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nevver · 2 months ago
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Fear of flying, Tye Martinez
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123puppy · 7 months ago
Imagine everyone going on a vacation and they have to take a plane, Alastor refuses to get on that death trap but Lucifer physically drags him on board and as they fly for the next 8 hours Alastor buries all ten claws into the seat and tries not to lose his stomach during the first hour
and then Lucifer begins to tell him all the possible ways the plane could crash, engine could die, a bird getting sucked into the wings, lightning striking them, all the different possiblities and enjoying the slow descent of Alastor's already lost sanity
but his satisfaction is ripped away from him when Alastor shoots up from his seat, taking chunks of the seat with him in his clenched fists
and bolts
straight for the Emergency door
All rationality is gone, fear has taken over, Alastor isn't able to think in his haste, he wants, NEEDS to leave, NEEDS TO FLEE-
If he's not ON the plane, he won't die another grizzly death within a plane
Lucifer, now holding Alastor by the waist where he's caught him mid-air after Alastor jumps out of the plane, hovers in the air as the plane continues to leave without them, thinking to himself gravely "Charlie is going to be so mad..."
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tomesmithpress · 4 months ago
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THE FEAR OF... (FREE for all Patrons!) Trigger Warnings: claustrophobia, atychiphobia, nosophobia, aerophobia, trypophobia.
The pitter patter of creepy crawlies. The shiver up your spine. Ice in your veins and the heavy beat of your heart. The Fear comes in many forms, a master composer with dread as their masterpiece. You want to survive them? First tell me this… Are you ready to face your Fear?
Fear of Enclosed Spaces
Fear of Failure
Fear of Disease
Fear of Flying
The First Night
Servant of the First Night
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trevlad-sounds · 4 months ago
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Invisible Club 036
Intro 00:00 Oceanographer–Moon Flower 01:24 Parallel Worlds–Just Strange 06:40 Nacht Plank & Futuregrapher–Sky High 9.06 10:10 The Home Current–Mini Drifter 16:03 Receptor Modulator–Invade 19:35 Battaglia–Fight 26:23 Psycho Kick–Black sky 27:19 Bernard Grancher–Courir pour rire 30:46 Gaudi Kosmisches Trio–Luxury Squat 36:04 gribbles–Childer 43:07 Aerophobia–RT. Corps 46:13 Town and County–Salcombe Surge 50:13 Peltiform–Jitr ft. Room of Wires 54:24 Garber–First Contact 58:35 Tadhe–Unwanted Evil 1:06:15 Kayla Painter–Ice Shells 1:11:06 Outro 1:15:22
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creaturefeaturecommando · 3 months ago
Thought my flight was gonna be old people and old white people but there’s a young black girl wearing a hunter x hunter and I feel a little bit more comfortable
I’m still scared to death oh this flight though
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imjustexistingtbh · 6 months ago
do i know all the physics that keeps planes in the air? yes. does that stop me from being absolutely terrified every time the plane hits turbulence or is turning or taking off or landing or doing literally anything other than flying in a straight smooth line? no.
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play-safe-games · 11 months ago
Major triggers for Invincible presents: Atom Eve include aerophobia, agliophobia, automatonophobia, catagelophobia, decidophobia, nucleomituphobia, hemophobia, necrophobia, traumatophobia, and zelophobia.
Also of note:
Emotional abuse & gaslighting, both from parental figures and intimate partners
Heavy use of blood, gore, viscera, etc.
A villain being depicted as mentally ill / "disturbed" / likely psychotic
Human experimentation, child abuse, and child endangerment
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coulsonlives · 1 year ago
I'm on a Mentour Pilot binge and some of these videos are just heartbreaking
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oh-great-authoress · 2 years ago
Sometimes I remember stories from my life…
I don’t know why I remembered this, but I did.
I’ve always had a love for planes and aviation, because of my dad, who flew Cessnas as a hobby when he was young.
(I would look at his charts and maps which were kept in the dining room cabinet after dinner—I would just open the drawer and look, but not touch.)
However, there was a time in my life, when I was afraid of flying.
Panic attack level.
Almost strange, given my passion for planes and aviation now, when I think about it.
I’m not quite sure why I was so afraid, but the nearest thing I can figure, I was afraid of a plane crash.
Now, this story takes place so long ago that Delta Air Lines was still Northwest Airlines, and they were still operating the Boeing 747 for passenger service.
We had just come from visiting my grandparents, and it was the short leg of the trip home.
I was, as I mentioned above, terrified to fly.
As I sat, looking and feeling terrified, the flight attendants began checking the cabin before takeoff, and the flight attendant on my and my mom’s side of the center aisle looked at me and asked if I was okay.
I replied that I was, just a little bit scared of flying.
He took the time to reassure me, before continuing the cabin check.
Over the course of that flight, this flight attendant kept engaging me in conversation and joking around with me, taking my mind off of the flight, and he even gave me two pairs of kid’s stick-on wings, which actually almost took the edge off my pre-landing jitters.
His name, according to his nametag, was Michael, and I have to say, he lived up to his angelic namesake, because even though I was, at this time, terrified of flying, I felt somewhat comfortable and safe.
I hope he’s okay, whoever he is, and I’m never going to forget him for taking the time to help a scared little girl, and if I ever met him again, I think he’d probably get a kick out of learning that the terrified child he reassured so long ago, now loves planes, aviation, and flying.
Though I still hate turbulence, and that’s never going to change.
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ryanthedemiboy · 4 months ago
I don't know how much comfort we can draw from that last sentence, ngl
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The story of British Airways Flight 009.
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trevlad-sounds · 4 months ago
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Invisible Club 36
Intro 00:00 Oceanographer–Moon Flower 01:24 Parallel Worlds–Just Strange 06:40 Nacht Plank & Futuregrapher–Sky High 9.06 10:10 The Home Current–Mini Drifter 16:03 Receptor Modulator–Invade 19:35 Battaglia–Fight 26:23 Psycho Kick–Black sky 27:19 Bernard Grancher–Courir pour rire 30:46 Gaudi Kosmisches Trio–Luxury Squat 36:04 gribbles–Childer 43:07 Aerophobia–RT. Corps 46:13 Town and County–Salcombe Surge 50:13 Peltiform–Jitr ft. Room of Wires 54:24 Garber–First Contact 58:35 Tadhe–Unwanted Evil 1:06:15 Kayla Painter–Ice Shells 1:11:06 Outro 1:15:22
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copons · 2 years ago
This post is da bomb, technical yet compelling, and also don't read if you have even a tiny bit of aerophobia.
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fingerless-glovez · 3 months ago
Floyd: You don't need a license to fly a hot air balloon.
Epel: Even if we do, who's gonna stop us? Balloon cops?
Azul and Vil, watching from the ground: YOU CAN'T JUST STEAL A HOT AIR BALLOON, THOUGH!!!
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dark-twist-fairytales · 4 months ago
I just- I have one question for whatever being out there that made stinkbugs:
Why, oh why, pray tell, do they fly?!
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get to know me!
tanks @angelliicc for the tag
NICKNAMES: my sister calls me things like monkey and squishy but my actual nickname is just the first letter of my actual name
HEIGHT: at least 5'3", i haven't measured in a while but my best friend is 5'2" and a half and i'm visibly taller than her (i'm very short though so yeah probably just barely 5'3")
LAST THING I GOOGLED: invincible (i saw a post on here about steven yeun being in this show so i looked it up)
AMOUNT OF SLEEP: around 5-7 hours on weekdays and almost 10 hours on weekends (i'm literally doing this at 1:30 am so that's not helping but i usually fall asleep at like 2 or 2:30, and then i wake up at like 8 or 9 and i just sleep into the afternoon on weekends)
DREAM JOB: it flip flops between restaurant owner and performer
FAVORITE SONG: don't really have favorites of anything but run by bts always scratches my brain (and anything from seventeen's face the sun album)
MOVIE/BOOK THAT SUMMARIZES ME: beetlejuice (i've never actually seen it but i know like everything about it and the musical)
AESTHETIC: tween boy, i'm not even kidding (seriously though, i don't really have one right now, still finding my style)
FAV INSTRUMENT: drums (i want to play them so bad)
FAVORITE AUTHORS: don't have one (but i love murder mystery books if that's anything)
FUN FACT ABOUT ME: i have entomophobia (phobia of bugs), aerophobia (phobia of flying), and pyrophobia (phobia of fire)
tagging: @kitsohana @hearts4zoro @ollitheheadphoneskid23 @luna-winters-0613
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dcartcorner · 1 year ago
Do you think that whenever Simon and Mike travel together to terrorize some tourists to death Simon is the one who enjoys the journey (usually on foot) and Mike is the one who complains about it 24/7
i can see that! simon 'i have a good time' fairchild finds happiness in all aspects of travel and fear. i'll have to go back and listen again to mike's episodes, honestly, but the thought of him grumbling the entire way makes me smile.
(tw: aerophobia)
i also have the hc that simon actually quite enjoys airplanes because there is always at least one person on the flight who fears that plane is going to drop out of the sky with every bump of turbulence. not a frequent form of travel by any means, but i can see him terrorizing someone in an airport.
honestly now that i think about it, airports seem like great hubs for nearly all the fears aha
anyway, yeah! i can definitely see that dynamic for them ^^
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