#after work even and yesterday he opened a room on google chats just for us when usually we do it with a couple of colleagues
heavenknowsffs · 1 year
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ice-cap-k · 1 year
Glassy Eyes
This is where I start getting carried away.
Fanfic of a fanfic. Based on Sixteenthdays' "From the Archives" series. Supposedly takes place after their story Immersive Story Telling.
Their tumblr
Seriously, their stuff is good. It puts this story to shame. I highly recommend you go check them out.
Cross-posted on AO3 here: Glassy Eyes
Huh. Would you look at that? Did someone drop off another statement last night? Scar? Scar!
[Sound of door opening.]
What’s happening?
Did you leave this on my desk?
[Crinkling of paper.]
Hm? Oh, that wasn’t me. That was Impulse. He said Ren came in yesterday and dropped it off in a box at the front desk
(Indignantly) I was here yesterday too. Why didn’t he just come on in for an in-person statement like last time? It’s so much more satisfying when it’s in person. 
He showed up after you left. And even then, it sounded like he was in a rush. Impulse seemed worried about him. It was like he just dropped off the box and ran out the door.
(Scoffs) Fine. Fine. I’ll have to talk to him about it later. Thank you for telling me.
Any time!
[Door squeaks closed]
I suppose a new statement is still better than a stale one. Statement of Ren D. Dog regarding an escape room experience. Original statement recorded yesterday, apparently, October 5, 2023. Statement begins.
Before I get to the important bits, I just want to apologize at the beginning for the handwriting ‘cause I’m going to write this in a rush. I probably shouldn’t be taking the time to write this at all, but you people listened and believed me when I told you about my escapades in the sewer and you’re the only ones I can think of who might know something about what I saw or have some sort of connection. I really hope so. I could really use some direction here.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. You’re going to want to know everything, so I’m going to start with the group chat. Er, ok not exactly the chat, but there’s a group I’m in where a bunch of friends plan out fun little outings. I’ve known most of them for years. Good people. We’ve had lots of fun times together.  Sometimes we make a day of fun little games. Simple stuff like tag with Nerf guns and extra steps. Other times it’s a huge event that takes a lot of planning,  organizing, and a venue. 
Two days ago was our last meet-up. It was one of the bigger events we had planned for the year. Some of the fellas in our group had never been to an escape room before, so I figured we had to do something about that. I’ve been to a handful myself. Escape rooms are just good fun, honestly, and are great for big parties. The best places know how to break up big groups of people into littler groups and space them out so they can work through each room without catching up to the people who went first. 
I took it upon myself to take charge of the planning. Nobody seemed to have any issue with me handling it this time around so as far as I was concerned it was up to me to throw the grooviest get-together of the year. 
I found the place immediately. There was an ad that popped up in my “recommended” section on the forum I use to do research for my podcast. It was for a brand new escape room about to open up on the edge of town. There wasn’t much information available, but that made sense. It was a brand new business. There wouldn’t be any history on the company that a quick Google search would be able to provide. But there was a phone number on the ad, so I made a few calls. Talked to the owners about renting the place out for the day. It sounded like a good one. Cool concept. They were more than happy to set it up and stagger us out in groups as we went through the challenges. They sounded so excited to have so much interest this early into their launch. We got everything all squared away, and I let the fellas in the chat know the date and the time.
Everyone else seemed really into it, too. They pitched in their share of money to cover the costs. It didn’t come out to be that much per person since there were a lot of us and the company only charged a single lump sum for renting the place out for a day. 
But the day before we were supposed to go, one of my friends had to back out of the arrangement. Poor thing fell sick and didn’t want to expose us to something nasty. I felt bad for the dude. The least I could do was offer them their money back. I could have covered their share on my own but they didn’t want it back. They just told me, “go ahead and take someone else in my place. I don’t mind.” At that point, everyone in our group chat who wanted to go was already going. Then someone suggested that, since I planned this one out, I should ask a friend of mine who wasn’t already part of the group to join in on the fun. Everyone was cool with it. Excited at the idea of a possible new addition to the group, even.
So I called up my good friend BigB. We used to hang out a lot back in university, but I hadn’t seen him in a while. This felt like a good opportunity to catch up. BigB said, “sure thing, man,” and we were set for fun times ahead. 
So the big day rolls around and we get to this place and meet up with the others. Greetings and introductions go around, and we get ready to rumble. The host comes out to meet us. She explained the game and what we could expect. Our whole party would be divided up into groups of two. There would be timers running for pairs to try to solve all the puzzles in a room. Either they passed in the time limit, or the time limit would run out and they would be ushered to the next room. Either way, it would free the place up for the next pair to come in and try their hand at the reset puzzles. Then they walked us through the safety measures. Each room had a buzzer by the door that could be hit to let the workers know that you needed to get out. It would unlock the door and deactivate any machinery or whatever fancy doohickies they had in the place. Sometimes people get claustrophobic or anxious in a confined place. Especially when put under pressure.
It was all super chill and fun at first. A bunch of us hung out in the lobby while we waited for the first few pairs to go. When it was me and BigB’s turn, the host waved us over and we went in the door together. 
BigB might not have been to an escape room before, but the man was absolutely brilliant. We made it through the first two rooms at lightning speed. The challenges weren’t too difficult, in retrospect, but they weren’t super easy either. It seemed like every time I got stuck in a rut, too caught up on a detail to figure things out, B would pat me on the shoulder and point out something I missed. We never went past the time limit. He was always a pretty observant guy when we hung out at the theater, but I never really stopped to appreciate it until now.
 I kept marveling at how different it was compared to other places you see nowadays. It was honestly pretty clever. They modeled the inside like some big dollhouse. Fancy decorations and plastic furniture and all. There were mannequins set up to look like a setting with people. A few of the figures that were supposed to be little kids even had dolls of their own in their plastic arms. 
It was in one of these rooms that B first pulled me aside. I had been trying to puzzle over a lock on the fake kitchen’s fridge. I’d assumed it would be like before, and that he’d blow my mind with some silly detail I had missed, but instead, he told me that the doll was looking at us. He pointed to this little glass doll in the lap of a mannequin kid. Its head was sort of tilted towards us. The glassy eyes glittered.
That creeped me right out. Sent a shiver right up my spine. But I also figured it was just a prop. Maybe even part of the puzzle. So I took what he said pretty seriously. I think that might have surprised him that I believed him so easily.
I tried waving my hand in front of the doll, moving around the room, I even picked the thing up. It didn’t seem to follow me as I moved, and there was nothing I could find that was off about the doll, so I shrugged it off and said maybe it was just a red herring. He didn’t look too convinced, but he didn’t argue. We ended up finding the key in a cake and moved on to the next room. 
It was a bathroom. It was kind of small for the two of us, but we searched the place for the next set of clues. At some point, I opened a cupboard under the sink and nearly jumped out of my skin. There was another doll, sitting pretty on the shelf facing outwards to smile at some unsuspecting fool like me who opened the door. It spooked me so bad, that I bumped into the full-body mirror hanging against the wall and it came crashing down. 
Broken glass got everywhere. I was ok. No cuts or anything. BigB was spooked something fierce. He looked me over to make sure I was ok. I mostly just felt bad about damaging the place's property. I was already rehearsing an apology and coming up with a payment plan to present the owners with when BigB got distracted. I asked him what was up, and he turned me around. 
Behind where the mirror was hanging was a small door. Only a few feet wide. Maybe two feet tall. It reminded me of the house I grew up in, where my bedroom closet had a little door for easy access to the plumbing in the bathroom on the other side of the wall. It looked like those tiny maintenance doors. You couldn’t walk through it, but it was big enough for someone around our size to crawl through. There were no cobwebs like the one back in my old closet. This one looked nice and clean. Almost like it was well-used.
BigB thought we should hit the button near the last door. We could contact the hosts, let them know we broke the mirror. Our round would be forfeited, though. I wasn’t ready for that. We were only halfway through, and up until then, our rounds had been fantastic. The stuff of legends.
If I’m going to be honest, the little door also got me curious. We were in an escape room. How was I supposed to know it wasn’t part of the game? For all we knew, we had accidentally skipped a bunch of steps that would have eventually told us to move the mirror. I said as much to BigB. He seemed hesitant, but then I said that if the door ended up leading to nothing more than a bunch of pipes, we’d move on. I was at least hoping we could finish up with this room or go until our timer ran out before we contacted the hosts. Just to make things go a little bit longer. Beat one more riddle for the sake of my own satisfaction.
He actually agreed. So I kneeled down, brushed some of the broken glass bits out of the way, and he opened the door. 
There was a whole tiny corridor on the other side! Like a mini hallway. BigB saw that and elbowed me in the side. “Looks like you were right. We just skipped an entire room.” He crawled in first, and I followed. 
The hallway ceiling sloped upward almost immediately so we could stand back up and start walking again. This part of the building was noticeably different from the rest. Up until then, the rooms had been homely and tacky. Plastic and overstuffed. Full of dolls and cheap props. The walls and floor of this hall were grey concrete and hard edges. 
The dolls were still around, though. Mostly the smaller ones. None of the mannequins. A mix of plastic and porcelain faces stared blankly out at the wall from lines of shelves. 
The further we went, the less put-together the dolls seemed to be. There would be a cracked cheek here and a few missing strands of hair there, but before long entire swathes of shelves were full of doll bits. Not even entire dolls. Just their arms and legs and heads all lined up.
I had also noticed that the hallway seemed less well kept than the rest of the building. The door had seemed clean, and I suppose the hard floor did too, but clear strands of what looked like spider silk were hanging from the ceiling. Memories of what I saw with Doc were still pretty fresh in my mind, so when I started noticing doll parts tangled and left hanging in thicker knots of strands, I could feel myself losing my nerve. 
I tried suggesting to BigB that we turn back. I’m pretty sure I made some excuse about how we must have accidentally found the storage rooms. We hadn’t seen anything that looked like a clue or puzzle since we came through the door. But by now BigB seemed hooked. He begged me to go just a little further with him. He just wanted to check the place out. If it was just storage, then as long as we didn’t mess with anything there was no harm in being there. We could always go back once we got to the end. 
I couldn’t say no to him. I just couldn’t. His reasoning was sound, sure, but there was a spark in his eye that I just didn’t have it in me to douse. He was really curious about this place for some reason I could no longer fathom. But I was the one who suggested going through the door in the first place. I could ride this thing out a little longer. 
I tried. I really did try. 
We didn’t go very far when BigB took the lead. He mumbled something I didn’t hear. When I asked him to repeat, he called back a little louder, “The dolls are watching us again.” 
Every hair on my body stood on end. I looked at the dolls hanging from the ceiling and at the ones lined up against the wall, and rows upon rows of eyes stared down at us. The plastic faces remained unchanged, but this time I could visibly see the painted marbles in the eye sockets moving to keep pace with us. Disembodied doll heads turned in place to continue staring.
But BigB kept going. Even as I tugged on his arm. I asked, no, demanded to know how he wasn’t freaked out, but he just shook me off. “We’re almost to the end of the hall,” he said. And he took my hand. “There’s something there. I can see it. Can’t you? Don’t you want to know what it is?”
I don’t know what came over me, but it was almost like the moment his hand touched mine his excitement sort of rubbed off on me. I don’t know how to fully explain it. It was like I was feeling what he was feeling. My fear was still there, but now there was also a burning curiosity. I couldn’t see what was at the end of the hall like he could. I didn’t see the end at all, but I didn’t run away. I let him drag me forward until we passed the threshold of another doorway. This one was normal-sized. There was no door, just the opening. I couldn’t see anything past the doorframe, but I trusted BigB. He seemed to be able to see ahead of us. So it came as a complete shock when I took a step forward and the ground was just gone!
The place had no floor. Both me and B dropped screaming into the black. I don’t know how deep it was or how far we fell, but if there wasn’t a bottom, there at least had to be a ceiling because a lot of those cobwebby strands hung down deep in clumps. They caught at us like vines, dragging at our limbs. My arms are still littered with tiny little crisscrossed cuts from falling through them and having them break across my skin, but they did manage to slow our fall. The two of us hit a point where there were so many little strings that they wrapped around us like a net and kept us from going any further. 
I just hung there for a moment, catching my breath, trying to figure out what the hell had happened. BigB was hanging next to me, struggling for a handhold on the strings holding him up. And I think it was right then that I realized that this stuff wasn’t spider silk at all. It was too thick. Not stretchy enough. I think it might have been fishing line. It felt like that. Like thick, clear, plastic lines. They felt about as comfortable as you’d expect a fishing net to be.
We couldn’t see the bottom from where we hung. Couldn’t see the top where we came from either. I could see other things hanging above us and below us. Caught in suspension by the hanging strands. There were a few more dolls. And some rocks, curiously enough. Big rocks, little rocks, literal statues. I didn’t try to make sense of it. What was happening didn’t make sense. I also didn’t spot the human skeleton until BigB gasped and pointed it out.
It was hanging in front of him, maybe two yards away from him and even further from me. It had to have been there for years. The flesh had long rotten off its bones, making it impossible to tell if it was once a man or a woman. Only a few scraps of cloth hung from their arms and legs. It hung splayed out, supported by the plastic wires looped around its wrists and ankles. Another loop wrapped under its chin and around its neck like a noose. It kept the skull upright. Almost like it would be looking directly at BigB if it could, but there were no eyes in those sockets.
As silly as it sounds, the skeleton almost looked laughable hanging there. Sure, it probably spelled doom and gloom for the two of us if we stopped to think about how long they had been down here without anyone noticing. But the way it hung there suspended by its arms and legs, it was like a kid’s puppet. Tossed aside, limp and small and waiting. 
“This is it. We’re going to die down here,” B wailed. 
I tried to calm him down. Talk it out and come up with some sort of plan for both our sakes. I needed to believe it as much as he did. I started struggling. Some of the strings shifted as I pulled on them, which wasn’t very comforting. Still, the lines were sturdy enough to hold us. Maybe we could climb them? We could go back up and out the way we came. Or if we couldn’t get up, we could work our way down. There had to be a bottom. Once we got down there we could figure something else out. 
BigB didn’t really like that second idea. “Don’t go down,” he begged. “Down is so much worse.” Frankly, I was inclined to believe him.
I managed to convince him to try climbing up. I was starting to make some progress myself. The strands weren’t the most sturdy things. I could feel some of them snap or give way above me as I dragged myself up a few inches, but there were tons of them. Even with a few breakages, I was still able to hold myself relatively steady. I think seeing that helped him calm down. He started pulling himself up after me. As he moved, the strings swung a little. He found himself shifting back and forth, swinging closer and closer to the skeleton. He didn’t seem too enthused about it. I tried suggesting he shift his weight a little to the other side. He did, but by then he already had momentum. He swung really close to the skeleton. Within a foot or two, and my stomach dropped as the strings holding its right hand began to quiver.
I thought maybe BigB had shifted something loose above us, and it was hitting the strings holding the skeleton, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. To my horror, the thing moved forward. It hung limp, but its limbs moved independently like a marionette under the skillful hand of a puppeteer. One dead hand lurched forward, wrapping around a clump of the strings holding BigB in a way that would have been downright painful if the thing had had any muscle or nerves left. And then the strings holding the skeleton’s other arm aloft twitched and swung forward to wrap around BigB’s shoulders. The head leaned in, the jaw opened, and somewhere above us a voice said, “What good timing. I’m always looking for good replacement parts.”
BigB screamed. I’m pretty sure I screamed too. Bones rattled as B tried to throw the skeleton away from him, but I could only watch in horror as the puppet strings controlling its arms twisted around B and wrapped him tight. He thrashed. I screamed at him to hang on. I wasn’t sure what I would do, just that I had to do something. The only thing I could think of was getting to BigB, so I climbed. I grabbed at strings and clumps and whatever else I could to drag myself over to him.
In my desperate desire to help, I stopped paying attention to how sturdy the strings were. They were giving out like crazy in my hands. Things above me shifted. I remember reaching out to BigB, but then B shoved the skeleton back and screamed at me to look out. I looked up and saw one of the sharp rocks that had been hanging above us start to fall. I watched as it came down at me. I felt it slam into my skull, and that was the last thing I remembered. It all went black after that. 
When I opened my eyes, I was back in the fake little bathroom. I was lying on the tiled floor next to the broken bits of mirror with some dudes’ faces blocking out the light. My head hurt something crazy. 
My friends and the hosts had come to get me and BigB when we didn’t respond to the buzzer signaling time had run out. They saw me on the ground next to some broken glass and a gash on my head and panicked. I felt bad. I must have been a sorry sight. They picked me up and started patching me up. And I was grateful for the help. But then one of them asked where BigB went.
I freaked out. I started to point at the wall, shouting that he was still behind the little door, but everyone just looked at me like they were confused. I tried explaining what had happened, how we went through the little door behind the mirror in the storage room, but as I started describing the hall, the owners of the establishment cut me off and told me there was no door there.
The really freaky thing was that there wasn’t. I went back to that bathroom and the space on the wall was empty. I even ran my hand along it, but there were no seams or edges that I could feel. The one owner was even nice enough to peel back the wall paper after we searched for BigB for an hour with no luck. There was nothing there. It was like the door had never been there. Maybe I had just hit my head when I broke the mirror and dreamed it all. But dream or not, we never did find BigB. 
Everyone, me, my friends, even the owners, we all practically tore that place apart looking for him. And when we ran out of places to look inside the building, we started combing the area outside for him. We weren’t able to find anything. When it started to get dark, someone called the police. A few officers came out to check the place out. They asked us a few questions and took our numbers, but it’s not like they came up with anything we hadn’t already found. It was like B vanished without a trace.
I’ve been at my wit's end trying to track him down since then. I don’t think I’ve gotten any sleep these past two days. I’ve even started putting up posters asking if anyone’s seen him. Everyone else is pitching in, but I can’t help but feel responsible. I’m the one who asked him to come along on this trip, and I lost him when we were partnered up. If there’s a chance that my dream wasn’t actually a dream, then I even convinced him to go down that creepy hall with me. If anyone should have gotten got, it should have been me.
I know what you’re probably thinking. Doc already left because of something freaky we saw. And now BigB’s gone too. This is different from when Doc left. Doc can handle himself. He’s crazy strong and smart. Doc avoided me, but he didn’t completely vanish. People still saw him. 
This isn’t Doc we’re talking about here. It’s BigB. BigB wouldn’t hurt a fly. BigB can stick to himself sometimes, but he doesn’t get lost in projects and vanish like Doc can. He’s just gone.
Well, most of him is. While we waited for the police to arrive, I stuck my hand in my pocket and found something that hadn’t been there before.
I didn’t know what to do with it or how they got there. It makes no sense. The police didn’t bother with them, so I’m leaving them with you on the off chance they might be some sort of clue.
I think they’re BigB’s eyes.
Statement ends.
[Increasingly panicked breathing.]
I… I can’t. I just- I have to go call-
I tried calling BigB. I tried a lot. He’s not picking up. Despite Ren’s questionable honesty about his own name, he’s proven to provide accurate statements. At least as far as we have been able to tell. And as much as I wish it wasn’t true, much of what appears in this statement has been backed up with follow-up research. 
An inquiry to the police station confirmed that Ren and a handful of others had reported BigB missing two days ago, and considering BigB is a fully grown adult with the right to come and go as he pleases without telling anyone, I wouldn’t be surprised if they continue to drag their feet on an investigation. 
As for the escape room establishment, Ren had left an address and printout of the ad he had found online in the box he left at the front desk. I asked Scar to look into it and he managed to contact the owners. They claimed they have no clue how Ren and BigB managed to find the room with the dolls. The walls have been inspected, but no traces of a “small door” are to be found. The wall is solid. There’s no possible way they could have gone through, or that BigB might have ended up in the walls, though they have since reviewed the blueprints they received upon purchasing the building. Upon further inspection, they found that on the opposite side of the same wall where Ren described the door is an empty space. No room is indicated. Or anything, really. Just empty space. They’re currently looking into having a contractor take a look for signs of a boarded-up room. The sooner, the better.
They also provided a little information on the building’s history as it was told to them upon purchase of the premises. This information we later confirmed after searching through public records. Apparently, the building used to house the production of doll parts, which would explain a lot. It wasn’t a full production plant. Too small for that. Rather, it was a hub for touch up work and assembling the doll pieces before they could be sold to local toy shops. The new owners took it upon themselves to use some of the leftover products they found lying around as props in their escape rooms. 
Pearl dug through a few newspaper articles in the archives and found that the previous owner had died in a very peculiar accident. I’ll, uh, spare you the details, but it appears they were caught in the wires used for assembling puppets. The place had been left to rot for almost twenty years before the current owners bought the property.
Oh yeah! As for the other gift Ren left for us in the box… 
[Dull rattling]
He wasn’t lying. There were a pair of eyes in there.
They’re not really BigB’s eyes. They can’t be. They’re made of glass. They’re those freaky kinds of weighted marbles they use in porcelain dolls. The ones that are made to blink at you when you tilt the things back and forth. I can see why he said they were BigB’s eyes, though. They’re the same shade of brown as his. And have that same gradient effect at the edges where it gets a little darker all the way around his irises. The resemblance is kind of uncanny. 
They were definitely made to look just like BigB’s. 
I can’t find it in me to have Impulse take them to storage. I don’t like them looking at me, but it feels wrong, somehow, to have them locked away in a dark room. I’ll probably just keep them in one of my desk drawers until we find him.
I’ll call Ren later if he can stop his search long enough to let me help.
Heh. We should keep a nickel jar for whenever one of us goes missing. Between me and my friends, we’d make a fortune. 
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(Y/n) and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week: Thursday (Part 2)
Monday     Tuesday     Wednesday     Thursday (Part 1)     Friday     Saturday     Sunday
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: panic attacks, swearing, puking, concussions, mentions of injuries/bullying, homophobia
Word count: 5,138
After school, you were sitting on the couch as you furiously typed on your keyboard at an extremely fast pace. You were on a roll with these essays, they were probably going to be finished by the time you had to go back to the school to get on the bus with the team. You figured that you could even finish Annie’s essay and get started on Sammy’s US history presentation on the sociopolitical climate of the United States in the mid twentieth century to today. However, instead of covering a variety of topics like the rubric requested you to do, you were only going to talk about the significant events that happened to the LGBT+ community starting with Stonewall and going to Obergefell v. Hodges. You were also going to go in depth about how even if there are more opportunities available and more laws set in place to protect for LGBT+ people in the present then there were in past, members of the LGBT+ community still suffer heavy discrimination in the workplace and in the public. With receipts of course, the assignment required a minimum of three pictures per slide, and the group chat was a perfect source.
After that was done, you would email Sammy’s teacher (you had her last year for US history and you knew that she had a son in the grade below you currently transitioning from female to male) that you were the one that did her project and send screenshots of Sammy calling you slurs. Luckily for you, you had receipts of her being transphobic in the past that you could also send. Everything was effortlessly falling into place for you today. 
As you were typing, the front door swung open and two overly excited fifth graders ran into the house and up the stairs. A tired Schlatt followed them. “I will never know how the hell Phil keeps up with them.” 
“I dunno, maybe because he’s already raised three kids before.”
You watched as your uncle jumped and whipped his head over towards you, his hand clutching his chest. He lightly glared at you, “christ kid don’t do that, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”
You smirked at him before turning back to your laptop to continue typing the essay. You were almost done with the conclusion paragraph on Annie’s essay and you wanted to get to Sammy’s presentation as fast as possible. As you were typing, you felt a warm air fan across your neck and your uncle’s voice right next to your ear, “whatcha typin?”
You lept off the couch and almost fell into the coffee table before steadying yourself and deadpanning at Schlatt. “I was typing an essay before you interrupted me.”
He snorted, “it looked like you were on a roll, just thought I’d see what my beloved niece was writing. Can I read it?” 
Your eyes lit up as an excited grin split your cheeks, “yeah, but lemme catch you up real quick. Adrian, Sammy, and Annie got mad at me a few days ago and wanted me to do some homework for them as a sort of payment. But after they pulled that little stunt in the lunchroom yesterday, they decided to be little bitches to me and call me slurs. So naturally, I decided to change the essay prompt into an in depth analysis about discrimination LGBT people face from their peers on the daily. My english teacher’s really against homophobia and the project’s worth twenty five percent of our overall grade, so it’s perfect.”
While you were rambling on and on about your detailed plot for revenge, Schlatt couldn’t help but be proud of the person you’d become. A major part of him was impressed that you came up with a detailed plan so quickly, that meant that his cunning nature was rubbing off on you and that made him ecstatic. Sure you mentioning not being straight was new to him, but he was prepared to accept you for whatever you identified as. He didn’t care how people identified, he just cared if they were good people. And his niece was one of the best kids he knew. He’d let your slip up slide for now until you felt comfortable enough to properly come out to him. 
“That an amazing plan, fuckin brilliant. Though, you could do more.”
That piqued your interest, “I’m listening.”
“Do you have any blackmail?”
Your eyes glinted with sudden understanding, “why yes I do, uncle dearest. I just so happen to have thousands of texts from them talking shit about each other and basically the entire school. And them being incredibly racist. They would be destroyed if that came out.” 
“Two things. One, never call me that again. Two, perfect. Keep it as leverage if they try to do something. You don’t pull out all the good cards in the first round, you wait for the right moment to strike so you can win. You need to constantly defend yourself against other players and anticipate their every move. If you leak everything right now, you won’t have anything to use against them if they have something up their sleeve you didn’t know about. Patience is key in things like this.”
You absorbed every single word that came out of his mouth like it was the holy gospel. Although he was your uncle and you loved him with all your heart, but he was a sly bastard when he wanted to be. He knew his way around fighting and manipulating people just right, so you were incredibly happy that you were on his good side and he absolutely adored you. Though questionable and morally gray, he was giving you advice because he cared about you and you’d be an idiot to not heed his advice. 
“That’s genius, Uncle Schlatt. What would I do without you?”
“You’d get along just fine without me, you would’ve gotten there eventually. You’re smart. I’m just givin you a little push in the right direction.”
“I honestly would’ve never thought about waiting, I was so dead set on getting revenge that I would’ve just leaked everything all at once. I want them to feel how I felt when they were around me. I-” you paused. Would this make you the same as them? You’d be screwing up all their grades, Adrian’s job, and Sammy’s athletic career. You came to the chilling realization that you’d be the same as them. You’d be as manipulative as they were. “...Uncle Schlatt, would that make me the same as them?”
“Fuck no! You’re always gonna be better than them no matter what. When they’re at their best, you’re always gonna be a whole lot better than them. They deserve what’s happening to them, it sounds like they put you through so much shit the past few years. I actually think you could do a whole lot worse to them if you’re willing to put more work in, but it’s your plan and if you think that what you’re doing is too much,” he darkly chuckled, “you wouldn’t like my idea.”
“You’re right, they deserve everything I have planned for them. God, I don’t know what I was thinking, ‘would that make me the same as them,’” you mocked what you said earlier, “what a load of shit. Anyways, thanks Uncle Schlatt. I’m gonna get back to writing this. They’re due tomorrow and I wanna finish as much as I can before I have to go.”
“Alright, whaddya want for dinner? Phil’s gonna be like thirty minutes late from work so I’m cookin tonight.”
Oh no. No, no, no, no. That man can barley cook boxed mac n cheese, let alone anything else. He’d burn down the house if you left him alone in the kitchen with the stove. “On second thought, why don’t I help you with dinner? We can make some chicken alfredo.”
“Awe, you’d rather hang out with me than finish your homework? Ya really do love me. C’mon let’s start.”
The process of making dinner was… interesting. Multiple times, Schlatt almost spilled boiling water on himself and he even managed to burn the pasta while it was in the water. How he even managed to do that you’d never find out, you had your back turned cutting up vegetables and herbs at the time. That was when you subtly started to take over in the kitchen, giving him smaller tasks while you handled everything else. You felt bad for Tubbo, his father can’t cook for shit. 
By time you finished, about an hour passed and Philza had come home and changed out of his work clothes. The two adults sat at the table discussing something that you didn’t pay attention to while your brothers and cousin were in the living room waiting for you to finish dinner. Finally, you set the table and it was time to eat. 
Because you couldn’t have many fatty foods before any matches or practices, you had made a separate plate for yourself that only had plain pasta, chicken, and broccoli. You were surprised with how well it turned out, you were following an iffy recipe you found on the first link Google brought up. 
After dinner, you went upstairs to put your uniform on and pack a little bag full of things you might need: a small blanket, some snacks, a water bottle, and a portable charger. Oh, and fuzzy socks and a pair of crocs. You could never go wrong with fuzzy socks and crocs. Feeling a vibration in your pocket, you pulled out your phone.
Hales : )
(Y/n), I’m omw to your house
Gonna give you a ride to the school
Hales you don’t have to give me a ride, I can drive
Hales : )
Don’t care
Omw, be there in like 7 mins
You swiped out of yours and her conversation and opened up the family group chat
I don’t need a ride to the school, Haley’s giving me one
She’s gonna give me a ride home too
Alright, thank her for me
Tell her I said good luck too!
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
(Y/n), do everything he wouldn’t do
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Fuck you I’m a good influence
You’re really not
Technology Sword
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Fuck all of you 
You heard Haley’s car pull into the driveway and dashed out of your room with your bag. Just as you put your hand on the doorknob, a hand stopped you.
You grumbled as you reached past Philza to grab your coat. After you slipped it on, you were pulled into a hug. “You’re gonna do great out there. I know you’re gonna win this, we’ll be watching in the stands.”
“Damn right she’s gonna do good, she’s my niece after all.”
Schlatt pulled you away from your father’s hug and tried to ruffle your hair before you swatted away his hand, “don’t. You have no idea how long it took me to get a perfect ponytail. I have an ungodly amount of hairspray and bobby pins in my hair right now.”
“Fine. You’re gonna kick their asses tonight.”
Tommy and Tubbo pushed past Schlatt and both tackled you into a hug making you stumble slightly back. 
“Kick their asses good (y/n)!” Tommy cheered, making you crack up before one stern glance from Philza completely stopped you. “Tommy, don’t say that. (Y/n), not funny.”
“Alright, Haley’s waiting for me. I gotta go, love you guys!” As you turned to walk through the door, you could hear your family following you and shouting “good luck”. You felt heat creep up on your cheeks as Haley rolled down her window and wove at your family with the biggest grin on her face. 
“Thank you! We’re gonna take home the gold for sure!”
You hopped in her car as she rolled up the window and chuckled. “I love your family, they’re always so full of energy. It’s refreshing to see compared to how boring my family is.”
You glanced at your entire family gathered on the front porch. Tommy and Tubbo were practically vibrating with excitement, Wilbur and Techno calmly smiled and wove at you, Philza was grinning widely at you as you saw his mouth forming words that you couldn’t hear or read, and Schlatt was grinning cheekily at you. You raised your hand to wave at them as they vanished from view when Haley pulled out of your driveway. You smiled softly, “I love em too.”
The car ride was relatively quick with the same soft indie pop music floating from the speakers and an easy going conversation with Haley about the match tonight. You both thought that you could beat the other team if everyone focused 100% and played exactly like you guys did in practices. If everyone did that, you would be unstoppable. 
Luckily for you and Haley, you were the first ones in line to board the bus so you two got the back seat with Zara and Jazzy sitting across from you guys. The hour long bus ride passed quickly and lively with you four passing around your phone and playing some mad libs, you were sure that by the end of the last game you four were laughing and crying. Sometime in the middle of the trip, you noticed that Haley would start to lean on your shoulder and continuously glance at you as she laughed. You desperately wanted to believe that it was because she liked you, but she was straight and she was your best friend. She was probably trying to make sure you were having a good time. 
When the team had gotten to the opposing school and left the locker room to stretch in the gym, you could hear your family start to scream your and Haley’s names from the front row next to you, Tommy and Tubbo being the loudest amongst them with Philza trying to get them to quiet down so you could focus. You felt your cheeks heat up as you smiled at them and Haley wove enthusiastically back at them. Zara was laughing at you two. Stretching went by in a flash and before you knew it, you were on the court facing the opposing team. 
The first match was won by the opposing team by five points. The second match stretched on and on until it was won by your team narrowly by two points. The team was going to have to shape up in the third match if you guys wanted a chance at winning, the opposing team was good. Before the third match started, Coach Williams called for a time out so you guys could talk about strategy. Before Haley could go back onto the court, you pulled her aside.
“Hales, we need to do what we practiced. The other team won’t be expecting it at all, I’ve been setting you up this entire game. They’re never going to expect you setting me up for a spike.”
“When are we going to do it though? We need a better plan.”
“I’m sure the opportunity will come and both of us will recognize it. We just can’t do it too early in the game though, that’ll ruin their surprise.”
“(Y/n), I hope you know what you’re doing.”
“When do I not Hales? We gotta get gold this year.”
The third round went by with both teams constantly swapping places until you both were tied fifteen to fifteen. You saw the ball flying towards Haley, giving her the perfect opportunity to set you up for a spike.  “HALEY NOW!” 
You watched as her face hardened in determination as she pretended like she was going to spike it by jumping high in the air and stretching her arms back, making the opposing front row players all gather in front of her. Much to their surprise, she launched it towards you as you leaped up and went for the kill. The stinging of the ball hit by your wrist and the smack sound the ball made when it slammed onto the open gym floor was something you’d never forget as the crowd around you went wild over the unexpected play. You could hear the high pitched screaming of Tommy and Tubbo over everybody else. Glancing at them over your shoulder, you saw them jumping up and down on the gym floor and looking at you with awe filled eyes and gaping mouths. The rest of your family looked at you with similar expressions, their cheers echoing in your mind. Winking at them, you turned back to your team and went straight to Haley. Clapping a hand on her shoulder, you pulled her into a quick hug, yelling over the raving of the crowd. “HALEY WE NAILED THAT!” 
“You have such little faith in your setter! You wound me Hales.”
“Well, I would have more faith in you if you weren’t chaotic on the court, sweetheart.”
You felt yourself surge in happiness at the nickname, but you couldn’t afford to focus too much on it. Your team only needed one more point to win best in the state and go to nationals. It would be the first time in your team’s history if you reached national level, and you’d be damned if you were the one to screw it up for them. 
The last rotation went on for a while, each team fighting tooth and nail for the state championship title with clashing determination. You tried your best to block every hit and try to set Haley up for a spike, and you were successful for the most part, only missing a few blocks. You saw the setter adjacent to you set the spiker up for a spike and jumped up in time to try to block it, your arms stretched upwards and your palms out. Only, the ball didn’t hit your hands. It collided painfully with your nose, ricocheted off your face with a thwack and sailed over to the other side of the court. Your head whipped back as your body followed suit and flew backwards onto the floor. Without giving you any time to react, your head bounced back and cracked against the polished hardwood floor of the gym. Everything went black. 
You faintly heard someone calling someone’s name over the continuous ringing noise. Was it your name? It felt right, so it had to be your name. You peeled your eyes open to see a blurry figure hovering over you. It was swirled with tans, browns, and backs. After a while of the figure repeating your name, it slowly became more recognizable, albeit appearing twice in your vision. It took you a while to figure out who this was before your muddled brain recognized Haley.
“Hales! There’s two o’ya. Twice as beautiful babe…” You slurred out as you attempted to smile at her.
“Oh thank god, PLEASE WE NEED A DOCTOR SHE HIT HER HEAD!” Her usually angelic voice gritted against your brain like sandpaper making you cringe as pain exploded in your head.
“God babe you’re so loud, why’s so bright? I-wha's goin on?” You blearily tried to move your head to look around only to be stopped by a pair of large hands on each side of your head gently holding it in place. You moved your laggy eyes around to look at the figure. He was a blonde man with blue eyes and a hint of stubble on his chin. His eyebrows were knitted together and he looked… he looked… your brain worked to figure out why he looked how he looked. Who was he?
“Please don’t move hun.” His muffled voice was baritone. You squinted at him trying to figure out who this man was.
“Who th f-fuck… why?”
“I’m your dad hun. Do-do you not recognize me?” You made a noise in the back of your throat as your stuffy brain finally put a name to the face.
“Dad- wha’s goin on? I’on feel so good…”
“Shh, I know, I know. Just stop moving and talking. Everything’s fine. I’m here. You’re okay.”
“Mmk… Dad, where are we? I’ont know- you’re so quiet.”
“Stop moving so much. You’re on the floor in a gym. You just won your team the state championship. Now stop talking please.”
Huh. So that’s why everybody seemed to appear from above you. You strained your eyes to look around you, but you could only see your dad’s face hovering above you. “Shit I- who’s aroun’ me? Where’s Hales?”
“I’m right here sweetheart. I got the doctor, Mr. Minecraft.”
Your dad’s face moved away from your vision so fast that it made your head spin and your stomach twist. Another face appeared above you that you once again didn’t recognize.
“I’m Doctor Martin, can you tell me your first and last name?”
“Uh, (y/n) Minecraft?”
“Good, what month are we in right now?”
“Close, it’s late October. Can you tell me who this,” he pointed to your dad, “is?”
“S’my dad Phillip.”
“That’s your dad Philza.”
The questioning stopped as he suddenly shined a blinding light into your sensitive eyes. You hissed as you tried to move your head away from the offending light only to be held in place by your dad’s hands. Your head spun as you moved too quickly and a wave of nausea hit you, making you groan and move your arm to cover your eyes. Your hand was stopped by something warm and soft wrapping around it and holding it tightly. Everything was so overwhelmingly and painfully bright and loud. You wanted to make it stop. 
“Mr. Minecraft, your daughter appears to have a concussion. I don’t have the tools on hand to determine the severity of it, but it’s worrying that her pupils are asymmetrical, she’s delirious, and has slight memory loss. I understand you live about an hour away from here, and it’s alright for you to take her to a hospital closer to your house. Make sure you keep her alert.”
Your delirious mind only registered about half of what came out of the doctor’s mouth. You mumbled gibberish as you once again opened your eyes to look around. You were only briefly able to crane your neck to the left. Several figures large and small were standing behind your dad. Your family, your mind supplemented. Slowly, your mind was starting to recognize your surroundings even if there was currently double of everything and everything was blurry.
“I’m going to help you stand up. Do ya think you can do that?”
“Yeah Dad.” You lifted your upper body off from the ground with a gentle hand on your back helping you sit up. Fighting the wave of nausea that slapped you in the face, you reached up to rub at your eyes. A hand once again stopped you. You peeked your eyelids open and lightly glared at whomever stopped you. “Hales you’re lucky you’re so cute I woulda slapped you. I like holdin but you’re bein annoying. Stop.” You attempted to make your voice sound firm, but the words that came out of your mouth were slightly slurred.
She was silent as she helped her dad haul you to your feet. Once on your feet, you saw the room spin and felt yourself start to sway slightly. An arm wrapped itself around your shoulders and pulled you close to them so that your weight was supported. They were a little taller than you were making it easy to lean on them. 
“...Can you walk?” A deep, monotone voice rumbled the chest of the person you were leaning against. 
“Mhm. ‘M not weak.” Though your limbs felt like they were made of molasses, you placed one foot in front of the other slowly. The person moved alongside you, “you’re doing so good, keep going.” That sparked familiarity in you as you stopped in your tracks and tried to look up at the person you were leaning against making the person tighten their arm around your shoulders when you almost fell over.
“Yeah, it’s Technoblade. Just focus on walking. You’re almost out of the gym.”
When you realized that you were out of the gym, you sighed in relief. It was so much quieter and darker. Though it was still relatively bright, it was better than the gym. 
“When we get her to the car we can give her some sunglasses or something if it’s still too bright for her.”
“Focus on walking.”
You huffed in irritation, “don’ tell me what to do bitch.”
You felt Techno’s body jolt slightly as he chuckled, making your head throb at the sudden movement. “Just walk.”
When you walked outside, you shivered as you felt the cool air nip at your exposed skin. Right, you were in your volleyball uniform. “I’ll go pull the car around, you guys stay with her.” 
You saw a tall brunet start to walk away from you. Uncle Splat? Uncle Schmat? Whatever his name was, you were sure he was your uncle. You tried to snuggle closer to Techno, craving warmth but never being satisfied. Where was your uncle? 
After a while, you saw a car moving towards you and blinding light pointed right at you making you cringe away and groan. Techno started to slowly walk towards the car. “C’mon (y/n), you’re almost there. When you’re in the car you can relax.”
“Tommy, Tubbo, and Techno, you’re in the back row. Schlatt can drive and Wil, you’re taking the passenger seat. I’ll stay with her in the middle row so she can have some room to lay down.” Tommy and Tubbo were with you? Why weren’t they talking, they usually were very vocal.
“Tom, Tubbs didja like the game?”
They didn’t say anything as they climbed into the car. Did they not hear you? 
“They’re just… tired (y/n).” Your dad’s voice reassured you as he took Techno’s place holding you up. 
“I wanna nap. ‘M so tired.”
“You can’t sleep yet. We gotta get you to a doctor first.”
“Mm. Makes sense.”
“Let’s get you in the car hun.”
As he helped you climb into the car, you felt an overwhelming wave of nausea wash over you making you lose your balance and almost faceplant into the cloth seats. You felt yourself being gently, yet urgently taken out of the car and led to grass as you felt your esophagus shorten. Something burning made its way up your throat and spewed into the grass. You felt someone rubbing your back as you puked up your dinner. 
When you were done, you reached up with a shaking hand to wipe your mouth. “You feelin better? Think you can get back into the car or do you need to sit down for a bit?”
After some difficulty, you were successfully in the middle row of the car laying down with your head on Philza’s lap. Soon enough, your shoes were taken off and a blanket was draped over you. 
“(Y/n), what do you remember?”
You scrunched up your face as you squinted at Philza’s face. “I remember playing volleyball with Hales. She’s so pretty, she’s straight though. I remember the other team hitting the ball, me jumping, then nothin. Wha’ happened?”
You watched as Philza winced, “well, you got everything right so far. You got hit in the face with the ball so you fell and hit your head on the floor. You were passed out for a minute before you woke up. It was a pretty nasty fall, we’re going to the hospital now. How’re ya feelin?”
“Head hurts, ‘m seein two of everything, an I can’t think.”
“Do you know what a concussion is?” You nodded in his lap slightly, “you probably have one.”
After a while of talking, you were slowly starting to come to your senses and your speech was clearing up, but your head was still too stuffy to think about what you were saying before you said it. You didn’t have a filter.
“Do you wanna tell us about your week so far? Do you remember most of it?”
“Mhm, it was shit. On Monday I had a panic attack and Adrian, Sammy, and Annie were being bitches to me all day. They fucked up my back. On Tuesday, they got mad at me for ditching them and they had me do their homework, had another panic attack, and Haley told me that someone took pictures of our boobs ‘n stuff and they were gonna leak it to the school if Haley didn’t stop hanging out with me. Haley and I almost kissed, but she’s straight. Pulled an all nighter and Wednesday I accidentally came out to Tech and Wil and had another panic attack. Annie, Adrian, and Sammy took more pictures of me through my window, Annie outed me to the entire school and slapped me. Another panic attack, skipped the last two classes and felt like shit the entire practice. Today Adrian and Sammy told me to kill myself and I had another panic attack. ’S about it.”
As you were going through your week, the hand that was previously gently stroking your hair had frozen as the car was enveloped in a tense silence. Luckily, Tommy and Tubbo were passed out in the back seat so they didn’t hear how bad your week was. Everyone awake knew that you had a few bad days this week, but they didn’t know the full extent of it. You watched as Philza’s expression had turned downright murderous, but you didn’t really care. You were busy talking about your week.
For the rest of the car ride, Philza asked you simple questions like what your favorite color was, your favorite animal, basically your favorite everything. Eventually, the car pulled into the hospital parking lot and Philza helped you get out of the car. “Schlatt, can you take the boys home so they can get some rest? I’ll stay with her.” 
“Yeah, I’m on it. Don’t cause too much trouble (y/n), we all know you can raise hell.” He watched you for a reaction, but when you didn’t react, he coughed. “Well, I’ll see ya later kid. Good luck.”
The car drove off leaving you and Philza at the front of the emergency room building. “It’s gonna be a long night (y/n).”
“I gotta finish Annie’s essay and Sammy’s presentation though.”
“No you don’t, I’ll email your teachers.”
You two checked in with the front desk before moving to sit on the uncomfortable chairs. It was going to be a long night. You were so tired.
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Rogue Thoughts (Spencer Reid x FBI Agent!Reader)
Summary: Soulmates can occasionally hear each other’s thoughts. You happen to hear the thoughts of a fellow FBI Agent while you’re interviewing for a position at the BAU.
Check out the series
Warnings: Some language, but it’s just fluff
Word Count: 2k
After nearly 30 years of listening to your soulmate’s thoughts, nothing could surprise you at this point. While most of your friends or family heard relatively normal things from their soulmates before they met, your head consisted of random facts about anything from mental illnesses you’d never heard of to Greek philosophy. Once, you had what you learned to be some of Friedmann’s equations stuck in your head for a week. Despite how little you cared for mathematics, your curiosity had given in eventually and you ended up googling it after 3 days. Whoever your soulmate is, he’s an absolute genius. 
Sometimes the thought of just how smart your soulmate is feels a little daunting; You’re not dumb, you have a master’s degree in Criminology and worked for the FBI, but you couldn’t help but wonder if your soulmate would be disappointed when the two of you finally meet. There’s no way of telling which of your thoughts your soulmate had heard from you over the years; maybe he learned about your study of criminals or some of the bad guys you’d managed to catch over the years...or maybe he learned about how you have almost every episode of Friends memorized. Recently, the thoughts you heard have become more frequent. Back when you were a kid, the thoughts you heard could be weeks or even months apart, but as you got older, you heard his thoughts more and more often. Your mom had said that must mean you’re going to meet your soulmate pretty soon; the same thing had happened with her and your father. 
“17 interviews and we still don’t have a replacement…”
The thought entered your head for a moment, but flickered away before it completed. “Don’t distract me today, soulmate. I’ve got a job interview.” You thought. Even though you don’t have any control over which thoughts he would hear, you hoped he had gotten your message. You currently worked in Crimes Against Children with the FBI, but after 4 years excelling in that area, one of the higher-ups, Strauss, had suggested applying for the renowned Behavioral Analysis Unit. You had become a profiler of sorts within CAC; when you were in college you had attended multiple lectures on the subject matter. Even though you weren’t officially trained, your bosses all agreed that you had the potential. Plus, the BAU had been down an agent for a while, so today you were meeting with SSA Hotchner.
When you arrived at the FBI headquarters today, instead of heading to your usual building, you went to the building where the BAU was held. Your nerves were getting the best of you as the elevator slowly made its way to the 6th floor, and to make matters worse, your soulmate’s thoughts were flying through your head at an astronomical rate. “I should book a flight to visit mom soon…” “Maybe we’ll finally get a new agent today....” “if Morgan tries to make me do his paperwork one more time…” Clearly, he hadn’t heard your plea to try and keep it down today. Or, he has just about as much control over which thoughts you heard as you did with his. Despite the foreign thoughts filling your head, you tried your best to stay focused as you exited the elevator and made your way towards Hotchner’s office. 
As you walked through the room, your eyes were pulled from your destination to the various people sitting at the desks. Or, more specifically, to a certain guy filling out paperwork diligently. “Holy fuck, he’s cute.” You thought. Almost immediately, his head snapped up towards you. “Did he…?” “Wow.” You both thought at the same time. This time, you stopped walking, and he pushed away from his desk to get a better look at you. Your interview had almost completely slipped your mind until you heard someone call your name.
“SSA Y/L/N?” You turned away from the guy, who you were now incredibly intrigued by, to the man you recognized as Aaron Hotchner. 
“SSA Hotchner, it’s good to see you again.” You said, giving him a wave. You weren’t a fan of shaking hands, although you were nervous your avoidance of the motion would come off unprofessional. Luckily, Hotchner didn’t seem to mind.
“Please, call me Hotch. My office is just this way, if you’d like to follow me.” Hotch led you to his office, where you took a seat in the chair across from his desk. Luckily, the thoughts from your soulmate - who may or may not be sitting right outside this office - had calmed down, so you had a clear head for your interview.
“Garcia!” Spencer burst into Garcia’s batcave, shocking the girl. Morgan stood next to her, looking at Spencer like he was insane.
“What’s wrong, pretty boy?”
“I need to know the name of the agent Hotch is interviewing right now.”
“Ok, you could’ve just asked like a normal person instead of giving me a heart attack!” Garcia grumbles, sitting in front of her computer to pull up the information. “Do I at least get a reason as to why you need to know about,” She paused, reading the name that had popped up on her screen, “SSA Y/N Y/L/N?” Spencer leaned down next to Garcia, so he could see the picture of you on the screen.
“Y/N Y/L/N…” The name felt perfect coming from his lips. It was like he never wanted to say another name again
“Reid? Seriously, what's up with this girl? Do you think she’s bad news?” Morgan asked, clearly concerned about Spencer’s actions
“N-no, I, um, I think she’s my soulmate.” Spencer whispered, not really registering what he had said until Garcia’s excited squeals finally tore his eyes away from the computer screen
“Oh my god this is the best thing that’s ever happened! Are you sure? Oh my god I need to do more research! No wait - if you think she’s your soulmate what are you doing in here with us! You need to be with her and fall in love and get married and name your first born after me like yesterday!” Garcia began rambling, grabbing Spencer’s hand and practically dragging him out of her office and back towards the bullpen. She continued talking as they walked over, while Morgan trailed behind with a wide smile on his face. 
Prentiss and JJ had been chatting at their desks when Garcia dragged Spencer in. “Code Red, ladies! Spencer Reid met his soulmate and she’s with Hotch right now!” Garcia announced, finally letting go of Spencer’s arm. 
“Holy shit!”
“Oh my god, Spence!”
Emily and JJ both gave Spencer a hug, while a blush rose to his cheeks. “I-I don’t know for sure yet. I just, it was like something was pulling me to her. And this time when I heard her thoughts it just felt so…” Spencer was at a loss for words, which was very rare for him. He couldn’t describe this brand new experience.
“Like everything suddenly made sense?” JJ suggested, as the only one in the group who actually knew what the experience of meeting your soulmate was like. 
“Yeah.” Spencer nervously began to play with his hands, turning to look at the door. Through the blinds of Hotch’s office, he could just make out where she was sitting. “Good luck.” He tried to send her the thought, knowing that if they really were soulmates, he should have more control over which thoughts she would hear or not. He may have been imagining it, but he swore she saw her figure get less tense through the blinds.
“Well, Agent Y/L/N, you’re certainly one of the best candidate’s I’ve interviewed so far. I know you still have an active case to finish with CAC, but once that’s resolved we’d love to have you transfer over here to the BAU.” Hotch said with a small smile.
“Thank you so much, Hotch! My current case is almost wrapped up, so I should be able to officially transfer within the next week or so.” You said with a smile. The both of you stood from your chairs, and Hotch opened his office door for you. Immediately, your eyes found the man again, and you found he was already looking at you. 
“Did you want to meet the rest of the team? Clearly, they’ve all decided it’s social hour anyways.” Hotch suggested, clearly not too pleased with the group that was very clearly not doing any work at the moment. He had mentioned that the team didn’t have a case right now, but you were sure there was still plenty of paperwork to get though.
“Yes! Please.” You said, maybe a little too enthusiastically. Even though you did want to be on good terms with the whole team, right now the only person you cared about was the man in the cardigan.
“Guys, this is SSA Y/N Y/L/N, she’ll be joining us here at the BAU soon. Y/L/N, this is SSAs Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, and Dr. Spencer Reid. Penelope Garcia is our technical analyst, and SSA David Rossi should be around here somewhere-” 
Hotch was practically cut off by Penelope, who immediately pulled you in for a hug. You did your best to hide your discomfort, but you had always been a bit of a germaphobe.“Oh my God it’s so lovely to meet you, we’re all so excited for you to join our little family…” Penelope began to ramble as she pulled away from the hug, which you found endearing. 
“Is she like this all the time?” You thought. 
“Yes. You’ll get used to it.” Your eyes immediately move to Spencer’s. Dr. Spencer Reid.
“I’m sure I will. Don’t know if I’ll get used to talking in our minds though.” You think. You were completely tuned out of the conversation the other Agents had started, now focusing only on Spencer.
“Well, studies show that transitioning to life with a soulmate can be jarring, but not because of discomfort of hearing thoughts. It usually takes couples a long time to learn how to turn it off, which can result in soulmates getting to know each other’s secrets rather quickly. That’s why nearly 38% of soulmates will break up within a few months of starting a relationship, although it should be noted that 87% of those that break up will end up getting back together at some point in their lives.” Spencer’s thoughts began racing, and you suddenly understood all the random facts you had learned from him over the course of your life. As he told you the facts and figures of soulmates breaking up - not the best subject for a pair of soulmates that just met, but you didn’t mind - you noticed that the rest of the team had stopped talking and were now just watching you and Spencer converse in your heads.
“That probably explains why we’re talking with our thoughts instead of out loud. And why your team is staring.” Spencer’s cheeks reddened when he looked away from you and realized you were right.
“Honestly, I forgot they were there. Which is rare for me, I have an eidetic memory.” You laughed aloud at his remark, earning more confused looks from everyone else.
“Sorry, guys, I guess we got a little...distracted.” You spoke aloud for the first time in a few minutes. Spencer moved closer to you, his hand itching to take yours.
“Oh, please, don’t apologize, I was the same way with Will after we met. I know how overwhelming it can be at first.” Jennifer waved off your worries, and extended a hand towards you, “You can call me JJ, by the way.” 
“Oh, um, I don’t really shake hands, I’m a bit of a germaphobe.” You worried once again about coming off as rude, but this remark only made JJ, and the rest of the team laugh.
“Wow, you two really are soulmates, aren’t you.” Derek remarked, swinging his arm over Penelope’s shoulder as he spoke.
“I’m the same way.” Spencer explained to you, “It’s actually safer to kiss.”
“I’m sure we’ll put that to the test when we’re alone.” You didn’t think it was possible, but Spencer’s face became even more red after your thought entered his own head.
tagged: @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal
822 notes · View notes
fallingappleshurt · 4 years
hi! I'm the anon that sent that other writing prompt with wilbur being all sneaky and detective mode. Here's another one if you want! :D Tommy and Techno are being bullied and Wilbur notices them acting slightly differently and just goes and fucking beats them up. If you cant tell i really like the idea of wilbur just going full detective mode and techno and tommy just never realize it
Wish you were who you said you were
Brrrrrrr I’m bad at answering asks but here we go!
To be completely honest I really hate how this came out, I tried to make it seem better but I don’t know what else to do, anon I’m really sorry but here we go.
Some of this is actually based on real life experience! So that’s fun.
This is based in the fd!au by Antarctica bay! Go love her! But I’m not tagging her in this shit story, sorry.
TW: For Some Bullying, nothing too graphic or extra
“I’m just saying that I don’t think that it was that good of a character arch,” Tommy said, pushing the apartment door open.
“That’s because you can’t read, did you try gettin’ good?” Techno said, slipping off his shoes, ignoring Tommy’s rebuke, he looked up to the living room and saw Wilbur sitting on the couch with someone he didn’t recognize.
He was going to ask who it was but Tommy beat him to the punch.
“Hey Wilbur, who’s that?”
“Oh this is Griffin, he’s a new student and one of my teachers asked me to show him around and he’s pretty cool,” Wilbur said, gesturing at the boy next to him, he gave a little wave, “Hi,”
“Griffin these are my brothers, Techno’s got the pink hair and the gremlin is Tommy,”
“Shut up,” Tommy flipped him off, heading towards his room. Techno sat down at the kitchen table, pulling out a homework sheet. He grabbed his earbuds when he heard Wilbur swear.
“Wait, where’s my phone?” The lock on Tommy’s door clicked, “Oh come on!” Wilbur jumped over the couch and ran up to the door, pounding against it furiously, “You child! Open the door!”
Griffin looked nervously between Techno at Wilbur, as if asking if this was out of the ordinary, Techno shrugged, calling to Wilbur, “Careful, we don’t want to get another noise complaint.”
Wilbur pounded on the door harder, “You gremlin! Don’t make me Jimmy the lock because I will then you’re dead!”
After a few minutes of fruitless threats and pounding Wilbur snapped and started digging around the hall closet for a wire coat hanger. Techno continued with his Government class’s work, he was so focused he didn’t realize Griffin had sat in the chair next to him, trying to start a conversation.
Griffin yanked one of his earbuds out, “Why are you ignoring me?” He asked, Techno raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not, I was just caught up in my work,”
Griffin rolled his eyes, “Sure, anyways, I wanted to ask you, why do you look so mad all the time?”
“You’ve known me for like 10 minutes-”
“I saw you in the hallway a lot earlier, I guess we have a lot of classes near each other, but you looked really mad, or annoyed I’m not really sure, but you just seem to constantly have a resting bitch face,”
Techno shrugged, “I’ve heard that before, I guess I do but-”
“Did you know a lot of people stare at you?”
“A lot of people stare at you, or are you too caught up with yourself to notice that?”
Techno sat there, not sure how to respond, Griffin being in their apartment and him just casually insulting him.
“Heh, wow, can’t believe-” Griffin was cut off by Tommy shrieking. Wilbur had managed to unlock their door and jumped at Tommy, wrestling him for his phone back.
Griffin watched the scene before them, confusion sparking in his eyes, “Is that- is that, how do I say this, normal?”
“It’s a semi-normal thing,” Techno said, peering around Griffin, trying to get a better view of his brothers.
“Wow, I get what they said about you being pretentious,”
Techno shook his head, “What?” He paused, “Did I do something to offend you?” Griffin shrugged and walked over to Wilbur, who was just coming out of Tommy’s room with his phone in hand, hair disheveled and clothing wrinkled. They sat back down on the couch, chatting and laughing like nothing happened, Techno started back on his work.
He got in the zone, music back on, he fell into a rhythm and finished his Government work and half of his math work when their front door opened and Phil stumbled in. His shoulders were tight, clothes wrinkled and bunched, he set his stuff down on the table next to Techno’s backpack.
“Hey Techno, hey Wilbur, who’s this?”
“This is Griffin, he’s the new guy at school and he’s actually pretty cool,”
Phil snorted, “He’s ‘pretty cool’? That kind of sounds like an insult Wil,”
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way! He’s just shy but once you start talking to him,” Techno rolled his eyes but said nothing, yeah he seemed ‘real shy’. Phil smiled, “Is he staying for dinner?”
“Griffin wanna stay for dinner?” Wilbur asked, looking him in the eye, Techno silently hoped he’d say no.
“If you’ll have me,” Griffin said.
“Of course, I’m heating up leftover lasagna, are you okay with that?” Phil asked, turning on the oven. Griffin nodded, “Yeah!”
Techno bit his tongue and tried to go back to his mathwork. Soon he cleared off his and Phil’s stuff off the table, Tommy, after some prodding, came out and set out plates and utensils.
They all sat down, Tommy talking about the next basketball season and Phil telling them of some ridiculous customer who tried to use a coupon that was 3 years past the date. Griffin was quite for most of it, laughing along with Phil and rolling his eyes as Tommy talked about the stupid things the other boys on the team dared him to do.
“This is really good,” He commented about the food.
“Thank you, it’s just a recipe from the pasta box though,”
Techno stayed quiet, working his brain, trying to figure Griffin out. He didn’t say anything rude or backhanded and seemed like a normal, slightly nervous guy. Techno didn’t know if he had upset him in someway or what, maybe Griffin was just having an offday? Techno knew he wasn’t always the friendliest person and he could have been more accommodating, maybe it would have made Griffin feel less on edge.
The rest of the night seemed to go off without a hitch. Griffin helped them clean up, thanked them for the meal and Wilbur for showing him around, then left.
Techno had trouble falling asleep, thinking about the stuff Griffin said and Tommy shifting restlessly in the bunk above him, sleep was near impossible.
People had called him sarcastic and pretentious before but it never really bothered him, so why did Griffin saying it make him feel nauseous? The other thing was Griffin said people were staring at him? That was never good, were they talking about him or making fun of him behind his back?
Techno didn’t sleep much that night.
He managed to get about 3 hours of sleep between anxiety flashes and panicking to make sure he submitted the assignment on google classroom but he was able to forget about Griffin.
Until someone yanked on his hair while he was walking down the hall, hard. He stumbled back, surprised, when an arm was sloppily thrown around his shoulders.
“Hey man, you’re heading to Green’s bio class right? For the first period? I missed that period yesterday,” Griffin said, Techno frowned, trying to pull away but that only made Griffin tighten his grip.
“Yeah,” Techno said curtly, trying to avoid Griffin’s gaze, “Why do you care? Aren’t you a grade ahead of me?”
“Not in this subject, I was just wondering, could you show me the way?”
Techno eyed him up and down, he really didn’t want to be around Griffin but if they were going to the same place then there really was no avoiding it, begrudgingly nodding, “Sure.”
Techno led him down the hall with Griffin still gripping his shoulder sharply, Techno didn’t know if he was aware of what he was doing or not. They entered the classroom when Techno was finally able to pull away and get to his desk, he sat down and followed the directions on the board while Griffin talked to the teacher.
More students filed in, sitting on the deks, wandering around, chattering amongst themselves. The bell rang and Miss Green introduced Griffin;
“Hello everyone, I hope you had a good day. We have a new student, Griffin, would you like to say a few words about yourself?”
He stepped forwards nervously, waving, “Hi, My name is Griffin, I moved here from Taiga Township, I’m 16, I like weightlifting and I play the trumpet,” He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck, “Sorry, I’m not very interesting,”
Techno started zone out, Griffin made his brain hurt, he seemed so shy and awkward around other people, he was polite and despite his height was overall none threatening. So why did he say that stuff last night? Techno knew he didn’t imagine it, he hadn’t even met Griffin before that so he didn’t know if he offended him or not- it all made Techno’s head spin.
Griffin shuffled to his desk, the empty desk behind Techno’s, and sat down. Techno could feel him staring but chose to ignore it, trying to focus on the lesson. Mindless note taking calmed his head and nerves slightly, it felt nice just to follow along. The class was relatively easy, Miss Green finished with their notes and gave them a worksheet, saying that if it wasn’t finished in class it was homework. Techno worked on it until the bell rang, then packed up his stuff and headed towards his next class.
As he walked down the hall he heard footsteps coming up behind him when someone threw their arm around his shoulders again, gripping the same sore spot on his arm tightly.
“Hey man, could I get the answers from Bio?” Griffin’s strident voice filling his head. Techno shifted his shoulder.
“The notes or the worksheet?”
“No, you should have paid attention,” Techno responded curtly, he had a short internal argument about how he was being a hypocrite.
“Oh come on man! Cut me some slack, I just moved and everything has been really stressful, please?”
Techno bit the inside of his mouth, he didn’t want to just hand Griffin the answers for something he did jackshit on but at the same time he did just move…
“Ah yes! Thank you man! Wilbur invited me over after school today so I’ll get them then!” Griffin suddenly released Techno, half jogging through the mosh pit of people in the hall, “Thanks again!”
Techno just sighed and continued to his next class, arm aching, hoping this wouldn’t become a routine.
It became a routine.
Everyday after bio Griffin would do the same song and dance of running up behind him, wrenching his hair, throwing his arm around his shoulders and asking for notes or homework answers. Techno would oblige, he didn’t want to disappoint Griffin and add stress after the guy had moved from the town he spent his whole life in.
But after a week it got old, Techno grew tired of it, he didn’t mind giving his friends answers if they had an off day or needed help or a break but this was pushing it, Griffin didn’t even do anything in class! He would just sit there and throw little paper balls everywhere, he didn’t even attempt to try.
Techno heard footsteps behind him and tensed up, a familiar arm tossed around his shoulders.
“Hey man, I can’t make it over after school today-”
“I’m not giving you the answers,” Techno interrupted, Griffin balked, “Wh-what do you mean?”
“It’s been a week, you need to start paying attention, I’m not giving you the answers anymore,” Techno tried to keep walking, wiggling his arm against Griffin’s now tightening grip.
“Come on- we’re friends! You wouldn’t leave a friend-”
“We’re not friends, you and Wilbur might be but we are just acquaintances, classmates at best. I don’t owe you anything-”
Techno was cut off when Griffin yanked him to a locker bay, slamming him against the metal.
“You think you’re cool? That you can talk down to me? That’s not the case,” Griffin gripped the front on Techno’s hoodie, other hand grasping the same tender spot on his arm. Techno’s heart was in his throat.
“You either give me the answers for our Bio homework or I’ll beat the shit out of you. If you’d like a reference your little brother has seen me in the weight room, are we clear?”
Techno’s mouth was dry, sharp tendrils wrapped around his chest. He felt small under Griffin’s dark stare. Eventually he was able to choke out;
“Good, I’ll get them from you later,” Instantly Griffin let go of his shirt, walking away, leaving Techno to try and collect his thoughts.
Tommy didn’t really talk to Griffin all that much, he had spent a lot of time at their apartment and seemed rather nice, just a little shy. He spent most of the time with Wilbur, doing homework or talking loudly. Tommy’s hand hurt from the constant pounding on the walls to get them to shut up. He had never seen them without each other.
Which was why he was surprised to get home and see Griffin sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone.
“Uh, what are you doing here?” Tommy asked, taking his shoes off, Griffin looked up nonchalantly, “Just hanging out,”
“But Wilbur isn’t here, he’s at work,” Tommy pointed out, how did this guy get in?
“He said I could still come over,”
“That’s... weird,” Tommy trailed off, trying to find the right word.
“What is?”
“You just-just being here without Wilbur, it doesn’t seem right,”
“I don’t see what the big deal is, you’re just being aggressive but I guess that’s normal,” Griffin didn’t look up from his phone.
“What the hell are you on about?”
“I don’t want to repeat myself, of course that would also mean you would have to be shut up for once and listen,”
“Wow, you’re an asshole,” Tommy walked into the kitchen.
“You’re one to talk,”
“Stop talking shit, you don’t know me,” Tommy shot back, voicing growing louder, grabbing a cheese stick from the fridge.
“I know enough-”
“No you don’t! Shut-”
“God you are so loud man, do you ever shut up? Like at all? How about for once you just try to use your indoor voice? Or did you forget? This is why Phil always has a headache.”
Tommy paused, had he been making Phil more stressed?
“Wh-what do you mean?” Tommy cleared his throat.
“No but it’s obvious, he constantly talks about having headaches and how he wants some peace and quiet, it’s pretty clear he’s talking about you.”
Tommy swallowed, the apartment suddenly seemed too small, or he was too big, Wilbur had always teased him about his sudden growth spurt.
“What no come back?”
“Shut up man,” Tommy retorted but it had no real bite, he shuffled into his room and stayed there, he wanted to be along. He also locked Techno out, who was not happy about that, he ignored everyone until Wilbur pounded on the door telling him that dinner was ready.
Tommy walked out, heart dropping when he saw Griffin at the table. He stayed quiet throughout most of the meal, he’d laugh along with his brothers but didn’t offer much to the conversation.
Once they had finished Techno started on the dishes and, surprisingly, Griffin helped.
The rest of the night was normal, Griffin hung around for a while more before leaving, Tommy stayed in his room most of the night, anxiety getting the better of him. He didn’t want to cause Phil more stress, he already worked so hard. Wilbur helped with the bills and Techno did most, if not all of the chores, and Tommy realized he didn't do anything for them.
He messaged Tubbo, trying to take his mind off the panic that started to burn itself into his chest. They got into a call, Tubbo talking about the stray cat in his neighborhood and how it finally got close enough for Tubbo to pet, and how he now has a bandaged hand.
They continued to talk, Tommy’s anxiety starting to drip away, at least he wasn’t a burden to Tubbo, completely.
Griffin was spending more and more time at their apartment and it was starting to fry at Tommy’s nerves, the man was always there. He had also started to join in on his brother's teasing, which wasn’t a big issue.
But it also kind of was.
His brother’s jokes were always fun and lighthearted, they usually didn’t go too far and they were just that- jokes. Griffin’s jokes were stupid and borderline hurtful, a person can only go for so long hearing things like, “You’re such a fucking moron, how’d you even pass preschool?” or “Look, it’s the human version of a headache,” or “This is why you have to cheat off Tubbo, too fucking stupid to understand,” before it got too draining.
The only time he seemed to get a reprieve was when he stopped talking or just left the room all together, leaving the room was too noticeable and could ruin the mood so Tommy would just sit there, biting his tongue, and he continued to do that even after Griffin left.
He was tired.
When Wilbur had invited Griffin over he hadn't expected it to go so well. Griffin was easy going and funny, he and Wilbur would talk for hours, Techno and Tommy seemed to tolerate him and Phil liked him so their fate was sealed. He had been hanging around for a few weeks when Wilbur started to notice a few things.
First off Tommy was quiet, not every once and awhile but all of the time, he just didn’t seem to speak and if he did it was in an intentionally quiet tone.
Secondly Techno; he had been more jumpy then usual, Wilbur had tried to mess with his hair like he normally would but Techno would jerk away. When Wilbur asked Techno shrugged, “You scared me,” Wilbur grabbed the sides of his face, chittering at him in a singsong ‘baby’ voice “Awwww! I’m sorry my little Technoblade I’m sorry,”. Techno flipped him off and shoved him away.
Phil would randomly mess with his hair when bored or zoning out but most recently when Phil had gone to, Techno had ducked away.
Wilbur briefly considered if Griffin had anything to do with it but quickly pushed it away, he trusted him. Wilbur had racked his brain trying to think of reasons as to why his brothers were acting differently but he kept coming back to Griffin. They had started acting this way when Griffin showed up but Wilbur didn’t want to point fingers just yet, he’d just have to watch.
He got his answer in two days.
Wilbur had been heading to his math class when he saw Griffin run up behind Techno, grabbing his hair and pulling him back. Techno turned to face him, shoulders slumping, he pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it off to Griffin, whose eyes lit up.
He took the paper then walked past Techno, shoving him too hard to be friendly. Wilbur frowned, changing course, he walked up to Techno and tapped him on the shoulder.
“Hey what the fuck was that?” He asked sharply. Techno’s face faltered and gave him away but he still tried to play dumb.
“What was what?”
“The thing with Griffin with the paper, what was that?”
Techno froze, just staring at him, Wilbur could see the internal panic in his eyes.
“Don’t mentally check out on me,” Wilbur said, snapping his fingers in front of Techno’s face, “What happened?”
They stood there for a moment, much to the dismay of the other students, before Techno bolted. He dodged away from Wilbur and slipped into the crowd before Wilbur could grab him.
Wilbur groaned, calling after him, “What good does running do? We live together!” But he got no response.
Which is why he jumped Techno right as he got home from school. He had cut through a few neighborhoods and hoped a couple of fences to beat Techno home.
He grabbed his wrist firmly, trying to drag Techno into the living room, “I’ll give you credit, you managed to weasel out of the conversation for, like what, three hours or so? Nice going Tech, real clever.”
Techno said nothing, just staring at him with a blank expression.
“I’m not letting go of this so you can space out as much as you want, I’ve got nowhere to be,”
Techno scoffed, “I can definitely space out long then you can,”
“You’d think that-hey wait! Do not try to distract me, now tell me what happened earlier or I’m going to crush you,”
Techno shrugged, avoiding his gaze, “It’s not a big deal, just the answers for our Bio homework-”
“What do you mean why? He just needed some help-”
“Yeah but you don’t give answers, I’ve never seen you give direct answers to anyone other than Skeppy and Niki, that’s not like you.” Wilbur stared Techno down, trying to get him to break.
“So? People change, why are you so fixated on this?”
“It’s just that- You’ve been- both you and Tommy have been acting differently recently, it all started when Griffin showed up and I just- I don’t know, I’m kind of worried,” Wilbur trailed off, not sure what else to say.
Techno sighed, tapping his fingers on his knee nervously, “Uh, well, you're not wrong on the Griffin thing, uh, he,” He groaned, “Why is this so hard? Griffin did kind of threaten me and I know he has been saying shit to Tommy and he just laughs it off but I can tell it bothers him-”
“Hold on, he what?” Wilbur’s eyes narrowed, “He’s been talking shit about Tommy and threatening you? What the hell is wrong with him! He never seemed like the type of person to do this- are you okay?”
“I-I’m fine Wilbur, It’s not that big of a deal and-”
“It is a big deal! He acted like he was my friend, like some timid shy guy, and then he does this shit to you guys- what the hell is his problem!” He had stood up and started pacing, fist against his mouth, eyes flashing with fire.
Techno stood up, placing a hand on Wilbur’s shoulder, “It’s okay! It’s okay, it’s not that bad,” He wasn’t sure what to say to placate his brother when he was this mad.
“Oh I gonna kill him,”
“Don’t, you get suspended and then it’ll mess with your job and-”
“Okay fine, I’ll get him some other way but he’s never coming back here.”
It had been two days, Wilbur was just waiting for the right opening. He had acted pleasant around Griffin but everytime they would run into his brothers Wilbur saw what they were talking about, things he had previously tried to ignore, Tommy’s forced smile after a joke, Techno trying to pull away from Griffin’s iron grip on his shoulder, Griffin’s not so friendly shoves, and it made his blood boil.
Wilbur knew he had to confront him that day. It was after lunch, they were cutting through an empty locker bay when Wilbur shoved Griffin into the wall, arm across his chest.
“Wilbur what the fu-”
“Did you honestly think I wouldn’t find out how you’ve been treating my brothers?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about-”
“Don’t lie-”
“What has gotten into you? I haven’t done anything to your brothers!”
“Shut up, you can blabber and lie all you want, I don’t care, but if you ever even come close to my brothers I will beat you into the ground, do you understand me?”
Griffin said nothing, he just glared back at Wilbur.
“They are very important to me, never forget that,” He let go of Griffin, who half slid down the lockers.
Wilbur walked away, feeling confident that Griffin would stay away, otherwise he’d make him.
162 notes · View notes
jungshookz · 4 years
i just saw this on tiktok & idk if it’ll make sense when i explain it but,, imagine y/n finally gets the balls to confess to someone (i was thinking yoongi but anyone else would still be cool) & does it but he has his headphones in,, the thing is he actually isnt listening to anything but he pretends that he didn’t hear her (bc he’s vv silly) and she’s just like “nvm” and then without blinking he goes “oh... well i like u too btw” & then BOOM they get married
Tumblr media
➺ pairing; min yoongi x reader
➺ genre; unsurprisingly this is a university!au, fluff!!!!!!, friends to lovers duH
➺ wordcount: 3.3k
➺ what to expect; “i like-you like you… romantic… style… you know?”
➺ note; for the first time ever i have nothing to say but happy reading!!!! y/n’s awkward and yoongi likes to bully her whaT’s new
(original gif source unknown :-( but i found it off here!!)
                          «────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
you know what
this is going to be great
this is going to go super well
you know why?
because you practiced this like, at least a hundred times over the past month!
you know what you’re talking about
you know exactly what to say and how to say it
(you might’ve written a script for yourself just to be safe)
((it’s scrunched up at the bottom of your bag))
“nothing to be nervous about…” you mumble to yourself as you fix your hair in the mirror
you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear before promptly untucking it
…and then tucking it again
maybe you should do hair tucked behind your right ear but untucked on the left ear
or does that look weird??
how about if you pull your hair up into a bun?
well now you just look like a freshly boiled egg, so that’s certainly not going to work.
“i’m not nervous. not at all.” you mutter, turning side to side to make sure that all angles of your face look somewhat decent
the other day yoongi pointed out some unblended concealer on your jaw so now you’ve been beating your face twice as hard every morning to make sure that everything is blended to perfection
speaking of yoongi
he’s actually the reason why you’re talking to yourself in the bathroom like a crazy person
…you like him.
well, you’re pretty sure you like him…
you pause for a split second before shaking your head
no, yeah.
you definitely like him.
the two of you have known each other for about a year now?
the story of how your friendship started isn’t all that exciting, now that you think about it
you were both in the same psychology class and he was late on the very first day and the only empty seat that was closest to the door was one that was next to you
you were hoping to make a new friend this semester but yoongi definitely wasn’t the kind of friend you had in mind
you were hoping for someone bright and chipper anD it wouldn’t hurt if they just so happened to be very intelligent and helpful when it came to coursework
“sorry.” the latecomer mumbles when his foot accidentally nudges against your backpack on the floor
“all good.” you smile politely and lean down to push it under your legs
you let out a breath before bringing your attention back to the prof
“-now, i know that not everyone likes doing this, but it is the first day of class, so how about some icebreakers?”
you resist the urge to let out a groan of protest upon the mention of icebreakers
you guys have to do icebreakers??
how old do these professors think you are??
you hate icebreakers
they’re the absolute worst!
especially the ones where you have to tell people three things about yourself or three hobbies you have
because you can never come up with interesting factoids about yourself when you’re put on the spot like that
you remember last semester one of the icebreakers for your english class was two truths and a lie and to make matters worse it wasn’t like a ‘turn to the person sitting next to you’ exercise, it was a ‘everyone’s going to go around the room and share with the entire class’ exercise
and when it was your turn, the only thing you could come up with was: “i… am a human being. i… have teeth. and i… like… cilantro…?”
what the hell was that?
you clear your throat quietly when everyone looks at you like you’re insane
well, you technically followed the rules of the game
you aRE a human being
you DO indeed have chompers
and you hate cilantro!
but uh
out of all the things you could’ve said, those three were admittedly a little odd
“is the lie that you’re a human being? because you’re acting like an alien trying to fit in with us humans, my friend!” the girl sitting next to you (you later find out that her name is judy and you’d just like to say that you nevER liked her because she was one of those overly ‘i’m just happy to be here!!’ people that made you want to slam your face into a wall) nudges your side and you resist the urge to slap her hand away
the class immediately bursts into scattered laughter and you flash your prof a sheepish smile
so yeah
icebreakers have never been your forte and you don’t think they ever will be
“turn to the person next to you and… god, i don’t know…”
even the prof seems reluctant to do this so wHY is he forcing everyone to do this????
“okay, how about this! tell them what you ate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner yesterday. you can tell a lot about a person by what they eat in their every day lives. there we go.”
you press your lips together as you awkwardly manoeuvre yourself so that you’re facing the left
you force a smile onto your face when the stranger turns to face you as well
“do you wanna-”
“so like-”
the both of you speak at the same time and you immediately clamp up
well, this is just wonderful, isn’t it?
two seconds in and you already want to hurl yourself into the middle of a busy intersection
“oh, um, i’m y/n, by the way.” you lean in a little in case he can’t hear you
“cool, nice to meet you.” he nods as his fingers drum against his kneecap, “i’m yoongi.”
“oh, cool. yeah, nice to meet you too. yeah…”
oh dear god
this entire interaction just makes you want to shrivel up and die
“so… should i go f-”
“look, we don’t have to do this, like… i personally hate icebreakers and i think i’ll survive without knowing what you ate yesterday. no offense.” yoongi chuckles before scratching the back of his neck, “we can just go back to doing our own thing until the professor calls time.” he shrugs before putting a single earbud in
you pause
that worked out in your favour
“alright, no problem. i hate icebreakers too, so…” you turn back to look at your laptop
you stare at your empty google doc as your fingers drum aimlessly against the trackpad
you turn to take a look around
everyone else is just chatting their mouths off so you feel a little awkward sitting here doing nothing
…okay fiNE you’re just going to say something
“i mean, i guess it’s a good thing we’re not sharing anything with each other because i had, like, an embarrassing number of goldfish crackers for breakfast yesterday.”
yoongi nods before offering you a tightlipped smile
you press your lips together before slumping down in your seat a little
tough crowd this morning!
whEn is the professor going to call time??
at least you can use this time to think about where you’re going to sit next time
maybe you’ll sit in the front
smart people usually sit in the front, right???
“what flavour?” you perk up when yoongi suddenly speaks up
he’s still scrolling through his phone and noT looking at you but you’ll take it
“the cinnamon graham cracker ones.”
he turns to raise a brow at you, “what? that’s not a flavour.”
“sure it is!” you scoff and open up your browser to search them up
“i only know about the cheddar ones. and cheddar is the superior flavour.”
you turn your laptop to show yoongi your screen, “see, check it out! there’s more than just cheddar.”
“oh. wow.”
and yeah
that’s how your guys’ first interaction went!
nothing to rave about
it’s funny because you remember after hanging out with yoongi for the first time (the both of you had an hour and a half gap before your other classes) you told yourself that you weren’t allowed to like him
you have this tendency to immediately fall in love with someone just because they’re nice to you
like one time, this guy held the door open for you at the library and shot you a smile and a ‘no problem’ after you thanked him and you couldn’t stop thinking about him for literally two weeks straight
you’ve given him the affectionate title of library boy
you still think about him from time to time!
so you were pretty surprised to find that you weren’t slowly crushing on yoongi a month after meeting him
(you like to think it’s because sometimes he talks with his mouth full and that’s one of your turn offs)
this was a personal achievement for you!
not falling in love with someone after one day of getting to know them?
gold star for y/n!! :D
and you were pretty sure that this ‘friendship’ was just going to be one of those semester friendships
you know, the ones where you hang out a lot solely because you’re in the same class and it’s good + convenient to have a buddy in the same class
and after the semester ends you promise to meet up with them next semester and it never actually happens so it’s just an endless cycle of ‘hey, you free this week?’ and ‘i can’t this week, what about next week?’
and eventually you just stop talking to the other person because that’s just how it is
and when you see them in line for coffee at starbucks you’ll obviously say hi to them and the two of you will be like omg we have to hang out soon!!! but in your minds you’ll be thinking something like even if the world was ending we are not going to find time to hang out
you know, that kind of friendship!
not to mention, you don’t have a lot of boy-friends in the first place so you were positive that this was a business only friendship
so you were more than shocked to see the ‘i’m starving. let’s get pizza for lunch. where u at?’ text from yoongi at the beginning of the second semester
and now, here you are!
one year later and you’re still getting i’m starving. let’s get [insert food of choice here] for lunch. where u at? texts from yoongi
the only difference between now and then is the fact that you are completely and utterly whipped for yoongi
110% in love with that man
you don’t even know what changed!!!!
one day he was telling you a story with his mouth full as per usual and instead of finding it gross you actually thought it was cute how he seemed to resemble a chipmunk
and then you started to notice other things about him that you found cute
like the way his eyes light up whenever you bring him an iced coffee
or the way he throws his head back and places a hand on his chest when he’s laughing reaLLy hard over something you said
or how he leans back in his chair before sticking his foot up on the seat in front of him while chewing on the lid of his pen
and even your tradition of flipping each other off after you hop off the bus at your stop has your heart fluttering
you really can’t explain what happened
you kind of just woke up one morning and was like:
…do i like yoongi?
omg DO I??
this is… month five of your crush on him?
the only reason why you finally decided it was time to tell him about your feelings was because you spent the entire weekend reading friends to lovers fan fiction and now you’re all revved up and ready to rumBLE
if it can happen to a fictional character it could certainly happen to a very real human being like you
and even if he doesn’t like you back (womp womp) it’ll be fine
it won’t be the end of the world!
yoongi’s always been super chill so you’re pretty sure it’s not going to destroy the friendship
if anything he’ll just use it to tease you sometimes (“hey i’m thirsty do u maybe wanna buy a drink for me? …the love of your life?”) and you’re completely fine with that
sure, it’ll be a little embarrassing to have to sit through the ‘i just think you’re a really good friend’ conversation but you’ll get over it
“look who’s finally back.” yoongi glances up at you, “did you have a nice poop???” he says loudly and you can’t help but scowl when you get a couple glances your way
he giggles to himself before looking back down at his phone
“very mature, yoongi.” you snort as you take your seat, “you child.”
a beat of silence ticks by and you feel your leg started to bounce anxiously under the table
maybe this isn’t a good idea
you’re not allowed to back out of this!
you literally spent so much time hyping yourself up in the bathroom
you’d have wasTed hours of rehearsing if you change your mind now
“okay, i’m just-” your voice wavers and you clear your throat quickly, “i’m just going to say something, and… and don’t interrupt me or anything until i’m done, because then you’ll ruin my train of thought.” you pause to let out a breath, “i like you, yoongi. and not, like, in general… i mean i do like you in general but i like-you like you… romantic… style… you know?”
it seems that maybe you needed to practice what you were going to say one last time because ‘i like-you like you romantic style’ definitely wasn’t in the original script of this tragic screenplay
“to be honest, i’m really not sure what changed. i know that we’re pretty good friends and all but i just felt like i had to tell you about my feelings. you know, i… i really care about you and you’re one of the most important people in my life, if i’m being honest. you’ve always been there for me and, i don’t know… i’ve liked you for nearly five months, and the only reason why i didn’t wanna tell you was because i didn’t want to, like, potentially ruin our friendship? oh, and it’s totally okay if you don’t like me back, i just figured you should know! i mean, it’s literally fine if you don’t feel the same way, and you don’t have to give me the whole pity speech because i know from firsthand experience that you’re literally the worst at trying to make someone feel better so… yeah! i guess that’s all i had to tell you. i like you.”
you twiddle with a strand of your hair nervously as you conclude your little speech and wait for yoongi’s response
yoongi looks up at you before plucking an earbud out
you immediately feel all the blood drain from your face
he… he didn’t even…. he didn’t hear a sINGLE thing of what you just…
you just poured your heart out to him and he was listening to music this entire time?!?!?!
if anything, this is a sign from god
this is god giving you a chance to rethink the whole confessing your undying love for yoongi thing
this is god telling you that you should thank Him and spend the rest of your life praising Him for saving you from a lifetime of embarrassment!
you swallow thickly before letting out a nervous chuckle, “wh- what?”
“did you say something?”
“me? i did, but it’s not important.” you wave it off before letting out a scoff, “it’s whatever. it’s… yeah, it’s fine. all good.”
“‘kay.” yoongi sighs as he plugs his earbud back in, “but for the record, i like you too.”
“yeah, well-” you look back up at yoongi quickly
what did he-
did he just-
are you hearing things??
“um-” you shake your head quickly before leaning in a little, “sorry, what?”
yoongi sets his phone down before reaching up to pluck out both his earbuds
“did i stutter?” he sniffles before folding his arms and putting them on the table
you blink
you can’t tell if he’s joking or not because of the complete lack of emotion in his face
like that one time you were really upset over completely bombing your midterm and yoongi looked at you with the pokeriest of poker faces and was like: “this one, single test doesn’t define your intelligence. you’re one of the hardest working people i know and you’re a very diligent student. i’ll help you study for your next midterm. i believe in you.” and you were just like ?????
so right now with yoongi telling you that he likes you back..,., you genuinely can’t tell if he’s teasing you or not
“i don’t… i don’t know what you’re saying…” you feel like your eyes are going to dry out from how wiDe they are
“i’m saying that if you asked me if i wanted to go and make out with you behind the bookshelves right now…” yoongi hums as he leans back against his chair, “i would say yes. i would even go as far as to say hell yes.”
what is happening?????
are you having a fever dream???
is THIS what a stroke feels like???
“actually, i’m starving. let’s go get some food.” yoongi gets up from his seat before grabbing his backpack and flinging one strap over his shoulder
you feel like you’re on autopilot mode as you get up slowly from your seat
you’re just… trying to process… what the hell is going on…
so he does like you back??
“hey-” you look over to see that yoongi’s already picked up your backpack for you and has his free hand sticking out, “are you going to hold my hand or not?”
how are you supposed to interpret that???
you look down at his hand and blink at it cluelessly
so he wants you guys to hold hands??
“for god’s sake-” yoongi rolls his eyes before grabbing your hand and gently tugging you along, “i have to do everything for you-”
“oh, that is so not true!” you snap out of your trance to defend yourself, “i’m just thinking about- so you could hear me the entire time??”
your stomach does a flip when yoongi suddenly brings your hand up to his mouth before brushing a sweet little kiss along your knuckles
“i like-you like you romantic style, too.”
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
requested drabbles masterlist
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dustofbrokenheart · 4 years
The Covenant: Tech Guy
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Reid Garwin x Reader
Word Count: 3,826
Summary: After renting a laptop from your campus library, you run into a download problem. A call to Library Tech Services for help introduces you to Tech Guy. Good at his job, but with questionable people skills, you learn to work with him. It certainly helps that he has an attractive voice.   
This was not good, not good at all. It was less than an hour to midnight, the sun long since having set, and time seemed to pas faster, not slower, the later it got.
Now, you considered yourself to be pretty good with technology, perhaps not a computer genius but good enough to be able to troubleshoot most of your problems. It was pure bad luck that the night your capabilities failed was the night before you had an assignment due in Graphic Design.
Your own laptop had been ruined after an accident in the library had left the screen nothing more than a web of shattered fragments, but thankfully the library also carried laptops for checkout which saved you from having to fork out money that you didn’t have to buy a new one. You thought that checking out a laptop would be a quick fix to your problem, but you underestimated how high their demand was.
The librarian you spoke with at the circulation desk put you on a waiting list much to your disappointment and you left the building empty handed, unsure when one would become available.
The answer was six days later, the night before you had something due.
When they left a voicemail on your cell phone around seven o’clock to tell you that it was ready for pick-up, you immediately hopped on a bus bound for the library. The anxiety should have been somewhat alleviated because you could actually start to work on it now but when you got back to your dorm room and opened it up, another problem presented itself: the program you needed wasn’t installed.
Bad luck 1 – You 0.
Every time you tried to install it a message would pop up prompting you to enter an admin username and password in order to start the process. You had never seen that message before and innocently tried your own username and password. When that didn’t work, you tried three more times just to be sure.
Next stop was the internet, everyone’s favorite place to ask questions. You ran a quick search describing the problem and read through a couple of chat room threads. Disappointingly, nothing really applied to the situation at hand.
In hindsight, you shouldn’t have spent so much time trying to fix it because all that came of it was a lot of wasted time and you still hadn’t installed the program. You really didn’t want to take another trip to the library tonight if you could help it.
Frustrated and stuck you opened up the library’s webpage to see if there were any answers to be found. They didn’t but you did find the phone number for Library Tech Services, which was miraculously open even this late in the night.
Punching in the numbers you dialed and waited for someone to answer and when they did, it was short and to the point. “Library Tech.”
“Umm, hi… my name is y/n and I’m having an issue installing a program on my laptop rental.”
“Hmm. What’s the problem?” Again, not much to go on but the you could admit that tech guy’s voice sounded attractive.  
“Well. I clicked on the install button, but as soon as I did a message telling me that I needed admin permission to continue flashed on my screen.”
“Did you try your university username and password?”
“Did you double check that you typed everything correctly?”
“Did you try Google?”
“Of course, I did,” you answered with exasperation. He snickered and you felt your hackles rise. You called the number to get helped, not to get laughed at. Attractive voice be damned.
“I promise I exhausted every trick I know, I’m not stupid. But I do have something to finish tonight so if you can help me out here, that’d be great.”
For a split second you felt bad for being short with him but the aggravation was quick to return. He was the one providing terrible customer service… why should you feel bad calling him out on it?
He must’ve gotten the hint because he cleared his throat and started being serious. “The library puts restrictions on its laptops because they don’t want people downloading stuff willy nilly. What do you need to install?”
“Just Adobe Illustrator.”
You heard him typing on a keyboard in the background. “Sounds okay to me. I’ll just give you the admin credentials so you don’t have to make a trip over here tonight.”
You started to say thanks until you processed the end of that sentence. “Wait, what do you mean by that?”
“Normally we require people to come in person to fill out a form. Once the request is approved, a person is supposed to enter in the admin stuff, but I’m going to give it out over the phone to save you some time.”
His words left you speechless. You had no idea there was a whole process to do something so simple as install a program; you should’ve asked more questions before you walked out with it. It was a good thing to remember for next time. And the earlier guilt returned, too. He was being so nice now, bending the rules so you didn’t have to make another trek on the bus, which was quite frankly a gamble after dark.
You thanked him profusely, the tension draining from your shoulders. Once you told him the laptops id number and he was able to confirm that it was rented out to your account, he shared the username and password with you.  
With baited breath, you typed in exactly what he told you to and couldn’t help the happy noise that escaped you when it worked. It was impossible that tech guy saw your chair dance through the phone but he laughed again, making you question if he somehow knew anyway.
“Thanks, you’re a life saver!”  
He cleared his throat and said “Glad to be of service.” Then he hung up without another word.
You pulled the phone away from your ear and looked at it blankly. What the heck was that about? Thinking back on the conversation left you feeling very confused but you threw yourself into getting your images drawn up on Illustrator and soon lost yourself in the work.
You ended up staying up late well past your normal bedtime but the deadline was enough motivation for you to push through the drowsiness and yawns. Around 3:30 you finally finished and emailed it to the professor so you wouldn’t have to worry about it in the morning.
Sleep came easy that night and you vaguely remembered dreaming about tech guy’s voice which was utterly ridiculous. He hadn’t even mentioned his name, for goodness sakes! Plus, he was so hard to read, bouncing between jerk and nice on a whim. Nope. You were not going to stoop to finding out who he was. Not a chance.
After yesterday’s incident, your first course of the new day was to go grab a cup of coffee. You weren’t an easy riser on a good day, even less so after being up until the wee hours of the morning and caffeine was going to be essential for powering you through your classes.
Your go-to place was a campus coffee shop two blocks down from your dorm. It was still winter but you found that as long as you bundled up, the walk over went quickly and the cold air worked wonders for organizing your thoughts. But the real reason it was your favorite was not its closeness, it wasn’t even for the coffee; it was because of the heavenly pastries they made daily. The croissants, the eclairs, the danishes… they were all excellent. None was above their banana chocolate chip muffins.
A little bell chimed as you opened the door and the blast of heat from inside the shop felt nice against your chilled cheeks. The familiar worker at the register looked up and smiled when they saw you. “Hey, y/n! Should I start working on your cappuccino order?”
“Yes, please!” You approached the counter, removing your gloves to make it easier to take out your card from your wallet. A gleaming dessert case also caught your eye and you tried to glance over discreetly. As subtle as you tried to be, the cashier knew you too well after serving you for the past couple of years.
“Oh, sorry. We’re out those again.”
“Again?” you questioned sorrowfully.
He gave you a sympathetic shrug. “They’re very popular, they always go fast.”
It used to be that you could get your hands on a banana chocolate chip muffin whenever you wanted one but the secret must’ve gotten out to the rest of campus because you’d struck out for the past weeks. With a dramatic sigh, you settled for a chocolate croissant. It was no muffin but it was something to tide over your stomach until lunch.
“You know,” you started conspiratorially, “How can someone be so talented yet stupid simultaneously? If that no-good-baker bothered to make more of them knowing how fast they sell, this wouldn’t happen.”
You had never actually met the baker that was the source of the yummy pastries. In fact, you’d never even seen him and only knew that he was good at what he did and that he never came out to the front of the shop. There was really no reason why you ragged on him that morning other than you had major plans for that muffin that now had to be put on hold.
The cashier chuckled as he rang you up and looked back at the door to the kitchen for a moment. “I’ll pass along the message.” He slipped the croissant in a brown paper bag and handed it, along with the travel coffee cup, over to you.  “Have a good day. See you next time.”
You accepted it with a “You, too,” and were out the door to catch the next bus to your class.
Later that week, you ran into a familiar problem with the laptop. This time you needed to add Photoshop but figured that it shouldn’t be an issue now that you knew the password. So when you typed in the exact same thing as last time and the computer told you it was incorrect, you dragged a hand down your face and groaned. Well, you weren’t going to make the same mistake twice.
Swiveling around in your chair you grabbed your phone and called the Tech Services line again. The only thing that would make this even better would be if tech guy answered again, that’s how your luck was going that week. And sure enough, “Library Tech Services.”
You refrained from groaning again. Out loud anyway. “Hi, it’s y/n again. I was the one who called about the admin credentials Monday night?”  
“What’s up?”
“I’m trying to install Photoshop right now and it’s telling me the username/password is incorrect, which is impossible because it’s what I used the last time.”
“Right. We had to change the password for our monthly maintenance, it’s a security thing.”
“You’re kidding,” you said surprise coloring your voice. “Any chance you can share the new one with me?”
“Technically, I wasn’t supposed to give that to you last time.”
It was time to turn on the charm and convince him like you managed to previously. As you pleaded with him to do you this favor he interrupted you.
“How bad do you need it?”
What was wrong with you that hearing him say that put your mind in the gutter? He definitely hadn’t meant it that way when he said it! He was much chattier this time around so you were able to appreciate his voice better and his voice just did it for you.
You cleared your throat. “It’s not an emergency this time, no impending next-day deadlines, but I do want to get working on this new assignment…”
“Okay, okay. You’re lucky I like you.” That was news to you because you didn’t get that vibe based on the last call. It was nice to hear though. Some clicks sounded from the other end of the line and you waited silently for a few moments before he was ready to say the new password.
“Whew, we’re good to go,” you updated him as the Photoshop installation started. Another moment of silence passed.
Finally, he said a quick, “Good.”
You weren’t caught off guard when you heard the click that signaled he had hung up. Unlike the last call, he hadn’t seemed rude and he did mention that he liked you. Maybe he was just an awkward sort of guy, despite his killer voice. That might explain why he worked an IT job, weren’t those kinds of guys supposed to have terrible people skills?
You worked with Photoshop for a bit and when you reached a good stopping point, you got ready for bed. That night you laid awake for a while, unable to drift off to sleep. Instead, you replayed the conversation with tech guy over and over in your mind.
He was very helpful when he wasn’t giving an attitude and he this was the second time he had bent the rules for you. That pesky word ‘like’ kept rattling in your brain and you started to wonder if that nice voice belonged to a nice face. Furthermore, was there a chance that he found your voice attractive as well?
Sunday morning on a college campus seemed like a smart time to visit the coffee given that most of campus wasn’t up yet, which increased the chances of you getting your hands on a banana chocolate chip muffin. Maybe even two or three if you were honest, to make up for the past several failed attempts.
The sun hadn’t been up long when you opened the door, the little jingling bell announcing your presence. A barrage of delicious aromas caressed your nose and to your extreme delight, one of the scents you detected was a banana-chocolate combination.
You walked up to the counter and the cashier smiled as he told you good morning.
“So… can I get three banana chocolate chip muffins?”
He merely smiled and started working on your cappuccino. “Of course. Reid just finished them so they still in the kitchen, piping hot.”
Reid must be the baker that was responsible for the muffins as well as responsible for never making enough. “Finally! This is a long time coming for me.”
“I passed him your message, I think he took it to heart.” He handed over the drink and turned to go to the kitchen. “I’ll be back with the muffins.”
He pushed the door open and for a split second you caught a glimpse of a side profile belonging to a blonde guy. He was too far away to distinctly make out any facial features but he had nice shoulders framed by his black tee and obvious blonde hair that was hard to miss. He looked cute to you, at least from a distance.
Those two details were the only things you took note of before the door closed, effectively blocking you from more staring. Too bad. It was totally ridiculous to think about but tech guy’s voice would be a good combination with baker guy’s looks.
You picked at the lid of the coffee cup while you waited for the rest of your order already anticipating how they would taste. Your plan was to only eat one this morning and to ration the rest, but you were honest enough with yourself to know that you might enter a feeding frenzy and have all three finished by lunch.
When the door opened up again your eyes searched for the seemingly cute baker but there was no sign of him. There wasn’t a chance to get down about it, however, because a smile lit up your face as soon as you saw the medium sized brown paper bag that held the muffins.
“Reid says these are especially for you,” the cashier said as he lifted the bag over the register.
You were quick to raise your hands to take it from him and made sure to thank him as you left, not questioning why Reid, a person you’d never met, would make a comment like that, figuring that he was referring to how you complained that the muffins were always sold out.
The morning air was especially cold as you trekked back to your dorm, your breath condensing into a fleeting, frozen cloud around your face and the only thing keeping your hands warm was the cappuccino you held between gloved hands. Still, the trip to the coffee shop was definitely worth it and you were hoping that it was a good omen to start the day off with.
Perhaps you were still experiencing the high of the morning victory at the coffee shop, but later on that night while you were working on homework once again, you started thinking about tech guy again. There wasn’t any need to call him; you now had both Illustrator and Photoshop on the laptop and there wasn’t anything else that you needed to install.
Still, you debated calling him. Not because you needed to but because you wanted to. Which was weird, even to you, but you had missed him the past couple of days, bad people skills and all. After the second call, you felt even more confident that he wasn’t as condescending a guy as you had first thought him to be. And you wouldn’t mind getting to know that awkward version of him better.
The hard part was you literally knew nothing about him other than he worked the night shift at the library. You didn’t have a name, a face, not even a work schedule to confirm whether he was working tonight or not. Reid must’ve been serious when he told the cashier those muffins were made especially for you because there had to have been a secret dose of recklessness mixed in there. How else would you explain this strange, and potentially creepy, call you were about to make?
The dial tone rang and you took a deep breath, not sure how this would turn out. On the fifth ring, someone finally picked up. “Library Tech Services.”
You laughed in relief. Tech guy was the on the other end of the phone. “Hey.”
“Hey, y/n. Having another crisis?” On one hand you felt a little embarrassed that you no longer had to say your name for him to recognize your voice but on the other, the possibility that he enjoyed talking with you, too.
“It may come as a surprise but I can get through a day without having a tech issue that needs solving.”
“Oh, really?”
“I swear.” You crossed your heart even though he couldn’t see you.
“Well, what do you want then?”
Time to be brave. “Actually, I called for you.”
“I would hope so, I’m the only who works this shift meaning I’m your only option.”
“No, um, I meant I wanted to tell you thanks for helping me out with installing that stuff on the laptop. You were a lifesaver.”
“I try.”
“Seriously! I definitely would’ve missed one graphic design deadline, potentially two if you hadn’t come to the rescue.”
That seemed to get his attention. “Is that your major? Graphic Design?”
“Yep. Don’t I give off bumbling artist vibes?”
“Hmm you seem pretty confident to me but there’s nothing wrong with that. My grandma was—” He started that sentence but abruptly cut off and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Are you saying I remind you of your grandma?”
“Shit,” he grumbled. “My friends told me to stop bringing her up when talking to hot people.”
“Don’t sweat it, she sounds like she was awesome so I’m honored. But back to the part where I’m hot… do you really think so?”
“Obviously. Do you think I hand out library secrets to every person who calls? Your voice is strong and you sound super smart so I tried my best to be cool with you.”
“Okay but future tip: hanging up on people and not telling them your name is rude, not cool.”
His embarrassment was tangible through the phone and you let him sweat momentarily before speaking. “Luckily for you, I like dorks such as yourself and am willing to look past it as long as I get your name.”
“It’s Reid. Reid Garwin,” he rushed to say.
Now that was interesting. You fell back on your bed, your brain trying to make connections. The name while not super common, wasn’t rare either and what were the chances that you met two of them on the same day. If Reid with the nice body and tech guy, er, Reid with the nice voice were one in the same, you wouldn’t be upset. Quite the contrary.
“Reid as in Reid who bakes my favorite sugar fixes on campus?”
“One in the same. You seen me there before?”
“Only once,” you reveal. “When I went to pick up some muffins this today.”
It was his turn to laugh. “Wait. Are you saying that you’re that customer who called me stupid the other day?”
“They don’t let me out front cause I’m ‘too much’ for people but rest assured that the door isn’t that thick. I feel like an idiot for not recognizing that it was you though.”
The revelation that Reid was baking a tech hero, a winning mix by the way, thrilled you all the way from your head to your toes. At the moment you didn’t even care that he heard you calling him names at the coffee shop although you were sure the mortification would set in later.
“Would you like to go out sometime—”
“You do want to go out with me sometime—”
The two of you spoke at the same time and when you realized that the other had read your mind, you both giggled.
“After you,” you assured him.
“Shit, would you like to go out sometime? There’s a restaurant downtown that’s really good and I promise not to bring up grandma Garwin again.”
The plan was to pretend to think about it but your excitement overrode your brain and you said, “Deal as long as you promise to tell me more about her, not less.”
He started to answer you but stopped suddenly and you could vaguely hear him getting scolded by someone, reminding you that technically he was still on the clock.
“Sorry,” he grumbled, “The librarian on duty told me to stop flirting and get back to work. Stop by the coffee shop tomorrow though and we can talk more.”
You said your good-byes and rolled around your bed, the comforter thoroughly rumpled by the time you stopped. It seemed that your luck may be turning around for the better.
Thanks for reading my most self-indulgent piece to date. Also my longest! Reid may consider himself to be mister cool, but he is also an awkward bean who would make a great tech guy. It's also my first time experimenting with moodboards, let me know what you think :)
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
“Natural” - Chapter 7 - Embry Call x Reader
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Graduation Party
I roll over in bed, waking up once again to an empty pillow to the side of me. 
I was getting used to Embry falling asleep with me, though I don’t think I would ever get used to him not being there when I woke up, the lonely feeling it left behind was quite intense. 
 I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I walk over to my desk to find the usual good morning note from Embry. 
I take the note and put it in a little box, with the others I’ve saved from him. 
I look over at the time, seeing it to be only a little before 8:00. I decided that I should probably join my dad downstairs for some cereal and chatting before he heads off to work on this fine Friday morning. 
“Hey dad.” I walk down the stairs and greet him in the kitchen. 
“Hey kid. Leah was here last night?” He asks, taking a bite of his frosted flakes. 
“Yeah, we watched some movies and talked, caught up a bit.” I grab a bowl to pour my own. 
I sit down at the table across from him, taking a bite of my cereal. 
“So what’s going on tonight, any big plans for the weekend?” He asks me. 
“Yeah, I’m actually going to Bella’s graduation party tonight.” I smile at him. 
“That sounds like fun, Billy mentioned that to me. The guys are going, too, right?” He asks me with a slight face of concern.
“Yes, dad. They’ll be there. What’re you worried about?” I laugh. 
“I worry about everything, I’m a dad.” He chuckles. 
“Alright there, dad. There’s nothing to worry about. Jacob, Quil, and Embry are going. I’m the tag along. Nothing usually gets past them.” I laugh. 
“No, not usually. They all really shot up since we left.” His eyes widen, soft laughter escaping his lips. 
“I know, it’s crazy. I can’t believe it.” 
“How tall is Jacob now? Him and Embry are really up there.” 
“Jake is 6’7 and Embry is 6’4.” I take another bite. 
“Wow. When’re you gonna grow?” He laughs. 
“Hey, relax there. Not all of us hit insane growth spurts.” I defend. 
“I know. Just messing with you.” 
“Yeah, I get it. Bully your daughter. Ha ha.” I smirk.
“Oh stop. You know I love you more than anything.” He gets up to put his bowl in the sink, nudging my shoulder on his way over. 
“I know, I love you, too.” 
“So how’s the Embry thing going on?” He asks. 
“Pretty good.” I felt the heat rushing to my cheeks. 
“I’m really glad it was Embry, honestly. He’s a good kid.” He puts a hand on my shoulder. 
“He is.” My cheeks still held that red tint. 
“Well, I should get going now. I’ll see you later, if not-- enjoy the party and keep in touch.” He kisses the top of my head before leaving. 
I finish my cereal and clean it up. 
Heading up the stairs I feel a little tired still from the night before. I lay back in bed to relax, maybe play on my phone for a bit. 
I unlock my phone and see some messages from the guys. 
“We’re gonna pick you up at 7. Be ready.” - Jake
“Good morning, bean. I love you and I can’t wait to see you today. Can I come over before the party?” - Embry
“(Y/N) important question. Do you think that snails are animals? Are slugs just homeless snails? I saw one on my porch last night and it’s keeping me up. Lmk what you think.” - Quil 
I shake my head, wondering why I even have a phone in the first place. I decide to text them all back. 
“You got it, chief.” 
“Good morning, Em. I love you, too. Come over whenever you can :)” 
“According to google, snails are basically octopuses. I don’t know about the slugs, though, bud. Do some research and keep me posted.” 
I laugh as I put my phone on my nightstand, walking over to my mirror. 
I look myself up and down, in my pajama shorts and a band t-shirt from a concert Embry and I went to three years ago in Port Angeles. I remember it like it was just yesterday. 
Embry and I walked around the venue after the show, passing by the merch table to take a peak. 
“Oh wow, that shirt’s pretty cool, look.” I point to him. 
“It is, why don’t you get it?” He asks. 
“I don’t know, I really shouldn’t buy it. My dad would get annoyed at me for buying another band tee.” I shrug my shoulders in disappointment, as I usually get a shirt at every show we went to. 
“Ah, that’s fair. Sorry, bean.” He pats me on the back. 
“It’s alright, I’m gonna head to the bathroom.” I let him know and he walks me over to the bathroom before entering the men’s room himself. 
I walk out a few moments later to see a smiling Embry, holding onto his backpack straps. 
“You ready to catch the train back?” I ask.
“Yeah, let’s go.” He smiles.
We make our way back to the train station and sit down, beginning our hour and a half journey. 
“Hey, (Y/N)? Can I tell you something?” 
“Yeah, what’s up?” I look up into his sweet brown eyes, filled with excitement. 
“So I got that shirt. I really liked it and I kinda wanted to add it to my collection. I just don’t want you to be upset with me.” He looks at me, pursing his lips. 
“No I’m not mad, Em. Why would I be mad at you? You’ll look great in it. You always get a shirt, we have our concert shirt collection going on.” I smile up at him, kinda kicking myself for not buying one to keep the tradition-- though not wanting to be lectured by my dad for it being a “waste of money.” 
“Great, I didn’t think you’d be mad. Especially because I got you one, too.” He smiles, reaching into his bag. 
“Embry! Why would you do that? Don’t spend your money on me.” I scold, trying to hide the blushing and insane smiling from appearing on my face. 
“Oh, shut up. You wanted the shirt, I wanted to get you the shirt. We both got what we wanted.” He smiles. 
“But, Emb-” 
“No, shh. Just say thank you and wear it.” He smiles, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. 
“Thank you, Em.” I look up into his eyes, not even attempting to hide my severe blushing. 
“Anything for you, bean.” He smiles. 
I hold the shirt in my hands, clutching it excitedly. A yawn escapes my lips but I try to fight it back.
“You can lay on my shoulder, take a nap. I’ll wake you up when we get there.” He smiles. 
I nod, placing my head on his shoulder and falling asleep.
I observe how long it is for me, as he bought it in his size because “it’s just cuter that way” as he would say. 
Sitting down on my bed, I unlock my phone to see the responses from Embry and Quil, Jake only gave my message a thumbs up. 
“I’m on my way, should be there in a few minutes :)” - Embry 
“I’m on it.” - Quil 
I smirk before I make my bed and try to tidy up my room, just what I teased Embry about yesterday. 
A few minutes into me cleaning, I hear my phone going off. It was Embry texting me that he was here and to let him in. 
I jog down the stairs and open the door to see an excited Embry. 
“Good morning.” He picks me up in his arms and spins me around. 
“Hey there, Embry.” I giggle into his neck.
He places me back on the floor and I lead him upstairs. 
We get into my room and I notice his staring. 
“Is something wrong?” I ask him, eyes widening in nervousness. 
“No, no. God no. I just-- you look cute like that. I just, I like your outfit.” He stumbles upon his words. 
“Thank you, Em.” I blush. 
“I’m glad I got you it in my size. Maybe you should just switch over to my clothes completely. I think that would work.” He flirts, smiling like the goof that he is. 
“Hmm, maybe. I’ll steal some more of your hoodies soon.” I smirk.
“I can’t even complain.” He leans down kissing me softly. 
The kiss once again, as all the rest, felt like electricity shot through my entire body. I felt my knees going weak.
Emby’s hand on my hips felt like absolute heaven, making out with him was a rush, it felt like heaven on earth. 
He pulls away, placing his forehead on my own.
“Hi.” He breathes. 
“Hey.” I smile. 
“Wanna watch some Rick & Morty?” He asks.
“Sure.” I laugh. 
We always talked about Rick & Morty while I was gone, trying to watch it together. 
We situated ourselves in my bed, my head on his chest and my legs sprawled amongst his. 
The next few hours consisted of laughter as both he and I took turns falling in and out of sleep. 
At 5:30 I decided it was time I got up to begin getting ready to go. I put some mascara on, a little lip tint, style my hair and head over to my closet. 
“Whatcha doing, bean?” Embry asks, a yawn escaping his soft lips. 
“I’m trying to figure out what to wear to this party. Are you guys dressing up?” I turn around, and eye him up.
“T-shirt and jeans, all of us. Except maybe you. I’m sure the others will be dressed up but don’t feel pressured.” He smirks. 
“I see. I should have known.” I smirk. 
I search through my closet, feeling Embry’s hands find my waist behind me, pressing a kiss to the back of my head.
“You’ll look great in anything you wear.” He whispers.
“Thank you.” Thankfully he couldn’t see my blushing from behind my head. 
“Ya know, I’d say wear that. But I’d have a hard time controlling myself… And keeping you to myself.” He chuckles.
“Embry!” I laugh.
“I’m just saying, you look really cute.” He says, walking back over to my bed. 
It took me a while, but I decided on a black dressy-ish sweater, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of black chelsea boots. 
I turn around to begin changing and I notice Embry covering his eyes, 
I giggle to myself as I change, thankful of his eye shielding-- I wasn’t ready for that just yet. 
“Thank you, Em.” I say as I finish pulling the jeans up my leg. 
“Of course.” He says, blush appearing across his cheeks. 
“You can open your eyes now.” I say when I finish, walking over to sit on his lap. 
“Hey, welcome.” He kisses my cheek.
“Look at you, the king of respecting women.” I laugh. 
“You know it, baby. Forever and always.” He laughs. 
It was true, though. Embry has always been one of the most respectful people I had ever met, especially with women-- including myself. 
“How long until Jake and Quil get here?” I ask, leaning my head into his chest. 
“Any minute now, time moves fast when I’m with you.” He presses a kiss onto my shoulder. 
“That it does, you’re my favorite way to spend my time.” I giggle. 
“You look beautiful, by the way.” He smiles into my neck, leaving a soft kiss at the nape. 
“How do you do that?” I ask. 
“Do what?” 
“Always have that effect on me? Everything you do… it just feels intense.” I admit. 
“I think that’s just because we’ve waited so long for this. You’re also my imprint, now.” He laughs softly. 
His phone begins vibrating, causing him to pull away and answer. 
“It’s Jake, they’re here.” He says hanging up the phone.
I nod and we get up, going downstairs. 
“Have fun! Be safe.” My dad smiles from the couch. 
“Thank you!” We call out in unison. 
“I’ll text you, dad. I love you.” I smile before we walk out the door and get into Jacob’s rabbit. 
“Let’s have some fun tonight.” I smile. 
“Too many leeches, but there might be pretty girls. So this could be good.” Quil chuckles from the front seat. 
“Ooh, Jacob. Pretty girls.” I say in a sing-song manner. 
“(Y/N), you know it doesn’t matter to me.” He laughs. 
“I know, but just try to have a good time. It’s my first party with you guys in like forever!” I grab the back of Quil and Jacob’s seats, bringing myself forward. 
“You’re right.” Quil agrees.
“Oh Quil, what’s the news?” I ask, referring to our conversation from this morning. 
“Oh. They’re cousins, not brothers.” He turns around to me, nodding.
“Oh damn, no way.” I smirk.
“Who?” Embry asks. 
“Snails and slugs. Ya know, the octopus things.” He shrugs. 
“I’m sorry, what?” Embry asks. 
“We’re here, please stop… whatever this is.” Jacob smirks getting out of the car. 
“I can explain later.” I grab onto Embry’s hand, following Jacob into the giant house that belonged to the Cullens. 
“Holy shit.” I mutter, walking through the enormous front door. 
“Right?” Quil agrees.
We walk up the stairs, finding the main area of the party. 
Embry stayed behind me, his hand on my lower back, guiding me up the stairs. 
“I’m not made out of glass, you know. I’ve done stairs before.” I turn around giggling. 
“Can’t risk an accident with you, bean. Especially in a house of leeches.” He reminds me. 
“Embry, stop it. I’m not that accident prone.” I defend. 
“Says the girl with five bruises just on her left leg.” He chuckles.
“Hey, don’t do this.” I laugh. 
Jacob soon finds Bella, greeting her.
“Hey, why are you here?” She asks. 
I felt strange, were we not invited?
“You invited me, remember?” Jacob responds. 
“I thought our argument and me calling you a dick was me uninviting you.” “Bella, I’m sorry. Look, I brought you a gift. I made you it.” He holds up the wolf charm bracelet that he spent hours carving. 
“You made this? It’s beautiful.” Her demeanor softened. 
“Of course.” He smiles, pulling her into a small hug. 
“Hey Bella. Congratulations.” I smile at her. 
“Oh, hey (Y/N). Thank you. I’m glad you came. Hopefully you can keep them under control.” She jokes. 
“Eh, maybe. Usually only Embry will listen to me, though. Fair warning.” I laugh. 
We sit around, listening to music for a little bit. Eating some snacks before we found our way to Bella again. As I was chatting with her and Jacob, Bella’s eyes frantically peered over to a very tiny woman on the stairs. 
“Alice. What did you see?” She asks, walking over.
“The decision has been made.” She answers, wide eyed. 
“What decision?” Jacob asks. 
We are all led into Carlisle’s office, me basically velcroed to Embry’s side, especially in such close proximity to the Cullens. 
“So they’re coming here?” Bella asks. 
“Yeah, in four days.” Alice responds. 
“We don’t have much time.” Carlisle says in a worried tone. 
“Who’s coming?” Jacob asks. 
“Newborn army. They’re coming for Bella.” Jasper says. 
We then got the whole rundown of what that actually entails, how scary of a situation this truly was.
“Wait, they’re after Bella?” Jacob asks. 
I look over at Embry, worried eyes. 
“Well, then the pack will fight.” Jacob agrees. 
Embry and Quil nod, my eyes wide with fear. 
“You think Sam would be willing to come to an understanding?” 
“We’re going to have to train, this is a very dangerous fight. Lives could be lost. Jasper has the experience and knowledge we will need.” Carlisle explains. 
“We get to kick some ass.” The large one, Emmett, grins. 
“When do we start training?” Jacob asks. 
“Tomorrow.” Carlisle answers. 
“Okay, I’ll tell Sam tonight.” 
“Jacob, please.” Bella begs. 
“This is what you wanted, remember? We’re working together.” He really rubbed her face in it. 
“Newborns won’t even know they exist, they’ll be a great help to us. Plus we need the numbers, Bella.” Jasper reasons. 
I looked up at Embry with a worried face, feeling my heart begin to beat faster. I needed him to be okay, I needed all my friends to be okay. 
“Don’t worry, bean. Nothing is gonna happen, okay?” He whispers in my ear, leaning down to press a kiss to my temple. 
Quil looks at me, nodding in confirmation. 
“This is what we were made to do. At least we get to kill some vampires.” Jacob grins. 
Going back to the party wasn’t the same after that. I felt like I was in a constant state of nausea, like my heart was about to fly out of my chest. 
When it was time to leave, we went out and drove back to my house in complete silence. I bid Jacob and Quil a goodnight and Embry walked me to my door. 
“Did you have fun?” He asked. 
“Well I was, earlier in the night.” I admit. 
“I know, bean. But please don’t worry. Everything will be okay, this is our job. It’s in our blood, this is what we do.” He smiles, trying to comfort me as he pushes my hair behind my ear. 
“I know, I’m just scared.” I admit. 
“Don’t be, bean. I would never let anything happen to you.” His eyes stare deep into mine, seriousness completely taking over his face.
“No, I’m scared for you.” 
“Oh, don’t be. I never got hurt before, and now I have just another thing to fight for.” He softly smiles. 
“I want to come to practice.” I tell him. 
“Uh, I don’t know.” His voice trails off. 
“Embry, please. I need to know.” I plead.
“Okay, but you have to stay where it’s safe. Stay by me.” 
I nod and he pulls me into a tight hug. 
“Thank you.” I whisper. 
“I’d do anything for you.” He smiles. 
His arms find my waist before he gives me a sweet kiss goodnight. 
I manage to find the strength to go inside my house and separate from the warmth that Embry was.
Sleeping was something that seemed to be out of the question as I stared at my ceiling in complete silence for hours, mind racing with anxious thoughts. I don’t even know when I even fell asleep. 
Word Count: 3087
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janicho88 · 4 years
In This Together Part 3
 Pairing- Dean x Wife!Reader
Word count- 5821
Summary-Find out what these two have been up to for the last year. What obstacles are thrown at these two now?  
Warnings- Possible sick reader, hospital/doctors, little language, little angst, fluff, implied smut, talk of possible infertility, pregnancy.
A/N-This is the third part of my first fic.  It started as a oneshot but turned into more.  The first part of this story was written, because I needed someone like Dean at the time. This miniseries I guess you can call it, is very personal to me.  I’ve lived a majority of the first two parts. If you’ve read it you can see why I wanted someone like Dean to lean on.  In this part I wanted to give the reader something I don’t know if I’ll ever have. Thank you for reading! Pictures found on google.
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Part 1     Part 2
 11 months later August 2021
Slowly opening your eyes back up, you were staring out the window of your fourth-floor hospital room. This time your window looked over the street below, every time you were on this floor you had a different view. Dean was still sitting in the bed next to you, you leaned your head on his shoulder as you thought back on the last year and everything that had happened.    
October 2020 came around and your doctor let you go off your birth control.  He knew you and Dean were trying, or more not trying to stop anything from happening.  You knew nothing would happen right away and didn’t want to get your hopes up, you were also trying to stay positive that nothing was going to go wrong with you again. You were due a win.  
You had been back to work for about four months now, there were still some things you were trying to get used to at the new store.  Because of the two surgeries you could wear down easily and were mostly five days a week trying to get up to six. You had already rearranged the office and some of the shelves in the kitchen area to make it more efficient, but some of your employees kept moving things on you so you had to redo them. It would take a good year for your foot to be back to normal which was February, but it would never be pain free. As long as it was better than before you were happy.
Halloween was coming close and Sam and Jess invited you over to their house again.  Since you and Dean didn’t have any other plans you decided to join them along with Dean’s parents.  Jake’s costume this year was an adorably fierce lion.
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 With things still crazy in the world and covid still around there weren’t many trick or treaters. Unfortunately, this meant more candy for Dean.  Being a Saturday night Dean didn’t have to work the next morning. and you went in later on Sundays, so you stayed for a while.  After Jake went to bed the guys turned on the, All Saint’s Day, movies Dean loves.  They weren’t exactly your favorite so at least he could try and drag Sam into his madness this way.  Dean was enjoying his brother being a bit more into Halloween now that he had Jake around.   You bid them goodnight just before midnight and took your sugar high husband home, he wouldn’t be sleeping for a while.  
Thanksgiving was late again this year, so your parents had decided like last year to do their Christmas party the week before Thanksgiving again. Even though you were working less this year you somehow got distracted and got to planning late.  This meant the first two and half weeks of the month would be filled with baking.  The nice thing about the store you took over was the regular oven it had so you could do some of it there.  Although first things first, you had to assemble your as baking list.  The night after Halloween you were sitting on the couch with the Hallmark Channel playing its Countdown to Christmas. Computer in front of you with Pinterest pulled up.  Dean walked in from the kitchen during a commercial.
“Hey Sweetheart, what are you up to?  Anything good on?”
“Nine Lives of Christmas, is on. I’m looking..”
“No, Seriously Y/N? It’s the day after Halloween, and you’re watching Christmas movies?”
You turned and glared at him. “One, I have been watching Christmas movies whenever you weren’t around for the last week.  Two, you like this one so hush.  The guy is a fireman, your missed profession. Three, I’m trying to get into the Christmas mindset to put together my baking list.”
“Oh great, it’s that time of the year again. What crazy ideas are you going to come up with this year, actually wait, let me grab a beer first.”
You laughed as he walked back to the kitchen.  Dean might give you a hard time with the Christmas crazy baking list you come up with, but you also know he very much enjoys the sweets you bake.  You two had been dating since your freshman year of college and he was always your official taste tester.  Although anything pie related was his favorite.
“I think I’m going to just do round sugar cookies again, while I was off after surgery, I watched a cookie decorating class that showed how to paint the frosting with food coloring and alcohol.”
“That sounds like a mess,” you threw a pillow at him. “I mean great Sweetheart, I’m sure they will be amazing.”
“Keep talking Winchester, see how big a hole you can dig.  Here’s a recipe for mini pie like cookies, I co”
“..uld try. Okay, adding to the list      https://www.pinterest.com/pin/518406607102183606/
You were bound and determined one year you would get these cupcakes done; just not sure this year would be it. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/174584923040748115/
“How about Christmas Cheesecake Cookies?”  You showed Dean the picture and this time he glared you.   https://www.pinterest.com/pin/174584923040791076/
“Do you remember the red and green Krinkle Cookies you did last year?  Your hands were dyed red and green and so was everything you touched while rolling them.  I’m voting no more dyed cookie dough.”
“Fine spoilsport.”
“How about you put the computer away and come to bed with me.”
“You’re heading to bed already it’s only, oh.  Be right there Babe,” quickly shutting everything off you chased after your husband to the bedroom.
The party was a little smaller this year, some people still weren’t all for getting together with people yet.  It was mostly family and some close friends.  Honestly, you preferred it that way, less entertaining you and your mom had to do, and the more you could relax and enjoy the night.   The best part about having this early, was your baking was now done, you had even gotten Dean to get the decorations out and most of the house was done.  You enjoyed cuddling on the couch with the Christmas lights glowing around you.  
Thanksgiving was once again split between both of your families.  You went to your dad’s mom for a late lunch and spent time with your family. Then headed over to John and Mary’s for well, for Dean dinner, you were still full, so you just picked at a few things.  After cleaning you ladies joined the guys in the living room where they were watching the game and supposed to be keeping an eye on Jake.  You and Jess talked sales you saw in the ads and tried to get gifts ideas out of Mary for her and John.  Like your mom, she wasn’t very helpful and just said you guys didn’t have to get them anything.  Usually you and your mom would hit a few stores tonight, but nothing was really open with everything going on.  The two of you had planned for the next day to get a few things before you both headed for work. It was nice to spend time with just your mom anyways.
Every year December seems to fly by, it was the second week now and you had been feeling a bit off, and more tired than usual.  According to Dean you had become a bit moody too. Which of course you snapped at him when he mentioned that. He’d been watching his step after that. One morning you were taking care of the dogs when you felt sick and had to run to the restroom.  You didn’t go into work that day, since you didn’t want to get anyone else sick, but felt fine as the day went on.  The next day at work you walked into the cooler and for some reason the dough smelled strong to you and you had to walk back out and get some fresh air.  You attributed it to yesterday’s stomachache.  Then the burping started again. Donna heard you at work and came over.
“What’s going on lady?”
“Something’s off, I haven’t been feeling well, I started throwing up and the burping restarted.”
“You know what you need to do right?”
“I know, but really Donna, can’t I catch a break.  I don’t know how Dean is going to take it if the doctor tells me there is another problem, I don’t know how I’m going to take it.”
“Okay, well before we send you into the operating room again, maybe you should see what the doctor has to say first.”
“That would be the logical thing to do, I prefer worst case scenario.”
That night when you got home from work you told Dean what was going on and when you called your doctor’s office, they actually had an opening on Friday and could get you in then. Dean was unable to go since Benny would be leaving that morning for a weeklong trip to see his wife’s family for an early Christmas.
The day of your appointment arrived, the nurse, Julie that took you back was your cousin’s friend who first introduced you to this doctor.  You two chatted on your way back to the room.  When you got to the room, she asked what was going on and when your last period was.  You explained your symptoms and how you were worried about another mass or fibroid. It had been over a month since your last, but you hadn’t been regular since your surgery and going off birth control. They took a blood and urine sample to send for tests before you saw the doctor.  The doctor pushed near your uterus to see if he could feel any bumps around there. He wanted you to get an ultrasound, so that was scheduled for Monday, your labs would be done then also.
It was a quiet weekend for you and Dean.  Monday rolled around and your appointment was that afternoon.  Dean was supposed to meet you at the hospital, where the doctor’s office was located, but was stuck in a meeting with a new supplier.  Since you were there for an ultrasound you were just supposed to see the tech who would do the test, but Julie was the one who came and got you.  She took you back to the ultrasound room.  When you were back, she told you the test results came back.  You left the doctor’s office in a bit of shock after scheduling your next appointment.  As you passed the mall on the way home you decided to make a quick stop.
That night during dinner Dean asked you what the doctor had to say.  When he called you after your appointment you said you were fine and would talk to him at home you didn’t want to discuss it over the phone.
“I’m going to need follow up appointments for the next few months, but everything is good.”
“If it’s good why do you need follow ups, what aren’t you telling me?”
You got up and went to get the package you picked up from the mall, handing it to Dean you sat back down.  He looked at you and back to the wrapped box.
“Open it.”
Ripping open the paper he looked at the open back and back to you.  “Wait, what?  Really?”
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You told Dean what happened at your appointment.  The results came back, and you were pregnant. Because of your history though, the doctor still wanted an ultrasound just to make sure there wasn’t a fibroid or a mass there.  They didn’t find any problems; the tech could just make out the embryonic sac the baby would be growing in.  They figured you were around 5 weeks, and due around August 14th.  Dean jumped up and grabbed you in his arms, tears were gathering in his eyes, he was so happy.
Later that night you were laying with Dean on the couch and he was going through his phone.
“Hey, the baby is about the size of an apple seed right now.  An apple seed, that’s smaller than my fingernail!”
You looked over at his phone and saw he was going through baby sites.  “Yes, that is tiny.”
“I can’t wait to see them in the activity walker car, they are going to love it like Jake does.”
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“Dean, honey, you know we still have like 8 months till the baby is here, and then they aren’t going to be able to use that right away, right?”
“Yeah, well they still will one day.” He learned closer to your stomach, “right little on, can’t wait to play in the car walker daddy got you.”  You had tears in your eyes watching Dean talk to your baby, you had been so afraid this day would never come.
Wiping your eyes, “I thought you said you bought that for Jake?”  Knowing that was his excuse at the time, hoping one day it would by your child playing in it.
“Well, I, um,”
“It’s okay Dean, I get it.”
Sitting in the hospital bed you looked down at the little one in your arms, and still couldn’t believe how lucky you and Dean were to be here. Your mind went back to last year’s Holidays, and what happened after you found out you were pregnant.
The two of you debated on telling anyone about the baby yet, since it was early.  As excited as Dean was you didn’t know how long he could keep the secret.  You would only be seven weeks along at Christmas but decided to tell everyone Christmas Eve at your parents.  You were going to tell them like you told Dean.  You found some grandparent gifts for them to open. Since Sam had Jake it would be John and Mary’s second grandchild, but your parents first.
While playing games after dinner on Christmas Eve, you and Dean rigged a team game that had your parents all winning.  Handing each of them the gifts you picked up Dean grabbed the camera to record their reactions. It took a minute before it sank in, but everyone was so excited for you.  Mary and your mom rushed over to hug you while John and your dad congratulated Dean. The rest of the family joined in after the grandparents.
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“The baby is the size of a blueberry now.” Dean proudly told everyone.
The two of you decided to have a quiet New Year’s Eve in.  Your parents, Dean’s along with Sam, Jess, and Jake came over for dinner, and games. The guys ended up in the basement watching some competition, while you ladies were watching the New Year’s countdown and talking babies.  On a trip upstairs Dean heard the conversation and informed everyone that the baby was now raspberry sized.
You had your 11-week ultrasound the Friday before Dean’s birthday.  You scheduled it then because you thought it would be an early birthday treat for him getting to see the baby.  They were going to confirm your due date, and there was a chance you would be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat.  Dean looked over at you with a smile when you were walking up and threw his arm around your waist.
“You’re starting to show, I can’t wait till I can feel him kick.”
“Remind me when this kid is playing soccer in me, how happy you are about it then.”
He put his arm around your waist as you walked. “Yeah, yeah, come on I can’t wait to see our little prune.”
“I can’t wait till next week, and we’re on a different food.”
Dean was so excited he could barely sit still in the office.  They called you back and got you settled in the room before the tech came back to start.  She started and was running the wand over your stomach when she found the baby and pointed him out to you.  Dean grabbed your hand.
“Wow, Sweetheart, that’s our little one.”
“Yeah.”  You both had tears in your eyes.  
The tech turned on the volume so you could hear the heartbeat.  “There it is, wait a minute.” She was moving the wand again.
“What’s going on?” You worriedly asked.
“There’s another heartbeat.  Here, we have a shy one.”
Looking at the screen you saw another tiny dot.
“Wait, are you saying?”  You looked over at Dean and he was looking at the screen it hadn’t hit him yet.
“Congrats, you’re having twins!”
“Wwwhat?” Dean finally tuned into the conversation.
“Happy Birthday weekend dad, you’re getting two babies!” Dean’s look of shock wasn’t one you would be forgetting anytime soon.
Leaving the doctor’s office, you both were a mix of shock, nerves and excitement.  It was hard to tell which one was winning out right now.  You had the family over to the house for Dean’s birthday on Sunday and you let him share the news with everyone.  You also decided it was time to tell the rest of your friends.
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You moved your gaze from the tiny bundle in your arms to Dean staring down at the tiny swaddled baby in his.  Someone had Daddy completely wrapped around his finger.  Sensing you watching him he looked up with a smile on his face. “Sweetheart, I can’t believe our babies are finally here, I can actually hold them and see them when I talk.  You did so good,” he told you leaning over to kiss you.  Dean had been constantly talking to the babies and trying to feel them kick before they were born.  Ever since you got back to your room and the twins were brought in, he had one in his arms at all times, relishing in the fact he now could.  
Dean wanted to go all out for Valentine’s Day this year.  He said it was the last one with just the two of you, and last year it had been a week after your first surgery, so you just stayed home.  Thankfully, you had a dress that had been fairly lose on you before, so you didn’t have to go find something new.  Dean had reservations at a nice restaurant in town, where you enjoyed each other’s company and the food.  You were beat by the end of dinner and headed home to cuddle on the couch.  Dean was rubbing your stomach and talking to the babies while you watched a movie, you were running your hand through his hair.  
“How are my babies doing tonight? Did you enjoy the nice dinner I took your mommy to?  I can’t wait till I can meet you guys. A few more months, you have some growing to do.  You guys are 14 weeks, that means you’re as big as lemons now.  You would fit in the palm of my hand.”
The next month went by fairly quickly, both you and Dean busy with work.  There were things around the house that would need to be done to get ready for the birth of the twins.  It seemed like Dean was quickly lessoning what we would let you do without help so you wanted to get started soon before he had you completely sidelined. You had decided to turn your guest room into the nursery and move the spare bed into the office neither of you really used.  You cleaned out some of the lighter things because you knew Dean would freak out on you if you moved anything heavy.  One night you went through Pinterest looking for different ideas for the nursery before you rushed ahead with anything.
March 16th was your 6th wedding anniversary; you suggested a quiet night at home. Dean vetoed that since you stayed home last year, again because of you.  He booked you a weekend stay at a bed and breakfast a little over an hour away near the beach.  Being March, it was too cold to get in the water, but you spent time exploring the quaint little town and its cute shops. While you were walking the beach at sunset your first night you stopped to admire the view and Dean stood behind you wrapping his arms around your stomach.
“I love you so much, Sweetheart.”
“I love you too, Babe. Thank you for doing this.”
“You know I would do anything for you.”
“I know, you have always been so good to me, and you’re going to be such an amazing dad.  These babies are lucky to have you.”
“I love spending time just the two of us, but I can’t wait to meet these sweet potatoes.”
“Really Dean?”
“What that’s what the website says for 18 weeks.”
The rest of the weekend went very well, the highlight would have to be the last walk on the beach you and Dean took before you headed home. When you had stopped and were looking out over the water you felt a flutter in your stomach, and a few minutes later another faint one.  That’s when you realized it was the babies moving.  You told Dean and he kept moving his hand around to try and feel it too but was unable.  He was still excited because it meant he would be able to soon.
Easter was the first weekend in April, you split your time between your two families.  Sam and Jess hosted this year. While you and Mary kept Jake busy the guys hid Easter eggs around the yard for him to try and find. There were only about ten, but it still took him a little while. He was more interested in playing with the colorful plastic egg then finding the next one.  Dean stood beside you while Jess was helping Jake. His hand was on your stomach when he suddenly pulled it back.
“What was, wait was that?”
“Yeah, that was one of the babies kicking.”
“So awesome! I can’t wait till we are out there helping ours find eggs, take their first steps, holding them.”
“I think your order was a little backwards, but I know how you feel, Dean.”
You had a surprise to share with both of your families. A few days earlier you had gone for you third ultrasound. Since you already had the surprise of twins you decided to find out the genders.  While you were sitting around talking after dinner you let Dean tell his family, you had told your earlier in the day.  Jake was sitting in his lap when he started talking.
“Hey buddy, do you know how big your cousins are now?”  Jake didn’t understand and just looked at his uncle.  “They are the size of pomegranates.”
“Dean, Babe, he’s not even two yet, he doesn’t know what that is.”
“He’s Sam’s kid. Sam eats all kids of healthy shi.. stuff. I’m sure he has those around the house.”  Sam just shook his head and glared at his brother.
“Do you think you want a girl or boy cousin to play with?”
Mary was looking between the two of wondering if this conversation was going where she thought. Jake never answered Dean no matter what he did to try and pull something out of him.
“How about one of each, what do you think about that?”
“Is that one you’re having?”  Mary asked not being able to wait for any more of Dean’s game.
“Yep, we are having a boy and a girl.” Dean grinned proudly.
“Oh man,” Sam started, “a little girl is going to have you so wrapped around her finger.”  They all congratulated you and Dean once more.
It was the second weekend in May and you really needed to get going on finishing the nursery or starting it.  Who would have thought the hardest part was going to be picking a theme you and Dean could both agree on.
“Come on Y/N, what’s wrong with that idea?”
“Dean, I’m not letting your obsession with scaring your brother using clowns scar our children with a clown themed nursery. Not going to happen Winchester.”  The mobile and matching blanket he found even creeped you out a little. 
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“How about race cars? No, I got it!  Let’s paint Baby on a wall!”
“Um, nice thought. We were trying to keep it neutral remember?  How about when they get older, and this little guy can appreciate cars almost as much as his daddy, you can do a car theme.  Who exactly is going to paint Baby, or did you suddenly become Picasso?”
“I didn’t get to who was going to paint it yet in my planning. Fine we can do cars down the road.  Where are your ideas?”  
“You have already shot them down, you didn’t want to paint the chevron lines, the silver and blue was to girly.” You just shook your head and went back to looking.  This was going just as well as picking out names.
Dean looked over at what you had pulled up. “I like that color.”
“What, I can’t like that?”
“No, I was asking do you seriously like it, because I do too?”  
“Well we like it, but how about my little rutabagas?”
“Really Dean?  Do you even know what that is?”  mumbling something he turned back to his phone; you wouldn’t be surprised if he was looking up rutabagas. On the plus side you finally had the nursery plans worked out.
Jess, Mary and your mom threw you a baby shower the first weekend in June you were about 30 weeks now.  They had the party at your parent’s house, this worked out nice for you since you lived closest to them and it would be easy to take things home.  Dean and the guys could hang out at your house since they didn’t want to attend the party the whole time.  Jake was almost 2 and very interested in the presents on the table. You all had to keep him from trying to climb up there.  It was a great couple hours playing games and spending time with family and friends. Babies Winchester were spoiled greatly!
Dean did come down toward the end, you’re pretty sure though he just wanted food.  You excitedly showed him the wonderful gifts people gave the babies and you.  He eagerly described the nursery, told people how fast the baby was growing, and how they were now as big as cucumbers.    
Your birthday was a few weeks later, and at 32 weeks you weren’t up to doing much for it. Your families came over to the house for dinner.  Your parents and Mary had been around and helped with different projects in the nursery. John, Sam, Jess and your brother on the other hand hadn’t been over in a while, so they had not seen the nursey.  Dean was eager to show them all
“This is where my little squashes will sleep.”
Jess looked at Dean and laughed, “It’s cute that you think they are going to sleep Dean.”
The majority of the nursery was done now.  You had gone with the soft aqua color you both liked, along with white furniture and trim.  You had gone with light grey and white chevron curtains and pillows to accent it, along with soft grey carpet.
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The Winchester’s always did a big 4th of July BBQ, this year was no exception.  Ever since Sam and Jess got married you rotated hosting it between the three of you.  This year should have been yours and Deans’ but since you were 34 weeks along Mary graciously told you they would have it.  The doctor had told you to really start taking things easier, so you were trying not to overdo it.  Mary didn’t let you help much in getting ready for the party, but you did busy yourself in the kitchen at home making a few desserts and Dean’s favorite pasta salad. You were thankful for them taking over you hadn’t been getting much sleep and wouldn’t have had the energy to get everything done you would have wanted.
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Dean was manning the grill talking with Sam, Cass, and Benny when you walked over to join him.  You could hear him talking as you got closer.
“Right now they are about the size of butternut squash, although they could be slightly smaller cause it’s twins.”
“I could have sworn you called them squash a few weeks ago, or was that a nickname for them?” Sam asked his brother.
“A few weeks ago, they were squash, now they are butternut squash.”
“I wasn’t aware there were different squashes,” Benny added.
“You know Dean for someone with an aversion to vegetables I’m surprised by the number of them you have called your kids.” Sam teased his brother with a laugh.
“What will they be when they are born,” Cas asked.
“Babies, Cas, they will be babies.” Dean shook his head at his brother and friends catching sight of you waddling over.  “And there is my beautiful wife, and mom to be.”  Dean leaned down and gave you a kiss while his hand went to your stomach.
Night came and you were heading back to you seat next to Dean to watch the fireworks.  When the first ones lit up the sky you could feel both babies start to kick, apparently, they were as big of fans as their dad. Dean moved you around on the bench so he was sitting behind you and could have his arms around you. When he felt the babies kick, he moved his hands around and started talking to them calming them right down.  The last few weeks whenever they were really active at night Dean’s touch and voice were the only thing that would get them to settle down so you could get a little sleep.
They figured your due date was around August 14th, but since you were having twins, they would most likely be early. Because of your previous surgeries the doctor wanted you to have a C-section to avoid any issues.  It wasn’t what you really wanted, but it was what was best.  They scheduled that tentatively for Friday August 7th unless the babies had other plans.   Which they did.  You were laying on the couch Monday morning with some heat on your back to help with the pain you were having while Dean was getting ready for work. Just before Dean walked out you started to feel some cramping. You were fairly certain you were in labor now.  Dean actually took it much calmer than you thought he would. He called the doctor’s office while you went to shower and change.  When you came back, he had both you bag and the babies in the car, and called Benny to tell him he would need to handle the shop today.
Once you go to the hospital things were a bit of a blur. They checked you in, took you to a room to exam you and prep for surgery.  Dean disappeared at one point and came back dressed in scrubs.  Before you knew it, they were taking you back to the operating room Dean right beside you the whole time.  
“It’s time to meet our pumpkins Sweetheart.”
You just looked over to him and laughed.
“It’s the last time I can say that.”
“I know Dean let’s go meet our pumpkins.”  Dean smiled widely at you as you headed down the hall.
Dean was holding your hand and trying to keep you calm when the doctor asked if he wanted to cut the umbilical cord.  He did and came back to standing next to you with tears in his eyes as he watched a nurse take your screaming son.  The doctor went back to work to get your little girl and Dean once again cut the cord. He was pushed out of the way quickly because she wasn’t breathing.  The nurse who brought your son over said that could happen with C-sections and she should be fine.  It seemed longer than the few minutes it really was before you and Dean heard her little cries fill up the room, both of you letting out a sigh of relief.
After recovering you were finally in your room with Dean and both of your babies.  Your families were here and waiting for your okay to come meet the newest members.  Dean proudly introducing the babies to the rest of the family.
“I would like you all to meet Patrick John and Sophia Allison.  You spent a few days in the hospital Dean right beside you the entire time.
After everyone left your little family alone Dean sat down next to you on the bed holding Sophia, while you held Patrick.  The two of you both lost in your own thoughts and the babies in your arms before you looked over to him drawing his attention to you.
Once you arrived home your mom and Mary took turns coming over to see if they could help you or just let you get some sleep.  Dean had to go back to the shop but tried to be home as much as possible.
The twins were two months old and not sleeping well through the night which was leaving you and Dean exhausted.  You were both working during the day, and the twins were waking each other up at night which had the two of you getting up each taking one of the babies.  You told Dean that you would get up and he could sleep, but he just kissed you as he walked by saying you were in this together no matter what.  One night you had finally got them calmed down early and both of you sank down on the couch.  Dean asked if you wanted to watch anything on TV.  
“Honestly, I don’t think I could follow along on anything right now, but the back of my eye lids. How about we head to bed before the little monsters wake us up?”
“Knew I married a smart woman.”
Just as you settled into bed you heard Patrick start crying, and then Sophia joined in.
“Seriously.” Dean grumbled.
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As you were trying to calm both babies down Dean was playing on his phone.  All of a sudden you head Samuel L Jackson voice reading Go the Fuck to Sleep. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb0t9TUNLpg
“Seriously Dean?”
“What?  They can’t understand and I completely agree with it.”
Much to your surprise the twins were starting to doze back off.  If this actually worked, you weren’t sure if Dean would let you hear the end of it.  This was the quickest they calmed down for you, and also the start of hearing this every night for the next four months.  
Things weren’t always perfect, but they were perfect for you.  You had an incredible husband who always supported you and two wonderful kids who would keep you both on your toes.  No matter what happened good or bad you and Dean were in this together.
  Thank you for reading!  For now this store is complete. 
 Tag list @talesmaniac89  @deanwanddamons @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @winchest09 @waywardbeanie @emoryhemsworth @katehuntington @malfoysqueen14 @anathewierdo @superfanficnatural   @akshi8278  @sandlee44    
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Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Volume 6 Chapter 2- The Village Hidden in Hyakumemomiji** Part 1
T/N: OK Kakuriyo Fam-fans, how are you all doing? Did the last chapter surprise you? Anyways, I wasn't surprised, Odanna-sama always takes Aoi out on a food trip date (dang it, when's my turn lololol even I am tired of eating just white rice at times T_T) so yeah, I guess autumn fruits sound good.
Anways, I sorta started doing a speed run of this chapter because I got too-excited with the date, and I tried letting out this translation as fast as I can, and hopefully by the end of the chapter you'll see why I wanted to speed run this mofo lololol
As always, I mostly didn’t translate a lot of the names of the ayakashi/youkai, as well as the proper nouns because uhm... They’re basically nouns. It’s like how some translated manga are done. Plus it irks me sometimes when everything just gets transliterated, it kills off the vibe. But that’s just me. Links to references at the end of the post.
Also if you like this translation, you can share the link, reblog, but for pete’s sake DO NOT REPOST ELSEWHERE. I worked hard to finish this thing, it’s not like I just Google-translated this whole sh**..
If you need refreshers on what happened, @kakuriyo-translations​ already had the previous translations. I’ll place a tiny index in this post somewhere, to make that easy. I’m just contributing to this fandom. Also, as previously mentioned in my other post, the 2 seasons of the anime cover volumes 1-5, so if you need a review just rewatch them all. Volume 6 starts here.
P27 "A date with Odanna-sama, huh..." Yesterday's rice cooking events felt like a daze, and I felt that fairly it hasn't sunk in yet, and waking up early just made me realize it. The lovely chirping of the little birds just annoyingly grated my ears. The distinct skin-chilling coldness of autumn is also piercing my body. Incidentally, I'm also a bit nervous. "It's.... It's not a big deal, it's not unusual that I'm going on a date with Odanna-sama. Yeah." We went to Youto and ate offal hotpot, we ate chicken tempura in Gintengai, and in the port of the Southern lands we ate donburi with pickled toppings... No matter how many times Odanna-sama and I went out, why am I nervous after all this time? This is weird. Could it be that I'm going down with an illness? Firstly, I opened the shutters of the veranda, to breathe in the early morning air... "Aoi! Let's go now!" P28 "What the.. It's early! Odanna-sama you're early!" The busy bee that uneasily goes here and there and everywhere and has no free time Odanna-sama has already come here. It seemed that he cut across the inner garden towards the veranda. If so, he must have beavered to get here with incredible flexibility. But I'm still wearing my pajamas! "Speaking of, Odanna-sama.. Are you going out looking like that?" Odanna-sama changed his appearance into a younger one, like what he looked liked before, as a fish monger, and his kimono wasn't spectacular, he just looked like a commoner. "That was fast. The face I usually have in Tenjin-ya is too recognizable. What's more, Aoi is the only one that found me out, now this date isn't fun anymore." "I... I'm sure..." Although, if it's through this appearance I felt a bit nervous too. At any rate, this handsome Odanna-sama may be handsome, but the nobleman aura isn't here. Even Orio-ya's Young Mistress Nene only said that he looked reliable-ish. "But Odanna-sama, in spite of this, even this is way too early for Ayakashi! I haven't even prepared anything yet." "I'll wait for you here while you get ready." "You're not busy? Odanna-sama has some free time?" P29 "It's because it's been a very long time since I had a whole day free. Even though Byakuya has been nagging me to get some break already, I just feel that I mustn't. I may have worked too much during the matter with Orio-ya. That dude Raijuu. It seemed that he used some people from the capitol. One way or another, it smells like that all over." "Smells like that.. All over?" What does that mean? The matter in Orio-ya, the circumstance that accompanied the Southern lands, the ceremony that no one spoke of and secretly kept in the back-burner. The sea that lies in between Tokoyo and Kakuriyo wherein every 100 years an Ayakashi called Umibouzu arrives, a peculiar Ayakashi that is received and welcomed. In that ceremony, Raijuu made a disturbance and I got hindered, but borrowing everyone's strength and cooking the Sea Jewel Appetizers while bearing all that, we were able to entertain and serve the Umibouzu. I know that Odanna-sama worked hard for me, but there were many things that I don't know, could there be more things hidden? That Raijuu, I wonder if he's doing anything else right now? "Hey, Aoi, don't go absent-mindedly prepare when getting ready. Would you want to go out in your sleepwear?" When he said that, him egging me on, I went inside the room to prep up... "No, but what should I wear?" In front of me is the kimono that Odanna-sama gave me, but it's too elegant and it won't fit fruit picking. P30 There's also the blue kimono that I used back in Orio-ya, but it's too summery. "Hm?" I opened the wooden cabinet, and I became aware that there was a kimono that I haven't seen before. It was solidly very autumn, a deep red kimono, and a soft mustard yellow obi. It was laid on top of it. It looks of good quality, but it looks light and simple to wear, it's going to be easy to move in it. "Please use this on your date with Odanna-sama. Matsu, Take, Ume." The letter on it... It's the three Nopperabou sisters usual business! "I'm thankful but.. why is there a feeling of eagerness?" I closed the sliding doors of the veranda and changed clothes. From beyond the sliding doors's side, I could hear Odanna-sama chatting with the palm-top Kappa Chibi, who just came back from taking a morning bath. "Ah.. Ogre-shaaan is heeeere" "Isn't taking a bath in autumn chilly, Chibi?" "Ish not really that coooold. In Utsushiyo, the raging wavesh were mush coldeeeer. Ish eashier in heeere." "Aren't you strong... That can only be expected from Aoi's disciple..." "Yeahhh but my beak ishhh chattering... Ish very very coooold..." P31 "Come here. The ogre-fire will warm you up." It seemed that the seemingly calm and composed but eventually got cold Chibi was warmed up by Odanna-sama's ogre-fire. Somewhat somehow, after changing clothes I attached the flower bud kanzashi in my hair. "The petals have opened up considerably now..." I talked to the petals. Gah, I don't know if talking to the petals is a good thing... My impatience doesn't wane, with regards to the flower has blooming. I wanted to see the flowers open up into a round wheel, but the petals will scatter if it does. "Aoi-shaaaan! I am hungryyyy..." Chibi flungs the sliding door open and enters the room. And speaking of, I haven't made breakfast yet. "Say, Odanna-sama, you want to eat breakfast? We have a lot of cold rice left, we can make some onigiri. We can eat while we're walking." "Aoi's hand-rolled meals? Yes, that sounds good." I have just finished changing clothes, but I already wore my apron and went to the kitchen and made onigiri. I mixed the plum and Hijiki seaweed into the onigiri, and packed a lot of the salmon flakes into the onigiri wrapped in nori. There were also eggs left, so I made them into rolled omelette. P32 There's no dashi, no onions, just plain omelette. I added salt and sugar, and some mayonnaise as a faint flavoring. I cut cucumbers and pickled daikon and skewered them with toothpicks, and added these to the sides. The simple onigiri bento box is now done. I wanted to make some with more variety, but I can't make Odanna-sama wait. Today we're going with "simple is best." I stuffed everything in a box, wrapped it in cloth and brought it out with me. "I'm sorry Odanna-sama. Did you wait long?" Odanna-sama was lying down in the veranda and smoking his pipe, while listening to Chibi's stories about playing in the pond. It was about a crawfish, then about a pond skater. Whatever it was about, it's fine. "Nooo, it's not bad to wait for the new wife as she readies herself. Teehee." "Then what are you so happy about?" Odanna-sama stood up, said "Alright, let's go!" and held out his hand. I bewilderedly took his hand, and got supported as I wore my geta sandals. Along with the kimono I'm still not used to, I felt anxious of tumbling down. "Ahhh... Aoi-shaaan and Ogre-shaaaan, where are you goiiiiing? Take me along tooooo." "Well, that sounded miserly..." Even though he was always playing alone, Chibi always wants to be taken along. P33 "When you want to come with, you can come, Chibi. You'll be eating your favorite grapes." "Grapeshhh..." Chibi jumped from the veranda and onto my back. I realized that he was climbing my back as he went "Heave, ho, heave ho." "Say, Odanna-sama, are we going in the airship again?" "Ah, yes. But this time, we're not boarding one with the Tenjin-ya's crest because we'll be hiding, so we'll use the smaller ships. This time the fruit orchard Hyakumeyama, which lies in the connecting lands of the north and northeast will be our destination. The place has farms and is quiet, and you can go pick and harvest fruits at ease and in all diligence." In a bit as we went off, Odanna-sama brought me to the place where the ship was set in anchor. In that place, the Young Master Ginji-san and the Chief Accountant Byakuya-san were there, and it seems that they were going to see us off. Byakuya is a Hakutaku Ayakashi, and is Tenjin-ya's REAL Second Leader. On one hand where he's holding a fan, looked like he was tapping it on the other hand, and he seems to be in a bad mood. "Odanna-sama, don't go too far for your rest and relaxation at nightfall, it's quite perilous. That dummy Raijuu seems to be somehow releasing his stench from the capitol. Do you understand?" "Byakuya, don't be nervous. I know and I'm already serious about it." "If so, then that's nice. You too, Aoi-kun." P34 "Y.. Yes!" I unconsciously replied to Byakuya when he called my name, and it flew out of my head. "Yugao's income this month is very good, and for that I salute you. Nonetheless, you must not lose focus, try to learn to understand that when you go out, then come back here. Keep in mind that, and while at it, don't trouble Odanna-sama." "Y.. Yes!" I unconsciously bowed. It's better to listen to Byakuya-san's words. "Hey hey Byakuya. It's a rare rest and relaxation day. Don't make Aoi think about work." "Oh, don't worry Odanna-sama. I was just telling her what I intend to do." "Oh, I see." Odanna-sama looked at the clear autumn sky. "Aoi-san, be careful outside, whatever you will be doing. Odanna-sama, leave Tenjin-ya's care to me in your stead." Ginji-san was grinning and side-smiling. He seems to be his usual and formal self. "Ginji, please take care of business. Byakuya, if there's anything contact me." "Yes, I know, Odanna-sama." P35 Ginji-san and Byakuya-san, the two higher-ups in the management team bowed their heads deeply, and as we boarded the airships they sent us off. As the airship was rising into the clear sky, we bathed in the afternoon sunlight on the ship's wooden deck. The sunlight was warm, despite the cold breeze. It was a really good atmosphere. "Ahhh. Odanna-sama, the weather's good. It's great that it's clear." "Yes. That said, let's eat breakfast, Aoi." "That was hasty, Odanna-sama..." Sitting on the ship's deck's benches, we immediately opened the onigiri bento boxes. While in that great mood, the arranged onigiri tastes good. This was yesterday's scattered rice, and yet adding salt in this onigiri changed its taste. More than anything, eating this outside was a good idea. "The omelette is also good. It's simple, but it suits the onigiri." "You think so? A lot of various things are always added and used, but this time I only added a few seasonings. Because the cassowary's egg is wonderful, the onigiri which has a lot of stuff is already good. But because I added mayonnaise to the egg as a subtle flavor, just adding salt makes it mellow, doesn't it?" I was talking about a lot of things, and Odanna-sama was just enjoying his food and smiling. "Teehee. Surely it's because it's  hand made by Aoi. It's warm and feels like home." That Odanna-sama that day, he was very friendly and easy to talk to. P36 That person's impression has definitely changed. No, he did not change, he was probably like that as an ogre since the very beginning. I only noticed that he was such, whenever we met, and talked about heavy things. "But really, I thought that it was better if I made more in variety..." Also, instantly,because the opportunities are rare, I thought that if I'm going to do it, I should concentrate on making various bento kinds. Basically, for Odanna-sama I haven't made any food by hand. No, when it comes to those times, I have made more for the other employees than for Odanna-sama. "Don't worry about it. Just do what you usually cook. In those times, aren't the food that you didn't think about much also taste good? It's because in 10 minutes, they’re already delicious." "The food that I.. didn't think much about?" Probably because lately, the food and drinks that I served were continuously served everyday. Before coming to Kakuriyo, Grandpa and I only cooked for ourselves, home-cooked meals. When I came here, it changed because I served food for the Ayakashi. Even though I felt nervous here and there, my skills improved as I kept doing it, and in that time I was able to learn how to cook freely. Because of that, I was able to feed myself and my family.. "Aoi-shaaan, cucumber..." "Oh, sorry Chibi, here you go.." P37 I handed him over the sliced cucumber and pickles stuck on the toothpicks. Then Chibi held those in both hands, and like in a daze started munching and crunching on them. Even though I was nervous early in the morning, I felt comfortable and carefree right now. The evidences are because of me bringing the onigiri and the bento boxes without thinking much.
"Welcome, Tenjin-ya's Odanna-sama. Yugao's Aoi-dono." The smiling face of the owner who greeted us at the entrance of the fruit orchard looks familiar. Once, previously, we met at Gintengai... Could it be.. It's Rokusuke-san, the Rokurokubi. Even in Yugao, we use the fruits from Rokusuke-san's business Mizumakinouen. "Hello, Rokusuke-san." "Aoi-dono, thank you very much for always patronizing our Mizumakinouen's fruits." "Rokusuke-dono, thank you for taking care of us. I am just a commoner today, because we are doing these in secret. You don't have to be so humble." "I understand, Odanna-sama. Today we're only open for half a day, so I think there will be less visitors. Uhm.. Oh, you can see the momiji autumn leaves on the side of the mountain over there." Rokusuke-san stretched his neck towards the mountain to check, and as he moved towards a tree trunk he showed to us the place. P38 "Alright then, please come this way." We finally went inside the fruit orchard. The first portion of the fruit orchard that we went into, was the grape vineyard. "Woooow!" A canopy above our heads hanging like ivy, these drooping, purple grapes look like drops of water seemingly about to burst. They look so fresh, the colors make them look like jewels. The viney canopy allows the autumn sunlight to pierce through, and the gentle air space is filled with a mysterious life force. "This is awesome, Odanna-sama! The grapes are just so impecable!" "The size of each of these grapes are Kakuriyo's biggest and sweetest, the variety is called Daishisui. Lately, Rokusuke-san says that this seedless variety has been selling very well in the market." "For sure.. In Utsushiyo too, I've seen some seedless grapes, I wonder if the skin in these ones are edible too." "The skin isn't edible. But they're easy to peel. Let's go pick some." "Really, they look like Concord grapes, I was thinking of making some grape tarts, I wonder if they're suitable..." The grapes with seeds are really good when used, but how can these seedless grapes be said to be easier to eat, as well as easier to be used for cooking?** T/N. Yeah, I mean, the seedy ones get easier made into jams due to having more pectin, so I agree with you Aoi, I don't know any other use for seedless grapes other than turning them into raisins. The seedy grapes are, in my opinion tastier, juicer, and have more uses. But that's just my opinion lol P39 The grape's main tree is not that tall, and I could easily have fun gathering them. The farm's assistants gave me scissors, and I started to trim the bunches off the trees. These were profoundly heavy, and I was having so much fun gathering them. Store-bought grapes had nothing on these ones. After picking a lot of grapes, I couldn't resist eating one. I was shocked. "Uwahhh! It's very sweet! Odanna-sama, the grapes are very sweet, they're so delicious!" "You tried them right away?" Immediately after I ate one, the fruit's peel was a tad hard-textured, but the grape just burst in my mouth and the juice's rich taste surprised me, it wasn't that sour but the sweetness levels were high. These grapes were picked at ambient temperature, but the taste and texture were still straight up enjoyable. This is a really good product. "Aoi-shaaaan, I want to slurp some grapesh tooooo." "OK, I'll get it." Chibi got hold of a bunch of grapes and hung on one. He went with a grape, and deftly using his beak started peeling off one portion of it, before slurping up and sucking on the juice and munching on it. Chibi holding onto a grape is somehow cute. P40 "Next up are apples. We're going to go buy some to bring home as give-aways for everyone back in Tenjin-ya." "Apples, huh. There are many preservation methods for them, they store up for long time, and many varieties of recipes can be made with them. I want to buy lots for myself too." Hauling the baskets that Rokusuke-san entrusted to us, we went further away to pick some apples. The apple orchards were further inside the premises, away from the grape orchards. The trees were a bit taller than Odanna-sama. All around the trees’ silhouettes, these bore a lot of fruits. "Uwah, they're really very red!" Those apples look so lovely and so tasty. The red color was so deep, and I love the smooth, round shape. Those hanging on the tree look so gorgeous, but I couldn't help but be very interested as to how these will taste. I trimmed one off with scissors, scrubbed the freshy-picked apple's skin and wiped it, and bit into it with haste. While chewing it, the juice's sweetness and sourness spread across my mouth as well as it's strong fragrance. The fruit was crisp and made crunching sounds, as the liquid lightly pulls away. Truly, this were what's called apples. "Are they sweet, Aoi?" "Yes! The insides are sweet, there's hints of sourness, but the flavor is very deep. For sure, this are of Mizumakinouen's best quality. Oh, Odanna-sama, those apples look like they're of a different variety, let's go there, let's go over there!" P41 "Calm down, Aoi..." Odanna-sama accompanied me going here and there. There were so many varieties of apples in the orchard, each one's taste and sweetness were a bit different, and we ended up trying everything. "Hey look, Odanna-sama. Up there on the mountain a bit, there are also more apple trees!" I discovered that on that different place, the were other growing apple trees. Just about all of the trees in the orchard were basically grown in a detached and open portion of a plateau, but  when the adjoined mountain is climbed up a little, trees with seemingly fresh apples can be seen. The pink mixed with the saturated red color makes those apples shine brightly. "That's a variety of mountain apples." "Is that different from normal apples?" "Mountain apples are a bit more sour, and the fruits are hard. Up until now, those fruits are entirely inedible, but just sometime ago, Mizumakinouen has started to sell liquor made out of mountain apples. It's still an unknown product but previously, Rokusuke-san brought a bottle to Tenjin-ya, and we tasted some out yesterday. Ginji and I tried it out as we welcomed some guests." "Speaking of that, both of you were tipsy yesterday..." P42 "It's not exactly that much, but it's easy to get drunk." "Whh-at?" Mountain apple liquor. I'm interested but... I have not so good memories about liquors. Sometime ago, I had a very bad experience with the Tengu's secret sake. That has traumatized me until now, and I have never drank and liquor from then on. "Ahaha, your face stiffened. For sure, after drinking that liquor and getting drunk, you'll feel it for two days after drinking, and the next day when you wake up your mood will be better.. On the night before this rest day I drank just one cup, and I felt like my health got better. Mizumakinouen's brand-new product is something that you'll buy again and again." "Odanna-sama, you don't just merely "drink and try it out." "Ginji also likes it, I'll buy some for him as a souvenir." Just saying that, Odanna-sama just floods with elegance. I went up to where the mountain apples were, just to check. The fruits were larger than I thought. I tried biting on it, it was more sour than sweet, and the flesh was harder. "This isn't just for liquors, this can also be used for jams too." When this is boiled down with sugar, the sourness won't easily disappear, and that's a good thing. Even though the small basket on my back was already full, I tossed the mountain apples into the large basket on Odanna-sama's back. P43 Nevertheless... "Odanna-sama, the commoner's look you have now, you really come off as a plebeian. You really look good with that apple basket, you know." "You're starting to tell me that about me looking like a commoner, Aoi?" Even though I said, that, Odanna-sama seems to be ecstatic. "Let's leave this orchard in a bit. Our baskets are already full." "Ehhh? Let's stay for ten more minutes..." In a corner of the fruit orchard, it seems like there's a small hut that has a fire and is making some jam, and Odanna-sama and I started heading over there. Inside Odanna-sama's basket, in front of me, Chibi was scampering about and I could see Chibi playing with some apples. While inside the large pile of apples, he seems to be playing inside a maze. "Chibi, don't play with the apples too much." "OK, I geeet it. I'm a very shmart Ayakashiiiiii, I won't treat theeeshe appleshhh harshhhlyyyy." However, while Chibi was squirming about, an apple rolled and fell off the basket. "Awww, I made one faaallll ouuuuuut." Chibi popped his face out of the basket, and seemingly unashamed of his wreckless behavior stared at the falling apple, while I chased the apple in a panic. P44 That red apple, I was going to use that for jam. I don't want to waste even one! "What the..." The apple instantly vanished. I didn't notice that there was a large hole hidden by the grass, in front of the place where the apple rolled off to. My geta got stuck and snagged back by a tree root, and I fell head-first into the hole were the apple fell off before! "Gyaaaaahhhhhh---" "Aoi?!!" The apples on my back all rolled down and got scattered. This emergency seemed comical but without a doubt is devastating. Everywhere I bumped into hurts. "Aoi-- Aoi--!" "Ohhhh daaarn, thisshh ishhh baaaaad..." As Odanna-sama was calling my name out, it started to sound farther and farther away because of Chibi's insensitive words. Roll.. Roll.. All of the apples loaded in my back started rolling out easily like a conveyor belt as I looked on. P45 "Owwww" On the place where I landed, I was surrounded by a precipice inside the mountain, and all around was a wide place that was full of fluffy fallen leaves. The top of the hole was high, and above the gaps in between the trees, I could only see a bit of the sky. I went and looked around my surroundings, but I couldn't find the hole that I fell from. "Ohh, a red dragonfly!" But in that place, in all of that stillness, there were momiji, fallen autumn leaves. There was a small spring, where the fallen leaves were floating and coloring the water with. Countless red dragonflies were darting over the spring. Red, orange, brown, yellow. Heavily piled and packed and stacked on top of one another in many layers, the fallen leaves superbly look like a carpet. It looked somewhat like a lovely, autumn forest. Looking at these momiji, I consciously remembered an old memory related to grandpa. "Wai.... Odanna-sama... Odanna-sama, ODANNA-SAMA!!!" This is not a time to be a dummy. I loudly called for Odanna-sama, but my voice only echoes and rebounds back into the precipice's walls. It seemed that Odanna-sama is already far away. "Don't tell me.. I've gotten lost in the fruit orchard..." No matter how frequently I got lost in Kakuriyo, I always didn't feel like I was in distress, didn't I...? P46 "Gah, I shouldn't think too much of this..." For the time being, I'll just wait for help to arrive, while I pick up all of the scattered apples around me. All of the apples were fine. Even if some got bruised, there's no problem with eating them. But then that time, I felt like there were scratching sounds behind me, and I was shocked when I turned my head around. "Wh... Who are you?" From inside the forest, with masks that were as red as apples, and bodies each covered in a straw raincoat, a crowd appeared. They surrounded me, and it seemed like they're coming in from everywhere. "It's a human... A human girl.." Whispering in hushed voices, they signalled each other through the eye holes in their masks. Because the wall of the precipice was behind me, I couldn't move at all. "Wh..What is this.. Wait a minute..." The dubious beings started moving smoothly towards me. Could it be that, they're going to feed on me? But within the populace wearing a straw raincoat, a strange branch was pulled out, and they lighted it up, and towards me wafted a smoke that smelled bittersweet, it was an unfamiliar smell. P47 In a moment before I realized it, I have lost consciousness.
I had a dream. It was an old memory, with momiji and apples. In reality, back then I went with grandpa once, to his old residence. I was still an lementary school student then, and for sure it was autumn. I was sure that grandpa visited the Buddhist altar of his deceased mother, we went to this large residence in the outskirts of Tokyo, and I accompanied him. It has been a long time since he visited their family home, and he probably felt a lot of nostalgia. That home reminded me particularly of autumn season, and it seemed that grandpa had so much deep-seated emotions. "Ah, I see.. When autumn comes, this home seemingly turns into an AKIAKANE." "Grandpa, what's an akiakane?" "That's a red dragonfly, Aoi." It seemed like grandpa cut himself off from whoever was living in that home. He particularly didn't mention the place he came from, and it seems that through this I couldn't get to know him better. After a very long time, for such a reason he had no choice but to meet with his mother. P48 However, if I was going to meet my great-grandma, I couldn't instantly do it when she was still alive. Even when that person died, grandpa didn't come to her funeral, and even after that he couldn't bring it upon himself to visit even secretly. The house that we went to was the first and last time that I did, but to be honest, from how I remembered it, it was a really large residence.** Grandpa was such a monk... "I apologize, I had no way to find out, you were already at the verge of death. As expected, the role of head of the household was difficult..." "Nay, mother's death.. Seemed to be from my curse. I am truly sorry about that. You were killed by someone who didn't want to die... A strong person..." "Being someone like the lady of the house, even at your time of death, Shirou made you worry. Let us hurry now to her Buddhist shrine**." A man in the prime of his life, grandpa brought himself into the house's inner room, and in front of us we saw an imposing Buddhist shrine. A curse...? Grandpa's words were spoken in a low and hushed voice, and that time I thought that what I was continuously listening to was mysterious. But then I remembered something, it seemed that there was a deep meaning to it. T/N: At this point, it's easy to see why Shirou was living as a reckless man, he was probably raised in a stiff household, mostly because he was a member of the main family, with his mother as the house head. So he had to conduct his manners most of the time, probably. He loosened up when he got a chance to get away from the house. He was also probably bailed out a lot, which is why he at times becomes happy-go-lucky, or leaves others to clean up his messes. Think of a chaebol's son (son of a rich person lol) being bailed out a lot, and ends up not being able to clean up his messes. Buddhist shrines are tiny cabinet-like altars that contain the photo of the deceased, and they're usually opened up on death anniversaries or new years or whenever there's a day of the dead celebration something, like hungry ghost fest or something. Offerings can be placed in front of the cabinet, along with candles and incense sticks. Again, as this implies that Shirou came from a prominent family, his mother's shrine altar is probably huge AF. P49 "Aoi, come meet your great-grandmother. Mother, this is my granddaughter, Aoi." In front of the large Buddhist shrine, I was introduced to the dead. So many apples with a lovely color were offered, and as a child that left a strong impression on me. The incense stick's fragrance, within the swaying smoke rising up... The red color that was projected looked lovely. I didn't understand how to pay respects to someone that I didn't know. But the blurred vision of grandpa's side profile, up until now I didn't see it, it was a person who was suffering in loneliness... I could only remember it now. "Aoi, wait here for a bit..." After that, grandpa talked to two of his male relatives, and on the tatami floor of the residence, I waited for him. There was a garden connected to the veranda, and red dragonflies were flying in and out, dartingly through the window. I wondered why I was there alone...As I was sitting on the veranda, looking at the evening sky's madder red color, I started to ponder. Everywhere I go my heart always feels wrenched as I always felt that I was an outsider, but staying here in this residence, it didn't feel bad. It's easy for this old house to draw in Ayakashi, but I couldn't feel anything evil. Being guarded somehow, I could remember that place had a sense of calm and peace. P50 I didn't think that there would be anyone visiting or encroaching the confines of that place. "Are you.. A human?" Suddenly, there was someone at the gate. Before I realized it, a young boy was standing beside me. The boy seemed to have orange hair**, I thought that he was a humanoid Ayakashi, and my body stiffened. He's not a human-ish Ayakashi... At best, he is a lower-grade elementary school student. A child. But as I stared at the child in front of me, looking deeper at his essence, his eyes were not those of a child's. "I'm... A human too." I answered with a low voice, and as that child's face remained the same, he nodded over a serving tray that he was carrying. Sliced apples were arranged on a glass plate, and there was a glass of milk on the tray too. "Mommy told me to bring these to you." I humbly took these, and the kid frettedly ran away as if he was escaping. At that moment, he really did acted somewhat like a child. While running, what seemed like a mother's scolding voice called out "Akane, stop running!" T/N: It's not an ayakashi, it's zappy boi Zenitsu wahahaha I have zero regrets and yeah I know Zappy boi had brown hair before getting struck by lightning. But seriously, it seemed that based on the stuff here, Shirou's family can see Ayakashi, as Zappy boi Akane and Aoi can see them, like he did. Honestly, the color-name puns are just too much lololol P51 That kid, his name was Akane. It was the sky's color, and was the name of the red dragonflies. The skin of the sliced apples were made into bunnies** and they looked cute, and I could feel the love of the mother living in that house. Could the child also have eaten this everyday, I wonder. Using the fork beside the apples, I stuck this on the apples and ate them from behind. "Oh, they're sweet." Also, they were cold. These were cooled inside the refrigerator, and the coldness felt good on my throat. Somehow, while drinking the milk and eating the apples, it became a memory I longed for. A child. Yes, a child who had no idea how autumn feels like. I couldn't have it anymore. But whenever I see apples and momiji, I remember that meeting that only happened once.
Boom, boom..... When I woke up, within that pitch blackness was an old banquet hall inside a grotto. T/N: Bunny apples are fun to make and fun to eat, try them out. I think I saw some in Kaicho wa Maid-sama once, but that was ages ago lol P52 A large alter was built, a while ago, in front of me. All around it were countless food offerings. Countless candle flames were lit, flowers and fruits and a pig's head**, deer horns and other stuff were arranged there as offerings too. "Wh... What is this?" In front of me, the drummers were also dancing, they seem to be holding and continuing a ceremony, and these were the mysterious Ayakashi with monkey masks. "Miko-sama" "You have awakened." They were all whispering in a low voice. Miko-sama? "Uhm... Are you.. worshipping me?" Having no idea what was happening, I asked them in a courageous voice. But the gathered Ayakashi that were wearing a straw raincoat and monkey masks, why did they all went "yes, milady, yes milady" and turned around? "Human girl, you are the Kaku-zaru** village's priestess." "You shall save us from calamity..." These Ayakashi called Kaku-zaru, for a while have been worshipping me. I don't feel anymore danger, but this situation has gone nuts. T/N: They got hold of Inosuke's boar head lolol I still have zero regrets Nihongo fun fact, when forming compound words, the first syllable of the second word gets a tenten, which looks like a quotation mark. For example, the word HIDARIGAWA (left side) is made up of 2 words: hidari=left, and kawa=side, and because the syllable KA becomes GA when you add a tenten, KAWA becomes GAWA. Another example, the word for three thousand, SANZEN, is made up of san=three and sen=thousand, but because SA becomes ZA when you add a tenten, SEN becomes ZEN. Which is why I made it KAKUZARU here, there's no furigana in the text so I just assumed that this rule works. I could have just made it into Kakuriyo Monkey but then where's the fun in that lol. I'll probably put shit like this here, so that by the end of however much chapters my body can upload here, we've all learned some tiny Nihongo bits. I'ma gonna drag you all with me bwahahahahaahaa! P53 "Uhm.. I came from a fruit orchard along a mountain. I would want to go back now..." The monkey masks suddenly stared up. The masks had a strong impact on me, and I unconsciously gulped. This has a different atmosphere, compared to when I'm with the usual Ayakashi I have met. In a way, this unexplored region seemed to house a tribe. "You're a Miko." "No, I'm not a Miko, because I'm just a human." I flatly refused them, but they started to gather as they were whispering. "Miko-sama, with our offerings, we are requesting of you. This is our sacrifice..." "Uhm.. Sacrifice?" After saying that, is seemed that they didn't listen. Nevertheless, when they pulled out a rope I was shocked, they were pulling along a handsome, black-haired guy with a long piece of rope... "What the... They tied up Odanna-sama like a slave!" In front of me, surely without a doubt, they have brought along Tenjin-ya's Odanna-sama, the younger version. That appearance doesn't give off his aura of being Tenjin-ya's master, after all, they don't know who it was. B-b-b-b-but, isn't that disrespectful? If the people in Tenjin-ya saw this they'll bring upon a wrath of a sea of fire! P54 Speaking of Odanna-sama, he was restlessly looking around, and once when he found me on the bluish altar, he smiled at me childishly. As expected from someone so composed. It's better to be cheerful. "Miko-sama, we found this person loitering around outside the village." "Please have your way with this sacrifice. We can boil, then roast, then eat him." No no no, a human girl can't eat Ayakashi! "Then quickly untie him! That person is a distinctly emiment man!" "Yes, milady--" While the Kaku-zaru were being told what to do, they unfastened Odanna-sama's ropes. "Hmmmmph. Could it be that when you saw me tied up, you were surprised?" "You don't have a face that looked surprised. Might you have been enjoying yourself? Speaking of, how did you got captured so easily?" "I was looking for you, and I ended up in the Kaku-zaru's village. I thought it was easier to get caught as an adult in order to get in. As a result, I got here. When I met you here, everything went OK." "So it's OK to meet Odanna-sama here.." When the Kaku-zaru saw Odanna-sama and I, they started to talk in hushed voices. They were an eerie bunch. Why on earth did they bring me here, what do they plan to do? "Oh dear..." P55 Odanna-sama hit his hand on his waist, and it transformed as he dispelled it. Normally, people would be surprised and exclaim "It's Tenjin-ya's master!", but, here, the Kaku-zaru  only shook their heads questioningly. What the.. They only kept silent and didn't say anything, so Odanna-sama only cleared his throat with an "ahem". "Aoi, this place is the heart of Hyakumeyama. I knew that inside this mountain, there is a hidden village of the Kaku-zaru, but this is the first time I've taken a visit. At any rate, the Kaku-zaru's village is in the territory of the Northern Lands." "Whaaaa-t. So.. We're already in the Northern Lands?" "Now that you mentioned it, yes. But the North-eastern lands were supposed to have a boundary..." Upon hearing loud drumming sounds again, Odanna-sama stared at the ceremony that the Kaku-zaru were performing in front of the large altar. "These Kaku-zaru were from an old era, wherein they were taken here by a Miko, a human priestess, which is now forbidden. Each time a human girl comes here, she becomes a replacement for the Miko, and she becomes worshipped by them." "So in this case, I was kidnapped to become worshipped here?" "But, well, this curiosity is rather odd. No matter how many human girls they worship, if it's against their will, being taken here feels like a punishment. But for this, I wonder what their probable reasons were for moving and leaving the village..." At the same time, the drumming sounds suddenly stopped. The door of the old tomb opened, and an old Kaku-zaru came in. P56 "The respectable elder... Has come!" That person has the longest straw raincoat in the bunch, and somewhat wears a necklace made out of bones, as well as having a mask of an old sleepy monkey. While walking with a cane, he was supported by a Kaku-zaru who was near the offerings, and sat in front of the altar where I was. "Miko-sama, we are the humble descendants in this village. For today, we beseech you." Everyone went "Yes, milady--", and bowed deeply once again. What the heck is going on.. "Uhm.. Respectable elder? What is all this For a while now, you've been saying stuff about worshipping, why on earth is that?" "Brigands from the far north has come to our village, and has looted and plundered." "Bandits?" Odanna-sama and I looked at each other's faces. He suddenly seemed to remember something instantly, and he placed his hand on his chin as he narrowed his eyes. "Bandits came from the far north.. Could it be that, they're the Ozuma gang?" "Odanna-sama, you know of them?" "Yes. They came from the Great Glacial Mountain Range of the Far North, and I've heard stories that in nearly every mountain here and there they were wreaking havoc and violence. But unexpectedly, you're asking for help from the North-eastern lands connected to the mountain of Hyakumeyama?" Aa a Hachiyo of the North-eastern lands, might he have not noticed of their situation? His facial expression suddenly became grave. P57 "Say, what on earth did the bandits do to this village?" After I tried asking, each of the Kaku-zaru started groaning in low voices. It was a bone-chilling sound and it pierced through my body. "We already have become the Ozuma-gang's minions." "Hm, in what way?" "The Ozuma-gang are bandits composed of about 20 individuals that move around. Each one has a jurisdiction over one mountain, as well as a minion that goes in each of the mountains, and like the other mountains we have become under one group that only keeps on increasing." The respectable elder has started to retell the story emotionally. "The day when those brigands came to this village,they broke through everything and pillaged, they violently wounded our villagers. We have no means or ways to retaliate so we just surrendered, and we became under the control of those thugs. After that, those brigands started to enter this village's stronghold, and every night they celebrated in our banquet hall. They just ate all of the village's food in reckless abandon, drank our liquor dry, and became even more violent when drunk. Half of the food we were saving in this village has already been eaten. At this rate we will not even last until winter." "Oh, I see. To summarize, you have been deeply troubled by it." Because of that, they have explained why they have abducted me, and why they were asking help from the gods. "Miko-sama. Please, we beg of you, save us---" The other Kaku-zaru who were also bowing down and worshipping me, also beseeched and prayed. Even though they show signs of just imitating what they think what a god must do, the surrounding atmosphere of desperation made me want to help them, but regarding that, I am just a normal human girl who has no means to easily resolve the issue. P58 "Respectable elder, have you gotten in touch with the Hachiyo of the North?" From here, Odanna-sama asked the question with a commanding voice. The respectable elder raised his face, stared unblinkingly at Odanna-sama's majestic pose. "Oh my.. You, are you not Tenjin-ya's Master?" "Indeed, I am. Finally, you have taken notice of me." "This is a bit too bad, isn't it, Odanna-sama?" After having his fun hiding, then finally being found out, Odanna-sama's face got a bit bored and sullen. But the respectable elder took off his mask, and bowed his head deeply. His monkey face seemed to have remained the same, but there were deeply-etched wrinkles on it, which definitely showed his very old age. The other Kaku-zaru didn't seem to be fazed with Odanna-sama. This was as otherworldy, remotely and as detached to the outside world as it can get. "Please give us your permission, Odanna-sama!" "Oh, do not worry, it's fine. However, the North's Hachiyo.. Can he not do it?" "Yes. We have not received any help from the North's Hachiyo. That is out of the question right now, as the Hachiyo has turned a blind eye on the arrival and movements of the brigands." P59 "I knew it..." "What, how can you say that, Odanna-sama?" I couldn't follow how the conversations flowed. During such times, when called for, a Hachiyo doesn't comply with the wishes of the people of the land? It seems to be like that here, in the Northern Lands. While placing his hand on his jaw, Odanna-sama explained to me the situation. "Apparently, the Northern Lands have a problem in their hands. The other name for this land is called "The Land of Glaciers", and is Kakuriyo's largest land area, and in this land there is a historical giant ice castle. But because the nature of this place is harshly cold, it is undoubtedly the most difficult to live alongside that harshness. The current Hachiyo holds a strong influence as a distinguished Ayakashi, and has been able to create stability within the boundaries of the Northern Lands.. But after countless years, that Hachiyo has succumbed to an illness." Really-- Prior to this, the Southern lands were deeply concerned with handling a unique problem, but even here in the Northern lands they also had problems. "Well,now that the entirety of the land is in chaos, from now on we must strike back at the bandits that have been having their ways in expanding their territories in the mountains here and there. But the Ozuma-gang.. They're an especially powerful bunch. Nonetheless, since I came from the North-eastern Lands which I have control over, I think we can apply some mugwort and moxybust them out." Odanna-sama said all of those standing tall and with a suave look. As if holding on to those words, the Kaku-zaru's elder who was previously losing hope suddenly, and with fire opened his eyes. "We cannot call upon the North's Hachiyo anymore. But can we impose upon the master of Tenjin-ya, along with the Miko-sama? P60 Please, for the sake of our village, make those bandits leave us!" "Ohh. But you kidnapped my new wife who fell inside a hole, isn't that request a bit selfish? And what's more, you also restrained my hands." It's not like that, that was pretty much my own fault, and it's why Odanna-sama's behavior was incomprehensible. "It's a rare chance that we got to enjoy apple-picking, but you have interrupted our date, Aoi and I. If Aoi hated me because of what I did, what then? Hm?" "Odanna-sama, right now you're being too selfish and holding grudges. Moreover, at this point I can't hate you..." "Really, Aoi? If that's the case, do you like me?" "Nah, I don't know." I replied a considerably appropriate answer to Odanna-sama, who was brimming with expectations. With such a frank answer, Odanna-sama felt dejected and with a disheartened look hunched his back and sat alongside the already sitting Kaku-zaru. Well, that was indeed depressing... "Well then, where is the Ozuma-gang right now?" Odanna-sama continued the conversation with a blank face. "They were in a nearby mountain territory yesterday, and tonight they announced that they will be coming here, to eat and feast in the banquet hall." P61 I caught a glimpse of Odanna-sama agreeing and nodding. "Aoi, what do you think we must do?" "Ehh? Me?" Him seeking for my opinion was very unusual. I thought for a bit, and answered in all honesty. "These people, I think it's a pity that the food they have now won't last until after winter.." "Hahaha, as expected of you, you were worried more about their food. Even though my companion was kidnapped to be worshipped, you were still the same, your nature of involving yourself with Ayakashi and their food still came out." "Even if I fell and rolled down a hole and everywhere hurts, I don't think I'm in any other kind of danger." "What the.. You got hurt?! Let me look at you to see if you got bruised--" "Odanna-sama, this isn't the time to talk like that--" This time my words were taken as a harsh reply by Odanna-sama, and despite the conversation getting derailed due to inappropriateness, I returned it to its original traction. Seeing the situation as such, the Kaku-zaru seemed to be perplexed. "Ahem, Well, I am also a Hachiryo. This may be the Northern Lands' problem, but I wouldn't know if the bandits may have brazenly invaded the North-eastern Lands. As such, repelling them from here is my job. I have a deep consideration of Aoi's heart, but I can lend you my hand." P62 "Ohhhhhh.." Hearing Odanna-sama's words, everyone seemed to have more hope, and they raised their voices with relief. "A normal ogre would always back out and retreat, but now you have become Kakuriyo's dark hero!" "My soon-to-be wife wouldn't like that." "You've said that already, why are saying that again?" "There are two chairs for two people on that altar, it somehow vaguely seems to be for a king and queen." "Well, that seems to be a fun situation, isn't it Odanna-sama?" Odanna-sama's reception may have been weird and without familiarity, but I think they were sincere. But... "Alright then. Since you said so, Aoi go back to Tenjin-ya." "Whaaat?" All of a sudden, Odanna-sama commanded me to return! Even though he said "I have consideration for Aoi”! "Wh-- Why? I wanted to help in any way too--" "That's out of the question. Those bandits are armed, and a despicable bunch. Having a human girl's body, you'll be in danger, and that is terrifying--" "So that being the case, Odanna-sama is not in danger?" "What's that? Are you.. Worrying for me?" P63 As Odanna-sama was peeking at my face, his face immediately showed a naughty smile. "I'm an ogre. I am different from the weak Aoi. This time your cooking skills can't resolve it." "Th... That I can understand.." Surely, I wonder if I can't get any stronger. Until now it was different, and I wondered if there's a possibility that I can fight with arms? But.. "But, I was thinking of helping up with the cooking back at the banquet hall..." "Again, when it comes to that you're still planning to cook..." Odanna-sama looked at me with a puzzled look, and I prepared myself. "But.. Ah, I see, there's more, if we add sleeping drugs to their food, when they get sleepy won't it be easier to beat them?" "What?" Hearing a mediocre yet dangerous suggestion, Odanna-sama got startled. Even the Kaku-zaru got shocked and couldn't move. As expected, the tactic was such a cliche. 'What the.. What is this atmosphere? I know it's too common. It's a joke." "No, it was so you, Aoi. I guess, you being Shirou's granddaughter, you thought of that." "You guess?" P64 "No, Aoi you had suffered and fought in so many battlefields that you have become resourcefull all around, that's a housewife!" "What the.. You don't have to follow me around against your own will, Odanna-sama--" I realized that this was much like Grandpa's style, and I saw that I have come so far. "However, this isn't exactly classical, so I don't think that it's diabolical. Yes. The mountain apples that we picked, and when we use the Hyakumeyama momiji branch, we can probably make it good." Despite my cliched suggestion, Odanna-sama seemed to have openly agreed to it. He tapped on my shoulder with his hand, and his face turned into an evil ogre. "Aoi, you can definitely depend on your special skills."
End of Chapter 2, Volume 6. Previous - Chapter 1    Next - Chapter 3
Volume 1 Translations by Kakuriyo-translations
Prologue               Chapter 1             Chapter 2       Chapter 3        Chapter 4
I translated Volume 1  Chapter 5 here
Wonderful site for the youkai references
Other stuff I used to do this: Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (you can buy here, I’m not sponsored btw). I was about to buy the older edition but then the newer one came out 2013 so I bought that instead. Worth buying since I was able to find nearly all of the words I needed just by stroke pattern alone.
Merriam-Webster's Japanese-English Dictionary (the red-covered 1996 version is apparently out of print right now). This is what I have been using for a very long time, I bought it when I was still a fetus (yes I am old so what lol), and after so many years, when compared to newer editions, I still prefer this one since its entirety is Japanese-English, the English to Japanese gloss are just 16 pages tops, so you get more Japanese words for your buck. But that’s just my opinion, maybe other people prefer the Jap-En x En-Jap IDEK.
Basic online dictionary, Jisho. Knowledge of verb conjugations  and other words are necessary since not all have entries.
If you can read Japanese, you can buy the whole set in Amazon Japan, they’re shipping worldwide now, I think.
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skzsauce01 · 5 years
Description: March 14 is both White Day and Pi Day. You're a sucker for puns, so obviously Felix has to make you a pie.
Warning: none
Word Count: 2,116
Pairing: fem!reader x Felix
Contrary to what his friends thought, Felix is not a complete idiot. Sure, he might be failing calculus, but he knows your handwriting like he knows the Pythagorean Theorem.
He knows it very well.
The note attached to the box of chocolates is not signed, but the sharp curves of your characters are a dead giveaway. He can't lie; seeing the store-bought box makes his heart sink. He hoped you had some semblance of romantic feelings for him, but he never saw an inkling. However, when he pulls off the white ribbon, he is ecstatic to see that his previous assumptions were wrong: the heart-shaped chocolate inside is hand decorated with lines of icing and carefully dotted with pink sprinkles, which means you are actually into him. He is smiling so much. He yells down the hallway filled with tired teenagers who couldn't care less about how he has a Valentine.
“My crush likes me back!” he shouts, earning him a few grossed-out looks.
He leaves the chocolate in his locker, but he tucks the note-- Happy Valentine's Day, Felix <3-- into his calculus textbook and thinks of less than 3's all the way to class.
However, last month's delight is now this month's dilemma. He almost forgets about White Day until Chan asks him what he is going to give you in return. His nervous laugh gets a sympathetic look and a well-intended but not helpful suggestion to buy an expensive box of chocolate. The two main problems with Chan's idea is that Felix has limited funds and anything store-bought just doesn’t show off what a great boyfriend he can potentially be.
Never mind that he doesn't even know when White Day is exactly.
Google tells him that it's on March 14. Felix has been stuck doing math for multiple hours per day, so his first thought is That's Pi Day.
Then it hits him.
He'll make you a pie. A pie so beautiful and delicious that it will make the relationship official. Instagram official.
He's jittery during the entire day. He has only a couple days to make sure his plan goes smoothly. The pie has to be perfect.
After school, Felix takes the bus to the grocery store and searches up apple pie recipes on the way there. His eyes grow wide as soon as he realizes how much work he has to do. To motivate himself, he opens the front cover of his calculus textbook and rereads your handwritten note from last month. This will all be worth it, he tells himself.
When he arrives at the grocery store, he heads straight to the produce section. Each recipe recommended different kinds of apples, so screw it; you are going to get an everything apple pie. Like an everything bagel, but apple pie.
Back at home, he has Chan in a Discord call with him as he dices up apples and cuts strips of pie dough. Chan's not doing much, just reading aloud pie making tips that Felix has seen over thirty times while looking up recipes. Felix tunes him out at what has to be the fifth mention of squeezing lemon juice on top of the chopped apples to prevent browning.
"I know already. I know what I'm doing," Felix says. "Why are you so worried anyway?"
Chan's voice is shrill and tinny as he practically screeches out, "Because you've never made a pie before, and you only have until tomorrow to get it done!"
"High risk, high reward?"
"That's not how it works!" There's a sigh from Chan's end. "Why did you choose pie? Chocolate would have been fine, too."
He considered just melting down and molding chocolate for your White Day gift. However, the homemade chocolate you gave him on Valentine's Day was so elegant and elaborate, a normal gift wouldn't suffice.
White Day also happens to be on Pi Day, and Felix knows how much you love a good math pun and a good apple pie. Hence why he is spending the night before White Day baking.
He tosses the diced fruit with the apple pie spice he picked up at the grocery store.The apple-and-spice mixture goes into the store-bought pie crust soon after, and then Felix searches up how to make a lattice.
Actually, why doesn't he put Chan to work?
"Chan, how do I make a lattice?" he asks, using the same tone he would when talking to Siri.
Chan grumbles, protesting that he's not his personal AI assistant, but Felix can hear him typing away. While Chan reads off a list of instructions and sends him video links, Felix wipes his flour-dusted fingers on his no-longer-white apron and checks his phone for messages from you. There's nothing new; the latest message in the chat between the two of you is still a picture of question 19 of his calc book with a big question mark drawn on. He sees that you haven't even seen the message yet, so you must be busy.
Felix picks up the strips of dough and follows Chan's instructions. It's easier than he expected, but the design still looks off.
Oh well. It's not too late to start over without ruining the entire design.
"Did it turn out okay?" Chan asks, breaking Felix out of his thoughts.
"It's… not bad," is the best answer he can give. He takes a picture and sends it to his friend.
Chan laughs at the crooked placements and the less-than-stellar job Felix has done at cutting the strips. "I can tell it's a lattice at least. Is it baking yet?"
"You're more anxious than I am," he remarks as he sticks the pie into the preheated oven.
"Well, someone has to be! It's your first White Day together! It has to go well."
"Which is why I'm making an apple pie for her!" Felix shouts. He realizes how loud it was and apologizes. "I didn't mean to yell at you."
"It's fine. I was being annoying, wasn't I?"
He says, "Yes," with no hesitation, and Chan laughs.
"She's your first girlfriend, and you're pretty much my little brother. I have good reason to be stressed out for you," he explains. Felix hears him typing again, and he has a feeling he's about to receive more unsolicited advice. "Anyway, did you put an egg wash on it? All these recipes are saying something about an egg wash."
"Right," he sighs. "I'll stop."
They switch topics to something not pie related. Felix complains about not understanding calculus, while Chan groans about how long his statistics problems take him. After a heated debate on whether calculus or statistics is harder, Felix phone buzzes with a message from you.
When he checks it, he sees a picture of your notes with a bright red circle drawn around a section labeled, "Partial Sum Decomp. When the Denominator's Power is Greater than 2."
His phone buzzes again, and a new message from you reads, "I gotchu babe."
He is so grateful that you pay attention in class. He sends back a heart emoji as Chan calls out, "You still there?"
"Sorry. Y/N texted me," he says as he reads another message from you.
Y/N <3: Wanna do homework together?
Me: Sure
Felix puts his phone on the counter and tells Chan the news. "I'm going to do homework with Y/N now. See you tomorrow?"
He can hear Chan smiling. "Have fun. Don't spoil the surprise."
"Stop projecting your worries onto me."
Before Chan can defend himself, Felix ends the call and starts a new one with you. He quickly gets a chat message that just reads, "Don't call me out like this >:(."
You answer the Discord call. "Hey."
Your voice is clear and sweet, a stark contrast to Chan's anxious ramblings. Felix smiles. The lilting in your voice is soothing, and he can tell you just woke up from a power nap based off of your soft tone.
"Hi," he says back. "Sleep well?"
There's a brief pause as you wake your brain up to formulate an answer. You reply, "I slept for three hours straight, but I also dreamt that I got a 47 on yesterday’s test."
He laughs because your dream is going to be his reality. "You'll be alright. You know what's going on."
"But the last question!" The sleepiness is replaced by fiery passion, and he hears the unmistakable sound of you slamming a palm against a table.
He lets you vent again and checks the pie in the oven. He thinks it's turning out well? The apples are bubbling a bit, and the crust looks more brown. He's never made one before; how can he tell? There's only a few more minutes left to bake it for.
With you still talking and oblivious to the world, he rushes to his room and grabs his textbook with his homework tucked inside. Just as he's back at the counter, you finish ranting.
"... I checked three times! Seungmin said he got something completely different! I think I got it wrong," you say.
"You'll be alright," he repeats. He knows he sounds like he doesn't care, but you truly will be alright. The last quiz you got a 92 with only half an hour of studying. He's also very worried about the pie because it is bubbling over now. "You studied for five hours."
"Seungmin has the highest grade!" Before he can retort that Seungmin isn't that smart, you let out a frustrated sigh. "Never mind that. Let's just do homework. I finished up to 25."
"Uh, okay." The apple pie won't stop bubbling, and he grabs a pair of oven mitts. He cracks open the oven door, and a blast of steam hits his face. "I'll catch up, and you can…" He trails off, trying to come up with an idea while taking out the pie. At the very least, it smells good.
"I can give you all the answers?" you joke.
"That will be great," Felix replies. He sets the pie down on the counter with a heavy thud. He then starts furiously typing into Google, "bubbling pie."
"What happened?" you ask, your voice laced with concern. "Did something happen?"
He's scanning blocks of text, so he carelessly answers, "I don't know if I messed up your pie or not since it's spilling over."
"My pie?"
His mouth drops open after realizing what came out of it. He now has two options: admit defeat and tell you the truth or lie to you and potentially make things worse.
He decides to go with the former. He presses a small section of the lattice with his index finger and watches it sink into the filling. Goodbye, hard work. He managed to screw up just like Chan predicted with a single sentence. He doesn't want to lie to you about something as silly as this. You know when he's lying anyway.
"It was supposed to be a secret," he quietly says. "It was your White Day present."
There's a moment of silence and then a burst of laughter from you. "Felix, you made me a pie? But you never baked before!" There's a softer laugh, and you sigh, "That's so sweet of you. Thank you."
His face feels as hot as the oven. The lattice section starts breaking off. "I wanted to do something special. And I know you like your puns."
So, you forgot. With a grin, he says, "It's Pi Day tomorrow, too."
"Felix Lee, you're an amazing boyfriend," you declare. "I will gladly accept your pie."
He quickly yanks his finger out. "Really? Chan said it looked kind of bad though."
"You made it! Of course I'm going to take it. Felix, I will take whatever you make, no matter how horrible it looks."
He is so proud. And a little offended that you actually think his baking is hideous. He snaps a picture of the finished pie, which has cooled down a bit and stopped bubbling like a witch cauldron, and sends it to you.
He hears the notification sound from your end of the call and your nails clicking against the screen of your phone not long after. After a few seconds of waiting for the picture to load, he hears you laugh.
He loves your laugh so much, but maybe not in this scenario.
"Oh my goodness. Chan was not kidding when he said it looked bad!"
"It's not that bad!" he protests. "You said you would take it no matter what!"
The laughter dies down, but there's still a playfulness to your words. "I know, I know. You're the best, babe."
"Mmmnh. Anyway, question 19?” he asks cheekily.
~ ad.gray
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andaleduardo · 5 years
How to Break Your Heart and Make Sure It Stays Broken
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Read the 1st chapter on ao3
Summary:  In which 15-year-old Richie confesses his feelings for Eddie on New Year’s Eve and they don’t talk about it for the next 4 years.
31st December 2010, Friday
 “Would you put that thing down for one second?”
Richie looks up from the phone screen to his mother’s eyes. “Mom, this is the future. Do you want me to put the future down?”
“I want you to get off that sofa and help us serve the champagne.”
“Don’t make us regret giving you the future, Richie.” His father added as he entered the living room with a bottle of champagne on one hand and one of sparkling apple juice in the other.
“Fine.” He pockets the phone as he gets up to clean up the dinner plates. “But I gotta text the losers at midnight, we have a group chat on Facebook now-”
“Yes, son, we know. That’s all you’ve been talking about lately.” Wentworth interrupts while fumbling with the cork on the sparkling juice bottle.
“One day I’ll figure out why adults hate technology!” Richie shouts as he enters the kitchen. He places the plates on the sink and grabs three champagne glasses from the special collection his mom owns before going back to the living room. These things look like they’ll break if you so much as breathe in their direction.
“We don’t hate technology.” Maggie complains as she tries to rub away a stain in the tablecloth. “You kids just love it too much.”
That makes Richie laugh. “You don’t even let dad teach you how to use his comput-
The juice bottle’s cork comes off with a loud POP! that startles Richie and sends one of the glasses tumbling down onto the carpeted floor. It shatters into a million pieces despite the soft surface.
“Richie!” His mom cries out loud.
“I’m sorry!” Quickly, he places down the two survivor glasses. He can hear his dad trying not to laugh.
“Your grandma gifted these to us after we got married…” She laments as she looks at the sparkling shards at their feet.
“I’ll clean this up, you two be careful not to step on it.” Went adds before going to get the vacuum cleaner from the bottom of the pantry.
“I am sorry.”
With a sigh, Maggie hugs him sideways. “It’s okay, I guess we’ll never have 10 people over at the same time.”
“Yeah, we probably won’t.”
 Once the carpet is clean, the champagne and false champagne are served and there’s only 5 minutes left till midnight, Richie takes his phone out and opens Eddie’s contact. He stares at the text he wrote probably 4 hours ago and reads it over and over again just to really make sure there’s no mistakes.
The thing is, tonight, Richie is going to fuck up his entire life. Or, at least that’s what it feels like.
You see, Eddie was the last of the group to get a phone. He got it on Christmas as a gift from his uncle, and needless to say Sonia didn’t like the idea. She only gave it to him one or two days ago after she figured out how to make it as “safe” as possible for his son. That means Eddie has exactly 3 numbers on his contact list. The number to his house, the number to Bill’s house, and Bill’s number. Because, apparently, that’s the only friend of Eddie’s Sonia trusts.
Stan’s Jewish, Mike is home-schooled (and black, although Sonia never admits that’s the real reason she doesn’t like the boy), Ben moved into town not so long ago, Bev is a girl, and Richie is Richie.
Bill’s family goes to church every Sunday and they’ve known each other ever since both boys were little. Hence why Eddie’s contact list is sadder than the life of their math teacher.
But Richie is weirdly thankful for this because that means Eddie doesn’t have his number. However, Bill texted them Eddie’s contact yesterday, saying they probably shouldn’t send him anything before school starts because Sonia will most likely check his phone.
Well, Sonia can go to hell because Richie is about to do something very stupid.
He’s a true romantic at heart, alright? Plus, he’s been in love with Eddie since he was twelve (or at least he realized it when he was twelve) and this secret is starting to claw up at his insides as if he had swallowed a dysfunctional cat.
In other words, it’s driving him crazy and he has to do something about it.
Now, he’s not mental. He’s not going to confess his feelings or anything. Right, as if. He’s simply going to become a secret admirer or something cheesy like that.
Yesterday, he sneaked into his dad’s computer while both his parents were taking an afternoon nap and searched for “romantic quotes” on Google. He typed down the one he liked the most, deleted the history, and then tried to convince himself this wasn’t the worst plan of his entire life.
It seemed like a very clever plan the closer to midnight it got.
“Alright, my loves.” Maggie gives everyone their respective glass. The non-alcoholic, sad-looking one for Richie, and the fun-looking ones for the adults. Bullshit, if you ask him.
“How come I never get to drink the real thing?”
“Well, you hate it.” Maggie shrugs. “You’ve said so the past two years that we’ve let you had one sip for the toast.”
“But I’m older now, I can handle it.”
“You can try it again after you finish that.” Went tips his cup in the direction of Richie’s. Naturally, Richie throws his head back and drinks the apple juice in one gulp, almost cutting his lip in the process. Seriously, these things are that thin.
“Done.” He announces as he fills the cup with champagne. “Now we can have a real toast.”
Both adults laugh and soon the countdown begins. Richie screams the numbers along with his parents, keeping his thumb over the ‘send’ button at the same time.
“Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!”
He presses down, the text is sent, and he pockets his phone once again to click his fragile cup against his parents’. As expected, it tastes just as awful as he remembers. He spits it out much like last year, and they all go outside to see the fireworks.
  00:00 To: Spaghetti <3
And I just wanted to say that your smile reminds me that not all art is created with a pencil and a paintbrush.
  His phone vibrates at exactly 00:49, which means Richie is already in his bedroom because that’s how New Year works in his family. They stay home, celebrate till the fireworks die down, and then part ways at the end of the hallway.
He interrupts Charlie the goldfish’s dinner and checks his phone only to let the little container of fish’s food fall off his hand. Thankfully, it was closed.
 00:49 From: Spaghetti <3
Did you steal that from your mom’s poetry collection, asshole? :P
 Charlie the goldfish fades out from his peripheral vision. Richie sits down before he collapses and bursts through the floor right onto their cold, lifeless basement.
 What the fuck?
What the actual fuck?
 With shaky hands, he types out a reply.
 Richie: what makes you think it’s richie?
 Spaghetti <3: Bill gave me everyone’s numbers
Spaghetti <3: I don’t have them saved yet because of my mom, though
Spaghetti <3: Why? Is this not Richie? Did Bill give me the wrong number?
 Fucking Bill. Now, Richie’s pacing the entire floor of his bedroom, knowing he’d walk right up to the celling if he could. He keeps staring at the small screen, wondering if he could save his ass by turning this shitty device off. His mom is right, technology sucks.
 Spaghetti <3: Hello??
 Richie: hahaha you got me Eds
Richie: c’est moi
 Then he hesitates for a second.
 Richie: sooo, are we good?
Spaghetti <3: Yeah, of course
Spaghetti <3: Why shouldn’t we be?
 Oh. Oh. So, Eddie didn’t take him seriously. He took it as one of his weird jokes.
Here’s a getaway, Richie. You can play it off as prank, Richie. You can still walk away from this without completely ruining a friendship, Richie. Please take the opportunity, Richie.
 Richie: you don’t get it
 Shut the fuck up, Richie.
 Spaghetti <3: What?
 Richie: well
Richie: actually
Richie: you see
Spaghetti <3: Richie, spit it out you’re stressing me
Richie: right
Richie: you see
Spaghetti <3: You’ve said that before
Richie: correct I see your point Eds
Spaghetti <3: Not my name
Richie: the thing is
Richie: jesus I hope you forgive me
Richie: okay so
Richie: i don’t have a crush on you
Richie: i’m pretty sure that I love you
 There’s about a million smooth ways to say that you love someone. But Richie doesn’t choose one of those. Fitting.
It takes a few minutes before Eddie says something back. In those minutes, Richie starts crying.
 Spaghetti <3: Oh
It’s as vague as it can get, but one can take the hint.
Richie: i’m sorry
Spaghetti <3: You don’t have to apologize
Spaghetti <3: How long..?
 Richie: uh, since March?
 Which is a lie.
 Spaghetti <3: That’s a long time…
 Richie wants to laugh, then scream, then he wants to be able to stop crying.
 Spaghetti <3: Can we still be friends?
 On second thought, he doesn’t want to laugh.
 Richie: only if you still want to Spaghetti <3: Of course I want to Rich
Spaghetti <3: Don’t even say that
 Well, that’s good.
Richie: well that’s good
Richie: i’m sorry Eddie
Spaghetti <3: Don’t apologize asshole
Spaghetti <3: It’s fine I swear
 And then a few more minutes.
 Spaghetti <3: Happy new year
  The phone gets thrown, landing somewhere along the end of the bed. The blurry digital clock on his bedside table says it’s already 1:13 a.m. and by its side lays Charlie the goldfish’s tank.
It’s small, but it’s not a fishbowl. Richie learnt that lesson with his first goldfish, Oli. Poor her.
He follows Charlie’s swimming around a rock. A fish’s life seems peaceful and blissful and delightful and wonderful and many other adjectives ending in ‘ful’. Except for Oli’s life, of course. At this moment Richie’s life feels pretty much like Oli’s.
He sighs through another wet sob.
“Happy fucking new year, Charlie.”
perma taglist:  @constantreaderfool   @mrs-vh  @eds-trashmouth @girasol-eddie  @reddieforlove @madi-personal  @cheekaspbrak​
Let me know if you want to be tagged for this!
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2612-1802 · 4 years
A little lost
Hi! Can you write a scenarios if you have time were the reader is on a vacation to korea for the first time in her life and got lost. It is really late at night, And she happen to bump with Changmin and ask him for direction. Then you bump to each other a few more times coz you always getting lost. This become a reason for the reader and changmin to be friends ti lovers. Btw she didn’t know DBSK, she’s only familiar to yoochun bcoz of kdramas. Can you feat. OT5? Thank youuu💕keep safe!  -- Hi, sorry it took so long! Hope the story is worth the wait! Stay safe too!
“KOREA~” you sang as you picked up your luggage from the aisle. Dragging it along out the doors, you breathed in the air in Seoul for the first time. “Finally!” you whispered to yourself. A well-deserved holiday after your completing your research project. A long 2 years project, finally, time for some fun.
You dropped your bags off in the hotel and quickly ran out for some grubs. Seoul was just like the pictures you saw online. Full of bright lights and loud crowds, busy people, walking up and down the streets in a hurry. Typical city life.
First, the raw fish restaurant, then the pork bbq, then the spicy chicken feet, and now the desserts. You managed to get a lot more grubs than you expected around your hotel vicinity. Though feeling bloated, there was one more thing to do. The travelling ritual. The must-do for you as long as you stayed in a hotel. Eating instant noodles in the hotel room. Following the google map on your phone, you snaked around the buildings looking for a 24/7 store while constantly frowning in disappointment because it’s supposed to be just a 2mins walk.
“I think I’m starting to digest all those food now.” You grumbled to yourself, pressing harshly on your phone screen to find the convenience store. You rolled your eyes and looked around. There was no one in sight, but a man in his car. You plucked up the courage and walked towards the black car, hoping that he speaks English.
“Hi, sorry, excuse me. I’m looking for the convenience store. I’ve been walking around for half an hour but I still can’t find it. Google says there is one around here.” You smiled weakly at the masked man, showing the google map app on your phone.
“Oh, it’s just there. Walk down the street, you will see the main junction, it’s on your right when you reach the junction.” He told you coolly and you thanked him.
You strolled down the street, with a sense of relief. Finally, a clear direction to your instant food paradise. “Is this even worth this midnight walk..” you cussed at yourself and your weird travelling habits, skipping along till you reached the junction.
“Well, I’m here. Where is it?” You looked to your right, and then the left. There was no 7/11 in sight. “Damn it.” You shook your head in disbelief. You walked towards your right, thinking that it might be behind this building, but there was no 7/11 there too. Desperate, you just kept on walking till you hear a car honk at you.
“Hey, you’ve drifted too far off, it’s not this junction. The junction with the green building.” The same man you directed you pointed it to you again.
“I went, but I didn’t find any 7/11.” You sighed.
“It’s there. Maybe you didn’t spot it. I just went there to get sweets yesterday.” He waved the leftover sweets in your face.
“Alright, thank you. I’ll go over again.” You waved goodbye as he drove off.
Walking back to the junction, you looked at the green building. You see nothing. “Is this even the correct green building?” You thought to yourself. Checking your phone again, you see that you’re in the correct place. But there is no 7/11, no nothing. This was not a good continuum of that awesome feeling about Korea you felt this afternoon.
You walked around, looking for another green building but there were no other green buildings. Groaning, you turned around the corner and you saw the man again. You immediately scurried off, hoping that he doesn’t spot you. “Damn, if I see him again, he’s going to think I’m stalking him!” You whispered to yourself.
Trying again, walking the same directions he showed you, you came back to the same spot, but a little more different this time. Instead of just feel lost, you felt stupid too. “Where is this store?!” your eyebrows knitted in anger, almost touching each other for the first time since your birth.
“Ohh, this is awkward.” You murmured under your breath, as you recognized the man standing in front of you.
“Lady, this is the 5th time I’m seeing you.” The man shook his head, laughing at you. “The store sign is brighter than your future, you can’t miss it when you pass it.” He pointed you to the same direction he did the past few times, laughing uncontrollably. “You are worse than Yunho Hyung. Come, I’ll bring you.” He took his jacket with him and walked infront of you.
You hung your head in embarrassment as you followed behind. Surely enough, it was just right there. “Oh, the 3rd floor.” You sighed after hearing his teehees. “Isn’t the sign bright?” the man pointed at the neon board as he opened the door for you.
Excited, you went straight into the ramen aisle to pick out your cup noodles.
“Hmm, isn’t that too much calories at night, young lady?” The man asked as he picked out his own cup ramen.
“Well, I’m not having all of them tonight sir. Just one.” You paused “Or maybe two.” You giggled at the thought of finally getting cup noodles.
“You can call me ChangMin.” He chuckled. “One or two? Like how you did one or two or more rounds around the block?” ChangMin side-eyed you as he paid for his supper.
“Well I didn’t mean to, I mean I was. Well, I’m not from around here.” You stuttered. “I was lost okay.” You frowned making your noodles. “But hang on, if I am walking in circles, and I keep bumping into you... Then why were you driving in circles?” You asked him, finally piecing things together.
“It’s late.” ChangMin replied as he slurped his shin ramen. “It’s dangerous for a lady to walk on the streets this late at night. And you’re a foreigner. It’s dangerous plus dangerous. Double danger. I was just worried you cannot find your way.” He looked up, chewing the noodles in his chipmunk cheeks.
“Oh.” You lifted your eyebrows. “Thank you though. Appreciate it. I was getting kind of scared around here.” You drank some soup from the cup.
“So, you’re not from around here you say?” ChangMin looked up at you again, but this time you noticed how round his eyes are. “Did you come Korea because you like kpop? Do you like kpop?” ChangMin questioned.
You gave an awkward smile. “Erm, I’m not really into kpop. Just watched some dramas. Started with youtube clips, then I really liked this actor, so I’ve been following his dramas.”
“Ohh, not into kpop uh.” You saw him frown slightly, before carefully replying him.
“Yeah, I’m too busy to go after boybands. Working working working.” You let out a pathetic laugh. The whole point of this holiday was to revaluate your career decisions. To venture out into something you want or just continue to have a stable life with a stable income from a job you hate.
“Woah, sounds like you hate your job.” ChangMin poked into his noodles cup. “So who’s this lucky actor?”
“Don’t really hate it. Just kind of regretting it.” You shrugged your shoulders and Changmin nodded.  “Park Yoo Chun. The first one I watched was Rooftop Prince. He was so funny in that.”  
ChangMin choked hard at that comment. Shocked, you immediately offered him your drink as he coughing really harshly the moment you mentioned Park YooChun.
“Are you okay?” You panicked as you rummaged through your bag for tissues but he wouldn’t stop coughing.
“I’m okay, Yoochun hyung, yes. He’s a lady killer.” ChangMin cleared his throat forcefully as he patted his chest repeatedly. “Ugh, I think I saw my life flashed in front of my eyes.” You heard him whisper to himself.
You guys chatted for a while before he sent you back to the hotel. One fun night turned into a few more till you reached the end of your 2-weeks holiday in Korea.
“Hey, thanks for the ride. This trip was a lot more fun because of you. ” You thanked ChangMin as you took your luggage from him.
“Yeah, it was fun for me too.” Changmin replied, avoiding eye contact. “This is kind of early, but.” You breathed in deeply, not sure if he is thinking what you’re thinking.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes!” You thought loudly in your head. It’s been sometime since a guy gave you butterflies.
“When will your next holiday be?” ChangMin asked and you let out a soft “What?”
“Umm, I don’t know. Maybe in 1 years’ time or 2?” You answered, disappointed.
“That’s a long time.” ChangMin scratched his head. “How about in 1 or 2 months’ time instead? But we can go together this time around.”
You became speechless and your eyes enlarged at the suggestion.
“If you want to of course. I mean.. Umm.” ChangMin’s rounded eyes started darting around and started looking at his shoes.
“1 or 2 months’ time is a little to early to ask for vacation again from work. How about in 4 months’ time?” You proposed, trying to contain your happiness with your pokerface.
“Sounds good. Where do you want to go?” ChangMin brightened up, it makes your heart skip a few beats that the idea of hanging out more perks him up so much.
“How about I tell you later? Got a plane to catch.” You waved your ticket at him and gave him a goodbye hug hurriedly.
“Alright, just don’t ghost me!” You hear ChangMin shouted behind you as you walked through the gates.
“See you soon, hopefully where you live.” Your phone chimed with a second last message before your flight.
“I’ll be free on the weekends if you want to come visit.” You responded with a winky emoji.
“That’s a date babe.”
“BABE! HE CALLED ME BABE!” you screamed so loudly inside your head you swear the lady beside you heard it.
“Babe?! Babe? Isn’t it too early to use babe? You need to put out the lure then fish her in. You’re giving everything out in the beginning. That was not the 101 we taught you about wooing girls Minne.” Yoochun smacked Changmin in the head.
“If he ever follows whatever we said, he’ll be married by now.” Yunho whispered in ChangMin’s ears from the back.
“Just how many of you are here?” ChangMin turned around and started counting the masked men with caps in the airport at midnight. 
“We can GHOST you if you want. Since we are not BABE.” Jaejoong finger quoted as Junsu chortled behind with his hands in his pocket. 
“I hate you guys.” ChangMin rolled his eyes. 
“Okay, BABE.” the four men responded in unison, fist bumping each other as they walked towards the carpark.
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t0ngue-tech · 5 years
Up All Night
Tumblr media
“Out of all the friends Seokjin made online, you were exceptionally precious to him for many reasons. One, you carried metal straws with you everywhere. Two, you both were majoring in the medical field. Lastly, to be frank, he liked you.”
↠ fluffy nonsense huhuhu, universityAU ↞
word count: 4.9k
↠ oneshot ↞
A/N: happy new year everyone! 2019 was a ROUGH year for me for so many reasons. i hope this new year will do me good. as a gift for the new year, here’s a little seokjin fic huhu. i hope your new years eve was a fun and safe one (im still hungover a little but im alive lmao) i also hope to put out more fics for you all to love! i love you guise so much! o and there’s a few maplestory references in this fic lol.
Eatjean: I have no idea why it stopped working. I got this watch last week
Y0urnam3: i think you should just give it some TIME
y0urnam3: get it??????
Y0urnam3: cuz it’s a WATCH!!!
Seokjin slapped a hand over his mouth, but failed to stifle the broken laugh behind his hand. He ultimately released a squeaky laugh that almost had him in tears.
“SEOKJIN. I swear to--”
“Okay! Okay! I’ll log off, Yoongi. Relax.”
Besides studying for hours on end at his desk, Seokjin also spent hours playing an online game called Maplestory. He played for years and even if he was juggling his job, social life, and college, he always made time to play. Seokjin made a lot of friends all around the world through Maplestory and even a handful of his friends in college played. 
“Dude, you’ve been playing since 8:30. I have to solidify this lesson plan and I can’t concentrate with you laughing and slapping your desk every ten seconds.” Yoongi, Seokjin’s roommate, took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes.
“Sorry, but y/n has been busy with school and we haven’t played together for a while.” Seokjin explained.
Out of all the friends Seokjin made online, you were exceptionally precious to him for many reasons. One, you carried metal straws with you everywhere. Two, you both were majoring in the medical field. Lastly, to be frank, he liked you.
Seokjin met you online through the Monster Carnival Party Quest around four months ago. Being in the last room of the party quest meant having a larger party with characters that had buffs and skills that could be beneficial to the entire team. Seokjin’s party was in need of a healer and happened to choose you, a cleric, to join the party.
For five rounds, Seokjin’s party dominated the party quest and when everyone came to the mutual decision to call it quits, everyone sent each other a buddy request and it all started off from there.
For the next few days, Seokjin found himself logging on around the same time you were online and the two of you spent time farming for mesos, helping each other out with quests, or doing rooms three and four in CPQ because the rooms only required a two-person party. This allowed you two to chat for hours, getting to know each other little by little. Of course, you both took precautions because it was the online world, anyone could be behind their screens and pretend to be someone they weren’t.
After almost a month of chatting as much as possible, you eventually began to trust Seokjin with more personal details of your life. You opened up by venting to him about how your ex-best friend decided to hook up with your newly broken up with ex-boyfriend. Seokjin easily related with you with the same story however, his story happened in high school and he found out himself because he found one of his ex-girlfriend’s blouses in his ex-best friend’s room. Seokjin understood your pain and became an emotional sounding board for you.
Even if Seokjin was your listening ear, the only other information that was shared was each other’s names and major. Honestly, Seokjin was curious about what you looked like, what your voice sounded like, but those things were privileged information that couldn’t be shared that easily. Looking each other up online probably wouldn’t be much help either because there could be a lot of people who had the same names and there would be no way to figure out for sure who was really you and vise versa.
No matter how curious he was, Seokjin respected your privacy and didn’t want to ruin the friendship he had with you.
“You make like you haven’t spoken to her in years.” Yoongi quipped as he typed away at his laptop.
“Just do your lesson plan, Mr. Teacher’s Assistant.” Seokjin laughed and launched a paper ball towards Yoongi’s direction. “I’m packing it in anyways. Y/n has an early class tomorrow.”
There were multiple places you could’ve been and your 8 am class was definitely not your first choice.
Your professor for medical terminology had an optional 8 am course which you stupidly decided to attend. It wasn’t because you were failing, your future wouldn’t allow for that. Focusing and studying hasn’t been in your mind for a few days and you needed a refresher.
“Y/n, tell me, why am I even here right now?” Irene dropped her folder on top of the desk next to you and groaned. “I swear my bed was caressing me and begging me to stay.”
You yawned and tapped her desk. “Trust me. I also almost pressed snooze on my alarm but you promised you’d go with me and a promise is a promise.”
“Yeah, yeah, and you promised you were going to treat me to breakfast after this soooo…”
Fifteen minutes felt like four days. Your professor stood at the front of the class rambling on, clicking through his slides while everyone stared back at him with hollow eyes.
You glanced over at Irene who had half-lidded eyes and lazily swung her pen in between her fingers. She was probably daydreaming about the french toast and hot coffee from the diner across campus.
You found yourself doodling in the corner of your notebook with rough sketches of orange mushrooms, slimes, and a family of snails. The corner of your paper was starting to look like a miniature version of Henesys hunting grounds.
Forty-five minutes dragged on by and your professor finally let the class go. You and Irene both had a 10 am class which was why you promised her breakfast; to pass time and to have girl time.
“Are you sure I can order the french toast and waffles? We’re both broke ass college students, you know.” Irene handed her menu to the waitress and smiled.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s fine. We haven’t hung out in a while, so it’s okay.” You assured her.
“That’s because you’re always playing Maplestory.”
Irene wasn’t wrong.
You didn’t mean to spend the majority of your free time cooped up at your desk with your eyes glued to the colorful images on your laptop screen. Some days your logged on to bust ass and level up, but other days you actually waited to see if Seokjin was going to log on as well.
“So, anything new with that Seokjin guy?” Irene sipped her coffee. “Did you ask for each other’s social media yet?”
The answer will always be no.
“I told you, Irene. There’s something about the ‘not-knowing’. Plus, it’s a mutual agreement between us.” You explained for the thousandth time.
“Yeah, but what if he’s a creepy dude trying to hit on you!”
Of course you thought of that, which was also a hidden reason as to you why you didn’t expose too much personal information about yourself. Seokjin only knew your first name, your major in college, and you were sure to change the names of any personal stories that your shared with him.
You made sure to be careful. Always.
“Seokjin has been catfished before on Maplestory and he said it was so embarrassing and painful that he never wishes anything like that one anyone.” This was a story that Seokjin hesitated to tell because of how embarrassing it was, but he knew he had to tell you because he didn’t want you to get the wrong idea about him. This was his way of showing you that he trusted you.
“Well, alright y/n. You’re a smart girl, don’t forget that.”
Classes seemed to fly by after breakfast and after a draining study group, you were eager to have some quality time with yourself.
When you fully logged into your Maplestory account, Seokjin was quick to greet you in the text box.
Eatjean: Y/n!!!!
Eatjean: How was class?
You smiled stupidly at your laptop screen.
Y0urnam3: seokjinnnnnn! classes were just as annoying as yesterday
Yournam3: my energy is at 5% right now
Eatjean: I think it’s bedtime for you
A pout formed.
Y0urnam3: nooooo i waited all day to talk to you
Your feelings for Seokjin wasn’t exactly subtle. You weren’t shy to type out things like “I love talking with you” and “I missed you, sorry I couldn’t play yesterday”. It took a lot of courage for you to do so, but you were sure the courage came from not knowing Seokjin face-to-face. If you were to see him in person after saying all of those things, there was no doubt you would shrivel up into an embarrassed raisin.
Seokjin took a little longer to reply than usual. Instead of seeing his screen name, a spam of a character selling a level 200 weapon for warriors filled the chat box instead. Maybe this was a sign that you needed to stop being so forward with him.
“Awww, okay then stay uwu.”
Seokjin scrambled around a blocked his screen with his hands. He whipped his head to the side and found Yoongi peering over his shoulder.
“Y-Yoongi, when did you get back?” Seokjin stammered.
“Just now. Aren’t you going to press enter?” Yoongi stepped away from Seokjin’s breathing space and took a seat on his own bed. “And what the hell is an uwu?”
“It’s a way to express, uh, extreme ador--no, just google it!” He learned the phrase from you a few weeks ago and at first, he was just as confused as Yoongi was.
Seokjin took another quick glance at Yoongi who was struggling to kick his converse off his feet and hit the “enter” key on his laptop. 
Within minutes, you replied.
Y0urnam3: btw can you help me farm for some mesos? I still can’t believe i got scammed yesterday
Seokjin didn’t do anything to hide the smile on his face. Why was the word “uwu” so amusing to him? It was probably because it made you seem a lot cuter than what he originally thought.
In the next hour, Seokjin met up with you help you gain back the mesos you lost. After everything, the two of you circled back to Henesys and stood at a random spot in an empty channel.
Eatjean: Brb ya boi needs a snack lol
He stood up from his chair and retreated to a small table in the room that he and Yoongi dubbed as the snack corner.
“Still playing?” Yoongi asked from behind his laptop screen.
“Yeah. We’re waiting for a few friends so we can LPQ.” Seokjin ripped open a bag of sweet corn balls, sending a few flying to the floor. Just as he bent down to pick up the pieces, he caught Yoongi’s eyes staring at him. “What?”
“I have literally no idea what you just said, but go off I guess.” Yoongi went back to typing away on his laptop. “Oh yeah, before I forget, you’re coming this weekend right?”
Seokjin took a quick second to think about what plans he possibly had this weekend, but nothing came to mind.
“What’s happening this weekend?”
“Dude, Jimin’s party? Penthouse in the city?”
It finally clicked in his brain that Jimin’s uncle lent Jimin his penthouse for the weekend as an early birthday present. Seokjin was invited last week along with Yoongi and they were given strict instructions by Jimin to clear their schedule for Saturday night.
Was it selfish for Seokjin to want to stay back at his dorm and talk to you all night? There was no doubt that Yoongi would agree to go because he has been complaining the entire week about “needing a fucking drink because fuck this lesson plan”. With Yoongi gone for that evening, that meant Seokjin could laugh to his heart’s content all by himself.
“I--” Seokjin dragged on. “I don’t know. I might just stay here and relax.”
“Relax my ass.” Yoongi said in a joking tone. “Seokjin, you’re going. It’s just one night out. Y/n is not going to disappear all of a sudden.”
Of course Yoongi was right. It was just one night off campus and having a drink with his friends was a plan that was long overdue. But Seokjin liked you too much, so it was normal to want to talk to you as much as possible.
Seokjin sighed quietly. An unnecessary battle between the two choices flooded his mind. Going to the party was obviously the answer that settled at the tip of his tongue.
But y/n… ugh but Jimin...
“Fine, okay. I’ll go, I’ll go.” Seokjin lifted his hands in the air in defeat. 
There was no point in telling you about the party because just as Yoongi mentioned, you weren’t going to disappear into thin air. Plus, Seokjin wasn’t your boyfriend. He had no business in telling you every single thing that he was going to be doing.
Eatjean: Okay, back
Eatjean: Sorry my roommate was just telling me about his day
Seokjin waited a few minutes before receiving your reply.
Y0urnam3: ohhhhh this is the teacher’s assistant right?
Y0urnam3: how was his day?
Y0urnam3: and how was yours too!! i forgot to ask lol
He smiled and danced his fingers along his keyboard.
Eatjean: That’s the one! And he’s in desperate need for a drink
Eatjean: My day was alright. We’re already preparing for midterms so that’s a bummer
After hitting “enter”, Seokjin pressed the F4 button on his keyboard making his character have a crying facial expression.
Talking to you was always easy. He never felt the need to force a conversation with you because you both shared the same interests and had an understanding school schedule. If there was a chance where he could meet you in person, he was so sure that it would also be just as easy.
For the next two hours, Seokjin aided you in farming for mesos until the party was full to complete a few rounds of the party quest. Even if his eyes may have gotten dry and his back was tight, he enjoyed the time he spent with you.
Y0urnam3: okay seokjin it is LATE and ya girl needs to sleep
Seokjin frowned.
Eatjean: Already T__T
Y0urnam3: i know in sory
Y0urnam3: im sorry****
Y0urnam3: ive been keeping all school related stuff on the back burner and i need to get accepted into the nursing program i told u about
“Ah..right.” Seokjin muttered to himself.
Eatjean: Pls focus on school too!! Trying to become a cardiologist isnt a walk in the park either so i understand
Eatjean: Study hard and get some rest y/n
After receiving your reply filled with words of encouragement for Seokjin to also study hard, he finally shut off his laptop and flopped onto his bed. Since school was a huge priority for you, this probably meant you were going to spend more time hitting the books and using your computer for actual research purposes.
“If only we had each other’s instagram handles or something.” Seokjin groaned and waited for a response from Yoongi.
The room stayed silent and when he turned around, Yoongi was sitting in his chair with his head tilted backwards and had a red pen tucked behind his ear. His desk was cluttered with debris of papers and his laptop was wide open with what seemed to be an answer key.
Seokjin stared at his sleeping friend for a while. “Yeah. He needs a fucking drink.”
“Okay, bitches. Clear your schedules. We are going to get crazy tomorrow..” A mutual friend of you and Irene, Seulgi, dropped her binder and textbook on top of the table where you and Irene were studying.
“Crazy?” Irene questioned. “Really?”
Seulgi dropped herself into the seat next to you and sighed. “No, I’m kidding. I just wanted to invite you guys to my dorm tomorrow to have a study session and a few glasses of wine.”
“Ugh. I’m in. I have been crazed this whole week and I need the alcohol.” You shut your textbook and rubbed your temples.
“Are you sure? You’re not going to isolate yourself and play Maplestory—and I mean that in the nicest way possible.” Irene reached over and clasped your hands with hers.
You laughed knowing there may have been notes of bitterness in her words. “Yes honey, I’m sure. Both Seokjin and I have mountains of work that we’ve been putting off so I don’t know when’s the next time we’re going to be online together.”
Seulgi raised her eyebrows and leaned closer to your shoulder. “And how is it going with Mr. Eatjean? Are you two going to get married in Amoria yet?”
You snorted and gently pushed Seulgi’s head away from your breathing space. To your surprise, Irene laughed along understanding what Seulgi was talking about; she never played the game but you talked about it so much with her that she caught on some of the terminology that was used.
Unfortunately, what you said was the truth. You haven’t been able to play Maplestory in a while and you really missed talking to Seokjin. It wasn’t easy being in the medical field, but you had to give your future career some of your attention at some point.
When Seulgi invited you two over for a study session, you imagined having a few glasses of wine while listening to jazz and getting a lot of work done. However, none of that happened.
Just when the three of you were settled in Seulgi’s room, almost ready to pull out the wine cork, Seulgi receives a very delightful phone call from a friend. Next thing you knew, you were carefully applying lip gloss in the backseat of an uber and Irene was racking her brain over whether or not she wanted to unbutton the first three buttons of her top.
“Ugh, just do it already! Jihyo is going to be there tonight that’s why!” Seulgi gently tugged on Irene’s hand who was holding onto yours. “And y/n, stop pulling the skirt down. That skirt was meant to be that short.”
“I know, but oh my God, the exposure!” You tugged at the end of the black pencil skirt Seulgi let you borrow.
“Sooyoung, should’ve let us know ahead of time about these plans.” Irene complained.
“At least this is way better than studying—hey, Sooyoung!” Seulgi called out.
Sooyoung met the three of you at the elevator and hastily rushed you all down the long hallway that was filled with gorgeous college students. You all entered a doorway that was also filled with students who were either already wasted or making their way towards that level. Some of the students were familiar to you and others were definite strangers; Sooyoung seemed to know most of them.
“Girl, where is your brother anyway? We have to at least greet him happy birthday first.” Irene tippy toed to get a good look of the people in the kitchen.
“He’s in here somewhere. Let’s just find him later.” Sooyoung began pouring vodka into shot cups while you poured sprite into four other cups.
“You know, I keep forgetting you have a brother.” You spoke over the mixed sounds of music and voices of people. “Why don’t you two just go to the same university?”
“Well, you know how it is. Siblings, different majors, scholarships, blah blah blah.” Sooyoung brushed passed the subject and handed out the shots and chasers. “Come on, you girls need to catch up, especially Irene because Jihyo looks hot as fuck tonight—to Jihyo!”
Sooyoung raised her shot cup and while you and Seulgi complied with the cheer, Irene begged you all to tune it down. Although she did mutter, to Jihyo, before gulping down her vodka.
You, Seulgi, and Sooyoung were huddled in one part of the living room to keep an eye on Irene who seemed to be a bit more confident in talking to her crush; all thanks to some liquid courage.
The entire floor was covered with people making it almost impossible to not bump into anyone.
“Oh! Sorry!” You yelled over music. “This place is so boujee! If I ever lived here, I would never leave.”
Seulgi laughed and nudged your shoulder. “Penthouse or not, you never leave your dorm anyway!”
“Ooh! Is it because of that game you’re playing? How is that dude-guy anyway?” Sooyoung slurred.
You scrunch your nose and helped your drunk friend sit down on a nearby chair. “How much did you drink before we arrive?”
Sooyoung gently tugged on your pencil skirt. “Answer me question. When are you and denim jeans getting married in Amoria?”
Seulgi threw a fit of laughter as she explained to Sooyoung that she said the exact same thing.
“We are not getting married in Amoria. We’re not even in a relationship.” You squished Sooyoung’s cheeks with one hand and took a sip from your mixed drink.
“But why not? It seems like you and sack-jeans are into each other. I say, date!” Sooyoung waved her red cup in the air and you and Seulgi did your best to calm her down. A drunk Sooyoung was something else.
“Honey, you need to relax. It’s only eight in the evening and for your information, his name is Seokjin and we’re just Maplestory buddies right now. We don’t even know what each other looks like.” You stroked Sooyoung’s hair and took another sip of your drink.
“Y/n, just listen to the poor girl and date him!” Seulgi let out a high pitch snicker and gave Sooyoung a high five.
Talking about Seokjin was definitely bringing your mood down. Maybe it was the alcohol messing with your emotions for than usual, but you really missed talking with him.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and you spun around, making eye contact with one of the cutest guys you ever laid your eyes on. He wore a red t-shirt that hugged his broad shoulders and had jet black hair that was styled upward. If his eyes didn't catch your attention, his lips sure did. The only thing wrong with him was that he knew your name and you didn’t recognize him at all.
“Um and you are?” You questioned, readying yourself to perform some sort of self-defense.
“It’s me.” He gestured to himself. “Seokjin.”
Seokjin weaved himself around the kitchen, trying to find a bottle of Grey Goose to refill his drink.
“Damnit, Jimin. How many people do you know?!” Seokjin grunted. “Oh, Joy! Pass me the bottle when you’re done.”
The already-drunk-sister of his friend gave him a thumbs up before filling up the last shot cup and slid the bottle down the counter. Seokjin tried to thank her, but her focus was immediately back to her friends.
“Dude, where’d you go?!” Yoongi bumped into Seokjin, almost making him spill his drink.
“Okay, I know you need this wild ass night, but please relax. This is my favorite shirt. It accents my shoulders.” Seokjin grabbed his friend’s cup to give him a refill.
“Hurry. Namjoon is freestyling in the living room and it’s fucking fire.” Yoongi nudged Seokjin’s arm to make him lead the way into the living room.
Seokjin was more than supportive of his friend’s desire to drink his stress away, but having to deal with Yoongi’s drunk ass plus a few more of his friends was making him wish he was back at his dorm, double clicking the Maplestory icon. But he had to admit, Namjoon was spitting bars.
“Oh! Sorry!”
Seokjin turned around to find one of his friends stumbling over, almost knocking down a group of girls.
“Good grief, Sandeul. Sit here, please.” Seokjin gently forced his friend to sit down on the couch in front of him.
Just a few more hours, Seokjin. Just hold out for a few more hours, then you can drag Yoongi back to the dorm.
“-getting married in Amoria?”
Seokjin chuckled. I guess there are other Maplestory players here.
He didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but he was trying to catch wind of the conversation behind him. However, the music and crowd was too loud to hear most of the conversation.
“-and for your information, his name is Seokjin and we’re just Maplestory buddies for now.”
“Y/n, just listen—”
Huh, Seokjin. That’s my name too- WAIT.
Taking the heavy risk of appearing as a creeper, Seokjin turned around and tapped the girl behind him.
Here goes.
When she turned around, Seokjin was blessed to see the cutest girl he has ever seen.
“Um and you are?”
Seokjin braced himself and pointed to his chest. “It’s me. Seokjin.”
You widen your eyes and Seokjin could tell you weren’t as convinced.
“U-uh, it’s really me. Eatjean? I just helped you farm for more mesos because you were scammed the day before.” Seokjin’s heart was thundering in his chest. The alcohol could’ve also played a role in that, but it was also because he was extremely nervous that the girl right before his eyes was actually a different person.
“Oh my God. Oh my God.” You repeated. “Oh my God, you’re really Seokjin!”
The nervousness was slowly exiting his body once he saw the smile that grew on your face. Thank heavens, it was really you.
“Y-Yeah. It’s me! Wow, I just—I’m—w-wow.” Those words were the only ones that Seokjin could muster.
You let out a snicker and tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear. “I can’t believe—”
“Seokjin?! This is denim jeans?! Date her!” Sooyoung suddenly gripped your shoulders.
“Excuse her. Sooyoung get your shit together for a second please—” Seulgi tugged at Sooyoung to leave you two alone. “Continue!”
Seokjin chuckled and looked over his shoulder to check on his friends who were still invested in freestyling. He then took you by the hand to stand in one part of the living room that had a little less people.
“You’re friends with Jimin’s sister?” Seokjin questioned.
“Yeah! We go to the same university. Why the hell hasn’t she mentioned you to me before?” You sighed sadly.
“I’m actually closer to Jimin.” He explained. “I even forget that her real name is Sooyoung. Jimin only refers to her as ‘Joy.’”
You took a sip out of your drink and nodded your head. “What a small ass world.”
Seokjin stuffed his hand in his pocket and leaned in closer to you. “You wanna get out of here?”
“I told you to not use the scroll! It only had a fifty percent success rate.” You shook Seokjin by the shoulders who was devastated by the choice he made.
At first, you were feeling hints of regret after quickly accepting Seokjin’s invitation because you didn’t know what his intentions were. But he was just as quick to assure you that he wanted to bring you to his dorm to have some pizza and help him with his character’s accessories.
Seokjin was the perfect gentleman, just as you imagined. He gave you some of his clothes to change into so you were comfortable, he even stepped out of his dorm so you could have privacy. He let you sit in his gaming chair while he took a random stool from inside the dorm. When the pizza arrived, he remembered how much you loved pizza crust so he gave you every single one from each slice he took.
If you knew this was the type of guy Seokjin was, you would’ve gave him your instagram a long time ago.
“Hey, cut me some slack. I took a huge risk here.” Seokjin spun you around in his chair. “And I remember a certain someone who spent almost nine hundred thousand mesos on a staff she ended up not needing.”
“Fine, fine. Touche.” You scoffed and jokingly threatened to leave his dorm.
You scanned Seokjin’s desk and saw nothing but textbooks, what seemed to be study guides, and a few empty coffee cups. Being under the same university major umbrella, you understood the mess all too well.
“How’s your studying going?” You asked, tidying up some of his papers.
“Ehhh. I put the dying in studying.” Seokjin joked and you playfully hit his shoulder. “I’ve been up all night for the past few days.”
“Awww, you poor baby.” You ran your fingers through his hair and his eyelids fluttered closed at your touch. “Well, I guess it’s sort of no different from when you’re playing Maplestory with me.”
“Hmmm, I beg to differ. I actually enjoy spending time with you online.” Seokjin sighed happily. “And maybe I can enjoy spending time with you in person this time around?”
You laughed and brought your hands to your face to hide the blush he caused. “Ohhhhh, very smooth, Seokjin.”
“Do you accept this quest?”
You studied Seokjin’s facial features on more time; his big eyes and pouty lips. After knowing each other through an online game, it was only right for you to finally get to know the real Seokjin. 
From what you already knew, he was a sweet man who enjoyed trying new food, doing word search puzzles, and taking every opportunity presented to him to make some sort of pun. He could be a bit cheesy and a bit dorky, but it was all endearing. And because of all the time you’ve spent reading his cheesy lines through your laptop screen, the next words that came out of your mouth was just as cheesy and dorky, but it fit the moment.
“Quest accepted.”
♡ rae jagi
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luciousmafloy · 5 years
First Love [pt. 1]
Luka Couffaine x Reader
my first story! yay! i hope it doesn't suck!
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Soo, a few things you need to know:
1. English is not my native language so i'll probably do some mistakes lmao
2. your character is a German who moved to paris
3. french is written in english and when your character speaks german i will write it in german with the translation after it
4. i will 'use' the villains for my story not in chronological order- i hope you don't mind and understand what i just wrote lol
5. yeet
your pov
i stood in my new room. it wasn't fully decorated but it already looked comfy and cozy. i sat down on my grey couch and picked up my phone to text my friend f/n.
we were in Paris now for only three days and i already miss her like hell. on of my fears is that i won't make any friends here. That would suck.
"the food is ready!", i hear my mom shouting for me and my little sister.
even though we are germans my parents speak french with us, so we can improve our french. i think i'm good at the language but i'm not perfect. my sisters french isn't that good so my parents sent her to a special school, where she'll learn the language. she dumb lol. no, my sister is actually really smart. She once won a math competition in 5th grade. I could never. my math is horrible.
anyway , i walked down the stairs and sat down on a chair. It's weird that the house where we live now is our new home. it feels a bit strange, but i will get used to it by time.
"s/n, your bus will drive at 7:35 please get up tomorrow timely"
my sister gave my mom a no-shit-sherlock look and i started laughing.
"fine", she said.
"when you want to improve your french, you have to speak more than one word", i told s/n.
"i can speak french when i want to", my sister said.
"it doesn't matter. Stop it please", your mother interrupted us. she hates when we argue like that, but i can't help it.
after dinner i went to my room and turned on the tv. I found nothing interesting to watch so i decided to watch the news. I need to know at least a bit about my new home town.
the friendly red-haired news lady told something about akumas and ladybug and chat noir.
i already knew the heroes of paris, they looked pretty cool in their animal-like costumes but doesn't the spandex feel weird on their skin? when i meet them, i could ask them this. but no, probably not, that would be weird.
they showed an interview with the akuma victim. the victim was a sweet man who sells ice cream. friendly and genuine persons like him get akumatised too? okay, that is scary... i hope i won't get akumatised, i don't wanna hurt people.
after watching the news, and texting my friend f/n about this strange akuma stuff, i found a funny show to watch for the rest of the evening.
~ the next day ~
my alarm clock played my favorite song at exactly 7:15 am. my sister had to get up earlier than me, because she has to take the bus to get to school when i can easily walk to school.
i stayed a few minutes in my warm bed but after my mom yelled at me i got up and ate breakfast.
"and? excited for school? hell, even i am excited, for both of you!", my mom says to me while she drank her tea.
"yeah, but i'm scared. what when they all think i'm weird and avoid me?"
i'm definitely not the person who just wanders to people and strikes up a conversation with them. nope.
i'm the kind of person who stands alone and watches other people having fun, and then feels bad about themselfes.
"then you have to come ouf of your comfort zone and talk to people"
"ja, weils auch so einfach ist", i mumbled. (yeah, because it's so easy)
"oh, don't be a sissy. now get up and change your clothes and brush your teeth. you have to go in 20 minutes!"
"yes, mother", i said while saluting and pretending her to be my boss.
i walked upstairs to my room and picked out my favorite clothes. i feel a bit confident when i wear them, maybe it'll help me.
after brushing me teeth and doing my skin care routine i grabbed my backpack from the floor and walked downstairs to my mom.
my dad has already left for work, he always leaves early and comes back late.
"mama, ich hab wirklich angst", i said to her. (mom, i'm really scared)
"das schaffst du schon. wenn du heute keine freunde findest, dann eben morgen. versuch einfach ganz normal zu sein, dann kann nichts schiefgehen"
(you got this. if you make no friends today, you will make some tomorrow. just try to be normal then nothing bad can happen)
i smiled at my mother. she is good at cheering me up, that's one of the many reasons why i love her so much. even though she can get pretty strict sometimes.
"thanks, mom. i needed that"
my mom gave me a hug, i felt good. i love hugging people, but i'm often too shy to do it.
"oh my- i have to go now if you want to be on time!", my mom said nervously.
i think she is more anxious than me. anyway, i said goodbye to her and left our house.
i think i know the way to my new school. my parents walked the whole way with me yesterday and even if i don't have it memorized, then why does google maps exist?
on my way i put on my earplugs and listened to my favorite music. music really helps me calming myself down. i was so nervous. the students in my home town didn't really liked me. i had some 'friends' yeah, but without f/n i wouldn't have survived all my school years. i really miss her and i hope i find a f/n in paris.
when i walked into school i looked around. there were many students chattering and having fun, even though its the first day after school holidays.
i checked the time, 10 minutes until the class starts. i better search for the classroom.
with my schedule in my hands i walked up the stairs, looking for my room. i felt a bit lost, there were many students and it scared me.
"hey, do you need help?", i heard a sweet voice saying behind me.
i turned around and saw a small girl, with blond short hair and the biggest blue eyes i've ever seen.
"ähm- ah, yeah. i-i can't find my classroom"
great. why can't i form a single sentence to a stranger without stuttering?
"well, can i see your schedule?", the girl asked smiling. she is really nice.
i handed her the schedule i just got yesterday and bite my lips.
"ah! we're in the same class! juleka come here, it's the new girl!"
a girl with dark clothes came up to us. she looked like the complete opposite of the girl before me, but the fact that they are friends or maybe a couple (who knows?) is super cute.
"hi", said juleka and stood beside the sweet girl.
"that's great! we're gonna get along just fine, i know it! i'm rose, that's juleka and your name is?"
rose and juleka started walking and i followed them.
"i'm y/n. it's nice to meet you guys"
i really hope they will stick with me today. and tomorrow, i hope they are going to be my friends, because they seem really nice and i don't think i will meet other people so easily and fast like that.
"madame bustier told us that you are german! but your french is so good, i didn't even notice a accent. do you already like it here?"
rose talkes a lot. it's cute.
"thank you and yeah.. it feels weird to live here now, but i like it"
rose smiles. "that's nice to hear. look, we're here, our classroom!"
rose opened the door and i walked in behind juleka. there were a few students already here.
i noticed a girl with blue hair who was talking to another girl with brown hair. in front of these two sat a boy who listened to music.
"you can sit behind juleka and me, if thats okay?", rose asked me.
juleka already sat down on her place and looked calmly out of the window.
"yeah, yeah. that's good"
i walked up, but a girl with blond hair stopped me.
"look sabrina, the new german girl is here. they clearly don't have clothing stores in germany, when i see what you are wearing", she said and her friend faked a laugh.
"why do you care about my clothes?", i asked her.
"they look horrible, just like marinette's", the girl shrugged.
"chloé, just because no one except you can afford designer clothes doesn't mean you can pick on us!", the blue-haired girl shouted angry. i think she was about to slap chloé or something because her friend held her back.
chloé simply turned away and started to whisper with her friend.
"i'm sorry about that, but- that's chloé", marinette said to me in a sad tone.
"oh, it's fine. it's not your fault", i told her.
marinette smiled and the girl behind her leaned forward. "hi, i'm alya"
"and i'm marinette, it's nice to meet you. madame bustier has told us about you"
honestly, why are they all so nice? is this some kind of fanfiction or what-
"name's y/n", i smiled.
then a boy entered the class, causing marinette to stare at him. ah, someone has a crush. alya sent me a knowing smile, while she rolled her eyes. i just giggled and walked up to my place behind juleka and rose.
"i heard what chloé said, i'm sorry. she is like that with everyone", rose sighed.
"it's okay. i'm just glad not everyone here is like her"
"me too", agreed juleka.
"i hope she will drop that mean attitude", rose said.
a woman walked into the room and was instantly greeted by every student. it was madame bustier, she looked friendly. i hope she is as friendly as she looks like. "ah, y/n i see you've found a place to sit. but you are alone, how about you take a seat with rose and juleka?". everyone turned to me and i felt uncomfortable.
"ähm- yes, madame?", i said while grabbing my backpack and standing up to sit next to rose.
the class laughed, even madame bustier giggled. "you don't have to call me madam, y/n"
i nooded and said a quiet 'okay'.
what a start.
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doe-s-labyrinth · 5 years
Noche Estrellada
Noche Estrellada | Javier x F!Latino!Reader | Oneshot
This fic is all thanks to @curlyfriesworld - I hope you like it, and I’m sorry it took so long!
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, racial slur, smut
Word Count: 7,355
Note: You can avoid the smut - the beginning and end of it is marked by ‘#’.
I also apologize for any misuse of the Spanish language - I mostly used google translate so I’m sorry if it's butchered.
The sun rays shone down on your face, the curtains that framed your window blowing in the slight breeze. A soft, sleepy murmur left your lips as you were slowly awakened from your sleep. The soft playing of a guitar stirred you awake, your eyelids slowly opening before quickly closing again from the harsh light of the sun. A grunt of harmless malice left your lips as you sat up, stray hairs falling in your face as your arms moved to stretch.
Elegant fingers moved upwards to brush the stray hairs out of your face as you moved to stand, your nightgown that covered your body was wrinkled from your sleep. Your eyes moved to the window as you listened to the music - its sound was clearer now that you’d shaken some of the remnants of your slumber. The soft playing sounded familiar, but you couldn’t pinpoint its location as you peaked out from your window, gazing out at the many fields of the farm you lived on.
You figured it was one of the ranch hands on their break despite it being, at the very least 8am. The music calmed your morning as you moved to get ready - washing your face and brushing your dark hair back before finally dressing into something more appropriate than your nightgown.
“Hun, are you up?” You heard your mother’s voice call for you as you finished pulling on a pair of socks. You were quick to leave your room and walk down the stairs to greet her,
“Yes, mama.” You greeted her kindly. The American woman shot you a smile, her thin blonde hair was tied back in a messy bun as she worked over the stove, cooking breakfast.
“Ah - that smells divine, mi amor.” The voice of your father chimed as he walked into the kitchen,
“How’s the foal?” Your mother asked your father - one of the mares and given birth the night before, and your father had been busy taking care of the duo.
“He’s a fiery little stud.” The Spanish man chided, “reminds me of someone we know.” He teased as his gaze flicked to you for a second before ruffling your hair, taking his seat at the end of the table. “We had another visitor last night,” He started as your mother laid a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him. He thanked her with a kiss before beginning to dig into his breakfast.
“Oh really? Was it the salesman from before? You told him that we’re not selling the farm didn’t you?” Your mother asked as she put a plate down before you, you thanked her with a nod before eating a mouthful of the food. Your father shook his head as he chewed before answering her question,
“No no - it was the Escuella boy, Javier.” Your father chided as he ate his food. Your head instantly raised at his words - swallowing your barely chewed mouthful before listening in completely, “Asked if he could help out for a week or two.”
“I haven’t seen him in years.” Your mother’s voice held a tone surprise at the mention of the man, but you were eager to know more,
“Did you say yes?” Your words were rushed, catching your father off guard for a second as his gaze moved to you. You realized how eager you must have looked and pulled your excitement back in for a second, clearing your throat and straight in your seat.
“I couldn’t see why not,” Your father said after swallowing another mouthful of his breakfast, “He’s camped up in the barn right now.” You stood abruptly at his words, catching your parents attention as they stared at you with confused eyes.
“Excuse me for a minute, Mama, Papa.” You quickly apologized for your rudeness but quickly rushed out the door before they could say anything more.
Your actions even surprised you - but like your mother said, it had been years since you’d last seen the man you were currently accommodating. The sound of the guitar reached your ears once more as you headed towards the barn, passing and briefly greeting the farmhands as you walked by. Many of them watched after you, curious to see the cause of your hurry as you walked into the barn.
The music was much louder now and you could hear the man’s quiet humming from the floor above you. You tried peaking at him from where you stood, but he was hidden behind the many bales of hay. You bit your lip as you moved over to the ladder - your heartbeat was noticeably quicker as you climbed.
The Hispanic man slowly came into view as you climbed, his gaze was concentrated on his guitar as he played. He was comfortably leaned back against one of the hay bales, his legs crossed and a cigarette hanging from his lips. You admired him for a moment - your breath absently catching in your throat as you stared at your old friend.
He was older now - and life had definitely been kind with his looks. His slight stubble and the facial hair he’d let grow framed his lips - the smoke that silently raised from his cigar fit his aesthetic pleasingly. His sense of style hadn’t changed - his clothes giving him a sophisticated yet charming air, and the way his piercing brown eyes lit up when they met yours caused your heart to melt.
“Erizo?” His nickname for you caused a flurry of nostalgic memories to enter your mind. The cigarette fell from his lips in surprise, and his playing had immediately ceased. He stamped the lit end out quickly - and you had to stop the tears the brimming from falling at the sight of him.
“Javier,” Your voice was soft and gentle - a sheer contrast to your usual wildfire self. You made quick work of the rest of the steps as Javier raised to his feet, resting his guitar against the hay bales before turning back to you and engulfing you in a tight, friendly hug.
It only lasted a few seconds, but you hugged him back just as warmly, even his smell was nostalgic - and you could have sworn it was the same Javier you’d met almost eight years ago if it weren’t for the strong smell of smoke that mixed in with his usual spiced aroma.
“Erizo - you’ve grown so much.” His words were laced with fondness as he pulled back, his hands staying on your shoulders as he took a good look at you, “and my - you've become a real chica.” He seemed almost shocked, and if it were any other time then you would have playfully hit him and called him an idiot, but you were still starstruck that he was back.
“And you - if it weren’t for all those scars then I’d think you were a real pedazo.” You couldn’t help but joke, causing Javier to break out into a joyful smile,
“You haven’t changed a bit have you, amiga?” He teased, his arms crossing over his chest. You couldn’t help but shake your head in response, your hair moving with your gesture as a happy smile painted your lips. Silence captured the air for a moment, and the two of you stared at one another - it was more comfortable than awkward - until one of the ranch hands climbed up the ladder and ruined your little moment,
“Oh - uh,” Your eyes met Thomas’, missing the piercing look that Javier had shot the poor boy’s way, “I’m sorry Miss - I just had to grab a bale for the horses, I swear it, Miss Arias.” He reasoned quickly, a slight blush on his cheeks as he moved to throw one of the bales down to the ground floor,
“No worries, Thomas.” You forgave him kindly, your eyes flicking back to meet Javier’s who’s gaze instantly softened. “We should really get to... Yeah...” You didn’t want to get to work yet - you wanted to sit and chat with him all day - you both had a lot of catching up to do after all, and you couldn’t help but be curious about the scars that littered him.
“It's alright, Erizo.” He was understanding, agreeing that he should probably get to work too if your father was to let him stay. “I’ll see you soon, Chica.” He winked, causing your tanned cheeks to heat up slightly. You quickly turned away, offering your own quiet goodbye before moving to climb back down the ladder and get started with your day.
“So who is he, exactly?” You overheard one of the ranch hands talk from where you sat milking one of the cow’s. Your head raised in curiosity, peaking over the gate to see two men leaning on the fence of the horse’s field.
“I heard he was chased from Mexico.” One of them mused, another man walked over and chipped into their conversation, “Heard he was associatin’ with some bad people.”
“Isn’t he apart of the Van Der Linde gang? I swear I’ve seen his face plastered all over the West.” The newest member of their conversation said, his words muttered with an edge of dislike.
“Really? Is it safe to have him ‘ere?” The red-haired one spoke, “What if he’s here to scope out the place? Could be trynna steal from Mr. Arias.”
“He wouldn’t dare it - that man saved his life, he did.” A slightly chubbier, bearded American spat - “The boy was dying on the side of the road and Arias took ‘im in an’ he fixed ‘im up.”
Your spine relaxed and your hands rested in your lap as you eavesdropped on their conversation. You already knew that Javier wasn’t apart of the best of crowds - your father knew too, but he would trust Javier with his life. The two had a close friendship ever since that night eight years ago.
You remembered it like it was yesterday - your father had come home carrying the body of a dying Hispanic boy who was covered blood. It was during one of the worst storms of the century, and they were both soaking when your father had placed him on the couch and your mother had rushed to attend his wounds. Why your father had helped him that night you didn’t exactly know, but he’d said it was like a sign. Javier had stumbled out of the woods and landed face first on the street in front of your father - bloodied and beaten and on the verge of death itself.
Javier had recovered fairly quickly - but he stuck around for a while after the incident. He owed your father his life after all, and Javier had little means to apologize apart from working for him whenever he could. The two of you had become extremely close friends in the time you had spent together. You had to change his bandages after all, and with no one else to speak to apart from your parents and the ranch hands, it was nice to have a new person around.
He’d told your father that he’d been jumped by a gang - but you weren’t stupid. The way he’d struggled to come up with a reason was evidence enough, and your sure that your father didn’t believe him either, but he didn’t bother to question him.
Javier had told you the truth one night when the two of you were sharing stories in the barn. Your endless questioning had gotten him to spill his guts - and he’d told you in a way that you were sure was meant to make you scared of him.
“I travel with gangs. I murder people out of spite and steal from the weak. One of the rival gangs found my camp one night and jumped me. I should have been dead.” His cold gaze pierced your curious orbs. He was expecting you to be frightened - to run away and tell your father of the bad man you were keeping. But you stayed, sitting on your knees before him with wide, innocent eyes.
“You’re not all bad, Javier...” You said quietly, the boy before you envied your innocent bliss. His gaze softened on you, his head tilting to one side as his eyes that had seen so much bloodshed and loss gazed into your pure irises.
“We strive for good. We want to change the world for the better, but...” He started once he’d realized that he wouldn’t be able to scare you away that easily, “If we have to fight, we fight. If we have to run, we’ll run, if we must die, we’ll die, but...” he trailed off, his eyes moving to look at the full moon. The large open window of the barn’s second floor gave a pleasant view of the moon above the mountain treetops,
“We’ll always be free.”
His words had held so much sincerity and sentiment that they’d stayed with you ever since. You could never shake the look he held as the moon shined on his face - it had touched your heart, but also made you realize just how much you didn’t know about him - and how much you might never know about him.
But he’d suddenly left one night a few months after his arrival before you ever got the chance to know. There was no note or goodbye - just a pile of money left on the dining table and a missing horse the next morning. His departure had saddened you, but now he was back, and you were eager to get to know him all over again.
The men soon walked away, carrying on with their conversation as they left. But it had made you think - just what exactly had Javier gotten up to in the time you’d been apart? Eight years was a long time - but you couldn’t help but feel a part of you feel whole again with his presence in your life. He seemed exactly the same with the brief reunion you’d had - more mature maybe, but he was still the Javier you knew, right?
Your eyes caught sight of the glow of a campfire from your room that night. Peaking out from your window, you saw the many ranch hands sat around the open blaze - it must have been that time of week again. They usually had one night of relaxation where they all caught up with each other and let loose for a little while. You’d sometimes join them, and with the chance of Javier being amongst them, you quickly rushed out to join them.
Your mother watched you speed out with a few confused blinks as she processed your eager air. She’d never seen you so quick to join them around the fire, but she didn’t question it as she returned to reading her book.
You were quick to join the men, their loud chatter could be heard from up to a mile away, but you didn’t mind it. You spotted Javier laughing with another man from where he sat on an upturned box, smoke in his hand and a beer beside his feet.
His eyes instantly met yours as you neared, they softened slightly yet still held an air of question. You only offered him a friendly smile as you took a seat on the end of a log, Thomas sat beside you and greeted you quietly as you listened to their ongoing conversation,
“I swear to god it was the size of a boat!” One of the already drunk men boasted, “It had to be the legendary bear - I swear it!” He was adamant, his arms wide open to try and convince them of the bear’s size, “Look, he even did this to me!” A chubby finger pointed at the large scar that ran down his face. A few of the men made a few comments, ‘it couldn’t’ve been that big’, ‘how’d you get away?’, ‘liar.’ But the man just waved them off before taking a large swig of his beer.
Another man spoke up to tell his tale after the drunkard had finished. The new story was about how he’d ended up at the farm, running from some gang until your family had offered him work and a place to lay low for a while.
Javier’s gaze subtly flicked to you as you listened to the man’s tale. The flickering of the fire reflected in your orbs only caught his admiration as he really looked at you - you’d really grown into yourself in his absence, and you’d become just as beautiful as your mother with her spirit and your father’s flare.
Your eyes caught his after a few minutes, and he shot you his personal charming smile which you gladly returned with a kind one of your own. Both of your eyes lingered for a few moments, undisturbed until Thomas tapped your arm and asked you how your day had been.
But Javier’s gaze on you lingered for a few moments more.
“(y/n),” The familiar rough voice met your ears. You had to suppress the sigh from leaving your lips as you turned from where you stood, leaned against the fence. Your eyes strayed from the newborn foal to the burly American man who wasn’t much older than you.
“Good evening, Mr. Grace.” Your body was stiff as you faced him, your eyes meeting his - his green orbs squinted from the sunlight, his slight crow's feet showing. He was quite a bit taller than you with a large but muscular build, his sleeves rolled up to reveal his protruding biceps. Your eyes trailed his sharp jawline, up to his freshly cut hair that had been messed up after a day of work.
“How many times have I told you? Its just James.” His words had an edge of a command, contradicting the charmingly kind smile that lay on his thin lips. You swallowed thickly at his words, your back pressing against the fence as he took a step closer,
“How about we go to the theatre in Saint Denis together? I hear the magician is amazing.” James moved to lean against the fence beside you, your eyes followed him. You couldn’t lie - James was quite an attractive man who usually had no trouble with women, but his personality could be quite vile.
“Saint Denis is a five day trip from here, and you know I have to work.” Your excuses were valid - yet the click of his tongue made them feel weak. He leaned over you, his head tilting slightly, “Your game of hard to get is overdone, Princess.” His words were low and laced with an underlying threat.
Your teeth clenched, a frown appearing on your soft lips as your hand reached out, pushing him away as you stepped back, “Hard to get? I’m not interested, Mr. Grace.” You spat, eyebrows furrowed in disgust.
“Oh don’t lie to me.” He growled, face contorted to reveal his rising anger, “Its that new greaser isn’t it? I’ve heard about your past with him,” the slur felt like a stab in the heart, but James carried on, “it doesn’t matter if you’re used, hun. I’d still work you.” His true colors revealed themselves to be dark and murky.
You stared him down, lips slightly parted in utter disgust. A snide smile spread across his lips as he stared you down, your head shook and your jaw clenched, and before you knew it - you were slapping the larger man across the face.
Your hand stung and tears burned at your eyes as you turned away, walking quickly to get away from the vile brute. James stared after you for a moment, expression dark as his head to spit into the grass, muttering curses under his breath as he moved to return to his work.
The Hispanic man smirked from where he sat in his little nook in the barn, his eyes still following the man who had disgraced you. He sat, mind burning with possible ways to make the brute pay for his actions, his knife chipping away at a wood block in his hand.
“How are you doing today, Bonita?” Javier called out to you, making his way towards you from across the field. You couldn’t help but smile at his words, your eyebrows furrowing slightly despite the remnants of a blush on your cheeks.
“Another day, another chore.” You said, holding the bucket of feed in your arms slightly higher, “how are you, Javi?” Javier’s smile only grew at your use of a nickname. He reached out and took the bucket of feed from you, walking alongside you as you headed towards the chicken coop,
“Much better now that you’re awake, Chica.” His smooth words surprised you - yet your heart beat picked up at his flirt. You didn’t quite know how to respond as you approached the coop, taking the feed off of Javier and tossing it on the ground for the chickens to eat.
“You’re in a nice mood today,” You commented, but you weren’t complaining by any means as you put the bucket down and faced the man, “Estas enfermo?” you asked, reaching out to feel his forehead and make sure he was feeling well, but his hand caught yours and intertwined your fingers. He shot you a wink before speaking,
“If I say no, will you be the one to take care of me?” He teased, causing you to roll your eyes and remove your hand from his. He laughed at your actions, and the pleasant sound was like music to your ears as you watched him, your cheeks a sheer red against your tanned skin and a smile tugged its way at your lips.
“Javier, come help me with this, amigo!” The voice of your father boomed, Javier’s head flicked to meet the sight of him.
“I’ll see you soon, Chica.” Javier gave his short farewell, sending you a wink before he walked off to meet your father, leaving you standing next to the chicken coop with red cheeks and an erratic heartbeat.
Javier’s compliments and pet names carried on for the next few days, causing your heart to beat out of your chest with each sweet thing he said to you. He had truly dampened your usual wild flames with his endless flirting, and you would argue, but you loved every moment of it.
You wouldn’t deny that your feelings for Javier had often been more than friendship - you’d even thought that he’d felt the same for a brief time before his disappearance all those years ago. Yet you had no idea if he was just playing with you or if he was serious.
Your mind was filled with him as you stared out at the horses, sitting on the fence in thought with your legs swinging. Your eyes caught sight of James talking to two other men - pointing towards the cows and yelling at them for something or other. His head turned, and his eyes met yours for only a second - but that was all you needed to see the new addition to his looks.
Your breath caught and you couldn’t help but stare at the large cut along his face - it looks deep, and the stitches were obvious even from your distance. Your lips parted in shock as you stared - but James didn’t hold your gaze, quickly looking away as soon as he’d seen you. It was odd for him - he’d usually stare until it made you uncomfortable, but now he seemed quick to try and get away from even the sight of you. You knew it was bad - but your lips couldn’t help but slyly smirk at the damage he had suffered, karma had certainly caught up to the vile man.
“Bella Dama,” The Spanish words reached your ears, causing you to turn to the speaker with a soft smile. Javier met your kind eyes with infectious joy, causing your heart to race.
“Javier, how are you?” You asked, moving off the fence as he neared. You gazed up at the slim yet muscular man who looked as dashing as ever, adorned with his signature charming smile.
“Amazing, now that I’m with you.” Your eyes flickered away from his for a moment and your mind urged for your cheeks not to blush and reveal your feelings. “I’m about to go fishing actually, you should join me.” His gaze stayed on you as he waited for an answer, and suddenly you felt like a shy little school girl.
“Um - of course, Javier, I’d love to.” You were quick to reply as you smiled up at your old friend - the two of you had barely spent any time together since he’d come back, an evening together was honestly a dream.
He was quick to lead you to his horse, adamant that you rode on Boaz with him instead of taking your own girl for the ride. He helped you onto the back of his horse despite you not needing it, but you couldn’t deny his gentlemanly actions, and holding onto his waist as your rode was quite nice. You could smell his cologne mixed in with his natural scent as you rode, your cheeks blushing as you tried to admire your surroundings and take your mind off the other Spaniard you were currently clinging onto.
“It's a nice little spot - it's not too much further.” He assured you, Boaz’s gentle trotting had begun to lull you into a gentle sleep, but you quickly awoke to Javier’s words.
“It's beautiful up here.” You whispered, your voice quieter than intended, but Javier heard you all the same. He smiled to himself and agreed with you as you gazed out at the view. The two of you had been riding higher into the mountains - it was slightly colder up here, but the snow was still a good few hours of travel away. You couldn’t pull your eyes away from the clear view of New Hanover. Javier rode into a forested area, the trees became slightly thicker but opened up to reveal a beautifully hidden creek. The view was still amazing, and you didn’t want to look away, but you had to as Boaz came to a stop and Javier moved to get off. His arms reached up for you, and with a small laugh, you accepted his help.
He allowed Boaz to freely graze on the fresh grass as he led you to a nice spot on the creek, two fishing rods in his hands. “Beautiful,” He mused, you agreed wholeheartedly as you took one of the fishing rods from him, his gaze staying on you before flicking behind you, “The view is too.”
Your eyes rolled playfully at his comment, “Idiota.” You hushed, causing Javier to send you a side-eyed smirk. You moved away from him.
You placed some cheese on the end of your line as Javier cast his out, you followed suit, your head tilting slightly at the water.
“There’s some great smallmouth here,” Javier said, already catching a bite. Your lips pouted as your eyes watched him reel the bass in easily. You hadn’t even felt a tug on your line - but you barely knew what to do even when a fish caught on. You’d only been fishing once with your father, and that was a good ten years ago now.
“I’m no good at this.” You murmured, Javier’s eyes flicked over to you from where he stood,
“Is it your bait?” He asked, and you shook your head, your cheeks heating up in slight embarrassment.
“I don’t think so...” You trailed off - it wasn’t like you to admit defeat or ask for help, Javier knew this. Your gaze turned determined as you watched where your line lay in the water. You didn’t notice as Javier reeled his line in, placing his rod on the ground before walking up behind you. His back pressed against your chest caused your breath to catch. Your heart skipped a beat as his hands reached out and took yours, bringing the rod closer to your body.
“You should have said something.” You could hear the smirk in his voice as his larger hands moved yours, reeling in your line. You didn’t say anything, your eyes flicking focus on a tree before his hands left yours. He fished something out of his pocket, your hands suddenly feeling cold with the absence of his. He took hold of your line, putting the small body of a cricket onto your hook,
“Crickets?” You asked, your eyes meeting his for a brief moment until he returned to his place behind you,
“Their the best bait for the bass in this creek.” His wise words spoke into your ear, his warm breath hitting your earlobe caused you to shiver. A ghost of a smirk graced Javier’s lips as his hands found yours once more. His chest pressed against your back as he easily maneuvered your body as if you were a rag doll, and your mind went blank as he moved your arms, turning your waist slightly before hoisting the line into the creek. He’d been explaining his moves, telling you the trick to the trade, but his words had gone through one ear and out the other, your mind concentrating on nothing but how close the two of you were.
“And now we wait,” His eyes stayed on the line, his grip on your hands loosened and they absently dropped to your waist, “Keep your body still.” His voice was hushed, his dark eyes moving to your face. Your head turned slightly, slowly, your eyes meeting his. Your faces were close - extremely close, and you couldn’t help but glance down at his perfect lips, Javier’s eyes watched yours before doing the same. You could feel yourself slowly leaning in, Javier stayed still as your eyelids drooped, almost closed.
The line violently jerked, catching your attention - Javier quickly took action, his hands moving to yours once more as he helped you reel the fish in,
“Let him tire himself out,” He said, but you weren’t listening, your hands limp on the rod as he moved them. Your cheeks were a deep red as your mind played over the scene that had just happened. “Alright - now reel him in.” He said once the fish had stopped struggling, you followed his words in a fluster - embarrassment fuelling your actions.
“Nice catch!” Javier cheered as he helped you pull the fish out of the water, it was quite a large bass, causing the embarrassment you had felt to quickly disappear. A wide smile replaced the slight frown on your lips as you stared at the catch, pulling it onto the rock you were stood on. Javier moved away from you, unhooking the fish and holding it up, “Well done, Chica.” He smiled at you proudly,
“It was mostly you-” You started, but he shook his head, the smile staying on his lips as he gazed at you,
“But you’ll be a fishing champ in no time.” His supportive words warmed your heart, his eyes moved to the view behind you, and you followed his gaze to see the sun beginning its descent into the sky.
“We should set up camp, these will make a lovely dinner.”
You’d helped Javier set up camp, and he’d quickly built a fire. You’d sat together talking about the years you’d missed one another as you watched the setting sun. Javier had shown you how to get all the good meat off the bass you’d caught before cooking it over the open flames. It had actually tasted amazing after Javier added some spices onto the otherwise bland meal, and you couldn’t help but admire his knowledge of survival.
The fire still roared as you sat on your bedroll, gazing up at the stars that now plagued the sky in a beautiful array of colors. Your eyes moved to Javier who sat on his own bedroll beside you, his guitar in his arms as his fingers silently strummed at the different strings before moving up to tune them. You held his spare poncho closer to you - he’d insisted you wear it after he’d seen you shivering, and it was the most comforting thing you’d ever worn. It smelled of him, and you couldn’t help but hold it close as you watched him.
The cigarette burned at his lips as he inhaled the smoke, taking one last puff before flicking the stub away. His eyes flicked to you briefly as he strummed at the strings, and your heart practically melted at the sound of his voice,
Besame mucho
Como si fuera ésta noche
La última vez.”
His eyes stayed on his guitar as he sang, briefly flickering up to see your face. You couldn’t help but smile, your heart felt like it was exploding for this man.
“Besame, besame mucho
Que tengo miedo a perderte
Perderte después.”
You had to wipe at the tears brimming your eyelids as he sang - his voice was so beautiful, and you couldn’t help but giggle at the way he spoke the lyrics, slightly exaggerated but still sincere. He sang perfectly until about halfway through the song when he couldn’t help but giggle, the goofy smile on his lips only caused yours to widen.
His hands stopped playing and his head raised, his eyes moving to meet yours. The goofy smile stayed, and his eyes moved to the ground briefly. He felt slightly embarrassed - or vulnerable, he wasn’t quite sure, but he had practically placed his feelings on a silver platter for you to do as you wished with.
“Javier-” You started but didn’t quite know what to say. Your heart was so touched - fluttering to a point that it almost hurt. Your chest swelled and your lips smiled the widest they ever had before. His eyes met yours once more, admiring how the flames of the fire flickered in their reflection. Your hand reached out and took one of his, holding onto his loosely as his other moved to put the guitar on the floor.
His lips formed a thin line as his eyes gazed into yours in a searching manner, his hand squeezed yours as he sucked in his lips for a second,
“I understand if you don’t feel the same-” He started, his eyes didn’t meet yours until you shook your head,
“No, Javier- I-” You didn’t know how to explain it, so before your thoughts could talk you out of it, you leaned forward, cupping cheek with your free hand and pulled him to meet your lips. Neither of you moved for a second, and your heart stopped beating for just a moment until he got over his shock and started to kiss you back. The kiss was slow and gentle - his hand squeezed yours before he released it and moved closer.
You broke the kiss, Javier leaning in slightly, immediately missing the feeling. You caught your breath, your heart practically exploding in your chest as your eyes locked once more. Your parted lips formed a smile as you gazed at him, and his eyes looked just as lovesick in the light of the fire.
“Mi amor,” Javier whispered, moving off his bedroll and onto yours. You watched his movements as his head blocked out the moon. He looked like a painting amongst the stars as you innocently blinked up at the man who held your heart,
He didn’t have to finish his sentence before you silently nodding, words of sincerity and pure love leaving your lips - a silent promise that you could never break,
“I’m yours.”
Javier didn’t need any more convincing, he leaned down to your level, your eyes flickering to his lips once more as he returned your words,
“And I’m forever yours, mi mundo.”
His lips met yours in another gentle kiss, under the bright stars of that gorgeous night.
Your legs parted and made room for him as he crawled over you, leaning you down onto your bedroll. Your head hit your makeshift pillow - a folded pair of pants. Javier’s tongue slipped past your lips, grazing yours as you moved into his touch. Your thighs tightened around him as his tongue played with yours, his hands finding yours. His fingers interlocked with your own as he moved them above your head, pinning them to the bed.
His skilled tongue played with your own, causing you to moan into his mouth, a small smirk tugged at his lips, but he didn’t let it ruin the fun. His pants unintentionally ground against you from both your movements, causing your legs to wrap around him tighter. Javier noticed and couldn’t help but push his hips against yours, causing you to squeak in delight.
His smiling was getting out of hand - so he instead moved his lips to place butterfly kisses in a trail leading down your jawline and to your neck where he stopped and kissed slightly harder at the skin,
“Javi-” The nickname left your lips in a gasp and you could feel his lips twitch on your neck, his hands gripped at your wrists and his hips moved against yours even harder. Another gasp left your lips at the feeling of his hardness - you could feel him even through his pants. His own breath was slightly labored against you, only heightening the pleasure that coursed through you.
He attacked your neck with kisses, finding the most sensitive skin based on your breathless moans and nipping at it, repeatedly sucking at the skin and marking you as his. His hips ground harder against your growing wetness.
He pulled away suddenly, leaving you to groan in frustration at the sudden stop of pleasure. He stared down at you with loving eyes, yet a slight seriousness invaded his otherwise lust filled air,
“Are you sure about this, Chica?” He asked, “It's not too quick?” his voice was husky and filled with concern despite his want for you. Your heart yearned for him - he wanted this to be special for you, he didn’t want to rush you or make you feel like you had to go through with it for him.
Your head slowly shook as you sat up, your eyes gazing up at him from where he sat on his knees.
“I’m more than sure, Javier.” You spoke his name so softly, it caused his heart to yell for you. Your hands tugged at his poncho and you pulled him down on top of you once more, your lips meeting his in a much more passionate kiss.
Javier, now completely sure of your desires, moved quickly to unbutton your clothes. Your own hands tugged at his poncho and shirt, and he was more than eager to help you removed them. You gasped at the sight of his shirtless torso - scars littered his tan skin, but you didn’t care one bit as you pulled him to you once more and met him with another lust-filled kiss. Your hands explored his body as he undressed you, his own hands moving up your now naked stomach and up to your plump breasts.
His mouth left yours, littering kisses down your body until he reached the middle of your chest, his eyes flicking to yours briefly as his fingers started to play with your nipples. You gasped as you felt his warm mouth surrounding your left nub, his tongue sparing no time in playing with your hardened skin, causing your legs to squeeze around him and your lips to let out a flurry of gasps.
He treated the other one slightly rougher, gently grazing his teeth over your nipple before leaving a multitude of love bites all over your chest.
He kissed down your abdomen slowly, teasing your impatience before he reached your clothed legs. He wasted no time in taking your pants off, revealing your womanhood. He gazed at you with hunger, his hands hooked under your thighs as he dragged your body closer to his, lifting your knees to rest on his shoulders.
You had no time to think before his lips were kissing at your entrance, his tongue swirling over your slit before focusing on your clit. The bud of nerves sent a wave of pleasure through you, and you had to lay your head back against the bedroll to keep yourself grounded as his skilled tongue pleasured you. He flicked over your bud, swirling his tongue around it before ravaging it with a flurry of movement, causing you to squirm, gasp and moan in his grip. On the verge of your orgasm, he stopped, causing a groan of frustration to leave your lips, your legs squeezing at him, urging him to continue.
Javier shook his head in amusement, “Soon, amor.” he whispered, placing you back down on the bedroll before he moved to take his pants off. Your head raised to see him, and you gasped at the size of his member. It was longer than you had expected - not that you had really thought about it much, and his girth was just right. You mouth salivated at the sight of him, and your holes screamed with want.
Javier smirked down at you, quite cocky now that he was in possession of the thing you wanted - but he wouldn’t tease you - not today when you were both on the brink of losing it. All you wanted was to feel him inside of you - and he wanted nothing more than the two of you two to be connected - mind, bodies, and souls.
His hands hooked around your thighs once more, pulling you closer to his hardened length. Your eyes moved to his as he moved to lean over you once more. Your legs raised to loosely wrap around him, your torso raised, supported by your elbows against the bedroll. One of his hands placed itself on the bedroll, his other moving to the small of your back, his eyes never leaving yours as you both delved into the movement.
His member pressed against your entrance, and your hand raised up, holding his head as you brought him to you, your lips kissing his softly just as he pushed into you. His length parted your lips with ease - easily pushing into you with the amount he’d worked you up before. Your teeth bit at his lip as you let out a gasp of a moan, Javier grunted as your walls tightened around him.
He pushed the entirety of his length in before beginning a short rhythm - drawing out every moment of your time together. Your fingers moved through his hair, tightening your hold on it as he pushed further into you, his hips meeting yours in an experienced thrust. Your lips parted in pleasure as he moved into you, his own lips moving to kiss at your neck once more, going over the sensitive love bites he’d left.
Once you were used to his size, he lay you down and began to move his hips quicker, his mouth kissing at your chest as you moaned, your hands tugging at his hair. Your hips bucked to meet his thrusts and you could feel the heat building in your stomach - the body heat between you warding off the cold night air as the passion rose.
Javier grunted your name, quiet, audible moans leaving his lips compared to yours that filled the night air. His thrusting staggered and the heat built until neither of you could take it anymore. Your hold on him tightened and you hugged his body close as you came, his own climax meeting yours as he let his seed fill your insides, the twitching of his member only sending your senses into overdrive.
You gasped for your breath as the passion died down, Javier’s lips still softly kissing at your skin. Your fingers in his hair loosened their grip, a loving smile adorning your features as his head raised and his eyes met yours. He returned your love as he leaned closer, his lips meeting yours in another soft kiss.
“Te amo,” the words left his lips before he could stop himself, but in the heated moment, you felt just the same,
“Te amo.”
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