#advice and guidance
midnightmusings88 · 1 month
Tarot Readings OPEN!!
Hey everyone! If this post finds you somehow, then take it as a sign you were meant to see it. It's been several years since I've read tarot for anyone other than myself, but I feel a profound desire to do so again for others. I used to take reading requests here on Tumblr, and I'd like to resume doing so.
These are terribly uncertain times for many of us. I've been noticing a need in the people around me for comfort or guidance more than usual, and that must also be true for many of you. Therefore, in an attempt to meet this need, this blog will now be (more) tarot-oriented. Please feel free to send me a request for a reading. I might also post (depending on my work schedule) weekly or monthly tarot readings for a general audience. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you will allow me to pull some cards for you soon!
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spiritualseeker777 · 1 month
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I love love love when trans women* give advice to trans men* about """manly""" things and when trans men* return that kindness with advice about """womanly""" things. I love the intracommunity commitment to supporting each other <<3
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thatfrailsoul · 26 days
– Nourishing your soul, treasuring your bonds
tarot pick a pile reading ( → 1, 2, 3 )
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("Sleeping Beauty in the Wood", Maxfield Parrish)
It is already challenging enough to find within ourselves the courage to be who we want, who we truly are... Enough to assume that once done that - there is nothing, no one, else to worry about... And yet here you are. Pressured by this doubt that you shouldn't have in the first place. The one that choosing your own self - your goal, desires, your needs - might be not right for you, or even worse... not aligned with the path of your loved ones.
So... are you doing the right thing by choosing yourself? Will the ones you cherish understand and help you with this journey? Will your paths still remain aligned, side by side? Can you really do this for yourself, without being forced to say to them goodby?
Slow down for a moment. Breathe. Listen to your heart, to its rhythm. Allow it to speak to you. And choose the image that seems so familiar, calling so strongly your heart. Remembering that, whatever the message might be, you are free to listen to it or to let go. Without the need to make it fit. Because your true answer will always find you, the moment you will be really ready and will have the need.
A little message to the beautiful soul that requested this reading: Your questions truly moved me. I felt them deep down, as I too asked myself the same things so many times... So I wanted to do my best by looking closely at each question on your mind. It will be a slightly long reading... But I hope that it will give you the clarity that you are trying to find.
– Pile One,
three of swords, six of cups, the hermit
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When we are growing, feeling the real change in ourselves, in the parts of us that for so long we didn't take care of and forgot... It is inevitable to feel more deeply, to see things that we never noticed before. In the world around us. In our life. In the people by our side. It is inevitable to, suddenly, feel resistance, perhaps judgment from some and even concern from others... Exactly in those things and actions that are so connected to us feeling better, stronger, more confident about what we deserve and who we are...
And it's confusing, you know. First comes the hurt and frustration, of doing all this work but not being seen, congratulated, appreciated for the new aura radiating from us and that makes us so proud. Almost like they don't like and don't want the better version of us... Then comes in the doubt and fear that it is the truth. That what you know for sure is the best thing for you... It's something that is so inconvenient for them. That perhaps, unconsciously, you once again became fond of people that were just so good at wearing a mask. Hiding underneath their true them, that is so different from who you want by your side and who you want to become.
And all of these doubts and convictions are so overwhelming for your mind. The only place where you have the courage to think about it, to consider, to try to find a solution... Because just speaking up and asking them about it out loud... feels so risky, so dangerous. Something that will be the end of a bond that perhaps is completely fine, and that you are complicating on your own in your mind.
But the thing is... Although we can indeed sometimes misunderstand one intention for another, through their actions or their words... There are only so many times that you can wrongly read the room or their tone while they are speaking their mind. Even if you convince yourself that sometimes you are a little too defensive or feeling a little "too much"... you are not naive. You are not completely new to this world. You already had these doubts, these uneasy feelings, these intuitions or fears about those by your side. It's not the first time that you are being supported on your decisions or journeys, and in the same way it's not the first time that you discover that someone is not in fact your "ride or die".
And this exact fact that it is not the first time, of fearing to need to let go of someone, being so affectionate but at the same time aware that you are for some reason not aligned, makes it all so incredibly hard... that you wander if perhaps making a step back and leaving the things the way they were, might be better than creating so many changes and chaos in your life.
But you are doing the right thing, you really and truly do. You didn't go so far, found this strength and courage, to doubt this journey now. Now that you are already halfway through it. So close to the finishing line. You didn't go through all of this for yourself, to ask then if everything will be fine, if they will in the end understand, accept the new you and stay... When what you truly want and are afraid to know is if you indeed need to let go of them as you are feeling now. If you need to leave behind those that judge so much who you are becoming, already hurting a version of you that is still so new, even if it will hurt so much your heart.
You already know all of this deep down, that it might indeed be the necessary thing to do. And you are also aware of the fact that you don't really want to do it, to choose between you and them, losing one or another, not being able to maintain both. You remember how difficult it is, feeling, being alone. And it only complicates everything. A decision that you are not able to make because both options see you suffering, because of others or of the void left in the place where they used to be.
So... Let me rephrase it a little for you: do you really want to need to justify your decisions or who you are, constantly defending yourself from those that should support and appreciate you and your life? Are you really ready for a constant battle with those by your side?
Because, are you doing the right thing by choosing yourself or not, is not even a question that should cross your mind. You are on the right path. You are doing the right thing. You are doing just fine. You are actually making the most important steps in manifesting on your own that life that you want to experience and enjoy. Starting from you. And through you - with those around you.
And this moment of resistance, this moment of you seeing so much difference between you and others in your life, it's not a way of the Universe to tell you that you are making the wrong decision, becoming too different and less relevant or appealing to those that you want with you. But it's rather a way to make you understand that not everyone can or needs to stay here for a lifetime. Not everyone can be satisfied and completely aligned with what you have in mind. And if there is a right way to choose who to have by your side... well it's for sure by sharing your feellings and thoughts, your desires and intentions, openly. Seeing who feels excited for you, who is proud of you and understands... Or who is feeling hurt, only because for once you are prioritizing your own self and what is the best for your life.
We indeed are, at some extent, the people that we have by our side. They influence us in how they treat us, their opinions, their convictions in which we start to believe too. They form you, consciously or not, through the ways they support you or judge you, limiting your decisions or your steps.
So don't hide in your mind for the sake of others. Don't try to analyse or understand all on your own. Looking for a solution to make everyone happy and satisfied. Think only about yourself now, exactly like this journey requires. Follow your own plan and path. And allow others to be themselves, like you are the true you now. Even if it means that your paths will go different ways. Because no matter how sad or difficult, it is still fine. To be different and to live different lives.
And if you would like to receive more clarity and guidance about your situation (through a personal or free reading) - you can find out more about it here!♡
– Pile Two,
the four of cups, the eight of coins, the ten of cups
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Look at you - you are just blooming. With all the courage and strength that you've found to finally and truly take care of yourself. To nourish your soul, make it smile and feel free and alive. You got through so much, through so many new and uncomfortable steps. You faced and made peace with so many parts of you that were consuming you, filling you with anger, fear and despair...
You did it. You truly did. But you managed to do so by hiding yourself. Creating that safe space away from everyone. From their opinions, "advices" regarding your life and how you should make it through. From all the people that talked so much, but so rarely listened to you. Becoming for yourself, on your own, the closest and dearest person by your side. The one that you can truly trust your heart with, the one that can so gently calm your mind. You connected to yourself so deeply, finding so much within yourself... that you don't really feel the need to have someone else. Especially those that remained their old self, not changing even a bit in this time that you spent by yourself.
And now that you "came back", felt strong and confident enough to meet them once again... The difference between you, the moments of silence or of the conflicts, were just too loud. And where before you felt uncomfortable, you just started feeling completely out of place now. Seeing only strangers in a life that is supposedly full of people, so many of them by your side.
But there is a thing about you... About how you don't really accept the idea of giving up, of considering something, someone, a lost cause. You didn't do it for yourself, demonstrating how much a person can change, grow and start to shine again. And you don't want to do it for them, for those that... You really do want to see one day understanding you, the way you see and feel this world, perhaps finally appreciating you, cherishing you the same way you learned to do it with your own self and them too.
And you can really do it. You can really see this change in them one day, even if now it seems so impossible to find a way to speak to them more deeply, enough to touch their soul and give them a new goal, a new hope. It will happen. It is already happening now. Because of you.
With your courage, or despair, in finding your true self, in taking care of yourself, you unconsciously created an example. You demonstrated silently that there is no need to suffer and be pressured by a version of you that just doesn't fit you so well anymore. You showed that, although something so new and perhaps complicated at first to do - it is so worth it. To open up. To your own self and to others. To this life, the things that it always teaches us, but that we sometimes are not so ready to learn and make ours.
You created something so beautiful, by simply choosing yourself no matter what. Like a little seed that you hid in their subconscious mind, it started to grow, manifesting itself in their actions and decisions. That for once started to be for themselves, for their good, for their safety and wellbeing. Unlocking a new version of them, that sees so much more now in their life and their bonds. Cherishing every moment more.
It might not be something that you can see already now, not when it is something so little, that even they are only now starting to notice and appreciate more... And not everyone will bloom and grow... But those that will, they will surprise you so profoundly, they will surprise themselves. In seeing how much your paths evolved and changed, aligning themselves even though you both started to feel like it is time to let each other go.
You will rediscover each other, get to know again so many people that you were convinced to already know, finding out how actually similar, closer your hearts are. But... Just give it time. Be patient, the same way you were with yourself and the journey that you were on all this time. They are growing too, they are changing, and it is something that goes so differently for every person, that requires a different rhythm and pace from perhaps the ones that were comfortable and right for your soul.
Don't worry about it, everything will be fine. Continue to focus on yourself, on protecting your new boundaries and expressing your new ideas and passions. Gently, sweetly, exactly like the way you are. Radiating your beautiful light, and showing others a way to find their own right path.
And if you would like to receive more clarity and guidance about your situation (through a personal or free reading) - you can find out more about it here!♡
– Pile Three,
the knight of cups, the king of swords and the six of coins
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When we start to strive for more, to have this deep need for a change, for a better life and us... It is sometimes almost impossible to not be overwhelmed with all that motivation and energy. With that desire to do everything at once, making progress as fast as possible and being finally able to enjoy this better life.
It is so difficult to not get caught up in all of this... That sometimes this incredible glow around your soul that grows so beautifully - just starts to blind your own eyes and mind. Making you see - where at first there was so much enthusiasm, motivation, exciting new steps - just so many more sacrifices and things to do. Just for a chance to live well and feel good.
And it just drags you back down. In that discouragement and tiredness, in that doubt of really being ready to start this journey. Of wanting it truly at all. And while you fall back in this spiral, in this paralysis of not knowing what is best or worse, if to need to work for a new life enduring again all those challenges and battles... Or to continue this one even though it just doesn't speak anymore to your soul... In all of this your mind is just working too much. Day after day, doubt after doubt, making you forget a little but important detail: you don't need to do it all alone.
Yes it was you idea, yes it is indeed your story, your life that you are doing all of this for... But a journey is not always so limited to only one soul. It is not always meant to be faced on your own. But you assumed it, too caught up in these emotions that a start of a new journey filled your heart. You isolated yourself, hid yourself from this life that doesn't suit you anymore, and from the people around you that just didn't felt aligned. You hid yourself, and started to create everything from scratch on your own. Facing so many new things and questions that you never considered before. Refusing to ask for help, to have opinions of others, because you knew for sure that the same way they never understood they won't do it now too... You convinced yourself of this. Taking away from you perhaps one of the most powerful and beautiful details of a journey: the strength and courage that gives you the not being alone.
It is true that, no matter how much you love those by your side, they are still so different in the way they see and feel this world, in how they want to experience this life... But different is not always negative. It is not necessarily source of judgment, lack of understanding and appreciation, lack of support... Sometimes, exactly that "different" is what can help you find new solutions, answers, new ways of overcoming an obstacle on the road you are trying to walk. Sometimes it is exactly that support and needed hand that can help you navigate your emotions and doubts.
They are different. But this doesn't mean that they don't love you or don't want to see you bloom as the most beautiful flower of this world. They are here for you, and they show it in the only way, from the only perspective that they know... But they can also do it differently, if only you let them learn, allow them to understand fully what is it that you are looking for.
They have so many other versions of perceptions and opinions different from yours. But this is where their strength is. This is where the strength that they can give you is. So many new ways of facing things, of advices, of experiences, of more delicate or more straightforward approaches. So much help that they can give you on your journey, if only you allow them to.
Don't hide yourself, don't assume that they will not understand. Because there is nothing that they want more - to help you be your authentic and most confident self. You grew up, you changed, your mind learned so well to be open to others and their ways. And they can do it too. If you allow them to learn from you. To stay by your side as you make your first steps, to see you, to feel you. And to protect and guide you, helping you to don't doubt, to don't be afraid, and to believe in yourself.
And if you would like to receive more clarity and guidance about your situation (through a personal or free reading) - you can find out more about it here!♡
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cubbihue · 3 days
Ok this is gonna sound fun but, did Timmy ever get any advice from "fairy mason" who was his fairy lawyer in the norm the genie episode. It would be cool to see Timmy have a mentor
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Timmy practically lived in Fairy Mason's office throughout his entire schooling at Pixies' Academy. He had lots of questions and discussions and thoughts!!!! And Fairy Mason answered every. single. one of them.
Fairy Mason wrote the letter of recommendation to the Fairy Council to let Timmy work so close with Jorgen on Da Rules' policy changes! Timmy was able to hit the ground running by the time he entered the workforce thanks to it. He also quickly made a name of himself as one of the best lawyers of the Pixie Court due to Mason's tutelage!
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moonkissedvisions · 6 months
𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕿𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖙 𝖇𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍 𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖘 ☾
We understand all Tarot cards as symbols. They essentially represent different aspects of our lives that reside in our souls and our subconscious minds. When we read Tarot cards, we are reading our energy, we are intuitively looking at our subconscious. We think of them as a mirror that reflects the multiple dimensions of our spirit to help us understand situations much better, and make our life more conscious and meaningful.
What are Tarot birth cards?
Tarot birth cards are symbols that shape our identity and lives from the moment we are born. They are our essence, an energy imprint, or even a map - like a birth chart but for Tarot cards- that can unlock a new understanding of ourselves, and all the potential of our life purpose.
Each of us has a pair of Major Arcana cards that represent our core self, so today I decided to explain all combinations. I explained the cards separately so you can combine them and see intuitively how they play out in your life.
Also, be noted that I only explain the "light" manifestation of each of them. So for example, if it says "selfless" the shadow aspect/backward expression of them is the opposite, "selfish". Or if it says "truth-seeker" its shadow would be "know-it-all". If you are curious about the shadow aspect of your birth cards or anything about them you can send me a question and I'll be happy to help.
Hey, don't forget to check out the awesome video link at the end of the post! It's worth watching if you want to dive deeper into the topic. Have a great time exploring!
Now let´s calculate yours!
and hope you enjoy it *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
How do I calculate mine?
The easiest way for me is to use the same method that we use to calculate our Life path number in numerology:
We add each digit of our birth date
Example: 11/22/1989
1+1+2+2+1+9+8+9= 33
2. We reduce it
3+3= 6
6 is The Lovers and The Devil (6 and 15).
As you can see, we got a pair of numbers that corresponds to a pair of Major Arcana cards.
important: IF YOU GET A 19, YOU HAVE TO REDUCE IT TWICE AND YOU´LL GET 3 MAJOR ARCANA: 19 (The Sun) -> 1+9=10 (The Wheel of Fortune) -> 1+0=1 (The Magician).
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1 and 10: The Magician, The Wheel of Fortune
The Magician: This energy has the ability to manifest anything. Your essence is skilled, cunning, tricky, scheming. You posses autonomy and initiative. You are an independent thinker. You have a great potential, but you also put in the work and have a lot of fun in the process. You are diplomatic and you reject bias. Entrepreneur. Self-motivated. You are honest and direct.
The Wheel of Fortune: You are lucky or at least, you know how to feel lucky to attract blessings. You understand the cycles of life and therefore you have the ability to co-create with the Universe intelligently. You often get surprised by the events in your life. You know how to use opportunities in your favor. Manifesting is something that you probably did consciously since young.
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19: The Sun (ALSO READ 1 AND 10)!
Adding to 1 and 10 cards, The Sun supplies your soul of creativity, popularity, happiness, honesty, harmony and serenity. You are a good friend. You are loyal and bring harmony, love and satisfaction to everyone´s lives. You are a leader, a celebrity, and people look up to you.
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2 and 11: The High Priestess, Justice
The High Priestess: You are sensitive and wise. You are aware of the subtle, small details. You are able to find the point of unity, the basics of the Universe, and you understand how everything is connected. You are intuitive, compassionate, and loving. You excel at anything related to the occult, the mysteries of the Universe and human psyche, and anything related to relationships, unions, and secrets.
Justice: You are unbiased, rational, harmonious. You know what´s right and what´s wrong and trust in natural order and the balance of things. You value truth more than anyone else. You are good with law, philosophy, and karma.
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2 and 20: The High Priestess, Judgment
Same qualities above for the High Priestess, combined with Judgment.
Judgment: The Judgment card adds in to the HP themes of awakening, spirituality, renovation. You may be someone who questions the status quo and the established norms and structures. You have the calling to awaken other people so you can rebuild and improve the system. You could connect to different dimensions and be a medium or have psychic abilities. You are otherworldly. You are also highly empathetic and sensitive.
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3 and 12: The Empress, The Hanged Man
The Empress: You enjoy helping other people, creating, and giving birth to something. You embody kindness, intelligence, expressiveness, communication and abundance. You are dynamic and could be good at doing many things, you likely do all at the same time. You are good at communicating your ideas with others and you give others creative insights.
The Hanged Man: You are artistic, original, altruistic and idealistic. You see the world from a different perspective and you always contribute with clever ideas. You are witty and have the potential to become a genius. You are generous.
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3 and 21: The Empress, The World
Here the qualities of the Empress are combined with those of The World card, so your creativity results in perfection, success, wholeness, finding your place in the world, feeling and being rewarded, self-realization. You are someone generous who help people with their creations and you make them realize their special place in the world as well. You are greatly admired. You are positive about people and life.
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4 and 13 : The Emperor, Death
The Emperor: You are gifted with stability, strength, structure and practicality. You are powerful, hard-working and generous. You have integrity and good morals. You protect what needs protection and give structure and functionality to things. You are methodical and pragmatic.
Death: Death combined with the Emperor can reestructure and make radical changes to the world. You know when things need to die and be rebirthed in new forms. You can transform the world with authority, integrity and diligency.
In case you got 4 and 22, The 22 can be considered The Fool. You can either consider the Fool along with The Emperor and Death, or only read the explanation above and dismiss it. If you choose to consider the Fool, read below:
The Fool: I picture it as if you were the Emperor but with a good sense of humor, carefree, crazy, not making sense at times, chaotic, and extravagant. It makes me think of "dad jokes". You do not take anything too seriously. You restructured things spontaneously and the result may not make a lot of sense. Or it could be that you make more of a freedom-oriented restructure/change. You are an innocent and energetic leader. Maybe you don´t even understand why people may see you as a leader or follow you, because you don´t even take yourself seriously and are very disorganized, lol.
(edit): When I was writing about this combo, the new president of Argentina Javier Milei came to my mind. He talks about re-structuring the country, making economic transformations, solving the problems of the economy and poverty, and changing the country for the better. But he also has a silly personality, he's kinda funny and people make fun of him, they call him crazy, they even speculate about him having mental illnesses, and he doesn't make sense to A LOT of people. At that time I was lazy to search for his number but I just did and you know what? He is a 4 and a 22. 😳
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5 and 14: The Hierophant, Temperance
The Hierophant: You are a teacher, someone wise who shares their knowledge and wisdom. You are patient, merciful, and modest. You guide others to goodness. You respect religion, tradition and family structures with open-mindedness and flexibility. You see everything as an experience and adventure and you like exploring different philosophies without getting attached.
Temperance: You can adapt to different people, ideas and environments, and you can bring different people together with peace, harmony and respect. You have the ability to solve conflicts. This combo makes a mentor, a guru, or a coach. You are balanced in logic and emotions and you are seen as mature.
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6 and 15 (or 33): The Lovers, The Devil
The Lovers: Opposite forces, love, complements. You know how to love, not only other people but the whole Universe. You are a sensual person. You appreciate beauty, art and can excel at many different things. You are a gentle person who is good at making decisions that brings in the frequency of love to your environment. Everything you do is coded with love and passion.
The Devil: You are passionate, magnetic. You border limits. You are highly influential in whatever you do. You can control and manipulate others, which is not necessarily a bad thing, it´s just that you understand human psychology and can easily get the attention of others. With this combo you can captivate, tempt and induce lust and desire in others, so you may be working in art, music, writing, marketing, design, even animation and programming.
I also like to think of The Lovers as oxytocin and The Devil as adrenaline/dopamine. Dopamine and oxytocin together make love and bring new life into the world.
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7 and 16: The Chariot, The Tower
The Chariot: You are someone intelligent, energetic, analytic, and introspective, who fights for radical changes and the evolution of society. You are a truth-seeker. You are fearless. You challenge the status quo and strive for spiritual and material progress. You are curious and love to learn new things that can change the world for the better.
The Tower: You mercilessly and strongly destruct what doesn´t serve the evolution of society and humanity. You break the equilibrum to build a better one. You are a rebel. You know that the truth always comes to light, and you also make it happen. You show the world what they couldn´t see and that's why you could be triggering. But it´s for the good. You challenge wrong convictions, judgments and beliefs, and you completely destruct them.
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8 and 17: Strength, The Star
Strength: You are someone resilient. You know the importance of controlling your actions, impulses, thoughts, emotions and everything you do with mental strength and intelligence. You know that if you manage your own forces, you can achieve all of your goals and also help others do the same. You are very determined and optimistic. You like to work hard, not only for yourself but for others. You are an example of the word management and you like being in charge.
The Star: You give others hope and enlightment. You are inspiring. You can provide a lot of healing and regeneration. You are selfless and generous. You are strong in faith, and that way you can give others the reassurance that they need. You see the good in everything and that is what helps you get you good results and be succesful.
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9 and 18: The Hermit, The Moon
The Hermit: You are interested in seeing what others can´t see. You look through things. You are deeply intuitive and contemplative. You search for answers in yourself by being in silence, in solitude, and looking inwards at your subconscious mind. You are wise, capable of offering advice and solving problems or mysteries. You are the healer who heals yourself first. You are personally uninterested in worldly matters and detached from the material.
The Moon: You can see through illusions and imagination because you connect to the dream realm. You are a good psychoanalyst. You are good with the occult. You are attracted to the unknown. You are a researcher, a detective, a healer of the most mysterious diseases. You are deeply spiritual and adventurous.
Carl Jung had this combo as his birth cards and I think this quote from him really represents it: Who looks outside dreams (The Moon), who looks inside awakes (The Hermit). The funny thing is, I didn´t know he had them when I read it and thought about the cards, but I was sure he had to be and I searched it, lol. I also have these as my cards so...
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
I hope you enjoyed this post and that it was helpful! Thank you for your support and please, keep supporting me if you like this one 🌷
video about birth cards
PAC: Messages from the Divine Feminine
PAC: Healing Messages
PAC: Your beauty
PAC: Your natural gifts
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My services
Free readings are closed but paid readings are open!
This is what I offer:
Customised love reading: 25$
You can ask whatever, especially if you need help with your current love problems
Future spouse love reading: 25$
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Psychic reading: 35$
Shadow work reading: 35$
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6 months from now reading: 28$
3 months from now reading: 25$
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Yes/no reading: 18$
Self improvement: any area of your life 35$
For few questions: 5$ each card
NEW➡️ Dream interpretation with tarot cards: 38$
Past life reading: 38$
🃏🏺My services on KO-FI🏺💫
How to book a reading on Tumblr ➡️ text me privately and we can settle down. All payments on PayPal
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disgruntled-lifeform · 5 months
People who sell handspun yarn, how do you manage it when the profit margins are so razor thin?
I'm unable to work and money is tight so I've been considering how I can contribute financially and attempt to save up for the future but boy, things look lean.
If you sell your handspun, I'd love to hear from you either in my DMs or the replies/reblogs/tags because I have to make this work somehow...
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mavigator · 4 months
aughhh i love my job but it is also so harrowing seeing all these adults failing the middle schoolers i work with. and seeing how mean kids are to each other. and i only see them a few hours a week max so i can only do so much but i really do try. like im sorry your dad is homophobic come make bracelets with me. i’m sorry you’re getting bullied for wearing a tail come show me your OCs. i’m sorry your mom apologizes to strangers for your autism please tell me all about your favorite creepypastas. i’m sorry your mom yelled at you over the phone would you like to play uno with me. i’m sorry your family misgenders you let me tell you how long ive been on T and how i picked out my name. i’m sorry you don’t have any food to eat i’m giving you some oranges and applesauce. thank you for making me a bracelet i keep it on my coat hanger. thank you for giving me a valentine i keep it on my nightstand. thank you for giving me your poem i hung it up on my fridge. please stop trying to grow up so fast. okay? you’re so awesome
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yourwitchmama · 2 months
*if you help me out by reblogging this, I will say your blog name in my blessings tonight to give you good luck*
- 🎉✨ Special Offer: 55% Off All Psychic Readings on Etsy!
- 🌟🔮 Use Code: 55OFF at checkout.
- 💫🧿 I have a lot of availability right now and I can get back to you faster!
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geminimoonmadness · 11 months
Manifestation prompts
Manifest your intentions 🪄
Vibe: I want it, I got it 💝
It’s best to read these out loud to speak them into existence, alternatively you can write them down!
Continue the process until you truly believe…
©️Copywrites reserved GeminiMoonMadness
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Confidence & self esteem
I am strong and confident
I am worthy of my desires
I am adventurous
I am brave and have overcome my fears
I am in control of my life
I am awesome
I enjoy meeting new people
I am the hero of my own life
I can. I will.
Physical Health & Body Image
I love my body
My body is allowed to change
I feel joyful in my body
I am so much more than my appearance
I trust in my bodies ability to heal
I am making today count
It’s my time
I accept myself how I am and embrace self love
I will not compare myself to others
My body is a gift
Money & Financial Abundance
I always have enough money
My financial situation is improving
I am worthy of having money
I trust myself to make sound financial decisions
I have profitable skills
I accept financial success
My life is rich and full
I am allowed to have success and happiness
I am happy and grateful for the money I have
Work & Career
I believe in my skills & talents
My skill set is impressive
I am creating a work life that motivates and inspires me
I am driven towards success
Being successful at work is easy for me
I make smart moves & decisions
I let go of my work related stress
Success and wealth come easily to me
I know I will find my dream job
Love & Relationships
I am open to give & receive love
I believe in love
I am ready to meet my soulmate
Others treasure my love
I am attracting a kind, loving partner
I choose love not fear
Others treasure my love
The love I am seeking is seeking me
I am choosing and not waiting to be chosen
I am worthy of love
I am radiating love
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midnightmusings88 · 21 days
Hello everyone! In an attempt to clear out my inbox (because I'm a sucker and feel bad turning anyone down) I'm going to be answering some of my asks for readings with quick n' dirty replies. I'm going to try to pick ones that don't need a super in-depth reply, so if you asked me for a reading recently, this might be your chance! Thanks for all the love so far! Feel free to send me some feedback about your readings; it helps me to know if I'm on the right track or not with how I read.
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spiritualseeker777 · 1 year
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thatfrailsoul · 5 days
– The one on your mind
tarot pick a pile reading ( → 1, 2, 3 )
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"At the fountain, Autumn", Henry Ryland
The one that is always there in your mind in your sleepless nights, in your waking hours... The one that charms and scares you at the same time... The one that you would like to have closer, but are so afraid to let your guard down, so confused on what they want or have in mind... What is the reason behind the crossing of your paths..?
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Slow down for a moment. Breathe. Listen to your heart, to its rhythm. Allow it to speak to you. And choose the image that seems so familiar, calling so strongly your heart. Remembering that, whatever the message might be, you are free to listen to it or to let go. Without the need to make it fit. Because your true answer will always find you, the moment you will be really ready and will have the need.
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– Pile One,
the four of wands, the sun, the six of coins
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You got so used to checking everything, to reflect deeply and thoroughly on what you know about a person, before getting closer to them, before opening your heart.
And even if you are trying to do the same with them now... It just seems impossible to understand beforehand what this connection, if nurtured, if given a chance, would have in store for you in a future that seems so scary and dangerous to you.
If you stay silent, they are silent too. If you try to get closer, they come closer too... Every your try to challenge them, to provoke them and have a reaction helpful for your understanding of them just proves to be useless. Useless when they so perfectly mirror you and your actions, reflecting every tiny detail about you, when asked who they really are.
But while you are becoming more tense, more convinced of having someone so evil and manipulative right in front of your eyes... It is more the fear of your already hurt and tired heart that speaks up, rathert than the truth.
There are no masks, no well played games or perfectly crafted lies. There is no mirroring or adapting to who you are in order to charm you, leading you on the wrong path...
There is just someone who honestly and genuinly is who they say to be. So familiar, so similar, so close to your soul, your heart, your mind... There is simply and for once someone who is really compatible with you. Same interests, same dreams. Same things that make you smile. Just someone who speaks the same language as your heart.
Don't complicate it. Not this time and not with them. There is no need for overthinking, second guessing and careful steps around them just to stay safe. There is no need to hunt for the future, in hopes of understanding what will happen in advance, why or how. There is no need to try to frame them, choosing beforehand what space, what relationship, in your life they can have...
There is no need for complications. But just for a genuine and open heart. The same that they so bravely hand to you, even though they are so confused on how come you still hesitate to take it in your arms.
They are honest. They are genuine. They are open. They resemble so much the you that was yet to know the pain and fear that you've got through. They are that version of you that felt still safe, walking side by side with someone. They are the you that never learned to be afraid...
So don't let them learn about it. Not from you. Don't be the one who pushed you away, who never trusted you... But let them get closer. Let them have that smile on them, that genuine interest as they hear your voice that describes your life or who you are. Let them have those moments with you, those shared interests, those plans for the adventures that you can try. Let them be them, already so affectionate and excited about you. And let you be you. Rather than this well crafted minion that you send in front of you to meet others, too afraid of being deceived again, so you are the first to pretend...
It is normal to have difficulty to trust, to make those closer steps. It is normal and good to protect yourself... But it is also normal to be loved and appreciated for who you are. To connect with others. To create pure and strong bonds.
No one asks you to change suddenly who you became, who you are, forgetting or ignoring what you were forced to endure because of others in your life... But they do ask you to give only one chance, just one time, to someone. Someone who didn't cross your path because of a mistake or a mere coincidence... But that indeed saw you and chose you, wanting to have you in their life.
P.s. And if you would like to receive more clarity and guidance about your situation (through a personal or free reading) - you can find out more about it here!♡
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– Pile Two,
the knight of swords, the king of swords, the three of wands
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In all the years, connections, even just the moments that you observed... You truly did learn a lot. About people, about their emotions or their motives. About the steps they choose to make based on what they know... And it gave you power.
It gave you the confidence to face others, thanks to your inner knowledge of what to expect from them. It became a part of you, so natural and easy to just see and know. Who they are, how they are. What they have in mind when they are by your side. And most importantly what role they want to have in your life, and the one you can give them instead, based on your own desire...
You do it unconsciously. For protection or sometimes for fun. And you did it with them too... Diving so deeply into their mind and their heart, what hides in them... Asking them so tenderly to open up for you, making them feel safe as you get to know them... And as you start to feel them so close to you, so familiar, to wanting them really and truly by your side.
Even with their problems or complications. Even with the differences that there are between your souls. You simply learned and understood so much about them to feel completely sure of knowing how to handle and take care of them, of the wounds on their soul. Although...
There is still that one little part of you that feels uneasy, even if your mind is already so full of perfect moments shared and lived with them, even if your heart is so ready to allow this connection to transform... There is still something in you that screams and asks for attention, that you won't give it because you are well aware of how it will tell you to not do this, to not have these convictions or hopes for more...
You do know a lot about people, about yourself, about this person... But there is also so much that you never truly got to know. The way those emotions, those challenges that you already saw in others... still can have a completely different effect on one's soul. Make them feel, make them act, the way you never experienced before.
There are no lies, no games, no evil intentions in them... But this, and the fact that you got to know so much about them, doesn't mean at all that you won't be hurt. Knowing someone, understanding them, is one thing. Completely different from facing them and their ups and downs, their pain and hurt.
It's completely different from enduring it, from trying to help and save them while you are hurting so much being by their side, frenetically and constantly healing the wounds that they even don't know that they provoke.
Their life, them... It's more complicated than you tell yourself just because of your strong fascination and attraction to them.
There is a reason why they were so lonely when they crossed your path. There is a reason why they tell you so much about themselves almost too easily... It's not because of your incredible mind power. It's simply because they are completely honest in order to warn you. In order to protect you and themselves from a battle that they are not ready to endure.
They are doing their best, they are gong through it and getting better. They will come out of it, they will be truly free. And while they might indeed enjoy to do it with you by their side, supporting them and giving them that motivation to fight ... Perhaps it might be better and easier without those labels, that perfect story that you already imagined, forced so soon onto you and them...
P.s. And if you would like to receive more clarity and guidance about your situation (through a personal or free reading) - you can find out more about it here!♡
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– Pile Three,
the ace of wands, the high priestess, the four of cups
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There were so many times in which you were so eager to connect with someone, to get to know them, to create genuine and deeper bonds...
There were so many times in which you tried your best, pushed yourself out of your comfort zone, tried even to adapt just to be able to have something in common with others... Without it ever being enough.
It just happened so many times, that at this point you are not even really sure that you want it, that it is worth it. And the loneliness that you always tried to escape from, starts to become so familiar, not so bad at all. Not compared to the hardships, illusions, betrayals and pure pain caused by the ones you thought you could trust.
So when they came along... It wasn't really convincing. Their excitement as they were spending time with you, and the desire to share with you more and more... It wasn't convincing for your heart that just got used to not opening up, to not trust, to not let your guard down. It wasn't enough to stop you from shoving your own excitement deep down, looking away, before there were any hopes in your heart.
But even though you already distanced yourself, already made it clear that you don't want or need anyone by your side... There is still that part of you that thinks about what if... What if they were true like they seemed, what if they were truly honest and genuine, what if they really could've been someone to finally to connect with... Someone to get closer to, after all this time...
For once you can trust this voice. It is not coming from your overthinking or delusional mind. It comes from your heart that recognises a familiar and safe soul, and tries to be heard by you. Tries to tell you to not run away.
It is indeed different. They are different. They are someone that you can trust with your heart. There won't be anything dangerous, complicated, confusing or strange. There will be just genuine and true affection. Eyes that see this world the same, a heart that feels the same.
There will be just someone who understood you even while you were running away... And someone that still hopes that you will change your mind and give them that chance.
P.s. And if you would like to receive more clarity and guidance about your situation (through a personal or free reading) - you can find out more about it here!♡
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chryblossomjjk · 8 months
having friends slightly older than you is such a blessing like oh ok so the world didn’t end when you were 23 and empty inside?? thank you for sharing bestie will definitely take that into consideration the next time i have a mental breakdown on the bathroom floor
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For some of you, it's time to see the good in things
Take action, you will make it
Stop doubting yourself
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