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Miraculous Main Character Ranking
Just like how I ranked the designs of superheroes for Miraculous Ladybug... now, I will be ranking the characters as a whole. Although design will be a small factor in some of this cases... it mostly has to do with the characters themselves this time. How enjoyable I think they are based on the show, its writting, the circumstances they have been put through, their purposes and, most importantly, my personal opinion.
Also, although i will be ranking this characters, I would like to say, before you guys read the ranking, that I don't actually hate any character here.
They are mostly victims of bad writting from Thomas Astruc, his team, and their lack of understanding on how teams interact with each other, and what interactions are okay and others not.
That's why I feel sympathy towards all of them. But, I understand if you don't.
These are characters from a show made for kid. Please, be respectful with my opinions, and I will be respectful with yours.
Also, if you are either a Marinette , Adrien, Felix or Chloe stan... please, don't look at my ranking, okay?
So, with nothing else to add... Let's begin!
(I hope I don't get destroyed for my opinions).
21- Socqueline Wang
... Can someone please explain me WHY she exists?
Socqueline is one of the characters that miraculous introduces later on for a specific reason, and then doesn't get used later.
However, out of all of these characters... Socqueline is the worst.
Although the idea of Marinette having a friend before Alya, but then moved away/got transferred is interesting, but they add her on SEASON 5!
She and Marinette were supposedly best buddies, and Socqueline was always there to "protect her from the irredeemable monster Chloe bwahhaaa", and yet, she doesn't visit Marinette ONCE in a period of 4 seasons?! Not a photo, not a mention... anything.
The worst part is how they try to make us fans believe that "she has always been here", like in episodes such as "Perfection" when she is added to the group of Kagami's friends.
But, besides "Jubilation" and even worse "Derision" her character has no purpose or impact to the story.
Marinette already has a group of female friends (Alya, Rose, Juleka, Mylene, Alix, Kagami, Zoe, and probably Sabrina on season 6) with badly developed relationships. Do we need one more girl on this mess?
I UNDERSTAND that she is supposed to be a reference to PV!Marinette, that Bridgette was just a name we, the fandom, gave her, and it was supposed to be fan-service, but... the way they made it makes no sense.
Socqueline could have been deleted from season 5 and it wouldn't have changed a thing.
A famous miraculous brazillian youtuber actually had an idea for the purpose the Socqueline could have had in season 5.
His idea (which I also enjoy) is that she, instead of Alya, should have been the one to use Tikki in the "Kwami's Choice" special.
Hawk Moth had already found out that she wasn't Ladybug in "Jubilation", she had no previous connections to Ladybug, and had the desire to be a hero.
This way, hero's choice could also expand on her as a character, explain why she hasn't spoken to Marinette in so long, her own fears and wished for the future...
And maybe... just MAYBE getting a crush on Kitty Noir as the new Ladybug, and, meeting Zoe later after losing the earrings, and getting attracted to her due to reasons she can't explain.
But no, she has the charisma and the importance of a cardboard. I am 75% sure that she will be forgotten in Season 6, and might be "replaced" by Sublime. Who knows.
As for her design... I feel like they did a good job in showing that Socqueline is PV!Marinete, while also making her unique enough in a way.
20- Felix Fathom
Although Socqueline is the most pointless... Felix is the worst character, definetely.
On his first episode, he lies, steals his cousin's phone, tries to ruin his friendship, tries to force Ladybug into kissing him, tries to make a deal with Hawkmoth, and steal's Gabriel's wedding ring... not a good start, right?
The episode's explanation, according to what some character's say, is that he is going through a rough phase because he hasn't been processing his father's death well, and that without his father's authority, he has been "out of control".
This will be important further on.
On his second episode, he is obsessed with finding Hawk Moth's identity, seeing it as a way to get what he wants. Then, again, he gives a wicked smile after he feels like he is winning.
On his third appearence, he uses Gabriel's wedding ring to CONTROL his cousin to agree with his plan, pretends to be Adrien, gets the Dog Miraculous, and uses it to give all the miraculous on the box to Gabriel...
Then, Season 5 arrives, and Felix erases the population of Earth, becomes an almost yandere for Kagami, and becomes a "good boy" because he is just misunderstood and Kagami's love fixed him. There is also the plot of his activism for Sentimonsters...
Do I need to explain myself on why I hate this character?
From the moment he appeared on screen, he has done nothing but caused chaos. And his cause of helping sentimonsters? Pretty hypocrite, considering how he controlled Adrien in "Risk", and tried to ruin his friendships in "Felix".
He is not a confused anti-hero with a noble cause in need of guidence... he is straight up a resentful villain who is unleashing his frustrations on others.
And all the chaos he caused is suddenly forgiven because of his redemption and his abusive father?
Also... where does this Abusive father came from? His debut implied that Colt's death was what bittered Felix's heart. And that he was the one to keep Felix in control.
It either means that the crew thinks that Colt's abusive behavior was good because it keep Felix in line, or that they came up with that last moment to give him a redemption.
I will be going with the latter, because, oh GOSH, the writers put all their effort into redeeming Felix this season.
This boy over here has committed crimes and the show pet him on the head. Meanwhile, school bullies get sent to live with their abusive parent.
His design is great. He is supposed to look just like Adrien, and he clearly looks more formal.
19- Lila Rossi
Lila is... a lot like Felix, actually. She is bitter, manipulative, and always want to have the upper hand.
However, unlike Felix, that the show refuses to portray as a villain, the show actually knows that Lila is bad.
Still... they literally had no idea of what to do with her and went of the rails with her "arc".
When 'Volpina" aired, Lila was just a liar who wanted popularity and came up with the weirdest stories possible to make herself look better.
The class was infatuated by her, which, made sense considering she was new and all.
Then, the whole Ladybug fiasco happened and she became Volpina. Then, on the end of the episode, the writers hinted at Lila returning eventually and becoming a bigger threat...
And she disappears... for a whole season to be precise.
I remember how the fandom was excited to see Lila in action on season 2. Since many were expecting Chloe to be redeemed (since we had no idea how the Queen bee arc would play like), many started to assume that Lila would be the one causing akumas this season.
Which, would have been interesting! We were so used to the formula of Chloe bullying other until they turned into supervillains, that it would be interesting seeing how Lila would operate.
But, she disappeared and only returned when she was needed on Heroes Day.
Then, season 3 arrived, and boy, things got bad quickly.
The class still adores her (to an unnatural degree, tbh), she gets away with all of her stunts, ruins Marinette's reputation, gets Kagami akumatized and makes a deal with Gabriel.
Lila's plot armor this season is WILD. She brags about everything she does, there is proof that she was a part of Heroes Day instead of travelling as she stated (the illusion, and, even if people assumed there was another akuma with this power, considering the event was televisioned, she must have appeared at least one), and she, a teenage girl, impresses Hawk Moth to the point of him wanting her as an ally...
And she never faces the consequences of her actions. Except Onichan.
Then, after all the chaos she caused in season 3... she is benched on season 4, only to return with an even stronger plot armor in the season finale.
Alya somehow believes on her, even is she knows Ladybug's identity and who the real best friend is; and Lila managed to make an alliance with Chloe. WITH CHLOE.
Chloe, the girl who couldn't stand Marinette or Kagami 5 centimeters near Adrien. This Chloe, who probably saw Lila flirting with Adrien already at least once, makes an alliance with her.
The explanation? Chloe can't remember Lila from how "irrevalant" she is.
... do you guys get what I am saying? She has insane levels of plot armor!
Season 5 is when the writers literally gave up on keeping her consistent.
Now, she is an unstable girl cutting photos with Marinette's face, getting Kagami (one of the few people that disliked her) on her side, puts a teenage girl on the position of a mayor, and, am I forgetting something... oh yeah! She is literally crazy, may not even be a teenage girl, and has multiple identities and mothers...
This character makes no sense, her escalation into a supervillain comes out of nowhere, and, the moments we EXPECT her to be a villain, she isn't, and only appears way later.
Considering how much the plot protects her, I don't doubt that it will take at least 6 more seasons to defeat her.
Lila's design in general is okay with the exception of the hair... what's up with her hair? Like, she has 3 "ponytails". Does anyone actually use this hair and I just don't know it?
18- Chloe Bourgeois
Behold, the most incosistent character on this whole show.
I like to say that "Chloe" is not a character. It's a title giving to many identical looking characters that swap places depending on what the plot explains.
The First Chloe is season 1 Chloe, who is your typical mean girl. She bullies other students, is superficial... but, she is mostly a harmless thing. She is just mean, and the akumas all go after her on the end of the episode.
The Second Chloe is the Chloe of episode "Malekdiktator". This Chloe is a sensitive and fragile. She just feels lonely and purposeless.
The Third Chloe is the sassy anti-hero Chloe. She helps Ladybug and Chat Noir as Queen Bee, and can act kindly from time to time. But, she will still be occasionally mean and insult your clothing.
The Fourth Chloe is season 4 Chloe, who is like the first Chloe, but instead of having some depth and realism to her... she is now just pure evil. She trapped Sabrina in her closet and treats Andre like a slave.
The Fifth Chloe is season 5!Chloe, who is a heartless monster that becomes a dictator as soon as she can, becomes Hawk Moth's ally, and incriminates others to get her way.
The writing keeps changing Chloe to what they need her to be. There is no progressive transition or any signs of an arc.
She is a plot point which the writers will never let go.
As for her design... it's pretty iconic, not gonna lie.
17- Kagami Tsurugi
Man, it hurts me putting Kagami this low on the list... but the writers ruined her character.
When Kagami was introduced, she wasn't much different from the majority of the secondary cast.
All we knew is that she came from a strict family and that she was a perfectionist. She is very hard on herself, and wants to make her mother proud.
But as time progressed, the show showed how fierce and determined she could be and that even people like Lila and Chloe could get in the way of the things she wanted (Sadly, most of the time, her goal is Adrien, not a prizer or anything).
Then, Ikari Gozen happened, and we finally saw a new side of Kagami. How lonely she felt, how awkward she could be out of her comfort zone, and that, although she had her issues with Marinette, she wanted to have her as a friend.
On Season 4, she stays mostly the same, although, I feel even more sympathy towards her because Adrien was such a bad boyfriend to her.
(Seriously, Adrien dating Kagami while still having feelings for Ladybug, and Marinette dating Luka while still having feeling for Adrien was a mess that the show never acknowledged).
Season 5, however... things go downhill for her.
Before, she used to be one of the few people to not fall for Lila's, due to her intelligence and strategic thinking. But, now, she is one of Lila's MAIN puppets for the season.
But the worst is probably the relationship with Felix.
Kagami, GIRL, that boy gave the most powerful artifacts in the universe to a Terrorist. He erased human life from the face of the planet. It's not because he saved you from his mother that it makes him a good person deep down!
Man, Kagami was such a confident queen in the past, who knew who to trust... and they turned her into this mess during season 5.
If I was to rank Season 3-4 Kagami, she would be way higher on the list.
But Feligami destroyed her reputation.
I have a few issues with her design. The hair looks weird, and... the damn uniform. A lot of people comment on how her uniform is because of japanese steryotypes and I hate it.
16- Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Okay, before starting my explanation, I would like to disclaim a few things first.
Marinette as character, seems to be constantly having a hard time.
She has the most powerful miraculous, Chat Noir indeed doesn't treat things as seriously as he should, she becomes the guardian way younger than she should, and she has to carry a lot of weight for a girl her age.
Just like we saw in Steven from Steven Universe, this kind of responsibility indeed can lead to an unstable mental health.
And there is also the fact that Marinette only acts the way she does, because Miraculous a whole isn't good at executing ideas.
BUT, even with all of this... it is still very hard to defend her actions.
At season 1, at least, she was mostly just a fangirl. She didn't have the healthies behavior around Adrien, but, she still had salvation. And let's not forget that she was punished (at least, to some degree) by the narrative when she did something wrong (like in "Bubbler", when Tikki reprehends the way she used the Lucky Charm to stop Chloe from kissing Adrien, or when her reckless behavior as Ladybug led to Lila's akumatization on "Volpina).
Season 2 Marinette starts to do some questionable things, like leading Luka on, and keeping Chat Noir in the dark about the Guardian. Although, to be fair, she only kept secrets from Chat Noir because of Fu. She should have insisted more, but, it's not the worst she has done.
Then, on Season 3, Marinette goes off the rails. We have Animaestro, where she joins forces with Chloe to break Kagami, and Adrien, becomes overly paranoid with the Lila situation to the point of being obsessive with proving she is a liar. There is the Wax museum scene...
Season 4 Marinette is where I am torn about. In one hand, yes, she leaves the 4 kids she was supposed to be babysitting with her grandfather to be with Adrien, keeps a lot of info from Chat Noir, makes a whole plan to invade a party at Adrien's house, gives Adrien a miraculous although it already failed, and her whole relationship with Luka.
But, on the other hand... the girl is having the worst time of her life. She is guarding a bunch of small gods as a teenage girl, can't trust anyone, has no mentor to help her figure things out or to vent too, and needs to keep "Chat Blanc" a secret so that Chat Noir doesn't get akumatized. And Hawk Moth fixed the Peacock and he is a more dangerous threat (well, in-universe, that is).
And there was some logic as to why she chose "Adrien" to wield the Dog in "Strikeback". He had no mark, she was under Risk's influence and so on... (the part where she says that Flaimidable is an official part of the team pisses me off, though, cause, Miss Hound debuted AN EPISODE BEFORE).
Season 5 is where her mental health is finally at the bottom, and, combined with the fact she seems to be going back and forth of who she wants to be with (Adrien, Chat Noir and Luka in a way), she does a lot of bad decisions.
However, there is a limit to how many things a bad mental health can excuse. She kind of manipulated Chat Noir's feelings to get him to kiss her.
However, to be honest, if Astruc learned his lesson on how he can't write Marinette like a Stalker and overly jealous girlfriend, and tried to improve her portrayal on the next seasons, I could TRY to forgive her...
But then, Sublimation came.
Even after all the fans complaints, the forced backstory in Derision to try to justify her behavior, and the promise of starting a new arc... Marinette ends up breaking a girl's prosthetic leg because of Adrien.
In the end, even if I can see the archetype they were going for when creating Marinette, girl, I can't defend you and your jealousy!
Seriously, some of the things you did probably can be considered crimes.
(If I am forgetting something, please comment on the post. I don't have energy to search ALL the questionable things Marinette did on the show).
Her design isn't bad, but... the pigtails are childish, and the outfit looks like a simple pajama. Since she is a fashion designer, I expected something more.
15- Nino Lahiffe
Man, Nino... what have the writers done to you?
Nino on season 1 was Adrien's best friend who tried to teach him how to relax and have fun.
He was this chill guy who dated Alya and spoke a lot of "dude". He was never the most profound character, but, he was quite sweet.
On season 2, during "Anansi", Nino shows how much he care for Alya and gets the turtle miraculous.
Then, he becomes basically irrelevant in season 3. It felt like the writers have no idea of what to do with him anymore.
Probably because, since Adrien has less runtime than Marinette, Nino get's basically zero focus, since the show only cares for him as Adrien's best friend and Alya's boyfriend.
If this wasn't bad enough on its own already,at season 4, Nino gets turned into a toxic boyfriend, revealing him and Rena Rouge's identity in a moment of rage.
Then, at season 5, he starts the whole idea of the resistance... and his plans are... questionable to say the least.
I honestly feel bad for Nino. The writers don't seem to care for him for who he is, and all of his arcs are dependant on other characters.
The show doesn't show his own inner struggles, ambitions, or his home life. Which makes him very shallow.
I know that Astruc once commented that Nino has an older brother who has disappeared and gave him the hat before going missing, and that's why Nino was sad when Chamaleon stole it.
But, they never done anything with it in the show which makes Nino's character empty.
I wish the show had treated him better, but man, "Rocketear" and "Illusion" really damaged his image.
Nino's design is solid. I think it shows his chill personality well.
14- Adrien Agreste
Just like with Marinette, I would like to disclaim a few things.
I know Adrien has a complex home life. I know that all the sheltering from his parents made him a bit socially awkward. I know that Chat Noir is the only way he can truly be himself. AND I KNOW THE SENTIMONSTER PLOT KEPT HIM FROM HAVING AN INTEREST ARC.
Season 1 Adrien is... pretty wishy-washy. Although he is "nice" and he cares for his friends... he doesn't do much. A lot of that has to do with the fact Gabriel barely lets him out of the Manor, but, it doesn't excuse things such as him being friends with Chloe, even after she bullies not only Marinette, but Juleka, Mylene, Rose, Kim, and, honestly, everyone at the class.
As Chat Noir... he is a good enough hero. Cataclysm here was still useful, and he had his moments. Although his recklessness caused a lot of problems for Ladybug from time to time, and he didn't learn anything with it.
And let's not forget that he lied he was dating Ladybug just so Theo wouldn't flirt with her. Some people headcanon this as him protecting Ladybug (who he though was a minor) from an adult.
But let's be fair, Theo is probably their age in-universe, and Chat just did it out of jealousy. Which, was a bit of a dick move, but, not the worst thing he pulled out.
On season 2 he started to get a bit annoying. As Adrien, he keeps finding ways of defending Chloe, and "lecturing" how people shouldn't be happy with her leaving which... I understand he feels bad about his first friend leaving Paris, but, he can't explain the rest of the class should feel bad about it.
Chloe has been straight up BULLYING AND TORTURING the class for years, and everyone there had a right to be happy.
As Chat Noir, his jealousy becomes a problem with his character. Yes, Ladybug isn't exactly a great partner all the time, but he could try to remain professional instead of pouting.
Season 3 cements Adrien's character as a bland cardboard. Sorry, but his way of dealing with Lila wasn't good either. Like, if Lila's lies was harmless, I would understand the "high road idea", but she was straight up taking advantage of everyone. Lila's situation could have ended badly if they didn't take any action.
He does seem to change his stance on her a bit during "Onichan" and "Ladybug", but, it only affects the plot on season 5.
Then, season 4 happens, and boy, it isn't good for his image.
First, his whole relationship with Kagami is a mess. He CLEARLY has feelings for Ladybug while he is dating her. Like, he considers causing an akumatization on lies just because he is bored and wants to see her.
The scene with the yellow rose meant nothing on the special if Adrien would pull up a stunt like that on the second episode of the season.
As Chat Noir, he becomes so whiny this season. Like yeah, I understand Ladybug could put more trust on him, but, at this point, he should expect some secrets.
Season 5, surprisingly, is when Adrien's character actually gets a bit interesting.
Now that he is crushing on Marinette, and not Ladybug, we see him taking initiative as Adrien instead of Chat Noir. Which actually gives him a bit of development and depth...
Sadly, what holds him back is the sentimonster plot.
Meanwhile, Chat Noir this season is pretty ignored and forgotten by the plot. So, nothing to say about him.
Summing up my thoughts about Adrien: it's not his fault the way he is, but, most of the time, he whines or throws jealous tantrums.
Adrien's design is not bad, but... it's plain. It isn't that fashionable for the son of a designer, and it doesn't show his personality either.
13- Marc Anciel
You might be wondering why Marc is on the half of the list of characters that I don't like... and it's because I don't like him, sorry.
Like, Reverser was an interesting episode. The akuma was creative, and, since Marc was a writer, it was a way for the fanfic writers fan to relate to him...
HOWEVER, Marc suffers from an issue. It isn't new to us that the miraculous writers are not the best in characterization, and sometimes, many characters can feel the same.
Marc feels like he is just a more friendly version with Nathaniel. And whenever he appears, he is WITH Nathaniel. And they act like a hivemind.
This makes Marc feels less like a character and more like an extension of Nathaniel.
He doesn't feel original, and the fact that he only has a prominent role in 3 episodes (one of which is Gabriel Agreste, where his role was a mess), doesn't make him any more interesting.
And the fact that he is a part of Mendeleeive's class doesn't help at all, considering everyone there barely has cameos, and I doubt the show's team sees the majoirty of them as actual characters.
Then, in Penalteam, someway somehow, even with how little emphasis he had through the show, he got a miraculous...
Seriously, the writers made Chloe evil only so that there was a spare miraculous for Marc? When Zoe could have gotten the rooster?
(I usually only keep Marc as the rooster holder in my AUs cause 1, I like the design, and 2, he is the only confirmed writer on the teen cast).
There is also the fact that Marc was inspired by a person that was allegedly friends with Astruc, and that Astruc allegedly treated badly. This kind of sours the character even more to me.
And last, but not least... I don't like the design. It isn't the outfit, I just think that his face and his hair don't mix well.
It's mostly due to the hair, I think, because I love the combo of his bone structure with his Rooster Bold hair.
I personally like @maddascanbe-blog 's take on marc, because they adjust the face shape and the hair to make a better combo.
But, before moving on to the next character, I would like to state that I don't judge anyone who likes Marc as a character.
Again, he is a character who writes, and the miraculous fandom is known for its large amount of fanfiction and rewrites. He is a shy character that is also slightly geeky.
I understand why people like Marc, @artzychic27 has a lot of stories expanding on the character and creating a bunch of interesting headcanons in the process.
It's just that the character doesn't work for me.
Still, I think he deserved better.
12- Kim Ature
Kim is a character that angers me a lot.
And not because of Derision. Far from it, actually.
Kim, from the start, had questionable behaviors that he could have learned from and improved. But, the show kinds of ignores his past mistakes.
He is very insensitive with the feelings of his friends, like how we saw in Stoneheart, where he is literally mocking Ivan, a boy that clearly has low self-stem, because he can't confess his feelings.
And "Timebreaker" reveals that he is known for pressuring his friends into dares that no one seems to enjoy. Reason why Alix dares him into a race to see if she can stop him.
He is not a jerk, nor a bully, but, he clearly lacks emotional intelligence.
Does the show does anything interesting with it? No, it doesn't. We never see him apologizing to Ivan, or trying to empathize with his classmates.
He doesn't have any arc and it's sad.
He is only higher on the list, because there are moments where Kim is actually enjoyable. And because I know he isn't a bad person.
Just wish the show actually tried to give him something.
His design fits him perfectly, and I can't imagine him any other way.
11- Alya Cesaire
I feel like the fandom has a weird view on Alya.
Most of the complaints I see is when people call her a bad friend and things like this.
However, I don't exactly see Alya as a bad friend. Her believing Lila is mostly due to bad writing. and, although she can be a bit pushy when it comes to Marinette's love life... literally the entire cast (but Zoe, as shown in Kwami's Choice) is.
My main problem with Alya is that she is not what the show tries to portray her as.
We are told that Alya is more of a serious reporter, or even a detective in the majority of cases.
But... she mostly seems like a fangirl, an amateur gossip reporter, or an influencer.
She is either after Ladybug's identity to post on her blog to get more views, making videos such as rankings, or taking unecessary risks to get some answers.
I know she is a teenager, and there aren't many teenagers in the real world who actually do serious investigative work, but, the problem is that the show tries to portray her in a more serious light.
But, besides helping Marinette with the Miracle Book in season 4, we don't see her doing anything else. We don't see her interrogating akuma victims to find a pattern, or trying to find Hawk Moth's identity with an investigative board... nothing.
If they embraced the more gossipy side, I think that she would be more interesting, but, since they don't, Alya ends up as just an annoying character to me.
Alya's design for me it's good. It's hard for me to imagine her any other way.
10- Ivan Bruel
From this point onwards, is where I start to find the characters interesting or even liking them.
Ivan, as a character, it's pretty interesting. He is sweet, insecure, has no friends, and, still, he seems to care so much about all his friends.
He is aware of his strengh, and, because of that, is afraid of hurting others.
Besides, he is such a cute boyfriend to Mylene, and is always trying to support her.
Astruc also confirmed that he has a hard home life, which, could lead to interesting episodes.
What holds him back is the lack of focus that he is given.
Besides Stoneheart, Horrificator, a bit of Mega Leech, and Penalteam, he doesn't do much, and just stands on the background.
He had the potential of being a fan favorite... but, the plot forgets his existence most of the time.
His design is simple, but, I kind of like it.
9- Mylene Harprele
Mylene, as a character, is interesting as well. I think that it's interesting how much she struggles with her fears, mostly because I struggle with mine as well.
And still, she manages to be an activist and fights for what she believes.
Sadly, she doesn't have much more going with her character.
Besides her sweetness, emphaty and insecurities, the show doesn't explore more about her.
They do have the plot of her interest in acting but... I think that her activism plot is more interesting.
Not that she can't be both, but, since we already have an actress on the main cast (Zoe), I think that they shouldn't overlap.
The web series 'Miraculous Secrets' on YouTube commented on Mylene wants to be a politician someday, and, I think that, if the show focused more on that, Mylene could get way more interesting.
Imagine if, instead of Marinette, Mylene was Class President? She would be forced to face her fears, doubts and Chloe to do so. It could be a great arc for her.
But, no, she only gets one or two uncreative episodes that try to teach about environmental awareness but fail badly.
And, although the fact that her mother left was only added to tarnish Chloe's image even more, they could have used it to explain where her phobias came from, and have an episode where she faces her traumas.
But no. The show just treats her as the "hippie girl" of the class.
As for her design, I don't have any complaints. I heard people talk about how her hair is cultural appropriation, but, since I am a white boy, I have no idea if it is or not.
If any black person would like to comment on the matter, I would gladly hear it.
8- Rose Lavillant
Rose, in general, is an interesting character.
Although she is very sweet and innocent, she is also very strong and dedicated.
And, even is she doesn't have many episodes where she has a prominent role, her minutes on the spotlight are very well utilized.
Either be her usual comments on the Love Square, her trying to cheer her friends up, and "Guilltrip" as a whole.
But, there is one BIG problem with her character... the "Toxic Positivity" she is always trying to force onto the other characters and the viewers.
As someone who grew up with Spongebob, and still uses toxic positivity nowadays as a copying mechanism... kids shouldn't be taught that. It isn't healthy.
And the show doesn't acknowledge that at any moment.
As for the design, I think it fits Rose perfectly. It matches how joyful and bubbly she is.
7- Luka Couffaine
Luka is a pretty chill guy. He usually is the group's therapist due to usually being the one with most experience and thoughtful.
Growing up without a father, and with Anarka being chaotic, he had to learn to be responsible and help himself and Juleka.
He is great at music and uses it to express himself and understand the world around him...
He is also very romantic, and know how to flirt.
He seems like the perfect Love Interest... which ends up making him a bit of an uninteresting character.
I understand why the fandom loves him, because, well, he is "perfect". But, that doesn't leave much room for him to grow.
We rarely saw Luka's inner conflicts or his struggles through the seasons.
Viperion, from his debut, is already great with his miraculous, and he never fails.
The times his powers fail is due to someone else's actions.
Season 5 brought an interesting arc for him. He found out about Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities, and, therefore, can't get akumatized. Because, if he does, Monarch wins.
But, after Migration, he is sent to Brazil and only returns at the season finale...
As for his design... I mean, it's okay. It kind of matches the character... BUT, I would like to comment on something.
During the big season 1 and 2 hiatus, where the fandom survived with the fan comics and the crumbs of information... some people created designs for Luka.
I don't know the artist because I only saw the comic on youtube, but, there was a design of him which he had a more circular face shape like Juleka, red highlights instead of cyan, and a more timid, but still playful behavior that was PERFECT!
Although Canon Luka is sufficient at his job... this fan comic Luka was so cool!
It's a shame I never found the artist...
All in all, I like Luka, but, he could have been more interesting.
6- Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Although I don't like Nathaniel as much as the fandom does, I do think he is interesting.
He is an art kid who enjoys fancomics and fanfiction. Pretty relatable in my opinion.
My main problem with Nathaniel is that the crew sometimes exagerrate with his sass.
Instead of being charismatically sassy (like Pearl on SU, for example), he feels more whiny from time to time.
Like, sometimes it can be a pain to see him in scream complaining or throwing a tantrum.
Still, he is not the worst character on the show.
As for his design... I don't like red on him. Like, we already have so many characters on red, like Marinette after she transforms, Marc, Kagami, Kim...
It's just a bit too much. After finding out he is actually a brunette, i was fully convinced they should have chosen another color for him.
Especially cause, although I love Caprikid's design, and it fits Nathaniel perfectly... the red doesn't look good.
Imagine him being Brunette with really dark hair as a civillian, and his turning black with white streaks after he transforms?
All in all, even if Nathaniel can be enjoyable in canon, he can also be a pain in the ass (and his behavior in "Reverser" was unacceptable).
5- Juleka Couffaine
Juleka is a character that I really like... mostly because of the Brazillian Dub.
In most countries, she is a character that jsut mumbles, and, most of the times I see the official accounts commenting on what she is trying to say... it's usually creepy. Like how people suggested that she once said that "Marinette should kidnap Kagami".
However, instead of just mumbling, Juleka actually speaks in Brazillian. Most of her lines are probably not what Astruc in mind, but, it makes her more interesting.
Brazillian!Juleka is, a lot of the times, a reluctant voice of reason. Like, in one episode, she suggested that Marinette should SPEAK with Kagami about her feelings for Adrien. Instead of any crazy plan.
Besides, I think that Juleka's arc is pretty interesting. She had to learn how to express herself, and stop people from stepping on her.
Although Crocoduel ended up being more about Lukanette's break up than Juleka, it shows us new sides of the character.
It shows how Juleka feels unfavored in comparison to Luka (specially by Jagged), how she doesn't want to disappoint her friends... and how she just want her parents to make peace and stop fighting.
It's a shame that the miraculous magically solved her self-stem, though, instead of being something more procedual.
Also, I hate how the tiger's power was basically the same as the cat, when the entire fandom wanted invisibility.
Still, Juleka had an arc on the show... which is more than I can say about the rest of the cast.
And, the design combines perfectly with her.
4- Max Kante
Max is miraculous best boy, and, no, you won't change my mind.
Max is pretty much the steryotype of the geeky nerd. He is great at math and objectivity, he is great at science, and can be a bit socially awkard from time to time.
Although he doesn't have an overarching story across the series, his hero choice was the one who made most sense in context. Unlike the other heroes who were mostly chosen due to being friends with Ladybug or Chat Noir and being related to the akuma, Max actually helped the heroes on the episode.
His relationship with his mother is also very cute, especially considering how badly Parent and children relationships are written in the show. It reminds me a bit about mine with my mother (although my relationship with my mother can be a bit more complex due to some reasons XD).
My biggest disappointment towards him, however, is that he was given the horse, and not the, I don't know, the RABBIT!
Like, out of all kids in class, he is the one who would probably understand about time travel. Imagine if he was the one safe watching the timeline?
I like to imagine Rabbit!Max as a Professor Paradox from Ben 10, of sorts, who appears only when necessary and knows what to do to keep the events on the rails.
It makes more sense for him to have this role than Alix. At least, in my opinion.
Besides, imagine episodes focused on Max learning how to deal with time annomalies inside of Burrow. Like a Rabbit!Max spin-off! Let me dream, guys, please.
As for his design, it is adorable. I love the suspenders.
I do have my complaints about his character, like, the circumstances for his two akumatizations are pretty... meh and two basic, and his friendship with Kim is too underutilized and explored by the show.
3- Alix Kudbel
Alix is such a fun character to watch. She is competitive, and has a bit of a short fuse, but, at the same time, she is also the one who tends to be the most reasonable on her friends' group.
She is sassy, but on the right measure, and has her moments of vulnerability. And, even if her relationship with her father isn't frequently shown, I think it's interesting that, even is she tends to be a bit rebellious... he supports her and trusts her.
My main problem with her is the choice of her miraculous...
Alix has always been a character that is straight to the point. She is brave, direct and confrontational... and they gave her a miraculous that forces her to be on the sidelines...
In my opinion, she should have been given either the Snake, the Tiger, the Ox, the Bee or the dog.
Due to her position as Bunnix, she doesn't appear as much as she should.
(Although, like with Max, maybe some episodes focused on her adventures inside of burrow could also solve this issue).
Her design is also very cool. It's pretty rebellious and sporty. Although, I don't like the shade of pink in her hair... like, it just doesn't clash well.
I also would like to thank my friend @natedogx15 , by making Alix a main character in his rewrite, he showed me how good Alix could actually be.
2- Zoe Lee
Okay, this character grew a lot in me as I rewatched season 4 and 5 (also the fact that the other characters got worse and worse in my eyes).
Although Zoe is usually seen as just Chloe's half-sister who became the next Queen Bee, she is much more than that.
She is a girl from an abusive family, who felt powerless on her own house, and lost herself in an attempt to fit in a world where she thought she had to belong...
Only to find out that she could be herself, because she would eventually find a place where people would like her for who she is.
I am making a bunch of analysis on Zoe's character, but, to sum it up, she isn't a bad character. It's just that the show hates her.
I would also recommend @nerdy-chocomallow analysis on her. It will surely help you guys have a new vision on her.
1- Sabrina Raincomprix
I am aware that this opinion is very unpopular among the fandom, and I kind of understand it.
She was Chloe's servant from seasons 1 to 4, and, even if she was treated badly... she still helped Chloe into torturing the rest of the class without visible remorse, only to suddenly few guilt in Season 5 and turn her back on Chloe and Lila...
But, just like the majority of Sabrina fans, I like Sabrina for 1, how much i relate to her, and 2, for all the headcanons that I created with her unused potential.
The old webseries commented on how, with the exception of Adrien, Sabrina has the best grades of the class.
You might ask yourself "What about Max?". I like to imagine that, although he is a prodigy at math and science... he isn't as good with subjective subjects. Like poetry.
As for Sabrina, I headcanon her as for being a jack of all trades. She isn't a master at science or Math like Max, but passionate and dedicated enough to get the top grades.
I also like to imagine Sabrina writes poems. She can't vent her feelings with words, so she does it via poems.
Also, as Penalteam shows, she loves soccer. I imagine she is a fan of sports in general, and uses them as a way to relieve stress.
Why she is so dedicated in general? Maybe it's a way to try to get her busy father's attention. Maybe it's so that she can fill the voide she feels due to her loneliness.
Sadly speaking, that's what those headcanons are. Headcanons.
If you guys want more Sabrina headcanons like this, i recommend @sabrina-central to get more info.
It's a shame that canon Sabrina didn't get more explored. Although I never had a toxic friendship on this level, I know the feeling of feeling alone, and that you will never find friends outside your current group. I know how it is to have a lot to say, but unable of externalizing it.
As for her design... I just think that the shorts are ugly. Like, the shade of cyan they chose doesn't fit the character at all.
Anyway, that was my ranking. If you disagree with me... I understand. Miraculous as whole doesn't have good writting, especially when it comes to the characters.
And I understand people excusing or defending a character because they can relate to them.
I just think it's important for us to be critical so we can learn from the mistakes the characters make.
#Youtube#miraculous#miraculous ladybug#marinette salt#adrien salt#thomas astruc salt#chloe salt#lila salt#felix salt
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You know what just hit me like a truck?
Marinette at the end of the Paris special traveled through several universes and in all of them Chat Noir was the partner by her side
In all besides ONE universe where Scarabella and Kitty Noire had the Ladybug and Black Cat.
The Paris special took place before episode 4, so way before the Kwami Choice two parter. I wonder how Marinette felt whne she realized (or at least in the theoretical case of her realizing) that at that point the one and only universe became their reality too where Chat isn't by her side at all and that she has made alot of active choices to heavily contribute for it to end up this way.
I mean, she too literally CHOSE to leave and she already wanted to do it before Plagg initiated his plan. That happened. No way around it.
I wished the show wouldn't just throw in such awfully heavy implications without paying it off. I was glad that Marinette having seen Kitty Noire in another time line explains why Marinette didn't think of worrying about if this new Black Cat truly is a good person and not a bad one who happened to get her hands on Plagg after Chat renounced (though Alya isn't off the hook for this. She didn't even care to ask for a HERO NAME. The non-existent security around the Black Cat Miraculous from the two leader girls at the top of the hierarchy is just insanely irresponsible. Literally ANYONE could infiltrate the team as Black Cat through Adrien's isolation and be welcomed with open arms as long as they aren't straight up announcing themselves as the villain)
But now having realized that Marinette saw that she and Chat Noir are a team in so MANY universes besides ONE and it's exactly THAT one which ends up coming true through alot of her own decisions no less?
That's harsh. That is such a harsh thing to simply throw in there and then do nothing with. As if that wouldn't be an extremely crushing realization for her to have.
Same as Adrien being kamikotized into Celestial Cat who looks way too much like Chat Blanc and they just... did nothing with that. Marinette had NO reaction to it whatsoever.
Both kamikotizations came with such heavy baggage, but they just did nothing with it. It's just THERE.
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Miraculous Pride Month 2024: Marinette and the Cat Girls

I've made an image about Marinette having a lovecrush-panic about Cat girls. 😳🐱
This happens in an AU:
Marinette a.k.a. Ladybug loves cats. But there is a lot of cats who make some trouble and confusion in her mind: she thinks about six Cat miraculous superheroines. that makes her heavily blushing. She is still hesitant between these Cats girls about confessing her love feelings to these people. She doesn't know how to choose who she could be in couple/date with. She doesn't have an idea of what Cat she could adopt.
The Cat Girls here:
1. Zoé Lee/Kitty Noire


Zoé has a crush on Marinette. Marinette knows her friend's confession but she doesn't know this girl is Kitty Noire.
2. Fei Wu/Hēisè de Māo (translation from chinese: the black cat)

Fei has given the role of Guardian of the Prodigious to her three friends from Shanghai for go to Paris for join Marinette.
3. Cerise Bianca-Lenoir/Alley Cat (from the Opposite AU(?))


It's Alley Cat with the design from my Opposite AU fanfic. I don't know if I must consider her as Cerise Bianca/Lila Rossi or the Cerise from the Opposite Universe. She has a crush Marinette but she is too shy.
4. Adrian Agreste (Fem!Adrien Agreste)/Pussy Noire (genderswapped Cat Noir)


In this AU, Adrien is born girl and her name Adrian. As Pussy Noire, She is the most frequent Cat partner who Ladybug works with. She is in love with Ladybug while Marinette/Ladybug is in love with Adrian (but it was initially).
5. Kagami Tsurugi/Kuro Neko (not the Cat-giant sentimonster ☝️)

Kagami enjoys to be free when she talks with Plagg and when she is Kuro Neko. She knows her friend Marinette is Ladybug. And Marinette knows Kagami is Kuro Neko.
6. Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Emonette from the Re-Verse)/Shady Noire

In this AU, the Supreme has given the Cat miraculous to Marinette. She redeems herself (like in the Paris special). After the Supreme's overthrown, she travels to the Ladybug's universe for visit her counterpart. The two girls know their identities each other (As Ladybug/Lady Noire for Marinette and Shady Noire for Emonette).
I would like to add Chloé and Alya as Cat Girls in the list but I didn't have any space enough for draw the two of them.
Happy Pride Month 2024 ! 🏳️🌈
Cerisette Alleynette post
Cerisette Cerinoire post
Zoenette sketches
#miraculous ladybug#miraculous au#cat girls#cat girls au#marinette dupain cheng#adrien agreste#cat noir#zoé lee#kitty noire#genderbend adrien#fei wu#cerise bianca#lila rossi/cerise#kagami tsurugi#shadybug#marichat#feinette#zoenette#cerisette#marigami#toxinette#pride month#lgbtqia#femslash#kwami swap
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What are your opinions on more „popular“ salt takes about Adrien and Mari, like the typical „Adrichat is an ass for for flirting with LB after she rejects him“ and „Maribug us a horrible stalker“?
Well, I'd be lying if I said that I have no idea where they're coming from. There are definitely times when I'll watch an episode and wonder what in the world the writers are trying to do, especially when it comes to Adrien's behavior as it's played a lot more straight than Marinette's. While I don't like her behavior at times, it's almost always treated as a joke, not a dramatic character beat whereas I cannot say the same for Adrien.
But these are characters in a TV show, not real people and we need to keep that in mind when judging them. It's why my go-to thought is "what is wrong with the writing staff" and not "Adrien is an incel." Because Adrien is very clearly not supposed to be an incel. Unless the writers are plotting something truly asinine, the Love Square is our end game couple. We are supposed to view Adrien as a charming and funny romantic lead. When he falls short of that role, it's not Adrien "showing his true colors." He's a fictional character. He has no true colors. If his actions and words are ever unbecoming for a romantic lead, it's because the writers are failing to write Adrien the way they want us to see him.
They consistently do this to all of the characters. Alya's supposed to be an awesome friend and a smart journalist (I think), but she can't see through Lila's BS. Marinette's parents are supposed to be loving and supportive, but they randomly believed that their daughter stole from their bakery to make a dress and didn't even try to let her explain herself. Nino is supposed to be the Chosen of Protection, but he didn't care to protect his best friend and just happily sent Gabriel on a rampage without a second thought.
Give me a character and I can point to a bunch of episodes that justify every salty take this fandom has because they're not pulling this stuff from thin air. They're picking and choosing the worst writing in the show and venting about it, which is frankly understandable. Like I get why there are so many Alya salt fics. Her writing in the Lila episodes is infuriating and I do find those fics a little cathartic at times. But it's really, really obvious that she's not supposed to be a terrible friend. She's a victim of the writers drawing the Lila plot line out for far too long and making Lila's lies far too obvious.
Similarly, a lot of the issues with Adrien and Marinette stem from the fact that you simply can't draw a romance plot out for five seasons without causing issues unless you make the romance a background plot. But they didn't do that. The love square is front and center for most episodes, but since it can't actually resolve, the writers keep adding drama that makes our leads feel horribly unhealthy.
On the Marinette side, her not being able to talk to Adrien was fine as an initial issue, but we are five seasons into this show. Over 100 episodes! You reach a point where it stops being cute and starts being concerning. It's also not helped by the fact that Marinette's crush is written like a celebrity crush and not a crush on someone she actually knows. Daily exposure to Adrien should mellow her out. Especially since he's supposed to be her friend! But if the writers let Marinette talk to Adrien, then they'd grow closer and might feel like they had to get together, so they couldn't let that. Thus Marinette being a disaster for four seasons and the terrible shoehorned plot to try and justify it in season five.
On the Adrien side, they let Chat Noir confess too soon. Prior to that, the Ladynoir relationship was a playful one where it was feasible that Ladybug just viewed her kitty as a massive flirt. This was especially true since he flirts with everyone. But once she knew that he was serious? The playfulness vanished and Chat Noir started coming across as entitled and pushy. It didn't help that they had him ignoring her preferences ("Don't call me Bugaboo") and getting them in trouble by not taking his job seriously (his flirting getting them hit in Oblivio).
In summary, the love square should have been resolved much sooner or been relegated to a b plot that got far less attention. I also would have reversed the square since it makes for a far more interesting story that you can organically draw out longer, but that's just me. I don't have any issue with people ignoring the canon problems and just writing Adrien and Marinette as the cute couple that they were obviously intended to be. I also enjoy fics that treat Adrien's pushiness as a character flaw that can be resolved because that's what canon should have done. His issues aren't the mark of a terrible person. They're the understandable flaws of a teenager who is in love for the first time and doesn't know how to express himself. If a show would actually address this kind of common tween/teen issue, then a lot of kids would get an incredibly valuable lesson that would help them when they grow up and fall in love. If you're ever watching Miraculous with a kid, I strongly encourage you to approach Adrien's character from that perspective. Talk about why his actions are understandable, but ultimately wrong and more likely to push someone away than win their heart just like we see with Ladybug.
#ml writing salt#ml writing critical#ml fandom salt#ml fandom critical#adrien deserves better#marinette deserves better#alya deserves better#This is what I mean when I say that I'm a character sugar blog and a writing salt blog#The issue is not the character concepts or the general story ideas#The issues all come from the execution#It's also why I am happy when shows only get a few seasons#I truly think we would have gotten a better story if Miraculous only had three seasons to work with
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nvm I won't shut up about this
IMAGINE FU GAVE LUKA THE LADYBUG MIRACULOUS INSTEAD !! maybe by accident ??? or MAYBE Luka was there when Master Fu was doing the test thingy for Marinette and he ran onto the road and saved Fu instead, before Marinette could even move a limb. So Fu's like oh, hmmmmm coz he's just come across the Perfect Ladybug and so he gives Luka the miraculous (obviously in a sneaky way like he does in canon)
But he's still like, but she would still be a good miraculous holder, so he does some test with Marinette again (but this time alone so nobody can mess it up again), and let's say that he actually does a similar test that he did with Adrien in canon for Marinette coz of that one Tumblr post I saw that goes into depth about how specific Adrien and Marinette's tests actually were and what they actually meant so that gives him a good reason to give her the Black Cat
And then the first Akumatisation happens, it's just Scarlet Bug and Kitty Noire, and they do good, they do amazingly, but Fu thinks there's something missing, coz they could have been better
Cue in Adrien proving loyalty somehow, like protecting his new friends from the Akuma instead of just fending for himself ?? (coz I feel like Sabrina's undying loyalty to Chloe despite what she did maybe probably had a part to play in why she ended up with the dog miraculous) and then Fu is like yes! that's what!
so he gives the Dog miraculous to Adrien (and idk something about the name Adrien just reminds me of a dog and I don't actually understand why, he just seems like he fits it)
and then we still have the same thing happen with Stoneheart where Ladybug Scarlet Bug didn't purify the Akuma so they have to fight Stoneheart again but this time with Flairmidable! (I'm gonna rethink this name)
And he's welcomed into the team with warm arms ! especially from Scarlet, but Kitty has her reservations coz with just that one battle she's already started crushing on Scarlet and thinks that Flair brings competition for her love (she's right) but she still welcomes him
They get the job done well, and they become a solid trio and no one says anything abt Adrien "joining" them late coz he's proved he's worthy of being there, he works well with them
#coralbabbles#this is actually becoming a full au in my head#I've still got sm more to say#luka couffaine#marinette dupain cheng#adrien agreste#lukadrienette#miraculous ladybug#miraculous au#mlb au#mlb
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I forgot the Miraculous Awakening movie was supposed to come out so now I’m gonna ramble about it (spoilers!):
The jumpscare of hearing Marinette sing in a completely different voice took me off guard
I’m loving actually seeing gabriel as a fashion designer and what his stuff looks like
Chloe sounds… very much not like Chloe and it’s off putting (idk if it’s a different voice actor, I’m not looking it up)
“Think you an I were meant to be” I love Alya
Emilie? This clearly in the movie??
Was that Luka I just saw next to Juleka? At school???
The black cat on the book!
Adrien looks so pretty in that shot
Are… are Nino and Adrien already friends??
Gabriel’s hair
The loss of Emilie seems to be a lot more recent/present than in the series
Ohhh it’s her birthday
The lore is very interesting in this, we’re getting a lot more that wasn’t there in the show
So the miraculous have a choice in this for their holders I guess
Fu is so funny
The moon!
Was… was the black cat a coincidence? How did it get there? I don’t think it was Plagg so what was that??
So the first akumatized victim is not a child this time
There’s a ladybug too? I’m so confused
“Who saves a life saves the world” interesting that it’s more prophecy-like
I keep forgetting this is a musical
I love the beats of the theme song though
Is- is Tikki rapping???
No transformation sequence?
So she’s aware it’s a musical?
Is the yo-yo sentient???
No Adrien and Plagg intro scene?
Adrien is so funny he’s so excited to be a hero
Pretty different ladynoir dynamic, cat noir’ not immediately smitten
“A she-ro” please no
She called him Kitty!
Now he’s smitten
“Like a dream in a dream” Adrien you have to work on your lyrics
But the moon
Fart jokes? Really?
Adrien going from she’s my side kick to she’s better than me in every way
Puss in boots
“I have nothing to lose” um your son??
Gabriel villain song kinda goes hard ngl
Is he making multiple villains? I’m so lost
Are they making Mr. Mime a real villain now? Not Mylene’s dad?
Also who is this pink haired lady?
“Dr. Love” Nino I love you but you’re so wrong
So Nino already has a crush on Alya and not Marinette
Aww Tom gets to hear Marinette call him the best
Only to immediately think she’s embarrassed by him
Nino losing his glasses on the ride is legit my biggest fear when going on rides
Transformation sequence!
Where did she actually transform though? She was just in the middle of the fair
They learned to work together fast
So I guess he doesn’t need to say the word cataclysm?
I love Ferris wheels rolling around scenes
Lmao Marinette really went I’ll save your life but you’re going in the dumpster
The timeline of this movie is very confusing, Nino is in love with Alya? But wasn’t it just the first day of school? Or was it just in the middle? When did Nino and Adrien meet? I have so many questions
Was the balloon thing a person? If not who created him and how?
Are we really getting all this adrienette development in a montage?? He told her about his mom, they went to the movies, they had a double date with Alya and Nino, and were barely getting it???
I love the glitter in Cat Noir’s mask
Ladynoir moment by the moon!
Marinette stood up to Chloe!
Adrien you cannot scare a person like that
The hearts in the balcony and the moon again!
I’m loving the visuals in this movie
“For the first time I feel truly free, it’s all thanks to you” my heart!
Ladynoir seems to be the main ship of the movie and I’m not mad about it
Oh my god their dance by the moon! I knew it was coming but I love it so much!
“How could I ever think she’d fall for me” Adrien stop she does love you she just doesn’t realize it’s you
Gabriel looks like shit and I’m glad to see it
I’m glad Adrien was able to stand up to him though
She actually managed to ask him out holy shit!
I mean I know it’s sad cause he rejected her but she actually managed to do it look at her!
I… did not think her shirt was a tank top this is so weird
Hawkmoth is akumatizing himself???
Careless Whisper again??? Are the writers ok??
Did they really need the takeout death?
The- the moth miraculous just… ate the ladybug miraculous???
I guess they don’t quite have cataclysm and lucky charm, their powers work a bit differently
Gabriel’s face at seeing Adrien, now you finally see what you’ve done you SOB
I’m glad they get to reconcile
So she can just… fix everything without a lucky charm??
Her dress is so pretty!
And she’s not wearing a mask!
The reveal in this is so interesting but pretty cute!
The way she took off his mask and put it on her was so freaking cute!
Really? Cut to the end right before the kiss??
So he does have Emilie in the basement?
Wait a minute I don’t think we ever got to see Chloe and Adrien interact in the movie lmao
The movie started a bit more cheesy and childish but overall they did a pretty good job of telling the story. The visuals were stunning, though the story was a bit rushed but they did a good job. There wasn’t quite enough time to develop the characters and their dynamics but they did the best they could with the time they had. The person who did Marinette’s singing voice was amazing, but I wish they found someone who sounded more like Marinette if they couldn’t use the same voice actress. The lore was a bit different but I kind of like it better than how much we started getting in later seasons, I just wish we got a bit more explanation on some things cause we don’t have the show to give us answers anymore. The only reason I feel like this ending with gabriel and Adrien works is because they didn’t have as much of an abusive relationship and he actually had a chance to redeem himself, but I’m glad he has to actually deal with the consequences. I know there are tons of fanfics about it but it’s so sad that while Marinette knew who Adrien was, he had no idea if he’d ever see Ladybug again but I’m glad that got resolved pretty quickly. I’m confused on what they want to do next cause they clearly were setting up for some kind of sequel but gabriel is already out as Hawkmoth and Nathalie only helped him during that time but I guess we’d just have to wait and see.
#I completely forgot this was supposed to be a musical lol#also that it was supposed to come out today#miraculous#miraculous ladybug spoilers#miraculous ladybug#miraculous awakening#miraculous spoilers#miraculous movie#miraculous movie spoilers#ml ladybug#cat noir#adrien agreste#marinette dupain cheng#hawkmoth#gabriel agreste#alya cesaire#nino lahiffe#chloe bourgeois#nathalie sancoeur#ladynoir#adrienette#adrien x marinette#ladybug x chat noir
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🐞🐈⬛every miraculous episode in 10 words or less season 1

links to the other seasons: season 1 post | season 2 post | season 3 post | season 4 post | season 5 post (links will be added once posts are published)
🐞🐈⬛If you count 11 words on some, count again <3
🐈⬛🐞Origins 1 - Ladybug & Cat Noir: helping old man over street results in becoming a ladybug
🪨☔️Origins 2 - Stoneheart: rejection so bad you become a stonemonster, again
☂️❄️Stormy Weather: aurore being an ice queen & chat noir using night vision
🧣🫧Bubbler: nino being a great friend vs marinette being a scarf liar
🐈⬛🐈⬛Copycat: 2 cats competiting for ladybugs love while she steals a phone
🛼⏱️Timebreaker: never underestimate a timetravelling skater girl
��💫Pharao: that moment when your bestie gets sacrificed by a pharao
🕊🪶Mr. Pigeon: a cat with a feather allergy fights flying feathered supervillain pigeons
⏸️🛜Lady Wifi: someone advicing her to digital detox please, love her though
✏️📝Evillustrater: don't worry nathaniel, you'll get a lovely boyfriend soon
🧀✨️Rogercop: not everything is camembert plagg, like shiny bracelets for example
👽👻Horrificator: your boyfriends cosplay so scary you get akumatized
🖤💋Dark cupid: casually supporting your ex crush to confess to your bully
🖤💋Dark cupid alternate version: match my freak and it's anonymously writing lovesick poems for eachother
🎩🎭Mime: if he can't mime the show, he'll mime the world
🩷🫧Princess Fragrance: tikki's sick day getting ruined by a menacing perfume princess
🎀🤺Darkblade: who attacked better? pink diary or darkgrey amored fencing guy?
🐆🎧Animan: panther attack ruins your date, so you date her bestie instead
🛩🃏Simon says: gabriel thinks he's a plane, he also hugs his son
📸🖼Pixelator: why is every camera themed character called vincent?
🎸🐊Gutiar villain: nothing beats rageful guitar playing with your dragon crocodile
🍜🥇Kung Food: celestial soop so powerful it becomes mind controlling
🎮🥐The Gamer: #let adrien eat
👠💅🏻Reflekta: they see me catwalking... they hatin'
🪄✨️Puppeteer: manon plays with dolls & dolls people around
🖤🐞Antibug: chloé getting the spotlight of sabrinas akumatization episode
📙🦊Volpina: silly delusional illusionist fox just wants to befriend ladybug
sneek peak season 2
📘🦋Collector: adrien has his rapunzel realization moment but forgets everything 2sec later
🎄🎅🏼Santa Claws: the boy that she secretely looooves is a sad lonely kitty
🦄🔟I watched a mlp yt video with every episode in 10 words or less & wanted to make a miraculous version. As far as my research goes only one person did this before me with the first 2 seasons of mlb like 4 years ago, here's that post by @gale-gentlepenguin
#miraculous ladybug#adrien agreste#adrichat#chat noir#mlb#marinette dupain cheng#Ladybug#Volpina#lila rossi#hawkmoth#Every episode in 10 words or less#Mlb#miraculous fandom#nino lahiffe#alya cesaire#maribug#gabriel agreste#stormy weather#Origins#santa claws#collector#bubbler#timebreaker#Evillustrater#marichat#adrinette#ladynoir#ladrien#puppeteer
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The most ironic part of people defending Marinette in Ladynoir and Marichat is that hardly any analysis I've ever seen about her "being soooooooooooooo adoring to her Kitty uwu" ever EXPLAIN Marinette's feelings either.
Even her own fans mostly only write abuse and neglect excuses and talk about some endlessly vague softness, some at this point meaningless heart eyes, and whatever short lines of kindness of the week on her end of the ship are thrown in there.
Even Marinette's own fans apparently can't not go in depth on her "boundless love and devotion" for Chat Noir because the show drags everything down with her writing. It's always the same surface level crumbs. So how are WE supposed to get more out of it then?
If even her own defenders mostly only really talk about Catrien doing 95% of the work in Ladynoir and Marichat in Canon, then how are WE supposed to say something different? We are complaining for the same reason as they are focusing on Catrien: he's canonically actually contributing to the damn SHIP in ways that are pure enough to talk about.
All canon ever does for Ladynette's side is explain what use, excuses and comfort she gets outta his presence. That's also all her canon self ever truly highlighted in her crush era besides him bein hot.
Even her own defenders reduce her crush on him to thirsting. I've never seen anyone actually talk about the scenes in Passion where she for real showed effort and progress cause, I guess, that would require of her fans to acknowledge that she prior to this acted wrong in the first place. And of course the critical people won't make the posts cause when her damn fans can't be asked to acknowledge the rare REAL moments where she actually TRIES then I'll sure as hell not do their damn job.
Cause it's almost hilarious, right? For as much as Marinette defenders yell about us being too harsh, I've truly wanted to read analysis posts on her feelings for Chat to be convinced. But for 2 whole seasons her own fans failed her. They hardly say anything of substance and mostly count on Catrien to make up for her lack of contributions in the ships. Even massive fan Blogs like Buggachat for example are constantly showing that writing flaw in their content. That Adrien has to put up with and has to romantically do WAY TOO MUCH to make up for Marinette’s writing that sticks even in the most best faith (and often to at least some extent ooc, if not entirely) characterization.
When even her own fans spew nothing but endless excuses then don't blame us for picking up on that.
When even her own fans say hardly anything but abuse apologia to defend her then don't blame us for picking up on that.
When even her own fans say that she should be thanked and rewarded for having failed Chat Noir in basically ever possibly way, but hey, at least she stopped being an aggressive Jerk about it, then don't fucking blame us for picking up on that.
We're the ones who can at least argue with Canon scenes and whole episodes to make our point that Ladynette treats him badly. Her defenders say that canon doesn't count whenever they don't like it and otherwise point to their fanon as arguments. Forgive me for thinking that our side has the stronger case, our arguments are the ones that hold up when put to the test by Canon.
Yup. Stanning Marinette has to be based off vibes and made up stuff at this point, because the canon is giving us nothing to root for other than her being the protagonist. All the likable aspects of Marinette are so downplayed in canon these days, that the fans have to actively ignore canon to make her a better person they can view as an undisputed hero. And that's without getting into all the abuse apologia and excusing of bad behavior they engage in whenever they don't outright claim Marinette didn't do something she actually did in canon.
It's basically what that person who wanted writing tips for Marinette said; how can we make fanworks where Marinette is a good person who cares about her partner, when the character in canon, based on her canonical actions, probably doesn't care? Well, I try to avoid Buggachat’s stuff these days specifically because all I've seen from said stuff these days is trying to make the toxic stuff look quirky and cute. This isn't the only fanwork that's like this, though. Like, I remember when the Paris Special came out and people started wondering if the alter versions of the heroes were gonna tell each other their secret identities and work more closely together and all the fanwork with this concept was just: “Haha, the main verse lovesquare can’t count on each other for anything and the supposed villains support each other better! It's so silly!”
Like, the toxicity does sometimes get depicted in fanworks but it's always just funtimes, and not actually a problem because they treat it as a two-sided thing, where Adricat participates in the mess in their relationship, when he's the only one trying to be wholesome. There are so many comics of Maribug doing something absolutely horrible to Adricat and the artist’s comments are just: “they're such disasters, lol” when Marinette is the only “disaster” in the equation, but they have to be equally guilty, because then they can brush it off as just “communication issues” instead of Marinette being a self-obsessed jerk.
Like, the reading of the lovesquare as mutual communication issues is understandable to a point. In seasons 1-3, the typical dynamic was “Cat Noir hides his problems, because they're home-related, and Ladybug remains oblivious that he isn't always happy”. However, Cat Noir did tell Ladybug, all the way back in Syren, that he doesn't want to be left out of the loop, which is all Marinette does in season 4. The season 4 “Ladynoir Conflict” isn't based on Cat Noir hiding something Ladybug is oblivious to, even though everyone is used to treating their dynamic that way. In season 4 Cat Noir does tell Ladybug what's wrong, tries to do so repeatedly, only for Ladybug to shut him down by ignoring him, giving him excuses or by repeating apologies she doesn't actually mean because she has no intention of changing the way she behaves with him. The more I looked into what actually happens in season 4, the more I realized that the “the Ladynoir conflict is mutual communication issues” take is wholly inaccurate. Marinette alone is the one keeping secrets.
Marinette Stans have to make stuff up and ignore huge junks of canon in order to depict Marinette as a good partner and person these days, because the stuff the writers have her get away with keeps getting worse.
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Marinette: Ugh, I’m so over winter
Marinette: My feet are icicles, my hands are useless, and my scarf supply can’t keep up with my mood. Even Tiki is hiding in a blanket fort!
Adrien: Sounds like someone’s got the winter blues 🥶
Adrien: Don’t worry, M’Lady—I’m here to make things snow much better
Marinette: Adrien, no
Adrien: Oh, come on. These puns are ice-breaking gold
Marinette: I refuse to engage
Adrien: You can’t just give me the cold shoulder, M
Adrien: That’s snow way to treat your favourite partner!
Marinette: You’re my only partner!
Adrien: Ha! Wait until I tell Rena that!
Marinette: 😑 I’m regretting ever texting you!!
Adrien: Does that mean I was the first choice? Admit it, things would be frostier without me
Marinette: I am not in the mood for your Chat-puns today 🥺
Adrien: Oh, snow, M’Lady. This is just the tip of the icepunberg!
Marinette: I’m begging you. Don’t!
Adrien: You need to chill out 😎
Marinette: I need to throw a snowball directly into your face!
Adrien: Hey, don’t give me the cold shoulder! I’m just trying to be ice to you
Marinette: I am two seconds away from screaming into the void
Adrien: Would that be a “cold snap” then?
Marinette: Adrien Agreste, I swear to the kwamis—
Adrien: Hey, don’t flurry up and get mad! I’m just trying to break the ice! 🧊
Marinette: You’re about to break something, and it’s not the ice!!
Adrien: Okay, okay, let me help. Imagine this: We build a snowman ☃️
Adrien: And name it “Adrinette Jr.”
Marinette: You’ve given it a dodgy ship name? Why? Just why?!
Adrien: It’s perfect. Then, because it’s Paris, an akuma attacks, and I heroically—
Marinette: “Heroically”??
Adrien: Fine, dramatically—
Marinette: —chaotically—
Adrien: —SINGLE-HANDEDLY save Adrinette Jr. from certain doom 😱
Marinette: Meanwhile, I’m saving actual people
Adrien: Yes, but I’m protecting the legacy. PRIORITIES!!
Marinette: The legacy of a snowman. You’re unbelievable!
Adrien: I’m snow-tastic. Admit it!
Marinette: You’re snow-bnoxious!
Adrien: Ooooh, now who’s punning?
Marinette: Don’t start with me, Chaton
Adrien: No, no, go on. I love seeing you snowball into chaos ❄️
Marinette: Fine. You think you’re clever? My puns will avalanche over yours
Adrien: Bold claim. Let’s see what you’ve got, Lady Ice Queen 👑
Marinette: You’re walking on thin ice, Kitty. And I’m this close to cracking it!
Adrien: Oh, please. You’d melt without me
Marinette: Melt? You’re about to freeze when I launch you into the Seine
Adrien: Aw, is that a snowball fight challenge? Because you’d LOSE!
Marinette: Bring it. I’ll bury you in snow so deep they’ll find you in spring!
Adrien: Wow. Frosty much?
Marinette: You started it, Chaton. You poke the Ladybug, you get the blizzard!🌨️
Adrien: Fine, but we both know I’d claw my way out of the snow in purr-fect fashion
Marinette: You’d slip on the ice, admit it
Adrien: …Okay, yeah. But I’d make it look cool
Marinette: You’d faceplant. Dramatically
Adrien: And you’d still be impressed
Marinette: You’re lucky you’re cute, you know that?
Adrien: Snow lucky, M
Adrien: Hang on a second…did you call me cute?
Marinette: That’s it. I’m buying a flamethrower 😳
Adrien: Okay, okay, no more puns. Truce 🤝
Marinette: Finally! My brain can breathe again!
Adrien: But… if your brain needs a full break, I’ve got a suggestion!
Marinette: Oh? Is this another one of your “brilliant” ideas?
Adrien: Absolutely! Come over and play video games with me 😃
Marinette: …What kind of video games?
Adrien: You know, just some light, chill games to unwind!
Marinette: “Light and chill”… so not games where you’re secretly amazing and planning to crush me?
Adrien: What? Me? Crush you? Never!
Adrien: I mean, it’s not my fault if I happen to be a little competitive!
Marinette: “A little”? Adrien, I saw you go full superhero reflex mode during a game of Mario Kart!
Adrien: I had to! You hit me with three red shells in a row. It was war, M!
Marinette: You fell off the map while yelling, “JUSTICE WILL BE MINE!”
Adrien: I stand by that. Justice was almost mine. Until you cheated!
Marinette: How is using the items the game gave me cheating??
Adrien: Details, details
Adrien: So, are you coming over or not?
Marinette: Fine! But only if we play something co-op first. No sabotaging me for fun!
Adrien: Deal. But don’t blame me if our teamwork gets… intense!
Marinette: Intense??
Adrien: You know, like when I “accidentally” push you into a pit during platformers 😇
Marinette: If you sabotage me, I will unplug your controller!
Adrien: So violent for someone so small!
Marinette: And yet, very effective!
Adrien: Fine, I promise to be nice
Adrien: Mostly 😼
Marinette: I’m bringing snacks. And Tikki. She’ll keep you in line!
Adrien: Great! Plagg’s already planning to trash talk her
Marinette: Oh no! This is going to be chaos
Adrien: Exactly! Perfect date night material
Marinette: Wait, what??
Adrien: What? Nothing! See you in ten, M’Lady!
Marinette: Just got home. Thanks for tonight, Adrien 🩷
Adrien: Of course! Glad you had fun, even if you spent most of it yelling at me for “accidentally” dropping you into lava!
Marinette: Accidentally?? You literally said, “Oops, my thumb slipped,” while LAUGHING!
Adrien: It was an honest mistake!
Marinette: You tried to push me AGAIN five minutes later!
Adrien: Okay, but to be fair, you tried to knock me off the platform first
Marinette: You were in my way!
Adrien: So dramatic, M. But fine, I’ll admit—video game teamwork might not be our strong suit
Marinette: Speak for yourself! I carried us through the boss battle while you ran in circles screaming, “THIS IS FINE!”
Adrien: That’s called strategy. I was distracting the enemy!
Marinette: Plagg’s cackling at your “strategy” was louder than the game music!
Adrien: Yeah, well, Tikki giving you “encouraging tips” sounded suspiciously like threats!
Marinette: She takes teamwork very seriously
Adrien: Clearly. Anyway, did the snacks survive the trip home?
Marinette: Barely. I think I ate half the bag walking back. Gaming makes me hungry! 😋
Adrien: Gaming makes you adorable
Marinette: Stop that. I’m trying to be mad at you for lava sabotage!
Adrien: Impossible! I’m irresistible!
Marinette: Debatable
Adrien: You’re still smiling, aren’t you?
Marinette: …Maybe!
Adrien: See? Irresistible
Marinette: Fine, fine. You win!
Marinette: Honestly, though, thank you. I really needed a break. I don’t know what I’d do without you
Adrien: Probably beat more levels without me trying to “accidentally” kill you!
Marinette: At least you admit it!
Adrien: But seriously, you’re welcome. I’ll always be here
Adrien: Even if it’s just to throw you into virtual lava sometimes
Marinette: You’re lucky you’re cute, Adrien
Adrien: You called me cute again! 😻
Marinette: Don’t read into it too much
#ladynoir#adrienette#marinettedupaincheng#adrienagreste#post reveal texting#adrinette post reveal for the win#idiots in love#ml fic recs#ml fanfic#Textpectations#ml texting fic#texting au
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Since this is basically my only account for my mlb hyperfixation(unless I figure put how to make seperates) here's some things I might take and give or stay to my adrien agreste.
Things that stay:
Is a blondie
Is kind
Is a senti
Fits beauty standards(some idiotic idea by humans bleugh)
Doesn't have many hobbies
Still becomes cat noir.
Rich af
Is in fencing and Chinese classes.
Has allergy to birds(peacock is the worst)
Still has that kuroneko plot(I wanna rename him to that for that arc.)
Still gets akumatized in what if scenarios.
Him being friends with Chloe.(now actually includes sabrina)
Being locked in hoarders land London.
Crush on ladybug.
A tiny crush on kagami
Dating kagami but breaking up
Then maybe a crush on marinette.
Pyscho papa
Fan of jagged stone.
Being in kitty section
Being friends with nino, Luka and some of kittysection like rose
Dating marinette.
Things I'll take:
Him being openly extroverted in school.
Him also being openly nice
The kuroneko arc lasting one episode
His dad just neglecting him(yes I'm actually doing that for now)
Him being mental free.
Him having perfect eyesight.(Bro has reading contacts)
Him never actually meeting master fu.
His ugly ah outfit.
Maybe I'll take that jacket I use in most redesigns:(
Him just having green eyes(it's honestly cool af)
Idk what else
Oh right ephemeral is out the picture now adios
What I'd give:
Heterochromia - Blue eye and green eye
Some freckles and a crying mole
A birthmark on his bag
Slight Akuma mark(cuz cool idea I saw from La terruer art)
Being a Introvert.
Does like gaming and soon starts drawing after years. Then jogging
Emotional issues(anger issues the biggest)
Thinking he sees things or people in broad night and daylight(aka that fear of something being in the dark)
Fear of heights.
The kuroneko arc lasting like 2-3 episodes.
Him knowing English, Chinese, Japanese, French, German and Italian.(bilingual king)
Having huge canines.
Wears blue contacts as adrien
Wears green eyes as cat noir.
Being a bit rude(by accident)
Socially awkward
Maybe having a tiny crush on luka?...LUKA???(panic arises in adrien due to some conservative beliefs)
Kinda spoiled.
Has no self-love at all
Huge loner.
Believes Christmas Is a scheme by the government by them hearing you through secret speakers and sending someone to sneak in with advanced gadgets not known to the public and the whole idea of giving Santa food is ridiculous.
Doesn't eat much on purpose and just gives his lunches to people.
Is very indecisive and listens to anyone but mostly his father.
Lives in a luxury hotel/mansion
That's all I think
#miraculous ladybug#mlb#miraculous lb#miraculoustalesofladybugandcatnoir#adrien agreste#mlb rewrite#miraculous tales of ladybug and chat noir#miraculous#miraculous ladybug and chat noir#miraculous au#miraculous rewrite#miraculous ladybug rewrite#miraculous adventures of ladybug and chat noir#miraculous adventures#adrien agreste rewrite#rewrite#donsive writes#hyperfixation mlb
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I hate how im not even angry at how Kwamis choice ruined the Ladynoir ending from Hack-San. That little conversation was already bothering me in s4 bc Hack-San was brutally open with how little Marinette ever conciders Cat Noir in anything.
Beats me why she thought he wouldn't have the logical reaction of fcking RED ALERT when he suddenly sees Ladybug's earrings in possession of somebody else, but hey, Marinette told Alya to play with her pet so that makes up for it I guess? And "pet" I find extremely fitting in that episode's context. She literally send in another Ladybug miraculous holder who's lead Cat also had to follow with no saying in the matter. Marinette literally send him a new owner since the Ladybug can do with the Cat whatever she wants as Marinette herself perfectly demonstrates in her leadership and Adrien therefore had to learn in season 4. I don't know what kind of dignity Marinette was supposedly treating Cat Noir with because it definitely wasn't on screen.
Marinette not thinking a single second about Cat was so bad in Hack-San that in the end she was genuinely surprised that she had to talk to him. There had been no intention on her part to have a conversation, she truly thought she had taken care of everything that matters. And from her perspective that meant telling Alya to laugh at his jokes being the only thing she conciders of any importance (something Marinette herself barely does). Honestly, there is not more personhood to him than "Pet".
So no, her words in the Ladynoir end scene have always meant as little as it turned out in Kwamis choice where she immediately left after he rejected her one time in "Elation" and the she didn't even care if it was at least Scarabella again who Cat Noir would met next to find out the awful news.
I always felt so unbelievably bad for Adrien in the Hack-San ending because the episode went out of its way to show that it isn't Marinette who gets the "Their crush barely realizes they exist" treatment, it has always been Cat Noir.
It had to be ALYA to make Marinette even talk to Cat when she comes back and then the only thing Marinette acknowledges as a mistake is that he must have been (negatively) surprised by having met a different Ladybug holder and that she's sorry, if she were to have found out that way that he had revealed himself to someone else she would have been upset too.
Which... man, Ladybug's dialog in that scene is so surface level. Comparing the emotional depth of how Cat talks about what all this meant to him, with how much care he talks and that it was so bad that the thought of her not being there anymore one day hurt the most and that he doesn't think he could bare that...
And Ladybug is besides him and says "she would have sulked too".
The difference between what she means to him and what little he seemingly means to her is so bad that when Marinette says "I will never abandon you, Kitty" and Adrien immediately forgives her for everything as per usual, I look at Marinette and honestly want to ask if she even knows what the words she just said mean. Because the entire rest of the episode characterized her in a way where her line feels almost shallow.
What is Ladybug apologizing for not having warned him and saying "I will never abandon you Kitty" even worth when she was shocked that she had to talk to him at all?
Already back in season 4 I looked at Adrien's heart eyes after that and felt so bad for him bc very clearly this IS a bond be should be able to live without because she's spearing him barely any thoughts of actual significance in season 4.
So yeah, I can't say I'm angry about season 5 then having made that reality and destroyed the Hack-San ending with Kwamis choice. Marinette in part 1 once again proofs why it's even IMPORTANT that Ladybug isn't someone Cat should hold onto in his life and definitely needs to be able to bare possibly not seeing again. He rejected her ONE TIME and next morning she already tells Tikki to give her earrings to literally ANYONE before Plagg goes about his plan.
Already at that point the line "I will never abandon you Kitty" became worthless and she also would have caused yet ANOTHER Ladybug miraculous holder to met Cat Noir instead of Scarabella, when this time around the new Ladybug would have no information or connection to Marinette and was meant to stay for good.
I almost feel bad for saying it but also honestly not, Kwamis choice really reinforced how little Marinette actually learned in season 4. What little Ladybug "learned" in Hack-San was ripped to shreds in the same intensity as it already felt shallow in s4.
It's only thanks to Tikki that the same "new Ladybug" fiasko wouldnt have repeated itself for Cat just this time he would have been faced with every fear he had coming true, right after Elation where Cat admits that he isn't in love with her anymore and asks if she's okay with him only loving her as a friend.
She said yes. And then she left.
As much as I want to be harsh on Adrien's side of Kwamis choice too, I cannot hold it against him that he left to just finally be able to find happiness (and that being Plagg's motivation too for starting all this), especially not when him having stayed would have only resulted in him having to go through Hack-San 2.0 only in WORSE because once again Marinette barely spared Cat any thoughts besides this time him not wanting to date her anymore making her sad.
Hack-san is one of those other episodes in Season 4 in which I was rather defensive of Marinette in the beginning. Like yeah, she is in the wrong and she should apologize, but I understand that it's an honest mistake, you know? She isn't the best at considering how others might feel about situations, and it's understandable that it didn't cross her mind to talk to Chat Noir. She did do it after Alya mentioned it and she took responsibility for her screw-up, and I was fine with it. That scene from Hack-san on its own is still one of my personal favorite Ladynoir scenes.
But that's just it. The scene itself when seen individually is so soft and sweet, but putting it into the context of the whole season, it's not a good look. Marinette says she'll never abandon Chat Noir, and spends the rest of the season pretty much replacing him with Rena Furtive and overall just pushing him away. It just makes her come off as hypocritical and dishonest. She continues to never consider him and his feelings and things just continue to get worse. The way the Ladynoir conflict was handled retroactively makes the scene in Hack-san worse.
And honestly, I don't feel like defending Marinette for what she did anymore, because she didn't really fix her mistake. She just doubled down and continued to do the same thing, and her assurances that she never really backed up really seem shallow in hindsight. She never learns anything, he takes all the blame for it in the end, and they just carry on without her having to fix her mistake. It's just so bad.
Thank you for your ask!
#ML Salt#ML Writing Salt#ML Writers Salt#Marinette Salt#Ladybug Salt#Meta#My meta#Asks#Ladynoir conflict
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Scarabée and Kitty Claws AU
Bea-Loved. An infatuated Super Fan.
~~~~~Earlier that day~~~~~
Despite only being around since the beginning of the school year, Scarabée and Kitty Claws have become extremely popular.
Especially among their fellow students.
Before school started, Alya was on a video call with Esmée Rousseau. A schoolmate who has helped her out quite abit with the ScaraBlog.
She's also known in school for being an incredible cosplayer and costume designer.
Alya: The Fan Mail livestream is going to be so great!
Esmée: It involves Scarabée and Kitty Claws, of course it's gonna be a success! With me working my music with the school blog, everyone will know by lunch.
Alya, smirking: Are you gonna gonna submit Fan Mail?
Esmée loves having a friend like Alya.
Someone who is aware of her fangirl crush on both Scarabée and Kitty Claws, but doesn't judge her.
Esmée, blushing: That's for me to know and for you to NOT find out!
Alya, playfully: Is it about which of the is hotter?
Esmée, her face going from red to a darker crimson: ALYA!
The playfully teasing is even fun between the two.
~~~~~Later on at Lycée Françoise Dupont~~~~~~
Alix, walking with Alya to class: Are you sure reading Fan Mail they send you through Email for Scarabée and Kitty Claws on the ScaraBlog is a great idea?
Alya: It'll be fine, for those who wanna be anonymous, they can send hand written letters. That way they won't be embarrassed.
Alix: I take it that the Lady WiFi incident that did wonders for the ScaraBlog inspired this?
Alya: As well as Kitty Claws lying about dating Scarabée, getting Jolie akumatized into a copy of her, and apologizing to her on the ScaraBlog later that same day.
Alix playfully rolls her eyes as the two part ways to sit in their respective seats.
While sitting in her seat, Chloé gets a text from Adrien.
🌟Princely Sunshine☀️: Meant to send this to you after the play. 😉
The text has a very familiar photo attachment.
When Chloé opens it, she sees a picture of her staring at Scarabée before they had to quickly get out of the limousine before it was blown up. From Adrien's point of view.
With a smile, Adrien has his full attention on Ms. Bustier as she talks, fully aware that Chloé was currently staring daggers at him.
Ms. Bustier: Alya, I couldn't help but overhear your plans to read fan mail for Scarabée and Kitty Claws on your blog.
Alya: That's right!
Ms. Bustier: Aurélien passed his spelling test last week and decided he wanted to show Scarabée and Kitty Claws how smart his is through a letter telling them how school he thinks they are.
Alya: I will make sure his letter is the first one I read.
After quickly giving Alya the letter, Ms. Bustier goes back to teaching the class.
~~~~~Later on during the Lunch Break Period~~~~~
Even before Alya entered the cafeteria, her phone's notifications kept going off
Marinette: Whoa, you're gonna have alot of fan mail to read later
Mylène: You should really turn off your notifications before the next class period.
Alya: Oh I will. The letters that have been given to me are WAY easier to keep track of than these notifications. This ScaraBlog Fan Mail reading might have to be a two hour long livestream.
After Alya Marinette and Mylène get their lunch, they sit with Alix, who was sitting with Nathaniel, Marc and Esmée.
Across from their table sat Chloé Adrien and Sabrina.
Sabrina: Did you send an Email?
Adrien: Yeah, but I used one of my private accounts, so my "fans" won't harass Alya or the two heroines.
Sabrina: That was a smart move.
While Adrien and Sabrina talked to each other, Chloé was discreetly writing her own letter while thinking of her plan.
Chloé, internally: This is perfect! After school Kitty Claws and appear before Césaire, give her the letter from Scarabée's "Secret Admirer", she runs it on the blog, and Itty-Bitty's utterly smitten for this "Mystery Woman". Flawless, utterly flawless!
Just as Chloé finished writing her own letter, she hears an unfortunately familiar mocking tone of voice.
"Did you seriously hand write a letter?!"
Chloé quickly, but discreetly balls up her letter, only to quickly realize the question isn't directed at her.
She then looks over at Alix's table and sees Brigiette standing over Esmée, who is covering her letter.
Alix: Brigiette, don't you have ANYTHING better to do than annoying us or stalking Adrien?
Brigiette, ignoring Alix and continues to mock Esmée: Awww!!! You even have a ScaraClaws pin! You're SO obsessed.
Esmée, with her head down: ...
Nathaniel: Says the girl who would be Adrien's second shadow if Chloé and Sabrina weren't there to keep her away.
Adrien, shouting from his seat: He's not wrong!
This causes everyone including a now less guarded Esmée to laugh.
Brigiette notices half of the letter and goes to grab it, only to end up ripping it in half.
All the laughter immediately stops as everyone now stares at Esmée and Brigiette.
Brigiette: Oh please! I did her a favor.
While beginning to cry, Esmée snatches the other half of the letter from Brigiette and runs out of the cafeteria.
Alya and Marinette, running after her: Esmée wait!
Alix, getting out of her seat and walking towards Brigiette: I'm getting suspended!
Mylène and Marc, grabbing Alix's shoulders: No you're not!
Brigiette: If Scarabée and Kitty Claws are just as amazing as my Adrien-
Adrien, shouting from his seat: Not yours!
Brigiette: They'd be absolutely turned off by a mushy anonymous love letter.
Sabrina, shouting from her seat: You would know! You sent him HUNDREDS!
Neither Adrien or Sabrina noticed how quiet Chloé was until she stood up.
Sabrina: Chloé?
Adrien, noticing something in her balled up hand: You okay?
Chloé: I'm gonna get some air. *quickly walks towards the cafeteria's exit*
Chloé, internally: There's no way this Mystery Girl letter would have worked! Your own mother won't even respond to one of your letters, why would Scarabée respond positively?!
When Adrien gets up to follow Chloé, Brigiette goes to follow him, only to be stopped by Sabrina.
Who Brigiette immediately realizes she's WAY stronger then she looks.
Sabrina, politely: You're not going anywhere near him.
Adrien manages to catch up to Chloé before she leaves the cafeteria.
Chloé throws the balled up piece of paper in the direction of the nearest trash can, not even looking to see if it went into the trash.
Adrien: Are you sure you're okay?
Chloé: I told you Adrien, I just need some air. Also I just remembered, I got something to do after school. Meet at your place later?
Adrien: Obviously! I'll let Sabrina know.
Chloé: Thanks.
Chloé then leaves the cafeteria, with her thoughts being a fusion of confidence and insecurity.
Chloé, internally: I don't need some cringey letter written on gold colored paper! Kitty Claws is ALL who is needed to swipe Scarabée off her feet. It HAS to be Kitty Claws...
From the side of his eye, Adrien sees the balled up piece of paper Chloé tried to throw away
Adrien then picks up the paper, uncrumbles it and begins to silently read Chloé's letter.
Adrien: Oh Chloé...
After putting the letter in his pocket, Adrien walks back into the cafeteria.
When Adrien goes back to where he was sitting, notices that Brigiette is no where in sight.
Adrien: Sabrina-
Sabrina: I purpose I only had a talk with her!
~~~~~In the girls' bathroom~~~~~
Marinette and Alya stood outside of Esmée's bathroom stall, trying their best to comfort her.
Marinette: Esmée, it's okay! Brigiette doesn't know what she's talking about!
Alya: Yeah, that girl couldn't take a hint to save her life.
Esmée then opens the stall out walks in front of the two.
Esmée: Thanks you guys, I think I'm gonna be okay now...
Marinette: That's great to hear, now let's go back to the cafeteria.
Alya: I would LOVE to hear more of your cosplay ideas!
~~~~~After School~~~~~
After returning home, Esmée goes into her bedroom.
She admirers the superhero pins she made herself before briefly looking into her closet, looking at the many Scarabée and Kitty Claws themed costumes she managed to make within the short time the heroines have been around.
Esmée, pulling the nearest pillow close to her: What if... Brigiette's right?
She then realizes the pillow is red with black dots and throws it into the wall.
~~~~~In Hawkmoth's Lair~~~~~
Hawkmoth: A young creative mind fueled by desire and full of doubt...*readies the akuma* the perfect combination. Fly my Akuma and unleash this unrequited soul's true potential.
~~~~~Back in Esmée's room~~~~~
With her window opened, the akuma enters her room and goes into the ScaraClaws pin she has on her shirt.
Hawkmoth: Bea-Loved, I am Hawkmoth. You fear Scarabée and Kitty Claws rejecting you due to your creativity, but with the powers I give you, they'll be the ones admiring you. To keep the power that will win their affections, you just have to bring me their Miraculouses!
Esmée: I will do all that I can for them!
Esmée is then akumatized the Bea-Loved
Her hair is now red hair with black dots. Done up in a neat ponytail.
There are pink hearts in her pupils.
She's now wearing a black and light green strapless dress with her now pink heart-shaped pin in the middle of her chest.
crimson high heels and elegant long gloves to match.
Bea-Loved: Before I greet Scarabée and Kitty Claws! I'm gonna need assistance.
~~~~~At The Louvre~~~~~
Alix was walking through the Louvre with Ayla, Marinette, Nathaniel, Marc, Kim and Max
Alix: Postponing the livestream to tomorrow was the best idea, Alya.
Alya: It's only fair. Esmée should call if she wants to add her letter to the fan mail.
Kim: I don't get way Esmée would wanna keep her letter anonymous. We ALL think Scarabée and Kitty Claws.
Max: It's not that simple, Kim. Our friend Esmée have obviously developed an infatuation with Scarabée and Kitty Claws. She is most likely embarrassed by this fact. Especially considering that there is a 99% chance that she doesn't know their true identities.
Kim, shocked: Seriously?!
Nathaniel: Did you seriously NOT realize this?
Marinette: Could you really not tell considering what happened in the cafeteria?
Mylène: I can understand her wanted to keep crushing on two superheroines a secret. Brigiette's action weren't cool!
Marc: As if she has a right to mock crushing on celebrities...
Alix, to Marc and Mylène: Which is why you two should have let me hit her at least twice.
Marinette Alya Nathaniel and Mylène then get a notification on their phone.
Nathaniel, after quickly reading the text message: Did you three also get a message from Esmée tell you to come over?
Marinette: Yeah.
Alya: Do you think something happened?!
Mylène: I hope she's okay...
Nathaniel: We're just gonna have to find out.
Alix: Keep us posted.
Marinette, Alya, Nathaniel and Mylène then leave the Louvre and go in the direction of Esmée's home.
~~~~~At the Agreste Mansion~~~~~
Sabrina gets a notification on her phone from Esmée as well.
Sabrina: Esmée wants me to come.
Adrien, putting a seal envelope in his jacket pocket: I'll come too. Hopefully I can talk to her about the Fan Mail reading livestream.
Sabrina: But you already sent your message.
Adrien: I REALLY gotta make sure it isn't traced by to me.
Sabrina: That's true... you can never be too careful when it comes to fangirls.
Adrien, internally: Sorry Sabrina, but Chloé's letter to Scarabée is our little secret.
Sabrina: We gotta text Chloé to tell her we won't be here when she returns.
Adrien, already texting her: On it!
After exiting the Mansion, Sabrina and Adrien gets into the limousine that will be driven by Placide.
And with Adrien's demand, the two are being driven in the direction of Esmée's home.
~~~~~At Éclat Épanoui~~~~~
Kitty Claws was looking through the many different flower combinations in the well-known flower shop.
The owner of the shop Lillian Thorns then walks up to her.
Lillian: Do you need any help Ms. Claws?
Kitty Claws: No thanks I think I am fine. And Kitty Claws is just fine.
Lillian: Noted, I hope you find what you're looking for, Kitty Claws. *walks away from her*
Kitty Claws, internally: I know I gotta make it up to Adrien and Sabrina for ditching them later. But if I'm gonna confess to Scarabée it has to be perfect!
Kitty Claws then notices the lavender roses, the amaranthus, and the red tulips.
Kitty Claws: I'll take all of these in a bouquet!
Lillian: Oh! A perfect choice of flowers for romance.
After paying for her chosen bouquet, Kitty Claws leaves Éclat Épanoui.
Kitty Claws: Itty-Bitty's gonna LOVE these! Should I get expensive chocolates too? NO! There shouldn't be ANY hint of my identity for this! Waiting for her to approach me isn't the best idea... I'll look for her.
She the open her the end of her staff, carefully puts the bouquet in it, seals it, and begins her search for Scarabée by jumping from rooftop to rooftop.
~~~~~ In front of Esmée's home~~~~~
As Marinette, Alya, Nathaniel and Mylène walked up to towards the building, they noticed a familiar limousine stopping in the driveway.
Adrien and Sabrina then greet the four of after exiting the vehicle.
Adrien: Hey guys!
Sabrina: Good evening.
Nathaniel: What are you two doing here?
Sabrina: Esmée sent texted me and Adrien's here for support.
Adrien: Clearly alot is needed for the situation...
Adrien, internally: This is a very convenient group.
Mylène goes to knock on the door, only to realize it's opened slightly.
Alya: So... I'm not the only one creeped out by this?
Mylène: Nope, I'm creeped too.
As they're all entered the building, Adrien makes sure to go in last.
While being behind Alya, he manages to slip the envelope into her bag without anyone noticing.
As they're all walking in the direction of Esmée's room, Adrien could help but notice how clean it is.
Adrien: Is her place usually like this? I expected costume materials everywhere from how popular I've heard her costumes and cosplay are.
Alya: Esmée told me that her parents only let her continue cosplaying if she kept it all in her room. Understandable, least cleaning for the three of them.
They all stop in front of Esmée's door.
Marinette feels a chill down her spine before knocking on the door.
Marinette: Hey Esmée, we're here! Also your front door was slightly open.
A cheerful voice on the other side of the door: Oh! I must of left it like that by mistake!
Alya: Also Adrien's here, is that okay?
The cheerful voice on the other side of the door: Of course! The more, the merrier!~
When Marinette opens the door, a glowing pink is launched into her chest which sends her flying into a wheel across the hallway.
Alya Mylène Nathaniel Adrien and Sabrina, absolutely shocked: MARINETTE!
As she falls to the floor, Marinette's body begins to glow pink like the pin in her chest.
Bea-Loved, revealing herself to the group: Marinette's not the only one who will be modeling my heroic cosplay.
Alya, trembling: Esmée... what has Hawkmoth done to you?!
Bea-Loved: The name's Bea-Loved now. And you're all gonna LOVE what I have in-store for you! Isn't that right, Marinette?
Marinette now stands before the group, now dressed in the original Sparrow's costume with pink hearts in her eyes.
Pinned!Marinette: Absolutely. Whatever dearly Bea-Loved wants, she gets!
Before anyone could react, Marinette lungs at Alya and holds her in place.
Alya: Marinette! What are you doing?!
Bea-Loved: Making sure you aren't left out, Alya!~
Bea-Loved then summons a glowing pink heart pin between her fingers and flicks it in Alya's direction.
When it quickly makes contact with her, Alya begins to glow pink like Marinette did.
Alya, transforming: Everyone... get outta here!
The other then start running towards the exit.
This however doesn't stop Bea-Loved from flicking pins into Mylène and Nathaniel's backs, leaving Adrien and Sabrina to be the only ones who managed to escape.
When they both hastily intro the limousine, Placide gets surprised, but doesn't say a word.
Adrien: Take us to The Louvre quickly!
Placide then quickly drives away before Bea-Loved exits the building with her now four minions in cosplay of the former heroes and heroines who took on the Alias Sparrow right behind her.
Bea-Loved: Look for Scarabée and Kitty Claws, my Sparrows!
Pinned!Marinette, Pinned!Alya, Pinned!Nathaniel, and Pinned!Mylène: Yes, Dearly Bea-Loved.
The four minions then run and jump in different directions.
Bea-Loved: I have BIG plans for Scarabée and Kitty Claws!~
Bea-Loved then begins skipping down the street.
~~~~~Back at the Louvre~~~~~
Alix was preparing snacks for her current guests with Jalil's help.
She couldn't but worry about the others, who still haven't returned yet.
Alix: I hope Nate and the others are okay. They still haven't answered any of my texts.
Jalil: I'm sure they're alright.
Kim then quickly runs into the kitchen.
Kim: Alix, you gotta see this!
Alix: What's going on?!
Kim: Nate's down in the Museum wearing the coolest Sparrow cosplay I've ever seen!
Alix then feels a chill run down her spine.
Alix, internally: Something's up. One of them would've at least texted and told us they had a surprise planned. Also, where are the others? It's best to keep my guard up.
When Alix and the others make their way to the Museum, they see multiple people taking pictures of Nathaniel in the Sparrow cosplay.
She couldn't help but notice a shiny pink heart shaped pin the didn't match the rest of the costume.
Minion!Nathaniel: By the orders of my dearly Bea-Loved, I am searching for Scarabée and Kitty Claws. Is anyone aware of their whereabouts?
A random teenaged girl, walking up to him: Before coming here, I saw Kitty Claws-
Adrien and Sabrina through the Museum's entrance.
Adrien: Don't tell him anything!
Sabrina: He's one of the Akuma's Minions!
This causes everyone except for Alix's group to run away from him.
Minion!Nathaniel, turning to face Adrien and Sabrina: DO NOT INTERFERE WITH MY DEARLY BEA-LOVED'S PLANS!
Nathaniel runs towards the two only to be tackled by Kim.
Alix and the ran up to Adrien and Sabrina as Kim barely manages to hold him down.
Marc, panicking: Who is the Akuma that did this to Nate?
Sabrina: Esmée...
Adrien: And Nathaniel's not the only one...
Alix: I take it that you don't know where the others are?
Sabrina: We don't. Sorry...
Max: If one of them is looking for the Heroine Duo, then it is 75% likely that they all are.
Nathaniel kicks Kim off of him and towards the group.
Minion!Nathaniel: Do NOT interfere with my dearly Bea-Loved's mission again.
And with that, he leaves the museum.
Marc: We have to help Nate and the others.
Max: But how? We aren't even aware of the Akuma's powers besides the fact that she’s able to transform others into minions in very accurate cosplay. When it's comes to a weakness or if the others can be freed from her control, we're completely clueless.
Sabrina: Another thing we know is that Esmée has a crush on both Scarabée and Kitty Claws. Maybe we can use that to our advantage?
Adrien: Which means we would have to find Scarabée and Kitty Claws before Bea-Loved or her minions do.
Kim: I saw where that the girl who saw Kitty Claws somewhere went to hide. Let's go ask her!
Alix: You guys go ahead. I'm gonna go back sure Nate left.
Adrien: Will you be alright by yourself?
Alix: Of course.
And with that, Alix quickly left the group.
After running an area of the Louvre with no people around, Tikki flies out of Alix's waist bag.
Alix: Esmée... I can't believe something like a super celebrity crush got her akumatized.
Tikki: Situations like this come with the job, Alix.
Alix: You're right... Tikki, Spots On!
After transforming Scarabée leaves the Louvre to quickly see if Nathaniel was still nearby.
Scarabée: He isn't here. Let's hope KC's at least close to the location that girl saw her at.
When Scarabée enters the Louvre, she immediately noticed by the group.
Marc: Scarabée! Thank goodness you're here!
Max: And with remarkable timing. There is an Akuma who has targeted you and Kitty Claws.
Scarabée: I am aware. I haven't heard from Kitty Claws yet, so she probably isn't aware of the Akuma yet.
Adrien: We've been told she was last seen at the Éclat Épanoui flower shop.
Kim: Do you think she's under Esmée's spell?
Sabrina: Unlikely, if that were the case then she would only be looking for Scarabée.
Kim: Then why would she be at one of the most popular flower shops in Paris?
Adrien: That's... a great question.
Scarabée: Well I hope the owner of the shop has answers. You all stay-
Marc: I'm gonna cut you off right there. With all due respect Scarabée, we're all helping with this.
Scarabée: Are you sure? This could be difficult...
Kim: Not only is the Akuma one of our friends, but our other friends are being controlled as well. We wanna help in anyway we can!
Scarabée: *sighs* Alright, just make sure you all stay outta sight. If the Akuma or her minions spot me, it could be too dangerous.
Adrien: The limo me and Sabrina took here should fit all of us, so we'll be fine.
After leaving the Louvre and watching Scarabée to jump from rooftop to rooftop, the group gets into the Agreste limousine and follows her.
While in mid-air, Scarabée tries to call Kitty Claws, but doesn't get an answer.
Scarabée, internally: KC... where are you? What could you possibly be doing right now?
~~~~~On top of the Eiffel Tower~~~~~
Instead of the staff being on her person, it was sat down away from Kitty Claws, with the heroine not noticing it vibrate at all.
Instead she was pacing back and forth, thinking to herself.
"You give her the bouquet and then what? If she asks, you can't tell her your true identity! There's NO WAY she'd date Chloé Bourgeois! Does that mean I can know HER true identity? I mean that really wouldn't be fair..."
Kitty Claws' pacing is interrupted by one of Bea-Loved's minions lands in front of her.
Pinned!Marinette: Kitty Claws, I have been ordered by my dearly Bea-Loved to escort you to her.
Kitty Claws: That voice... Dupain-Cheng- BAKERY! Girl from the Dupain-Cheng bakery?!
After quickly fixing that near slip-up, Kitty Claws quickly leaps up and grabs her staff.
Kitty Claws: I DON'T wanna deal with Hawkmoth's bullshit today!
Kitty Claws attempts to run at Marinette with her with staff, only for Marinette to stop the prevent the attack from happening by grab her wrist.
Marinette: I will deliver you to my dearly Bea-Loved no matter what it takes!
Marinette then throws her onto a near by rooftop.
Kitty Claws is able to get back up on her feet and throws her staff at Marinette before she could leap at her.
Kitty Claws: Who IS this "dearly" Bea-Loved?
Pinned!Marinette: Only one of the most talented cosplay inspiring costume designers in Paris.
Kitty Claws, internally: Rousseau must have taken that Stalker's words to heart... not that I'm any better.
With a deep sigh, Kitty Claws then lowers her staff.
Kitty Claws: Take me to your "Bea-Loved".
~~~~~Back at Éclat Épanoui~~~~~
The Agreste limousine stops two buildings away from the flower shop as Scarabée swings closer to it.
Adrien Sabrina and Kim watch them while Max and Marc lay lown.
Adrien: We'll be safe here, G. You can take a break now.
Placide then quickly leaves the limousine and runs into a nearby building.
Adrien: He should be back with food in ten minutes.
Kim: Makes helping Scarabée ALOT easier.
Max: Considering there is a 50% chance of Scarabée needing extra help, that also means the Akuma could get extra help.
Sabrina: Which is why we're here to even the odds.
Marc: This will be an Akuma Battle so ANYTHING could happen within ten minutes.
As Bea-Loved leaves the flower shop with a bouquet of red and yellow roses, she looks up and sees Scarabée on top of a street light.
Bea-Loved, excitedly: SCARABÉE!
Scarabée: Oh shit! This that really you, Esmée?
Bea-Loved: The name's Bea-Loved now!~
She then summons four pink hearts pins between her fighters and flings towards Scarabée only for the heroine to block them before jumping onto the ground.
Scarabée: Esmée... being made fun of for liking superheroes must suck, but this isn't the answer!
Bea-Loved: There's no need to be worried about me Scarabée. You'll join me soon enough~
Bea-Loved the presses the pink heart pin on her chest.
Scarabée, internally: I saw Nate with that same heart pin. Could the akuma be in hers?
Bea-Loved, still pressing the pin: My Sparrows, fly to me!
After a few seconds, Mylène Nathaniel and Alya land in front of her.
Scarabée, internally: They all have the pins... the akuma's has to be in the main one.
Bea-Loved then notices that one of her Sparrows is missing.
Bea-Loved: Where is-
While in the air, Kitty Claws sends Marinette crashing into the other Sparrows before landing in front of Scarabée.
Kitty Claws: Sorry I'm late, Itty-Bitty. Are you okay?
Scarabée: I'm fine. Just focus on NOT getting hit by those pins!
Bea-Loved: My Sparrows, bring them to me!
Mylène and Nathaniel lunged at Scarabée while Marinette and Alya leaped at Kitty Claws.
Scarabée, blocking and dodging their attacks: Nathaniel! Mylène! Snap out of it!
While Scarabée continues her attention on the two Sparrows she fought, she turns her back to Bea-Loved.
Bea-Loved: Got you, Lovebug~
Looking at Scarabée with a smirk, Bea-Loved summons another pin between her fingers and aims for the shorter heroine.
Hawkmoth, communicating through Bea-Loved: You have the shot! Take it now!
Right after getting both Marinette and Alya off of her, Kitty Claws looks at Bea-Loved and quickly realizes what's about to happen.
Kitty Claws, running towards Scarabée: SCARABÉE! LOOK OUT!
Before Scarabée could react, Kitty Claws pushes her through the flower shop's window.
Now noticing that she’s now glowing pink, the black cat heroine falls to her knees.
Kim: MAX-
Max: Connecting my laptop to the limousine now!
Before Bea-Loved could get any closer to the flower shop's entrance, the Agreste limousine comes at her at full speed, knocking her a good distance away after hitting her.
Right here she was hit, Bea-Loved saw Max's face.
As the still transforming Kitty Claws and the four Sparrows go after Bea-Loved, Kim goes into the flower shop to grab Scarabée.
Kim: Sorry about the mess, Ms. Thorn.
Once they were both in the limousine, Max uses his laptop to drive the limousine as quickly as possible away from Bea-Loved and her Sparrows.
Hawkmoth, communicating through Bea-Loved: SCARABÉE'S GETTING AWAY! GO AFTER HER NOW!
Bea-Loved: There's no need to worry about her, my Knight Kat's got this cover~
Kitty Claws then finishes her transformation into a fusion of her own heroine persona and the New York heroine Knight Owl.
Knight Kat: Anything my dearly Bea-Loved wants, she gets!
After driving the limousine until Bea-Loved and her minions out of sight, Scarabée and the other hid in a candy shop called "Sucrée Symphonie".
Sabrina: How is she gonna be defeated? Kitty Claws got pinned and we don't know where the akumatized item is...
Scarabée: Considering that all of the minions we've seen so far have on a pink heart pin, I'm betting that it's the pin Esmée has on her chest. We just need to find out if she has a weakness of some kind...
Marc: I can help! Out of all of us here, I haven't been by Bea-Loved nor have I tried to hurt her minions.
Max: He's correct. Sabrina and Adrien escaped being transformed, Kim tackled Nathaniel, and I'm 100% sure Esmée and I made eye contact before I hit her with the limousine.
Scarabée then pulls two earpieces out of her yo-yo.
Scarabée, giving an earpiece to Marc: Considering that the Agreste limousine draws ALOT of attention, they'll be here soon. I'll sneak the others out the back.
Marc: Hopefully Esmée is still so very detailed...
~~~~~Outside of Sucrée Symphonie~~~~~
Bea-Loved, Knight Kat and the Sparrows had the Agreste limousine surrounded.
Marc, running out of the candy shop: Oh WOW! You cosplay is SO amazing!
Bea-Loved: Why thank you, Marc! Knight Kat, Sparrows, Stand down. He's a friend.
Marc: With how powerful you are, there's NO WAY you could have any weaknesses.
Bea-Loved: Considering that your creative self didn't catch a certain detail, I'm proud of the design. There's actually a weakness!
Marc: Oh really?
Bea-Loved: Yeah, if Scarabée kisses one of my minions, they'll be the only one freed from my control. But if Scarabée were to kiss me, they'd all be freed from my control!~
Marc: So very genius! Hawkmoth could NEVER!
Bea-Loved: Not without MY ideas-
Hawkmoth, communicating through Bea-Loved: FOCUS ON FINDING SCARABÉE!
Bea-Loved: *rolls her eyes* Talk to you later, Marc!
And with that, Bea-Loved and her minions leaped away.
Marc: You get that, Scarabée?
Scarabée: Yeah. Never thought I'd have to act out a fairytale. Good work, now go hide with your friends. I can take it from here. Lucky Charm!
After using the magical luck power, two smoke bombs and flower bouquet wrap.
Scarabée: The smoke bombs I get, but why bouquet wrapping? I'll have to feature this out fast.
She then puts one of the smoke bombs and flower bouquet wrap in her yo-yo before going after the cosplaying akuma.
Scarabée manages to stay hidden from Bea-Loved and her minions as she caught up to them.
Knight Kat was standing the closest to Bea-Loved when a smoke bomb is thrown at them.
Bea-Loved: My Knight, protect me!
Knight Kat: Cataclysm!
Knight Kat had her cataclysm ready for anything that would attack her from the front, the smoke make her blind to an attack from behind.
Scarabée surprises her with a tornado kick, flinging her into the nearest alley and quickly runs to tackle her.
When the smoke clears, Bea-Loved immediately notices Knight Kat's absence.
Bea-Loved: Knight Kat, come to me! .... Knight Kat?!
In the alley, Scarabée was on top of Knight Kat, kissing her lips as she slowly turned back into Kitty Claws.
Scarabée, internally: Sorry KC, hope you'll forgive me for this...
When Scarabée finally pulls away, she sees the heart pin break into pieces.
Kitty Claws: Itty-Bitty? What happened? What is my cataclysm activated?!
Scarabée, quickly gets off of her: What all do you remember?
Kitty Claws: After saving you from being a controlled cosplayer, everything's a blur-
Scarabée: Don't worry about what you can't remember! I need your help to quickly feature out what to do with flower bouquet wrap.
Kitty Claws: Did you say flower bouquet wrap?
Scarabée: Yeah?
Kitty Claws then opens her staff and quickly but carefully pulls out the bouquet of carefully wrapped and selected flowers.
Scarabée: And thanks to you, we've got a away to defeat the Akuma.
Kitty Claws: Oh Itty-Bitty, you flatter me! Where's the akuma?
Scarabée: In the pink heart pin on her chest.
Scarabée then reveals her to Bea-Loved.
The cosplaying Akuma then quickly notices the bouquet of flowers in Scarabée's hands.
Scarabée: Bea-Loved, I wanna show you how much your work is appreciated. Which is why I got these gorgeous flowers.
Bea-Loved: Oh Scarabée-
Hawkmoth, communicating: DON'T DO IT! IT'S A TRAP!
Bea-Loved: Don't ruin this for me!
Ignoring Hawkmoth Bea-Loved runs towards Scarabée, only for Kitty Claws to leap from the alley and throw the second smoke bomb between them.
Bea-Loved: WHAT-
With just a poke from her cataclysmed finger, Bea-Loved's pin falls to pieces and the akuma flies out of it.
Scarabée then uses her yo-yo to catch it purifies it and releases the now pure butterfly.
Using her Miraculous Cure, she throws the bouquet in the charmed wrappings into the air and fixes everything.
When Esmée and the others are turned back to normal, Kitty Claws pulls Scarabée into yet another victory selfie.
Kitty Claws couldn't help but smile as the flowers fell around both her and Scarabée
Scarabée: See ya KC!
Kitty Claws: See ya...
The two heroines then part ways.
Esmée then runs towards Marinette Alya Mylène and Nathaniel.
Alya: You don't need to apologize, Esmée!
Marinette: This was Hawkmoth's fault, not yours!
Nathaniel: It's all okay now.
Mylène: Let's go back to your place.
Esmée: Thanks you guys...
Alya: We don't even have to talk about the fan mail livestream if you don't want to.
Esmée: I will be changing my letter for sure!
Alya: We've got all day and the rest of tomorrow to help you come up with ideas.
~~~~~The next afternoon~~~~~
Chloé Adrien and Sabrina were watching the ScaraBlog's fan mail livestream.
Sabrina: Esmée sending an Email instead of an anonymous letter was so nice.
Adrien: Sounds like she isn't crushing on Scarabée and Kitty Claws anymore. Wish some of MY fans were like her...
Chloé: You'll probably be wishing for a long time.
Alya, from the phone: And now for our final letter for the stream!
When Alya takes a very familiar piece of crumbled paper out of the envelope, Chloé's eyes go wide.
Chloé, internally: That's... oh no!
"Scarabée, you're not only my favorite of the two heroines, but you're an amazing inspiration to me. Seeing how you can pull through even the toughest situations leaves me in awe. Everytime I see you, it's like you manage to become even more incredible everyday. I hope you continue to be your beautiful and badass self."
Sabrina: Whoa... that was a really sweet one.
Adrien: Such a nice way to end the stream, right Chloé?
Chloé: R-right.
It took everything in Chloé to not bury her face into her pillow.
Sabrina: I wonder who sent it...
Adrien, smirking: I'm sure Scarabée will be so flattered no matter who it is.
Chloé, muttering: Shut it, Adrien!
~~~~~Later that night~~~~~
With Adrien and Sabrina gone home, Chloé was getting ready for bed when Plagg flies up to her.
Plagg: Are you still embarrassed by your letter being read on the ScaraBlog-
Chloé: Adrien HAS to be the one who submitted it! I know he wanted to cheer me up, but WHY do that?!
Without realizing it, Chloé ends up pacing on her balcony.
When she stops to look up at the sky, she sees Scarabée jumping from rooftop to rooftop.
Chloé: Plagg, Claws Out!
After Scarabée lands top of the Eiffel Tower, Kitty Claws lands behind her second later.
Kitty Claws: What brings you out and about Itty-Bitty?
Scarabée: Just thinking... I saw the ScaraBlog's fan mail livestream.
Hearing this causes Kitty Claws' heart to beat rapidly.
Kitty Claws, fake laughing: Oh yeah that! I already forgot about it! So lame!
Scarabée: I'm gonna let the bitchy mean girl bit slide tonight. I for one thought the messages were very sweet.
Kitty Claws: Y-you did?
Scarabée: Yeah, especially that last message... if I can inspire more people like that messenger, this hero stuff can get alot easier...
Kitty Claws, beginning to blush: Okay, many not ALL of the letters were lame...
Inspired by: @emdoddles @princess-of-the-corner @muggle-born-princess @dcschart @justanotherpersonsuniverse @symphonic-scream
#Miraculous Ladybug#Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir#Chloé Bourgeois#Chloe Bourgeois#Alix Kubdel#Chloe x Alix#Chlolix#Aloé#Scarabée and Kitty Claws AU#AUs#Kwami Swap#OCs
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Based on their season 1 (Primarily) and season 2/3 (if you desire it) characterization. How do you think the characters and story of ML would develop had Marinette developed a crush on Chat & Adrien a crush on Marinette?
My thinking, taking out any given issues with the shows handling of the characters and just what I think makes sense for them based on extrapolation feels:
Ladybug is definitely a bit more overtly "Adorkable" in the publics eye, but the danger of the situation does stop her from stumbling over herself as much as Marinette did with Adrien. She is far more likely to be pushing for secret ID reveals, but probably through hints over overt action.
Adrien is not as forward with Marinette as he is as Chat with Ladybug. Even ignoring the Chat persona being an exaggeration, he also has his reputation and ingrained habits to think of. But Nino did ask him for date advice so I think he'd make more overt attempts at wooing her & probably push harder on Chloe to be nicer.
Gabriel probably hates this and may be stumping harder to yang Adrien out of school, which could force Adrien to be more quiet about his interest as well.
Chloe is... Not having a good time. Regardless of whether her feelings for Adrien are romantic, platonic, confused cos of sexuality or the like. He matters to her a lot but right after arriving at school is not only putting a lot of distance between them but seemingly holding their friendship for ransom to earn the approval of a girl Chloe has issue with.
Okay so thought about this:
Ladybug falls for Chat in Origins when he rushes in to defend her during one of her initial panic/what is happening moments. She's reminded of being protected by Socqueline (Derision is not canon, ever, but we can repurpose bits of it) She had resigned herself to being 'on her own' after her friend graduated (not expelled) now, here is someone else making her feel *safe* even in mortal peril.
She's still Ladybug, she's still the leader. She is very focused on 'protecting her protector' though. He's *her* kitty. If only he could be in more ways than are allowed...
She'll push Fu to include him more, she'll pay more attention and push to be her best self. Her plans will be a little less effective, like in Kuro Neko she's focusing too much on her partner. It won't be crippling though, but it hints at what she needs to work on.
Now on the second day when Adrien shows up, things go differently. Let's give the Limo a flat so he shows up without Chloé. The world is a bit spookier, are monsters common? He's nervous. He drops his books, and someone stoops to help him pick them up and their heads bump.
'oh ouch sorry. Here let me...' sure hands ruffle through hos hair, checking for an injury. Adrien looks up and *cue music* Marinette.
She's already set on being her 'best self' to live up to her Perfect Pawtner. So helping the new kid around? That's just what she should do!
On Adrien's end though he can't help but marvel at how much she reminds him of his mother(hear me out) He's been adrift since her disappearance. His father is distant, Nathalie is cold, and even though Chloé cares she's a hurricane in a ponytail. Marinette;leading him to the classroom, showing him his seat, and giving him tips, makes him feel *safe*. (Woo parallels!) He falls hard and fast.
He becomes a Marinette stan, furst to support her. First to go the extra mile. Talking her up and excited to see what she will do next. Every step she takes to be the 'everyday Ladybug' only males him fall harder. The 'weakspot' he has to work on is how completely uncritical he is, after all his mother could do no wrong! He doesn't make the conscious connection, but he treats Marinette the same. She's not a memory of a mother though, she's a living breathing 14yr old. She will and should make mistakes. Adrien discounts them too much, excusing/rationalizing/redirecting her shortcomings which actually inhibits her growth. 'I was wrong' is something everyone needs as a part of their life.
Chloé is in fact having a bad time(maybe?) she can't bully or daddy her way out of this. Adrien gushes about Marinette and Chloé's initial 'ewww' turns him instantly cold (only briefly though) but it is a warning. If she wants to win she has to *beat* Marinette. She needs to be better, smarter, stronger, she can't fake it. She has to compete and win! Hijinks/rivalry ensues (Marinette isn't competing for Adrien, but the chance to show up Chloé is cathartic as heck!)
What's fascinating is how various other things will shake out. Chloé's 'daddy' goes unused, most people get ignored. She can't push and shove her way out of this. Alya has to listen to Marinette gushing about Cat Noir (she knitted herself a pawprint sweater that she sleeps in, but she has to keep fangirling on the down low in public so she doesn't clue in whoever CN really is!) Nino's crush on Marinette is DoA. Do he and Alya still get together? Adrien's in Nino's ear about Mari every day.
Does Alya pull Chloé aside and say 'wtf are you even doing?' emboldened by the blonde's shift from dominance to competition. Foes Sabrina branch out, being Chloé's 'trainer' for a myriad competitions. She(they) could come into contact with a lot more people.
It's a whole AU in the making.
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Ranking the Miracucast by how willing they are to attempt bingewatching the entirety of One Piece in one sitting.
(Disclaimer do not actually attempt this unless you have zero regard for your health)
Marinette: She wanted to when she heard Adrien was going to be there. So she's willing. But she just doesn't have the TIME. Between school and heroics and helping out at the shop and commissions and literally everything else ever, watching One Piece in one go doesn't have a chance of ever happening. 3/10
Alya: She and Nino are the ones who set up the bingewatch party, but a reporter's work is never done so she just kind of has it on in the background while she works on her latest post. It's on continuously, but she's definitely not there for all of it. 5/10
Adrien: Yes. 10/10
Nino: See Alya, except he actually tries to watch it because he wants to ensure all his friends are having a good time. Of course, the group lasted about a day before they gave up, but the attempt was there. 6/10
Chloe: Two options: she thinks the whole idea is ridiculous and isn't watching (0/10) OR she thinks the whole idea is ridiculous but also wanted to join Adrien. She makes the mistake of watching a few episodes and now she's INVESTED (8/10). Could go either way. 4/10 on average.
Sabrina: This girl watches so much anime in her downtime. Look at her. You know it's true. She would never tell Chloe, but after the great Boss/Minion Breakup of Season 5 Sabrina has all the time in the world and she is using it to watch One Piece. 8/10
Mylene: Thinks the show is charming but not all that interesting to her. But can bingewatch it with Ivan and cuddle up against his giant teddy bear body while basically ignoring the show and that's fine with her. 4/10
Ivan, Rose, Juleka, and Luka: Kitty Section as a whole loves this show to bits and when they all realized they had a two-week vacation they knew what they would be doing. Anarka basically had to host a One Piece summer camp on the Liberty for the six of them (including Adrien as part of the band, and Mylene as Ivan's +1), and they slept in shifts to ensure that they didn't have to stop the show. It was a whole fiasco. They will never do anything like this ever again. They returned to school tired and sore and in agonizing pain. Luka's hands are in excruciating pain because he just HAD to play along with the sheer emotion of the show, Ivan accidentally passed out and crushed his desk, and Adrien's modeling shoots had to be postponed until he could fix his posture after sitting so long. Even Juleka looked tired, and she never looks tired. Mylene was fine because she basically slept though most of it, but Rose is somehow still bursting with energy. "We should do that again sometime! That was really fun!" Cue a chorus of groans. 11/10
Kim: I'm not sure if Kim knows what anime is. Like, I want to say he knows, but at the same time, does he really? I genuinely have no clue. Can someone please help me here? The mind of Kim is a mind I don't think anyone can truly decipher. ?/10
Max: He has done the math. He knows how long it would take. He's not suicidal. But he does like the show, and will make token appearances at his friends' watch parties. 2/10
Alix: Sorry Alix, this is not a situation you can cheat your way through using time travel. No, Alix, having each episode open on a different viewing port playing simultaneously does not count. No points for you. -Alix/10
Nathaniel: Tried to get Marc to do it. Marc thankfully talked him out of it. Nath still dreams of doing it one day. 4/10, potential to eventually reach 9/10 if he can wear Marc down.
Lila: Says she's done it. But the entirety of Kitty Section knows she's lying. That kind of thing leaves a mark on people. 0/10
Kagami: Adrien told her where he learned most of his Japanese vocabulary from and she just facepalmed. And then sat down to watch it with him. She'd definitely not watching all of it, but she'll enjoy some in her free time? 5/10
Marc: He can see the hunger in Nathaniel's eyes. He can feel it emanating. The One Piece fan in Nath wants to come out and stay out. Marc will not let it. He will hold the line. He will never give up, never surrender. But he can feel the power, clawing at his brain. The secret feelings, deep down. "Don't you want to see if you COULD do it?" He shoves those thoughts deeper. Nathaniel can never know. Must never know. Because then the battle will be lost. 1/10
Ondine: Actually knows what anime is, and probably has the physical fortitude to make it through a One Piece marathon with minimal physical backlash. Unfortunately her actually doing that would be dependent on Kim (see above) so I hope you understand why this ranking isn't a certain as I would like. 7/10
Aurore: Not on your life. 0/10
Felix: He would never marathon the whole thing himself, but he did provide Adrien and the rest of Kitty Section with their sleep schedule for their marathon. 2/10
Zoe: She has dreamed of marathoning an anime her entire life, and now she has friends to marathon anime with! But she's not doing One Piece. That would be an absolute nightmare, only insane people try to marathon all of One Piece. Instead she has Plans. One Piece is cool tho. 4/10
#honestly i would love to see a fanfic about a Kitty Section Anime Marathon#miraculous ladybug#miraculous tales of ladybug and chat noir#one piece#marinette dupain cheng#alya cesaire#adrien agreste#nino lahiffe#chloe bourgeois#sabrina raincomprix#mylene haprele#ivan bruel#rose lavillant#juleka couffaine#kim le chien#max kante#alix kubdel#nathaniel kurtzberg#lila rossi#luka couffaine#kagami tsurugi#marc anciel#ondine#aurore beaureal#felix fathom#zoe lee#kitty section#anime#bingewatching#how many rankings?
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Rewatching Kwamis choice is still wild
Adrien is doing all the work in the Adrinette development, all Marinette is asked to do is raise her hand at perfectly phrased yes-no questions that already include everything important she can't say. So by all means, she's just not asked to say it at all.
Why are Marinette stans even okay with this? I feel offended FOR HER that the narrative portrays her as needing to have Adrien putting in maximum effort into desperately cuddling her to get even just crumbs of her love, bc apparently Marinette herself could never overcome this without a perfect prince charming mind-reader doing all the work for her to give her the poor little princess treatment for the next half of the season.
Not to mention that this is a pretty icky pay-off for 4 seasons of Marinette making being friends with your crush out to be the worst thing possible, borderlining emotional torment (special shout out to Adrien in Protection basically confirming THAT jfc)
The narrative now agrees with her. In Elation, the episode before this, Chat Noir admits to Ladybug that he isn't romantically in love with her anymore or simply wants to move on now, asking her if she's okay with him loving her as a friend, she says okay
And next episode both leave.
Marinette already wants to leave before Plagg initiates the plan so Adrien can find love and happiness bc already at the end of Elation Marinette categorized Chat loving her as a friend now as him not wanting her at all anymore.
Which I guess wasn't completely wrong bc he left too after this, but at least Adrien tried solving it normally first by being Marinette's FRIEND and only when PLAGG came to him, after Marinette rejected him, he agreed to leave so he can tell her he was Chat Noir and clear up what happened. He immediately took initiative to still pursued her civilian identity/ the hurt girl he loves to make him leaving worth it
Tho, Marinette apparently was already ready to leave Chat behind at the beginning of the episode and only her depressive phase of feeling like she's not worthy of love made her stay with him as Ladybug so his presence can remind her over and over again that he doesn't love her romantically anymore so she can hurt herself emotionally with that knowledge while looking at him?? I guess ??
Why is being friends THIS demonized??
And Tikki had to take the miraculous away from Marinette to get anything rolling, and pretend like the two of them aren't obviously gonna see each other again bc Marinette still is the guardian of the Miracle Box, Su-Han knowing her and Alya still in the know, Rena Rouge and her co-guardian?
What was the narrative's issue here pretending like Marinette made some drastic step here away from everything? Adrien was the one who actually did that.
He and Plagg seriously did all the work, huh? wth :/
For all it is, Alya and Marinette could have just asked Kitty Noire next time if Plagg can now - that Adrien stopped being his holder - quickly come to Marinette and Tikki going to him so the Kwamis can lead them together so they can be friends as civilians.
It's wild that the episode and the fandom are pretending like Adrien horribly abandoned Ladybug for no reason, but, I mean, Plagg made it plain obviously that this plan is going down FOR ADRIEN'S SAKE to find happiness and love by revealing his former secret identitiy to Marinette. Plagg decided to leave, and made Tikki do the same with Marinette, so Adrien can he happy and by extension Marinette.
Meanwhile Marinette, even after having given up her Miraculous, still had all the resources to make it possible that her and Chat Noir can be friends now, but the narrative didn't acknowledge that bc it would require that Marinette actually uses all the resources she has to be the one for once who reaches out and communicates in Ladynoir to keep their bond alive if they, but especially SHE (the one with the resources), wanted it.
But the show can't have that bc apparently being friendzoned is the worst thing on earth, and reaching out and communicating is only Adrien's primary job now in either dynamic
And don't twist my words. I'm saying all this bc I want better for Marinette’s character.
I mean, good gosh, the narrative didn't even acknowledge that Marinette could have finally told her parents about her having been Ladybug to get unconditional and endless support and comfort right on spot.
Not doing that is understandable from ADRIEN'S side, but while Tom and Sabine aren't perfect parents one would think that's one of the first things Marinette would finally have done after she wanted to tell Adrien so badly bc "no one can understand what she's going through"
But no, the episode pretends like that option never even existed and Adrien (and Alya once she's back as Scarabella) is all Marinette got, even when Adrien then leaves after the akuma fight.
Gurl. Go downstairs, tell your parents and eat their freshly-baked goods they're lovingly making for you while you lay crying in their arms, hugging them and telling them what you went through.
You HAD that option on a silver plate. An option Adrien could only dream of bc even if Gabriel weren't Monarch Adrien would still be in serious trouble for having been Chat Noir. Why are we pretending like she has no one and no resources to get help? By all means, that's Adrien and he's doing better - despite NO RESOURCES - than Marinette who has everything bc for some reason Marinette cannot develop much further than this for the rest of season 5 bc Adrien must give her the princess treatment for the love square to work.
Man, I just want better for her. She really got screwed over when it comes to personal development in s5.
Also: RIP Ladynoir
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for this au I'm thinking reverse love square, but Luka instead of Adrien
Luka walks his sister to school (coz he's a good big brother and she's nervous about her first day), he bumps into Marinette - now, he's already heard about Marinette from his sister but he's never actually met her before
He actually physically bumps into Marinette, or she does to him coz heck our girl lacks spatial awareness, and she falls but he catches her, and she doesn't feel anything but embarrassment but he, oh Luka, Luka is blushing, just a little bit coz wow, she's just got the prettiest freckles
and he's all up in her face so he leans back and helps her upright because he was practically dipping her and he let's go of her waist and Juleka mumbles 'Hi, Marinette'
so this is Marinette
she says hi back and introduces herself, 'oh you must be Juleka's older brother, Luka', Juleka mumbles smth about twins but Luka's not paying attention to her anymore, he's looking at Marinette and thinking about all the good things Jules has had to say about her in the past and how pretty she is, our boy is swooning so hard, he forgot to reply back before the warning bell has rung signalling to students class is starting soon
he says a quick rushed 'bye, you'll do great, I'll be here to pick you up' to Juleka and a quick smile to Marinette before he pushes the girls towards their classrooms and rushes out himself (this all takes place after the incident (test) with Master Fu)
This is Luka crushing on Marinette, then you have Marinette crushing on Scarlet Bug
because this strong, hunk of a guy, beautiful man is now her partner against crime (which she didn't sign up for !! but she'll do what she needs to do for the people of Paris) and at one point she gets flung across the block and lands in the beefy arms of a boy with gorgeous blue eyes
cue Marinette getting extremely nervous and stutter-y around him coz damn, she's falling
the fight goes so and so but it passes pretty quick, it was a bit difficult for Luka coz his partner would trip sometimes and wouldn't look him in the eyes but he just put it down to first time jitters, he was deffo feeling them too
they don't, however, purify the Akuma and so they're back at the fight a little over an hour later but now with a new addition to their already new team, Adrian !! (referring to Dog Miraculous!Adrien as Adrian coz I don't like Flairmidable, and Adrian is apparently a common name for dogs so hush)
Adrien is gay, he's known since he was a kid, women never crossed his mind - so when he lays eyes on the gorgeous gorgeous black and red haired (because I say so !!) boy that he is now meant to fight these so-called Akumas with, can you really blame him for falling in love?
So Adrien being Adrien starts flirting with this boy, non-stop, and it's not like he tells him to stop, no !! The boy, ScarletBug he introduced himself as, flirts back !! he indulges in Adrian's advances which springs a little hope in his heart, but also makes a certain Kitty mad
This wretched dog, just showed up out of no where! and is stealing her man!!
She gets so mad, she forgets to be nervous around Scarlet and here marks the start of a beautiful rivalry between Chien and Chat (maybe I'll have a play with the word chein for Adrien's superhero name)
This leads to them defeating the Akuma rather quickly and skillfully, bringing all surrounding citizens to awe as they watch this trio of Superheroes who work so well together and at the end, after Scarlet has purified the Akuma and Miraculous ScarletBug'd all the damage away, he extends both of his fists to new partners
the first 'Pound it' of many, even if this time Kitty and Adrian didn't do it to each other (they both have eyes only for Scarlet, they don't even take notice of each other)
until he bounds away that is, saying how he's about to transform and needs to hurry home and he rushes a quick goodbye and salute to them both before leaving
then the two left on the Eiffel finally take notice of each other's presence, glaring at each other with pouts on their faces and crossed arms
'Back off, dumb dog'
'He's mine, stupid cat'
'I saw him first!'
'I talked to him first!'
cue more glaring, growling and hissing until their ring/choker (omg I forgot the dog miraculous is basically a collar) beeps and reminds them they need to hurry back to class
so with a hmph from both kids, they hop down from the Eiffel and head off to detransform
#i just want rivalry adrienette and luka who loves both of his idiots#is that too much to ask#i need a name for this au#even if i may never write it fully on ao3#coralbabbles#lukadrinette#lukadrien#adrien agreste#luka couffaine#lukanette#mlb#mlb au#reverse love square#marinette dupain cheng#miraculous au#miraculous ladybug
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