#adult luc is so cute
fieldsofwriting · 2 months
With Hayden having Henrietta and Juniper having Dozy, what do you think is every love interest's ideal pet? I feel like a good amount of them would wind up being cat people to be honest lol
You are very right, I think everyone would be very ride or die with thier pets tbh. Like there is friendly debates at the Tavern over who is the best. They'd have a best in show every year. Head cannons below the cut!
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This man is a Cat lover through and through. There is no convincing me otherwise.
I could see him having the sweetest little black cat- ya know to add to they mystery vibees.
He would love to have the cat run around with him, and when he's out and about I can see it curling up around his shoulders.
So much, this cat wants for absolutely nothing.
If he gets it after his D&D sessions- it have a silly name like Snickelfritz. For the vibes.
She strikes me as a dog girlie honestly.
I think she'd like using her dog as an excuse to get out of the kitchen every now and again and just go on walks with them.
I think she'd have a chocolate lab- yes because of the name but I also can't see her having a little dog.
She would spoil the shit out of the dog too- this dog gets so many homemade treats.
Not to mention Hemlock would feed him table scraps. And Luc would love to take them out too for bug adventures.
I could also see her being the kinda dog owner to give them cute little bandana's and everything to wear.
They'd also probably have a food name tbh.
I think she could go either way. I can definitely see her having both cats and dogs growing up.
But once she's moved out? I think she's got a bunny.
She'd LOVE taking them out to her garden and letting them roam.
She'd also love being able to give the bunny farm fresh foods!
I mean look at her and tell me that she doesn't look like she'd hold a bunny in her arms and walk around town.
She'd make it a little flower crown and everything too.
She'd get Ryis to help her make the best most lavish bunny cage there is too.
I think she'd give the bunny a cute name like Petal.
Okay- hear me out. As a kid? I think he had a bearded dragon. He would have thought they were SO COOL. Alright?
But now, as like an adult? I think he wouldn't hate any animal. Mans a big softy under that hard exterior.
I think though- he'd prefer Dogs over cats.
MOSTLY because the dog would remind him of Olric
Also you've seen those arms. I think be a crime to not get him a dog so you can throw a stick to them.
He'd pretend not to care at all about the dog- but then he'd fight so hard to make it have a cool name. (He'd probably try for Copper.)
You know those dads that are like "Don't bring home any damn animals!" And then bonds with the said animal. That's him.
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed!! Let me know if you want me to do some of the other characters too!! And thank you for your request! :3 Requests are open!!
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rare-peach · 1 month
Snicklefritz is jealous pt 2
HEHE I can't stop
intro here
no warnings except for alcohol and a wee bit of violence (nothing graphic) // gender neutral
„Snicklefritz!“ You giggled, sitting down across from Balor and Dell at the otherwise empty table. „Oh, and the leader of the Dragonguard!“ You were slightly buzzed, and Dell‘s serious scrunched-up face made you laugh. „What‘s the matter boss?“ You asked her.
„Mr. Balor said he found treasure!“ Dell exclaimed. „But he won‘t tell me anything else! He keeps ignoring me.“ She huffed, crossing her arms. Balor went to protest but you answered first. 
„Oh, is that so? Well, maybe I can drag it out of him.“ Your gaze shifted to Balor, who avoided your eyes, hand over his mouth. Weird. He was usually the flirty one...
Dell gasped. „If you find out, promise you‘ll tell me!“ 
You nodded, looking away from Balor to wink at Dell. „As an honorary Dragonguard member, I will do my best to fulfil my duty.“ 
She clapped gleefully and ran off to find Maple and Luc. You thought it was adorable the way the kids trusted you. As far as you knew, you and Balor were the only two adult slash honorary Dragonguard members. Not even Celine was allowed to join.
You turned to Balor, who was still…was he blushing? 
You felt butterflies in your stomach at the thought. He was usually so smooth, you had never seen him flustered like this. What was going on? 
„Alright then, Snicklefritz. Out with it, where‘s the treasure?“ You tease playfully, the beer in your system making you a bit more bold than usual. 
He managed a weak smile, still slightly pink. „Ignore her, (y/n). That‘s not what I was talking about.“ You raised an eyebrow. „You know how she is.“ He added, looking away. 
Ok, something was definitely up. This was far from your usual banter. 
„Also, stop calling me Snicklefritz. I‘m not like Eiland.“ He muttered but then seemed to instantly regret it, placing his hand back over his mouth. “Sorry-“
„Ok…I‘ll stop.“ You interrupted, unsure how to deal with such a serious Balor. The alcohol in you spoke again. „But only if you tell me about the treasure. Or whatever Dell was talking about.“ You tried teasing again, smiling. 
He rolled his eyes with a laugh. Ok, that‘s more like him. You relax more. 
„Wouldn‘t you like to know?“ Balor can‘t help but return to his default smirk, but inside he‘s still kicking himself. He needed to know what to do, what to say to you to get you to stay here with him and forget all the others. But he couldn‘t possibly tell you that when he had distractedly answered Dell about the „treasure“ he was actually talking about you…
„Yes, very much so. Snicklefritz.“ You beamed at him, leaning forward slightly.
He scoffed. “That’s too bad. There isn’t any.”
“C’monnn, Snicklefritz.” You giggle. “I don’t believe you!”
Balor smiles softly, your laugh melts him every time he hears it. And you were so cute. His eyes linger on your lips before he sharply inhales, composing himself. “Dell just misheard me. Besides, I know you’re loaded anyway, seeing as how I picked up that massive shipment last night.” He says slyly, trying to change the subject.
Your beer glass almost empty, you’re feeling as bold as ever and you’re not having it. You kick him under the table playfully in the shin before replying, “I can tell when you’re lying, Snicklefritz! Tell me what she was talking about, or I’ll-“
“Or what?” He cocks his eyebrow and grins at you, and you notice that he’s also leaning forward on the table.
Before you can reply, a hammered March stumbles over to your table.
“(Y/n)!” March slurs. “Why are you all the way over here? Come join me at the bar!” He grins and puts his hand on your shoulder.
You shift uncomfortably in your seat. March was always so rude, except for when he was drunk, and then he hit on you. Not exactly your type. You glance quickly at Balor, your mouth suddenly dry. He was staring at March, and he was not smiling. You never saw the two of them hang out, but you assumed that they got along just fine. Balor’s look however, which could only be described as a death stare, suggested otherwise. 
You still hadn’t answered March and he was apparently tired of waiting. He plopped down on the chair next to you. “Well, I guess I just have to come to you then.” He seems to just notice Balor sitting across. “Oh hey, Snicklefritz.” 
You froze. You could swear Balor’s eye twitched, but maybe you were imagining it. He was obviously angry though. Did they really not get along or did he hate the Snicklefritz thing that much?
“…March.” Balor said coldly. 
“So anyway, (y/n)!” March throws an arm around you. “I’ve missed you! Haven’t seen you all week!” He slurs sloppily. You ignore him, gaze instead quickly flickering over to Balor. He doesn’t meet your eyes though, he’s just staring at March. If looks could kill.
No fucking way, not this motherfucker. The whole damn town really was enamoured with you, huh? He really couldn’t blame them. Balor cursed himself for not somehow making you his right then and there when you both had first met on the bridge that fateful first day of Spring. He hated himself too, for not know what to do now. What if you liked March? Then what? Balor scrutinised the red-haired blacksmith, anger and jealousy once again coursing through his veins. 
You’re annoyed, and you try to shift away from under March’s arm. The blacksmith, however, only pulls you in you tighter. He was so drunk he couldn’t take a hint. Mortified, you can’t look at Balor. Immediately you go to try to stand up, angry at March for being disrespectful and even more angry that he was doing it in front of the guy that you actually liked. 
Your plan to flee fails however. March grabs your arm, spinning you back towards him. “Hey! Where are you going?” He exclaims. It’s less aggressive than it is just plain oblivious, but you aren’t ok with it. Before you can react, Balor is there.
March drops your arm. Balor leans over March, about a head taller than the blacksmith. He says in the coldest voice you had ever heard: “That’s enough. (Y/n) just tried to get up. They’re clearly not interested.” His fists clench and you can see his jaw twitch. 
March looks at Balor, surprised. “S-since when do you care?” March‘s brow furrows. 
You thought Balor blushed. „March,“ He growled. „Just leave it.“ 
March is not cooperating, though, and is getting upset in his drunken stupor. „C‘mon, man, you leave it.“ He goes to move around Balor towards you again, but he doesn’t make it far. You watch in utter disbelief as Balor knocks March to the ground with one swift hit to the face. 
After that, you‘re in shock, trying to process the scene that had just played out in front of you. 
March groans on the floor. Olric, Valen and Josephine rush over, everyone else just stares. Balor’s face was crimson. „Sorry, Olric…I, I just-“ Balor apologizes.
Josephine cuts in. „Olric, Balor was just standing up for (Y/n). I saw the whole thing. You know how your brother can be when he drinks.“ 
„He‘ll be fine,“ chirps Valen who is already examining the fallen March. 
Olric shrugs, as care-free as ever. „Ah-ha, yeah, let‘s just forget about this, Kay? But maybe don’t hit him so hard next time, big guy!“ Olric‘s a good brother, but obviously used to apologising for his sibling. 
Balor meets your unbreaking gaze, finally.
„Are you ok?“ You nod once but your eyes are still wide. „You don’t look ok. I mean!” He sighed at himself. “I mean, do you maybe want to get some air?“ He asks carefully.
“Yes, please.”
Balor offers you his hand and leads you out of the inn.
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miminmimikyu · 3 months
Prodigy episodes 11-12: Jankom you hero! You know that those anger management classes were good if Jankom managed to de-escalate a conflict between a tactless angry Dal and an absolutely livid Chakotay in a room with no Janeway
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Jesus episode 11 got really dark really quickly.
Gosh that opening sequence of Chakotay’s life on Ysida was so beautiful. The gentle piano and strings music accompanying this montage was so understated and pretty. The soundtrack on this show...
ngl when Chakotay carved that third chess piece I thought it represented a child
TEN years! That’s longer than Voyager was stranded in the Delta Quadrant! If anyone of the ex-Voyager crew can survive 10 years on an isolated planet, it’s Chakotay, but oooff. I guess 10 years of solitude and the deaths of your entire crew weighing on your mind constantly will do that to a guy. I think that the closest he’s ever been portrayed as this.. callous(?) was in Timeless, where he also lost all but one of his (& Janeway’s) crew. It was so satisfying to see Chakotay get so many emotional moments this episode (still, quite shocking to see him try to attack defenceless kids).
The scene in the cave was so perfect, everything came together— the moody blue of the cavern, Dal’s initial shocked expression and inability to speak, Adreek’s skeleton just sitting there and protecting the antimatter for god knows how long.. and then to top it off the two-hit KO of the incredible animation conveying Chakotay’s horror and grief and guilt, and Robert Beltan’s voice acting!. (I’m so used to his clocked-out performance for a large part of Voyager, I was taken so off guard by the emotions he conveyed in this episode (and the next).…. God that was beautiful
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Please.. I’m already dead π_π
I love how it’s not a sense of sudden responsibility for some children but the kids just earnestly working away that gradually drags Chakotay out of his shell. Worn down by their work ethic (and them finding the corpse of his first officer for him 💀).
Yet again: what a cool planet!! A lot of the planets the kids have visited this season have been devoid of humanoid life but each of them is so unique and interesting. Not the worst place to be marooned, if not for the beasts.
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I really like the reversal of the Janeway-Chakotay dynamic here. On Voyager, Chakotay kept Janeway in check, now holo Janeway does that for Chakotay. It’s cute how he looks back at her for input from time to time.
Dal and Chakotay actually make a great duo. I really liked their heart-to-heart. Also the way they clash, definitely a different dynamic compared to Dal and Janeway. I didn’t expect Dal to confess his insecurity re:the peek at his future so soon. I don’t think that this solved it but I’m glad that he was given a bit of a confidence boost.
These two episodes sure reminded me of Resolution… stranded on a planet, the planet is plagued by ion storms, Chakotay/Janeway infected vs. the Protostar infected. Chakotay is resigned to his fate while Janeway/Adreek is set on fixing the situation (Janeway didn’t manage but Adreek did).... and then in episode 12 Chakotay tells Dal about how he always felt lost (as a child on his homeworld, in the maquis as an adult..), until he met Janeway and became her number one… that’s almost exactly the same thing that he told Janeway in Resolutions (minus the metaphor + heavy romantic overtones). Hell, episode 12 even starts with Vice Admiral Janeway getting her shoulder massaged (/manhandled. by the doctor. and she hates it. unlike when Chakotay did it on New Earth ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ). Only Janeway isn’t actually stranded with him on Ysida…
Chakotay and Holo Janeway… do you think they explored each other’s bo-
Beverly Crusher is k i l l i n g me being all “Jean-Luc? Dunno, you know him, always working!! Hahaha, let’s talk about motherhood” while hiding her now 4-year old secret lovechild.
Anyway. So if Voyager is nearby (ish), that means that this is present-day and Chakotay crashed 10 years in the past? So besides fixing the protostar back up, they need to wipe holo Janeway’s memories, crash the Protostar in the past and I guess Chakotay just loses 10 years of his life now?
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hibischush · 3 months
mayhaps some headcannons of what the bachelorettes / bachelors would be like as parents?
Aw man of course! I could probably go into more depth but this would be too long of a post lol 🌺
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You already know that Celine would make a great parent
She has experience with kids with her little sister Dell, and she takes care of her plant babies!
Celine would be the mom to have a bunch of activities planned for her children
Celine cares a lot for nature so she would take the kids to play outside in the garden and if they wanted to help her she'd happily accept
She would make those really cute bento boxes for her children using veggies from her garden
You all go on picnics often together 🩷
She'd also scrapbook her children's development and start a scrapbooking club with Reina
I think she would be happy with boys or girls!
And I think she would be happy with 2-4 kids
Okay...I'm not going to say that Juniper is a bad mom, but at first it's clear that she's highly inexperienced with children
She struggled a lot to adjust her lifestyle to accommodate children when they were young
Things got easier the more she communicated her struggles with you and the two of you worked through it
Once she has a few years practice under the belt she's a wonderful mom
She likes to take her children with her to gather ingredients for her potions (as long as it's not dangerous ofc)
She also takes them to the bathhouse and lets them play with Dozy and in the water
She definitely would be a boy mom
2 kids max
Oh my sweet Reina!! She would be an awesome mom!
She's so good with her younger siblings that she loves kids a lot and wants a large family!
That being said, she also wants to make sure that all of her children are taken care of and adult responsibilities or babysitting don't fall into the hands of her children
It's a given that she cooks a lot for both you and for your children
She includes them on cooking/baking prepping and once they get older they are honorary sous chefs
Maple and Luc loooove your children
They're often over helping with you two
Reina would also love to scrapbook along with Celine if she also had kids
Reina loves her big family, and she'd also be okay with any gender
3-5 children for sure
Out of all of the bachelorettes, I think Valen would be fine with not having children
So if you weren't thinking of having kids, she totally accepts that
If you do want children, Valen wouldn't deny you that either! And she would try her best to be the best mother for your child(ren)
She already knows a lot about child development and parenting
I hope she would as a doctor!
She's very serious and quiet in terms with how she interacts with her children but it's by no means intimidating. That's just how she is
She enjoys reading to them as she views it very important for their development (she also uses different voices for different characters-- she's quite good at it)
I think you both would be content with one child, but might warm up to having two
I think that Adeline would like to be a mother someday!
I honestly think she would want to wait until her parents returned so she could focus on you and your child(ren)
But I don't know if that's going to happen in game or not
Regardless, Adeline is a very attentive mother
She loves to educate her children and indulge in their interests
And Eiland fully transitions into the best uncle ever
He usually babysits for you two if you need a date night or something happens in town
She can be strict at times, but it's not helicopter parent strict. It comes from a place of love and worry not about control
Adeline would like 1 or 2 children, and doesn't care about what gender they are
Balor would love being a dad
That being said, he tends to get himself and your kids in trouble
Nothing life threatening! Just...using them to sell more items
And your kids 100% play into it and love it
They just think its playing
But he really is a great responsible dad!
He hates to go away to sell goods and buy more at the capital but when he comes back he he absolutely spoils you and the kids with gifts
Again he doesn't care about the gender of his children
I think he'd want at least 2 kids
March is very hesitant to become a father
He worries that his demeanor would scare or harm his children long term
But really he's just in his head because he would make a great father
He's super loving to you and to your children
He's similar to Valen where he's the quiet but caring father
March takes the kid(s) to the blacksmith's so you're able to work on the farm
The kids love playing with their uncle Olric and watching their dad work the metal
I also think that he would like to have his child(ren) take on the family business
I think he's more of a boy dad
But for mostly everyone on this list he will still love any daughter he has
Again at least 2 kids but he'd be fine with 3
Hayden has always wanted a big family
And being the owner of the ranch and the partner of a farmer...y'all need more hands
Hands that he will love and nurture ofc
He is super fun with his kids-- he adores them even more than Henrietta
When your children are old enough, they def are helping out with the farm/ranch (but he doesn't push his children to help if they don't wish to)
I also think he'd be the dad to learn how to fish to take his kids with him (even though Hayden doesn't like fish at all lmao)
He wants a big family and would be very happy with girls or boys
anywhere from 4-6 kids!
I think Ryis would be pretty neutral about having kids, not out of the "I hate kids" mentally but because he never really thought about it
He wanted to wait to find a great partner to have kids with
And he found that in you
And what a great father he turned out to be!
He is super responsive and patient with your children
He loves doing artsy things with him in his workshop like painting or drawing (carving wood too when they get older!)
Ryis would take them camping and fishing too lets be real
He also likes playing "house" with them and playing dress up
Unlike any other romanceables, I fully believe Ryis would be a girl dad (but again he would be happy with any gender)
2-4 kids
Another great dad
Kind of a hot mess when your kids were younger but he enjoyed every second of it!! (maybe I think it would be funny to see such a posh Eiland go from nice clothes, clean, brushed hair, and a spotless face to a pajamas constantly, messy hair and eyebags lol)
Just like his sister, he cares a lot about his children's education
Will constantly read to them and quiz them
He will take them to his dig sites (like a bring your children to work day lol)
He loves children's curiosity
Eiland would also include them in his spin off DND sessions like the nerd he is
Adeline is a fan favorite aunt of your children, and despite being very busy herself she knows that her brother sometimes needs alone time with his s/o
But lets be honest your entire family are nerds
Again, he wouldn't care about gender
2-4 kids :)
Bonus; Caldarus
They are a rock. But to be fair they would try
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Hope you enjoyed this! I tried not to get too carried away since this would be one long post.
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pearlywritings · 2 years
Let's shower tonight
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synopsis: taking a shower with your husband after a stressful day, and even exhaustion doesn’t prevent you from being two stupid adults in love. 
pairing: Diluc x fem!reader
tw: modern AU, established relationship, fluff, nudity but nothing nsfw happens
word count: 2.7k+ words
a/n: this is going to be a part of an AU I am planning to write a big fic for once I have more free time on my hands.
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Lifting your gaze from a novel in your hand you spot the headmaid in the doorway, standing calmly with her hands clasped in front of the apron.
"Yes, what is it, Adelinde?" Marking the page with a cute bookmark Bennet made for you (it is a bit messy and somehow burnt on the corner, but you love it with all your heart), you close the book, resting it on your leg.
"Would you like a cup of tea or coffee? You've been waiting for Master Diluc all evening," in her emerald eyes you read empathy and sincere desire to help, and it warms your heart. Ever since you started a relationship with your husband - a boyfriend at that time - Adelinde was one of the few maids to take your side from the beginning. Even if hesitant at first, fearing for her Masters' happiness, she became your full support later on, approving the redhead's choice of a partner, after becoming more familiar with your persona. You'll forever be grateful for how warmly she welcomed you, knowing how much she means to Diluc and Kaeya.
"No, but thank you, 'linde," the older woman mirrors a smile you offer and nods her head in understanding.
"But if you'd need anything-"
"Please, stooop," shaking your head, you point at the big clock on the wall above you. "Look at the time, it's well past midnight. The only thing I need right now is for you to go and rest. You don't have to stay up so late just to take care of me or my stupid running late husband. We will be fine, I promise."
"Oh, dear…" her gaze softens and the feeling of looking at the light green sprouts in spring leaves you tingling on the inside. Of course she knows you are capable of that, you are two adults with careers, raising two boys together after all. It's just… Being there for any member of this found family makes her so-so happy.
"Then I'll be off. Offer Master my best wishes. Good night, Ma'am."
"I will. Sweet dreams, Adelinde," and after a small wave of your hand to each other she is gone. With a sigh you open your book again, taking the bookmark between your ring and pinky finger, continuing the chapter.
It is another half of an hour, when you finally hear the front door close and shuffling beginning in the nearly unlit hallway. You patiently wait for the man to appear in the living room you've been occupying the whole evening and well into the night, leisurely resting on a large sofa in front of the switched off big TV screen.
Just from one glance it is easy to tell Diluc is exhausted. Shoulders slightly slumped and hand rubbing his surely stiff neck, he groans when it cracks with his head's movement. Dark circles around his eyes look awful on his palish complexion, and hair looks quite messy - he's surely run his fingers through fiery locks more than once. Oh, and now he is doing it again, brushing bangs back and finally meeting eyes with you. A tender emotion swirls in the redwine depths, and your lips curl into a smile. Closing the book for the second time this evening and putting it on the armrest, you push yourself off the sofa and happily press yourself into his warm embrace, strong arms circling your waist, and yours sliding up his chest and around broad shoulders.
"Hey…" Your lips touch his cheek and the man exhales sharply, pressing a kiss to your temple.
"Hi, dear… I am home," you smile at the heart-warming words, spoken in a hoarse, but loving voice.
"Welcome home, 'luc."
And just like that his body instantly relaxes in your hold, a bit of weight pressing on you, but still not enough to crush - he doesn't want you to get hurt. You stand like that for a little longer - silent and close. Diluc drops his head and buries his face in the side of your neck, red hair blocking half of your vision, but you don't mind, raising a hand to run your fingers through crimson wild locks, dragging a hair tie off in the process. The mane releases like a waterfall, cascading down his shoulder blades, and you feel him sigh against your skin. A shiver runs down your spine when lips brush against the juncture between your neck and shoulder in a silent "thank you".
Diluc wills himself to detach from you, begrudgingly so, half-lidded eyes staring into your soul, into your heart. You nudge his forehead with yours and his lips curl into a soft smile - the one he reserves only for you and your boys.
"Was everything alright?" He asks, as you get a gentle hold of his elbow and lead him to the exit of the room.
"Yes, it was and is," turning the light off you walk into the hallway and let your legs carry you to the bedroom. "And if you are asking about boys, I drove them safely to Amy's house for a sleepover. They've already sent some cute and fun pictures in the family group chat."
"Oh, yes, I saw," the man nods, "they texted us a goodnight too a couple of hours ago."
"And you found a moment to answer," you smile and Diluc huffs, as if you spoke of something hard to believe he'd do.
"Of course."
Your shared room meets you with a soft light clicked on and a smell of cleanliness and freshly changed sheets which is blending in the familiar mix of your and Diluc's scents, making it even more comforting for the tired man by your side.
As he is sliding his wrist watch and placing it on the nightstand, you put his hair tie in a small box in the drawer. Leaving him to take the jacket off, you quickly walk to the bathroom door, to get everything ready for your Friday evening bath-taking tradition.
"Love, I'll start the water," you throw over your shoulder. But before you can disappear into another room, your husband clears his throat and asks you to wait. Turning around you are met with a pretty sight of thick veiny fingers working on the buttons of his black shirt, and his gaze fixed on your figure.
"Let's shower tonight. I am unsure I won't fall asleep in the bath."
A smile lifts the corners of your mouth and you nod in understanding.
"Honestly, same, dear. Then I'll go and set the temperature."
Satisfied with your answer he hums and continues peeling his suit off of himself. You glance at him one more time, suddenly so excited for the upcoming proximity and the feelings of his hands buried in your hair, gently massaging your scalp… You have to shake your head a little to clear it and finally step into the bathroom.
Right away you reach out to a small radio on the lonely standing round table, turning it on and settling on the always music-playing channel. Towels are placed neatly on a shelf near the shower enclosure - one pile for you and one for Diluc, two pretty matching in design, but different in color sets.
Water is warming up quickly, splashing on your outstretched palm, but you wait some more, knowing that your man loves it hot - not borderline scorching, but enough to make skin tingle and steam fog the glass.
Diluc enters the bathroom when you start peeling your own clothes off. His tired crimson eyes travel down your bare back and, without second thought, he reaches to follow the same path with the tips of his fingers, making you shiver lightly. He sees your smile, from how you turn your head to glance at him over your shoulder, and can't help, but smile too.
"Get inside, 'luc. I'll join you shortly," you promise him, putting the clothes in your hands aside and reaching to the waistband of your underwear. The man hums, running a hand through his hair, and walks to the shower.
Blissful sigh passes his lips upon feeling hot water hit his skin, washing over his tired body. Eyelids instantly drop and he tilts his head back to let the droplets hit his face and wet his hair, hands reaching to smooth quickly darkening strands back and comb through them a little.
Diluc doesn’t hear you joining him, too caught up in the moment, but he feels how your arms wrap loosely around his middle, and your soft chest presses against his hard back, urging him to make one step forward, so you can stand under the running water too. A little moan escapes his throat, when your fingers reach in his hair, nails traveling up his neck and right to the back of his head, applying delicious pressure and gently scratching.
“Oh, you poor man…” you murmur in his shoulder, the other hand sliding up his abs and chest, only to be grabbed by his, keeping the lock against his steadily beating heart. He feels your smile against his skin and smiles in return, when your lips touch one of his scars.
Opening his eyes and tugging on your hand, he turns around, quickly trapping you in an embrace of his own, strong arm resting against the small of your back, fingers gripping your hip, all to have you secured and close against him.
“Me - poor?” He asks with a soft chuckle, lifting your hand to place a small kiss to the back of it, lips sending more heat through your body, than the water ever could. “It is you who deserves some pity. After all, I make you wait for me, leaving you alone to deal with the household and two extremely active teenage boys… Sounds like I am a bad husband here.”
“Now, you know it is not true,” you scold him, palm sliding out of his and index finger tapping against his closed lips. “I do not mind staying up waiting for you, when it is the weekend ahead of us and tomorrow is Saturday. Besides, sometimes it’s me who stays late, doing work, and my amazing loving husband is the first person I see upon arriving home in the ungodly hour of the night. And- oh…” 
You shiver slightly, all because Diluc's big and broad figure almost fully shields you from the water, leaving your wet skin to cool down. It doesn’t go unnoticed by your husband and prompts him to wrap his second, now unoccupied, arm around you, pressing your bodies impossibly, intimately together, to share his heat.
“And..?” He asks, burying his face in the side of your neck, leaving a trail of small kisses from your collarbones to the line of your jaw. You almost purr, fingers of both hands finding its way to his hair, eliciting a groan out of him.
“And! Our staff is absolutely professional and my role there is purely nominal. Our boys? Diluc, they are angels. True, Benny and Razor are active and adventurers at heart, but they are usually on their best behavior.”
“Hm, I see…”
Distracted by the conversation, with your focus shifted on his hair, you fail to notice how the man’s face is now mere inches away from yours. His eyes crinkle in a silent laughter when yours widen upon realization dawning on you.
“I love you,” your heart jumps in your chest and cheeks grow rosy, which is definitely not the hot steam’s doing. This confession shouldn’t be something new to you, but dang it does it send your whole being into rapture every time.
“I love you too,” is all it takes for the man to lean forward and kiss you with vigor. For a moment tiredness is no longer here, completely forgotten in the haze of your mouths devouring each other, hands desperately clinging to each other and the glass of the cabin fogging up even more. There is no fight for dominance, because you do not need it, relishing in the feeling of your affection, of this moment of being alone, but together, so lovingly close and private.
Diluc kisses you and you feel like you two are sitting in front of the fireplace, cuddling and whispering sweet nothings, with fire lightening your features delicately and licking your skin with its warmth.
But it is wet and suddenly you both are reminded that you are still standing in the shower, and water is running and running, droplets sliding down the sides of your faces and falling in a small pool that is gathering right where your chests are pressed together.
You breathlessly chuckle when a small splash hits your feet after the redhead leans back. Diluc is staring at you intensely, brushing heavy locks away as your hands slide out of his hair and down his shoulders to settle on his well-defined pectorals. You are standing like this for a moment, unmoving and silent, unable to stop gazing into each other’s eyes.
The man is the first to break out of this tender stupor, reaching out to turn the water off and grab your shampoo from the shelf in the niche. It shakes you out as well, when he starts squeezing the substance on his open palm.
“You are the one tired, let me take care of you,” but Diluc only shakes his head, putting the bottle back and gently taking a hold of your shoulder to turn you around.
“Let us not start the game of who is more tired, we both know it never has a winner,” his words make you snort, because it’s true. “I want to wash your hair for you and then you can do the same for me. Sounds fair, right?”
“Yes, love, sounds fair.”
He is gentle, oh so so gentle with you... You can only stand there and squint in pleasure, as his fingers take care of you. You can call him a professional with how many practices he had with you, always a gentleman and ready to assist you first. 
“I know you’ve been stressed this week too..” you almost shiver when he lowly speaks so near to your ear. “But you are such a strong and patient girl… So proud of you.”
…and a comforting sweet talker when he needs to as well.
When Diluc is done with you it’s his turn to be taken care of, and if you kept relatively silent, the man has a hard time to do so. He is groaning and sighing audibly when you are shampooing, scrubbing and rinsing his hair, repeating it one more time, because of how thick of a mane he has. His eyes are closed shut the whole process, and you can’t help yourself, pecking his nose whenever the opportunity is present.
The last time you are rinsing the shampoo out of his hair, your husband is attached to your body again, lowering his head onto your shoulder to make it easier for you (which honestly is not as comfortable as if he was facing away from you, but you don’t have a heart to tell him about it).
“So…” he murmurs, when you put the hand shower back in its place, “are we having tomorrow all to ourselves?”
“Mhm, boys asked to stay until tomorrow’s evening. And what about it? Have some plans for us?”
He unwraps his arms from around you and takes a step back to wring out his hair, all the while looking at you.
“Does staying in bed and sleeping half a day sounds like a good plan to you?”
“Who are you and what did you do to Diluc Ragnvindr?” You ask teasingly, sliding a door open, grabbing a towel to pass it to your husband.
“I am Diluc Ragnvindr, and I married the most incredible woman, who nags me so much about my sleeping schedule, that I try to compensate for it during the weekend. Her name is Y/n Ragnvindr, by the way,” you almost drop the towel at his bold words, which he swiftly steals from your hand and starts wrapping around his head.
“You..!” An embarrassed squeal dies on your lips, when your gaze falls onto his right hand, spotting a golden band, gleaming in the light of the bathroom. Yeah… You are Y/n Ragnvindr, and you do nag him about how wrecked his sleeping habits are.
Only because you love and care about him.
“You know what? That’s not a good plan,” Diluc stops in the middle of adjusting another towel around his hips, and stares at you puzzled. You grin in response, grabbing a towel of your own, pressing a fleeting kiss to his lips on your way out of the enclosure.
”It’s a perfect plan.”
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ussjellyfish · 6 months
Star Trek asks: 🖖, 🌀 and 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
🖖 First Star Trek Media you encountered:
We watched TNG on television when I was a kid (as it was airing the first time!). One of my earliest memories (I was 4) is of Will Riker getting sucked into the big black Armus pool and how freaky that was. I remember the face coming up from the bottom.
And they saved him! he was okay. (Tasha's death did not compute in my very small mind). Will being okay in the end was part of "Star Trek means we're all okay" which is my earliest opinion.
Often this still carries over.
🌀 If the Holodeck was real, what's the first thing you would use it for?
adventure fantasy RPGs. I'd love to be able to play something like Dragon Age. It would be incredible.
I would also use it to test out fic lines and positions and make sure they make sense. I have no sense of inner eye, so that would be helpful. Where do her hands go...
👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾 Do you ship any characters? Who?
Oh Georgiou.
I don't have any strong preferences about ships in some series. My levels of shipping are:
Ships I find cute on screen. (USS Enterprise-G)
Ships I would read fic. I would probably write fic for an exchange or a challenge. (USS Enterprise-D)
Ships I would write fic for, because I want the fic to bring myself joy and those are much more intense. (USS Voyager) I will land my starship on this planet.
Ships that are platonic for me and I adore them. (USS Protostar)
Ships where I want to read everything that has ever been written about them. I have saved all the artwork. I want to commission more artwork. (USS DIscovery) I will travel through the mycelial network for this ship. This ship is my home.
(under a cut for length)
TOS - no ships. Never really had any. TOS is not foundational for me though, I don't think I've seen the whole thing and probably never will. It's so much men talking.
AOS - I have a soft spot for Spock/Uhura. I really liked Uhura.
TNG - I shipped Deanna/Will so much as a child. They're in my very first fanfic. I liked Beverly/Jean-Luc (historical) later, but not until I was an adult. Deanna/Will I shipped as a very tiny human. I have witten fic for both of these. I also ship Beverly/Deanna, and Beverly/Deanna/Will in a very lighthearted way.
DS9 - Jadzia Dax/Lenara Kahn is gorgeous and tragic and I adore them. Kira/Dax in a very lighthearted way. They're fun. I shipped Jadzia Dax/Worf when the show first came out and probably would if I did a rewatch, but it's a very mild ship (I wouldn't read fic). I am very invested in Jadzia Dax.
VOY - Kathryn Janeway/B'Elanna Torres is fun. I've read some fic. I love how intellectual they would be together. I wrote and read much Janeway/Chakotay (historical) about ten years ago, but I'm not as into him now. (Robert Beltran makes it hard for me). Still love Janeway. I also like Seven/B'Elanna.
ENT - I enjoyed Trip/T'Pol when the show was on. I don't think I've seen all of it. I love T'Pol.
SNW - I have a passing interest in Una/La'An and Una/Pike. I've read some fic but haven't written any. I want nice things for Batel/Pike in canon. (he needs to be a better partner to her though). I ship Amanda/Sarek here simply based on how convince I am that Amanda loves him.
PIC - Seven/Raffi are wonderful and I adore them. I love their connection and their dear faces. Agnes/Borg Queen are fun and dark. Laris/Zhaban are fun. I wanted to ship Beverly/Jean-Luc again but they didn't give me much. Shipper brain was not engaged. Deanna/Will were so angsty. Will & Beverly might be my strongest legacy ship in this show. I wish Beverly & Deanna got to talk.
PRODIGY - dammit here I almost ship Janeway/Chakotay again. I ship Janeway/happiness here so much and if finding him will make her happy, okay fine. Gwyndala/Dal are cute and I want them to have nice things. Haven't wanted to read any fic though.
Crossover Trek - Beverly Crusher/Kathryn Janeway has held a special place in my shipper heart for 13 years. I love them so much. I love that they're still going and they show up in exchanges. They would be such a good couple.
Philippa Georgiou/Afsaneh Paris was such a fun thing.
Most trek crossover femslash is fun and I would try it in an exchange.
DSC - Philippa Georgiou (captain)/Katrina Cornwell. They'd be cute. They must have met. Katrina Cornwell/Gabriel Lorca (prime), Katrina sold me on that one. Katrina Cornwell/Philippa Georgiou (emperor), they have a handful of scenes and they would totally work.
Michael Burnham/Cleveland Booker are very cute on screen and I hope they get a nice ending. (I think they will). Hugh Culber/Paul Stamets are adorable and charming. Adira Tal/Gray Tal are so sweet. Saru/T'Rina are the regency couple of Star Trek and they're very cute. They're so happy in season 5, I love it. I think Joann Owosekun/Keyla Detmer are really fun, I hope they get a nod this season. I love how much the actors do with a look. Michael & Tilly are one of my favorite friendships ever and I adore them. Michael Burnham & Philippa Georgiou (emperor) variety is so complex and intense and I love how they evolve and grow together.
Michael Burnham/Laira Rillak are my top tier, own my soul, ship. I will read every fic that is ever published of them and reblog the gifs on repeat forever and memorize every nuance of every conversation they've ever had. They are the shiniest thing in my fannish heart at the moment, and I have watched their scenes together so many times.
For years I was this obsessed with Beverly/Kathryn, but they didn't have scenes together so I couldn't rewatch them.
Micahel/Laira have scenes together! They talk to each other! I have a whole arc that I can watch on repeat!! I have different episodes to watch for different feelings I need for fic!!
They're so niche and I wish I had more people to talk about them with because I love them so much and...it is a very lonely ship. People do write fic and read it and it's tiny and lovely. I am so grateful for all the interactions I ever have about this ship.
I often feel very out of step in my fannish Star Trek spaces because they are not a ship shared by many. I feel seen when someone acknowledges how much I love them.
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sincerelyhannahx · 3 months
reading 'a curse for true love' for the first time
'caraval' was my favourite fantasy series until i read 'once upon a broken heart' and i have been WAITING for the waterstones edition paperback of 'a curse for true love' to come out for over a year (its got to match the rest of my set - the reader girlies get it) AND NOW I FINALLY HAVE IT!!! and i always wish i could read my favourite books for the first time again so this might help me relive this experience.
this goes without saying but there will be spoilers for 'a curse for true love' by stephanie garber up ahead (albeit without context) so just a heads-up for that.
my first time reading 'ouabh' and 'tbona' i was like apollo, you're a bitch. my second time reading 'ouabh' and 'tbona' i was like apollo, you're less of a bitch. so now i'm going into this one very conflicted. obviously erasing eva's memories is a big no but i don't think it was out of malice... although i'm expecting to be proven wrong.
why do i feel like martine is marisol? or someone else relevant. i'm going to be second guessing everyone because they could literally just lie and i'd have no idea.
SHE'S SEVENTEEN??? i knew that but jesus christ she is a child.
omg a new gentleman??? JACKS??? nvm its kristof. i got excited for nothing. where's jacks? i miss him.
OMFG SHE'S REMEMBERING THE CLIFF JUMP FROM 'TBONA' AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH that's so valid i think about it all the time too bestie.
wait apollo pov??? OHHHHMYYYYGOODDDDDDD!!!!!!
this is interesting character development for apollo i like it. i like that his 'death' changed him and we're not just back to square one.
lmaoooo ofc luc ran away.
oh shit yeah the valors are back. why did i assume they'd just be sat in the vault the whole time? obviously they're going to be up and about doing things.
GET PREGNANT WITH AN HEIR??? 1) let's circle back to the fact she is SEVENTEEN??? 2) then let's circle back to the fact SHE DOES NOT REMEMBER THIS MAN, that's literally sexual assault no thanks let's not do that.
wait tiberius gave him the scars? that's odd. why? give me the reasoning.
what has this wanted poster done to jacks' face??? just say you're jealous and move on.
EVANGELINE FOX AND THE PRINCE OF HEARTS!!! this is the one you want to be reading eva.
garrick you bitch.
noooooooo the engagement is over??? i mean i know it was inevitable but sorry for wanting my girl lala to be happy.
ooh what's this scroll?
'please come!' OMG IS THIS LALA??? SHE WAS DESCRIBED WITH SILVER HAIR BEFORE??? LALA IS THIS YOU??? i'm clowning so hard rn.
SOMEONE PUSHED HER??? wait why do i actually not know who. like who's the villain? there's apollo but he genuinely cares for eva... even if he's going about it in all the wrong ways. wait is this him to be like 'told you its not safe'? omg istg if it is.
awww wait this is like the story of how her parents met. that's cute.
jacks??? JACKS??? JACKS!!! sorry but who tf is evangeline i only know little fox.
omg memories from the hollow i'm going to cry.
jacks you're so down bad i'm laughing out loud.
'you can call me archer' OH WE ARE SO BACK ALEXA PLAY THE ARCHER.
'or i'll toss you off this bridge' help you can't lie anymore jacks i see right through you and your empty threats. you won't do shit.
okay but why is he training her? who's trying to kill her? or is he just paranoid? well obviously not if someone pushed her down a well. and this wouldn't be the first time she'd died. but even so give me names. tiberius? marisol? luc?
THE KNIFE!!! that whole scene was crazy but THE KNIFE!!!
... wait he's twenty? but evangeline's seventeen. what age are you considered an adult in the north? please help. (i know jacks is like a thousand or whatever but that's different.)
OMG IT WAS APOLLO THAT PUSHED HER!!! not him specifically BUT STILL HIM!!! THAT BASTARD!!! AND HE'S TORTURING INNOCENT PEOPLE TO TAKE THE BLAME??? nah fuck this guy this ain't protective this is batshit insane.
okay nvm i think martine is just a maid. she's probably not marisol.
wait if she goes to the hollow will her memories come back because curses don't work there? idk if its a memory curse but that could be a shout... or i just want an excuse to go to the hollow again.
i thought i wasn't going to like aurora but ykw she's a girlie™
is the employer apollo? i know he arranged for her to be pushed down a well but this seems a bit dramatic. like is he okay?
shit the fortunas are gone that's big. OMG THIS WAS CHAOS WASN'T IT? or castor now ig. BUT HE WAS THE MONSTER FROM THE VALORY and its also strange we haven't seen him yet.
no don't kiss him eva; he's just stabbed a child.
I KNEW IT WAS CASTOR which probably wasn't too hard to figure out but i'm giving myself credit where i can.
so i'm going to need jacks to become human again by the end of this or i don't know what i'm going to do. give my man his humanity back.
TRUSTING BYRON OVER AURORA??? yeah sorry eva we're not agreeing on this one. girl code says never trust a guy over a girl.
THIS IS WHAT I SAID NEVER TRUST A MAN FOR FUCKS SAKE. wait petra. oh well this has just got more interesting.
oh eva :(
JACKS!! FRIENDS DON'T STAB EACH OTHER!! although realistically chaos should have died long ago so that's just the universe righting itself. although by that logic evangeline should also be dead. but if chaos died when he was supposed to then she wouldn't have died so the universe owes her one.
oh nvm he's not dead.
are his eyes bloodshot because he cries blood? don't do this to me stephanie garber i'm fragile.
nvm the whole thing was aurora's fault. although ykw i don't even care, that's just gaslight gatekeep girlboss behaviour.
apollo. you and me are going to have words. you need a serious reality check.
LALA I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH THE BESTIES ARE BACK TOGETHER!!! eva, lala, aurora - girlie trio that's all i want.
'what's the point of having friends if they're not there to support your bad decisions?' after drinking way too much wine - they are so girlhood.
NOPE DON'T TRUST HIM THIS ISN'T JACKS WHEN HAS HE EVER USED THE NAME 'PET'. wait no no no no no no this is apollo. this must be what aurora gave him to make evangeline love him. HE'S PRETENDING TO BE JACKS!!!
nvm its not apollo. BUT IT STILL ISN'T JACKS.
aurora valor i love you so much.
the way aurora is the villain now and i still can't bring myself to hate her.
ohhh wait dane is dane valor. i thought the brother of aurora's that lala was in love with was castor. why are there so many valors i can't remember them all i was like who the hell is dane? but then why was there such a vibe between lala and castor...
see aurora isn't entirely evil (but even if she was, i'd still support her).
"ONLY A GIRL WHO WILL NEVER LOVE JACKS CAN SURVIVE THE KISS" that's so funny go donatella you absolute legend.
omg apollo can you actually go away. like i'm over this now.
'it is. its taking you.' AHAHAHA OMG GET FUCKED APOLLO
its over. i'm not ready. stephanie garber please write a fourth one. i don't need a plot or any conflict. a sitcom-esque fourth book with domestic evajacks. please. that's all i need. i'm so empty without it.
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It's bee i want everyone else to hear ur thots on incel frat boy diluc bc he is on my brain rn 😩
BEE BEE BEE!! FRAT BOY DILUC HEHE!! <33 i love u so ur asks get a free fast pass to the front of my drafts mwah!! apologies to the *looks at drafts* 26 other things i need to finish. frat boy luc my second most beloved... <33 hehe some headcanons btc!!!
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Diluc had never been big on a lot of things that came with being a key member of a frat house. things like binge drinking, getting as many girls as possible, or causing general issues. it wasn't really his scene.
there was one upside for him, however, with status comes power. with that he could do almost anything without consequence. not that he'd have to worry regardless with all of his money, his major being criminal law, and being a respected business owner... it was more or less an added layer of security.
he'd seen plenty of girls be wooed and then thrown out by his frat brothers and had even more girls falling at his feet for a chance but his romantic interests were elsewhere. they were with you.
Diluc was no less than absolutely enamoured by you. any word that came out of your mouth was gospel to him and when those pretty sentences were directed at him? they were to be worshipped.
you were all he wanted and he'd have you in due time. for now, he'd put forward poor attempts at wooing you the old fashion way with flowers and other gifts.
you'd find he'd always have something to give you. sometimes a small treat from the cafe and other times what looked to be a luxury accessory but regardless the source he'd never disclose the price. you needn't worry about that.
Diluc would have you come to every party his frat hosted just so he could have you strung along his arm all pretty. he liked showing you off and liked knowing you were just so trusting to get drunk in his, self-admittedly risky, presence.
he'd always warn you of when to slow down your drinking but would never really put in a major effort to stop you. you're an adult, after all. you can reap the consequences of your own actions in the form of a hangover and his rough hands along your drunk body.
he does try really hard not to touch you so harshly when you're so very inebriated but you're just too cute to resist. it's not his fault, he tells himself, you shouldn't be looking so dangerously sweet. he just had to have a taste of you; that was his way to get drunk.
regardless of what he does, Diluc will always have a nice breakfast, water, and ibuprofen ready for you in the morning. the very least he could do is relieve some of the pain in your head and pussy! <3
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 4 months
The Bluey Drama (even though I like the show)
As an adult who loves kids shows, I appreciate how Bluey is fun for both kids and adults and I can enjoy it a lot. It's an adorable and fun show and even though I still prefer the more nostalgic kids shows, I still enjoy Bluey because it keeps the simplicity of the 2000s-2010s shows that I grew up with. I'm only 21, so I am a young adult, and I repeat YOUNG adult! I also have trauma (and probably also neurodivergent but wasn't diagnosed) so I'm very happy that a kids show because popular enough with adults so that more people are accepting to people like me watching shows meant for preschoolers. However, there are some issues that popped up recently. For the longest time, fans have been really respectful of the show and sweet, but people are now taking things too far!
It's sad how Bluey and Nanalan' seemed like shows that kids, teens, and adults can love, but some people will easily ruin it for the kids and the normal adult fans. For one thing, shipping kids is freaking disturbing! Like, most of the drama is because grown adults were speculating on who Bluey's future partner is in a scene that showed her as an adult with a kid. WHY ARE WE HAVING A DEBATE OVER THAT? Like, even though it flashed forwards to when Bluey's older, she is still a kid in the majority of the show and it's really creepy that 30 something year olds are having a debate over who a 7 year old's future partner is. Also, people straight up ship her with Makenzie or Jean Luc and as I said before, shipping kids is freaking disturbing! Especially if you're an adult and you're obsessed with a 6 or 7 year olds being in a relationship. Even when parents think their kids have a crush at that age. it's weird! They're just LITTLE KIDS! Like, at this point you can't watch an enjoy the show without having a debate over who the father of the baby is. Now if you're like 20 and you're watching a show where most of the characters are teens and you see a couple on the show and you're like "Aw what a cute couple!" it's fine, but if you're old and you're debating over who the father of Bluey's future child is, then it's weird!
Also, weirdos in the fandom have made NSFW of Bluey, and I understand that it was mostly involving Bandit and it's fine as long as it's only adult characters. However, remember that there are still kids who enjoy the show and you don't want to ruin it for them like people ruined My Little Pony for the kids. Also, Bandit simps are not as bad as Bronies from what I remember, and I hope that the fandom will stay calm and not get out of hand. Like, the thing is that if adults get too weird with the fandom, it will soon drive the kids away and we won't realize how good the messages actually are in both shows. Both Bluey and My Little Pony actually tackle topics that other kids shows don't normally cover, and they deserve to be hyped over for that! It's okay to simp for Bandit and that attractive voice of his, but just remember that there are still children in the fandom too.
I really wish we could have nice things! Bluey wasn't the only show that weird adults were ruining, Nanalan almost got hit too. NANALAN! The puppet show with that "Who's that wonderful girl?" song meme! Yes, they had an episode with a little boy that Mona played with, a FRIEND and only a friend, and people got so angry because they thought Mona had a boyfriend. I'm sure if it was another girl, people wouldn't get so upset but because it was a boy, they automatically assumed "they're a couple" and people were commenting things like "Stay away from Mona!". I couldn't believe these comments! Me and a few other people were addressing how crazy these people were in the comments. Like, it's a kids show and it's fine for adults to enjoy it, just please don't get too upset over little issues.
Anyway, tell me your thoughts! I know there's a lot to talk about here.
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girlwholikestoread · 9 months
My least favorite to My favorite books I read in 2023
24. May The Best Man Win by Z.R. Ellor: I wanted to like this book so badly, I really did but this is probably the only book I read this year that I didn’t like. The story is about Jeremy Harkisis who is a transgender cheerleader and his ex-boyfriend Lukas who is the all-star football player; the two exes are both trying to earn the title of Homecoming King. Honestly I loved the idea of this story just wasn’t a fan of the direction. First I did like Jeremy for most of the book, honestly his attitude towards Lukas in the beginning of the book made me not want to root for them and he just seems so mean and selfish, I understand that was the point and usually I don’t mind reading about characters who are mean and selfish but learns their lesson at the end but, Jermey was just so unnecessary cruel to his friends despite all of them showing him support and kindness. I liked Lukas a lot and honestly he was the only reason I had any motivation to finish this book and I thought the ending was cute. Overall a big let down and Lukas deserve so much better.
23. Radiant Black, Vol. 3: Rogues’s Gallery: It was the first book I read this year because my brother insisted I read it. It was fine, I’m personally not a huge fan of the series but I think the story is pretty good. Overall I gave it 3 stars on GoodReads so not bad.
22. Blackwater by Jeannette Arroyo and Ren Graham: So this book was different…not in a bad way. I actually really liked this book but this went in a direction I did not expect. So the story about Tony Price who is a popular high school track star and a quiet boy named Eli Hirsch who has a chronic autoimmune disorder become unlikely friends. Seems like your standard romance, except it’s not. Eli has a special ability to see ghosts and most recently he’s been seeing a ghost of a fisherman, while that happens Tony gets bitten by a werewolf-like creator which turns him into one. The story was alright, I was a bit confused at times but I still mostly enjoyed it. The romance was also lacking. Tony and Eli have a few cute moments together but I wish there were more, and I wished there were more interactions between the side characters and the main character. Overall Loved the spooky art style, I would recommend this for Halloween.
21. The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta: I Devoured this book, I couldn’t put this down because I was so invested. The story is about our main character Micheal who throughout the book will grow up and start questioning his sexuality, gender expression, and his relationships. The story is formatted like a poem which I really liked. Seeing Micheal throughout his life from his adolescent years to his adult years, seeing him grow and form meaningful relationships was such a great reading experience. Overall beautifully written story, I hope Micheal and Kieran ended up together.
20. Husband Material by Alexis Hall: This book was great. I loved Boyfriend Material and immediately bought Husband Material once I finished the first book because I needed to know what was next for Luc and Oliver. This book did great continuing the story of all the couples from the first book, and showing that Luc and Oliver were made for each other. I especially liked Luc's shitty ex-boyfriend from college. I really wanted more information about that relationship and seeing Oliver stand up for his parents was so satisfying…but then the ending happened. Honestly I liked the ending, I thought it fit Luc and Oliver who always has an unconventional relationship so them deciding marriage isn’t for them makes sense, I just wasn’t a fan of the execution of them making that decision. Overall much like Sherk 2 perfect squeal.
19. The Princess and the Grilled Sandwich by Deya Muniz: This book is so fucking cute! I loved the characters, I loved the artstyle, I loved the cheese pun, I loved everything! This book is about Lady Camembert and how her before she passed wanted her to marry so she can get her inheritance and rights to her father kingdom, which could only be given to a man and he only had one daughter; she decided to disguise herself as a man and inherent everything but is forced to live a low-profile in order to not lose everything. However she breaks this rule and goes to a ball hosted by Princess Bri, they form a friendship and slowly start falling for each other; the only issue is that Bri believes that Camembert is a man. This story was cute, fun, engaging, and the ending was perfect! Overall I devoured this book like a grilled cheese sandwich.
18. Sorry Bro by Taleen Voskuni: This book was so good! This book is about Nareh who after ending her relationship with her boyfriend who, while wasn’t a bad person just wasn’t for her, decided she wants to explore her options dating with both men and women. During this she meets Erebuni and she becomes her wingwoman and helps her find a new guy or girl. However during this they both start following each other, with Nareh falling hard first. The book was great, it was a bit slow and I personally didn’t find her issues at work a compelling subplot but thought everything else great. I loved Erebuni and thought she was so sweet and understanding and like Nareh and her mom talk after she came out. Overall Sweet and Sapphic
17. I wish you all the best by Mason Deaver: This was the first book I read with a Non-Binary MC. We follow Ben De Backer who on Christmas day decides to come out to their parents as Non-Binary, this however doesn’t go as planned and they end up kicked out of their home on Christmas and have to call their estranged sister Hannah and her husband Thomas who they haven’t met yet. This leads to them having to live with her and start a new school where they meet Nathan Allan and start a friendship. This book made me cry a few times. Ben goes through a lot in a short period of time. Building a relationship with their sister, trying to make new friends, and figure out how they feel about their parents. This book is amazing and Ben and Nathan's relationship is so pure and it’s hard to find sweet innocent romantic connections in books nowadays but Ben and Nathan were so sweet. Overall this book felt like a hug on paper.
16. I’ll Be Home For Christmas by Mason Deaver: We loved a Christmas squeal! This takes place once Ben and Nathan have graduated and Nathan is attending college while Ben is taking time off school and living with roommates. Ben flys to Hannah house for Christmas Eve and plans to bring a surprise for Nathan by bringing his dog back home. Unfortunately their perfect gift plan ended up blowing up in their face when it snowed in and flights started being canceled. This short story is very sweet and does a great job showing us how Nathan and Ben are now. Ben’s determination to bring Nathan his beloved dog was so sweet and the ending was the perfect ending. Overall Ben and Nathan are a couple goals.
15. Ocean’s Echo by Everina Maxwell: I loved space adventures with a hint of romance, it’s one of my favorite combos. This book was written by the same author of Winter Orbit and it takes place in the same universe, however this isn’t a sequel since Kiem and Jainan aren’t mentioned and we have new main characters. In this book we follow Tennal, an absolut flirt who is constantly getting himself in trouble and Surit a Lieutenant who is very by-the-book. After Tennal gets himself in trouble yet again he’s forced to join the military where he meets Surit and they are forced to work together and forced to sync; and syncing is a type of merging of the minds. However Surit doesn’t want to sync because Tennal has made it clear he doesn’t want to be controlled. This leads to them coming up with a plan to get Tennal out of the military while keeping Surit rank. While this is happening they start slowing noticing a power struggle within the military. This book had me on the edge of my seats and I couldn’t stop listening, the romance wasn’t much which is fine because the overall plot was so intriguing it made up for the lack of romance. Overall Space politics are confusing but in a fun way.
14. Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall: This is the funniest book I read all year. Hands down. Boyfriend Material is about Luc O’Donnell who is the child of two retired rockstars and because of this he’s constantly in the spotlight and usually for all the wrong reasons. Wanting to clear his image he needs to find a perfect boyfriend, which he does with a successful educated man named Oliver Blackwood. They enter a fake dating situation which benefits them both. Luc and Oliver's relationship moved along so naturally and Luc is so funny. All the side characters were great too and while I knew what the ending was gonna be I was still surprised on how it ended. Overall UK comedy is undefeated.
13. She Gets the Girl by Racheal Lippincott, Alyson Derrick: Sapphic slow-burns are perfect for the summer. In this story we follow Alex Blackwood who has lots of issues both in her family and her dating life and Molly who has a close relationship with her family but never had a real date or relationship. The two are polar opposites but come together to help each other out, Alex helps Molly get with her long time crush Cora Myers and it helps Alex prove to her ex that she’s a better person. Molly and Alex are so cute together, Alex encouraging Molly to come out of her shell was really sweet, and I related to Molly a lot. Overall Sweet, Sapphic, and I want to learn how to roller skate
12. Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli: This book was so cute. In this we follow Imogen Scott who is a huge Ally and very involved in queer media. She visits her best friend Lili who’s thriving in college making new queer friends and everything is great…except Lili told a small lie saying that her and Imogen are ex’s and that Imogen is bi. Not wanting to make her friend seem like a liar she plays along, however while doing that she starts falling for Tessa, who is one of Lili's new friends. Imogen is such a sweetheart and one of my favorite main characters, The cover is also one of my favorites this year. Overall “I’m not homophobic, I’m an Ally”
11. A Mark on My Soul by Jordon Greene: This is the only book I read that didn’t have a happy ending. In this we follow Noah who decides to come out as gay to his friends, family, and publically online. When this happens he gets a message from a “secret admirer” which turns out to be his best friend Parker who’s in the closet. This book ripped my heart in half and ended up sobbing my eyes out. I already knew how Parker's story ended because I accidentally spoiled the ending for myself but despite that I grew so attached to Parker and wanted him to be happy. This book was a hard read for me but I loved it so much. Overall Parker deserves better!
10. The Long Run by James Acker: Ngl I almost DNF this book. I didn’t like the first 3 chapters and since I was listening to this book on audible I also wasn’t a big fan of Sandro’s VA, but chapter 4 is where I truly got invested and I’m so glad I keep reading because I ended up loving this book. In this story we follow Bash and Sandro, who are both finishing their last year of High School and after kissing at a Party they form a friendship. This is a true slowburn because even though they kissed in the beginning they stay mostly platonic and do “dude-bro” stuff. I also love that Bash never makes the fact he’s Bi a big deal, he just accepts that he fell for a guy and doesn’t care. Sandro and Bash are so cute together and I loved them so much. Overall Bash the Flash and the Italian Yeti are my OTP
9. Time Out by Sean Hayes, Todd Milliner, Carlyn Greenwald: I found out a lot of people don’t like this book and it honestly breaks my heart. In this we follow Barclay who's basically a sport legend in his school, at least he was until he decided to come out very publicly and the reception wasn’t what he was anticipating, because of this he leaves the Basketball team and help his friend Amy with school related politics where he also meets Christopher and together they help the voiceless have a voice. Barclay and Christopher's relationship is so sweet and wholesome I loved reading about them watching movies and kissing goodnight. I love non-sexual intimacy. Barclay is also great, he’s really kind and understanding given the circumstances of everything that happened to him. Overall everyone on GoodReads is wrong.
8. Snowflake Kisses by Jordon Greenee, Yayira Dzames: Skylar and Jacob are back! In this book we follow Skylar and Jacob who are spending their first Christmas together. Honestly this book is just vibes, no big conflicts, no third act breakup, no Jacbo’s dad, just pure sugary vibes. Seeing Skylar and Jacob have snowfighters, cuddle in the car, and get each other thoughtful gifts, everything was just so nice. Skylar's parents were also great and seeing them treat Jacob like family made my heart skip a beat. Plus I loved art. Yayira Dzames did an amazing job capturing the characters. Overall My favorite Christmas comic.
7. Iris Kelly Doesn’t Date by Ashley Herring Blake: Small confession, I wasn’t a big fan of Iris in the first two books (Delilah Green Doesn’t Care and Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail). However I ended up liking her a lot at the end of this book. In this we follow Iris who has given up on dating and sticking to casual hook-ups after her two failed relationships. Unfortunately for Iris who’s a romance author she suffered from writer's block and needed to find inspiration. We also follow Stevie, a struggling actress with anxiety issues trying to get her big break while helping her ex keep her community theater studio open. When Stevie finds herself in a web of lies her and Iris start a fake relationship, this helps Stevie prove to her friends that she doesn’t need her feeling protected and helps Iris find inspiration for her needed book; they of course start actually falling for each other. Iris and Stevie have amazing chemistry throughout the book and I loved how patient Iris is with Stevie when it comes to sex and intimacy. The consent checks and making sure they both enjoyed each other was so hot. Stevie such as sweetheart and I related to her when it comes to how she views sex and her anxiety and Iris is great too. Overall Stevie has my whole heart.
6. The Sun and Star: A Nico di Angelo Adventure by Rick Riordan, Mark Oshiro: Fun fact I didn’t read any Percy Jackson books before this but I liked this anyways. We follow Nico di Angelo the son of Hades and his boyfriend Will Solace the son of Apollo as they travel through the underworld to find their friend Bob who was left behind in Hades Realm. Despite not reading anything Percy Jackson related I loved his adventure, Nico and Will bounce off each other perfectly and I wish there were more books where the main couple are already together because seeing these boyfriends act like boyfriends made my heart flutter. It was such a fun ride from beginning to end and I enjoyed it so much. Overall I should read Percy Jackson.
5. The First to Die at the End by Adam Slivera: This book destroyed me…so 5 stars. This is a prequel of They Both Die at the End, in this book we follow the first ever Decker and see Death-Cast go live for the first time. In this we follow Orion Pagan who lost his parents young and suffers from a deadly heart condition and while he has big dreams for his future he doesn’t see himself living long enough to achieve those dreams and we also follow Valentino Prince who moves to New York with his twin sister to start his molding career, however that’s cut short when he gets the call at midnight. I cried like 4 times reading this book, it was amazing. All the side characters were great and I love multiple POV’s in books. Overall I need more Death-Cast books.
4. Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail by Ashley Herring Blake: Jordan Everwood is hands down my favorite character. This is the second book in the Bright Falls series and I couldn’t wait to read this one. We follow Astrid who just ended her engagement and is trying to focus on work, we also follow Jordan who helps her grandmother renovate her inn to avoid having to sell. After a not so great first interaction they find themselves working together to fix the inn for a reality tv show. As they work together they start to get to know each other and open up to each other about their family, relationships, and jobs. I loved Astrid in the first book and was so excited to see her story continue and I loved her and Jordan's connection. Overall “You deserve a destiny Jordan Everwood”.
3. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid: This book was so good! In this we follow Monique who has just been assigned to write the autobiography about famous Hollywood Icon Evelyn Hugo and her glamorous and scandalous life. Evelyn is probably the most complex character I’ve read this year, out of all the characters she felt the most human, she made mistakes and did things she regretted but also had moments of kindness and had to make really tough choices. I liked Monique however if I had to change anything I wish we focused on her more, but what we have is great. Overall I need this to be a movie.
2. Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo: This book has amazing writing, I stayed engaged the whole time and couldn’t stop listening. We follow Lily Hu who is a seventeen year old Chinese American living in ChinaTown. This story takes place in 1954 when the red-scare was a big threat for Chinese Americans. Due to this Lily faces many problems, her father may be deported, her friend group is changing, and she starts developing feelings for other women especially her friend Kath. She and Kath start going to an underground lesbian club called the Telegraph Club. This book was so good, I can barely put it into words. Overall Speechless
1. The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas: I loved this book! I knew this was gonna be number one because this was the only book I’ve ever dreamt about after reading. In this we follow Teo, a seventeen year old trans son of Quetzal who finds himself in a century old battle to the death. Teo has no training and is convinced he will not make it out alive. I adore everything about this book, the comedy, the characters, the world building, and the plot twist left me speechless. I cannot wait for part 2! Overall I already miss Teo, Niya, Sol, and Aurelio.
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tailsrevane · 2 years
[tv review] tng 6x07 “rascals” (1992)
this is one of those episodes that probably would’ve been just awful in earlier seasons, but by now they knew how to capitalize on the concept and the episode they wrung out of it was just delightful.
… for the most part. the odd one out here is clearly keiko, who i think it’s pretty obvious was only included because the writers wanted to include a married couple struggling with how to cope with the whole thing. and mercifully there was only a single scene of this, because i just thoroughly did not enjoy this part of the episode.
but for the most part, this was awesome. i loved all the little touches like jean luc trying to keep being the captain while everyone looks around visibly uncomfortable with the whole situation, and him later pretending riker was his father to trick the ferengi into letting them talk alone. their performance here was amazing, jonathan frakes especially seemed like he was having the most fun ever.
my favorite part of the episode though was probably ro trying to sulk about the whole thing and guinan just absolutely refusing to let her. it has echoes of how they became friends in the first place, and just feels really true to both characters. and ro being reluctant to turn back into an adult at the end was so cute!! i bet guinan is gonna wholesomely mommy domme her all the time offscreen now. a-rank
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ashleighssims · 3 years
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jetiisyandereclones · 2 years
The bad batch were stumped. They had just stepped out for some supplies after a mission, leaving omega on the ship.
They thought that she wouldn't be able to get into any trouble there. Aparently they were wrong.
There, Infront of them, were two babies.
Omega was sitting on the floor playing with them while they munched amd sucked on some rations.
Hunter spoke up.
'Omega, where did these two come from?'
'I don't know. I was in my room for a bit, came down and they were just there. Didn't want to let them go wandering so I kept them here' she chirped, unfazed by the occurence.
Wrecker picked them up.
'Awww, Hunter, they're so cute! Look at them, they're barely bigger than Lula!
He held both of the babies, twins it seemed, in one large arm.
Most would be scared to see someone this big with children so small, but Wrecker was well aware of his strength, and could be deceptively gentle when he wanted.
'I'm keeping them!'
They all, even Omega, looked at him as if he had grown a second head.
'Are you mad? We cant just steal someone's kids. Besides, what do you know about taking care of babies?' Crosshair drawled, spitting out his toothpick.
'Your one to talk. What about that pretty little console operator you and Luc are taking. You changed your mind about that?'
Crosshair glared at him.
'That's different.'
Wrecker pulled the babies in towards his chest, hugging them like he would his stuffie.
'She's an adult, for one. Second of all, she's actively endangering herself with her work. We dont know anything about these kids, or where they came from.'
'I know, that they were alone and crawled onto the ship all by themselves. It's the will of the force!'
'That's not how the force works, Wrecker' Tech chimed in, examining the children to see if he could find anything out.
'They seem to be in perfect health. No injuries, no signs of malnourishment. There is no evidence to beleive that these two have been abandoned. As such it can be concluded that there is someone looking for them'
'If they were sooo well looked after, why were they here, alone, huh?'
Tech sighed and Wrecker made another attempt at convincing Crosshair why he should keep the kids. Sounding like a big kid himself.
Through the bickering, something caught Hunters attention.
'Aziza, Azari? AZIZA, AZARI WHERE ARE YOU! Excuse me, have you seen two little kids, very young. Look exactly alike? No? No.
'Lads, I think I found the mother.' Hunter interjected.
They all made their way down the ramp, a pouting Wrecker holding one twin, while Crosshair had the other, having taken them (he couldnt tell if it was a boy or girl) away from Wrecker when he started to gesture wildly, disturbing the youngling.
Omega trotted on ahead, Hunter on her heels.
They rounded the corner, hoping to catch the frantic woman before she moved on.
'Excuse me,' Omega called out. The woman turned around. Hunter noticed that she looked tired. Run ragged and thin like she hadn't had any proper food or rest in a while.
This can't be their mother. Hunter thought to himself.
But sure enough, when Crosshair and Wrecker caught up to them, the woman ran right up to them, thanking them profusely. Giving both an unusually gentle Crosshair, and a completly stunned wrecker a kiss on the cheek as she took her children from them.
'Thank you! Thank you so much,' the woman faced her children. 'I was so scared. You know better than to run away like that.'
The children just babbled happily, reaching up to grab their mothers long hair.
'I'm truly grateful, I swear I didnt leave them alone. I was on my break and had been carrying them all day, I just put them down for one minute and they were gone....'
The others took in her explanation but wrecker was stunned.
Even though she looked absolutly exhausted and sunken, she was so pretty.
Tall and with long hair, she looked strong too. Wrecker supposed she would be, carrying those two around all day.
He managed to clear his throat.
'Uhh, well it was nothing, really. Just, wanted to make sure they found their parents and all that. Speaking of, where's the dad. Is he around?'
The Batch collectivly arched their eyebrows at Wreckers less than subtle attempts to figure out if the tall woman was single. But she didnt seem to notice.
'That leach? He's long gone. Probably at a casino on Corellia with all my money and my ship, the bastard.'
'You're, alone? With two children?' Tech inquired.
'Theres no one else, no.' She said, with a resigned sigh.
'That fucker' Crosshair hissed, taking an unusual liking to the woman. There wasnt a single universe where he could see himself abandoning Luc or their Saraad and future younglings.
This woman was having a rough time of things. He could clearly see she was giving up on her own health in favour of her children's, who appeared to be in perfect health and pristine condition, chubby and bubbly and happy, at the expense of their mother.
He respected that.
'You dont have to tell me that. Look, I, have have to get back to work. But here,' she pulled out some credits,' its not much, but, as thanks'
Crosshair gently declined on the Batch's behalf, closing her fist back around the money.
'That's not nessesary. Where do you work? Wrecker can walk you back while we unload the supplies'
Y/N looked to the large clone.
A good name for him, but she didnt get a feeling that they were trying to cheat her.
'Uhh, I work at a catering place, not far from here'
'Alright, let's go' wrecker said excitedly. He'd remember to thank Crosshair for this later on.
He almost pulled the poor woman off her feet in his excitement, taking her hand and leading her out onto the street once she had situated her two children back in their sling.
'Looks like we'll be taking them back with us after all' Hunter commented, seeing plain as day that Wrecker had been taken by this woman.
Crosshair approached Hunter.
'If she is coming back with us, can I suggest a little... welcome home gift?'
Hunter looked at the sniper, his eyes sharp, with a cold excitment in them. Hunter knew that look. His brothers trigger finger was itching again.
'You want to go after her ex?'
'I want to go after her ex' Crosshair confirmed.
Hunter gave him a sly smirk
'I suppose its only right that we get her money and ship back to her. Whatever corpse they may be from. Just keep it clean. Do not let her know'
Crosshair nodded. He'd wait untill the woman and her twins were settled in before taking off with Luc. Maybe they'd stop by to see their Saraad while he was at it. In fact, Crosshair had the feeling that their beloved would be with them very soon.
Y/N liked Wrecker.
She knew better than to beleive in love at first sight, but he was just so...perfect.
He was funny and sweet and gentle and caring, and he was good with her twins.
She watched him happily listen to Aziza's babbling, and laugh as Azari pulled his large thumb into his mouth, waving Y/N off good naturedly when she tried to hurriedly explain that he was just at that age where all new things go into his mouth, and he must have locked onto the armour on his hand.
Her ex would have pulled away from the child in digust.
Y/N also couldnt help but notice how big he was. Strong and broad all over. She may have been a mother down on her luck but she was still a woman, dammit. And Wrecker looked like he could keep a woman happy.
He was everything she had thought her ex was. Everything he pretended to be. Except Wrecker was real.
They talked about what she did.
The clone was a big boy, he had an obvious love for food. She was the same, having once had ample opportunities to sample and prepare all kinds of cuisine from all over the galaxy.
He'd ask her about what she made, what she liked to do best, what she did with her kids during the day (the man was shook when he found out she just carried them all day while working) and gave her the cutest love struck face as she described being able to set food on fire to cook it.
In return he explained that he and his brothers and all the clones, were packing it in and trying to establish a home on kamino, since the war was pretty much over. That he and his squad, plus their sister, ran supply runs and the occasional rescue mission, pulling any remaining clones who still found themselves stuck in conflict or POW camps, out of their situation, and taking them back to Kamino.
He also, as it turned out, had an absolute love for explosions, the pyromaniac. She didnt know how he managed to fit his absolute love for chaos and fire and destruction, in with his completly adoring personality.
Y/N could see he was a very loving man, talking fondly of his brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and friends with admiration and affection.
He would make a good father, Y/N thought. Absent mindedly, as she allowed herself a brief daydream where she had found him, instead of her ex. They had a big family and he took care of her like she secretly craved.
She was so consumed by her daydream that she almost walked straight past her workplace.
She only snapped out of it when she heard the greasy sound of her boss's voice calling her name.
Y/N ducked her head, not looking at her boss.
Wrecker didnt like how this man was speaking to Y/N. Not one little bit. He stepped up behind her, putting his arm around her shoulder.
'She was jus-'
'So THATS what you we're doing huh?
You know, I took a considerable risk, hiring you. No qualifications, I saw, but hey, I took you on anyway, out of the goodness of my heart. And when your man up and left you and you had to start bringing your runts with you, I turned a blind eye. And THIS is how you thank me? Sneaking off for a booty call? Disgusting.
You know what? I dont need that in my buisness. Dont bother clocking back in. Your fired.'
The man slammed the door, leaving a floored Wrecker and shaking Y/N out on the curb.
'What an asshole. You worked for that guy Y/N?
Oh shit Y/N!'
Wrecker hadn't noticed her shaking turning into tears, before her legs gave out. Now she was half collapsed, Wrecker lowering them down to the ground.
'Dont cry, Y/N. Its gonna be alright. Your going to be fine'
'No it's not! I needed that job, without the pay, I'll lose everything!'
It dawned on wrecker. This was his chance.
'You dont have to, Y/N. You could come back with us to Kamino. Stay with ME there. I'll take care of you, you'll see. You wont ever have to deal with guys like that, or your ex ever again! I promise.'
Y/N buried her face in his chest, hugging him and trapping her two kids between them.
'You mean it?'
Wrecker gently pried her away from his chest and tilted her head back, so she could see the truth on his face.
'Yeah. Come with me, Y/N. I'll take care of you, I promise.'
And, despite all known logic telling her to run, Y/N nodded, allowing the large clone to pick her and her children up and carry them away from life as she knew it.
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lynnthefrenchtoast · 3 years
🌱lynn's thomaluc hc
cr: Leaf_19
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you cannot tell me diluc, kaeya, jean & thoma were not childhood friends. i simply will not hear it.
yk how kaeya was taken in by the Raginvindr family?? so at first it was just thoma, jean & luc then kae joined
and immediately he realized 'oh. the blonde one likes my brother.'
thoma in genshin is so frckn flawless like he cooks and cleans and knits and is kind to animals and isnt misogynistic and-
but everyone is a kid once, right???
i feel like thoma crushed on luc bc luc was a good person (raised well by master crepus🙂) and thats why thoma is such a good person now
he had a role model eheee
i dont ship jeanluc but the idea of the adults shipping jean and diluc and thoma mildly being like ':(('- PLEASE
kae would comfort him and theyd always have secret meetups to discuss how to make diluc fall for thoma
...but diluc notices this and starts thinking thoma has a crush on his brother
also the Mondstadt Archon Quests compared to the Inazuma ones are rlly lighthearted?? like in Inazuma you fight a war and multiple ppl die-
in Mond,,, you save a dragon and meet a lazy God who likes music
so i have a feeling thoma's shift to inazuma was rlly bad.
like he came from a fairytale land and suddenly boom war vision hunt decree a tyrannic archon
he came from the City of Freedom to the opposite of freedom
but i feel like diluc would understand. he came from a fairytale life to losing his father, brother, and future as a knight all in one day
so they confide in each other
they also reminisce on their childhood and one day kaeyas there too so he casually goes;
"oh yeah and you liked diluc so-"
"you what."
"wait you didnt know?" *turns to thoma* "you didnt tell him?"
yk when your middle school crush never actually does anything wrong to you so you dont rlly get over them you keep a fond place in your heart for their memories?? YES THATS THOMA FOR DILUC
since theyre childhood friends theres also not much awkwardness- i mean youve seen each other with missing teeth what more is there to see
i love childhood friends ok bc you skip the awkard talking stage and you have no fear for the future bc your whole life has already been written intrinsically with theirs
i also think thoma is close to both diluc and kaeya so hearing that those two are on bad terms made his heart hurt a little
after their confession thoma definitely admits hes been in love with diluc since they were kids and it was not just a "childhood crush" like kaeya made it sound like
ever since thoma visited home theres been dogs crowding around Dawn Winery bc thoma keeps going to dilucs work and feeding the pups
the maids love him bc he basically does their job for them and luc always chides him like "why are you cleaning the winery youre here for vacation!"
also since growing up diluc has def gone from :D!! to >:(.
but yk how when you meet smn from a long time ago you automatically reboot yourself to be a little bit more like how you used to be?
i feel like diluc becomes a bit more :) when talking to thoma bc all thoma has ever known of him was :D!!
the difference is still stark but ykyk
and thoma started wailing
"Come now Diluc, why the sour face? You used to smile so cute as young lad. Right, Thoma?"
"I guess so."
"Oh?" Is that insinuation I'm no longer attractive? "I'm hurt."
AND NOW THOMAS LIKE 😀 BC HE DOESNT KNOW WHETHER TO DENY AND BE LIKE 'no i do think youre attractive' and then get teased abt it
not say anything and be rude and let diluc feel bad
istg pls be kind to these two
this ship has my heart but content is so hard to find of it smh,,, anyway if you want to see more of my content!! ;
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breezymichelle99 · 3 years
2AM | Pierre Luc Dubois
Summary: You fight with Pierre Luc before a game. There had been too much stress with playoffs lately that he doesn’t realize he’s being an ass. but he finds a way to make it up to you. 
Warnings: angst, cursing, couple fighting, Relationship struggles, Crying, I'm sorrys, Female recieveing, sort of Hand Job, domish PLD, dirty talk, Threat of Orgasm Denial, Sweet PLD, (not really a warning lol.) 
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You and Pierre Luc had been together for 2 ½ years. You'd been with him through his struggles with Columbus and through being traded to Winnipeg. You'd follow him anywhere. And he had never been more grateful to have you by his side through it all. But with the Jets making it into the Stanley Cup Playoffs the pressure had never been greater for the team or for Pierre. 
And your relationship was beginning to feel the stress of the season. Pierre had been extremely short with you lately and you were beginning to lose your patients with him. He was leaving for the arena, and usually you'd be drooling all over his pregame look but the two of you had been fighting all morning and you weren't In the mood to find him even remotely attractive right now.
But no matter how upset you were with him you still wanted to tell him you loved him and to have a good game, so you swallowed your pride and did so. He looked at you with sad eyes. Surprised by your words. "I love you Pierre Luc, please have a good game." You whisper. He kissed your forehead but said nothing in return, leaving you in silence. 
"Ughhhhh why was he so god damn frustrating." You slammed your fist onto the counter. You hated fighting with him because you were both so stubborn that it took forever for either one to give up and apologize and usually it was you because you couldn't stand it. You went to the bedroom to change before heading to the arena, to show your support for your boyfriend regardless of how mad you were at him. You threw on your "13 Dubois" jersey with black Jeans and cute booties, grabbed your bag, and headed out.
You got to the rink and walked down towards the ice hoping that getting around his teammates would have changed his attitude but it didn't. LB, the Jets goalie skated over towards you and began chatting with you. You thought nothing of it as you laughed at his jokes, touching his arm gently as he told you something Hilarious that Pierre had said to him earlier that day.. You stop laughing when you see the death glare you were getting from Pierre. A whistle blew in the distance, LB said goodbye, you shouted have a good game and then you were greeted by one angry PLD. “What the Fuck was that?” he shouts at you making a scene. “What was what? I was talking to YOUR teammate about YOU!!!!.” you shout back. “It’s not like I was making out with him or something like Jesus Christ, maybe if you wouldn’t have slammed the door in my face when you left tonight, and talked to me like an adult , then I wouldn’t have to talk to someone else.” you yell..eyes from around the arena gravitating towards you two. “So now this is my fault?...” you interrupt him, “You are acting like I was standing out there on the ice kissing him, YOU are my boyfriend Pierre, even if you are acting like a jackass right now you still are the love of my life. I'm not going to sit here and have you talk to me like this, I'll be at home when you decide you wanna grow up.” you shout at him once more as you head out of the arena. 
“Babe.” you hear him call to you but you just keep making your way out of the arena before you cause an even bigger scene. “Dubois.” you hear the coach yell at him, you look back to see him watching you leave the arena. You get back to your car and you sit there behind the steering wheel for a few minutes trying to catch your breath, tears welling up in your eyes. You loved that man, so fucking much. Like if you didn’t you wouldn’t have uprooted your life in Columbus to follow him here. You understood there would be difficult times, and things wouldn’t always be fun but it seems like lately you hated each other more than you loved each other and that wasn’t something you were proud of. 
You got home and you threw your purse onto the counter, stomping up stairs to remove your shoes and jeans. Crawling into bed at 7pm because you were just sad and upset and you didn’t want to be in this stupid fight with Pierre anymore. As you laid there in bed in his jersey you thought about how you two never use to fight, ever…how you always use to communicate with each other, and when you didn’t agree you worked it out, it just seemed lately that everything was a fight and you knew it was because of the high pressure of the season but you HATED it! 
You pulled Pierre’s pillow from his side of the bed into your chest, quietly sobbing. How did you get here, alone in bed crying instead of cheering wildly at the playoff game. You fell asleep in tears not even bothering to turn on the game or care if they won or lost because at this point Jets Hockey was ruining your relationship and you were not a fan. 
Pierre played like crap. He hated when you were mad at him, and maybe you were right if he stopped acting like an asshole and like everything was always your fault, Maybe he wouldn’t have found himself in this position; down by a goal and you nowhere to be found. You were the best girl he had ever known; you always rolled with the punches and you never ever gave up on him, and you loved him; always. You followed him to Winnipeg without question, took care of him when he got injured right after being traded, had his back when no one else did but for some reason he continued to feel the need to push you away when things got stressful for him. He knew he fucked up today, he knew it deep down in his soul and he also knew he deserved to play like shit tonight even if it was costing his team. 
The buzzer sounded at the end of the 3rd period; the Jets losing. Pierre slammed his fist against the wall as he skated off the ice into the tunnel.  He headed in but did not change. The rest of his teammates headed for home and he headed back onto the ice. He needed to clear his head before he went home. It was almost 1am before someone from the arena staff came out and told him he needed to go home. He hadn’t realized the time. “I'm sorry.” he says, grabbing his gear and heading back into the locker room. He took a quick shower, and turned out the locker room lights as he headed for home. He tried to call you but there was no answer. If you were mad at him before you were probably really mad at him now, thinking he wasn’t coming home. 
When he got home all the lights were off and you were nowhere to be found. He saw your purse thrown on the counter and knew you must be here somewhere. He left his bag by the door along with his shoes. He hung his suit coat on the back of the chair and he headed up to the bedroom, where he found you sound asleep in his jersey. The Dim light from the tv glowing in the background. He smiled. He turned off the tv and climbed into bed with you, wrapping his arms around you tight and kissing slowly on your neck. He hears you begin to wake up. “I'm mad at you.” you groan quietly. You hear him chuckle as you finally open your eyes to look at him. 
You look over at the clock on the bedside table. 2AM. “Did you just get home?” you ask him as you rollover in his arms looking into his gorgeous eyes. He smiles half heartedly. “Yeah, I worked out after the game. I needed to clear my head.” he says with a loud sigh. There was a long silence before he began to speak again. “I'm sorry.” he admits. His long fingers tracing over your cheek. You melt into his touch. 
He notices that you’ve been crying. Fucking idiot. He thinks to himself. “Pierre…” you pause because he stops you with a long passionate kiss, slowly he pulls his lips from yours as he begins to speak again. “I'm sorry.” he repeats. “I was a complete asshole, not just at the arena but this morning too. I've been under a lot of stress lately with playoffs and not producing as much for the team as I should be and I took everything out on you and I fucked up. You are my world, babe. Literally. I love you so fucking much and you deserve a better boyfriend then you’ve been getting lately and I promise to get my shit together. I fucking swear because I can’t lose you.” his eyes are staring at you so lovingly and so sadly that you felt bad for leaving him at the arena tonight. 
“You will never lose me baby.” you whisper, running your hand over his cheek as he looks down at you.. “I know it’s been tough lately, I know you’ve been struggling but you can NOT shut me out! I love you, Pierre alright, no matter what.. Even when you're acting like an ass, which by the way you should apologize to LB he was just being nice to me.” you say with a smile. “I don’t want you to have to go through these things alone okay, just talk to me I've got your back, always. I’m sorry for yelling at you and I'm sorry that I make it tough for you to love me sometimes because I'm so stubborn, but I really just want what’s best for you..” your words trail off with a moan as Pierre’s kissing you again shutting you up. 
You feel his warm hands under your jersey attempting to pull it over your head but gives up momentarily to try another tactic. “Pierre.” you whisper quietly. “Come on babe, you can’t stay mad at me forever.” he whispers onto your skin as he slowly begins kissing down your thigh now. “Mmm, I can try.” you groan as you feel his long fingers hook under the elastic of your panties pulling them down and tossing them to the floor beside the bed. He is looking up at you from between your thighs now. “We’ll see about that.” he smirks as he licks his lips. 
He knew there was one sure fire way to get you to forgive him. Your hands fell into his curls as he licked a long strip from your clit to your entrance. “Ohhhh Piereeeeee.” you moan loudly pulling his curls between your fingers. You feel him smirk against you as his tongue continues to work. “Fuck baby, your so wet for me already.” he couldn’t help but smile knowing alll too well you couldn’t resist him. You moan his name once again as his thumb begins slowly stroking slow even circles over your clit. “Fuck Babe.” you call arching your hips into him. “GOD Pierre I'm…” without another word he’d make you cum.”Fuck you taste so good.” he moans savoring the taste of you on his tongue.  “Lean up.” he demands seconds later. You do as you're told. He practically rips his jersey off of your body, tossing it to the floor. His lips kissing up your body till he reaches your lips, your taste yourself and moan into his mouth.your hands grip his shoulders as you feel him on your thigh. You reach between your bodies. He groans loudly against your neck. 
“Mmm you want to be inside me don’t you baby.” you moan in his ear as you palm him between your bodies. “Yes, please baby, please.” he begs and you smile as your hand continues to work him. His head drops into the crook of your neck as he moans biting your collarbone. “Fuck please baby.” you smirk listening to him beg for you now. You bite his neck, sucking a deep purple bruise into his skin that you knew would get you in trouble in the morning. 
You wondered how long he’d let you make him beg before he’d had enough; turns out he wasn’t a very patient man. He grabbed wrist roughly, shoving it above your head. “Enough teasing.” he growls. Your eyes light up. “Or what?” you challenge him. There was silence for a minute as he thought about what your punishment would be for being such an insubordinate little brat… “baby girl if you don’t learn to behave I’ll have you right on the edge so many times with no sense of release you’ll be begging me to let you cum.” His voice was deep and dark and raspy and almost made you cum like a command. 
You swallowed hard. “I'm sorry.” you whimper. “What did you say?” he asks, eyes boring holes into your body, with how intense they were looking at you. “I'm sorry, sir.” you repeat your answer with a smirk. “That’s what I thought.” he says with a cocky grin that had you almost begging for him now. His long fingers teased your nipples as he paid you back for teasing him. “Mmm Baby.” you moan. “I want you Pierre.” you beg for him. “Say it again.” his voice is a growl on your skin. “I want you inside me, Pierre please.” you beg him again. He’s getting everything he wants as he listens to your words again and again as you repeat them.   
“As you wish baby.” he groans as you feel him deep inside of you in a second. “Fuckk.” you cry out as your hips collide with his rough and sloppy, both needy for each other. Your nails are digging deeper into his shoulder blades with every thrust. You wrap your legs around him pushing him deeper into you making you both moan out loud into the darkness of your bedroom. “I love how my cock feels so deep inside of you, how you take every inch of me so fucking well.” His words are dirty and sexy and for a moment you almost don’t recognize this Pierre but something about this commanding side of him, demanding every single inch of you had you falling even more in love with him.  
“Fuck Pierre, cum inside me please.” your words barely make it out of your mouth as you find yourself tightening around him. “Fuck baby, cum for me, cum all over my cock.” he growls fucking you harder into the mattress, the rythm of his hips was erratic and careless and despreate for you to cum. You toss your head back into the pillow as you scream his name as he fills you up. “Fuck baby.” he moans his head tossing back as his rythm slows and practically stills inside of you. Bodies hot and sweaty, breathing erratic and uneven. He lays there a few minutes savoring how he feels inside of you before he pulls out of you. You whine. He can’t help but smile. 
He leans down to kiss your forehead as you lay naked and satisfied in his bed. “I love you and I’m so sorry.” he says. You feel the bed move as he leaves it, returning a few minutes later with a towel to clean you up. You kiss him slowly as you get up, placing the towel in the hamper as you walk to the bathroom. You notice a set of your own deep purple hickeys on your neck and chest. Your fingers trace them gently. You clean up a bit more and slide on one of Pierre’s Winnipeg Jets T-shirts before returning to bed with him. You crawl into his arms, head on his chest. 
“I hate fighting with you.” you say looking up into his gorgeous eyes. He smiles. “Me too baby I really do. It sucks but it’s because we’re both so damn stubborn.” he chuckles. You knew he was right. You smile.   “True.” you sigh. “I know that things are stressful right now, and the last thing I want to do is add more stress.” you say, leaving soft kisses on his chest, his fingers running through your tangled hair. “I know babe. I need to learn to stop shutting you out and just talk to you about shit going on instead of just taking it out on you.” he pauses because he sees you smiling. “I mean you taking it out on me isn’t all bad.” you smirk. He leans down and captures your lips with his, his hand gently rubbing circles on your back. 
He stops kissing you. “I love you Pierre Luc Dubois. I hope you never ever forget that.” you whisper as you try not to yawn. It is well after 2 am now and the two of you have another busy day tomorrow. “I love you more my love, forever and always.” he whispers, leaving soft kisses in your hair. “Forever and always.” you quietly repeat as you fall asleep on his chest. He pulls you into his arms tighter, snuggling his body in with yours as he too would fall asleep. The future in Winnipeg looking very bright for you both. 
The end.
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only-martha-knows · 3 years
The Shadow Rising Thoughts!!!
Woo I finished the next one! This one really held my attention, as I didn't have any idea of what was going to happen in this one versus how I had some knowledge of the events of TDR. So that was great, I got some really good surprises. And I also am enjoying the (mostly) realistic development and reactions of the characters, and their increased agency as they stop relying on authority figures and start acting and causing events.
Spoilers below!
So the Perrin storyline with the Emond's Fielders: incredible. This is the one thing in this book I knew a bit about, but it still was so wonderful. Perrin is such a great character and his train of thought is so interesting, the way he wants Faile to stay behind in Tear or go somewhere else so she doesn't have to see him die, how he feels so deeply for the Tuatha'an who have been attacked, how he begins to take control and lead the Two Rivers even though he really hates it. I really actually enjoyed seeing him know so much more than most of the people from the Two Rivers, it was a GREAT way to contrast him from book one and the him of book four.
Every time I saw Tam I was elated! When he met Perrin again and Perrin accidentally implied that Rand was taver'en and Tam was like 👀? When he recognized the Aiel? It was so good.
Also is Luc related to Moiraine? Or did I mix him up with some other character who is that I haven't met yet? Don't answer that question.
The Faile/Perrin relationship. Hmm. I was very frustrated with them this whole book, even though it's all coming from miscommunication. Perrin's response to Berelain was calculated to make Faile want to break it off with him so that she wouldn't have to see him die, and this is an understandable motivation even if it is a bad choice of means. Obviously it fractured their (already combative) relationship, and seeing them fight and Faile being so smug, etc., was really, really hard to read.
I wanted to see the scene where they got together, because I feel like with how much they fought in book three, they had to have had some sort of conversation about this. But then, they are the same in TSR, still fighting, so I guess (as the barely adults they are) they didn't have that conversation, which caused so many problems. And the fact that they got married? I know people elope all the time but I myself could not imagine meeting someone, knowing them for at the most six months(?) and marrying them. So I was dissatisfied with that relationship, but Perrin as a character is very lovable.
Nynaeve and Elayne's storyline! Pretty good. My least favorite out of the three, but only because the other two ended in grand-scale battles that I was really emotionally invested in. I think I like Egeanin. She seems like someone who is learning the error of her ways and learning more so she doesn't make mistakes, which I appreciate. I was annoyed with Nynaeve for her (honestly understandable) distrust of Egeanin, because of the generalization of all Seanchan = bad. But honestly, she's kinda right. I was glad though, at the end, that they made up a little.
The Moghedien battle was incredible. My girl Nynaeve realizing she's just as powerful as a Forsaken???? And then also using brute force to win? Great.
I am nervous about Domon having to dispose of that really powerful tool that could bring down Rand. Is he actually going to be able to do it, or is it going to get stolen?? And also Domon and Thom recognizing each other was excellent. Every time Elayne pulled on Thom's mustaches though I was like ouch. Stop doing that Elayne. I know you did it when you were a cute kid, but it's a bit weird now.
THE RAND STORYLINE. Rand is my favorite character right now, I think, over second-place Mat. Rhuidean was amazing. I cannot believe that the Aiel and the Traveling People split from the same original group. And that the group that actually completely held to their oaths to the Aes Sedai and built Rhuidean died off. :( So the song that the Tuatha'an look for is the one that they sang before the Breaking in that one flashback?? That was SO cool that it actually existed, I thought it was a false belief.
Speaking of flashbacks, the glimpses of the Age of Legends were also super fun. World-building and sci-fi!!! And did I catch that there was someone of the race of the Green Man in some scenes?
When we got Mat's hanging, with the medallion and the spear, I was like AHHHHHHH because I've heard about it and I was waiting for it. And when he bought the hat I wrote in my book THE HAT because I've been waiting for that too. Now Mat looks like Mat. Except for the eye thing. I forgot about that...
I have two current theories that I don't have any spoilers on: one, Lord Gaebril, Morgase's lover, is actually Rahvin, based on hints Moghedien was giving, and two, Rand and Asmodean are going to be friends. I'd love it if Asmodean actually turned to the Light but I don't think that's going to happen.
I am surprised, because I thought that Mazrim Taim was Asmodean in disguise. But maybe he's a different Forsaken that I've forgotten, and I got it mixed up.
This book had a pretty epic conclusion, I love that they are all right after one another (which is how conclusions work, so I don't know why I'm surprised!). 9/10, only docked because of my sheer frustration with Faile/Perrin.
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