#aftg brothers au
you-are-a-fox · 2 years
I've realized that, when I started the Wesninski Brothers au, I had no clue how to timeline things lol
This leads to some events not lining up with the story. So here are some changes:
● Aiden and Neil are now twins. (Helps line up some timeline stuff lol) Aiden being the younger one.
● Nathan Wesninski bailed Aiden out of Jouvie after finding out he tried running away (he got severely punished for trying to run)
● Aiden stayed with his father until age 15 before running again.
Might add more if I find more timeline errors/ plot holes
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kevinsdsy · 4 months
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twitter goes crazy about nicky’s tweet after jeremy decides to retweet it.
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people start speculating a secret (past) relationship because once upon a time kevin retweeted the following tweet from jeremy
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(this tweet comes out of my trojans social media au hehe)
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foxes social media au (pt. 2): i’m actually surprised i finished this before i went the bed omg but anyways good night enjoy this <333
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tidalst · 6 months
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Fantasy AU where Neil & Kevin are the princes of Palmetto 👑🦊
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 36
The Smiths had been a happy family.
A happy couple and three happy healthy children. Their first born son 2 years into a blissful marriage, a second born son 4 years in and the third, a first born daughter 7 years in.
They spent most holidays with his Mother’s large rambunctious family but his grandma on his father’s side and her mother were always invited to any family event.
“The more the merrier.” He had heard more than one aunt or uncle say. “We know that Gavin is an only child, we don’t want to leave you alone.” They would say to his Gran. Cousins playing, laughing, rough housing, and screaming. Family friends with their own kids stopping in. The adults who could cook cranking food out happy to feed people.
The more the merrier is something FF believed with all his heart.
FF loved being an older brother.
He loved them from the moment he knew they existed. Had wanted to meet them instantly. Waiting to meet Jay and then Robin had been the longest time of his life. Meeting both of them were two of the happiest moments in FF’s entire life.
Robin had loved to reach up and pinch at his face.
Nose, ears, or even cheeks his little sister had loved to clamp her fingers around it. He used to talk when she’d do it on his nose, purposefully sounding more nasally as he talked to her as she giggled wildly. It was her favorite game in the entire world and FF had always been willing to play it with her.
Jay fell asleep against his shoulders without fail on every single car ride.
Slight weight, drool, and tiny hands that always wanted to hold his arm like a pillow. He was getting big had denied that he did that with pure horror every time FF would ask him if he was going to take a nap. Yet FF very rarely made it to a far off destination without a little bit of drool on an outfit. FF had never cared, trying not to laugh too hard with Robin as she giggled so that he wouldn’t dislodge Jay.
His gran would pinch his cheek and tell him how good he was.
A good older brother.
The happy couple wanted more kids. Wanted a bigger and bigger family. His mom wanted what she knew, his dad wanted what he never had, FF wanted more siblings.
He always felt like he had gotten his wish, but only in the worst way he could have.
His mom and dad were fighting. They were driving home from the supermarket; he vaguely remembers that. He doesn’t remember what started the fight but he remembers how Jay and Robin moved in close to him. She was pointing at him and FF doesn’t remember what she said but he remembers her hands reaching and then-
His face hurt, his ear hurt, he looked over and Jay was asleep just like he always was but he doesn’t look right. He looks and Robin is there reaching for him but she can’t reach him. “I’m scared.” She had said his name, pleading and terrified. Her face was bruised, cut, and she had a burn that looked painful.
He lied to her.
He didn’t know it at the time, but he did.
He reached out and he couldn’t touch her face, but he held her tiny hand in his own, looked her in the eyes, and lied.
“It’s going to be okay; I promise.”
Then he woke up and that hand wasn’t the one in his anymore. The world is muted but somehow his grandma’s red eyes and pale skin stand out to him. He asks what happened and she tells him.
Things don’t get better.
His mom swears his dad tried to kill them all that he swerved so they’d all die together. He can’t corroborate that story; he just remembers her hand reaching and-
How do you ask your mom if she tried to kill you?
She must see the question in his eyes regardless. Must figure that if he can’t feel anything, can’t cry, can’t emote, can’t go and lay between his sibling’s graves in the middle of the night then maybe he’ll never ask the question and she’ll never have to answer.
He learned to live not knowing and maybe his mom learned that he was a coward.
His mom’s family don’t treat him the same. He won’t denounce his father and they look at him with pity and Daniel whispers poison into his cousins’ ears until they act like he killed Robin and Jay personally.
He can’t react.
Can’t plead with his cousins to understand.
Daniel would spin it and FF would find himself on the meds again. So, he got good at pretending. He got good at faking. He got good at everything that was needed to pretend like he didn’t have a care.
Then Coach Wymack and Captain Dan Wilds were there.
He’d been getting better.
Now Daniel was here.
Nicky tucked him into bed and he tried to sleep. Even feigned it well enough for Nicky to leave and to get startled by the shouting that shortly followed.
Daniel was going to stay.
Daniel was going to try to be on the same team.
Daniel was smart, strong, and very athletic.
Daniel was going to be on the same team.
He hears when Abby and his Gran come back, and someone must have mentioned that Daniel was there to his Grandma because she comes in and tells him that it will be okay. He puts on a brave face for her, and she kisses his cheek.
He lays there in bed and stares at the ceiling feel flushed and hot with anxiety.
He gets up and walks to the fridge and finds himself frozen there.
“Smith,” Bee’s voice rings in his ears as he had tried to keep pushing everything down. “Smith, there is only so much you can bottle up and repress.” She reached out and held his hand comfortingly because touch always made him feel like he was on earth.
“What am I supposed to do with it?” he had asked, ashamed.
“Smith, you’ll have to process it. Feel what you repressed and then after you’ve felt it maybe you can let it go.” Bee had said.
He had avoided taking her advice so far, it hadn’t felt safe, and it had been too much, too scary.
Nicky’s face comes into his vision, “Smithy?” he asks and there is concern that FF hadn’t felt worthy of. “C’mon bud. Let’s get you under the covers.” His friend says.
They get to the guest room and FF crumbles. His face in Nicky’s shoulder and when Nicky asks if he can hold him while he sleeps FF nods and holds on as tight as he can. Nicky’s hand finds his back, “It’s okay Smithy, I’m right here. We won’t let that asshole mess with you. You’re safe.” Nicky had promised and-
and it’s enough.
He relaxes against Nicky and he feels safe.
So, he decides to process it.
“Dig in!” Abby said not bothering with grace. It was good. FF still missed his grandma’s cooking. It was nice to have this loud Thanksgiving like he used to get but there was something special about helping his grandma in the kitchen and the two of them sitting down to eat. He missed events with his mom’s family. Loud and boisterous and his Gran welcomed and loved by everyone there. It was special to have his time with his grandma, but he wishes it could be with his cousins and his siblings still.
It’s okay to be nostalgic.
He lets himself process it.
Captain Neil was up front and had started  to play some music. Nicky and Aaron were conked out before they had even reached the entrance to the interstate. They had also slumped onto FF with Aaron asleep on his shoulder as Nicky drooled into his hair. “You can just shove them off.” Andrew said. “It’s fine.” FF said and had reminisced about the last time he’d had something like this. How maybe Jay would be this big, would he be tall like Nicky or shorter like Aaron? Would Robin be big? Would she still want to squeeze his nose and ask him to talk?
It wasn’t a bad thought, just one that hurt to consider.
He lets himself process it.
Aaron looked at him with a twisted mouth for a while before he relented, “Fine they’re not that bad. It’s a big brother thing.” Aaron rolled his eyes. FF swallowed down some acid in his throat and had pushed the smiling eggs and bacon over to Aaron who smiled back at the breakfast and proceeded to eat it. A big brother thing. FF used to be one of those but, unlike Aaron, he hadn’t managed to protect his siblings. Aaron was a good big brother and FF only had the memory of being one.
It hurt and maybe it wasn’t just his great grandma he had reached out to when he had baked those brownies. They had always always been Jay’s favorite.
Two kids hadn’t moved as the rest of the world continued to. He watched as they clung to one another, and no one seemed to take notice of them. He didn’t understand how anyone could mess them with the bright orange children’s jerseys they had on. One sporting 01 – Josten and the other 10 – Josten on the backs. He had said something to Nicky and then he was squatted down in front of them. A big brother and a little sister with a burn. He’s glad to see them off safely. Glad they’re safe and that Millie is smiling at him like he hung the stars because he got her an autograph from Captain Neil. Glad to watch Brandon be lifted up by his father. He hopes they get home safe.
They didn’t even look that much like Jay and Robin but it had made him happy.
There were other moments, small moments that had hurt that he bottled up but those didn’t take much time to process though.
He finishes processing and lets himself come back to the present.
Something tastes good in his mouth.
“…put the knife away!!” he hears Nicky yelling and looks up to find that Nicky is hiding behind Matt Boyd in Abby’s backyard.
“Just tell me where my car is Nicholas!” Andrew says advancing on Nicky with a knife drawn.
“Can we not do this with me in the middle?” Matt pleads.
“He won’t stab you so you’re the safest thing to hide behind!” Nicky exclaims.
“Where. Is. My. Car?” Andrew hisses.
“Look, I’m just saying that until that asshole is off the campus….maybe it’s for the best that you don’t have access to your car?” Nicky asks pleadingly.
“What the fuck is he drinking?!” He turns as he hears Kevin nearby.
“Milkshake, it’s fine. Doesn’t Smiths deserve something that is not one of your dogshit smoothies?” Aaron asks and he’s standing between Kevin and FF. He sees one of Kevin’s smoothies in the starting striker’s hands.
“It’s not fine!” Kevin hisses. “I didn’t approve of it!” he flails one arm.
“Kevin,  you’re not actually his doctor.” Captain Neil says, “Andrew, maybe put the knife away before people call the cops on you?” Captain Neil asks pleadingly.
“I’ll put it away once Nicky tells me where he put my car.” Andrew demands.
“We just barely avoided you going to jail a couple weeks ago Andrew. I just don’t want you to do something that would result in you being there on vehicular manslaughter charges!” Nicky pled from behind Matt.
“I wouldn’t crash the Maserati just to kill him.” Andrew is facing towards them, and FF can see him roll his eyes.
“I think they’re more worried that you’ll just run him over if you see him dude.” Matt says.
FF realizes belatedly that he’s sucking on a straw to an empty milkshake only when a wrinkled hand takes it from him and puts a hot drink in his hands instead. He looks and sees his grandma smiling at him.
He looks down and-
Oh, hot chocolate. This is nice.
He takes a sip.
Oh, his grandma’s hot chocolate.
He watches as his Grandma makes her way towards where Andrew and Nicky were continuing to run around a resigned looking Matt.
Andrew is stopped as his Grandma hands him a cup of hot chocolate filled to the brim with marshmallows. He blinks at the offering but takes it stopping his hot pursuit of Nicky.
“Jesteś moim ulubieńcem” she says. (“You’re my favorite now.”)
Nicky makes a noise like he’s dying. “Aras!” he cries dramatically.
“Got something to say about the drink from his Gran?” Aaron asks.
“No…” Kevin says petulantly. “…but he should leave room. I formulated a new healthier smoothie that tastes good.” Kevin says holding up his smoothie.
“Doesn’t taste like ass is more accurate.” Matt says walking over now that Nicky was immobilized by his despair and Andrew was enjoying hot chocolate. “Sorry Smithster, we’re still working on getting it up to ‘tastes good’.” He says apologetically clapping FF on the shoulder.
“Fat chance of that with Kevin’s sensibilities with flavor.” Aaron says rolling his eyes. “More accurate to say lack of sensibility.” He adds after a second.
“Don’t be rude, you ran off without even warning me.” Matt points at Aaron.
"You ran off?!" Kevin demands.
FF can’t help it.
He laughs.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 4 months
Arsonist neil/firefighter andrew plsss
WIP Wednesday (5/8) | Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU (Part 167)
“Yeah.” Neil exhales. “Not Arby’s tonight.”
“Afraid I’ll show up there?”
“No. I just was going to try—” Neil cuts off to keep from revealing his dinner plans. Then realizes he’s being stupid. “I’m going to Subway tonight.”
“Excellent choice if you like wilted vegetables and stale bread and slimy cold cuts.” Andrew says, then there’s a bit of a yawn. “I’m serious. The one here in town used to be decent when I was a teenager, but it is terrible now. I would avoid it unless you want to be puking your guts up tomorrow.”
“Oh.” Neil sighs. “Thanks for the warning.”
“Mm. Perhaps you could try Gordon’s Deli. They make decent sandwiches.” Andrew says, next explaining to Neil where it’s located.
Neil makes a mental note of Andrew’s directions. "Thanks."
"Just don't tell them I sent you, they might spit in your food." Andrew says.
"Ew. Noted." Neil says, wondering why that is. "What are you doing for dinner?”
“Yes. You mentioned pancakes earlier and I want to eat them now.”
Neil laughs. “I didn’t mention pancakes, I told you that my mom and I had to fight a guy, he fell off a balcony, and—”
“‘Splat. Flat as a pancake on the sidewalk’.” Andrew finishes. “I know what you said. And I am making pancakes about it.”
“You’re crazy.”
“So I’ve been told. Goodnight, 10. And heed my warning. If you love your stomach, do not go to Subway.”
“I won’t.” Neil says. “Night.”
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aftg taylor swift au
hear me out:
instead of being trained in exy, mary convinces the moriyama that they could use nathaniel as a foothold in the music industry. instead of little league, nathaniel wesinisnski gets music and singing lessons
when he turns 15 the moriyama as change his name to neil josten to avoid any ties with the butcher and he releases his debut album. he goes to high school near edgar allen, and was introduced to kevin + riko a while ago and is decent friends with them.
by the time fearless comes out, he is enrolled in edgar allen for music. riko gets more possessive and toxic once an official ravens member, and neil tries to cling on to kevin to escape.
neil meets andrew in his speak now era. riko had dragged him to the first fall banquet as his date, and when neil finally slipped away from the crowds he found andrew minyard. when neil introduces himself, andrew sarcastically says, “enchanted.” as they talk more (not at all bc andrew thought the blue eyed red haired singer was interesting, no) neil jokes that he’ll write a song about andrew so popular he’ll never be able to escape it. when speak now comes out, andrew swore he wouldn’t listen to it but he say a song titled enchanted and his stomach twisted. listening to the song was like a punch in the gut, and neil got the last laugh because the song did in fact haunt him (get the pun?)
after neil’s growing popularity ichirou is getting interested in neil and red is the fall out of that
1989 is neil dealing with riko breaking kevin’s arm and kevin leaving neil behind to go to the foxes. (this album is so them coded, all you had to do was stay, now that we don’t talk, i know places, is it over now, say don’t go)
reputation is after a shitshow. the foxes beat the ravens, riko is dead, and it was revealed to the public who neil’s father is, mb bc he got kidnapped or something. he reconnects with kevin, and by proxy andrew. they fall in love and reputation is born, the rest is history.
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our-king-bree · 1 year
AFTG AU where Katelyn and Neil are half siblings, and Katelyn got left behind with Nathan when Mary ran away with Neil.
Everything on Neil's side is pretty much the same but Katelyn (whose real name is Natasia) is completely different. She was raised by Nathan and Lola so she was trained with knives, life full of pain and cuts and scars and punishment and just ugly. Also, every time Mary and Neil got away from Nathan's men, it was Katelyn who had to bear the consequences, so she grew up quite resentful.
Katelyn —Natasia— may or may not be involved in the investigation that led to Nathan's being in jail. Of course, she refuses completely to cooperate with the FBI investigation and that's why Nathan doesn't suspect her, at all. Once Nathan's in jail, she makes a deal with him —she wants to have a normal life, go to college, live away from Baltimore— and Nathan agrees but he also promises her that once he's out of jail, she'll have to deal with becoming the new Butcher.
So off she goes to Palmetto and everything is great, honestly. Nathan gets more than one year in jail, and it's on her second that Neil arrives and things get shitty....
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feelingthedisaster · 5 months
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sweeterthanyou-blog · 2 years
officially obsessed with the idea of Andrew Joseph Minyard and Neil Abram Josten with little kids. these men have brutal scars, carry knives, can and will kill you if motivated enough, are both traumatised beyond belief… But try so hard to care and support these kids who just latch on to them. It’s just so precious.
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you-are-a-fox · 2 years
Just a little fanart for the Wesninski Brothers Au. Well more of a redraw of what I drew for it years ago
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xhoneyghost · 1 month
high school aftg au where the twins study in a different school than Neil so he usually drives to their school to wait for Andrew. because he is such a little shit, when Aaron starts to date a new girl, neil "accidentally" bumps into her outside the school and says 'im not from this school, im just waiting my boyfriend. maybe you know him very small, strong, blond hair, hazel eyes, has a creepy twin brother"
the girl goes, "what?"
and neil always says, "yeah, we don't really hide our relationship but we don't broadcast it either. He's very sweet!" and shows the photo that he carries on his phone's case (a selfie with Andrew kissing his cheek)
The girls always assume that he is talking about Aaron because for them he is the sweet one while Andrew is the creepy one. Later, Aaron will get home mad and Andrew is always so amused
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aledethanlast · 1 year
Aftg au where Neil is actually Kevin's half brother via a torrid affair between Kayleigh and Nathan, and Mary taking Neil and running was actually part of a convoluted revenge plot.
Anways Neil comes to Palmetto fully intending to tell Kevin the truth but then Kevin opens his mouth one (1) time and Neil understands that he can never, ever give this man older brother privileges.
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jtl-fics · 2 months
I heard its wednesday , any snippets with my baby boy? (au doe snot matter just any wip that possibly has riko mention in it please <3))
7/3/24 WIP Wednesday (Closed) | Math Nerd AU
"I will memorize it." Riko says eyes still on the card that Ichirou had given him.
"That would be wise." Ichirou agrees before turning his gaze out the window. "Our father does not have much time left, those that he has given power will soon find themselves adrift."
Riko remains silent and the brothers do not say another thing to one another for the entire rest of the ride back to Evermore.
Riko climbs out of the car when Ichirou makes no move to do so. "I hope you have a safe journey." Riko says before he shuts the car door.
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jeanmoroses · 2 months
which aftg characters would be in which f1 team & why:
for the purposes of this au i'm going to pretend the strategists rankings and managers for every team don't exist so this is purely based off vibes !!! also if you have other ideas feel free to let me know nothing is set in stone hehe
red bull: kevin and andrew. red bull is SO ravens coded and max verstappen is quite literally a kevin day variant (and vice versa). hc that kevin and riko used to race for red bull together (can you see where this is going. yeah) and andrew ended up replacing riko as the second rb driver
mclaren: shawn and derrick. shawn as lando norris and derrick as oscar piastri i don't have to explain this i think
ferrari: jeremy knox and jean moreau. jeremy is basically ferrari personified (he’s like a mix of charles, carlos, and george) while jean used to drive as an alternate for kevin & riko then transferred to ferrari after riko's crash/suicide
mercedes: matt and neil. matt/lewis older brothers of the grid and neil as the underdog (george russell). in an alternate universe this is kevin and neil
aston martin: nicky and allison. i’m not comparing nicky to alonso but allison and lance stroll (don't come for me i'm a lance stroll enjoyer i swear). also aston martin sounds so vintage and rich i think it fits them
visa rb: cat and laila. yuki telling reporters he wants to open a restaurant every interview just reminds me of cat LMAO but i don't know how this would work with the red bull and visa correlation so i guess aston martin and visa are interchangeable ? i still like it this way tho
haas: cody and pat. they would tell each other “suck my balls” on national television. underrated duo ngl
alpine: nabil and derek. okay this was really random i was running out of characters HAHHAH but pierre and esteban kind of do remind me of nabil and derek like imagine them on the track
williams: xavier and min. unproblematic team for unproblematic drivers i love alex and logan
kick sauber/audi: haoyu and travis. another unproblematic team i can see travis getting haoyu to film silly tiktoks with him and being menaces at the paddock (sometimes they rope williams into their shenanigans)
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tigtree · 28 days
currently outlining my AFTG plane crash AU and am realising that writing nicky hemmick is so fucking delightful. because brother just says crazy things sometimes and i love writing it lmao
“Come on,” Nicky stands abruptly, knocking Aaron with his elbow as he rises. “Gotta piss.”
Aaron frowns up at him. “And you can’t go alone?”
“No! Who knows what’s out there?” Nicky protests. “Snakes! Zombies! Bears! I’m not risking a wilderness circumcision just because you’re too lazy to stand watch.”
“You’re disgusting.” Aaron sighs, though he takes Nicky’s outstretched hand and pulls himself onto his feet.
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moonsnqil · 11 months
aftg au fic where neil is a psych major and he wants to do his final on the whole nature vs nurture thing so ofc he goes to aaron (they're not friends but they can be found studying with each other and taking turns bringing back snacks from the vending machine when they're both hunched over textbooks at 2 in the morning in the library). aaron only agrees to help bc neil promised he would help him talk to katelyn since they share a class this semester. enter andrew, criminal justice major, he's only here because aaron promised to buy him ice cream for the next month (and neil is hot and andrew is very gay). neil spends the next month or so running his little tests and asking questions. he learns early on that andrew is stubborn, he only deals in exchanges so every other night they find themselves sitting somewhere on campus trading truths and andrew sort of likes how he's revealing the nurture life dealt him and neil just accepts it bc he was dealt a similar hand. aaron doesn't care about the project, he's there for katelyn and maybe a small part of him would admit to needing validation that andrew isn't miles away from him bc look, they both hate candy corn, cilantro tastes like soap, and neither of them ever were too fond of hiking.
andrew wants to quit the project, ice cream wasn't worth this. neils auburn hair and ocean eyes and mysterious scars that were too clean to be anything but intentional. aaron wants to get a gf and find out why his brother doesn't talk to him yet is willing to stab the senior who shoved him. neil just wants to get a good grade, he survived the mafia and his serial killer father so he thinks he deserves a good grade (and if he keeps seeking out andrew in the halls and spends too much time trying to dissect the nature of him, well. good grade, right?)
what happens when neil realizes hes gotten too close to another person in a way he never has before, when andrew begins studying a certain butcher in his class with awfully familiar eyes?
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