#adults with spina Bifida
Being physically disabled is absolutely hell while living in a non wheelchair accessible house, with family members who aren't the best with the topic.
We have spina bifida, and because of this we use a wheelchair. Its impossible to use it in our house, so my grandfather keeps it stored outside until we go into town, when he puts it into our van. We used to keep it in our own room, but that was difficult due to having a very small room. It has also been stored in our dining room corner, which was actually fine. But it was left outside again after our most recent day out.
We also have abnormalities/deformities with our legs and ankles, the tendons and leaders didn't form correctly and are basically just upside down. Which means we cannot stand normally, or walk - we have to be tiptoed or its straining and painful.
Alongside arthritis and the overall chronic pain from all of this.
We had a pretty bad fall yesterday night, and the entire left side of our body is messed up and bruised, left leg is completely unable to support getting around, left arm is weak and our wrist is most likely sprained.
We fall often, but usually when our family is awake, this was at night. While trying to make food, which included very hot water. Didn't spill it, thank fuck.
I'm hoping these kinds of situations can make our family take this more seriously and stop skipping our doctors appointments. They're our only transportation and they keep ignoring it.
We're completely stuck in bed unless we want to fucking crawl around, because saving up for crutches to use around the house has been impossible due to our mother borrowing our money.
I'm complaining, basically.
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chrismerle · 4 months
Greetings from Boston while I wait to see a neurologist
My appointment isn't for an hour because we left really early. It took two hours to get here
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Disabled lead romance recs?
I'm on a bit of a romance kick thanks to all the holiday romances I'm reading at the moment and would love some recommendations for adult romances (of any kind) featuring a disabled lead
I'd prefer to read about a character with a physical disability rather than neurodivergence and preferably #OwnVoices but I'll consider anything (except Talia Hibbert and Helen Hoang who I've already tried and didn't really like). the queerer the better but if the disability representation is good I don't mind if it's m/f
in return, I recommend my favourite disabled romance: A Scandal By Any Other Name by Kimberly Bell, which remains the only book I've ever read with a character who has spina bifida <3
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squarejaww · 5 months
Chronic Pain Is Such A Trip
A little background - I was diagnosed with scoliosis in the 5th grade, but was not treated for it until I was a sophomore in high school. This saw me going to the nearest Shriner's hospital, where I was fitted for a wretched plaster-cast back brace that was fitted from under the armpits to over my hips at sweet 16. It was horrible. And, from pressing insistently on my right hip, so fully killed the nerves there that I can't feel it to this day.
I moved through my teen years and into my adult life trying to manage this condition as best as I could on my own. According to the Shriner's doctor when I was a teen, any attempt at corrective surgery would be considered not medically necessary and purely cosmetic. So I should be able to live a fully happy life, yeah? No issues.
Except that the curvature progressed into the severe category, until I eventually got updated xrays in my late 20s that revealed the full extent of my situation, which was an S curve with a twist, a result of degenerative disc disease, spina bifida, and scoliosis. As someone who had been managing on my own with a strict pain medication management plan with my doctor, it was recommended that I pursue surgery. It took years, but eventually, I was able to have the surgery and Harrington Rods were installed in my back.
The surgery was traumatic. The healing process was traumatic. But, eventually, I recovered. That was four years ago.
The pain has returned in a whole new way. I've been going to the gym, eating better, managing with ibuprofen, and trying to do everything that my physical therapist has instructed me to do over the years. But some days, it's so bad that I physically cannot get myself out of bed. I tried urgent care and went to see a doctor, who referred me to a pain clinic. Guess what they did?
They photocopied some book covers, told me I was basically imagining the pain, and said I should get on antidepressants before shoving me, sobbing hysterically, out of the door. It was traumatizing and I refused to go to another doctor again.
That was two years ago. When it was bad enough again that I had to go home from work a coupla weeks ago, I finally scheduled an appointment with a new doctor. With updated xrays. Guess what they informed me?
There's degenerative tearing in my neck.
Holy shit, I'm not crazy. I was over the moon. Even if there was nothing to be done about the pain, at least it was good to know that I wasn't imagining the whole ordeal. I had them forward the report to my physical therapist, so that he could go over the documents with me.
He reported to me that nothing was wrong. According to the report, I was perfectly fine. In fact, his degenerative tearing was probably worse than mine, according to him.
To say that hearing this was devastating is... an understatement. He looked at me like I was imagining the whole thing. And so now I'm more confused and angry than ever. I don't know what to do with this information, especially considering I'm in between doctor's appointments while we try and figure out what is wrong with me, which I hurt constantly, and how we can fix it. (Cherry on top was phys therapist pointing out all my shitty posture and the like as I walked away. It was really hard not to cry)
I'm so tired of being in pain all the time.
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brandyschillace · 1 year
What do we sacrifice in the pursuit of #normalcy? And what becomes possible when we embrace monstrosity? Can we envision a world that sees impossible creatures?
Lehrer was born with spina bifida, essentially a hole in the spine. In spina bifida patients, the spine does not fuse properly, leaving a fissure or lesion, creating an easy entry point for infections that risk going directly to the patient’s brain. Riva's parents and doctors were determined to “fix” her, sending the message over and over again that she is "broken." That she will never have a job, a romantic relationship, or an independent life. Enduring countless medical interventions, Riva tries her best to be a good girl and a good patient in the quest to be cured.
Everything changes when, as an adult, Riva is invited to join a group of #artists, writers, and performers who are building Disability Culture. Their work is daring, edgy, funny, and dark—it rejects tropes that define disabled people as pathetic, frightening, or worthless. They insist that disability is an opportunity for creativity and #resistance. Emboldened, Riva asks if she can paint their portraits—inventing an intimate and collaborative process that will transform the way she sees herself, others, and the world. Each portrait story begins to transform the myths she’s been told her whole life about her body, her sexuality, and other measures of normal.
This is the vividly told, gloriously illustrated memoir of an artist born with #disabilities who searches for freedom and connection in a society afraid of strange bodies
MUSIC: Charming Disaster presents us with a single--
"Ouroboros" - alchemy, transformation, metamorphosis! Don't miss out!
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teachingrounds · 2 years
Mark Deschamp shares a common frustration: there aren't enough providers who are comfortable seeing adults with spina bifida.
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prashantjainsblog · 2 months
Best Pediatric Urologist in India: Meeting Your Child Needs
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When it comes to your child's health, especially concerning sensitive and complex issues like urological conditions, finding the right pediatric specialist is paramount. Pediatric urology is a specialized field that focuses on diagnosing, treating, and managing urinary and genital problems in children. India is home to several world-class pediatric urologists who provide expert care tailored to each child's unique needs. This blog aims to guide you through understanding the importance of pediatric urology, recognizing common conditions, and finding the best pediatric urologist in India for your child.
Understanding Pediatric Urology
Pediatric urology encompasses a wide range of conditions affecting the urinary tract and genital organs in children. These conditions can be congenital (present at birth) or acquired, and they vary in severity from minor issues to complex disorders requiring surgery. Pediatric urologist in India are specially trained to handle these delicate conditions, providing care that is both effective and compassionate.
Common Pediatric Urological Conditions
Hypospadias: A congenital condition where the urethral opening is not located at the tip of the penis. Surgical correction is often required.
Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR): A condition where urine flows backward from the bladder to the kidneys, increasing the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney damage.
Undescended Testes (Cryptorchidism): A condition where one or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum, which may require surgical intervention.
Posterior Urethral Valves (PUV): Abnormal folds of tissue in the urethra of boys that can obstruct urine flow, leading to kidney damage if untreated.
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Recurrent UTIs may indicate an underlying urological issue that needs evaluation.
Spina Bifida and Neurogenic Bladder: Conditions that affect bladder function due to nerve damage or developmental abnormalities.
Hydronephrosis: Swelling of a kidney due to a build-up of urine, often detected prenatally.
Importance of Specialized Care
Children are not just small adults; their bodies are still developing, and their medical needs differ significantly from those of adults. Pediatric urologists undergo extensive training to understand these differences and to provide age-appropriate care. They are skilled in performing delicate surgeries on infants and children and are adept at using minimally invasive techniques to reduce recovery times and minimize discomfort.
Choosing the Right Pediatric Urologist in India
India boasts several renowned pediatric urologists, many of whom are affiliated with top hospitals and medical institutions. When selecting a pediatric urologist for your child, consider the following factors:
Qualifications and Experience: Ensure that the urologist is board-certified and has extensive experience in treating pediatric urological conditions.
Hospital Affiliation: Look for specialists affiliated with reputed hospitals known for their pediatric care facilities.
Specialized Training: Prefer urologists who have undergone specialized training or fellowships in pediatric urology.
Patient-Centered Approach: Choose a doctor who prioritizes patient comfort, provides clear communication, and involves you in the decision-making process.
Advanced Technology and Techniques: Opt for specialists who use the latest diagnostic and surgical technologies to ensure the best outcomes.
Positive Reviews and Testimonials: Seek recommendations from other parents or read reviews to gauge the doctor’s reputation and success rates.
Choosing the right Pediatric urologist in India is crucial for ensuring your child receives the best possible care. With India's growing expertise in pediatric urology, parents have access to world-class specialists and cutting-edge treatments. By considering factors such as qualifications, experience, and hospital affiliation, you can find a pediatric urologist who will provide the compassionate and expert care your child needs.
Remember, early diagnosis and timely intervention are key to managing pediatric urological conditions effectively. If your child is experiencing any urological issues, don’t hesitate to seek the advice of a specialist. Your child’s health and well-being are of utmost importance, and finding the right pediatric urologist can make all the difference.
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diginerve · 2 months
What is Hydrocephalus? What is the Main Cause of Hydrocephalus
Medical science is complex, it includes studying topics like diseases, causes, and treatments to help people live healthy lives. One such topic that is crucial to understand in detail is Hydrocephalus. 
So, let’s understand the basics about the subject and then we will discuss how you can grab in-depth information and study resources about the subject.
What is Hydrocephalus? 
Hydrocephalus is a chronic neurological disorder where the fluid (Cerebrospinal fluid) builds inside the brain.
Though the Cerebrospinal fluid is already present inside the brain and acts as a caution, the excess can permanently damage the brain. It puts pressure on the skull and squashes surrounding brain tissue, which causes problems with physical and mental development. If untreated, it is usually fatal. 
The condition is primarily common in infants or people older than 60. The common symptoms of hydrocephalus in infants include:
Increase in the size of an infant's head
A bulge or tense soft spot on the top of the head
Nausea and vomiting
Sleepiness or sluggishness
Poor eating
Eyes fixed downward
Problems with muscle tone and strength.
The following are the more common symptoms of hydrocephalus among adults 60 and older:
Loss of bladder control
Memory loss
Progressive loss of reasoning skills.
Trouble walking
Poor coordination or balance.
Remember: The systems among toddlers, children, and middle-aged adults can differ.
Types of Hydrocephalus 
The following are the different types of Hydrocephalus:
Congenital hydrocephalus: It is caused by a brain malformation or birth defect that causes excessive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to accumulate in brain cavities, called subarachnoid space.
Acquired hydrocephalus: Usually resulting from a stroke, brain tumour, meningitis, or a severe head injury.
Communicating hydrocephalus: A condition when the flow of CSF is blocked after leaving the ventricles. Because CSF can still flow between the brain’s ventricles, it is also called “communicating.”
Non-communicating hydrocephalus: Also known as obstructive hydrocephalus, this type occurs when the narrow pathways connecting the ventricles become blocked.
Normal pressure hydrocephalus: NPH affects primarily those aged 60 and up. It can arise following a stroke, injury, infection, surgery, or hemorrhage. 
Hydrocephalus ex-vacuo: Occurs after a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or degenerative disease. In this type, as brain tissue shrinks, the brain's ventricles become larger.
Now that we know the symptoms and types of hydrocephalus, let's dive in to learn about the causes so we can understand the problem better.
What is the Main Cause of Hydrocephalus
There are two distinct cause categories into which hydrocephalus can be classified:
Congenital hydrocephalus is the result of both genetic and environmental factors working together during foetal development. The following are the main reasons for congenital hydrocephalus:
Spina bifida and other brain and spinal cord (neural tube) defects.
A narrowing of the small passage between the third and fourth ventricles of the brain (aqueductal stenosis).
Complications of premature birth, such as bleeding within ventricles.
Mom has an infection during pregnancy.
On the other hand, Acquired hydrocephalus develops after birth and can affect people of all ages. Below, we have listed the most common causes of acquired hydrocephalus:
Brain or spinal cord tumours
Head trauma
Meningitis or other infections of your brain or spinal cord.
After gaining a basic understanding of the subject, let us give you a solution that will help you get more details of the topic: Pediatrics MD Course!
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Enroll in an online pediatrics course.
Without the assistance of a professional, it can be challenging to find the study material and understand the basics of the subject. 
That is why Dr. Piyush Gupta designed this course for students preparing for an MD in pediatrics.
The course includes pediatrics video lectures along with other crucial resources. 
So start your journey toward a good hold on the subject, and enroll in the course now!
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Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP), CSF Test in Hyderabad - New Era Diagnostics
Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) is a crucial biomarker used in medical diagnostics. AFP levels are primarily measured in the blood but can also be assessed in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to diagnose and monitor various health conditions. This comprehensive guide aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the AFP CSF test, its significance, and the advanced diagnostic services offered by New Era Diagnostics in Hyderabad.
Understanding Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP)
Alpha Fetoprotein is a glycoprotein produced by the fetal liver, yolk sac, and, in smaller amounts, by the gastrointestinal tract. In adults, elevated AFP levels can indicate certain health issues, making it a valuable tool in medical diagnostics.
Importance of AFP Testing
AFP testing is crucial for:
Prenatal Screening: Identifying neural tube defects, Down syndrome, and other chromosomal abnormalities.
Cancer Diagnosis: Monitoring liver cancer, germ cell tumors, and other malignancies.
Liver Health: Assessing liver regeneration and detecting chronic liver diseases.
AFP in Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
Significance of AFP CSF Test
The AFP CSF test is pivotal in diagnosing and monitoring specific conditions affecting the brain and spinal cord. Elevated AFP levels in CSF can indicate:
Intracranial Germ Cell Tumors: These tumors produce AFP, leading to increased levels in CSF.
Metastatic Cancer: Tumors that have spread to the central nervous system.
Neural Tube Defects: Conditions like spina bifida or anencephaly.
Procedure for AFP CSF Testing
The procedure involves the following steps:
Lumbar Puncture (Spinal Tap): A sample of CSF is collected using a needle inserted into the lower back.
Laboratory Analysis: The sample is analyzed to measure AFP levels.
Results Interpretation: A medical professional interprets the results to diagnose or monitor health conditions.
Why Choose New Era Diagnostics in Hyderabad
State-of-the-Art Facilities
New Era Diagnostics offers advanced facilities equipped with the latest technology to ensure accurate and reliable results. Our laboratory is staffed with experienced professionals dedicated to providing high-quality diagnostic services.
Experienced Medical Professionals
Our team of medical experts includes specialists in various fields, ensuring comprehensive care and precise diagnostics. We prioritize patient comfort and safety throughout the testing process.
Comprehensive Diagnostic Services
New Era Diagnostics provides a wide range of diagnostic tests, including:
Prenatal Screening: Advanced tests to monitor fetal health and development.
Cancer Diagnostics: Comprehensive testing for various types of cancer.
Neurological Diagnostics: Specialized tests for brain and spinal cord conditions.
Detailed Insights into AFP Testing Process
Pre-Test Preparation
Before undergoing an AFP CSF test, patients may need to:
Consultation: Discuss medical history and current medications with a healthcare provider.
Fasting: Depending on the test requirements, fasting may be necessary.
During the Test
Positioning: The patient is positioned on their side or seated.
Sterilization: The puncture site is cleaned to prevent infection.
Sample Collection: A needle is carefully inserted to collect CSF.
Post-Test Care
After the test, patients should:
Rest: Lie down for a few hours to prevent headaches.
Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids to aid recovery.
Monitor for Complications: Report any severe headaches, bleeding, or infection symptoms to a healthcare provider.
Interpreting AFP CSF Test Results
Normal AFP Levels
In adults, normal AFP levels in CSF are typically very low or undetectable. Elevated levels may indicate:
Intracranial Tumors: Primary or metastatic cancer affecting the brain or spinal cord.
Neural Tube Defects: Conditions present from birth affecting the spine or brain.
Infections or Inflammatory Conditions: Certain infections or inflammatory diseases can elevate AFP levels.
Follow-Up Testing
Depending on the initial test results, further diagnostic procedures may be necessary, including:
Imaging Studies: MRI or CT scans to visualize abnormalities.
Additional Biomarker Tests: To confirm the diagnosis or monitor treatment progress.
Biopsy: In some cases, a tissue sample may be required for definitive diagnosis.
Advancements in AFP Testing at New Era Diagnostics
Innovative Techniques
New Era Diagnostics utilizes cutting-edge technology to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of AFP testing. Our laboratory employs advanced methods such as:
High-Sensitivity Assays: To detect even the smallest changes in AFP levels.
Automated Systems: Ensuring consistent and reliable results.
Comprehensive Data Analysis: Providing detailed insights for precise diagnosis and treatment planning.
Patient-Centric Approach
We prioritize patient care and comfort, offering:
Personalized Consultation: Tailored advice and support from our medical experts.
Fast Turnaround Times: Efficient testing processes to deliver quick results.
Continuous Support: Ongoing monitoring and follow-up care as needed.
Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) CSF testing is a vital diagnostic tool for detecting and monitoring various medical conditions. New Era Diagnostics in Hyderabad offers state-of-the-art facilities, experienced professionals, and comprehensive services to ensure accurate and reliable results. By choosing our advanced diagnostic center, patients receive the highest standard of care and support throughout their medical journey.
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Bodily Info -
🔋 Age 19 [ Oct.22 ] 🔋
🕷 Mixed. 🕷
🩵 Physically Disabled. 🩵
🕸 Wheelchair User 🕸
🔌 Visual Issues 🔌
Collective Info -
💛 Siren / Star 💛
⚡️ Void/They/Xei ⚡️
✨️ Neutral Terms ✨️
🌟 Collectively Non-Human 🌟
⭐️ Requires Tone Tags ⭐️
[ Carrd // DNI ] updated June 2024
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Diagnosed -
🖤 Dissociative Identity Disorder 🖤
🎧 Autism, ADHD 🎧
🎬 Dyslexia 🎬
Recognized -
🩻 Tic Disorder 🩻
🪼 POTS 🪼
💙 Antisocial + Dependent traits 💙
Physical [Diagnosed] -
🩶 Spina Bifida 🩶
🦴 Leg Abnormalities 🦴
☠️ Arthritis ☠️
🌟 More Information found in Carrd, please take the time to read through it. Linked above. 🌟
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💚 System Info 💚
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Hosts -
Sean, void/he/xei, ages with the body.
Nicknamed Squid, nicknames based on real name reserved for very close friends and family.
Non-Human Alter, Demon. Trauma Holder, fusion.
Aro/Ace, Gay, Trans. Masc terms only.
- 💙🌸 [doesn't sign off often.]
Leonardo, he/xei/it/they/xey.
Nicknamed Leo or Neo, nicknames such as Nardo or Leon are reserved for close friends and family.
Age slides, middle to adult.
Introject Host, Non-Human, Mutant Turtle.
Demi + Gay, Ace, Trans masc. Neutral/masc terms.
- ⚔️💙⚔️ [may also use ⚔️🩵⚔️]
Co-Hosts -
Nick, she/they/he, adult [19 - 20s].
Caretaker, handles public outings, she is very social most of the time. Social Alter?
Queer/Gay, unlabeled gender, any terms.
- 🧡💛❤
Dante, he/they, adult [20s]
Introject, Non-Human, Werewolf. Source is MyStreet, mcyt rp series from 2016. Nicknamed Blue, anyone can use it to refer to him. Entire roles unknown.
Arospec Bi, demiboy, masc terms.
- 💙🐺
Kenny, any pronouns/mirror pronouns, middle.
Introject, Previously host during childhood and very early teen years. Source is South Park.
Unlabeled entirely, will use queer as a cover all term though. Any terms.
- K☠️🧡
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Tiktok - aquaticfreakshow.com
Simply Plural - AquaticFreakshow_sys
Partner System - @warpaint-sys
Seans Partner - @sammy--moh
Main Blog - @siren--squid
Coining Blog - @kinnie-coins [hiatus]
AO3 - AquaticFreakShow_sys
Seans Quotev - ourmainattraction
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Tags -
#cranky babies = anon hate, block if needed.
#our face = pictures of us.
#aqua art = our artwork.
#off blog topic = not disorders or disabilities related, like writing or something. rarely used.
#sirens scribbles = vent art or gore/horror.
We use CW [thing] to tag triggers.
Mutuals Please Tag -
Needles / Medical pictures.
Eyestrain / Bright colors.
Death, anything and everything related.
Fursuits / full-body costumes of any kind.
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⚠️ [Like once read, Read carrd for DNI - please comment that you have read the full DNI before following us or we might block you, we aren't going to be taking risks this time around. Blank and zero content blogs get blocked without hesitation.] ⚠️
Asks + Anons always open!!
Art Requests are currently closed.
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truehealthboosterblog · 5 months
What Are the Other Benefits of Taking Vitamin B9 Supplements
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Taking vitamin B9 (folate or folic acid) supplements offers a range of health benefits beyond anxiety relief, including:
Prevention of Birth Defects: Folic acid is crucial for preventing neural tube defects in the developing fetus, such as spina bifida and anencephaly. It's recommended that women planning to conceive and those in the early stages of pregnancy take folic acid supplements[1][2][8].
Heart Health: Folic acid supplementation can lower homocysteine levels in the blood, a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. By reducing homocysteine levels, folic acid may help prevent these cardiovascular conditions[2][3].
Mood Disorders: Some studies suggest that folic acid, in combination with antidepressants, can improve symptoms in people with depression, indicating its potential role in managing mood disorders[2].
Cognitive Health: There is evidence to suggest that folic acid supplementation may improve cognitive function in older adults, particularly those with high homocysteine levels or a larger decline in thinking skills than expected for their age[2].
Pregnancy Health: Folic acid is used to prevent and treat low blood levels of folate (folate deficiency), which is important for the health of the mother and the developing fetus. It helps prevent serious birth defects and supports the fetus's growth and development[2][3].
Cancer Risk: While the relationship between folate and cancer risk is complex and varies depending on the type of cancer, some research suggests that adequate folate intake may help reduce the risk of certain cancers, though high doses of folic acid may have adverse effects[7].
Skin Disorders: Folic acid supplementation has been observed to improve symptoms of vitiligo, a condition that causes the loss of skin color in patches[2].
Gum Health: Applying folic acid directly to the gums has been found to prevent gum issues related to the drug phenytoin, although taking it by mouth does not seem to offer the same benefit[2].
It's important to note that while folic acid supplements offer these potential benefits, they should be taken under the guidance of a healthcare provider to avoid excessive intake, which can mask vitamin B12 deficiency and lead to other health issues[5][7].
Citations: [1] https://health.clevelandclinic.org/vitamin-b9 [2] https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-1017/folic-acid [3] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/folic-acid [4] https://www.webmd.com/diet/supplement-guide-folic-acid [5] https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/folic-acid/ [6] https://medlineplus.gov/ency/imagepages/19518.htm [7] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/287677 [8] https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-folate/art-20364625
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chrismerle · 6 months
I'm getting a little cranky with Billy Footwear
I have spina bifida, which has caused many things, but most relevant to this conversation, it means I wear AFOs on both legs, which means getting regular shoes on can be A Bitch for a variety of reasons.
and then along came Billy Footwear, specializing in adaptive footwear that isn't pug fucking ugly! they have zippers around the entire top of the shoe, so you unzip them to take them on and off and just use the laces to get them tight enough. I have a worrying number of pairs of Billy shoes.
but I'm getting a little annoyed. they have some men's and women's shoes, but mostly kids shoes. just endless pairs of zany high top sneakers. and, like, yeah, they're fun, I have several pairs. but sometimes I just want some fucking ankle boots that don't take me 10 minutes to put on. and, like, I'm sure the people behind Billy Footwear don't mean anything bad about it--it's not a crime to focus on kids' footwear--but it already feels like anything involving leg braces gets relegated to the 'oh, that's a CHILD'S disability' box. and, like, no, despite the size, I am in fact a grown ass adult, and I want some goddamn adaptive shoes that aren't fucking hideous but don't look like they were made for a fifth grader.
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cooperpharmalimited · 6 months
Get Folic Acid 1.5mg By Cooper Pharma Limited
Folic acid, also known as folate or vitamin B9, is a water-soluble B vitamin. It plays a crucial role in many bodily functions, including:
DNA synthesis and repair: Folic acid is necessary for the production and maintenance of new cells, including red blood cells. It's particularly important during periods of rapid cell division and growth, such as infancy, adolescence, and pregnancy.
Prevention of neural tube defects: Adequate folic acid intake before and during early pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida and anencephaly, in newborns.Folic Acid 1.5mg
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Supporting brain function: Folic acid is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, the chemicals that transmit signals in the brain. Adequate levels of folic acid are important for cognitive function and mental health.
Red blood cell formation: Folic acid is necessary for the production of healthy red blood cells. A deficiency in folic acid can lead to anemia, characterized by fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath.
The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of folic acid for most adults is 400 micrograms (0.4 milligrams) per day. However, in certain situations where a higher intake is needed, such as during pregnancy or for individuals with certain medical conditions, higher doses may be recommended under medical supervision.
A dose of 1.5 milligrams (1500 micrograms) of folic acid is relatively high and may be prescribed in specific cases where there is a known deficiency or increased need for folic acid. It's important to follow medical advice regarding dosage, as excessive intake of folic acid can have adverse effects, especially in individuals with certain medical conditions. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting or changing any supplement regimen.
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ancientburialgrounds · 11 months
Windover Archeological Site - Wikipedia
Windover is a muck pond where skeletal remains of 168 individuals were found buried in the peat at the bottom of the pond. The skeletons were well preserved because of the peat.
The remains found included bones of males and females of all ages from infants to about 60 years, a total of 168 individuals.
Children and teenagers were buried with more grave goods than were adults, indicating the high value placed on children. Skeletons included one of a male aged about 15 who had spina bifida. All of his bones were found to have been fragile. One of his feet was missing and the stump of his lower leg had healed. As his spinal condition almost certainly meant the boy was paralyzed below the waist, this find was important for assessing the society's commitment to ensuring his survival for 15 years in a hunter-gatherer community.[13][14]
What touches me about this one is the continuity and the care and love put into the burials. The bodies were wrapped in woven cloth, grave goods buried with them. Children were buried with special reverence. These people showed great tenderness to their loved ones.
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hopeamcae · 11 months
Cuevas Medek Exercises: A Bridge to Independence for Children with Motor Delays
Cuevas Medek Exercises (CME) is a therapeutic approach that uses dynamic and challenging exercises to help children with motor delays achieve their full potential. CME is based on the principles of neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to adapt and change in response to new experiences.
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These exercises are designed to stimulate the child's nervous system and promote the development of new neural pathways. This can lead to significant improvements in the child's motor skills, balance, coordination, and posture.
CME physical therapy is a relatively new approach, but it has already been shown to be effective in helping children with a variety of motor delays, including cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and Down syndrome.
Benefits of Cuevas Medek Exercises:
CME can offer a number of benefits for children with motor delays, including:
Improved motor skills
Improved balance and coordination
Improved posture
Increased strength and endurance
Reduced muscle spasticity
Improved functional independence
CME can also help children to develop their cognitive and social skills. The exercises can help children learn how to focus, follow instructions, and interact with others.
Who Can Benefit from Cuevas Medek Exercises?
CME can benefit children of all ages with a variety of motor delays. It is especially effective for young children, as their brains are still developing and are more receptive to change.
CME can also be beneficial for older children and adults with motor delays. However, it is important to note that CME is not a cure for motor delays. It is a tool that can help people with motor delays improve their functional abilities and live more independent lives.
What More Can You Do? 
The best course of action would be to schedule an appointment with the top-rated cuevas medek therapy specialists. Make sure they have acquired the best state-of-the-art physio hydrotherapy to offer an outstanding improvement in your child.
Looking for reliable assistance? Contact the top cuevas medek therapy specialists in Dubai today!
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teachingrounds · 2 years
You can find more resources about living with and caring for individuals with spina bifida at the national website, such as the 2018 SBA adult care guidelines.
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