dumb-and-salty · 4 years
tw// explosion
Hello, hope all of you are safe and doing well.
You may have heard of what happened in Lebanon today and if not, basically, there was a big explosion in Beirut that affected many cities, destroyed shops, homes, cars, caused many injuries and deaths. The cause is uncertain.
As a fellow lebanese myself (that also lives there), today was absolutely terrifying, probably the scariest moments of my life. We heard a deafening sound as the floors were shaking. Some of us thought it was an attack, others thought it was an earthquake. As soon as it ended many expected a second one, which luckily never happened.
Here's a video of what happened that was sent to me, there are also many others that you can find online.
Windows were broken, doors wrecked, cars flipped over, buildings collapsed, people hit by flying or falling objects, and unfortunately, many didn't make it out alive.
We were one of the lucky ones, our families and friends were all safe and our homes were fine.
Some people couldn't even get out of the crumbling builings, so we saw corpses being pulled out, although some people survived the crash. But wherever we looked, there was blood, poeple were half covered in it, their shirts, pants, hair, everything. And that sight was traumatizing.
We watched the news with elders severely injured, children with blood-spattered shirts and people in pain that couldn't get in the hospitals because they were full.
Some people are missing. Just try to imagine the pain and fear their families and friends are feeling.
Articles about what happened, there are a lot more
Not only are we in the middle of a pandemic, but Lebanon is also going through a very serious economical crisis. To give you an example, before, $1 equaled 1 500 lebanese pounds. Nowadays, $1 equals more than 7 000 lebanese pounds. Not to mention that we obviously don't have any dollars at disposition, so yeah we're fucked.
People are hungry, homeless, unemployed. And even if they are getting paid, it'll be useless since the prices of everything went up because they were affected by the economical fiasco.
Important additional information
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Today, I heard my 7 year old cousins scream in fear that they were going to die. I saw my aunt shaking, worried that her children won't survive. I saw my dad freak out while trying to reassure us when we both knew that we were uncertain about the next minutes of our lives. I heard the panic in the trembling voices of my family and friends as they couldn't believe what had just happened. I thought my loved ones and I were going to die in the next seconds.
I'm never forgetting those moments and feelings.
I don't think signing petitions will help, i don't even know if the following links will help either, I just know Lebanon and it's people are desperate for anything because the future of this country is extremely uncertain.
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I think donating to the red cross would be the most helpful, so if you are considering it, it'd be great.
There are so many great threads on twitter about what you can do to help, just search help lebanon or something to find them. Also if you can, please donate, and as I said, the lebanese pound is pretty much worthless currently so USD is way more useful to us.
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dumb-and-salty · 4 years
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My Chemical Romance - I’m Not Okay (I Promise) Dir. by Marc Webb
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dumb-and-salty · 5 years
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dumb-and-salty · 5 years
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frank iero + red for frnakiero
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dumb-and-salty · 5 years
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Like scarecrows that fuel tihs flame, we're burning, forever, forever
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dumb-and-salty · 5 years
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My Chemical Romance’s Gerard Way and Frank Iero for Rockin’ On (Japan), 2007, photography by Kenji Kubo.
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dumb-and-salty · 5 years
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My Chemical Romance in October, 2006 (X)
Photo Credit: Andrea Mohin for the New York Times
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dumb-and-salty · 5 years
Gerard Way
Can we just admire the fact this man succeeded in - not one - but two of the most difficult and ridiculed career paths. Like he was going to school for art because he wanted to do stuff for comic books and then 9/11 happened and he just went, “screw this I’m gonna sing at people to spread a message, a message to save lives,” and then he just started a band. That’s fucking hard. But then boom; it works, and they’re touring the fucking world - he, his little bro, a close friend and this rat - saving people and making art. Their albums make the charts, The Black Parade (2006) peaks at #2 (blocking it from being #1 was the debut album Hannah Montana). Then while he’s doing this he goes back into art - creating the cover of Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge (2004) - and begins writing his own comics, starting The Umbrella Academy in 2007. And once he’s done with music in 2014-15ish he just puts everything into comics and now it’s been made into a very successful Netflix show that was just confirmed for a second season. Like who the hell makes art their bitch like that? This creative bastard. We love you Gerard.
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dumb-and-salty · 5 years
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frank iero + pansy
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dumb-and-salty · 5 years
i feel like the almost 7 year breakup made us fully aware of mcr’s cultural impact and now that they’re back i’m like terrified because we have no idea what they’re going to do now. like none of us are prepared in the slightest
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dumb-and-salty · 5 years
Well,,, this aged kinda poorly.....
okay guys so I am so fucking pissed off because of people who genuinely believe that mcr will come back together in 2019 like,,, leave my boys alone they are living a way happier  lives than when they were in mcr and they have things already going on like gerard with comics and umbrella academy AND NEW MUSIC , so is mikey and frank, we dont know what ray is up to but like im pretty sure he has better things to do than be online with ppl who cant understand that mcr broke up. So like,, why the fuck can’t you move on and enjoy both worlds. thank you 
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dumb-and-salty · 5 years
I completely forgot about posting art uuuuuuuummmmmmm,,, idk I’ll do it tomorrow maybe
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dumb-and-salty · 5 years
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dumb-and-salty · 5 years
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an attempt to use perspective rulers! ⍢
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dumb-and-salty · 5 years
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dumb-and-salty · 5 years
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more old mcr shirts
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dumb-and-salty · 5 years
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