#again this is not for people who just don't want to have kids! people who don't are just as valid as people who do
juststandingthere · 2 days
ISTG this game is making me insane, brainrot strong enough for me to make my first analysis post
One thing i love about the narrative is how distorted the characters, relationships and events are from jimmy's pov. Most posts discussing this focus on Anya, and it makes sense bc she's probably the biggest victim of this. She's seen as less than a person, she's an incompetent nurse, she has a meek personality, she'll let anyone(jimmy) step over her and she still follows his orders, despite everything he has done to her. We obviously see, from curly's pov, that she's simply too terrified of her abuser to act any other way, and when she's not with him she's way more confident and competent.
I haven't seen as many people talking about how this "distortion" affects Swansea and Daisuke as well, including the relationship they have with each other.
We see, in the first Curly section, that Swansea is a great mentor to Daisuke (one might even say they have a father-son/uncle-nephew relationship). He takes his time to teach him not just the basics, but also how to do his job as safely as possible. He lets him take notes, he himself writes stuff down for him to remember and even lets him doodle on those notes! Sure he is harsh with him, but he clearly cares about him and wants him to be safe.
And in return Daisuke looks up to him and has great respect for him, as both a mechanic and a man, while he also makes some jokingly offensive comments towards the older man, showing the close bond they have formed.
But that's not what we see when we play as Jimmy.
In his pov we don't see them interacting much, when they do we either see Swansea insulting Daisuke for no apparent reason or, in one occasion, we see him leading the kid down a "bad path" wanting to teach him how to "drink like a man".
When they aren't interacting tho, we do see hints of their actual relationship: Swansea asking where the kid is when he is "partying" in the lounge, confirming that he does not, in fact, hate spending time with him; him looking desperately for something, *anything*, that could help Daisuke with his suffering after he's injured; how whenever Jimmy tries to bring up to Daisuke how "badly" Swansea treats him, or how he "lied" to them about the utility room, Daisuke immediately shuts him down, because he knows what he's saying is completely wrong (i'm pretty sure those are the only times he doubts something Jimmy says), showing once again the trust and respect he has for his mentor.
(this part is kinda speculative but i think it makes sense)
There are two other times where we see them interacting, where we actually see how much Swansea cares for the kid, and coincidentally, neither of them is seen through Jimmy's eyes, but from a third person pov: what Swansea says right before they knock him out with the drink, about how he resents the people that let Daisuke, someone with his whole life ahead of him, with so much optimism and joy, board the ship for a job that would inevitably leave him "mangled" and "smarter in a worse way" (i could make a whole other essay on this part but i won't), and what he says right before mercy killing him. In that scene specifically, as the camera pans out in the corridor as Swansea raises his axe, ready to take the final swing, Jimmy doesn't see the hesitation in his body language, the way his body tenses, the way he comforts the kid, telling him to close his eyes, the heavy breaths (crying?maybe?) right after the act. He only sees the older man as a monster that would take away an innocent life that jimmy would have been able to fix had he been given the time to fucking think.
Hell, now that i think about it, Swansea's final monologue, where we find out that he is in fact a good man who tried his best to better himself, who simply wanted to protect the kid and give him "a chance off this goddamn rock"(implying that the Cryopod was meant for Daisuke all along) is also shown in third person!
A few other things i found interesting:
1-The missing pieces between what happened to Daisuke in the vent and when Swansea started attacking Jimmy. There's a cut from when Daisuke screams to when he's laying on (Swansea's) bed, bloody and in pain; from when Jimmy uses the mouthwash to disinfect him (which only causes him to suffer more) and two hours later; from after the talk the two men have and the moment Jimmy decides to go find the gun, the axe gone from Daisuke's face. What happened in those missing scenes? Was Swansea the one who helped the kid onto his bed, trying to make him as comfortable as possible? Did he try to comfort him, to distract him, and ease his pain as well as he could? What was his reaction when he had to take back the axe off the face of the young man he had started seeing as his own kid, whose life he had hoped he could save but that he ultimately had to take with his own hands?
I personally think those parts are blocked out of Jimmy's mind, as he couldn't fit them in his own narrative, where he was the hero, Swansea the villain and Daisuke the innocent, young man whose life he tried his best to protect from this "monster" that was now going to come after him.
2-Swansea attacking Jimmy with the axe, especially the cemetery scene, and how it can be interpreted in different ways.
We, the viewers, knowing everything that happened, will see it as a desperate man, Swansea, trying to avenge the lives that had been lost on that ship because of Jimmy (wether directly or not), with Daisuke's death being the last straw. But i don't think that's how Jimmy saw it. He saw swansea as a crazed, mad man, a ruthless killer, coming for him after taking an innocent life, Daisuke's photo and mausoleum as a reminder for Jimmy of what the older man had done, and a justification for what he was about to do.
(not to talk about the implication that the fight against swansea was not as intense as we saw it, only confirming the idea that jimmy was looking for a justification for shooting him)
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part two of reader who secretly wants to disappear
part one here
you sit still on your sofa when hawks visits, coming in through the window.
no lights on, not even the tv. just sitting there silently with the moonlight as company.
"hawks," you call out to him, not looking at him. he walks towards you to get a look at your face and it seems that your eyes have sunken further than before.
you look like you hadn't eaten and the clean sink and kitchen confirms his observation.
"you kill people in secret, don't you?"
his eyes widen.
yes, he has told you a lot about the bad sides of his hero work because he trusts you more than anyone but he never expects you to bring that topic up.
"i'm sure you know how to kill someone swiftly and without pain."
he kneels by your side, taking your soft hand in his. he wants to ask why you are saying this.
but he doesn't want to hear it.
"what if... i pay you a huge sum if you do it to me?"
he doesn't know if he's in a nightmare watching you disappear again.
you scoff and smile at him but your eyes remain vacant. like an empty metal box.
"ju~st kidding," you say. "what would happen to hero society without me?"
you're right.
despite not being a hero anymore and retiring early, your influence on hero society far exceeds the number one hero's or even HSPC itself.
your words and actions are what resonated with the people.
hawks wishes that someone could inspire you as well.
to not be this empty.
you are his childhood friend and you both grew up together.
he doesn't know when it started but somewhere along the way, you started to only be a shell of a person that once was you.
you couldn't take it anymore and eventually you crumbled. you retired before you can even reach 30. currently, money won't be an issue but hawks promised himself to provide for you when time comes that your income dries up.
"...why would you say that?" he asks.
he puts a gloved hand on your cheek and you bask in its comfort.
"i have issues, hawks." he knows. "sorry for scaring you like that."
he's the one who accompanies your walks to therapy from your home and back.
"were you serious?"
you remain silent.
"i... i have bad days too," he smiles weakly, resting his head on the couch beside your legs.
"i experienced a bad past too... though you already knew that."
he sighs, caressing the back of your hand with his thumb.
"i saw things i shouldn't see and did things i shouldn't have done."
hawks speaks like he's in pain. he looks up at your eyes and sees you looking already at his.
not that empty stare again.
"but... despite all that, i still have happy days y'know?" he gives your hand a light squeeze. "like when we eat fried chicken together... or when i found someone to mentor from UA... or when my patrols go smoothly... or when i see endeavor and annoy him," he chuckles.
"there are still good days ahead."
he places both of his hands on one of yours as he looks at you.
"like when you're with—"
you easily cut him off.
"you wouldn't understand."
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vroomvroommuppett · 7 hours
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birthday celebration | main masterlist | taglist | buy me a coffee! | pateron | still taking requests! | feedback form!! | lance story tag list
requested by: @raizelchrysanderoctavius: Today is my birthday, October 24th here in my country. I don't know the time difference from your country. Can I request Lance Stroll x y/n please 🥺 I'm 23 this year and I have like major baby fever this year 😭 I'm single and not ready to mingle. Lance and y/n have been in a relationship for years but the fans always call her a gold digger even tho they don't even know her background, because she's a very private person. And letter at summer or winter break some paparazzi caught her with a baby bump. And the comments about gold digger get bought up again and some crazy fans even accused her of baby traping Lance. Y/n finally have had enough of all the hatred reveal that she's a daughter from the owner of a very successful company, her family is richer than the Stroll. And She and Lance already have 4yo n 2 yo children. Right now she's pregnant with their 3rd child. Thank you very much. Love u so much🫶❤️💜
a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hope you love this!!
likes comments reblogs appreciated!
©vroomvroommuppett | i do not give the right for my works to be posted, copied or translated anywhere.
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liked by user1, user2, and others
f1gossip wife of lance stroll, yn ln-stroll was seen sporting a baby bump in canada. not much is known about yn, but there are reports and sources that she is a gold digger, and now it looks like she has baby trapped lance.
tagged: ynlnstroll, lance_stroll
user1 damn she really is using him
user2 she just wants the money
user3 ew such a gold digger
user4 and this is why people don't like her.
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liked by ynlnstroll, lance_stroll, and others
williamsracing We are so excited to announce our new owner, YN LN-Stroll! Welcome to the team, YN!
tagged: ynlnstroll
ynlnstroll thank you! excited to join!
user5 the woman was too stunned to speak
user6 where are all the people who said she was a gold digger?
lance_stroll MY WIFE EVERYONE.
lance_stroll Oh, and watch your back, @.f1gossip
f1gossip Yes sir. landonorris HE CLOCKED YOU LOL danielricciardo He stunted on you.
fransisca.cgomes hot wifey
logansargeant Thank you for believing in me.
ynlnstroll anything for my kid
alex_albon We're gonna slay next season.
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liked by lance_stroll, maxverstappen1, and others
ynlnstroll happy 5 years to my amazing, cute, sweet, sexy, hot, dilf husband. being your wife and mother of your kids has been the best thing that's happened to me. i love you so much.
tagged: lance_stroll
lance_stroll I love you so much, baby. Can't wait to take you out tonight before we become a family of 5.
maxverstappen1 Cutest family ever.
williamsracing Parents
astonmartinf1 No they're ours. ynlnstroll custody schedule?
carmenmmundt Ugh you're so hot.
estebanocon Cannot it's been 5 years. I still remember every time Lance would rant to me about you before you two got together. I probably still have those texts...
mickschumacher Same
logansargeant My parents
lance_stroll Our son.
f1gossip well this is what i never expected...
fernandoalo_official Grandpa Nando reporting for duty tonight
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tag list: @yukimaniac @nichmeddar @formulaal @formulaonebuff @2pagenumb @charllleclerc @heavy-vettel @theforevermorereject @raizelchrysanderoctavius @il0vereadingstuff @samantha-chicago @lieswithoutfairytales @ietss @norstappenvibes @woozarts @d3kstar @thescooby-gang @nikfigueiredo @barcelonaloverf1life @stupid---person @novelswithariana @magical-spit @lady-laura-speaks @alice-went-away @exotic-iris13 @avengers-assemble123456 @loomiscorpse @mxdi0 @wondergirl101ks
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peacheeeliz · 11 hours
036. these kids are so weird,,, (wc: 1474)
Mark's hands found their way under your shirt, grasping at the skin right above your waistband. The cold touch of his fingertips pulls you out of this trance, and your eyes shoot open before you push him away. “Mark, we can't,” you tell him, pulling yourself out of his arms and away from the table.
Mark's eyebrows scrunch together, still too dazed from the kiss to even understand what you're doing. “What are you talking about?”
“This Mark, this,” you explain, pointing back and forth between the two of you. “I'm sorry, but I just can't.”
“Oh, so you can kiss me, twice now,” he starts, huffing as he crosses his arms in front of his chest. “But this won't work? What the fuck are you going on about?”
“I really don't want to talk about it,” you continue, turning away from him. “Let's just finish this game and go our separate ways.”
“No, fuck that, I want to talk about this,” he pushes himself off the table, walking towards you. “You kissed me for a reason, it wasn't just because of some stupid, pent-up frustration!” He pauses, staring at the back of your head. “Why did you tell Hyuck and Julie about my drunk texts?”
You still don't turn around to face him until he's tugging on your wrist and doing it for you. “Why, Y/N?” He asks again, voice much quieter than before. “Why can't we just fucking talk about this like adults? We've been avoiding this talk ever since you told me to ‘stay single,’ but I can feel it, man. Come on, why do we have to beat around the bush all the time?”
You're silent for a moment, avoiding his gaze with all your might. Finally, just barely above a whisper, “can we just talk about this later?” You let out. “Please.”
Mark scoffs, letting go of your wrist. “Whatever,” he sighs, going to collect his things. He throws you your paintball gun, “go on. Let's just get this over with, I'm sure you're itching to get away from me.”
You stare down at the gun in your hands, confusion written all over your face as you look back up at him. “Don't act stupid now, just shoot me and get this fucking game over with,” he continues, standing there with arms wide open, inviting in the inevitable loss.
“I'm not going to shoot you, Mark,” you spit back, watching his eyes roll. “There could still be people in. You don't know that we’re the last two for certain.”
“I think if there was anyone else left, they would've gotten the both of us out when my tongue was down your throat for five minutes,” he argues, reaching towards his own paintball gun. He aims it straight at you, “listen, it's either you or me. I really don't care who gets this priority registration anymore.”
Before you can say anything back, the door flies open, and in comes Johnny all decked out like he had been a part of the game the whole time. He's armed with a much larger paintball gun, with a tiger print pattern running across the side. Mark and you stare at each other with wide eyes, which makes a sinister grin grow on the instructor's face. He starts firing around the room like a maniac, but you're both quick to take cover behind a tipped-over table nearby, flinching as his bullets paint the entire room.
The paintball gun slows to a stop, and you both hear maniacal laughter come from the other side of the room. “Ohayo, children,” he starts, reloading the weapon promptly. “You'll be happy to know you made it all the way ‘til the end.”
“You're not even a student!” Mark shouts from behind the table.
“Wrong!” He shouts back. Although the two students can't see, Johnny whips out a sheet of paper with his schedule written across it. “Weight training and music production, biatch!”
You blindly shoot at the ceiling, hoping to scare your instructor off, but he continues to shoot around the room. Mark stares at you, “give me your gun,” he whispers out, cursing to himself for not grabbing his own before hiding behind the table.
“Fuck no, are you crazy?” You let out, eyebrows furrowed as you looked back at him.
“Look, one of us has to win, alright?” He sighs, reaching for your paintball gun.
You slap his hand away, “yeah, and it's going to be you.” You pause, grabbing ahold of his hand. “Look, you got the drop on me. I lost. Let me do this for you.”
He reaches his free hand up to cup your cheek, pulling you in for another kiss. Mark yearns for nothing more than to just stay there with you, ignoring their maniacal instructor and just talk about their feelings. But he knows that's not possible, so he lets go of your hand to reach for your gun.
You pull back quickly, a smile on your face as you pull your weapon away from him. “Nice try,” you say, patting his cheek. “Go get that priority registration for us.”
Johnny's weapon slows to a stop again, and he's throwing it to the ground, instead pulling out two smaller paintball guns from his jacket. You rise from your spot behind the table, locking eyes with your instructor instantly. You run out, aiming your weapon at the man and firing. He does the same, firing his two paintball guns as he runs for protection. Time almost slows as you both shoot out at the same time, paintballs flying straight into your chests.
Johnny sinks down to the ground with a loud groan, dropping his weapons. You let out a deep breath, angry with the fact that you had worn such a cute shirt today. Mark peeks up from behind the table, eyes meeting yours with a quick smile. He stands, walking his way around until he steps in front of Johnny's dropped weapon, but the older man laughs again as he watches his student arm himself with his old weapon.
“What's so funny, Suh?” Mark questions, standing above him with his head held high.
“Maybe it's the fact there's no such thing as priority registration,” he says, watching the boy's smile fall. “Or, maybe it's this.” He opens his jacket, revealing a makeshift paint bomb with a timer. His hand inches up and presses the small red button on the side, and the ticking down of the five second clock starts soon after.
You look at each other with wide eyes before Mark is dashing out through the door, almost flying through it to keep himself clean of any paint. He lands on the floor with a thud, while a green explosion goes off behind him, painting the now closed door and windows.
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The Dean sits quietly in his office, dunking a tea bag carefully into his mug. Enjoying his peace until Johnny would return and end this very long and tiring day. That's until a voice calls out from behind his door, calling his name. He freezes, recognizing the voice to not belong to his employee, but Mark Lee. “Just one moment,” he says, resting his hands on his desk.
It takes less than a moment for Mark to kick the office door down, startling the man out of his chair. He walks slowly into the room, glaring daggers right into the Dean’s head. “Oh, hi there, Mark,” the man squeaks out. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Everybody out there is shooting each other for nothing,” Mark explains, although the Dean very well knows this. “While you sit here in your ivory tower.”
“Mark, I can explain,” the Dean says, raising his arms in defense. He nods, “I messed up when I promised priority registration. Apparently, it's a violation of some student equality act, but…” He pauses, presenting the boxed PlayStation Five that lays on his desk. “This isn't, tada!”
Mark doesn't need to voice out his frustration. He just shoots at the box until the Dean drops it back down onto his desk. He continues to fire around the room, screaming as the Dean yells out his name in horror and drops behind his desk. The gun whirs to a stop, prompting Mark to drop it on the ground with a huff.
The Dean peeks up over the wood, rising to his feet. He lets out a sigh, “you get it all out of your system?” But only gets quiet laughter in response.
Mark laughs for a moment, “almost.” He's quick to pull out a smaller paintball gun from behind his back, aiming and shooting the Dean right in the forehead. He pulls the gun back, blowing down the end of the barrel.
The Dean stands there, defeated. “What do you want from me, Mark?”
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synopsis ⤏ mark, desperate to talk to the cute girl in his japanese class, forms a study group. who knew that other struggling college students might want to join a study group?
a/n: it's not marky/n if there's no problems 😃
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mcflymemes · 1 day
MULAN (1998) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
would you like to stay for dinner?
i never want to see a naked man again.
hey, don't look at me.
does this dress make me look fat?
you owe me a new pair of slippers!
i think the question is who are you?
there's no time for stupid questions!
you shouldn't have to go.
i will die doing what's right.
i know my place. it is time you learned yours.
if you're so worried, go stand watch.
you took away my victory!
i ain't biting no more butts.
i need firepower.
who are you?
we're doomed!
i don't do that tongue thing.
i'm travel size for your convenience.
rise and shine!
i'm gonna hit you so hard, it'll make your ancestors dizzy.
you fight good.
they popped out of the snow! like daisies!
you are the craziest man i've ever met, and for that, i owe you my life.
from now on, you have my trust.
it looks like you're out of ideas.
you're the saddest bunch i've ever met.
i'll make a man out of you.
you have a tissue?
i don't need anyone causing trouble in my camp.
you might wanna light that right about now.
you missed! how could you miss? he was three feet from you!
you just say the word and i'm there.
you ain't worth my time, chicken boy.
no one will listen to me.
i'm sorry, did you say something?
would you like to stay forever?
the flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.
i've heard a great deal about you.
you have saved us all.
my little baby, off to destroy people.
great. she brings home a sword. if you ask me, she should've brought home a man.
sign me up for the next war!
my children never caused such trouble.
the truth is, we're both frauds.
they don't even like me.
you risked your life to help people you love.
i risked your life to help myself.
at least you had good intentions.
what do you mean you're not lucky?
my powers are beyond your mortal imagination.
my eyes can see straight through your armor.
make a note of this.
stop, i'm sorry. i'm just nervous.
i've never done this before.
you're gonna have to trust me.
let's get this show on the road!
no matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it.
you don't belong here. go home.
you have to believe me!
why else would i come back?
rise and shine, sleeping beauty!
get your clothes on! get ready!
no time to talk.
now remember, it's your first day of training, so listen to your teacher and no fighting.
i don't wanna kick the other kid's butt.
don't talk with your mouth full.
let's see your war face.
i think my bunny slippers just ran for cover.
that's what i'm talking about! that's my tough-looking warrior girl!
now go out there and make me proud!
that was vile. you owe me big.
i think i've been away from home long enough.
a single grain of rice can tip the scale.
one man may be the difference between victory and defeat.
who are you?
i'm never gonna catch my breath.
how lucky can they be? they're dead.
this is your chance to prove yourself.
i didn't know you were here.
we could just... close our eyes... and swim around.
we must send the most powerful of all.
just because i look like a man doesn't mean i have to smell like one.
you must go after her.
we're gonna die!
i was this close.
this tattoo will protect me from harm.
we have to work on your people skills.
a life for a life. my debt is repaid.
get off the roof!
they're disgusting.
oh. you made a friend.
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thebestsetter · 4 hours
Thinking about Isagi Yoichi going absolutely insane when someone talks shit about you, his one and only girlfriend.
And I'm not saying insane as in "Don't talk about her like that!". I'm saying insane as in "Say her name again with that filthy mouth of yours and I swear I'll cut your fucking tongue off."
He can handle people badmouthing him. It's that deep, really. He's a football player, so, like every other athlete, he has fans and haters all around the globe (more fans than haters, but anyways). So, he developed the hability to just tune off all the hateful comments. Badmouth him all you want, that ain't changing the fact that he's a sucessful all star player and you're not.
What he can't handle, though, is when someone tries to talk shit about his relationship with you, his favorite person in the whole world.
Sadly for the media, you're not a famous singer or model. Yoichi and you when you were both still little kids, dreaming about monster, princesses and the world cup trophy. In kindergarten, he thought you were a very great friend. He realized you were the prettiest girl he had ever seen when you were middle schoolers, and, by the time high school came, he had already learned to accept the fact that he was head over heels for you. And so, like a "straight out of a movie" kind of scene, he confessed his love for you all sweaty and smiling in front of the whole world after his winning goal at the Blue Lock XI against Japan U20 match two years ago.
So yeah, you and Isagi had a cute love story. Every video of you together had millions of views and thousands of "couple goals" comments, and people loved you (honestly, how could they not? You're amazing, he's not even sure how he managed to make you fall for his "football rizz" or something, but he's glad you did anyways).
Apparently, not everyone appreciated you as much as he thought.
"Isagi, one minute of your time, please!"
"Isagi, for french press right here!"
"Yoichi, answer my question!"
"Wow. One at a time, guys!" Isagi smiled nervously yet kindly, sitting in a chair in front of the mass of reporters from all across the world who came just to interview him.
Smiling again, Isagi pointed at one of the what seemed like thousands interviewers.
"The lady over there, with the Sae Itoshi shirt"
"Thank you for the opportunity" The room became silent. The woman, seemingly in her late twenties, smiled "I'm Sol, from Spain's national TV press. I'd like to ask a question you about your relationship with (Name) (Surname)"
Smiling wide like a lovesick fool like he always did when someone mentioned you or your relationship, Yoichi urged the reporter to continue.
"Sure. Go ahead."
"It's a known fact that you and (Name) (Surname) have been in a relationship for a little over two years. And so, your fans are wondering: do you plan on getting married shortly?"
The silence in the room was papable. All the cameras and microphones turned to a now strawberry red Yoichi. But he wasn't embarassed because of all the attention he was getting or from the fact that the whole world was seeing this right now. He was used to this feeling of "pressure" already.
He was red because he knew you were watching this interview. He was the one who asked you to do so, after all.
"Uhm... well" he swallowed hard, eyes avoiding the cameras "We have a healthy and happy relationship. We both love each other very much and spend a lot of time together. So... I guess I'd be lying if I told you I haven't thought about it before, but..."
He couldn't even finish his sentence. The press' reaction was instantaneous. Cameras' flashes everywhere and the reporters voices overlaping eachother filled the room.
"BUT" Isagi tried to continue, but just gave up on shouting since his voice couldn't compete with the voice of the lots of reporters. So, he just said to the mic in front of him, almkst whispering, hoping it would capture his voice "I think it's still a little early. I want to make sure we're both mature and financially secure first!"
Reporters were still talking and trying to get his attention. With a sigh, he realized they wouldn't stop shouting until the next question came.
"T-the guy with the light shirt"
"Argentinian press right here" the man started.
Oh oh. Yoichi didn't sense a good vibe from this man. He doesn't know if it's his smirk or his posture, but something feels off. He looks almost dangerous.
I'm probably going crazy, Yoichi thought.
When the man opened his mouth again, though, Isagi realized his intuition was right all along.
"I know you said you love your girlfriend, but you do realize the fans think your girl is just keeping you from becoming the best version of yourself, right?"
Oh, for fuck's sake.
"What." Isagi said, the words coming out in a rather forced way.
Unlike before, the silence in the room was not only palpable. It was now suffocating, uncomfortable.
"Well, it's clear as water" the man shrugged, as if what he was saying made a lot of sense "She is stopping you from becoming the number one striker in the world."
All Isagi wanted to do now was jump across the room and send his fist flying straight to the man's face. He wanted it to realize how utterly wrong he was. How your relationship was actually the best thing that had ever happened in his life, and how he would have probably given up on football have you not begged him to go to the Blue Lock program.
And the though of you sweet, caring you watching this made Yoichi give up on his idea of hitting the man straight on the nose, even if his body was trembling just from thinking about it.
I have to keep my cool. For her.
"Why..." he swallowed. Hard. "Why do you think this is truth?"
"You're not using your time wisely. Instead of practicing, your wasting it because you keep giving for futile things like a relationship"
Oh, how much Yoichi wanted to jump this ugly looking clown. How he wished to hit him hundreds of times, over and over again until he swallowed his own words. Until he regretted ever learning how to even speak.
His fist was already trembling. He was taking deep breaths to keep himself steady.
But it seems like the argentinian doesn't know when to stop.
"Also, it gets kinda tiring living with the same person for a long time, no?" The man laughed "I wouldn't blame you if you're actually cheating on her too, I honestly wouldn't have just one girl if I was you. I mean, you're a star and she's just..."
"Shut. the fuck. up."
All the cameras turned to him again. Yoichi was red. But it's not cause he was embarassed, like the other time.
He was red because he was seething with boiling rage.
I'll kill him. I swear I'll fucking kill this dumb shit.
"Never" Yoichi narrowed his eyes "And I mean never say my girlfriend's name with that disgusting voice of yours again. If you as much as look at her, consider yourself fucking dead." He got up from the table, gaze harder than the one he wears on the field "That woman is the source of my happiness, and you have no right to talk about her like that. If you talk with me with respect you have to show respect for her too. Are we clear? Or is your skull too fucking thick for the information to get into it?
"Calm down, amigo! I was just saying what the fans think." The man smirked, gald to get a reaction from Isagi. If looks could kill, he would have been 6 feet under already "They think it would be better if you both break up..."
"You've fucking done it."
Yoichi jumped from the table, ready to kill the man.
He wanted to crush his skull with his bare hands, to show him just how much you mean to him and how mad he gets when someone mentions you in a degrading way.
Gladly, the japanese PR team removed the man from the room before things could get worse, or else Yoichi would realky have done some damage (he was an athlete, after all).
Watching the man leave the room with furrowed brows and a subtle pout (he really wanted to beat him, after all), Iaagu decided to use this moment to make some things clear. So, he turned to the main mic again.
"I hope this serves as a lesson" Yoichi said, somehow managing to look at almost all of the cameras at the same time "To everyone watching this. Don't expect to talk shit about my girlfriend and get out with all of your teeth in place. I fucking dare anyone to badmouth her. I won't let you get away with it." He glared at one of the cameras "This press ends now."
He then quickly got out of the room, ignoring all the reporters who tried to get him to come back.
With a sigh, once he was in the changing room, he grabbed his phone, not surprised to see almost 20 missed calls and 50 missed massages from you.
(My love ❤️)
-> YOICHI???
-> (1 missed call)
Don't worry, I'm going home now 😁<-
Miss you ❤️<-
-> Typing...
With a smile, he put his phone in his pocket and started to go home.
Man, he just really wanted to see you. Specially since he knew that the next day, the press would want more interviews about what happened.
Whatever. What really matters is that, at the end of the day, you're his and he's yours. And no amount of dumb reporters or media will ever change that.
~ A/N: not proofread. This sucks 💔 I wrote this to stop my growing Aiku obsession LOL
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burquillos · 6 hours
diluven misses you and so to do i miss it 😔
Will you accept this drabble I have in my notes:
"Don't you like the bard?"
"Whether I like the bard or not hardly accounts for whether I should pursue him or not."
"Actually, I think liking the bard is all the reason you need to pursue him."
Diluc let's out a tired sigh. He doesn't want to have to explain Venti's kind of secret alter ego to Kaeya of all people. He's exhausted. He wants to go home.
But things have been going well with Kaeya lately and he was happy when they started opening up to each other again on this particular night. Well, up until Kaeya opened up the conversation about his love life. Kaeya had always pestered him about it, even as a kid. Both him and his father, ever the romantics.
Though annoyed, he appreciates the sentiment because he knows it comes from a place of genuine concern. Keaya wants reassurance that he will be fine and that someone will take care of him and love him even when him and his father aren't there. Knowing Kaeya, not wanting him to be alone is deeply valuable. However...
"It's complicated" Diluc scowls.
Kaeya leans on his forearm on the counter. He looks at Diluc, unamused.
"You like him. You obviously want to be with him. And from the looks of it he likes you back. What's so complicated about that?"
Diluc doesn't respond but he can feel a slight tingling on his fingertips and his cheeks as he stands there tense and frozen.
Kaeya closes his eyes in contemplation, "Ah..I see."
"Master Ragnvindr of the Dawn Winery must not be seen engaging in romantic affairs with a mere commoner. How tragic-"
It was out before he knew it. Said too fast and too defensively to be considered casual. Like letting a part of himself accidentally slip from his tight grasp.
Kaeya couldn't have been more wrong. Venti is far from a mere commoner. His identity as Barbatos is... holy and powerful. The kind of being who can move mountains, literally and figuratively. His whole life he tried to be worthy of only two people and that included his late father and Barbatos.
But even that pales in comparison to Venti himself; kind and compassionate, cunning when he needs to be, he brings joy and laughter to the people of Mondsatdt with his songs. He listens to his people and guides them into action, never hesitating to reach out to others, even a person like him who has built walls around himself.
Venti has a way of seeing through him but has never once used it against him. He keeps the hidden, little pieces of Diluc tucked away and keeps it safe.
He wants to believe that there is something special about that. That that kind of treatment is something Venti gives to him and him alone.
But he knows Venti's love is grand and extends far and wide over Mondsatdt and its citizens. He knows he's nothing more but a speck among countless others that recieve that kind of godly love from him.
As a protector of Mondsatdt, he cannot afford to be selfish with Venti's love, not when Mondstadt needs it more than him. He is quite well off in terms of status and wealth after all. Honestly, Diluc is quite content to love from afar.
In the end, all he could mutter was a soft "He's too good for me..."
Kaeya barks out a laugh, slamming his hand on the table and leaning back. "VENTI!?" he wipes a tear from his eye "You're saying this about Venti?! The drunkard?? The guy who regularly schemes his way for some apples and booze??"
"You know what I mean."
"No. I don't"
"Well I'm not tired enough to have this conversation."
"Fair enough."
Kaeya leaves a few coins on the counter then stands up to leave. Before he could exit the door, he turns back to Diluc. "For the record, he said the same thing about you being too good for him." Finally, he leaves.
Diluc is left staring at the door. He can't quite believe that statement. He's not looking down on himself or anything, he knows he's quite sought after, he even uses that as an advantage when negotiating sometimes.
It's just that, compared to Venti who shines brightly and whose smile literally lights up the room, he feels like such a downer in comparison.
Once upon a time in his life, he might've had the same smile too, but he's changed since then. He's not the golden child with a loving family running around Mondstadt fulfilling his dreams anymore. His fire has long ceased to be kind and burns with rage and vindication instead. He feels as if he can't have that smile back. That if Venti stands next to him and gives him a little grin he can't smile back with the warmth and kindness he deserves. That all Venti would see is a broken man.
He feels too bare with Venti and that is something he cherishes deeply and also something he dreads.
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I feel like this is a horrible thing to say, but when I'm shown examples of when Marinette is having a hard time, it's hard for me to feel bad for her.
It's not like I think she deserves it and I certainly don't draw any joy from it, but I just don't feel any sympathy for when she's struggling.
My theory is that the show has toted her so much as the all-important one-and-only, all while ignoring everyone else's important moments and struggles, that I'm struggling to feel sympathetic for when Marinette is going through some sort of misfortune. Every single one of her struggles are always highlighted in such a way that it's supposed to be this incredibly-important thing that makes Marinette look so sad, but then she's comforted and validated until eventually, this struggle eventually gets resolved and she's all happy again.
But then there's Adrien. No closure about his mom, his dad, Natalie—nothing. He's slapped with all the responsibility of comforting and validating Marinette, who eventually gets her personal conflicts resolved without lasting impact.
I'm not saying Marinette hasn't done anything to comfort and validate Adrien, but his conflicts just feel largely brushed aside and/or downplayed in comparison to Marinette's, which are highlighted and emphasized as significant events.
I don't know if this makes me a bad person or something, and I do kind of feel bad about it, but I just struggle to sympathize with her when the show tries to make us feel bad for her.
Marinette is a fictional character. It's totally fine if the bad writing has completely turned you off to her and drained you of sympathy because the entire purpose of her existence is to entertain people. She's not some meaningful representation that you should want to connect with and understand to improve your world view or something like that. She's just a poorly written teenager in a bad kids show. As long as you're able to acknowledge that fact and own that this is mainly a writing issue - and it sounds like you are - I wouldn't stress about it. The writers have done a lot to make her unlikable! I totally get why someone would not want to watch a show starring her canon self. I struggle at times and I genuinely like Marinette! Her writing is one of the many reasons I just don't know if I'm going to watch season six.
I don't defend Marinette because she's done nothing wrong. I defend her because her faults are so clearly just bad writing and not some grand plan for the character where she's going to learn something, which makes me feel protective of her because I genuinely love the base character concept and what she could have been. It's annoying to see people treating her like she's the problem and not the writing because she's literally not allowed to learn lessons and change, so of course she keeps coming across worse and worse! Her flaws are genuinely fine for a serialized story, they just have no place in an episodic one where the characters stay largely stagnant.
For example, nothing about the season five conflict and final naturally follows the BS season four conflict where she supposedly learned to trust Chat Noir. As much as I don't agree that with that synopsis of what the conflict was, it is how Ladybug sums it up in the final:
Ladybug: Why don't you just give up on me? I've lost ALL the Miraculous! I'm the worst Guardian EVER! I wanted to control everything, I didn't listen to you, I lied to you, I kept you at a distance! Every time you offered me a helping hand, I never took it! I really made a mess of EVERYTHING! Cat Noir: We're gonna get them back one by one…until the very last. And we'll make sure this never happens again.
And yet none of this seems to impact season five. Chat Noir and Ladybug maintain all their secrets and they do absolutely nothing to track down the missing miraculous because the plot won't let them even though it really doesn't fit Marinette's character. She certainly hasn't given up controlling things because, once again, the show literally will not let her do that. The rare episodes where it happens always see her punished like when Alya handing out miraculous lead to SentiNino which almost lead Gabriel to knowing Ladybug's secret identity. Adrien suffers for similar reasons. So does Alya and so many other characters! I totally get why someone would not be able to look past canon's writing since it's not like the flaws are minor. I have the same problem with both Lila and Nathalie.
I just cannot stand Nathalie even though I know that she's as much of a victim as Marinette and all the other characters. None of Nathalie's flaws are her fault because she doesn't exist. It's just that Nathalie's bad writing hits me in a way that makes me despise her while Marinette's hits in a "protect and defend" way. There's no wider logic here. It's just a matter of what characters I connected with enough to look past the bad writing. The type of fanfics I read probably also helped...
My only real piece of advice on this topic is to watch your mental health and take a Miraculous break or even leave the fandom all together if you notice that your Marinette hate (or hate of anything in canon) is really messing with you. I've mentioned before that I'm debating about watching season six and a big reason why is that I don't know if it's going to be good for my mental health. Lila's writing has consistently got on my nerves, but she was a minor enough character that I was still having a good time. Given that Lila is our new big bad with the added bonus of how shitty season five was and the show may have hit a point where it's just not fun for me anymore.
Previously, I had issues with the overall writing, but genuinely enjoyed watching the show as the writers are pretty good at short form story telling, so canon was a nice mix of genuinely enjoyable moments and writing issues that were fun to talk about. That was not true for season five and I just can't picture how it will be true for season six. The only reason I'm even considering it is because I watch the show with my SO and he has a lot of fun listening to me rant about bad media, so I may still have a good time with season six. It would not be the first time that I suffered through a piece of bad media for the sake of a loved one who really wanted someone to rant about it with.
I'm not the kind of person who will tell people they're not welcome in a fandom unless they like X. That sort of gate keeping is ugly and often straight up bullying, so don't read this as me saying that you have to like Marinette to enjoy the show or that you need to disengage if you don't like X% of canon. As long as you're having fun and not forcing your dislike on others by sending clearly unwelcome asks or engaging with sugar posts in an antagonistic way or anything like that, then I'm going to defend your right to be in fandom even if we personally aren't going to get along and need to stay in our separate fandom bubbles.* All I'm saying is that it's important to know when to disengage from a piece of media. To keep track of when something starts consistently bringing you more sorrow than joy. When that line is crossed? It's time to move on.
The sad fact is that, while you may utterly adore a piece of media, you have no control of what that media will do, so you need to be very careful about trusting your mental health to total strangers. It's part of why I tend to be so critical of media. Analysis and plot pitches like I do on this blog are genuinely fun for me, but they're also a much healthier way to engage with a story than just trusting it to be good and getting burned when it isn't. There's a reason I avoid theory crafting. I've gotten really into that in the past and wound up hurt because I put way too much faith in strangers who ended up sucking at their job.
*Btw, the line about separate fandom bubbles was not aimed at you. It's just a general statement about how fandom works. All are welcome, but all do not need to directly interact. Curating your fandom experience is important self care. Blocking someone isn't some sort of value judgement. It's just sometimes a thing you need to do in order to keep from seething when you accidentally see their asinine hot takes.
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agentem · 3 days
The Con Artist
I mentioned before that Jac Schaffer often calls Agatha a "con artist." I think I am late figuring this out because she did it in episode 2, but I think I know what the con is.
She claims to be a survivor of the Witches' Road (she might be but the fact that it's out there on the internet seems sus; she's advertising), other witches come to her when they "need something" from the Road. These are the shots of her luring groups of witches into the woods in the trailers.
Then she tricks them into blasting her with their powers. Rio gets the bodies. She gets the power. That's exactly what she did in Episode 2, when she tried to goad them into attacking her.
So when Rio shows up, I think she's thrown off. Not only is she NOT working with Rio anymore, Rio seems to think they are going to run the con the same as before ("I get my bodies"). But Agatha doesn't want anything to happen to Teen, for sure. Whether he is Nicky or Billy he is still a child and she shies away from hurting kids (like the Salem Seven).
IDK if she cares about Alice or Lilia, but I think she also has a bit of a liking to Jen. She never went after Jen before so we know she respects her on some level--when Teen is in danger it is Jen she turns to ("Jen, Jen, what do you need?"). I think she also feels very comfortable bitching at Jen in a way that is kind of sisterly. She likes that Jen gives it right back. ("A little rusty there, Jen."/"A little traitorous there, Agatha.") Jen's kind of a bitch and Agatha likes that about her.
Do I think she'd sacrifice Jen to save herself? Definitely. But she also is thrown off by the Road actually opening. Maybe she doesn't love or care for Alice or Lilia, but she might need them.
So she's like, "Hey, Rio, if I flirt with you a lot maybe you will go along with not murdering these people??? Look how good my tits look." And she also attempts to warn the other witches that Rio is dangerous.
But I don't think Rio really cares if they know what she is after. She's fairly upfront about who she is. ("The Green witch!") And she's not ashamed about wanting the bodies. And even though she gets the message about Agatha actually trying to work with this Coven, she still goes to Agatha later. Agatha might read her saying, "That boy is not yours" as her saying "you will never have a (human) family" or whatever but I don't think that's how Rio meant it. I don't think she liked seeing Agatha upset (again).
And I think part of Agatha's anger at herself after Alice's death (when she scoffs at Teen for thinking he can be a good witch) is that she did try to not kill this group. And it happened anyway. She feels like her mother was right. That she was born evil and there is nothing else she can be.
(But I really just want a scene where Rio is like "Oh you don't wnat to kill anyone anymore? Okay fine I still love you." Rio is attracted to Agatha initially because she has this talent. But if you loved someone who was, say, a wonderful artist and they stopped painting, would you love them less?)
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yourbasicqueerie · 2 days
i really just am a copy cat by nature, so after i saw @jubshead and @slut4alicewu make a rank of their fave AAA characters, i cannot help but to do one too! so here it is:
1. Lilia "my wife”Calderu: the bearer of my children and the fortress for my heart, she not only is a divination witch to me but a divine being in herself.not only would I die and kill for her but would sabotage the whole of marvel offices just to have a 12-episode series recounting her life story.
2. Agatha Harkness: of course, she's going to be up on the rank, how could she not if the whole of the series is based around her? I'm not going to say she is my wife, but more or so like a fling situation, I'm also pretty sure that Rio would kill anyone who got close to her wife anyway.
3. Alice Wu: she would usually not place as high, not that I do not adore her ( I absolutely do! She's a total sweetheart) but due to her death and my grievance for her, she will go here, I do not care what anyone says. I also think it was spot-on for them to give the Asian one the family trauma, love it! (Also, THE ABSOLUTE ABS ON THIS WOMAN??? I WAS FOUND DEAD ON THE SPOT)
4. Rio Vidal: my Latina lady rahhhhhhhh, I'm so happy to have some kind of representation. I think of her too much to be nearly healthy and would not mind to be somewhere on the end of that knife. But I think it would be so incredible if they had somehow made her wear a “día de los muertos” face paint, cause yk, she's the literal personification of death.
5. Teen/Billy: I like him enough, I'm still not completely sure what I think of him, but I do understand that he’s still a kid who only wants his brother again, I think the people judging and hating on him for having a whole episode for himself don't get what the series is supposed to be about. Don't get me wrong, I also really want my lesbians to make out in 4K, but I'm not going to be hating on the kid for having character development goddammit!
6. Jenifer Kale: they did my lady Jen wrong on this series! Even though she is an absolute bitch, there's something endearing about her! I wish they would let her character have a bigger redemption arc tho, but I do understand the choices they made for her character well enough. She's snarky and witty and everything I hope to be when I'm a (almost) entirely natural witch. 
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When Gwen went to visit Miles,she thought to put on Hobie's sweater first and the patches on it are implied to be Gwen's,not Hobie's(he lets her personalize his clothes)
Miles accidentally forced Gwen to get a haircut and Gwen kept the sideshave as she grew out her hair and she also choose to dye it pink,the color Hobie turns when he's happiest around the people he loves the most,and he might've been the one who convinced her to get that color/style specificially
In the comics,Hobie was a Gwen Stacy fanboy and she's that cool slightly older girl it's easy for most boys to get a crush on.And in the movies,Gwen looks up to Hobie Brown and he's that cool slightly older boy it's easy for most girls to get a crush on
Gwen said 'Oh,you would love him!' about Hobie and 'That's different' in a noticably flustered tone when Miles compared their dynamic to his and Gwen's in response and Pavitr slyly commented Miles wouldn't know about Hobie twice and Hobie himself said 'Gwendy,how much have you told him?' with no actual clearups on what he meant and 'A couple dozen' when Miles asked how many missions they'd been on together and Gwen got flustered again and tried to deny the full extent of her closeness to Hobie.Hobie knew exactly what he was implying,both him and Miles,and he was bragging,not to make Miles jealous as confirmed by the crew wasn't his intent at all in the Gwen and Miles deal,but out of love for Gwen and pride over their relathionship status
'Self-Love',the 'Gwen love ballad',has the lyrics drink too much,think too much,thoughts drownin' me(havin' a laugh at a pub with the mandem),you don't know love you just show love stop doubtin' me(VERY indictive of what Hobie's attitude towards Gwen must've been like as their friendship started forming and no doubt Hobie has his own insecurities and trauma Gwen smothers him in adoration and care and respect to help him heal considering how unashamedly and openly she loves him to other people's faces and being 'starry-eyed' at him in a concept),cuff me told the truth to him he don't trust me(literally Hobie making reverse racism real on George's ass when he forced him to give Gwen the watch he made her and even to leave her his love note with it),hate to see yeah woah money scheme yeah woah(it's a metaphor for capitalism),live and questionable(i'm not a role model),love hangin' out say you hate it now(how tight Gwen and Hobie are away from prying eyes vs Gwen's denial denial denial over it to not be teased by her cheeky ahh friends)
A pastel punk trans girl vigilante Variant of thee character that's characterized by being fridged for a male superheroes development and a normie nerd girl back when they're alive that's doomed to the same fate almost every time,except when she's a Ghost,our Gwen,and an afropunk adultified troubled but good kid with a mantle that typically belongs to a white man he did his own cooler spin on Variant of an obscure supervillain.They weren't this important to eachother,much less love interests,in any other story before and they weren't sure how things went,even with themselves,but they were just happy to be with eachother because they need eachother and always rushed to be there first and always still do
Gwen is watercolors style and Hobie is a diy zine but they're both basically human mood rings.They both had a scene of being enraged at an authority figure they know is corrupted better than anyone else as they turned a deep blue and of teaching Miles to relax his hands to better use his powers too and he's gotta look out for his drummer,who doubles as his vocalist as seen in another concept because Spider(wo)man can do both and he hates labels but he loves Gwendy so maybe 'my girlfriend' can be something he wants to label her as and she steals his chucks and leaves her toothbrush and sweaters at his place(sleepy snuggling and nonsexual intimacy levels are high)and he's more her home than Spider Society ever was
In every other universe,Gwen Stacy falls for Spiderman.And since in every other universe it dosen't end well,Gwen couldn't let herself fall for Miles.But Hobie Brown's not Spiderman,he's SpiderPUNK so Gwen never resisted falling for him because she never thought to and couldn't hold back how much she loves and wants him so she fell harder and he fell just as hardcore and at the same time as her,no holding back or fallout.How deep their connection goes is up to them,not any Canon Events.Gwen choose Hobie over canon and he saved her before anyone else did.He may not believe in consistency but he believes in her and she knows he's a good guy even though he's not 'supposed' to be
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Spooktober Day 23 - “Look at the mess you made.”
I believe this is BillStill AU (I don't remember who created it, but I love it).
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Ford had wanted to clear his mind. He enjoyed his daily adventures with you and Dipper, but he wanted some alone time, to relive the good old days. He loved his adventures with you. Sometimes, however, he wanted to have his own time. There were certain dangerous activities he just didn't think were safe for you or Dipper to experience.
He had been gone for longer than he had anticipated. He had gotten caught up in an intricate labyrinth beneath the lake. He was excited to tell you and Dipper about it and planned to take the two of you tomorrow.
Once he'd finally made his way home, he couldn't wait to see you, to see the excitement on your face when he told you what he'd found. When he walked in, the Shack was quiet.
“Hello?” he called out, setting his bag down by the door. “Anyone home?” Silence greeted him. His brow furrowed. Normally, he would hear the chatter of the twins, your voice in conversation, or Stan grumbling about something, but, now, there was nothing.
“[Y/N]?” he called again. “Kids? Stan?”
The living room was empty and so was the kitchen. Then, a sinking feeling gnawed at his stomach. He quickened his pace, heading toward the attic. That’s when he found you. You were lying on the floor, unmoving. Dipper and Mabel lay beside you, equally still, as though they had simply collapsed where they stood. Your bodies were oddly posed in the shape of a triangle.
Panic shot through Ford. He rushed to your side, kneeling down. His hands trembled as he checked your pulse. You and the twins were alive, but unconscious, and he had no idea why.
He leaned over you, shaking you gently. “[Y/N], please wake up.” He glanced over at the twins. No response. Ford’s mind raced, trying to think of what could have done this. Was it a curse or a spell?
As he stood up, his heart pounding with fear, a slow clap echoed through the room.Ford turned sharply, his heart stopping mid beat as he saw the source of the sound. Standing in the doorway, illuminated by the dim light was Stan. The yellow glow in Stan's eyes.
“Bill,” Ford whispered, his blood running cold.
Bill grinned wider, tilting his head in mockery. “Well, well, well, look who finally decided to show up. You’ve been a little busy, huh, Sixer?”
“How are you here? We erased you!”
Bill chuckled darkly, taking a step forward. His hands tucked casually in Stan’s pockets. “Oh, come on, Fordsy. You really think you could get rid of me that easily? I’m a multi-dimensional being. You can’t just zap me out of existence.”
“What have you done to them?” He glanced at your motionless body. Ford’s jaw clenched. He could feel rage bubbling beneath his skin, but he knew better than to let Bill Cipher provoke him.
Bill’s grin stretched wider, “Oh, don’t worry. They’re just taking a little nap. I needed them out of the way.” He waved a hand lazily at the scene before him. “Look at the mess you made me make.”
Ford’s eyes narrowed, confusion and fury swirling inside him. “What do you mean?”
Bill spread his arms, still wearing Stan’s twisted grin. “You made me do this. All those years of chasing after things you weren’t supposed to know, I helped you find, smart guy! You just couldn’t help yourself, could you?”
Bill laughed. The sound was horrific, Stan's gruff laughed mixed with bill's high-pitched shriek. Ford put himself between your unconscious bodies.
"We had a deal, Stanford," Bill insisted.
Ford’s heart ached at Bill’s words, but he shoved the guilt aside. He wouldn’t let this monster break him. “If you’ve come to kill me, just do it. Leave them out of this.”
“Now, where’s the fun in that? You think I’d come all this way just to end things quickly? No, Sixer, I want you to suffer. I want you to see the people you care about get hurt and it's all because of you.” Bill tsked, wagging a finger.
Ford’s breath hitched, refusing to show fear. “You won’t win, Bill.”
Bill’s eyes gleamed with delight. “I already have.”
Ford was torn. He wanted to protect you, protect the twins, but he couldn't hurt Stan. One hand hovered over the gun on his hip, fingers twitching as he struggled with his own logic.
Bill strolled closer, his grin never fading. “Oh, don’t worry, IQ. I’m not going to kill you, yet. I want you to watch me take everything from you. Your brother Your girlfriend. The kids. One by one, and you’ll know it’s because of you.”
Ford’s vision blurred with rage, but before he could even think of a response, Bill snapped his fingers, and the room began to warp. The air felt heavy, the walls bending and distorting as reality itself twisted around him.
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l0stfoster · 6 hours
PLEASE what do you think the gang’s reactions would be when they find out that Paul and Bob were like Darry and Sodapop
I need the ANGST
OK OK, SO We talked about this., kinda. Only 3 people were discussed and the rest haven't been sorted out, so for now you can have those, and I'll either reblog or edit this in the future to add the rest. As usual for big blocks of text, all below the cut!
- First one to find out funnily enough; obviously on accident. - On Dia de Muertos Johnny gets something like the Coco treatment, but it’s more or less just he can see all the spirits instead of full skeletons. He doesn't interact with them so they don't know that he - He finds out purely because Bob's ghost does not leave Paul's side once during the entire day. Lingers with him the entire time - Johnny maybe expected Bob to be around Cherry, but Paul?? Not the expected outcome. It's what gives him the hint and as he looks back on a few things the dots connect. - Johnny apologizes about Bob's death after that (more for the fact that yk it wrecked people as it did, he won't apologize for doing it when he though they were killing his best friend though.) - Paul realizes he figured it out fast L - Paul's tryna avoid letting on that the apology does kinda heal a part of him and Johnny just being like “you don’t need anyone’s permission to mourn him yk” - Johnny's very emotionally mature in this au, if you can't tell - Paul elects to ignore him either way - Paul, holding back tears after Soda’s smile looks a little too familiar: We weren’t even that close - Hit Johnny with a "He wasn't my brother at all" and gets a simple response of "I never said he was" - Self-callout right there, Johnny doesn't bring it up much after that- mostly because it's the kind of thing he can't exactly bring up publically. - He has sort of mixed feelings; obviously, it's weird to find out this guy who's kinda your friend now cares so much about someone who hurt you, but at the same time, he's able to understand that his own feelings about Bob don't change the ones that Paul once held for him.
- Finds out second, and once again on accident. - Paul has an accident with his magic; spell requires a LOT of it but his back sigil is having a flareup of sorts, and it's making him short out a lot. He tries to force his magic through it and, long story short, the scar rips open as if it were freshly carved. - Darry gets to hear that scream from inside the house L. He's the one who patches Paul up bc bro will NOT fuckin' calm down enough for literally anyone else besides Darry to get close. - The only difference between healing as a kid and healing now is that Paul doesn't have a six-year-old Bob whining about piggyback rides. - Paul's so delirious and fucked up on whatever painkillers he's on that this fact breaks the dam. Darry finds him sobbing and the only answer Paul gives him is a weak "I miss Bob" - Darry asks him about their relationship after that; Paul is unfortunately not conscious enough to avoid the questioning, so he yaps. - Paul has a heart attack when he realizes Darry knows btw LMAO. Wdym he told his boyfriend that the guy who tried to kill his kid brother was one of the most important people to him?? Where is the breakup he knows it's coming - (Spoiler alert it never happens) - As I said in the post about Bob and Paul, Darry understands. He knows and he gets it. Sure, there's a part of him that wants to be a little more conflicted; but with their history, Darry probably met Bob on a couple of occasions and he knew how the guy could be when he isn't drunk and angry at the world.
- Pony finds out on accident but very similarly to Darry; and by that I mean he overheard one of the conversations Darry had with a very delerious Paul. - Dude is NOT fuckin happy. And because Pony is also a dramatic little shit, he would just stop all attempts at bonding with Paul - The second Paul even knows that Pony heard and he’s like yeah. There goes that. There’s a reason he was doing so much to try and hide it. - Darry's there like "Can you try? For my sake at the very least?" Pony is stubborn as all hell and just goes "No." - Paul doesn’t even try to push things; which probably makes Pony even more petty bc teen logic. I found out something you purposefully tried to hide because it would ruin things and you’re not trying to fix things even though I’m making it clear I don’t like you?? The audacity - Pony doesn't use his head, like at all. (I fear I'm not a Ponyboy fan and that may be a little obvious) - Johnny and Soda are even like "Pone, that's the dumbest thing I've heard all day" when he explains it to them. - Darry and Johnny try to get them to talk by locking them in a room but Paul brute forces that open with his magic (yeouch to the back bc he's still healing) because god forbid he have to try to figure out what Pony wants from him. - Even Pony doesn't know what he wants, he's just a petty teen. - Pony doesn’t know what he wants and Paul thinks he wants him to apologize, but Paul is NOT going to apologize for missing the version of his little brother that he knew; Let alone the fact that he’s actively been trying to keep this hidden because he knew it wouldn’t work out well. - Pony snaps at him one day and yells about how he can't understand how Paul could love a person who tried to kill him and Johnny, especially after becoming close with them and the gang; Paul's defense is an equally loud response about how Pony has no clue who Bob is beyond what he and Johnny perceived him as, and that if Pony can like Dally despite Dally being also not really a good person the least he can do is silently miss his brother. - It leads to a long argument that progressively gets less loud, eventually, they're sitting next to each other and quietly talking. - Paul may be crying but they will not acknowledge that - They do not tell others that Paul was crying or that they re-bonded, The gang only knows when Pony rolls up to lunch like “The west side is playing Paul Newman :hehe: “ and Paul just sighs and goes “Let me finish my food.”
After all this Paul ends up being even more quiet about Bob bc god forbid this happens again he’d rather die, Two of the Curtis’ + Johnny knowing is enough for him. Stops wearing Bob’s ring and avoids anything that reminds him about it However, he does maybe talk to Darry about it a little bit every so often. Mostly when he's drunk.
Darry: "This is your sixth beer in an hour, what’s got you so upset?" Paul, muffled: "Bob would’ve been 20 today" Darry: :bro: “Oh-“
Glad that the other writers amuse my habits
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mikeellee · 2 days
I see your rank about water based quirks, and it's quite interesting because I've commented the same thing on reddit before and people seem to agree on the fact water quirks have little representation of MHA.
Not only because they are portrayed as way weaker that any other elemental quirk, but usually pure water quirks (not ice ones) only belong to minor and diposable character.
You have:
-Manual "the normal hero" which is sort of a joke character which most prominent moment was keep Aizawa and Monoma's eyes hydratated.
-The firefighter hero from the first episode which I don't think appears ever again and he's only there to extinsguish fire.
-Kota parents are dead imao, and Kota himself is just a child so his quirk doesn't really come into play.
-There was an unnamed villain in the USJ attack who controls water but he's fooder.
While other elemental quirks have a lot of characters which are depicted as really overpower by MHA standards. For example:
-Fire has Endeavor, Dabi and Bakugou to an extent. Self explanatory in this case.
-Air has Inasa, who was probably the most powerful student of his generation before any quirk awakening bs from Class A. Inasa even was stopping Sad Man Parade by himself at one point.
-Earth has Cementoss who was described as op in urban enviorenments, Shindo who is way more powerful than people give him credit for, and if we count metal here Wolfram from the first movie was a really powerful fighter.
So yeah, the difference between water with the rest of the elements is kinda big. Even ice users aren't treated as particulary powerful in the story.
Geten needed to train his whole life without go to school and have a quirk awakening but had problems with a Dabi who was holding back, and he lose against Cementoss for some reason despite there wasn't concrete during their battle.
Shoto is a special case, because notice how the story always treats his fire side as the real powerhouse and not his ice. I mean even Endeavor thinks on the ice quirk as just a way to baypass the overheat rather than a power Shoto can make shine on it's own, isn't that ironic? The ice in Shoto is just a patch for the weakness of his strong side, not this perfect balance between elements.
Perhaps the only truly badass water quirk user we have (despite he's treated as fooder as well) is the nameless leader of the Cider House gang.
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Seriously I love this guy for some reason. His design and quirk are awesome, and he's such a fun minor villain.
Wish we had more content of him and his real name, despite calling him Cider is funny.
Hi @nyc3
So before I answer your ask...let me ask you this: where is the others' healing quirks? Is R.G the only one who has this quirk? Bc if so that raises some questions...so are all the doctors quirkless? I´m especualting here as Hori has no desire to do worldbuilding but if we take this as true...then Izu could have been a doctor.
"Quirkless doctors face discrimination" its something I can see someone saying IF the quirkless are the doctors and this is so supremely dumb. I don't think quirkless discrimination IS a thing in the text, what we have is IZU BEING ABUSED.
Now as for the question...yeah, people in MHA prefer quirks that are stronger, fire IS strong...but then again, on the same wavelength, they don´t care to know more about quirks (Izu is seen as the odd ball for analyzing quirks when this should be the obvious, everyone should have a quirk analyst)
Endy wanted a child from a woman whose quirk is ice. Still, he looks down on water type quirks...while yes, he did that to make sure his kid has a cool off system in him for the fire (HIS PLAN IS SO DUMB HOLY SHIT). I ask, ignoring the implications, if he wants to do a quirk marriage and thinks FIRE is the best, why not marry someone who already has a quirk?
Water is seen as weak and I don´t get why. Maybe Hori has some bias on the power scale.
Wind is something Inasa has but... let's be real, Inasa is an ass in canon. He is an Endy´s fanboy and hates Shoto bc Endy didn´t smile at Inasa...entitled fan much? (I HATE HOW PEOPLE MAKE IZU BE THE CREEPY FAN WHEN WE DO HAVE CANON CREEPY FANS)
Hori doesn't seem to care to make powers interesting...nor consistent.
Look at BK, how many quirk awakenings this asshole had?
To make this short, I believe is not about the power, is how you use...and no one in mha wants to think outside the box.
(on that note, why Toga is the only one who has a transformative quirk?)
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scarlet--wiccan · 3 days
Oh God I was really hoping the backstory that was leaked for Billy was fake... just heard about the new episode and it turns out it wasn't. why would they choose this over adoption or reincarnation-
It's bad! I really feel like the M C U goes out of its way to interpret these characters in bad faith and come up with the worst possible versions of their stories. I've said this before, but everything about Wanda's origins and the nature of her power seems designed to make her an objectively worse person who is more directly responsible for causing harm than her comics counterpart, but is also weirdly set on punishing her for existing and having trauma. She's simultaneously more doomed by the narrative, and infinitely less deserving of redemption.
With Billy, they took a situation that, while complex and, at times, difficult to parse, is ultimately miraculous and joyful, and they made it just.... incredibly grim. There is no real distinction between Billy Maximoff and Billy Kaplan in the comics-- they're the same person, given a second chance at life and the great fortune to reconnect with his original family, in a way that doesn't invalidate or erase the second. And, again, I want to emphasize that when YA and CC were written, Wanda had Jewish heritage, so I don't think there needs to be any awkwardness in the transfer between the Maximoff and Kaplan families, and the text never does anything to imply that Billy's cultural upbringing is any less valid, or any less central to his character after his origins are revealed.
Here, they created a false dichotomy between the two characters, killed one them off, and made the other into a body-snatcher. That is so much darker, and so much more tragic for the Kaplans-- and it creates uncomfortable questions about their relationship, and Billy's identity, that I don't think can ever be neatly resolved. I will say that, thus far, I don't think the show explicitly disavows "William's" heritage, or writes off Billy's relationship with the Kaplans, the way some people are reporting. He doesn't actually remember his life before the switch, so it's not a total takeover, and at points, the episode seems to imply that he's somehow both, and neither-- a new gestalt.
But I don't trust these writers to execute that concept with integrity, or even consistency. In WV and MoM, Wanda's motives, sense of self, and relationship to her powers repeatedly change at the drop of a dime, and we're seeing the same thing, here, with the abrupt change that takes place when Billy reveals his identity. The shift in personality, escalation of power, and the vague implication that he's been masterminding this whole excursion makes no sense with the established timeline-- this is all happening within 24 hours of him even learning that Wanda had kids, let alone that he might be one of them, not to mention hearing about both Agatha the Witches Road for the first time. And up until that point, he really was just an earnest kid. The heel-turn feels silly and juvenile, and the needle drop at the end of episode #5 underscores that a little too perfectly-- his "bad guy" act is just as ill-fitting and unsubstantiated as the Eilish's edgy, wannabe-thug aesthetics.
Obviously, the most important issue here is not the quality of writing, but where this character falls into the spectrum of whitewashing and erasure. The fact that Locke is not Jewish but, before the switch, is playing a Jewish character-- and, specifically trespassing on prayer and religious ceremonies-- is a problem. I've seen a lot of different opinions expressed by a lot of different people within the community about who can or can't play Jewish characters, but I think we can all agree that this is worth criticizing, especially given the larger context of repeated erasure and historical distortion against Jewish and Roma people in this franchise.
But I also want to emphasize that, because of what was done to Wanda, and the franchise's insistence on conducting blatant anti-Romani racism, there was never going to be a truly authentic or acceptable version of this character. Now matter how they cast the role, a significant part of his background had already been erased, and he was already saddled with significant racist baggage. I am very, very tired of white people and Young Avengers fans overlooking that fact.
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theperksofbeingstupid · 14 hours
spiderbit fluff or fright DÍA CINCOOOO!!! for the prompt: family fluff, as always, inspired by johannis' fantastic wonderful amazing art
"Stop moving so much," Cellbit holds Richarlyson's face with both hands, squishing his cheeks and deforming his attempt at a pout.
Richarlyson glares at him, the intensity diminished by the fact his hair is falling in his face and his mooshroom hat is close to tipping over. He places a sign down on the vanity, scribbling furiously: pai it's been three hours.
"You're the one who wanted fake blood!" Cellbit complains. His hands are all stained now, his fingers painted the same shade of red as the hems of Richarlyson's lab coat.
Richarlyson merely giggles in response. It's fine, Cellbit can use the fake blood also, it fits with his costume.
The sun will start setting soon, but it's still light enough for Cellbit to see clearly as he smears fake blood around Richarlyson's mouth and the collar of her shirt. Roier is going to kill him for ruining these clothes. It's worth it for the face Richarlyson makes at him when she tastes the concoction.
"You're not supposed to eat it, Richas," laughs Cellbit.
Richarlyson replaces her sign with one reading: -_-
"Gatinho!" comes a yell from somewhere outside Cellbit and Roier's bedroom. The words echo and warp strangely in the halls of the Castelo.
"Tamo no banheiro!" he yells back.
Richarlyson wriggles free from Cellbit's grasp and he lets them go. They adjust their lab coat and peer over the counter at the mirror, repositioning their mooshroom had properly on their head.
"Alright, Richinhas, off you go," Cellbit wipes off his hands on a towel, pretending that he doesn't see his hands leaving streaks of red on the white cloth, "I have to get dressed."
The sun will be setting soon and he's just now changing out of his pyjamas. In Cellbit's defence, he's been finishing up Richarlyson and Pepito's costumes, as well as shooing Roier out of their closet to maintain the surprise.
The door to the bathroom creaks open and little footsteps march out. Cellbit keeps attempting to wipe down the counters. Luckily they opted for a dark marble so the stains aren't as noticeable.
Everyone on the island has come together to give the kids the best Halloween ever. And as much as Cellbit is a sucker for hosting activities for the kids, this also means that he's stressed out of his mind trying to rush them all out of the house and down to spawn to start their trick-or-treating route.
Cellbit doesn't even notice Roier has arrived in the bathroom until a pair of arms are wrapping around his waist and a chin is digging into his shoulder.
"¿Qué haces?" asks Roier.
Cellbit relaxes back into his husband's hold. "Limpando sua bagunça," he replies easily, smacking Roier with the damp towel in his hands.
"¡Oye! I'm so clean, you don't even know. Some people call me the cleanest person on the island. Limpoier."
Cellbit hums in agreement, "Hmm, I'm sure, guapito."
Roier manages to catch his wrist before Cellbit can smack him with the towel again, and uses it as leverage to spin him around so they're face to face.
"Olá," Cellbit whispers.
"Hola," Roier smiles at him, "Are you ready?"
Cellbit glances at the clock mounted on the far wall of their bedroom, visible through the open door of the bathroom. Oh shit, he's so late.
"Guapito!" he cries out, scrambling out of Roier's hold and slamming open the closet doors, "We're late!"
Roier meanders far too slowly behind him, following him into the bedroom. "It's 6:30 pm, gatinho."
"Yeah! We have to meet up at spawn in an hour and Pepito isn't even dressed," Cellbit stops suddenly, hanger in hand as he rummages through their clothes, "Puta que pariu, guapito."
Roier is leaning on the wall behind him, hands in his pockets and looking for all the world like there's nothing more he'd rather be doing, "Mhm?"
"The kids don't have their baskets," Cellbit drops the hanger, wood clattering loudly on the floor.
"Cellbo, Cellbo, gatinho," Roier is holding him tightly by the shoulders, shaking him with every word. "Calma. Pepito is in his costume, and Richas is helping him with his shoes," Cellbit brings his hands up to hold Roier's, "You bought the baskets last week from Tina, remember? She barked at you and said the only reason she wasn't charging you double is because she loves the kids."
Cellbit nods slowly, "And you barked back..."
"Exactly," Roier smiles at him and drops a kiss on his forehead. "Now go shower because you smell like shit, and I'll leave your costume on the bed.
"But-" Roier begins shooing him back into the bathroom, "It's supposed to be a surprise."
"Gatinho tontinho," he starts tugging on Cellbit's shirt, "We're doing matching costumes. There's no way I'm letting you be a sexy vampire without me."
"¡Ahora báñate! En serio hueles a culo."
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