#ml x reader
frickingnerd · 3 months
making bracelets of each other's eye colours with luka
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pairing: luka couffaine x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, established relationship, kissing
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luka saw some videos online about couples making bracelets of each other's eye colors online and wanted to do the same with you!
he saw that juleka and rose had been doing the same too, so luka wanted to make those bracelets with his partner as well!
the next time you came over to his place, he had already bought the materials, the strings and the beads, for the two of you to make the bracelets!
the two of you ended up spending more time just staring into each other's eyes and giggling than actually putting any beads on the strings
occasionally, luka lifts your chin without saying a word to get you to look at him, admiring your eyes and stealing a kiss from you, before focusing on the bracelets again
by the end of it, the two of you have cute bracelets of each other's eye colors, that won't just remind you of each other, but also of the fun day you two had together!
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maxinexstars · 1 year
Fem reader
A/N: Sorry I haven’t posted in a long time,but now I’m back so feel free to request.
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“Adrien Agreste,you’ve been an exemplary holder of the miraculous of the black cat. You’ve always used the power of destruction for the greater good,your mission is now over.”
“But Monarch-”
“Someone will succed you,this means you don’t need to hide  anything from the people you love,you can finally be yourself.” He handed over his ring to Plagg. “You’ll never forget me Adrien.”
“Plagg,what’s going on?”
“Y/N I need your help,I reclaimed the miraculous from Chat Noir and now I need to find a holder,”
“Did something happen to him?”
“Not really I reclaimed it from him so he can live his love story with his crush You once were a successful holder of the miraculous. So would you?”
“I accept.”
“Midnight? did something happen to Chat Noir?”
“He gave up his miraculous so I’ll be your new black cat.”
“Did something happen to him?”
“He’s fine there’s nothing to worry about.”
“I really think Chat Noir should rethink his decision about giving up his miraculous, Ladybug seemed really sad about it.” You handed Plagg the miraculous.
“I’ll let him know,but on one condition.”
“And that is?”
“If you have any camembert.”
“Luckliy I came prepared.” You handed him a piece of camembert.”
“It was an honor to be your kwami Y/N.”
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domxmarvel · 2 years
Miraculous Preference-catching the wedding bouquet
Luka Couffaine
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You were standing to the side,watching the bride and groom dance. You weren’t paying  much attention to the dance anymore,you were just looking at Luka.
“Is there something wrong?”He looked down at his suit.
“No,you look great” It was the first time you had seen him in a suit,he really did look handsome in it.
“You too”He kissed your forehead. Suddenly he reached his arm in front of you. Looking down you saw that he caught the bouquet.
“You caught it,you know what that means”You teased,he laughed before handing it to you. 
Marinette dupain cheng
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You were standing off to the side watching as the bride threw the bouquet,Marinette decided to participate. She caught it but backed away too much and lost balance. You quickly ran to catch her before she hit the floor. She stood up straight and looked down at the bouquet.
“I caught it” She mumbled, still looking down.
“And I caught you” Her face was bright red as you kissed her.
Adrien Agreste
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The second Adrien caught it everyone gathered around him. He seemed really confused as to why this was happening.
“I don’t get it, what's the big deal?”He asked you.
“It’s just something people say,but if you catch the bouquet it means that you’ll get married next” You laughed and saw him blush.You put your hand on his shoulder and leaned in to whisper “Just so you know,I’d say yes”
Kagami tsurugi
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The two of you were heading back to your house when you saw a group of people walk past you. It looked like a wedding,well the end of one. The two of you stopped for a bit to let them walk away,just before they left the bride threw the bouquet. Which Kagami caught,making everyone turn to you and clap. They quickly left,Kagami was looking down at the flowers in her hands. When you turned to look at her,you found her on one knee holding up the bouquet to you.
“Kagami” You took the flowers and leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Thank you”
Zoe lee
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“You ready?”
“Yeah,good luck” Both of you were standing,waiting for the bride to toss the bouquet. Out of everyone you caught it. “Congrats Y/N” 
“Here,these look better with you” You handed it to Zoe,pulling one out to put in her hair. Before you could react she leaned in and kissed you. She pulled out another flower and put it in your hair.
“They look great on you too”
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justsomewritingblog · 11 months
Unrequited Love (Part 3)
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Request:  None
Requested By:  Nobody
Pairing:  Adrien/Cat Noir x reader (unreciprocated)
Summary:  Adrien and Y/n draw.
Warnings:  None?
A/N:  *dramatic music*
Word Count:  1K+
Y/n wandered over to her locker, replacing her books.  She let out a breath through her mouth in a sigh.  She bowed her head and closed her eyes in defeat, shutting the locker door.
“There you are.”
Her head shot upwards, eyes growing wide.  She turned to her left, being met with green eyes.
“Oh, it’s you.”  Y/n whispered, more relaxed.
“Who else would it be?”  Adrien asked.  Y/n let out a small humorless laugh.
“Yeah.  Who else?”  She muttered under her breath.  She knew he didn’t mean it as an insult, but he could have worded it better.
“What?”  Adrien asked, cocking his head to the side.
“Nothing.  How’s Marinette?”  Y/n asked, trying to change the subject.
“Oh, she’s fine; just very clumsy.”
It seemed to work.
“I see.”  The two became silent for a moment.
“So, I’ll see if I can talk my father into letting you come over to practice piano.”  Adrien announced, breaking the slight tension.
“I don’t want to inconvenience you, or your father.”  Y/n admitted.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
~Plagg, claws out~
“Absolutely not.”
“But, father-” Adrien started to protest.
“I will not have a near stranger in this establishment.”
“But I told her I would teach her piano.”
“Well you’ll just have to tell her no, or figure something else out.”
Adrien sighed in defeat, hanging his head.
“Yes, father.”  He said, walking out and closing the door behind him.  He walked to his room and collapsed on the bed.
“Now what?”
Plagg flew out from his jacket.
“I don’t know.  He said she was a near stranger.”  The kwami noted.
“So I’ll just have to get to know her better!”  Adrien exclaimed, a huge smile on his face.  His face fell.  “How do I tell her I can’t teach her yet?”
“Be honest.”  Plagg advised.  Adrien sighed.
“But I feel like I’d be cheating her.  What if she insists on teaching me to draw when I can’t teach her piano?”
The kwami shrugged unhelpfully.  “I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”  He remarked, stuffing another piece of cheese down his throat.  Adrien rolled his eyes.
“Helpful.”  He remarked sarcastically.
~Claws in~
Adrien walked up the steps to the school the next day.  He wandered around looking for any sign of Y/n.
“Where could she be?”  Adrien wondered aloud.  Plagg stuck his head out of Adrien’s jacket.
“Where does she usually hang out?”
“I don’t know.  I only met her yesterday.”
“Well, good luck.”  Plagg offered.  Adrien sighed and shook his head.  He wandered all over the school until he entered the classroom.  He looked around and saw Y/n sitting in her seat in the back, sketching.  Adrien smiled and made his way up to her.
Y/n saw his shadow and looked up, pulling the earbuds out of her ears.
“Hey.”  He greeted.
“Hello.”  She answered quietly, smiling.  Adrien sighed.
“Look, I’m sorry, but my father thinks I should get to know you better before you enter our ‘establishment’.  How lame is that?”  He explained, using quotation marks, sitting down next to her.  She smirked.
“I don’t blame him.”
Adrien looked up at her in confusion.
“Would you like a stranger in your big, expensive house with expensive things in it?”  She asked.  Adrien smiled.
“I never thought of it like that.”  He said, folding his arms on the desk in front of him.  Y/n smiled.
“Your dad’s probably just taking precautions.  We can’t be mad at him for it.”
Adrien smiled.
“You’re so understanding.”  He noted.  Her cheeks turned a shade of scarlet, but she pretended not to notice.  She hoped if she didn’t notice, he wouldn’t either.
“I’m observant.”  She clarified.  “I see things, and based on what I see, and know about that person, or thing, make a reasonable guess.  It’s really not that special.”
“If you say so.”  He said.
“So, what did you want to draw?”  She asked him.
“Oh, uh.  I don’t know.  I didn’t really think about it.”  He confessed.  Y/n looked out the window and saw a small creature fly by.
“How about a ladybug?  That’s a pretty easy start.”
Adrien looked to her and shrugged, slightly pink.
“Sure.”  He chuckled nervously.  Y/n smirked and playfully rolled her eyes.
“So, start with a circle.  For a perfect circle, place your finger and pencil down, and turn the paper.  Like this.”  Y/n advised, showing him.  He nodded and followed her guidance.  It wasn’t a perfect circle, but it was close.
“Good.”  Y/n complimented.  “Now draw a semi-circle for the head, using the same method, just don’t turn the paper all the way around.”  She showed again, and Adrien did as instructed.  Y/n looked over at his paper and smiled.
“Perfect!”  She exclaimed.  Adrien smiled down at the paper in pride.
“You think so?”
“Of course!  Now we draw spots using more circles.”  She said, drawing spots.  Adrien followed and he drew spots.  They weren’t perfect circles, but they were close enough.
“Now we draw the line for the wings when they open them.”  She explained drawing a simple line down the back of the ladybug.  Again, Adrien followed.
“Now the legs and shading.”  They drew the legs, but when it came time for shading Adrien’s pencil stopped an inch above the paper.  Y/n looked over at him.
“What’s wrong?”  She questioned.
“Just nervous.”  He admitted.  Y/n smiled softly at him.  She reached over and placed her hand atop his, pressing it gently onto the paper.
“You can’t get better if you don’t take risks.”  She advised.  Adrien nodded and began shading in the dots, head, and legs first.  Y/n smiled and glanced up at the clock, seeing 7 minutes till class.  A few people were just starting to enter.  Y/n quickly shaded in her ladybug, and shaded the paper beneath it.
2 minutes till class.  Adrien sat his pencil down and looked proudly at his paper.  He looked to Y/n’s and his eyes grew wide.
“Wow, that’s amazing, Y/n.  It looks like it’s coming off the page!”  He commented.  Y/n looked down at it and observed her own piece.
“It’s just shading below it.  Yours looks good, too.”
“Not nearly as good as yours.”
“Practice.  You’ll get better.”  She said, smiling.  She quickly glanced at the clock again.
“You’d better get to your seat.  Class is about to start.”
Adrien looked up at the clock and his eyes widened.  He quickly picked up his stuff.
“Thanks, Y/n.”  He said, holding his things.  She smiled and nodded at him.  “No problem.”
He smiled back and headed to his seat.  Y/n slid her drawing things back into her bag and pulled out her literature book, ready for class.
A/n:  Repost!
Tag List:  @hitsugayarose, @pokengirl2, @lovableah, @1-800-starkindustrie, @jesssssmaybankk, @meikoo, @yunho-leeknow
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grandlinedreams · 11 months
“We should get married.” 
The question in and of itself is a strange one, made more so for the fact that it’s coming from Zoro of all people – and the fact that he’s asking you in the middle of a fight. Your back is pressed against his, the heat of his skin seeping into your clothes – and you wonder if he’s gotten hit in the head too many times. Or thrown through too many things – too much of something. 
“Are you seriously saying that right now?” Your tone is incredulous as you swing your weapon, scowling as you watch another enemy drop with a cry and a splatter of blood. “We’re a little busy right now, aren’t we?”
Zoro grins, expression manic with the deepened shadows of his face from his bandana, adjusting to place the hilt of Wadou Ichimonji in his mouth. “Is that a yes?”
You have the brief moment of considering knocking Zoro out for your opponent – clearly his daily naps out in the sun have baked his brain more than you previously thought. “No!”
The question doesn’t turn out to be borne from a brain-based injury flaring up, because Zoro doesn’t let the subject go. He bides his time, waiting about two weeks from when he first asked before he tries again.
This time, the stars are a witness to his buffoonery – now fueled by the bottles of sake he seems to have squirreled away everywhere on the Thousand Sunny. You watch as he tips the bottle to his lips, the brief shimmer of liquid that beads at his lips before it disappears as he swallows. 
“We should get married,” he says, and this time, you scoff. It isn’t one of disdain, rather of amusement as you wait for the alcohol induced flush to rise to his cheeks. “‘m serious, you know.”
“No,” you counter softly as you scoot closer to him, reaching up to wipe a drop of sake from the corner of his lips and bring it to your own for a taste. As ever, his own choices in alcohol seem to be tailored for him and him alone – sake still isn’t your thing. “You’re drunk.”
Zoro hums, eye flicking from the night sky above to you. “Is that a yes?”
You press your lips to his warm cheek. “Ask me again when you’re sober.”
The third time that he asks, he’s waited so long that you’ve almost forgotten that he ever asked in the first place. After all, Roronoa Zoro has never seemed like someone interested in the intimate entanglement of marriage – you have absolutely no clue what has possessed him to suddenly ask you with this kind of tenacity. 
“We should get married,” he says, and you resist the urge to sigh as you stare at him, his head pillowed against your thigh. Below the shade of Nami’s tangerine trees, you can hear Luffy’s bright laughter intermingled with Usopp and Franky’s. 
This time you aren’t in the middle of a fight, nor is he drunk. This time, you take a moment to study his face, the dapple of sunlight through waxy green leaves, the scent of citrus in the air. You love him, you’re sure of that – as sure as you’ve been of anything in your life. 
“We’re pirates,” you answer, tapping your fingers against his cheek in an echoed rhythm of one of Brooke’s songs from the night before. “Pirates don’t get married.”
“Sure they do.” He’s watching you now, with the kind of intensity he usually only reserves for battle, and you look away. “Captains can officiate marriages. I asked Robin about it.”
You blink and let your attention shift to Luffy for a minute – you love your captain, you do. But the idea of him being serious about much of anything beyond what matters to him (food, his crew’s safety, finding the One Piece – in that order) makes you giggle. You can’t imagine him officiating something like a marriage. 
“What if I want a ceremony?” Your fingers find his cropped green hair, stroking gently across his scalp. “Those are expensive.”
He shrugs. “We’d find a way. I’m sure Nami would help.”
Your lips curve in an amused smile for a moment before it dims at the edges. “It’d be dangerous,” you point out, and he answers with a short bark of laughter.
“Not any more than shit we’ve already faced.”
“We don’t need that fancy stuff.” 
Your smile fades completely, hand stilling in his hair. “Why do you think we should get married?”
There must be an edge to your tone now, because Zoro refocuses on you, all signs of mirth gone. “Because we love each other, right? Sounds like the next logical step.” 
Your gaze hardens. “So you’re asking because you think we should? Or because you want to marry me?” He sits up, and you get to your feet. 
“Is that a no?” he asks, and you pause.
“Ask me again when you figure things out, Zoro.” 
“Marry me.” 
This time, his voice is quiet. Soft and vulnerable – for the late hour or the intimacy of his bare skin against yours, you aren’t sure. His hand drifts up and down your back, counting the bumps of your spine over and over. 
You shift against him, face nestled to rest against his chest. “Zoro–” 
“I’ve thought about it,” he cuts you off. “So just be quiet and listen, okay?” You don’t say a word, waiting for him to continue on his own. “I don’t want to marry you just because I think that I should, I want us to get married because you...you mean a lot to me. You’re important to me, and I –” He pauses, struggling. This kind of thing is not Zoro’s forte, you both know that – but after a moment, he resumes. “I don’t see myself being like this with anyone but you. I don’t want to be like this with anyone but you. Just want you.” A moment of silence, hearts beating in tandem. 
You move, adjusting enough that you can look at him properly, the gleam of moonlight against his face. And you kiss him. Slow and sweet, eyes sliding shut as you linger for as long as you can before you pull away. 
“Marry me,” he repeats. 
This time, you don’t squawk at him like he’s crazy. You don’t accuse him of being drunk, don’t deflect him for fear that he’s doing it because he thinks he should, not that he wants to. This time, you smile.
“Yes,” you answer. “I’ll marry you.”
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rosylix · 3 months
rosy: the series
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더 깊이 빠져들겠지더 조금씩 더 조금씩 넌...
you dont know how to give a hickey... what are friends for if not to help each other with these things?
pairing: bff!felix × gn!reader
status: ongoing
[please see specific chapters for content info/warnings!]
1. rosy - 4.3k
2. petal - 4.4k
3. flower -
4. blossom -
total word count:
[also read on ao3]
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 7 months
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♡ chronicle #4 : welcome back ♡
wc : 5338
somehow, you've gotten used to living without your dragon man.
it shouldn't have been that hard to began with, you reason. since you'd only been living with him for a couple of weeks. you'd spent your whole life without this rude, bratty, infuriatingly handsome dragon guy. it really shouldn't have been hard.
you wake up to get ready for work feeling more tired than usual. this had been the case for the last two weeks now. you're lost at work, you've been really close to coming late more than once. you're coworker sachi has also asked if you were sick at least 5 times in one week, so you assume you don't exactly look your best right now.
you grab some leftovers from the fridge, hastily throwing them in the microwave to check up on your coffee. when you're done eating with the only background noise being the tv playing some game show reruns, you put your plate in the sink and remember a little too late that no one's there to clean them up for you anymore. you feel stupid, staring at the dishes like they'll suddenly wash themselves.
you'll wash them when you get back.
work goes by in a blur. you hardly remember what you did, who you'd talked to or what you had for lunch. the trip back home feels unfamiliar, like someone else was controlling your body for you. you don't mind as long as you can go home and sleep.
when you walk through your door, you check your couch reflexively, even though you've reminded yourself multiple times no one would be waiting there for you. the tv's turned off like it was when you'd left, there's nothing cooking on the stove, and there's no one on your couch.
despite reminding yourself.
you really need some sleep.
you order take out and eat while watching your favorite show for the 5000th time. it feels boring instead of comforting like it usually is, so you end up skipping a bunch of episodes straight to your favorite.
sometimes, you feel like it was all one big dream. falling in love with a dragon only for him to leave you seemed like something you could really only see in your own fantasy. but you know it isn't, because if it were you'd be able to forget about it. about him. but you can't.
it isn't painful, it doesn't feel like your heart is about to burst. it just feels so lonely. you feel like a part of you is missing, like a piece of your heart was filled to the brim with warmth only for that part to be taken away from you and leaving you cold and hollow. you don't like feeling like this. you shouldn't feel like this over someone you'd technically just met.
but it wasn't like that with him, it didn't feel like you'd just met. despite only living with him for a few weeks, you felt like you'd known him all your life. it was like you were catching up with an old friend the more you spoke to him. everything in you felt good with him. everything felt so right with him.
before you know it there are tears clouding your vision, you will yourself not to let them overflow. you hadn't cried since the day he left, you'd been distracting yourself with work not to. your favorite part of the episode comes up yet all you can do is focus on not bursting into tears. you can't go to bed feeling like shit since you've got work tomorrow. you decide to head to bed early tonight.
you'd like to think you can fool yourself into believing you've gotten used to living without katsuki. but unfortunately, you have to admit you aren't that good at lying to yourself when the first teardrop hits your pillow.
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katsuki feels incredibly wrong.
it's way past the time he's usually asleep, but despite tossing and turning he can't keep his eyes shut because every time he does he sees you.
you, with your stupid bright smile. you with your stupid puffed out cheeks and pout when you'd caught him nabbing your food too late. you with your bright eyes when you come back from work to see he's made your favorite.
and you, with your glossy wet eyes when he told you he was leaving.
he really needs some fuckin' sleep.
for the last two weeks, he's been telling himself that this was better for you—for you both. he knows he could never truly be good for you. no matter how well he'd learn to cook your favorite meal. no matter how many movies and tv shows you watch together. no matter how good it feels to be with you, you'll always be a human and he, a dragon.
you're different beings made for different lives. he wasn't raised for battle, but it is a primary part of the dragon code, especially in his faction. survival of the fittest and whatnot. you were made for office jobs and midnight take out and romance movies, not for anything he was.
his friends were more than happy to see he'd finally come back home. they had basically choke-slammed him to the ground to hug him, and he can't deny he felt really a little bit happy to see them again.
he'd expected his mom to nag his ear off like she usually does but he was more than shocked to feel her wrap her arms around him tightly. she had told him she was happy to see he hadn't caused any trouble for himself and he could hear the quiver in her voice and feel the slight shakiness in her tightly strung limbs. he hadn't said anything and simply quietly held her back. his father had joined the group hug soon after and katsuki closed his eyes, indulging in the warmth of his parents' love.
this is good. this feels nice. this is where he's supposed to be.
it felt nice at the time, he recalls. but it didn't feel right.
for the last two weeks, he's been trying to tell himself that despite how much he aches, how much he yearns for you, you aren't made for him.
unfortunately, besides admitedly being a horrible liar, katsuki will forever be a selfish dragon. he only focuses on what he wants, and he wants you more than anything. he needs you more than anything.
" fuck this.." he mutters, throwing and arm over his eyes. he starts absentmindedly rubbing at his hair, like you used to. but it doesn't feel as comforting, so he huffs again.
he'd been told he unfortunately couldn't do anything about the tournament, but on a better note the guy he faced off again would be disqualified from participating since he did end up getting something from a witch, like katsuki thought. kirishima had wrapped an arm around his shoulder and told him it was a good thing. but to be honest, katsuki had almost fully forgotten about that shitty tournament. his father told him there would always be a next one. the next one in ten years. the thought of not seeing you in that time crosses his mind at makes him feel like he swallowed something sour. there's a bitter taste in his mouth at the thought but he can do nothing but try to ignore it.
just as he's about to turn to the other side of his bed a knock his door startles him. his mom walks in shortly after, opening the door halfway before walking in when she sees him awake.
" i didn't say you could come in." he grumbles half heartedly, sleep riddled voice slightly groggy. mitsuki simply sits on his bed near him, patting at his leg over the covers.
"m'not allowed to check up on my runaway son ? don't want you to leave again." she jests. katsuki knows she's joking, but he still feels a pang of guilt in his chest. he grumbles something unintelligible in response.
no words are exchanged for a moment, then mitsuki pats her son's leg a little harder, he snarls at her but she simply smiles at him.
"what do you say we go get some air ?"
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the night air feels good.
soaring through the sky feels comforting. feeling the way the wind rushes through his scales feels almost therapeutic to him. it can be thrilling to soar through the air the same way it can also be calming. it provides him serenity he can't quite put into words.
katsuki finds himself wishing he could fly like this with you like when he brought you back home from work. he remembers how you'd screamed your lungs out, clutched onto him so tightly and when you'd landed back home with wobbly legs and messy..everything, you'd proclaimed it was the first and last time you'd ever go for a dragon ride. he remembers how hard he laughed and he chuffs to himself unconsciously at the memory.
flying around when he was irritated or stressed wasn't uncommon for him but he only remembers a handful of times he'd went flying with his mother. other than the times he was younger and still learning how to get the hang of it. he has to admit that that feels good, too.
they decide to rest on a nearby mountain they saw in the horizon. as soon as they land katsuki changes back into his human form, stretching as he let's out a yawn. the only remaining traces of his dragon form being his red horns and scaley tail accompanied by large red wings. he hears his mom flap her wings behind him as she also let's out a little yawn of her own. she sits down onto the gravely bottom and katsuki raises a brow before taking a spot next to her.
it's quiet as they both silently stare at the moon. it's a little chilly out but katsuki doesn't mind much.
"so," mitsuki sighs, taking a large gulp of the fresh air " you gonna tell me what happened when you went on your little expedition?" she bumps her shoulder with his playfully, katsuki growls but doesn't snap back like he usually would.
he simply shrugs "it wasn't an expedition." he gulps, it feels like a knot grows in his throat. "it wasn't anything." he doesn't notice the way his hands are tightened into fists, but his mother does.
"that so ?" she utters. she speaks in a nurturing way. that soft tone that only a mother could use for her child. it upset him even more as the knot in his throat tightens.
"i.." katsuki starts "i was around a lot of humans.." he admits. his mother hums in response, urging him to continue. "saw a lot of things, tried a lot of human stuff."
"human stuff ?"
"human foods and desserts and stuff. and movies. they're people moving around acting inside a big box that they call a tv." he tries his best to explain it in the simplest way considering it took him a while to grasp the concept of electronics himself. he can tell his mother doesn't really understand, but he's thankful she simply nods and let's him continue.
"it wasn't too bad." he concedes. " i didn't wanna kill too many of them." he jokes, his mother chuckles in response.
"anything else happen ?" she asks with a smile. katsuki can already tell shes's onto him. screw this mother's intuition shit.
he opens and closes his mouth a few times, nothing he wants to say seems to come out right.
"ma.." he starts, she hums " when you--how did it feel for you when you fell in love with pops ?"
her eyes widen at his question. she sits and thinks about it for a minute, then a smile grows on her face. " it's not something i can really explain. i just knew it when i saw him, i knew he was meant to be mine."
"even though he's a human..?" he mumbles quietly. his mother doesn't seem fazed, her dazed smile remains.
"yeah." she answers simply.
"it didn't bother you ?"
"nope." she immediatly answers, popping the p.
"it wasn't weird ?"
" it took a little gettin' used to." she hums "we're completely different after all. his family wasn't exactly on board with it. but they didn't say anythin' when i showed 'em my dragon form, i think they were just really amazed." she laughs at her own joke and katsuki fights an eyeroll.
"how'd you do it then ? how'd you..get used to it ?" he asks almost urgently.
her smile hasn't faltered since the beginning of the conversation. it seems to have gotten even wider and even brighter. " i didn't do anything. i loved your father, i still do." she sighs dreamily " when i was around him i didn't worry about anything. i didn't worry about what others thought to begin with, but i didn't worry about that. i wasn't scared of the future or anything."
"there was nothing for me to be worried about when i was around him. it always just felt like things would work out. we made each other happy, and when i was around him it all felt so.." she can't seem to find the right word to use but katsuki finds one for her immediatly.
"right ?" he finishes.
"yeah" she smiles, eyes softening as she looks at her son "yeah, it felt really right."
for the last two weeks, katsuki's been trying to deceive himself. by now he knows it isn't working. at all. he'd been trying to keep his mind quiet. he's been spending time with his friends and it's been nice. but there's clearly something missing. something he knows that his parents or his friends can fill, despite them caring so much for him. and he feels bad because he cares, he really does. but there's something he needs.
you're the one he needs.
"i think.." katsuki jumps a little when his mom speaks up again "i think there's somewhere you need to be, isn't there ?" she asks, though that knowing look she gives him clearly says she already knows the answer.
katsuki bites his lip, looking down towards the ground below. he can't see the bottom.
"i'm scared, ma.." he admits, meekly. mitsuki's heart squeezes at her little boy's heart showing in his eyes, scared of the unknown despite trying his best to convince himself he isn't.
his mother places her hand ontop of his and squeezes " i know, i know you are.." she comforts.
"w-what if it's too late and i messed shit up ?" she shakes her head, shushing him.
"you didn't, i know you didn't." she speaks carefully "if that person is the right one for you, then there's absolutely no way you have." she pulls him into a hug and he hugs her back tightly. no more words are exchanged as katsuki and his mother sit there. she pulls away and presses her forehead to his.
"you get goin' now, okay ?" she feels him nod after a moment and her smiles grows wider. she ruffles her son's hair and he grumbles, pushing at her arm and he fights off a smile.
he's sure, he knows what he needs to do now.
he gets up with vigor and stretches out his limbs and his wings as they flex and expand on his back. before he takes off though, he hears his mom call for him. he turns to look at her proud smiling face.
"you'd better come and visit !" she grinned, sharp fangs on display. katsuki smiles back at that, sharp grin rivaling hers.
" obviously !" he affirms, before taking off.
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you wake up like you'd had the best sleep in your life. probably because you cried yourself to sleep.
you're awake an hour earlier than you usually are and you can't seem to get back to sleep. so bitterly, you decide to just get up and start your day an hour early.
you're definitely not getting ready for work at this hour, so your hello- kitty jammies are staying on. you remember you have a half eaten tub of vanilla-caramel-brownie ice cream in the freezer and it makes you a little happier. you walk over to your fridge with a little skip in your step.
when you sit down on your couch and turn your tv on you can already see the sun rising from your balcony. and it makes you dread having to go to work in an hour and a few minutes, you do your best to ignore it and watch a rerun of some old drama tv show you found.
you take your first bite and hum to yourself happily. the ice cream melts on your tongue and the flavours burst onto your tastes buds. if you could you'd eat ice cream every single day.
but katsuki would scold you for it.
it feels a little harder to swallow down your next bite.
the female and male lead on the show are arguing about something. the man says he only has eyes for the lady. he says that it's always been her, that if he were reborn in another life, in another country, he would still always find his way back to her.
you quietly keep watching, taking smaller and smaller scoops of ice cream. the lady is doubtful, she asks the male how she knows he won't break her heart. he responds that she only needs to trust him, that she needs trust herself.
"what is your heart telling you right now ?" he asks.
"it's telling me.." there's a dramatic pause " that i love you..!" she declares.
the two share a hug and an old ending song plays, you can hear an audience clapping like you sometimes do in old sitcoms. you really wish you could go back to sleep when you check your phone and see that only twenty minutes have passed. you wonder if you can call in sick as you play around with your ice cream, but you draw the line at that. that'd be too childish and you're too grown to be faking sick just because you got your heart broken.
you switch through a couple of channels before you land on an animal documentary. it's about red panda's and red panda's are adorable, so you shuffle on your couch to get comfortable and scoop up another big bite of ice cream.
the moment you bring your spoon to your lips though, you suddenly feel a big gust of wind. accompanied by a loud crash. and a giant hole through your fucking wall.
your spoon stays frozen against your lips, it's cold but you can barely feel it. slowly, you turn to look at something coming out of the cloud of smoke caused by the debris.
or no, it's a someone. you can see them stand up straighter as huge wings stretch on their back along with huge pointy horns and—actually maybe it is a something after all.
except you squint and you realise that it isn't a something.
it's katsuki.
it's katsuki and he's looking at you, bright red eyes focused solely on yours. he's here, he's here with you.
and he's once again blasted a hole through your wall.
you almost want to laugh, but you're afraid if you do you'll start crying. so you simply stare at him. he takes a deep breath and opens his mouth
“hi..” he exhales.
he’s heaving, taking in the force at which your wall was blasted into pieces one could assume it was probably because he was flying really fast, and he was. but this wasn’t really going all out for him. frankly, katsuki bakugou is heaving because he’s so incredibly nervous.
“h-hi..” you utter back, wide eyed. katsuki zones in on something on your face and furrows his brows.
“you’re eating that cold shit that early in the morning ? you’ll get sick.” he chides. this time you do laugh, because he’s so insanely ridiculous, how could you not.
“yeah well, no one was here to stop me so..” he knows the other meaning to your joke very well and his heart hurts at the sadness in your eyes when you fully realize he’s actually here.
“why did you—i thought you had to go home ?” you stutter. he takes a hesitant step towards your couch, towards you. his hand twitches, wanting to reach out to you, to touch you, but he holds back for now.
“yeah i did.” he nods “so here i am.”
your heart feels like it’s beating while being held down under a huge weight. you want to do so many things. you want to cry, ask him so many questions and kiss his mouth off but you can only bring yourself to ask “why ?”
katsuki frowns at the way your bottom lip wobbles and he immediately decides he can’t have that. he walks up to you and grabs your hand to pull you towards him, you stand up with a squeal as he pulls you into him. you’re ice cream long forgotten as neither of you notice the tub hitting the floor.
right now you’re only focused on him and he on you.
“i-i tried to tell myself that i didn’t need you at first, that it was better if i didn’t. we both know we’re—more than completely different,” he chuckles humorlessly. “tried telling myself that i didn’t need you because i didn’t need you my entire life, so why should meeting you, a human, change anything ?”
"but then—i don’t know, i realized that i’d spent so much time with you and your normal human life. with your weird habits and routines and your cheesy animal love stories. and then suddenly i just—" he stops himself mid rambling, he’s still heaving and he can’t seem to calm down. until you reach up and place your hand in his hair.
in seconds it’s feels like he can breathe again. your hands in his hair feel like taking a flight in the dead of night. your entire being is like the way it feels when the wind rushes through his scales.
he needs you, he needs you, he needs you, he needs you and he needs you so bad.
he plops his head against your shoulder and you hear the purring sound from when you’d first pet him in your office building. when you didn’t really know why you did, and that it just felt right to.
“suddenly i realized that i couldn’t be without you. i couldn’t see myself without you and your stupid smug face whenever you’re being a smart ass. without you and your weird taste in movies and your hands in my hair and your smile and—" he cuts himself off again. seemingly realizing he’d said too much. you don’t want to embarrass him too much too soon so you hold back the giggle bubbling up in your throat.
“i thought you liked my taste in movies.” you joke, playing with the hair on his nape. you feel him huff a chuckle against your shoulder.
“never said i didn’t like it. said it’s weird.”
“is there really a difference?” you snort.
“hell yeah there is,” he retorts “ya go from watchin’ that weird demon cat on your phone to watching the conjuring in the same breath.”
“ that just means i'm open to a lot of genres, it’s a good thing !” he snorts then grumbles some kind of agreement under his breath “and don’t you insult hello kitty like that ! she’s done nothing to be classified as a ‘demon cat’.”
“ it’s fuckin’ weird. why doesn’t it have a mouth ? and why are it’s black beady eyes starin’ into my fuckin’ soul ?”
“ quit calling her 'it' ? and she’s adorable !”
“she’s freaky is what she is.” you groan.
"you're insufferable. so incredibly annoying." you grumble in defeat. he lifts his head up to look at you then, his award winning cheese on display with a tiny fang poking out.
"yeah, maybe..but you missed me." he counters. you huff, but you really can't lie "yeah, yeah i did" you say. it comes out sadder than you'd wanted it to, and he seems to notice it. his eyebrows furrow and the remorseful look on his face makes your heart burn. your expression mirrors his as you speak.
"i really did miss you, katsuki. i really did." you whisper sorrowfully. you feel him wipe the tears you didn't even know where about to spill from the corner of your eyes. he grabs your cheeks in both of his large hands and wipes at your eyes, then rubs at your cheeks softly. his eyes burn with unspoken words and feelings and you don't need to hear him say anything to understand. you understand him better than anyone. human or dragon.
and that's all you need.
"i know." he leans in until you're inches away and your eyes flutter closed when he nuzzles his nose against your tenderly. he places his forehead against yours in a way you can only describe as loving. "i know." he whispers again.
"but i won't leave again. i promise." he vows, rubbing his nose against your cheek. the gesture feels very animal like and you giggle a little. he huffs against your cheek in amusement. "you're mine, you've always been. i know that—i'm sure of it now." he corrects "so i'm not goin' anywhere." he's so close. just like that night.
you want to let go, want to give yourself to him and trust him but there's something holding you back. katsuki can tell you're doubtful. he nudges his head against your softly, "talk to me." he urges.
"i just..i'm scared.." you admit "what if things don't work out ? i really, really like you katsuki." your voice trembles and your bottom lip wobbles the slightest bit "i don't want you to go away again.." he shakes his head adamntly, his hair tickles against your forehead. he breathes a sigh and pulls back just enough to look you in the eyes properly.
"i don't know how the future will turn out, or what's gonna happen." he knocks his forehead against yours again "but that doesn't scare me. mostly cus i'm not scared of anything," you roll your eyes but you can't help the chuckle that rips out of you. he smiles, obviously proud of his joke.
"but also because i know you're it for me. no matter what happens, i trust that i'll always come back to you." he seems to realize he's been awfully out of character. a cute blush grows on his face but that doesn't deter him in the slightest, as his eyes stay fixed on you. it makes chills run down your spine.
"you..were made for me. that's all i need." he closes his eyes, embarrasment catching up to him. you smile at how adorable your cranky dragon man could be when he wanted to be.
that's all he needs. you're all he needs. the thought fills your body with so much warmth and love.
you bring your hands up to his cheeks. he opens his eyes. looking down at you with half lidded eyes and so much affection it makes you giddy.
"what is your heart telling you right now ?"
you smile up at him, a watery giggle slips past your lips.
" i love you."
you trust yourself. you trust katsuki. you trust your love for him.
his eyes widen. and suddenly he's leaning down and all he gives you as a warning is a breathy whisper of your name. you don't think twice when you nod your head fervently and then he's closing the distance and kissing you.
in a second it's like you feel whole. it's like he breathes life into you with the kiss he presses onto your lips. and the next one, and the one after that.
he pulls back to catch his breath for no less than three seconds before he's stealing yours away again. but you don't mind in the slightest. you'd give all of yourself up willingly to him. you wish you could stay close with him, holding onto him like this forever.
but then there's a sudden sharp pain in your lip.
"ouch !" you yelp. katsuki immediatly pulls back, eyes racking over your face until he notices red on your lip. you lick at your bottom lip and taste blood. you look up at him, a mix of amusement and suprise on your features. after a second, you let out a chuckle.
"guess you missed me lots, huh ?" you laugh some more when he growls at you. trying his best to seem somewhat intimidating despite the state he's in. he's breathing heavy and he's sweating a little bit, cheeks fully red.
"b-be quiet, human." he leans down and licks the blood off your lip. it flusters you despite him meaning it innocently, dragons are way more direct when it comes to physical affection, it seemed. "i'll roast you alive."
"no you won't, liar." you answer arrogantly. you bring your arms to rest around his neck, your hands play around with the hair on his nape. "you like me too much."
"you're gettin' real cocky, aren't ya ?"
"am i wrong ?" you counter. he narrows his eyes at your challenge but lowers his head in defeat soon after. he shakes his head with a chuckle. "no, guess you're not." he concedes.
"you guess ?" you tease.
"don't push your luck, loser." he nips at your nose, and you giggle. he snarls at you when you tug at his horn, but he can't hide the smile on his face.
"i—uh." he looks away, off to the side towards your tv "love. you. too..or whatever you humans say.." he confesses shyly. too much direct eye contact for one day, it seems. you giggle, then lean in and press a sweet kiss to his lips. it takes him a second before he eases into it. slowly, just as passionately as the first time, but you both know there's no rush to let each other know how you feel. you've got all the time in the world together.
"i'm glad.." you say once you pull away. "so, can i assume that means you're back now?" you joke.
"i told you i'm not goin' nowhere. you're mine." he asserts " i'm back." he states with a fanged grin.
you smile wider at his words. you're smiling so hard your cheeks start to hurt but you really don't mind "welcome back." you answer lovingly.
this feels right. this feels like where you both belong. he's back.
back where he belongs.
you pat his nape "to make yourself back at home, you can make me breakfast !" you chirp. "you owe me at least twenty five homemade dinners too, so you'd better get to work." you laugh out loud when he pokes at your side with one hand, with the one on your face squeezing your cheeks out.
"cheeky brat, already puttin' me to work, hah ?!" he grins "i guess i do owe you dinner though, but definitely not fuckin' twenty five of 'em !" you both laugh at each other some more and you wish all of your days with him here could feel like this. but even if they don't, you're not worried. as long as you're together, you know everything will be okay. you trust that with all your heart.
"katsuki ?" you start after a moment. he hums in response, urging you to continue while he nibbles and presses smooches on your shoulder. you smile, you're so incredibly happy.
"fix up my damn wall, would you ?"
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and here it is yall, the final chapter ! thank you all sooooo much for the overwhelming amount of love for this silly lil series. i couldn't be happier that you guys liked this fic just as much as i did writing it ! and i hope this ending makes yall happy (cuz some of yall were losin it last chap LOLOLOL) take this super fluffy ending as an apology for that then !! much luvv <333
taglist ! : @sikuthealien @rosemarygalaxy @guccirosegold @queenpiranhadon @k0z3me @katsuisbaby @lovra974 @katsus-mistress @briokayama @sixxze @lupikekee @nymphsdomain @berryvioo @roboticsuccubus83 @yao-ai @haruesme @omayrac @raatass @touyasprettydoll
656 notes · View notes
rissouu · 9 months
Ony is the yummiest, he deff watches as u do ur makeup and asking about each and every step, he’s also making fun of the face you make when ur trying to focus. But he always complements you after each step.
Ony Brianrot will be the death of me fr 😭👍🏾
omg yes like! im so obsessed.
ony knew how much you loved doing your makeup in the bathroom because the mirror is huge. so most of the time he would already be in there waiting for you.. sometimes he even got your makeup products out for you, if he felt like it.
“wait so what is that you doing now?” he watched you put some type of powder all over your face.. it didn’t make any sense to him, what was that powder even helping with?
“im putting on setting powder boo, it helps the makeup look more smooth,” you always found it cute how concentrated he would be, and how many he would ask questions.
“oh now i see, shit.. it looks good when you blend it all together.”
he let out a low chuckle here and there when he saw your frustration. your mascara kept getting underneath your eye, and you were so ready to just say fuck these bottom lashes. “it always becomes a fuckin’ problem when im damn near done.” you huffed.
“why don’t you just stop tryna go so fast mama? we don’t have to be at the reservation for another 4 hours, take yo’ time.”
another thing you loved about your man, he always knew how to calm you down.
925 notes · View notes
hoshiina · 3 months
pairing: hoshina soushirou x gn!reader (no prns)
request: a reader that keeps messing around w him and at some point they mention they like him but then hoshina thinks theyre just playing... ..but they r not and he doesnt quite get it at first because hes so used to them joking around and then he ends up overthinking the whole thing until reader actually goes up to him to kiss him (or hug him very tight!!!!!!!! or both maybe!!!!!!)
maybe he liked them too but that thought didnt sit right with him because he doesnt believe hes worthy of something like that
notes: mentions the reader's face "flushing", reader is rather lively/outgoing, reader is not a fan of horror and is more a fan of romance, reader is a hoshina stan, one part is inspired by a scene in wakaba no komorebi, omg why are there so many notes I'm so sorry TY FOR THE REQ!!
wc: 2800
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A new day, a new chance for you to shoot your shot at none other than your vice-captain of the third division.
You were always messing with him. This ranged from embarrassing pranks a grade school boy would menace his crush with, all the way to borderline hitting on him. There wasn’t a single day you’d forget to remind him he was stunning, and you’d always be bragging about him to the officers in the first division, regardless of the fact that you had absolutely nothing to do with the things you were bragging about. Simply put, you were loud about Hoshina.
Yet, every day, he'd brush you off and tell you to get to work. You didn't let that mind you much though, because you could tell he wasn't actually upset. You liked him unconditionally, and as long as you weren't actually bothering him, you couldn't care less if your feelings weren't returned. Well, you did care, but that wasn't going to stop how you felt for him.
Now, you said all of that, but naturally, you were still scared to just put your feelings out there so you hadn’t actually told Hoshina you liked him. You assumed he knew, but if you said it out loud, you’d have to hear an answer. And that, you were not ready for.
However, you weren’t going to stop messing with him anytime soon. Hoping one day he’d actually fall for you and one day you’d have the courage to properly tell him how you felt.
You were in the cafeteria with the rest of the division, having your breakfast while mindlessly scrolling through your phone, when you saw a post about a new movie in theatres. Immediately your mind went to possibly inviting Hoshina and you scrolled right back up, trying to find out what it was about. Horror. You sighed and continued to scroll. Horror was absolutely not your favourite.
“Oh, is it finally out?” you heard a voice from behind you say— your favourite voice say.
“Would you like to go?” you asked, whipping your head back to see none other than Hoshina Soushirou. Just the sight of him and your heart would flutter. How you loved him. “Together? Us? Just us? You and me?”
“Oh, like we have time to go,” he said.
“Man,” you said, knowing he’d say that. The entire defence force in general had been a lot busier ever since the appearance of so many identified grade kaijus. However, it did make you wonder if that meant he would if he did have time. No, he’s just declining your invitation politely, you’d tell yourself, bringing you back to your senses.
You’ve done this since always, and you do this every time without fail. Whenever a new shop had opened, or a new movie to watch had come to theatres, you'd always shoot your shot— hoping he'd say yes one day. Yes to a date.
Although you were used to getting turned down, it still wasn’t the best feeling. Recently, you've been letting it get to you far more than you used to. Maybe after all these times, the rejection did start to have an affect on you. Maybe you were falling for him even harder recently, or maybe you were starting to hope for your feelings to be returned.
Perhaps a relaxing day at the movies was exactly what you needed. Maybe you’d ask for a day off next week— just to go watch a movie you liked.
So you did exactly that, you filed a form to Captain Ashiro, requesting a day off anytime the next week. Preferably on a Tuesday, because movie tickets were cheaper on Tuesdays.
A few days later, you were called over to her office. You assumed it was just to let you know if you could have your day off and if so, when it was. To your surprise, when you walked in, it wasn't Ashiro but rather Hoshina there, working away.
“Hoshina?” you asked, pleasantly surprised. “I didn't expect to see you today.”
“You didn't?” he asked, genuinely perplexed. “But this is my office?”
“Your office? I thought it was Captain Ashiro’s?” you said.
“It used to be, but I took it over a little while back,” he said. “It's just a lot faster for me to do the paperwork.”
“Oh… I see,” you said, rather surprised you weren't already aware. There was a moment of silence.
“It was rather recently that I had officially started working here,” he said, somehow noticing that you were dejected. Oh, how did he always know exactly what to say? You were never going to get over him at this rate. “Anyways, you requested a day off next week?”
“Um… yes,” you said. Now you felt a little awkward about going to a movie alone, and you really hoped he wouldn't realize where you were going.
“On a Tuesday… are you going to see that movie after all?” he asked and he noticed you stiffened a little, so he immediately followed with, “Sorry, you don't have to answer that. You're absolutely free to take that day off.”
“I am,” you said. Half a lie, because there was no way you were watching a horror movie, let alone by yourself. But you were going to the movies. That was true. “It's been a while since I watched a movie in theatres, I realized.”
“I've never gone alone actually,” he said, imagining you were planning to go alone. “Or are you going with someone?”
“No, I'll be by myself,” you said, but instinctively you asked him out again. It was practically in your subconsciousness to do so. “Unless you'd like to tag along?”
There was a long pause before he said anything, and his unreadable expression only made the silence feel longer. You were expecting a quick rejection again, so the silence was absolutely killing you— you hadn't expected it one bit.
“Actually, I'd like to,” he said. “If that's okay with you, of course.”
You couldn't believe your ears. What did he say? You couldn't have possibly heard that right. What had he said?
On the other hand, he had no idea why he said yes. Why after turning you down all these times? Why now? He had turned down every offer of yours because he knew you were just messing around. You didn’t feel about him the way he felt about you. He knew this because you had done this since the moment you joined, and you couldn’t have liked him back then— you hadn't even know him yet.
But still, he hoped you were serious.
“You're joking,” you said.
“Were you?” he asked. This must be why he said yes. He wanted to know so badly— he was rather exhausted of playing the guessing game with you.
“Not at all,” you said. You thought he had known, but perhaps not. “I've never been. Not for a moment.”
“Then, let's go,” he said with his poker face on, but he was a little shaken. He didn't think you were at all serious, let alone that serious.
“Hoshina, is this a date?” you asked, and you could tell your cheeks were flushed. However, there wasn't much to be embarrassed about at this point, so you might as well have asked before you drove yourself insane.
“Okay…” you said, but you were spaced out. You had no idea what had prompted this all of a sudden, but this was the moment you had been waiting for, for your whole life. Yes to a date.
A date? Was it a date?
“Would you like it to be?” he asked. You had no idea what he was thinking.
“Yes,” you said. “Of course…”
“Then, let's go on a date,” he said. “On Tuesday, at 2pm. I'll pick you up from your unit and we'll go and watch a movie.”
It was yes to a date. A date with none other than the love of your life. You were going on a date with Hoshina Soushirou.
You left the office soon after, thanking him as you left, and you were lost in thought. You truly felt like the world around you had stopped, but at the same time, the time passing was a blur. You thought it’d be forever before your long awaited day, and you’d have plenty of time to calm yourself down and prepare, but it had rolled around before you knew it.
You put on what you personally thought was your best date outfit, but you had no idea if he’d like it. You really hoped he would. Now, you were sitting around, waiting for him to come pick you up. It was still 10 till 2, but he was always ahead of schedule— he hated making people wait, so he was always early. A few minutes later, you heard a few footsteps and some rustling outside your door, and you were pretty sure it was him. You waited for a knock, but it wouldn’t come.
Quickly, you opened the door and it was him, waiting by your door with his phone in his hand, opened to your messages with him.
“Oh,” he said. “Sorry, were you waiting?”
“No,” you said, immediately. “I just finished getting ready. Why didn’t you knock?”
“Well, I’m early,” he said. “Didn’t want to rush you.”
Gosh, you were on a date. With him. You had actually never seen him in anything other than what he wears at the defense force, and as much as you liked that training shirt he had on, he looked so incredibly gorgeous today. And this was just for you. He wore a black corduroy turtleneck, and a simple long coat to go over it. You were still so lost, how had you gotten to this point in the first place?
“You’re stunning today,” he said to you as he smiled a little and you swear you felt your heartrate spike. Did he even know what he was doing?
“Not to mean you aren’t usually…” he said immediately. “Sorry, I never say the right things when they count, do I?”
“No, I thought my heart was going to stop,” you said, frankly. This was the way you always were, there was no point in getting flustered all of a sudden. “You’re gorgeous everyday, but even more so today.”
“Well, I’d have to be glad our date is today then,” he said.
While the two of you walked to the theatre, it was rather quiet. Far more quiet than you usually were. Suddenly, you were so nervous, and there was nothing to say to him. So many questions filled your head but none of them felt appropriate to ask. You felt like the spell would break if you took one wrong breath. You wanted to know why he was here with you today. Why he said yes all of a sudden, why he took a precious day off to go on a date with you, and what he was thinking when he said yes. You wanted to know how he felt about you, or at least how he felt about this date.
“I’ll go get us tickets,” you said, as soon as you got to the theatre. “Please pick a snack and a drink in the meantime, I’ll get the tickets quick.”
“Oh, don’t be silly, I’m getting the tickets, and the drinks and snacks, for that matter,” he said. “Besides, we haven’t even decided on a movie yet.”
“We haven’t?” you asked. “I thought we were watching the movie that came out the other day?”
“What? Why would we?” he asked, genuinely confused. “You don’t even like horror." He pointed at another poster on the wall. "Why don’t we watch that one? Romance is more your type of thing, isn’t it?”
You thought you’d cry. If there was one thing that was worrying you about this date, it was the movie. Horror really wasn’t for you, and you weren’t sure if you could watch the movie without showing it.
“How did you know?” you asked.
“It’s obvious,” he said. “You’ve never asked me out to a horror movie, have you?”
Just how did he notice? “But didn’t you want to watch that one?” you asked.
“Please, I can watch that whenever, on my own,” he said. “I’m here with you today. I’d be a horrible date to make you watch it with me.”
“Thank you,” you said, starstruck. “At least, let me pay for it then?”
“No way,” he said. “I’m taking you out today.”
“No, I asked you out,” you said.
“Don’t care!” he said and went off to get the tickets and snacks.
You were in love with him, and you were going to tell him. You were sure he knew, but you had to tell him properly. It wasn’t even that you were hoping for him to return your feelings, you just wanted to tell him.
You thought you wouldn’t be able to focus on the movie at all, but you were, strangely enough. You were watching a cliche romance movie that couldn’t possibly be about you and Hoshina, no matter how much you tried to stretch the narrative, but you loved it. It was a sweet movie, a type that you've always loved, and you were watching it with the one you always loved. You couldn’t be happier.
So as soon as the movie was over, you went for it.
“Hoshina, I love you so much,” you said, and kissed him. On the lips.
His eyes were wide and his cheeks were faintly flushed. You weren’t expecting that, not even for a moment.
“You’re serious?” he asked.
You were confused, did he think you were playing around all this time? “Yes, of course,” you said. “I’ve loved you for forever.”
“Since… when?” he asked.
“Since the day you saved me, 3 years ago,” you said, immediately. It was like you had waited all your life to answer this. “You definitely don’t remember, but I remember like yesterday.”
He wouldn’t reply, but he was still looking at you surprised, so you continued on.
“I thought I had told you this actually. Not the part that I liked you, but the part that you saved me. I joined because of you, Hoshina,” you said. “Yes, you’re my vice-captain and the love of my life, and I’m one of your officers, but you were my hero and I was your biggest fan for all this time.”
Something in him shifted. It felt like someone had woken him up from a weird haze, and showed him how much colour there is to the world. You joined for him. Not for Mina, not for Gen, but him. To you, he was a hero. To the one he treasured most, he was irreplaceable.
“I love you too,” he said, with the softest smile you had ever seen from him. He was serious, you could tell.
“No way,” you said.
“I do,” he said, but he could tell that you were a little skeptical, or at least puzzled. “I love the way you work hard, the way you joke around, but actually care so much. I love the way you give everything your all. I love the way you always smile when you see me— it makes me feel so special. You make my day, absolutely every single day.”
It took everything in you to stop yourself from sobbing, but that made Hoshina laugh. He kissed you this time, and tears rolled down your cheeks anyway.
Wiping your cheeks with the pad of his thumb, he kissed you on the forehead.
“I absolutely adore you.”
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Later that day, you were going to open up the one cardboard box you still hadn’t unpacked. The one filled with your posters and merch of Hoshina you had collected through these years. You were hiding them, because you thought it’d be a little too weird if you had those just hanging around, but finally, they’d see the sunlight. You would never have even imagined this day when you had those in your room, dreaming of him. If only you could tell your past self— just how thrilled you would’ve been. Well, not that you were any less thrilled now.
The next time Hoshina came to visit you in your room, he was utterly flustered, it was absolutely adorable. He couldn’t believe people actually bought the merch they sold of him, let alone put them up— and in the room of his loved one nonetheless. But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like it, because it made him so incredibly happy.
He was thrilled that you did, in fact, love him the way he loved you.
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frickingnerd · 3 months
poly relationship with marinette & luka
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pairing: marinette dupain-cheng x gn!reader x luka couffaine
tags: polyamorous relationship, wholesome fluff, established lukanette + reader joining, tons of physical affection
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marinette and luka were dating already, when you came into their life and changed everything!
both of them found themselves falling for you, but while luka took his crush on you rather well, marinette felt incredibly guilty about loving someone other than luka
it took some reassurance from luka to make marinette realize that her feelings for you aren't something she needs to be ashamed of and that she's allowed to love more than one person at the same time
luka was the one who made the first move on you and he'd continue to be the one making the first moves throughout your relationship
while marinette loves you, she struggles to communicate her feelings, so luka often plays the translator for her and nudges you two in the right direction
marinette is super flustered and awkward at the start of your relationship and tends to cling a bit more to luka, as she's nervous to make mistakes with you and scare you off
but luka's calm demeanor rubs off on marinette over time and she becomes much calmer and confident, being able to even initiate intimacy with you, without stuttering, blushing or needing luka's aid
marinette is very clingy and touchy! she loves to spend as much time as she can with you and luka!
luka likes to be near you too and enjoys to cuddle, but he has a much easier time giving you space than marinette has
there's no jealousy between the three of you, but marinette and luka tend to get pretty jealous if any outsiders flirt with you!
luka likes to believe he's the protective one in the relationship, but it's actually marinette! her ladybug persona comes through whenever luka or you are in danger…
the three of you have a very healthy relationship and are very close with each other's families too! juleka becomes marinette and your best friend, while marinette's parents always invite luka and you over for dinner!
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junnmoon · 6 months
mlb gc pt.2??
check out pt.1 !
(maripoo=marinette ,alya da coolest=alya, speakup=adrien, lukipoo=luka, ninotron=nino,and yn)
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i’ve upped my game w a texting app it kinda eats idk. also i made yn and mari neighbors bc why not also adrien is a drama queen :3
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domxmarvel · 2 years
Pairing: Luka couffaine x Gender neutral!Reader           
Words: 390 
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"How are you holding up?" Luka was fidgeting with the strings of his guitar,you were getting scared that he was tightening it too much.
"Not very well,I've never been so nervous about a performance. But this has to go well" This was one of their very first live shows. You had never seen him so nervous or a bit nervous,he was always so calm. You were gonna say something to encourage him,but you heard a snap. "Dammit"
"What happened?"
"My string snapped" He was full on panicking as he looked through his guitar case. "No no" you heard him mumble,you couldn't see any replacement strings and quickly understood why he was panicking.
"Luka" He stopped for a moment,you handed him the replacement strings you brought with you. "Will these work?"
"Yes,thank you" He took them from you before asking "Why do you have replacement strings?"
"Just a precaution,I didn't want anything to go wrong"
"So you've been carrying these around just in case I needed them"
"Yeah" You tried to laugh it off when you felt him kiss your cheek.
"Thank you Y/N,you're a lifesaver"
"You can thank me by going out there and crushing it" You cupped his face and pulled him into a proper kiss. 
A few days later they were practicing a new song. You arrived just as the song ended.
"Hey guys,that song was awesome,even though I only heard the end of it" They laughed. Luka walked up to you.
"Y/N I have something for you" He grabbed your hand and led you to his room and handed you a small box with a bow on it.
“You didn’t have to” You opened the box,inside was a silver bracelet with three blue beads on it,two smaller light blue ones around a bigger dark blue one. “It’s beautiful,thank you” You tried to put it on but couldn’t close the clasp by yourself.
“Let me”As he closed it for you,you noticed that the string looked like a guitar string. He seemed to notice because he spoke up. “It’s from the string that snapped before the show. I wanted to properly thank you for-”You interrupted him with a kiss.
“I love it,but you should probably get back to practice”
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bunmurdock · 19 days
bit by bit | matt murdock x reader
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summary: you surprise matt with an early morning visit to hell's kitchen, new york. tags: fluff, established relationship, domesticity, soft matt murdock. word count: 1.1k a/n: a little ode to the new city i moved to this summer <3
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you and matt are stretched out on the bed, skin-to-skin, making out hot and heavy when he pulls away with a soft laugh.
“hmm,” he hums playfully, nosing at your fevered cheeks. “…hot.” your heart pounds against your ribs. “getting nervous on me, sweetie?”
when you struggle to respond at first, he presses his body against yours, causing you to gasp.
“it’s just,” your breath hitches. “...you're so close.”
matt’s chuckle vibrates against your ear, and when a wave of desire washes over you, you can't help but cling tighter to him as your lips chase the faint hint of mint on his breath.
“and i can get—mmph—” he continues, obliging your kiss. “—even closer.”
your breath catches again, as you trace the subtle flecks of gray in his stubble before leaning in to kiss the soft, slightly rough skin. the intimacy makes your stomach flutter and you watch as his adam’s apple bobs, skin rippling under light stubble, a clear sign that he’s feeling the same.
“matt… murdock,” you giggle, earning a low huff from him. 
“mm?" he hums, his voice a gentle rumble against your ear. he lifts his head, playful. 
“matthew michael murdock,” you continue, with no further explanation, enjoying the way it rolls off your tongue. and his lips curl into a smirk against your cheek.
“full names, huh? must be in trouble.” 
his playful expression shifts to something more tender. his thumb brushes over your lower lip, making your heart skip a beat. “when’d you get in, sweetheart?” he murmurs, voice low.
you smile. “morning, first flight in.”
he groans softly, his nose nuzzling into your hair, inhaling deeply. “came all the way here to see me. smell so good. soft too, jesus—” he groans, sending a shiver down your spine. his hands slide down your sides, settling on your hips as he pulls you closer, if that’s even possible. “you’re killing me, ms. l/n.”
“stop!” you protest, failing to mask your delight.
“or maybe…” he pauses, a playful glint in his eye. “you sure you didn’t come all this way just to distract me from work?”
“depends,” you counter. “are you still showing up late to court?”
“definitely trouble,” he says, shaking his head, his hands trailing up your back. “big trouble.”
you giggle. “you love trouble.”
he raises his eyebrows and gives a small, conceding nod, smile playing at his lips. “guess i can’t resist my frustratingly clever girl.” his fingers tangle in your hair as he leans in again. 
the kiss is slow, unhurried, and filled with so much affection it makes your chest ache. his lips move against yours with a tenderness that has your heart swelling with love. when he finally pulls back, you’re both breathless, foreheads resting together.
“i love you,” you whisper, unable to hide the feeling that bubbles up from the very depths of your being.
“love you too,” he replies, his voice just as soft. he shifts, rolling onto his back and pulling you on top of him with a soft grunt.
“now, tell me all about your day. what'd my sweet girl get up to?”
you smile, settling comfortably against his chest, your fingers drawing lazy patterns over his scar. “well, first, i had to fight through the crowded subway, then…” you recount the mundane moments of your day, the ones that seemed unimportant until you had the chance to share them with matt. his hands continue their soothing caresses, trailing patterns that make your skin tingle. his chuckles and murmurs of encouragement are a steady background to your words, making you feel truly heard. 
"...and then," you continue, excitement bubbling up in your voice, "i found this quirky little bookstore. it’s called the drama book shop."
matt raises an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in his tone. “the one on 39th?”
“i think so? it’s amazing. i got lost in there for hours. they had this whole section of old play scripts and—oh!” you suddenly remember. “i got this really old one. it’s a collection of shakespearean monologues. i thought it might be fun to read some together.”
“sounds like a plan,” he says, smiling as he listens. “you know, foggy and i once spent an entire afternoon there back in college, just browsing. he was looking for a script for an obscure play. never found it, but we did find a signed copy of a famous playwright's work. he still jokes that it’s the only reason he appreciates theater now.”
you laugh, imagining the scene. “i can totally see that. the place is a maze. i almost tripped over a stack of books at one point. i was so focused on this one title, i didn’t see the pile next to me.”
matt winces. “oof. my girl, always so enthusiastic. did you end up buying the book?”
“no..” you admit sheepishly. “i got distracted by a cat that wandered in. it had these big green eyes and kept rubbing against my leg. i ended up following it around the store for a while.”
“of course you did,” he teases, his fingers gently running through your hair.
“i just can’t help it,” you say, blushing slightly. “everything is so fascinating here. like, did you know there’s a tiny garden on the rooftop of a building nearby? it’s so hidden, i almost missed it. but when i looked up, there it was. all these little plants and flowers.”
“a rooftop garden?” matt’s curiosity is piqued. “that’s something only you would notice, sweetheart. most people don’t look up.”
“it was like a little oasis in the middle of the city,” you reply, feeling proud of your discovery. “i even saw a couple of bees buzzing around!”
matt smiles, his expression softening. “you see the beauty in everything, pup. hearing you talk about it, getting to see the world through your eyes, it’s… new.”
“really?” you ask, feeling a warm blush spread across your cheeks.
“really,” he confirms, pulling you closer. “one of the things i love most about you.”
he pauses, thinking. “there’s this other spot you might like. small diner called clinton street baking company. best pancakes in the city. it’s a bit out of the way, but worth it.”
“really?” you exclaim, imagining a lazy morning spent indulging in sweet treats with matt. “oh my god matt, i want fluffy ones!”
he hums in affirmation. “i’ll take you there. it’s one of those places only the locals really know about.”
you close your eyes, contentment washing over you. “i like finding new spots with you, matt. makes me feel more like a part of your world.”
“you are my world,” he whispers, caressing your cheek—then, nuzzling into it with his face.
“and i love that you’re making it your own, bit by bit.”
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eowynstwin · 10 months
Reading and writing about these dudes gets way more fun when you move past imagining them as your archetypical romance heroes by the way. When you stop portraying their desires as possessive and objectifying.
Because listen. They’re trained fighting dogs at their core. They don’t want you to be theirs—they want to be yours.
They want you to use them however you need them, to be whatever you need. All you need to do is give them a word of encouragement. A well placed “good job” at the right moment. And they’d do anything you told them, from that moment, forever, as long as the praise keeps coming.
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grandlinedreams · 11 months
“What,” Mihawk begins, “is that.”
It’s not so much a question as a demand for an answer and even with as mild as his tone is, you still have to take a moment to find your confidence again, adjusting your grip on the object in question. 
“A kitten,” you answer. The kitten in question is little more than a mess of jet black fur and a pair of small, pointed ears that dangles limply in your hold, mewing as Mihawk stares at it. “He kind of looks like you, doesn’t he?”
Mihawk’s eyes narrow a fraction. True, the kitten is black like his hair, and the pair of eyes that peer at him are round and the same shade of gold as his own – but that, in his opinion, is where the similarities stop. “Hardly.” 
“Hardly,” you echo, pitching your tone deeper in playful mockery as you bring the kitten closer to your chest, scratching underneath his chin until he starts purring. “Don’t be so grumpy.”
“I am not grumpy.”
You kiss the top of the kitten’s head, humming at the tickle of soft fur against your lips. “Says you.” The kitten mews in agreement – not so much at your words, but at the attention you’re currently giving him. 
“Where did you find it?”
“Him,” you correct.
Mihawk stares at you and were it not undoubtedly beneath him, he’d roll his eyes at your persistence. “Where did you find him,” he amends, and you grin. Mihawk looks less than amused. “I hope you weren’t wandering around again. The humandrills–”
“Are friendly,” you cut in, “and I can handle myself. You know that. And besides, it gets lonely when you’re off doing who knows what.” You really don’t know what he gets up to when he leaves Kuraigana, only that he’s unscathed every time and recounts (undoubtedly heavily edited) events with an ever present air of boredom in his voice when you ask. “But to answer your question, I don’t know how he even survived long enough to end up here, but he was out near the shore.” You snuggle the little kitten to your face again. “Poor thing almost died.”
For a moment, Mihawk wonders if he should fancy himself jealous of how much attention the cat is getting from you, but that’s beneath him too – besides, he’s the one that you sleep next to at night. 
“I’m keeping him,” you say and Mihawk watches you, head tilting as he arches an eyebrow in question. 
“You are?”
“Yes,” you answer firmly, and the kitten offers his own opinion in the form of an indignant mewl, followed by a yawn of tiny, sharp white teeth and brief glimpse of a pink tongue before he tucks himself against you. 
Mihawk sighs. “Very well. But he is not sleeping in the bedroom with us.”
(The kitten does, in fact, end up sleeping in your shared bedroom. And Mihawk decides that yes, even if it’s just a little bit, he is indeed jealous of that tiny kitten.)
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blqstar · 4 months
HI BABES<3!!! Can you please please please, write something for a sub!yan Izuku and mean reader 🤭, literally my favorite thing to read! But if not, I just wanna say I love your writing!
ofc, poota butt! and thank you so much, i’m glad you love my writing. i hope this is worth your while, love 🤍
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ CONTENT WARNINGS: nsfw (17+) , yandere themes , sub!yan!izuku , dom!mean reader , oral (f!recieving) , mention of anal fingering , zuku being delulu and v obsessive , honestly not proofread lmaoo
pro!hero izuku midoriya. majority know him as a strong and reliable leading figure, with his strength and intelligence being respected equally. but the man you knew him to be was the total opposite. here he kneels in front of you, lapping up your cunt with your juices, never taking his pleading eyes off of you.
izuku was a total creep. always watching you through darkened corners and small windows, following you everywhere you went no matter if other bystanders watched him in suspicion. he was a major stalker. and with being the obsessive freak he is, you wanted to mess with his head so bad, to the point where he completely crumbles to the slightest amount of attention you give him.
you wanted to use him for all his worth. izuku doesn’t care if you’re the nicest child of god or the meanest bitch on earth. all he wants is for you to notice him, acknowledge him— be something worth your while. And what if you spent that ‘while’ making him spread his legs and finger himself while you watched? who is he to try and stop you?
if he can’t be with you, at least he can make himself useful. if you say that all he’s good for is eating that pussy of yours, who is he to oblige? as long as he’s good for something.
it was just fun and games at first. using the stalker, letting him trip over himself by the fact that you were actually paying attention to him. but the more and more these activities kept going on, the more and more you found yourself becoming fond of the man.
your conscience told you to get outta there, that playing with someone’s feelings was just dead wrong. but it was just too entertaining for you to run away. who else would let you treat them like a little doggy on a leash? no one else but him. that’s why you felt that izuku was a more…special case that needed to be explored to the lowest depths. for your satisfaction, of course.
“i promise to show you i’m worth somethin’ to you….please…don’t leave me, i won’t be able..to live without you.” he says, his hot breath hitting your lips as izuku continues to slurp away at your clit.
your legs shake at the hot breeze, your hand rushing down to hold the back of his head. you can only sigh at his words, pushing his head down a little more.
he savors every swipe of his pink tongue over your abundant slick like it’s the last time he’ll ever get to, and with a hitch of his breath, tears spring to his eyes when he thinks in the slightest that it might be.
if it wasn’t good, you woulda left ‘em already.
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