#content notes
fansplaining · 2 years
Accessibility is a huge topic that is very valuable and interesting to learn about. I encourage everyone, disabled or not, to learn about accessibility, because it benefits everyone. Some examples of accessibility we see in transformative works spaces are content notes and image descriptions. These may be aimed at particular disabled fans, but often benefit others who are not disabled, an effect commonly called ‘the curb cut effect,’ after those dips in curbs where you can roll your wheelchair, bike, or stroller up from the street to the sidewalk. In my years in fandom, it’s been nice to see content notes spread from fanfic to mainstream media.
— Sandy in our “Disability and Fandom” double episode. Click through to hear their whole segment or read a full transcript.
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gctdb · 6 months
That’s Not My Neighbor is a pretty interesting game — think Papers, Please but with doppelgangers.
Triggers are up on the site!
EDIT: We forgot to check trypophobia initially, but fixed that. (Thanks, @aho-bot!)
Please feel free to reach out if we ever forget a trigger like this! We're just a small group of volunteers, so we will miss things from time-to-time. But, when we do, we want to make sure we correct that ASAP so that people are able to avoid triggers or content that is harmful for them.
Thanks for being rad humans!
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By: Stuart Vyse
Published: Dec 25, 2023
Many social programs are implemented with the best of intentions and later discovered to be either ineffective or, in the worst cases, counterproductive. At the height of its popularity in the 1980s and ’90s, the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program was used in 75 percent of American schools at a taxpayer expense of an estimated $200 million, but subsequent evaluations revealed that it didn’t work. Drug abuse was just as high in schools that received the program as those that did not. To add insult to injury, in the 2010s, the iconic D.A.R.E. t-shirt was adopted as an ironic emblem by members of the drug subculture (Wright 2017).
Similarly, after a decade or more of use, there is growing evidence that trigger warnings in college classes do not work as intended, but, for reasons I will explain later, I don’t think they are going away soon.
The Basics of Triggers and Warnings
Trigger warnings, content warnings, or content notes are “alerts about upcoming content that may contain themes related to past negative experiences,” and they are designed to “protect individuals whose unique experiences have left them emotionally vulnerable to specific material” (Bridgland et al. 2023, 1). Supporters of the use of such warnings suggest they empower vulnerable students1 to prepare for or avoid altogether the negative material. Critics argue that trigger warnings violate free speech, promote weakness, and sustain mental health problems in a generation of young people who are suffering at alarming rates (Lukianoff and Haidt 2015). Interestingly, these are directly opposing views of the psychological effects of these warnings: both the proponents and critics suggest their views promote mental health.
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[ Figure 1. A Google Trends graph of searches of the phrase “trigger warning” for the years 2004–2023 (obtained on December 12, 2023). Ignoring the two spikes in August 2016 and December 2018, interest in the phrase has been steady or slightly increasing over the past ten years. ]
Although they have received some backlash, particularly in the conservative media, trigger warnings seem to be as popular as ever. The Google Trend graph in Figure 1 shows a steady—perhaps slightly increasing—number of searches for the phrase “trigger warning” over the past ten years. The anecdotal observations of one Chapman University faculty member suggest that student concerns about triggering material increased during the pandemic with the shift to spending many hours online “where the use of Trigger Warnings (TWs) and Content Warnings (CWs) on social media, particularly on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, have made the conversation far more visible” (Read-Davidson 2023). In addition, many university documents about trigger warnings can be found online. Most of these make a nod to the professor’s academic freedom by not requiring the use of warnings, but these documents also give extensive guidance on how and when to employ trigger warnings and strongly suggest that instructors should use them. For example, this statement from the office of the provost at the University of Connecticut includes the following: “These resources are for faculty use if you deem their benefit appropriate to your learning objectives and the classroom culture you seek to establish. This language is in no way intended to impede academic freedom, but to offer another opportunity for you to support your student’s ability to learn and engage in your class.”
This passage is followed by several paragraphs of recommendations for “best practices” in the use of trigger warnings and examples of warnings for use on the course syllabus. After reading this statement, I know that if I were an untenured professor at the University of Connecticut, I would feel all but compelled to use trigger warnings for any course material that might conceivably upset a student in my class. More about this later.
But Do Trigger Warnings Work?
There has been some doubt about the effectiveness of trigger warnings almost from the start, but as more research has been conducted, the picture has become clearer. The most extensive study to date is a meta-analysis published in Clinical Psychological Science in August 2023 (Bridgland et al. 2023). The authors hoped to answer four questions:
Do trigger warnings change the emotional response to the material?
Do trigger warnings increase the avoidance of the warned-about material?
Do trigger warnings affect anticipatory emotions before the material arrives?
Do trigger warnings affect educational outcomes (e.g., comprehension)?
In a preregistered investigation, the authors searched for studies in which a trigger warning was given and one or more of the four effects described above was measured. In addition, the type of warning had to make it clear that the forthcoming material might trigger emotions about past experiences. As a result, more general notices, such as PG-13 ratings or “not safe for work” messages, were excluded. They found twelve studies that fit their inclusion criteria, and in the majority of these (ten out of twelve) some participants had previous traumatic experiences. One study was restricted to participants with a history of trauma.
The results did not support the psychological benefits of trigger warnings. Summing the studies together, the meta-analysis revealed a “negligible” effect of warnings on the experience of the material, when compared to that of participants who were not warned. Similarly, the use of trigger warnings had “trivial or null” effect on comprehension and a “negligible” effect on avoidance of the material, which was typically measured by allowing participants to choose between readings that did and did not contain warnings. One study found that the presence of a warning increased the likelihood of selecting a reading in a kind of “forbidden fruit” effect. The one reliable effect that emerged from the analysis was on anticipatory emotions experienced prior to exposure to the material, and unfortunately it was in the wrong direction. Participants were reliably more anxious in the period after the warning was given but before the material was presented.
I found a more recent study, published just five days ago as I write this, that looked at the reactions of students—a substantial proportion of whom had previously experienced sexual assault or unwanted sex—to a nonfiction account of a campus sexual assault drawn from Jon Krakauer’s 2016 book Missoula (Kimble et al. 2023). When warned about the content of the reading and offered an alternative passage without such material, fully 94 percent of participants still chose to read the potentially triggering passage. Furthermore, those who had a previous traumatic experience were no less likely to read the sexual assault passage than those who had not. As might be expected, sexual assault victims had a stronger reaction to the passage from the Krakauer book, but there was no measurable effect of providing a warning.
The stated purpose of trigger warnings in the classroom is to promote the psychological wellbeing of vulnerable students, but a growing body of evidence suggests they are ineffective at that goal and, in the case of anticipatory anxiety, do more harm than good. Given this track record, one might expect widespread calls to eliminate them from college campuses. Indeed, some people have made these calls. Writing in The Atlantic, Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt (2015) argued that “universities should also officially and strongly discourage trigger warnings.” In a statement against the use of warnings, the American Association of University Professors suggests “the presumption that students need to be protected rather than challenged in a classroom is at once infantilizing and anti-intellectual.” Nonetheless, as I suggested at the beginning of this article, there is little evidence that trigger warnings are going away soon, and their importance may actually be growing.
Follow the Power
I am speculating here, but I think the use of trigger warnings is supported, in part, by changes in the power structure on college campuses, and as a result their use is more about campus politics than it is about student mental health. Before going further, I should say that, in my view, some forms of warnings can communicate respect and good manners. For example, a simple statement on the first day of class that some of the material in the course will be potentially upsetting can communicate an appropriate concern for students without promoting a kind of victim status. Similarly, I have no objection to statements at the beginning of a radio news piece, such as “this story contains discussions of rape.” I can think of any number of reasons—other than having been raped in the past—that might make someone averse to hearing that story. Such warnings can be simply a matter of politeness and good taste. But the more elaborate use of trigger warnings is likely to continue despite the mounting evidence that they are ineffective.
Today college students have far more power on campus than they did in previous eras. In the distant past when I went to college, it seemed all but unthinkable to complain to the administration about something in my classes. The only time I can recall doing so was when a group of graduate school classmates approached the chair of the department because our professor was not addressing any of the topics listed on the syllabus. He would just come to class and ramble on about whatever was on his mind that day. Furthermore, as dramatic as that case seemed to us, the department chair brushed us off, saying there was nothing he could do, and that was the end of that. Of course, this was long before the age of the internet and social media.
Today, parents are paying enormous sums to send their children to college, and for all but the richly endowed elite schools, bad publicity can have serious financial consequences. The loss of just a few students at $70,000 per year quickly adds up. Furthermore, today’s institutions have made it exceedingly easy for students to complain. Many schools now have mechanisms for students to report “bias incidents” to the administration. These programs typically allow for the anonymous reporting of any member of the college community by any member of the college community. See, for example, this program designed to accept anonymous reports of any act or communication “that reasonably is understood to demean, degrade, threaten, or harass an individual or group based on an actual or perceived identity” whether the acts are intentional or unintentional. If you Google the phrase “report a bias incident,” you will find a long list of colleges and universities with similar programs.
In this environment, even the most truth-seeking professor who is fully aware of the research on trigger warnings is likely to feel a strong pull to use them nonetheless. Or to avoid any class material that might conceivably warrant their use. A recent study of criminal justice professors found that the majority used trigger warnings, and among those who did, the most popular reason was “to allow students to prepare for upcoming material.” However, 27 percent of those who used trigger warnings said they did so “to protect against student complaints” (Cares et al. 2022, 604). Furthermore, if you are an instructor in a vulnerable untenured position, even the full embrace of trigger warnings may not save you. A recent example of this was the Hamline University art history professor who gave extensive warnings before showing a fourteenth-century painting of the Prophet Muhammad and still lost her job when a student complained to the administration. So much for the free expression of ideas.
My hypothesis about the power structure in higher education is further supported by recent events in elementary and secondary education where the power is coming from the right rather than the left. In several red states, a new focus on parents’ rights has had a similarly chilling effect on instruction, but the protected group is primarily white students rather than minorities or trauma victims. According to the Washington Post, a parent in a North Carolina school objected to a reading about Christopher Columbus’s treatment of Native peoples because it would make her white son feel guilty. The parent contacted the school administration, and an administrator told the teacher to “stop pushing your agenda” (Natanson 2023). The same article reported on an Iowa law passed in 2021 that prohibited teaching “that the United States of America and the state of Iowa are fundamentally or systemically racist or sexist.” In light of this law, Greg Wickenkamp, an eighth-grade social studies teacher, asked his district’s superintendent: “Is it acceptable for me to teach students that slavery was wrong?” The superintendent was unable to say whether that statement was allowed or not under state law.
Of course, these are only the cases we hear about because the teachers involved were among the few to question authority or stick to their lesson plans. Undoubtedly many others quietly altered their lesson plans to avoid anything that might anger a conservative parent.
Out in the real world, we do things for a multitude of reasons. Today, a text or work of art that might make educational sense may not show up in the classroom for reasons that are more political than pedagogical. In the case of trigger warnings, they are likely to remain part of many college courses despite the evidence that they fail at their stated purpose. It is a traditional skeptic’s lament that evidence is often not enough to sway people toward reason, and I am sorry to say that this is one of those cases. Reason and evidence alone will not strengthen our educational system. The political winds need to change before that can happen.
1. Although trigger warnings and similar kinds of notices are used in many other contexts, in this article, I am primarily concerned with their use in secondary schools and universities.
Trigger warnings are pseudoscience. They don't do what they claim to do, and what they claim to do isn't even a good idea in the first place.
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notruevampire · 1 year
Trigger Warnings, Content Warnings, and Content notes.
What are the differences?
These are scaling notices about content, generally in media. There is some confusion about the terms that we should discuss.
The highest level of warning is a trigger warning (TW). These should only be used to alert readers/viewers that the following material can cause a psychological issue to become a problem. This carries some controversy among people who don't understand what a trigger is.
A trigger, in context, is a stimulus that causes significant pain. For example, a common and well-known PTSD trigger is fireworks. When a combat veteran is exposed to fireworks, they may find themselves back in a memory of being pinned down under gunfire or explosions. During this time, they are reliving that trauma, which can damage any treatment they've received.
Another common example is sexual assault. This is one that requires trigger warnings in media because when a survivor is exposed to the subject without warning, it can trigger the same thing: being forced to relive the event. Or it may simply cause intense distress. Either way, it can interfere with healing.
By having the warning, the viewer or reader has the ability to prepare. This can be helpful in recovery! Exposure therapy can only be effective when initiated by the trauma or phobia sufferer. But it requires consent and for the individual to be at the right stage of healing. Not all people with PTSD or phobias can do so, but they may never do so if they are regularly exposed to triggers without warning.
Now, what is a content warning (CW)? This sounds similar, but it is closer to a rating system (Such as what we see with movies and television). A content warning gives a broader idea of content that may be upsetting to viewers/readers, but isn't likely to trigger common psychological conditions (that doesn't mean it won't, but it isn't as severe a risk).
Finally, a content note (CN) is for content that may be objectionable or may involve sensitive subjects. It isn't a warning, but a way to give awareness of what the viewer/reader is consenting to by continuing.
It is important to use the correct label, because if you use a trigger warning where a content note should be, you are signaling that that the subject may be traumatizing.
For example: TW: Children. Very few people will have a distressing psychological condition triggered by the existence of children. There are people who may wish to avoid content about children in a specific place, so a CN would indicate that they are being discussed/pictures are being show. A TW would indicate that harm is going to be discussed. This, in itself, can cause anxiety and distress.
In conclusion, these labels exist to allow more people to access and enjoy content. They are an accessibility feature for conditions that may be disabling. They are also just a show of respect and courtesy.
They were designed to make a stronger, healthier society, and when used appropriately, that is exactly what they do.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk 😉
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neurovarious · 7 months
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hinamie · 1 month
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graysongoal · 10 months
For the past couple of weeks, I've been working with game developers, accessibility workers, and mental health providers to help make it easier to know when a video game might have content that could trigger PTSD or another mental health issue.
Today, that went live with ~30 games.
Come check it out!
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thephouseplants · 3 months
I feel like Phil deserves more credit for keeping us alive during the drought (2020-2022) like, now we have the gaming channel and a whole phour it is easy to just forget when Dan was a fun surprise guest that popped up sometimes.
I don't think I could take another Hiatus, we've been spoiled.
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sleep-safe · 1 year
another update on tlou blogging--the show (and game) is p nasty and has a lot of triggers! i always tag them and you can ask for me to tag anything no probs. for TLOU i have been or might be tagging (exactly as written):
mycophobia tw
death tw
blood tw
gun tw
knives tw
knife tw
blade tw
violence against children
violence tw
assault tw
suicide mention
gore tw
body horror tw
suicide tw
euthanasia tw
cannibalism tw
anxiety attack tw
medical abuse tw
cult tw
starvation tw
assault tw
child death tw
animal death tw
that makes it sound worse than it is! wow! just tryna cover all my bases. j'll also be tagging the following when relevant:
not image described
tlou spoilers
im also not going to reblog a lot of any of that or graphic images. more text and discussion stuff. i will NEVER post jump scares or the horror stuff.
just wanted yall to know! theres some rough shit in here lmao dont want anyone caught off guard.
gonna cycle this post a few times for the homies! again, EVERYTHING will be tagged #TLOU, if you wanna block that! customize your dash!
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gctdb · 5 months
Major warnings for acrophobia, ammophobia, hemophobia, gore, megalophobia, nyctophobia, thalassophobia, and verzephobia
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elysiansparadise · 3 months
Aspects of Mercury in the composite chart
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🤎Mercury conjunct Sun: Communication is a very strong point of this relationship, they can spend many hours talking really about anything. They are very curious about each other. They may have very similar ideals in terms of relationships, at the same time they are likely to share interests or hobbies. There is a lot of mental stimulation in this relationship and they feel that they can tell the other person everything, since both of them do their best to understand the other's points of view. They will never run out of topics of conversation and there are usually no awkward silences. 
🤎Mercury conjunct Moon: This couple will have many heart-to-heart conversations, they will feel that the other understands them completely. They both give each other the space to talk about things and have a sensitive approach to the other to listen to them without judging them or making them feel uncomfortable. Talking to others is comfortable from the beginning... maybe a little too much. They’ll tell each other the truth tactfully and will never seek to hurt the other with words. They can comfort others when they feel nervous and will know how to say the right words at the right time. They’ll simply know that they will be united from the beginning.
🤎Mercury conjunct Venus: They will love talking to each other, it will be a pleasant experience for both of them, they will notice that communication will flow like no one else. Lots of flirting and ease in expressing the most sentimental sides of the other. They can easily understand each other's way of loving and can share love languages, as well as hobbies or interests. They will feel that this person knows how to make them feel loved and it is likely that they will awaken romantic interest in each other from the beginning. They will always seek to learn more about each other, how to make them feel better and how to improve the relationship. They will put effort into making everything go smoothly.
🤎Mercury conjunct Mars: Both will be very mentally stimulated, it is likely that they will think a lot about each other. They may enjoy teasing each other, pushing their buttons and provoking reactions. Very fluid communication, they can be very verbal with what they want and are likely to become more outspoken thanks to this relationship. Debates, and possible arguments. They will speak freely about what bothers them without fear of the other's reaction and will seek to reach an agreement quickly. They will help each other put their ideas into practice and may feel motivated and dynamic after talking.
🤎Mercury conjunct Jupiter: Both will bring many important and positive lessons in each other's lives. Long, deep conversations await you in which you will feel what it is like to connect with someone on a deep level. They will awaken each other's curiosity, as well as inspire good feelings in each other. Laughs will never be lacking, you will notice how a smile appears on their faces after talking to each other. They will feel that the other appreciates their ideas, they will feel listened to and they will do their best to understand each other regardless of their differences. They will see in each other a good advisor who is always willing to support them.
🤎Mercury conjunct Saturn: The relationship may help them clearly establish their priorities, they will learn to think long-term with each other. Communication that will grow gradually and can be very constant. They will become more responsible with each other, they will learn to keep their promises or turn their words into actions with the other. They will trust each other a lot and find in each other a confidant. They will feel that they can talk about serious topics with each other without problems, they will take each other seriously and will also take into real consideration what they have to say. They will calm each other's nerves and that tendency to overthink.
🤎Mercury conjunct Uranus: The conversations between you are something refreshing compared to everything mundane and trivial that seems to abound in your lives. Talking to each other is not only fun or fascinating, but enriching, you can understand each other in a unique way. Both will feel that they will plan more, they will long to think and achieve a future with each other. Both stimulate each other a lot intellectually, talking to the other is never boring and the connection and fluidity of the relationship can occur from the beginning. The words that are said usually remain in their minds for a long time. It is possible that you share friendships or hobbies with each other.
🤎Mercury conjunct Neptune: They will awaken the poetic, deep and fantasy side of each other. They will constantly daydream about each other, about what it will be like to talk to each other or spend time together. These people have special conversations, they will love to talk about the future together and dreams they share. Silences may be common, but they will be those that just feel good. The look of the other will be enough to understand what is going through their mind. Your bond may even feel somewhat telepathic. 
🤎Mercury conjunct Pluto: They may have each other on their minds constantly, perhaps more than they would like. They can understand each other without words and sometimes predict or simply know what the other will say. They have a very strong connection with each other, they feel that they can talk about anything without being judged. They will open up with each other like with no one else, talking about difficult and personal topics and not only that, but they will feel understood, heard and seen by the other. They will greatly transform the way their partner thinks and perceives things.
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🤎Mercury opposite Sun: They can have very different interests and even opinions. There will be a lot of teasing and banter between you. You will both help each other expand your mind and can help your partner see things in different ways. Even if it seems tense, the communication can be fluid due to the nature of both. You’ll be able to learn a lot from both the other and yourselves in this relationship.
🤎Mercury opposite Moon: They may think that they are very different or that they have a very particular way of seeing things, but they will see the other person as someone who is interesting to talk to. It may be that at first they did not open up much due to shyness, but with patience they can share a lot with each other.
🤎Mercury opposite Venus: They have very different ways of showing love, as well as expressing their feelings. Despite being very different, there can be a feeling of comfort between the two. They feel like they don't finish getting to know each other. Patience is needed, as they may find it difficult to express their emotions at first. Despite their differences, both will try to get to know each other better. Interested in each other.
🤎Mercury opposite Mars: Both recognize the value of always being honest with each other, but that truth is likely to hurt on many occasions. They may have different ways of doing things which can lead to arguments. They always try to be clear with each other and not give rise to misunderstandings. They can find solutions quickly and do not like to leave arguments unresolved.
🤎Mercury opposite Jupiter: Great differences in the way of thinking will bring new perspectives to the other. Different beliefs, religions or visions of these. A lot of communication between you, you can appreciate each other's opinions despite the little similarity with the other. Despite this, they can be great company for each other.
🤎Mercury opposite Saturn: Maturity difference. Important lessons can be taught to the other from individual experiences. They will always try to give the other down-to-earth opinions and will try to be very realistic with the other, sometimes too much. Conversation takes time to flow but they can rely on their partner's prudence and reserved nature.
🤎Mercury opposite Uranus: There may be problems adapting at some stages of the relationship. There are differences between you in terms of your way of thinking. The future together causes them a mixture of nervousness and excitement. They recognize each other as genuine, creative, and someone with whom they try ordinary things in interesting ways.Things will never be boring or rutinary in your relationship.
🤎Mercury opposite Neptune: The other can become the other's calm and relaxed place after the stressful and overwhelming reality. Romanticism and affection, but with a tendency to see the relationship and the other through rose-colored glasses. They can help give a more realistic vision to the other regarding their goals or interests. They can listen to each other very well but communication can falter at times. Try to be very clear with what you want.
🤎Mercury opposite Pluto: They will be reserved with relationship issues, they will prefer things to stay between them. They will prefer intimacy, spending time with each other and only expressing those more personal aspects of their lives with each other. They will likely need to reassure each other a lot in case of trust issues. The conversations can be deep, raw and very personal.
🤎Mercury square Moon: There may be problems speaking at first, one or both parties may be very reserved when it comes to communicating their emotions and needs. Patience and understanding are necessary. Try not to assume what would make your partner happy and ask directly to avoid misunderstandings.
🤎Mercury square Venus: They may have very different tastes, preferences, interests as well as love languages ​​that do not fit with each other. One way to work on this square is to talk about the way they want to be loved and how they usually show love to avoid jumping to conclusions or any type of confusion regarding your feelings.
🤎Mercury square Mars: In this relationship it will be crucial to practice patience, let the other communicate their thoughts and opinions, listen to them and try to understand them before speaking. They may jump to conclusions. You will speak very honestly with each other, there will be frankness between you.
🤎Mercury square Jupiter: This aspect does not take away from the abundant communication between you, but you may feel that sometimes you go around the bush or do not reach a definitive conclusion. You may think that the other person thinks very differently than you in some areas, which can be a problem if you are closed-minded.
🤎Mercury square Saturn: The communication may not arise so fluidly, it is likely that they were stopped at the beginning either by shyness or pessimism of not being reciprocated. It is necessary that you seek to better understand each other's hobbies and interests. They have problems asking others for help for fear of being judged or other issues. Learn to rely on each other if necessary.
🤎Mercury square Uranus: It is likely that there is some distance between them, whether in terms of communication or some physical distance. Both of them may feel that their ideas are very different or in some cases that they clash. At first they may not understand what the other person means. They need to learn to accept and tolerate their differences.
🤎Mercury square Neptune: The possibility of misunderstandings is likely, so clear communication is advisable. It will be necessary to work on assertiveness in this relationship and learn to talk about the problems that arise, if any, without fear of how the other person will react or hurt them. They constantly think about each other.
🤎Mercury square Pluto: Both of you are people with strong opinions, no one can change your mind, many times not even among yourselves. They can read others too easily, so lying is not the recommended option. It is very likely that both have problems with trusting others, which is why they will gradually open up to each other.
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🤎Mercury trine Moon: They will feel very comfortable talking about anything with their partner, they will love knowing them deeply, knowing about their past and knowing what the other keeps in the depths of their heart. They will always seek to understand each other's emotions well and speak calmly when problems arise. They can talk for hours feeling comfortable, they can share interests and opinions regarding topics such as family, relationships and morals.
🤎Mercury trine Venus: They will love knowing that they will soon see each other to talk. Fun, joy and very pleasant conversations for both. May have common interests, opinions and values. A very similar way of seeing love. Likely to love each other's voices and feel like they could listen to the other talk for hours. From the beginning they may think of each other as a potential partner and think that the other person can be a charming companion.
🤎Mercury trine Mars: They can give each other encouragement and motivation, especially when starting activities or regarding their abilities. Communication is very fluid between you, as well as very active. They will feel that they can be totally honest with each other, both with what they think and with what they really are. Their conversations are lively and their insights can be of great help to both. They feel that they are a great team and that they have in each other a partner who can go with the flow with them.
🤎Mercury trine Jupiter: It's impossible for them to think about each other without letting out a smile. Many long conversations that are not only deep and inspiring, but fun and make them feel comfortable. Ease of resolving any misunderstanding or issue that may arise. They have very similar ways of thinking regarding their ideologies, morals and deeper issues such as religion or spirituality. Huge chances of taking trips together. They feel that they can be very open and transparent with each other.
🤎Mercury trine Saturn: They find in each other a voice of experience that gives them new perspectives. They are likely to complement the other in that sense, helping each other with things that the other finds difficult. Great, positive lessons will be taught throughout the relationship. They feel that the other person takes them seriously and truly values ​​what they have to say. They’ll enjoy advising each other and will always seek to be there to support the other. Constant communication.
🤎Mercury trine Uranus: Fun, unusual or deep conversations, you are capable of having them all. They adapt easily to each other, are inspired and may even feel more creative after spending time with each other. They could have started as friends or met through one. They will open each other's minds to new concepts, ideas or even hobbies. Kindness between both without giving rise to irrationality or idealization. They will see each other as they are and that will make them have mutual interest.
🤎Mercury trine Neptune: They will feel that the other knows how to really appreciate what they have to say. Inspiration, fascination and charm for the way of speaking of the other. By having meaningful conversations with each other, you can open up easily and feel not only heard but loved and understood. They will understand each other's thoughts and feelings even if the other does not verbalize them. Tender and warm conversations that will ease and heal both of you.
🤎Mercury trine Pluto: Both can talk about any topic, they feel that no matter how intense or serious it is, the other will be there to listen to them and support them. They will seek to understand each other completely, asking questions, observing and listening carefully to each other. They will learn to see beyond the perceptible, to open up and what it feels like to finally be seen. Not only will you be there for each other in fun and light conversations, but in the most important and defining ones.
🤎Mercury sextile Moon: From the beginning you could feel the affinity between you and it is likely that you quickly felt comfortable with each other's presence. This relationship tells us about a strong and tender emotional bond. They treat each other sweetly no matter what they go through as a couple. They’re very transparent with their emotions. They know and adore their partner's core, protect each other's hearts, and respect each other's feelings.
🤎Mercury sextile Venus: They will feel that it is easy to talk about feelings and love with the other person and there will be the confidence to give their points of view even if the other person does not share them. Talking is something they both love when it comes to each other. Fluid, understandable and very pleasant communication. They like each other's minds and their way of speaking. Ease for solving problems or issues that may arise.
🤎Mercury sextile Mars: After talking with each other, you may feel encouraged to carry out your ideas or plans or to face your daily life. They communicate clearly and directly, which makes it easier for both of them to act and can make quick and effective decisions. They see in the other a person who expresses themselves in a passionate and energetic way, they infect the other with motivation and good humor. 
🤎Mercury sextile Jupiter: This couple communicates in a positive and cheerful way, both give the other an optimistic and a new vision of situations. They both enjoy deep, philosophical conversations, enriching their relationship through mutual learning and intellectual exploration. They will never run out of topics of conversation, as both may feel particularly chatty with the other. They will positively influence the lives of each other.
🤎Mercury sextile Saturn: They communicate in a responsible and structured manner. In addition, they have the ability to plan and organize together. They think long term with each other. They both notice the small details about each other that might go unnoticed by other people. There is frankness between them while maintaining tact. They will feel that this relationship helps them grow and mature both in attitude and intellectually.
🤎Mercury sextile Uranus: This couple will have the strength and ability to adapt to changes in the relationship without any problem. They feel that they connect easily because both are willing to understand and accept each other's differences. Support, camaraderie and good vibes between both. They will discover new things and experience things they never experienced alongside each other. 
🤎Mercury sextile Neptune: There is an intuitive and empathetic understanding between them, one that allows them to connect on a deeper, more spiritual level. They feel that the other makes an effort to really understand and know them. You will share many special moments together. They feel like they can build and work on their dream set. They long and long to live all their fantasies next to each other, the other is part of their fantasies.
🤎Mercury sextile Pluto: Hanging out and conversations between them can bring profound changes in the way you see things and understand them. A strong and unbreakable trust between them, they know that the other does not say something unless they really mean it. They feel that in the relationship they can address controversial, difficult or complicated topics without feeling judged or intimidated, because they will see in the other someone with whom it is safe to talk.
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shamefulzombie · 28 days
maneaters r just cute little guys!!
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morningstarwrites · 15 days
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TY for 200K views on my fanfic, Of Saints and Sinners 😭
to celebrate, I'll accept one art request - you can leave it in the replies or hashtags! (this scene is from ch. 18)
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majikkulu · 18 days
♱ 𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖔 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘 by majikkulu ;P ♱
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━━ ❝ masterlist ❞
these are my personal observations and may not resonate with everyone. please take them with a grain of salt, as i'm not a professional astrologer! :))
๋࣭ ⭑ gemini risings with lilith in the first house or conjunct their asc often appear younger than their age, which can lead to past discrimination or exclusion. their youthful look might make it hard for them to be taken seriously or voice opinions, and they might have been teased for their appearance. as they age, they may receive comments about their agelessness and notice that people are hesitant to engage with them in conversations. they might also be seen as intimidating, standoffish, or even shy, and could be perceived as having a serious, sad or "resting bitch face."
๋࣭ ⭑ your saturn's sign, house, and degree can indicate people who impact you and teach important life lessons. these individuals often stay in your life long-term, offering both support and challenges. for example, my saturn is in cancer in the 2nd house at a virgo degree. many of my close friends and family have cancer, virgo, or taurus placements, and each has taught me something valuable. even though some cancers have betrayed me, those experiences were to shape me fr. take my bestie, who has saturn in cancer in the 11th house at a pisces degree. i’m a pisces with a strong 11th house stellium. i’ve noticed similar vibes with my favorite artists too.
๋࣭ ⭑ people with venus sextile saturn deeply value being appreciated and seen by others. they often seek long-term, serious relationships and handle challenges with maturity. they give their all and show great respect to their partners, often attracting or being drawn to older partners. those who meet them usually find them unforgettable.
๋࣭ ⭑ people with venus trine pluto crave intense, passionate love. their deep feelings are often transformative, with even short-term relationships leading to significant personal growth. they have a magnetic presence that's both striking and sometimes intimidating, and they connect on a profound, soul-deep level, drawing others in with their powerful emotional intensity and mysterious looks.
๋࣭ ⭑ people with jupiter in the 5th house are incredibly charming and approachable, drawing many people to them. they often connect easily with children and might have a natural talent for engaging with them. these individuals likely experience numerous crushes and pursue a wide range of hobbies with enthusiasm. they also have a talent for creative pursuits like music, art, or dancing.not to mention, their love life is often quite fulfilling.
๋࣭ ⭑ people with sun square ascendant may struggle with self-confidence and self-presentation early in life. however, as they grow older, they often develop a stronger sense of self and learn to embrace their unique qualities. over time, they become more confident and self-assured, appreciating who they are and how they express themselves.
๋࣭ ⭑ mars in taurus can take a long time to get genuinely upset. they tend to be slow to anger but can become easily frustrated. their anger is usually kept under control, but when it finally erupts, it can be intense and difficult to manage.
๋࣭ ⭑ chiron in the 9th house may struggle with faith and frequently question their beliefs. they might face challenges in school, but these often improve with age. some may have been pressured into church as children, contributing to their journey of exploration and self-discovery. as kids, they might have followed others' expectations instead of pursuing their own interests, leading to a continual quest for personal understanding and truth.
๋࣭ ⭑ virgo risings have great muscles and well-defined bodies.
๋࣭ ⭑ i've noticed that natives with a 4th house stellium often come from big families or have many siblings. they typically have a strong connection with their family, frequently staying in touch and valuing their relationships. their family can have a significant influence on them, playing a central role in their lives and shaping their sense of identity.
๋࣭ ⭑ i’ve noticed that individuals with pluto in the 10th house often receive mixed reactions from the public. they tend to be both admired and disliked, with their reputation evoking strong, polarized feelings. even if they’re not actually a “player,” their public persona might give off that vibe
๋࣭ ⭑ a lot of sagittarius moons, moon-jupiter aspects or moon in sag degrees are incredibly playful and flirty. they thrive on socializing and enjoy being the center of attention. their vibrant energy and enthusiasm often make them the life of the party, drawing people in with their lively and engaging personality.
๋࣭ ⭑ what i've noticed is that natives with cancer rising or the moon in the 1st house often attract a lot of popularity and are well-liked by many. they typically have an easy time connecting with others and are true social butterflies. females with these placements, in particular, often attract a lot of attention from men, thanks to their bubbly, fun personalities and their attractive, approachable appearance. on a negative note, i’ve observed that some people with these placements can also display deceitful, lying, or manipulative behaviors. (pls don’t come for me!)
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i would like to personally thank siobhan thompson for organising the bad kids secret santa
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korkiekenobiconfirmed · 3 months
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"hey my bf and I saw you from across the tavern and we really dig your vibe. dw he's a switch"
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