting with ppl there from which to draw.)
i've found that twitter is a much easier place to get to know people, since replies to threads are such an easy way of joining a conversation, so i made friends here much faster than on tumblr, but i think the simultaneous disadvantage of replies is that it makes it easier for people to dogpile and that other ppl feel totally fine with barging into your mentions when you don't know them with some kind of shitty hot take lmao. twitter is a terrible place to try to have any kind of discourse too tbh, bc the fact that you have to put things in threads makes it WAY easier for people to qRT only one part of a thread and take that out of context. there's also a thing i see on twitter way more than on tumblr, which i think comes from this drawback of threads, where when discourse is happening people will agree with some small point you made in one tweet of a thread and run w it in a direction that's kind of extreme, so points that were originally v nuanced will steadily get boiled down through ppl's agreement or disagreement into these weird extreme hard stances, and the convo IMMEDIATELY veers off in 400 different directions. i think this happened on tumblr too, it's kind of the nature of online discourse, but it was at least slower, yknow?
ultimately, whenever twt blows up i frequently see ppl being like "oh god i miss [tumblr/lj/etc]," and like i don't know abt any of y'all but i remember shit being JUST as bad on those platforms lmao! they were hellscapes, just in slightly different ways! i think fandom will prob move on from twitter, bc fandom seems to move en masse every 5-10 years anyway, but i also think it's important for reasonable people and experienced fans in these communities to keep having convos abt how to build community and how to treat others online, bc fandom will ALWAYS have new uninitiated people coming in. the optimist in me hopes that if i behave in a way that i think is fair and kind online, maybe it will encourage others to do the same! it's all i can do!
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