agerexmlmboys · 30 days
Ranking BG3 Boys From Least to Most Bratty
Is the furthest thing from a brat. He regresses to a sweet, sensible 6/7 year old.
Is the perfect angel for his caregiver and loves to be helpful. He understands quiet time and, if given a book or some toys, he's fine. He also makes for a good big brother to other littles, especially needy or brattier littles.
Would cry if he vaguely thought he was doing something that would upset his papa/mama. He has cried over thinking he broke the rules only to be told he hasn't done anything wrong.
Is very good with following rules and will ask for permission before doing anything, no matter how unnecessary it may be.
He loves bedtime and will go down only if he gets to read a story with you, and Tara curled up next to him.
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He is also an absolute angel but also has a bit of a bratty side. Is a helpful little for his caretaker and lives to be told he's a good boy. He regresses to an age of aboyt 4-7
Can be a very picky eater and has to be coaxed into eating his veggies. Has to be goven extra minutes after bedtime in return for eating his veggies.
Stubbornness is his worst trait as a little. If he does or doesn't want to do something, his caregiver will definitely know.
Cries when he is called a naughty boy for doing something bad and will spend all of his time trying to get his caregiver to call him a good boy.
Bedtime is surprisingly easy. Being the son of a duke does mean that he's a tad spoiled when it comes to where he sleeps. If the bed isn't up to his liking he will be fussy.
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Is definitely a brat, but he can be less of a brat given time. His regression age is between 2 and 3.
Will definitely cry if he doesn't get his way or gets dirty. He only wants his mama/papa to make everything perfect for him.
He gets very hungry and is very food oriented as a little. It's almost never enough and his constant hunger leads to constant crankiness.
His brattiness is only put in check with the threat of a time out, which will send him into a spiral, which then ends up with him sucking his thumb in his caregiver's lap because he's scared of time out.
He either goes out like a light when put down, or he's throwing a tantrum about going to bed. The latter scenario ends in Astarion tiring himself out.
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Is a bigger brat than Astarion, regresses to an age of about 4/5.
He doesn't eat his veggies unless forced, and he definitely tries to eat cookies before dinner.
He will give the sweet puppy dog face, and when he looks at his caregiver with those eyes he normally gets what he wants.
Will ask to read magic tomes with his papa/mama and Gale so he can practice magic. Regressed Rolan and regressed Gale have a big bro/little bro dynamic with Rolan learning from his cool older bro, that is the literal Wizard of Waterdeep and Mystra's chosen. Honestly, it's those moments with Gale that teach him to be less bratty.
Bedtime is met with some resistance. But with some warm milk and a nice bedtime story, along with Gale, he would be out like a light.
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Is literally a brat from hell. No seriously blame Raphael for his distinct lack of child rearing, which has now culminated in the brat that is Enver Gortash. He regresses to the age of a 2 year old.
At first, one would think he was a very demure, very mindful little. Especially in public where he is always on his best behavior.
He will pout, scream, and throw a tantrum if he doesn't get his way. His favorite word is definitely no.
All that being said, he does understand when he's trying his luck if his caregiver gives him a stern look or worse raises their tone at him. In which case, he either acts up or starts crying, saying he'll be good.
Bedtime is a nightmare. This boy will not go to sleep unless you're directly holding him and reading him a story. Otherwise, he will try to get out of bed to continue play time. But when he sleeps, he looks so peaceful and cute.
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banes-favourite · 8 months
With the idea of agere gortash I like to imagine that maybe part of why he's so smiley when reuniting with Durge at his coronation is that he's having to mentally fight to keep himself from regressing now that his favorite person is there
Makes me wonder about what would happen in some sort of au where maybe when the party goes to see him in his office after the coronation he's not able to really prevent himself from regressing. So now Durge and the companions with them are having to figure out what to do with this tyrant who's suddenly acting like a little kid and clinging to Durge(I think Karlach and Wyll would probably be especially conflicted or confused by the situation. Because this is literally the man that sold Karlach to a devil and who's caused so much to get worse in Baldur's Gate, and who kidnapped and tadpoled Wyll's father. But here he is pretty much acting like a little kid and grinning while looking at Durge with the biggest childish expression)
After spending so much time worrying and stressing and grieving Durge, he's finally returned to him and all he can feel is just this pure joy and urge to regress 😭 Like he's speaking about his favourite assassin and dearest and nearest but in his head he's just "Look at that person. That's my favourite person. They'll take care of me, they're my favourite person :) "
and he DOES when he's mostly alone with them because he just feels so SAFE omg. I imagine the companions just being super confused, half thinking this is a trap to let their guards down, other half thinking he must be joking. Durge is equally puzzled as to why The Chosen Of Bane and Archduke of Baldur's Gate just ran up to him and clung on him with the brightest, most innocent smile ever.
But I think they'd also act out of instinct and hug him back, carefully ask him what's going on. Gortash just happily explains that he missed them and he was hoping they'd be back soon because he made them some drawings and he pulls out these fking. crude kid pictures of durge and himself holding hands and he's drawn as a child so that clues everyone in a little bit.
Yeah I think Karlach and Wyll would be the most shocked of all, Karlach especially bc she was about ready to split him in half with her axe but now he's acting genuinely like a kid and she feels so bad. Gortash asks her why she's so hot and she's like "... Because of the engine you put in me??" and gort just goes "I like engines :) I like to draw them wanna see" and pulls out crayon sketches of some random gears. And Karlach doesn't know whether to laugh or cry at the moment tbh.
Wyll would be the first to get the hint I think and despite everything, he'd treat him with soo much gentleness. He can't help it, he loves kids, how is he supposed to say no when Gortash excitedly asks him if he wants to play with him and Durge and hands them all toys? No, he plays along and even lets him win
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More Gale! And Astarion! This once is sadder, just as a heads up!
The days seemed increasingly longer the more time they spent traveling, though Gale knew that the sun rose and set within the same 24 hour parameter. His lungs burned as they continued their hike through the mountain pass, huffing breaths that seemed to have no effect on the pain. This was a downside to being the only human in the group, and also to having lived as a hermit for quite some time before their adventure, his stamina was low, lower than everyone else in their lovely little party. Astarion didn’t even need to breathe!
He felt tears well up in his eyes, the result of frustration and embarrassment, and struggled to blink them away. Sweat coated his forehead, despite the rather cool temperature, and he found himself drifting closer to regression. Gale shook his head, he couldn’t deal with that right now, not while everyone was already being burdened by him. He didn’t want to layer another inconvenience upon them, especially one they wouldn’t understand, what if they left him behind? The thought scared him more than he imagined it would, and he pushed his aching feet to walk just a little faster. He tended to travel near the back of the pack, but he was falling behind at this point, properly falling behind.
Between his lack of focus, and the tears he refused to admit existed clouding his vision, Gale did not notice the rock he was about to trip over, and as such tripped over it. He yelped as he went down, throwing out his hands to catch himself, wincing as he scraped up his palms. He took a moment to look himself over, but nothing seemed out of place, apart from the few pebbles and dirt stuck to his scratched hands. He stood up, brushing himself off with a wrinkled nose, and then looked ahead to see how far behind he was, except he couldn’t see them. Gale froze, staring at the empty path ahead of him with a rising sense of panic.
He started walking again, he was too exhausted to run but he walked as quickly as he could. He followed the path, noticing there was a hill ahead. They must have just disappeared behind it, he reasoned. But when he reached the top of the blasted thing, he still could not see them. He clutched his quarterstaff and wiped away tears and sweat, he was Gale of Waterdeep, he could handle being lost. He hoped they hadn’t found trouble, he was only down for a minute at most, how far could they have gotten?
The sun was beginning to set and Gale was panicking in earnest now. Had they traveled off path? Did they decide to start running? How had he not caught up to them yet, when it was just a straight road? Had they… had they noticed he was missing? Surely, they must have at this point! It’s not hard to count, or to notice the distinct lack of purple, or chatter, as they walked. Gale looked up at the dimming sky and looked around, noticing a divot in the rock face nearby. He sat down inside of it, pulling off his pack and curling up to conserve heat. He wanted Astarion, and Tara. Gale buried his face in his hands as he began to cry in earnest, for he had been left behind. Forgotten.
“Mr. Dekarios?” Gale looked up, relief obvious all over his face at the familiar words of his familiar.
“Tara!” Gale exclaimed, reaching out towards her. She came willingly, allowing herself to be pulled into his lap and stroked. “Oh thank Mystra you’re here,” He whispered softly, pressing a few kisses to her forehead.
Tara gave him a look but relented, allowing him to shower her in affection. “Where is the rest of your group, Mr. Dekarios? Why have you left your company?” Gale winced, Tara would be displeased with the other’s if she found out the true reason. Gale took a moment to come up with a reasonable lie, one that would get himself into trouble instead of the other’s.
“I wandered off, as I am prone to do, and found myself lost.” Gale admitted to her, the reservation and shame he imbued into his voice was real, simply misdirected. It was almost true, which was the best kind of lie to tell a tressym who knows you better than you know yourself. Tara nipped at his fingers, narrowing her eyes at him to express displeasure.
“Mr. Dekarios, you really ought to know better, but surely they must be looking for you. Cast a spell, make your location obvious.” Gale smiled at Tara, but it was weak and strained, faltering almost immediately. How to explain that, by this point, he rather doubted they were looking for him at all?
“What a wonderful idea, Tara.” He whispered, voice cracking slightly. He ushered her off of his lap and stood, summoning a flame into his hands and tossing it upwards. Hopefully, it would be enough to draw some positive attention, but not enough to draw any negative attention. “There we go,” Gale murmured, settling back down into his spot. Tara reclaimed her spot on his lap, purring into his chest as she nuzzled his robe. He continued petting her as they waited. And waited. And waited.
Gale must have fallen asleep at some point, because he woke up to kisses from a rough tongue. He wrinkled his nose as he opened his eyes, coming face to face with a worried Tara. “Your companions did not see your signal,” Tara told him sadly. “We must find them, instead of the other way around. Up you get!” And Gale followed her instructions, giving himself a once over and hoisting up his pack as they began to walk the path again.
They were both quite surprised when only a 20 minute walk later, they stumbled upon the camp. It was quiet, which made sense considering the early morning, but clearly occupied, and settled. Gale eyed the set up of tents, his usual spot next to Astarion was taken. He dropped his pack next to the burnt out fire and began to prepare breakfast, ignoring Tara’s probing questions until she got annoyed and stalked off. Gale inhaled and exhaled sharply, then slowly, trying his best to not cry over eggs and coffee.
Karlach was the first one to step out, and she grinned at him. “Morning wizard,” She said with a yawn. “How was your night?” And Gale. Gale should have been angry, or upset, or said anything about the fact that they had left him behind and not noticed! But, he couldn’t. Because who was he to be upset when clearly he was too weak to keep up?
“It was fine,” Gale lied through his teeth, “How did your night go?” And he sat and faked a smile as Karlach told him about catching Wyll dancing, about them laying next to each other and falling asleep under the stars, all with stars in her eyes and tail flicking happily.
This process continued for the rest of the companions, he fed them breakfast, they chatted like everything was normal. He noticed a distinct lack of Astarion and Shadowheart, though that was rectified when they appeared out of the bush, Tara in tow. Astarion rushed towards him, looking relieved. “Gale, are you okay?” Astarion said frantically, taking his face in his hands and scanning him for injuries. The others looked confused, which seemed to anger Astarion a fair bit. Shadowheart stood behind Astarion, looking at the others with a disapproving smile.
“I’m fine,” Gale responded, tilting his head. He looked towards Tara, who looked quite pleased with herself and rather displeased with his friends. “Why?” Astarion dropped his hands and glared at him, poking a finger into his chest repeatedly.
“You know why! You spent the night in the cold, with only Tara for company! Who knows what could have happened to you!” Astarion continued to rant about Gale’s stupidity, but Gale was more focussed on the remaining members of their party. Lae’zel was not paying attention, but Wyll and Karlach suddenly seemed to notice the fact that Gale’s tent was missing from their set up. They both straightened up, looking at him with wide eyes. “-And I can’t believe I even have to say this but you three!” Astarion turned sharply to face the 1 disinterested and 2 guilty looking onlookers, “How did you not notice that he was missing? Are you half-wits? Is there nothing between those ears stuck to those pretty little heads-”
“That’s enough, Astarion.” Gale interjected smoothly, smiling softly at his… not a thought for right now! “It’s my own fault for falling behind-” Tara hissed at him, oh right! Gale winced, he had forgotten about his lie. Clearly, that was the story Tara had told Astarion and Shadowheart as well, because their faces contorted. “Um, I mean wandering off?”
“Fell behind? You- I’m going to explode, imbeciles! All of you! Idiotic imbeciles who- That- Ugh!” Astarion glared at them, Lae’zel had wandered off herself now. Gale couldn’t blame her.
“My apologies,” Wyll began once Astarion had stopped making vaguely angry noises. “If we had known we would have searched for you, but me and Karlach were…” He winced as Astarions neck cracked with the speed he whipped his head to stare at Wyll.
“Apologies don’t have the word ‘but’ in them Wylliam.” Astarion hissed. Wyll began to protest that that was not his name but silence himself when Astarion narrowed his eyes. “Here’s an example of what you should say, ‘I’m sorry for being an assface and not noticing we had forgotten you existed, I will work towards your forgiveness.’” Wyll looked like a kicked puppy, as did Karlach, but they both recited the apology in sync, looking at Gale with crushed expressions.
“It’s really not a big deal,” Gale mumbled, face flushed with embarrassment at the attention. It wasn’t a big deal, really. His self-confidence, which had actually been growing slightly due to his role in the group, was completely crushed, but that wasn’t an issue. Gale forced a smile onto his face, but it fell once Shadowheart frowned at him.
“It is a ‘big deal’. We made a commitment to travel together, safety in numbers, and you were forsaken from this pact. Moreso, this has clearly hurt you emotionally, which is… not good.” Gale smiled a bit, Shadowheart and him were not particularly close, but he could appreciate the attempt.
There was an awkward silence, one Gale was unsure of how to fill. This whole situation was awkward for him, and for the other’s too he was sure. Eventually, Astarion grabbed his wrist and dragged him to his tent, setting him down on the pillows and blankets and sitting across from him. Gale waited patiently for Astarion to figure out what he wanted to say.
“I apologize. I’m sure you noticed that me and Shadowheart were sent ahead to scout the temple ahead of time,” Gale nodded, they had left before he had fallen behind, “But what happened to you was… unfair. Will you tell me the story please, the real one, not the lie you told Tara.” Gale winced at the mention of his familiar, he would certainly get an earful later, but nodded.
“I was fatigued,” Gale admitted, “I fell behind, further than usual, and I fell and-” Gale huffed, scrubbing at his face. Why was he so emotional over this? “When I looked back up there was no one in sight, so I kept walking, until it grew too dark to continue, so I settled for the night. You know the rest from Tara, I’m sure.” He felt a hand on his face tilting his head up (When had he looked down?). Astarion gently wiped away his tears with his thumb and pulled him into a hug, petting his head as he did so. Gale hugged back, tightly, struggling not to cry as he was held. It was only when he felt his thumb slip into his mouth that he realized why he had been so emotional. Clearly, his attempts at warding off regression the previous day had failed, and it had slipped his notice that he was, perhaps, feeling on the smaller side.
“You had me so worried,” Astarion said, and his voice sounded thick. “When me and Shadowheart were heading back to camp and I saw Tara alone and she said that you had gotten lost I couldn’t-” Astarion swallowed, “I can’t lose you.”
“I’m sorry,” Gale whispered, “Cuddle?” Astarion wiped his tears and nodded, grabbing one of his various blankets and pulling it over them. Gale noticed he had also grabbed the little blanket he’s had since the beginning, and brought it up close to his face, concealing most of himself in it. Gale pressed against him, trying to give him the warmth and comfort he had given to Gale.
They weren’t perfect, they probably would never be, but in that moment they were better, and that’s what matters.
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thelittlestgrove · 1 year
hi :0 could i potentially request carer astarion headcanons? i hope you have a lovely day!
ofc I could!! thank you for the ask & you too :)
I'll reblog this when I've finished the hcs!
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moonleet · 1 year
local wyll enthusiasts hoarding tumblr user moonlet for more delicious cg!wyll hcs (<- trying to politely ask for more cg!wyll hcs but feels bad) /lh/nf
idk about y'all but i always always have my build of wyll be able to speak to animals hes my favorite utility/support party member ever SO he just,, mysteriously has animals of all sorts following him. he teaches his little one how to approach them nicely and helps them communicate!!!
he will play fight with his little one if asked to!! as a duelist, he's familiar with various flashier forms and has the control to make sure that they don't get hurt/let them win without letting On that he's holding back. he gasps dramatically, falls to the ground, "the blade of frontiers has been defeated by the formidable [name]! oh, gods have mercy!" he really knows how to put on a show and he loves making his little one laugh!!
somehow never prepared for bumps and bruises 😭😭 he kisses it better and helps his little one back to camp but he's a bit used to shaking it off, himself, and forgets to carry around first aid supplies because he doesn't really need that when they're not regressed!! whoops :'(
comes up with silly songs that rhyme, all personalized for his little one! they can get a bit flowery because he is coming up with the name rhymes on the spot,, but they detail allll of the adventures theyve gone on!
on that note, wyll absolutely sings his little one to sleep/a state of meditation. he can carry a tune, but it's how much love thats in his voice which really counts
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tinytinybumblebee · 9 months
Baby gith and tiefs have the same problem with teething I imagine, with all the sharp teeth. Wyll was in for a rude awakening when my regressed durge started nomming on his arm with a mouthful of razors. Shaky thumbs up from Wyll even with a baby bhaalspawn chewing on him with such sharp teeths >v<
Awwwww oh my goodness 🥺💖💖 both species have such sharp teeths that when they're regressed, they just have that impulsive need to chew to 'help' !!
Poor Wyll oh goodness xD lets hope all those tumbles and battles have toughened up his skin so he can take some noms from his little gith (and probably that day Wyll goes on a hunt to find a teether for his bab♡)
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boyswillbedogz · 1 month
headmates that are active on our socials
as of august 2024
☀️: Lennon he/they/it • host well mannered if not frequently distressed. if you wanna become friends with us collectively your best best is be nice to him and the others may accustom themselves to you.
☀️: Autopsy cohost / ASPD symptom holder / prosecutor • he/it/mutt/bark/snarl slightly destructive dead dog & mildly source connected sal fisher fictive. somewhat flat & blunt when you first meet him. if youre a dick hes probably who youll have to answer to. mostly fronts when Lennon's annoyed or overwhelmed but sometimes hes just around.
💫: Socks ADHD symptom holder / cohost ??? • h3/h1m source connected ben drowned fictive with very unclear purpose. he's pretty friendly, has a typing quirk, and likes video games and typical teenage boy shit. he likes scenecore as an aesthetic but his music tatse is kind of a mess. sparkledog.
☀️: Lokii cohost / ADHD symptom holder • he/they/splash mildly source connected sebastian (pressure) fictive. outgoing theatre kid, can be snippy and "a bit much." less likely than Autopsy but he'll chew you out. fronts basically any time Lennon can't and Autopsy wont.
💫: cypher & wyll unknown ?? he / it / gold / any a mostly source disconnected tumblr sexyman bill cipher & will cypher subsystem. came back from dormancy recently and we dont know why. cypher is an extremely unhinged theatre kid & wyll is a sopping wet cat with no morals. 💫: Saide syskid / soother he / pup little dude, also a hunter fictive. usually runs our agere account. rarely fronts without Luka or Mori in cofront but he can hold his own 💫: Lukotomy "Luka" protector / soother / caretaker he / it / they a golden lab service dog who usually fronts while we're at school or supervises the littles. 💫: Mori ex gatekeeper / soother • fae/he/they/it friendly and polite extremely source disconnected revivebur fictive. an angel, fond of lower life forms but not particularly sociable. 💫: Voidal stress holder • they/any volatile chunk of void. on our socials often but not very personable, you basically have to talk to them like a scared animal or theyll flip out and trigger Autopsy. 💫: Unname unclear • mew/they/it/any Pretty well rounded source disconnected ranboo fictive. pretty well rounded person, does most of our chores and may pop in every now & then 💫: Mystic / Mythic "Mys" Gatekeeper • He/hym + they/it Pretty blunt and flat, exists mostly to do behind the scenes and occasional damage control when Mori cant. Polite but not very sociable.
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If you're still doing the asks could you do ⚔️? ❤️❤️❤️
⚔️ Wyll!
I can see him as more of a CG than a little, though he might try regression a few times just to see what it's all about
Play fighting! And dancing! Love to do physically active stuff with littles
Great for climbing on, down to be a monkey gym
Will do anything for his little, and very open to taking care of anyone at anytime.
If he is regressed, definitely more reserved until he comes out of his shell
He's scared to disappoint people, so he'll do his best to be accommodating even if it's to his detriment, as both a cg and little
Thanks for the ask!
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thelittlestgrove · 1 year
🍁 cg wyll headcanons!
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🖍️ general hc’s 🍓
wyll is the most understanding cg ever !! no matter where you are & no matter what's happening, he's right there if you need him to help you <3
he's great with children & knows exactly how to take care of his little one !!
he'll show the braver little ones how to fence too !! Using wooden swords ofc <3
and if they defeat him, he says stuff like 'the Blade of Frontiers has fallen! How doth the victor of this great bate claim their prize?' n' then he'll give you alll the treats & drinks you want :3 (until it's unsafe ofc !! He'd never endanger his little one on purpose <3)
he'd get you whatever you need as soon as you need it! sometimes he even knows what you want before you can even tell him :)
he's great at understanding nv littles !! he's got flash cards on him in case you shut down during something important & need help <3
definitely takes his little one on adventures !! he's showing you the forest & how to safely harvest little things that are safe for you to handle, and what you can & can't pet out in the wild <3
🌹 little carer hc’s 🐞
100% got you a bejeweled paci with your fave animal on it !! thematic with your fave color too :3
got you a stuffie specially made for you !! it has a lil paci (& nappy if you like diaps !!) you can give it too :3
a little crown for the littlest babie !! :3
a lil bib for you !! it's your favorite color & it has a crown on it bc you're so special to him <3
❤️ pet carer hc’s 🍎
the most royal little one to ever exist !! he treats you like the #1 pet in the whole wide world, only the best for his little <3
(if you like collars) he 100% will get you a 'royal hound' collar n' gear !! only the softest bed for you, it's his treat <3
(if he becomes the duke) definitely asks the chefs to make you your favorite treats shaped like bones or fish or whatever you want when pet regressed <33
custom gear too !! he'd find a way to get you fake ears or a tail or whatever you want <3
knows all your favorite scritchies spots & makes sure he knows them all the time !!
(if you like bowls) he'd get you bowls with 'wyll's most royal [puppy/kitty/fox/etc]' <33
my requests are always open!
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moonleet · 1 year
💥🌺 cute pink glitter explosion! 🌸💥
more will hcs pls they are the best :3 no pressure tho!
woah!!! that's a lot of glitter 😵‍💫😵‍💫 ask and ye shall receive :3
wyll is a BRILLIANT storyteller, this is known - but he's also the most attentive audience member in the world! his little one wants to tell him about their day, or about princesses and dragons and epic adventures? he's sitting right there at their eye level, listening and nodding along and asking questions at just the right places ("the dragon caught the sheep? all by itself? woah!")
super super encouraging. believes that there's nothing his little one can't do! it's all age-appropriate expectations, of course, but he's much more likely to gently guide than help directly unless he's asked to. so if his little one's struggling with a task, he'll tell them something like "i know you can do it! what if we tried..."
the blade of frontiers has had his fair share of mending things on the road: so a broken toy or a torn stuffie is nothing he can't fix. he's the type to get his little one involved in fixing things, especially if they broke it (natural consequences and all...). "do it together" is his motto haha
high-fives. so many high-fives. so so so many high-fives, especially with an older toddler or little kid. fist bumps, too.
wyll is generally okay with compromising on things, but the one thing he will not budge on is making sure his little one is adequately fed. food can be hard, he understands! he'll pull out every trick in the book to make sure they're eating enough. even "here comes the dragon..."
with a baby regressor, wyll is sooooo absolutely doting over them that he gets gently teased by the other companions. he can't help it- look how cute his baby is! he speaks very softly and loves singing lullabies.
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tinytinybumblebee · 10 months
(potential spoilers for Wyll's storyline in act 3)
I think Wyll just has to regress after saving his father because Ulder is so mean to him :(
Little guy is curled up in his tent and one of the adults has to come in for cuddles and to tell him what a brave, heroic boy he is.
My BABYYYYYYYY😭💖 I was so sure Duke would be more chill and loving that his son saved him- but noo he calls his son an abomination and practically spits at Wyll ;^;
Poor Wyll is in his tent that night (or bed if at the tavern hostel) sniffling and clutching his pillow, trying to understand why his father isn't happy to see him, but his mind is fuzzed out and right now he's just a little boy, a lost and confused little baby boy.
Thankfully, his companions swoop in and cuddle him up on their lap, petting his head and rubbing soothing circles onto his back as they tell him just how brave of a boy he is, how strong and kind he is- he is such a good boy!! They make him his favourite snack and read to him from the folklore book Wyll has tucked under his bed, kissing his temples with soothing words ;w; if Duke won't praise his boy, then party members will!!!!
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tinytinybumblebee · 10 months
The tiny ones in baldur’s gate getting sick… what are the lil ones like when they’re feeling yucky? I’m weak for sick comfort ;~;
Waaaa ;0; poor babbbiesss!
Wyll, Shadowheart, and Karlach are little troopers! Sure, they don't like feeling yucky, and being cooped up in bed isn't ideal buuut they only complain a little bit when they need to take medicine. Shadowheart is very particular on what stories are read to her while resting (and you MUST do the voices) - Wyll is just content to hear his carer's voice while he's tucked in ;w;
Karlach is a biiit more insitant that you should let her play because she totallllllly feels better, but little cooings and promises that she'll feel better enough to play soon have her laying back in her bedroll (with Clive by her side of course! Because that's her buddy)
Astarion? Oooh, it's the end of the world for this poor baby boy💔! He h a t e s being sick! It's yucky, it's no fun!! He is very fussy, kicking his blankie off, then whining because he's shivering - his nose is runny, and that is such an uncomfortable sensation for him. Poor guy needs his carer by his side the whole time, coddling him as they rub his back, soothing him as they mix some herbs into his blood bottle to help him with the aches ;0; ♡
Rolan is fairly similar to Astarion. He haaaaaates being sick, but mostly because he's not allowed to do anything he wants to do! Staying in bed isn't as fun when you're aching, and your head hurts, especially when your carer keeps telling you "no, you can be practicing magic". So Rolan fusses up a storm! Thankfully, Cal and Lia know exactly how to soothe him, calm their baby brother down enough to where he'll cuddle up in bed as they feed him some yummy soup and tell him silly stories until he falls asleep ♡
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tinytinybumblebee · 10 months
Big brother Wyll would totally let you have a sleepover in his tent if your were afraid of the dark♡
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tinytinybumblebee · 11 months
Though Wyll tends to regress a bit older and is a sweet, protective big brother for the other littles, I think it's nice for him to also let someone take care of him.
He doesn't have to be big and strong all the time, he can cry a little when he gets a scrape and have someone help patch him up and kiss it better before he goes running off to play again.
!!!!! Yes !!!!
Wyll deserves to be a little kiddo, one who runs around with the others, carefree as he can pretend to be anything he wants! Giggles from the blade of frontier as he swings his legs while listening to child songs from the bard-
He also deserves to be able to curl up on someone's lap as he's read a bedtime story, cooed over as he sleepily rubs at his eyes, a soft whine in his tone as he tells them he's not sleepy. But his carer just smiles, kissing his temple as they're like, "Ooh my little prince, those yawns say otherwise, come now, lets get my little boy off to sleepy lands"🥺💖💖
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thelittlestgrove · 9 months
“a character you headcanon as a sitter / sibby”
fictional agere challenge - day 4!
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Wyll Ravengard (BG3)!
of he is suuuch a sweet & quietly protective sibby I know it :) he protects you first & foremost by verbally defending you, and then taking you out to play and have fun wherever you wanna go ^^
more of a cg big sib then a regressor big sib I think, like he doesn't age regress but he does age dream, and he's more of a cg then a little :)
"oh? what's this? I love it! did you draw this? oh it's so good sweetheart."
"Why yes, I would love to color with you! Here, follow me, I know a spot where we can have some peace and quiet.”
I don't know how to explain it, he's just sooo big brother coded in my eyes :,)
thank you for reading! my requests are always open.
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