#after break up is done I may explore this feeling
jaynovz · 2 years
starting to be Real Normal about 1899
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bet-on-me-13 · 10 months
Danny goes on Vacation and leaves his job to his Co-workers
So! Danny hasn't had a break from his Hero Career since the day he turned into a Ghost. He has been constantly fighting battle after battle against his worst enemies one after the other.
Even after joining the Justice League, he didn't really have a chance to take a break. He never really asked for help because it didn't seem like a big enough deal to bother them with. He just kept on working.
Until the day he accidently mentioned this to one of his Co-workers, and they practically Force him to take a Vacation.
He has been fighting Crime, nearly every single day since he was 14, with at most a day or two in between battles for all that time, and he is now entering his 20's. They are horrified that he never asked them for help, no matter how easy the job may have been.
After a while of convincing him, they eventually get him to agree to tale a Month-Long Vacation.
He actually gets really excited after he agrees, and he is planning on exploring deep space for the entire month. He is actually really looking forwards to it now, and seeing this everyone who volunteered to take over his Patrols all promise that they will absolutely not bother him until the trip is done.
So, Danny leaves for his Vacation and the other Heroes set up shop in Amity Park.
Danny left them instructions on how to deal with Ghosts, how to pacify specific Rogues, and how to sent them back to the Ghost Zone when they are done. They feel like they are fairly well prepared for their Month Long Mission, especially since Danny described it as a very easy job.
Then the first Rogue Attack happened.
The team dispatched there, made up of a few mid-level JLA Members and some JLD Members for safe measure, takes nearly an Hour to defeat the Ghost. And they barely manage it.
They are surprised at how hard it is, but are even more surprised when they find out that the "Box Ghost" is labeled as a Low-Level Nuisance.
So, they call in a few higher level members to help. They do not want to interrupt Danny's Vacation.
Then they have to call in more JLA members, and again, and again.
By the time Danny managed to get back from his Vacation, the Founding Members and all JLD have been called in.
He thanks then for the opportunity to finally have a break.
Danny: Seriously, thanks guys. This was the best break I've had in years.
JLA: *out of breath and haggard* yeah dude...no problem...let me just sit down for a minute...whew!
Danny: Oh, I can't wait for the next time I can go on vacation!
JLA: *looking like this: 😐* ...yeah sure bro...
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coucouatoi · 7 months
don't want to be alone | h.s.
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Pairings: Harry Styles x Reader
Summary: Divorcing the biggest superstar on the planet is the hardest thing you've ever done. Almost as hard as marrying him was.
Warnings: Angst, couples therapy, a little bit of fluff, hopeful ending
A/N: I don't know why I'm feeling so full of angst... but, please enjoy!
Flashback are in italic and present day is normal text
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Boxes are littered around the house. Some full and taped shut others still being stuffed with your items. It's a slow and torturous process, having to choose what to take, what to throw out and what things are a conversation waiting to happen "That's a wedding gift from my aunt" or "When have you ever used that?" or even better "I know it was a gift, but I paid for it so i'll keep it". It's like he knows exactly which buttons to press to get the fights started. Granted you might be doing the same thing... But it doesn't make him entitled to all the belongings you've ever shared.
You've managed to find all the picture albums, the ones you decided to make for sentimental value. The ones you gifted him in tender moments. The ones filled with so much love, so much hope and promises for a future together. The ones you're now highly considering throwing into a paper shredder and tossing into the nearest incinerator. The ones you won't be able to get rid of. The anniversary album you gave him on your one year, the wedding album, the honeymoon album, the many travel albums and, of course, your daughter's first album.
Little Anya, barely 9 months old just starting to babble her first words. Chubby legs working so hard to keep her standing and exploring. She can barely take 3 steps one after the other but she's a fighter. Your little girl that is now a cause for argument, no, fights. Custody battles. The true war between yourself and your husband, Harry Styles. Neither of you want to lose or call for a tie, it's not how either of you operate in conflict. That, most likely, is the reason for the downfall of your relationship.
Frustrated you put the albums back where you found them and you head to the kitchen.
Most kitchen items have been packed up, Harry had never really invested in worthwhile cutlery or electronics of any sort. You take some orange juice from the fridge and pour a glass for yourself. The fridge itself is barren, with only the essentials left... neither of you has gone to the groceries in weeks. Today is not going to be a good day.
From the rediscovery of your love-filled albums to the boxes you've spent most of the day doing, you still have one horrible thing to do.
Couples therapy, your first-ever session. You thought, well still think, that this is too far gone to save in therapy. There won't be anything new shared that you haven't already screamed in each other's faces and self-help talks aren't exactly going to do the trick. Anne, Harry's mother, insisted that your marriage doesn't only include two people anymore. Anya makes it worth trying, she is worthy of a stable home as she grows up. No matter how unstable having a superstar parent may be, divorced parents might just add to that an unruly amount. So, you've both agreed to try. Try your very best to reassemble your love no matter how shattered it has become. Love. Love hasn't manifested itself once since about your seventh month of pregnancy. Love has vanished from your husband's once warm and inviting eyes, it no longer lingers on his fingertips and doesn't even creep into the more tender moments you must share with your baby. Love feels like a complete joke to you now.
The waiting room is empty of other clients which is a blessing in disguise. This is the absolute last place you'd want to run into Harries. Even if the media has already been dragging you in the mud for "breaking their dear superstar's heart" and has been making all sorts of claims about you and your marriage. In the very beginning, Harry had spoken up about these articles and had gotten his team to shut some people up but he's been losing care for... well, you.
"Harry and Y/N?" you look up meeting the eyes of who you can only assume is your therapist. Without sparring your husband a glance you get up and follow her into her office. It's cosy and smells like vanilla. There's a yellow glow to the room, it bounces off her multiple frames and decorations. Very nonthreatening, immediately putting you a little more at ease. She gestures for you to take a seat on her velvet green couch and you sit down squeezing yourself onto the left armrest. Harry does the same to the right.
"Good afternoon to you both, I am Trinity Finch. Can I get either of you something to drink before I sit down?" She smiles politely as her eyes shift between both of you. You only shake your head as an answer not trusting your stomach at the moment.
"Water if it's not too much trouble, please" Harry's voice is strained, he had been at the studio all morning probably preparing a new album you aren't aware of.
Trinity nods and quickly grabs a water bottle from a small fridge she's got right behind her desk. Harry mumbles a thank you as she hands it to him. You don't realise that his hands are shaking as you're back to looking around the room. He takes a few big gulps before your therapist gets to sit in her chair.
"Today I would just like to start with a history lesson on your relationship. How it started, all important moments, how parenthood has changed your shared life and just how you two are as a couple" She starts getting things ready around her, notebook, pens, highlighters, some sticky notes and you swear that you spotted some bright childish stickers. Her long manicured nails tap against the glass of her desk a few times as the silence stretches. Neither of you taking the first step in this session. When she looks up again she doesn't look annoyed or surprised by the lack of an answer.
"Harry, how did you meet your wife?" Trinity asks him gently.
Harry seems caught by surprise to have been asked a question directly. He looks at you briefly before turning his eyes back to her.
"Um, we meet on the plane. For some reason, my private plane for that day was not available and they booked me on a regular flight. Premium ended up being full and I got an economy seat. I had the aisle and she had the middle we ended up bonding over our shared movie choice. Then I asked her out and um here we are?" He ends with a question. As if unsure if "here" is a good thing, it's definitely not but meeting has, unfortunately, brought you both here.
"And when was this?" she asks.
"April 2018" he answers quickly. She nods presumably writing it down.
"How was your relationship before marriage Y/N?" she looks at you now with kind eyes. They are big and dark. Staring right into your soul. It makes you slightly uncomfortable but at the same time you don't want her to look away she's your lifeline right now.
"It was very easy. I work remotely as a translator and an editor, so I've always been able to tag along on his travels and tours. He, um, he always insisted that he rather have me with him even if we couldn't see each other every single day. Just knowing I was near helped him..." you sigh. You don't want to shed tears this early into your session. You don't want Harry to see you cry any more than he already has over your lost relationship.
"I really loved following him around the globe" you add, looking down at your lap willing your wet eyes to dry.
"Any fighting? How did you deal with that?" Trinity is still talking to you maybe even sensing that you're about to cry. Is that what she wants from this?
"Well, yeah. I mean all couples fight, right? We fought over the same things all the time really. I wanted more affection I guess pressuring him to take some time away from the spotlight or he wanted me all to himself whenever it worked with him without thinking of my work. Our jobs were the main reason for fighting between us" Besides you, Harry scoffs before taking another sip of water. Your head turns to him
so quickly that a sharp pain forms in the back of your neck. Your posture immediately tightens, muscles locking and your breath gets heavier.
"What? You don't agree?" you question him in a much harsher tone than you were previously using. He meets your gaze and shrugs.
"I do but that's not all we fought over" he shrugs again not looking away. Is he trying to pick a fight right now? Here of all places?
"Then what? What am I missing?" you prepare yourself for the worst. Ready to feel like absolute shit at anything he might say.
"Your constant jealousy was a contender for the most appearances in our fights" his entire expression is accusatory but he does this thing with his posture. Gets all soft and somewhat blazé making you feel inferior and so incredibly small.
You want to storm out. Call Anne to apologise that it couldn't work out and immediately sign the divorce papers that are permanently placed right on your dining table.
Not wanting to fuel this energy taking over him right now you shrug as well before facing Trinity again. She's watching both of you like a hawk, processing the way you react to conflict with each other. Making mental notes as well as some physical ones all while hostility happens between her clients.
"We'll move on from this for now. Harry, how was the wedding? How did married life change your bond?" this seemingly calms his overgrown ego. His face is neutral again but there's a softness to it now, recalling the happy days.
"We had an Italy wedding. We, I love Italy. I flew everyone out, our families and friends, and then we stayed there for a month more for our honeymoon. The wedding itself was... amazing. We kept it small. Intimate. With my life it's always been hard to have that so, it was important to us" he sounds blissful towards the last part. Probably back there now in his mind. Ah, the good old days as they say.
"I don't think married life changed us much. We were living together before that and we'd been planning it since we got together practically" he stops talking again to take another sip of water. You look at the lady in front of you again and as she begins to open her mouth to probably question him more Harry starts talking again.
"I guess tension started about a year in. The media wasn't kind to her. They made up cheating rumours on both sides and manipulated things to make them seem like something else. Someone even showed up at our old house while I was out" he took a deep breath, cracking some of his knuckles at the same time, "We were always on edge around each other. Throwing these rumours at one another just to I don't know, get a reaction? Plus, we were stuck at home because of Covid and my tour was postponed. It was a real shit show" he laughs bitterly and you nod along to what he was saying. That was just a terrible time. For everyone.
"Then I got to go on tour, Y/N didn't follow along for all of it but she was there most of the beginning. It wasn't the same as before. There was this distance that just never got better. And then she got pregnant" he almost sounds exhausted. Maybe he is, you're not sure how much he's slept lately.
Shit. Fuck. This can't be happening now. Shit! The word "Pregnant" seems to be mocking you as you look down at it. Mocking the fact that you and Harry have not seriously spoken in two days and that you're flying back home tomorrow. Mockingly reminding you that this can only make things worse right now.
"Y/N, come on the car is waiting downstairs" your husband's voice is weak through the thick hotel bathroom door. He's performing in Toronto tonight. The second day, the last day before he flies to New York and you go back to London.
You walk out of the bathroom, straight past Harry, not wanting him to read your face and figure out that something is terribly wrong. You slip into your shoes for the night and take a deep breath, no scratch that, a huge breath. Willing your facial expression to cooperate before you turn to him and smile.
"Let's go superstar!" he smiles back and walks over to you. Grabbing your hand and bringing it up to his mouth so he can plant a kiss on the back of it.
"We just might have to cancel tonight if you look this good" his free hand wraps around you tightly glueing you to his body. You know he doesn't mean it but you pretend to consider it nonetheless.
"Mh what about all your adoring fans? Won't they be so utterly crushed?" you tease against his lips. He smiles wickedly before slowly nodding.
"I do have quite the engagement this evening... how about I make it up to you after?" he presses soft kisses to the sides of your face. Framing it.
"That's a pretty good offer, I just might have to tak-"
"HARRY STYLES GET YOUR ASS OUT OF YOUR HOTEL ROOM!!" Jeff's voice is full of annoyance as it cuts you off. Rude.
You laugh before getting pulled out of the room by your husband. The small plastic stick forgotten on the washroom counter for now.
You get a harsh reminder tho when you're back at the hotel after yet another amazing concert. You're laying on the bed completely stretched out and now only dressed in your underwear. Harry's currently using the washroom to try and get some of the remaining glitter off his face when he finds the secret you've kept all evening.
"Y/N, what's this?" his voice is so shaky that you barely even understood what he asked you. However, when you look up your brain catches up. He's in his boxers, left hand in his hair and right hand holding the test like it's made of glass as he looks at it as if it's going to explode. Fuck.
"No chance that you suddenly lost the ability to read?" you try and lighten the suddenly very heavy mood in the room. It fails.
"You're pregnant. How, I mean no I know how. Fuck, you're pregnant" he looks up at you panicked.
"We don't have to keep it" is the first thing out of your mouth. Probably as a panic response to his reaction. Not wanting this to turn into another fight.
"What?! Why wouldn't we, you don't want, I um" he takes a second. He's just breathing heavily while looking at you desperately. "You don't want to keep it?" he breathes out.
"You do?" is all you answer. You stand slowly, finding the clothes you just took off to put them back on. Whatever mood you were in is gone you're now filled with anxiety and a deep fear.
"You leave tomorrow... We won't see each other for what 3 months? In Mexico?" he hasn't moved an inch. Feet seemingly glued to the floor and limbs were frozen.
Pregnancy. One of the worst and best times of your life. Your gorgeous baby girl came out of all the pain you suffered. She gave a new meaning to the way you live, made you forget about all the physical pain you endured and...
"Why do you say it in that way? Like you still dread what the pregnancy brought" Trinity's voice almost startles you. You'd been so lost in your thoughts that you'd almost forgotten where you were.
"I don't! I love Anya" his voice is stern.
"What about your wife? What happened during the pregnancy?" she's digging. Wants to find the right buttons to push.
Harry stammers, but no answer seems to satisfy him. His hands are squeezed under his things, his right leg bouncing and his eyes avoiding either of you.
"We didn't plan her, I was right in the middle of my tour. We, um, we weren't doing very good and she was about to go home" he looks at you suddenly surprising you when he meets your eyes. You can't read him, can't understand what he's feeling. You haven't been able to read him in months.
"She- You, Y/N, she got really sick in February the seven-month mark. I was in Australia and I couldn't be there. It really strained us, we fought all the time over the phone and in person. I guess that's really when we went downhill" his jaw tenses when he looks away from you. Looks like he's not happy to have to have shared this with the room.
"Okay, thank you, Harry. I think now's a great time to take a breather. I'll meet both of you individually when we come back. So, see you both here in 20 minutes?" Trinity smiles at both of you and keeps smiling until you both walk out.
Harry doesn't come back. You wait 45 minutes in Trinity's office looking like an idiot. She dismisses you with a look of pity on her face before scheduling another appointment 5 days later, lots of work to do you assume. You rush out of the building humiliation creeping into every inch of your body. How could he do this on the first day? It was going fairly well, well you think so anyway... did he give up on your relationship right then and there?
As you make your way to your car you see him. Harry is pacing back and forth in front of his car as he seemingly argues on the phone. His free hand waves erratically in front of him, gesturing like mad for someone who can't even see him. So this is what he's been doing? Arguing over the phone while you sat in a therapist's office waiting to try and work on your ever-crumbling marriage. You scoff before turning away from him and to your car. But nothing seems to be on your side today as your husband hears you and immediately calls out to you.
"Y/N! Why are you leaving?" you hear him walk towards you, the clacking of his shoes getting closer to you but you ignore him and walk away faster.
You're completely focused on your black Subaru, the "You're so Golden" sticker catching your eye and making you more pissed off. Something that was put there because you loved the song, because of how beautiful your husband's voice is in the song but now all you want to do is rip it right off. So, that's what you do.
Your nails claw at the edges of it desperately. You don't want any reminders of Harry on your car, you don't want to think of him while putting the groceries away, while walking around the car after putting Anya in her car seat and you don't want to see it in your rearview mirror anymore. The top corner lifts as you're pulling at it giving you the perfect leverage to rip it right off. You throw it to the ground right before turning around to stare daggers into Harry's eyes.
"45 minutes, Harry. I sat there 45 minutes with our therapist looking at me like a beaten dog!" you hiss at him. He is now only about 2 or 3 feet away from you. His eyes are wide, in shock you guess, as he looks at the sticker. "What could you have possibly been doing for more than an hour that made you forget what we were here for?" you're sure you sound desperate right now. Your head is all over the place and your heart feels like it might explode out of your chest.
"An hour? I, no, that couldn't have been more than-"
"You can go back up and ask her if you want because I really really don't want to be around you right now" and now you're crying. Fuck. Why are you crying now? You need to leave.
While rummaging in your bag for your keys Harry grabs your arm. Well maybe not grabs, he just places his hand on you, resting it there delicately. If you weren't so aware of every single inch of your body right now you wouldn't have noticed. No matter how delicate the touch is supposed to be you flinch out of it aggressively.
"I'm, I'm so sorry Y/N. That was my mother, she, fuck" he sighs and runs a hand in his hair gripping it tightly. "She wants us to go up... she's rented a lake house or something I guess" his voice is so soft, shy even.
"Us? You mean you and Anya?" god you hope so.
"I'm so sorry" is all he answers.
Anne Twist is a very difficult woman to say no to. Actually, it's impossible to say no to her. In the many years you've known her, she's always been able to find a way to make you say yes. Always in a good way. She loves you, she has told you that countless times, and you love her but now that you're... the way you are with her son you don't know where you stand. Yet, she has still found a way to get you to agree to something you would have much rather not have gone to. You're in a small townhouse almost 4 hours away from your home in London with your mother-in-law, your daughter and your soon-to-be ex-husband. What has your life come to?
Anya is sitting in her high chair passionately eating banana slices as you watch her. She's already gobbled up the strawberries and pita bread slices she also had for her snack. She's such a good eater always so ready to try new things and taste whatever the adults around her eat. Especially the sweet treats her dad sneaks her.
"Do you want to go take a dip after huh? We should enjoy the water my love" you coo at her as she takes her final bite of food. She smiles at you like she understood what you asked and you chuckle wiping her chubby cheeks and hands. She'll be able to float around in the water for a little bit with you before you put her down for a nap. The steps of your morning are perfectly planned so that you can have your solo Zoom session with Trinity.
There is a small river behind the house you're staying in. The water goes up to just above your breast and it's the perfect warmth at this time of day. You've made your way down to it and are now setting up Anya's towel for when she'll be too tired to entertain you and ready for her mid-day snooze. She's currently lying right by you looking up at the sky with such curiosity, probably trying to figure out what the hell clouds are.
"You're so curious my love!" you shake her gently as you smile widely. "What do you see up there?" as you look up to join her sky-gazing you spot Harry making his way to the river as well. He's only got very short grey swimming trunks on meaning his entire chest, thighs, calves, and arms are out for the whole world to see. Maybe that's an exaggerated statement as you're the only one looking right now. You want to scold yourself for staring, you really really do but he's just so... so captivating and very enjoyable to look at no matter how much you resent him at the moment.
"Mind if I join you ladies?" his voice is more cheerful than when you heard it last. Must be because he's actually speaking to and looking at Anya.
However, when you don't answer his question he looks up at you. Expression now closed off again, how it's always been for the past few months. You smile politely and nod before turning your back to both of them so you can take your robe off. Your swimsuit isn't anything special; simple black one-piece that's high on the hips and low on your back. You think it looks pretty good on you but now you feel very aware of the amount of skin you're showing. You decide to just get in the water hoping its dark colour hides you. Hides away the skin your husband might be looking at.
"Looks like mummy is in a hurry, we should join her. What do you think sweetheart?" Harry picks your baby up and makes his way into the water. He holds her tightly to his chest as he climbs in, just in case he slips on the stones he uses as stairs. Once your daughter's chubby limbs meet the water her mouth forms into an adorable "O" shape. It's the second time Anya's been in the water now so she must still be unsure about this feeling. Harry turns her so that her front faces you and her back is against him. She smiles when she spots you reaching her arms out quickly which splashes some water around. She looks at you with a shocked expression and does it again with a giggle now.
"You little troublemaker! Trying to splash me!" you tease her sending some water her way. She answers with a sweet giggle and shakes her arms around as fast as she possibly can.
"Mh, my jokester gene is strong in her" Harry's voice is laced with pride. You playfully roll your eyes at him and hum affirmatively.
"And her love for singing too" you add remembering so many moments where she hums to any song playing. Her favourite thing to do is to harmonise with her father. His deep voice always gets her attention, always gets her to mumble and hum along with her own lyrics.
"Oh yes, she's the next big thing this one" he affirms kissing the top of her small head affectionately.
It's in moments like these that you tend to forget how bad it is between you. How many horrible things you've shouted at each other not caring how deep your words could cut. The accusations, the insults, the taunts and even the lies still weigh heavy on both of you. You like these softer moments, where you're reminded of how much love you both had for each other. Have? Had? You don't know anything about your feelings anymore, they are much too complicated to understand...
All three of you stay in the river for about an hour more before Anya starts yawning and fussing. When you exit the water you're quick to slip your robe back on still overly aware. Harry wraps the fluffy towel you had gotten ready around your baby. Her head rests in the crook of his neck, her eyelids already heavy as she blinks slowly. You all walk back to the house together silently. Might it be to keep the sleepy baby calm or to keep the peaceful aura around you and your husband, you don't know.
Harry insists that he will put the sleepy girl to bed and that you should take a shower first. After all, you have the first private sessions with your therapist. The mention of her does make the air in the townhouse tense again but Anne appears immediately to kiss Anya before she naps. You use that moment to sneak into your shared room with Harry. Luckily, it has two single beds so you don't have to share with him.
Signing deeply you rid yourself of the now damp robe you had on. Another blessing in disguise, this room has an en suite bathroom so you'll be able to jump right into the shower. Before that you do want to set up your laptop for the video call, you want to be as ready as you possibly can be. You grab your device from your backpack and make your way to the small desk in the corner of the room. There's a bunch of papers scattered around it, one glance at them and you immediately know what they are.
Lyrics. Drafts of songs and melodies written by your rockstar husband. You don't mean to read any of the words you really don't but as soon as you spot your name at the top of one of the pages you're doomed. You put your laptop down on Harry's bed which is right next to the desk and reach for that exact paper.
The words you read are full of longing, pain, sadness and fear. They mourn love, they are mourning your love. You pick up another sheet of paper, this one has no title but there are so many lines written. This one is reeks of self-hatred, of shame and guilt... it shakes the weak barriers you've built around your heart. All of the lyrics you read on different papers revolve around the same emotions. These are all about your relationship. About the death of it. About his desire to turn around. You don't realise you're crying until a tear falls onto the paper you hold. The ink bleeds into itself where it's been wet blurring the words slightly. You quickly wipe your face and put the papers down. You shouldn't be looking at these, you're invading his privacy.
"Thought you were showering" Harry's voice startles you out of the chair. You meet the floor with a loud thud. Your tear-filled eyes meet his sharp ones. Scrambling up to your feet you grab your laptop ready to explain, ready to apologise over and over again.
"At least tell me what you think" he sighs walking into the bedroom and shutting the door behind himself. This shocks you. What does he mean? He, he's not mad? Isn't disappointed that you invaded his creative space? Your mouth opens and closes a few times unsure what you should answer.
"I'm sorry" is all you're able to get out. Your brain is blank in absolute fear but tears keep falling from your eyes.
"I should be apologising... you, you weren't supposed to see those" he walks in your direction slowly, testing the waters of how close you'll let him get. He's closer than arm's reach when you flinch backwards slightly and he stops immediately.
"I was going to ask you for your permission before making any of those full songs but you know music is how I cope" he whispers now that he's so close to you. Silence takes over the room again, stretching out for too long. Your eyes somehow keep producing tears as you try and speak. Hopelessly searching for words to say.
"Do you really miss us? You miss me?" is what you come up with, your voice is so shaky that you're on the verge of sobbing uncontrollably.
This shocks Harry in place, seemingly not prepared for that kind of questioning from you. His mouth gapes and his eyes grow wide. This time you do see his hands start shaking. You're not entirely sure what this emotion is.
"Of course I do. Did you not think so?" while still whispering he reaches out to hold you but stops himself hands falling at his sides.
"Yo- Harry, you asked for the divorce. How was I supposed to know you miss me?" your voice breaks. You don't understand, why is this happening now, why is he saying these things?
"We should just get a divorce" Harry snaps at you as he fights back tears. Your expression immediately closes up, your body reacting before your thoughts and words do. Protecting you from what he just said, building walls around you and your heart as quickly as possible.
"Fine" you spit out as you turn away from him and walk straight out of your bedroom. If that's what he wants then so be it. You won't beg for anything now that he's made his decision.
"I know, okay? I know that I asked for it and that it's the reason why you don't talk to me anymore. Well, you do but not really" he sighs and sits down on his bed, damn swim trunks wetting the bed "We talk about Anya and when we're not we are yelling at each other... so when was I supposed to tell you that I missed you? That I regretted asking for the divorce..." he looks at you with a guilty expression, all his emotions are coming up at once.
"Why did you ask for it?" you ask him sitting back on the desk chair with your laptop still in your hands.
"I got in my head. You were saying we should take some time for ourselves maybe live apart... with everything that kept being said about us, I got so scared" he takes your laptop out of your grip and puts it down next to him.
"I thought you were going to fight me on it..." he adds as he grabs your hands tenderly. Like he's afraid you'll break.
You shake your head in disbelief not sure what to say. Your thoughts are all over the place, what should you make of this?
"It broke my heart" When did his face get so close to yours? You should really move away. You can't fall back into him, you can't let yourself do that. So you pull away from him roughly, your hands tugging out of his hold, face moving to the side, a sob making its way out of you as your back meets the chair-back.
When you meet Harry's eyes you can see the pain, the hurt, in them. They are brimming with tears that are so close to spilling out.
"Are we... are we too broken?" his voice has dropped to a whisper. He sounds so sad and scared.
"I'm worried" You take in a few breaths before you speak again, "What if we just end up hurting each other again? What if we can't go back?" you choke out the last few words. Tears spill endlessly out of your eyes and sobs rack your entire body.
It feels like you're running out of air and the little bits you get in are painful. Your eyes burn as you cry and your hands are shaking like crazy.
Harry might be answering or trying to communicate but nothing is making its way past your meltdown. What does make it through is the feeling of his arms around you. Him pulling you against his chest tightly, immediately rubbing your back as soothingly as he can. Your hands are grabbing his still bare skin desperately, wanting to anchor yourself in any way you can. Your face rests on his peck, right above his heart, the frantic beating bouncing around your head.
"Breathe, you have to breathe love" he speaks delicately in your ear, breaking through the barrier your body has put up.
"I'm- I'm, I can't... Harry I can't" your clawing at him almost trying to get under his skin, someplace you might be able to understand everything that's going through his mind.
He wiggles around a little before laying you both down as he keeps reassuring and encouraging you. He drags you on top of him your face now pressed up against the juncture of his neck. Your left-hand makes its way into his hair, pulling at it as softly as you can manage. Harry's hands run up and down your back, your arms, and your neck and he even pets your hair delicately. He's always known how to best calm you down... how to bring you back down to earth and out of the panic attacks you sometimes get when you're overwhelmed.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry" he repeats that over and over with a pained desperation. Harry's scared shitless too. He doesn't know how things will go with your relationship. He can't guarantee that you won't end up actually wanting a divorce one day... But he can love you. He has and will keep loving you. He hopes it'll be enough to save your marriage. He'll work incredibly hard every single day to prove his love for you... if you let him back in he won't ever let you go. He'll leave it all up to you. Your little family is all he needs, he'll spend the rest of his life proving that to you if that's what it takes.
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
I once had to pose in a ton of photos for a friend's AP photography final back in high school so may I present to you:
Steve Harrington, who gave in to Robin's begging that he act as her weird art model for her senior year portfolio (the same one her teacher is encouraging her to bat out of the ballpark and enter into contests.) 
She's doing a whole thing on fashion, subcultures and sexuality using photos and collaged poetry, a project that has Steve trying on different outfits and posing in different places. 
"This might help me land a scholarship, Dingus." She hisses while she's got him bent over her bathtub, spraying parts of his hair blue with wash-out dye.
Steve, soulmate and best friend extraordinaire, goes through it all with minimal (for him) bitching, even if the goth outfit feels absolutely ridiculous, and the 'geek' photoshoot downright laughable.
He starts to have fun when she has him mimic Nancy's straight laced, all A's good girl aura, and equally has a blast with the country look (he has no idea where Robin got a miniature horse but it conned him for every piece of food he had on him and then some.) 
The final piece is the one they're struggling with, the one Robin's now (fake) dying his hair partially blue for. 
A few hours later and he's dressed up once again in a studded leather jacket, the tightest jeans he owns ringed with belts, and combat boots.
 Robin had even talked him into letting her use eyelash glue to attach a few metal studs on his face--two acting as an eyebrow piercing and one on his nose. 
The looks he drew took a minute to get used too when all was said and done, Robin dragging him around Hawkins while she tried to find the 'perfect backdrop' but he's not gonna lie. 
He kinda enjoys being punk Steve.
That is, until Robin has him posing in an alleyway and Eddie Munson comes around the corner, jaw right about falling to the floor.
Even better? 
Eddie doesn't recognize him. 
Not at first, when he siddles up to Steve, nodding to the handkerchief in Steve's back pocket and then flicking the pink triangle pin on his jacket with a finger. 
Steve owes Jonathan a bottle of his father's best alcohol for giving him enough knowledge to get through the music razing Eddie subjects him too, and Steve's all too happy to play the part of punk asshole to Munson's music-snob metalhead.
It's not until Eddies playing with his hair and Robin gives in to letting him have a quick break from the shoot that he gives up the ghost, leaning in to whisper in Eddie's ear. 
"Gotta say, Munson," Steve all but purrs."I wasn't expecting you to fall for the Harrington Charm that fast."
"What?" Eddie asks, jerking his head back to look at him with wide eyes. 
Maybe it's the outfit giving him the extra ounce of courage, but Steve likes to think more that it gives him the freedom to lean forward and brush their lips together. 
Eddie doesn't return it, but that's alright. 
Steve's played this game enough to know that it was merely a hook for a real kiss. 
"Okay." Robin says, annoyed, camera at her side. "Steve, I'm happy that you're finally exploring that repressed as fuck homosexuality we keep arguing about, I really am, but I have to get this last photo!" 
He ignores her, instead nudging Eddie's shoulders.
"Care to pose with me?" Steve asks, grinning. He can tell Eddie still isn't sure if this is a joke, that he's seconds from running, and reaches out to tug on his black handkerchief. "Get Robin her photo, and then talk about this after, Mr. S&M."
Eddie flushes scarlet, but after some reassurance (and wheelding) from Robin, finally agrees. 
(Later, he agrees to a date, which Steve also credits the outfit for.
Even if Robin demands half the credit.) 
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consumedbyfeels · 3 months
To those people saying Tevan can't be endgame because Buck needs to explore his sexuality. He's done enough exploring, he has sampled the buffet and gone for seconds and mixed flavors and even sampled in places you have no business sampling and with things from janitor's closet. Now he want to settle down at a nice restaurant with one meal for the rest of his life that no else samples.
He wants commitment he wants someone to love. And maybe he didn't sample all sides of the table but he can still explore what he might like with the one meal just switch out salad for fries every once in a while or trying adding pear even if it seems strange. You can get creative and explore with one person. It's probably even better with feelings and trust and love. And it's a safe space. So yeah he may not be at the buffet table anymore but he can still explore. And besides he hasn't been at the buffet table in a long while. he has been searching for that one meal since Abby that's what all these years he was doing with Ali, Taylor, and Natalia he wants to settle down.
You don't tell Straight people they have to explore their options. You don't tell people who come out in high school to explore their options. So why is this different?
Edit: I wanted to clarify cuz I think there might have been a little confusion. I'm not saying Tevan will be endgame its too early in the relationship to know what will become of them (yes I love Tevan and would love for them to end the series together but mostly I just want both Buck and Tommy to be happy) The thing this post was ment to address is the fact that a certain subset of the fandom (not naming names but we all know the ones) have been trying to perpetuate the bi people are all ho's stereotype, some even going as far as to want Buck to cheat on Tommy (leading into another horrible stereotype about bi people being cheaters) just because they don't like a ship. They would all be fine with Buck marrying the first man he dated if it was we all know who but since it isn't it's a problem. Assuming Buck and Tommy aren't endgame (again too early to say one way or another) but assuming they aren't Buck doesn't have to sleep around after they break up he can date seriously like he was doing before, now just with this new part of himself on the surface. He could go on dates with men and women. I stand by my point earlier regardless of who it is or what gender they are Buck wants commitment. Who knows maybe when the show is all said and done he marries a woman but that doesn't negate his sexuality or make this point in his life any less valid. We should just be happy that he is happy and living his best most authentic life. That boy deserves a break. Please be kind to each other and be careful what harmful stereotypes and rhetoric you perpetuate intentionally or otherwise. its harmful. Even if you are doing so with fictional characters and not real people. It still causes harm in the real world.
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noroi1000 · 1 year
hii noroi! saw you opened your rq for 2 weeks 👀 neways- can i rq angst where reader dies bc of mahito? like what happened to nanami and how stsg react? i live for the angst!!
Too weak
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Heavy angst warning!!! Character death!!!
Summary: You thought you were strong enough to fight without their help...
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You slowly walked down the alley when you knew your boys were waiting on the other side.
You kept a hand on your very hurting side.
You told them that you are strong and as a special class you will be able to defeat the special class. You told them you would go alone and when you were done you would come back to them. And you also said that if you needed help, you would call them. Because you wanted to show them that you can be as strong as them.
But you were too weak.
You had to run away. That's why you ran between buildings and when you didn't feel like you were being chased, you stopped running and walked towards them.
You didn't want to die. The wounds should be normal for a Jujutsu sorcerer.
But this thing wasn't a wound. Your whole side was black. It hurt so much. As if the pain radiated throughout your body. You couldn't speak without whimpering.
There was no blood on your clothes. But this terrible pain prevented you from doing much but suffering.
There was a ray of hope in your soul that they would help you and you would return home. Everything will be fine
"You were supposed to be strong. And you are. But you can't be untouchable, can you?" Your opponent's words echoed in your ears.
And his sadistic smile couldn't fade from your mind.
With each step you took, you felt your bones breaking. As if it was made of such a fragile thing.
You ignored the pain you felt and kept walking.
But the moment you saw your boys, you just gave up and lowered your body to the ground.
Sitting against the wall, you called out their names quietly.
"...Satoru....Suguru..." Your lips were dry and you thought that nothing could moisturize it.
You just want them to overcome the curse and take you home. So that you can be together with a smile.
But why was everything blurry outside of their figures?
When their eyes landed on you, they were a little scared.
You were sitting on the ground, tiredness visible on your face. They ran up to you, checking your condition.
"(y/n), are you okay!?" Suguru began to check you over completely. His hands explored you and you gave him a weak smile.
You came back after half an hour. And the fact that you are here may mean that you have won or escaped.
"...It's just a little scratch..." You coughed slightly. "I was just too weak for it."
You gave them a weak-eyed smile.
You always wanted to see them in the last minutes of your life. Be with them. But you don't die. It's a small wound that just needs treatment. You are alive. You don't die. You are here with them all the time.
"Too weak for this... Sorry..."
"You don't have to apologize." Satoru reassured you, moving your hand away to check your wound. "Suguru, can you take care of this curse?"
"Maybe we should take care of (y/n) first?”
"You can leave her to me! I can take her to Shoko now!" he said with worry and a smile to calm down the situation.
You couldn't see it, but your skin was so pale. Your veins throbbed as you sat in front of him. Your skin felt so very hot despite how it looked.
And there were darker circles under your eyes. You looked completely different than half an hour ago.
You had to get care quickly. Therefore, the best way will be to take you directly to Shoko. But you're conscious. That's why it's good.
"Should I change her soul into the shape of a rabbit? That would be fun! You finally released a little defenseless bunny for my amusement!" A voice echoed through the alley.
Your eyes widened as you knew he hadn't stopped chasing you.
You reached for Satoru's uniform, but suddenly you couldn't feel your body anymore and you fell limp in his hands.
You felt your lips become wet. But it wasn't saliva or water. It was much more dense.
"Such a little soul! It was sweet! I would like more sorcerers like this to play with! Experimenting on special grade sorcerers is exciting!"
You felt a great pressure in your head whenever he spoke. Like something was about to burst your skull. At the same time, your side hurt so much.
"Please hold on a little longer! I'll take you to Shoko now!" Satoru shouted and tried to pick you up. But as soon as he wanted to get up, he felt like your body was crumbling from the inside. As if you were so fragile and one squeeze could break you.
Suguru looked in horror at the black cracks on the skin of your hands. Several of them had small drops of blood oozing out.
Feeling weaker from the pain, you breathed a little weaker. Your vision was blurry. You couldn't see anything but their faces.
The terror in Suguru's eyes as he set his curses for protection when he also wanted to take care of you.
"...There is no time... Toru..." you moaned weakly, feeling nothing but blood on your tongue.
In the distance, you heard a quiet psychopathic song about a dying rabbit.
If it were Suguru's voice, you would be calmer. But it was the voice of a curse that wanted to watch you suffer, slowly killing you before their eyes.
You just wanted to go home...
Have you asked for too much?
Was that too much of a desire?
You were too confident to fight this curse... You went there without help...
Was your desire to go home really too much? A dream that can't come true?
„The bunny lay in tears, For me is time to cheers~”
Since when have you been crying?
Or maybe it's true...
"...Toru... Sugu... I'm sorry... I was too weak..." you jerked hoarsely.
"No no no! It'll be fine soon!"
"...Sorry... I just... Wanted to go home...to much..." You moaned, not knowing he had said anything as your ears were filled with the same thick liquid as your mouth.
You forced your aching facial muscles to show them a smile.
"...I just want to... Go home–."
Your breath hitched suddenly as the imaginary song in the background ended.
„And for the song end, The bunny is just dead.”
Blood flowed from all over your face as your breathing hitched and your body became as soft as marshmallows in his arms.
All they could hear now was the chuckle of the curse behind them. And their own breaths as they watched your body not move at all.
"...(y/n)...?" Suguru whispered, unable to breathe for a moment. And then he looked at the petrified face of Satoru whose blindfold began to drop tears onto his cheeks.
With a muffled whine, he moved your body closer to his, hugging you. Suguru grabbed his neck, resting his forehead on his shoulder as he was terrified by the sight.
"Aww... I wanted more fun... But this was fun too!"
What will be the most painful death for the curse?
Almost kill, absorb, release and torture until death. Watching the suffering.
Just like they had to lose you, that curse with the stitched face will lose the smile from its face...
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myeagleexpert · 19 days
Throw wood on the fire ( PT 2 )
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Pairing: Tim Drake/Red Robin x YN AFAB Warning: yandere fic, toxic relationaship, he's possessive, you're stubborn, obsessive, emotional manipulation, yandere Tim, baby trap , oral s*x, nsfw (pt 2) Summary: You  and Tim have always been soulmates, but it's so suffocating that you've reached your limit. It's time to break up with Tim. (Pt 1) Note: Reader is described and represented as YN or as "You" because, grammarly, I'm trying to adapt the text so that it is more harmonious! Eng is not my mother language, so often the way I write does not relate to the translator and I have to translate most of my works manually. Therefore, thank you for understanding!
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The room is still tense, but it smells of refreshing relief like the ground after the rain. He sits comfortably on the gray couch, pulling YN close to him.
He wraps an arm around her waist, snuggling comfortably against her body like a safe haven. He grabs the TV remote, looking for a movie to watch. Tim quickly scrolls through the titles on the screen, trying to find a movie that interests him. He goes through several titles before finding one that you both share a common taste.
Timothy selects the movie, placing the remote on the coffee table. Then he settles even further on the couch, pulling you to snuggle into his chest. Not that he cares about the movie, he just wants to be by your side. The vigilante almost has the idea that the safe haven is something temporary, as if it could collapse at any moment, as if a storm could return at any moment despite the clear weather. He spends the movie stealing kisses from you, kissing you on the head, showing all the affection and love while holding you against his chest. You are used to it, and you decide that you have lost today's battle.
Tim seems almost desperate to show all his affection, kissing your head, face, neck and any part of your body he can reach. He pulls you closer, wrapping you in a possessive hug while the movie continues to play on the television. He has one eye on the TV and the other on you, trying to memorize every detail of your beautiful face illuminated by the light of the scenes. He doesn't seem to have any intention of letting you go any time soon, taking the opportunity to show everything he is feeling for you.
As the movie goes on, Tim continues to show his affection, his kisses and hugs becoming more insistent. It is as if he is desperate to make up for anything he may have done wrong in the past, wanting to show you how much he loves you. He pulls you closer, his body pressing against yours as he continues to cover you with kisses and caresses.
"Tim… Pay attention" you laugh in the middle of your caresses Tim seems almost irritated at having been interrupted in his caresses hiding in your neck, but he quickly gives in, a slight blush on his cheeks.
He leans slightly against the couch, finally turning his attention to the television screen. However, he can't resist wrapping his arm around you, keeping you close as he tries to watch the movie. You roll your eyes at his failed attempt to disguise that he still wants more, you can feel his pout on your neck.
"I didn't say stop" you laugh again and pull him into a kiss Tim is taken aback by the gesture, but he quickly gives in to the kiss, wrapping an arm around your neck to pull you closer.
He returns the kiss enthusiastically, his tongue sliding inside your mouth as he deepens the kiss. He seems almost desperate for more, his body clinging to yours as if trying to hold you there. As the kiss deepens, Tim pulls you closer, his hand sliding down your body to grip your waist. He pulls you onto his lap, sitting you in front of him as he continues to kiss you passionately. He seems completely mesmerized by your touch, his hands exploring your body as he tries to hold you closer to him.
This is no longer Red Robin, but a boy desperate for more contact, his hands roaming your body as he kisses you. He finally breaks the kiss to breathe, but he quickly returns to your neck, nibbling and kissing it desperately.
“I want you,” he whispers, his voice husky with desire. “I want you so bad.”
As Tim continues to kiss and caress you, he seems almost out of control, his hands roaming your body relentlessly. He pulls you closer, his grip tightening as he tries to press you even closer to his body. He kisses you on the mouth again, his gesture almost possessive as he tries to demonstrate all his desire for you.
"I" "Love" "You", Tim says between pretty moans.
"I love you too," you answer, forgetting about the previous situation, just surrendering to your boyfriend's passion, letting yourself be consumed by the burning fire between your legs, blinking with desire.
He grabs you tightly, pulling you completely onto his lap as he tries to keep you as close as possible. He seems almost desperate for contact, his hands roaming your body as if he can't be satisfied. You take control of the situation and kiss and nibble Tim's neck, returning his desire with passion as you explore his beautiful body, leaving a trail of fire wherever you go.
As you kiss his neck and bite it, Tim moans with pleasure, his hands shaking slightly as you explore his body. He tries to contain the desperate desire he feels, but it's almost impossible with the way you're touching him. He tilts his head back, giving you full access to your neck as he tries to control himself. You accept his invitation and give a delicious suck on the Adam's apple on his neck and whisper in his ear
"Did you know, I love you too?" you nibble on his earlobe and massage his shoulders sensually, delighting in his breathing as he quickens and grabs my hips. Tim moans again at your gesture, his body shaking with desire as he tries to maintain control. When you whisper in his ear, his breathing quickens slightly.
He places his hands on your hips, almost grabbing you as he tries to maintain focus. When you bite his earlobe, he moans again, softly, and closes his eyes. As you massage his shoulders, Tim seems to tense up even more, his hands gripping your hips tightly. He tries to control himself, trying to stay focused on your actions, but it's almost impossible while you're touching him like this.
He tries to speak, his voice hoarse and full of desire. "I love you," he murmurs, his eyes still closed. "I want you so much."
"You look so tense and stressed, my love." You say, kissing him again as you massage his shoulders. You slowly bite his inner lip, watching him look at me with desire, completely at your mercy. As you kiss him and massage his shoulders, Tim moans softly, his voice shaking with the gesture. He tries to respond, but any words he says are lost in another moan as you bite his inner lip. He opens his eyes to look at you, and his pupils are completely dilated with desire. He looks almost vulnerable as he watches you, as if he has been completely dominated by you.
You feel a tent growing bigger and bigger down there and you decide to tease him there too. Tim tries to speak again, but his words come out broken with desire and lack of air. "You…" he tries to say, but his voice trails off. "You make me…" He can't finish the sentence, his eyes desperate as he tries to recover. He grips you tightly, pulling you closer as he tries to deal with the emotions coursing through his body.
You start to grind on his lap, creating more friction between our bodies and my hand slowly slips under his shirt. "I make you what, hmm?"
As you start to move on his lap, Tim moans softly, the gesture sending waves of desire through his body. He tries to respond, but his words are lost in another moan as you slip your hand under his shirt.
He tries to compose himself, his eyes closing as he tries to deal with the pleasure caused by his gesture.
"You make me desperate," he finally answers, his voice shaking. "And desperate for you."
Tim tries to pull you even closer, his hands sliding up your thighs and under your shirt as he tries to keep you firmly against his lap. The gesture creates even more friction between you, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
He tries to compose himself again, his breathing heavy as he tries to say more words.
"I love you… I want you so much." "I love you Tim, I want you too."
As you tell him you love him, something ignites inside Tim, it's like you throw fuel on the fire and a raging flame takes over the room. He turns into something almost feral, pushing you down on the couch as he straddles you.
His hands grip you tightly as he kneels between your legs, his gaze desperate as he watches you below him. He's panting, his eyes almost wild with desire as he tries to control himself. As you try to pull him closer, Tim almost loses control. He moans softly, his voice almost a growl as he watches you, almost out of it.
"I'm trying to control myself," he murmurs, his voice shaking with need. "But you're not… helping me." "Please… Tim," I moan softly as he looks down at me, his hands playing inside my shirt.
As you moan, Tim nearly loses control. He closes his eyes briefly, trying to stay clear as his hands roam over your shirt, a quick thought of ripping it off immediately passing through his mind.
He tries to respond, but his voice comes out shaky and hoarse.
"You're teasing me," he murmurs, his voice a moan. "How do you expect me to control myself?"
"I wasn't expecting you to control yourself." You blink at him.
As you blink at him, Tim moans softly again, his body shaking with desire. He leans closer, one of his hands braced on the couch while the other slides further under your shirt.
"You're trying to tease me," he murmurs, his voice almost desperate "And it's working."
He stands between my legs and takes off his shirt and then asks me to take off mine, taking the opportunity to take off my bra and immediately going down to attack my neck while massaging my breasts.
“You are so beautiful, my beautiful….. and only mine.”
He goes down kissing the valley of my breasts while his mouth attacks one of my nipples, adoring the region with licks and sucks while rubbing my hip against his, leaving me with a gasp of breath.
He rests two hands on your back making them lean towards his mouth, and he gives my chest a particular bite that makes it arch more while I hold on to the couch for balance.
“Yes, my sweet?” he asks repeating the same action on the other nipple making you let out a louder moan
“Play nice.”
“I can't resist you like this… I want to devour you completely…” he sighs looking into my eyes while the kisses go down my belly to my skirt. “I love it when you wear a skirt.” He smiles, immediately lifting you up and pushing your panties aside and giving you a long lick from your entrance to your clit.
“T-timy…! Take it easy…!” You bring your hand to his dark hair, trying to make him go slowly.
But the vigillante is too focused to answer you, desperate to make you trust him again, wanting to prove to you that he will make you the happiest person in the world and what better way to start than by worshipping you between your legs like his faithful follower?
But it's different from usual. Normally, Tim Drake would take a delicious time preparing you with kitten licks and shy sucks…. But Tim Drake's state now is uncoordinated, with no technique whatsoever, just the desire to consume you piece by piece, wanting to drink all the juice you give him, to get addicted to your taste again and again…..
In the middle of almost drowning in your legs as you reach the fastest climax of your life, a brilliant idea crosses his mind:
She can't leave me if I get her pregnant.
Tim quickly opens his pants and pulls down his underwear, not having the patience to take everything off while he gives a few pumps on his erect and hot member already lining up at your entrance.
She's going to need me.
"Tim…. the condom…" You almost forget, but when you feel the tip touching your entrance it's like a reality check.
She can even get a divorce later, but she won't be able to get rid of me completely.
He thrusts in with a quick movement that leaves you breathless, a silent moan on his expression and Tim smiles as the pieces of the plan fall into place in his mind.
We will be together forever.
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Every like, repost and comment is very welcome and appreciated. ♥
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shadeysprings · 11 months
So Good. So Bad.
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—Stalker!Ex-Boyfriend!Lloyd Hansen x F!Reader
Summary — The Halloween party you and your friends attend turns upside down all because of your jealous ex.
Warnings — noncon/dubcon, toxic relationship, mass murd3r, k!lling spree, somewhat public sex, cuckolding of some sort, almost drugging, Lloyd being toxic and psychotic. There may be more I haven't mentioned but please read with caution.
Word Count — 7.2K
A/N — I know I said Sunday but my muse said no. Story #2 for my FREAKtober Fest and my second time exploring Lloyd as a character. The writing process was tedious yet exciting. The title and inspiration of this fic was taken from the song ILYSB.
Gif by the amazing @steve-kemp
As always, your feedback is highly appreciated and your reblogs would be amazing. And of course, I hope y'all enjoy! ❤️
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Aside from having the same shift as your best friends, restocking is the only thing you like about your work. Although it’s physical, it’s mostly mindless tasks done repeatedly, and the black shirt you wear acts like a shield from annoying customers who pester the ones in blue.
Your shift starts like clockwork; time in, grab the products from the warehouse, and begin stocking the shelves until you have to clock out. Though today was a bit more taxing than you expected with the cable aisle once more in disarray and you being tasked to reorganize and set everything in its proper place. You don’t understand the need to put in so much effort into something that will just end up messy at the end of the day.
But you do it anyway. 
Upon arriving at the aisle, you begin sorting out the boxes and dismantling the hooks from the shelves. You’re happy enough to be doing this alone—the quicker you work, the faster you’ll be able to relax and waste the time away. That is, until Kate stands beside you, seemingly tensed as she starts helping you. 
“He’s here again. TV aisle.” You don’t need for her to say anything more to know who she’s referring to and it just makes you sigh as you grab a box of an HDMI cable and hang it on the hook. “Jensen’s trying to help him but he’s being pushy about talking to you. How does he always know when you’re here? Didn’t you already change shifts?” She asks.
How you wish you knew the answer to that. “I did.” You say in exasperation. “Did he say I was on break?”
“You know we can’t lie. Besides, we have no idea if he already saw you before he came in. He could have seen you while you were on your smoke break.” She expounds and you feel a sudden wave of exhaustion wash over you. “Just—talk to him. Tell him to leave. If he tries anything, we’ll call the cops.”
“Yeah. Like they’ll do anything about it. Vince wouldn’t even allow that—bad publicity and all.” The sigh that once more leaves your lips is despondent. You don’t know what else you can do to make him leave you alone. “Fine. I’ll deal with him.” The box in your hand ends up being crumpled from annoyance.
“We’ll be keeping watch.” She says, a measly attempt to comfort you. But you take it anyway with a smile and push away from your cart to hopefully turn away the pesky client.
It’s been almost two years since you broke up with Lloyd. The sweet air that he once had turned bitter when you saw just how jealous of a person he was. You thought it was cute at first, comforting him after a fit and telling him that he was the only man in your life—until it wasn’t and he threatened your friend, John, even challenging him to a fight at the back of the club when he placed his arm on your shoulder as he introduced you to his girlfriend. 
Since then, he changed and the relationship you thought was almost perfect, snowballed into endless fights and the revelation of the toxicity he kept hidden. You thought you could make him realize that there was truly nothing to worry about, that his jealousy was misplaced. But you were very wrong, especially after he demanded you quit your job and move in with him instead. You’d make a really good housewife, was what he said and you knew you had to draw the line.  
It wasn’t the life you wanted. And it pained you to leave because you did love him but with the way he acted, you questioned if he truly felt the same for you for even the simplest of things, he failed to trust you. And ever since, he hasn’t stopped following you. Everywhere you went, at work or home, he was there, simply watching, observing and you’ve done all you can to push him away. But no matter how hard you try, he can’t take the word no.
The first thing you notice when you see him is the twitch of his mustache when he smirks. He looks pristine as ever with his yellow polo shirt and white slacks that match his black loafers—a complete mismatch to your black shirt, jeans and sneakers uniform. And it has you thinking, what the hell did he see in you?
“The new models just came in yesterday,” You hear Jensen tell him but it’s obvious that Lloyd is not listening, certain that he’s staring at you even with his blue eyes covered by sunglasses. “I can show them—”
“Ah, just the girl I was looking for.” He says, cutting off Jensen and stepping past him to head over to you. 
“Sir, she’s one of our warehouse staff. I’d be happy to assist you in—”
“Beat it, nerd!” Lloyd snaps as he stops to face Jensen, rolling your eyes at his misplaced annoyance. “She’s the one I want to talk to.”
“It’s okay, Jen. I got this.” You tell your co-worker, gesturing for him to leave.
“You sure? I can stay if you need any he—”
“Are you fucking deaf?! She said she’s got it, loser!” Lloyd turns from where he stands and you’re suddenly alarmed to see him charge over at Jensen. “Beat it or I’ll make you.” He threatens and you immediately wedge yourself between both men when you see Jensen isn’t backing down.
You place your hands against Lloyd’s chest, stopping him from getting any closer. “Lloyd, stop it! Not here—Christ!” Your voice raises an octave when you scold him, facing Jensen right after and unintentionally glaring at him. “Just go, Jake! I said I got this!” It surprises you that you sound quite like Lloyd but it doesn’t deter you from pushing Lloyd back further.
You hear Jensen speak but don’t understand him as you grab Lloyd by the hand and pull him over to the other aisle, heat rising up your neck when you notice several of the shoppers looking in your direction. There’s never any peace with Lloyd—everywhere he goes, chaos follows.
Once you’ve pulled him away from prying eyes, you startle when he stops walking and tugs on your hand, his arm immediately wrapping around your waist as he holds you close. He gives you a sickeningly sweet grin, effectively trapping your hand against his chest.
“What the fuck do you want, Lloyd? Why are you here?” You bite.
“I’m looking for a TV.” He says smoothly, “Besides, I missed my little Kitten and I know that kitty of yours misses me too.”
You want to roll your eyes at his crass comment. “You know I work in the damn warehouse. I know nothing about them.” You reason, grunting as you try to get away from his hold. “We have a sales specialist who can help you with that.”
“Oh, but I want you to show me the options.” The hair on his lip twitches when he smirks, “Or I can complain to your manager that his employees aren’t helpful to their customers.”
“Seriously? You’re going to act like a fucking Karen?”
“Would you like to see me try?” He challenges.
That’s the last thing you needed from him and you don’t question that he would stay true to his word and make sure his complaint reached top management. Letting out a sigh, you nod at his request and show your best customer service smile before saying, “How can I help you?”
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Your shift finally ends and you can’t wait to go home to wash off the day. After Lloyd pestered you with all the TV selections you showed him, he left with nothing and you tried your best not to show your annoyance at him though he knows he’s riled you up—he always does. 
Bidding your goodbyes to Kate and the rest as you leave the store with Jensen in tow. He offered a ride to the station—something he always does and one you couldn’t refuse after the long day. You just want to go home and curl up in your room and hope that Lloyd doesn’t show himself again after that awful stint. 
“Tough day, huh?” Jensen asks as he brings the engine to life and drives off from the parking lot. 
“Yeah. I’m just glad it’s over.” You respond, leaning back against your seat while you hug your backpack against your chest.
“Yeah.” He echoes, hearing his fingers tap against the wheel. “The line at the tech depot was pretty long too. Seems like every computer within town is falling apart.” He jokes, and you think it’s an attempt to lighten the mood. You still feel tense with the altercation he had with Lloyd—you just wish for once one of them would listen to you. 
“Hey, sorry about earlier.” He says and you visibly cringe when he mentions it. “I know you could handle him but knowing that he’s bothering you, I couldn’t just step away from—”
“Look. Jensen.” You sigh as you turn to face him. “I appreciate your concern, really, I do. But no offense, it’s none of your business. I don’t need a knight in shining armor to come and rescue me each time that idiot shows up. The others stay away because of how reckless he can be and I just don’t want you to get caught in the line of fire. Just let me handle him.”
You know full well why Jensen couldn’t get past that. After admitting to you his feelings since he found out you were single, he’s been subtly dropping hints about asking you out. You’d probably have taken up the offer if you met him before Lloyd but the trauma your ex has imprinted on you just leaves you thinking that any man who would dare go near would be the same. 
Silence fills the small space, along with a flicker of tension. You think Jensen would disapprove of your words, that he would insist on giving his unwarranted help. But all you hear is a sigh and you see the nod of his head. 
“Okay.” He utters, the rubber covering the steering wheel squeaking when his hold on it tightens. “I won’t meddle any—”
“JENSEN!” You shout and grab onto the handle of your seat when a car suddenly turns and blocks your path, Jensen stepping hard onto the brakes. 
“What the fuck?!” He shouts as he rolls down his window but you, on the other hand, sit still when you see Conrad, one of Lloyd’s buddies, step out of the car and walk over to Jensen’s side. “What the hell is wrong with you, bro?!” Jensen growls as he unlocks his door, ready to step out.
But you’re too late to warn him—Conrad pulling open the door and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, trapping him against the side of his car. Lloyd then suddenly appears, with Chris in tow. He goes first to Jensen, the latter flinching when he raises his fist at him, threatening to lay a punch before leaning down and framing his arms over the edge of the window.
Your eyes dart to Jensen when he grunts against Conrad’s grip, glaring at Lloyd when he stares you down. “What the fuck are you doing here, Lloyd?!”
His eyes meet yours, darkness swirling around the blue and you can already tell that he’s angry. “What are you doing here, Kitten?” He says, a cocky grin on his face. “You couldn’t wait for me to pick you up so you got into this loser’s car?” He tuts, chin nodding over to your side and your door suddenly opens, Chris, pulling you out aggressively. 
You look around, hoping to call for help but you curse Jensen when you notice he went through the back roads. No one ever passes here, especially at this hour, and now the both of you are at the mercy of your ex who you see looming over your co-worker. 
You gasp when Lloyd sends him a punch, trying to pull away from Chris’ grasp to help Jensen, but it’s no use. You’re rendered helpless as you watch him send another blow, making the other bowl over to which Conrad pushes him further to the ground.
“Stay away from my girl, asshole!” Lloyd threatens before spitting at the other man, your eyes grow wide when Lloyd takes you from Chris and drags you to his car. 
You hear the sound of tires being slashed and several glass breaking along with Jensen’s pained grunts. You knew Lloyd could be reckless but you’ve never seen him this way before. He opens the passenger door and pushes you in, slamming the door harshly before getting inside himself. He doesn’t wait for his companions before driving off, your hand grabbing the side of the door with the speed he’s going. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” You shout. “Let me out of here!”
“You keep testing me, Kitten. Running off with other men like that.” He growls and you scream when he takes a sharp left, cars honking left and right at how careless he’s driving. 
“Are you that daft?! We’re over, Lloyd! We’ve been for years!” You shout amidst the panic that rolls through your veins, eventually getting the courage to hit him on the shoulder when he gets on the main road. 
But you soon realize your mistake when he stops at an alley and his hand immediately wraps around your neck, pulling you towards him. You grab on his wrist when he squeezes tight, your eyes wide as you fear that he would choke you, kill you on the spot. 
“Lloyd—” you gasp, slapping on his hand as tears fall from your eyes. “Y—you’re hurting me.”
“I will only say this once, Kitten, so you better listen.” His hot breath spreads across your cheek when he pulls you closer, the tick on his jaw setting you on edge. “You’re mine and no one, not even you, can change that fact. Got it?”
All you can do is nod, to agree with every word he says if it means you get to keep your life. 
“Good.” He huffs, the anger in him somewhat seeping away, loosening his hold around your neck. “Good girl.” The praise that used to send shivers of desire within you now has your stomach twisting in disgust. “And if I see that weirdo or any other man going near you again, you know what will happen.”
You nod once more and gasp when he completely releases you, leaning against your seat as you try to regulate your breathing.
He drives once more and you’re thankful he’s slower this time, doing your best to stay calm as you look out the window. “Where are you taking me?” You ask, although you already have an inkling of his answer when you recognize the area you’re in and the direction he’s driving to. You haven’t driven in and out of these roads for almost two years. After you and Lloyd broke up.
The smirk he gives you is enough of an answer.
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“Are we going to pre-game before the party?” Bucky asks as he plops down onto the couch in the employee lounge, shaking a tumbler of his protein shake in his hand. “Last year’s booze ran out so fast, I went home seeing straight. I don’t want to be sober on Halloween night.”
“You never want to be sober, Barnes,” Kate comments as she rolls her eyes, yet her interest seems to already be piqued. “But he’s right. Are we going to drink before the party or should we just hit the club after? I have a friend who can get us in at this club for free.”
“That could work but I’d rather enjoy the night drunk then get wasted at the club.” Bucky responds, taking a sip of his drink. “We could just meet up at someone’s place and pre-game there, then we can all go to the party together. Would save us gas too if we just take one car.”
“Who even lives near the venue?” 
You tune yourself out from their conversation and stab your fork into your lunch as the Halloween party is the last of your concerns. Besides, you don’t think Lloyd would be happy with you attending and you wouldn’t dare give him the opportunity to ruin the event for you and your friends or give him any reason to be mad again. 
Your friends exchange ideas, listing down people’s names of who they’ll be inviting for their plan of drinks and whose place they’ll be crashing when the door of the lounge opens and you freeze in your seat when Bucky calls out Jensen’s name.
“Hey buddy! You live downtown, right?” Bucky asks, patting the space beside him to which Jensen accepts. “We were thinking that—the fuck happened to your face?”
Your grip on your fork tightens when you chance a peek at both men, feeling your stomach drop when you see the bruise staining Jensen’s cheek. 
“Oh that?” Jensen chuckles, his fingers running against the side of his face. “I wasn’t looking where I was going and I slammed against my door frame.” You know he’s lying, though you’re somewhat thankful he didn’t expose what Lloyd and his friends did. Still, you feel the guilt nipping at the back of your neck. 
“You’re such a klutz, Jake.” Kate says with a laugh. 
Jensen makes a face in her direction and you look away when his eyes meet yours. “Why were you guys asking if I lived downtown?” He suddenly asks, shifting the topic. 
Bucky takes the lead again. “We were thinking of doing drinks before heading to the party. And since you live closer to the venue, maybe we could just meet at your place?”
“Depends. Do I have to provide the booze?”
“We can bring some and you prepare some.” Kate responds. “Sounds good?”
Jensen hums audibly as he thinks of his decision. You feel the tension circling around you as you sense his eyes on you while he speaks. You don’t dare to look up, keeping your focus trained on the lifeless pasta in your lunch container.
“I’m in. Though who’s coming? My apartment isn’t that big so I can’t really hold a huge crowd.” He finally says.
“I’m there.” Bucky says, mouth full of his protein shake. “Tell me what you guys want and I’ll bring it.”
“Me too. Though I’m bringing my boyfriend along—that cool with you guys?” No one seems to object and you look up to face your best friend when she nudges you. “You’re coming too, right? Amber’s dragging Nick along and we won’t be complete without you. I even planned this super cool costume for us.”
You feel your body shake at her question. The pressure of going to the event with your best friends growing in your chest, colliding with the added stress of meeting at Jensen’s place and the fear of Lloyd finding out about the plan. 
“I don’t know.” You say with a frown, closing up your container as your appetite has already turned sour from the anxiety crawling up your spine. “You know I don’t do well at parties. I’ll just stink up the mood.”
“Aww come on. Please?” She begs with those puppy eyes she always uses to convince you. “You’ll be with us and if it gets too much, we’ll leave. And if you’re worried about that psycho ex of yours showing up, I can just show Andy in his direction and he’ll show him a thing or two.” You want to latch onto the assurance she gives you but she doesn’t know Lloyd like you do. 
Still, you could probably think of a way to convince him—he’s never been apprehensive of you spending time with your friends. Except it’s not only them who would be with you; Bucky and Jensen would be there as well, and you’ve already witnessed what he’s done to the latter, the evidence staring you in the face. 
And that would mean you would have to lie. Though is it really lying if you’re just omitting out the information he doesn’t want to hear?
But the plan didn’t go as expected. 
Instead of heading over to the company party after drinks at Jensen’s apartment, like what was discussed, you find yourself nursing a red cup full of shitty alcohol in a dimly lit house while surrounded by your friend group and people you only assume to be Bucky’s college frat buddies. 
You tug on the skirt of your black dress that’s a little too short for your liking, the cat headband already irritating you with how long you’ve been wearing it. You don’t know why you’ve agreed to Kate’s idea for the three of you to imitate the costume from that movie—you’re just glad she didn’t push you to wear a bodysuit and that Amber was happy to trade with the mouse theme you were originally assigned to do. 
Speaking of your best friends, you walk around the living room as you try to look for them, no longer wanting to be alone amidst the foreign crowd. But you frown when you see Kate at the corner of the room, her boyfriend’s hand planted firmly on her ass while they make out. Amber, on the other hand, was just on the other side, with Nick barricading her against the wall like some prison guard. Though with the smile you see on her face, she doesn’t seem to mind being isolated by him.
Your eyes then dart towards the front door when the cheers of men grow louder than the music blasting in the house. Three people walk in, each one wearing a mask over some effortless casual clothes underneath. But the one wearing the iconic ghostface catches your attention, noticing him looking your way with the other two standing behind him following suit. There’s a somewhat eerie familiarity to their masked gaze that makes you look away and leave from where you stand.
“Not really what you’re expecting, huh?” You startle when someone says too close against your ear, making you look up and chuckle when you see Jensen smiling at you, an opened beer bottle in his hand. 
“It feels like I’m back in college attending a frat party.” You comment, making the both of you laugh and tapping your cup against his bottle when he raises it to you.
“You went to a lot of parties in college?”
You shake your head. “Not really. Wasn’t really a party type.”
“Same. But I had no choice with my roommate dragging me to every party.”
You have no idea why Jensen is speaking to you—after what he endured with Lloyd and his buddies, you’d think he’d steer clear of you, probably even fear you thinking that history would repeat itself. But deep down, you’re happy to be in his company, choosing it over being alone in a place you don’t even know half the people in. 
The both of you chat for a while, finding a less crowded spot in the kitchen and helping yourselves with the food and the drinks that are out and free for the taking. You still feel bad when the bruise on his cheek remains prominent, though with his purple button up and baggy gray slacks, you think it blends well with his cosplay of Bruce Banner when you asked him who he was supposed to be. 
“I’m sorry for what happened to you, Jen.” You tell him with a frown, leaning against the edge of the counter as you look down at your drink. “I didn’t think Lloyd would actually hurt anyone.”
“It’s fine. It’s just a bruise.” He assures, giving your arm a pat.
“What about your car? Didn’t they trash it?”
“They did. But good thing I have insurance.”
It surprises you how positive the air around him still is despite the misfortune he’s met because of you. You almost envy his happiness, and the happiness that your friends have and you find it almost unfair that Lloyd wasn’t like Andy and Nick, doting and loving towards their girls, when both those men are his friends. You wish he’d learn a thing or two from them about handling relationships the proper way. 
Sadness then swirls around you as you contemplate on what your life has become; always scared and cautious, that Lloyd would hurt another because of his jealousy, because of his unspoken obsession to completely possess you.
Your train of thought stops when you feel your cup being taken from your grasp, Jensen replacing it with a fresh one, fizz floating to the top of the amber liquid. “Jack and Coke.” He says. “Your drink looked a little stale.”
But before you could even take a sip, you hear spine tingling screams coming from the living room. You think it’s some scary prank someone has pulled on another, you and Jensen looking at each other and pushing away from your perch to investigate the commotion. But in just a flash of a second, the whole house is in chaos, people running, scrambling for their lives while the three masked men you saw earlier run amok, shooting and stabbing the party goers one by one and leaving them bloody and dead on the ground. 
No sound escapes your lips as you’re gripped by fear upon witnessing the bloodbath, your body refusing to move even when your brain tells it to. But the hand that grabs onto your arm has you shouting in shock, only to be muffled by another and your eyes wide with horror thinking that they’ve got you. But to your relief, it’s only Jensen and he places a finger against his lips, telling you to be quiet before pulling you amongst the havoc for a way out. 
You try the backdoor first but for some unknown reason it wouldn’t budge open no matter how hard he yanks it. He tries the window above the kitchen sink as well but just like the door, it’s screwed shut. He pulls on you once more, leading you down the hall this time, the rave music playing loudly in your ears pumping the adrenaline in your veins while the sound of the screams die out one by one. 
He makes it to the end of the hall, the staircase free from the killers but with bodies lying lifeless on the steps—a woman with her throat cut wide open and a man with a bullet right between his eyes. He looks back at you, telling you to be quiet once more as he gestures that you both will be heading up. But before he could even set foot on the first step, one of the masked men appears and kicks him forward, making him topple over the corpses. 
A scream is then wretched from your throat when you’re suddenly pulled back, the stranger trapping you against him while he positions his knife just under your chin, feeling the sharp edge of the blade kiss your skin. The man from the stairs kicks Jensen in the stomach then again, your co-worker writhing in pain as another joins his attacker, this time with a metal bar which he slams against his chest.
“Hello, nerd! Long time no see.” The one who kicked him greets, the timbre of his voice making your heart pound against your chest. No! “Whatcha doin’ with my girl, huh?” The stranger asks before pulling off his mask and you freeze when you see Lloyd’s face. He then turns to you, a cocky smirk playing on his lips and sending you a wink before he asks, “Whatcha doin’ here, Kitten? Thought you were at a company party?” The sly twist in his voice has you on edge.
The smirk on his face then fades, turning into a scowl when he nods at the man who’s got you trapped against him. You’re then released from his hold but not for long as Lloyd simply takes his place, grabbing you by your arm, wincing from his tight grip and dragging you into the living room where you see countless bodies lying lifeless on the ground and the walls of the house painted crimson.
He shoves you against the couch where you fall against something cold and sticky, only to realize too late, crying out to see that it’s Bucky you landed on; his blood staining your dress and your hands. But you’re then pushed away from him, falling back on the cushions as Lloyd kicks his body off the surface to take the space he once occupied. 
You feel like you’re about to convulse as you cry when Lloyd wraps an arm around you. You try to push away from him, not wanting to be near him but he shakes you like a rag doll, making you stop before gesturing over to someone you cannot see as your eyes are blurry from your tears and remain locked on your dead friend’s feet. 
“Gentlemen, thank you for all your help.” Lloyd says when the music finally dies and you look up, surprised to see Andy and Nick standing unscathed with only splatters of blood staining their costumes. But what has you more jarred is seeing Kate and Amber bound and gagged, sitting against the floor, they’re eyes wide in fear as they squirm to be free from their restraints. 
You’re suddenly off your seat and on your feet, determined to get to them, to help set them free and run away from this horrid place. But Lloyd is quick to yank you back, grunting when you fall onto his lap and his strong arm wrapping around your waist to hold you in place.
“Relax, Kitten. They’re safe.” Lloyd assures, his gloved finger grazing against your cheek. “Just had to go through some extra measures to keep them out of the way.”
“We did our part, Hansen.” Andy says, pulling Kate from the ground who forcefully tries to pull away from his grip while Nick does the same with Amber, who in turn quietly follows while tears keep running down her face. “Just don’t forget the deal.”
“Yeah yeah. Just make sure your bitches know what to say if they’re questioned.” Lloyd responds with disinterest. “Meet me by the end of this week for your payment.”
It’s all the words the men exchange before dragging away your friends, their wide and fearful eyes being the last you see before the door closes behind them. 
The sound of wood being dragged across the tiled floor then makes you look forward, seeing Chris and Conrad, now with their masks off, placing a chair in front of you and Lloyd while the latter drags Jensen’s beaten body and forces him to take a seat. Both men then go to work, effectively binding their captive’s wrists behind his back with tape and his ankles to the legs of the chair.
The sight of his damaged state breaks your heart as you helplessly feel guilty upon thinking that everything that has happened to him is all your fault. You never should have come here in the first place as soon as you found out about the change of plans. You should have just gone home or better yet, you should have just stayed at home where you know Lloyd would be.
Yet the universe could be so cruel.
“Look what we found on him.” Chris says in a serious tone before pulling out a small ziplock bag from Jensen’s shirt pocket and tossing it over your lap. You glance down at the clear packaging, seeing several small white tablets enclosed in it. What?
“Lover boy here was so desperate to get laid he brought roofies with him.” Conrad adds with a laugh, pushing on the back of Jensen’s head hard that his body jolts forward.
The bag is then taken from your lap, Lloyd holding it up close to his face as he inspects the white circles. You yelp when you’re suddenly shoved off his lap, falling over to the floor while Lloyd steps over to Jensen and grabs him by his hair, pulling his head back while he holds the baggie in front of him, breathing heavily like some wild animal through gritted teeth.
“You were gonna drug my girl, weren’t you?!” Lloyd spits out his words and on Jensen’s face, tossing the tablets in Conrad’s direction, your throat eliciting a gasp when he holds a knife to his neck this time. “Did you take any drink from him?!” He asks, but it takes a second for you to realize that he’s talking to you. He turns in your direction, eyes dark with anger. “Any fizzy shit this asshole gave you?!”
You don’t understand what he’s asking, why the sudden interrogation—then it hits you. In the kitchen while you were busy with your thoughts, Jensen took your stale drink, as he claimed, and replaced it with another. No—it can’t be. He said it had coke in it and sodas make a fizz. 
“I won’t ask again, Kitten.” Lloyd pushes and you nod out of fear, knowing that he would find out that you’re lying to him if you said otherwise.
The look on Lloyd’s face shifts into something that makes the hair on the back of your head stand. Like something sinister has possessed him with the way his lips curl in a playful manner. 
A groan leaves Jensen’s lips when Lloyd releases him and you push yourself back against the couch when he goes for you next.
“Lloyd, please—!” you beg as he tucks the knife in his pocket, yanking you from the ground and shoving you forward, planting you firmly in front of Jensen before forcing you to bend over. “Let’s just go home—you already beat him!” You cry, pushing against Jensen’s thighs when Lloyd doesn’t budge and keeps dipping you further.
You feel like you’re going to gag when the metallic stench fills your nose especially with how close you are to your bleeding co-worker and you attempt once more to push away from him, no longer wanting the both of you to suffer. But the world suddenly feels like it’s turning upside down when you feel Lloyd pushing up the skirt of your dress, a grunt leaving his chest when he roughly rips your panties off your thighs.
“Now, don’t be like that, Kitten.” He says in a syrupy tone. “Don’t you want to at least show him his sick fantasy of fucking you?” The tell tale sound of his zipper being undone fills your ears and you’re shocked frozen, scared to the wits end that Lloyd would take you here amongst the dead and in front of your friend who he’s beaten to a pulp.
You look away from Jensen when you feel Lloyd’s cock brush against your ass, his tip teasing your pussy lips. You then shout when Lloyd grabs you by the back of your neck, forcing you to look back at your friend who has one eye swollen shut, while the other is stained with blood and brimming with unshed tears.
In one swift move, Lloyd enters you, gasping for air at his sudden intrusion. Pain blooms at the pit of your stomach when he doesn’t allow your walls to adjust and begins fucking you at a brutal pace, your nails digging into Jensen’s thighs as you try to endure your abuser’s torment. 
Your body jolts against the chair, following Lloyd’s callous thrusts. You’re then washed in humiliation when you hear Chris and Conrad snickering at your sides, seeing them watch you with perverse eyes, sickened to the core as the thought that they enjoy what they are witnessing comes to your mind.
Both men then hold Jensen in place when he starts squirming in his seat that he almost topples over. Lloyd then abruptly pulls you up, pressing your back against his chest but only to grab on the straps of your dress and harshly pull them down from your shoulders, having your breasts spill into the open.
“She’s got perfect tits, doesn’t she, lover boy?” Lloyd taunts as he keeps up the pace of his hips, grabbing your breasts, kneading, squeezing, and pushing them together. “Why don’t you feel how soft they are?” And it’s as if things couldn’t get any worse, Lloyd moves you forward along with him, tipping forward when your knees hit the edge of the seat. His hands grab onto the back of the chair and you wail in horror when he forces your breasts to press against Jensen’s face, the sticky blood smearing all over your skin.
Lloyd laughs and so do his friends and all you feel is shame and disgust at what he’s doing to you—that the man you once loved would hurt you in the sickest way possible.
A gasp is once more wretched from your throat when Lloyd slams hard against your cunt, feeling his thick cock slide even deeper when your walls grow wet, the toe curling sensation from his tip repeatedly hitting that sweet spot of yours trying to take over. You feel like a woman possessed as you grit your teeth, pushing hard against the unwanted pleasure that slowly begins to crawl up your skin and seep into your bones, not wanting to give Lloyd the satisfaction that, despite such circumstances, he still manages to make you feel such a way.
Yet your attempts are deemed fruitless when you whimper and eventually turn into a moaning mess, your body responding to each of Lloyd’s touch; your pussy walls clenching around his throbbing cock with each thrust he makes and how your skin shivers, singing each note in sheer perfection as you climb higher and higher to your peak.
“You see that, nerd? You see how she turns into a fucking slut when you fuck her good?” He goads between heavy breaths, adjusting the position of his legs to have you lean more against his victim, his hands grabbing onto your tits once again only to rub it further against Jensen’s face, feeling the bristles of his goatee rub roughly against your skin. 
“Too bad you’ll never get to have this.”
Lloyd's hips begin moving more erratically, the sound of your skins slapping with one another filling the stolid air. You swallow thickly, refusing for any more moans to leave your lips as you’re slowly enveloped in ecstasy, Lloyd’s cock pulsing deep in your pussy.
A blinding white light suddenly fills your vision and you shake uncontrollably as you come hard around Lloyd’s shaft. Tears once again spring from your eyes and you’re confused about what causes it. Is it embarrassment from feeling the pleasure? Pain from Lloyd’s roughness? Or is it sadness of how the evening of fun turned into a nightmare? You can’t think as you’re dissolved into nothing, your body floating in orgasmic bliss. 
Lloyd follows soon, growling low and animalistic as he keeps his cock buried balls deep, painting your pussy walls with streaks of white as he spills his seed, filling you to the brim.
You think that it’s finally over, that Lloyd’s objective has finally been met. But a life draining gasp then fills your ears—not from you or from Lloyd but from Jensen. And it’s only then that you realize what has happened when you see Lloyd’s hand gripped on the hilt of the knife with the blade stuck deep into Jensen’s chest.
“No!” You cry out as Lloyd stabs him repeatedly, grunts of passionate anger escaping him each time he sinks the blade into the body before you. 
Tears of despair and horror are what fall from your eyes, closing them as you hope that this is all a bad dream. You ball your hands into fists as you try your hardest to close in on yourself, to leave this place of torment that Lloyd has condemned you into. 
Yet, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t. With the sound of metal hitting bone, along with the devious laugh of the men around you and the way your body shakes from Lloyd’s continuous blow, you’re repeatedly pulled back into the present, unwillingly witnessing the murder of your friend. 
You suddenly feel your body shake, your chest tightening that you think the room is losing air and the smell of blood getting stronger and stronger that it makes bile ride up your throat. With Lloyd’s final stab, he pulls you away with him, leaving the knife buried in Jensen’s throat. The world around you suddenly turns, your vision spinning uncontrollably that before you could even let out a scream, everything suddenly goes dark.
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You sit inside the employee lounge along with the others in somber idleness. The police came over just before the store opened and ordered that it remained closed for the rest of the day to make way for an investigation. Vince wasn’t happy with the commands of the law enforcers but there’s nothing he could do—there was nothing anybody could do.
A massacre, one of the officers said. A mass murder, another voices, declaring that some of the victims were employees of the store. You already knew who it was—Bucky and Jensen.
One by one, the employees were interrogated, some taking minutes while others taking hours. You glance at Kate who sits across from you on the lunch table, noting the small bruise on the side of her neck. You try not to imagine what Andy told her or did to her that night. You don’t even dare to ask as you refuse to relive the grim evening, nor want to feed her any memory of it.
You sit up once your name is called and you feel the eyes of your other co-workers land on you. The detective, stout and looking somewhat annoyed to be doing such a thing, looks your way and asks your name once more to confirm your identity.
He beckons you to follow him and you do, but not before looking down at your best friend when she grabs your hand, seeing the fear etched in her eyes. You give her a small smile and give her hand a reassuring squeeze before letting her go and following the detective into the other room. 
You do as you’re told when he tells you to sit, staring down at the round table that sits between the both of you as you wait for his first question.
“I’m Detective Bodecker.” He starts, his belly protruding as he leans back against his seat. “And I just want to ask you a few questions regarding your co-workers. Is that okay?”
You nod.
“Do you need some water? Anything to make you comfortable?”
You shake your head.
“Very well. Let’s begin.” He hums and grabs his notebook from the desk, flipping a page. “Where were you on the night of October 31st?”
Your mind suddenly begins reliving the night in question. Jensen’s bloody face and Lloyd’s devious smile playing in your head. You blink those thoughts away, not wanting to give out any information on your face.
Taking a breath, you begin your tale. 
“I was at a party—”
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Can you recommend fanfiction that you personally really like?
Yes! Love this ask. I’ve never made a Zutara fic rec list partially because I’ve read so many wonderful stories over time that I find the prospect daunting! 
But there are absolutely certain stories that I have a personal soft spot for, that I return to again and again. And that’s my criteria for what’s included below. This is a sampling of fics that I find myself coming back to, in no particular order. I may come back and add more, because this list is so far from exhaustive. A mix of ratings (marked), so keep that in mind.
Wish I Was the Moon by Like a Dove (T), post-canon: There’s so much that I love about the way this one-shot explores Katara’s character and what she faces post-canon, how she frees herself, strikes out in the world and finds her way home. Her feelings for Zuko, and her inner-conflict around them, are rendered tangibly, both through scene and subtext. A really good example of how an author can show a character’s lack of/journey to self-knowledge without breaking voice.
Refraction by caroes3725 (E), post-canon: When I started reading Zutara fanfic (for me this was in 2020), this was the fic I was looking for—a deep, realistic-to-canon, in-character exploration of how Zutara could unfold after the events of ATLA in a way that gives Katara in particular the arc she deserves. Really well-done development of the Fire Nation court world, well-developed characters, shining dialogue. An amazingly well-worth-it slow burn.
Wildfire by rainstormdragon (E), post-canon: To me this story is kind of a steamy Zutara thesis. The characters are so spot on and alive, their flaws are on full display in a way that feels realistic, and their chemistry is powered by their compatibility—matched in passion and stubbornness, and also in what they want from life. And I think it really gets Aang, too, which is something that can be hard to find in ZK fic. Also really hot, but that's only part of what makes it really shine.
Partners in Learning by evergreenonthehorizon (T), Modern AU: One of the things I love in modern AUs is watching an author weave that invisible string between these characters. Sometimes, it’s by writing narrative arcs that parallel the series, and sometimes it’s by drawing out the personality traits that make the characters both lovable to readers and such a compelling match and watching that spark bloom into flame. This beautifully written story does that so, so well in a really compelling Modern AU setting. Zuko and Katara here are so wonderfully lovable, and it’s a joy to watch them fall for one another, too.
Journeys by Smediterranea (E), Modern AU: In real life, I want to see my friends in relationships with people who can recognize why they’re so particularly amazing. That potential, I think, part of the appeal of ZK as a ship, and that’s part of the special magic of this fic. Watching these two characters get to know one another—really see one another—and fall in love deliciously sweeps the reader up. Plus, really fun, in character cameos from the rest of the Gaang along the way.
Spark, set fire by marijayne (T), Modern AU: literary fanfic, and I mean that in the best way. This story is beautiful and bittersweet, the latter is not often something I seek out in fanfic (where I hide from life), but here it’s gorgeous and worth it. The world building here is really cool—allows the author to explore some of a set of cultural issues/interactions that both echo the ATLA world and ours. The characters are so tenderly drawn (dadko especially)—and the connection between them builds beautifully and tangibly—and the longing is…chef’s kiss. 
Wrong when it's right by nire (T), Book 1 Canon Divergence: Before I read this, I couldn't imagine wanting to read a Book 1 Zutara. After, I wanted more. Bickering, bed-roll sharing, shared heat, tenderness and common ground. A delight from start to finish.
Anyway, thanks for asking and happy reading! <3 And if you want more recs, let me know.
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
Heat Of The Water P3
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Jacaerys Velaryon Couple - Jacaerys X Reader Reader - Y/n (Choose your own house) Rating - SMUT Word Count - 2293
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Jace continued to gaze at her as she lay there, his eyes raking her body as she lay in his arms and his hand stroked her hair. He was overwhelmed by a desire to explore her body further at this moment, but he forced himself to remain still. He wanted to respect her, and he also did not wish to ruin the moment for her. The way she lay upon him was so inviting, and his heart raced at the idea of making her his in that way. His imagination began to race, filling his mind with images of how he should proceed.
"thank you" she giggled, "Thank you very much my prince" she cooed giving his lips another kiss,
Jace smiled down at her now, unable to deny that it felt incredibly good to be praised by her. He returned her kiss passionately, feeling the heat of the moment start to rise again. His hand slowly moved to her back, slowly beginning to slip lower as he enjoyed the feel of her body against his. He knew exactly where he wanted to take this, but he still held himself back for the moment. His eyes moved to her neck once again, tempted to steal more kisses from her.
she giggled, "Jace? What are you up to?" She giggled
Jacaerys looked down at her again, A soft smile came to his face as he realized she had seen what he was doing. His hand stilled, now resting upon her lower back as he looked into her eyes. "Nothing, my Lady, I just wanted to see if you were feeling any more... comfortable now," he replied, glancing down at her chest again.
"I am feeling comfortable, tried but comfortable why?"
"I was just curious. I know that what we have just done was... intimate." Jace looked down at her once again, feeling the heat rising in his body as he looked at her. His hand on her back had slipped lower, his thumb starting to rub the top of her ass. He wanted her to know he hadn't forgotten where he intended to take this, but he wanted to hear her answer this question first.
she blushed a little "Yes? It was. It was very intimate. And I enjoyed it very much and thanked my sweet betrothal greatly for giving me such a ... Thrill. Humm I take it he now wants to play with something else?"
Jace raised an eyebrow, his own body trembling with excitement as his hand continued to rub the top of her ass. He couldn't help but notice her blushing as well. He took it as another sign that she was willing to be so playful after what they had just explored, and he loved that she felt so comfortable with him. "Well, my Betrothed, I... may have had something else in mind... but I would only want to if you are up for it my sweet"
she blushed slightly but she smiled "My betrothed is more than welcome to do whatever it is he has on the mind as a thank you for supplying me with such pleasure"
Jace could hardly believe the words coming out of her mouth, but she seemed to be quite enthusiastic about what they were doing. He felt a surge of energy flow through him as he realized that she was giving him such open freedom to explore her body. His thumb continued its rubbing, and he made little attempt to conceal what had grown from his excitement. "Well, my Lady, that is quite the invitation. I'm sure you are not prepared for how much I intend to take advantage of this..." he whispered,
"I'm sure I am not but willing all the same"
Jace could feel it now, his excitement was almost at a breaking point, his body trembling in his anticipation for the next part. He leaned down to kiss her, not a tender one this time but a bold one that betrayed his wants and desires. He pushed her back slightly, beginning to move his hand down between her legs towards where he wanted to explore. Jace's hand moved between her legs, his thumb hovering just above where he wished to enter. He couldn't believe she was actually giving him this much leeway in the moment. He was already imagining going even further, but he wanted to focus on her pleasure for now. He looked back down at her face, finding her blushing as he made his approach. She looked so innocent, yet she had been such a naughty little girl in terms of her desires. He was starting to wonder just how much more he could get away with. He moved his hand to meet her sweet lips and stroked between them his fingers soon found her pussy and slipped in without concern, his thumb gently circling her clit, Jace could see how excited he was making her, and was only further enticed by the idea.
She was so receptive to him, Y/n squealed in response given he had already made her cum since their bath began and now he was tormenting her once more, her hands grabbed his wrist between her legs
Jace was almost entirely focused on her pleasure at this point, the power and ability to make her squeak and moan with simply his touch making him feel incredibly powerful. He could feel her grabbing his wrist, and he wasn't sure at this point whether she wanted him to go further or stop. He decided to test the waters, and his finger began to push inside her.
she screamed and threw her head back her breasts coming above the water as her body trembled in response
Jace's face was almost entirely red at this point, the sight of her body and the sound of her screams sending his body into overdrive. His body was trembling in response to the sight of how his touch was making her respond, and his eyes were glued on her every reaction to his touch.
she screams and squeals louder then he had ever heard a woman scream as if she was screaming bloody murder for him the sounds of them moving in the water inaudible over her squeals her body blushing red and squirming on him trying to resist her hands clamped around his wrist
Jace was incredibly excited to hear these sounds coming from her, and he could not resist the urge to explore further despite the grip she had on his wrist. He continued to push gently, his finger starting to move in and out slowly. His eyes were glued on how her body was responding, and every twitch and convulsion was making him crave her even more.
she moans loudly his name falling like a waterfall from her lips her head thrown back
Jace found himself utterly speechless, his body tingling as he listened to the sounds coming out of her. The way she let out his name in those sweet squeals and moans was more enjoyable than anything he had ever experienced. He wanted to continue, moving his finger faster and faster to gain a better rhythm.
she continues all her squirming more words now fall from her lips "Jace .. please... Stop..." She begged but breathy and desperately she didn't want him to stop she tried to hide how excited she really is
Jace began to feel conflicted, the way she said his name with such desperation and desire was almost overwhelming. However, he couldn't help but notice that she was telling him to stop, and it was tearing at him inside to hear it. He wanted nothing more than to ignore it and keep going, but his mind would not allow it. He stopped his fingers as he looked up at her, seeking her permission to continue.
as he stopped she kissed his lips and moved herself slightly in the bath she moved to her knees and leant her head on the rim of the stone tub jace immediately noticed this made her bent over as she gasped as blushed, The sight of her bending over was the final push he needed to ignore the voice in his head that was trying to stop him. He was enjoying her body too much to stop, and he couldn't help but feel confident that she wanted him to keep going. The way she had moved herself made it very clear what her intentions were, and he was determined to give her more of what she needed and wanted. Jace didn't hesitate any longer, his hand starting to move up behind her. She was bent over the rim of the bathtub so this left her rear vulnerable and accessible. He ran his hands up her thighs, finding she had spread her legs slightly. He couldn't resist a quick squeeze of her ass before his hand started to move upwards between her thighs, moving up closer and closer to where he wanted to go.
she squealed a little feel his squeeze but she uncontrollably moved to spread more feeling his hand
Jace had never felt a body react anything like this before, and it sent his own desires into overdrive. Her reaction to his hand squeezing had him wanting more, and he began to move his hands gripping her and forcing her so she was spreading for him more so it was easier to explore. He couldn't believe how willing she was to let him do this. He was just as surprised at the way her hips tilted back further at the feeling of his hand reaching between her legs once more, Jace tried to keep things slow, wanting to make this last as long as possible, however every inch of her he discovered only made him want to go a little bit deeper and explore even further. With a boldness he had not known he was capable of. He found himself trembling with his own desire.
Jace looked up to see how much she had spread her legs now, enjoying the sight of her bent over before him.
she gasped and blushed hard with his every touch so much she began whining "Jace... Please..."
Jace looked back up to her, finding her face was now redder from their interactions. Her whinning only increased his own desires, He couldn't resist, Jace let out a soft chuckle, hearing her begging him he was enjoying the feeling of that dominance within him. He had never felt anything this enjoyable before, and the way she was reacting was only fueling him more. His hand continued to move his fingers in and out of her, getting faster and faster with her begging. He let himself take in the beautiful sounds coming from her as he made her beg for more. He was still somewhat hesitant, but he felt that urge building within him, driving him to a point where he couldn't resist anymore.
she begged him loudly screaming it "please more Jace please no more of your hand I beg you, please take your hand away please give me something else you what I want I need Jace please give it to me my love"
Jace's eyes widened to hear her begging for more, and he became even more confident as she screamed for him. Almost as if she was giving him permission to go in whatever direction he wanted. The way she had described this "something else" he was giving her only enhanced his excitement. Jace could not resist the urge to take her up on her offer, the way she was screaming for him to give her something else driving him into a frenzy. He smirked “As you desire my sweet,” getting a good grasp of her backside. He pushed her a little further forward, so he had enough access to give her exactly what she was begging for.
Jace began slowly giving himself a few short strokes but he was already more than hard enough so he moved closer and gently slipped inside which made her squeal out in desire at finally getting what she wanted, Jace pushed further Her entire body trembled with how deep he was now, and he felt her insides clamping around him as she screamed loudly. His body responded in kind, his breathing speeding up as his desire rose higher and higher.
He grabbed her hips hard his mind filled only with a desire for her, for this feeling, for his release, he never wanted this moment to end, he wanted to go slow and enjoy it forever but he had little control over himself as his hips buck and thrust mindlessly fueled by her ever-growing moans and screams of pleasure she screams his name as if his name is all that is keeping her alive, until her whole body trembles and shakes, her insides tighten around him, her voice breaks and shreds, her mouth hung open in a long throaty scream, as she hits her orgasm which Jace struggled with the feeling of and in turn lost any control of himself he still had his body working on its own for rapid jackrabbit like thrusts before he quickly forced himself away and sent his seed across her back,
"Fuck-" he grunted before his knees gave out and he lay against the bathtub letting the warm water cradle his exhausted body, y/n too slowly moved with what little energy she had until she laid beside him the two cuddling up lazily as they gasp in the heat of the water. “I uhhh I don’t know what came over me there…”
“I didn’t mind Jace,” she giggled,
“I’m sure you didn’t,” He smirked, “I didn’t either honestly,”
“I know one thing though,”
“Oh? What’s that my sweet?” He asked wrapping his arms around her,
“I cannot wait till we’re married Jacaerys,” she giggled,
“I can’t wait till we’re married either Y/n,” He smiled pulling her into a kiss, 
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 15 days
I'm thinking of the leak of Claire and Carmy's argument.
I'm wondering if the end of the 3rd season's song "Disarm" by Smashing Pumpkins will give us a clue - at least what the argument will highlight and the theme of season 4.
I think that's the moment- the argument it will reveal the truth of Carmy and Claire's relationship.
If I think about the end of the second season and the song that plays. Half a world away by R.E.M. the lyrics that end with Sydney go it alone foreshadows and tells us about season 3 which starts with Carmy saying I left you alone. (May I had based on that song alone I was about to predict the 3rd season).
But back to the ending of the season 3 song.
Season 3 ends with the song disarm- lyrics:
Disarm you with a smile And cut you like you want me to Cut that little child Inside of me and such a part of you Ooh, the years burn Ooh, the years burn I used to be a little boy So old in my shoes And what I choose is my choice What's a boy supposed to do? The killer in me is the killer in you My love I send this smile over to you
Giving us a hint to the 4th season. This song is quoted by Billy Corgan as:
“... rather then have an angry, angry, angry violent song I’d thought I’d write something beautiful and make them (his parents) realize what tender feelings I have in my heart, and make them feel really bad for treating me like shit.
Disarm’s hard to talk about because people will say to me ‘I listen to that song and I can’t figure out what it’s about.’ It’s like about things that are beyond words. I think you can conjure up images and put together phrases, but it’s a feeling beyond words and for me it has a lot to do with like a sense of loss. Being an adult and looking back and romanticizing a childhood that never happened or went by so quickly in a naive state that you miss it.”  — Billy Corgan on Disarm
Season 4 will explore Carmy's issues with Donna, shedding light on Claire and Carmy's relationship and its core truth. It was an idealized version of what he didnt have his mother and one moment will show just how he's trying to workout his relationship with his mom through claire. How he was dating someone who has versions of donna and idealized versions of Donna carmy never got to experience.
This repeat of donna was outlined in the network script but not the show itself. This claire and carmy relationship in the show is insidious. It's not obvious she resembles donna except for her actions and the camera angles and she's also the happy- "nice" idealized version of donna that donna plays but shows her true face eventually.
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It's like the song and how he idealizes a childhood- a teenage love that he never had. But realizing in season 4, like the song's synopsis, his choice in changing- in breaking that cycle of relationships that resembles his relationship with Donna.
This song is about him resolving a cycle that he made the mistake of repeating things so he can move on.
My theory on the argument shedding light of claire- it will probably happen on the night of Tiffany's wedding. They either get back together briefly, so he's Claire's plus one – probably one date to try it again – or he's Richie's plus one.
This show loves parrallels- the argument between claire-carmy-richie will resemble this scene:
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Donna yelling- Carmy dealing with her anger- all of it with Richie in the middle just watching not cutting in- but who knows maybe he has changed and will step in when Claire argue with carmy- listening to disarm it's about breakin cycles- changing and Richie will do the thing he's never done with Carmy he's going to stop the argument from escalating or at least he'll try to.
Another clue of a possible parrallel: we get clues throughout the episode fishes that donna is connected to claire. Keep in mind, after the scene with Donna yelling at Carmy to move the pot, we dive into Claire—an idealized relationship Carmy never had.
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After the scene with Carmy freaking out about Claire, Richie tells Tiffany about hooking Carmy up. Tiffany is surprised because from what she knows of Claire, she's so nice.
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Let's talk more about that nice thing that tiffany says...because it appears through 2x06 fishes.
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With the berzattos. Things and people just can't be nice. The berzattos are both kind and agressive. If claire is a bearzatto- then she has the same traits in that household. Probably being nice is not what Claire is- not fully at least.
Why this will happen the night of tiffanys wedding? Because tiffany and richie talk about claire and carmy.
And all tiffany knows is what claire said about the situation.
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There's going to be another theme similar to seasons 2 and 3, where Richie and Tiffany are the ones discussing or observing Claire and Carmy's relationship with the awareness of repeating cycles. But it's not just Carmy repeating the cycle of being like Donna; it's also his relationships resembling Claire mirroring Donna.
Because from the conversation with Tiffany and what she was told about Carmy, Claire throws pity parties like Donna.
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Sorry, but Claire is having a pity party over what Carmy said while he was having an existential crisis in the fridge.
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Claire annoyed with the question are you okay? Yeah similarities as it's been discussed here.
Now that Carmy has faced Chef David, as Jimmy mentioned, he has to confront it head-on. Carmy will begin to see the reality and let go of the idealized versions of his mother. He will see the truth about their relationship, which will lead him to end things that no longer serve him.
Apologizing to those he's hurt the right way carmy is going to be able to smile and show the tenderness in his heart. He'll have the courage to change and no longer carry things and people from his mother. He'll break a cycle.
Now if that argument is about syd? About carmy lying - about not doing anything with sydney?
The climax of the argument: Clairebear is going to try to make Carmy say the words "I love you" just to prove something. just as Donna makes him say the words..
Remember Donna is coming to the wedding too. Both Claire and Donna he'll have to face them, and Claire and Donna being in the same room together will make the resemblance even more obvious.
We shall seee. What a mess.
Tagging: @currymanganese @whenmemorydies @turbulenthandholding @moodyeucalyptus @vacationship @fresaton @vacationship
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saiyanprincessswanie · 6 months
Made For Me - Epilogue
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Word Count: 2077
Summary: Six months later we find our reader pregnant and happy to be where she is. Or is she?
Warnings for Series: NONCON/DUBCON, Drugged NONCON, Somnophilia, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Forced Orgasms, Light Bondage, Stockholm Syndrome, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Light Physical Abuse, Breeding Kink, Cussing, Angst, Sex Toys.
A/N: Thank you to my beta reader @music-culture-mythology for helping me like usual.
Page break is by @whimsicalrogers
Moodboard by @fictional-affairs
Reblogs & Comments on Tumblr are welcomed and encouraged. 😊💜
I do NOT give my consent to have my work translated or reposted on any social media platform, apps, or third-party sites. If you see my work anywhere besides my personal Tumblr & AO3 accounts, it has been stolen. I will NEVER give written or verbal permission to repost or translate any of my fanfics as they’re MY intellectual property. 🚫🚫
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Six Months Later…
Things with Bucky have finally settled into a peaceful life after that scary moment when he protected you from an unknown man in the woods. That day changed everything. You no longer see Bucky as your sadistic captor. No, he’s now your husband, your lover, and your everything. You are excited and nervous that you’re now six months pregnant with Bucky’s baby. A part of you looks back on how you got here. The memories still bother you at times but then you remember the happiness you now feel. You have a husband and a baby that’s almost here. 
As you sit outside on the porch soaking in the sun you hum to yourself, you think of the day you married your husband. It was a small ceremony with his six friends; Tony, Steve, Nat, Thor, Clint, and Bruce. It was at that moment you knew there was no going back to your former life. 
When surrounded by everyone that day you could have sworn you recognized Thor from somewhere but you couldn’t put your finger on it. He sort of looked like that man from the woods. Maybe you were imagining it. There is no way Bucky would lie about that to you, right? Of course not, he promised you the truth going forward and a better life together. 
Now your life consists of being a wife and soon-to-be mom living in the beautiful mountain area that is both your refuge and cage. You shake the word cage away instantly as you think of everything Bucky has done for you. He has kept you safe, loved you unconditionally, and has given you the freedom to explore the area with him. Bucky is so gentle and caring as long as you listen to him, which has now become easier to do over time. There have been no punishments from him in many months and life just seems simple now. Who would have thought a simple life awaited you in your future? Your hand caresses your belly softly and a light kick is felt under your hand.
“You're going to be a strong one Jamie, just like your papa.” You can’t help the smile that appears on your face. You know he is going to be Bucky’s mini-me. The thought of a blue-eyed boy warms your heart.
“Who is going to be strong like me?” Bucky's deep, gentle voice shakes you out of your daydreaming. Bucky climbs the stairs and takes a seat next to you. You look up to see him smiling at you with his eyebrow raised in curiosity.
“I was talking to Jamie about how strong he will be. I know he’s gonna be just like you with your blue eyes.” You grin back at him admiring how handsome he looks in his plaid long-sleeve shirt. He could almost pass as a lumberjack with his shirt and beard on display. 
“Our son will be healthy, and strong and hopefully have his mama’s looks cause you are so beautiful to me.” He leans into you and kisses you softly on the lips. You can’t help but hum in content. “Keep making those noises and I may have to take you right here.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself when you kissed me so sweetly. Maybe when you’re done doing chores I can reward you later.” Bucky groans at your suggestion. 
Bucky smirks at you. “Just so happens I’m all done with chores.” 
His vibranium hand cups your cheek gently as he leans in for another kiss. This time the kiss grows into a passionate one and his tongue deepens the kiss. The moan that leaves your throat is a needy one and has Bucky sliding you into his lap. You instantly start grinding down on his hard cock beneath his jeans and it pulls a groan from Bucky. He draws back from kissing you for a moment and before you know what is happening Bucky stands up with you in his arms. 
He carries you bridal style into the bedroom where you both start pulling your clothes off in a frenzy until you’re both naked. Bucky and you crawl onto the bed, careful not to hit the baby bump on anything. Bucky lays you back on the bed as he makes his way between your legs. 
This is what Bucky loves about you. You're now obedient and submissive to him. What’s even better is your addiction to sex with him is natural and not drug-induced. You have an appetite now that you are this far along in your pregnancy and Bucky is enjoying every bit of it. His eyes look you over like you’re a fine dessert ready to be devoured. He lays between your thighs and drapes both your legs over his shoulders. Bucky softly kisses from your inner thigh to your pussy and back. A whine leaves your throat as his beard lightly teases you. 
“Patience doll, you know I will take care of you,” Bucky whispers against your thigh. This time he kisses his way back up your inner thigh but this time he licks along your clit. Bucky does it again and this time you’re moaning his name. He takes his time between your legs making sure to give you the pleasure you are craving. By the time he has you cumming, Bucky is ready to take you apart all over again. 
Bucky moves from between your legs and helps you roll over to your hands and knees. This position always brings pride to him as he gets to hold your baby bump. 
Bucky coats his erection in your arousal as he rubs it between your lips. Slowly he pushes into your sweet pussy until he bottoms out inside you. His hands settle on your hips and you both groan from the pleasure as Bucky starts up a slow, steady pace. The sensation of being so full of his cock almost overwhelms your senses as he picks his pace up and starts taking you harder. 
The sound of his hips smacking against you echoes within the bedroom. Your low whines increase with every thrust. It’s almost like he was teasing you as you are close to cumming again. Bucky’s flesh hand leaves your hip and lightly cups your belly. The thought of him being the one who got you pregnant always fills him with pride. He’s the reason for the family you’re about to start. 
His pace now quickens as he wants to feel your pussy grip him tight. “I can feel you clenching me tight, doll. God, I need you to cum for me like a good girl.” His breath is faltering as you grip the bed tighter with your fingers and groan out his name. Bucky’s fingers move from your belly to your clit and starts rubbing it in tight circles. The pressure keeps building up inside you until you’re hurdling off the cliff in pleasure, moaning his name to the heavens above. As soon as you tighten around his cock Bucky is groaning out his release and spilling his seed into you.
You both breathe in and out, trying to catch your breaths. Bucky’s lips kiss up your back and to your shoulder. Gently he pulls out of you and you both collapse on your sides. 
Following your lovemaking, you both shower and change into some comfy clothes. 
Deciding it was still a beautiful day out you both decide to sit outside on the porch and relax for the rest of the day. Bucky has his arm wrapped around you and his vibranium hand rubbing your belly. Now and then he would feel his son kick. This is one of Bucky’s many favorite things to do with you and lord knows he would do anything to keep you this happy. 
Snuggling in close to Bucky you realize this future is not bad after all. This is where you belong and where you will raise a family with Bucky. Nothing will get in the way of your happy ending. 
That is until you are both startled by a female screaming for help. Bucky jumps off the porch and looks around for where the voice is coming from. A woman appears out of the woods and is running towards the cabin. The woman runs up to Bucky begging for help. You are about to get up when Bucky tells you to go inside. You do as he says and walk into the cabin looking out at them.
The woman seems to be distressed and crying. She keeps saying she was kidnapped and needed help. Something feels familiar to you about this situation. Suddenly, the skies start to darken and a crack of thunder echoes across the forest. You suddenly feel a chill up your spine as a long blonde-haired man steps out from the tree line. It’s Bucky’s friend Thor that you met at the wedding. 
Thor walks up to Bucky who is holding the hysterical woman as she pleads for safety. Bucky easily hands her over to Thor, who is now throwing her over his shoulder. You watch as this screaming, terrified woman is being taken in the same direction that they came from. Your anxiety starts to kick up as memories swirl in your head about the day you were taken. Not taken, you think again, but rescued by Bucky. 
Once they are out of sight Bucky comes in to comfort you. He looks at your frightened face and pulls you close to him. “Are you okay?” He asks as he holds you in his arms.
You nod your head. “I think seeing her and the way she was acting stirred up some anxiety in me. I-is she going to be okay? She seemed scared.”
Bucky lets out a sigh. “She is Thor’s new girlfriend. She’s just a little confused is all. He takes care of her like I take care of you. She is safe and loved by him. I’m sure they will work everything out together. Don’t worry too much about it.”
“Okay, I won’t.” You can’t stop the bad feelings from kicking up and you know this will stay with you for a while. Bucky lets you go and kisses your forehead. He smiles back at you and heads to the couch to read. 
Inside your mind is screaming again that this has to be wrong. This woman seemed to be just like you were months ago. Is this the first time she’s gotten away from Thor? Maybe you could have comforted her or found out where she is staying, if it’s nearby. It would be nice to have a female friend especially if you want to run again. 
No, you don’t have a say in anything. Bucky is your life now and so is this baby you carry. You can’t let this unknown woman make you confused. Life will be better here with Bucky and once the baby arrives your life will finally have purpose again. You will never leave Bucky, you decide. This is your home now. You were made for him.
The End
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
i want you to know that i scroll through your posts and interactions just to find all your fic recs and open new ao3 tabs.
your tim parenting Bruce au has destroyed me and I love it so much thank you for your service.
do you have any more particularly gut wrenching aus cooking up in your genius noggin?
Heeeey. How'd you know I had a new AU I haven't released yet?
But before we get into that, thank you for the compliments. Angst is my favorite flavor.
As far the AU, you know the saying, "You either die as a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"?
I feel like that could fit Tim so well.
How I imagine the AU to start out would be Tim as Robin. He's in the batcave with Bruce as the man is showing him a particularly devastating case. Bruce, his mentor but not his father, turns to Tim with a grimmace.
"There's a reason we have a code, Tim."
They both glance at Jason's memorial and Bruce's hands start to shake.
"As much as we may want to give in to our desires and emotions, we can't stoop down to their level. There needs to be lines we won't cross, even for the greater good."
Azure eyes snap to arctic ones, begging for the younger to understand.
"We do this to protect others, even those who are twisted and foul. We aren't the judges or executioners."
Tim nods in agreement, and Bruce's shoulders lose a little of their tension. The older man pats the teen's shoulder in pride before his attention goes back to the murder case.
Tim, as Robin, had many interactions with Bruce that shaped who he was as a vigilante. How much force to apply when fighting, what lines to cross, and acceptable codes of conduct were taught to the kid in several instances. It didn't matter that Bruce himself had broken them or that, on very rare occasions, Dick also broke them. They were rules Tim was expected to follow, and they were reasonable lines. Of course, Tim did everything he could to meet those standards. He may have trained with Lady Shiva, and YJ may get into so whacky ordeals, but there's no excuse to go outside of those bounds.
It became difficult, though, when Jason beat Tim into the floor of Titan's Tower. When Jason, after hurting several family members, was welcomed back. It became a strain on Tim when Bruce enacted the 16th Birthday present fiasco or Tim found out about what the man had done to Dick (the bruise he left on Dick's face after Jason's passing). It was demanding to follow those rules when Damian came into the picture and when Dick handed him Robin.
When Tim found that painting of Bruce, when Dick and the JL turned their backs on him, when YJ wasn't there to support him, some part of Tim said "fuck it." Why should he follow standards he had to leash Bruce into obeying? The man wasn't even here anymore.
He still tried, but he gave less effort to it. He didn't want Bruce to find out when he returned after all.
But Tim? He never returned from that desert. As far as the Bats become aware after Tim sends them the data for Bruce and then blows up the bases, Tim died in the explosions he caused.
And the rest of the AU goes into Tim exploring how the guidelines Bruce gave him were bullshit, so he slowly starts to let more and more go until he has no moral bounds anymore. He's seen Bruce, Jason, Damian, Barbara, Alfred, and Dick all break one or more of these "rules" that were placed on Tim. So why should Tim go along with it?
What does it matter if he betrays, manipulates, tortures, and kills if it saves the most people? What does it matter if he commits suffering if he's helping people?
Until, one day, Bart and Kon are on the other side of the battlefield from Tim. While Bart is steadfast in defeating Tim (no matter how much it pains him), Kon is devastated that Tim never told him he was alive. He doesn't even care that Tim is a villain. If he had just asked, Kon would've joined him.
It's too late now. Bart needs Tim to stop, Tim can't let Kon join him, and Kon is torn between his duty and his friend.
So Tim does what he always does, he sacrifices himself. He allows them to take him into holding, executes his plan to murder all villains left, places restrictions on the JL (so they'll never hurt anyone the way they hurt Tim and abandoned his friends again), and then Tim disappears. Bart opposing Tim was the sign that Tim was in the wrong. He knows that. If he wasn't, Bart would've been on Tim's side no matter how morally grey he got.
Tim had crossed into the black.
He became what he always feared he might one day be.
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atarathegreat · 2 months
What a Bad Girl John Price
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"This is stupid." You groaned, tilting back in your chair, "She was my partner for another class."
"Hush. You're in here for talking, remember?" Your teacher, Mr. Price, chuckled. He was usually very nice to all the students and didn't mind a lot of talking, so long as you got your work done. Maybe today was just a rough day for him, but you didn't care. You were a teen, snarky, and pissed off that your favorite teacher had put you in detention. Who did he think he was?
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, not really feeling sympathy for whatever he may or may not have felt, "You always let us talk! What made today so different?"
If you weren't getting on his nerves, John would've thought that your little outburst was endearing. Bad luck, but you were on his last nerve.
"Maybe you just need to go and get laid. Then you'll be nicer." He didn't miss the way you looked him up and down, crossing your arms as you tilted your chair back again. You wanted to get on his nerves and piss him off. He'd have to give in and tell you to leave eventually.
Instead, your teacher chuckled and leaned forward on his desk, "I advise you mind your business about sex lives, darling. Worry about your own."
It wasn't a secret that you liked to hide away with whoever your boyfriend was at the time, but to hear an older man tell you to mind your own business sent a chill up your spine. "What can I say? I have daddy issues." You shrugged, thinking you had won and found the way you would break him down. John chuckled again and it was like a feather over your skin. A small part of you had always been a little attracted to him, maybe even fantasized that you weren't in the restroom with your boyfriend but your teacher. It wasn't your boyfriend pushing into you, but your favorite teacher.
"Daddy issues, hmm? Should I worry that somethings going on at home?" John leaned forward, smirking. Something about the light blush that dusted your cheeks made him happy. "Or maybe you brought it up because you want to help me unwind, hmm, princess?"
Fuck. How'd he switch this around on you?
"C'mere." John rolled his chair back, "Either get under the desk, or you're free to leave."
You got up and gathered your things, you'd be damned if you missed this chance. With your bag tucked behind his desk, you crawled under and got comfortable, "How am I supposed to help from down here?"
"Never sucked dick before, princess? It's okay. I'll teach you." John chuckled, rolling back into his desk. "Go ahead and try, sweets. I'll fix anything that's wrong." John uncapped his pen and went back to grading the papers.
What were you supposed to do now? His pants were on, and his belt was fastened. Were you supposed to undo it? How? He was sitting! Your boyfriends were always just pushing their shorts down and shoving you into a stall. Should this have been easier? After the moment of you having your thoughts, John reached down and tugged on his belt, only undoing it a little, "Don't be shy, princess. Go ahead."
Okay, so it was your task. The leather of his belt was warm as you pulled it from the buckle, building a warmth in your gut with anticipation. "Good girl. Keep going." His praise made the heat liquify, feeling heavy as you moved to sit on your knees and pull on the zipper. Joint effort helped you pull his cock out, and he settled his balls over the fabric. You were stunned. He was thick, had big balls, and his tip wasn't leaking. Was he really into this?
"Easy, princess. I'm not easy like your little boyfriends."
"Not as small, either." You mumbled, and it made John chuckle, "How am I supposed to fit you in my mouth?"
"Don't worry about that yet. Just explore to your hearts content." John had no idea you would jump at the chance to wrap those pretty lips around the head of his cock. He took a deep breath, sounding like a stressed teacher to anyone oblivious to the goings on. The way you swirled your tongue around his head and then over his slit nearly has him gripping the desk. Instead, he reached under the desk and stroked your cheek, "Good girl, keep doing that for a minute, fuck."
The hunger for his praise was new, but you did as he asked in hopes of earning more. Already, his tip had your mouth stretched wide, making you worry about how you'd really manage to take him. But if he praised you, then you'd do anything.
"Alright, luv. Take me slow." His fingers wrapped around the back of your head, "Slow and steady, there ya go..." John groaned as more of his shaft sunk into your mouth, feeling your tongue against every vein was driving him crazy. "Deep breath." He fisted your hair, waiting until your lungs were full before diving into your throat, "Breathe out slow. If your lungs hurt, tap my leg, and we'll give you a break."
The wetness of your mouth was heavenly, warm, and the way you gagged only tightened your throat around his meaty cock, pleasuring him. Gentle thrusts put him deep in your neck, and when he reached down, he could feel the way your neck bulged from him. It made him crazy. "Change of plans, luv." John fixed his position, "Just, fuck, just do your best to breath."
John gripped the back of your head to his pelvis, jerking his hips into your face again and again, loving how your soft lips cushioned his balls as he forced his dick as deep as it would go. "Fuck, princess! Perfect, bloody perfect! Suck as best you can..."
And when you did, he fell apart. Both of his hands cupped your cheeks, and he stood, getting better thrusts into your throat. "Like that, princess. Good fucking girl." The way you whined made his gut tighten, "Fuck Fuck Fuck! Swallow, baby! Swallow everything Daddy gives you."
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elliesfavbae · 4 months
Are you nervous, flower? - First kiss with Ellie, pt. 2
part one part three
synopsis: Your more experienced at kissing best friend helps you out but it starts to get out of control.
Pairing: Ellie Williams x unexperienced!reader
warnings: js a short fluff, intense kissing, eventual smut
smut incoming in the next part😋
wc: ab 800
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I can't believe what has just transpired. Yes, it may look like a simple kiss, but it was your very first kiss. Your first kiss is with your best friend.
You speak again. Your voice fades into a whisper. "So..." "Can you kiss me again?"
"Ooh, someone is eager." She grins, but you can tell she's enjoying it as well. "Now, I want you to try it. Kiss me, y/n.
You feel hot again, losing all of your confidence. You don't know where to begin, and Ellie appears to notice it. "Come on, just bring me closer to you and kiss me," she adds softly.
Her speech soothes you; you take a deep breath as you lay your hands on her smooth cheeks.
You gently bring her towards you, just like she has done before. You do it slowly, watching for her reaction, but you don't see any, so you go ahead and connect your lips to hers. This time the kiss is firmer; Ellie allows herself to suck harder on your lips, and so do you. You taste her lips on your own. They’re surprisingly sweet.
You adjust your position so that your knees and thighs are touching. Ellie tugs at her lips and smirks as she breaks away from the kiss.
"Better" is all she says about the kiss. "You have to use your hands as well; it's not just about the lips." Ellie takes your hands from her face and places one on her hip and the other behind her neck. Her skin is so warm.
She then wraps her hands over your hair, occasionally tugging on hair strands and massaging your scalp.
"Feels nice, hm?" She whispers, and you kiss again, your confidence rising with each breath.
Your hands begin to feel around her hips, passing through her thighs and stomach. You automatically split your lips to let the warm muscle explore her tongue as it brushes over your bottom lip. As soon as you insert your own tongue inside her mouth, the kiss becomes even more intense. You have no idea what to do or whether she enjoys it, but you soon hear a hum of approval. Breaking off the kiss to take a breath, you glance up at Ellie's face. Its hue transitioned to pink all over her cheeks.
“Was it good, or at least... acceptable?” After a while of staring at each other, you inquire.
"Does it mean you want to finish?" Not even trying to hide her dismay, she asks, but you didn't say you were going to stop.
"I mean, do you want me to stop? You choose to give her a little teasing; you bite your lip.
"Do I look like I want to stop?" That's all it takes to give her another kiss. Without a doubt, this kiss is the hungriest of them all. Ellie senses it too, so she tosses you onto the mattress and precisely tugs at your hair strands with her hands. It almost feels too good to be true. You don't even notice that you're letting out a slight groan.
"Someone's enjoying this a bit too much." She whispers against your lips between the kisses, and you understand what just happened.
“Fuck, sorry, did I make it weird?” You stop making out, feeling embarrassed.
"Flower, no, it's okay." She comes up right away to console you. Once more, she calls you by name, which causes your stomach to race with butterflies. "Actually, I liked it." The flying bugs inside of you are actually erupting right now. You're so desperate to kiss her again that you're not even able to think clearly. So you act. She presses you up against the bed. She slides her knee between your thighs, intensifying the kiss. A soft groan leaves your lips as the kiss becomes incredibly sloppy. 
She suddenly reaches for your hand and places it on her lower abdomen, and you know what she means by this. Your fingers follow her skin all the way to her chest. Playing with the hem of her sports bra, you fold her breast through the material. She has such a soft chest, but you're not sure how much you can allow yourself to do with it. However, it no longer feels like a best friend helping another friend out. You hear muffled groans, but they aren't coming from you this time.
“Do you want to go further?” She asks, her cheeks covered in a red blush, a challenging smile tugging her lips.
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julesdaydreams · 5 months
Hopelessly devoted to you
@rosekillermicrofic II May 4 - hopeless II word count: 804
fluff, fluff, just so much fluff <3
One thing about Evan Rosier?
He was absolutely and unquestionably hopeless for his best friend, Barty Crouch Jr.
It started when they met at 11 years old. Evan had taken one look at the other boy causing mayhem on their first day at school and he instantly knew that this boy would be his best friend.
What followed were three years of Evan going above and beyond when it came to Barty. Skipping classes with him, letting him copy their homework, pranks, long nights awake on the same bed just talking and talking - Evan did it all and he did it happily.
He was fourteen by the time he realized his feelings for Barty went beyond your usual best friend relationship. That maybe it wasn't normal to do everything your best friend asked of you in a heartbeat and if Barty would jump off a bridge, Evan wouldn't hesitate to follow him.
He spent another three years hopelessly in love with Barty, pining after the other boy while he explored his sexuality in every way possible.
Evan died a little every time Barty kissed someone else, everytime he saw a sock on the doorknob, everytime he spent his time alone because his best friend was elsewhere occupied.
He tried to stop giving Barty everything - including his heart. Tried dating, tried having a casual hookup that he had to break off before the boy could even get to his underwear because his whole body recoiled at the thought of letting anyone touch him like that.
No matter what he did, it always came back around to Barty. Wirh his mischievous eyes and chapped lips that Evan had spent too many nights thinking about kissing.
He had resigned himself to never getting over Barty in their last year at school. Had found peace in being just his best friend and nothing more. His heart ached everyday but at this point it was a familiar feeling amd he welcomed it. Was glad to know he loved his best friend and would until his last breath.
This is why he didn't know what to do with himself the moment the impossible had happened and Barty told him that he loved him.
It was a random day, Evan had been lying on his bed, getting an assignment done that was due the next day when Barty came barreling in through the door, looking disheveled, a frantic look in his eyes that had Evan in alert almost immediately.
And then - completely out of the blue - he said the one thing Evan could've never predicted.
“I love you, Rosie.”
And Evan had blinked, had needed Barty to clarify, needed reassurance that he wasn't dreaming, that this moment was real and Barty really loved him and he wasn't fucking with Evan.
And when he finally got that reassurance, when Barty looked so beautiful right there in their room, heart in his hand and offering it to Evan with quivering hands, Evan jumped up from his place on the bed and closed the small space between them to crash their lips together.
It was everything Evan every dreamed of and more.
Now, five years later, of which they've lived four together in a flat in london - that wasn't very big or impressive but it was theirs - Evan thought back to those moments of his younger self and smiled.
It hadn't been all sunshine and rainbows. Evan was so afraid Barty would leave him the moment he told him about not wanting to have sex - in any way. But Barty had been more than understanding, talking about how just kissing Evan was more than enough and even though he thought it impossible, Evan fell even harder for the other boy.
They also fought from time to time - with two personalities like theirs it was normal to butt heads every once in a while but they always came crawling back to each other at the end, always needed the other's comfort.
Lying there in their bed, Barty's head resting peacefully on Evan's chest while Evan carded his hands through his boyfriends hair, Evan wished he had the chance to tell his fourteen year old self that everything would turn out well.
And when Barty excused himself for a moment, left towards the bathroom and came back through the door, looking at Evan with such an intensity but such a calmness to him that starkly differed from the time where they were in a similar position - Evan on his bed, Barty in the middle of the room after barrelling through the door - and his boyfriend got down on one knee with that infuriatingly handsome smile on his face, Evan knew that maybe Barty was just as hopelessly in love with him as he was.
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