(chuckles) I guess you're right. Wouldn't want to wish for the wrong kind of excitement when it comes to that.
I've been thinking... what are you going to do after all this is over? I mean, assuming the world doesn't end. Think you'll head back to Kirkwall?
Hey Varric! Anything new from my favorite dwarf?
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(See a man wandering around in Skyhold, having seen him only in passing every now and then)
"Ser, are you lost?"
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Pups are fat and happy little fur balls. Getting in their winter coats.
Me? I've been hanging around lately see if anything interesting happens. It's been dull since I came home from the Frostbacks.
Hey Varric! Anything new from my favorite dwarf?
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All thirteen pups running around in Skyhold’s court yard might give me a chance to head to the chantry room they keep in the gardens.
Letting the pups out to play. They’ve been needing exercise lately. While no one has come by in ages, they have grown fat on just laying around.
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Letting the pups out to play. They’ve been needing exercise lately. While no one has come by in ages, they have grown fat on just laying around.
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source: fellandfair
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Hey Varric! Anything new from my favorite dwarf?
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There has been some noise about an important person here. Even the quartermaster demand that my kennels be cleaned and the pups all bathed.
Couldn't this have waited until AFTER I've had my breakfast and fed the pups? No? (sighs) Fine. Now comes the task of bathing twelve pups who aren't fond of baths.
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I am, sir. Already bundling up more now that the weather is getting colder. I see you've been as progressive as ever. The scouts have been more successful as of late, I've noticed.
Commander, it's good to have you all back and... Maker, letters have piled up. And do I smell perfume??
That would be the fireplace. In retrospect I’m glad I didn’t make an effort to fix the roof– that smell has to escape somewhere. Thank you. I trust you’re doing well?
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Now that you mentioned it, I understand why his second-in-command... Krem, was it?... gave the horrid shout.
Get someone to tend my pups and I'll make return appearances. In better dragon scale armor.
Emma, I do hope I was able to amuse you for a while with this whole Iron Bull situation. My backside still smarts from tripping over myself.
Worth every coin. The look on his face… it was like all of his dreams had come true, ahahaha! 
I’m impressed that’s all your backside smarts from, with the way he was looking at you. You’re a brave soul! Five silvers well earned. 
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Glad you're amused, Emma. I didn't get to see much of his face because of the large helmet so... might I ask HOW he was...
Well... that might be a trip worth going back to.
Emma, I do hope I was able to amuse you for a while with this whole Iron Bull situation. My backside still smarts from tripping over myself.
Worth every coin. The look on his face… it was like all of his dreams had come true, ahahaha! 
I’m impressed that’s all your backside smarts from, with the way he was looking at you. You’re a brave soul! Five silvers well earned. 
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The pups are all dressed up like our favorite people around skyhold and I managed to get ahold of some armor that looks like a dragon.
(Per Emma, I have to go find Iron Bull....)
Handing out little treats to anyone who comes by~!
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You were the one saying you’ll put coin in my pocket!
Maker’s breath if this gets all over skyhold I’ll never hear the end of it. So, where can I find this “Bull”?
Hey Varric, I want your thoughts on my All Souls' Day costume ideas for me and Cheddar. I was thinking either I dress as a mabari and I dress Cheddar as a nug, or I dress as a Grey Warden and have Cheddar be a dragon, or a war hound, or something. What do you think?
Well, you’re talking to a dwarf that’s not…sewing inclined, ha. But for what it’s worth, I think the Grey Warden and dragon idea sounds cute. 
I’m sure there are a few here who’d appreciate the thought, haha.
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Did you say "horns"? So I'm guessing this Bull is a Qunari then.
So just ask him "Do you want to be a dragon rider for tonight" while I am dressed as a dragon....
Welp! I've lived a good life!
Hey Varric, I want your thoughts on my All Souls' Day costume ideas for me and Cheddar. I was thinking either I dress as a mabari and I dress Cheddar as a nug, or I dress as a Grey Warden and have Cheddar be a dragon, or a war hound, or something. What do you think?
Well, you’re talking to a dwarf that’s not…sewing inclined, ha. But for what it’s worth, I think the Grey Warden and dragon idea sounds cute. 
I’m sure there are a few here who’d appreciate the thought, haha.
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